Malaya Tribune, 1 February 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 23 1 The Malaya Tribune IN MALAYA. VoL XXL- No. 27 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1934 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1934.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 1 Read The Srinday Tribune Dominant !n Ufalaua. I Try clover Brand j Baby Your Purse tw ANI S H MILK MM a Cream NATU^ for ll s Quality Economy Health Combined Economy and SOLE IMPORTERS j satisfaction. THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD, j I PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR, SINGAPORE, j
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    • 162 1 A. FLINTER. <>. Rllfleg Place. Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornament-! of every class and quality, paying high c st prices according to daily Kxcnangc rates. *i■ i i jg l
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  • 282 2 rrtllE underlying idea of the "buffer" I pool is, its proponents loudly pro(laim, to deal with any tin shortage, but why is this "buffer" pool scheme sprung n us after the signing of the second perfect" tin control agreement? As we said
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  • 284 2 mHE Hon. Dr. Noel Clarke, as Presi--1 dent of the Eurasian Association. Singapore, side-tracked, in the course of his review of its progress during the past year, to deliver a hortatory address heartily commending the Government for its educational policy, and throwing In a suggestion or
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  • 230 2 THE "Mining Journal." in a recent article, expressed the view that £180 would be a fair price. The present price of tin is £227 15s. If the proDOsed Buffer Pool is formed, it will be under the control of the International Tin Committee and it will be
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  • 737 2 PRIESTS RULE THE LAND. British Influence. Settlement Of Other Questions. "WITH the death of the Dalai Lams the Tibetan question may l) considered from three aspects. Th( first aspect concerns the rehabili tation of the situation in Tibet. "Secondly we have to consider the question of Sino-British
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  • 341 2 Under Consideration In Baroda. IT Is undertsood that fche Government of Ba.oda are considering Mr. A. LatifT's cheme lor a universal alphabet adopted for use with all-India languages. The Latin* alphabet •s based on the small letters of the English lphabet supplemented by new symbols. While providing
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  • 126 2 Allahabad, Jan 8. Mrs. Motllal Nehru's condition continues to give cttHM ior ratty, as was expected, due I o her luv. vitality. The wound caused by the ifwratfain on the affected part is healing slowly. For the last several Jays, she has been .roubled by pain in
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  • 148 2 Cordial Relations Between The Two Provinces. Hongkong, Dec. 27. The report that the recent visit of Li Tsung-jen to Annam has something to do with the reported joint Kwangsi-Fukien campaign against Kwangtung is categorically denied by responsible authorities here. The report that the recall of Kwar.gsi's representative
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  • 202 2 To Compete In Aerial Derby. Iwo youfit? Par.,» hv in tors, Pilot Officer Engineer und P P. Naxlr. hop«' 10 nilcr l»n iif C15.0U0 Louden-Melbourne aerial L>'?rby ill Ortnbfr 1 to touneCtlOD with the Victorian fmcrtary eth'bf&Vlons. Mr. EujtidtiT ocMtvrd fame three years aKo ay belbjr l»<" lirsr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 172 2 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOI\T ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY? Will you still be struggling on at the same old job and possibly drawinj even less pay—worried about future—never quite able to make bcth ends meet. There is no greater tragedy in the world than that of a man win, stay,
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  • 2016 3 Available For Generations Of The Future. BERLIN LETTER. Berlin, Jan. 1. APAPYROLOGIST is not likely to get much publicity on the strength his professional achievements, lie is one of those true scholars who spend their lives in the seclusion ot laboratories and studies working
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  • 536 3 Inflation Is Retarding Recovery. New York. MR. Ogden Mills, Secretary of the Treasury under President Hoover is in the list of those arrayed publicity in opposition to the monetary policies of the Roosevelt Administration. This follows a speech before the Wofen's National Republican Club in which
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  • 69 3 An open competitive examination or admi b icn to the Indian Civil Service will be held in London in July and August 1934 lire age of the candidates on Aug. 1. W must be less than 24 years but not less than 21 't S Applications from intending
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  • 66 3 A plea for unity anions the various communities in India was made by Sir Ghulan Hussain Hidayatullah. Fmanee M< ml *r Bombay Government. *t a meeting of uu Muslim Students' Union. Bombay, last evening He said: "India is our motherland, and we have to live and die here. We must
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  • 1161 3 Libel Alleged. OBJECTION TO FIIJVI "RASPUTIN." alleged libel contained in the film dealing with the life and death of Rasputin, the Russian monk, WM mentioned in an appeal which cam j before the British Court of Appeal recently. It was heard before tho Master of the Rolls,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 TF your skin is sore, injured or diseased, Zam-Buk is x the one remedy that can be depended upon to soothe and cure. Smarting pain, soreness and irritation are quickly ended by this famous Zam-Buk ointment. It has powerful (yet perfectly safe) antiseptic properties that destroy poison germs in wounds,
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  • 987 4 Shipping News Notices. SIGNALLING AT SEA. Revised International Code. I I Hi CAM A IN J O t BDSSfcI-. RO RNR ißetd.l.l Willi n-.w international Code of »w J iUiinlllPt nt *fi« by mcuns or or n*diQ- "110 OpCJIIUOft Oft Jan. I Therr mo low mfwtods «.ii; nailing In >•
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  • 421 4 Better Prospects Depend On Freer Trade. A PROMINENT Danish shipowner reviews shipping during 1933 in the following terms: "The fourth year of a period of depression is now at an end. On the whole, it may be said that .he past year was somewhat better than its predecessor.
