Malaya Tribune, 17 November 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Id W; No. 573 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Nov. 17, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1933, FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 He ad The] Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya 1 fc. KBE?? SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK J SWEETENED J j illfe commands the world's supply of fresh cows' milk and from tt is se,ected only tne very Hnest wnich goes to make this famous Brand. I Milkmaid Condensed Milk is also obtainable
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    • 43 1 A. fXJNTER, I, Jtafflej Place, Singapore, Importing Diamonds and Peari Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 292 2 Malay Convicted In Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Nov. 15. A MALAY, nanud Abu bin Datoh Paduka Besar. of Tanjong Ipoh, Kuala Pilah. was summoned before the Seremban Police Magistrate. Raja Kamaralzaman, this morning, charged with having mad: a fai.e declaration before a magistrate,
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  • 46 2 The 2nd and 16th (Raffles Institution) Troup.-, wnl hold their annual inspection parade on the school ground to-morrow at 5 p.m. The Commissioner for Malaya will inspect the troops. An attractive programme has been drawn up including bridge-building and all interested in Scouting are cordially invited.
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  • 55 2 An International Club for young people will be started to-day. 4 p.m.. at the Y.W.C.A. Hostel. Fort Canning Road, by Miss Chen, who brings interesting new plans for programmes from Europe. Members" daughters and friends from 12 to 18 years cf all nationalities are invited "jb come to hear about
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  • 169 2 Salvation Army Workers Saved. Philadelphia (Pennslyvania). A PLAN by rebellious convicts to seize six Salvaticn Army workers, three of them women, and to hold them as hostage, has just been revealed here. This 'kidnapping" was to take place in the Eastern State Prison cnapel. Premature action on
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  • 88 2 Most Remarkable Theft In Sweden. Reuter Wireless. Stockholm, Nov. 14. Rembrandt's famous "Jeremeas mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem" figures in the biggest theft ever committed in Sweden. The picture was painted In 1630 and the owner, a well-known art collector named Rascbl, refused an offer of 700,000
    Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 47 2 Shanghai. Nov. 16. The Japanese Police in Dairen are keeping a strict watch for Russian spies in the city. Similar precautions are being taken in other cities in Manchuria, where the press is prohibited from publishing news of military movements.— "Sin Chew Jit Poh."
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  • 178 2 The Police Chief Sends A Present. Sofia. TWO lover* who had been separated for six years have just been married in the central gaol here. The man was Constantlne Tolinoff, a notorious thief, who six years ago was sentenced to a long term of imprisonment. The girl
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  • 106 2 "Protection Against Ghosts And Tigers." When two Javanese, Am at Saviti bin Amat and Omar bin Sidin pleated guilty, betore the Disuict Judge (Mr. H A. Forreo yesterday morning, to possession of a kris and a dagger, they pleaded that they carried the weapons for protection against ghosts
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  • 61 2 Whilst a Chinese was walking along Beach Road this morning, iv the vicinity of the police s.a,*lon. he suddenly felt a quantity liquid being thrown into his face. He was temporarily blinded and by the time he had cecovered his assailant had disappeared He was burn, about
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  • 213 2 Cheapness Durability Essential. Simla. f NVITATIONS are being Issued to British and foreign firms to send exhibits of machinery L o an exhibition of Indian industries which will be held at Delhi next February. The "/jssociation lor the development of Swadeshi (home* Industries" is organising the
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  • 42 2 Bitter Weather All Over America. Reuter. New York, Nov. lb". There have been 20 deaths as the result of bitter cold snap all over the country. Western Pennsylvania experienced one of the heaviest snowfalls in history, recording 41 inches.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 325 2 Tuesday, Nov. 7. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Clementi and the Misses Clementi attended by the Personal Staff, left I raser's Hill for Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday. Nov. 8. In the morning Lady Clementi and Miss C. Clementi left Kuala Lumpur for the Residency, Seremban. Mr. and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 O-CEDAR POLISH MAKES THAT CLEAN DUSTINESS HOME FRIENDS ADMIRE BEAUTIFUL FLOORS BEAUTIFUL FLOORS 8 IDEAL FOR IDEAL FOR Wool Tile Floors Wood Ti,e Fioors i "Cleans As It Polishes" j O-Cedar is the safest and best of all polishes for fine furniture, pianos and woodwork. It quickly "cleans and polishes"
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    • 285 2 Coughs Coughs demand quick relief. Cham J^|rh AMBfRIA!NC berlain's Cough Remedy p, 0 ,r Ii COUGH Soothes the tickle in your thr oof clears out inflammation relic V<*llSft fKK neSS Safe for as S dUltS COnta nS n u co <lIIIIIIItIIIIIIIII■I■II■ I I I i I I I I I
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  • 156 3 ttempt is being made ctton of Chinese in rov< that Dr. Sun Vat lei ol tiie Chinese it ail the propaganda Di Sun's behalf <i rallied out by Dr. ow hold the reins of The story of the man of founding the
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  • 161 3 j great satisfaction that to; the Hon. Mr. F. H enquiry into the quesa Poor House for adj sympathy from and the public awaits than ordinary interest the tiirj to be carried out I ouncillor and Mr. GruHouse is needed very lie will deny. One nocturnal peramtuome of
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  • 235 3 ;11 AYE American buyers been speculating or is the increased consumption genuine Is a question which will bo I answered in the course of the next few months and upon that answer the whol» of the tin world is waiting. America's consumption of tin will govern the market-
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  • 137 3 FN regard to economic affairs China is already receiving advice and aid from League of Nations experts and in the course of a most interesting debate in the House of Lords, Lord Peel, who pleaded for a definite policy of cooperation with China at this juncture, instead of
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  • 629 3 Many Alarming Rumours From Harbin. Shanghai, Nov. 15. jIT is rumoured, according to reports 1 from Harbin, that the Soviet troops on the Siberian-Manchurian border arc making preparations for operations against the Japanese forces in the approaching Siberian winter. Gen. Ho Ying Ching (Commander-in-I Chief of
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  • 625 3 Missing Friend. NAVAL MAN'S WIFE FOUND DEAD. London, Oct. 17. £HIEF Petty Officer Britter, of Gillingham, Kent, and of the Vindictive, was stationed for eighteen months in Hongkong, whence he recently returned home. This fact might not seem to b connected with a mysterious tragedy at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 Uou'll take the 7 stiffesi hurdles II yon take correctly balanced nourishment—such as delicious "Ovaltine" supplies in abundant measure. A high standard of physical fitness always docs much to influence success. "Ovaltine' is prepared from Nature's finest foods—malt, milk and eggs—and contains every food element essential for building up body,
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    • 283 3 < i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i > tiiiiitiii'. I i a w I FOOTBALL TOUR TO ENGLAND! I Collect coupons frofti Daily Newspapers I I Vote every day 1 2 It Costs Nothing to participate in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND CONTRACTOR. 16-37, Bras Basah Raad, SINGAPORE. II you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG UM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1333. $16.0(1 and $18.00 A
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    • 737 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. SIN SENG CHEONG SAWMILL CO., 52. LAVENDER STREET. SINGAPORE. NCTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Goh Lian Huat has this day retired from the abovenamed firm and that a; from this day the business of the said firm will be carried on by Lim Cheng Song and Wee Swee
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    • 403 4 TO LET. TO LET—New Bungalow. 163-A. Haig Road, ilectric, water, garage. Rent cheap. Apply within. TO LET—I-C, St a Avenue, Katong, comfortable 2-storey house, garage, 200 yds. from sea. $30 p.m. Apply 1-D. Sea Avenue. TO LET—No. 17, Robinson Road. Rent cheap, Ground Floor about 2.000 sq. ft., with nice
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    • 184 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED— Immediately Private Tutor for Student preparing for London Matriculation Apply No. 9, St. Michael's Road. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Three D.C. Linotype motors y% H.P., apply to the Manager, Malaya Tribune. *****, Anson Road. FOR SALE. 500 Ladies' Hats to be- cleared below manufacturer's cost. Real ba'gains, beautiful
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    • 276 4 I EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A. Kirk Terrace. rihoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education--Systematic Training both in Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet freeM ANCIANO, Principal TUITION. HINDI—ENGLISH. The A:
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    • 466 4 BIGGER^ BETTER SHIPMENTS OF i «jf Clocks Watches such as Cymct, Efa JUST RE 1 We can ol! a U MUCH CHEAPER |>ri CEs than you would have j YICK WOH HING 429, North Rrid (Nea: IfMO Bj I J MALAYA Ti'Jml 'PHONE 6171 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLI IN m| Delivery
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  • 611 5 Japanese Coercion. TAKING SPIES INTO THE ARMY. i KALS Pang Chen Wu and Hung Chang have abandon n Dion and fled to Tientsin, situation in Luantung c gradually fizzling out. i ment is reported to have d with the Japanese
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  • 69 5 Each Division To Disband Two Thousand Men. Peiping. Oct. 19. General Yu Hsueh-chung, Chairman of the Hopei Provincial Government, has complete i his plans for the disbandment of superfluous troops in his army. According to the arrangements made, each division will have two thousand men cut. off fiom
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  • 194 5 Vladivostock Defences Strengthened. Vladivostok (By Mail). THE Soviet military authorities are not leaving one stone unturned in strengthening the defences of Vladivostok. The fortress here, which has long been neglected, has now been repaired and completely restored under the direction of German military experts. At present Vladivostok is
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  • 88 5 Again Pledges Allegiance To China. Peiping. Oct. 22. General Liv Kwei-tang. once a bandit leader who recently .turned over to Manchukuo and later returned to the fold of the Chinese authorities, has been appointed Bandit Suppression Commander in Eastern Chahar. Gen. Liv has thirteen Uiousand men armed
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  • 32 5 Peiping. Oct. 23. It is freely reported here that General Fang Chen-wu. the rebel commander, has secretly !eft Tientsin for Canton to see General Chen Chi-tang Eastern Times.
