Malaya Tribune, 17 February 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XXL No. 41 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Feb. 17, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY] 17, 1934. FIVE CLNTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 Read The Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya. i w J W ny
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place, Singapore Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 124 2 A Happy Chinese New Year. Dear Girls, I have to thank all those members of the Girls' Circle who so kindly sent me Chinese New Year greeting cards. On behalf of all their non-Chinese cousins, 1 take this opportunity of wishing all Chinese members of the Circle
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  • 197 2 (By "Sweet Star.") WE often use the term friendship rather loosely. Friendship is not acquaintanceship. But many of us are apt to ma fee the common mistake of both thinking and saying that it is. A friend is a being much nearer ana dearer to us than a mere
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  • 154 2 (By "Nightmare") CHINESE families, both rich and poor, high and low, celebrate "sambayan" on "Sar Chup May," the last day of the old year in memory of their dead ancesters. This is followed by a feast on New Year's Day. During the night of "Sar Chup May"
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  • 171 2  -  (By "Amy." I read what one of you said about town life being very enjoyable. It does not appear to me to be so. Town life means a lot to some because of the facilities for attending the talkies, cabarets, svayangs and other shows. But the people who
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  • 212 2  -  (By "Queenie." are a few further adventures of the wise man of Gotham: The trick played by Smarty, narrated in my letter which appeared on Jan. 13, was forgiven him by Arty and Larty. They now set off to go further. As they trudged on they
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  • 265 2  -  (By "Jan." I THANK the "Malaya Tribune" very much for the badge which reached me several days ago. As I was very busy I could not write sooner, and I hope I am forgiven. •Who was Jesus?" That was the question which a little boy asked his mother.
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  • 197 2 r* i By "Flower Lotus.") HONES1 x is tne best policy. Once upon a time there was a lady who was waucing along the road. Suddenly she dropped her purse and a very poor boy saw it. He was tempted to steal it but a voice said,
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  • 55 2  -  (By "Lizzie." TTUNTING is one of the many hobbies II that men like. It is good excise. Sometimes men hunt ip. the early morning atid towards the evening. Big game hunting is usually done in the early morning, and flying-fox shipoting in tne evening or night. Hunting is a
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  • 50 2 Five Members Admitted This Week. THE following new members are welcomed to the Girls' Circle: "Rosy Chia," "Molly Chong," "Madeline Tay," "Tittiania Wong." and "Felix the-Cat." Their badges have gone forward. All those members who wrote letters last week are thanked. Their contributions will appear in due course.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 JOHNSAVSSOTOO/HES FEELING BETTER SINCE WE^ T So many people are trying Vv 1 this new way to better health! \r l/l i J People who wouldn't think of X«g/ gi vin S U P tea But they've found that too much tea has a ££l ot'^at' m p'itum iTSx /I
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    • 163 2 Fragrant Breath Teeth that sparkle thanks to Colgate's BriHiant, flashing white the polishing ingredient teetft—-and pure, sweet used by dentists to give breath! Assure yourself of teeth sparkling beauty, both by using Colgate's Third, Colgate's delicious, Ribbon Dental Cream. enticing peppermint flaColgate's is superior in your refreshes the moutb three;
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    • 135 2 ror bustards— Puddings— Cakes-Ice-cream— Syrups— Etc. Vanillin Essence. Vanillin Powder. Vanillin Sticks. White Red Rose Essences. Lemon Essence. American Ice-cream Soda. Bananas Essence. Strawberry Essence. Rasberry Essence. Cochinial. Grenadine Essence. Cherry Essence. Powder Cakes Colourings of Red Blue Yellow Green Orange Pink. Candied Citroen Peel for Cakes Baking Powder. Kenarie
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  • 252 3 WE feel that, having presumed to make a suggestion to the extraordinarily able nationalist school to whose views, as we know them, we are entirely opposed, it may not be out of place to offer some advice to the purely Malayan interests who
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  • 183 3 FIFTEEN months ago a scheme of general retrenchment was put into effect in the Penang Municipa ity and services of some officers dispensed with for no other reason than tha gen eral need for retrenchment. The pro^ &^S^cS te tha? if "any vacfncfef occurred or arose, their applications
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  • 354 3 WE understand that the Health Officer of Kuala Lumpur is just,noj having a tug-of-war with unofficial members of the Sanitary Board ovei certain regulations which he wishes to 2 bring into force in the town in ordei to minimise the risk of an outbr i infectious disease,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 I Vi MAN LOSES 6°> LBS. Kiuschen And Walking h: ffi"n who want to lo.e a few i have 'he b nefit of this man's exH( trives them to us for publica,ver twelve months I have reduced from 227 lbs. to 164 lbs., by taking ,-vr i he n Salts
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    • 587 3 I HowlGotßldofWrinklesat6o and made myself Look 20 Years Ycungei I Imagine my surprise when, after one j month of this treatment, people said tc I T- me: 'you ar, getting younger.' Encourag- ed by these remarks, i perserved and In /ve montk a miracli had bet n pel form- j
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 240 3 Cafe Colette Orchestra in Continental dance music, with Aranka yon Major and Henri Leonl. 9.45 p.m. Foreign Affairs, a talk by Mr. Vernon Bartlett. 100 pm Dance music (gramophone records). 10 15 p.m. News Bulletin and Announcements 10 35-10.45 p.m. Dance music by Ambrose and his Emba sy Club Orchestra.
