Malaya Tribune, 28 November 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX, No. 272 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 ttmd The Sunday Tribune Domi uint /ii M.i/oi/g I Heavy Smokers unseen tof Tobaccos causes dryness and ENEMIES the throat—Relieve it with Lakerol >/n J* v are soothing and keep the mouth m\ /7 i'ijvv no tobacco odour. j» OBTAIN ABLE GERMS FROM ALL DIbPLNbARIES catarrh, hoarseness and other throat
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    • 266 1 A. FLINTER i, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklace* of every ze and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. It's Worth Reaching For!! i I V
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  • 481 2 Readjustment Needed. THE MANCHURIAN LOSSES. -EVERYBODY knows that the j solution of the Government's financial situation is not dependable on frequent issuance of bonds and loans. "The other way to solve the issue is to readjust State revenues. So far China receives very
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  • 248 2 Chiang's Secret Quarrel With South-West. Cantcn, Oct. 27. THE present civil war in Kweichow may have far-reaching efrect on the luture political situation in the Southwest in general, in view of the complicated nature of the Kweichow situation Genera! Wang Chia-lieh, the presen chairman of the Kweichow
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  • 92 2 Mongolian s Refuse To Be Fooled. Peiping. Oct. 25. The Mongolian Association in Peiping has sent a telegram to the Government voicing their opposition to the Government's intention to appo.nt Changchia. the "Living Buddha." to totn General Huang Shao-hsiung's mission to Kaigan. Association point out that it
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  • 78 2 800 Tons Of Matches On Their Way To Shanghai. Shanghai. Oct 28. According to information from business circles, i large consignment of Japanese matches Is now on its way to Shanghai to be dumped on the V"cal market. A shlo carrying eight hundred tons of matches ha> already
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  • 67 2 Re'nforced General Attacks His Rival. Chungking, Oct. 22. Fighting has been resumed in Kweichow between Chairman Wan? Chia-lieh's troops and those commanded by General Cheh Min-yi. The latter has received a reinforcement of five regiments from certain quarters and is attacking General Wang's forces in the eastern
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  • 40 2 Peiping. Oct. 25. According to investigations made by the Peiping authorities, the total damages sustained by the people in the Luantung area as a reMdt of the recent military operations are as high as— China Times.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 I Lovely Nails may so r I easily be yours— I—Cult* Cuticle 1 Remover Noil T f, e Cufex Manicure is so simple c,#anl#r the result so gratifying 2 Cutex Liquid Pol- p; rst remoV e old cuticle and cleanse i,h. in oilshode» nail tips with Cutex Cuticle Remover to
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    • 543 2 li|ii|nli;|i'lrll!t Hill'Jul III! 111 l I I I I I I II lllllllliii!,,,, Hop Ale $400 COMPETITION I LION 2. ROT ~~~3~ 5. KETTLE. 6. BIRD 7. Cfl*N( N| i 1 9 WHIP 10. TOP 11. _Js 13. WATCH 14 BABY "IsTiocOMOi. The ANSWERS are to be found amongst these
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  • 621 3 IN FAVOUR OF PETITION. Free Education. RUT NOT IN TAMIL AND CHINESE. a meeting of the committee of the S.S. (Penang) Association of few days ago the question of paragraph 4 of the School Foes Petition to the Governor was raised. The Committee was
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  • 163 3 Used By Lovers Till Authorities Intervene. Belgrade. On tIM Jugoslav-Italian frontier, be.ween the towns of Fiume and Sushak. stand:; a tiny chapel to St. John Nepomuk which has not bi'Sn used since 1919. I, is one of the unsolved problems of the War. Before he War it
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  • 420 3 Johore Chinese Fined $30. 'From Our Own Corresponded.) Johore Bahru, Nov. 25. FVUTIABLE goods not declared and other dutiable goods wrongly declared by a Chinese merchant named Lee Lam Ann at the Johore Bahru Causeway Customs Office, were ordered to be confiscated by Ungku Ismail (Third
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  • 190 3 That A World War Is Imminent. Bombay. Nov. 6. A prediction that, a world war is imminent because of the conflicting economic interests of the countries of the world in their individual attempts to attain full sovereign governments, was made by Mr. J. Krishnamurti in an interview to
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  • 144 3 Alarm At Reported German Plan. Geneva. Oct. 18. A Bill authorising an outlay of 100.000.001 franc:—about £6.500,000 at present rates —for the of Switzerland's defences will, it is understood, shortly be submitted to the Federal Chamber. There has been considerable discussion in Switzerland for some time past over
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  • 543 3 Accused Badgered. VAN DER LUBBE'S OUTBURST. Reuter Wireless. Leipzig, Nov. 23. ,f pHE Judge badgered Van der Lubbe (luring to-day's trial with questions to try and induce him to confess he had accomplices, but thuDutchman insisted that he found it perfectly simple to do it alone. He
    Reuter Wireless.  -  543 words
  • 170 3 Grievance Of Local Firms. "Buy Locally" writes as follows to th? "Pinang Gazette:" I note that this controversy has again come to the front and it is not before time, as it seems very unfair that British Firms, who give employment to many Europeans and Asiatics, should
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 WW LAID EGGS Pure Malt Extract CRE4MY MILK and Cocoa for flavouring only are combined in successfully correct proportions in the world's finest food beverage OVALTINE which is easily digested and completely assimilated I tiki n bef ore retiring it ensure* sound natural, 1< f reshimg sleep. BEVERAGE 3. Al'J.
