Malaya Tribune, 23 October 1933

Total Pages: 15
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 33 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYAT Vol. XX, No. 251 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1933 The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday. Oct. 23, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, OCTOBER 23, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 279 1 Head The Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya. 111 M X y U t r milk SUPpIy is XLI M you need not 111 SKI VOr,T Ut ice VaCUum KLIM comes "M Wm t0 yOU 111 perfect condition. Even after the can '1M I ls I)ened rt kee Ps weekr without
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  • 212 2 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYING Deepavali. TT is common knowledge that, a lew J weeks prior to Deepavah. Kamasamy's compatriots who are in and In "Krani" jobs join m ammon and unholy conspiracy to ex&K him Bales and bales of cheap Indian clo h ln S te soldVr at ord
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  • 164 2 wxxt with Germany arming, neither T prance nor Italy nor even Britain can refrain from armament building on a seal,- to compete with Germany and once competition m the dove of peace spreads ut bH and flies away. Japan In tne Fai East, with her pan-militarist policy, is an
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  • 190 2 WE have emphasised that it would be bordering on the insame for Malaya to be tied up in another three-year scheme of restriction when the situation in America and. in fact, the world shows every indication that prosperity is steadily returning and we have urged that, if it
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  • 604 2 f A Gfreat Experiment, FAMOUS TELESCOPE IN ACTION. (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) London, Oct. 6. IITHEN the lamps of all the pavilions of the Scientific Exhibition of Chicago were lighted from a moonbeam sent across the Atlantic from the observatory of Florence, the imagination of the
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  • 85 2 Reception For Black Watch Band. Helsingfors, Sept. 5. The pipers of the Black Watch have made a big hit at the "British week" celebrations here, for many of the Finnish people had r.pparently never heard the "pipes" before. The lirst performance of the English folkdances and a canc°rt
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  • 90 2 Egyptian Scarab In A Finnish Grave. Helsingfors. While digging a grave in the old church yard at Kuopio (north-east Finland), a gravedigger unearthed an ancient Egyptian scarab, some 30 Inches frorq, the surface. i A little less than three inches long and two inches broad, the scarab
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  • 449 2 details Of Cbrrttit Prites. Singapore, Oct. 20. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 28 Beef, stew or curry, kati Pork, lean, kati *J Perk, lean and fat (1st quality), kail 34 Mutton, Australian, lb. Fowl, kati Hens (locally reared), kati Durcks. Saigon, each Pigeoni, domestic unfledged, pair Pigeons, fledged,
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  • 295 2 'Wrestling Match" To Make A 1 Film. Memo Park. California. A 17-year-old gi.l here has risked her life in a grim struggle with a monster octopus—co that her father might take some realistic pictures with a camera which he had invented. This daring young woman Ls Florence
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 239 2 IJSE HUDSON TIPPING WAGONS j FAgO HIGH-CLASS BALL-BEARING Wheels Axles. j AND CUT YOUR TRANSPORT COSTS BY SO% J I A BOY CAN DO J J IS BI'ILT INTO THEM I THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. j cleansiii^^^l I About 100 gallons of blood pass through the kidneys daily to be
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    • 449 2 Royal Interest. The interest Typewriters at the British ndustres Fair held at Olympia m 926 was recalled when H.M.TheJOnj visited the Royal Agricultural Show Exhibition held in Derby .few weeks In conversation with His Majesty, Mr. Mawle, the General Sales Manager, referred to His Majesty, nrevous visit and stated that;
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    • 85 2 Start and End the fo with this aid to healii Use Qibbs Dentifrup regulaily—every tht famiiy—u d bills will be lev. v. between I Gscbs health pnMm cause its use bk m sound teeth. R is through the n through unclean and that many Illnesses teeth are right the odi
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  • 105 3 CHINA MUST STRENGTHEN HER DEFENCE. WORI D EVENTS POINT TO WAR The Cock-Pit Of Contending Nations. lORTIKICATION OF SHANGHAI CUGKI). I iVipitog Post express uhe fear that the failure of! the World Economic Conference and the Far Eastern deadi.m K rflight precipitate the much-talked-about second
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  • 793 3 "OIXCE the failure of the London momic Conference the work! :i again drifting to the prelystem of entangling alliances. Until the conclusion of the Fourpacl Germany and Italy were g with each other; but sine*' Italy had not hesitated to join with Britain in bringing
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  • 170 3 1 Active Along SiberianManchuria Border. Tientsin. Sept. 18. ACCORDING to information from an unimpeachable source the Soviet Red Army have lately been very active along the SiberianManchuria border, particularly around Taheiho Nearly fifty Soviet military aeroplanes arc making frequently exhibition flights over the border districts and engaging
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  • 135 3 Marines To Build New In Hongkew. Shanghai Sept. 20 With thr compluion of the fuur.tlc barracks at ihi* carter of Ni»rth Sa Uu»n Hcwd, ihc Japaiies»- marjie Drad<lUflrli:s i>.i\e il/jwu up plUxs fur liir» cumf'mtiuu 01 r.ryy N«vy Club on the comer iH Valu and MlC.irc, Roads, hi
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  • 111 3 Threat Of Another Offensive Against Chahar. Peiping Sept, 15. A KAUEory 'plane flew over Ka! yesterday and droppmS a letter of wa' i.'ng to Geu'ral Sung Chch -man. It is declared that if the Chahar troops advance cast of Chanrrpei and Lungkwan the Japane c troops will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 fx DID YOU NUGGET YOUR SHOES THIS fo« Staining SmoSs A.P.B SP.
