Malaya Tribune, 24 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 2f»5? SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday. Oct. 24, 1933. iHal an <i Wribum V S SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 145 1 Head The Sunday Tribune dominant hi Malaya\ Swan Brand j The milk that is j It's quality and economy combined W' 'w 2 80,0 imp rters The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. MNGAP08E KUAIA LIMPIH I'ENANG "'•I Mi,,.. 1. V/J.W. 17 I l I I I r ii.|ui;:|:;ii:|ii|iiiii|ii|i;|;iliili i .i i
      145 words
    • 108 1 A. FLINTER 0, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. Sime, Darby Co., Ltdj MILK THiTpĔRFECTn^D j
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  • 825 2 BECOME BANDITS IN DESPERATION. Corrupt Officials. Illegal Taxes And Foreign Dumping. "Shun Pao." "poll thousands of years China has been an agricultural country. "Although the political organisation of China has changed considerably from the time of our ancestors, our fundamental
    "Shun Pao."  -  825 words
  • 188 2 Under Protection Of The Japanese. Sin Wen Pao. Peiping, Sept. 25. IT Is learned from a roliaWc *ouree that interested parties are now working out measures for the creation of another puppet si.ite in North China. It wili be known as Huapeikuo, or the North China State.
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  188 words
  • 108 2 On Condition That Boycott Is Removed. Shun Pao Special. Hongkong, Sept. 20. It is learned from a reliable source that a certain foreign consul in Canton has approached General Chen Chi-tang with an offer of assistance to construct Whampoa Harbour in accordance with the scheme worked out
    Shun Pao Special.  -  108 words
  • 75 2 Fifty Fishing Boats Sunk Off Chekiang Coast. Sin Wen Pao. Shanghai. Sept. 21. No less than fifty fi&hing boat/» were sunk during the typhoon which swept ov*-T Uie Chekiang couat on Monday evening, according to news received in local fishing circles. Tlkr typhoon caught the Ashing boats unawares
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  75 words
  • 143 2 Japanese Hold Great Wall Passes. Shun Pao. Peiping, Sept. 19. r!E Japanese troops at the main Passes of the Great Wall still refuse to withdraw, in spite of the demobilisation of the Chine-e forces. The reasons advanced for their attitude are that they have to hold these
    Shun Pao.  -  143 words
  • 110 2 Many Lives Have Been Lost At Nantungchow. S hun Pao. Nantungchow. Sept. 19Many lives were lost and a number of fishing boats sunk when tho recent typhoon sweot over Hsiaoyangkutze. a fishLnj town on the sea coast near Nantungchow. The dykes broke owjig to strong wash. From the
    Shun Pao.  -  110 words
  • 101 2 Relief Worker Alleged To Be Involved. China Times. Shanghai. Sept. 16. The embezzlement case of the contributed fund- for the benefit of Chinee Volunteers in Manchur.a is still under investigation by the various public organisations interested in the affair. General Chen Y/:. V ce-Mini3h>r of War who
    China Times.  -  101 words
  • 110 2 Will The Chinese Mills Buy It? C hina Times. Shanghai. Sept. 20. The Government authorities ore now negotiating with reprrscntatives of the Chine;e cotton mills concerning the purchase by the c mJls of the American cotton wnich is arriving in Shanghai shortly. So far the negotiations have centred
    China Times.  -  110 words
  • 107 2 Only 70,000 Have Survived In Fufeng. Central China Daily News. Chengchow, Sept. 20. Mr. Chang Chi. a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, has arrived here from Shensi after an inspection of the famine districts in that province. Interviewed Mr. Chang declared that the
    Central China Daily News.  -  107 words
  • 78 2 Dalai Lama Denies Attack On Yunnan. Sin Wen Pao. Nanking, Sept. 19. Uhe Dalai Lama has cent a-telegram to his representative in Nanking denying that Tibetans are involved in the recent clsturbnnee in North-western Yunnan. IJhe Tibetan chief said that the men attacked Chungt>n. in Yunnan, were bandits
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  78 words
  • 64 2 First Consignment Consists Of 12,000 Bales. Shun Pao. Shanghai, Sept. 16. 16 is reliably learned that the first batch of American coiton will arrive here on or around the 26th instant. Tjhe consignment consist? of «2,000 bales In this connection it is learned! that the American cotton will
    Shun Pao.  -  64 words
  • 486 2 Persona Non Grata? ARITA'S "STRONG POLICY." China Times. "T ATELY reports are in circulation to the effect that Mr. Ariyo shi will shortly be replaced by Mr. Arita as Japanese Minister to China "Mr. Arita won his fame as a strong advocate for a strong policy
    China Times.  -  486 words
  • 106 2 Each Division To Have 1,500 Men Less. Shanghai Morning Post. Tientsin. Sept. 20. General Yu Hsueh-chung, Chairman of the Hopei Provincial Government, held a meeting this afternoon among his subordinate commanders to discuss measures for the effective disbandment of superfluous troops in North China owing to financial difficulties
    Shanghai Morning Post.  -  106 words
  • 93 2 Secret Agreement To Be Abolished. f Min Pao. Nanking, Sept. 20. According to information from diplomatic sources, one of the most important issues to be discussed between Dr. W. W. Yen and Dr Lo Wen-kan when they meet on the Sinkian»Soviet border, will be the abolition of
    Min Pao.  -  93 words
  • 65 2 Sin Wen Pao. Shanghai, Sept. 20. The review of Japanese marines in Shanghai, which was tcheduled to bo held yesterday was poTtponod to this morning on account of the slippery ground In Hongkew Park yesterday, due to" the torrential rainfall on Monday nightThe review is being held
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  65 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 JASMINE POWDER ™~"~B of ccmpl*xk>n. JASMINE JASMINE V **IlISlllllj£ CLEANSING I CREAM 1 CREAM j SOLE IMPORTERS: ■i___i 0 18 BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. N 469 5- W J.W. 9.
