Malaya Tribune, 15 December 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX. No. 287 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Dec. 15, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1933. FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 Read The] Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya o »11.1- I Milkmaid BraM {Two of the most uitaf and sustaining of the \Worlds Foods. Milk from the finest dairy I herds and sugar from the most ideally situated plantations combine in making Milkmaid Milk I the finest produced. I MILKMAID IS
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 918 2 Alleged Collusion. CLERK SUMMONSES A BROKER. (From, Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, Dec. 13. IWILL not disclose their names," said the accused at the further hearing of a cross-summons case, when asked to-day by Mr. D. N. Bannerjea for the names of the two lawyers who he alleged
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  • 243 2 Probable Eflfect Of New Scheme. WILL the Malayan Civil Service cease to exist? This question, says the "Malay Mail." is prompted by the announcement that the eldest son of Sir William Peel "ia one of> the candidates .selected during 1933 for th* Colonial Administrative Service
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  • 74 2 Martial Law Declared At Tientsin. Shanghai, Dec. 13. MARTIAL law has been declared at Tientsin, where a number of suspected political plotters -have been a it S isßeported that Gen. Fang Chan Wu former Commander-in-Chief of the rhflrhar •'Allies," is in Tientsin, where he toplotting for
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  • 53 2 General Attack By Govt. Troops. Shanghai, Dec. 14. Gen Liv Hsiang, Commander-in-Chief of the Szechuen armies, has wired to Hankow to the effect that the 3rd and 4th Route Armies are simultaneously launching a general attack on the 'Reds" Gen. Yang Sen's troops have already occupied Hsintanchang.—" Sin
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  • 22 2 Reuter. Moscow, Dec. 13. Mr Bullitt, the United States Ambassador has handed his credentials to M Kalinin and M. Litvinoff.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION." The only All-British Portable Typewriter Jilt on the standard 4-bank principle. mbracing all the facilities attached to a aUtttafd Typewriter. THE VERY LATEST IN PORTABLES ON IHE MARKET. Shipments by every mail. Sole Agents: Duncan Roberts, Ltd. II! IMA, Robinson Road, Singapore. Phone: 71)40. I A
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  • 2247 3 TlayeJ *A Most Important Part In History. p DFKSSOR W. Krown gave a re- rkable lecture on "Venice" beAm- A.-sociation of Hongkomr recently. Mr. Soen Gwan presided over a large audience Brown began with the confeaaioa that he had in Venice twice, and for a
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  • 274 3 Aircraft Carrier Ordered To Port Arthur. Shanghai. Nov. 13. IT is reliably learned that the Japanese naval authorities have completed the readjustment of their arrangements ior the distribution of warships alonu China's sea coast after their recent naval manoeuvres. After the announcement made by the Japanese
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  • 116 3 Leader I ndcr Protection Of A Certain Quarter. Peiping. Oct. 10. The bandits at Funing are still holding out against the Chinese special jolice force, which is stationed around he city, but are unable to make an xttack on the waiitd city owing to luck )i heavy
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  • 71 3 Area Occupied By Manchukuo Front'er Guards. Peiping. Oct 30 It is learned from a reliable source that the Manchukuo authorities definitely regard KupeJkou Pass as within their borders and have despatched 12) frontier guards to be stationed In that strategic pass. Six Manchukuo polic? have already arrived at
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  • 79 3 North Szechuen People Paving Taxes For 2193! Evcrbod> knows that the people in Bsfchaen aie now paying taxes for 1980. but who knows that in Northern Szeehuen the people cf sevrral districts are now paying taxes for the L'SOth year of the Chinese Republic, or 2193! This
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  • 75 3 Likely To Be Appointed Minister To China. Mr. Sugimara. retired Japanese Secretary for the League er Nations who is now tourini China, has armed In Harkow from Nanking by aeroplane. He called on Chairman Chang Chun to-dey. He is leaving for Shanghai to-morrow. It is said tliat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 803 3 jfjte GREAT MEN Sfife USE SAFE AND SIMPLE >S&rf METHODS I {"\REAT men use safe and simple methods. The greatest physicians, for I instance, advocate simplicity in healing—meaning by "simplicity" that the I method used should work in close harmony with natural laws and deal with causes 1 instead of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 583 4 M. HASSAN, j ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. you arc in need of electric Lights, tans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Kents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00 Apply:
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    • 376 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. j IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF 1 Valuable Jewelleries comprising diamond and brilliant earrings, bangles, chain brooches, rings, ear-studs and also emerald and ruby rings, <te. To be held atgaeaa». Cheong Koon Seng Co. s Sale-town, Ne. 10. Chulia Street, ON SATURDAY, DEC. 16, 1933. AT 10.30 A.M. (NOW
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    • 305 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED TO PURCHASE freehold land fronting main road, within six miles frcm 'cwn. Send paitlculars and offer to Box No. 261, co Malaya Tribune. SCIENTIFIC GOLD JEWELLERY. Highly appreciated by High Court Judges. Ministers to Government and other eminent public men. FULL CATALOGS The Scientific Gold Bangles Co.,
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    • 194 4 FOR SALE. LADIES' HATS, hundreds to choose from, $1.50 each, 3 for $4 or 6 for $7.50. 117 A, North Bridge Road (Meyer Mansion). FOR SALE—Three D.C. Linotype motors i/» H.P., apply to the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56|60, Anson Road. IOUR TENNIS RACKETS IN GOOD ORDER One of your obstacles
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    • 390 4 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A. Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical EducationSystematic Training both in Technique and tueory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate. Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M ANCIANO. Mnerpal MERCANTILE INSTITUTE, 209. QUEEN
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    • 412 4 BE ALWAYS IN TIME Take all Clocks or Wal go wrong to YICK WOH HlNo 429, North Br id... <•, m4 (Near Middle EM Contractors for t Clocks Watches Army in Malaya. MALAYA TKIBUNI 'I*HONK 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN AD\ S\< > Delivery Including at office l *aKt ha
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  • 136 5 RETIRED CIVIL SERVANT COMMENTS ON CONTROVERSY. "Indian Affairs Neglected." A Fearless Legislative Councillor Is A Blessing." r JpHE art of Government, like the art of warfare, is to know or to guess, as accurately as possible, what is
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  • 1259 5 TVHE controversy in the press regarding the Hon. Mr. Abdoolcader is unfortunate for it does not seem fair to say, at the end of his second h i in of ofiiee, that he is "amiable" but not capable. The causes of his alleged failure to represent
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  • 64 5 Jewellery worth Rs. 100,000 is reported o have been burgled on Nov. 24 from the lenowned Kali temple of Dakshineswar, yen miles from Calcutta.' The temple, which was founded a century ago and which is one of the largest in the province, came Into prominence through having
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  • 89 5 In connection with the establishment oi an Indo-Ceylon air link, Mr. Vintcent of Tatas just arrived from India and met the Ceylon Government officials at Mannar which has been suggested as a site for an aerodrome. It is learnt that *he final adoption of Mannar as a
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  • 339 5 A Leader Of Congress Party. MRS. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya, one cf the leaning woman politicians of the Indian Congress Party, was, on Nov. 28, granted a divorce from her husband, the poet, Mr. Chattopadhyaya on her own petition in the Bombay Chief Judge's Court. She was given
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  • 319 5 Lancashire's Trade With India. The serious effect on the trade with Lancathie which any fuiihei substantial diminution in the exports of couon goods to India would have was emphasised by a deputation from the Manchester Chamber o! Commerce, who appeared before the Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional
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  • 135 5 Former Pupils Now Prominent In Musical World. Leipzig, Nov. 1. Professor Julius Klengel. the well-known violin-cello player, teacher ano* composer, has died' here at the age of 74. Madam: Guilhermina Suggla, of international repute, was the foremost of his pupils to achieve fame, but scores of other
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  • 39 5 Preliminary Discussion Of Procedure. London. Nov. 29. The reconstituted Joi-v. J-clect fhMMrittct en India Whi'e Paper is holding a preliminary meeting this evening for the purpose of the formal re-election of the Chairman and discussion of procedure.