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  • 269 5 Beseiged By Creditors And Job-Seekers. Nanking. Oot. 20. THE resigning Kiangsu Provincial Government left over nothing but debts to the new group, according to an arrival from Chinkiang. ihe site of the provincial administration. It is said that when the new commissioners assumed their respective posts,
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  • 128 5 Expenses To Be Met By The Govt. Treasury. Peiping. Oct. 22. At the suggestion of Gena-al Han Fu-chu. Chairman cf the Shantung Provincial Govermen:. Generals Ho Ying-ching and Huang Fu will shortly make a joint recommendation to the Government urging that a post be given
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  • 107 5 For Mongolia, Sinkiang And Tibet. Nanking. Oct. 22. THE Government has decided to establish a Ministry for Frontier Affairs to take charge of affairs in Mongolia. Sinkiang and Tibet. The new Ministry represents an amalgamation of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affair:. Commission and the Frontier Affairs Section
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  • 38 5 Nanking. Oct. 23. The first revised draft ConstituUon has been completed by the Legislative Yuan. The draft will be brought up before the Constitution Drafting Committee of the Yuan for discussion on the 26th.— Shun Pao.
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  • 536 5 Mr. Hirota's Diplomacy. "VICTORY WITHOUT A WAR." c conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Navy, Finance, War and Colonisation in Tokyo, Mr. K. Hirota, the Foreign Minister, outlined the general principles of the foreign policy which hd said should be adopted by the Government. "He
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 578 6 Shipping News Notices. INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNALS. To Come Into Force On Jan. 1, 1934. THE Beard of Trade announe that the new International Code of Si-jnals, th e publication of which was notified on April 20. 1932. Willi corns into int'-national use on January 1, 1934. Four of the
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  • 208 6 Investigation Of The Situation. I Tlie Swedish Minister of Commerce has appointed a committee to mak= an investigation into and a report on the question of the regulation of manning conditions on board Swedish thips. arci a number of prcminent persons connected with snipping, including marine engineers
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  • 80 6 Conditions Of Tender For j Building Programme. The Brazilian Embassy has received fiom the Brazilian Government the specifications r:lating to the tendrr for the new naval programme, which may be consulted at the Embassy in London. Attention is ca'led to thb clause of the tendrr which specifies that
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  • 283 6 Jumps Overboard From "Melbourne Maru." IN a fit of melancholy, and leaving a letter saying that he was tired of this world. Fusao Iwamoto. a cadet officer aboard the O.S.K. liner "Melbourne Maru," committed suicjde by jumping over the side of the vessel while she was on her
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  • 144 6 Towbaat Destroyed At Canton Wharf. Canton. Nov. 9. Freight valued at $7,000 was destroyed when the Tai Leung passage boat. San On Woh caught hie at her dock last night and burned to the water-line. No passengers were aboard. Repairs were being made in the stern of
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  • 110 6 Joint Service With Chinese Railways. Canton. Nov. 7. The local office of the China Merchant.-' Steam Navigation Company. Ltd.. has received advices from its head office in Shanghai that the company has effected a joint service with Chinese lailroads for through service by water and rail. Eleven routes
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  • 37 6 The Japan-Calcutta Freight Conference and the Japan-Bombay Freight Conference have given notice thai from January 1 next all freights to Rangoon, Calcutta, Colombo and Bombay are to be increased by 26 per cmt.
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  • 217 6 Eight Vessels To Be Operated. rpHE Toyo Kaiun Kaisha t Oriental Marine Transportation Co.) has been formed with a capital of 1.000.000 yen. one-quarter paid up. subscribed half-and-half by Toyo Kisen Kaisha and the Yamashita Steamship Co., according to a Tokyo message. At ihe first fencral meeting of
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  • 214 6 Transfer From Shanghai To Manila. Shanghai. After a number of years of service with the Robert Dollar Co. at Shanghai. Mr. MacGowan sailed for Manila on the Dollar liner President Giant recently to take up a position in that louthern port as the District Passenger Agent for
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  • 115 6 Merchandise From The North Accumulating. Because of the Canton Seamen Union's dis« pute with the Butterfield and Swire Steamship Company, the "Canton Gazette" reports that a considerable quantity of merchandise in Shanghai, waiting to be transported to the South in these few months of great demand, is accumulating
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  • 57 6 The Mystic Steamship Company. Boston, announces the appointment of Captain Perlson G. Quinn as commodore of the flee*, succeeding commodore Frostcad who retired last May. The new commodore is 62 years old. He became a sailing vessel master at the age of 21 and has been a
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  • 577 6 Improvements Being Carried Out. THE double purpose of helping the employment situation and at the same time facilitating the movement of commerce by increasing the safety of navigation is accomplished by the allocation of nearly £700,000 (at par) for channel improvements in New York Harbour,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 573 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 1 1 .L.'J P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. f" (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. (AUiuW AND FOft EAST MAIL SERVICE. fUndcr Contract with His Majesty'! Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933.
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    • 203 6 IIjUOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated In Italy). j EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. I crwrADnoii. ttmv xt toa Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, I SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi. Aden, Massowah, Suez. Port j Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste Said, Rxindisi, Venic.«d T*W£ m.v. HILDA
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    • 217 6 Deutach Australische Dampfschlflt (QrCj oesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. t s.s. OLDENBURG, via Iloilo and Manila D:c. 2 t mjs. KULMERLAND, via Manila Dec. 12 t m RAMSES, via Manila Dec. 26 1934. t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Jan. 9 m.s.
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    • 586 6 STEAMER SAILINGS NORimrriscHEß Germany^. The undernoted are the Compar.v i- Un A+ fixtures:— OUTWARDS "MAIN" fr Doflo, Manila h 18,1 Shanghai, North China and, "COBLENZ" for Manila, Boagkong S'hal. North China and Japan Dec 7 f "SAALE." for Manila. Bongfc Shanghai, Dairen, Tsinytau. V Nagoya. Kobe and Osaka n v
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  • 299 7 Mining Shares. StttgaporCj Friday. 11 a.m. j (.notations are Issued t ,-x change and stock Buyers Bellers. i m 32 6 33 30,- 37 6 II 15 1 1519 1.35 1.40 »1 A 35 36 6 D 0 30 0.35 1 10 1.20 nn 5 5 i
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  • 85 7 MNB BT FRA3ER CO., EXCHANGE A STOCK BROKERS Bayers Sellers. 106 108 norn Batßoan Mnnlrsaal per o i t. 105 107 norn •fc-KHpo.-e ll—trtjul 106 108 norn •U EMtl > Ida 102 104 norn ■MM -re Uiatß lya: 111 «4 112 cl. 113 114 ci Bjbj Hubs
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  • 152 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LOCAL SELLERS STILL NERVOUS. Firm Tone And Higher Prices. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Friday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 135j16r&L, lip 1 cts. Market Tone: Firm. Tin (Singapore), $114%, down Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber. 4 3 32d., unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. New York.
