Malaya Tribune, 26 December 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 37 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX. No. 2195 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1933 FIVE CENTS, t The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 Read The Sunday Tribune p minanf /11 Malaya! J. m f b I Smokers in seen n the Best of Tobaccos causes dryness and I ENEMIES at ion of the throat—Relieve it with Lakerol r' J^S^^A :l!fs. They are soothing and keep t lit* mouth /*V iwm^ fiesh and allow
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    • 158 1 A. FLINTER H, Hurtles Place. .Singapore. Importing Diamond! and Pearl Necklaces of every size and Quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also bu>iug gold coin 9 and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. TO SAY FOIL I Sime, Darby
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  • 458 2 Andre Maurois' New Book. Vienna, THE "Neve Freie Presse" and the "Neves Wiener Tageblatt" have published extracts from Andre Muurois "Lite r>f Edward the Seven'h." Written in a lucid, brilliant style, this book brings out clearly both King Edward's remarkable personal charm and reveals some
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  • 234 2 Another Gift Of £200 To National Trust. LAST year a mystericus body known as "Ferguson's Gang" bought the eighteenth' c n ury Shalford Water Mill on the Tillingbourne, near Guildford, presented it to 1-he National Trust. They did more, for they put It into a condition o£ thorough
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  • 133 2 Super-Efficient Army To Fight Gangsters. New York. New York City has developed a standing army of 5.00/) "super-efficient" men to guard the millions of pounds of money locked in the vaults of Wall Street. All are deadly marksmen with six-shooters, iiachineguns. shor'-guns. rifles, tear gas bombs, and other
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  • 101 2 Three Killed And 109 Injured Last Year. New Delhi. THREE members of the Bengal Police Force were killed, and 109 injured in the execution of their duties daring 1932. These figures are given in the latest adminstration report of the Bengal Police. The report states that no
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  • 98 2 Bullet-Proof Glass Defies Ma chine-Guns. Dairen. A new type of bullet-proof glass, invented by a Japanese, has been successfully tested at Port Arthur. Two shots were fired at the glass from a distance of 50 feet. Both bullets lodged in the glass without breaking it. An area of
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  • 102 2 Liberal Catholic Bishop Interviewed. Colombo. Nov. 28. The Right Reverend George S. Arundale, well-known Theoscphical worker and Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church, Australia, arrived in Colombo after a world tour accompanied by his .wife. Bishop Arundale is on his way to Madras. He is one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 I 1 sow N. V. Straits Java Trading Co. j i i i i i i i i j i i i i i i mm i i i i i ■MffcMMPMP i im »i ii i. i.iim i i 'j GRAND DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS CRACKERS STOCKINGS AND CHOCOLATES
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    • 360 2 Irritated Throat! then at once take FORMAM I NT TKe Germ-killing Threat tablet Formamint cure* SoreThroatand prevents Colds, Influenza, Dip' theria by destroying the disease germs that have settled in you*mouth. Always keep a supply handy buy a bottle to-day Obtainable at all Chemists m your teeth regularly. m The
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  • 250 3 rrHE statement of Captain A. C. BarI iard, Imperial Airways' area mana- Malaya, that the use of the Kuala I ir aerodrome wijl receive "very i] consideration" when it has been ed is difficult to reconcile with information officially conveyed to Malay
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  • 276 3 lI'HEN the question of an Increased fl quota came up at a recent meeting vi the International Tin Committee, the unsettled economic position in the United SUttes was given as an excuse for not giving an increase beyond 40 per cent In spite of the position admittedly beins
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  • 225 3 WE have always emphasised that His Excellency is working for the goal of a United Malaya and. whether one approves of the path by which he Is striving to reach that goal or not, there is no denying the desirability of that goal. As he put it in
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  • 505 3 Better Food For Shock Workers. Moscow, Nov. 11. ALTHOUGH the professed ideal of the second Five-Year Plan is the abolition of classes within the Soviet Union, some very sharp lines, based on class, category, or what one wili. are now drawn in the matter of food
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  • 99 3 "Arrest Them AH" Experiment A Success Cairo. Thursday night is "pickpocket night" in Cairo. It Is the eve of the Moslem Sabbath, when everyone goes to the cafes, theatres and other places of amusement. The streets are thronged with likely victims for the light-fingered fraternity. Cairo police have
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  • 167 3 Heroic Act In China Campaign Recalled. London, Oct. 30. I An act of heroism in the China campaign of 72 years ago is recalled by the death of Mrs. Chaplin, widow of Colonel John W. Chaplin. V. C. When he received the medal, Colonel Chaplin was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 SPARKLING, TASTELESS, f I ODOURLESS WW v W hi 7 Manufactured by special process and j 7 used by all the leading Aerated Water Factories in Malaya. 7. W.J.W. 4. TheNewSiylemfecePowder 7oAM, m SMART mOPLti n SAY DOESMT IT MAKE HOW-A-OAtt K«P OH POWOCaiMC.I WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE 1 THEY USE THC
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    • 422 3 (Hi 1 11 *****11 MM lllllillllllllllllllM j QUICK RELIEF 1 From EVERYDAY COMPLAINTS I II I Headaches—Nerve Pains Toothache Ear safe Family Medicine to have on hand for any II Hll jl II ache Colds in the Head, etc., are some of emergency. 'ASPRO' conforms Co the standard I II