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  • 183 4 How Shipping Campanies Fared In 1933. The weekly shipping journal "Fairplay." in i's annual returns issue, gives particulars of he earnings of the British liner, cargo-hner and tramp steamer companies, according to •heir account? issued last year. Twenty-nine liner companies, with k capital >f £67.171.316. and owning
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  • 240 4 Use Of Fog Cameras On Ships. WHEN the United States liner "Manhattan" reached Plymouth to-night from New York she was fitted with a foe camera which automatically takes a nhotograph, and develops and fixes the negative every minute, and by the use of infra-red rays photographs objects
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  • 190 4 Execution Of Programmes Still In Arrear. The keels were laid during 1933 of 40 war vessels for the Royal Navy- made up of six cruisers, two flotilla leaders. 16 destroyers, six submarines, nine sloops, and a river gunboat. This compares with only one gunboat laid down
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  • 83 4 Lifeboat Service In Britain. 1 Rugby. Jan. 25. The Royal National Lifeboat Institu ion has laid down four new motor lifeboats, which will be ready for scivice in the late summer The boats will each carry a crew of seven with accommodation for thirty passengers, and will be
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  • 662 4 Messrs. Andrew Weir Co.'s Enterprise. IN putting on to the Indian-Scuth African service tonnage of the calibre of the new motcrshlps which are now completing for them in Belfast, Mcs rs. Andrew Weir and Company are making a bold bid fer fortune in days like
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 559 4 STEAM BR SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND "i APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in En?land > I\l ML, IWSSKNCiER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSL I AR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore
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    • 194 4 WLLOYD TRIES.INO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo. Bombay. i_v Karachi, Aden, Massowah. Suez. Port Calling at Penang. Colombo Bombay. Said. Brindhl. Venice and Tries" Suez, Port Said. Brines. Venice Trieste. m v mqncallEßE FeT 4 Feb' 5 Due Leave
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    • 253 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutscb |H .Q| Australische Dampfschlffs Iff CI Gcsell:chaft. i < < v>mi>anir.s Incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. f m.s. SAUERLAND. via Iloiio, Manila Feb. 4 s.s. NORDMARK. ua Manila Feb. 19 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Manila
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    • 627 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, J$ KOHDDEU rscilEl Eg&IS LLOYD, 'Incorporate Of'rur.j i The under noted are th* Company < irt<» fixture*: OUTWARDS 1934. TRIER, for Manila. Hongkong Si. North China and Japan j ••ALSTER." for H'kunp. ST..-.: N China and Japan "PULDA." for Manila. tTtQOff, B b China and Japan HOMEWARDS S
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  • 533 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Thursday, 11 a.m. }V.' following, tin share quotations are Issued by Fraaer and Co., exchange and atock brokers: Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. Kumbang Tin 39'- 41--tral Malay 45 46 6 j r Hitam Tin 14 3 15 i Weng 2.00 2.10xd ixin Tin 34
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  • 150 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER RECOVERS TO 16 CENTS. Faith In Control Not Weakened. (By Our Financial Correspondent./ Singapore, Thursday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 1G cts., up net. Market Tone: Steady. Tin (Singapore), $113%., unchanged. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 4 11 16d., down 3 32d. Market Tone:
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  • 62 5 Reaction Of Herr Hitler's Sptech. Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 31. On the Stock Exchange to-day giltedged securities provided a good tenure and th?»e was aiso iate in the aay a sharp rally on German bonds on Hr Hitler's speech. Most other sections reflected better American advices but the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 97 5 By tin restriction Malaya has given Bolivia r v cbrs." and it h becoming very clear day by day tha. wl hout tin product-on control the Bolivian lode mines would have tmm d pvodnetkm many months ago. Hcv. long are we going to carry the weak B
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  • 144 5 Robber Company To Be Reconstructed. THE Kuala Pcrgau RUbbt'r Plantation.-. Ltd., is to be reconstructed The directors have prepared a seheim which, while entailing a very stnal lability on the shareholders, will provide something over £7,000 of ir»'sb capital, nearly all of which will b< liviillablo for estate
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  • 111 5 Foreitrn Currency Returns Decline. KHOW&n iJat. 1™ Tin- hpii'U.«lmii)c tvturn la r 'Im* p»riod nttliu* Jam. I."i fctuw» i» kUt:MI Irrprov'Ufi!' 1 7 pw con', a«- inrtiiti. tl..' fin -T.iii 5 nm* 1 flop. Dt-c 31 th» pfc iiropfwd T mlllhm 'nuiK in uJl'i q n illhSiK", and
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  • 156 5 Net profit of Malay Rubber Planter to Sept. 30. was £2,663 »ags*. loss ol £1.577-. plus £4 360 brought in. Div. 2 l 2 j p.c. (nil), directors' percentage £133 managers' commission .'JlOO; forward £4,076. In vfew of the unprecedented nat jf the slump through which the
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  • 44 5 Ihe Gold-n Hope Rubber gfetatf is to*a>'itttrt an aririi'ional rstat» ot 932 acres In tha Kuala P:lah a:.; rict of Negri Seir.bilan iF.MS >. Purchase ccnsid'ra'ion b allotmm of 27 000 fully-paid £1 shares. None cf the rubber ha.s as yet been tapped.
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  • 158 5 Indo-Japanese Pact Useless Reuter. London. Jan 3) trade agreement *13 strongly criticised In trading circles in Lancasiiire. .says an official .statement, issued after a meeting of the executive committee of the Inob Section oi the Manchester Chamber of Commerce The criticism Ls on the grounds that the
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 198 5 Singapore, Feb. I. R. (Btam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $96 R. «Siamt W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $99 Rice. B. 81am N. 1 per Koyan ?86 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan ?82 Siam. No. 1 $157 Siam, No. 3 $H7 Siam. No. 3 SI
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  • 24 5 The output of Katu Tin Dredging, Ltd.. for January was 239 pikuls. and of Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co. Ltd., 360 nikuis.