      29 words
    • 275 2 |jl||ltl|||||ll|Hill|jliU|nllllHlMillilllHil»»H«»llntH«IWHtHll*tl»t'WI"'«"l«'<» l ll I I I I I 5 1 I f I i PURE FRESH MILK! »1 I f a ALL ou,{ ROTTLKS AUK HOODED SEALED I ___E__r v AS UAA STH n )X J IN GREEN. 0] (owv j I1EAD N I f Y0UR I>K(,TK! 1 lux AND
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  • 429 3 Hitler's Declaration. "EQUALITY COMES FIRST." Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Oct. 18. IJERR Hitler was insistent on Ger--11 many's desire for peace when he addressed the Nazi conference concerned with the forthcoming election campaign. He declared that "Germany vyill attend no conference, will join no League and will
    Reuter Wireless.  -  429 words
  • 240 3 Bequests To Students And Servants. London, Oct. 6. PROVISION for servants and poor stueallv 15 v e xP ec ted to absorb practiSffILHS r? hole of tne residue of the estate of Dr. Annie Besant Hck fter a l° r bequests such as the PubIho n B
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  • 213 3 "Malay Mail." 'PHE Road versus Railway controversy A which has been going on in this country for some time paU has in many cases been robbed of all reality by the unreasonable criticism of the F.M.S. Railway system, which appears to be
    "Malay Mail."  -  213 words
  • 186 3 "Straits Echo." llfE have been moved to take up this J? question of the allowances to missionary teachers purely in the interests of fair-play. It seems so patently unfair that these allowances, which were fixed by mutual consent after long negotiation, should be subject to such sudden drastic
    "Straits Echo."  -  186 words
  • 189 3 "Pinang Gazette." NEVERTHELESS the granting of a "free flow of credit" is essential if the whole grand scheme is not to come to an ignominious stop. As the Administration has no intention of letting il stop, an interesting situation is bound to arise. Indeed it has risen already.
    "Pinang Gazette."  -  189 words
  • 207 3 "Times of Malaya." lI7HILE we would not for one moment •f suggest, as the Labour Party apparently believe from its ridiculous memorandum on its Colonial policy that Malaya has reached that stage where she can claim, as the Dominions have done, that she is fitted for what is
    "Times of Malaya."  -  207 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 w¥a k e y e s. __H_T vi. ion lowers efficiency, Headaches, unusual umnm W«- moods, impatient .spirits, and lack of 4ttB .1 rt.suL from weak eyes. wher. the opticians' best skill is direct- /^Bt^ making eyeglasses not only for the relief f _P but also as personal ornaments, there
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    • 79 3 From a Doctor's Letter "t have just watched a baby, obviously dying, recover completely, I might almost say, dramatically, when I altered its diet to Sunshine Glaxo and a daily dose of Ostelin." BUILDS BONNIE BABIES Agents in India: H. J. FOSTER Co., Ltd., P. O. Box 202, Bombay P.
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  • 120 4 Shipping News Notices. SHIPPING COMPANY SUED. Workman's Huge Claim. DISTRESS SIGNALS IGNORED Reuter Wireless. New York, Oct. 18. SUIT for $200,000 is being brought against an Italian shipping line by "David Warshauer, a lorry driver, who alleges that the liner, "Conte Biancamano," ignored his signals of distress when he was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  120 words
  • 256 4 B. S. Agent At Canton Makes Statement. Interviewed by a representative of ihe can:on Daily Sun." Mr. W. P. Johnston, the Canton representative of Messrs. Buttorncld Swire, stated that his company is piepared to bnptemen* the arrangements made by the Municipal Chamber of Commerce in Canton on
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  • 225 4 Company's Application For Building Subsidy. Tlai* Jupun? •< MliiJf-Lrv oi OpnuitiuiMUan Lfcs. il u reported, rtc(n»ed an »ppllcat on from thi- Nippon Vostu EC.iijh.i for a "subsidy to cnmurafl? Ibv bmiaini oC belt*» c*rgo ships. The application Woj made Ihrtwuli the Ship Improvement Boclcty ol J^pan. t The
    225 words
  • 172 4 Breach Of The Merchant Shipping Act. Al Port Talbot. Dlmlirian Pappo* CalafaU», master ot u Greek steamer. was lined Eioo, Kith 3d guineas c(n(*>: fee breaches ot the Mmhau; Shipping Act Mr C. J Celdard. ot Masers Vachell tad Co.. Cardiff. prov-fuuiui for the Beard of Tcude.
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  • 467 4 Chamber Of Commerce Discussion. REFERENCE to South Alritan Governments team or a subsidy JO twe It alio i shipping companies (or the mouiiniwn oi a regular eervic" b*lw«« South Africa »f..i I Mediterranean parU v;»i made «it the month!' council mietlri? uf tbe Liverpool Chambcc r'l Ccnun-rec All
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  • 125 4 It, is .reported that the White Star Line havdisposed of their cargo steamers Gallic tod Delphic to the Clan Line. Th? Gallic arrived at Greenock on Wednesday in mall week from Falmouth to be taken over by her |new ewno:s. while the Delphic ,is still at Milford
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  • 50 4 A Wehh seaman. wh:s- name is given as David Lloyd, cf Bryn Tuiog. near Gwalchmai: Anglesey: was killed in a boiler explosion in the steamer Poch Rose, of Livr.rpool. The Foch Rose, a steamer, cf 1,135 tons gross, is owned by R. Hughes anc? Co., of Liverpool.
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  • 395 4 Gloomy Statements In Official Report. THE Swedish Board of Trade is at present preparing a report en work at hand at the Swedish shipyards. To this end. all the shipyards have been requested to send in statements concerning work in hand and expected, number of workmen employed and
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  • 305 4 Serious Congestion Through Japanese Shipments. A special circular (No. 50 1933) has been -ssued by the Baltic and International Maritime Conference regarding the shipment of scrap iron to Japan and the despatch at Yawata. the principal port of discharge. The circular reads: •'There has been an increase
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  • 658 4 From Junior Clerk To Chairman. London, Sept. 27. ON Saturday Mr. Robertson Fyffe Gibb, chairman of the Union-Castle Line, will be receiving congratulations from all over the world on the completion of M years' service with the company. He is a remarkable shipping personality; his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 514 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933. SOMALI 6,810 Oct. 25 CHITRAL
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    • 185 4 WlLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA gS^AS^L^^TjS Calling at Colombo, Bombay. Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and TrLJ* Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. mb mtn u ATIe5le Due Leave Due m v IIjDA Nov. 15 Nov. 15 S'pore. S'pore. Venice. m v
      185 words
    • 215 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE Deutsch jHpRI Australische Dampfschifls IHtCJ Gesellschaft. (Companies lncorpumied in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. 1 s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Nov. 1 t m.s. BURGENLAND. via Manila Nov. 14 t ba. OLDENBURG, via Manila Nov! 29 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Dec. 12 t
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    • 601 4 STEAMER SAILINGS;, NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, (Incotnorn* n The undernoted are the Compam fixtures:— 1 n OUTWARDS. S "ISAR" for Iloilo, Manila, H'kon* 1933 Shanghai, N. China and Japan r»,f "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo, Manila 4 Hongkong, Shanghai, North CWna and Japan M "MAIN" for Manila, Hongk m 8 Shanghai, North China and
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  • 362 5 Mining Shares. r das*, li am. i j t/ lui'iaMona ore luucd v.r 1 i -«iiij? and st i >ck Buyer* Seller»- Tvn 30 3>.- U M 112. IU iya 135 t TJ r ti I Hi] iilb I I rts*o 095 ii» 3**® 11,I 1 »40
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  • 53 5 Thorough Investigation Of Ricr Market. Shanghai. Oct. 23. Wing Tai presided at >on\s session of the Food Conference, to thp re adopted with regard fore taken to cope with SnS m PeWtion in rice, the reducanri' -d other sundry taxes 3 lot a thorough investigation of Mm
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  • 166 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. STEADY TONE OF RUBBER. London Stocks Show A Decrease. 'Bf 0«r Prnanctal Correrpondeni. i Singapore Tuesday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 12>y cts., up 1/8 ct. Market Tone: Steady. Tin (Singapore), $112 Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 29 32d., up 1 32d. Market Tone:
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  • 124 5 Srapcrt (Selangor) Rubber Estate. Limited, hancs ed a crop cf 590.538 lb. for the y:ar encied June 30 regain-: 668.277 lb. frr 1931-32*. Th? average net price rcalis'd. including the rr'imated value cf the unsold rubber, was 2.64 d. per lb. (against 2.09 d Euildingc. machinrry, plant.