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    • 103 3 HAPPELL'S FIRST 61, High Street ii 167, Selegie Road. j HAUFFMANN j LEMON DRAUGHT IDEAL TONIC PURGATIVE. Other local manufacturers, some with 1 i in names, whether they realize it or not.b.s copying our style ami \mL JU) bottle, admit on their par! thai nur draught i: in every Distributors:
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  • 726 4 Snipping News Notices. A SPECIAL TYPE OF TRIBUNAL. Functions And Powers Of Naval Courts. AN interesting and informative lecture on "Naval Couns" was delivered to the Southampton Master Mariners' Club by Pay-master-Captain J. C. Boardman, C.M.G., R.N., superintendent of the Accountant Officers' Technical Course. This was the fourth of the
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  • 65 4 Officer And Four Men Die At Sea. Port Said, Nov. 10. The Sixth Engineer of the liner "City of Cairo" was killed, and the Second Engineer seriously injured; four members of the native crew were killed and fuor injured through the bursting of a steam pipe on
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  • 55 4 In face of competition from Continental countries, a Fleetwood firm, Messrs. James Robertson and Co., engineers, have secured an order for a winch for the Ftrench trawler "Jutland," which is being built in Denmark. The winch weighs 23 tons. The "Jutland" will be the largest trawler In
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  • 281 4 Nations' Reactions To U.S. Programme. DESPITE the Washington Conference—nr perhaps because of it—the much-talked-of naval disarmament schemes seem to have gone down the wind. The U.S.A. themselves were responsible for the first of the new programmes of shipbuilding. Last July. Mr. Swanson. the secretary for the U.S.N..
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  • 124 4 Famous Salvage Ship's Winter Programme. The Italian salvage ship "Artiglio." instead of remaining at Brest during the winter as in past years, left that port for Genoa. It is understood that after giving Christmas leave to her crew she will proceed in January to the Red Sea, where
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  • 92 4 Over-Exuberance On Siren Fetches Police. Hongkong. Dec. 12. Over-exuberance on the part of the steamer "Saarbrucken" in recalling several dilatory passengers who were sight-seeing ashore, caused quite a flurry in harbour circles yesterday afternoon. When the liner compelled attention by several persistent blasts on its whistle, two police
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  • 59 4 A stabilising device is claimed to have been invented by the Japanese Navy for vessels. Its efficacy has been fully tested and it is learnt that by making a partial revision in the design of the torpedo-boat "Chidori," now under construction, the Navy is going to fit
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  • 175 4 British Boxer Fund Subsidy Used. DUE to lack of financial facilities, the scheme to develop Whampoa as seaport has been held in abeyance. It is now learnt from well-lnfcrmed circles that the work is to be oontinued by the Kwangtung River Conservancy Board, which has been granted a
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  • 97 4 School Closed Through Lack Of Support. The "Shipping Review,' Shanghai with keen regret chronicles the lac* that the Hongkong School of Marine Engineeiing, which was established some months ago :n the Crown Colony by Mr. George Buchanan, an enthusiastic engineer, was closed at the end of October. The
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  • 82 4 Prosecution Of Captain And Officers. After a prolonged procuratorial investigation into the wreck of the "Yashimi Maru" its cause, has been established as due to faults on the part of the crew of the vessel. As a result, the procuratorial staff of the Osaka Marine Court has filed
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  • 79 4 The three hundred-year-old ships "Lark" and "Dove" are to cross the Atlantic for the tercentenary of the founding of Maryland These two boats were used in transporting the original colonists. There will be celebrations both at Cowes, England, and at Baltimore. A plaque is to be erected
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  • 75 4 The Kashing sub-office of the Hangchow Customs will be closed tentatively on Dec. 31. and from Jan. 1 of next year, Kashing will assume the status of a poit of call. The duty treatment of goods shipped tc and ficm Kashing will lemain unchanged in so far as
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  • 48 4 Colombo, Dec. 1. The master of the "City of Cambridge," was fined Rs. 50, to-day for allowing oil or oily waters to flow into the harbour from his ship. The Magistrate declared that the presence of oil in Colombo harbour had become an "intolerable nuisance."
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  • 537 4 "Queen And Key Of The Netherlands." THE approaching completion of the new outer harbour at Flushing coincides with the appearance of a two-volume work on the history and development of the port by Dr. Erich Kautz, under the title of "The Port of Flushing—lts Position and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 174 4 tfjLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi Aden. Maasowah, Sues, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sue* Port 1 Vcnl <* and Trieste. Bald, Brlndlsi. Venice and Trieste. ~~„„A TTTO„ Due Leave Due m V MONCALIERE Feb. 5
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    • 237 4 Deutfch I M— k Q{ Australische Dampfschlffs If) CJ Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due S'pore. t m.s. RAMSES, via Uoilo, Manila Dec. 29 1934. t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Jan. 9 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila Jan. 23 t m.s. SAUERLAND, via
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    • 608 4 STEAMER q£ norddeutscher EP&yl LLOYD, 'Incorporated in Germany). The under noted are the Company 1 MssjMl fixtures:— ODTWARDB. 8 "LAHN," for Manila, Honp.kon», lM> S'hai, N. China and Japan IVr i S "TRAVE." for Manila. H'kong, S'hai North China and Japan j, BOMEWARDB. <. "MAIN," for Genoa. M'seilles. Adam R'dam.
