Malaya Tribune, 7 February 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXI. No. 32 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, Feb. 7. 1934. i Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 7, 1934. FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 The TrUnjge. Dominant In Malaya. FAMOUS </, j PRODUCTS that's what everybody says on ,LJIL 1 fffl I tasting Crosse BiackwelPs JL- V^L I >. nourishing and tasty soups. cross. yM Ui W It is the obvious verdict. »iac*weu 1 fendid meaTlnd £csh"e£ flhV jfH CMC "i fx I etables,
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    • 44 1 A. FLINTER. v, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. L_s
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  • 567 2 Trade Agreements. SIR CHARLES INNES' ARGUMENTS. London, Jan. 16. DUBMA had thrown away an opportunity of choosing as regards .separation and now Parliament would have to decide for her. said Sir Charles Innes, kectming at the Easi India Association on the constitutional future of Burma. Referring to
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  • 384 2 Last Remnants All Surrender. Shanghai, Feb. 5. GEN Chen Tsi Tang, the Canton Com-mander-in-Chief, has ordered the remnants "of the 19th Route Army in West Fukien, to concentrate at Lungyan and wait for their reorganisation. Gen. Ia Yang King, Commander of the Third Canton Army, has been instructed
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  • 65 2 Decision Of Leipzig Supreme i Court. Reuter Wireless. Leipzig. Feb. 2. The world "whisky" is a term for Stfflits peculiar to England and Scotland and therefore must not be used for similar spirits produced or sold in Germany, is the decision of the Supreme Court. This ends the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 103 2 Reuter Wireless. Washington, Jan. 31. The protracted fight over Samuel Insull's extradition will be brought to a close at midnight when he will be expelled, according to an official telegram received from Athens.—Reuter Wireless. Washington, Feb. 2. Samuel Insull's passport, withdrawn by the United States Legation in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  103 words
  • 352 2 League To Appoint A Committee Reuter Wireless. Vienna, Feb. 5. THE Austro-German issue is still doubtful. A communique shows that the Austrian Cabinet has empowered Dr Dollfuss (Chancellor) to submit the dispute to the League, but leaves the questions of date and method to his discretion. It also
    Reuter Wireless.  -  352 words
  • 168 2 Office-Bearers For Current Year Elected. At the annual general meeting of the Raffles College Union, held last Saturday, the following were elected officebearers for 1934: President, Mr. Lim Tay Boh; vice-pres-ident. Mr. T. S. Nathan; hon. general secretary, Mr. K. Shanmugam; hon. treasurer, Mr. Yeoh Aik Hooi;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 TO POSTUM TWICE A DAY. AIL HE MEEDS V ytp ts ten cas >' f° r clever wives to Po«tum contain* no I reform grumpy husbands. Many chronic "grouches" come from tired w,«h a, hoi%iik'n" i) nerves, and tired nerves arc often syAr f/ I Ik caused h > Buch
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    • 405 2 i Th, er. .nal Ut«r k*U «.t Allow me to add my testimonial to others I read I Works ana us can he have pre f e r Ted Craven A Cigarettes tor several year*, but wrtM. it was during an illness of a winter in bed with a weak
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  • 299 3 Scarred Students. SCENE IN GERMAN DANCE HALL. Cologne. QERMAN students are once more taking up duelling enthusiastically now that it has been declared legal by the Nazis. Battle scarred youths may be seen in the streets of every German town, proudly exhibiting the symbols of valour. Many
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  • 115 3 Workers' Demand For 40-Hour Week. Warsaw. Textile workers at Lodz, the Manchester of Poland, are up In arms at the loss of then English Saturday." This was the name given to the privilege ot working only six hours on Saturday instead of the u ual eight—making a working
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  • 87 3 Reuter Wireless. Trieste. Italy. D:". Giovanni Gortani. who elai'ued to be ih? oldest doctor in practice in Europe, has just rued at Tcrzo D'Aquileia, at the age of 107. D.\ Gortani, who maintained his skill and strength lo the end. had been a dr;"tor for 77 years.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 145 3 Sequel To London Fire Conspiracy. London, Feb. 5. A QUEUE began to form at. the Old Bail-y three hours prior to the trial, before Mr. Justice HawKe, of Capt. Eric Miles, the London Fire Brigade ciuel. The jury included three women. Mile.; was charged on nine counts
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  • 156 3 No Offer From Greta Garbo. Stockholm. j In a telephone interview with Rev or, Prince Sipvard. s cond son of the Crown Prince 1 I of Sweden, announced that he had defini' ly i decided to stay in th* film business, which h •as been studying for
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  • 138 3 The Plague Of Weepers in Egypt. Cairo. Dias ic ui'.aures may be taken to stair, ut uie nui-ance of "professional" weep r \\iiv) follow funeral processions here, uUeria;, v.ails and dismal cries. Ignorant still believe that this ..s pre-senb. d by Islam. although the religious I uu.hori'.ies have
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  • 138 3 Treasure Raisid In Vigo Bay. Lisbon. 'I p-aMirf from -unken Spanish callt oils to 'hr a'Ti'.in t <f £'!27.00C ha' rai.rd in Vit> Bay during remit salvage op; r i ions, and fur'h'T rich hauls are expee'ed. It was in 1702 that a joint British and Dutch fl-ct,
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  • 366 3 Where "Ape Theory" Was Born. San Francisco. AN expedition is to sail from San Fran- cisoo on Jan 15, in the schooner Golden Gate" to erect a memorial on Chatham Island, in the Galipagos Archipelago, to Charles Darwin, the great British scientist. It will perpetuate ihe
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  • 225 3 Woman Who Swam When She Was Eighty. New York. By the de»a*h here of Mis. Jeanett Kirn. Lauc at the age of 93, America's oldest twtea have been parted. The deceased wnz v.i'.hin 26 days of her 100-h birthday H r twin sister. Mrs Dannenbaum. of
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  • 261 3 The World's Strangest Race Meeting. Wav < New Guinea.). Thoroughbred racehorses are being flown lure by aeroplane over 30 miles of mountainous country at a charge of 6d. per lb. to take part in the weed's strangest ..ace meetings. Wav is the depct of the famous New Guinea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 Identify by y the "White Dot" I 'White Dot" on SHEAFFER LIFETIME 0 pens is for your pro' tion. Be sure you find it on the writing instruments you buy. SHEAFFER LIFETIME 0 is the world's only Lifetime 0 pen. Dis'trs Khoo Her? Pho Co., South Canal Rd., Singapore. QHEAFFETTS
