Malaya Tribune, 2 February 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXL •No. as SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Feb. 2, 1934. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1934
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 166 1 {>, Singapore, lmiSortimr Diamonds and Pearl Neckp es of i vcr si/. 4 SMHng ai latest and nvest market prices. w Also buying gold coins and po!d ornament- of every class and quality, paying high c b t pri< c according to daily exchange rates. ..^i..,i.,.«.»MliillHlH»llll»llHlHtHllll'tl'H ll'l'H'Hl'l"« I I I
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  • 489 2 'The Desert Song," A Scene From Which Is Reproduced Above. Will Be Screened At The Alhambra Soon. It Is Said That The Production Of This Film. Which Is World-Famous For Its Music And Songs, Has Opened The, Way To The Production Of Films Which Were Previously Considered
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  • 743 2 Glimpses Of Some Forthcoming Films. VJOW that Universal has completed the Ii filming of "The Invisible Man," coming on Feb. 14 to the Capitol Theatre, a studio spokesman—there are aiways several—explained why a period ot more than two years was permitted to elapse between the purchase
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  • 459 2 "Homely" Films For 1934? A GREAT revival of interest in "simple Human pictures" is predicted for i 934 by Mr. WinfieM Sheehan, VicePresident and General Manager in Charge of Production at the Fox Film Corporation Studios. In the course of an interview in which this statement
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 440 2 J 511 LECITHIN i J'.'!' *««Vt fOOOANO lev I Are you nervous, irritable about small 1 i 8:-:: sr 1 J matters or unable to concentrate on your > I]^ work. Are you weakened by overwork, worry or the tropical climate If so, try fkAjFs' WAMPOLE'S -S'nf/ PHOSP HO- I
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  • 179 3 Cremation Of The Victim. Fro>n Our Own Correspondent) Johore, Jan. 31. I"HE funeral by cremation took .place I Kcta Txnggi yesterday tvening ;Mr Krishnar of the P.W.D.. Kota who. it is alleged, was murdered own brother-in-law Saravana:u, 18 years of age, at 1.30 a.m. on In
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  • 94 3 Chief Engineer Misses Money And Ticket. Kee, the Chinese who pleaded to a charge of theft of the beol the chief engineer of the ol Norwich." was produced again thi TI Ird Magistrate, Mr. K. J. A. ohoo on Wednesday for sentence. His worship sentenced the accused
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  • 61 3 United States In An Icy Grip. Reuter. New York. Jan. 31. Polar conditions are gripping the country, causing many deaths New York City wa* plunged from a almy temperature of 57 degrees to five bove zero in 17 hours, while a 56-miles-tn-hoar blizxard lashed the unfortunate l destrian
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 297 3 Claim Against Doctor Succeeds. (From Our Ottn Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 31. A CIVIL action was heard in the police Court yesterday before Mr. W. Lineham, M.C.S., when Mr. C. H. O. Strettell, claimed a sum of $275.80 as cost of repairs to his Austin car, and a further
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  • 59 3 Developments Will Be Dealt With. Reuter. London. Jan. 31. In the House of Commons to-day. Sir John Gilmour. questioned as regards British Fascists, recalled the existence of the Unlawful Drilling Act of 1819. prohibiting unauthorised meetings for drilling and military exercises. The position wa* being carefully watched with
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 422 3 Deviation Of Railway Line. CONTRACT work on the deviation of the Singapore railway line to its new Tanjong Pagar Station is the origin oi a dispute in the Supreme Court between a contractor and a sub-contractor win worked for him. The sub-contractor, Tan Mah Hoo is suing Kway
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  • 298 3 Need For Larger Chapel In Institute. AT the annual meeting, on Wednesday, of the Missions to Seamen, held in the Cathedral, the Rev. c. J. Brown, chaplain to the Missions, emphasised the need of a large chapel. The increasing number of attendants at the Services, he declared,
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  • 102 3 Germans Hand Ii Back To The Regiment. Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 31. In 'he presence of a dozen high German officers in uniform. General yon Blomberg. Minister of War, handed over to Gen. Lan Hamilton, Ueut.-Colonel Stanley Robert McClintock and Colonel Augustus Thome one of the big six sidedrums
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 114 3 Big Reception Held In Johore. (Front Our Own Correspondent) Johore, Jan. 31. TOWKAY Ng Thye Woo, proprietor of Chop Ec Thye Long, well-known merchant of Johore Bahru, celebrated his I 71st birthday last night at his resid-! ence here by holding a large reception at which guests
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  • 126 3 To Be Released By Fox Films. Coincident with his return to production with the beginning of filming on "Cat's-Paw," from Clarence Buddington Kelland's "Saturday Evening Post" serial, Harold Lloyd announced that he had entered into a releasing contract with Fox Film. The arrangements have just been concluded by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 307 3 .iiiii ii!iiiiiii:!iitinttili»HiiiiiiiMi!iii:iiiiiiiMiii^ THE MECHANICAL GUARANTEE m X.-IL I You may have noticed or heard comment on the painsNJp_£ taking care with which our optometrists make examina--*K3 tions oi ever y case on hlch thelr judgment Is demand- jiff ft, cd. They probe each case to the limit, knowing that no
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    • 125 3 "SHE NEEDS RESPIROIDS The New Treatment For Sore Throat. There are many remedies for sore >hroat bu' none to surpass Respiroids, the cure which goes direct to the seat of the trouble. At thz flr_t signs of soreness slip a Respiroid lczenge into the mouth and allow it to dissolve
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  • 407 4 Shipping News Notices. THE “GREAT VOLGA” PLAN. Linking River To The Black Sea. Leningrad. Dec. 12. THE November session of the Academy of Sciences of the U SSR., just concluded, was devoted mainly to the "Great Volga" plan for the reconstruction of the Volga districts. The scheme is connected with
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  • 89 4 Three Year Old Boy Left On Board To Die. A thrre-ycar-old boy. the son of the engineer, was the sole victim of a fire wnich badly damaged the motor-schooner "Setokd Maru" off Hyogo port, Japan. The fire apparently started In a heap of sawdust on the deck,