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  • 142 5 Progress Of Cotton Negotiations. Reuter. New Delhi, Oct. 23. FOR the first time since the beginning of the Indo-Japanese cotton negotiatiens, optimism is aroused In consequence of the Japanese approving the principle of barter details of which have not yet been worked out. The Indian Government
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 226 5 Report Of The Statutory Meeting. The ,'tatutory meeting of Malayan Industries, Ltd., was heid at the ofßoea of Messrs. Lvan Wong and Co. auditors, China BaßflUf. on Saturday. After the statutory report had been received tie chairman (Dr. C. J. Pagiary. statec' that additional applications for over
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  • 126 5 The Java Para Rubber Estates npcrti a profit of £5.890 fr 1932. To tkls has been added £4.848 brought f:nvard; £5.837 refund on income-tax. and £2.153 profit on the realization of the 1931 ?.ocks on hand making a total of £18.729. Th? directcrs have written off £7
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  • 59 5 Strong Protest From Indo-China. HTHE Saigon Opinion" has come out strongly against Indo-China being included in the Anglo-Dutch scheme for the restriction of the output of rubber. The quota proposed for Indo-China is 25.000 tons per annum. The reply is that by 1940 the output of Indo-China will
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  • 1148 5 Beaufort Borneo Rubber Meeting. The twenty-sixth rnnual general meeting of the Beaufort Borneo Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on Tuesday, London, Mr M. Sichey Parry, j.p. (chahman) presiding. Mr. W. M. Miller, represent in?; the Secretaries (MesTs. Guthrie Co., Ltd read' the notice convening the meeting, and
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  • 642 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quote Mone rm issued by Fraser and Co and LyaU and Wwrnm T *«*> v i H "*"\*3 Value. meet LraD Shares. gt 00. ■vaU. 1 Allenby $0.80 $0.87 z $0.75 $0.85 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70
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  • 41 5 The White Star liner Georgia which arrived at Liverpool ircm New Yr. r k after making two pleasure cruises, will make a quick turn-round, for she is cTue to lecve the Mersey for New York with over 1,100 passengers.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 130 5 I Irritated Throat! then at once take FORMAMINT Th* Germ-killing Throat tablet Formamint cures Sore Throat and prevents Colds, Influenza, Diphtheria by destroying the disease germs that have settled in your mouth. Always keep a supply handy buy a bottle to-day. Obtainable at all Chemists THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated
      130 words
    • 69 5 Small SavinqsJ k LIGHTEN lj' YOUR FINANCIAL PATHWAY ga YEARLY INTIBEST W-z PA,D 10 Ul QUARTERLY. Small Savings regularly deposited will soon build up for you a substantial Bank 4 Balance, ready for the moment when It is most needed. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OP NEW YORK. pays an interest
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    • 209 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.), Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, 8TNGAPORR, LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 |alhambra| OPENING TO-NIGHT! MATINEE TO-MORROW 315. !A Riotous, Ramping Racy Comedy With The Popular Wise-Cracking Star JAMES CAGNEY" HARD TO HANDLE" His Motto Was Catch'em Young And treat'em Rough 99 And Boy When Jimmy Kissed The Girls, they stayed kissed!! Come Early You'll Laugh For A Week After You See
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    • 319 6 Rm rwi rzw DOUBLE TAIKIE STAGE ATTRACTIONS J. M. AZj "GEYLANG. TO-XIGHT TO-MORROW NIGHT ONLY FIRST SHOW AT 7 45 P.M. KEN ATE MILLER in a musical n mance MARRY ME." SECOND SHOW On the S a;;.' at 9.15 pjn. On the Serein At 10.15 pm. Mysttry and Ccnjiuin? Tricks
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  • 281 7 Thwarted Love? NEIGHBOUR CHARGED WITH MURDER. pEKi'SAL of a man's attentions to be the motive for the young woman in Batu was found stabbed in g and was able to make fore her death. a nighbour is charged Ow-n Correspondent.) Johtce, Oct.
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  • 159 7 Presented To American Museum. New York. A HANSOM cab, with wooden horse and driver, whip in hand, has been presented io the United States National Mv cum. It is the. last of the American hansom cab 3. Automobiles drove most of them from the streets
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  • 153 7 Mr. Somerset Maugham's New Play. London. Sept. 15. Mr. W. Somerset Maugham has introduced o the public both a new play and a new book thi£ week. His play "Sheppey." is a satire on religion, while his book, "Ah. King" is a collection of short stories set
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  • 178 7 No Longer "Playground Of Idle Rich." Cape Town. OXFORD is no longer the close preserve of the wealthy young man, or the 'playground of the idle rich'", said Dr. C. K. Allen, Oxford Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, and Warden o: Rhodes House, who has been touring
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  • 203 7 Severe Punishment For A Malay. Sentence was passed by the District Jidge. Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning on Jaffar tin Ahmad, a Malay who had been convicted by "he Second Magistrate. Mr. N. Grice. on three charges of cheating ricicsha pullers of their frres. He was given
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  • 158 7 Search For Lindbergh Baby Kidnappers. New York. A YEAR and a half after the Lindbergh ba °y was kidnapped and murdered the rearch fcr the culprits is still going on relentlessly. New Jercey, New York and Federal ptffe) c-re working unceasingly, hoping that erne day their
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  • 117 7 Govt. Aid For New Company In Portugal. Lisbon. Following the formation cf the Tohis Klangnlm Sound Film Company in Portugal, the Government have decided to give active assistance to the national production of films. An crder states that the company will be exempt from the payment of all
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  • 44 7 Chinese Has His Right Thumb Crushed. A Chinese employed in one of Mr. Tan Kah Kee's factories in Sumbawa Road had his right thumb crushed yesterday afternoon, whilst he was working one of the machines. He was removed to hospital by ambulance.