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    • 492 3 r NEXT DAY SOMETHING TERR.IBLE. f MUST B£ WRONG WITH HIM. WHAT! AREVCO Still HUNGRY won't eat. he's alwavs\ after THAT great big meal. AJ TL- cIe^MOT>!e^SHOULOKNOW^T Doctors Advise This Natural A{jouT CASTOBIA tkl wav t Way to Make Child Hungry benefits cmoaoi is a miracll^ Restore Buoyant Health Almost
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric ights, fans, motors etc., and water service, please write to the above TO LET. and Er.eeutor Co.. Lt. Tel. 6t S 3 2 ill 561 563 Beach WUI 375, 317. 3-9. 1-1-
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    • 866 4 PUBUC NOTICES. Order Lsued by the Chief Police Officer. Singapore, under Sf »6 (Minor Offence) as Yea x. fireworks in celebration of OMj-P^ e fireworks j Whereas the former right to> 1t on without restriction 7 f Chief Police orders, which shall be authorising .he letting fixed tain fixed days,
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    • 432 4 SITUATIONS j VACANT. WANTED— Salesgirls, able to speak English. To sell specially made Children's Fancy Frocks. Commission only. Apply 187, Tank Road. FOR SALE. FOR SALE —A Two-Storeyed Tile Roofed House abcut 100 yards from sea, 529 A. Bedoh Rd near junction. Freehold 2,040 sq. ft. Price cash $1,850.00 or
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    • 250 4 WANTED. =^r== WANTEI3 KRONTJONG SINGERS to appear in conjunction with the screening of the Super Malay Talking and Singing Picture KESTIAN ASHIK n or JODOH BERHAGIA at the Marlborough Cinema. If eligible each will receive $20 for services rendered. Apply in writing "Krontjong," c/o Malaya Tribune. $1,000 Reward roi the
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    • 287 4 EDUCATIONAII__ MERCANTILE INSTITUTE, 209, Queen Street, AFTERNOON AND EVENING CLASSES Shorthand (Pitman Gregg). Book-Keeping, Typewriting and Good English. Prospectus available on application. •PHONE 5755. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government. Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). t-A, Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical EducationSystematic
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  • 156 5 rrHE opposition to the "buffer" tin pool 1 appears to be gathering momentum. Chinese producers are as uncomv us some of the powerful Eurcompanies. The local supporters nroposed Pool are fewer but more ie and enterprising. tew of certain incidents which, tderstand,
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  • 245 5 M7E have always contended that Kinta tt and Perak have been particularly treated under the bureaucratic Federal system. We have pointed out fore and we would like to emphasise i■ am that something over a million dollars kfl collected in assessment in the area and oi that sum
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  • 213 5 THE news of Government's refusal to suspend the operation of Circular No. 38 of 1933 appears to have caused some resentment among certain of the senior j subordinate Government servants. The main objection appears to be the declaration of their debts and one mem- I ber is
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  • 309 5 No More From The Philippines. GIVING financial depression as the reason, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Philiopine Islands, in a letter to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, announces that the Jhine* overseas there have decided not to contribute to any cause beginning this charity
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 i Invitation j everybody interested in motor cars to a special showing/in our building at Orchard Road, of the new This is an interesting so und picture and NOT I j ust a m ovie of the Austin factory. It will be e rsa] 'supported by several excellent shorts. 9t
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    • 383 5 j smashing) IC □L D S If &£**m Wk T AKE 3 'ASPRO' Tablets immedi- fically formulated at a result ot careful S flk A ately the first sign of a Cold appears, chemical research investigations and JR I I and 2 Tablets every three hours after- quick relief is
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  • 746 6 Shipping News Notices. AUSTRALIA TO NEW ZEALAND. Operations Of The Union Steamship Co. THE Union Steamship Company of New Zealand has not yet taken definite steps in the matter of ordering the new ship WWca has b-cn rumoured for rome time past for the Australia-New Zealand service, and the placing
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  • 48 6 Adelaide. The record trip for a sailing ship from Hamburg to Australia, which has stood for 15 years, was broken when the "Padua" arrived at Wallaroo, having made the journey from Hamburg in 66 days. The previous record was established by the French full-rigged ship "Grillon."
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  • 390 6 "Georges Philippar" Fire Recalled. j THE report that the chief engineer, the managing director, and other officials of the Messageries Maritimes have been charged in the French courts with alleged homicide by negligence in connection with the loss of the motor liner "Georges Philippar" in May, 1932,
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  • 123 6 Master Of Motorship Reprimanded. The Netherlands Court of Navigation at Amsterdam have reprimanded the master if the Batavier Line motorship "Batavier VII," for failing to exercise the required are in navigation when proceeding from sea to Rotterdam in the New Waterway during fog. as a result of which
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  • 86 6 As a result of the merging of the Munson Steamship Line with the international Mercantile Marine Company of New York through tickets will bo available from Europe to South American ports at a reduction of 10 per cent., and facilities will be augmented by the Munson Line vessels
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  • 398 6 Great Britain's Attitude j Keenly Watched. THERE is no doubt that f -he optimism which has lately been in evidence throughout the world is also spreading to Denmark. Peop'e in this country are now taking a decidedly more hopeful view ol the situation, and shipowners, for their part,
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  • 120 6 Owners' Dispute With Crew. Viareggio, Italy. A dispute between the owners and the crew of the salvage ship "Artiglio," which, durintr the past few years, has been enqrasred on the wreck of the liner "Egypt." ha.prevented the ship putt ins* to sea on he/ next venture.
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  • 579 6 Holds Of Vessels Emptied By Tariffs. WHITING in the "Petit Parisien" as one whose life and efforts have been devoted to French shipping, M. Rio. the former Minister and President of the Senate Commission of Ihe Mercantile Marine, reviews the present position, and declares that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 33 6 AMERICAN L.T.OYO AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated in S.S.). TRAVEL, SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Bookings to all countries. Steamship Lines, Railways and Airways. NO BOOKING FEES. i I TELEPHONE NO. 2180. NO 64, ROBINSON ROAD.