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  • 107 7 Report for year ended Feb. 28. 1933. states that estates have oeen farmed out at rental based on proceed of rubber produced, company retaining representatives to safeguard interests. Results obtained by mining engineers who were prospecting io* gold on Pergau estace were no;, satisfactory enough to justify
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  • 158 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various orands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drum* per British Imperial gallon 11 1® Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon 10-83 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 226 7 Fourth Amongst World's Consumers. THE earliest Japanese rubber manufacturing entcipiise vas th? Mitatsuchi Rubber Co. established in 1880 for the making and repair rubber, valued $36,166. European methods and machinery were introduced by the Meiji Rubber Work of Tokyo which was organised in 1892 as the
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  • 117 7 Danger Of Printing Pres£ Money. Reuter. New York, Nov. 17. THE financial editor of the 'Evening Post" asserts that the danger of printing press money faces the American public and says: "ihe retirement of Mr. Woodins from the Treasury insignificant, as he had flown (lie slag
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 129 7 Weekly Statement Of Guthrie Co. MESSRS. Guthir? and Co.. Ltd., in their weekly report dated Nov. 16, state: The market has remained steady since our last report. The wide fluctuations of the American dollar have made sellers somewhat reserved and business has, therefore, been restricted. This morning, however,
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  • 133 7 Municipal President Gives Evidence. The 7»th, 80th and 81st meetings of the S.S. Trade Commission were held in Singapore on Nov. 14, 15 and 16. Evidence was taken from Mr. W. Bartley. M.8.E.. M.C.S.. President of the Municipal Commissioners. Singapore, regarding Municipal affairs, with special reference ti industrial
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  • 153 7 The weekly rubVr Auction report, dated Nov. 15 as submitted by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Pubbe Association, reads: Catalogued 1.239 "t*9 1b.rT553.48 tons. Offered 1.127,121 1b.=503.18 tons. Sold 878.734 lb -392.29 tons. London—Spot 4 3 16d. New York.—B\ cents. PRICES REALIZED RIBBED SMOKED SHEET: Cents per
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  • 102 7 At the meeting of Chimpul (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates the Chairman, Mr. Gerald Kingsley. said: "It seems obvious to most of us who are interested in this great industry that the only way out of (the slough of despond in which wo find ourselves to-day is some form of
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  • 182 7 Singapore, Nov. 16. R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $118 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $108 Rice, B Siam N. 1 $86 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $81 Siam. No. 1 "Sinhway" $171 Siam, No. 2 "Sinhway" $!57 Siam, No. 3 Sinhway" $137 Rice,
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  • 107 7 Control Rubber's OnlySalvation. PRESIDING at the meeting of Sengat shareholders in London last month, Sir George Maxwell. K.8.E., a former Chief Secretary to the F.M.S. Government, declared that rubber output regulation is essential. Sir George said: "The general principle of restriction of production of raw commodities
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  • 119 7 Ampat Tin Dredging RecentlyRegistered. The Ampat Tin Dredging. Ltd.. was registered as a public company on Oct. 27. with a nominal capital of £100 in 4s. shares. The following persons have consented to act as directors:—John H. C. E. Howeson. Hakot, Bexley. Kent (chairman of London Tin Corporation,
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  • 118 7 Accounts for year ended June 30. 1933, state ihat net balance brought fciward is £7,215 After export duty and interest and sundry receipts, produc-ion of lubber resulted in loss £592, against loss of £1.269 in previous year Total available for distribution is £9.651. It is proposed to pay
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  • 102 7 The London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company has purchased two estates in Malaya having a combined area of 4,102 acres, of which 3.014 acres are planted with rubber. The purchase consideration consisted of the issue of 660 000 fully-paid 2s. shares of the company. and at par was
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  • 119 7 DurinT Uic year ended June 30 the Indian Peninsula Rubber and Tea Estates made a loss of £6 672 < against a profit of £2,145 for 1931--32), and, in addition, a loss of £619 was incurred on the realisation of investments. To cover combined loss of £7,291
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  • 59 7 Crop for year ended June 30 last of 295.380 pounds was sold in F.M.S. at an average gross price of 2.23 d. per pound, equivalent to 2.73 d. per pound London landed' terms. Credit balance brought forward was £4,866; deduct loss on year's trading £257 and interest
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  • 359 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Friday. 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyali and Evatk Issue value. Prasst Lyali a) f Bharea. Oo Stoat 1 Allenby $0 85 $0.90 $0.80 $0.90 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.«• 0.70 1 A. Hitam
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  • 285 7 PRAS«R OO.'S QUC/TATTOIUL a «5 i CLOSING CiDOTATICttm I a 2 2 m J Buyer*. BtOart. $2 $2 Alex. Brick Ords. $1.00 $2 $2 Alex. Brick Pref. $145 $1.55 £1 £1 B. Ameri. Tobacco 112 117--$lO $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.25 5.50 £1 £1 C. Tin Pref. 7 p.c.
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  • 69 7 Report tc March 31 that actual capital expenditure was £6.854, but was reduced :o £941 consequent on £5,910 written off from head of ferries, &c. and charged to rose v... Net earnings £54.609. against £48.189 in previous year, and amount at credit of net revenue £87.706. To
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 87 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Enalsnd). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almelda Street. TST WMMM' Reserve Pund and Rest 600,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, KaracLl Madras. Amara. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Klrkuk. Mosul and 81nsrapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit on terms to be ascertained
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    • 53 7 QUARTERLY 2J# Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 2 Vs% is paid quarterly. I Head Office: 55,
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    • 211 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Strata Settlement*.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHCLIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 45«. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Che* Swee Cheng.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 468 8 Amttsementa ALBAMBBA Lis 9.15 Season extended of Universale supreme Jungle Thriller M Jungle Mystery" with TOM TYLER CECELIA PARKER and NOAH BEERY, JR. See the mysterious creature that is neither man nor beast Unbelievable adventures of a party of explorers in the unconquerable jungle, in search of a lost comrade
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    • 316 8 TO-NIGHT j Three famous STARS in a Darinr new METRO-GOLDYVYN-MAYER epic J KAY FRANCIS WALTER HUSTON and NILS ASTHER in j "Storm at Daybreak" j i Two continents and Two Studios combined j I to produce this flaming Romance of Central hEAR THE BEAUTIFUL HUNGARIAN j Europe You wiß thrilled
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    • 336 8 Acclaimed By Singapore A Grand Show I H I TO NIGH i J Brill i mm M y7T^, JMI mWSßmga KiP'-5fT ~^JmWk^Ĕia& m *urn "One oi the best pictun I mm i MIRIAM HOPKINS i "Let mc hasten tc v: LIONEL BARSYK/ORE. and M:piAM HOPKINS in "THE STRANGERS RETURN Barrymorc
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  • 140 9 I» VSSENGERS LEFT. .n passengers left Singapore bj' Maru" for Penang, Colombo, r London yesterday: Foote, Mrs. E. Morrison f M rison. Mr. T. Nishino. Mr. H. Y Tsuda. Mr. F. J. Little, Capt. Capt G. Doggne. Mrs. B. Hannevig Mr. Y,
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  • 42 9 of eleven years of age named ifi'n ill vr-ss on board the A mi. tire Day during the voyage it was reported on arrival of t.. —el on Wednesday. at sea. He was bound for irother: they were travelling
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  • 78 9 Singapore. Nov. 17 SHIP ALONGSIDE THE WHARVSB. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Wharf (Entrance Gate S). 14; Hua Tong 11; Bellerophor! KBirire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). I€ Larut 32; Bengal Maru Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). West Wharf (Entrance Gate 4). Section 10 (Entrance Gate 7). KTPPFX HARBOUR
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  • 157 9 i'ilo! s Nightmare Struggle With Pythons. Sydney. writhing snakes with one hand, aeroplane with the other, an tr m Sa'amor, to Wau, in New Cuir. .i. n ure or this airman. Mr. Jack ia d in a letter to Sydney. 1 av::;g Salamoa. he felt something his coat.
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  • 92 9 p rics1 Who Nought Back His Own Herd. Belgrade. ievea at Bjelovar stole some animals from a local priest, later the priest went to fket to buy others to replace timber of excellent animals me bread as those he had lost n different markings, and decided
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  • 39 9 New York. Vndrew Bauerlp of Evansville, >mkcd his 22-year-old tfary Anne, because she relo <- r >ok a meal. V Anno took the ease to court. < chd considered that Andrew wthin his rights and awarded him
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  • 20 9 to post your parcels to-day if they are to be assured of delivery in England by Christmas Day.
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  • 13 9 Left Arrd. B\ Spore London " Huygens" Oct. 27 Nov. 16
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  • 162 9 WTiile Portraying Indian Girl. Hollywood, Oct. 18. i Miss Ann Dvorak, the well-kncwn film star, has been bitten by a rattlesnake just above the 1 prkle '.'hile portraying an Indian girl during the making of a film. I Miss Dvorak was immediately gi»en emergency treatment, including an injecticn
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  • 86 9 Japanese Artists Pray For Its Repose. Tokyo. II i bl Kuyc the annual service for the repose cl the souls of worms and insects killed by human bings. was this year attended by more than 200 painters and poets. Heavy rain did not deter them frcm
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  • 77 9 German Chaplains For The Battlefield. Berlin. The "Theology Storm Troops" are the latest addition to the Nazi forces. They made their fim aopeajranet; a the meeting of the evangelical National Synod in Whittenburg. These 100 young Protestant students wear grey clothes and an armlet on which the
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  • 57 9 Canton. Tho existence of a "Union of Cigarette End Gatherers" has been discovered here. It has five branches, operating In assigned aroas of the city. There are 2,540 members whose daily earnings- according to figures issued by the Municipal Social Welfare Bureau —average threepence each. Where the
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  • 193 9 BELLING. Singapore, Nov. 16. London 4 months' sight 2 4 11|64 I London 3 months' sight 2.4 5*32 London 60 days' sight 2|4 9|64 London 30 days' sight 2|4Vj London demand 214 7|64 London T.T. 2|4 5f64 Lyons and Paris demand 950 Hamburg demand 150 New Yor* demand
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  • 179 9 Talks By Leading: Men To Be Broadcast. Amsterdam, Oct. 14. The Royal Dutch Automobile Club is holding its annual safety week in Holland beginning to-morrow. With the cooperation of the public authorities the 3lub is making a big "drive" for greater safety on the roads. A series of
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  • 110 9 Men Works All Night To Break Own Home. New York. A house which vanished overnight is the subject of a novel case confronting the authorities in Duchess County, New York. The owner of the house. Mr. Richard Hawkes, is accused of trying to evade he foreclosure of
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  • 79 9 Celebrations In Buenos Aires. Buenos Aire*, Oct. IS. The anniversary of the discovery of America was celebrated here with pomp and circumstance in the University of La Plata with the Spanish Ambassador and other dignitaries in attendance. The Ambassador and the Archbishop of Buenos Aires afterward inaugurated
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  • 62 9 Paris, Oct. 14. T. N. Jamieson, driving a special Austin, broke three international class "H" (750 co records on the Mcntlhery track this afternoon. The records, which are subject to official confirmation, are:—Five mites at an average speed of 119.38 m.pJi.; ten kilometres at ah average speed of
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  • 287 9 "«Jl U vil Public Functions And i Sports Fixtures. 4 TO-DAY, NOV. 17. High Tides —9.36 a.m., 10.46 p.m. Chinese Football League, Covent v. Ann Siang Hill, S.C.F.A. Hockey: S.C.R.C. "A" v. H.K.S. Battery, S.C.R.C; A.P.C. n v. V.M.C.A. n, A.P.C.; I.A. II v.
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  • 81 9 ALHAMBRA.—Tom Tyler in "The Jungle Mystery." CAPITOL.—Kay Francis in "Storm at Daybreak." EMPIRE —"Heroes Of The Flames," complete serial. GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, Talkies: Sky—"The Love Race"; Star—"The Beauty Mart" (Chinese talkie). MARLBOROUGH.—"This is the Night." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs,
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  • 82 9 Peiping. The famous Buddha caves of Yunklang are reported to be in danger of destruction by soldiers quarrying stones. The stones are to be used in building a villa near the Stone Buddha Temple for General Chao Cheng-Shou, Defence Commissioner of Tatung. Recenty vandals cut off
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  • 168 9 Goes Hundreds Of Miles To Patients. Sydney. In the far north of Australia there is a doctor #ho thinks nothing of flying a few hundred miles before breakfast to attend a patient. He is Dr. Allan R. Vickers, a 31-year-old former Sydney graduate, and his practice is
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  • 206 9 Hunting Scenes And Gorgon's Head. Belgrade. Bas-reliefs, considered (O be of great artistic value, have been discovered by a peasant at Pri.oka in Bosnia. He was ploughing his fields when he turned up a number of stone slabs covered with inscriptions and carvings. One stone slab Aye feet,
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  • 130 9 British Subjects Who Won Prizes. Stockholm. A week to-day (Saturday. Or 21». the 100 h anniversary of the birth of Alfred Nobel, the famous engineer and donee of the prizes which bear his name, will be celebra.ed throughout the country and abroad. New editions of the biography
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  • 116 9 Zeppelin Line From Germany To U.S.A. New Yor*. A rival to the projected aeroplanes service to Europe, via Greenland, is befng planned by Dr. Eckener, the famous commander of the Graf Zeppelin, who is seeking the Uni cd Stale.-. Navy's persmission to use the naval air station at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 507 9 SINGAPORE HOIIIS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEF Scotts Road. On Thursday, November 30—Friday, December Ist— Saturday, December 2nd. THE SINGAPORE REPERTORY PLAYERS will present HAY FEVER By NOEL COWARD, at 9.30 prompt. PLANS AT THE HOTEL PHONE 6490 MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW $1.50. Dinner $1.50 pep cover will be served before the
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 180 9 i [POSTAL INTtLLIGCNCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Selat Pandjang. Bengkalis, Siak, Pakan Baroe, Fort de Kock and Padang (Ampang) 3 p.m. North. N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Bangkok (Dukat) 3 p.m. Java. South-West Sumatra. SouthEast Borneo, Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Ban Hong Liong) 4 p.m Sibu 'Angby)
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    • 78 9 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service, Last Yesterday. Night. Max. Bright Min. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. D"g. P. inches. Sours. Deg. r. Alor Star 90 0 50 8.1 73 Kota Bharu 82 1.27 3.7 73 K. Trengganu 81 1.70 17 72 Buklt Jeram 90 0.14 6.5 72 Mersing 85
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  • 56 10 TEO—At IS, Dhcby Ghaut, on Thursday, Nov. 16. at 1.45 a.m. Mr. Tto Hoo Lye. the be!ov?d father of Teo Teow Peng. Teo Teow Gim. Teo Te:w Geok. Mri. See Cheng Ann and Mrs. Chia Hock Chve. passed away peacefully, at the ag.> of 81 yeais. Date
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  • 768 10 Malaya has a deep interest in the conference which is to be held in Batavia on Wednesday next. It will be a conference of Dutch East Indies officials to discuss the question of control of rubbpr production— generally misleadingly named Restriction. Our friends (and competitors) over the Straits
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  • 551 10 Comments By The Way. TOUCHING upon the rubber issue, it would be interesting if someone dug up and re-published all the references to it during the past few years of certain eminent persons, including Sir Cecil Clementi and Mr. Eric Miller. But it would be terribly
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  • 54 10 The following Hospital Assistants of the Seremban Medical Department will be retiring from the Government Service this month—Mrs.. S. Assaipilla\ Mr. N. Murugasu, Mr. N. Nagalingam and Mr. S T. Pillay. Mrs. J., Samuel. Nurse, of the Infant Welfare Centre. Seremban, will retire after
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  • 65 10 The death occurred at Kuala Nerang on Monday afternoon of the wife of H. H. Tunku Abdul Rahman, District Officer. Deceased, who was born in Alor Star, was suffering from malaria. She leaves behind two small children. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning when the remains were
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  • 108 10 Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mr. Moy Chong Hee, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Kuala Lumpur third son of Mrs. Moy Hup Choon, with Miss Chan Koon Yoke, only daughter of Mr. Chan Sai Loong, of Kuala Lumpur, at the S.C.R.C, on Sunday at 11
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  • 62 10 Very good progress is now being made with the hotel at Bintang, the Cameron Highlands, and. with luck, it should b? ready by Christmas. Squirrels and birds are now becoming a trouble to those on the Cameron Highlands who have strawberry beds. The birds are fearless of human
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  • 62 10 The Telok Anson Police Court was crowded with Malays on Thursday last when about twenty Malays were charged with being bad characters. Mr. Harrison, A.CP., prosecuted and the case lasted the whole of Thursday, after which the Magistrate, Mr. G. A. de C. Moubray, the District Officer, bound
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  • 49 10 The wedding will take place in Penang on Wednesday, Nov. 29, of Mr. Yeap Hock Hoe, son of the Penang millionaire, Mr. Yeap Chor Ec, and Mrs. Yeap Chor Ec, and Miss Ida Oei, daughter of the Java sugar king, Mr. Oei Tiong Ham. and of Mrs. Oei.
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  • 481 10 BY "LOOKER-ON" Gold plan theme song: "Faflim for you." There seems to be a big sign in Siam nowadays. A N.R.A. now seems to mean Recovery Attained." A R. L. H. duly obliged, and 1 shan't be thirsty for a day or two. Three cheers and a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 105 10 mW Foj friends of a perfumed Jms J IB Cologne. It combines the /i£»r^&M bracing freshness of "4711" Eau /^^^^Sf^*^^aß V (i Cologne with the captivating eL v^° SCO ISH V fragrance of -4711" Tosca. /1 m. H. .JKjH si, $>.50. |i t^zjzfjy /Jfe^^?'l Cologne. ■B X Bi .it
      105 words
    • 50 10 PERMANENT WAVING $8 ONLY In October And November. FIGARO Raffles Hotel (Room 120) and at 93, Bras Basah Road. SECOND-HANI) PIANOS. The Cheapest And Best. 0 ZIMMERMAN at $275 RACHAL $225 LIEBMANN «5995 DUTCH .$200! The above Pianos guaranteed in perfect condition. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road. SINGAPORE.
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  • 111 11 PREPARATIONS FOR INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT. MARSHAL CHIANG TAKES PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FUKIEN. Central Troops Move. Emergency Meeting Called In Nanking To Discuss Situation. lation in Fukien has reached a most critical point. Chiang Kai Shek has transferred seven of his ions to the Chekiang-Fukien border and
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  • 108 11 Hongkong, Nov. 17. \i;> icpiion is accorded to inouncement that the new Government in South- r a is to be established in j Nov. 2»>, with the 10th K<. .A-" v a? its basis. Mar- 1 uinjr Kai Shek, againsc v: v movement is mainly (in,
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  • 205 11 Km n iiiiaiiu leader Supports Revolt. I i that Gen. Chen Ming Shu, Civil Governor of KwangMinister of CommunicaX. :.king. will take command of the South-West com- forces of Fukien. Kwangsi, Kweichow. The Canton will not be included. will also be at the head of Government, with
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  • 419 11 Hm< i stency Meeting At Nanking. People in Hongkong and fit-t p Vie Wing the situation with 'h ti v y ex P res s the hope *l'i ute Arm y win proceed r Wel (Premi er) sum1.! •■v,'.n7« rn I nent leaders at Nani, 10 discuss
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  • 46 11 Asking For News Of Fukien Situation. Shanghai, Nov. 17. Telegrams from the overseas Chinese a»e pouring in enquiring for details re- garding the Fukien situation. I The Fukien members of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce will shortly hold a meeting to define their attitude.
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  • 63 11 Japanese Destrovcrs In The Port." Amoy, To-day. 'pHREE Japanese destroyers arrived in Amoy yesterlay, presumably to protect Japanese lives and property. They are the first foreign warships to arrive. The three captains of the warships subsequently called upon Mr. Lam Kuo Kang and Mr. Hu Vow Chiao of
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  • 265 11 French Allegations Denied. Reuter. Paris, Nov. 16. riE "Petit Parisien" publishes to-day an alleged confidential document sent to all German agents abroad by the Central Propaganda Bureau at Berlin. The document, the authenticity of which is "guaranteed" by the "Petit Parisien," instructs the agents to educate public
    Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 163 11 British Legation Should Be Moved To Nanking. Reuter. London, Nov. 16. In a letter to the "Times" to-day Mr. W. Nunn M.P. (Con Whitehaven I stresses the "desirability of ending th 2 British Legation's splendid isolation at Peking," and of a residence for the Minister at Nanking or
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 33 11 The Rev. Brother James. O.B.E. visitor of the Christian Brothers' School;, af'-er an official visit of inspection to Hongkong, Kowloon and Manila, arrived back in Singapore en Wednesday morning by ihe "Hakone Maru."
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  • 247 11 Mr. Yang Teh Chiao, the representative of Gen. Chen Tsi Tang, has left Nanking for Shanghai on his way back to Canton. His mission in the South will be (1) to urge Mr. Hu Han Mm, on behalf of Marshal Chiang Kai Shek and Mr. Wang Ching Wei, to return
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  • 101 11 Up Again To-Day. STOPPING FLIGHT OF CAPITAL. Reuter. New York, Nov. 10. fHE dollar strengthened from 5.52 to 5.26 as a result of rumours that the Government was about to take steps to end the flight of capital from the United States. Foreign exchange dealers expect a
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 129 11 New York, Nov. 16 President Roosevelt intends to give the gold plan a full and unfettered trial resisted exclusively by sympathetic officials and the Washington correspondents hail the President as "probably .America's shrewdest and most fertile political strategist." Mr. Acheson is alleged to have been
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  • 205 11 Wall Street Dumbfounded By Flight From Dollar Reuter. Official comment on yesterday's developments is not forthcoming but Senator Harrison holds that "inflation cannot come too soon." Senator Tomas is convinced that, when the dollar is devalued by fifty per cent, it will be stabilised through international agreement and
    Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 93 11 Judge Says He Has Usurped Powers. Reuter. New York, Nov. 16. 'pHE first test case in connection with the Roosevelt anti-gold hoarding decree has been decided against the President, on a technical point. While upholding the charge against Frederick Barber Campbell, a New York lawyer, of failing
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 100 11 Military Expenditure Of Yen 1,000,000,000. Shanghai, Nov. 17. HEAVY Japanese military movements are reported in Manchuria. Jappanese troops are being transported northward from Mukden and the military trains crowd the Tanggo Taongo Railway. Other forces are transported by motorcar from Bukai to Heiho, in Heilungkiang. The
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  • 41 11 About 200 guests, including many Europeans were present at the dinnc t given by Messrs. Cheang Theair. Chu and Cheang Theam Kee at "Riviera" Pasir Panjang Eoad yes.erday evening in honour of the bhvhday of their mother, Mrs. Cheang Jim Chuan.
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  • 71 11 TERRIBLE CRIME BY KIDNAPPERS. Beaten To Death. Body Thrown Into The Sea. Reuter. San Jose (California), Nov. 16. JT is revealed that Mr. Brooke Hart, Junior, the wealthy merchant's son who was recently kidnapped, wa3 murdered by his captors. Two suspects have been arrested, one of whom,
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 85 11 HEYAUN BUTTER The fresh delicate flavour of t HEYMAN BUTTER is due to j the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in j Victoria, Australia, it is handled and packed with scrupulous /fr<2 care in order to ensure that it keep in perfect condition. SOLE AGENTS: t NEW!
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  • 593 12 KIDNAPPED IN DARK ROAD? STORY IN LOCAL COURT. Bang's Evidence. "Pushed Into A Waiting Car." alleged kidnapping case in which a Siamese priest and his secretary are the complainants occupied another day's hearing in the District Court, before Mr. H. A. Forrer, yesterday. Th? accused
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  • 430 12 "Arrested On Order Of Siamese Consul." Continuing, witness said he asked his captors the reason for their treatment and was told that it was because he had accompanied the priest. The latter also the first accused why he was arrested, and the accused replied that it was on
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  • 356 12 Survey By Kuala Lumpur Chemist. |T|/|OST of the drinking water in the ITI Federated Malay States is derived from jungle streams, which—in a country where the drier districts have an annual rainfall of about 85 inches and one mountainous district as much as 245 inches—yield in
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  • 77 12 AT THE CINEMAS The change of programme which the Ritz cinema. Geylang. put on last night, consists of two full-length talkies. At the first house at 7.45 p.m. an action picture, "The Hard Hombre." starring Jioot Gibjon. was shown and this was followed, 3t A
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  • 599 12 Third Re-Trial At Johore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Nov. 14. AT a special sitting of the Johore Bahru Assize Court yesterday, presided over by Mr. Justice Mills, who came up from Singapore by arcangement, the third re-trial of \he case in which a Javanese
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  • 303 12 Afghan Charged. COMPLAINT BY A PRIEST. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Nov. 16. NATIVE of Kabul named Doshan Khan, who said that he came to Malaya two years ago from Siam to recover a debt of $2,000 for which he had obtained a decree in
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  • 198 12 By Alleged Confidence Trickster. fFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 16. BEFORE the District Judge, Mr. B. R. Whitehou.;?, to-day a Hakkah named Chin Lin Chin pleaded guilty to the offence of collecting letters for transmission and of receiving them lor delivery from China without a
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  • 268 12 Mr. W. C. Mackav And Miss M. A. M. Williams. Mr. William Culbard Mackay, son of the IpTc Mr. R. Y. Mackay, of Dumfries. Scotland, and of Mrs. Mackay, of Benreay. Lockerbie, was married ;o Miss Marian Murial Williams, daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. D. H.
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  • 206 12 League Of Nations' Bulletin. The following is the Health Bulletin of the League ef Naticns Eastern Bureau, for the reek cnaed Nov. 11, 1933: Alexandria: 2 smallpox cases. Rerim Island. 1 smallpox ease (imported>. Bnprhdad: 1 plague care. I Bcssein: 3 smallpox cases and 1 death.
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  • 98 12 The Municipal health statement for the week ended Nov. 11 gives the total number of deaths as 171. The death rate was 18.63 per mllle compared with 20.48 in the preceding 1I •i: and 19.00 in the BOtresponding week of last year. The chief QJRflBf of
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  • 515 12 COURT SEQUEL To AUCTION. Cheque Refused. Was Resale liad l n Law (Fiom Our Oun Corntijondcnt i t Seremban, Nov. 16 VERY interesting ivil suit occupied the' attention of th Mr. Justice G. A. Hereford, in the' Seremban Supreme Court the whoie of yesterday, was continued
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  • 618 12 Refusal Of Chcc By The Auctioneer At the sale, the plaintiff and tie Art ndant attended and bid. and th' Hi'- Mibs?quently sold to the plaintiff u- '■>' defendant, assisted by the licensed auc.ion. whose bid amounted to $20,301. The plaintiff immediately after hr sai a for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 78 13 FOUR THOUSAND TAHILS. iiiK'd At $32,000. art work of YjENUE dept. and tahils of contraband ■hud at $.'S2,000 were Revenue Dept. yester- .-t, which is claimed to be i, on ships during the reward of smart work It was not a case of in
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  • 211 13 Dives Down Several Times. urs cf hard work, during i pr.c* of the ship was is v nt down into the engine t uge boilers af.ood in close full steam up, while the re rve. The tank was full of !:ir.g was in readiness to be rr.
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  • 103 13 Chandu Disguised As Face Powder. Mr Henman and Mr. Kennedy .L'ther ingenious me.hod of smug- mil;;ng ir.ccmirg cargo from China i upon a large consignment of I >wd"r. The band is very well was nothing to arouse their nut- Dept. let tfothing slip finders. They suspect the most
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  • 116 13 lalacca Deputation's Suggestion, Malacca, Nov. 16. C ommittee comprising Mr W. M. Mniington, Chong Lek, L. A. Chitty, tV«-k Chye and the Collector of evenue (Mr. J. R. Neave) met, itation on yesterday at the municipal Office. j appealing for reduction of land re Messrs. Ho Eng Wah,
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  • 42 13 untitled W W R Lake director of a J R Lake. Director of jj Mission, with head- Kuala Lumpur, is on a ln .SaPO* He will deliver a Judgmmt Hour." perwnit present world condiPJrtend at the Seventhly Ad--1 1 nans Road, to-morrow.
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  • 119 13 Secret Society Members Arrested. rpwo rival secret societies of seamen were alleged to have engaged in fighting last night in Sago Street. This was mentioned by Inspector Goodship before the Third Magistrate. Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, .this morning when four Chinese were produced on charges
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  • 153 13 Another Batch Arrives At Kuala Lipis. Kuala Lipis, Nov. 10. Another batch of four Sakai adults have arrived the District Hospital here, where they asked to be admitted for treatment mentioning .that they were advised to do so by their "Bating" Penghulu Wai of Ulu Telom Valley.
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  • 87 13 For Nanyang Piu Mm Free School. The Nanyang Piu Mm Free School Committee have decided to postpone the concert arranged by the school to Saturday. Dec. 2. and. instead of having it at the Great World, will hold it at the Eu Tong Sen Theatre. The school committee
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  • 104 13 All Turkey Being Taught To Sing It. Is.anbul. The new Turkish national anthem is being taught all over the country in preparation for Oct. 29. when it will be sUr.g on the 10th anniversary of the Turkish Republic. Here is a free translation of it:— Oh. what
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  • 86 13 War Relic Explodes A/tcr 15 Years. Trieste. Seeing what looked like a bit of old iron sticking out of the ground near Seppuglie. Dahila Soncino, a child of six struck it with a stone. The result was a terrific explosion. Danila was found half buried in debris,
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  • 60 13 The Band of the S.S. Police will perform t»he following programme, weather permitting, at Katong Park tio-day, commencing at 5.15 p.m.: March "Sylvia," Vlach; -bverture '-"My Old Stable Jacket." fiflton; waftz "Estudian Find," Waldtenfel; "Serenade,'* Heykens; "Serenata,'" Toselli; selection "Viennese Memories of Lehar." arr. Hall; humorous Fantasia Wedded
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  • 83 13 The Indians of Trengganu mustered strongly on the 2nd inst. under the presidency of Mr. T. B. Money. Superintendent of the Physical Culture and Commercial Institute, at the Crown G. School, to mourn the death of Mr. Vithalbhai J. Patel at Geneva. Mr R. M. Iyer moved and Mr. C.
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  • 45 13 Before Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman (Third Magistrate) over 20 cases were called In which drivers of motor lorries conveybig goods from Singapore to various parts of Johore and leaving Johore for Singapore were charged wittl overloading. Ron ranging from $8 to $15 were imposed.
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  • 187 13 Little Girl's Head Cut Off. FURTHER accounts have arrived of the tragic affair which occurred in Trengganu on Monday last week and which was reported in last Thursday's "Malaya Tribune." A Cantonese, said to be employed in an eating-shop, nrst entered the premises of Messrs. Yamada
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  • 122 13 Post Mortem Reveals Mysterious Poison. Kuala Lipis. Nov. 10. Pallaniappa Chettiar, a well-known member of the cnettiar community of Kuala Lipls, and a partner of one of the chettiar firms here, was taken suddenly ill in his shop here on Wednesday. He was rushed to the District Hospital
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  • 94 13 On His Way To Take Up Post. Hongkong. Nov. 17. Mr. Huang Yen Kai, the newly-appointed Chinese Consul for Penang passed through Hcngkonj yesterday on the "Conte Verde" mi his way to the Straits Settlements to take up his appointment. The Central Government has again offered the post
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  • 99 13 Famous Egyptian Temple Ruins Ta Disappear. Cairo, Oct. 14. Forty villages will be submerged when the heightening of the Aswan Dam is completed in December. The famous temple of Philae will vanish with the villages. Mr. W. B. Emery, of Liverpool, who is excavating on behalf of
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  • 50 13 Birthday Congratulations From Mr. Roosevelt. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Nov. 16. Among the congratulations received by the King oi Siam on his 40th birthday were personal greetings from President Roosevelt and from Sir Cecil Clementi, Governor of the S.S. and High Commissioner for the Malay States.
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  • 34 13 Unofficial World's Record Set Up. Reuter. Southampton, Nov. 17. Mr. Scott Paine, driving "Miss England III," established an unofficial world's salt water record for singleengined boats, averaging 100.132 miles ;>er hour.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 46 13 Sofia, Oct. 14. Bulgarian peasants fear a winter of great severity, for already packs of wolves have swept down by night on isolated villages in the Petnch district. Poultry, sheep, and donkeys have been killed, and the marauders have even attacked human beings.
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  • 19 13 Mr. Jack D. Hastings, of the Rubber Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, arrived from Home yuAuday by the "Tuukuni Maru.''
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  • 441 13 Officer Appointed By The Court. Mr. Hastings submitted that the defendar pleaded that it was not according to the conditions of sale and not that they did not do something which was reasonable. His lordship said that as the bailiff was i: cnarge of the sale and
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  • 444 13 Fifteen Or More People Were Present. On June 2D 4 1332, he sent a chargec't notice through Mr. Yong Shook Lin, and after an application was made to .the court, the sale was fixed' for July .14. 1933. On the day of the sale there was only
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 130 13 ITS i Cl LECITHIN b 1 Are you nervous. irritable ab:ut small n[RVE FOOD AND lONIC matters or unable to concentrate en your j^m«M work. Arc jou weakened by overwerk, f j *'J ifQ I worry or the tropical climate ?If so, try jjjij: :;r,' '(■j^jj^t I wampole's o|;;i J
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  • 621 14 Prospect Of Exciting Finish To-day. Latest Scores In The Inter-Port Reuter. RN HAMILTON, the captain of Ihe Malayan team, played another fighting innings at Hongkcn? yesterday in the inter-port cricket match against Shanghai. If Malaya wins this game, wfcicn should be concluded to-day,
    Reuter.  -  621 words
  • 29 14 Reuter. Hongkong, Nov. 17. SHANGHAI (2nd innings): 78 for 4 wkts. Alvis captured three wickets. Shanghai are still 93 runs behind with six; wicketi to fall. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 103 14 Another Australian Message To The M.C.C. Melbourne, Nov. 16. At the conclusion of a special meeting of the Australian Cricket Board of Control it war, officially stated that the M C.C. cable had been considered and that the Board were sending a cable to England, the text of
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  • 63 14 Winners In "Other Ranks" Tournament. The finals of the Command other ranks tennis championships resulted as follows: SINGLES: Q.M.S. Pccpe-dine. RE: runner-up. L. C Davis. RAF. DOUBLES: Sgt. Carpenter and S'rmn. Br.rcock. R Signals; S'Sgt. Burratre. R. E and Sgt. Cashman, R.A P C. The> prizes were
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  • 42 14 The Command v. Johore match in the M ilava Cup competition will be played or the S C.C. ground to-morrow. Kick ofi at 8 ii m. Seating accommodation will be provided [rec on the S.R.C. side of the ground.
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  • 30 14 The annual athletic sports of the Brickfields Road British School (V.M.C.A. buildups' Kuala Lumper; will be held on Nov. 25, o:> tl a v c a. groorad.
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  • 25 14 The match arranged between the Upper Se ,m"oon Rovers United XI and the Pasir Panjang Opium Packing Plant will be played to-day instead ol to-morrow.
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  • 113 14 Annual Hockey Encounter To-morrow. Tho third inter-college hockey match between Raffles College and the College of Medicine, for the Selwyn-Clarke challenge Cup. will be played on the Medical College ground. Tiong Bahru, tomorrow at 5 p.m. I Th* Cun was won by the Medical College in 1931 and
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  • 118 14 (From Oii7 Oicn Correspondent.) Seremban. Nov. 16. Cn the padang thil evening, the Paulian bo key t.ain defeated the Sungei Ujong Club by 1-0. Tkcagh the Europeans shewed superiority in their attack they failed to score, anc 1 when ha'f tim? arrived the score sheo, remained bank. Cn
    118 words
  • 54 14 (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) Malacca, Nov. 10. On tli? rein sodden Club padang. H:p:h School beat the Malacca Cup yesterday afternoon by 2—o. The Club fielded some newcomers and considering that they were much below theb usual stn-ngth, did well to coned; only two coals against a more
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  • 141 14 Teluk Ayer Epworth Leagued TIES in the T.A. Epworth League tournament for to-morrow are as f olllows: Badminton "A" (Singles): Tan Wee Hong v. Tan Huat Seng, Lim Tian Wan v. Koh Beng Swee. Chew Keow Chim (bye). "B" Singles (semi-finals»: Chew Keow Siong v Pung Ah
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  • 79 14 The Coterie B. P. held a successful picnic at the Air Base to celebrate the anniversary of the Party on Saturday and Sunday. At the annual meeting the officials were elected as follows: President. Mr. T. Kathiravalu; hon. secretary. Mr. Lim Bock Choon; hon. treasurer, Mr. Chia Teck
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  • 91 14 The Oxyen B. P. lost to Loke's B. P. by 2 games to 4. Scores (Oxygen players mentioned first): Doubles: Tan Soo Choo and Ec Hock Chiang lost to George Chen and Wee Joo Hai 15—21, 16—21; Ponnusamy and Jean lost to Lim Jitt Wong and Lim
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  • 69 14 Greenhill B. P. B" team v. St. Gregory's B. P. "B" at the latter s court to-morrow at 3 p.m.: William Tan. Quek Khye Kee. Tan Peng Swee. Tan Gim Kia. Chan Joo Miang. Cheong Ah Soo. Low Hock Chiang Teo Keng Kok. Reserves: Lee Ong Choon, Tan
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  • 69 14 Telephone Co. B. P. team v. Teck's B. P. at the latter's court on Sunday at 3.30 p.m.: Kenneth Arthur *Yeo, Lim Nak Song. Tan Thiam Whatt, B. W. Pereira. Tan Kock Ann. Tan Geok Koon. Reserves: S. Charlie. Ching Bah Chee. TECK'S TEAM: Soh Swee Teck. Lauw
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  • 75 14 Ties in the Rovers B. P. tournament: To-morrow at 3.30 p.m.: Wee Eng Siang and Paul v. Tan Hock Khong and Ong Boon Beng, Ong Koon Hoe and C. S. Kay v. Ong Peck Koon and Tan Quee Hock. Sunday at 3.30 p.m.: Low Bo:k Eng and Bah
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  • 74 14 Lunar Athletic and Musical Party team v. the Darul Affiah Sports Club to-day at the S. H. B. ground at 5.15 Lim Kay Eng, Tan Teck Chye. Leong Ah Chong, Ho Ah Hone:. Lim Lian Lock. Kee Yeow Leng. Lim Tian Chwce. Tan Chit Bah. Yew Kuan Chong
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  • 43 14 Reuter Wireless London, Nov. 14. The Lawn Tennis Association's ranking lists of English players are as follows: Men: Perry, Austin, Lee, Hughes, Gregory, Wilde. Women: Dorothy Round, Peggy Scriven, Betty Nuthall, Kathleen Stammers, Mrs. King, Mrs. Whittingstall, Mary Heeley—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless  -  43 words
  • 44 14 Reuter Wireless. London, Nov. 14. Jack Peterson, the British heavyweight champion, will defend his title against Len Harvey, the British cruiserweight champion, at Albert Hall on Nov. 30, in a fifteen-round contest. The winner will receive £3,000 and the loser £I,ooo.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 264 14 To-Night's Fight. GREAT INTEREST AROUSED. WHETHER or not Y. C. Song is as good as if not better than he was four years ago, when he defeated such good boxers as Battling Guillermo and Clever Mauro, will be proved at the New World Arena to-night. His
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  • 83 14 Only Three Horses Left In Big Race. The following horses and ponies have been scratched from events at Bukit Timah: Limber Up, Row Boat. Silver Monk, Nonya Bukit Timah, Little Mester. Quick March, Moonlight, Voyager, Veracity. Kings-Ma. Nancykar. Lovers Idol, Lady Rossdaie. La Gai, Storm Bell, Coral Moore,
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  • 119 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Nov. 15. Negri will meet Perak at hockey at Seremban. on Saturday. When two teams met before at Ipoh on Oct. 21, the game ended in a win for Porak by seven goals to one. The team chosen to represent 'lie State
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  • 57 14 V.M.C.A. HOCKEY. V.M.C.A. 2nd XI v. the O R A. 2nd XI on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the V.M.C.A. ground: J. Ferguson: N. K. Yzelman, R. J. B. Stracey; B. R. Mistri, V. Xavior, W. Pullen: Lee Kit Soon, F. Pullen. C. Day, Lee Tuck Soon. J. Lovick. Reserves:
    57 words
  • 36 14 The Alfairs. "B" team will meet the Lorong 24 "B" on Sunday at the former's court at 3 p.m.: Pla"ers and reserves should wear their jerseys and be at the court before 3 p.m.
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  • 35 14 Owing to the approaching term exam, the Raffles College girls were not able to raise a team for their hockey fixture with the Girls' Sports Club yesterday, and the match was not played.
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  • 200 14 Yesterday's Prize Distribution. THERE was a pleasant function at the S.R.C. yesterday evening, when the prizes won in the autumn lawn tennis (handicap) tournament were presented by Mrs. Clarke, wife of the Hon. Dr. Noel Clarke. The final in the men's handicap doubles between Dr. S.
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  • 59 14 A friendly match of three English games and two American games between the Siong 800 Athletic Association and the Amicable Athletic Association will take place on Sunday at 1 p.m. at the former's premises. Yeo Sim Lim. Koh Hor Khoon. Ng Eng Kwee, Chan Seng Hin and Lim
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  • 57 14 The following have been invited to play Association football for Scotland v. the Rest on Wednesday Nov. 27. at the S.C.C: J. Philip; A. Buchanan. J. A. Hunt; T. Robertson. A. Donald, C. Q. Starkey; S. Webb. S. Kirk. H. E. Orr. N. Fyfe. S. A.
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  • 199 14 THE INDIAN CRICKET TRIALS. Bombay Games. C K. Naidu Named As Captain. Singh does not figure ii I list of thirty odd names published in India of those invited to attend the three Bombay trials preparatory ta the selection of India's Test team to meet the
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  • 26 14 Hockey enthusiasts of the Clerical Union are requested to turn up for practice on the Union ground at Balestier on Mondays and Fridays.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 from Australia's supplies of Finest Quality. Manufactured on our premises under European Supervision. Contains all the vitamins and original dements of nutriment. 4 i SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Cc.Ltd. I rv. rw
      31 words

  • 334 15 Klang C hapter Retains Lowe Cup. Da| about forty members Of pworth League were the i l.umpur Union Epworth bring their fifth annual In Cup presented by Mr ol the visitors were met r which both the g ;ed throughout the whole of games in badminton, g
    334 words
  • 242 15 Turn* For Foursomes Match With Japanese Club. BM are the teams and starting Stall me>*ch to be played at a Sunday morning between Golf Club and the Island Club plsjui named first): 830 X bU and K. Ohta v. Dr. H. L. Lim and J. Laycock. I.
    242 words
  • 62 15 l '°mpete in the Unison BP as follows: I *J Kirn (capt.), Tan 8 k V Jiak Sect Suk chuan. Wee Chow Teck. tkmiL J d n «apt.). Tay Soo D Ie a m J'"* Geok Pan. ftcn Kirn, Goon Tho Wine U t^ AY WU fouows: WDg
    62 words
  • 267 15 Progress At Teluk Anson, (From Our Own Correspondent j Ipoh, Nov. 15. SHE following matches in -.he Lower Perak Badminton League have been completed. YOUNGSTERS BEAT MELINTANG. Hamzah and Iyer lost to Fen Zee and Ewe. 14—21, 11—21. Mohamed and Mat Shah beat Thian Fook and Ah Chiew
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  • 385 15 Hockey Match On The Police Ground. Pl-tying on their own ground in Thompson Road en W* dnesday, the Police trounced ihe S.C.R.C. at hockey ,to the tune of eight gcals to one. The winn-rs were a more effective combination, their forwards playing with greater understanding. Pfdrlau and Mohd
    385 words
  • 36 15 The Medical College Union hockey XV beat a weak A.r.C. side at Paya Lebar on Wednesday by s—l. The match arranged to be played at Seletar between the R.A.F. and the V.M.C.A. was cancelled.
    36 words
  • 149 15 State Championship Tournament. THE second annual Pahang State lawn tennis tournament was concluded on the 13th before a laree number of spectators, when the singles final was played. The chief guests of the evening were H. H. Sultan of Pahane. Mr. and Mr?. A. S. Lilburne. After the
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  • 274 15 The Singapore Baseball Association has arranged for a grand climax of the current season with schedule of gam >s on Nov. 19. and 26 and Dec. 3, 9 and 10. On Sunday at 1 p.m. on the St. Joseph's Institution field, the Japanese Young Men will stack bats
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  • 119 15 S.C.C. Ist v. the P.S.R.F.C. Ist to-morrow at Dunearn Road: D. R. Harper; J. E. King. G. D. A. Lundon, A. L. Hill, R. C. Land; D. G. M. Owen, J. L. Bonnar; A. M. McLennan, A. T. Priest, R. Davidson. G. E. M. Jones, J. W.
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  • 34 15 Mr. Tan Kah Seng has consented *o be the President of the Playfair Union. Members who wish to have night badminton practice should communicate with the hon. secretary, Mr. Tay Oen Seng.
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  • 25 15 The V.M.C.A. School of Commerce beat the Raffles Institution on the latter's ground at volley-ball, the scores being 11—21 21—9, 21—13, 21—14.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 111 15 Assets exceed $12,000,006. Assurance In force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In tba ttraiH SsttlemsnU). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eaittrn Life Building. CecU Street, Singapors. LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jtwif. 8.0. Th« Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of Eng land and compiles with
      111 words
      244 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 763 15 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerou* Club* and Socieoem «n j Singapore, most of the members of which era readers of the -Malaya Tribune." This Disry Is provided specially for them. Secretaries ate j mvited to co-operate in keeping it vp-to-date I ani complete. Happenings of general interest i will still
      763 words

  • 210 16 Descendants Of Trustees Leave. i London, Oct. 12. A PARTY of English descendants of the original seventy-one trustees of the colony of Georgia will leave Great Britain about Nov. 20, to take part in the bicentennial celebrations at Atlanta, Georgia. U.S.A., of the foundation of the
    210 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 297 16 \f fountain pens X'MAS PRESENT! %fM\ \0 CUT however costly, ran be so "W, jJU/&§ffl Inseparably personal a possession as f A handsome gift of such a graceful PILOT, would easily solve the compli- Mm/hmr cated problems of—how to greet your »X glf IS superiors and your best of friends
      297 words
    • 289 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I l<>ll'lll|!lf>1tTI|llfll|ll|< I I I I I I I I your old self dgaw! "\yI"ANY a convalescent has Quaker Oats to thank for a W*\ speedy recovery. Doctors everywhere know its value in restoring;health, re« building strength, revitalizing
      289 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 754 16 TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. 7.30 a.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. Fruit Market Notes supplied by the Intelligence Service of the Empire Marketing Board. 7.45 p.m. A light orchestral concert egramophone records). (Time Signal from Greenwich at 8.30 a.m.). 8.45-930 Variety programme, (gramophone records). 12.0 p.m. Time Signal from Big
      754 words

  • 302 17 SCREEN BACHELOR GIRLS. "Careers First." VIE ELIGIBLE TLAYERS. .j D'S most exclusive— al—club is now in the mation, according to imours. It will he S( een Bachelor Girls, will be recruited from fair Hollywoodites who to "single blessedness*' matrimony—or from who find it convenient rom
    302 words
  • 146 17 Hoar-Glass Figure Intrigues Paris Designers. revolutionised the new lions, according! to woid i ran Paris. dispatches say, will emonounced return to the re§ of the haughty, nineties. ilhouette was featured in her picture "She Dene which is reported to have lorm, and has caused to compare the
    146 words
  • 773 17 Glimpses Of Some Forthcoming Films. THE Mary Boland-Charlie Ruggles comedy, "Mama Loves Papa,' opens on Sunday morning at the Pavilion Theatre. Charlie and Mary who have been featured together in three previous pictures, are starred together for the first time in this film. "MAMA Loves
    773 words
  • 559 17 Smartness Heads The List. U7HAT qualities make a girl attractive? That's a tough question for anyone to answer. But B. G. De Sylva, who irnows more about girl shows than any other Producer in pictures and is regarded as the logical successor to Ziegleld as the
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 382 17 KILL THAT GERM with f Put a drop on your handkerchief Just a tiny drop of Vapex generates a powerful antiseptic vapour which is the dreaded enemy of a cold. It cures colds without upsetting your system and keeps you healthy and clear-head-ed. Don't endanger your family by conveying cold
      382 words

  • 1041 18 His Experiences. STOPPED BY FRONTIER TROUBLE. AC. RAJOO. the Malayan cyclist who made a successful tour of India but was unable to proceed on his journey to England as he intended owing to trouble on .he Baluchistan frontier, returned to Penang some days
    1,041 words
  • 459 18 Seth Jamanlal And Dr. Alam. Allahabad, Oct. 29. i Jarr.anlal Bajaj forwarded to the General Secretary of the All-India Congress Committee, resignation of the office of Treasurer of the All-India Congress Committee, as well as membership of the Working Committee. Dr. Mahomed Alam sent in his resignation
    459 words
  • 125 18 Far-Reaching Changes In Constitution. Far-reaching changes have been made in the constitution of the All-India Muslim League, which, it is now claimed by a prominent Mahomedan M. L. O. will make the body democratic and "raise the league position from where it can proudly challenge the Congress to
    125 words
  • 108 18 Describes Himself As Seen By Critic.-. Sir Samuel Hoare. Secretary of State foi India, speaking at a Conservative gathering in London, described himself—as seen by his critics—in the following terms: "One of the most miserable worms in.tho world, one of those weak, sentimental and futile people without
    108 words
  • 116 18 Several hundreds of East London's Indian population attended a tea party at Poplar Town Hall on Oct. 15 in celebration of the Indian New Year. They were the guests of the Indian Social Club, the members of which are mostly wealthy merchants and doctors. For the last
    116 words
  • 209 18 Pt. JawaharlaPs Letter To An M.P. MR. H. K. Hales, M.P., who is now in India, is the recipient of a letter from Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, in reply to the former's letter Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru says there is at present no intention of calling a meeting
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  • 162 18 Arrangements Between Madras And Calcutta. Further progress has been made in the arrangements for starting an air service between Madras and Calcutta and the Madras Air Taxi Service hope to inaugurate it in the first week of December. Necessary application has been made to the Government of
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  • 15 18 The term of the Madias Legislative Councils has been extended by a year.
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  • 459 18 Becomes Law. GOVT.'S DEMAND FOR RECIPROCITY. THE Indian Medical Council Bill i la Placed on the statute book ceived the assent of the t. Council. It would come into f rcr )P <lif a date as may be fixed by that authority 3 Sir Fazli Hussain.
    459 words
  • 192 18 A Talk To Mothers. Every mo'h r wants her baby to yrow up strorg anr' healthy. But will he? certainly nut if his stcmach and bowels arc ncglected in childhood. Naturally parents do not wilfully neglect their children. But are they always careful to watch for
    192 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 458 18 I MALAYA'S MOST BRILLIANT FOOTBALLER. S i I 6 t VOTING COUPON j: i i Write on the dotted line (in block letters) the name m m I I of the player you think is the most brilliant I Footballer in Malaya. Send this coupon, together with one TIGER BEER
      458 words
    • 51 18 I A SMALL SUM SPENT— Brings You Very Pleading Results. I "THE BOX TENGOR." Price $8.50 each. j S. !i i this a- a < liristmas Prrsrnt II Ta.t s 8 exposures, on a spool of 2'i x film. List on request. MALAYA PHOTO SUPPLY. 59, Victoria Street, j Phone
      51 words
    • 158 18 MALNUTRITION One thing modern parents now know is that there are right foods and wrong foods, and that the wrong food stunts growth-while the right food makes for healthy development both in body and mind. Doctors don't rely on m*iic;ne alone these modern days Body growth is encouraged wta the
      158 words

  • 771 19 ii Negotiable? .1 i i-.NT IN COURT APPEAL. whether a "Thavani iiu'd to be used by .iinongst themselves ii i»ni issorv note, was tt y and was a negotiwas argued in the full i on Wednesday before vard (Chief Justice, Thomas 'Chief Jus.Mr. Justice Gerahty,
    771 words
  • 119 19 Mussolini And Japan's Advance. Reuter. Rome, Nov. 14 TIHE League of Nations had started with good principles. Now it had become absurd with the withdrawal of several of the great Powers and to tho fact that the nation which first thought of it did not belong
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 36 19 KING'S POPPY DAY GIFT. (From Our Ou-n Correspondent.) Bangkok. Nov. 15. The King received the British Legion representative on Poppy Day and made a gift of £50 to Earl Haig's Fund. CLAIM FOR SHARE OF SWEEP.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 539 19 Argument In The Ipoh Supreme Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 15. A CLAIM for a share in an Irish sweep ticket, which drew a starter in one of the hospital sweeps last year formed the basis of a suit which came up for hearing in the Supreme Court,
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  • 49 19 AUTHOR SENTENCED. Reuter Wireless. Rome, Nov. 14. <~:urzio Sickert. the well-known journaalist and author, whose pen name is "Malapart," and who travelled extensively as a special correspondent, has been sentenced to five years' seclusion on the island of Lipari on a charge of antiFascist demonstrations while abroad. Reuter Wireless.
    49 words
  • 460 19 MARKET LIST. Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, Nov. 3. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 28 Beef, stew or curry, kati 22 Pork, lean, kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), katl 33 Mutton, Australian, lb 35 Fowl, kati 35 Hens (locally reared), kati 40 Ducks, Saigon, each 70 Pigeons,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  460 words
  • 41 19 FAMOUS PAINTER DEAD. London. Nov. 14. Sir David Murray. R.A.. died to-day from heart failure. Sir David who was working yesterday, was a vigorous opponent of the ultramodern tendencies and described recent pictures as "blobs of paint."—Reuter Wireless. bl next column.)
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 32 19 DAWSON'S FRICTION SURFACE RUBBER-CANVAS BELTING FOR PLIABILITY WITHOUT STRETCH j We Have Large Stocks Of (All Sizes and Also of Lincona Balata and Weltona Hair Belting Sole Agents (Incorporated In S.S.) 3-W.J.W.
      32 words
    • 324 19 THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION." The only All-British Portable Typewriter built on the standard 4-bank principle, embracing all the facilities attached to a Standard Typewriter. THE VERY LATEST IN PORTABLES ON THE MARKET. Shipments by every mail. Sole Agents: Duncan Roberts, Ltd. 112 114 A, Robinson Road, Singapore, Phone: :04U. RED
      324 words