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  • 129 7 THE "MANTUA.'* has left Hongkong and is rive al this port at 10 a.m. toil alongside the S.H. Board's 9 THE "BHUTAN." arrived in Lcndon at 10 a.m. STEAMER IN DISTRESS. Shanghai, Oct. 24. s SO S. was picked up in ight
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  • 88 7 J T II Singapore, Oct. 24. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). \ia!n wharf rgntrance Gate I■■•1■■• tv.ii 1G; Morioka Maru 14; I 11. Larut 7. r Dork < Knrranw Oat* 1) H.M.S. Herald 35; City of Khirs Plra Dock (Entrance Onto 4). amerye« is
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  • 48 7 Malls from Batavia and Paiembang by aeroplane arc expected at the General Post Office. Singapore, at 2.30 to-day. From China and Japan by the "Mantua," due at Singapore at 10 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Celebes Maru," due at Singapore on Thursday.
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  • 36 7 "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, Oct. 19. The Executive Yuan has appointed Messrs. Wu Shi Chak, Chang Yam Hal and Wang Nal Shu as China's delegates to the InternaUopaJ Postal Coherence.—"Mia £w m Pao."
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  36 words
  • 184 7 SELLING. Singapore, Oct. 23. London 4 months' sight 2 4 5,32 London 3 months' sight 2:4% London 60 days' sight 1)4 7j64 London 30 days' sight 2}4 8j32 London cemand 2[4 I|l6 London T.T. 2|4 1,32 Lyons and Paris demand 940 Hamburg demand 148 New York demand 52
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  • 124 7 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. OCT. 24. High Tides.—l.s3 a.m., 1.01 pjn. Meeting, Kinta Tin Dredging Co.. Hongkong Bank. neon. Rogby: S.C.C. Tournament, Etceteras v. P.S.. S.C.C. Raffles College Trial, R.C. Hockey: Police v. Wiltshire, Depot. S.A.F.A. Referees Course. Anson Road, 6.30 p.m.
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  • 99 7 ALHAMBRA.—"Hard to Handle," starring James Cagney. CAPITOL.—Jessie Matthews in "The Good Companions." EMPIRE. —George Bancroft fan "Derelict." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay «and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, Talkies: Sky—"The Florodara Girl." Star—"Wild Horse." MARLBOROUGH—EIissa Landi in "The Warrior's Husband." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 447 7 SHWftPOOT HOIitS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms Apply:—Manager. METROPOLE HOTEL TEL. 7986. BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE.
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    • 237 7 TO-DAY:— SLIM SUMMERVILLE, ZASU PITTS I in OUT ALL NIGHT.' Univcrsal's Side-splitting Comedy. THURSDAY:— j MAURICE CHEVALIER in his latest comedy triumph "A BED TIME STORY" wi.h the world's rotated BABY LEROY. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. c tenders" SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICK. t;i 10 Notice Is hereby given that tenders are now invited
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 201 7 I POSTAL INTELLIGENCE; SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan Si Api Api (Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Selat Pandjang. Bengkalis, Siak, Pakan Baroe, Fort de Kock and Padang (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. Indo-China and Hokow (Desirade) 3 p.m. Java. South-West Sumatra, South-East Borneo. Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly
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    • 73 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Urn Testarflay. Nfcbt Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Buflshine. Temp. Stations. r>g. P. inches. Hours. Deg. F. \lor Star 81 0.90 1.8 72 Sitiawan 87 0.02 3.1 71 K. Trengganu < No report. Buktj Jeram 87 Nil 1.5 71 Malacca 83 Nil 3.3 76
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  • 774 8 Enthusiasm for democracy seems to have died down a good deal in Western countries. That is largely due tD the fact that in some it has been abused, or its elasticity has been hidebound and restricted, and the people have found it advantageous to cut through certain parliamentary
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  • 612 8 Comments By The Way. IT is gratifying to note that Government has promised financial support to the Anti-Opium Clinic run by the Singapore Anti-Opium Society. If there is any local institution which deserves State aid, it is this. Seven hundred addicts cured in five months (and
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  • 150 8 Mr. George Bentinck of the Mines Department, Ipoh, will shortly be going on a trip up the China coast. Mr. Shutes. Inspector of Mines, who recently returned from leave, has been posted to Ipoh for duty. Mr. Loh Khai Fatt, of the Canton Air
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  • 60 8 Mrs. Emma Strugnell is a patient in the General Hospital, Penang. Mrs. Strugnell, who retired many years ago WHi» the first Municipal nurse engaged in children's welfare work The death of Mrs. Khoo Sun Poe nee Lim Saw Wan at the age of 57 took plaoe on Friday at
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  • 42 8 The marriage of Mr. Koh Jim Huer. Health Inspector, Tapah, to Miss Tan Guat Lee will take place on Saturday. October 28, at the Pei Yuen School Kampar, at noon and will be followed by a tea-party at the same premises
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  • 122 8 Mrs. Sutherland Brown, of Kuala Lumpur, and her daughter have left for home. Leave prior to retirement has been granted to Mr. J. Barr, Locomotive Foreman, F.M.S.R. I The case ,in which R. p. Thomson, a European planter, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a ricksha puller
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  • 485 8 BY J a m j As the French Chamber said u w> cannot Daladier." ML m\ m A And I know that's not the wav jt\ pronounced. France is finding ouf that thr taxpayer's neck is not always th< place on which to balance the budget. So
    485 words
  • 35 8 CHINA NEWS, on page 2. HITLER'S DECLARATION, on page 3. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 12 and It, j CLUB DIARY, on page 13. f EDITOR S LETTER, on page 14 f V
    35 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 fT|E SEARCH IS ENDED. Your search for the ideal fabric for nitfhtwear ends I Horrockses Flannelettes. j 1 his materiall which has the j i I Horrockses Flannelettes in Plain White and Neat Coloured SI ripes. I 36" Wick—6o cents per yard. Horrockses Flatuieleites !Regd i Robinson Co., Ltd. j
      142 words
    • 79 8 SCIENTIFIC GOLD JEWELLERY. Highly appreciated by High Court Judges, Ministers to Government and other eminent public men. 1 FULL CATALOCUE FREE. The Scientific Gold Bangles Co., Ltd., 104, China Bazar Road, Post Box No. 203. Madras. FOR PIANO. "LINDA SENORITA" TANGO ALBUMS. Containing 12 Melodious Tangos. SEASON CO., LTD., 115,
      79 words

  • 342 9 E XTREMISTS KILL THE LOTTERY SCHEME. Will The Franc Collapse? Immediate Resignation Of Premier And Ministers. Reuter. 4 \i W crisis has been creaied in European affairs, espeA j n finance, by the fall of the French Government The
    Reuter.  -  342 words
  • 96 9 Rescues Drawing Man Near Cenotaph. A 8 tie was witnessed near ph at about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. wi re promenading near the seawall when a loud splash was •in a Chinese was seen water, the tide being police constable, who hapduty in the vicinity, coat and plunged