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    • 199 6 L|¥LLOYO TRIESTINO Uuccrporated lo Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo. Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Calling at Penang. Colombo, Bombay, Said. Brindisl. Venice and Trieste. Suez, Port Said, Brindlsi, Venice Trieste. m.v. COL DI LANA Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Due Leave
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    • 233 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch jH— Q| Australische Dampfschifls [H Cl Gcsellschaft. Companies Incorporated in Germany). I'ASirLNGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN TORTS. Due Spore. ss. NORDMARK. via Manila Feb. 19 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, \ia Manila Mnr. 6 m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila Mar. 21 t m.s. BURGENLAND,
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    • 615 6 SAILINGS. NOBDSSUTSCBEI EMIj?J LLOYD, l^t^l^' Incorporate*: ;n Tb« under noted are th* Company 'i b t<nio*4 fixtures:— OUTWARDS 1934 "ALSTER." for H'kong, S'hai. Nor h China and Japan Feb 13 "PULDA," for Manila, H'kong. Shai. China and Japan Fib 28 HOMEWARDS 1934. "LAHN." for Gcnon. M'scilles. Adam. P.'dam H burg
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  • 580 7 Mining Shares. port, Wednesday, 11 a.m. wing tin share quotations are Fraser and Co., exchange and k brokers. U ue Buyers. Seller*. I Kumbang Tin 39 11 Malay 45 46 6 y i Hit am Tin 14 3 15 er Weng 1 90 2.00 B ngrin Tin
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  • 168 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. NEARLY ONE CENT HIGHER. Rubber's New Record For Three Years. (By Our Financial CorreiponAentj Singapore, Wednesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 17', a cts.. up ct. Market Tone: Steady after firm. Tin (Singapore), $114, unchanged. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4 15 16d., up 1
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  • 196 7 Singapore, Feb. 7. R. i Siam IW. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $94 R. <Siam> W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $90 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $86 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $81 Siam, N. 1 $155 Siam.. No. 2 1 26 Siam, No.
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  • 73 7 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore Feb 7. 12 noon. Buyers. Sellers. R.S.S equal to London Standard, Spct (loest) 17 »H do. (FOB.) l~n Standard R.S.S. en Tender: Feb. JJJj March »3* April Jun? 17 j 7 July' Sept. [I* \l* Get. Dec. »H 18 Tone of Market:
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  • 625 7 Gold Touches A Record Price. THE weekly share report of Messrs. Fraser and Co., issued this morning. I states The local share market has remained somewhat depressed throughout the week, dollar tins in particular lacking support, with quotations of the latter j generally easier at closing. London cables
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  • 209 7 London Stock Exchange Report. Reuter Wireless. London, Feb. 3. fkN the money market, although supy plies benefited during the week from Government and other dividend disbur.seinents of over £22,000.000 sustained, the demand prevented a variation of recent I ates. Business in the discounts market was unimportant in the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  209 words
  • 167 7 Questions In House Of Commons. Reuter. London, Feb. 6. In the House of Commons to-night, oucstions were asked concerning the competition of rubber footwear from Hongkong in Singapore. Mr. J. H. Thomas said that representations had been received from Canada and the matter was under consideration. Mr. Kunciman
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 89 7 Committee Considers Marketing And Prices. Reuter Wireless. London. Feb. 2. Tne International Wheat Advisory Committee which has been meeting in London the present week, held its final meeting to-day and considered reports of two sub-committee on marketing and price fixing. It decided, in view of the fact it
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 83 7 Appointment Of Seven New Members. Reuter. London. Feb. 5. The Board of Trade announces to-day the appointment of seven additional members, including Sir Clare Lee.s and Fir Kenneth Stewart to the Lancashire Indian Cotton Committee, whicii was constituted in December. 1932, in order to make the committee representative
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 15 7 The output of Hong Fatt (Sungei Best), Ltd.. for January was 1.132.80 pikuls.
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  • 653 7 Inflation May Become Necessary. Reuter Wireless. London. Feb. 6. rpHE franc improved to-day. owing to •i- the Bank of France's categorical denial of the rumour from New York that the Bank of France required 48 hours' notice of withdrawals of gold. The bank, it is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  653 words
  • 33 7 Gold touched a record price yesterday on the local market, according to the weekly report of Messrs. Fraser and Co., wiio state that Raub share have Improved to §9 40
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  • 658 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Wednesday. 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyail and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Lyan <* .-narrs Co. Evatt. 1 Allenhv 1 10 1 20 1.10 1.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.77''-> 085 080 000 IA. Httam 105
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 85 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almetda Street Authorised and Subscribed AUinorisea £2,(100,000 f 1.000.000 Pald-up-Capltal 'soo.OOO Wrserve Fund and rtesi R HEAD OFFICE LONDON BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. KaracbJ Madras Amara. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Klrkuk. Mosul •"CURRENT' O ACCOUNTS opened .nd .mooe, received on Fixed
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    • 70 7 In jHaind WHEN YOU HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. No doubt you have some unrealised dream heretofore made impossible by inadequate funds. A Savings Account will soon enable you to make these desires a reality. Sufficient ready money for your next holiday—perhaps some article you want to buy—any widh you have
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    • 13 7 A Woman Peeps at Singapore she does it weekly, in the "Sunday Tribune."
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    • 206 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation t imited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement-.) IHE CHINESE CO MM E RCI °B A S N^ S THE HO LTO. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK LTD. Authorised 510.000.00^ 11 Paid [^lJS^SS^ HFAD OFFICE CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STRFET. SINGAPORE. HEAD OFIICKU BRANCH: 43*. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 513 8 I I T wj- m«P P A I OPENING TO-DAY AT THEM WARNER BROS, proudly pre- A LtlA IV* jP MATINEE 3.15—6.15~9.15 I sent a spectacular singing > SU teSS! fFDT &Af\k 132 CHORUS VOICES I **T%4V L)l- LKJ Jf )A/rN> 109 MUSICIANS I omo prepared to see and hear
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  • 108 9 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING VESSELS IN PORT. I "Larut,'' British; 464 tons, from Malacca 6-2, for Malacca 7-2. "Dalfram," British; 2,821 tons, from Moji 6-2, for Pt. Said 7-2. "Pvrrhus." British; 4,803 tons, from Otaru 6-2, for Liverpool via ports 11-2. "Soerabaya," Dutch; 341 tons, from
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  • 133 9 The following passengers left for Penang and Bangkok bv the "Alsia" on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Barnett. Mr. J. R. Bell. Mr. T. W. Bewan, Mr. W. N. Carruthers and Mr. H. Christiansen. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Endahl. Dr. C. Gasparini. Mr. and Mrs. W. Haffenden,
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  • 94 9 The following passengers arrived by the 'Kedah" from Belawan Del! and Penang yesterday: Miss Thurston, Mr. E. W. Evans, Rev. Joseph Svackers, Mrs S. Pars'ey, Mr. A. N. Lalng, Mr. C. G. Burt, Mrs. A. C. Baxter. Mrs. Heath, Mrs. M. H. Matheson, Hon. Mr. G. Sturrock, Mrs.