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  • 240 5 Madras-Calcutta Service Next Month. TRENDING the arrival of the planes they have ordered and the completion of certain preliminary arrangements, the Madras Air Taxi Service are inaugurating their MadrasCalcutta Air Service about the middle of January. The route has been surveyed and the promoters are quite satisfied with
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  • 111 5 Curtailment In Engagements Urged. A Jubbalpore message of Dec. 5 states, that two doctors examined Mr. Gandhi that day. The bulle:in says: Mr. Gandhi had a slight cold and bronchitis without a temperature. His weight was 108 pounds. Therefore, they urge the curtailment in the items of
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  • 254 5 Hindi As The Court Language. IN furtherance of the announcement made last year by the Government of His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda. of their intention to make Hindi as a Court language, the State has notified over the signature of the Chief Justice in an issue
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  • 165 5 Local Governments Consulted On Extension.-. Ii is understood that the question )f extending the period of imposition of Hie additional petrol duty that was imposed by the Government of India in 1929. in order to give relief to the provinces will come up a -am before the next
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  • 55 5 Leaves A Lakh Of Rupees To Country. IT is understood that .he late Mr Vithalo' ai Patel has left a sum of money amoir i to one lakh of rupees to be spent un the "?oVtical uplift of India, preferably tor the publicity work on behalf
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  • 168 5 Attached By Government For Income Tax. Allahabad. Dec 1!. According to the "Leader." it is repnrtct' number of shares valued at Rs. 20,000 in railway and other companies at Calcutta bejMVing to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, have been aitacl-d by the Government on account of arvcais f Income-tax.
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  • 96 5 Extension To October Next Likely. New Delhi. Nov. 27. It is possible to indicate now, from the general trend of the information availablhere, that His Excellency the Viceroy will shortly announce his intention of extending the life of the present Assembly to the end of October and that,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 I^MfJaMMMMMMMiMMH^ j LUCHTLIJN AMSTERDAM-BATAVIA v.v. £0 THE WORLD'S LONGEST AIR ROUTE j| I 1 Dear Sire, been .f r I I curing me on the M»e Aero H. *ou 1 I Una you' thiB line of 900° 1 I I service, alone ua s «»e qu^ a 1 POB -miles
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  • 952 6 Shipping News Notices. DEVELOPMENT OF SUBMARINES. Admiralty Lecture. TOTAL ABOLITION IMPOSSIBLE. rpHE third of the series of Admiralty lectures to members of the Southhampton Master Mariners' Club was given by Commander H. B. Crane, R.N., of H.M.S. "Dolphin," the submarine depot ship, "Gosport." His subject was "The Development and Employment
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  • 346 6 Australian Move Against U.S. Methods. THE Australian and New Zealand Governments are about to consult the British Government concerning action they propose to take jointly to secure conditions for their ships in American ports in the Pacific equal or parallel to conditions enjoyed by American I ships
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  • 189 6 Speed Of Ships To Be Doubled. London, Nov. 7 <By Air Mail). Admiralty experts studying the possibilities of a device which its inventor, Mr. Joseph Dawe. thinks will revolutionise shipping. Mr. Dawe Is 72, and he claims that his invention will double the speed of any craU
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  • 76 6 Sweden now occupies the fourTh place amongst the shipbuilding nations of the world after England. France and Japan, according to the latest reports. Sweden at present has 14 vessels of together 71.400 gross tons in the course of construction and during the past quarter launched 5 ships aggregating
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  • 334 6 Sank Seventeen Years Ago. THE icebreaker "Sadko.': which sank 17 •car* ago in Kandalaksha bay m the White Sea near th- Polar Circle, was salvaged recently by Soviet sailors and engineers 'Tn January, 1915. Uie "Sadko." Canada by the former Russian Board of Trade and Commerce, arrived
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  • 175 6 Contract For Convoy Ship Placed On Clyde. The Admiralty announced that the contractor H. M. Convoy Sloop Bittern 1933 programme! has been placed with Messrs. John Brown and Co., Ltd ,of Clydebank. This is the only ship under 1933 programme to be proceeded with. It was explained at
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  • 169 6 Three Drowned As Boat Capsized. Nanking, Nov. 27. Engine trouble and a bleak ncrvh wind have been responsible for the loss of three sailors Iccm the Japanese river-gunboat "Sumida," this afternoon. On Nov. 27, at 3.30 p.m.. ten sailors fcom the warship were proceeding to Hsiakwan for sight-seeing,
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  • 455 6 Increased Eagerness. RESTRICTIONS ON SALE FEARED. rpHERE has been noticeable an increased eagerness on the part cf foreign buyers to acquire second-hand British tonnage at bargain prices, says 'The Times". The demand for cargo ships from abroad is now very keen, especially on Greek account. One
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 511 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM (Under Contract with His Majesty Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Tonnage. Singapore 1933 c beSr oo COMORIN 1500° J p eb J BURDWAN 6.070 Feb. IS RA^cm"
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    • 186 6 TfjLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Said. Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Calling at Colombo Bombay Suez. Port mut. TERGESTEA Dec. 16 Dec. 16 i m.v. MONCALTERE Jan. 15 Sl5 Spore. Spore. Venice.
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    • 197 6 Deutsch H-iiO Australische DampfschifTs Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. I m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Dec. 29 1934. f ms. DUISBURG. via Manila Jan. 9 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila Jan. 23 f m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Feb. 6 s.s. NORDMARK. via
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    • 613 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. Jjg NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, ;a mm mmur Germany!. The underrated are lh» Company s Ir fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1811. g "SAALE," for Manila. Shanghai. Dairen, Tsingtau, Y'ham.i. Nagoya. Kobe and Osaka Dee 1934. "LAHN." for Manila. Hongki S'hai, N. China and Japan "TRAVE," for Manila. Hltong, s b North China
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  • 550 7 Mining Shares. Singapore, Friday. I] a m n following tin share quotations are and Co., exchange and Isaac yr*} V ulue Buyers. Sellers. n Austral Malay 36 9 37 9 J yei Hitam Tin 14 6 156 Weng lZ2y J3 7 I Bangrin Tin mtm t7o 1
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  • 133 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LOCAL TRADERS QUIET. Further Increase Of Rubber. 18% Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Friday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubbei (Singapore), 13% cts., u l> 1 8 Ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $114%, down Yesterday's Prices London Rubber. 1 3 lGd.. up l :j2d. Market Tone:
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  • 83 7 Ifnn. Barlow and Co. report the following crop returns for Novemberlb. Ayer Kunlng <F.M.S.i Rubber Co.. Ltd. 89,000 Badek Rubber Estate. Ltd. i Staffield Estate I .32 400 Bradwall «F.M.S.» Rubber Estate. Ltd. 32,100 Chersonese <F.M S. Estates. Ltd. 99.000 Dennistown Rubber Estates. Ltd. fDennistown Estate) 49,000 Highlands
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  • 182 7 Singapore. Dec. 14. It. tflhfa) W. Coast N. I per Koyan Sill R. <S:am> W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $104 Rice. B. Siam N. I per Koyan $93 Rice. 6. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $86 Siam. No. 1 $165 Siam. No. 2 $145 S:am. No. 3 5127
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  • 1082 7 Shareholders* approval To Be Sought In January. THE annual reports of Malaya Consolidated Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., and Penawat (Malaya) Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., contain reference to the agreement entered into between the companies for a merger. Under the agreement, which shareholders of both companies
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  • 48 7 America Gets Biggest Share. Shanghai. Dec. 13. THE figures of China's foreign trade for the month of October are: imports. 595.145.937; exports. 547.974.963. The United States comes first in the import quotas and Japan second. Most of the exports are to Japan.—"Sin Chew Jit Poh."
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  • 604 7 Directors' Report. REACHING STAGE OF BEARING. QIL Palm Plantations, Ltd. (S.S.). has issued a statement of finance and a report on planting operations for the year ended Aug. 31 last. Bondholders and jwtential bond holders will be specially interested in the progress report now that the
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  • 33 7 At the annual general m eting rf Wearr.e Brothers. Ltd., to-day, payment cf a fhnJ dividend of 3 per cent, was approved, a full i-eporl of th? meeting will appear to-morrow.