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  • 458 5 Mining Shares. Singapore. Saturday, 11 a.m. The following tin share quotations are pd by Fraser :>nd Co., exchange and fciock brokers: mV V dv« f* Buyers. Sellers. i Asum Kumbang Tin 33 6 35;- xd £1 Austral Malay 3619 3719 t Hitam Tin 14 6 153 r
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  • 132 5 ISSUED BY FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyers Sellers. BmanDore Municipal 1901* 5 per cent. 106 108 norn Bingapore Municipal 1 1907) 4 1 2 per cent. 105 107 norn I i pore Municipal < 1909» 4% per cent. 106 108 norn Si more Municipal 1913»
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  • 919 5 Financial News Views. SUNGEI LUAS TIN. Company Free From Debt. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 22. PRESIDING at the annual general meeting of shareholders of Sungei Luas Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd., the Hon. Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt said: The reports cf the directors and general managers, together with
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  • 235 5 North Borneo Chamber Of Commerce. THE question of freight rates on charcoal from Sandakan to Hong Kong was again brought up at a meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce held last Wednesday. Further advices from the agents of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.. were read,
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  • 222 5 Reaction To New U. S. Policy. London, Dec. 20. ON the Stock Exchange to-day, the sentiment was cheerful, home securities bein<j encouraged by ihe continued satisfactory revenue returns. Cables and wveless i.sues were exceptionally weak, however, ;n the disappointing index figure for November of 71.8 per cent., compared
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  • 454 5 Working Profit Of $1,935. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Dec. 22. PRESIDING at the annual general meeting of Telok Krian. Ltd.. Mr. R. D. Brash. In moving the adoption of the directors* report and the accounts for the year, said that the restricted output was 1,279.04
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  • 360 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Saturday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotation! are issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyaß and Evatt: Issue Value Fraser Lyall Shares. Co. I 1 Allenby $0.90 $100 $0.80 $0.90 1 Alor Gajah U. 60 070 0.60 0.70 IA. Hitam 0.90 100 0.85
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  • 269 5 FRASER CO.'S QUOTATIONS. *ti 2- CLOSING QUOTATIONS a> a> 3% 3 a Buyers. SeUer» 6> c > $2 $2 Alex. Brick Ords. $100 $2 $2 Alex. Brick Pref. 140 1.50 £1 £1 B. Ameri. Tobacco 111 115--$lO $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.25 5_50 £1 £1 C. Tin Pref. 7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 256 5 RUBBER AM) COBRA. The Chief Secretary 10 Government. F.M.S. has fixed the price of rubber and copra fov assessmmr of export tat;' for the period Dec. 22 to M, inclusive, as under Rubber U% cents per poun 1 Copra 53.15 per pikul THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE
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    • 269 5 e LEE WAH BANK, Lid. (Incorporated in the S.S). No. 18, SOUTH CANAL RD. Foreign exchange business transacted at favourable rates. Correspondents at the principal centres in China and other parts of the world. Current and Savings Accounts opened; deposits received for fixed periods at rates to be ascertained on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 510 6 mm m mm mm mm m enormous success HLIIHIII Ull ft MATINEE: TO-MORROW, 3 15. DON'T MISS IT! mm 1.1 |H oWf-fl The entire movi? company nearly froze I to death in Greenland's icy wastes The elements did their worst!... Accidents wreaked havoc!.. .Terrific obstacles I ICOmed everywhere! N tU
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    • 287 6 j A GRAND HOLIDAY COMEDY SHOW Now M.-G.-M. Come* Along With Opening at the The Screen's Funniest Wise- W T-1 cracking Star TO-DAY 3.15 6.15 9.15. Snappy! F r a ds kC i- CLOCK BrMd 1 I j At**** MAECLARKE Jpr < >TTO KRUGER »HBfc■ 1 j 1 !♦:>>:: who
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    • 121 6 I TO-DAY:— i "COLLEGE HUMOR" with Bing Cosby. Gearge limit. |{i< I I Arlen. Mary Carlisle, lack Oakk Special Extra A'traction V/ANGKANG PROCESSION L TO-MORROW m TIILRSDAY j Double Feature. I Ttm Brcwn and Hmrcs o*Safiivan "FAST COMPANIONS" and "THE ALL AMERICAN j i J with j Richard Aili.s. t.loiij
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  • 114 7 PASSENGERS LEAVING. Phc following were the passengers who leTt v the Lalandia" for Europe yesterday: Mr. E W. Battensby, Mrs. E. W, Battensby, Mr. v :a nk Burden, Mr. E. Grcote, Mrs. E. Groote, M t r Groote. Miss Groofce, Dr. F.