    96 words
  • 55 9 Naval Air Expert Recalled From Sweden. Reuter Wireless. Berlin. Oct. 19. the German naval he past ten years has in aircraft factory in en recalled to Germany a new aircraft factory ar Berlin described as one of the In steel plane conlew factory is said to be it
    Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 79 9 Vienna, Sept. 14. idel mountain range, brock, the "unconquernorthern wall, which ol 8.100 feet, has just oy force." as the Austrian Matthias Auckenthaler and cthuber, inhabitants of the olved the extremely »lem of climbing the almost rock within twenty a new ascent altogether [ge quantities of
    79 words
  • 134 9 Solicitor And Driver Injured. \|R- C. V. Miles, of the legal firm of 1»1 Messrs. Rodyk and Davidson, had an unpleasant experience at about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, whilst on his way to office. He was in the back seat of his car and was proceeding along
    134 words
  • 118 9 Death Of Sir John Fortescue. Cannes, Oct. 23. The death is announced of Sir John Fortescue, army historian, after an operation.—Reuter. The late Sir John William Fortescue was born on Dec. 28, 1859 and was the fifth son of the third Earl Fortescue. He was created K.C.V.O. in
    118 words
  • 114 9 Constantinople, Sept. 13. An unusual case of auto-operation is reported from Yildizeli, in Anatolia. Its hero is a shepherd. He was keeping his flock, when he felt himself bitten by a He had no difficulty in killing it, but a few minutes later he felt a strong
    114 words
  • 266 9 Important Meeting Of The Cabinet. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 19. A POINT believed to have been discussed at to-day's Cabinet meeting was Yon Neurath's accusation that Sir John Simon haa inadequately stated Germany's position to America and Hr. Yon Neurath's repudiation oi the view that Germany's
    Reuter Wireless.  -  266 words
  • 199 9 Mr. Mac Donald's Appeal To Germany. Reuter. London, Oct. 23 The British Government is not going to give up attempts to secure an agreeu scheme of disarmament, declared Mr. Ramsay MacDor.ald Premier). speaking at Crawley, Sussex. Britain could look Germany in the face without any blush or
    Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 57 9 French To Join New Conference Reuter. London. Oct. 23. A MEETING of the British and Dutch rubber representatives to discuss restriction, it is 1 confidently expected in the rubber market, will be held in London on Thursday. Growers' representatives are very reticent, but it is rumoured that representatives
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 97 9 "Their Grapes Will Always Be Sour." Reuter Wireless. Rome, Oct. 19. There is no likelihood of Italian support for the restoration of the Hapsburgs. This is emphasised in a strong attack on Prince Otto and the Hapsburgs, published in Mussolini's paper, "Popolod Italia," in connection with Prince Otto's
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 713 9 Military Burden. CITY OF FUNING ON FIRE. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, Oct. 24. JN an interview with the Press yesterday, Mr. T. V. Soong (Finance Minister), who is here in connection with the establishment of the Food Control Committee, stated that the resumption of diplomatic
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  713 words
  • 95 9 No News Since It Left Muar. ANXIETY is felt in shipping circles regarding the whereabouts of the "Tronoh," a cargo boat of 73 net tonnage belonging to the Straits Steamship Co., and which is on the Muar-Singapore run. The vessel left Muar on Sunday night for Singapore but
    95 words
  • 120 9 Leading British Expert Called In. Washington. Oct. 23. THE question of unemployment insurance will be tackled by the administration on Oct. 25. when Miss Perkins (Secretary of the Labour Department) will summon State officials and economists and labour experts to a conference. Sir William Beveridge
    120 words
  • 52 9 Inhabitants Of Nanking Startled. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, Oct. 24. An extremely bright light burst across the sky at Nanking last evening, the flash taking about two seconds. The whole city was lit up. The inhabitants were startled, believing the flash to be a meteor.—"Sin Chew
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  52 words
  • 509 9 FEARS FOR THE DOLLAR. London Calm. Results Of Roosevelt's Speech. Reuter. New York, Oct. 23. 'JpHE opinion of orthodox economists and bankers of President Roosevelt's monetary broadcast can be summed up by the words "Utopian and unworkable." The New York "Times" states that leading financiers consider the
    Reuter.  -  509 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 49 9 HEYMAN BUTTER' The fresh delicate flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria, Australia, it is handled SOLE AGENTS: LATEST "His Master's Voice" GRAMOPHONE $80.00 CALL AND HEAR THIS NEW MODEL. mlijJl "H.M.V." Specialists, j SINGAPORE and PEN VNG.
      49 words

  • 559 10 STACKED UP IN KITCHEN. Two Wen Arrested. Evidence Of Monopolies Officers. to have been in possession of about 500 lb. of dutiable tobacco at 2 p.m. on Oct. 11, three Chinese, Lim San, Chan Thye Choon and Goh Choon, were yesterday
    559 words
  • 155 10 Inquiry Into Death Of A Coolie. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct. 23. A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded by the Coroner, Mr. J. c. Derrick at an lnqu,ry into the deat h of a Tamii P.W.D. coolie named Vaiti. who died three a fty
    155 words
  • 19 10 trailer of Labour. Malaya wUI act as Controller of Labour addition to hi* own duties, n
    19 words
  • 399 10 Thief Admits Sale Of Articles. TWO Chinese lads were produced before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, yesterday, and charged with dishonestly retaining stolen' property. Court Inspector L. Bostock prosecuted, whilst the two accused were not represented by counsel. Lee Cheng Hook, of 10, Cecil Street,
    399 words
  • 267 10 Nurse's Complaint In Police Court. Two nurses of the Prinsep Street Municipal Clinic, Mrs. M. Tobin and Mrs. L. Nyborg, figured as complainant and defendant respectively in a charge of alleged intentional insult to provoke a breach of the peace. The case was concluded yesterday, when the Fourth
    267 words
  • 179 10 Gen. Huang To Get Firsthand Information. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, Oct 23. Gen. Huang Shao Hiung (Home Minister) who is on his way to Mongolia to study the Mongolian autonomy question as the special representative of the NanIking Government arrived at Tientsin yesterday afternoon. He stated to
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  179 words
  • 323 10 Sequel To Injury Of Pedestrian. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 23. A FTER several postponements, the case in -t* which a European named Thomas F Egan manager of Pajam Estate, Pajam, stood charged with rash and negligent driving, and thereby causing hurt to a Chinese named Chin
    323 words
  • 73 10 Offer For Share In Dastur Ticket. Reuter. Tsirgtao, Oct. 23. "Duggie" cf the famous London firm cf Douglas Stewart, has offered £1,000 for a half hare in ticket A.Q.59.294 held by the Shae Syndicate, Tangtao. who have drawn Dastur. The holedrs are 24 Chinese employees in the Kiachcw-Tsinan