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  • 142 5 Capital Reorganisation Approved. AT an extra-ordinary general meeting of Bernam-Perak Rubber Plantations, the scheme for the reorganisation of the capital was unanimously approved. The capital is reduced £10.125 by writing off ls. a share from each of the issued Ordinary shares of 2s. each. The resulting ls. Ordinary
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  • 55 5 What to Understood By "Debasement." Reducing .the gold content of a currency. Similar to devaluation. When coins were used, debasement consisted of clipping them. Dante consigned coinclipping monarchs to his Inferno. With currency having taken the place of coins, the same thing is accomplished merely by reducing the
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  • 164 5 Early Conclusion Of Pact With Britain. Reuter Wireless. London, Jan 20. Tin- principal dilfle\»Ulrs iv« the way of d new Anrrio-Soviet trade ccrtvmpiit im removed -w l*»f Britain in 1 r-unefcrntrt An oarlv L'oncJuHion Oi' an I liSfwthettl K no.v UopecJ lor ;u British official circles. The
    Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 61 5 Senate Wants An Agreement With Britain. Reuter. Dublin. Jan. 31. The Control of Imoorts Bill has been tabled In the Dai!. It authorises import quotas. The Senate, by 19 votes to 16. has approved a motion urging the Government to approach the British Government with a view
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 677 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Thursday. 11 a.m. i The following rubber share quota tlona are issued by Fraser and Co and LyaJl md Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyau v- j Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenbv 1.13% 120 1.10 1.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.77> 2 0.85 0.80 0.90 IA.
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  • 63 5 Report tor 9 ar ended July 11. 1933. shows tin tribute* ha- resumed and net tribute received daring year amounted to I 31. Rubber crop was 1.534 297 lb. <aga nst 391 1b... Net profit is £1.846 (agains, RO6 in 1931W> balance broU ght forward M Ml in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 137 5 1 INSURE WITH TEH NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in India). 1 The Biggest Indian Fire. Marine and Accident Insurance Company. Authorized Capital Us. 60,000,000 Subscribed Capital Rs. 35,605,275 I>aid Up Capital Rs. 7,121,055 To*.al,Funds Exceed Rs. 15,000,000 Head Office*: Bombay. Local Agent: A. T. E. MASKATI. 191{ Cecil
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    • 150 5 l AN AN NU^^^^^^Bp j INTEREST JTS^S i of i I Stamps a reassuring seal I oi. a sound proposition. i I No oilier investment is 1 I quite so convenient and secure as a Savings Account with a sound bank. l 1 Your money always rcadv in an emergency,
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    • 206 5 "Twice as good at hall the price" the "Sunday Tribune" as compared with other Suvlay papers. Five cents only. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.) Authorised N4O.OOO,WDLJ». i merr, Singapore. ,U Af> NOR Til BRIDGE ROAD. LOCAL B 30ARD OF DIRECTORS: ar oil Slan Guan. Esq., Chee Swee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 485 6 mmmama aammmmmmanmmm mmmnMm*utmm-f j LAST DAY of this screamingly funny all-comedy programme. A new pair of screen lovers discovered at last ZASU PITTS and "BARON MUNCHAUSEN." He loved her but had to sit on a cake of Ice to say it You simply must j" MEET THE BARON" an M.-G.-M.
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    • 225 6 itMUSEyEKTS. LAST NIGHT OF PRESENT PROGRAMME THE BIG STAGE j I AND SCREEN SHOW THAT'S DR AWING THE TOWN !WTciFifOii 9.i5 i Rex Story THE NINE O'CLOCK REVUE" 1 Jf'll j A iliot of Fun! I A SNAPPY FAST-MOVING EYE FEAST k, I Presented with Paramount* Saucy Musical Comedy— «TOO
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    • 314 6 i BiLjftS lßb ha nevpr lvistf l A cho!Qa nf 1; I I "GENERAL x j j JOHN REGAN I Henry Edwards i J UNITED ARTISTS RELEASE i J STARTING SATURDAY— 5 THE BLUE RIBBON SCREEN EPIC OF 1523 ONLY YESTERDAY" j WITH i John [jßoles j Margaret Sulla van
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  • 284 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Tilly," French; 5.958 tons, from iiles 3 -1. for Saigon, 1-2. brid British; 3,156 tons, from &ia 31-1. destination uncertain. Dutch; 2.749 tons, from 31-1, for Hongkong 22-2. British; 7,812 tons, from' 31-1, lie LorKlon 2-2. j An British;
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  • 116 7 3 ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore. Feb. 1. Wharf (Entrance Gate I>. Rental 22-. Rohna 20. 1 Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). ;18 Hamburg Maru 16; Talma 14 Javanese Prince 11: Glenbeg 6. rt Dock (Entrance Gate 3). ok 30: City of Windsor 32; U panto
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  • 36 7 According to information received the outward P. and O. mail steamer due Penang this morning will not arrive until 5 p.m. to-day. From France by the "Aramis," due at Singapore at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 14 7 Left Arrd. By Spore London Air Mail 'Imperial! Jan. 21 Jan. 31.
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  • 207 7 BELLING. Singapore, Feb. I. London 4 months' sight 2 4 764 London 3 months' sight 2 4 33London 60 days'sight 2,4 064 London 30 days' sight 2 4 116 London demand 2 4 064 London T.T. 2 4 132 Lyons and Paris demand *iv Hamburg demand 49 New
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  • 91 7 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, FEB. L High Tide.—ll.3o a.m. Departure of Major-Gen. L.C.L. Oldfield, G.0.C., New Pier, 11 a.m. Football: Combined Fleet v. Malays, Anson Road; S.C.C. 6-a-side, S.C.C.; Post Office v. Kampong Tiong, Jalan Besar. TO-MORROW, FEB. 2. High Tides.—o.37 a.m..