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  • 54 9 Mails from Batavia and Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Post Office, Singapore at 5 p.m. to-day. From Europe (Lordon mails despatched on Jan. 18», by the "Rajula." due at Penang a t daylight to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Haruna Maru." due at Singapore
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  • 210 9 BELLING. Singapore, Feb. 7. London 4 months' sight 214 764 London 3 months' sight 2j4 332 London 60 days' sight 2,4 5j64 London 30 days' sight 2 4 116 London demand 2 4 3164 London T.T. 2 4 132 Lyons and Paris demand 905 Hamburg demand 148 New
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  • 30 9 Shanghai, Feb. 7. The Ministry of Communications has 'onvened a Navigation Conference to be leld In March, to consider means to im)rove navigations in China.—"Sin Chew Jit Poh."
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  • 83 9 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, FEB. 7.High Tides—2.49 a.m., 3.32 p.m. Rotary Tiffin, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Golf; K.G.C. Ladies' Championship, First Round. Hockey: R.I. v. S.R.C., R.I. Football: Fraser and Neave v. AP.C. Anson Road; S.C.C. Colours v. Whites, s.c.c. TO-MORROW. FEB.
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  • 99 9 ALHAMBRA—John Boles in "The Desert Song." APOLLO.—Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., in "Toilers" (silent I and "This Is the Night i talkie». CAPlTOL.—Maurice Chevalier in "The Way to Love." EMPIRE.—"The All American." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayang* cinemas. Talkies: Sky—"Almost Married." and "Week-End Only"; Star—"lt is Tough to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 430 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Chinese with following qualifications required by European import firm: Good appearance, robust heal h, good speaking voice, selfassurance. Fluent Ma'ay, Hokien. Cantonese and a fair kncwledge of Engli-h. Must be prepared to travel anywhere in Malaya. Salary Is modest but a subsistence allowance would be paid when
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    • 535 9 Ttimi i"i iii iTuniiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiii—nm ii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniii urn ihiiiiuiiimb 1 SINGAPORE HOTtLS fiiluuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitiii:iiiiiiiiriMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: i in iniimni'i i i i i i i n i m i i \J IHHHI lUII I I I 1:1 I I I I l l i I i i g i>!!!! .11 mi
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 192 9 [POSTAL rjgj^jggg SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Bombay (Keifuku Maru) 3 p.m. Ceylon, Aden, Egypt, Europe and Great Britain (Agamemnon.* 3 p.m. Pontianak (Khoen Hoea) 3 p.m. Banka Island. Pladjoe and Palembang (Thedens) 3 p.m. North, N.-East and North-West Sumatra (Pahud) 3 p.m. Tongkal and Djambi (Tohiti) 3 p.m. 'Ceylon, Aden,
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    • 77 9 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. P. Alor Star 89 Nil 7.7 70 Kota Bharu 82 0.03 1.5 71 K. Trengganu 82 Nil 0.9 71 Bukit Jeram 89 Nil 5 6 70 Mersing 78
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  • 42 10 Madam Lee Lcng Neo and family thank all those relatives and friends who kindly sent wreath, and letters of condolences, and Uiose who paid nighl-vlsiU> and also those who attended the funetal of her husband Mr. Sim Ah POW.
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  • 177 10 Chua Mua Kiat. aged 62 years, pas-ed away a his residence, No. 20, Seah Street, at 6 p.m., on Feb. 5. He leaves behind a widow, 4 sons, Chua Yam Seah. Chua Yam Buk. Chua Yam q uu chua Yam Chuan, 1 daughter, 3 daughters-in-law. 1 tcn-in-law. Chan Joo
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  • 679 10 THE Memorandum on Past Educa tional Policy, prepared by the Director of Education, Mr. F. J. Morten, is an important contribution to the current discussion of present educational policy. But it assuredly does not fulfil what was apparently its purpose, by justifying the proposals now put forward by
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  • 306 10 Miss Lucy Storch. daughter of Mr. D. Storch, of Penang, left by the "Corfu" to continue her studies in England. The Hon. Mr. G. Sturrock and Mrs. Fturrock have returned to Singapore from Penang. The Hon. Mr. A. C. Baker, British Adviser, Kelantan, is leaving for Home on the 15th
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  • 125 10 FOLLOWING protracted agitation the Government of the State of Johore has decided to establish a Post Office Savings Bank. The news will be warmly welcomed in the State, where facilities for clerical and other workers to put by a little money regularly for
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  • 127 10 mHE financial calls resulting from the damage and distress caused by the recent earthquake in India can hardly be covered by contributions from that country alone, and the Viceroy's call for funds has therefore been extended to other countries, including Malaya. The appeal is made not only to
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  • 151 10 /\NE thing gratifying about China is that, despite internal and external troubles, the country is forging ahead in industrial and civil development. A recent step in this direction was the creation of an enlarged National Economic Council, with Mr. T. V. it its head. China has to "thank
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  • 207 10 iTtHE owners of mosquito-buses are to be given the opportunity to put up a suitable scheme to provide a Krrice to substitute that of the small vehicH* now operating on the Geylane and allied routes, before April 30. so thrr. the Commissioners may consider it at their May
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  • 463 10 By "Looker-On" TJALF-a-milhon is a nice little gift. The Home folk should say "Thank you. S.S.!" And it shows that this Colony isn't hard up, even though some of its residents are. Nowadays no-one takes cold showers. Instead people take their bankbooks to bed and read them on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 342 10 BROMFORD I m I GOLF BALLS j PLAY BltOMFORI) Xj£& AND KELP I I /dSfiL IN THE j j V FAIRWAY. Brcmford THE FINEST GOLF BALL MADE. Z Obtainable at: j Robinson Co., Ltd. j I Singapore Kuala Lumpur. s lIIMIII I ll* l»l I j SPECIFICATION. I ENGINE—Of
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  • 1753 12 Murder Charge. SEQUEL TO MARKET SCENE. ALLEGATIONS that a prosecution witness had been threatened with death in case he did not give his evidence in a way favouring the defence were made, yesterday before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, the Third Magistrate.