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    • 319 3 i EMPIRE PROGRAMME TO-DAY. 3.M.T. 8.0 a.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin and Announcements. ,20 a.m. Dance music (gramophone records). .0 a.m. Time Signal from Greenwich. Foreign Affair,, a talk by Mr. Vernon Bar tint. 1.15-10.0 a.m. The Bernard Crook Quintet. 2.0 noon Time Signal from Big Ben.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in Deed of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or Thone 3411^^^^^ TO LET. Arab St.; 56. 62, 64 81AUwal Bt 63 Boat Quay; 21. 23. Bain St.:
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    • 404 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. TENDERS. TENDERS will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Lands. Singapore up to noon of the 15th March, 1934, for the right to occupy from Ist April, 1934, on monthly temporary occupation licence the Crown Land at Pulo Übin and to work the granite quarry
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    • 849 4 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the EAGLE Trade Mark and design depicted O jLg k A -g- QL-</S\X>\ herein is the property of Messrs. if) The sincere Dispensary, Limited, W\ TRADE W MARK CJJ of No 59, Hill Street, Singapor., ff r-N x thejr Trade Mar k m respect
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    • 270 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —An Experienced Ceylonese Salesman for a jewellery firm, must understand well about gems and precious stcnes. Apply Box No. 303, c o Malaya Tribun?. WANTED WANTED—To buy secondhand Baby Fiat Model 509 or Singer "in a sound condition. Price not to exceed $200. Apply 58, Sicng Lim
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    • 365 4 |w|7'i Swi-s Made, If Chromium Plated, i[ /X Watch showi (fe MLI Hours. Mi-,, nd Seconds. A MOST REMARKAHI V- for Accuracy Excellence of at the SMASHING RICE Only a Pel Availabl YICK WOH HIM 429, Nertll Brid?- Road. (NEAR MIDDLE R< Perfect Sighi Lye troubles Why Suffer ti "Perfect
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  • 574 5 Its Urgent Mission. IMPROVEMENT OF GOVERNMENT. If* F >°V h P enary SeS3io of the Jan ntra, p X omi g opened on -1 ln n h T h s e the most signifi™«K at the opening 0 f the Suv^rn''?;r sidentoft^ the r, V f the
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  • 247 5 What A Frenchman Sees In Him. Paris. ITERE are a few bouquets for the x British working man—from a writer in the French newspaper "Le Journal In Fngland the struggle between the classes is merely competition—it is earned on courteously. "The workman who enters the Underground in
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  • 101 5 Warsaw. hA 2 i" year old Warsaw girl has just been married on her deathbed. tr> ™!rr g J ier fiancee t0 nave ceased ?t£E5 f r her she threw herself from fhi SS; S re x v nd a few da >> before tne date fixed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 I BEECHAM'S PILLS fa* Constipation Take Beecham s Pills to-night and feel better to-morrow Ste Wm£d>* Medicine she always gives us m Scoff's Forage Oafs for breakfast It is a svise Mother who gives her boys and gir s a nourishing daily breakfast cf Scott's PoragJ j Cats The Quality
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    • 66 5 I THIS SENSATIONALLY ADVANCED TOOTH PASTE j S ur P r isingly I brings new j combined] results j Or. West s in care i TOOTH PASTE of teeth AN ADVANCE SP&St^ISSS AS GREAT AS THE FAMOUS SSL, dean mouthTOOTH BRUSH 3 > de- sire—now combined' i 4) Unusual speed
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  • 849 6 Shipping News Notices. SHIPBUILDING IN NORWAY. A Review Of The Past Year. WRITING in the "Norges Handels og Sjofartstidende" on the Norwegian shipbuilding industry last year, Mr. Sigurd Pauss compares the conditions prevailing with those of 1930. In the latter year, he states, the number of vessels built in Norway
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  • 60 6 Shipping has been interrupted on the Upper Yangtze owing to the abnormally low water level, being below the 1-foot mark on the Customs gauge at Ichang, while smaller cargoes are being carried on the other sections, as the middle river is navigable by ships of ?ix feet draught
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  • 49 6 The United States Lines has ordered plans for a new liner which will be a sister-ship of the recently-built "Manhattan" and "Washington," according to a despatch received in London from N*w York. It is stated that the new liner will be ready tor service in 1935.
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  • 353 6 Honours Claimed For German Barques. IN connection with a report to the effect that a record of 15 years' standing had been broken by the passage of th? sai ing vessel "Padua," from Hamburg to Wallaroo (South Australia) in 66 days, there is ground for belief that the
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  • 207 6 Mishap On Chinese Vessel Near Nantung. D-tails of the explosion of a quantity cf sulphur and fire-crakers on the China Merchants "Kianghsing" in kh? I vicinity of Ticnsunkiang, near Nantung recently after which resulted in seven person:- being injured, *ere brought to Shanghai with the arrival of -he
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  • 84 6 The following table, showing the amount *nd classes of laid-up Swedish tonnage on )an. 1, has been compiled by the Swedish shipowners' Association: Group Total gross gross tons. Number. tonnage. 100-1.000 138 47.649 1.000-2,000 58 78,784 2,000-3.000 8 18.329 3,000-4,000 1 3.774 4,000-5.000 3 12,756 5.000 3
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  • 316 6 Further Subsidy For The S. African Service. A "DECREE law" for still further sub--0 the Italo-South African servic? „ub Shfd in the Official Gazette, and 15 P 7 force as from Jan. 15, writes r e ßome° correspondent of the "Morning P The decree states that the measure
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  • 117 6 The Tyne is to lose another shipyard in Messrs. Eltringhams, Ltd.. Wallsend, which has bean in voluntary liquidation for several months. It is understood that all the plant and machinery will be sold by auction shortly. Th*» land on which the shipyard is situated Is lpased frcm
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  • 745 6 Disproportionate Cost In Construction. THE following letter appears in the "Journal Of Commerce" from a correspondent on the disproportionate cost of modern naval construction in relation to its usefulness: Sir,—ln a recent speech, Sir Alexander Kennedy, chairman and managing djrecltor of the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 508 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND i APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1»34 MtM 6.070 In pert
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    • 187 6 iffLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In SERVICE EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVILE. o ,wn. o n D -m ttat t AND china Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Massowah. Sues, Port Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Said. Brindlsi, Venice and Trieste. Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste. m.v. HILDA
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    • 241 6 hamburg-amerika" LINIE. Deutach IH Aust r a Use he Dampfschiffs If! Cj Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. s.s. NORDMARK, via Manila Feb. 23 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, Ho 110 via Manila Mar. 6 m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila
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    • 587 6 STEAMER SAILINGS, NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, (Incorpor»t*c The under noted are ten Company intends MMKOUTWARDS 1934. "FULDA," for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, China and Japan Mar. 2 HOMEWARDS. 1934. 8 "LAHN," for Genoa, M'seilles, Adam, R'dam, H'burg and Bremen I fc 18 "TRAVE," for Genoa. M'seilles, Adam. R'dam, H'buig and Bremen Passenger steamers
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  • 505 7 Mining Shares. >c. Saturday, 11 a.m. tag tin share quotations are r and Co., exchange and brokers. Buyers. Sellers. Knmbang Tin 39 411- Malay 45 46 6 [itam Tin 14 3 15 r W< ng 1.90 1.97V 2 Tin 34 6 35 6 Padang 0.30 0.33 ives
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  • 172 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LOCAL CONDITIONS QUIET. High Rubber Price In New York. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), IGYr cts., up Vk CI Market Tone; Quiet. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 4 15 16d., unchanged Market Tone: Steady after irregular. New York,
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  • 125 7 Annual Report Of Maynard Co., Ltd. a. m The report of the directors of Messrs. I M&ynard and Co.. Ltd., for the year end(d Oct. 31. 1933, to be presented at tne annual meeting at the Ghartered Bank Chambers on Feb. 24, is as follov. s. The net
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  • 118 7 As'atic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Pri -es for Shell Mctor Spirit and various Shell Motor Bpblt ex pump per Rrirish Imperial gallon Shrti! Motor Spirit in 4-gaUon drums OA British Imperial gallon Sr P eil Motor Spirit per 4-gallon tin P» SS and Fish Kerosene per 2 by
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  • 198 7 Great Demand During Christmas. SANTA Claus patronised Canadian-made toys to a greater extent this year than ever before if Canadian Government statistics are any indication. Imports of foreign- made toys have (hoped steadily during the past few years, while domestic production has been on tne During the first
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  • 180 7 Singapore, Feb. 13. Ft. (Siam> W. Coast N. J per Koyan 594 R. Stem) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $90 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 per Kojan SB6 Rice! B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $82 Siam, No. 1 §141 Siam, N0..2 $191 Siam, No. 3 Siam, "Sinhuay"
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  • 182 7 Hongkong Dealers And j Japanese Cloths. THE Manchester Chamber cf Commerce is permitted by the Trade Mark.:, Pateri s and j Designs Federation, Ltd., to reprint the following extracts from th: latest monthly repor.3 issued by the Federation: Hongkong dealers in Japanese white shirtingo have disccv.rcd a
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  • 150 7 Thomas Cook Son (Bankers) Ltd. The balance-sheet made up on Oct. 31, of Tnc:. Cook and Bon >B?".s>, Ltd., which ?ar, form:d a fe* years ago to take over the banking business from the travel organisation of Thos. Cook and Son. shows that the high ciegve- U liquidity
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  • 30 7 The output of Katu Tin Drecging. Ltd.. for the first half of February was 233 piculs. the hours run being 254 and he cubic yards treated 55 000.
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  • 521 7 Violent And Unsettling Repercussions. MESSRS. Stanton Nelson and Co., Liu., in their weekly rubber market ievi w, oa.d Feb. 16, state: The rubbsr marke has rec ived several Restriction announcements during th week and he repercussions have b'en violent and unsettling. Much interruption of irade has
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  • 93 7 Japan Takes Large Quantity From Canada. i j I Exports of Canadian wheat to Japan for the first nine months of this year amounted to 3,042,375 bushels, valued at '.287,661 yen as against 3.575 174 bushels, valued at 6,705,401 yen in the same period of While quantity figures
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  • 42 7 The Chief Secretary to Government FMS fixes the price of rubber and ccpra for assessment of export duty for thi period Feb. 17 to Feb. 23, 1934, inclusive, as under: Rubber 16V2 cents per lb. Copra $3.05 per picul.
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  • 604 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Lyan a» Shares. Sz Co Evatt 1 Allenby 1.10 120 1.10 1.20 1 Alor Gaj ah 0.77»/2 0.85 0.80 090 IA. Hitam 105
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  • 74 7 DULY TRICES CURRENT. Btagspore, F:b. 16. noon. Buyers. Sellers. RSS. c-uial to London S'andard. Spot (to done d0 (FOB > mum** standard R.S.S. OB Tender: UU^M Feb. 16 13 16 I March J( 16 15 16 AorilJune y} 16 W1< July Sept, 17% Oct.-Dec. Tone of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 47 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (incorporated toJggf?' SINGAPORE BRANCH. 4, D*Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed t2>0 00.000 Capital E1.000,000 Pald-up-Capltal 600,000 Bm*»**^*Sm t LONDON. BRANCHES I ACCOUNTS opened and SAvINQ UCi _f .t, cen t per annum. JSSX* on all town, of commercial importance throughout the world. lfanager.
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    • 173 7 THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE j Gives Saturday's j j closign prices of I rubber in London I together with the Cross-Rate. I i "Twice as good at half the price"--the "Sunday Trioune" as compared with I other Sun Hay papers. Five cents only. j 11 IT AN AN N U j
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    • 187 7 —Oversea-Chinese Banking C^poTatioT I imited aoconxnted In JJjJi 1111 l III"*» ..rSTK ITh THE HO HONG BANS. MM M.NKSK LTD. Auth.rU*- i or, Oh Sian Guan, Esq., Chee Swee Cheng. Esq.. Chairman. Parkcan e C. Hwang. Esq, Lee Kong Chian Esq.. Vlce-Chairman. g Q Wong j^. Tan r si 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 644 8 I Wk W%M\TĔ%m\ ANOTHER GRAND MUSICAL COMEDY SPECTACLE OPENING TO-DAY AT 3.15 6.15 9.15 j 1 The Beautiful Singing Star of "RIO RITA" in another Glamorous Spanish Role J Kg|j BEBE DANIELS with LDPIHO LANE X'-^ i in the famous musical comedy j "A SOUTHERN MAID" I amy See the
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  • 94 9 VESSELS IN PORT. Siamese; 298 tons, from pat 16-2. for uncertain 17-2. Hing," Norwegian; 1,444 tons. Hi ngkong 15-2, for Penang uncerius" Dutch; 3,530 tons, from Deli 16-2. for Batavia 16-2. is," British; 4.811 tons, from una IG-2, for Genoa, Liverpool line,
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  • 117 9 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, Feb. 17. Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). m rrnltnil 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). ma 18; Kinta 15; Burdwan 11; ig 9; Andre Lebon 7. re Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Maru 30: Endibine 32; 1 semei City 34; Steel
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  • 15 9 From France by the "Andre Lebon/ due at Singapore at 1 P-m. to-cas
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  • 201 9 SELLING. Singapore, Feb. 16. London 4 months' sight 2;4 9^64 London 3 months' sight ZjJgJ London 60 days' sight 2,4 W* London 30 days' sight 2 4 56& London demand 2 4 504 London T.T. 2,4 1!16 Lyons and Paris demand ow Hamburg demand J New York demand