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    • 60 3 S 6 50 Swan' Minor m j 4.75 BlacVbird' Pant 2.75 'Swon' Ink m Qs. 20 &WAN w PENS OF STATIONERS AND JEWELLERS. Illustrated Catalogue post free MABIE, TODD CO., LTD., Swan Housa, London, W.I. —London Liverpool. I LIVERISHNESS I SLUGGISHNESS STOMACH PAINS B fj. i°*'»f Bncham* P.lh ten h
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    • 642 3 111 T A J„? i SPRO T bl «s immedi- fically formulated at a result of careful ji ii 1 a !d t'k S S Rn a Co d a PP e rs the,llical investigations and I fill ward u„ti re,ief is d after I 1 u\, s > m
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  • 557 4 Shipping News Notices. CODE FOR U.S. SHIPPING. Special Authority To Be Appointed. DETAILS of a tentative code of fair competition covering all branches of United States shipping, with the exception of the vessels operating on the Great Lakes and inland waterpavs, are new available. Instead of one blanket code for
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  • 235 4 Plea By The Liverpool Shipowners. The following resolution was adopted ftt the general meeting Of the Liverpool Btoam Ship Owners" Association held in Liverpool recently: The Liverpool Steam Ship Owners Association, having before it the ccport of its delegates to the Oslo Conference of the Canute Maritime International:
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  • 91 4 Ningpo Suffers Heavily In Typhoon. Ningpo, Sept. 20. Ningpo suffered heavily in the typhoon yesterday. The dykes along the river collapsed and he water floweS into the streets. It was We feet deep on the Ningpo Bund. Several bridgei were washed away by the nstfk currents. About forty
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  • 225 4 Three Liners Dealt With In Fo,ur Hours. nrVHE Canadian Pacific Steam Ships, Ltd., had J. a busy time n mail week, vhen they dealt with three of their liners at the Prince's Land-ing-stage, Liverpool, within four hours, an aggregate of about 56,000 tons and over 1,500 passengers.
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  • 223 4 Departure In Shipping Classification. The "Hochi" says that the Mitsui Shipping Department has now departed from tt* classification of the Lloyd's Register of Shippin- and that this will be the prelude to the international independence of Japanese shipping classification. Japanese vessels have hitherto obtained inspection of Lloyds in
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  • 158 4 Ships Sold To Indian Company. The Sciodla Steam Nav.gaticn company v hicta Is pwm-d in India. U uiidcrstcod to havy purchait-d trom (he British India Strom Na\irs.t'on Company three fteanwh'pv—the "Chaktlarn,' 1 Edavaua." and "Coronada," uhJrii art 0« iag jeniuned the "wiiUccpcvl," and "Julaburga'" riaipectlvely. The inference
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  • 336 4 Cunard Company's Winter Programme. A rr\NGEMENTS made by the Cunard Line A for the forthcoming winter cruising season include a scries Pf three cruises, which are to £mad* by the Laccnia between January and AP Tnese cruise, cover the West Indies Panama Norih and West Africa, the
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  • 205 4 Hang Sang Hits A Rock Near Swatow. The Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.s vessel, the s.s. -Hang Sang" arrived in Hong- kong recently with a damaged bottom received when she went into collision with a submerged rock near Swatow. j The vessel was bound for Tientsin from Hongkong and
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  • 77 4 The steamer "Napier Star," owned by t',,e Blue Star Line «192 C). Ltd.. London, saii d from Liverpool for London, after lying up since June. The steamer "Brompton Manor," owned by ihe Drakelow Steamship Co., Ltd. (Angel, Eethell and Co., Ltd.), Cardiff, sailed from London for
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  • 515 4 Pilot's Story Of Night On Sea. London, Sept. 23. CATAPULTED on Thursday from the Norddeutscher Lloyd liner Bremen T« mBm from Southampton with mails, the seaplane which descended in the English Channel made a dramatic appearance at Southampton recent ly, after search by ships and aircraft had
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  • 114 4 Lloyd Triestino Itinerary To Batavia. It 1a rcportfd frum Roni 1 thi! on alteration i* to bo mudo in the xnpnihl? mail service waintmaec; by «he Lloyd Trtesllno between Trieste and the Dutch Bait looles so «vs to lirprov»? dip connection between. Lie west coast or Italy «nd
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 526 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND I APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933. •SOMALI 6.810 Oct. 25
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    • 213 4 jiff LLOYD TRIES TIN CI j l r (Incorporated In Italy>. I EXPUESS SERVICE. I CARGO SERVICE. 1 Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA I Karachi, Aden. Massowah, Suez, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay. Suez, Port Said. Brindisl. Venice and Trieste. Said, Bcindisl, Venice and Trieste.
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    • 216 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE Dcutsch j H Australische Dampfschifla C Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. 6HANGHAL NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. 1 s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Nov. 1 t mj. BDRGENLAND. via Manila Nov. 14 t s.s. OLDENBURG, via Manila Nov. 29 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Dec. 12
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    • 597 4 STEAMER BAILINGS. j 4g£ NORDDEUTSCH fSkX i LLOYD (Incorporated la The undemoted are the Compatv, fs tntenda| fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1833. j "ISAR' for Iloilo, Manila, H'kon*. Shanghai, N. China and Japan Oct n j "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo. M.irn. Hongkong. Shanghai, North China and Japan Nor. 9 "MAIN" for Manila, Hontrk
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  • 405 5 Mining Shares. ■pore, Monday. 11 a.m. quotations are issued Co, exchange and stock Buyers Sellers. ad| Tin 30!- 31|I 34- 36 II m Tin 14 3 15 3 1.27 1.35 32,- 33 iOg 0.21 0.25 tta 0.90 0.95 Tin 2.9 39 0.40 0.45 agel Beat) 0.46 0.48
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  • 46 5 kit Sclangor Rubber Estates U Biothers) to March 31 was 948 151»; f.o.b. cost 1.76 c. price realised 1.71 d. (2.39 d.». law for year £1,140 <agst. tactcd from £7.874 brought 734 forward. Valuation of and machinery has been £1 by transferring £5,616
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  • 25 5 that, owing to accrued interest on 7 per Dentures, due on Sept. 30 Reconstruction scheme is particulars cf which will *n eertj date.