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  • 112 7 SHIPS ALONGSIDE TBS WBARVBB OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, D«c. 26. Ka«t Wharf (entrant Oct* 1). I alma 22; Hong Peng 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Y lix 18; Benlawers 14; Katong 10; Calchas 8; Siamese I'rince 6. empire Dock < Entrance Oat« IV Sit el Seafarer
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  • 224 7 Great Britain's Locarno Commitments. Paris, Nov. 20. The Temps" and the "Journal dcs D:bats" both eminent this evening on Mr. Eden's spe eh abou. Great Britain's obligations under the Locarno Treaties. The tone of the "Defeats" is that the Locarno pledge has been allowed to be winded
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  • 71 7 Mails from Batavia and, Palembang by aeroplane aro expected at th<i General Post Office, Singapore at 2.30 p.m. to-day. From Europe, India etc., by the Imperial Airways, due at Singapore 10 a.m. tf>-day. From Philippine Islands by the "Havensteln,' due at Singapore to-morrow Prom China and Japan by
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  • 171 7 London 4 months* fright M 3|64 London 3 months' sight 2|4 1|32 London 60 days' sight Sl* 64 London 30 days' sight 2|4 London demand 2|3 63|64 London IT. 2|3 ***** Lyons and Paris demand W0 Hamburg demand ISO New York demand 58% Batavla and Sourabaya demand 93*
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  • 201 7 DIARY Of TO* DAY I WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, DEC. 26. High Titiec.—s.49 a.m.. -3.56 p.m. Golf: Keppel G.C. Christmas Competition. TO-MORROW, DEC. 27. High Tides—G.44 a.m., 8.21 p.m. Rugby: S.C.C. Tournament, Merchants v. M.C.0., S.C.C.; S.C.C. II v. P.S., Dunearn Road. Hockey: ARC. v. R.A.,
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  • 69 7 ALHAMBRA—"S.O.S. Iceberg." CAPITOL.—Lee Tracy in "Turn Back The Clock." EMPIRE— Laur2l and Hardy night. GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs. cinemas. Talkies: Sky—"The Golden West." Star—"The Mississippi Gambler." MARLBOROUGH.—"Zahri-Sanp." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sMffh-flfrS Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION. —George Arliss in "The King's Vacation." RITZ
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  • 201 7 Greetings Acknowledged And Reciprocated. We cordially reciprocate seasonable greetings from Mr. A. M. F. Sithwala I (Johore Bahru). the Union Sporting Association, the Union Chinese I B. P., the Unison B. P., the Silver Star Minstrels, the Mayflower i BP., Mr. Wee Kirn Wee (Useful BP.).| the Mavfair
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 242 7 _,*tiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiifiiint!iini i■ innti riii im nti n imhim iiii 'i nn imihiiil hi mi iinwW I GRAND PREMIERE OF MADAN'S SUPER PRODUCTION. 1 MARLBOROUGH j MATINEE: TO-DAY TO-MORROW 1 I ZAHRI S ANP 3 I i or 1 I POISONOUS SNAKE I With the famous players of "Leila Majnum" "Bilwalmangal,"
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    • 98 7 IiATEST ADVERTISEMENTSTENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that tenders era now Invited for the following materials cr services, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained In the Tender Room, Municipal Offices: Purchase as scrap of 15 old and unserviceable lorries lying at Transport Centre, Mackenzie Road,
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    • 471 7 SINGAPORE HOTELS "in iiMUM ■miiiiae■*iiiiiiiii i i t i i i i i i i ti i i iinni"t ml* iHWiiiiiniiwmi j GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL Phone 6490. Telegram GOODWOOD. Booking Now Open For NEW YEAR'S EVE I EXTENSIONS 2 A.M. I AN EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN ENGAGED TO PLAY ON
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 106 7 POSTAL IHTtILICtNCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. Java, Southern Sumatra, South-East Borneo Celebes. Molutvcas and Timor (B y Aeroplane) 6 a.m. Karimor (Kwong YiekJ 9 a.m. Pengcraog (Hock Keng) 9 a.m. Pulau Tekong (Hong Aik) 9 a.m. East Coast of Pahang (Lipis) 11 a.m Tongkal and Djambi (Alng Leong) 1 p.m.
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  • 47 8 Mr. Ong Cheng Bee and family beg to thank all relatives and friends, who have kindly paid night-visits and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Ong Cheng Bee and also to thosa who sent wreaths and letters of condolence in their sad bereavement.
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  • 689 8 pROM several quarters a pertinent point has been raised concerning the appointment by His Excellency of Straits Chinese Consultative Committees. Granting that this is an excellent step, it is asked why it. should stop with the Straits Chinese. Why not also Consultative Committees for the Indians and Ceylonese.