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  • 264 12 Guard Of Honour At The Pier. MAJ.-GEN. E. O. Lewin, C.M.G., D.5.0., the new G.0.C., Malaya, made an official landing at the New Pier yesterday afternoon, members of the Legislative Council, in addition to officers of the local forces, being present to welcome him. Mr. A.
    264 words
  • 180 12 Man With Two Previous Convictions. Pronouncing sentence yesterday in a case in which a Chinese, Goh Peck Kew, was convicted a few days ago of fraudulent possession of a lady's dress, valued $1, the Third Magistrate (Mr. Curtis) gave the accused three months' r.i„ to be followed
    180 words
  • 85 12 Police And Crime Gang Clash In iienya Colony. Reuter Wireless. Nairobi. Feb. 4. Desperate fighting between a patro' of European and native police and a gang of native criminals occurred a few miles from here to-day. While tracking criminals through a dense forest the police met with a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 43 12 Reuter. London, Feb. 6. Mr. Quo Tai Chi, the Chinese Minister to London, has returned to work. He told a Reuter representative that he was much touched by the numerous inquiries from Ministers. M.P.\> anc friends in London and China—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 218 12 Axes And Hammers In Court. AXES and hammers were exhibits before the District Judge (Mr. II. A. Forrer) yesterday, when were charged with rioting with deadly weapons. The case was a sequel to a fight that occurred at the Air Base on Dzc. 23. According to
    218 words
  • 434 12 Man And Girl Convicted ADVOCATED GOVTS OVERTHROW. have been found guilt', serious offence under Seditious Literature Act I serious offence because the p and circulation of sue! undermines the society of v otherwise a law-abiding count Thus spoke Mr. Justice yesterday in passing Chinese named Tan
    434 words
  • 78 12 Gruesome Find In Ip 0 1 Cinema. />nf (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoli. Feb. 5 A Malay engine-driver the IsLs Theatre, Ipoh. on noon, on entering the < covered the cinema watx-hir-':-ing from the pipe line by a p cloth tied round his neck A report was
    78 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 I FREE. f A CASE OF T. S. T. BRANDY Do you want a case of Tolley's Brandy for the Chinese New Year FREE All you have to do is purchase a bottle of this famous Brandy. Remove the Analyst's Certificate which has the red seal in one corner, and
      203 words
    • 23 12 thf: Overseas Assurance CORPORATION. LIMITS* China Building. CHoli;. SUJ* 'PHONE SSOB. SINGAI FIRE, HAIINE, ill VEHICLES WORK** 1 1 COMPENSATION INSt T BA#*
      23 words

  • 756 13 Body In A Swamp. WEEPING MOTHER'S EVIDENCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, Feb. 6. the pawning of four gold ear-rings at Batu Annum, the alleged murder of a Tamil boy named Aiyavu. whose dead body was founa in I swamp near Gomali Estate, Segamat, was
    756 words
  • 14 13 London, Feb. 6. The death has JSmSTm a s s»Ars?«o,"tfeuter. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  14 words
  • 387 13 The Annual General Meeting. THE Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts, presided at the annual general meeting of St. Andrew's Church Mission held at St. Andrew's School Hall yesterday evening. There was a good attendance. After the meeting a large number of children
    387 words
  • 268 13 Alleged Enticement Of Wife. THAT he caught his friend making love signs to his wife, was alleged by a Bengali milk seller named Rasulam. He appeared before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) yesterday, as the complainant in a case in which a North Indian Mohammedan named
    268 words
  • 75 13 Throat Cut: All His Money Taken. Reuter Wireless. Cairo, Feb. 4. rE Rev. John Carden. a retired Army Roman Catholic Chaplain has been found brutally murdered at h?s villa on the outskirts of Helmia w ith his throat cut. All the money in the house was taken.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 24 13 Reuter Wireless. London, Feb. 3. rrVlo e,.ituh Post Office shows a record increase of nearly *M*™®&£JE£ pared with last year.-Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  24 words
  • 442 13 Conference In Singapore To-morrow. THE annual conference of the Advisory Council of the Fac Eastern Health Bureau ol 6ie League of Nations will commence to-morrow morning. •fhe various [delegates to the conference ai rived this morning by the D'ArUgnan." They are Dr. P. Hwmant. Inspector General of
    442 words
  • 251 13 Bright Show At The Capitol. AT THE CINEMAS. MAURICE Chevalier made a welcome return last night at the Capitol in his new Paramount picture, "The Way to Love" and the spontaneous rounds of aoplause which were frequent and constant, showed very conclusively that
    251 words
  • 33 13 Berlin, Feb. 3. A new fast air mail service every fortnight from Germany to Brazil and Argentina started to-day, when Germany's fastest commercial plane left Stuttgart with 460 lb. of mail for Seville,
    33 words
  • 357 13 Four Accused. MAN DIES OF INJURIES. alleged quarrel which had fatal results and which was alleged to have been over a debt of $1, had a sequel before the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yesterday, when an inquiry was held into the death of a food
    357 words
  • 61 13 Stage And Screen Show To-morrow. "Only Yesterday.' the Universal production which has been drawing crowded houses to the Pavilion Theatre, completes its extended season to-night. To-morrow Dick Norton, the famous English comedian, will appear personally in conjunction with Adele and her piano. The screen attraction will be "Just
    61 words
  • 124 13 Travels By Imperial Airways. AIR Vice-Marshal Sir T. Webb-Bowen. X.C.8., C.M.G., arrived by the Imperial Airways air liner "Arethusa" from London yesterday. He is t'ue to return to London by the Imperial Air- ways air liner "Aurora." leaving on Sunday. Sir Tom Ince Webb-Bowen has been Air
    124 words
  • 29 13 Reuter. j Beyrout isynai, tea. o. The airwoman Mary Sehilsz, who left Aleppo to-day for Japan, was compelled by bad weather to land at Deirelzor Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 274 13 Contribution To Imperi Defence. AN important motion will be propo! by the Hon. Mr. J. Bagnall at m Monday's meeting of the Legislat Council, which will be held in Malac Mr. Bagnall will move: "That this Council approves of i payment of $900,000, in Singapore, 31st March,
    274 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 198 13 Protect your child against PYORRHEA! 10,20,30 years from now he will thank you PYORRHEA, the dreaded mouth dis* ease, is ugly, insidious, yet often invisible! 10 or even 20 years from now your son may not be the healthy man you think he will be. He may be the victim
      198 words
    • 93 13 m f ONLY A CIGARETTE? jjjj ask for gnl CAVAICADE f VIRGINIA J Rolled in Coloured Papers ~^^^t s AND AIRTIGHT TINS I I made by oitai n able -<<.'' LOUIS GERARD LTD everywhere Sole Distributors: Sol? Agents for Malaya: SWEE LEONG CO.. TOM STOREY CO., 26, China Street, C-15,
      93 words

  • 1491 14 Achievements Of The] Arsenal's Late Manager. A TENSE human note pierced Highbury and its environs before the start of Arsenal's match with Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday (Jan. 6t, when 50.000 people paid tribute to one whose passing leaves football as a whole the poorer,
    1,491 words
  • 54 14 Here is the reecra of the Arsenal since Mr. Chapman took charge: 1925- 26—LEAGUE RUXNERS-L'P. 1926- 27.—CUP FINALISTS. 1927- 23 —CUP SEMI-FINALISTS. 1929- 30—CUP WINNERS. 1930- 31.—LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. with record number of points. 1931- 32. —CUP FINALISTS and LEAGUE RUNNERS-UP 1932- 33 —LEAGUE CHAMPIONS. At time of
    54 words
  • 7 14
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    249 14 Friday's Big Fight At The New World. rpREMENDOUS interest is being taken x in the coming fight between Harry uranam ana V C Sone at the New World Arena on Friday. Apart from Battling Guillermo. Song is undoubtedly the most formidable opponent for th a Airman. The
    249 words
  • 19 14 Ties in the S.C.C. billiards tournament: To-day: Handican semi-finals. Tuesday (13th': Handicap final. Friday <16th>: Championship final.
    19 words
  • 429 14 Professionalism Charge Discussed. From Our Own Correspondent j Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 7. MR. John Hands' recent allegations about professionalism existing in local football has led to much discussion locally. Yesterday a "Malay Mail" representative, in a series of interviews, was informed by the Cnairman of the sports committee
    429 words
  • 130 14 Non-Ceylonese To Be Admitted. THE annual general meeting of the Ceylon Sports Club was held on Sunday and the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year:— President. Mr. S. Muthukumanr vicepresidents. Dr. C. S. Maniam and Mr. E. N. Lingam: hon. secretary. Mr. B. Dudley; hon.
    130 words
  • 80 14 Rosenblom Fought To A Draw. Reuter. Miami, Feb. 6. In a fifteen-round bout to-day for world's light-heavyweight championship. Maxie Rosenblom was held to a draw by Joe Knight, of Cairo. Georgia. Tne champion's windmill style befuddled and slowed Knight, who led in the earlier rounds with hard
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 89 14 Anxious For A Fight In Singapore. Young Aman. the former Malayan flyweight champion who is the holder of i a similar title in Saigon, has just scored j another decisive victory over Kid Gabo. j the tough little Filipino who was also j in Singapore for a long
    89 words
  • 78 14 The teams for to-day's S.C.C. soccer trial on the S.R.C. ground will be: Colours:—T G. Lashmar; R. N. Walling. R. W. Brown; E. A. Joy. A. Donald. A. N. Trubbe. T. Robertson. W. S. Morgan. J. E. King. N. Fvfe. S. E. Craig. Whites:—G. H. Strooback. J. R.
    78 words
  • 299 14 Final Test Match. YUVRAJ OF PATIAI INCLUDED. JHE All-India lean for I and fmvA Teat against England this week-end in Madras contains two changes from the side fi a Calcutta in the Second Tes( !vt month. a I The
    299 words
  • 32 14 Carlisle United Win At Rochdale. London. Pfife I An .Fnjriish 1.-»apu?. Third Division I Nartba Q) PMtpoMd match. played to-day resolted I foljov.w Rochda'.e 0 CarlU? U. 1 —ami r.
    32 words
  • 25 14 The final of the Garri.soii h< knockout competition, between quarters, Royal Air Force, and the Royal Engineers will played 1 Tanglin ground to-morrow.
    25 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 326 15 Villa Park Traditions Trampled. Less than a week ago the air was full uod New Year wishes for the df football and the welfare of dy engaged in it. says the Chronicle" of Jan. 8. On Saturday we got as complete a vi those sentiments as we
    326 words
  • 81 15 At the Clerical Union's ground, on Saturday an R.A.F. XI beat the Clerical Union 2—l. The game was keenly con-->ted. During the first half Cheny Hoe was miured and the Airmen's half-back also had to retire later, when he came into collision with Kee Siang. Both
    81 words
  • 63 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Feb. 5. The final of the billiards tournament j I r the challenge Cup presented to the SI Paul's Old Boys' Association by 1 i kay Goh Eng Thye, was played off t-rday at the Association Hall ben Alfred Sta Maria and Chong
    63 words
  • 159 15 Gold Flake Billiards Tournament. SECOND round ties in the Amicable A.A. Gold Flake" billiards (four bain tournament are as follows: TO-DAY: Cho Peck Kiat v Tan Meng Choon, at 7.15 p.m.; Quek Gim Tong v. Quek Chua Kirn. at 8.15 p.m. TO-MORROW: Tan Teng Seng v. Ong Seng
    159 words
  • 136 15 Baer And Schmeling To Meet In April? New York. Jan. 23. The way was paved to-day for a bout between Max Schmeling. former world's heavyweight boxing champion, ana Mux Baer, the leading contender for the title. It is to be lor ten rounds and will be held
    136 words
  • 106 15 The Grange B. P. lost to the Mernpals B. P. on Sunday by 3—4. Scores: (Grange names first". Seah Yak Thai beat Sim Yeow Lim 14__14 13—2». 13—13 (5—4»; Yap Chin beat Koh Lock Num 11—15. 15—7. 15—12- Tan Kirn Hong lost to Koh Pway Chim 13—15.
    106 words
  • 77 15 Playing at their premises on Sunday, thr- Chinese Commercial A. P. beat tne Kwong Wing Slew Night School A P. by three games to two. «cores: 'C CA P. names first' Tan Quee Hock beat Wong Sick Choy W)- Ns Kye Choon lost to Ow Sac tf on
    77 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 271 15 Beauty is not a gift... it can be won 'pHE woman who attracts is ,ne vvornan whose skin is 1 youthfully radiant, smooth and firm by the cosmetic blend of olive and p3lrn oils in 5 Palmohve Soap. t JL/ Morning and night, give your- self this home beauty treatment:
      271 words
    • 308 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,00? The Great Eastern Lite Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*). I HEAD OFFICE: Great Ea tern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, EC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies
      308 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 338 15 EMPIRE PROGRAMME TO-DAY. (25 and 31 metres/. G.M.T. 8.0 a.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulle'in. USMt The B.B.C. Theatre Orchestra deader. Montague Brearkry), conductor, Stanford Robinson. ITIBW Signal from Greenwich at 9.0 a m >. 9.15 a.m. Old Irish Airs (gramophone records). 9.30-10.0 a.m. Whither Britain", a >alK
      338 words
    • 394 15 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it nv-to-date and complete. Happening* of general interest 7irill still be included in the
      394 words

  • 185 16 Against Communal ism In Commerce. WITH a view to forming an AU-India-organisa-tion of Muslims engaged in industry, commerce and trade, some Muslim merchants of Behar and Orissa Have, it is learnt, circularised the Indian Chambers of Commerce seeking their views on the matter and inviting their support
    185 words
  • 40 16 Reuter. New York. Jan. 10. Mrs. Iris Tree Moffat, daughter of Lady Tree, famous English actress, has been married, according to an announcement in to-day's "New York Times," to Mr. Frederick Lwycheln, a Polish-born New York engineer.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 129 16 Bitter Reference To Tolstoy. Reuter. Helsingfors. A FIND cf great historical interest is reported to have been made during repairs to the so-called "English Palace," at Peterhof. near Leningrad, a former residence of the Imperial family. It is a burfc.le of letters written by the late Czar to
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 102 16 More English Visitors Going To Italy. Reuter. Visitors to the Kalian winter sports centres, including many English people, are arriving this season in far greatei numbers than last year. At Sestrieres, the new centre in «m Italian Alps, it is expected that JW than 1,000 English visitors will
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 85 16 Cyprus To Have A Real Spring. Reuter. I Nicosia, Cyprus. The two years' drought which has caused immehse hardships to peasants I in many parts of Cyprus has broken at I last. Heralded by a terrific thunderstorm, rain has now been falling incessantly for a week throughout the
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 233 16 Eleven Sprint To Peg Claims. Johannesburg .Transvaal). a N old-fashioned gold rush, probably A the last of its kind in the Union of Routtf A frica. has taken place about ten Sues fouih-west of and adjoining the Randfontein Eleven runners lined up. TDg- vaa mile
    233 words
  • 70 16 Child Born Before Great-Uncle. Wloeklawek. Poland. A women of 58. her daughter and her granddaughter all gave birth to healthy children during the same night, in the village of Kruszyna. near Brest-Kujawskl. The first child to be born was that of the 17-ycar-oid grand-daughter. Mrs. Wisniewske The midwife
    70 words
  • 276 16 Proposals For Extension Of The System. THE task of consolidating the existing trunk Telephone lines is now before the Postal authorities, who keep a constant watch over the working of the fines The programme for future expansion would be taken on hand as coon as the finances permit.
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  • 57 16 Cartagena. The Minister of Marine. Senor Rocha. bas announced during a visit here that he intends to submit to the Cortes proposals for the construction of a new 3eries of submarines costing 150.000.000 pesetas (about £3.750.000' If this plan is approved. Cartagena shipyards will be able to keep
    57 words
  • 140 16 Effect Of Dr. Besant's Death. Bombay. I lITHEN Dr. 'Annie Besant, the famous fr Theosophist leader, died in India i last SeDtember, there were rumours that I the future of Theosophy was uncertain and that the movement might not suri vive. These rumours are now dispelled by
    140 words
  • 105 16 Sunday Morning Surprise For Villagers. Calcutta. When the villagers of Lower Goodalore (Southern India) awoke one Sunday morning they were surprised to see a herd of fourteen elephants lying dead in a cornfield. The herd had invaded the field, which adjoins a mountain forest, during the night to
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  • 38 16 A Chinese pedestrian was knocked down by a motor-car on Bukit Timah Road on Monday afternoon. He was badly cut on the forehead and severely bruised on both hands and legs. The ambulance was in attendance.
    38 words
  • 58 16 Dr. I Mrs »M. G. Brodie has been appointed to be Lady Medical Officer. General Hospital. Alor Star. Che Md. Zain bin Che Md. Ariffin has been appointed to be Third Magistrate. Lower Court. Alor Star. Syed Abdul Rahman bin Syed Mohamed Shahabudin has
    58 words
  • 336 16 The Eastern Hotel. Kuala Lumpur, announces that in future Chinese as well as European menus will be served. Invitations have been issued for th? marriage of Miss Adelin Cecilia Nunis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Nunis. of Kuala Lumpur, to Mr. Daniel Herbert Jansen, son of Mr
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  • 241 16 It is rumoured that the title of Raja di Hilir of Perak is likely to be bestowed upon Raja Kamaralzaman bin Raja Mansur. The funeral of Towkay Foo Nyit Tse. the well-known landed proprietor and tin miner of Ipoh. who died on Jan. 23. is fixed for Saturday. The
    241 words
  • 184 16 A Clerical Promotion Board has been formed In Pahang and a meeting will be held on Feb. 19 to arrange for the promotion of clerks in the Clerical Service according to class-grades. Evening classes are being held and are well attended by clerks who are eager to sit for
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 119 16 SEASON Co., Ltd., Dealers of Musical Instruments and Accessories. Notice of Removal. With a view to enlarging our business and to affording the public greater facilities to patronise us conveniently, we have accordingly shifted to NO. 9. D'ALMEIDA STREET, (next to and back of the Mercantile Bank Building), close to
      119 words
    • 421 16 Start and End the Day with this aid to health. Use Gibbs Dentifrice n gularly—every membfr of the family—and. doe) bills will b? few and between Gibbs health pr.serva'iv. cause its use mean? clea sound teeth. It is through the na through unclean and d. i iyj ihat many illnesses
      421 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 186 17 mam tmIGSBK BMBsHfli H mm I H Mf B mm imBMBHW I Hff HH importance ihe reasons why .he "<" c m pu. No. la K ains, 8 ft P TF Kfl 1 Th, list of reasons is K iven below. nex| in importance and so on I rKM rss
      186 words

  • 158 18 Beheaded Man's "Moments Of Horror." Reuter. §}>,■* it Rome. ASTER death the brain goes on living for several minutes and can feel pain, according to Dr. Serge Voronoff— the rejuvenation specialist. In an interview with the Rome newspaper "Piccolo," he states: "When the guillotine cuts off
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 146 18 Jewish Enterprises Going Abroad. Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 10. THE continued exodus of Jewish commercial enterprises from Germany to foreign countries is causing a good deal of concern to Government circles and to the Chambers of Commerce, according to the Jewish telegraphic agency. Their competition is particularly felt
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 282 18 Letters To The Editor a- «c sMiJtr r« 5££* across?•« s POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (iouKe patents. LE l TESi J'""7,". ih MMr pen namet may be uut, but the namet and SSSL a guarantee of yocJaitH ..ecu rtete. «.—Ed., "Jf.T."J ft Crosswords. (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.")
    282 words
  • 271 18 (To the Editor, 'Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —I read Dr. Sheldrake's article, "The King of Islarnestan," in the 'Sunday Tribune" of the 28th ult. with interest and astonishment. His story of the incident in the Peking Grand'Hoiel will change present history, and surprises everyone. The Chinese Republic is composed of
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  • 467 18 (To the Editor, "Mal'Jya Tribune.") Sir,—The price of rubber having improved a bit, the estate owners in Malaya are once more asking for coolies from India. But it seems as if they are not going to have Indian labour as cheaply as they used to get
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  • 438 18 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir. —I read with much interest the letter from the "Liverpool Post" which you published in your columns to-day under the caption "Being Replaced." This subject is at the same time oainful and important, and I have' had personal experience
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 536 18 RUSTIKOL" I "Rustikol" is an artutit- stain Wood Preservative and effective White Ant Destroyer. It prevents DRY ROT and DECAY and can easily be applied with a brush to new and old woodwork not previously coated with oil paint or tar. mm***- j I, j Rustikoi has excel'ent covering power
      536 words

  • 148 19 Chivalrous Action Of Nazi Government. Reuter Wireless. THE chivalrous action of the German I Government in restoring the drum of 1 the Second Gordons to Sir lan Hamilton was performed in the Defence Ministry amid a blaze of colour. Sir lan Hamilton. Lieut.-Colonel Stanley Robert McClintock, and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  148 words
  • 242 19 Theft Of Marked Notes From Wallet. A SENTENCE of three months' r.i. was imposed this morning by Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, the Third Magistrate, on a former "boy" of the Union Jack Club for stealing $37 from the wallet ot Mr. Hamilton, an officer who was staying
    242 words
  • 175 19 Polish Emigrant To Be Repatriated. A Pole. Joseph Sekoera by name, was this morning charged before Mr. R. I. J Curtis, the Third Magistrate, with being a vagrant and was ordered to be sent to the house of detention, to be iepatriated. Speaking French, accused explained, through Inspector
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  • 145 19 Decisions Of Committee No. 1. I j At the meeting of Municipal Committee No. 1 held on Jan. 29 it was decided That the reserve road off Serangoon Road, running parallel to Rangoon Road, be named "Perumal Road. It was also decided That as the premises are still
    145 words
  • 75 19 Alleged Disappearance Of Accused. The Third Magistrate. Mr. R. J. P. Curtis, ordered this morning that a warrint be issued for the arrest of the former detective, Ibrahim bin Dugang. who had been sentenced the other day to two concurrent terms of three months r i each on
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  • 52 19 Invited To Exhibit In Russia. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, Feb. 5. Mr Ju Pc On. the famous Chinese artist, will in response to a Russian mviation leave Rome for Moscow in May to exhibit his pictures there. He is now exhibiting at the Italian capital.— Sin Chew
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  52 words
  • 54 19 Shanghai Public Cemetery Receives 25,753. Shanghai, Jan. 28. The annual report of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery reveals that 25.753 dead and unwanted bodies were found in side streets and alleyways last year. Of these 1.415 were adults and 24.338 infants. The Free Hospital and Dispensary treated 47.160
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  • 149 19 Experts Recalled From Abroad. Reuter. Stockholm. APPARENTLY the German Government does not intend that its country's export trade shall be undermined by foreign countries learning to make German specialities with the help of German experts. Eight Germans who have been worklag in Stockholm as key-men for
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 185 19 Demonstrated At Great World Cabaret. The many people present at the The Dj i jant last Saturday afternoon in the Qn at World Cabaret were treated to «,ome delightful ball-room dancing exhibitions by the principals and pupils of the Angela de Martinis English School of Dancing.
    185 words
  • 144 19 Australia's Most-Wounded Soldier. Sydney. 1 An R-soldtar who claims to hpld the record ♦or wounds in the Australian forces has come up before the war pensions tribunal. He showed no less than fourteen wounds, most of thtm serious. One was in the chest, near the- lungs, another near
    144 words
  • 129 19 Dangerous Tribe Led By A Woman. Sydney. The Groote Island Mission, in Northern Australia, is in grave danger oi being looted by members of the Ballamconas tribe, led by a number of goal-birds, one of whom is a woman known as "Old Clara." Mr. E. C. H.
    129 words
  • 90 19 Baby Bitten To Death In Cradle. Warsaw. The two-year-old son of Stefan KozlowskL a farmer in the Kalisz district of Poland, has been murdered—by a domestic cat. Waking in the morning, the family found him dead in his cradle in a pool of blood, which was streaming
    90 words
  • 41 19 Chinese Woman Passenger I Badly Hurt. A motor-lorry, aid to have been driven by a Chinese, overturned in Home oad yesterday afternoon. A Chinese woman, who was seated behind, was taken to hospital by ambulance, suffering from internal injuries.
    41 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 221 19 f V 1 here's The crei of my m GOOD health! P.nkettes when needed ppy, prt venting all the lnation and liverishbilious attacks, imI ir.plv skin. Thpy also c are obtainable a: li f° j I S tm h ab r oitu'!y constant sure I I.i ry pon Is guaranteed
      221 words
    • 215 19 Xulteura Soap Beat /or flr/fry's />ai(y Kulli Made of the purest ingredients and containing nothing and healing properties, it protects hafoy'd tender skin and keeps it clear and healthy, free from rashes and irritations. Sample each Soap. Ointment and Talcum free upon request, fron Muller Phipps 'Malaya) Limited, Union Building,
      215 words
    • 113 19 ELLAMS SELF-FEEDING DUPLICATOR. 100 copies a minute. Speedy and silent in action, this [Duplicator is capable of turning out j hundred copies a minute. The machine is of a particularly solid construction. By means of the variable pressure lever fitted to the machine, the density of copies can be varied
      113 words