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    • 528 3 PALPITATIONS I DENOTE DANGER Arterial pressure yS^^^mmmm\m^^^^mW^^^^Bm* head pams. buzzing in the ears, tingling m the tegs, sight troubles, g.d- j d.ness oppressiveness and pangs }mmT are frequent 3m\ Angina pectoris and apoplexy must be arrested. 1 A uric drainage, thorough and immediate, is essential to remedy this dangerous state
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  • 738 4 Shipping News Notices. EIGHT-HOUR DAY AT SEA. Swedish Dept.'s Report And Disapproval. ABOUT a year ago the Swedish Riksdag rejected a proposal to extend the existing law concerning working hours at sea for a period of three years in favour of its continuation for one year, and requested the Department
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  • 83 4 The Whit? Star liner '•Olympic," which reached Southampton from New York last month, laid Uo> for her annual overhaul by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, and will remain in port until December 13. With the arrival of the "Olympic" there will b'; four liners laid up at
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  • 385 4 Adoption Of The Marine Safety Bill. THE Marine Safety BiU, which was adopted by the Diet in the last session, will in all probability pass into law on Dec. L a delay of exactly two months. The necessity of many regulations is responsible. According to the Japanese Press,
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  • 193 4 Details Of The New Regulations. The Chamber of Shipping announce that the port authorities of Istanbul, as from July 25 last. Issued new regulations for the port, which contain an important change in the rules for the navigation of the Bosphorus. The new rule is contained in Article
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  • 54 4 During the period from January 1 to Oc-.ober 20, the number of ships which passed tlvougn the Suez Canal was 4.261, an increase of 274 compared with the corresponding period of 1932. Receipts totalled 670,860.000 francs, against. 628,690,000 francs, or an inorease of 42,210,000 francs (approximately £520.000
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  • 475 4 New Vessel Launched In Eight Weeks. ANOTHER vessel of an improved type for working between the Bristol Channel ports and S.ourport, Worcestershire, via the River Severn, was launched for the Severn and Canal Carrying Co., Ltd., by Messrs. Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd. This vessel, which is named
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  • 95 4 The Pacific Steam Naviga.ion Companys motor liner "Reina del Pacifico" docked in the Canada Dock. Liverpool, last month, having arrived a day ahead of her scheduled time. She completed the voyage of 9,000 miles from Valparaiso to Liverpool in 25 days. During her outward voyage, 400 tons
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  • 77 4 Owners of tramp shipping in the Tyr.e and Blyth area have been circularised by shipowners in other districts, proposing that, in order to a:sist owners to meet the present depression, general acticn should be taken to bring about a 10 per cent, reduction in seamen's wages .It is
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  • 584 4 Fees Which Are Out Of Proportion. THE question of Customs clearance fees in French ports is discussed in the fortnightly bulletin of the Norges Rederforbund (Norwegian Shipowners' Association). In brief, the point at issue is that the fees are out of all proportion to the services
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 557 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. mmmm XOmiMjH AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty s Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON, For China and Japan. V r f i Tonnage. Singapore mm
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    • 180 4 HjLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Sues, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Sal rmdUil, Venlce and "^este- Said, Brlndisi. Venice and Trieste. mv TERGESTEA Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Due Leave Due FOR
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    • 234 4 DeuUch |HpO| Attstralische Daropfschifli (Q Cj Oesellschaft. (Companies Incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDB. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1983. t s.s. OLDENBURG, via Iloilo and Mania Dec. 3 m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila Dec. 11 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Dec. 26 1934. t m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila Jan. 9
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    • 535 4 j STEAMER SAlltkv;, The undernoted are On C mmm b. fixture*:— p 1 ->oa»j OUTWAPD3 "COBLENZ" for Mai S'hai. North China 2^\ rS. 1 Shanghai. Darren. Tarn* Nagoya, Kobe and Oaak Dm, i HOMEWARDS "ISAR," for Genoa, Mai Q Amsterdam. Rotterdam, Barani and Bremen "SAARBRUCKEN" fjr n lcna. Lisbon, Adam
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  • 540 5 Mining Shares. pore, Tuesday. 11 a.m. i m share quotations are T 1 r.d Co., exchange and h >,; stock 9 T.sue Buyers. Sellers. k ij.-bang Tin 32 6 33,£l A iJ T l lV 36 9 37 9 ii A' 1 tin is- 159 it. A
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  • 162 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. SLIGHT DROP ON YESTERDAY. London And New York Down. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Tuesday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 13 cts.. down :i ct. Market Tone: Steady at the decline. Tin (Singapore), $114 1 j, up 8 r> Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4
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  • 156 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and tartou* or anas of Kerosene are as follows: aneU Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drum* per British Imperial gallon duell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon ,Ui Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 42 5 Disapproval Of Indian Merchants. Reuter. Bombay. Nov. 27. Following the disapproval by the Indian Merchants' Chamber of .the reSe owners'. ST&s. considering modification of its rcso ution to avert the crlsl^^ r such r 8 I tions would cause. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 487 5 Few Rocks To Be Avoided. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 14 »By Air Mail". CHEERING news comes from th tin market this week. The topping of £230 per ton is the> highest for five y ars. mail firmness around that level is assured by extensiv.
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  • 133 5 Nervousness On Stock Exchange. Reuter Wireless. London. Nov. 24. FOLLOWING a New York selling movement of sterling, bidding for dollars became general when Continental operators, who were nervous with regard to the future trend of the dollar policy, rushed to cover themselves. The rate reached 5.16. but
    Reuter Wireless.  -  133 words
  • 183 5 Singapore. Nov. IT. R (Btaa») W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $113 R. <Siam> W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $106 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 591 Rice. D Siam N. 2 $34 Siam. No 1 Slfi4 Siam. No. 2 5154 Siam. No. 3 Rice. Saigon AI Saigon. No.
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  • 43 5 Shanghai. Nov. 28. The price of cotton on the local market has fallen and Is now only $7 a bale. The Ministry of Finance has decided to impose a duty on wheat imports as from nex. yea:.—"Mm Kuo Jih Pao."
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  • 16 5 A Middlesbrough steel window-frame business, established in March. 1932. is to be transferred io larger premises.