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  • 168 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. FIRMER TONE OF RUBBER. Malayan Stocks Show Little Change. 'Bf Our Financial Corretpondenij Singapore, Monday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 12«, 2 cts., UP Vfj ct. Market Tone: Firm. Tin (Singapore), Sll2i/ H Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3~ d., up 3 16d. Market Tone:
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  • 126 5 The Padang Jawa Rubber Estate reports a less of £1.265 for the. year ended March 31 against £1.097 for 1931-32). A credit balance of £970 was brought in from the previcus accounts, and to this has been added £500 transferred from income-tax reserveAfter writing off the year's
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  • 36 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 3 27 32d. New Ycrk: 6 15 16 cents. Singapore: 125—12% cents. TIN London Spot: £221 15s. London 3 .ncnths: £221 lit, Singapore: $112.12'j. COPRA. Sundried 53.25 Mixed 52.70
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  • 91 5 The dredge cf Temoh Tin Dredging. Limited, remained closed down during the year ended June 30. The proceeds derived from the sale of its qu:ta certificates about covered the expenditure at the mine. Dredging operations were resumed on July 1 last, and to date 62 tons of
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  • 227 5 Effect On Stock Exchange. Reuter Wireless. London. Oct. 18. ON the Stock Exchange to-day, with the European situation regarded as more hopeful, practically all sections .showed an improvement. Gilt-edged securities. German loans and Japanese bonds especially gained strength, while Kaffirs :uled strong following the further advance
    Reuter Wireless.  -  227 words
  • 151 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report dated Oct. 20. state: A dull week has brought a slow decline in prices so that dl markets show a considerable fall on br.iance. To-day's prices, compared with those a week ago. are as fellows:— Spot ll 7
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  • 65 5 Depressing Statistics In Hongkong. Hongkong. Oct. 23. The trade of Hongkong is declining, according to statistics compiled up to the end of September A fharp fell in the imports and exports is reported. The Imperii for the last nine months amount to 5381,000.000 and the exports $307,000,000. compared
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  • 123 5 Manufacturers Close Their Factories. Shanghai. Oct. 23. rpHE silk industry in Kwangtung is in a bad way. Many factories have closed and only 15 remain in the Namhoihsien district and 32 in the Shuntak district. The Food Control Conference of the ei*ht Central province opened at Nanchang yesterday
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  • 122 5 Novel Attempt To Revive The Industry. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 18. With the object of reviving the Indian charcoal industry. Col. Edward Noel, Commissioner for the development of the North-West Frontier, left London for India in a motor-car equipped with a gas producing piant and charcoal as fuel.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 110 5 The following are index numbers representing the estimated monthly traffic receipts of the Imperial and International Communications, Ltd.. as related to comparable traffic In the year 1920 1930 1931 1932 1933 Jan. 90.0 76.3 73.4 69.9 Feb. 95.7 81.2 82.9 71.7 March 94.5 79.6 77.8 70.4 Aoril
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  • 76 5 During the year ended June 30 the Surgei Tukong Ruber Plantations harvested a crop of 651.275 lb. (against 693,344 lb. during 1931--32». This was sold at an average price of 2.38 d. per lb.. London landed terms (against 2.65d.i. The accounts show a loss of £786 iagainst
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  • 1043 5 Malayalam Plantations. THE BEST PLAN OF CONTROL. (From Our Om Correspondent./ London, Oct. 7. rr.HE twelfth ordinary general meeting or M Malayalam PlanUtions, Ltd., was held recently ct 3, Idol Lane. EC. Mr. H. J. Welch (the chairman) first reviewed the position of the tea industry, which,
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  • 638 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Monday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations rrt issued by Fraser and Co.and LyaU and sTiailj Issue Value. Pram LyaU I Bbares. Oo «?a»a 1 Allenby $0.80 $0.87»i $0.75 $0.85 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.68 0.70 IA. Hitam 0.90 1.00 0.75 0.90
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  • 52 5 Report of Bcranang (Sela/v-'or) Rubber Plantations (of Boustead Brotivrsi to June 30 states that tapping was discontinued from Mr.y I, 1932. anc. wa~ resumed early in July. 1933. Crop was 14,700 lb. Los: for year was £1 662 (agst. £853 which deduct, d from £4,870 trcught in leaves
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 THE EASTERN UNITED Ay <t CORPORATION. LTD. hhk, marine, motor car, Personal accident AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. L Johnson. General Manager. N Cecil street. Singapore.
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    • 90 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital H.OOMOO Paid-up-Capital "^.WO Reserve Fund end Best a WO.UOO BEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, XeraeLL Madras. Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra, Kirsru*, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
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    • 62 5 WATCH IT GROW* Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK puys interest quarterly. Begin your saving now. ■.ill mm I k i 1.1 1 I mm
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    • 213 5 Oversea Chioase Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD.. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE BOAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 TO-NIGHT 6.15 9.15. 3 l L A M Success Nightly STATE FAIR The laughter, excitement and carefree gaiety of a big State Fair. .A love idyll between r. yearning country girl and a devil-may-care reporter A tattler and mother busy winning prizes with pickks and pigs.... And the son finding
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    • 548 6 Amusements CAPITOL. I LAST NIGHT TO-NIGHT 6.15 AND 9.15. Gaumont-British's comedy of Irresistible charm and Gaiety. IVOR NOVELLO AND MADELEINE CARROLL "SLEEPING CAR" with LADDIE CLIFF The Amorous Adventures of a flirtatious I Sleeping-car attendant and a Slightly I naughty young widow j To-Morrow Night—for One Night Only! I Special
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    • 576 6 RETURN Sf'REF\l\i F||R^ ONE OF THE GREATEST FILMS EVER MADE AN' J; —"DAILY MAIL." "Rome Express"! With A Mighty Cast Headed By II Twelve Famous Stars!: Suave, ye; incredibly cruel and remorse- Including CONRAD ||)r lesr. Ccnrad Veidfs characterisation of ai Zuaa the mas:: criminal, is only BWHEK RAIiiTON. typica!