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  • 53 4 New O.S.K. Liner Nearly Completed. The O S K.'s. new liner .'Takachlho Maru" '8.100 tons> under construction at the Mitsubishi Dockyard at Nagasaki, is now being fitted out. If matters proceed as scheduled, her maiden voyage from Kobe to Keelung will be in March. Her passengers' accomodation is
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  • 39 4 U.S. Line To Trade To Vladivostock. New York. Jan. 16. "Associated Press" reports state that the Thorndykc shipping company has proposed the establi hment of a line for regular traffic between th? ports of Seattle and Vladiostock
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  • 66 4 The Kwangtung Maritime Customs received tipd from a certain source that the s.s. "Shun On" carried a large quantity of opium on board, says the "Canton Gazette." When she reached Canton, the Customs officials boarded her and after a search discovered that she did have opium on
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  • 235 4 Unusual Drop In The Yangtze River. AN unusual drop In the waters of the Yangtze River is responsible for the grounding of several steamers and is causing local shipping firms considerable inconvenience, according to Chinese report, which states that the larger ships are unable at present to navijj&te
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  • 182 4 Building Contract Placed With Vickers-Armstrongs. Tlie P. and O. Company have placed an order for a new mail and passenger ship with Vickers-Armstrongs. Limited. She will be a fast .ship of over 20.000 tons. The vessel will be built at Barrow-in-Furness, and her construction, it
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  • 84 4 Ten New Harbours To Be Built. Canton, Jan 9. Ten new harbours will be built in Hainan island, which lies off the .sout.'i :oast of Kwangtung. it is officially announced here to-day. Their construction is part of the plan to develop Hainan. Meanwhile measures are being taken to
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  • 72 4 French Cruiser Dashed Onto Passenger Ship. Paris. Jan. 16. Owing to the extreme violence of a storm which raged last night on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, an armcured cruiser, the "Dv Chayla." lying at anchcr in the harbour of St. Nazaire. was torn loose from
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  • 321 4 Mr. Walter Runciman's Appeal. A STRONG plea for British shipping was made by Mr. Walter Runciman (President of the Board of Trade) at the annual dinner cf the Cereals and Baltic Friendly Society in Londcn recently, where he sat besid? his father, Sir Walter Runciman. the "grand old
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  • 169 4 Biggest Increase In British Shipping. Panama. British shipping was a close second to •hat of the United States—excluding American coastal trade, which is confined to American ships—in respect of the number of vessels passing through the Panama Canil during 1933, according to the official "Transits" figures just
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  • 90 4 The Blue Funnel Line announce that the following revised fares to the Straits. China, and Japan came into operation yesterday in both directions:— A B C United Kingdom to— Penang Single 74 56 50 Port Swettenham Return 130 98 88 Singapore Hongkong Single 82 62 56
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  • 411 4 After Long Service With Company. WITH the arrival of the Canadian Pacific liner "Duchess of Bedford" in the Mersey last month from Canada, Captain H. Sibbons. R.N.R.. retired from the service after 26 yean/ association with the company. During his long connection with the company Captain Sibbons
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  • 110 4 "Paris Maru" Sinks Off South Africa. Osaka. Jan. 17. According to an official report reaching the head office of th? Osaka Shosen Kaisha last night, the company's freighter "Pari* Maru" cunk at 6.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at a point about ten miles off the coast, near Pert Elizabeth,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 31 4 AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated in S.S.). TRAVEL, SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Bookings to all countries. Steamship Lines, Railways and Airways. NO BOOKING FEES. TELEPHONE NO. 2180. NO 64. ROBINSON ROAD.
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    • 196 4 iTfjLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang. Colombo. Bombay. Calling at Penang. Colombo. Bombay. Karachi Aden. Massowah, Suea. Port Suez, Port Said. Brinoisi, Venice Trieste. enlCe Dd T* l Due Leave Due mV M ONCALIERE Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Spore.
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    • 238 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deu'scb HaivsQl Australlsche n»Ml)filllll)ri Ocsellschaft. (Companies Incorporated In Germany). PAS&ENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore t m.s. SAUERLAND. via Iloilo. Manila Feb. 4 ss. NORDMARK. via Manila Feb. 19 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, \ia Manila Mar. 6 m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila
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    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Jj£ KURD DEUTSCHE) LLOYD, 'Incorporate D The undernoted are th* Company mmm fixture*:— OUTWARDS 1334. TRIER, for Manila. Homrkong. S hai, North China and Japan l\b 2 "ALSTER." for H'konrr. Shai. Nor h China and Japan "FULDA." for Mauila. BTcong, China and Japan HOMEWARDB 1934 SAALE for Genoa
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  • 419 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. j rtie following tin share quotations axe I b. Fraaei and Co.. exchange and itoek brokers: Issue Value Buyers. Sellara. DQ Kumbanc Tin 39- U ral Malay 45 46 G i Hitarfl Tin 14 3 15 er Weng 2.00 2.10xd ngrin
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  • 113 5 ISSUED BY FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyers Sellers. Singapore Municipal 5 per cent. 106 108 norn pore Municipal 4'b per cent. 105 107 norn Bii re Municipal (1909» 4V 2 per cent. 108 108 norn ore Municipal (1913> 4 per cent 102 103 norn Singapore
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  • 133 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LITTLE BUSINESS IN RUBBER. Price Down A Quarter Cent. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Shiga p re. Friday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore). 16% cts down 14 c Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $113%, up $i/«. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4 25 :?2d., up 3
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  • 174 5 The following is the weekly rubber auction report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, dated Feb. I: Catalogued 1.310.809 1b.=585.18 tons. I Offered 1.300,077 1'0.=580.39 tons. Sold 1.134,442 45 tons. London.—Spot 4.23 32d. New York.—Spot 10 cents. PRICES REALIZED. RIBBED SMOKED SHEET: Cents per lb.