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  • 440 8 The death took place on Thursday morning of Mrs. R. Hill, senior nurse of the staff of the Penang General Hospital. It is rumoured that Dr. L. Proebstel. Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School. Ipoh, is shortly to be transferred to Penang in a similar capacity. Mr. S. Govinda Pillay. Financial
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  • 125 8 THE Christmas season in Singapore has so far been surprisingly free from accidents of a serious nature. Except for the case of a man who fell from a coconut tree on Sunday, receiving very severe injuries, the ambulance has been idle. It must be
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  • 128 8 rERE'S a "catch" in the new House of Lords "reform" scheme, as might be expected. It is, say shrewd critics, merely a cute manoeuvre to pack the Upper House with Tories and so provide against a Labour success—now seemingly expected—at the next General Election. The proposal to reduce
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  • 124 8 riTHE decision of Fukien to abolish rickshas is undoubtedly a praiseworthy effort of social reform. But a pertinent question might be asked as to what sort of work the authorities are planning to give to the vast horde of ricksha-pullers as a substitute for their lowly occupation. It
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  • 155 8 AN American heiress, Miss Doris Duke, A is so wealthy that wherever she goes her life becomes intolerable once her identity is known. She makes a habit of leaving for "unknown destti tions" by aeroplane and seems to feel secure only in the air. This is reminiscent of
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  • 129 8 rpHE frequent showers which Sincapore has been experiencing during the past few weeks provide evidence of the urgency of the scheme which the Municipal Commissioners already have in hand for the prevention of flooding in Orchard Road, Balmoral Road and other low-lying areas. A few showers of any
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  • 426 8 By "Looker-On" IIfELL. well—and that's that. And here's Black Tuesday Still, "a good time was had by all." And there's next week-end in the offing. To-day is Boxing Day—we might all study how to give short jabs and uppercuts to Old Man Depression. There must have been a
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  • 33 8 A LIFS OP KINO EDW'.IID, on page 2. THE SOVIET CLASS LINE, on page 3. SPORT* NEWS, on pages 12 and 13. CLUB DIARY, on page 14. NEW t.T?A OF
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 303 8 I UNIQUE VALUE. j i A new medium-Priced Portable of a high standard of quality. Ha/dwood Cabinet, covered in black fabric: "Pakawa" handle. Size 15 ins. x 11% ins x 5% ins. Spring Motor to play 10-inch and 12-inch records, with auto stop. New winding key. Record carrier to carry
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    • 47 8 BEST FRENCH MADE EBONY CLARINETS. GOOD TONE AND DURABLE. i Albert system, 14 nickel silver drop-forged keys and 2 rings. In Bb, Eb or A. At greatly reduced price. $35.00. Eoehm System and Saxophone Fingering Clarinets. Prices on application. SEASON Co., Ltd. 115, North Bridge Road, Singapore.
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  • 162 9 FOOCHOW BOMBED BY CENTRAL PLANES. MANY CIVILIANS KILLED OR INJURED. Two Destructive Raids. Severe Fighting Continues On The Border. F ()LLOWING the bombing of Changchow, near Amoy, last week Nanking 'planes appeared over Foochow on Saturday and dropped a number of bombs. A
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  • 175 9 Shanghai, Dec. 26. gEVERE lighting occurred on the ("htkiang-Fukien border during the last few days, but there has been nor further major clash. The main force o! the Fukien troops is concentrated along the central coast line, it being feared that the Nanking troops
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  • 524 9 Many Civilian People Killed Or Injured. Considerable panic was caused at Fooon Saturday afternoon when a ring plane suddenly appeared over city, and dropped four bombs, aimtl the Military Headquarters and the r !o(irome. Two of the deadly missiles dropped into d near the aerodrome, killing the which
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  • 343 9 Marshal Chiang And Premier To Resign. Meanwhile they have sent Mr. Chen Yung to Hongkong to consult the Kuomintang leader on the proposals he has submitted to the Congress. Members of the South-West Political Council at Canton are optimistic and regard that the hope of a peaceful settlement
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  • 176 9 The, King's World-Wide Broadcast. London, Dec. 25. pVERYDAY application of goodwill in outlook and policy which has been rendered possible by the march of modern science has been the most significant development in the past year, asserted His Majesty in the course of the world-wide Christmas-Day
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  • 132 9 Agreement Before End Of January A message from Paris by IndoPacific Radio to the "Bangkok Times" states: Authoritative circles receive with great reserve the news about rubber restriction appearing in both the Dutch and the English Press. Official circles and the principal producers have already in their hands
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  • 47 9 Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 21. It is announced that the Viceroy, Lord Willingdon. will come Home next May on short leave for private affairs, not exceeding four months. Sir G. F. Stanley. Governor of Madras, will act as Viceroy during his absence. —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 46 9 Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 21. Mr. Rudyard Kipling, in response to an appeal from the Overseas League to write a toast to the Empire to be drunk at Christmas or on any other occasion, suggested, "Our Empire, her peace, her power, her security."—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 577 9 Non-Aggression Pacts. SIR JOHN SIMON'S STATEMENT. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 21. JJE VIEWING foreign affairs, in the debate on adjournment, Sir John Simon asserted that prompt and vigorous efforts had been made in several capitals to continue the work of disarmament since Germany's deplorable withdrawal.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  577 words
  • 77 9 Members Of His Church Arrested. Reuter. New York. Dec. 25. TWO grocers. Mato Slegleton and Mishin Farkison. have been arrested in connection with the killing of the Archbishop of Tourain. The former is charged with homicide and the latter with being an accessory. Both are members of
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 38 9 Reuter. Paris, Dec. 24. The whole of the Finance Bill to balance the Budget was voted early this morning by the Senate by 196 votes to 46 and the Chamber by 286 votes to 199.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 24 9 Reuter. Barcelona, Dec. 25. The death has occurred of Col. Francesco Macia, the first President of Catalonia, at the age of 74.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 529 9 DEATHS INCREASED TO 217. Frantic Relatives. Many Of The Bodies Unrecognisable. Reuter. Paris, Dec. 25. 'THE official death-roll in the Lagny disaster is 217.—Renter. All the victims of the Lagny disaster were French, apart from one American and several Central Europeans. Tne dead Deputy Schleiter was one
    Reuter.  -  529 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 79 9 A DOLLAR A DAY FOR THE WORLD'S FINEST full-size REFRIGERATOR —AND THE CHEAPEST! //j r Th? price of the VacI Tlic is th lowest on IdMi. PRICE $365. j BUY BRITISH. HA LATA JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS LTD. j i j ALL THE LATEST Song and Dance Albums containing popular Songs
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  • 257 10 U.S.—SOVIET SECRET ALLIANCE Invasion Feared. DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH-WEST. Shanghai, Dec. 26. CONSIDERABLE excitement prevails in Manchuria as the result of rumours that the United States and Soviet Russia have concluded a secret military alliance. The Manchukuo fears a joint American-Soviet invasion of the Three Provinces.