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  • 107 9 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, FEB. 17. High Tides.— a.m., 12.50 p.m. Football: Clerical Union v. Wiltshire I, Jalan Besar. Tennis: S.C.C. Police Band: Teluk Ayer, 5.15 p.m. Hockey: R.I. v. R.A.F., R.I. TO-MORROW, FEB. 18. High Tides.—l.2o a.m., 1.34 p.m. Tennis: Finals,
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  • 75 9 ALHAMBRA—"Dick Turpin." APOLLO.—Chinese silent pictures. CAPITOL.—"A Southern Maid." EMPIRE.—"Jungle Mystery." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas. Talkies: Sky—Laurel and Hardy :?ictuies, Star "Air Mail." MARLBOROUGH.—"A Little Actress," Cantonese talkie. NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas. Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—Marie Dressier and Lionel Barrymore
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 A Woman Peeps at Singapore she iit weekly, in the "Sunday Tribune." ,Ml iiwii an iit i i Mini 1 *1 TWO SHOWS TOR I DOUBLE FEATURE RIXZ ONE PAYMENT. I lALKIL. xo NiGHT xIGH TLY-SECONn SHOW AT 915 P.M. I I Eddie Cantor in The Kid From Spain I
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    • 216 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET—74 84, Truro Road. Apply 47. Truro Road. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that the partnership of Arjan Singh, Ram Piara and Niranjan Singh in the tailoring business of Arjan Singh and Company at No. 26 Tanglin Road has been dissolved as from the 16th day of February 1934
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    • 188 9 latest advertisements. FOR SALE. Thornycroft 25 foot motor launch with dinghy. Fitted W. C. electric light and ice box. Copper sheathed. Hull and engine recently thoroughly overhauled and repainted by Thornycroft. Apply Box No. 304. c o "Malaya Tribune." Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials
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    • 344 9 SINGAPORE HOTILS 'tfiiuußMßwaitaimiißitaiiai-aiißiiauaitauannraitatiatiaiiauaiiaitaiiaußiiaimiatmisiiaiiauvi aiia.ia* iii»intiin»iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiuiiii i i v.tnt n> {METROPOLE BOm] TEL. 7986. BRAS HAS AH ROAD. IDEAL CENTRAL. MODERN SANITATION. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS. GOOD CUISINE. EXCELLENT BAR. j MODERATE RATES. DAY. PER MONTH, j Single Double. Single Double j Bedroom Only and Attendance $2.50 $4.00 40.00 70.00
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 214 9 [POSTAL INTtlLlCtHtt|_ SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. j Kemaman (Redang) 2 p.m. Kemaman (Hong Ho) 2 p.m. Banka Island, Pladjoe and I Palembang (Senang) 2 p.m. China (Glenearn) 2 p.m., Java, South-West Sumatra, South-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, Timor Dilly and Australasia ("excepting Western Australia) (Nieuw Zeeland) 2.30 p.m. Batavia and Western
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  • 47 10 A Mass of Requiem for the repose of the soul of the late Alexandrina (Ncn) R.zario will be sung at the Church of St. Joseph, on Monday, February 19. 1934. at 6.30 am. The kind prayers of friend.. and relatives are earnestly solicited.
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  • 852 10 too serious a view need be taken of the decision of the House of Commons in favour of retaliatory measures against France in connection with the quota dispute. Nor does the Labour and Liberal objection that the action is "precipitate and dictatorial" impress much— either of those
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  • 167 10 Dr. G. L. Gune, who was lately attached to the Central Mental Hospital. Tanjong Rambutan. has started in private practice in Ipoh. Mr. S. Kanapathipillai, Senior Sanitary Inspector, Kinta Sanitary Board, Ipoh, has been transferred to Teluk Anson in a similar capacity. Mr. K. H. Robinson, manager of Messrs. Huttenbach,
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  • 119 10 OUR local contemporaries are hardly of the same mind as ourselves on the subject of the new regulations regarding gramophone playing and other music or noise between midnight and 1 a.m. They "go off the deep end" about interference with the liberty of the
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  • 109 10 WE would ask who, ordinarily, can fairly expect to be allowed to annoy his neighbours during hours when all should be asleep? People who are so inconsiderate deserve no sympathy, and should be compelled to do what they refuse to do as a normal courtesy. Bungalows
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  • 135 10 WHEN the Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, now before the Legislative Council, becomes law, it will be possible for the authorities to take steps to deal with persons who at the moment ars able to defraud the customs by "faking" invoices which give the purchase price of the goods
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  • 144 10 mHE possibility of Japan dun surplus rice in Eastern marki be contemplated with the grave givings by the rice-producing cou in this part of the world, partic Siam. Siam has already receh 11 serious blow in the imposition ol on imported rice by the Chinese Q ment. who
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  • 161 10 AMONG the many Bills dealt the Legislative Council mi Monday, was one which will h important bearing on the future is becoming a valuable Malayan Ln It provides for the proper n and control of pineapple methods, so that the Malayan pi J which has now gained a
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  • 394 10 By "Looker-0n" INDIA has lost the rubber in the Test Matches but has won fullest honours for good and sporting cricket. If the cricket atmosphere and the traditions of the game could be introduced in other matters, what a difference it might make! A Scottish society has toasted
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  • 49 10 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 2. RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 3 KUOMINTANG SESSION, on pagt 1 SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14 and CLUB DIARY, on page 15. CHURCH SERVICES, on past' 16 DR. WU'S MESSAGE TO MALAYA RADIO NOTES, on page 17 BOYS' CORNER, on page 19.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 60 10 J Beyond I Criticism... I There's an assurance of perI feet fit in every Wing Loong I suit. There's style expressive I of your individuality and comfort that put you on igood terms with yourself. You'll always be confident in the knowledge that your ap- pearance is beyond comment J
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  • 537 11 VMOTHER DRIVE ON THE CITY. Stout Defence. Assistance For The 41st Army. Shanghai, Feb. 17. p>i{ ten days, the Ninghsia tr> ops under Gen. Ma Hung Kwri (Chairman of Ninghsia) te bcca stoutly defending the ainst the 41st Army
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  • 31 11 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 16. The 1934 cotton programme has been By decided upon. According to an M-ment Farm Administration have been signed to withdraw 12.150.482 acres* -from production.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 99 11 Foreign Secretary's Speech At Brighton. Reuter. London, Feb. 16. IN a speech at Brighton, Sir John Simon asked what was the use of proposing that all disarm to Germany's level, when there was not the slightest chance of acceptance. Would either the United States or