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  • 87 5 Report for year ended Srpt. 30, 1933, shows revenue from sale of tin ore $156,733 (against 514 C.891 in 1931-32). working exp?nses $85 860 (5U4.213). O h»r inrorr." $1,452 ($676). Debit balance brought forward $12,256, leaves credit of $60 0(59. DbfCtcn recommend consequential loss insurance premium $563, subscription-,
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  • 237 5 Special Meeting Approves Merger. A FURTHER extraordinary general meeting of the Buk.t Jelotom, Rubber Estates, Ltd.. was h?ld at the company's registered office, 137. Hceren Street, Malacca, on Thursday. Feb. 1, a 11.30 a.m., the Hen. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock presiding. Others present included Messrs. Tan Soo Ghi.
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  • 80 5 DAILY KICBB C'I'RRFNT Eaieapore. Feb. 2. noo.n. Buyers Sellers. R E S. equal *c LrndCNß S'?ndard. Snot Ucnv < l&St IS 7 c?. (FOB.* 16's 16 1 S r.rrard R.S.S. on TendCZl F b. 1« Mar. 16 l*H Annl J'-r IH', 16
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  • 495 5 P.A.M. Council Suggests Amendments. A SPECIAL meeting of the Council of the Planters' Association of Malaya #as held in Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 27, ior the purpose of considering the proposal lor establishing the United Planting Association of Malaya. Mr. J. C. Innes (Chairman* presided, and there
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  • 196 5 •Singapore, Feb. 2. R. <Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $96 R (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $10 Ricr, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $86 Rice. B. Siam N..2 per Koyan $81 Siam. N. 1 $155 S:am,.No. 2 36 Slam, No. 3 11G Siam, "Sinhuay"
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  • 468 5 Trade Commission Hears Evidence. THE 105 th, 106 th, 107 th and 108 th meetings of the S.S. Trade Commission were held in Penang on Jan. 26, 27, 29 and 30, when evidence was taken from the following witnesses: The Hon. Mr. E. Newbold, 0.8. E.:
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  • 363 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotation* are Issued by Fraser and Co and Lyau n<i Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyau a* Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.77 2 0.85 080 0.90 IA. Hitam 1.05 1.15
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  • 290 5 FRASFR CO 'S QUOTATIONa. 3 CLOSING QUOTATION?: i 1 a Buyers Seller* |> £a $2 |3 Alex. Brick Ords. 070 $0 JO $2 Alex. Brick Prei. LIS 1-55 £1 £1 B. Ameri. Tobacco 115 120--$lO $5 B Malays rrua cc 54) 6.60 £1 £1 C. Tin Pref. 7 p.c.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 124 5 LEE WAH BANK, Ltd. incorporated in the S.S No. IR. SOUTH CANAL RD. Foreign exchange business transacted at favourable rates. Correspondents at the principal centres in China and other parts of the world Current and Savings Accounts opened; deposits received for fixed Periods at rates to be ascertained on "
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    • 148 5 Cash Iml JBLmtd WHEN YOU HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. No doubt you have some unrealised dream heretofore made impossible by inadequate funds. A Savings Account will soon enable you to make these desires a reality. Sufficient ready money for your next noli day—perhaps some article you want to buy—any m'Jk
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    • 233 5 DUMPING OF RICE. Shanghai Fe* The Japanese H is learnt. -ill shortly bmit pwi**» .o the D'ct for its wnwwal pnyf1dln« tor the nf plculs iwer-pw»--Mi"cd Japanese rice into Cl:lm.--'S!n fhew Jit Poh." A Woman Peevs at M*9**X* f*f I docs weefcty. *n tfce "Sundav Tr*bt;we Oversea-Chinese Banking C«rp««««« Limited.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 488 6 I TO-NIGHT O.IS j «A|U ft UDDA 0,15 T N,GHT Matinees TOMORROW SUNDAY Mfc iMJI Mallnees TOMORROW SLKDAY LEO ANNOUNCES— A TRULY GREAT "CHAMPIONSHIP SCREEN ACHIEVEMENT! tl| Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Most Exciting Film of To-Day.' \&2 "The Prizefighter and The Lady Proudly presenting the future contender for the world's championshipMax Baer. See
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  • 58 7 I IN POUT. Norwegian! 840 ions, from lor Bangkok 2-2. "jM'.cn. 662 tons, from Basan 14 .JII J-2. i. in. French; 955 lona. from inr Saigon 5-2 ■aifUh 863 tons, from lOr Bangkok 6-2 Dntch, »82 tons, trom fnr Sambas 6-2. L>til<*h.
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  • 33 7 fel! a victim to a.knife a crowded area last night. He People's Park market when a stabbed him in the rgiht dieting a deep wound, removed to hospital by ambul-
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  • 211 7 SELLING. Singapore, Feb. 2. London 4 months' sight 2 4 764 London 3 months* sight 2 4 332 London GO days' sight 2 4 5,64 London 30 days' sight 2 4 116 London demand 2 4 3i64 London T.T. 2 4 132 Lyons and Paris demand 895 Hamburg
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  • 19 7 “Twice as good at half the price” the "Sunday Tribune" as compered with other Sunday papers. Five cnts only.