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  • 89 7 ALHAMBRA —Jimmy Durante in 'Meet The Baron." APOLLO—Sue Carol in "In Line of j Duty." preceded by "Arizona Days" (silent). CAPITOL.— The Nine O'clock Revue" (stage attraction i and "Too Much Harmony" (talkie t. EMPlRE—Buster Crabbe in "Lion Man." GREAT WORLD.—Cabare' Dancing, sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas. Talkies:
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 193 7 I Whispered The Reason... 'Unpleasant Odour is Caused by Underarm Hair 9 Yvonne always wondered why she was unpopular and it was sikq a personal mattei it was difficult to tell bar. Finally, I plucked up courage—" Hair under the ma not ofilv ugly and repulsivelooking but greatly aggravates the
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    • 307 7 _nniHi!i]iiKiiiiiiit«™iiii!iiiiiiiiiiHwiw^ SINGAPORE HOTfLS j METROPOLE HOTEL TEL. 7986. BRAS BASAH ROAD. IDEAL CENTRAL. MODERN SANITATION. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS. GOOD CUISINE. EXCELLENT BAR. MODERATE RATES. PER DAY. PER MONTH. Singfle Double. Single Double S Bedroom Only and Attendance $2..">0 $4.00 40.00 70.00 Bed and Breakfast $3.00 $5.00 55.00 $100.00
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    • 540 7 NOTICE. Order i sued by the Chief Police Officer, Singapore, under Section 7(1) Ordinance No. 96 (Minor Offenoas) as to :he letting off of fireworks in celebration of Chinese New Tear. Wheieas the former righ. tc 1 t olf fireworks v ithout restriction in places no in or near a
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 362 7 [POSUUHTtIIICtNCtI I SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. j Southern India (Rorma) 3 p.m. j Upper Burma, North una East India tKarapara) 3 p.m. Ceylon, Egypt. Europe and Gt. Britain (Perseus) 3 p.m. Ceylon, Egypt and Europe (Neleus) 3 p.m. Soengei Liat ar.d Batavia (Magnet) 4 p.m. Si'ou (Kurandai 4 p.m. Rhio,
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    • 203 7 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. Programme of Drills up to and for week-ending Feb. 4, 1934: TO-DAY. FEB. I. 8.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Officers and N.C.O.'s, Cadre Course. Drill. TO-MORROW, FEB. 2. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Officers and N.C.O.'s Cadre Course. Weapon Training All Arms. Malay Drill Hall. *T" (Malay) Coy.. Kit Inspection and
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  • 803 8 pREAT Britain is facing the prospect of two wars involving her very existence, and almost the whole of the British Empire is actively concerned. These threatened conflicts are both economic, one Financial and the other industrial, and if they are allowed to develop they will be just as
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  • 231 8 i Monday, Jan. 22. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. His Excellency. Lady Clementi and the Misses Clementi dined with Admiral Sir Frederic Dreyer on board H.M.S. "Kent." Tuesday, Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. D. Santry, Commander F.
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  • 157 8 After completing three years service as Commandant of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps. Col. N. W. B. B. Thomas, D.5.0., M.C.. is proceeding home by the "Corfu," which arrived yesterday from Hongkong. Also proceeding home by the "Corfu" is Ma j. -Gen. Oldfleld. the General Officer Commanding. Malaya, who will first
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  • 134 8 ONCE again, with the Thaipusam celebrations and the incidental exhibitions of self-torture familiarly associated with them, have come protests against the distressing sights presented to the pubic gaze. Snould men be allowed to decorate themselves with pins, stick skewers through their cheeks and insert
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  • 173 8 rpHE purchase by Japanese interests of an immense number of flax J plants from New Zealand is causing anxiety among manufacturers in that country, who fear that in a few months they will lose a large portion of their market. This is a new aspect of a problem
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  • 163 8 rpHE Saar is "the only open territorial question" between France and Germany. Herr Hitler commits himself to that declaration, and it is om the utmost importance. Perhaps the new French Government will be appropriately interested and n to enter into discussions aimed at achieving real friendship between
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  • 183 8 rpHE Singapore brochure, which .< brought out by the Rotary Club, with the encouragement and financial support of the Municipal Goauaisskmen. last August, has been widely distributed, as revealed in a report given at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club yesterday. Valuable assistance been rendered by
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  • 470 8 By "Looker-On" GOOD-BYE. General! Malaya is sorry to lose a great sportsman and a ureat gentleman. A Progress sometimes uses a comma but never a full-stop A Another Arab uprising is reported. The turbulent yeast again. A It is the general opinion that Pu Vi will not be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 I (IBg I Co £)i» (nio.ußfg <8< QU«« t)-of?.f). <6e C&rince of TTafei j In Smart Shapes With Snap Brim, New Seasons Shades. High Grade Quality Perfect Style and Finish. j Price $10.50 each, j Mid Grey, Castor, Beaver, Fawn. EXCLUSIVE TO i Robinson Co., Ltd. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. THEY
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    • 39 8 We Stock The Cheapest and Most Reliable Fittings And Accessories For Every of Musical Instruments. Pay us a visit before going elsewhere. SEASON CO., LTD., No. 9, D'Almeida Street, Singapore. i £he iHataua Svitmnc. Singapore: Thursday, Feb. 1, 1934.
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  • 115 9 NEW GOLD DOLLAR. EXCHANGE MARKET CONFUSED. Business At Standstill. London Ana Prospects Of Currency War. London, Jan. 31. jjHSriTE Sir Austen Chamberlain's denial in the House of CMnm as to negotiations for an Anglo-American stabilisation agreement, rumours in this connection continue to
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  • 147 9 Reuter. V has been pointed out the American fund lacks experience of exchange manmen*: moreover, should the Bank of nee decide on an embargo on the its of gold to non-gold standard tries, the amount available in the American fund would decline considerably as hoarders would be
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 292 9 Stabilisation Fund Of Two Billions. Reuter. Washington. Jan. 31. Mr Roosevelt has proclaimed a 59.06 dollar. The gold price will be $35 -c. beginning from to-morrow. The new gold dollar will become effective at 3.10 p.m English Summer Tune, to-day. Th»- new gold dollar contains 15
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 198 9 Treasury May Sell Gold For Export. Reuter. Washington. Jan 31. A White House statement declares that the settlement for gold taken over from the Federal Reserve Banks will be in the foim of credit in the Treasury s book, to be paid later in new gold certificates
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 74 9 Hritain's Attitude Defined. Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 31. Asked whether there was any anticipation of competition betorcca the American and British Iqualisation Funds. Mr. Neville < haniberlain replied "We shall wait Ami se< what the operations of the American Fund are." Replying to a Que l haniberlain
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 284 9 Death-roll* More Than Doubled. Reuter. New Delhi, Jaii 31. THE official figures of those killed in the Indian earthquake ore reported up Lo now to total 6,040. The magnitude of the disaster in Nepal Is ja*t becoming realised. It is stated at Khatmandu. Patnn and Bhatgaon
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 106 9 The- "Aurora" IVT-AEG' arrived in Singapore at 3.30 a.m. on Jan. 30. from London and is scheduled to leave at 12 30 p.m. on Feb. 11. for London. The "Athena" (G-ABTK» is in Singapore and is expected to leave on Feb. 4, at 12.30 p.m. for London. The
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  • 347 9 Strong Action Against Nazis. Reuter Wireless. Vienna, Feb. 1. ON the ground that Nazis have exhausted the Government's patience, ordinances have been issued conferring unlimited powers upon the Vice-Chan-cellor. Major Fey. who is directed to restore order by any means he thinks At. He is empowered to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  347 words
  • 200 9 Moderate Tone Of Speech Welcomed. London. Jan. 31. Chancellor Hitler's speech has considerably allayed the former uneasiness of the British press, which extols his appeal to France to bury the hatchet while wishing that the allusnns to Austria had been more reassuring. The "Morning Post" alone is openly
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  • 594 9 Choice For Europe. SUGGESTED PACT OF LIMITATION. London, Jan. 31. *<^ r E must, seek a solution where a solution can be found," says the British disarmament memorandum, published this evening. The memorandum is in two parts. The first explains the reasons for issuing the present
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  • 219 9 Germany Must Return To The League. Reuter. If the permanent disarmament commission had not decided on abolition by the end of two years, all countries would be entitled to possess military aircraft, countries to increase or reduce as the case might be by stages within the
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 284 9 "Strong, Silent Man" Gets Going. Reuter Wireless. Paris, Jan. 31. TAXI and other motor drivers caught the demonstration fever and organised a raucous campaign of protest against the new petrol tax. They arranged meetings "literally in thousands In the main thoroughfares like the Invalides, and the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  284 words
  • 98 9 Hit A Pol ceman: Thought He Was A Gangster. Reuter. Palm Beach, Jan. 31. Amy Mollison's altercation with the police was related when the air woman was charged to-day with exceeding the speed limit in a motor-car. She was also accused of resisting the police. She admitted that
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 163 9 War Office Matter. NAVY CONCERNED WITH BASE. Reuter. London, Feb. 1. gIR Bolton Eyres-Monsell (First Lord of the Admiralty) questioned in the House of Commons in regard to the defences of Singapore, pointed out that the defences were primarily a matter for the War Office. The
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 180 9 Former General Manager Of F.M.S. Railways Fort of Spain (Trinidad*. Jan. 31. The death occurred to-day of Mr. John Strachan, who was recently appointed Director of Transport, Trinidad. —Reuter. Mr. John Strachan was appointed Chiei Assistant Engineer. Colombo Lake Development Scheme, by the Secretary of State
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  • 43 9 Three Daring Soviet Airmen Killed. Reuter. Moi-cow, 3 J The fcnt'ic? ol rhrev nltJU"ii "t th<-* "i'.iiit.'" Tjlici- balloon. wbl'.'li wiiviw'J world's irs orcJ height ynst< rrtuy. hftvo &CCI) fovnri I!» \l\fi balloon- wndftm :U vilicvK»-. on the Mo»coW-Ku*»DW -inilvay -Renter
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 25 9 I Saturday's Home Football, and the League Tables brought right up to date —in the "Sunday Tribune" only. Make sure of your copy by subscribing.
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  • 751 10 "Hacked With Parang." INSANITY PLEA NOT GOOD ENOUGH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, Jan. 31. MJgVEN it that statement is believed, there is nothing to show that the ofTe-nce was anything less than murder" said Sir Walter Hug gard. Chief Justice, at a specialsitting ol the Court
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  • 44 10 Further Batch For British Navy. Reuter. London, Jan. 31. It is understood that the British Legation has been instructed to arrange with the Chinese Government for the sending of a further batch of Chinese cadets to be trained in the British Navy.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 361 10 Last Night's Fireworks Display. FAVOURED by bright moonlight, large crowds turned out last night to witness the imposing fireworks display on the Raffles Reclamation grounds in connection with the conclusion of the great Thaipusam festival. Traffic was greatly congested and the police had a difficult time in
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  • 112 10 Commander-in-Chiefs Letter To The Governor. His Excellency the British Naval Commander-in-Chief, China Station, has written to H. E. 3ir Cecil Clementi in a 'letter, dated Jan. 30: "On leaving Singapore. I desire, on behalf of the Captains, Officers and Ships' companies of His Majesty's ships of the China
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  • 82 10 Bengali Badly Cut On The Head. A nasty accident marked the display of fireworks at Raffles reclamation ground last night. There was a large crowd near the spot where the fireworks were lit off. One of the rockets is said to have shot off side ways and
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  • 237 10 Success Of Rotarians' Brochure. THE Rotary Club of Singapore held j* business meeting at the Adelph) Hotel yesterday, wheu Rotarian AWL Schaub made reference to the biochare on Singapore, produced lust year by the Rotary Club in co-uperation with the Municipal Commissioners Roturian Schaub said that offers of
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  • 54 10 Reuter Wireless. Athens. Jan. 2D. Doctors, appointed by the Greek Government to examine Samuel Insull following an appeal for extension of his permit to remain in Greece, on the ground of ill-health, agree that Insull is fit to travel under medical supervision. Insull, apparently, must leave on
    Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 214 10 Arrest In District Of Naval Base. A MANGROVE on a swampy land In I the Naval Bum? district* to which the ordinary obvious way of entry U by mean* of sampans up the Sungcl S«'letar River, was the Ingenious nut-of-th^-way fiiaco elected by 'wo local "bo?tfggers" to carry
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  • 63 10 May Strike For Higher Wages. (From Our Ourr. Camipondent.) Bangkok Jar». 31 Higher wages are demanded by nee mill coolie* forthwith failing which thev threaten to strike The millers claim thai they are carrying on business at a lov> ftt the pre.sejitT time and i' 1* impossible to
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  • 291 10 Impressive Ceremony At New Pier. AFTER an impressive ceremonial leave-taking at the New Pier this morning, the G.0.C.. Malaya. Ma j.-Gen. L. C. L. Oldfleld. sailed by the "Kedah" for Penang shortly before noon on retirement. The General, who is succeeded by Ma j. -Gen. Lewin,
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  • 35 10 The ambulance was called to the Central Police Station last night, to remove a Chinese woman prisoner who complained of internal pains. She was removed to hospital in a state of collapse.