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  • 652 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Friday, li a.m. The following rubber share quotation* arc issued by Fruser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyall Shares. Co. Evatt 1 Alteraby $0.90 $1.00 $0.80 $0.90 < 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.60 070 IA. Hitam 0.90 1.00 0.85
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  • 28 7 Messrs. Evatt and Co. report the following outputs for November: lb. Brunei 35.000 Changkat 32.456 Hay tor 18,110 Lunas 45.000 Indragiri 83,902 Nyalas 38.750 Tapah 78,500
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 88 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorpcrated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Paid-up-Capital Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi. Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit on
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    • 68 7 WHEN YOU HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. No doubt you have some unrealised dream heretofore made impossible by inadequate funds. A Savings Account wfll soon enable you to make these desires a reality. Sufficient ready money for your next holiday—perhaps some article you want to buy—any wish you have can be
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    • 64 7 LEE WAH BANK, Ltd. (Incorporated in the S.S.). No. 18, SOUTH CANAL RD. Foreign exchange business transacted at favourable rates. Correspondents at the principal centres in China and other parts of the world. Current and Savings Accounts opened; deposits received for fixed periods at rates to be ascertained on application.
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    • 195 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LTD.. THE HO HON(i BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40.000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Save Cheng,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 521 8 Have you beard about this great j i 11 not we'll leH you—it's marvellous: < Beautiful! Delightful! Exotic! j LILIAN HARVEY jtXkWSM j J in Fox's First musical comedy of the new season f I "MY LIPS BETRAY" j With JOHN BOLES and EL BRENDEL. j He's a riot as
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    • 396 8 i iniiin P4 VI LIOH <MATINEK TO-MORROW The Story Every Woman I I I Wants Every Man i j IJpfck To See: I jJHHp m Husbands and wives lovers and ■BPf **t rfmm sweethearts. will live more riehh. I 1 more emotionally, when they learn m from this supreme rman
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  • 354 9 CHINESE JUNK LOOTED. Taikong Tricked. PASSENGERS ATTACK CREW. DARING and well engineered piracy of a Chinese junk is reMolted to have occurred a few days ago off the coast of Pangkor island. The taikong and his assistant, wen overtaken by another junk and attacked
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  • 100 9 Revie,w By Guthrie Co., Ltd. MESSRS. Otithrte and Co.. Ltd.. in Dec. Hastate rUbber report dated •i«T£? J OO 1 mark et has been quiet and uninteresting since otir tost report The SartS^^ he J?f esent ""certainty the martet is naturally somewhat nervous. u.b.A statistics for November with
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  • 94 9 To Take A Strong Stand In 1935. Shanghai, Dec. 15. I T fte Japanese War. Naval and Foreign Offices at Tokyo are forming a joint committee to study measures to deal with the second Washington Conference to 1935. The basis of the Japanese policy will be repudiation of
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  • 64 9 Members of the United Chinese Musical Association are reminded that the charity concert in connection with the Tong Seng English School will commence af 8.30 p.m. to-morrow at the Great World (Hall No. 3>. Partakers and musicians are requested to fall in direct before 8 p.m. Admission to
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  • 170 9 To Retire And Live At j West Lake. Shanghai, Dec. 15. R- Lin Sen, the retiring Chairman of the National Government, has built a bungalow at West Lake, the famous beauty spot in China, where he intends to live after his retirement. He is a native of Fukien.
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  • 47 9 Barely Half Of It Was Subscribed. London. Dec. 14. It is learned that barely half of the Irish Free State loan of £6,000,000, at 3» 2 per cent., was subscribed. -Reuter. I Yesterday's cables stated that the underwriters were tuking up the balance. I
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  • 52 9 No Celebrations In Malaya And China. Shanghai. Dec. 15. The Central Government has decided not to hold any celebrations in the New Year in view of the national crisis. The Chinese Foreign Office will shortly notify the foreign Consulates. Legations, etc. to this effect Sin Chew
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  • 28 9 The useful little diary and almanack issued by the P. and O. and 8.1. Companies come' to hand once more As a disk companion !l is always desirable.
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  • 464 9 S.V.C. Pantomime. EXCELLENT SHOW AT THE THEATRE. gINGAPORE can look forward to entertainment of an unusual nature for Malaya at Christmas time, when the Singapore Volunteer Corps opens with the pantomime "The Babes In The Wood" to-morrow night. A dress rehearsal, to which men of
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  • 143 9 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Alterations In Trengganu Lighthouse. The pairs of outer and inner beacons no longer used, and new beacons have been erected en Pulau Duyong Kechil. At the front beacon ij a white post 35 feet In height surmounted by a
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  • 77 9 The following passengers left by the Arabia Maru" for East and South African md South American ports yes.erday morning:— Dr. s. M. Bernard (lady doctor). Dr. C. J. Wilson (Director of Medical Services) nd Mrs. C. J. Wilson. Mr. T. Morlshlma. Mrs. m. Morishima. Mrs. C. O. L'Estrange
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  • 106 9 BHIP« Ar.OWOfITO« mt WfrAAVIB OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, Dec. 15. East Wharf (Entrance Gate m% Sirdhana 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). ophir 13: Islander 10: Pr-lpinf 7. rmoire L*v* Kumsani 30; Rhesus 32; SalawaU 35. Bmptre Dock t«ntr»nce OaW l> I;init 48\ Wf*t wnitrf nentrane* o«m
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  • 33 9 Mails from Europe (London mails despatched on Nov. 23). by the "Rajula" will arrive by train M>' night. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow. i
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  • 203 9 < SELLING. Singapore. Dec. 14. London 4 months' sigh: 2 4 364 London 3 months' sight 2|4 132 London 60 days' sight 2 4 164 London L'O days' sight 2 1 London demand 2 3 63 64 London T.T. 2 3 31 32 Lyons and Paris demand 96*»
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  • 91 9 Alleged Culprits Arrested And Charged. A policeman attached to the Geylang Division was stabbed in the head last night. It appears that he was on rounds near Lorong 7 when he interrogated three Chinese who, he thought, were behaving in a suspicious manner. Suddenly, one of hem, it
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  • 87 9 ALHAMBRA—LiIian Harvey and John Boles in "My Lips Betray." CAPITOL— The Private Life of Henry VIII." EMPIRE —Eddie Cantor in "The Kid From Spain." GREAT WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas. Talkies: Sky—"Chandu The Magician." Star— The Devil's Holiday." MARLBOROUGH "Nagana." NEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas,
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  • 146 9 To Become President Of St. John's. London. Dec. 14. Dr. Cyril Norwood relinquishes the headship of Harrow next summer to take up the presidency of St. John's College. Oxford, to which he was elected to-day—Reuter. Dr. Cyril Norwood, M A.. D.Lit., was born on Sept. 15, 1875. He
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  • 203 9 Four Due Here Over The Week-end. The m.v. 'Tergestea' (Lloyd Triestino) is due here at noon feo-BKJtro* from Japanese I ports, Shanghai and Hongkong, and will anchor lin the :oads She is expected to sail the sam n I day at 6 p.m. from the roads for Penang.
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  • 127 9 Sound Film To Be Shown In Singapore. A thousand invitaions have been issued by the Lloyd Triestino (local office) for the Italian sta c Tourist Dept.. for a cinema show at the Capitol Theatre next Tuesday (Dec. 19) at 4 p.m. A sound film (in English) of
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  • 153 9 Four Men Charged In Singapore. Evidence of identification was tal: oefore the Second Magistrate (Mr. N Grice» this morning, in connection w." a alleged burgary of a jewellery store in Saigon recently. Four accused, named Amoo. Abdulb !> Abdul Aziz and Mohamed bin Ahmad, were arrested in Singapore
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  • 63 9 Melbourne. A leading British company has announced insurance policies against nun for Australian holiday-makers. One form of policy will pay rompi 'ligation for rainfall exceeding cert an: limits during any specified hours of th twenty-four. An alternative form will insure (!)<• holder in cases when 1 tal
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 182 9 I SINGAPORE HOTELS I tl t ,i„, i ,ain lM ..i n i i I GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL I Phone 6490. Telegram GOODWOOD. I I Booking Now Open For 1 I Staturday December 23 BOXING NIGHT NEW YEAR'S EVE EXTENSIONS 2 A.M. i I AN EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN ENGAGED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 205 9 j [POSTAL IKKLUCtHCtj SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSt. TO-DAY. North. N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Tlnombo) 3 p.m. Selat Pandjang, Bertgkaiis, Slak, Pakan Baroe Pert de Kock and Padang (Hong Keat) 3 p.m. Ceylon, Southern and Western India (Yukl Maru) 3 p.m. Belawan, Egypt and U.S.A. (Salawati) 3 p.m. North and East India
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    • 120 9 [DIARY Of Ttit day] 1 j WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. DEC. 15. High Tides— a.m., 10 p.m. Hockey: A.P.C. v. Police, A.P.C.; V.M.C.A II v. Rangers. V.M.C.A S.R.C. v. IndoCeylon. S.R.C.; Wiltshire v. Khalsa, Tanglin: S.C.C. v R.A.. S.C.C. Police Band. Katong Park. 5.15 p.m. Rugger.
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  • 44 10 Lee Kim Soo, at 8 a.m. in his residence, 34, Newton Road. Age 46. Cortege will leave for Bukit Brown on Sunday, 17th December, at 10 a.m. Friends and relatives are kindly requested not to send any banners and scrolls.
    44 words
  • 70 10 The family cf the late Inche Eunos bin Abdullah beg to cxprecs sincerest thanks to H.E. Sir Cecil and Lady Clen tnti, Mr. Andrew Caldecott, Mr. H. G. IJeverKy. the Datohs of Johcre, members of the Legislative Council and Municipal Coniirf kuri and others too numerous to mention for
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  • 748 10 QUR American friends possess an j enviable gift of expressiveness, j They have a flair for the crude but meaningful phrase that epitomises the philosophy of the man in thestreet —a sagacious individual who has the knack of being dead right on big issues. Hence it is possible
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  • 15 10 Capt. Ahmed bin Abbas has been transferred to the reserve of officers. Johore Volunteer Forces.
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  • 19 10 The promotion of Capt. H. H. Tunku Ahmed. Johore Volunteer Forces, to the rank of Major, has been approved.
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  • 20 10 The Hon. Mr. A. S. Haynes has gone on a visit to Kuala Kangsar, accompanied by Mrs. and Miss Haynes.
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  • 20 10 Capt. Syed Esa bin Alwi has been appointed to be the Officer Commanding Detachment, Johore Volunteer Forces, at Batu Pahat.
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  • 30 10 Mr. E. C. Watson, advocate and solicitor, Ipoh, will be leaving for China and Japan on a holiday about the 20th inst. He will be away for about eight weeks.
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  • 33 10 There were many friends at the Kuala Lumpur railway station on Wednesday night to bid bon voyage to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. de Lile, who are going to Ceylon on a holiday.
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  • 36 10 A tea party will be held to-morrow at 5 p.m. at 1, Short Street, in honour of Mr. T. G. Thomas, 8.A., President of the Syrian Christian Union, who is shortly sailing for India on leave.
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  • 36 10 Mr. O. P. Noakes, manager of the Seremban branch of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd., Mrs. Noakes and two children, are proceeding on Home leave by the "Lalandia," sailing from Port Swettenham on Dec. 27.
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  • 40 10 Mr. John McArthur Russell, Works Manager, Straits Trading Co., Ltd., is shortly leaving for Home on retirement after 33 years' service. The Asiatic staff of the Pulau Brani smelting works are to entertain him at a ronggeng party to-morrow evening.
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  • 57 10 After the Rotary Convention in Kuala Lumpur, over which he will preside as District Commissioner, and the Federal Council meeting on Monday, the Hon. Col. Cecil Rae, accompanied by Mrs. Rae, leaves for Singapore to board the steamer "Annul" for a trip up the South China Coast. Colonel and Mrs.
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  • 105 10 HOPE," said Mr. Justice Hereford in the Seremban Supreme Court the other day, "that when the Government recovers frem the present prevailing depression, it will see fit to instal electric light in the Supreme Court." A heavy rainstorm was on at the time,
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  • 113 10 mHE "policy" of increasing school fees at English schools has spread even to far Kedah, as parents of children attending the G.E.S., Alor Star, have been notified. Thus the people of the Unfederated States as well as those of the Colony are having to suffer for the
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  • 132 10 ¥N his extremely interesting article, published on another page of this issue. Dr. Khalid Sheldrake offers a plea for the English language—a rather timely plea locally! He resents the tradition which demands the use of Latin for inscriptions on public buildings and for other purposes. English has adequate
    132 words
  • 145 10 A GOOD deal has been beard recently of women police in other land They are doing good work in China U mention one country. Now they hav< been introduced in Burma. Miss Nic 11 Jones is the first woman there to be i. vested with the powers of
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  • 152 10 rpHE announcement yesterday conA cerning a weekly Air Mail despatch via Imperial Airways was important, particularly because of the lower char?' now to be made for corresponder.< Letters will be carried to Europe I 35 cents per half-ounce, postcards [< 20 cents, additional to the ordinary postage—appreciably
    152 words
  • 418 10 By "Looker-On" pnJKIEN is said to be hard up. Why not sell the copyright of Mr. Eugene Chen's unique cables? Severe frost prevents rugger at Home. It would be rather funny if a scrum froze. I've seen some local rugger scrums that were very nearly at freezing point
    418 words
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 324 10 mm ~~mm "V''."""'T| Choose Fragrant Gifts tEver welcome is a ft* cf -'4711- Genuine Eau de Cologne, .he indispensable toilet adjunct in bath and wash bacin, on the dressing table and in Milady's handbag, to banish headaches and nervous tension. I For christmas Gms 47U de Cologne 3>W appropriately packed
      324 words
    • 57 10 j BEST FRENCH MADE j EBONY CLARINETS. I GOOD TONE AND DURABLE. j Jl Albert system, 14 nickel silver drop-forged keys and am 2 rings. In Bb, Eb or A. Iff At greatly reduce! price, m 835.00. raf Boehm System and SaxoBJ phone Fingering Clarinets. |l Prices on application. SEASON
      57 words

  • 118 11 CHIANG'S HURRIED TRIP TO HANGCHOW. CONFIDENTIAL ORDERS FOR THE TROOPS. Nanking 'Planes Over Fukien. -The Country's Capital Is Where Chiang Stays." y|UCH speculationis evinced by Marshal Chiang's aerial trip to Hangchow. The situation on the border is tense, c Fourth Kuomintang Congress has been
    118 words
  • 639 11 Shanghai, Dec. 15. 'j RE ia every probability ihat kwo stik Governments will shortly tioning in Fukien Province. of the fact that over ten dis in the province "have not joined volt, the Central Government -mplates removing its former stat of Government to ng, in
    639 words
  • 119 11 (ioing To Sinkiang Shortly. Shanghai. Dec. 15. Shao Hiung, Minister of nor. left Peiping yesterday ins way back to Nanking upon Gen. Han Fu Chu Shantung) and Gen. Feng •Christian General"* his train passes through Taishan. former Commander of the rs, will soon leave for take command
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  • 133 11 Rover Scout Arrives In Singapore. MR. E. KANDIAH. the Seremban Scout who went to India on a cycling tour in 1931. and has spent the last seven month in Ceylon, has returned to Malaya, and called at the "Malaya Tribune" office yesterday. He has written a book about
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  • 38 11 "The members of the untitled chestra of the Singapore Musical Society are acMsed that U» next orchestral practice will be or. Monday, 8 SI 515 pm in the Victoria Memorial Hall when the "Elijah" muiic will be rehearsed."