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  • 121 7 I Public Functions And I Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, FEB. 2. High Tides.—o.37 a m 12.04 pm. Golf: Ladies' Spoon (Bogey» and Ladies' Committee Meeting. Football: "Kent" v. Malaya Command, tr Anson Road: SC.C. 6-a-slde, S.C.C. Hockey: Rc. v. R. 1., R.C., Y.M.C.A. n V
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 352 7 '""""UUP RITZ ~^x X I TO NIGHT-SECOND SHOW AT 9 15 P.M. "EX 2?r2, T R^ USI S A BEAUTI FUL GIRL TO TRAP A SAVAGE KILLER Dflf.Tftß X Umi X SUPER-CAST OI iVVPViV,xm 22 IMPORTANT PLAYERS. The Greatest Mystery Thriller Of A'l Time I r«t Show At 7.45 p.m.—MADGE
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    • 538 7 LATECT^ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE—One Secondhand Cinema Projector, complete Standard size. Apply to No 280. Owen Road. NOTICE. Bridge No. 18GE, at 13 mile stone. Mandai Road is unsafe for all traffic above 25 cwts. Cther vehicles should proceed slo vly during reconstruc'ion. I D. ROBERTSON Senior Executive Engineer. Rural and Marine.
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    • 338 7 s ll ii i 1111 •i• i 11 11 1111. i.ll 1111 ii 11 tiii i iii i• < ********** •11 i» i J FIRTH I STAINLESS and j I STAYBRITE STEELS 5 I for every purpose where a corrosion resisting steel is required. I FIRTH I j HAND MACHINE
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 87 7 [POSTAL INUUICENft SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. North, N.-East and North-West Sumatra iTinombo) 3 p.m. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, Siak, Pakan Baroe, Fort de Kock and Padang (Ampang) 3 p.m. "Ceylon, Egypt and Europe (Helens) 3 p.m. Sourabaya and Bruidjermasin (Giang Ann) 3 p.m. Batavia and Semarang (Ban Hong Liong) 4 p.m.
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    • 224 7 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Cubs and Societies in Singapore, moi of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diarj is provided specially for them. Secretaries j are invited to co-operate ii keeping it I up-to-date and complete./ Happening* of general interest tcill still be included
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  • 743 8 T'HEKE was much wisdom in the remarks made by Sir Samue: Wilson on the principles of Colonial Government, when addressing tht members of the Royal Empire Society recently. They were ir. effect a prudent plea for a policy of festina laitc, and naturally will b? seized upon by
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  • 469 8 Mr. El H. Coleman, manager for the Bingmpoc Cold Storage Co.. Ltd., in [poh, a*d Mrs. Coleman have gone iome cri leave. Captait Saunders left for Port Swetenham ci Saturday by the "Ipoh" to eheve Cpr.mander A. C. Bucknell. who :as gone) Home on leave. Mr. g! Horon. Surveyor-General of
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  • 97 8 rpHE Waterfall Gardens in Penang are beautiful, butr—alas!—they are not to be recommended for moonlight dalliance, despite the perfection of the environment for that purpose. The medical authorities have declared that the vicinity is "not free from malaria," and so it has been decided
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  • 165 8 fTxHE departure ot the G.0.C.. Malaya, Maj.-Gen. L. C. L. Oldfield. with Mrs. and Miss Oldfield, from the New Pier yesterday was the occasion for an impressive ceremonial leave-taking, many officers of the local forces, including Volunteers, being present. The General has endeared himself to all ranks of
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  • 219 8 "[RESIDENTS of Malaya who are anxious for the betterment of AngloChinese relations, as all sane people in this part of the world must be. are advised to get acquainted with the China Review, a quarterly magazine which is published in London and which already has a fair
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  • 206 8 A RECENT suggestion, that a lii company might be formed to a local clerks to purchase their own he is gaining favour in Singapore. The proposed scheme provides for the buyii of a house for the sum of. say. on instalments over a period ol ten years,
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  • 426 8 By "Looker-On" TT would seem that in these days tex- tiles are not peace-goods. A A schoolboy's definition: "A mermaid Is a maiden from the waist up." A footballer has been kidnapped for ransom. Perhaps it is known that the Arsenal are after him. Grakle, the Grand National
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 389 8 i i i i i i i i i i i dm i i i i mi l i i iHiiiiiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiijiiiiiiitiiitmiintitmiiiiitiniinritiitar/ j 08g (Qopointmtnt I Co $u» (Tnaieefß fBc $1119 a ft. fit <(U ODrtncr of I In Smart Shapes With Snap Brim, New Seasons Shades. High Grade Quality Perfect
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    • 82 8 SEASON Co., Ltd., Dealers of Musical Instruments and Accessories. Notice of Removal. With a view to enlarging our business and to affording the public greater facilities to patronise us conveniently, we have accordingly shifted to NO. 9, D'ALMEIDA STREET, (next to and back of the Mercantile Sank Building), close to
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  • 59 9 NOMINAL LOSS REGAINED. DOLLAR FAILS TO DECLINE. U.S. M Big Slick." Forcing Stabilisation Agreement. New York, Feb. 1. STERLING has withstood all attacks, whether real or imaginary. The foreign exchange market is confused but rlinji early regained a nominal and thereafter remained onary. Ihe dollar
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  • 355 9 Reuter. libsianiialI ibsianiial premium over London I and the franc made imports of >n private accounts profitable. The volume of trade since July 1. .vis recorded to-day by the Stock tge; 4,600,000 shares changed Government bonds and com- s are strong. Neu York Federal Reserve Bank duced its
    Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 75 9 Visits Singapore For A Few Hours. BaroQ Maurice de Rothschild, a member of the world-famous Rothschild .of fabulous wealth. arrived m •pore this morning by the M.M. Aramis" from France, on his way to Saigon. He was greeted on board by the French 1 ii In Singapore,
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  • 91 9 H. H. the Sultan of Kelantan has untitled ted Tengku Yusoff (present As»istant Commissioner of Police). Tengku Sri utama Raja and Tengku Abdin Mai id tson of Tengku Besar Andra Kajai as members of the State Council. The case brought by Mr. R. G. Sabaagainst Mr. Lee Foong Meow and
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  • 81 9 Pacilities To Encourage Thrift. A JOHORE Government Gazette notification issued on Wednesday publishes a Bill to be introduced in the State Council, the objects and reasons of which are to provide a ready means for the deposit of savings and so encourage thrift in the State.