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  • 35 10 Said to have been knocked down by a cyclist in the Teluk Ayer area, a Chinese woman sustained an injury to her left leg and was taken to hospital by ambulance.
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  • 303 10 A Chittagong Native, MURDER ON PKRAK TIN MINIS. /From Oi,r OjI"; Corwtpmi 4» Ipoh. W a trial -ty\ ■>, Mofi2UllMh. it native ol i India, was found jroilly ai h»» i ,-,i Asabsep. on ;i churge m t. i.. Three of his countrymen wt w. tried fumtill&ih'otitfly
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  • 233 10 AT THE CINEMAS. A delightful BrltUh and Doipmiuci comedy, "General John Regsui l. s shown" In the new Pavilion programme There is not 3 serious Hue l»« 1 oil nonsense, but very witty, Ituh scnsv An newshound arrives in a sleepy Irish village to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 37 10 SUNDAY TRIBUNE The next issue will consist of 20 PAGES for 5 Cents This increase is necessitated by the still heavier demand for advertising space. Advertisers find it pays to use the columns of the SUNDAY TRIBUNE
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  • 795 11 Street Tragedy. "JUMPED IN FRONT OF CAR." 'JUTE circumstances attending the death of a well-known building contractor and proprietor of the Jurong Brick Works, was enquired into by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yesterday. The deceased, a Straits-born Chinese named Wee Thian Ghee, was
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  • 89 11 New British Ambassador To Japan. London, Jan. 31. Cilß Robert Henry Clive, Ambassador to the Holy See, has been appointed successor to Sir Francis Llndley, Ambassador to Japan.— Reuter Wireless. Sir Robert Henry Clive. K.C.M.G. was British Minister of Teheran from 1926-31. He entered the Consular Service
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  • 394 11 AH Commanders To Go. Shanghai, Feb. 1. V*HE Cantonese troops are advancing close to Lungyan, in West Fukien. where the remnants of the 19th Routt Army are concentrated, threatening to disarm tht rebels. The latter are ready to resist and fighting is likely to break out if
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  • 116 11 Miners And Foreigners In Kalgoorlie. Reuter. Kalgoorlie. Jan. 31. RIOTING here continued throughout the night. The majority of the foreign-quarter residences in' Boulder City have been demolished with gelignite and fire. Before the situation calmed down at daybreak two were killed and six wounded in pitched battles. The
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 212 11 Mission Meeting And Dance. A CONCERT and dance was held at the Sailors Institute last night under the auspices of the Mission to Seamen. A large gathering of over 300 men from the ships in port and many ladies fras present. An opportunity was given to say
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  • 172 11 Japan Setting Mongolians Against Soviet Shanghai, Feb. L 'THE dispute concerning the Chinese Eastern Railway is developing, folic wing JLoviei allegations that the Man- chukuo has a hand in the recent antic_oviet demonstration by White Russians at Harbin. The Soviets have lodged a protest w th tlie
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  • 29 11 Reuter. London, Jan. 31. Lord Marley left for America this morning on a speech-making tour on behalf of the victims of the Nazi regime in Germany.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 390 11 i i i i i i i i i' ii 'iH« <irii4iiiMiHiii«(Kiiii|iiii«HiMiiittiii:in«i«itfittiiiuiiiwmi(wii'i.-i.ii>t|i«Mi'mniii» WHIIEAWAY'SI m SPECIAL announcement! I i I j OUR GREAT CLEARARCE SALE j DEFINITELY TERMINATES ON I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 J H AT 6 P.M. j WITH ONLY 3 DAYS MORE j j We are determined that no
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    • 21 11 A Remarkable Short Story The Land Ironclads By H. G. Wells will appear in the next issue of the SUNDAY TRIBUNE."