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  • 173 11 Suspension Of Traffic Probable. Shanghai, Dec. 15. TRAFFIC on the Chinese Eastern Railway is likely to be suspended owing to insufficiency of coal supplies. These will last another half-month only. Mr. Li Chak Yit, of the Peiping Government, has left Tientsin for Peiping to report on his
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  • 142 11 Not Decided Where He Will Live. Reuter. London. Dec. 14. I have never yet committed myself to residence anywhere without personal inspection." declared the Hon. A. G. M Cadogan, the new Minister to China, replying to a toast at a China Association banquet, at which Lt.-Col. Sir
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 51 11 Heavy Sentences For The Ringleaders. Reuter. Sourabaya. Dec. 14. The five Eurooean corpora*> involved in the "Zeven Provincien" mutiny last year have been sentenced by courtmartial to 16, 12. ten. eight and one year in prison respectively and three European sailors to eight, four and 1% years.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 252 11 Move For Additional Quota. (Froir Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 15. A POWERFUL movement has been launched by a section of the Tin Committee to institute an additional supplementary five per cent, quota, to build up an 8,000-ton pool, ostensibly for the purpose of stabilising the market
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  • 132 11 U.S. Loss Of Markets. MINISTER'S WARNING TO ROOSEVELT. Reuter. r J HE United States must modify her tariff policy or accept a con siderable permanent loss in foreign markets," says Mr. Wallace (Secretary for Agriculture) in his annual report to President Roosevelt. "The United States is a
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 50 11 nterncttional Express Derailed. Reuter. Harbin, Dec. 15. QNE foreigner, four other passengers and two Japanese soldiers were killed, eight people were wounded and several passengers were carried off when a body of 300 bandits derailed, attacked and looted the international train from Europe near Tsitsihar, shortly after midnight.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 103 11 Present Gold Plan To Be Continued. Reuter. Washington, Dec. 15. Gold purchases will be continued indefinitely and stabilisation is not in prospect. These are the principal decisions after President Roosevelt had had a conference for a couple of hours with nis financial lieutenants. "Everything looks lovely; we are
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 95 11 Siamese King And Queen Defer Departure. Reuter. (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. 14. It is reported that it is possible that the King and Queen of Siam may defer their departure to Europe approximately three months, or until the close of the first session of the present
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 75 11 Rumour Of Goodwill Tour By Minister. Reuter. Melbourne. Dec. 14. Questioned by Reuter in regard to the "Melbourne Herald" report that Sir Charles Kingsford Smith is to pilot an aeroplane carrying Mr. Latham. Minister of External Affairs, to Tokyo in February on a goodwill mission to Japan,
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 21 11 Reuter. Albuquerque 'New Mexico*. Dec. 14. The noted film star. Betty Compson. has married her manager. Irving Weinberg.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 118 11 1934 Is To Be A Close Season. TN view of the excessive destruction of big gams, deer and game and common birds in the state of Johore. His Highness the Sultan in Council has declared the whole of 1934 to be a close season for them, namely
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  • 41 11 Reuter. London, Dec. 14. It is understood that Sir John Simon's European tour during the Christmas recess will be largely devoted to effecting a Franco-German rapprochement and sounding Sig. Mussolini regarding his J precise attitude to the League.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 152 11 CHANNEL SERVICES STOPPED. Ship Disappears. Drought Causes Great Inconvenience. Reuter. London, Dec. 14. gRITAIX is at present afflicted with an unusual combination of Arctic conditions and drought. An icy north-easterly gale, unequalled for six years, stopped all cross-channel steamer services and made heavy demands on lifeboat
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 11 ■!■»■»—»w mm mm m ——l 4 The fresh delicate flavour of J HEYMAN BUTTER is due to j i the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria, Australia, it is handled j aml P acke(l whn scrupulous care in order to ensure^ that it j *****
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  • 243 12 HARBOUR BOARD EXTENSION. New Wharves. BLANGAH BAY TO BE RECLAIMED. ADDITIONAL deep water wharfage totalling 3,300 feet will be provided by the new scheme to extend the accommodation for large vessels at the Singapore Harbour Board. Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, Chairman of the Singapore
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  • 167 12 Haji Sulong Bin Abdul Rahman Of Johore. 'From Our Own Correspondent. > Johc.?, Dec. 14. The death ceurred this morning at his son's re dence u Johore Bahru of Haji Sulong bin Atdul Flahmur. who had been ailing for a ie* day... He was a v.ry old
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  • 115 12 Interesting Talk To Literary Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Dec. 14. A very interesting and instructive talk was given by Mr. C. Boyd-Bowman to the members of the Malacca Literary Club in the room of the Malacca Historical Society yesterday evening. Conflicting evidence given by the prosecution
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  • 117 12 Sentence On Chinese Cyclist Postponed. An unsuccessful attempt by a Chinese cyclist to snaten a bag from a European lady, had a court .-equel this morning when the Chinese, Goh Seng, was charged before the :#jcond Magistrave, Mr N. Grice, with attempted theft It was also revealed that
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  • 70 12 The band of the S.S Police, under the direction of Mr. F E. Minns, who will also conduct, will perform the following programme, weather permitting, at Katong Park to-nighl at 5.15 p.m.: Overture. "The Mousme," Monckton: selection 'Wild Violets." Stolz, waltz, "Thw Gaygos," Brown; selection. "Tannhamer," Wagner; intermezzo,
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  • 193 12 Possess on Of Arms And Ammunition. A FINE of ;00 (in default six months' r.i.) was mposed on a Chinese who played the ro' of informer to the police in an "unlawful possession of arms case" which came up before the District Judge. Mr. H. A. Forrer. Two
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  • 128 12 Office-Bearers Elected At General Meeting. iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Johore. Dec. 14. A general meeting of the Johore Club was held yesterday evening in the club house with ihe Hon. Dato Mohamed Salleh bin Ali (Staf Secretary> presiding. The following were elected office-bearer* fcr 1934 "resident. Sheikh Abu
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  • 107 12 French Complainant Arrives From Saigon. Alleged to be connected with a case of theft which occurred in a jeweller's establishment in Saigon some time ago, Singapore's Scotland Yard recently arrested four men, Amoo, Mohamed bin Ahmad, Abdullah and Abdul Aziz, and charged them with dishonest retention of stolen
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  • 138 12 Daily Practices At Moscow Aerodrome. Helsingfors. Preparations are going forward rapidly for the visit of a Soviet air force squadron to Paris, according to reports h're. The flight is to return the recent visit of M Pierre Cot, the French Air Minister, to th? U.S.S.R. Although considerable secrecy
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  • 113 12 Closing For Holidays To-day. The schools in the Colony close for the Christmas holidays to-day. Many students are seen going about towards the railway and steamships with books and baggage. The majority of them are eager to reach home as quickly as possible so as to be with
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  • 416 12 Charge Against A Money-Lender. MR. R. J. F. Curtis, the Third Magistrate, was for the greater part of yesterday engaged in hearing "he Chinese complainant in a preliminary inquiry, in which a Bengali moneylender named Raj Kishore Rai is alleged to have used as genuine a forged
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  • 71 12 The December issue of Peace," the organ of the International Buddhist Union in Singapore, has just made its appearance. In addition to the usual instructive features it has an article on "Buddhism in Malaya'" by Mr. Tay Tiang Hoo which should provide great interest to devotees here.
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  • 136 12 Discovery Of Still And Liquor. TWO parties of Revenue Officers made a surprise raid on a house at the 7V 2 mile. Jurong Road, at about noon on Wednesday. One party came across a large still in actual operation and there were six large barrels of fermenting rice.
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  • 107 12 Invitations To Christmas Function. Members and friends of ;he Y.W.C.A. are invited to the Christmas party to be held at 530 p.m. on Monday. Dec. 18. at the Raffle* Quay building. Everyone is asked o bring gifts which will later be distributed amongst the poor of the city.