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 374 10 Skull Fractured. COWARDLY ACT OF VENGEANCE. BRUTAL and senseless attack on a woman by a Tamil with a chopper was described at the Negri Sembilan Assizes yesterday. The woman's skull was fractured. The assault was apparently a cowardly act of vengeance against tho woman's husband. (From
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  • 63 10 Government Troops Take Saraburi. (Frcm Our Ow-n Correspondent.) Bangkok. Oct. 23. The Government troops have captured Saraburi without opposition. Their Majesties have been jollied at Singora by the Queen-Aunt and the Princesses, who left Bangkok several days ago for the seaside. Bangkok is very quiet. The only excitement
    63 words
  • 51 10 Reuter Wireless. Geneva. Oct. 19. Mun Pasha, the Iraki Foreign Minister and principal delegate to the League of Nations, is flying to Paris to-day to negotiate with the French Government the question of the settlement in Syria of 2,000 Assyrians who do not desire to remain in Iraq.—Reuter
    Reuter Wireless.  -  51 words
  • 437 10 Sikh Fined In Local Court. A FIGHT between two Sikhs had a sequel in the District Court yesterday, before Mr. H. A. Forrer, when one of them, Argan Singh, was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to another Sikh, Rabha Singh. The accused claimed
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  • 145 10 Proposes Another Visit To Malaya. His Holiness Maulanah Haji Hanz Quari Shah Muhammed Abdul Aleem Saheb Siddiqui Al Quadri Chishty, etc., of Meerut City, the ;amous Muslim missionary, who visited Malaya and Java fcr the second time in 1931, and delivered interesting lectures on theology (in Urdu, Arabic
    145 words
  • 64 10 AT THE CINEMAS. Titr RIM ciijcma at G*yLane Will cji.i-.v' lis program m> tu-nigiU with b clagt und scrwr attraction Brsidsi two taUJcG. RwinU' Mullrr in Murrv Mr" »iul Esther in "After the Ball" Pre! and Ma-da trie Paul Lents wilt appear on the
    64 words
  • 142 10 "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai. Oct. 23. Mi Sugimjira, the Japanese goodwill delegate to China returned to Shanghai from Nanking on Saturday. He stated that he conferred with Mr. Wang Ching Wei, while he was in the capital, on the situation in the Par East He left again
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  142 words
  • 87 10 Motor Smash In Serangoon Road. The part of Upper Serang »n Road near the junction of Macpher on Road was the seen* of an accident in the early hours of this morning. A Nash touring car. which was being cJrlven y ,vbo a r with him a irzl]e
    87 words
  • 360 10 Indian's Complaint I ALLEGED THEFT r* JEWELLERY. A CLEVER attempt 0 di* stolen jewellery v.a before the Second Magistrate IT Norman Grice) yesterda young Indian named Arumutram v charged with theft and Lso tft assisting in the disposal property. The accused made serious tions against the
    360 words
  • 217 10 The following appointments arc notifi"d in the F.M.S. Government Gazette: Sergeant G. Gallacher to be a Compar.v Sergcant-Majcr and Imtrucior. Experimental Company. Malay Regiment. F.M.S Mr R. H. Williams to be an Assistant BvperinteoM Survey Department. F.M.S. and SS.. Mr C C Madoc becomes a Passed Probationary Assistant
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 605 11 •Filthy Language." POl fCE C ALLED TO STOP FIGHT. an members of the crew 'President Harrison*' were fined SlOO (or two months' fault) by the Third Magis tratt Mr. R. J. F. Curtis. charged with usintf on the Chief Officer of Mr.
    605 words
  • 305 11 Application To Stay Proceedings. AN application to stay proceedings in an Admiralty suit, pending the matter being referred to arbitration was made in fche Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Gerahty, XC The plaintiff in the case is the charterer of the vessel "G. G. Paul Doumer" and
    305 words
  • 93 11 Simla. Sept. 19. India's most brilliant detective has died suddenly <it the age of 45. He is Khan Bahadur Tasadduk Hussain. Assistant Director of th* Intelligence Bureau, who contracted bronchi fa ai. Simla la>t week. Kussain was a strict loyalist and devoted public servant, who rose from
    93 words
  • 390 11 Secret Mission To See Gen. Feng. Shanghai, Oct. 23. GEN. Kut Hung Chong. former ViceCommander of the Charhar "Allies" who have now been disbanded by the Central authorities in Peiping. secretly called on Gen. Feng Yu Hsiang. the "Christian" General and former Com-mander-in-Chief of the "Allies,"
    390 words
  • 92 11 Former Revenue Officer Charged. Daud bin Hussain, a young Malay who was formerly a Revenue officer, was produced before tne Third Magistrate, Mr. R. J. P. Curtis, yesterday and charged with receiving an illegal gratification. The sum was 30 cents, alleged to have been received from a Chinese
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  • 339 11 The Sisha Islands. WHAT IS CHIANG'S MOVE? Hongkong, Oct. 23. (JEN. Chen Tsi Tang, Commanderin Chief of the Canton First Army Group, has ordered the .National Defence Committee and the Navy Department to develop tha Sisha Islands for the construction of a naval base there. The
    339 words
  • 118 11 "Julius Caesar" Staged Locally In Tamil. A very interesting entertainment was giver in the Ceylon Tamils' Association Hall. DhoV>y Ghaut, on the Deepavali Festival day unde: the auspices of the Junior Literary Union cf the OT A. The youngsters took the opportunity of rendering the "conspiracy and muider
    118 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      31 words
    • 205 11 IN INVERSE RATIO 1950 ,ES3B9 <^. ZZ HZ HE V M M\j T /Vs* you will leave in cash il 'j and liquid securities the more M H( >/ Hfe insurance you should own to jfl J prevent a forced sacrifice of other If you live to enjoy die sunset
      205 words

  • 108 12 ALL YESTERDAY'S GAMES. FINE DISPLAY IN MATCH BETWEEN PADANG, CLUBS. POUR interesting hockey matches were played locally yesterday. Chief interest cc ntred in the clash between the reserve teams of the two Padang Clubs at the S.R.C, and the
    108 words
  • 499 12 Yesterday's Hockey At The S.R.C. yyiTII a far superior forward line and a more reliable defence the S.R.C. II had little difficulty in defeating the S.C.C. II at hockey on the Padang yesterday. The S.R.C. forwards were much faster on the ball and nearly always got the
    499 words
  • 159 12 LA. And Khalsa Draw At Hockey. A draw was the result of yeserday's hockey encounter between the Indian Association and the Khalsa Association on the former's ground at Balestier. Each side scored a goal to level the issue. The exchanges were even. ARJAN SINGH •scored the home
    159 words
  • 320 12 Second Teams At Hong Lim Green. 'pHE Wilts II scored a well-deserved victory at hockey yesterday against the S.C.R.C. II at Hong Lim Green by 4 I. With almost an equal share of the play, the Chinese were only handicapped by an inferior attacking line, the
    320 words
  • 243 12 Ceylon S.C. Beat 7th Battery R.A. The Ceylon Sports Club had no difficulty !n defeating the 7th Battery, R.A., at Balestier yesterday by 3—o. The home team were superior in all departments and were, more often than not, on the offensive. The visiters tried hard to avert
    243 words
  • 44 12 Singapore Hornets' Ist at hockey v. the Rangers on the N.C.C. ground to-day: I. Branson; N. Pestana, C. Pereira; O. Klein man. o. van Geyzel (Capt.), O. Perreau; N.F Modder; o. C. Aeria; L Van Geyr-1, P D'Almeida, A. Van Geyzel.