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    • 53 11 It's a poor week-end without the "Sunday Tribune"—Malaya's brightest and cheapest weekly journal. j With JOHN HOI X- ALL-STAR CAST. 131 SINGING VOICES—IO9 MUSICIANS AND 116 EXOTIC j DANCERS! j j COMING ALHAMBRA NEXT WEEK. THE HUNTER r/A 4&AJb The best bag he ever bagged Jl bag of TICERBEER Fraser
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  • 353 12 Derby County Dislodge The First Division League Champions. The Australian Cricket Team For England. Thumb-Mail Sketches Of Players Selected. Reuter. Sydney, Jan. 31 THE Australian Board of Control met in Sydney to-day and selected the following team to visit England this year. The tourists are due to play tr.eir first
    Reuter.  -  353 words
  • 446 12 I W. H. Ponsford (Melbourne,) is 33 years of age. and is showing great form with the bat. Has scored 299 runs at an average of 49.83. NEW SOUTH WALES. A. F. Kippax iWaverley), captain of the State team, is 34 years of age. A right-handed batsman of style, a
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  • 243 12 I fJMie .<ro iM tcvn- ol th* 1 E.ij:le .wid I in. wa> -hir.- r.r« served up IrWiTtsUhg football at tlvr* Anson Roan Stadium yesterday A f:ist earn#» ended In u 2-nll victory for th* Eaide," and they were full value f, r their victory. Mr F Brown refereed and
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  • 64 12 The following soccer matches have been arranged to take plac? at the Julan Besxr Stadium. To-day: Post Office v. Kampong Tiong. Saturday: B.C.F v. HM S "'Eagle." Sunday. S. PranaKan I. v X Raia 1. Monday: Fraser and Neave v Combined Destroyers. Wednesday (Feb. 7): MPH v a.1i.8. "Eagle." Admission
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  • 166 12 THE six-a-.side football tournamen. arranged by the S.C.C. opened on the Padang yesterday, when four games were played. This marks the opening of the soccer season, and although good football yesterday was at a premium, the games were fast and there was plenty of scorThe following were the results Donald's
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  • 118 12 Macßitchie Reservoir v/as in use for rowing yesterday afternoon for tne first time, when two practice fours cf the Royal Singapore Yacht Club rowing section were out. The club have been jrranted special sanction by the Municipal Commissioners to make use of the reservoir for training purposes only, and after
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  • 489 12 Blackwood has been scratched from race 6 at Taiping. Double totes will be held on races 2 and 5, and 6 and 7. The bier sweep will be drawn on race 8. TO-MORROW'S FIGHTS AT NEW WORLD. Johnson v. Guillermo In The Main Event. I BATTLING Guillermo and Young Johnson
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  • 11 12 Johnson. ILL HOLD THE S.C.R:C: Six Goals Shared In Hockey Encounter.
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  • 253 12 Although playing with only ten men. .he S.C.R.C. were able to hold the Hades Institution at hockey at Hong Lim 3rccn yesterday, each side scoring three goals. Mr. Seng Whatt umpired, the teams being S.C.R.C: Lew Teck; Tiang Seng. Henry Boon; Boon Peng. Kee Siang, Chee Lim: Chim Bock. Choon
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  • 20 12 Leslie Galistan writes to say he is eager to fight either Gunner Miller or Kid Ahmat again, over eight rounds.
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  • 30 12 W. M. Woodfull. the Victorian School-master who has been selected to lead Australia in the Tests against England for the third time. SIX GOALS SHARED. Yesterday's Soccer At Pulau Brani.
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  • 526 12 Hftf. S. "SUFFOLK." forced an- other draw at soccer yesterday when they met a strong Marine XI at Pulau Brani and shared six goals. The game commenced tamely, but became interesting as it progressed. In the closing stages, after the Naval >ide had drawn level, play became very thrilling but
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  • 58 12 The Old Rafflesian Association.- first hockey eleven are to make a trip to Kuala Lumpur during the Chinese New Year holidays, Feb. 14 and 15. Arrangements are bing made to play two hockey matches there, their probable opponents being two of the three following teams: Selangor Colts, Victoria Institution Old
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  • 27 12 Yesterday's hockey match at Tanglin. between the Wilts II and the A.P.C. ended in n draw of onp-all "RECS" ROUT THE INDIANS. Yesterday's Hockey At The S.R.C.
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  • 755 12 THE Indian Association, who gave a close fight to the S R C. in their previous hockey encounter and lost the game by the narrow margin of a goal in three, could not give as good an account of themselves last evening when they met the same Club on the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 All the Saturday sport, and the best weekly Sports Review in Malaya, can be found in the "Sunday Tribune"—the 5 cents paper.
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  • 1387 13 Australian Grounds Superior To English? ÜBOURNE*B cricket ground, pavi- M and stands send a thrill h one visiting the head-quarters Victorian cricket, for the first time, Mr. S. P. Foenander, Colombo, in Field-Madras." f a t, they chaimed me more and even subsequent occasion on I
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  • 189 13 Penang Makes An Early Start. CRICKET was commenced in Piinanß last week-end when four maU»h® s wc*e j played, two "hprne-and-homes" ;»i thi P.C.C., and the others at Duto Kramat. In the first PCX', rua'ch. on Salur day. Anthony's XI lobl i-P BracJv 5the scores being ANTHONY S
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  • 60 13 To-day's programme: 6 p.m. Recorded Music; 6.05 p.m. News Bulletin; 7 I p.m. Relay of Concert Artistes from Tomlinson Hall: Violin Recital by Miss Lida Langerveld. Canzonctta <A. d'Ambrosis), Humoreske (Dvorak. Danse I Espagnole <E. Granades-Kriesler». accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Hilda Ebert; 8.15 p.m. British
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 669 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over |35,t00,00f The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jt\wy, EC. The Ccmpany has £20.000 drposited with the Supreme Couit of England and complies with the
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 331 13 EMPIRE STATION TO-DAY. GMT. 8.0 a.m. Time Signal Irom Big Ben. News Bulletin. 3.15 a.m. Wagner (gramophone records). 3.0-10.0 a.m. Time Signal from Greenwich. The Midland Studio Orchestra, directed by Prank Cantell; Mason and Armes (entertainers with a piano), from a Birmingham studio. 12.0 noon Time Signal from Big Ben.