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 164 11 Alleged Disorderly Conduct Near The Capitol. Alwi bin Abdul Rahman, syce to H.H. the Sultan of Johore. was the complainant in a case mentioned before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander this morning, involving five Europeans. It was alleged that seven Europeans came out of the Capitol
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  • 108 11 Long Discussion With Sir A. Cadogan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 17. The Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi) landed at 12.22 p.m. yesterday and lunched at the Residency. It is understood that a long conference took placeon Chinese matters with Sir Alexander Cadogan in the afternoon. Sir
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  • 117 11 What Riding In Hollywood Would Entail. Hollywood. If you want to go riding down Hollywood's streets you must get a "parade Dermit" from the police. Mass Frances Drake, the film f ct^ ss found that out when she decided that it would be good exercise to ride
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  • 77 11 Silk Sold "Anonymously" At Cut Rates. Warsaw. JaDan has started an intensive camnaigS to capture the Polish silk market. I Pa jlSanese natural silk is being dumped at Lodz at prices between 15 and 20 per cent lower than those charged for its rivals-Ind there has been a
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  • 76 11 The fourth annual general meeting of the Syrian Christian Association was neW at 11. Mount Emily Road on Wednesday and the following were elected officebearers for 1934: President, Mr. Isaac (re-elected); Vice-Presi-dent Mr. M. Mathew; secretary, Mr P. K. Thomas; treasurer, Mr. Ninan Varughese; auditor, Mr. M p
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  • 109 11 Dutch Defence. WILL RELY ON OWN RESOURCES. Reuter. The Hague, Feb. 16. j T»HE senate Minister of Defence, M. 1 Deckers, declared to-day ihat the Netherlands had not entered nor j intended to enter into any defence treaty in the Far East. Holland would depend on
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 70 11 Prison For Making Seditious Speeches. Calcutta. Feb. 16. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was arrested a few days ago, has been sentenced to two years* simple lmpnson- I ment on a charge of making seditious speeches.—Reuter. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, General Secretary of the Congress, was released from prison only
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  • 144 11 Oaths Of Silence Taken. Reuter. Amsterdam, Feb. 16. EXTRAORDINARY precautions for secrecy were taken at a meeting of the International Association of Rubber Growing in the Dutch East Indies. All present swore an oath of silence, not even to inform their business partners regarding the proceedings. It is
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 115 11 Suggestions That Germans Who Voted "No" Be Exposed. Munich. "Let these people square accounts with their consciences." This sentence occurs in a semi-official answer to suggestions that the Government should try to expose the people who did not vote at the recent German elections or who voted "No"
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  • 144 11 New Pact Is Only Temporary. Reuter. London, Feb. 17. THE Anglo-Soviet trade agreement has been signed. There is a great difference between the new Anglo-Russian agreement and the one of .1930. One is that it is definitely based on the improvement of the balance of trade. Russian use
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 140 11 Archbishop's Defence Of Its Morality. Munich. The Archbishop of Munich, preaching recently, again dealt with the subject of Judaism and Christianity. He gave several illustrations to show that the Old Testament contained many moral values which still maintained thenvalidity. He repudiated various attacks now being directed against
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  • 109 11 New Bill For Federal Council. At the next meeting of the Federal Council a Bill "to provide for the reconstitution of the Ruboer Research Institute of Malaya, for the incorporation of the Board thereof and for matters incidental thereto," will be introduced. The objects and reasons state: The
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  • 117 11 Mail 'Planes With 230 Miles An Hour. Berlin. Mail 'planes with a maximum speed oi 230 miles an hour are to be built lor the Luft Hansa. the German equivalent to Imperial Airways, for operation on long distance routes, announces Herr Milch, Under-Secretary for Air. Next year
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  • 121 11 Inventor Dies Without Releasing It. Vancouver, British Columbia. Andrew Fotheringham, master mariner, who has died here has probably carried to his grave secrets which might have revolutionised compass adjustment on board ships. Nine years ago, when he feared that his studies which were as yet incomplete were
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  • 234 11 Huge Agricultural Project In 'View. Shanghai, Feb. 16. AT yesterday's meeting of the Execu- tivc Yuan, it was decided to make a giant of $300,000 as expenses for the construction of the Kuomintang Historical Institute at Nanking and another of $30,000 as funeral expenses for the
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  • 57 11 Public Cremation Of Royal Heroes. j (From Out Own Correspondent.J Bangkok, Feb. 16. Government troops killed in the recent uprising are being publicly cre i mated on Sunday in the capital, following a procession of all units of modern defence, including tanks, amphibian j an The e King
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  • 43 11 Total Subscriptions To Treasury Issue. Reuter. Washington, Feb. 16. Subscriptions to the Treasury issue of $800 millions bonas toadied $ millions. ki«t« The Treasury has now inited Jus tor $75 million dollars of 9i days Trea sury Bills, dated Ftb. 21.-Router.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 45 11 Chinese Visitors Going To Turkey. Reuter. Istanbul. Feb. 16. The Chinese- military mission, headed by General Yang Shien, Commandant oi the War School at Nanking, has arrived rrom Germany and is proceeding to Angora to make contact with lot Tu-kish military aut horities.—Reuer.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 271 11 Socialist Plans. MANY MASS TRIALS BEGIN. Reuter. Vienna, Feb 16. from isolated provincial centres Chancellor Dollfuss and the Heimwehr are now masters ill Austria, but the Socialists appear to be planning new guerilla warfare. Shots were fired in the Stadtpark. situated in the inner part of
    Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 60 11 M.-G.-M Receive Facilities To Film It. R euter. Nanking, Feb. 16. Government's objections to the film ine of the famous novel by Mrs. Peart Buck "The Good Earth," on the grouncs that'it discredits Chinese people have b p en overcome and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayor Co. have received permission
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 44 11 Ultimatum To Cotton-Workers In India. Reuter. Ahmedabad, Feb. 16. More than 70 cotton mills and 70 000 workers are threatened with ft lock-out on March 1 unless the worker;: agree to a cut which is reported to amount to 25 per cent.-Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 21 11 Saturday's Home Football, and the League Tables brought right -mi the "Sunday Tribune-' only. Make tare of your copy Dv subscribing.