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  • 169 12 The following is the health bulletin of the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, a. Singapore, lor the week ended Dec. 9. Baghdad: 1 plagie case: 1 smallpox cas?. Bassem: 1 plague case. Bombay 2 smallpox MMI and 2 deaths. Calcut'a: 13 cholera cases and 1 dea h as
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  • 98 12 The Municipal health statement for the week ended Dec. 9 gives the total numb?r of deaths as 228. The death ra c was 24 83 per miUe compared with 19.71 in the preceding week and 17.14 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes
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  • 417 12 Guild Honours Retiring Treasurer. A WARM tribute was paid by members of the Straits Merchant Service Guild yesterday to their retiring hon. treasurer, Mr. J. W. Harries, whom they entertained at their club house. Mr. Harries, who has been connected with their Guild for the past seven
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  • 147 12 Obstacle To Sino-Annam Treaty. Nanking. Dec. 1. I* is Seamed that negotiations for a Sino-Freneh-Annam Commercial Treaty have reached a deadlock as a result of the imposition by Nanking of an import duty on rice, and the enforcement by Canton of the rice surtax. The French Minister
    147 words
  • 755 12 "Mass Of Uceratl^. MARKS TOO MANY TO COUNT. *fHE marks on the so numerous that it I sible to count them, physician, before th< (Mr. H. A. Forrer) j a case in which a Cn: the labouring class was charged with wi her ten year old sten-.j.,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 2444 13 STATE SUED BY TOWKAYS. Claim For $20,000. WAS LAND SALE ILLEGAL? m Our Onn Correspondent.) Seremban. Dec. 13. IN nt. resting case in the Supreme her* is one in which the ther the Collector of Land Tampin, is correct in ordersal of a piece
    2,444 words
  • 402 13 Police Exhume Husband's Body. (From Our Own Correspondent J Johore, Dec. 14. A GRUESOME find was made by "he Plentcng Police yesterday afternoon as the result of smart police investigation. The dead body of a Chinese, named Lee Cho Kim. about 43 years of age. which
    402 words
  • 87 13 Mrs. F. F. Cooray and her son Gerald, who left by Tuesday night's mail train for Penang, and sailed yesterday by the Andre Lebon" for Ceylon, where they expect to stay about three months. The executive committee appointed to make arrangements for the reception
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  • 202 13 Miss Samuel, daughter of the Penang lawyer, is very busy learning hairdressing at an establishment in Hanover Square. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel will be returning shortly to Penang. Invitations were issued by Messrs. Oon Keat Hin and Oon Keat Seng, of 33 Noordin Street, for the marriage of their
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  • 294 13 The annual dinner of the AngloChinese School Teachers' Union, Ipoh, was held at the View Mien Hotel on Friday evening. The President, Mr. F. G. H. Parry, gave an interesting review of the activities of the Union during the past year. Among the guests were Mr. A. Keir. Inspector
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 128 13 i j§; a lecithin? i I 'j*- *lU'o<X»«Kts f >!<i| i N(RV[ FOOD AMO WS j Arc you nervous, irritable about small j matters or unable to concentrate on your ~1Im»*c««/ wtHKr* j work. Are you weakened by overwork, r^*:; /^^r'"j^ j worry or the tropical climate ?If so, try
      128 words

  • 1475 14 Some 'Problems Confronting The THE Australian Board of Cricket Control meets on Jan. 2 to select the team for the 1934 England tour and in view of this the following analysis of the claims of the cligibles will be read with interest. Mere words, says
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  • 44 14 S. H. B. Head Office XI v. the Upper Serangoon Rovers United to-morrow at the Serangoon English School ground: Samat; Hassan, Kassim; Chang Bok, Quan Chong. Yanee; Kim Soon, William Leong, Saniff. Ah Kow and Swee Guan. Reserves: K. C. Hwee, Jantan and Others.
    44 words
  • 106 14 Oxford Complete Football Double. Reuter. Stamford Bridge. Dec. 14. I OXFORD beat Cambridge in the annual inter-Varsity soccer match to-day by 3—o. I Oxford thus completed the double, having won the rugger match by 5—3. Oxford were superior in every department of the game and outplayed Cambridge.
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 64 14 All-Star Team To Tour World. Reuter. New York, Dec. 15. Chicago major League base ball club owners have voted in favour of adopting a standardised livelier ball in 1934 and also voted J. D. Shibe. owner of the Philadelphia Athletics, to take an all star team, from the
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 180 14 Lawn Tennis Final And "At Home." Th" Malay Recreation Cub's "A" singles handicap final was playtd vi Saturday b'tween Che Ahmad b.n Hadiee Kassim (Club champion) and Che Ibrahim bin Daud. the la ter v. inning in two straight sets 7 —5, I —s. A fairly large
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  • 194 14 The Inter-District League Competition. The Mackenzie Footers meet the Coleman Street XI to-morrow in the S.C.F.A. inter-district League competition at the S.C.F.A. ground. This will be the last match of the competition and has aroused keen interest as it will decide who will be the champions and runners-up.
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  • 56 14 Sepoy Lines' XI v. the McNair Athletic Party to-day at the McNair Road ground at 5 10 p.m.: Hassan. Tian Chwee, Md Archor, Beng Chong, Chit Bah icarjt». Eng Hamid. Oodick Hetiß Tee. K. Y. Watson. Md. Aziz Md. Est hoi. Reserves: Y. Cheng Guan. T. Poh Chiang,
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  • 28 14 Cluny Rompers XI v. the '"Straits Times" S. C. on Sunday, at the Gaylang Stadium: Siak Tong. Rahmat. Ismail, Vincent, Yew Chye, Thasan. Karim, Hassan. Ali, Mahendra, Salieh.
    28 words
  • 296 14 Useful B.P.s Quarterly Meeting. THE Useful B.P.s fourth quarterly J general meeting for the year will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20. at 7.30 p.m. i at the residence of Mr. Soh Hun Swee. 81. Neil Road. Arrangements for 'the coming anniversary celebrations will be discussed at this
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  • 104 14 The Jovialads' B" defeated the Devlin B. P. on Sunday last by 5—2. Scores (Jovialads' names first>: Koh Wee Num beat Heng Swee Tee 5—is. 15—5. 15—8: Yeo Peck Ngam beat Teo Thuan Bak 15—7, 14—14 (3—1>: Koh Pwav Chim beat Heng Swee Lee 15—12. 12—15. 15—9;
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  • 100 14 Lunar Athletic and Musical Party's team v. the August B. P. .at the latter's court Teluk Ayer Street, to-morrow at 3 p.m.: Singles: Lim Hai Choo. Boon Ann. I Mixed-Doubles: Tav Kheng Ann and Miss A N. Other; Ho Ah Hong and Miss Yip Yuen Tai.
    100 words
  • 92 14 Sintit B.P. team v. the Water-Melons BP. at the latter's court, King's Road, Eukit Timah, on Sunday, at 2.15 p.m.: Koh Pway Chim, Koh Pway Thow. Tan Khai Seng, Cliing Eng Cheng. Low Swee Guan, Chan Teow Chuan, Lee Chwee Chin and Lee Teow Lin. Reserves Wee Cheng
    92 words
  • 74 14 Sincere Lads' "B" team v. the Lorong 24 B.P. "B" to-morrow at 3.30 p.m. at the latter's court Kid Lee. Lee Cheng Tian. Lee Kim Seng, Tan Tiang Seng, Koh Cheng Guan and Tan Kim Chwee. Lorong 24 B.P. team William Tan, Lim Cheng Kay, Tee Tian
    74 words
  • 52 14 Oxygtn B.P. team v. the Useful B.P. at the latter"s court on Sunday at 3 p.m.: SINGLES: Tan Soo Choo, Tan Soo Liew, N. R. Ponnusamy, G. Jean, Munian. DOUBLES: Tan Soo Liew and Harry Lee, Tan Soo Choo and N. R. Ponnusamy. RESERVES: S.> Muthuguru. A:i oine.
    52 words
  • 68 14 The Kota Raja Club will meet a S:uth Johore XV at th? Civil Service Padang tomonrow: JOHORE: J. B Dudgeon: W. S. Morgan, D. T. Davis, E. A. Mathews, R. Land: A. O. Robb, D. P. T. Scott; A. M. Dick, P. V. Murdock. F. A. Thomson, J.
    68 words
  • 426 14 S.A.W.L.A. Secretary's Statement. MR. Wee Sian Leok writes: "In response to the various criticism v raised by Mr. Lim Peng Kye. Hon. secretary of the Young Chinese Weight-Lifting Party. In connection with the recent Weight-lift inChampionships, I deem it my duty as hon. secretary of the Singapore Amateur
    426 words
  • 257 14 "BODY-LINE" BURIED. Latest Cables. AUSTRALIANS S\[| ON MARCH 9. I Reuter. Adelaide, Dec 14 X HE Australian Hoard of I have cabled to the M.4 .< v effect that the Hoard regarded \L bodyline dispute as ended and added that the Australian team uiij
    Reuter.  -  257 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 90 15 Christmas And New Year Competitions. ft- Bowing competition have been I weed tor the Christmas and New Year the Keppel G.C. DAY: Mix d Flag Compe.ition rill to open to ladies from 2.30 the purpose of this competition DAY MONDAY >: ApproachI Competition 'entries close at ioDHS
    90 words
  • 77 15 Siong Bjo Beat The Amicable A.A. ag 800 Athletic Association were d st billiard* by the Amicable Athletic n on Sunday at 43-B. Upper Nankin tat i were closely contested and the t. rs won by 3—l. i A A A. names first) X ion Yam beat Tan
    77 words
  • 53 15 ..':.»:us traillWM I| championship and i > hai ben at the S.C.C trantomhtp games will be 350 up and if entries arc received the handicap ail] be divided into two classes —A end 3. class 150 up. ekM on Sunday. Dec. 31 and play mmenct on Jan. 8.