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  • 851 14 Government Of India's Position Explained. IT may be recalled that in answer to a question in the Indian Legislative Assembly during its last session on December 12, Sir George Schuster laid a statement en the table and made certain observations regarding the loans and advances made
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  • 13 14 Mr. H. P. Mody has been re-elected chairman of the Bombay Millowners' Association-
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  • 171 14 Rebel General Lives Up j To His Reputation. i I j THE report that the troops under General Liv Kwei-tang, an ex-bandit leader, had mutinied has been confirmed. It appears that General Liv has recently accepted an appointment from certain quarters as commander of the Second Army of
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  • 103 14 To Be Taxed To Help Germans Marry. Reuter. Franklort. BRITISH and oilier foreign bachelors are now to pay "bachelor-tax." ThU spcclal tax hus hitherto been levied only on Germans. It supplies money for the "marriape fund.' from which the Government lend.s 1.000 mprkH «about £73 at present rates»
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 146 14 Claimants Practically (;„j Nothing*. Reuter. A GENEALOGICAL trc 24 I was an exhibit In ti r i t Court here in a will ca*e err large number of people Uv;. Britain. h The lret* was compiled :u u, rJf io trace benefielarnvs tuider i, x Mr. Enoch
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 403 14 A SELECTION OF CAMERAS To Suit All Pockets. To Be Cleared Before Chinese New Year BELOW COST Y r our inspection is cordial I y invited. LEE FLETCHER, 102, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 'Phone 2850. Singapore. Special Announcement for LADIES We have just received from Java CHEAP and VERY ATTRACTIVE BEAUTIFUL
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    • 216 14 i TIE 1834 MORRIS MINOR I f The MORRIS MINOR has long been famous for its "big car" construction and performance at minimum running cost, and this year sees still more "big car" features. Powerful hylraulic four-wheel brakes give perfect security with the minimum of effort. A se'f-synchronising four-speed gearbox
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  • 772 15 New British Fabric. RUBBER WOVEN INTO It? gPRING will see a revolution in women's clothes in Britain, due entirely to an Englishman's invention, says the "Sunday Express." Some of the most important wool, silk, artificial silk, and cotton manufacturers are now working in secre: at top
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  • 350 15 Severe Fighting Between Rival Forces. Shanghai, Jan 31. G E HU f ĕ Kwei 'Carman ot Chu «ESW has wireri t0 a»v. Gen. HE* 'Chairman of Kansu). as tne 41st Army under Gen. Sun Tien is again threatening Ninghsia FighMng between the rival forces is m progress
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  • 79 15 OUR READERS 9 VIEW'S. Letters To The Editor S2. nvite £J° wrUe 0/1 0/ P«Wfc interest, /t must be understood that th! "Malaya Tribune" does not t*cessarily endorse opinions express* bv cones* 2S£ LE J T JL RS ggyy. BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably TSSZsZ £2* afldmses o/ correspondents must be
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  • 175 15 (To the Editor, "Mclaya Tribune.") Sir, —Although I have only been a rare entrant for the Cross-word Puzzles advertised in your paper, I have taken a keen Interest in them throughout, and with the exception of the word "shad" in place of "swan," meaning a bird, in one of
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  • 248 15 (To the Editor, ''Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Anent the query of "One who Wonders." I write to say so far as the Indian-Almanac goes to show the Ist Puasa fell due on the Ist day of the month of Ramzan, i.e.. Tuesday. Dec 19, and that day was observed
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  • 53 15 Mr. P. E. Ezhuthassan. of Tiolak. sends a long letter on the subject of the Malayalees there, bus it is merely a counterblast to a letter which appeared in another paper, and we prefer not to publish it. "A Member." ot Slim River, Perak, also writes on
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  • 585 15 (To the Editor, "Malaija Tribune") aJvLT?!! 1 1 reference to my letters dated the 4tn and 22nd inst. and the ■eport ol the Municipal Commissioners' discussion on the 26th. relating to the aerangoon bus .services, may I submit herewith further facts which have not as yet been disclosed
    585 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 276 15 Children's -lumpish spells and other little npaeu jMt vanish overnight when they gel Phillips' Milk of Mngnewa. A gentle anti-acid and mild laxative like (his i> ideal i.) give a chi!«l «>f any aire, including infants. The genuine preparation—in the bhiewrappcred bottle thai say- Philip*' —has complete directions and dosage
      276 words
    • 58 15 l "TP WEAKNESS, 1 X/J DEBILITY hOanvem I a CHIENS'SyrI p ijjv/y of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radicaJ remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etc. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DISPENSARIES. Free sample bottles on
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 493 16 M. HASSAN.I ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above JO LET. TO LET —Rooms, furnished or unfurnish.d. Board optional. Comfortable sir. rounding*. Apply No. 9. Wilkie Terrace. Singapore. "IrOL*T-10.
      493 words
    • 375 16 INDEPENDENT uFvmiFNCY OF RIOUW AND KnKik! NETHERLANDS INDIA. TENDERS. Th- exclusive right to retail and sl ,„i's in the Residency of Riouw and Depend eSS (except the Pulu Tttjuh Arch^lagc .and the deoendency situated in Sumatra) IflTW* hi the Ist April. 1934. to**| end cf Va-ch 1933 or from the
      375 words
    • 395 16 FOR SALE. 67, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. cheaFsale Commencing From FEB. 1 to FEB. 15. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE. Approved by the Singapore Improvement Trnst Valuable Statutory Grant Land for sale, situate at milestone. S lear Road. Singapore. 2.000 sq. ft. for $10. Cash down $2. Balance by monthly instalment. Cash
      395 words
    • 172 16 j WANTED. Young Chinese with Senior qualifications and thorough knowledge of Chinese and Typewriting, desires any post. Box. 284, c o Malaya Tribune. WANTED 20 LADY DANCERS—for a respectable Dance Hall. Applicants musv be young, fair, polite and well-behaved. Income from $100 to $250 per month according to per;onality and
      172 words
    • 270 16 EDUCATIONAL. MERCANTILE INSTITUTE, 209, Queen Street, AFTERNOON AND EVENING CLASSES Shorthand (Pitman Gregg), Book-Keeping, Typewriting and Good English. Prospectus available on application. •PHONE 5755. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education—
      270 words
    • 260 16 lnsi> on ;i PARAMOUNT M.C.<. when purchasing a Wal YOU CERTAINLY CANT GO WRONG in making your choice from j. and Varied Stocks of YICK WOH HING, 429, North Bridge Road, (Near Middle Road. Contractors for the Repair i and Watches to the Briti Malaya. THE ORIENTAL OPTICAL (U, He
      260 words