      21 words
    • 120 11 I m m mmm r THE MOST /£S?V POPULAR "His Master s Voice" RECORDS. es 8.6376 Shadow Waltz Riesman's Orr-h. Gold Digger's Song 8.6398 Night and Day, F.T. j I've got you on my mind. B 6393 Whistling under the moon, F.T. Jack Jackson. Ding Dong Din*, Walts r <
      120 words

  • 939 12 Might Have Died. WOMAN ACCUSES HUSBAND. ATTEMPTED murder was the charge on which Sim Peng Hiok appeared yesterday before the Second Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice. when accused's wife gave evidence that he stabbed her with a meat knife one afternoon as she was going by ricksha to
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  • 458 12 Failure Of First Business Venture. HOW a Chinese failed in his first business venture and was put into bankruptcy was described at the Bankruptcy Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Mills. Yap E. Khoon, an* employee on board a ship, appeaxod for his public examination. He said, in
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  • 281 12 The following is the Health Bulletin of the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, for the week ended Feb. 10. 1934. Beirut: 8 smallpox cases. Baghdad: 1 plague case: 1 smallpox case and 1 death. Bassein: 17 smallpox cases and 8 deaths as compared with 23 cases
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  • 52 12 Mr. Tan Soo Chye, a student at Raffles Institution, ask us to state that ne is not the person of that name wh figured as one of the complainants in a case arising out of an altercation at a local cinema, a report of which ap peared in our issue
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  • 186 12 "Bones In Plantation" Case Continued. A(T ihe Assizes Court, the whole of yesterday was occupied with the hearing of the evidence of Karam Singh, in the case in which Arjan Singh is on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The witness is the nephew of
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  • 200 12 Puller And Fare In Dispute: Court's Decree. A sight which was said to be all too common in Singapore streets was mentioned in the Third Magistrate's Court, before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, yesterday, when a ricksha puller and hlfl fare, a Chinese youth, were charged with
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  • 157 12 "Dick Turpin" At The Alhambra. The exploits of Dick Turpin. the famous romantic figure of Old England, were brought to the screen in a picture of the same name which began a season yesterday at the Alhambra. It is an adaptation of Harrison Ainsworth's story, and has
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  • 242 12 Charged With Fighting In Public. A MARRIAGE contracted between a Chinese couple only two days ago, on the auspicious eve of the Chinese New Year was dragged in by the woman as the subject of dispute between her and her husband, when both of them were charged yesterday
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  • 115 12 Proposed Service In The South. Canton, Feb. 6. Leading merchants in Canton. Macao and Hongkong are suggesting the introduction of a civil air service connecting the three trading centres. The fact that the air line covering Kwangtung, Kwangsi, Yunnan. Kweichow and Fukien will soon he inaugurated, has encouraged
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  • 117 12 Lorry Driver Who Rescued His Cows. Stockholm. Diving into ten feet of icy lorry driver has rescued two cows iron: the "bottom of an arm of the sea. He was taking them to market in his iony, and when he tried to cross the frozen inlet, the
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  • 1007 12 Penghulu's Wife Charged With Murder. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lipis, Feb. 13. A SENSATIONAL affray occurred at Kampong Budu, about two and a half miles from the Benta Police Station, between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. on ihe 12th inst., when a Chinese
    1,007 words
  • 649 12 Police Court Sequel CHARGES OF THEFT HOUSEP,REAKIN(;. SEQUEL to the breaking open of a watch and jewellery at 88, North Bridge Road. < the night of Dec. 5 last, when 60 gold watches valued at $1,390 were carried away, was heard by the Dis. trict Judge, Mr.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 B Rupert: Come on guys, follow me, I've landed in the BEST of Sfafa" ilH** I BisllgglillS X Obtainable from all Dealers i on,y $2,7S x TOUEYS BBIHPY i <
      29 words
    • 23 12 THE Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Ruildintf, Chulia Street. 'PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE. FIRE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENS ITION IN 3118 A NC*
      23 words

  • 453 13 Coup D'Etat Planned. JAPANESE SUPPORT ALLEGED. U'HILE Henry Pu Vi is busily engaged in his monarchical resation movement in Manchuria ►lira are afloat in both Peiping Tientsin that the Manchus and inner followers of the Manchu rial Household as well as un- ulous politicians in
    453 words
  • 177 13 Musical Society's Final Rehearsal. rpHE final rehearsal for the Singapore A Musical Society's ambitious effort, "Th? Elijah," took place at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night, when members of the public were present by invitation. "The Elijah" is a powerful work and is rarely given in its entirety.
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  • 318 13 Driver Charged With Causing Death. THE fatal accident which occurred at 12.10 a.m. on Jan. 2, when a stationary Chrysler car and a Morris collided with each other in Grove Road, resulting in the death of one oi the passengers of the Morris car, was
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  • 156 13 Recent Departures By H. T. "Neuralia." The undermentioned disembarked from H. T. "Neuralai" on Feb. 4. 1934. and are taken on the strength of the Command with effect that date: R A.: Major H. D. St. G. Cardew, Major G. L. S. Smith. 0.8. E., M.a. Capt E.
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  • 80 13 Police Investigations Lead To Arrest. Whilst he was seated in a coffee shop at the 10th mile, Seletar, yesterday afternoon a Chinese was assaulted by six compatriots and robbed of $11. It appears that men, who were seated at a nearby table, suddenly set upon him and relieved
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  • 110 13 Successes In Local Examination. AT a Royal Sanitary Institute Examination for Health and Sanitary Inspectors, Malaya, held at Singapore from Oct. 26 to Nov. 4. 30 candidates Dresented themselves. The following 20 candidates were granted certificates: Leonard Anthony Marcuv James William Bennett. Yap Kon Choon. Sankara Gopala Krishna
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  • 252 13 List Of The Passengers For Malaya. The East Asiatic motorship "Fionia," which left Southampton on Jan. 24, is due in Penang on Feb. 25 and in Singapore on Feb. 28. The passengers include: Mr. W. Hardy (Singapore), Mr. W. L James (P. Swettenham), Mr. B. Biggin (Singapore), Mr.
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  • 82 13 The Municipal health statement for the week ended Feb. 10, shows that there were 183 deaths as compared with 210 in the previous week and 203 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes of death were:pneumonia 29, phthisis 19. enteritis 13, convulsions 12,
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  • 22 13 Reuter. New York, Feb. 16. The Federal Judge has declined to restrain the Postmaster-General from cancelling air mail contracts.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 90 13 Committee Formed In Singapore. THE Indian Association, Singapore, has formed a committee to collect subscriptions to the Viceroy's Earthquake Fund and to remit the proceeds direct to New Delhi. Indians resident here are requested to show their sympathy towards their unfortunate countrymen who have lost all their possessions
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  • 71 13 Result Of Yesterday's By-Election. London, Feb. 16. THE Lowestoft by-election, caused by the appointment of Sir Geivais Ren toul, K.C., to the post of Metropolitan magistrate, resulted as follows: Mr. P. C. Loftus (Nat. Con.) 15,912 Mr. R. Sorensen (Lab.) 13.992 Mr. W. Smith (Ind. Lib.)