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  • 89 10 Long-Standing Controversy Settled. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 20. Following a long-standing controversy with regard to the incidence of certain Indian defence charges. including "capitation charges" in respect of the cost of raising and training British troops for service in India, the British and Indian Governments have decided
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 118 10 Cheaper And Speedier Actions Will Be Possible. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 20. Sweeping changes in the practice of the High Courts, which it is claimed will make for cheaper and speedier law. are proposed in the report of the Lord Chancellor's committee on law reform. The changes
    Reuter Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 141 10 "S.O.S. Iceberg" At The Alhambra. It i«; difficult to comment on "S.O.S. Iceberg.' the Unhersal production now being screened at the Alhambra, without using the word '•epic." it is a film of a sort which has nu parallel From beginning to end the film, which deals v
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  • 198 10 Britain Restricts Cattle Imports. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 21. THE Minister for Agriculture has announced the meat Import restriction order will operate from Jan. 1. Up to then cattle entering the United Kingdom will be registered.—Reuter Wireless Dublin, Dec. 22. In consequence of the British action regarding
    Reuter Wireless.  -  198 words
  • 120 10 Cabaret Packed Four Nights Running. The -Great World" Cabaret was packed to full capacity for four successive nights during the festive season and the entertainments offered were the Corfu" Band, Flower Night, Christmas Eve Ball and Beret night respectively. The haji was tastefully decorated and the specially augmented
    120 words
  • 73 10 Conference Opened In Mussolini's Presence. Reuter Wireless. Rome, Dec. 22. Six hundred representatives from China, Japan, India, Persia, Afghanistan, Siam and Egypt are at the congress of Asiatic students inaugurated in the presence of Mussolini. Welcoming the delegates, he said the statement East and West will never meet
    Reuter Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 65 10 New Zealand Government's Action. Reuter Wireless. Wellington, Dec. 20. The House of Representatives has approved of an amendment to the Bill dealing with liability in connection with personal injuries in earthquakes. Following the recent decision by the Privy Council that employers are liable for injuries resulting from earthquakes,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 94 10 Avoiding Use Of Railway Links. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 20. The Air Ministry and Imperial Airways have been actively considerias steps for some time with a view to avoiding the use of the Swiss and Italian railways in their links in imperial air communications to the East
    Reuter Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 68 10 Britain Not Surrendering The Mandate. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 20. Expressing himself in most emphatic terms, the Colonial Secretary, at ques-tion-time in the House of Commons, stated that Government have never contemplated any surrender of the Tanganyika mandate. He thought this was the determined opinion of the people
    Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 97 10 Anti-Hitler Parade In London. Reuter Wireless. London, Dec. 21. STRONG condemnation of the Reichstag fire investigation court recently held in London was expressed by Sir Austen Chamberlain in the Huose of Commons to-day. He characterised it mh the grossest impertinence that citizens of one nation could commit with
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 319 10 New Method To Boost Commodities. Reuter Wireless. New York, Dec. 24. THE abandonment of the Warren gold plan is imminent and that President Roosevelt is considering another method of boosting commodities, is the contention of the Washington correspondent of the New York "Evening Post." Reports from
    Reuter Wireless.  -  319 words
  • 76 10 Sterilisation Measures In Germany. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Dec. 20. THE drastic measures applied throughout Germany when the law aimed at stamping out hereditary diseases comes into force on Jan. 1. Four hundred thousand persons, the majority of whom are weak-minded, will be subjected to sterilisation and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  76 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 34 10 (LIME AND SODA) INDICATED IN Affections of I he functional Disorders of the WyEZl DIGESTIVE ORGANS MM Ifii^P GENERAL DEBILITY and MM I 1 Mm WASTING DISEASES V Especially when due to Eault? WAAIN
      34 words
      19 words

  • 95 11 Fell From Aj Coconut Tree. AN Irdian peon sustained serious injuries on Sunday afternooi when he fell from a height of about 35 fret. It aporars that he visited the P WJ). Stores at Bukit Ttmah Road md sealed a coconut tree. He was in the act