    44 words
  • 208 12 Championship Matches This Week-End. TIES in the Singapore Badminton tournament fcr Saturday and Sunday are as fellowsSATURDAY (2 P.M.) MIXED DOUBLED: Llm Tian Wan and Miss P. C. Lee v. Y. Iketani and Miss P. Horli; Gan Hock Kee and Miss Sheh Sai Ming v. K-h Keng
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  • 168 12 Cotoneaster Now The Favourite. London. Oct. 23. Eflacf.abie was scratched from ,!ie Cambridgeshire ct 9 a.m. to-t'ay. Tc-day' ca'l over was as follows:— 21—2 COTONEASTER offered, 100 9 taken. 12— 1 LIMELIGHT. 13— 1 ANDREA. 100—7 TOTAIG. 15—1 OLE KING SOLE 20—1 DASTUR taken and cfiVred. 25—1 DENBIGH
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  • 170 12 For Second Day. Hcrses scratched from the races at ipoh to-day are as follows: RACE I—lrish Lady. RACE 7.—Belle Edna, Sunspark. RACE t.—Short Suit. Miss Middy. The big sweep will be held en race 9. Double totes on races 4 and 5, 7 and 8. THURSDAY'S HANDICAPS. Handicaps
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  • 113 12 Training: For November Meeting. The race course will be officially open 'or training for the November professional and amateur race meetings on Saturday next at G a.m., when the usual coffee arrangements will be made. 1934 IRISH GRIFFINS. The Secretary of the Singapore Turf Club has received a
    113 words
  • 245 12 Singapore v. Malaya Command At S.C.C. Reuter. THE Malaya Command and Singapore meet in an inter-State rugby football friendly next Saturday when the S.C.C. Padang will be enclosed and a gate charged to other than S.C.C members. Bench accommodation will be available between the "25" lines on
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 12 12 Baby Patience Martia. MISS MARY FERRAO INTERVIEWED. School Teacher "Wedded To Education."
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  • 742 12 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 24. INTERVIEWED yesterday on beA half of the "Malaya Tribune" to-day, Miss Mary Jane Ferrao, who has drawn "Dastur" in the Irish Hospitals Sweep, and stands to receive £30.000 if the horse wins the Cambridgeshire to-day, said that uh9 had received an offer of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 647 13 UaJ r U€ Union. m MATCHES START V TOO SOON? CowespssuitsAJ London, Oct. S. .run literal sense it ha* EM U i 1 start for the new i t''K>u»;itl season. is the question of the Rugby Union ,tsy has raged iove for reconciliaded British rugby follower. 4
    647 words
  • 443 13 Course Of Lectures On Sportsmanship. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 5. WHAT the United States L.T.A. needs most is a course of lectures on sportsmanship, says Mr. W. O. McGeehan, the well-known sports writer, in the New York Tribune." "Even now, it is still offering
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  • 171 13 Kuala Lumpur Teams Visit N.S. Capital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 21. The Selangor Celts "B" visited Seremban today when they met the Pauliam "B" on the padang, the game ending in a draw of 2 goals each. The visitors showed good combination frem the start, but
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  • 83 13 Indian Association team v. the R.A. at Br.lestier to-morrow. Dr. Rajaram: A. N. Chatterjee, S. H. Shirazie; G. Kennedy. P. K. Baskaran, D. X Samy; M. S. I>ass, Arjan Singh, M. M. H. Namazie, M. R. Mahajan. D. F. Mahajan. Reserves: M. B. Singh. Babu Singh. I. A.
    83 words
  • 409 13 Five Old Light Blues Available. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 15. THE Cambridge outlook for next year':. Boat Race is an exceptionally bright one. Five men of this year's winning crew are in residence again and available for the next Boat Race. Not since 1922.
    409 words
  • 199 13 Promoters To Import World's Stars. Australia Is embarking on an ambitious policy of inducing the world's best boxers to come there and the National Boxing Club of Australia has cabled to a prominent American manager to bring a team of the best boxers available. Maxie Rosenbloom, the world's
    199 words
  • 144 13 I The secret of his success In winning the British onen golf championshiD at St. Andrews this year has just been! revealed by Densmore Shute, the American Ryder Cup player. Shute, who dared to alter his style of play while he was already an accomplished golfer, said
    144 words
  • 43 13 i A pleasant evening was spent en Sunday by a large gathering cf members and their families at the Nondescript Cricket Club in MacNair Road when the club's tennif, courts were formally opened Vy the President, Mr. P. E. Perlpra.
    43 words
  • 191 13 Marcel Thil retained hi% title of world's middle-weight champion when he defeated Kid Tunero, the Cuban Champion, on points over fifteen rounds in Paris By this victory. Thil avenged his defeat at the hands of Tunero in a tenrounds catch-weght contest last January. Neither fighter obtained any
    191 words
  • 141 13 H. L. Hendry, the famous Australian Test cricketer of other days, is to return to cricket this season after an absence from the game of several years. He will play for Paddington, in Grade Cricket, the side he first played under the leadership of M. A.
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  • 46 13 In a match played at Brisbane between the Australian Navy team and the Local Colts XI, the umpires were told by Mr. Roger Hartigan. one of the Queensland delegates on the Board of Control, that body-line was not barred, because Sailors don't care!"