    71 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 77 13 i i i i i .1 i.nin;iiiiiiiir.iiiliiiur!iiii'H:niH!.iiiiui iiniiiiniiiininiiiut"« v ,1,, w won't kill filthy insects INSIST on powerful FLIT Il'g useless to try to rid your house of flies and mosquitoes with weak insect sprays. It can't be done. You need the one and only powerful FLIT —the insect spray
      77 words
    • 47 13 mckenzie's Cough Mixture AND i Lung Tonic I for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and other affections of the nose, throat, j and Lungs. I SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL CHEMISTS AND FROM THE MAKERS I Maynard Co., Ltd 11, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE 6115.
      47 words
    • 66 13 ONLY -A CIGARETTE!!! DOCTORS have approved AH ROUND AIRTIGHT TINS OF 10 OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE VIRGINIA <made in England by ROTHMANS So'c Distributers: Sole Agents for Malaya SWEE LEONG CO., TOM STOREY CO.. 26. China Stmt, C-15, Hongkong Bank C hambers, Singapore Singapore 10. W.J W 2. Don't order Beer ask
      66 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 183 13 The Truth in Your Horoscope i U 1 me '.ell you free some of your past exri DC s. future prospects, financial its and other confidential matters. Your prospects I life. happine:s in marriage, friends, enemies. Mi in all undertakimple language and p^K^'^^^K nslai of not less than I Prof
      183 words

  • 1032 14 Fraser And Neave Beat The Cricket Club. IN the midst of a continuous downpour, the Municipal Services XI defeated ihe Singapore Harbour Board by 4 —l at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday in a Commercial Cup fixture. The
    1,032 words
  • 52 14 Vembers of the Rovers B.P. are requested to note that badminton practices will re-commence on March 1. Secretaries and captains of Clubs and Pa'ties desiring matches are invited to communicate to Mr. Tan Quee Leng c o the General Hospital or Mr. Low Poh co Daisy Flower Shop,
    52 words
  • 109 14 In the four ball golf match at the Island Club on Thursday the Club defeated a Police team by 7% points to \V 2 Scores (Police players mentioned first): Frew and Blades ft; Briggs and Stevens 1 Savi anl J. Haxworth 1; Rainsforth and Martia 0. Evans and
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  • 79 14 S.A.U. team v. the J.C.S.A. on the J.C.S.A. ground on Tuesday: F. L. De Silva. Wan Puteh, B. S. San, H. V. Street. Md. Shin. Md. Hussein, E. P. Scully, H. Gammel, Bakar, Sulong, Haron and C. W. Keng. On Friday S.A.U. v. the Raffles Institution on the
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  • 291 14 Rain Interrupts Invitation Tournament. OWING to rain, only two matches in the Chinese New Year invitation lawn tennis tournament were decided at the S.C.C. yesterday. In the ladies' singles, the 1930 Perak holder of the Malaya singles title, Mrs. E. K. Allin. beat Miss Abed,
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  • 223 14 F. N. "B" Well Beaten By Newcomers. Except for Hay, Fraser and Neave s "B" team was weakened considerably at the expense of the side fielded anainst the Cricket Club in the friendly on the Padang with the result that they lost L heir Commercial Cup game against the S.T.P.S.C.
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  • 109 14 Ties In "Gold Flake" Billiards Tournament. Ties in the Amicable Athletic Association's "Gold Flake" billiards (4 ball) tournament for next week are as follows: MONDAY: Tan Heng Chua v. Chia Ah Kow, at 7.15 p.m.; Goh Keng Mian v. Tan Ming Soon, at 8.15 p.m. TUBSDAY: Tan Meng Choon v
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  • 206 14 Triangular Tournament In Johore. lAWNI AWN tennis teams representing i Singapore, Johore and Negri Sembilan Japanese met at Batu Pahat in a triangular contest on Thursday, and Singapore came out victorious with six points to their credit against Johore's four and Negri's two. The winners keep for a
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  • 86 14 London Comment On The Tourists' Strength. London. Feb. 3. Tremendous interest in the Australian Test team is being shown by newspapers in London. f Q The cricketing correspondent of tne "Times" says that the general impression is that the team will be splendidly So with -.cry strong batting,
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  • 419 14 Fine Innings By State Veteran. (From. Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 15. A CEYLON XI captained by W. O. Jonklaas defeated the Ipoh Club at nicket by an innings and seven run i during the Chinese New Year holidays The Ipoh Club batted first and were
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  • 369 14 F.A. Cup—Fifth Round. SPURS v. VILLA AT TOTTENHAM. JNTEREST in English boco r week-end is switched from the Leagues to the fifth round the F.A. Cup competition, whicl played this afternoon. See to-morrow's "Sunday for the results. Attention is principally ft i the two London-Midland duel of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 40 14 A MURDER AT MIDNIGHT! 16 SUSPECTS! A WRBTWATCH gleaming through the darkness—the only clue—And the Great Charlie Chan sets to work on his most baffling crime —NEW!— DIFFERENT !—AMAZING See CHARLIE CHAN'S GREATEST CASE" With WARNER OLAND and HEATHER ANGEL.