    53 words
  • 73 15 O'Neill Dunne wsa the singles champ-on-m the S.C.C. lawn bowls tournament da] beating G. c. Miller in the final by liter the game. Mr. O P. Griffith-Jorcs. P dent of the S.C.C, distributed the prizes faOasn: .uglcr- P ONeill Dome; runner-up. C. ller. 'landieap Single- G. C
    73 words
  • 35 15 team v. the R.A.F. on Monday. S.C.C: Exley. C. Q. Starkey. F. H. Geake. i.\ L J. A. Feilden. D. R. Godfrey. N '.v.unwright. C. W. Watson. A. Giles. Walker, G. H. Strcobach.
    35 words
  • 31 15 play was possible in the hockey b -twecn the S.C.C. and the Indo- <■ which was to have been playWednesday on the Padang. owing the sodden condition of the ground.
    31 words
  • 22 15 •«HJtball match arranged between XV and the S.V.C. which was 10 jret] on Wednesday on the padang. j cancelled, i
    22 words
  • 111 15 St. Gregory s B.P. Beat Youths B.P. OT. GREGORY'S B P. defeated the y Youths' B. P. on Sunday at the former's court by 6 games to 1. Scores <St. Gregory's players mentioned first): Choy Ah Onn defeated Wee Tong Ngiap 15—8. 15—7; Khng Guan Slang defeated Robert
    111 words
  • 103 15 Playtam at the Marigold ccurt on Surah y. the G.M.b.C. drew with the Jacques B.P. 2—all. the final tie being abandoned cwinc to failing li^ht. Scores (G.M.S.C players mentioned fir;t): Single-- Aiu Chwee Whatt lost, to Sim Thiam Wbce 14—14 (2—*o. 12—IS; S. Q. QlKk lost to
    103 words
  • 101 15 At. the special general meeting of the Kirn Keat B.P. on Sunday at the residence of Mr. M. A. Dimings. KB. Kirn Keat Lane. Mr. Tan Joo Kiat was elected hon. secretary and treasurer, vice Mr. C. J. Hee resigned, and Mr. Low Choon Poh (Committee) vice
    101 words
  • 74 15 The Braddell Bros. Badminton beat the Chartered Bank Recreation Club on Sunday. Scores: Singles:— We! Boon Hai beat Lee Kirn Seek 15—5. 15—7; Lauw Pew Tjin beat Sect Kirn Seng 15—12. 12—15. 13—13. s—o; Teo Beng Chye lost to Lim Peck Chin 6—15. 2—15: Kum X m Chuan
    74 words
  • 81 15 August B.P. team v. the Luna; Athletic *ed Mu-ical Party at Taluk Ayer Street, on Saturday at 3 p.m.: Singles: Soh Kee Ha*, Soh Kee Pon? and Kan Hock Hoy. Doubles: Soh Swee Teck and Ec S:cw Clung. Stet Hoe Lay and Soh Kiam Htap. Mixed-Doubles: Wee Hong
    81 words
  • 44 15 Entries are now open for the annual badminton tournament of the Playfair A. U. The events will be mens singles, tLeague> and doubles championship. The entrance fee is 50 cents for each, section. Competitors may obtain application forms from the hon. secretary.
    44 words
  • 35 15 Holloway B.P. team v. the Serangoon Party on the Peierdale's court on Saturday: Tay Swee Siang. Cho All Kow. Wong Ah Jit. Long Ah Hoe. Long Yeck Foo. Long Ah Kwee. Foo Chong.
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  • 98 15 (From Our Oivn Correspondent.) Seremban. Dec. 12. The Moonlight B.P. bat the Pe.-sidangan Beliii Club badminton team by 0 game* to one. ,Sccres (Moonlight names first): SINGLES: Lim Ewe Law beat Abu Bakar 15—1, 15—7: R. Sta Maria bea, Yassin 15—4. 15—6: A. LatirT lost to Syed Ahmad
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  • 64 15 Milwaukee. The "fashion" for plumper women was enthusiastically welcomed by delegates to a conference of the Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Milwaukee. Women who renounce the slimming craze, it was agreed, will make better mothers. One leading authority declared The unnaturally slender women of th£ past
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 121 15 I.IIIH I I I I QMM——MB II I 1 IN 'l I'l'lj j mNHEUSEN i I SEMI-STIFF COLLARS FOR I PERFECT COMFORT. jj special fabric woven on a curve, V*Mas4 so as to fit perfectly without, res- t ricting the neck and is mere com- fortable than a stiff collar,
      121 words
    • 99 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). J I HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Ok: J." :y. EC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supremo Court of England
      99 words
    • 189 15 New World Cabaret SATURDAY, 23rd DECEMBER. GAL 4 "HOPALE NIGHT DANCING COMPETITION. Hand'cnie Prizes Will Be Presented By MESSRS. FRAMROZ CO. For The Blues Fox Trot And Waltz. The Winners Will Each Also Receive One Dozen Settles "Hop-tile Which W ill Be Forwarded To Their Addresses. Dancing Teachers And Artistes
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 317 15 EMPIRES RADIO. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. G.M.T. 8.0 a.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. Fruit Market Notes supplied by the Intelligence Branch of the Imperial Economic Committee. 8.15 a.m. Chamber Music (graaaopbonc records). 8.45 a.m. A Light Orchestral Concert (gramophone records). (Time Signal from Greenwich at 9.0 a.m.). 9.30-10.0 n.m.