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  • 395 5 Rubber Market. SHORTAGE OF BEST GRADES. (From Our Onn Correspondent.) London, Nov. 14 (by Air Mail). gTALEMATE could best describe the situation on the London rubber market during the past week. Developments in the United States still constitute the chief influence but no definite lead has yet
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  • 90 5 Reuter Wireless. Berne. Nov. 24. profiting from the cheap dollar, tne Government has decided to Issue a new loan of $150,000,000 francs to convert the $30,000,000 loan of 1924. which Is repayable in 1934. The new loan will be at four per cent, and the exchange of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  90 words
  • 639 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday. 11 am. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co. and LyaU and Evatt: Issue value. Fraaer Itfau Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby $0.85 $0.90 $0 80 $0.00 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.00 070 IA. Hitam 0.90 100 o.Ba
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  • 42 5 Special electric cables designed to beat h. so.l and produce hmt and vec-tab*» open at all times of the year are now being demonstrated by the Electric Lighting Company. genioui tomatoes are Ma] P»" to the open air in Northumberland.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 33 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (incorporated'in SWOAPOEB BRANCH: 4, D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed tt ,ooe,ooo Capital C1.000.C00 Pald-up-Capltal 600 ,000 AN CHER: ance throughout worW w STEEL, h Acting Manager. 1 L 1
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    • 100 5 j j Small Savings- j JL LIGHTEN j Ao\ YOUR fMI I FINANCIAL j ML PATHWAY j I A+> YEABLY MMlim A 4wß*\\\ PAIU T0 YOL j Small Savings regularly deposited will J soon build up lor you a substantial Bank +\\^mm\w. A+ĕm Balance, .ready for the moment when It
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    • 170 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (incorporated In Strait* Settlement*) THE CHINESE BONO BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Liu. Authorised moo«^^U^«»s^ BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Che, Swee Chen., Esq.. Chairman. EeaLee Kong Chian, Esq., Vice-Chairmen. B g on g, Esq Tan Ean Klam, Esq.. Oan Say Hong, Esq.Lw Choon SengjEsq.. St ,t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1103 6 —Amusements <~ I)EFIN,TELY i i The Supreme drama of sublime love f FOX'S UNFORGETTABLE EPIC j Pilgrimage With HEATHER ANGEL. HENRIETTA CROSMAN. NORMAN FOSTER. I MARION NIXON. j j QPIBMiNG AT THE MATINEE. j I DRESSLERBEERY I the prise-winninfl short of W THE INCOMPARABLE the yea: A rial of laughter!
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  • 1154 7 JAVANESE HACKED TO DEATH. Compatriot Accused. i n TO MAKE HIS PLEA. Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Nov. 27. SE named Tasripan, who A iv spent over nine <>n and in the Johore tl Asylum under medical at ion soap to ascertain whether of making
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  • 62 7 Second Outrage In A Few Days Off Hongkong. Hongkong. Nov. 26. The Kingshan," a steamer plying between Kaihcng and Hongkong, was pirated shortly after leaving Hcn«kcng on Friday. No detail* are to har.d. until the sttamer returns "Sin Chew Jit Peh." fA French vessel, the "Commandant Henri
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  • 96 7 WOMEN ON SHIPS. One A First Officer On Russian Boat. London. Nov. 24 A loci* of women, ail unmarried, rrn part of the crew of the Russian Ki"-»yanin." which is unloading 'u to.) at Hull. One io n duly ceitrftr.ttf;! third mate.
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  • 119 7 BHII-8 ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore. Nov. 28 Bart Whart (Entrance Oate 1). Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). K.i ong 16: Tweedbank 13" Empire Dock (Entrance Qate Barcelona 30: Theseus 32: H.M 3. 14 IiM.S Voyager (Inside) 33: Waterhen (Outside) 35: H.M.S. (7: H.M.S Vampire (Inside) 3s; tietta (Outside) 39.
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  • 78 7 x#„iu from Batavia and Palembang by aeroat the General Post Gfllce. Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. to-day. From Holland by the "Sibajak." due zi Singapore to-movrow mcming. •pom China and Japan by the "Hosang." due at Singapore to-morrow corning. Fr-m Indo-China by the "Aramis due a 7 o m
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  • 193 7 SELLING. I Singapore, Nov. 27. London months sight 24 532 London 9 months' sight 24 9 Lor.don CO days sight 24 London 30 days" sight 24 London demand 2 4 3 London T.T. 24 59? Lyons and Paris demand 961 Hamburg demand ■JP i New York demand 'j'
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  • 71 7 Conciliation Commissions To Be Appointed. Reuter. Belgrade, Nov. 27. Following the recent Turco-Greek, Turco-Rumanian and Turco-Bulgarian pacts a Jugcslav-Turkish five-year pact oi friendship, arbitration and conciliation has been signed by the rc?spective Foreign Ministers of the two countries, with a provision that all differences between the two countries
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 106 7 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. NOV. 28. High Tides— a.m., 8.43 p.m. Billiards meeting ai Prankels, 6 p.m. Cyclm» meeting a t the V.M.C.A. 6 p.m. Rugby: S.C.C. Tournament. Merchants v. PS. °SCC. TO-MORF.OW. NOV. 29. High Tides—B.3s a.m.. 9.39 p.m. Rotary Luncheon,
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  • 92 7 ALHAMBRA.—Norman Foster and Marian Nrxon in "Pilgrimage.' CAPITOL. Bebe Daniels in "The Son?You Gave Me" and stage attraction. EMPIRE.—Joe E. Brown in Fireman Save My Child." GREAT WORLD.-Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayaru's cinemas. Talkies: Sky- Rebecca on Sunnybrook Farm;" Star—"Tne Timer." MARLBOROUGH.—"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." NEW
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 270 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 719 of 1929. Re GOH CHENG TUAN, of No. 128-10. Pay a Lebar Road, Singapore, Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a First Dhidend is intended to be
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    • 299 7 tiHGAPcmt noms 1 1 GOODWOOO PMI HOTEL Scotts Road. On Thursday, November 30—Friday, December 1st— Saturday, December 2nd. j THE SINGAPORE REPERTORY PLAYERS I will present HAY FEVER By NOEL COWARD, at 9.30 prompt. PLANS AT THE HOTEL PHONE 041)0 MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW $1.50. Dinner $1.50 per cover will
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 179 7 j [POSTAL INTSLU6EN&; j SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. BengkalK Laboean Bilik and Tandjcng <Rokan) 3 p.m Semi Pandjang. Bengkalit and Bagan (.Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Selat Pandjaiig. Bcngkalis, Siak. Pakan Ba-oe Fort de Keck and Padang (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. Java, ■Will Writ Sumatra. South-East Borneo Moluccas and Timor Diliy
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  • 41 8 The family of the late Mr. Teo Hoo Lye. bog to thank their relatives, friends and associations, who attended the funeral on Sunday, 26th Nov., 1933, and also those who sent caskets, wreaths, scrolls, and letters cf condolence.
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  • 941 8 Malaya, nowadays, is the Land of the Incredible that Nevertheless Happens. Nothing is too fantastic, nothing too illogical or speculative. There is beautiful idealism that scorns the sordidly practical: and there is calculating opportunism that defies accepted principle—and passes (or is passed) for policy. Precedents are made
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  • 222 8 Inche Hassan bin Abdullah bin Buang has been appointed to act as District Officer, Tangkak, Johore. Mrs. Waite, wife of Mr. C. E. Waite, Divisional Superintendent, of Jugra Land and Carey, Ltd., Port Swettenham, has returned from home. A Scout Concert will be given by the Tenth Singapore Troop (St.
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  • 156 8 Street's Sunday journal needs to moderate its editorial language a little. In its last issue, in a reference to criticism of the pro-Malay policy, it saw fit to indict "radical journalists in Singapore and Penang." Inasmuch as such miscreants, in Singapore, will hardly be
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  • 118 8 rjpHE fining of a bullock-cart driver in Singapore for cruelty to an animal by overloading the cart is welcome evidence of continued watchfulness by the S.P.C.A. department cf the Municipality. There have been a number of cases recently of prosecutions for cruelty to fowls, and it is to be
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  • 163 8 rFHE China and Far East section of the Manchester Chamber ol Commerce recently passed a resclut'on expressing the unanimous view that "the organisation of an air mail service, preferably all-British, is essential to the proper carrying or. of trade with the •Far East." m request:- u> B the
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  • 212 8 iJHE A. A. M. has decided lhat it eaj do nothing -in th mattec c: seemingly exorbitant price whjcbenzine is sold in Malaya." and reasons are set forth in an editor*! note in the Malayan Motorist which reprint to-day. Admittedly the Association must be cautious in approaching
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  • 410 8 By "Looker-On" Singapore is still pining for the buygone days. AAA "Tiger on tennis court.'* Weh it goes down well after the game! AAA The "Invisible Man" is coming to Singapore. I'm going to see him. A "Boxer as cook on a troop-ship." Just the man to make
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 SOLDERLENF THE ORIGINAL LIQUID SOLDER. JkaV British Made. Mends ALL Metals WITHOUT Heat With this amazing preparation you can instantly repair: Kettles, Frying Pans. Saucepans, Pails, Baths And All Other Household Utensils. Leaks in Petrol Pipes, Tanks and Radiators, j Enamel Ware Aluminium Cast Iron, Ebonite, Copper, Brass, Zinc, Silver,
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    • 57 8 I mmmmimmi mm■ mm* mMmw.^______a> TO-DAY TO-MORROW:— FREDRIC MARCH in j "RAGLE THE HAWK" J j with i i Cary Grant, Jack Oakie. J Meet the two most desperate heroes, who j ever braved the challenge of death. 1 THURSDAY:— i WALLACE BEERY. JACKIE COOPER j in j "THE CHAMP."
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  • 116 9 FUKIEN REBELLION CAUSED BY DICTATION. FOUR PROVINCES ADOPT FEDERAL SYSTEM. •Revolution Of The People." Leaders Of Revolt Declare They Are Not Communists, 4D1, \.MATIC cable has been sent to Nanking by the South*v v -t Political Council, blaming the dictatorship of Kai Shek and
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  • 316 9 Shanghai, Nov. 28. rrilK (Vmal Government has desI 70 tiirhting and bombing which were recently presentto the Government by the local 1 tizcn<. t" Chekiang to be used tinM 'he Fukicn rebels. The comin the Air Force, including Unii I'm Kan and Capt. Mo Pong
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  • 232 9 ukien Setting Up A Soviet Government. Shanghai, Nov. 28. the memorial service meetyesterday, Mr. Wang Premien said that the policy of the Fukien independent Government in changing the Nationalist flag and the Government system was similar to the action of the late Marshal Yen Shi Kai. "Fukien aims
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  • 85 9 Chiang To Lead Forces Against Rebels. Shanghai, Nov. 28. XIEAVY military movements are reported on the ChekiangFukien border. Press gang activities are taking place at Hangchow and Kahsing. Nanking has ordered the Central Armies, Air Force and Navy to finish concentration on the border by the end
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  • 98 9 lain Greetings For King Of Siam. Our On71 Correspondent.) Bangkok, Nov. 27. conveying birthday wishes received by the King of Siam of State in Britain, Belgium. 'den. Norway, Denmark, Holu utl(i «^apan. T I h»» l en- and one soldier have I v. u c; ls Bangkok's representa-
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  • 45 9 Meeting Of Manufacturers Association. The annual general meeting of the Singaoore Manufacturers' Association, which was lo tove been held yesterday at the registered offices of the company, in China Building wa, postponed till next Monday, owing to a lack of quorum.
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  • 68 9 The Band of the S.S. Police, under the dir- A?n of Mr F. E. Minns, will play the followte? wSoni. weather permitting at Telok Aver to-morrow, commencing at 5.16 p.m.. March "So'drr* Life." Huttenbergc: Owttare "liar ana? Wallace: Selection of W. H. Squire's Popular Songs; Characteristic. "From
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  • 403 9 A Move For Direct Negotiation. Reuter Wireless. 1 London, Nov. 27. A CAUTIOUS but hopeful move towards ia. direct Franco-German discussion is indicated by to-day's "Times" dispatches from Berlin and Paris, interpreting the respective conversations in both cities between M. Poncet and Hr. Hitler on the one hand
    Reuter Wireless.  -  403 words
  • 92 9 Bookstall Managers Must Use Discretion. Reuter Wireless. London, Nov. 23. The appeal of Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son against £3.000 damages awarded to the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada was dismissed by the Court of Appeal. Lord Justice Scrutton said that though Messrs. Smith and Son
    Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 76 9 Attractive Show For Children At Whiteaway's. Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd have arranged an attractive Christmas display of toys, including all types of dolls and mechanical models. A feature is the model aeroplane which really flies and which is very moderately priced, ani the firm will also
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  • 54 9 Greater Than Finance Minister Expected. Reuter Wireless. Rome, Nov. 23. A deficit of £64,000,000 is shown by Italian finances for the fiscal year *****3, expenditure totalling £352,000,000 and revenue £288,000,000. In his Budget speech last May. the Italian Finance Minister estimated the deficit for the current financial year
    Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 26 9 Reuter Wireless. Ponte Del Garda. Nov. 23. The Lindberghs have arrived here from Horta, having decided to fly back to Europe —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  26 words
  • 227 9 Found In Oil Tank. MEMBERS OF CREW CHARGED. AFFICEKS of the Revenue Department made a record seizure of non-Government Chandu at about 9 o'clock this morning. The haul is estimated at about 7,000 tahils and is valued at between $50,000 and $60,000. Two arrests, of members ot
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  • 70 9 Quota System Favoured In D.E.I. Reuter. Batavia, Nov. 27. According to well-informed circles here the introduction of a quota system for rubber production will be the probable outcome of the rubber conference, as a majority for the ad valorem system is unlikely. A quota system will need a
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 96 9 Political Amnesty In Germany. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Nov. 24. Though the political amnesty is not yet official, the release of prisoners from concentration camps continues, the latest being Kemne camp. Westphalia, from where 250 prisoners have been sent home.—Reuter Wireless. Berlin Nov. 24. Since the NazLs assumed Government
    Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
  • 86 9 Honan Chinese Arrives In London. Reuter. London, Nov. 27. S. C. Poon. a 21-year-old Chinese fiom Honan, arrived in London to-day, having walked the whole way via Tibet, India and Persia, taking three yeais to do it. He partly worked his way and was partly supported by chance
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 72 9 The funeral of the late Mr. Teo Hco Lye took place on Sunday, a very long procession being seen as the cortege left Dhoby Ghaut for Bukit Brown Cemetery. Thousands of people, including many prominent merchants, followed the hearsa Hundreds of wreaths and scrolls were
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  • 30 9 Reuter Wireless. i London, Nov. 23. Mr. Colledge Leader has been appointed Lord Derby s race horse trainer in place of the Hon. George Lambton.— Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  30 words
  • 167 9 Alleged Killers Lynched By Mob. San Jose (California), Nov. 27. TWO alleged kidnappers of Mr. Brooke Hart have been dragged out of prison and lynched by hanging from a tree in St. James' Park. Despite the <use of tear-gas bombs, the police were powerless to quell the
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  • 19 9 A meeting for the purpose of forming cycling cub will be held at the V.M.C.A. at 6 p.m. to-day.
    19 words
  • 172 9 MANY PASSENGERS KILLED. Work Of Bandits. Kidnapped People Rescued. Harbin. Nov. 27. T*HE Trans-Siberian express with GOO passengers on board was wrecked by bandits to-day, forty miles east of Tsitsihar. It is feared many passengers were killed or injured. The bandits unbolted the rails with ihe result
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 THE WORLD'S FINEST I full-size REFRIGERATOR j -AND THE CHEAPEST j mmmmm ~^r^~~~^^^*"^_■ <"' Th- price cf ihe Vac- J 3L_IJ Trie is At- lowest on J BUY BRITISH. PRICE $365. j teat *o£HTs^^»^^^^^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^e^isw JOSEPH TRAVERS LTD. con^^ D o j ANNOUNCING 'PRICE REDUCTIONS! I, ON OBSOLETE ACOUSTIC MODELS. Oak
      86 words

  • 1089 10 STRAITS NONYA CHARGED. Girl's Nose Broken. PROSECUTION BY PROTECTORATE. ANOTHER "Mui-Tsai" ease which is engaging more than usual public attention came up before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, yesterday, when Mrs. Chua Choon Seng, wife of Mr. Chua Choon Seng, representative of the
    1,089 words
  • 770 10 Claim Against Local Hank. THE hearing Of Un case bo which the Official Assignor of the property of Loh Chuk Poh. a bankrupt, appealed against the decision of Mr. Jr.slic,- Mills, who dismissed his claim against the Overseas Chinese Bank. Ltd.. for $12,612.13. was resumed in the
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  • 331 10 Accused Sentenced. VARYING TERMS OF IMPRISONMENT. r£HE District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, delivered judgment this morning in the case in which five accused are charged with kidnapping the Siamese priest of the Tiger Temple and his secretary, Ba.ig. His honour found all the accused guilty and
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  • 210 10 "Pilgrimage 9 At The Alhambra. AT THE CINEMAS. The widely-heralded "Pilgrimage." new romantic drama from Fox Films, opened at the Alhambra Theatre yesterday. It is an adaptation of the popular story of the same name ';v Ida A. R. Wylie. Dealing with the innermost emotions of n mother who cannot
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  • 269 10 A.A.M. Unable To Take Action. The following editorial note appears in the current issue of the "Malayan Motorist": The A.A.M. has decided that it cannot, meantime, do anything in tl.e matter of Die seemingly exorbitant p ice at which benzine is sold in Malaya. That
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  • 124 10 Proposal Before City Fathers. IIfHH a v:ew to making P nang better known Wl to the outside world. Mr. P. Knigh' President of the Straits Settlements .Penang/ Association and the Association s representative on the Municipal Commission, is endeavouring to get the local City Fathers to establish i
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  • 229 10 Jump In Membership During Year. IN the annual report of the Council of th' Clerical Union. Singapore, to be presented to the annual general meeting on Dec. 2 ani 3. it is stated that the year commenced with 814 members on the register. Durin? the period under
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  • 128 10 Heath Of Former Malayan Civil Servant. London, Nov. 27. The death is announced of Reginald PrescoM Gibbes.—Router. P ibbes who w as Government 111 India entered the i f P lvl1 Service by competitive fxammation in 1889 and served as a Cadet m the Straits Settlements.
    128 words
  • 767 10 Murder I n(sllirv WARRANTS issi n, FOR Slkiis."' fHE preliminary disappearing, well-known membei munity whodisap i of Dec. 13, 1928, 1 to have been muni, the Second Magi, yesterday. The Court was cro\ v to the prosecution, watchman and mom ed by a Chinese Road left
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 789 11 untitled EVENT FOR CHINESE. rs Stream In. PRODUCES ISOOMLET. Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 27. j i in the unique event, the Wang- Malaya t hat during isitors have been I ar, rail and ship to menl from all part* few days, has been imanity, and
    789 words
  • 340 11 Well-Known Indian In Court. lIT K. M. Naina Maricar, a well-known menber of the Indian Mohammedan community mad. another appearance before the j District Budge I Mr. H. A. Forrer) yesterday in connection with allegations of criminal breach 101 tnis t involving $10,000 which are levelled
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  • 108 11 Sinkiang Capital To Mohammedans. Shanghai. Nov. 27. The Mohammedan rebel troops under Gen Ma Chung Ying have captured Tehua, the capital ol Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan). The Government trcops under Gen. Bhttsa Shi Tsi (Defence Commissioner> have retired ten miles from the city. Gen. Ma has wired to Nanking
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  • 192 11 Secret Police Document Produced. Reuter Wireless. London, Nov. 22. 1 ]t|R. JUSTICE is independent of Whitehall and Scotland Yard is entitled to no privilege, declared Mr. Justice MacNaghten in the King's Bench today, when dismissing a "privilege" plea by the Home Secretary and ordering the production
    Reuter Wireless.  -  192 words
  • 238 11 British Flotilla Lent To Australia. F've Bitish destroyers "loaned" to th Aus rate* Navy arrived at Singapore t SSS from EnglBnd 011 their"waV to southern continen "V T ndet a re :-v H MS mmm^ M "Vamp:r.V I tH j v °yager" and "Waterhen yerS Wei e manned
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  • 829 11 Yen Seeks Unity. NEW COMMANDER OF AIR FORCE. Shanghai, Nov. 27. G EX Chen Tsi tmrng, Commander-in-Chief of the Canton military forces, has wired to Marshal Chiang Kai Shek requesting the sum of $2,000,000 as expenses for the launching of a punitive expedition against Fukien from
    829 words
  • 43 11 The Negri Sembilan Chinese Maternity Hospital, which was started a few years ago and which is doing much useful work for the members of the Chinese community, is reported to be badly m need of funds.
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  • 92 11 The Ipoh Swimming Club held its monthly "At Home on Friday and there was a good number present. The events competed for were—Men's one iength backstroke and ladies' one length backstroke and two more sections of the AI 1 Round Championship Cup Competition, .namely, one width crawl stroke and
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  • 123 11 An amalgamation has been arranged between the Great Eastern and Riviera Dance Halls. Kuala Lumpur. On Saturday evening the new concern opened with a gala night at the Great Eastern Part.. The hall has been renovated and the dancing public are assured of good and comfortable accommodation and service,
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  • 351 11 A rare case, the first of its kind in Penang, came up before Mr. D. Wills in the Police Court when a cyclist was charged on two counts under the Minor Offences Ordinance. He was charged (1) with "ding a bicycle on a public road, to wit, Magazine Road,
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  • 140 11 Well-Built North Indian Charged. KMALANDAR a v.ell-Uuili North Indian, s.ood before the Third Magistrate. Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, yesterday on a charge of attempting to obet the effence of offering an illegal gratification of $5 to Inspector Qoodship. court inspector attached to the Third Police
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 "THE CHROMONICA" MOUTH ORGAN. The only Mouth Organ provides sharps and flats and playable in any keys. Fitted with brass plates, nickel plated covers, metal mouth piece, patent wind saving device, in strong wood-box with plush lined. At $3.75 only. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Koad, SINGAPORE. HOME—an asset
      215 words

  • 1043 12 Reminiscences Of The Series. Hongkong Comment On Cricket In Malaya. THE Malayans, contrary to general expectations took away with them both the Hongkong and Shanghai flags, and the northerner will return with the K< wloon C. C. banner 35 the only consolation cf
    1,043 words
  • 273 12 Shanghai lost theic match with the United Services, whom Malaya beat. The finish was most exciting, as the final scores indicate. Scores. UNITED SERVICES. Major Bonavia, c and b Wilson 10 Lieu Walker, c Wilson, b Leach 31 Lieut. Commdr. F. M. R. Stephenson. c Wilson, b Madar
    273 words
  • 96 12 Annual St. Andrew's Day Match. The teams for the annual S". Andrew's Day eoec r match at the S.C.C. between Scotland and the Rest on Wednesday will be: THE REST (in white»: T. G. Lashmar: C. J Bembroke. J. L. Elm r; C. H. W. Goult. J w.
    96 words
  • 51 12 The following will play for the Marine Department v. an Australian Naval team at the Anson Road Stadium on Thursday. Abdol Rahim: Bakar. Omar (R); Ahmat Ahmat (A), Omar (K>; Awang m. Bahro-.n (capt), Awang (A), Bakri, Ahmat (S^ Reserves—Pon. Ismail. Gate: 50. 25 and 10
    51 words
  • 49 12 Victoria Institution Beat Crack Perak Team. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 27. The Victoria Institution b r at the Clifford School team, who provide the attack for this year's unbeaten Perak State side, by 4 —2 in the hockey match played in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
    49 words
  • 99 12 The fitst general meeting cf the Singapore Billiards Association will be held at the premises -if Messrs. Frankel Bros. 101, Victoria S'reet, it 6 p.m. to-day. The meeting will be asked to confirm the rules and bye-laws passed and approved at i- public meeting held at the New
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  • 188 12 En tries For Two-Day Meeting. EIGHTY-SIX horses and ponies have been entered for the two-day amateur race meeting of the Selangor Turf Club, to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Racecourse on Dec. 1 and 2. The entries are: HORSES: CLASS 111. Perle d'Or. Sweet Heather. Boy
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  • 138 12 Gold Cup For Christmas Meeting. The Penang Turf Club v. ill present a Geld Cup fcr the Christmas—New Yea- Meeting, 1233-34 in Penang. A special Gold Cup race will be run or. the lest day of the meeting. Jan. It will b" epen tc Class 1 horses, and
    138 words
  • 395 12 Proposal To Make Extensions Costing $14,000. A general meeting of the Singapore Golf Club will be held at the Club house on Thursday at 6.30 p.m.: The meeting will discuss, the following business: The plans 'posted in the Clubi showng the proposed extensions to the Club house
    395 words
  • 215 12 Guillermo In Hole Of Trainer. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 26. 4 BUMPER crowd was present for the A boxing show which was staged in Ipoh on Saturday. The main event of the night was the ten round contest between Chai Lai (exMalayan flyweight champion)
    215 words
  • 122 12 Draw For F.A. Cup Second Round. Reuter. London, Nov. 27. rrilE draw for the second round of A the F. A. Competition, to be played on Dec. 9. is as follows: Hath or Charlton A. v. Gillingham. Bristo! C. v. Barrow. Walsall v. Clapton O. Gateshead rJ North
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 157 12 Voting Reopens In Popular Competition. Voting re-opened yesterday in IhS IntcrcaSing ccmpe*.ition started by Messrs. Malayan Breweries. L.d., who have offered to aend the piaver who is voted the most proficient exponent of the game in Ma'aya. en a fjur months' trip to England H their expense. In
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  • 138 12 Saturday's Rugger Match At The S.C.C The annual St. Andrew's Day rugby loutball ma eh betw.en Scotland and t'u Rest will be played at the S.C.C. on Saturday when the teams will line out as follow SCOTLAND (in blue jerseys: A- Inglis; N. Fyfe. R.N. Jack.
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  • 380 12 Yesterday's Local Inter- Club Friendlies. PLAYING on their ow n ground the S.R.C. II sus'ained a defeat at the hands of the WiLs 11. yes erday, at hockey, by the only goal of th° match. The Wil s were by far the PR impressive team,
    380 words
  • 311 12 Tire hockey match between the Clenvil Union and the S.C.R.C. "B" arranged to tftks place yesterday at the former's ground. was not played. The matcii arranged for yesterday between the Ceylon S.C. and the M'.dical College was also not played. IN spitJ of the rathe: adverse p mm
    311 words
  • 227 12 4 Club Improve After The Interval. A fast game ot hockey was witness a an ine padar.g, yesterday, when the A i'C oilfafcd the S.CC. "A." by the odd coal m ti'< The Club did their usual last-miiiu> but found the A.P.C. ready lor them and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 51 12 I KLIM POWDERED MILK i 0 i I I LIJ 1 J U I PURE MILK 5 FOB DRINKING OK 00OKING. i i •11 *****11 •••i■ j SAFE MILK FOR CHILDREN i > 11 1111 i 1111 111 i j Obtainable at all Leadins I DISTKIBI TORS: I GETZ BROS.
      51 words

  • 486 13 Mr. .1. T. Petersen's Mrong Stand. 0:. it Correspondent London, Nov. 7. ;td thr Stewards of 1]; ang Board cf Control ha-j ,pon the critical situation circles. annual general meeting rca(i .itlecting the authority oi restrictions arc allowed at the Board's authority lv undermined. c. interested
    486 words
  • 96 13 Manchester Handicap Winner Lucky. i Reuter Wireless. rpHE Manchester Novemoer Handicap, the last A Kg race of flat racing season, which was won by Mr. Boazman s Jean's Dream was a lucky win a* Free Fare was closing with the winner a quarter mile from home when it
    Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
  • 421 13 MAYFLOWER M. D.A. Fourth Anniversary Celebrations. "HpHE Mayflower Musical and Dramatic 1 Association held their fourth anniversary celebrations at Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow, 5% miles Pasir Panjang Road last week-end. The members turned up in full force on Saturday evening and a most enjoyable time was spent by all
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 114 13 Assets exceed $12,000,800. Assurance in force over $35,000,008. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (incorporated in the Strata B«ttlement«). t BTSAD OFFICE: Oreat EMtera Life Building. CecU Street. Singapore, LONDON OFTICE: 27. Old Jewry. SO The Company bu f20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and eompUee with
      114 words
    • 347 13 I NEW WORLD CABARET! Dancing Nightly iFrom;:o. p.m. NEW WORLD j Tom Mix And His Wonder Horse Tony j j in RIDER OF DEATH VALLEY I p It's a gold-mine of entertainment j Arrest the Progress ==z\ of that COUGH j lest It may linger and *§fla lead to something
      347 words

  • 157 14 Head Of Trading Concern Charged. Reuter Wireless. Apia (Samoa), Nov. 22. f\. F. NELSON. Head of a large Samoan V/ trading concern and known as the stormy petrel" of Samoa, who recently returned to Samoa, from where he was deported in 1027, has been arrested and charged
    Reuter Wireless.  -  157 words
  • 49 14 Reuter Wireless. London, Nov. 23. Steaming at an average speed of 28U nno the new British cruiser "Achilles'- 000 tons) put up a record of 39 hours for a voyage to Gibraltar from Portland R^nt?v a w mv m speed was 321 2 knots: -Renter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 56 14 Should the Pcct untitled Togore accept Mr. S. K. Basu'r suggestion, the literary world may seen have the poet's autobiography. Undsrr the titTe "Jivan Smriihi.' the poet has already written a small book containing sketches of his early youth, but Mr. Basu says that a full life sketch of the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 837 14 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY? Will you still be strug- Po6t thta gling on at the same old international correspondence job and pOSSibly drawing SCHOOLS, (Colonial) Ltd., of London. even IeSS paY Worried 11 I Robinson Road, Singapore. about the future—never Please send me ycur free
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 378 14 TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. G M T. 7.3 C a.m. Time Signal from B!g Ben. News Bulletin. 7.45 a.m. A Miliary Band Concert gramophone records) 330 a.m. Time Signal from Greenwich. Foreign Affairs, a talk by Mr. Eernon 1 Bartlett. 845 p.m. A recital by Eva Turner I soprano l (gramophone records).
      378 words
    • 696 14 CLUB DIARY. j /There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which ar.~ readers of the Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries ar-> invited <o co-operate in keeping it up-to-date 1 and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included
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  • 270 15 WHEN we speak of the Chinese throughout this article we mean ♦he Straits-born Chinese and certainly the record of this community is one that deserves well of the British Government. A local Chinese "elderstatesman," in discussing the educational policy, pointed to the generous
    270 words
  • 231 15 VfAZi Germany has come to stay, ii I ii her leaders are really seeking re t to prepare for another attack upon the j peace of the world, then they must j e*poct the rest ot the world to continue policy of "mimmderstanding.'' If, en the other hand,
    231 words
  • 218 15 'P.HE 19th Route Army, which, it is 1 alleged, has joined the independence movement, has recently completed a magnificent drive which has released practically the whole of Fukien province fiom the grip of the Reds." who, until two short months ago. s?eraed certain ol tj king the
    218 words
  • 138 15 MrHETHER we view Germany's b.eak away as a repudiation of her obligations or as a very natural a id human desire for equality among the nations, seems to us now beside the ques ion. Th? tae-L remains tliat a unued and intensely patriotic nation has almost unanimously endorsed
    138 words
  • 202 15 A Half-Million Advance In A Year. 1. Ifinlstqr cf Labour announce that at j IC tcter 23 there wire 44.000 more insured j pmcan in employment than a month ir- j fotc. and 537.000 me." than a year ago. A October 23 thf Dumben of unemployed
    202 words
  • 159 15 Businessmen's 5,000 Mile Trek Through Bush. I Melbourne. Eight Australian business men have left here on a search for the rarest parrot in the world, the mysterious spinifex or night parrot. The existence of this bircwas reported eighty years ago by a white man, and sine? then
    159 words
  • 56 15 Efforts are being made to convene in Calcutta an All-India Conference of newspaper proprietors for th? purpose oi starting a Newspaper Proprietors' Association, more or less on the lines of the Empire Press Union, with I the object of undertaking co-ordinate action in regard to malt, rs affecting economic and
    56 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 282 15 V£l**S X/ A r HEALTHY and energetic, yj i—r 1 brisk and vivacious that's V howSanatogen will make you. A K7 \lt Sanatogen will make you look f V j better, and make you feel j better. It will enable you to 1 \do twice as much, twice as I
      282 words
    • 347 15 I used by till the leading Aerated Water \l Factories in Malaya. 7 W.J W4. 0t i»i.iMi!'i"iNiM|iiiiii!!iij|iiiiiii:iHiiiiiiiu«)tiiiiJiiiiiniliiiiiiiiuiitiiiiHiiii.ii!iiiii:iii iitii i i i i tuauautnaita i tut it Human*. The New Style in Rice Powder r jOAN. NO REALLY SMART PEOPLE f DO rc N V it MAKE aN NOW-A-CAYS KEEP ON
      347 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 598 16 Im. HASSAN. I ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. IS-37, Bras Basaa Road, SINGAPORE. If you are In need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone jB4UTO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
      598 words
    • 283 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. to let—lst December, 17-F, Lorong 202, E.C. (off Lorong C, opposite Roxy Theatre), an airy bungalow with 3 b d rooms, electric and rater. Rent $25 per month. Apply 58, Joo Chiat Terrace. "~TO LET—New Bungalow. 163-A. Haig Road, electric, water, garage. Rent
      283 words
    • 378 16 Burmese Specialist. Khoo Hon Lone /St/I ana •4 IiMLWiL —1 A,ls (,l,tl we nooi 32 Tanjong Pagar Rd.. H' opposite Empire Cinema Theatre. 1933. a Having had 40 years' exp-rienc? at Rangoon, Burmah (established 1893), begs to notify the public that he can cure the following any kind of disears:
      378 words
    • 198 16 EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A. Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both in Technique and i Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. J Certificate. Diploma, <Sr ftc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO. Principal MERCANTILE INSTITUTE,
      198 words
    • 368 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Three D.C. Linotype motors 1 j H.P., apply to the Manager, MaJaya Tribune, 50,60, Anson Road. YOUR TENNIS RACKETS IN GOOD ORDER f One of your obstacles to winning a tennis tournament is poorly restrung racket. Why should you be handicapped by this condition \vh n with
      368 words
    • 353 16 i win oo i j j hen you can p, M J Latest in Cl j CHEAPEST PRi CEs j from IYICK WOH Hl Nc i I», Net* Briaj ld U .N,ar M,,: J (ontractors for I c docks *Watch, Arm, i, M H L_ i "PERI 1(1 I I
      353 words