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  • 172 9 Patted On The Back By Chiang. Shanghai, Feb. 1. Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang, accompanied by Mr. Tang Kuo Tsing, motored to Hangchow from Shanghai by the Wuhan-Hangchow road yesterday morning. Before his departure he said that formerly he left the country in the interest of the nation and
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  • 85 9 British Electrical Enterprise In London. Reuter Wireless. London. Jan. 30. The first part of the new section of the Barking power station In East London was opened yesterday, making this the largest station in Europe. When completed it will be the largest in exlS The° station supplies
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 56 9 Austrian Decision In Regard To Nazis. Reuter. Vienna, Feb. 2. In consequence of the unsatisfactory German reply to the recent Austrian note, the Dolfuss Cabinet announces unanimous agreement "to continue the path forced upon us by circumstances^ This is interpreted to mean very severe anti-Nazi measures and an
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 34 9 France Rejects British Demand. Reuter. Paris, Feb. 2. R is understood that France has rejected Britain's demand for full restoration of the 100 per cent, quotas &ne msists on counter-availing advantages. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 147 9 Mails from Europe O0O*» mgjj on Jan. 11). »y tne ?Somor?n" will arrive by iram morning. Correspondence Wffl be ieadv tor delivery to boxhloders at 8.4b am. and delivery by postmen will commence* at the same time. Information has been received from the Alor Star agents of the
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  • 18 9 The usual Malayalam Service will be held at 10.30 am. on Sunday in St. Peter's Church. Stamford Ro?d.
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  • 24 9 Saturday's Home Football, and the League Tables brought right up to date luf the "Sunday Tribune" gfr Make sure of your copy by subscribing.
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  • 397 9 Border Troops Taking Precautions. Shanghai, Feb. 2. THE Japanese and Manchukuo troops in East Charhar are active again, with the ostensible object of retaking Lungmunsu. The Chinese troops on the Jehol-Charhar border are taking precau- tions. I The main force of the 41st Army is between
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  • 350 9 Retires After Failure Oi Fukien Revolt. Shanghai, Feb. 2. Gen. Tsai Ing Kai < Commander ot the 19th Roue Army issued a circulatory telcgrarr yesterday as follows: 'To the Ptfss and my countrymen at home and abroad: China internally has been oppressed by a dictatorship and eternaly by
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  • 25 9 Mr Hum Ya Teh, of Ipoh, was on Monday admitd to practice at the F.M.S. Bar bjhe Chief Justice at the Supreme Cou Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 699 9 Attack On Kashgar. TRIBES JOINING THE REBELS. j£ASHGAR f the important city almost on the western border of I the Chinese Mohammedan province of Sinkiang, is again being attacked by tribes. 1 An independence movement was recently declared but the Chinese Governor of the province later disj
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 HEYMAN i BUTTER The fresh delicate flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it Is made. Produced in Victoria. Australia, it is handled and packed with scru&T pulous care in order VI 0 ensure tha t it win ktep in perfect condi- SOLE AGENTS: i
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  • 1131 10 Killers Sent To Prison. "TOO READY TO USE KNIVES." (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, Feb. 1. a trial which lasted nearly four days, judgment was delivered by Mr. Justice W. H. Thorne at the Johore Bahru Assizes this evening on two Maiabari Mohammedans Moideen Kutty bin Mohamed
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  • 107 10 Manchukuo Forces Fight Japanese. Shanghai, Feb. 2. ris reported that Gen. Chang Hal Pang (Governor of Jehol) has revolted and m.s troops are fighting with the Japanese units at Lingyuan. A few hundreds of Japanese troops, with supplies of ammunition, are arriving in Shanhaikwan from Manchuria,
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  • 155 10 AT THE CINEMAS. Another Tamil talkie. "Valli's Wedding," opened a season at the Marlborough last night, and coming as it did many months after the last Tamil picture was seen in Singapore, a good crowd turned up to see it. This picture bids fair to
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  • 100 10 The Ritz cinema at Geylang. near Lorong 40, had a double-talkie programme last night, which was well received by the large audienc. The main feature, at the second house, was the Universal's weird thriller "Doctor X." starring Lionel At will. It tells the story of
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  • 90 10 To Supply Electricity To Factories. Reuter. Helsingfors. A large power station with a capacity of 65.000 horse-power is to be built in Southern Finland to harness the water power of the Rouhiala Falls and the rapids system of the Kymmene Valley. It is estimated that the building
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 32 10 H.E. the G.O.C. (Ma) Gen. L. C. L Oldfield bidding good-bye to lady friends at the new pier yesterday prior to hu embarkation on the "Kedah." MIDNIGHT STRUGGLE Alleged Theft Of Fish.
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  • 175 10 ALLEGED to have stolen a quantity of fish from a pond in Lorong Geylang, three Chinese were prosecuted before the Second Magistrate <Mr. N Gricei yesterday. The complainant, a Chinese, alleged that on the night of Oct. 20. he and cwo other Chinese were cuising about in a boat, guarding
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  • 36 10 Shanghai, Feb. 2. Extremely heavy snow has fallen at Chengchow. Peiping. Hsuchow, and many other places during the last couple of days. The snow in some places is as deep as three feet.—"Mm Kuo Jih Pao."
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  • 20 10 It's a poor week-end without the "Sunday Tribune" Malaya's brightest and cheapest weekly journal. SUICIDE VERDICT. Business And Domestic Worries.
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  • 156 10 A VERDICT of suicide whilst of unsomd mind was returned by the Singap<re Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yesterday, in connection with the death of Wee Thiam Ghee, the well-known buildinf contractor and proprietor ot the Jurmg Brick Works, who was killed by a rfotor-car in Bukit Timan Road on
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  • 150 10 The fo'lowine ippoi.itments are announced in the Jokore Government Gazette Mr. W. W. M. Lennox. M.C.S.. to act as Asst. Adviser. Muar. Mr J. M. Meade to ftt as Superintendent of Education. Mr. H. L. Hode-: as headmaster, English School. Batu Pahat. I Syed Salim bin Hassan Vl-Attas to be
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  • 76 10 ALLEGED "DUD" DIAMONDS. Wong Swee Leun, a young and welldressed Chinese, was produced before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning charged with cheating a Eurasian woman named Mrs. C. Bosschieter, of 14, Poole Road, by selling her "dud" diamonds as genuine. The accused claimed trial, saying that
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  • 185 10 A twelve-year-old Chinese boy named Ang In Chin was produced before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning and charged with being in possession of 52 leaf packets of chandu, which were cleverly concealed in a paper parcel hidden in a Chinese .imbrelia which the boy was carrying
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  • 67 10 Seremban. F£b. I. A fine of $25. in default three weeks* r.i., was mpcsed on a Tamil named Manikam by the 3cr:rr.ban Police Magistrate, Raja Kamaralzanan. th's morning. The accused was charged with the theft of a lorry load cf rubber tree which had been cv: from Terentang Es ate,
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  • 41 10 An Indian Mohameelan was the victim of a knife assault in Market Street on Wednesday. He was attacked by a compatriot who stabbed him in the region of the spinal cord. He was taken to hospital by ambulance. DIED IN AMBULANCE.
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  • 940 10 A middle-aged Chinese living in -Too Chiat Road had an attack of heart trouble this morning and collapsed. The, ambulance was called but he died on the way to hospital. NEW G.O.C. FOR MALAYA. Arriving To-morrow. OTHER PASSENGERS ON "COMORIN." 'JHE new G.O.C, Malaya. British peers will arrive by the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 729 11 Man Disfigured. THE CASE FOR THE DEFENCE. rpHE case for the defence was started at the Assizes yesterday in the trial of Hussin bin Yatim, Wan Dollah, Abdul Kahar, Hitam bin Ahmat and Draman bin Ninggal in connection with an alleged acidthrowing attack on Haron bin
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  • 92 11 The "Athena," how in port, is expected to take off for Karachi via Alor Star on Feb. 4 at 12.30 p.m. The "Aurora." now in port, is expected to take off for Karachi via Alor on Feb. 11 at 12. 30 p.m. The "Arethu*a," is due at Singapore
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 301 11 i i «^ct;,7 LAST NIGHT 0F THIS i i X M3A§Lwri ROLLICKING FUN YARN. j j GENERAL JOHN REGAN j j Starring HENRY EDWARDS j (United Artists Release). j TO MORROW 3.15 6.1« O.IS Bo gSui I By dir9ct r m*m mwM "Bock Street" thing apart; Us woman's whole existence/
      301 words
    • 146 11 TO-NIGHT SSTSiT^ A NEW TAMIL TALKIE htm iiliiiu j al i MARLBOROUGH j GLORIOUS, GAYEST, SMARTEST, MUSICAL MELODY. 27 BIG SONG HITS 27. A picture that has drawn a big crowd for 7 *eeks continuously at Madras. Come early to avoid the rush. Good chance will never come always, but
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  • 850 12 Favourites Win At The Taiping Races. Lover's Idol Creates A Mild Sensation. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Feb. 1. FINE weather, good going and a large attendance favoured the opening day of the Taiping Turf Club's two-day professional race meeting to-day.
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  • 102 12 Annual Election of Office Bearers. At the recent general meeting of the Union Chinese B. P. the followint, were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President. Mr. Chan Ah Kuan; vice- president Mr. Chua Chian Nee; hon. secretary Mr. W. C. Teck; hon. treasurer j Mr. Joseph
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  • 68 12 Amicable A. A. v. the Chinese Chin Woo A. A. to-morrow in a ping-pong match at 21. Bukit Pasoh Road at 7.15 p.m. (players assemble at the Association premises at 7 pm. for fre: transport I: Soh Choo Lock, Chua Kirn Heari Chan Poh Ying, Hee Quee Njian,
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  • 67 12 Gemas Railway Institute team v thr> Central Workshops Institute, Kuala Lumpur, at lawn tennis at Cemas on Sunday: S. Namasivayam, D. G. Mack R Rasiah, A. F. Ang. W. N. C. Steele, V. Ammi Four singles and nine doubles will b~ played. All the Saturday sport, and
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  • 123 12 Question Of Australians* Wives. Sydney, Feb. 1. The Australian Board of Control has decided to submit their new anti-body-line rule to the Imperial Conference for adoption. The delegates will also apply to the M.C.C. for a tour in Australia during 1&36-7. Wives are not to be allowed
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  • 54 12 Delta Rangers team v. the Johore Chinese F. A. at soccer on Sunday at M 5 p.m. at Johore: Kay Eng, All Tim. l ~ng Hock. Lian Lock, Fook Loy, Teck Chye. Ah Kow. Soh Teng, Kee Chnan. )oon Tin. James Goh Reserves: Khoon Chye, Kwong Fei, Swee
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  • 39 12 Clerical Union team v. the R.A.F., at tin Union's ground to-morrow at spm.: Muthucumaru. Goh Tong Hee, Chua Boon Lay, Guan Yam. Seng Hock. Puteh John Then. Kemat, Koi Sian. Mtm Fan, Kee Siang, Tiang Hock.
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  • 162 12 Main Event To Be Filmed. ARRANGEMENTS have been made to have the Johnson-Guillermo fight filmed at the New World Arena to-night. In the event of the project proving successful, all attractive fights promoted by Mr. C. A. Bell in future will also be filmed. This will be the
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  • 77 12 Ties in the billiards tournament at the S.C.C. have been arranged as follows To-day: C. H. W. Goult < v. N. G. Bishop 'owe 50»; C. J. Bembroke (owe 25> v. F. R. Jones »+25». Monday H. L. Marshall 'owe 25' v. P. H. Romney <scr.>. Championship semi-final
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  • 99 12 V.M.C.A. 2nd XI v. the S.R.C. on the V.M.C.A. ground to-day at 5.15 p.m. J. Ferguson. E. K. Yzelman, L. M. Pennefather. Looi Eng San. G. Day. W. Pullen, B. R. Mistri. Lee Kit Soon, Le? Tuck Soon. M. W. Armstrong, J. Lovick Reserves F. Pullen, J. Duclos,
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  • 255 12 Semi-Finals And Final To-day. THE second round In the S.C.C. six-a-side football tournament were played off yesterday on the padang. The best game was the one in which Bembroke's team defeated Orr's team by a corner. Orr's team, after being left far behind In the first half,
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  • 87 12 On Saturday and Sunday, the R.S.Y.C. six-metre and "B" Classes will take part in the annual Changi race. The former will compete for a trophy presented by Mr. J. E. S. Alexander and the latter for the Aeolus Challenge Cup. The starts will be as follows: To-morrow:—"B" Class
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  • 66 12 Straits Chinese Epworth League team v. the Playfair B.P. at the former's court to-morrow at 2.30 p.m. Singles: Wong Chong Teck, Tay Soo Lan. Seah Yak Thai. Doubles: Lorenzo Foo and Tan Chuan Hock. Tan Hock San and Tan Chin Tock. Mixed Doubles: Choo Kin Hock and
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  • 43 12 Solar AU. team v. the Katong Amateur Friendly Party to-morrow at the Geyland Stadium: C. K. Thong; Ahmad. K. Din: Fah Kirn. Mahmood, Teow Chuan; Ramond Ong, Chin Lye, Omar, Haziz. Chin Poh. Ban Hock. Reserves: S. K. Goh. Chong Kiat.
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  • 46 12 S.C.C. "B"' Soccer XI v. M.P.H. on Thursday, Feb. 8 A. Van Bachove, J. Lee, C. G. Van Houten, G. Dodds, S. Webb, C. Q. Starkey, R. V. Welch, M. G. Yust de la Palsieres. C. T. Owen. Y. W. Brand, S. A. Anderson.
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  • 799 12 Fleet Trounce The Malays Decisively. Sailors Surprise The Local Soccer Champions. DELIGHTFUL football was witnessed by a large crowd at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday, when selected players from the "Eagle," "Kent" and "Wren" opposed the Malays. A win for the Fleet was anticipated in some quarters, out the margin
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  • 100 12 Chinese League To Start Next Week. Eight teams have entered the Selangor Chinese soccer League which is expected to start on Thursday next. The competing teams are: Alan Loke's XI. Dr. Keng Seng's team, Chuan Choo. Tan 3im Luan. Ng Teong Kent. Loke Yuen Hon XI. Universal Sports
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  • 56 12 I Swansea Town Eliminate Bur.v From Cup. Reuter. London. Feb The remaining lourlh round Cm:) play. and postponed English Uv.ciu* I matches played to-day, resulted u fallows: F.A. CUP REPLAY. Swansea T. 3. Bury ENGLISH LEAGUE DIV I Leicester C. 1. Liverpool A ENGLISH LEAGUE DIV. m—*Norl;»«-r Tranmere
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 216 13 Veteran Chinese Soccer Coach Kidnapped. IT has been revealed that one of the nine passengers who were kidnappea by the pirates on board the "Poo An is the well-known veteran footballer ana coach of the Chinan team, Mr. H. i_ Yui, who was taking the opportunity
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  • 134 13 Straits Chinese To Be Entered For Selection. Encouraged by the results obtained at I the All-Malaya Chinese Olympiad at Kuala Lumpur, during the Christmas holidays, when a number of athletic records were? broken, the Singapore Athletic Association is contemplating sending a contingent to Shanghai in March to participate
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  • 128 13 Chinese Sprinter To Train In Shanghai. Peking, Jan. 28. Liv Chang-chun. famous Chinese .sprinter, is leaving for Shanghai shortly to undergo a period of training before going to Manila next May to reprecent China at the Far Eastern Olympics, according to information from local athletic circles. Liv is
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  • 81 13 Loses International Cap And A Clock. When Dixie Dean, the famous Evetton pnd international centre forward, returned to his home after spending Christmas in a nursing home, he found that thieves had robbed him of an International cap and a presentation clock. No other articles were taken,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 302 13 i PREPARE J^kJ YOUR I SPECIAL FEAST! Whether it be formal or informal... .at your own Home or in our Rooms the preparations will be of the same high standard. Tempting and satisfying, the Food baked by our experts has the heme touch and will put your guests in high
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    • 277 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over tS&JNM** The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Buildinf. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. EC. The CcmDanv has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 80 13 10 .30-10.45 p.m. Dance music by Harry Roy and his Band, relayed from the May Fair Hotel, London. 11.0 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. The British Empire: The 8.8.C Theatre Orchestra and the Revue Chorus, conducted by Stanford Robinson; Harry S. Pepper and and Doris Arnold at the pianos:
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    • 343 13 EMPIRE STATION TO-DAY. 3.M.T. 8.0 a.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. Fruit Market Notes, supplied by the Intelligence Branch of ihe Imperial Economic Committee. .13 a.m. Songs from the Shows (new series): Drury Lane Theatre: The 8.8.C. Theatre CXchestra, and the Revue Chorus conducted by Stanford Rebinscni Harry
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  • 1848 14 Allegation Of Criminal Breach Of Trust. A CASE which has aroused considerable interest in Indian commercial circles was commenced before the Second Magistrate, Mr. N. Orice, on Wednesday. The accused is a well-known Indian named Kavena Nagutha Mohamed Naina Maricar. The charges against him are that
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  • 162 14 Son Was Immortalised By Toe H. Reuter. London, Jan. 31. j THE death has occurred of Edward Stuart Talbot, Britain's oldest Bishop and father of Gilbert Talbot, to whom Toe H. was founded as a memorial when he was killed in the first German liquid gas attack.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 409 14 and avoid cos ly repairs and renewals to your buildings, plant, V etc Unequalled for covering power, Hubbuck's Paints give the best protection againsl rain, damp, smoke-laden atmosphere and the blistering sun of the tropics. Juy£sLO i 0r a meta sur^aces P aint wit^ X Metzink, the ideal preventive i
      409 words
    • 102 14 gTf^wu— ni j W mi ii-in' -r— rumir'i -I—niri—rriinir'tunriiiiru mn-tiiiiiiuiiC niinri "REMEMBER MY FORGOTTEN MEN" I From "GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933" By HELEN RAYMOND ON COL. RECORD D.B. 1189. CALL SOON TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. MONG HUAT CO. j 97, 99, North Bridge Road. Singapore. "LODHRA" WHAT IT IS AND WHAT
      102 words
    • 270 14 Cuticura sensitive WMm f, ns m la your skin pimply, rashy or easily irritated? Then start using Cuticura Soap now. Containing medicated, emollient and healing properties, it soothes and comforts tender, sensitive skins and does much to keep them clear, healthy and in a vigorous condition. Sample each Soap, Ointment
      270 words
    • 44 14 The only All-British Portable Typ* built on the standard 4-bar.k embracing all the facilities attach* Standard Typewriter. THE VERY LATEST IN PCp~«t>t fb ON THE MARKET. Shipments by every mail. Sole t "»ents: Duncan Roberts, ltd, 112 114 A, Robinson Road, SfefapMt, Tbote: 7040.
      44 words

  • 16 15 The squadron of R.A.F. bombers which recently arrived in Singapore from Iraq.
    16 words
  • 1136 15 Hatavi* To In Seventy Four Hours. p wing inti resting details relating to the t Pehr-.aanV record breaking from am Ui Batavia and back round pbtut oas i- taken from January issue of AvL'.iun News:" sane considerable time a EetStuj has In certain quarters m
    1,136 words
  • 112 15 The Selangor branch of the Automoble Association of Malaya proposes organising in the near future small sporting events such as treasure hunts, paper chases, etc. Such events will be quite simple in character with no complicated rules to digest or entrance forms to complete. A fee of $1
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 t" Imagine How Proud I Am -when other mothers ask me how I keep baby so healthy. She's never been ill. Hardly ever cries. She is a contented baby. And all because of proper feeding. Ever since weaning T' ye been gi vi ng her Quaker Oats gruel. It supplies
      138 words
    • 101 15 ALL ROADS LEAD TO KNOCK^LESS" ON SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT OIL. Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements), Ltd. j FURTHER AHEAD IN DESIGN j The SPORTS MODELS 1 Now On Display I jj A real sports model in every 1 I a s P eed of 70 m p
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 615 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 341L^^^^^ TO LET. TO LET—Rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Board optional. Comfortably su-. rounding*. Apply No 9, Wilkie
      615 words
    • 236 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE WANTED. Young Chinese frith Senior qualifications and thorough knowledge of Chinese and Typewriting, desires any post. Box. 284, co Malaya Tribune. WANTED 20 LADY DANCERS—for a respectable Dance Hall. Applicants must be young, fair, polite and well-behaved. Income from $100 to $250 per month
      236 words
    • 1112 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. --^^y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that *.he Trade Marks together with the Trade Names depicted above are the exclusive property of Messrs. Maganlal Nagindas Co. of No. 614, North Bridge Road. Singapore, and are used by them in connection with cotton, silk and aitificial silk, piece goods,
      1,112 words
    • 346 16 EDUCATIONAL. MERCANTILE INSTITUTE, 209, Queen Street, AFTERNOON AND EVENING CLASSES Shorthand (Pitman Gregg), Book-Keeping, Typewriting and Good English. Prospectus available on application. •PHONE 5755. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education—
      346 words
    • 289 16 SWISS MADE WATI HES ALWAYS for REAL BEU ITT ASSURED IATISFA4 I lo\ Full Assortment of the Luti 1934 MODELS can be had from YICK WOH HING, 420, North Bridge (Near Middle Bead FOR SALE. 67, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. CHEAP~SALE Comme icing From FEB. 1 to FEB. 15. FOR SALE-NICKEL
      289 words