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    • 336 6 TENDERS are invited for supplying uj I ing red earth for 2•» acra mi clearing approx 5 acres of land at 14 s stone, Kranji Road. Further partoloi application to MALAYAN INDUSTRIES LIMITS 9. Bras Ba-sa.h Koad. SINGAPORE. TENDERS. TENDERS FOR NUMBER PLAT AND NUMBER BOARDS Ffl FISHING BOATS STAKES.
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  • 43 7 M H I S. SUBMARINE. hjimimgne Ised At The Launching. miii N't w HamnhUc», Oct. 19,ia u.ed I c-day for the flrst •ihwmuili was mlroducfd, on the l. iiiv uinj? i»l new stibm&rinr A v'l*
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  • 49 7 I iiti|t• For Singapore And Far East. an Niur:»Jia" arrived on urilitnif>ion ilcialls tor Stngn4nd SbiUivhß*. werr 10J .■nfjiiro »rom the R.A R E. mid ddntttoa) to Urturhmpnt nf 38 jv A F. ii nn txiuru' bound for Shunehui "„n»( tup.- was a dftftOhitKiit of (nr HuiifkonK
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  • 67 7 telegraphic advice received from Inspector of Navigation at Batavia tcon Rokanower showing a bright in front of the rivermouth (2° 13. 1 43. 5' E> is burning again. 10 telegraphic advice received from ctor of Navigation at Batavia the l.uidjOng Berikat (2" 34. 0" and y [K-ssibly not
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  • 98 7 Singapore Oct. 23. BHIP9 ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Herald EEE Wharf: Rajula 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Oate »>. i-Radja 18; I poh 16; Moricka Maru 14: p 11: Kamuning 7. Kmplre Dock (Entrance Gate 1). I M Kudat 32; City of Khios 37. Empire
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  • 83 7 ,NS i-iiL'lish Girls Are Looking For Them. Sydney. English girls. Mi» H Marker M O GurvUJe. have left here Alistrulitk for 'primitive "urvnir rypia tied ibnt they com* '"I »v»hey wntited to see men n-»n no >jh much more inter*** .1»? ••(I ,u\(l (a«hiur plate* that •Vni m,.
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  • 54 7 Paris. one: the Hugeno. stronghold, nudists Two young men on iris on the island of Re. decided aaidi in the airiest possible nli okcra called the polio?, and he a*rested, clo hed and aken I buWk prosecutor's representative at were s verehj admonished and having offended public modesty.
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  • 57 7 Malls from Batavia and Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Post OffictSingapore, at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow. From China by the "Cremer," due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Havana Maru." due at Singapore on Wednesday. From South Africa and South America by the
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  • 19 7 Left And. B y Spore London Tawali" Sept 2 8 Oct. 21 "Naldera" Sept. 29 Oct 21
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  • 347 7 "Hollywood In Britain" Plan Attacked. New York. A strenuous attack on Mr. Douglas Fairbanks i£ printed in the New York American/ following- his suggestion that London may some day tecome the film centre of the world. In an article headed A Gold Brick for London." the paper says
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  • 190 7 Ingenious Swindle On Keeper Of Restaurant. Paris. The proprie.or of a f.mall restaurant in the Rue Saint Laurent was delighted when a client appeared, who announced himself as the secretary of the Roubaix Society of "The Haimony of the Concertina." and stated that he wished to
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  • 49 7 Berlin. During the second quarter of this year 2,067 Germans t migrated to countries ov rseas—an increase of 625 on the figure f:r April-June. 1932. For the first quarter of 1933. an increase of 959 who sh:wn on the numbers for the corresponding period last year.
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  • 190 7 BELLING. Singapore. Oct. 23. London 4 months' sight 2j4 5j32 London 3 months' sight London 60 days' sight 2,4 7 64 London 30 days' sigh; 3,32 London demand 2j4 1J16 London r.T. 2|4 1|32 Lyons and Paris demand 940 Hamburg demand 148 New York demand S2 Batavia and
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  • 187 7 Singapore. Oct. 23. R. (Siaml W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $121 R. (Slam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan 8111 Rice. j3. Siam N. 1 $92 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 $89 Siam, No. 1 "Sinhway" Sl6B Siam, No 2 "Sinhway" $158 Siam No. 3 "Sinhway" $147 Rice.
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  • 78 7 Mrs. Von Sirohcim OTtfcaTly Burned. Hollywood, fi'pi 'j Mrr Ejl' voii Slrohelm. v;}(c ol lilt fontou; •ilui d:r»t«wr .ind m-wn ti in a nuical c-xidi-inn siifTc-rii)f fiom butjv which ittrivrd wfoui i'rv r)vir»Do»i machine cab'hi fln- !p :i i>n*iny jndour, Mr« \uu Stnhcint was tutrned or the lt«id
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  • 87 7 A Surer Clue Than Finger Prints. Chicago, Illinois. Hair is more valuable than finger prints in tracing a criminal, according to Dr. Ispael Castellanos, Director of the National Bureau of Identification, of Havana, Cuba. In nearly all cases of violent crime. Dr. Castellanos said, traces of hair of
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  • 94 7 Ship That Vanished With 160 Men. j Helsingfors. For 40 years complete mystery has surrounded the disappearance ot the Russian monitor Rusalka" which vanished, with her crew of 160, between Revel and Helsingfors in 1896. Now Soviet salvage vessel* are reported to have found the wreck of the
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  • 87 7 ALHAMBRA —''Sia.e Fair." featuring Janet; Gt-ynor. Lew Ayres. etr. CAPITOL— The Sleeping Car." EMPIRE.—-The White Sister." GREAT WORLD. —Cabaret Dancin? sideshows. Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, Talkies: Sky—"The FloiOdara Girl." Star- -"Lather Necking." MARLBOROUGH.- Tiu Ell Spain." NEW WORLD. Cabaret Dancing, .sideshows. Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION—"Rome
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  • 158 7 Filming Flaubert's Famous Book. Paris. "Madame Bovary" Flaub rt'a famous s 1 udy of the pretty young wile ct a provincial chemist vho found h:r village life too dull, is being hlmod. the outdoor scenes en»c»ed in the picturesque country round where th? action of the
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  • 258 7 India To Have Her Own Degrees. I Simla. Sept. 20. /India will in future have her own Meoical Council and thu.s regularise the position of all Indian medical practitioners, according to measure passed in the Legislative Assembly to-day. It is the All-India Medical Council Bill which aims at
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  • 190 7 Ha rVßrtalh Escape* Krnm Police. SlniLi Aixiul ftclimnn. ui orui» iitinv u*t? bandit on *«n lit- l ,i in 6ul .mm •> prli't. Ruw within an 40 t: rxp'.utf tut <tb day Known iu fi.e "Ru-Uj hoc* nj lncUa wiftg I» h!r yu-n.l'o it-. tu &i! [j
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  • 86 7 Japanese Goods Beating British. London £vr>t 4. An Instance of bow Jaijani'sr kocmJ* b ik Inn Brltiah in the IMlrr's uwo nwrfcif*. l .-hown by figures Just received in l4Rdoii front South Africa. In and the norUi-i-ssirra poitluti cf Cape Province it to f*tlmuted lhut: Two out of
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  • 58 7 Simla. No books on Socialism, not even the works ot Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald, a;e cl lowed to political prisoners in Indian gaols. This -.tatement was made by Sir Harry Haig. the Home Member, in reply to a question asked In the Assembly here. He added that he
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  • 124 7 "Beggar With A Differe-nre" Perishes. tlAou .<■ Aj, d- OirvultVv our or irang. J U »*nr> v. ti't IciK'Wn A* Hm 'Moth-r 0 f OM Jia> ti'i'd in .rm;ic^wnc^s 3hr w 1» ,j, •n- .un dllTerni n- tiojii- 'H! «iot u hniio .d nilc ;o «W
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  • 95 7 Spoiling A President's Holiday. Barcelona. The holiday of Colore! Marin. l*lfnl||tM a Catalonia, k being made unbearable; by other holiuay-makcrs of Ootlßtl native an-1 Monarch at principle-, according to the Republican pteea When he enters any public room In the n sorts near Barcelona, certain people lean* X
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  • 57 7 Watch And Bracelet In Stream. "At uwi A mi*'" i :i fUlvwuntt Marnny -tutr S«ihl- tit the AuUf, »nj! InxU ul «I 1» urh or hp old r» ur ,u pultai u|i lift.' l-nld w.iMi A Uoii WIUm i*M« r nitOllivj i mult on •>H N*Ml< Mivloh Of
    57 words
  • 63 7 Twin Sisters Commit Suicide Together. Budapest, Sept. 5. An extraordinary double suicide of two married twin sisters is repoited from Madaral 'Hungary) Madame Paul Paul and Madame Mich I who were both married on the MUM day. committed suiclrir simultaneously by throw ing themselves into a
    63 words
  • 49 7 Pa.-is. The number of French visitors |c Eiiulun 1 du.ini: July, was 30 per Bent higher than any previous, total recorded for the same period It is expected that the figures for Am-ust will show an increase of about fevty per cent on previous years. jjfJLJ
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 SMCftPOm HOTIIS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms Apply;— Manager, I LAN X A HOTEL I i
      148 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 75 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Las* fe»t(ra*j. Nijcut Mnx Bright Mm ttemti K_;ufi»n s>«i'i>.iUi<-. Teano BtaOooi D-a P irn hat Ho**n c •V* Btsr ns Oil S.C W vac 1 43 2.0 71 Trxagjans :,.> n.l 6.1 74 h.iki' J,: un 0.13 t>y Kalacea j.7 0.67 10 4 72
      75 words
    • 114 7 I POSTAL INTELLIGENCE SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. "Ceylon, Egypt and Europe (Cap St. Jacques) 3 p.m. 'Ceylon, Egypt. Europe and Gt. Britain «Boringia) 4 p.m. TO-MORROW. 'Ceylon. Southern and Western India Egypt, Europe and U.S.A. "President Harrison; 1] a.m Tembilahan and Rengat (Hong Lam I noon Tenibilahan (Ban Siong Bee)
      114 words
    • 359 7 > I WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, OCT 23. High Tides —1 a.m.. 12.20 p.m Meeting. Singapore Psychological Association Adelphi Hotel. 5.15 ;-.m. Chinese League Football. Rumah Miskin v Coleman, 3.C.F.A. Hockey: S.C.R.C. II v. Wiltshire Zl S.C.R.C IA v. Khalsa, LA.; S RC. II v. S.C.C
      359 words

  • 53 8 Dr S K Um tUni Sotn KUn> aire 43. passed m |iei"*cfu]iv it his residence N'• Ito BtnoolCn S on Sur.duv morning. Voving t vlrt-« fcon or.d bro'lier Um Sw.n Chin io mourn his lcs* Funeral on Tuesday morning itt Id tm to EukU Hrourt» Cemetery. Dp
    53 words
  • 714 8 The revolt in Siam has come to an inglorious end and prices are on the heads of the rebel Prince Bovaradej and the higher officers under his com mand. If the latest stories which emanate from Bangkok are true, many of the soldiers who fought under the
    714 words
  • 217 8 Comments By The Way. iirHEN Jockey W. ids worth met with an W accident at the Singapore racea in September, reference was made m tn» r-olumn to the desirability of the practice, adopted in other comitriM, notably Australia. of imbulance follow the races at a rair
    217 words
  • 167 8 THE Ordinance prohibiting cracker firing contains a specific clause allowing the Chinese masses to fire backers at certain hours during their period of festive jubUatwa But the Tamils and their favourite districts of Serangoon and Tanjong pagar were not obviously remembered by the framers of the 0/^ na
    167 words
  • 169 8 DURING the last year the S.V.C. has concentrated on stimulating the social side of Volunteering and at Christmas an entertainment is to be given M the Victoria Memorial Hall. The artists will be drawn from among the members of the S.V.C, and the programme will be in the
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  • 95 8 During the early hours of Thursday morning a fire started in the house of Mr Roland Stephen, of Whittall and Co., Ford Road. Klang. Though the Fire Brigade arrived within a short time and gained control of the fire, the house had been practically
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  • 30 8 Mr. L. J. B. Madden, of Taiping. has left for Japan on a holiday. Mr. Lucock, of the Taiping prison staff, and Mrs. Lucock. have returned from Home furlough.
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  • 129 8 Mr. D. H. Elias is gazetted v General Manager, 'F.M.S. Railways. Mr. H. G. B. Harris is to act as Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S. The wedding took place at St. Mary's Church, on Thursday afternoon, of Mr. N. Ward, M.C.S., Assistant Adviser, Kota Tinggi and Miss Evelyn
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  • 106 8 The death took place on Sept. 18 in London of Eliza Jane Bradbery. widow of the late E. Bradbery, Harbour Master, Penang, aged 79 years. The matter of Mr. Cheah Lean Ouan in which the petitioning creditor applied for Receiving Order before Mr. Justice Cobbett in the Supreme Court,
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  • 83 8 Mr. S. Kandaswami, Indian Interpreter, Magistrate's Court, Raub, is retiring from Government service at the end of this month, as it has been decided that the appointment of Indian Interpreter at Raub be abolished. Mr. Kandaswami is just completing 10 years of service. He was stationed in Kuala Lumpur
    83 words
  • 417 8 It is now "Smithy's" turn to matt-. "Ulm." v *i a Argentina, it is said, shipped v million wild animals' hide last year. Cuba might trj that a few of her wild animals. A It is estimated that in industry more than 2,< sight of one eye
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 j -j. §f|fe TBE SEARCH J j IS ENDED. i Your search for the ideal j j Horrockses Flannelettes. I I B I:is material which has the j I Jf I :tl vantages of wool, wears j 1 IL/ ii't washes excellently, and J j B^^^^ iS guaranieed ladeless j
      215 words
    • 75 8 RELIABLE GRAMOPHONES With powerful double spring motor, solid oak case, and amazing tone for $25.00 only. SEASON CO., LTD., Singapore. SCIENTIFIC GOLD JEWELLERY. Highly appreciated by High Court Judges, Ministers to Government and other eminent public men. FULL CATALOGUE FREE. The Scientific Gold Bangle* Co., Ltd., 104, China Bazar Road,
      75 words

  • 88 9 MIGHTY TUG-OF-WAR WITH PRESIDENT. KAILWAYMEN MAY JOIN THE CONFLICT. Dollar To Be Revalued. Immediate Fall In Prices On 1 be Stock Exchange. rie: V recovery drive faces a national strike of i which railwaymen are being asked to join. The m |>n -se i.-
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  • 538 9 Reuter Wireless. Washington. Oct. 22. 4 MIGHTS tug-of-war between PresioVnl Roosevelt and two million tera in 23 States is in ppygp Tl i situation is at present farm strike regions Roosevelt's broadcast to-night. \j, M Reno (chairman of the day Association) is mmg to(
    Reuter Wireless.  -  538 words
  • 282 9 Early Revaluation Of The Dollar. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 23. "Our troubles won't be over tomorrow. It may take a year or three years, but we are headed in the right direction," declared President Roosevelt in his broadcast to the nation. Four million people had been reemployed since the
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 84 9 inal lirAult Of Norwegian Kkction. Reuter. Oslo, Oct. 20. 1 itlis tbe general elect.,i„ 'ittuv i,i xhow that although »>H .oiit-j. it is without a vcr all parties, but the l, :uiiHU(. of the party has "inuon uxpcctlue the .r» i utl ovt i ihe Government ,vs AH]*
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 61 9 States Surrounding Russia Sign It. Reuter Wireless. Moscow, Oct. 20. The ratified copy has been signed by the King of Afghanistan of the London Convention defining the aggressor State, which has been concluded between the Soviet, Poland, Rumania and Afghanistan and has been deposited with the Commissariat for
    Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 45 9 Reuter Wireless. Casablanca. Oct. 18. Mr. Douglas Fairbanks, on his arrival here, gave the quietus to the report that Hollywood's "ideal couple** were going to secure a divorce. He said that he and Mary Pickford were going to remain married —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  45 words
  • 247 9 Collapse In Cinema. CALLED MEETING ON SCHOOL FEES. 'J'HE sudden death took place on Saturday night, from heart failure, of Dr. S. K. Lim, a well-known member of the Chinese community. Dr. Lim, who had been suffering from diabetes and kidney trouble for some time, was looking
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  • 163 9 How He Dodged The Gambling Laws. Reuter Wireless. London. Oct. 20. The Duke of Atholl's fund has garnered the slim of £161,000. The Duke allocates £59.000 tti rhSTttiW and £36.000 to holders of tickets, the numbers cf which will be published. The remainder has gone in various expenses.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  163 words
  • 66 9 Drive For Lindberg Baby Snatchers. Reuter Wireless. Washington. Oct 1«, Encouraged by the ouutandlng oUcce&% of the champaign again*! kidnappers, the Department of Jtutlce la undertaking a fuller and belter eo-ordinuf-rd lnveittiKntion. of the kidnapping nf Colonel Llndberg* ha by last year. President Rrosevelt has approved of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 355 9 OFFICERS' WIVES DROWNED. Many Dead. Tragedy On Inland Sea. Reuter. Tokyo, Octfl 22. •JHE "Yashima Maru," a thousandton inland sea passenger vessel, foundered in a storm near Kobe on Oct. 20, among the victims being the wives of Lieut. Commanders E. J. Prevost and J. O.
    Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 99 9 Volunteers Promise A Treat For Singapore. Singapore this year is promised something new in the way of entertainment at Christmas time. The Volunteers are producing a pantomime on the real old fashioned lines, with a topical flavour. The whole of the cast will be found from the Volunteers
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 188 9 First Pictures Of Siamese Revolt. Rush Service By "Malaya Tribune" And The A. P. S. HPHE "Malaya Tribune" made special arrangements to secure the latest news concerning the Sia mese rebellion, and thanks to the excellent technical service rendered by the Amateur Photo Store, of 109, North Bridge Road, Singapore,
      188 words
    • 212 9 The Good f Fizzing Sparkling! Health in a glass! To ilk f£\ drink a glass of Phosferine Health Salt in t'?T I the morning is to feel good, is So feel well s^ f^£p^ m .(i(i 2 all day. Gone are all the poisons and wastes V"/^^^"\\rpi M from the
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  • 226 10 UNGKU ISMAIL'S FEAT. BATTLE WITH THE CURRENT. Crocodile Dangers. First Malay To Succeed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Oct. 22. ITNGKU Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the Third Magistrate, Johore Bahru, on Friday swam across the Straits of Johore to Singapore. He is the first Malay
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  • 325 10 Tungning Captured. I I CHINESE RISING IN MANCHURIA. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, Oct. 23. pOLLOWING the transfer of tile main forces of Japanese and Manchukuo troops to the ManchuriaSoviet frontier, the Chinese Volunteers in the Three Province are active again. The units under Gen. Hing Vi
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  325 words
  • 63 10 Mails Received From The North. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 22. RAIL communication was restored between Chiengmai and Bangkok this morning when the first train for eleven days reached Bangkok from the northern capital with an accumulation of mails from up-country towns. Gengkoi station on
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  • 85 10 Time To Change Method Of Appointment? The Committee of the Singapore Ratepayers" Association has discussed the question of improvements in the present system of appointing Municipal Commissioners and it was decided to write to other communal associations In Singapore cnquiiing the:r views on this matter and whether they
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  • 61 10 Success Of A Japanese Expedition. Shanghai. Oct. 23. Sixty Japanese scientists who have been on an explc at ion expedition in Mongolia and Manchuria for the last two months, have returned to Dairen. They claim that thfy have secured 850 specimens cf plants a qur tor of
    61 words
  • 71 10 "So Big," the Vainer Bros, feature starrir- j Barbara Stanwyeh. was shc»n to crowded houses at the Pavilion theatre over the weekend. To-day. Rome Express." the tremendously successful Gaumont-Eritish super-special, will j be re-screened by special request, for one night j only. To-morrnw "It's a Boy!" the Gainsborough
    71 words
  • 220 10 Several Victims During The Week-End. A SERIES of street accidents occurred during the week-end, resulting in injury to several persons, including two Europeans. Fortunately, none of the victims was seriously injured. Shortly before noon yesterday, Lance-Corporal Michael Newton, of the Ist Wiltshire Regiment, whilst riding a motor-cycle along
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  • 159 10 Reuter Wireless. Barlin. Oct. 18. The Supreme Court spent the afternoon touring the underground tunnel connecting the Reichstag with the residence of the Reichstag President. Afterwards, the Press were conducted through the labyrinthine of the tunnel, in which a stranger could easily lose his way. It is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  159 words
  • 181 10 Premier's Final Budget Appeal. Reuter. Paris, Oct. 22. THE Government's position appears to be grave as a compromise formula satisfying the conflicting demands has not yet been found. The final appeal of M. Daladier (Premier) declares that unless the Budget proposals are accepted the situation of
    Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 254 10 Master-Thief Ci^ PLEADS* GUILTY CHARGES. 1 bag. seme clothing, a fashionable winter coat anc several othev article which the accused had stolen in tha course of his nefarious profession. The two o'her Chinese who were found living "with the Dtcucd will be charged In due course
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  • 190 10 {Revolution Photos By km i.*. The A. P S. STREETS PATROLLED: —One of the many Government tanks which were used to patrol the streets of the capital at the time when the exact extent of the rising was not known. EMBASSY ENDANGERED: —This shell
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 23 10 THE Overseas Assurance CORPORATION. 11 Mi l hi), China Building, Cfavfta street 'PHONE 5808. SIXCU'm fire, mm, i VEHICLES WORKMEN COMPENSATION INSI RAMI
      23 words

  • 589 11 ONE OF WORLD'S RICHEST MEN. Croesus." Uin-ll AltK BIGGEST hhmtnes I 1 I In* Malayan milIi Ivi Ton*; Sen. as i rtm'-Uf." "Pari* i Mm- ni uorM' ...I ununt'ier aiul rubbe. 4 m, KII Van# Sarip (as 11in'""' known) i* now re I.>rni< pylare. Almost lla moved
    589 words
  • 40 11 T •<•■ Y.w.c.A. is issuing an appeal to interested in the movement to any cast-off clothing to the asso*s headquarters. It will be sold jne mmble sale which is to be held Hostel in Raffles Quay on Oct. 27
    40 words
  • 360 11 Twice Elected Speaker Of Assembly. Geneva. Oct. 22. THE death occurred to-day at 1.30 p.m. of Mi Vithalbhai J Putel. former President of the Indian Legislative Assembly.—Reuter. Mr. Vithalbhai J. Palel, the veteran Indian Congress politician, was recently a civil disobedience prisoner and was released belore
    360 words
  • 55 11 The last sitting of the Batu Pahat Assises for the year opened this morning before Mr. Mr. Jtt«tic* A. SavK-T" Ualley. There are time ca?es en the list, two Of which are fc: aliened minder md me for aUscWfc* bj fie hetides two criminal rppeuls. T>e Muar
    55 words
  • 126 11 One Rubs Chilly In Eyes Of The Other. AN unusual and amusing scene was witnessed in the Kandang Kerbau district yesterday morning when an Indian and a Chinese woman had a disagreement. The daughter of the Indian was grinding a quantity of chilly when the Chinese woman came
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  • 145 11 To Visit Kuala Lumpur And Fraser's Hill. H. E. the Governor, accompanied by Lady Clementi and the Misses Clementi. and attended by the personal staff will leave Singapore fat Kuala Lumpur by the night mail on Friday. Oct. 27. and will stay at King's House from Saturday. Oct.
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  • 172 11 Deepavali Treat To Indian Lepers. The annual Deepavah Ueat tu Indian lepers r.iven by the other members of their community took place on Wednesday at the Sunyel Buloh Settlement, when fifteen members of the Selungor Indian Association, Including the president. Mr K. K. Benjamin, and thf organiser,
    172 words
  • 54 11 One of the two anti-aircraft guns of the S.R.A. (v). during practice at Bedok yesterday. The Volunteers fired them for the first time. «wtine the fuse of one of the shells, so that it will burst near the target. B which was towed by an
    54 words
  • 466 11 Successful Shoot. AIR FORCE MACHINE TOWS TARGET. from the Royal Air Force Base at Seletar went up yesterday for the purpose of being fired at by the S.R.A. (v)., who held their first practice shoot with full charges at Bedok in the morning. The machine, however,
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  • 372 11 Soviet 'Planes May Boriib Harbin. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, Oct. 22. A message from Harbin states that the Soviets are contemplating sending hundreds of bombing 'planes to the Manchurian border with» the view, in case hostilities break out between her and Japan over the Chinese Eastern
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  372 words
  • 139 11 STRANGE CONDUCT." Detective's Story To Magistrate. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct. 21. A DETECTIVE told the District Judge. Mr. B. R. Whileho'os.' to-day that he had b rved Lim £iow K:e, a Hvlam. "in strange p'ndact." He raid Blow Kee would walk i ngJy up and down Fir: t
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 WW mmW mW WW AW ;i'' The P ,e "»nt and effective method of correcting IjjllGPwU CONSTIPATION jli if AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES is to take WAMPOLE'S WS I MAGNOLAX jli ~Z-rr E!t£>. H »m 77 Magnolax is a scientific com- Ik -—binatic nof Mineral Oil and Milk jj .JT_V-
      132 words

  • 80 12 SELANGOR TEAM'S HOCKEY TRIUMPH. SINGAPORE WILTS BEATEN. VISITORS WIN WITH SUBSTITUTES AT TANG LIN. Selangor's State hockey team returned last night to the federal Capital, after havlr.g established their superiority over the best opposition that could be fielded by Singapore and the Wiltshires respectively. On Saturday they gained a well-deserved
    80 words
  • 1242 12 'THOUGH fielding four substitutes in place of some of the stalwarts who had helped them to beat the redoubtable Singapore side on •the previous day, the Selangor State hockey team had no difficulty in beating the Wiltshires yesterday mi Tanglin. They won by the decisive
    1,242 words
  • 93 12 Jockey Irvine's Condition Grave. i From Our Own Correspondent., Ipoh, Oct. 23. Jockey Irvine remained unconscious throughout Saturday night and was removed to Batu *Ga:ah hospital on Sunday morning where he is still unconscious. His erudition is grave. The Raring Stewards held a lengthy inquiry in connection with
    93 words
  • 376 12 Local Police Officer's Success. rpHE second cycling carnival organised by the at tITTr™ 11 to k P,ace >' est «-day mornirg at the Jalan Bc=ar Stadium wi h 4o oar i clpants in the seven events on the nroa-ramm inspector Lowe of the S:ngapte Pof cTwa S
    376 words
  • 207 12 Trials Before Meeting Singapore. i From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Oct. 22. Another hockey trial was played on Saturday on the Malacca Club Padang. The following two sides did duty: COLOURS: M. Alcantra; H. M. de Sou?o Jr.. M. Toledo; Eusof bin Haji Said. R Leon Abbas: J.
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  • 84 12 Swatow Seeks Healthiest Man Over 60. Shanghai. Oct. 22. The Municipality of Swatow is holding a competition to find out who is the healthiest man above GO years of age. The competition ls attracting much interest The train conveying the Liaoning and Kirin athletes who took part In
    84 words
  • 90 12 Rousing; Welcome For Girl Champion. Shanghai. Oct. 23. ••China's Venus/ Ihat Ls the app UatiT grvc n to-Miss Yang Shau King of Hcngkon-' China's chan pion swimmer, who was given a rousing welcome when she KrtMd yesterday morning to attend the ceremony fcr the cecemcny for the launching
    90 words
  • 166 12 Uzcudun's Pluck. MUSSOLINI WATCHES THE FIGHT. Reuter. Rome, