Malaya Tribune, 25 October 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. I'd XX.- No. 253 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1933. FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 Head |f* Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya ezioi aocaocsssaocaoi locaoi locaocss nrrtn, tpmaomt <^^^» MILK AT ITS BEST jj SINGAPORE'S FAVOURITE BRAND j BECAUSE 1 There Is no better Milk than Blue Cross D J The price fits your purse I i j Q I I **********111 l I SAFE
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Sfngap«r« importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 604 2 At Prisoner's Expense. NEW HOME OFFICE RULES. Home Office rules for the government of, ami for the conduct and discipline in, English prisons have just come into force. Perhaps the most interesting of them is an experimental one. It provides further concessions to unconvicted persons
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  • 150 2 British Detective's Watch With Cine-Camera. London. Sept. 14. For the first In the history of British law a cinematograph film of a theft has been accepted as evidence. The case was held (yesterday* at the Guildhall Police Court. London, and the film was tr.ken by ex-Detective
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  • 423 2 Highest Average For Two Yeirs. Washington. Sept. 15. TuHREE-QUARTERS of a ml'lion unemployed are eHmausd to have returned to work in August, kwge'y a~ a reswit of PVesMenr Roc cvelfs. drive for shorter hours, reports Miss Prance Perkins, United States Secretary for Labour and the first woman
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  • 92 2 Greengrocer Taking Legal Action. Lille. A greengrocer of Loisons-Sous-Lens. named U taking legal action because he alleges another greengrocer bit him that te haVe hls a Several weeks ago the two men began a friendly agrument. Greengrocers' passions are quickly aroused and it got so heated that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 W. D. 8c H. O. WILLS'S mold Flake JIH CIGARETTES Kill 50 a 5O MADE IN ENGLAND. I Sewn I J?Z TO POSTIIM TWICE A DAY. AIL HE MEEDS J It's often easy for clever wives to reform grumpy husbands. Many V chronic "grouches" come from tired P ll nerves,
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    • 90 2 ij gH LOTION SERIE U "RARE" N0.203 j Is Wade In I U|j M OBTAINAB LE FROM FIRST lljkW SOLE AGENTS: \W Ij/ The Franco-Eastern mijjjlllllll l 11 Trading Co, j VlV''l' m X 28, Finlayson Green, SINGAPORE. HEAD OFFICE: PARIS T M >j. J T a Trißai., j. T
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    • 39 2 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO, 112, Sooth Bridge Road, Singapore (By Optician Mr. C. Y. FAN). CHARGES CHEAPER THAN ANVWHI'U 1. Sight tested glasses supplied from $4 on2. CROOKES LENSES completed with fran* from $6 on. i I, j i
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  • 1008 3 Japan's Sweeping Advance In AU Markets. (From Our OSM Correspondent./ London, Oct. 10. JAPANESE delegates will arrive in England in December to begin negotiations for a new Anglo-Japan-ese Commercial Treaty. It is up to the Government to make the best terms it can for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 WET ECZEMA FOR OVER UM Caused Itching and Burning. Lost Sleep. Healed by Cuticura. "I suffered with wet eczema for over two years. Later the eruptions dried up and scaled over causing itching and burning, with loss of sleep. I tried all sorts of so-called remedies without effect. At last
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    • 491 3 BRrnsH tJI B/* made. LAMPS of LASTING BRILLIANCE (M) Not for y:ars has it been possible to procure lamps of such high quality at so low a price. Crompton Lamps are British made and up U> the highest standard of workmanship available. I <D When you buy Crompton Lamps you
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 424 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 16-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are In need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or Thone 3411. TO LET, SIANG LEW PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. 116.00 and $18.00
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    • 380 4 TO LET. TO LET-117, Killiney Road, modern sanitation and garage, moderate rent. Apply 64 Market Street. TO LET—New Bungalow, 163-A, Haig Road, electric, water, garage. Rent cheap. Apply j within. TO LET 1-C, Sea Avenue, Katcng, comfortable 2-storey house, garage, 200 yds from sea. $30 p.m. Apply l-D, Sea Avenue.
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    • 435 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. SHERIFFS SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OP SINGAPORE. By Virtue of an Order of Court, dated 13th Oct., 1933. Suit No. 731 of 1933. Between E. MOHAMEDI. plaintifr Versus L H. MULCHAND, 2. KBTJBCHAND DETARAM. Defendants AUCTION SALE OF All the furniture and
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    • 428 4 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSICAL SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A. Kirk Terrace, I) ho by Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education--Systematic Training both In Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. CertWcate. Diploma, «fe etc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO, Principal EXPERT
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  • 98 5 idlers To The Editor. 0UT reader, are invited to write to us on L, i public interest, it must be underthe "Malaya Tribune does not s .riiy endorse opinion» expressed bp cones- 'J l UTTERS SHOULD BK AS BR1KT ?C «?•>«?/DIE. preferably typewritten (double Jnr':io. ani on
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  • 411 5 Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") w weeks ago I expressed my But for the limits ild have gone into greater •v you will give me an now* to say a few words 'he subject. has its advantages and J and so has science. But I wo carefully I should it
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  • 325 5 <1 E'f 'or, "Malaya Tribune of opium-smoking is f ho attempts made, from '-.ri--'. by the Health Scction of I." of Nations to secure its comboli;ion are a good sign and aning the support of every the world. But the problem the opium addicts is yet to be solved
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  • 187 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —I am of opinion that the same encouragement as last year should be given to the Y.W.C.A. of Raffles Quay, who are at present making arrangements for sales of various kinds of handmade and machine-sewn articles and also the selling of
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  • 178 5 (To the Editor, "Ztalaya Tribune") Sir, —Being a habitual reader of the People's Paper, I saw a letter under the above heading by "Sec." I strongly support him in every word but in spite of that I wish to add something mere. Even the Tan Tock
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  • 128 5 Decline In Street Accidents. Canberra. AUSTRALIA'S death roll from street accidents in 1932 was 784 compared with 810 in the previcus year. The number of persons injured in the same period decreased from 13.164 to 12.839. Eighty-four fewer deaths were caused and 754 fewer persons were injured by
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  • 244 5 Preparations In South America. Buenos Aires. SEVERAL milltcn Argentine Catholics are recording in writing their acts cf piety as they prepare themselves spiritually for the world Eucharistic Congress which will be held in Buenos Aires from Oct. 10 to 14, 1934. The lists of their good deeds,
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  • 107 5 Beast Which Killed British Officer. Nairobi. Sept. 6. An armed search, over a wide nrea of Kenya's northern frontier, has been organised to destroy a wounded buffalo which fatally wounded Lieutenant K. W. Kiddle, the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry, on Aug. 17 last. The same buffalo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 602 5 HE LOST HIS TEETH-and HER! Pyorrhea has done its deadly work ONE tragedy followed another. At first it didn't seem serious. She noticed his bleeding gums and told him not to neglect them, but he did nothing. They became sponge-like and tender. Next the teeth loosened at the very roots!
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  • 898 6 Shipping News Notices. IMPROVED SHIP DESIGN. Instructive Exhibits At Olympia. APHOMINENT marine engineer who spent some time at the stand of Sir Joseph W Isherwood and Co.. Ltd., at the Shipping Exhibition nt Olympia. remoikod that Sir Joseph Lheiwcod was really the only man who had made any marked improvement
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  • 84 6 Alleged Rum-Runners Off Finnish Coast. Six ships flyinp, tiv* British flag are now lying off the r'mni h coast waiting for a chance to run Illicit cargoes cf crude alcohol ashore. According to the Finnish coastguard authorities it is doubtful whether any of them are British ship-.
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  • 401 6 Development In British Shipbuilding. ¥>EHIND the launching of the diesel-eiectric ■D tug Lectio- ai Leith, by the Marchioness of Linlithgow, lies the story of the effor,. of lour prominent Erltish firms to obtain for Great Britain th; had in the most important development that has taken place in
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  • 262 6 Transfers To The Panamanian Flag. A curious development in shipping during the last year or two has oeen the large number 0| British and ether cm go vessels which have been sold and transferred io the Panamanian fiag. The n*? of Panama us a maritime State claiming t
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  • 522 6 Report Of Contemplated Reduction. A REPORT that in the labour section of the code being prepared by the Ame. can Steamship Owners' Association for submission tc the National Recovery Administrat on it is contemplated reducing the ar.ges of ;nire i. has caused much dissatisfaction in fircVa, state-,
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  • 208 6 Growing Shortage Of Small Tonnage. Quoting from the Japanese newspapers, the Norwegian Legation in Tokyo reports that 60 ships of 243.232 tons have been broken up under the State subsidy scheme for the scrapping cf old vessels and the construction of new ones. Of the scrapped vessel?, 25
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  • 277 6 Statement By Liverpool Owners. WITH reference to the resolution on shipping policy adopted at the meeting of the Association cf Biilish Chambers of Commerce at Glasgow, the Liverpool Steam Ship Owners' Association issued the following statement over the signatures of Colonel J. G. B. Beazley, chairman, and
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  • 362 6 Diversion Ot Grain Restricts Recovery. In its weekly report, dated September 9, the Watson and Youell Shipping Agency. Ltd.. write as follow, regarding grain and timber freights on the Danube: The liversicn to Constantza of the bulk of that portion of new grain which was usually destined
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 537 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. < Ui icier Cot.tract with His Majesty's Government). L OUTWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933. SOMALI 6,810 Oct. 26
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    • 190 6 jifjUOYD TRIESTINO! (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA 2255 i Penan Colombo, Bombay Karachi, Aden r. Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Said, Brindis'i vZL~ Z Port Said, Brindisi. Venice and Trieste. 81 Venice a "d Trieste. Due Leave Due "I LDA Nov. 15
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    • 216 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE Deutsch jjJpOl Australlsche Dampfschlfli IhTCJ Gcsellschaft. (Companies Incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 I s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Nov. 1 t m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila Nov. 14 t *s. OLDENBURG, via Manila Nov. 29 t ms. KULMERLAND. via Manila Dec. 12 t
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    • 561 6 STEAMER SAILINc.S NORDDKI TS( in k OUTWARDS "SAARERUCKEN" for Hollo. UmmAH 1933 Hongkong. Shanghai. North ChSi and Japan «vat "MAIN" for Manila. Shanghai. North China an? i for Mannal £SS S'hal. North China and Jap" n HOMEWARDS. 'TRIER" for Genoa. BarC eio l933 Hamburg and Bremen rcfio 1 •■DONAU" for
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  • 485 7 Mining Shares. Bpare, Wednesday, ll ajaotatbMM are Issued viiungc *ud stock Buyers Sellers. im 30 6 31 6 36-37 6 U Vm 143 15,3 IS. 1.30 135 11 32- 33 0.21 0.25 0.90 0.95 2,9 39 L 1 OaD O.ij xd tngd Best) 0.46 0.48', 149 I*9
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  • 61 7 Lancashire And Cotton Com petition. Reuter. Mhacbaritcr, oci. 24. J 8 I nseft) manager of the Ottdhan, ha.s been appointed Dtract as technical advise: Government to erect cotton machinery and management. U> Japanese competition. Ou tdbn." drawing atten- j J*"**** 1 projoeta in the Dutch East *w>
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 177 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER PRICES MAINTAINED. Downward Movement Of The Dollar. IBy Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore Wednesday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 12 ;< cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber. 3 27 32d., i down 1 16d. Market Tone: Steadier. New York Rubber, 7V
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  • 181 7 Singapore. Oct. 25 R. 1 Siam.' W. Ccast N. 1 per Koyan $121 R. iSiam» W. Coast N. I per Koyan $111 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $02 Rice. R Siam ft 2 »89 Siam. No. 1 "Sinhway" W*l Siam. No 2 "Sinhway" 5158 Siam No. 3 "Sinhway" *!47
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  • 1391 7 Shareholders Congratulations To The Directors. THE annual general me ting of the Kir.ta Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd.. was held at th? Hongkong Bank chambers yesterday. Mr. T. F. Anderson Polo presided and the ethers present were: Messrs. J. A. Elias. Lee Chin Tuan. W. E.
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  • 405 7 Bill In Legislative Council. DETAILS of a Bill to provide for the registration of pineapple factories and which is also designed for the general improvement of the industry, was published in a Government Gazette extraordinary yesterday. The Bill is cited as the Pineapple IndustryOrdinance. 1833. and the
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  • 206 7 Rubber Maintains Firm Tone. Reuter Wireless. Louden. Oct. 23. ENCOURAGED by President Roo-jevelt's speech, the account on the Stock Exchange opened with mcst sections firmer but business was restricted, as operators are awaiting the outcome of the French Budget debate. The -commodity markets ruled strong, e. peclally wheat
    Reuter Wireless.  -  206 words
  • 657 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Wednesday, 11 am. The following rubber ihare tpx**&x* MĔ laaued by Fraaee and Co and LyaH and WwmAi laaue Value. Fraaee Lymll Jl t Bharaa. 00. WlmtM, m j 1 Allcnbv $0.80 $0,87 4 $0.75 $085 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.6« 0.70 IA.
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  • 61 7 DC pite very keen competition from Continental firm?, the Stanton Ironworks Co. of Nottingham, secured an important contract to- the whole of the cast-iron water pipes reQTdreti for the Turki h capital. Istanbul. The Ellerman liner Egyptian left Liverpool vith this cargo of 1.100 tons the largest conrknment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 86 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorrorated to emgland). SLNGAPO&E BRANCH: 4, D'Almelda Street. >■.' bu"" l6 ajm wSSSSemm Reserve Fund end Rest tou.uw HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo. Kwmcld. Medra* AmaS Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra. Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened received on Fixed Deposit on terms to be
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    • 53 7 m QUARTERLY Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 2i/ 2 is paid quarterly. I Head Office: 55,
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    • 199 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD> THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. Authorised W0.000,0^ HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BCIWING CJUIA Jl*™! LOCAL BRANCH: 45t. NORTHBRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS S Chee Swee Cheng. Esq.. Chalrm- gyjf* MM. Lee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 458 8 UNIVERSALS SMASHING EPIC 0F the Napoleonic wars To-Day 3.15—6.15—9.15 "LUIS TRENKER T H ,> «mrrr, njmmlFfnllH .Hmm. H Famous Star ol the silent screen Brilliant star of" THE DOOMED BATTALION i mqo Mill now 111 her first Talking See man-made landslides, thundering: from Flaming Romance in a world gone mad,
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    • 348 8 Amusements < ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) LN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy. Administration Order No. 6 of 1931. Re CHING BAH CHEE, of No. 67, North Boat Quay, Singapore, Clerk. Notice is hereby given that a First Dividend is intended to be declared
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    • 362 8 TO NIGHT: 6.15— 9 1). aSa 5fiSS "IT'S A BOY"! j j LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. i To-Day To-da'v H j ROXY JTHEATRE Y.W.C.A. BENEFIT. I j By ecur.tsy of the Management and I MESSRS. PAVILION, LTD i 1 6.15 p.m. The Screamingly Funny J MAYORS NEST" Featuring SYDNEY HOWARD j and
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    • 222 8 CROSSWORD NO. 10. Prize Winners. MISS MARY RODRIGUES. St Anthony? Convent, Middle Read. Singapore el first prize of $125.00 with a correct solution. I/R. CHEW PAX LIM. 11. Prince Street Anson. MR. R. MONTIGNY, 37. Amber II Singapcre and MR. V. GEORGE VARIYAM. Bah: B Es ate. Tebong. P.O. Tampin.
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  • 205 9 I ,ii(l Dividends. i -PUIiSlDENT'S l\()l IKIES. ni.\ Correspondent.) v ala Lumpur, Oct. 24. 1N e court yesterday Long, hon. treasurer Department Co-opera-ti.i Loan Society, was 'I criminal breach of nut'* 1 r t >7, entrusted to his caro iM tw ml nr.
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  • 89 9 Increase Of Three Dollars. pASSPORTS for British subjects are in- creased in price by an Order-in-Council laid on the table at to-day's meeting of the Legislative Council. The new price Is $8. as against $5 previously. Renewals will cost exactly double—s2. The same figures apply to Palestinian
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  • 52 9 London, Oct. 21. The Lindberghs, who left Southampton at noon on a seaplane flight to an unknown destination, were next heard of when they were reported to have landed at Galway. It is believed they intend to visit other Irish centres as part of their survey of trans-Atlantic
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  • 21 9 Reuter Wireless. Geneva. Oct. 21. Herr Trendlenberg has resigned his office of Under-Secretary General to the League—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  21 words
  • 535 9 Had Twenty Cases On His Record. ANOTHER sequel to the arrest of a catburglar, who had twenty cases of housebreaking on his record, and who was sentenced to 18 months" r.i. by the District Judge, was heard yesterday Two other Chinese were charged in the Second
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  • 1121 9 Supreme Court. ACTION TO REVOKE WILL. TESTAMENTARY matter regarding the estate of a wealthy Arab was dealt with in the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Huggard. An application was made by the attorneys of tl\e widow of the testator, Mohamed bin Salim
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  • 31 9 THE "AKAMIS." Arami- 1? due \\sry from Penang t 7 i md will .-ail on the same ;oc Hongkong. Shanghai the SHB Wharves.
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  • 87 9 Singapore. Oct. 25. SHIPS ALONOSIDK THE WHARVBL East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rajula 20. Alain Wharf (Entrance Oate 1). Bulan 16; Queda 14; Arabia Mew I] Ho-ang 9. fengen doc* (Entrance Oate »>. S;maloer 32; City of Khios 37 Em&u-e Dock (Entrance Oate Silveryew 48. West Wnarf (Entrance
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  • 75 9 Mails from Batavia 3nd Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Post Office. Singapore, at 5 p.m. tc-day. From Europe (London mails despatched on Oct. 5), by the "Chitral," due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Mantua," due at Singapore at
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  • 42 9 Nanking, Sept. 17. The Government has decided to appoint a Commissioner to handle foreign affairs in Shikiang. ?t is learned from a reliable source. The Government s now looking for a suitable man to fill the post— Sin Wen Pao.
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  • 198 9 SELLING. Singapore. Oct. 2f>. London 4 months' sight 2 4 5,32 London 3 months' sight 2 4'-, London 60 days' sight 2 4 7 64 London 30 days' sigh: 2 4 3 32 London cemand M 1;16 London T.T. 2 4 1,32 Lyons and Paris demand 945 Hamburg
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  • 119 9 Monday, Oct. 16. H.H. The Maharaja of Baroda and Mr. Guekwar bad luncheon at Government House. Tuesday, Oct. 17. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House thir morning. Wednesday, Oct. 18. In the mcrning H.H The Recent cf Kedah oejltd on
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  • 125 9 DIARY Of T4tiE DAY j WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. OCT 25. High Tides 2.56 a.m.. 1 50 p.m. Legislative Council Meeting. 10.30 a.m. Meeting. United Engineers. River Valley Road, noon. Rotary Luncheon. Adelphi Hotel. 1 p.m. Golf: Keppel G.C Ladies' Fcursomes. Rugby SCC II v. A
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  • 99 9 ALHAMBRA.—"Hard to Handle." starring James Cagney. CAPITOL—"The Rebel." starring Vilma Banky and Luis Trenker. EMPIRE—George Bancroft in "Derelict." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas. Talkies: Sky—"The Love Contract." Star—"Wild Horse." MARLBOROUGH.—EIissa Landi in "The Warrior's Husband." NEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 286 9 SINGAPORE HOTELS SMDWODD PARK HOTĔT Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms Apply:—Manager. i LANKA HOTEL j (Established 1905). I Only
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 59 9 DAILY heather report. Malayan Meteorological Service. Lea. Yasteraay. Night Mm Bright Mm. Statical Vmp RalnJ *U. Bunahine Temp. J 1 r inches. Hours. Deg. p. 0 03 5.7 74 Nil 10.3 71 tuku J 011 W 72 Nil 3.1 71 Nil 4.6 74 B J 9 Nil 5.5 74 Nil
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    • 166 9 I [POSTAL INT€LLIC€NC€ SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Tongkal and Djambi (Tobat 3 p.m. Pcntianak iKhoen Hoen) 3 p.m. Bangkok fHenrik) 3 p.m. Bangkok Akabahra» 4 p.m. Bangkok (Halldor) 4 p.m. Soengei Liat and Batavia Magnet 4 p.m 'North, N.-East and N.-West Sumatra, Siam. Purma, India. Iraq, Palestine, Egypt East and
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  • 722 10 Hardly has Europe recovered from the shock of Germany's withdrawal from the arms discussion than it is startled by the defeat ol M. Daladier on the Budget and by the wavering of the franc. Calm was enjoined when Germany decided to withdraw from the League of
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  • 242 10 THE Federal Council will meet in Kuala Lumpur next Monday. There is nothing in the orders of the day to show whether any notice has been given ol questions to be asked in connection with the rushing through of the rice tax.
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  • 230 10 THE dictum that a healthy body begets a healthy mind Is making a rapid invasion Into the minds of all thinking Chinese. The National Olympic Games held in recent years are quickly wiping out the stigma of "Sick man of the East" from China's door—a stigma which
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  • 141 10 OFFICE-BEARERS of the Y.W.C.i 4 and delegates from all over Malaya met in Kuala Lumpur recently. Many matters were discussed, the most outstanding of which was the proposal to appoint a district secretary to stay for a period with each town branch of the association. She will ascertain
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  • 219 10 At the Ipoh Supreme Court on Friday the Hon'bie Mr, Justice Mudie made a receiving and adjudication order against Fong Fun Loon, who was some time ago employed as cashier at the local Mercantile Bank of India Ltd The petitioning creditor was M. V
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  • 62 10 Mi. Sultan, of the Alor Star Prison Department, has retired from Government service after serving the Kedah Government for about twenty years. He has settled down in Penang. H.H. the Regent of Kedah, the Tungku Ahmad, and a private secretary sailed i for Java on Friday. The party will
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  • 107 10 tto an S, th W P iace 0n Sunday at RhnS q« la v Bln 116 PWMwi of Mrs. > Yea l g nee Madam Ciieah Say Hun. mother of Mr. Khoo Herg Pan. the Penang merchant and owner of th? newly built -'Windsor Cinema." The deceased was 55
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  • 99 10 Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Finlay are leaving for home by the "Boringia" this week. A fatal accident occurred on Sunday afternoon at the junction of Bukit Bintang and Pudu Roads, when a Chinese cyclist was knocked down by a European, who according to the report made to
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  • 420 10 !BY amt j Germany may get her equality k armaments but she won't njoy It She'll also get equality deficits. k The only thing left fo >, aimament Conference tock ti k up the question of umbi and the bayonet edges on 1 hats. 4 Mr. Roosevelt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 214 10 1 I SEARCH j IS ENDED, j IJL Your search for the ideal laDl "i c ,:,r nightwear ends V* was^ts excellently, and *v' is guaranteed fadeless. I! illorrockses Flannelettes in Plain White and Neat Coloured Stripes. 36" Wide—6o cents per yard. I Horrockses Flatuieiettes Regd I Robinson Co., Ltd.
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    • 128 10 ANGELA DI MARTINIS ENGLISH SCHOOL OF DANCING [j! The foremost School of Dancing j j in the East Conducted by Teachers of a lifetime experience I of every type of dancing. I STARTING NOVEMBER— j PRACTICE CLASSES, j' To which we cordially invite our j pupils and their friends. Special
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  • 570 11 FIRE DESTROYS LOCAL RUBBER SOAP FACTORIES. FIVE ENGINES RUSH TO THE SCENE. TKRRIFIC BLAZE IN THE EARLY ,tn HOURS. Tons Of Rubber Ruined. Brigades Heroic Effoiis Save Other Buildings. Hn factory lire broke out in Singapore this morning, A n adioining buildings, containing rubber and soap resDectively, beine; involved. Five
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  • 80 11 Wholesale Shift Of Ambassadors. Tokyo, Oct. 24. Following Mr Dtbuchi's recall from Wa n! a v hUesale shift of Japanese Amba s&dors is contemplated. It i> authoritatively stated that Mr. Naoiake Sato Brussels» will succeed Mr. Na°aoka in Paris and that Mr. Hachiro Anta. it.' rr>: Vice Minister
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  • 81 11 Carried Nazi Propaganda In Austria. Reuter. Vienna, Oct. 22. Pn.. v Bernard Sachs Enmeiningen has arrested at Kalgenfurt. a v, ill be charged with participation in Nazi activities. h is alleged that material for Nazi propaganda was found concealed in the of the Prince's motor-car. •tail* a policc
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 91 11 Narrow Escape Of Sir Malcolm Campbell. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 22. Malcolm Campbell had a miracuduring the Mountain Chamvl'h' 1 k 1 Race at Brooklands to-day, u k C wa won by the American, Mr. r Straight, an undergraduate at ambnege University, driving a Maserati. Campbell's Sunbeam was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 102 11 Presented To Replace The Schneider Award. Reuter Wireless. Ancona, Oct. 22. Italy became the first holder of the Bleriot Cup when Captain ScacMelh flew a MacShl seaplane for half an-hour at an average speed of 619.374 kilometers per hour over a 328.612 kilometre course between Ancona and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  102 words
  • 58 11 Large Scale Practices To Be Held In November. "Sin Chew Jit Poh". Hongkong. Oct. 23. Canton is to hold a Urge scale military manoeuvres en Nov. 27 which will extend for a battle wM be staged between attacking and defending forces. Gen Tang Lung Kwang will be in
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh".  -  58 words
  • 67 11 Reuter Wireless. Reval. Oct. 21. President Constantine, the grand old man of Esthonian politics, has formed a new Cabinet under a non-Parhamentary or Fascist constitution, authorised by tne referendum. e *„f» tm The President, as head of the is endowed with far greater powers under the new constitution.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 41 11 Trier (Rhineland), Oct. 22. At the invitation of Hitler, fifty Italian peasant children are spending a short holiday here as the guests of the Naz party in order to compare life in Nazi Germany with life in Fascist Italy.
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  • 457 11 Many On Board Missing. rwas reported yesterday In these columns that anxiety was being felt in local shipping circles regarding tne safety of the '•Tronoh." the /3-ton (net i 'coastal steamer belonging to tne Straits Steamship Co., and engaged on the Muar-Singapore run. It is now
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  • 135 11 Was Finishing A Speech To The Medical Society. London, Oct. 24. The well-known London doctor. Donald John Armour, dropped dead while finishing an address at the meeting of the Medical Society in London.— Dr Donald John Armour F.R.C.S iEng.> M.R.C.P. <Lond..> was born at Cobourg, Ontario, Canada,
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  • 94 11 More Chinese Students lor England. Reuter. Nanking. Oct. 24. Mr. Han Liwu. a director in the office of the Sino-British Boxer-fund Board of Trustees, declared to Reuters representative that the Board had decided to grant another loan of £80,000 to the Railway Ministry for the purchase of another
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 34 11 Reuter Wireless. The Hague. Oct. 21. j The Council of Ministers has decided that in future alj civil servants must abstain from publicly participating in political agitation against the Government—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  34 words
  • 549 11 Russia And Japan. TROOPS RUSHING TO THE FRONTIER. Sin Chew Jit. Shanghai, Oct. 25. QPEN preparations by both sides are progressing apace and fears are entertained in well informed circles that the much-heralded war between Soviet Russia and Japan, owing to the dispute over the Chinese Eastern
    Sin Chew Jit.  -  549 words
  • 136 11 To Re Signed On Friday. Reuter. London, Oct. 25. THE "Financial Times" reports that well-informed Dutch quarters anticipate that a new international tin agreement will be signed in London on Friday, raising the output quotas to 40 per cent. The agreement will run for three years from
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 23 11 Reuter. New York, Oct. 24. The death is announced of Mr. W. N. Doak, Secretary for Labour in the Hoover Administration.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 237 11 DEFENCE OF THE CURRENCY. A Difficult Task. Bank Of France To The Rescue. Reuter. Paris, Oct. 24. IN a discouraging grey morning, after a night of unrest, France to-day faced the very diff cult task of finding a government able to avert the landslide of the
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 SLEDCE MILK j C SWEETENED CONDENSED) Amid the eaid, crisp sur- lliS±Cifx*ja I J rcurdings d the famod l//££ fs3z!£ S A*Mtt\ m ft t B rnese A'ps thousands m &a2/%S£- V mMm I health seekers find fj O BĔ&k 1/ j vigour eery year. If /#s'£ > //MW§I M:cr
      201 words

  • 3165 12 NO FREE TUITION IN ENGLISH TONGUE. Legislative Council. "We Want A Permanent Malayan Population." A statement on the educational policy of the Malayan administration was made by H.E. the Governor, Sir Ccci" aSvSSi 31 the f C ouncil meet in
    3,165 words
  • 230 12 Probables For To-day's Classic. London, Oct. 24. CHATELAINE, Bow-and-Arrow. Galapas Obesity, Rathlin Isle and Alsia Craig have been scratched from the Cambridgeshire, which will be run on Wednesday. The amended list of starters and jockeys is as follows: COTON EASTER (Weston) DASTUR (Perryman) LIMELIGHT (ChildS) DISARMAMENT 'Bullock)
    230 words
  • 986 12 SELECT COMMIT?!* REPORTS. 4 Penaog Flying Club. Mr. Lim Cheng r an dissents. AMENDMENTS to tl Settlements Budge have been made by Be* JJ since the last meeting of mtlm Council, and the important detail, of the amenW are given below. ,lU The net result i..
    986 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 43 12 """■"■"11UUM,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,. KLIM I POWDERED MILK I Pfn I PI/RE FRESH fUILI SAFE mLX E*Tl milk FOR t WkmM FOR .DRINKING W9f CROH7IVC I jOR COOKING. Wig CHILDREN. I j Obtainable at all Leading Provision Dealers. I mmm*. distributors kI GETZ BROS m I
      43 words
      20 words

  • 885 13 Ml ;')KK TRIAL IN r\lT PAHAT. Woman Stabbed. Neighbour On Capital harire. u t- of the courts is English," said Mr. j Bailey at Hutu f'aha l the hearing of a emphasising the need translation of ah (i that there was
    885 words
  • 154 13 North Supports Rebel Prince. Reuter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 24. THE Government has paid Sgt. Suk the 5,000 ticals reward offered for the capture dead or alive of Phya Srisiddhi Songgram. Hie sergeant shot and mortally wounded him in the breast during a fierce
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 103 13 AT THE CINEMAS "Wh A Boy 9 At The Pavilion. The Gainsborough picture "It's a Boy" was given a rousing reception when it was given its Singapore premiere at the Pavilion theatre last night. Crowded houses were convulsed at both shows. Leslie Henson. Edward Everett Horton and Heather Thatcher fill
    103 words
  • 108 13 Excellent comedy entertainment is provided at the Alhambra whore Hard To Handle" commenced a season last night. Featuring James Cagney. Mary Brian and Ruth Donnelly, this film is a racy story of romance and thrills which will appeal to all cinema fans. James Cagney.
    108 words
  • 88 13 Professor Paul Lentz. a noted magician and illusionist, kept a large audience mystified at the Ritz cinema, when he performed a number of conjuring tricks which* included, among others. "The Floating Lady." "The Living Mummy," Hindu Track and Sack Mystery, etc. Madame Lentz also
    88 words
  • 346 13 Chinese Charged With Possession. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 24. A CHINESE named Wong Kiang appeared before Mr. Justice G. A. Hereford to-day charged with being in possession of seditious documents on Sept. 2. at the 2 L mile Kuala Pilah—Gemas Road. In his defence, the accused
    346 words
  • 431 13 President's Speech. A MOST DIFFICULT POLICY. Reuter. London, Oct. 24. ]y|O»T financial experts admit their inability to understand President Roosevelt's money policy. "The most difficult and unintelligible of all gold gadgets," says the "Financial News." The 'Times" believes that 'managed" currency cannot be reconciled with the
    Reuter.  -  431 words
  • 141 13 A Counter-Move Against The Japanese? Reuter Wireless. London. Oct. 21. President Roosevelt's overture to the Soviet is much commented on in various capitals. It is described as a "publicity stunt by the Washington correspondents or New York papers, who aver it is to divert the nation's attention
    Reuter Wireless.  -  141 words
  • 83 13 Sequel To Stranding Of British Submarine. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 22. As a sequel to the stranding of submarine L 26 on Oct. 8, Lt.-Com. Wilfrid Edmund Larnen, in command of Ll9 and Acting Senior Officer of the Second Submarine Flotilla, has been courtmartialled. The indictment charged him
    Reuter Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 37 13 The Good Companions" At The Capitol. "The Good Companions." the film version of J. B. Priestley's famous novel, returned to the Capitol yesterday for one night. The film contains many popular song hits and stars Jessie Matthews.
    37 words
  • 204 13 A Chinese shop-keeper, Eng Chor GjIWM. was yesterday produced before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, on a charge of giving false information to a superior of Mr. H. W. Leyden, that the latter had taken an illegal gratification of $6 from him. Mr. E. M. Tampoe-Phillps
    204 words
  • 72 13 Ar. unfortunate accident occurred on board the "Boribat" yesterday afternoon, resulting in rather serious injury to the master of the vessel. Captain C. P. Mogensen was descending a stairway when h2 slipped and fell heavily to the bottom, fracturing his right thigh. He was attended to by
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 I Aftei* strenuous I exercise I Add drop of £i I j mmw Scrubb's to your bath. ii^^BSii I Wm Lie in the warm a^&j&^y I: \W\ caressing water that V,. fIS/» I: g ĔĔ kW IT? Scrubb's has softened I and smoothed. Rest "HBL while your body is -^#7
      100 words

  • 1155 14 ANOTHER HORSE DESTROYED. JOCKEY IRVINE STILL UNCONSCIOUS BUT IMPROVING. JOCKEY Irvine, who had a serious fall on the first day of the Perak Turf Club's Autumn race meeting, is still unconscious but had an improved pulse yesterday and
    1,155 words
  • 91 14 The following tre the positions m S.C.F A inter-district League competition. P- W. L. D F A pte Ang Siang Hill 3 3 0 0 11 7' 6 Mackenzie F. 3 2 0 1 8 5 5 Coleman St 2 2 0 0 5 1 4 Covent
    91 words
  • 104 14 The following have been invited to play hockey for the S.C.C. v. the Colts on Friday ai the S.C.C.: H. A. Exley. Lt. M. T. L. Wilkinson, P. W F. Mills. S. Kirk. C. Q. Staikey, Lt. H. c Ek ng. Lt. H. A. Orr. C. Fittock, Rev.
    104 words
  • 653 14 Etceteras Register A Smart Win. IN a hard-fcught game on the Padang yesterday. Etceteras managed to register a victory over the Public Services, in the S.C.C. Rugby football tournament by two tries (.G pcints) to nothing. The sides were evenly matched, but Etceteras had that finish in
    653 words
  • 49 14 The following aie the results of the second rcund of the S.G.C. Ladies' Autumn Cup competition: Mrs. Middlebrook beat Mrs. Campbell 5 4 Miss Luca bea, Mrs. Thamsen 6 5. Mr.s. Fitzroy Williams beat Miss Brooks 2 up. Mrs. Laing beat Lady Huggaid 1 up.
    49 words
  • 351 14 Team Depleted. SIDE v. PENANG ON SATURDAY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh* Oct. 24. departure of Latimer to Penang on transfer and the decision of S. E. King who injured three ribs in the first match against Penang, not to turn out any more this season, has
    351 words
  • 237 14 Yesterday's Hockey At Thompson Road. rpHE Police, who last week lowered the colours X of the S.C.C brought off another creditri able victory yesterday by beating the Wiltshire j Regiment by 4—2, at the Depot. The soliders displayed a very good defence and the Police attackers
    237 words
  • 72 14 Centuries By Jardine And Barnett. Reuter. Karachi. Oct. 24. In a match againot the Sind Districts, the M.C.C. won by 91 runs. Centuries were scored by Barnett and Jardine. Scores: M.C.C: 307 £:r 5 wkts. dec!. (Barnett 122. Jardine 101 not out) and 140 tec 8 wkts.
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 1034 14 PRESIDENT LEADS DISCUSSION. Two Types Of Play I„ Malaya. Military Complaint FURTHER talk on the rule* of Association football took plaov last night at the Anson Road Stadium pavilion, when the second of the Refresher Course series of meetings was held with a view to standardising referees'
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      109 words

  • 319 15 BOXING CONTESTS IN I. v *-t. Sunday's Fight Curt eanMdfc nt.) Malacca, Oct 28. i the boxing of faro L i ity Park was quit* bout, the comic opted, going the lull al NVil Hemchii in enl which wont ton a sp* enB, full rounds .<-■ featuring
    319 words
  • 44 15 Shanghai's Probable Interport Eleven. j, frpo t cricket t am to mest win probably be: p\ a i }t T W. R. Wilson, nkin p Mudar. J. F. N. I 1 U RolMa, P. V. Simpson, x C Sinclair. L. F. Stokes.
    44 words
  • 516 15 Useful B.P. Beat Horlicks. THE friendly match between the Horlicks B P. and the Useful B.P. on Sunday resulted as follows:—(Horlicks names first i: Ong Ching Kiat lost to Soh Hun Leng 4-15. 1-15; Aug Ban Koon lost to Soh Hun Swee 12-15, 3-15; Chng Boon Swee
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  • 66 15 S.C.C. XV v. the R.A.F. Ist XV on Nov. 1 at the S.C.C.: O. R. T. Henman, J. M. Brander. N. G. Morris. J. C. Cooke. F. G. Minns. H. Price Lt. H. A. Orr. A. E. S. Talbot. P. S. Rickaid. A. R. Anderson. Lt. O.
    66 words
  • 358 15 Draw For President's Prize. THE following is the draw for the President's prize competition, the first round tobe C-.u-piize competition, the first rouiic. to be completed on or beforo Sunday Nov. 12. J. Hindhede an W. E. Hucchin on R J-Is-herwood and J. Crichton. S P. HolmesSmith and
    358 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 27 15 Duff's Whisky Scotcfi Brand and without IHT... V f Thoroughly maturi li 12 years old. Sole Agents P. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., y Raffles (juay, Telephone No. 2234.
      27 words
    • 209 15 j Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Strait* Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jswry. 8.0. The Company ha* £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
      209 words
    • 279 15 NEW WORLD CABARET i j Dancing Nightly From 9 p.m. I Dance Hall Thoroughly Renovated And Lighted By Coloured I Lights Changing Automatically ILLUMINATED CABARET GARDEN. NEW WORLD TALKIES Ramon Novarro in "HUDDLE MWOToIT^ X COMPANY, LIMITED. j (Incorporated in England). j j Fire, Motor, Marine and j Workmen's Compensation
      279 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 240 15 Night, church hall. 8 p.m. Various speakers on various subjects. Chairman. Mr. Pun? i Leong <3rc! Vlee-PresidT r Solar Athletic Union: Ping-pong and ionball matches with General Hospital RecreaUo'i Club. Players and sipporters. fall in. 32. Lorcng 34, Geylang. 2.30 p.m. August Badminton Party: Second day of :hc fourth anniversary
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    • 548 15 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which art readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Dizry is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date complete. Happenings of general Merest I 2S be inrlude<l the Diary of
      548 words

  • 6955 16 WHY THE MODIFICATIONS WERE PROPOSED. Urgent Economy Needed. Ultimately Parents Most Pay For Secondary Education. educational policy of the Government is specially referred to in the annual report on education in the Straits Settlements for 1932 which was laid before the
    6,955 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 300 16 HE HAD Easiest Way /C] A man wh:> had be to teduce writes thus "I had put on wcuh This was excessive as I *M ir. height. My doe r 2 and I trkd hot baths an t °»4| ever, was too fatiguir.- r.. man. I .hen saw an "";i
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 583 18 MMI Expensive B 'A/ Luxury V%tqjLJ Maid» Laboratories Invented the flrit t |P E RLL ar awii tungsten '1 wire rlertric !am P I M g Ul ***** Slnce Bki y 1 \c fey then all the most Ikj I f- v 'r' N«fLX J J I A fcyf DC
      583 words
    • 89 18 tin This Tropical Climate Your Blood Easily Weakens Guard and cure yourself f rom anaemias, poorness of the blood and in any case of general debility etc., by taking the famous Dr. ROUSSELS HEIIOSTYI SYRUP i i For Particulars Apply Sole Agents: The Franco-Eastern Trading Co. 2-B, PINLAYSON GREEN SINGAPORE.
      89 words

  • 76 19 «planting Cross By The Blue Kagle." Los Angeles. I vij f:n'nde to 'Tlar* the Cro«s A i I he Blr. Eagle of the AdmtnKraticn" is bMng v. Y< rk thatre by Ainrv r nf ;lr Evangelist's (1m la re that Aimee will t. ;il to th
    76 words
  • 122 19 0 u Onh I lily-Six fn Every Thousand. New York. -u.iity dropped in 1932 to in forty-six States and c >lumbia. the lowest rcording to the annual erican Child Health Association iY Association announce, p, below the record set in ,v l. df the death rate of ago,
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  • 232 19 American Miners To Benefit. Washington. Sept. 18. MINIMUM wages ranging from about £1.3.3 to 12 3 a day. a may mum 44-hour vxek and the right to organi'e themselves into unions have been won for about 400.000 bitun::ncus coal Miners ol U.S.A. by President Rrost-velt- signature of the
    232 words
  • 64 19 Roses For Unknown Soldier's Torrtb. Paris. King Boris of Bulgacia, who k now en a visit to France, laid a wreath of pink roses upon the tomb of the unknown soldier. Accompanied by Queen Joanna and the Bulgarian Minister l n Paris, the King was late,.-
    64 words
  • 314 19 Village "Doctor's" Grim Practice. Bucharest. A WOMAN who confesses to having "adviset"" dozens of ill-treatel wive; how to Tic 1 themselves of their husbands has been arrestee 1 by the Rumanian police Her arrest follows investigations into a ing series ol deaths tn Ullages. All the
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  • 217 19 The Rescued And Rescuer Correspond. Oslo. Sept. 13. Some days ago Prince Olav received a letter from a Mr. Davis, of London, asking for information about survivors of the crew of a sloop, the Urda of Stavanger. In his letter Mr. Davis wrote that he had been
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  • 64 19 Thousands Of Acres Of Crops Destroyed. Lisbon. Thousands of acres of crops have been destroyed by locusts in. Angola. Reports received here state that, in many cases the farmers are reduced to penury, ss this is the second crop in succession destroyed by the locusts. Reports also state
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 123 19 I Infernal cleansing! I I About 100 gallons of blood pass through 9 I the kidneys daily to be cleansed. Did you I m ever reflect on this stupendous performance? I j§ Every affection of these organs (frequently I m recognizable on account of continuous I strangury and painful micturition)
      123 words
    • 288 19 CRAVEN A CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES are istic conditions Nine acres of air-washed, sun-bathed cleanliness, housing 3,500 happy, t^Sl o\€\X*Xl healthy workers on every floor the orderli- %M\jW3m\ jf ness and cleanliness of the Laboratory rather PTf*|lcV| I*l ACQ than that of the Factory and behind the t*****1t503 scenes Science, harnessed
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