    95 words
  • 164 11 Big Construction Plans By The L.N.E.R. Following better trade conditions asd the past prosperous year for railway traffic the London and North-Eastern Railway announces a programme of construction of locomotives, rolling stock, carriages and permanent ways at the ccst oi 12.300:000. A hundred locomotives are to be constructed,
    164 words
  • 622 11 Specimens In Raffles Museum. READERS of. "Tin" (writes "Digger" In that journal) will be interested In the discovery of tin coins which was made som° twen'y years ago near the mouth of the Malacca river in Malaya. These coins were collected by the Residen* Councillor of Malacca
    622 words
  • 69 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. 24 Their Majesties spent an enjoyable two hours at the Sports Club swimming pool yesterday, watching a programme arranged in their honour. The King .filmed the different contests. I Unless anything untoward prevents Their Majesties leaving for Europe in January, they
    69 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 277 11 6 British Thomson-Houston Co, Ltd. \By RUGBY, ENGLAND. npat*2k# deduce Your Production Costs. j DESIRED REDUCED' SPEEI CO., LTD. j awarded to winners in the Selo-Sclochrome Contest, are as follows I» Mr. S. H. Kwa Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd.. Singapore one camera value $28. Prte: Mr. C. Y. Seah, 20
      277 words
    • 447 11 i LECITHIN ft oj£ MM fOOOttO l(W Are you nervous, iiTitable about small matters or unable to concentrate on your '"'Sru^iV""' j work. Are you weakened by overwork, worry or the tropical climate ?If so, try f" >mm WAMPOLE'S p hosp ho 1 j! I V n #1 V ran
      447 words

  • 5296 12 All-Malayan Chinese Olympiad. Ah Kow Establishes A New Record. (From Our Oicn Correspondent J Kuala Lurr.pur, Dec. 25. r!0 hockey matches were played on Sunday in connection with the all-Malayan Chinese Olympiad, one of which saw Penang enter the final. The replay match between
    5,296 words
  • 449 12 Handicaps For Second Day. HANDICAPS for this afternoon's races at Penang are as follows: RACE I.—PonMs, Class 2, Div. 1, 5 furlongs. 2.30 p.m. Coral Moore 9.3 Tom Thumb 8.0 Diamond Dust 9.3 Can Do 8.0 ->oorbyter 9fi Twinkling Eyes 7.8 Top Hole 8.9 Evensong 7.4 Bridal
    449 words
  • 98 12 Saturday's Principal Matches. Reuter. London, Dec. 23. THE principal rugby football matches played to-day resulted as follows: Aberdeen 6 Devonport S. 3 Bath 3 Coventry 13 Bedford 20 Leicester 10 Biackheath 20 Headingley ti Bristol 17 Old Merchant T. 0 Glasgow A. 14 London Scottish 5 Guy's H.
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 112 12 Selangor Club Team's Visit. rpHE Selangor Club rugby too visited Singapore for the and played two matches here. On Saturday afternoon, in a ing downpour, they were d< beaten by the S.C.C. who thus Selangor's run of successes since The final score was a goal bu tries
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1576 13 Saturday 's <iA nd Yesterday's Results. Y'S matches in the English < > ttish Leagues resulted as ST.LISH LEAGUE, Div. L 2 Everton 1 1 Leeds U. 1 Id T. 0 Birmingham 0 i 1 Middlesbrough 2 i 1 Newcastle IT. 2 p mouth 2
    1,576 words
  • 697 13 Saturday's Results. GOOD WEATHER AND GOING. (From Cur 0«.» -"or. "pendent.) Penang, Dec. 28. pINE weather prevailed for the opening of the Penang Gold Cup race meeting on Saturday. H. E. the Governor (Sir Cecil Cle- menti) and Lady Clementi were among the large attendance. The
    697 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 39 13 2 Winchester] SEAMLESS CELL BATTERIES j \RE OF WORLD STANDARD QUALITY AND j Xjj6r ARE GUARANTEED I cELt "AS GOOD AS THE GUN" j J No. 1511 U khoo heng pho Co Agenls. 2'» South Canal Road, Singapore. j
      39 words
    • 312 13 i j Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. jj The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated In the StraUs Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry, EC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England
      312 words

  • 424 14 Gen. Johnson's Breezy Ways. New York, Dec. 21. rE invasion of the Middle-West by the big guns of the Recovery Administration seems to have appeased at least some of the farm agitation. General Johnson, in particular, has been most effective. The son of a Middle Westerner who
    424 words
  • 282 14 The Control Of Labour Relations. I Rome. Signor Mussolini's convocation of the National Council of Corporations for Wednesday next marks the final phase of the upbuilding of the "Corporative S.ate." which was created in 1926, but whose machinery must yet be put, in motion. Its vast ramifications entailed
    282 words
  • 272 14 Serio-Comic Situation In I'aris. The American canncr's predilection for beans wi.h the addition of a little pork recently created a serio-comic situation in Paris. An American lunching and dining association known as the T.N.T. Club made plans to hold a "bean feast in the course of October,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 641 14 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY? Will you still be strug- I thla Coupon gling on at the same old international correspondence job and possibly drawing j schools, <co» .aj*i) Ltd.. of London, even IeSS paY Worried 112|114A, Road, Singapore. about the future —never j Please send