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 246 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Strait* Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 21. Old Jewry. EO. The Company baa £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compile* with the
      246 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 357 13 CLVB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies tn Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 767 14 Editor's Letter. WONDERFUL WORK OF SHEEPDOGS. London, Sept. 21. 'THE long drought has ended. The teetotallers of England need no longer fear lingering death from thirst (the others were unconcerned) and small boys have no excuse for evasion of the weekly bath. But there is no
    767 words
  • 552 14 Strong Comment By Judge. Johore Bahru. Oct. 22. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IN passing sentence .cf a month's cl. on a Javanese labourer named Tahir bin Madron", employee' on Hanyang EstaV. a European owned plantation in Plentong, Ungku Ismail, (Second Magistrate) made £Ome strong remarks. "This
    552 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 603 14 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY? Will you still be strug- I Port tw coupon to-d»y gling on at the same old international correspondence job and possibly drawing schools, (coionjw» Ltd., of London, even less pay—worried iwih4a, Robinson Road, Singapore. about the future—never j Please send me
      603 words

  • 173 15 Police Discover Secret Plant. Sofia. A STORY with Edgw Wallace flavour has been revealed after prolonged police tnl vestigations into the affairs of a :ecret Communist organisation at Plovdiv. Although the police discovered a printing press which has been responsible for the distribution of hundreds of
    173 words
  • 83 15 Rainbow Hued Machine Found On Hill. HangchcT. Oct. i. A mysterious aeroplane was found on a ni 1 at Wuhsing yes**idey. The aerepluv wa painted in five colours. The Povincial Peace Preservation Corps is conducting investigations with a view to tiacing the ownership of the plane. Another
    83 words
  • 74 15 Chang Hsueh Liang's Plan Of Unification. Stockholm, Oct. 2. In an interview granted to the "Dagens Nyheter." Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang, who is tow staying in the Haea Palace of Prince Gustav Adolph. declared his aim is the unification of China. He added he wou'd like China to
    74 words
  • 379 15 Representations From London. Washington, Sept. 19. from abroad to the effect that m\ the British Government had mace representations to Washington suggesting that the United States Government should abandon its programme of spending some £47.000,000 over r perioc' of three years in building warship-, to bring the
    379 words
  • 140 15 Caravans Thrown Into River By Mob. Belgrade. When a peasant at Varvarin on the Morava recognised a blind child led by two Gipsy women his niece whovwas stolen years before from her home in Arandjelovatz the following tnings happened: The police arrested the Gipsies: 3 000 pearants snatched
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  • 105 15 Melbourne. People here think that Mrs. Oimiston. of Shepparton. Victoria, must be the most faithful charwoman in the world. She has worked for some time in the postoffice .it Shepparton and in neighbouring houses. Recently there were torrential rains and the Ooulburn River, the most treacherous In
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  • 266 15 King Alfonso Reconciled To Eldest Son. Paris, Sept. 18. EX -KINO Alfonso of Spain is believed to have been reconciled to his eldest son. the Prince of Asttrrtas, in a hotel en the P.tte De Rlvoli on Saturday. The marriage of the Prince to a commoner, Sen rita
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  • 235 15 New "Depression Industry" In U.S.A. I Washington. At petrol stations all over the so-ith-western *tat«s human skulls are on sale to tourists tor a few dollars each—as asii ti tys. Rifling ancient Indian -graves and village 4tcS h:«s become one of the curious new "depression industries" which
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  • 144 15 Belgrade. Sept. 12. The trial of a group of gipsies charged with fraud by a peasant named Nikola Ostoyitch has just been concluded at Bela Tsrkva. after running for several years. The case arose in the beginning through an old gipsy trick. They prophesied the death
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  • 121 15 Memorial House Of Vuk Karadjich. Belgrade, Sept. 17. THE memory of Vuk Stefanovitch Karadjicn. (1787-1864). the father of modern Serbian literature, vas comm enters ted at the HtMe village of Torchich to-day when the house in Which he lived, now restored, was opened to the public.
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  • 203 15 Members Entertain Mrs. B. C. Roberts. The Bishop of Singapore (the Right Rev B. C. Roberts) and Mrs. Roberts were entertained to a curry supper by the Tamil C.W A at the Tamil parsonage on Saturday. Mrs. Roberts s going Heme on holiday shortly. During the evening the
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  • 121 15 Message From Dead Airmen Found. Grand Falls. Newfovndland. A message which was apparently tossed out r f the aeroplane as Stephen Darius and Stanley Girenas, the ill-fated Lithuanian-American flyers, passed over Newfoundland has been picked up here. It was contained in a small red bag tied at. the
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  • 73 15 Cow Deceived By A Gramophone Record. Denman. N?w South Wales. A cow. whose calf had just been sold, was being driven through the town here. All went well until she came to a gramophone shop were a "farmyard" record was being played. The record contained a realistic
    73 words
  • 50 15 Warsaw. A giar.t mushroom weighing just over two pounds has been found in a forest near the Polish winter resort of Zakopane, at tr? foot of the Tr-tra Mountains. Ihe mushroom was found to bo sound and edible. 1» was served ior dinner and supp™ to three people.
    50 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 266 15 Breathe-able Tablets IF >ou have a bad cough or S. cold, cure yourself quickly j by taking Peps the novel breathe- ltt\ i When dissolved in the mouth, I jr Peps give off rich volatile medj*\ icaments which are breathed 1 naturally into chest and lungs. Xw v V Peps
      266 words
    • 32 15 Wherever the DERESZKE -of course! Sole Agents: SAVE VOI R COUPONS! HENRY WAUOH Co., Ltd., cork, ivory tipped ob plain, havdsome gun qataivable. Singapore. Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. 3. A P B—lt.
      32 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 503 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. S6-37, Bras Basan Read, SINGAPORE. If you are In need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LEW PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
      503 words
    • 508 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Slglap, furnished, by day or month. Apply Yeo Chiang Swee, 153, Grove Road. Phone 7405. TO LET— 1-C, Sea Avenue. Katong, comfortable 2-storey house, garage, 200 yds. from sea. $30 p.m. Apply l-D, Sea Avenue. TO LET—I, Ramsgate Rd.,
      508 words
    • 716 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. TENDERS are invited for supplying and filling red earth for t% acres land, also for clearing approx 5 acres cf land at 14*4 nmt stone. Kranji Road. Further particulars on application to MALAYAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED, 9, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. TENDERS INVITED. Supply of cooked rations to the
      716 words
    • 497 16 EDUCATIONAL. THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 541, Geylang Road. Day and Evening Classes in preparation for the L.C.C. and the Professional Exams. Conducted by experts in daily practical touch with big organisations. English day classes from Primary to Senior Cambridge re-open on 4th Sept. Particulars from the Principal. FAR EASTERN MUSICAL
      497 words
    • 414 16 -1 423, NORTH BRIDGE Rn Wfl 1 sXl'ft I I j] I C ontrmtcr/ for A'< F. rV\ I GWivhtkßr..'.. I ISA I MISS RIBOET I RECORDS I 8.***** Lalap Katim I Riboet Malaise I 13.***** Kambinir Item I R«Bnr 7 Sf 8 Kambingiu» I £.8805 < Tawon Goela 1
      414 words