      40 words
      14 words
    • 31 14 I m j ~iy IT REPRESENTS j Wl2 THE WORLDS IS NOT A /n#T BIGGEST BREAK TELEPHONE (jQ I BY number ON A j WALTER fr lABU Th* Walter LMW Tabl»
      31 words

  • 196 15 Jardine Saves Situation In Cricket Test. London, Jan. 31. THE story of how D. R. Jardine, the M.C.C. captain, narrowly averted what might have been a real sensation m the Bombay Test Match has just been made known here. When R. Amar Nath reached his century, an admirer
    196 words
  • 62 15 Keenly contested soccer was witnessed by a large crowd at Klang on TuesI day on the Anglo-Chinese School padang, when the "Elgle'' defeated the Klang D |hfhom e e Ve £a 2 n7°had the better of the opening exchanges and the forwards had a few chances but they
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  • 63 15 To-morrom the R.S.Y.C. six-metre class will sail the second of the series of three races for the Dodo Challenge Cup. Start iO a.m. The "B" Class will sail the second of the series of three races for toe Tilling Challenge Cup. Start 10.10 a.m. The "C" Class will
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 376 15 Save ii your mi lilli Child 11 i^L—\ Vi+amin malt tonic food O tomalt is the family vitamin tonic a balanced, a andardised and extr?m lly appetising preparation Of vitamins A, B. C and D. It is invaluable as a general tonic and is recommended for children and adults in
      376 words
    • 156 15 I "motor union insurance I COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). V Fire, Motor, Marine and Workmen's Compensation Insurance- General Agents: ft SIME, DARBY CO. LTD A PERFECT j ill SODA I jt::: <T; 'iiilS prepared from pure filtered water, under Hygienic Con- j ditions and with up-to-date Plant should not
      156 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 706 15 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is prolided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 272 16 "There Is Great Need Of Co-operation." Dr. Wu Lien Teh, Penang's most distinguished sen, has arrived there, and has issued a New Year message through the "Pinang Gazette." "I am delighted," he says, "to be back In Malaya, and particularly in Penang, once more. Only
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  • 71 16 No Ban Placed On "The Good Earth.'' Nanking, Feb. 5. The report that the National Government had placed a ban on the filming, in China, of Pearl Buck's bestseller. "The Good Earth.' was officially denied here this morning. A spokesman of the Government told interviews that a
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 530 16 I AT ALL DEALERS j OR Phone: 4314 I 3. j mm h t o^NE^| MARGO SOAP. i| The Calcutta Chemical Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India). 8, Raffles Chambers, SINGAPORE. I FREE CALENDARS OF 1934 WILL BE GIVEN TO OUR CUSTOMERS. CHEONG KOON SENG Co., Ltd. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF
      530 words
    • 610 16 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 6.50 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. Holy Communion Choral). 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion. 5.30 p.m. Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 10.30 a.m. Service at Naval Base. 8.30 p.m. Service at Seamen's Mission. Holy Communion on Mon., Wed. and Friday
      610 words
    • 102 16 DID YOU "M (K.KJ YOUR SHOES THIS ■j preserves the leal s.s. P.M.S. I^^^^EH^] AP' i PHILLIPS 1 Dental j a 3" CS a Whitens teeth quickly MilkofMagnesa and prevents Decay THE MODERN TOOTHPASTE 2° I DOG'S HEAD GUINNESS. FREE. A BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF SOUVENIR j CUFF LINKS j TO
      102 words

  • 579 17 Raffles Hotel Relay Successful. if ORE frequent reports on local radio reception have been retested by readers and a fairly comr hensive one is given to-day. Technical terms are avoided so that new readers may be encouraged tk< up this fascinating
    579 words
  • 343 17 Must We Shut Down After Midnight? INHERE has been a good deal of dis- cussion among radio "fans" of the new regulations against the use of loudspeakers between midnight and 6 a.m. There is some indignation—there always is in a new country when the "Dora" provisions which older
    343 words
  • 480 17 The Two Types Of Local Receivers. WIRELESS enthusiasts and experimenters in Malaya depend mainly on the Short Waves for the reception oi Broadcasting Programmes, ana as sucn Short Wave Receivers only are usea. only Medium Wave transmitters receivable here are Bangkok, Manila and wanking, but since native items
    480 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 247 17 I *eam>\ ALL SAID AND DONE!! I WINCHESTER j I /jfik FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES j tosHUCHT/ j FOR "LIGHT" SHOOTING J ARE GUARANTEED TO BE j S sl Kf lL "AS GOOD AS THE GUN." j i tfijr&SNtfS* Obtainable everywhere or from j KHOO HENG PHO CO., AGENTS. rj 27, South
      247 words
    • 163 17 «\> lf > ou nave felt atel >< tnat y° urwirelesssct wasn %W performing entirely satisfactorily,—look at the valves! *W nine cases out of ten> faulty valves are responsible M/ or muffled reception and lack of volume. Invest in W a set of Osram valves and note the improvement— M
      163 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 192 18 WHY../W the East.. YOU MED BOURN VITA I RECOMMENDED BY OVER 14,500 I ENGLISH DOCTORS and MORE THAN 480 LOCAL DOCTORS* I You're a very fortunate man, or woman, if you don't Bourn-vita helps you to sleep soundly, refreshingly, I find life "a bit of a drain" in the Tropic*.
      192 words

  • 59 19 \t This Week's «t-Bag. n has written this does not think that .ig as successful as would do. It is still anecdotes which are nil at all. v next week to make cresting as a debate, things you have seen, rd about. binese nephews I
    59 words
  • 518 19 Considered.") lived a young woodcutter in the middle of a great very happy together, were many trees in the ught they could never be work. But after a time t they could not sell all had cut; and they often without food, ihe King passed by. and
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  • 253 19  -  'By L. K. Kew. The Chinese New Year marks the beginning of a series of festivities among the Chinese. We enjoy and celebrate the New Year because it is the beginning of something new, and also marks a fresh start in our work. The eighthday after the Chinese
    253 words
  • 213 19  -  (By C. Chew. A proprietor of a large shop was walking on the road. He was on his way to his home. Suddenly rain began to pour down heavily. He ran to a comfortable place to take shelter. At last he could not wait any longer
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  • 334 19  -  'By "Sejuk." I had never left Singapore and therefore had never gone to other places. So when my father suggested that we should visit Malacca. I jumped at the chance. Accordingly, my father and I. each with a bag in a hand, got into the car and
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 13 19 PROVED IDEM M miUT WW ANT| CORROSIVE iole Agents: (fUTnPJE?<3b Incorporated in S.S.
      13 words
    • 171 19 20,000 CASES OF TUBERCULOSIS IN ALL STAGES. This is a logical proof of the simplicity and Efficaciousness of Prof. Wolff Eisner's SANTUBEN, for the treatment of TUBERCULOSIS. Start cure before the dreadful disease gets too strong .a hold en the system. By its Use GRAVE GENERAL SYMPTOMS OF TUBERCULOSIS DISAPPEAR
      171 words
    • 156 19 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. 275. South Bridge Road, Singapore. (By Optician Mr C. Y. FAN). CHARGES CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE. 1. Sinht tested glasses supplied from $4 on. 2. CROOKES LENSES completed with frame from $6 on. STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY, (Established in 1914). Stationers arid Bepairers. 14-A, Change A'ley, Singapore^ 'CORONET'
      156 words
    • 166 19 NEW SHIPMENT. E. P. N. S. Spoons and Forks, Soup Spoons. Fish Eaters. Knife Rests. Butter Knives. Toast Racks. Soda Spoons, Ice Claw Tongs, etc. Cutlery Cabinets, Stainless Meat Carvers and E.P.N.S Fancy Pattern Tea Spoons, Sugar Tongs. Pastry Forks, Fruit Sets. etc. in boxes, suitable for Wedding, Birthday and
      166 words