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    • 507 15 C.50 p.m. Manners and Customs in Music, a keyboard talk by Sir Walford DaVles.. (Time Signal from Greenwich at 7.0 p.m.). 710 p.m. Imperial Overseas League of Frontiersmen Essex Command Band icontd.). 7.20 p.m. The Gershom Parktngton Quintet. 8.0 p.m 'Microphone Tour' No. t. 845 p.m. A recital of gramophone
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  • 947 16 FACTS SHOWN BY HISTORY. Real Civilisation. LITTLE LEARNED FROM ROME. 'BY DR KHALID SHELDRAKE. I I Special To The "Malaya Tribune." fpHE time has come when we should re write history according to facts, and not be bluffed any longer. If w. go bark to
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  • 88 16 The Continent Is Also Suffering. Reuter Wireless. Vienna, Dec. 12. INTENSE cold has been experienced throughout Austria and Hungary these past ten days during which the lowest temperature recorded was 45 degrees of frost. Five people have died on the Hungarian roads.—Reuter Wireless. Paris. Dec. 12. Ice is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 26 16 Reuter Wireless. Cairo, Dec. 12. The Crown Prince of Egypt will henceforth be known as Emir of Said, which means Upper Egypt.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  26 words
  • 217 16 General Goering Elected President. Reuter Wireless. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Dee. 12. THE new Reichstag will open at the Kroll Opera House this afternoon for the shortest session on record, as it will adjourn later in the day until January. There are no Jews nor women in the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  217 words
  • 99 16 Method Of Stopping Bleeding In Five Seconds. Reuter Wireless London, Dec. 12. The new medical school at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. costing nearly £250.000 and claimed to be the most modern and best equipped school of its kind In the country, was opened to-day by His Majesty
    Reuter Wireless  -  99 words
  • 114 16 Sent To Prison For Striking A Peasant. Bologna. Oct 27. A sentence of two years' imprisonment and 1500 lire (£25 at current rates i damages, has been passed on Enrico Caruso, a son of the famous singer, who was accused of striking a peasant three years ago. It
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  • 62 16 General Strikes In Many Districts. Reuter Wireless. Madrid. Dec. 12. After a quieter night serious unrest again developed to-day and general strikes are reported from Salamanca. Santander, Santiago. Gijon. Algeciras, Granada and Alicante. Instances of sabotage on the railways are reported almost hourly, but the general strike of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 66 16 Reuter Wireless. Ascuncion. Dec. 12. Twenty thousand people to-night arc celebrating Paraguay's victory over Bolivia in the sodden wilderness of the Grand Chaco, where the reported surrender of 13.000 Bolivians, many guns, tanks and millions of rounds of ammunition is believed to have virtually ended the dispute which
    Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 44 16 Reuter Wireless. Prague, Dec. 12. Anton Svehla. the former Minister and President of Czecho-Slovakia. one of the revolutionary leaders against the oil Austro-Hungarian regime, died to-day. He was the leader of the Agrarian Party and a prospective future President of Czecho-Slovakia.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 31 16 Reuter Wireless. Washington, Dec. 1? It is repflrted that the AttorneyGeneral, Mr. Cummings, is resign* nX in tlie New Year to take up a banking position.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 158 16 —Aching Back? HEN you feel overcome by pains in the back or kidneys, apply Sloan's Liniment quickly. You will instantly feel a healthy circulation of the blood, a soothing, healing warmth that drives the pain away. Soon you are a new man. Any kind of joint or muscle i /d
      158 words
    • 177 16 •i•i■iiii'i i i i 5 1 1 1 1 11, I 1000 I ARROW FANCY SHIRTS j PLAIN AND STRIPES (EXCEPT TRUMP) TO BE CLEARED AT LESS THAN H4LF PRICE $2.00 EACH A. MOHAMED M. SAIBOO 104, North Bridge Road. I, l i li l I I I ill liil
      177 words

  • 679 17 WITTIEST ACTOR IN HOLLYWOOD. How He Swims. TALKS A GOOD GAME OF GOLF! JJK relishes nothing so little as becalled Hollywood's wittiest actor. Yet that is what he is. Jit was burn William Powell on a hoi July 2«j in Pittsburgh, but moved Lo Alleghany
    679 words
  • 55 17 Maureen O'SulHvan Engaged To Producer. New York, Nov. 28. Id* Maureen O'Sulllvan. the «J «f announces that she is engaged to Mr. Farrow. ,he film producer. Farrow, she explains, has requeued rial dispensation fr-tn m^ Carriage divorced several yeacs ago and he marriage tm mms delayed until
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  • 828 17 Glimpses Of Seme Forthcoming Films. TWO startling innovations are offered in the laughable Universal comedy. Love. Honor and Oh, Baby!" which, will be shown next week at the Capitol. THE first is the work of Slim Summerville, who, co-starred with ZaSu Pitts, emerges as a dominating,
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  • 1755 17 Defence Of The "Merry Monarch." (By "A Student of History.") LAST night I saw at 'he Capitol the muci advertised and heralded film "Ihe Priva'e Life of Htnry VIII." and if you will allow me space in y<~ur valuable journal, there are certain matters that
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 164 17 j The whole family likes Bovril— keep a bottle in the office too a cup hot or cold, before lunch, keeps your vitality up. Get this good habit and you'll wonder how you got along without such a zestful, appetising beverage. lAp.enls THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. SINGAI'ORF. AMD BRANCHES. 2
      164 words
    • 27 17 ASTHMA. rjhMUntfnl Bum* and Spcdiest Cure In all Itg st igts v ithout relapse. No matter who has failed. Ask for particulars. Dr Sh'rman, Balt>M*f"f. tFaiidpuit, Bengal.
      27 words

  • 94 18 [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not endorse opinions expressed bp correspodents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (doubt? spacing), and on one side
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  • 104 18 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—You have done an injustice to Mr. Lim Kee Cheok, the late President of the Union, by misrepresenting him in last Sunday' 3 issue of your paper. I am sure he did not clrim to be the founder of the Clerical Union,
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  • 315 18 (To the Editor, ''Malaya Tribune."J Sir,—Several comments, some of them severe, have appeared lately ta the correspondence columns ci the daily newspapers on the speech recently delivered by the Hon. the Acting Colonial Secretary at a meeting of the Legislative Council. In ajany instances. IhC
    315 words
  • 730 18 'To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir.—l should like to give my support to Mr. K. T. Ho. I quite agree with him that Jie word "Hylam" is nothing but a slur ou he people of that community. •'Hainanese" Is the correct t^m. Some people will insist in
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  • 193 18 (To the Editor, Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—The Sanitaiy Inspectors go about their daily routine and manage to keep clean those places Into which they can gain access, but what abo~t the vacant houses These are left unattended by the Sanitary Department ar.d hence become breeding places for moaquitosa and
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  • 203 18 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir,—As a keen supporter and member of the Mickey Mouse Clue, I do not know to whom to make complaint regarding the manner in which the Club is conducted. At first we were led to believe that the Club would have
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  • 130 18 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—There are several milk-vendors going about with cows. These men carry on their trade in a manner that perhaps appears quite right to them, but the Municipal regulations here need to be observed. That these men are allowed to carry on their trade
    130 words
  • 115 18 Draws Greengrocer's Cart In Australia. Boulder »\VA Oct To draw a greengrocer b- destroyed by a, six* mm J able fa c of Hbsafoose. an Irish W* j was brought out to hMMtnU* as a th for racing purpo cMongoose, by Man. n out ol L•
    115 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 324 18 r ■< High Grade j]| pimar nßi Fountain pens iS^T X'MAS^PRESENT! PILOT Fountain Pen and Desk S«ts I are the reall; ra--e and inspiring J Fj^Jw'y \>IAS OVTfI to meet the purse of i'JffiWf one and all, wh.-ther rich or poor. ijs jtf high or low. so far as the
      324 words
    • 399 18 Does Your Baby Cry In The Night Tiic only common-sen.-*- m to crying at night is ti correct J crying, and this ttoaDy can qu [Jj done by adminlsteri::- Baby's O' 1 simple, pure and absoluteh childhood s comnv. :i aite, r Baby's Own Tablet* prcmpth pleaaat ft. be vels,
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 348 18 CLUB DIARY. (Ther-; are numerous Clubs and Societies In Singapore, most of the members of which art readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries art invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-dat? and complete. Happenings of general interest will stdl be included in the
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  • 1102 19 Impressions Of English Visitor. IN "The Goan World" for October, appears an article by M. Lindsay, entitled "Goa the Oclden;" being impression* by an English visitor. Mr. Lindsav writes: Four centuries aso Gca was famous throughout the civilised world. Now it is just a bic of
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  • 131 19 "VOLUNTEERS ON THE ATTACK. Destroying The Means Of Communication. Shanghai, Dec. 14. rpHE Chinese Volunteers in Manchifria A are planning to take the offensive simultaneously in all parts of the country where they are active. Those in East Kirin and Liaotung will commence to destroy means of communications such as
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  • 46 19 South Bend. Indiana. A shirt company here has received an order for a shirt for Camera. It is a tall <and a bread) order, as the following measurements shows:— Neckband, Ittf inches: sleeves, 37 inches; chest. 58 inches; lengtn, 41 inches; cuffs, 13* inches.
    46 words
  • 39 19 Shanghai. Dec. 14. The Finance Ministry has decidpd to imposp a tax of 75 cpnts ppr picul on forpign flour, $1 ppr picul on riep and 30 cents a picul on whpat Sin Chpw Jit Poh."
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 314 19 I J»» I mmmmt •r^^tmmmmmmmmMimmmrnmumnmmm mSmf- <fthat needs no artificial aids TPHE kind of beauty that is founded on rational living and x eating endures through a lifetime. Include Quaker Oats in your daily diet. It will send rich, n*d blotxi pulsing through your veins bringing a lasting olour to
      314 words
    • 288 19 1 of Woodward's Gripe A little dose of woo baby Water after every meal n P gainst the trouUesjpeciaUY P in the hot «eath keepj bis diarrhoea. W °°X t aWe, and thus little stomach c p everv night, ensures sound sleep WOODWARDS V-\V\-V 43- 1 4 W. WOODWAID LIMITED,
      288 words