      641 words
    • 209 14 T R AIN BRAND CONDENSED MILK i C °NDENS|D M'L" I Recommend "TRAIN MILK" for your daily use. PURITY AND ECONOMY Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Ltd., UNION BUILDING. Phone 5977—5978—5970 duck; back water proofs v t Ai*% K H 1 i fSt Write Foe For Ladies WeLzA < A j s
      209 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 503 14 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies In Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diarj n provided specially far them. Secretaries art invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-dats and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in tfie
      503 words

  • 169 15 A constant flow of rich red blood through the veins provides one of the greatest resistances to weather changes, and to creatp such Wood there is nothing better than Dr. WilliamsPink PiiL. These excellent tonic pills supply th: oxygen which is so essential to a
    169 words
  • 851 15 Interview With Sir W. Ray. ALTHOUGH electricity supply lias made remarkable progress all through the industrial depression, being almost unique in i-s teadily-increasing pro.-perity, the industry has still almost unlimited potentialities of development. With the construction of the grid a new chapter is opened in
    851 words
  • 155 15 Man Who Accuses Himself Of Murder. Tokyo. A burglar who appealed against the sentence of 20 years' imprisonment passed on him by the Tokyo District Court because it was "too lenient" has had the sentence confirmed by the Appeal Court—much to hts indignation. He demanded to be sentenced
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 249 15 JJTRAITS AGENCY, (fistablLshed In 1014). etstloner» and Repairers. .A. Change Alley, Mm is Ml t, Sthe quality to be th§ best or el* your money will be refunded. Rjrii vi up for mechanics m case youi tfpeur:-- t la ou" of order, and needs lmmedlau t monthly cleaning of typewriters
      249 words
    • 186 15 PIMPLES ON WRIST VERY MM Produced Watery Fmid. Could Not Use Hands. Cutoff Healed. "My trouble first starve J with sma'il pimples on my wrist. When they gu hot t! _-y became veiy irritating and duced, a watery fluid. They spread to bcth knuckles and in between my fingers and
      186 words
    • 249 15 o/-|/L your "JRy friend \\>ho ha/ tried it and ii.h packet ferity tini/ statement. ORANGE PEKOE SOU: DISTRIBUTORS ySml jji w the commercial house. In. JmMV j N 791 NOKIH HKIIM, 1 H<>\[> —r~ r -'-T- THONE «14. I I I I I I I I I I I I
      249 words
    • 125 15 x Burmr* Sp rialttt. Having S 40 years' experience at Burmah (establfched 1893). begs to notify the public that he can cure the following any kind of disease: all chronic and complicated cases left hopeless. Heart Trouble. Madness, Diabetes. Paralysis, Asthma. Sore Throat, WhcopinfT Cough. Eye Disease Dysentery, Stomach-ache. Rheumatism.
      125 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 531 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411.__ jm TO LET. SIANG LEVI PARK Further Reductions of Renti from Ist August, 19SS. 116.00 and
      531 words
    • 633 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE PUBLIC NOTICES. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Valuable freehold land and premises known as No. 151, Heeren Street, Malacca, area 2,497 sq. ft. To be held at No. 3, First Cross Street, Malacca. By Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co., ON FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1934, AT 11 A.M.*
      633 words
    • 393 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—3 Experienced Clerks. 1 Chinese. 1 Bengali (Sikh), 1 Tamil. Personal interview required. T. Talukdar. 28-D, Chulia Street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Three DC Linotype motors V 2 H.P., apply to the Manager, Malaya Tribune, *****, Anson Road. YOUR TENNIS RACKETS IN GOOD ORDER One of your obstacles to
      393 words
    • 417 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this school will be closed for Xmas and New Year's Holidays on Monday, Dec. 25. 1933. The new semester will commence on Monday, Jan. Bth, and pupils will be received on and after Jan. 4,
      417 words
    • 392 16 LANE MOTOR GARAGE, 59, Penang Lane. USED CARS FIAT 514. $750; CHRYSLER 1928, $150; AUSTIN "7." $400; PONTIAC 1930, $350; BUICK 1928, $95; FIAT 507 7-Seater, $173. All cars in excellent condition and newly ducoed. Call for inspection and be satisfied. REPAIRS! Decarbonizing. 4 cyl. $6, 6 cyl. $9. Oiling
      392 words
    • 249 16 WHAT COULD BE A MORE ACCEPTABLE OR BETTER GIFT THAN A WATCH Delightful Gifts of the Very Latest in Wrist and Pocket Watches rat. !> I at our Showrooms. YICK WOH HIING 429, North Bridge Road, (NEAR MIDDLE ROAD A.JGP. I Refreshing COLD-DRINKS. The best drink in the market. MOK
      249 words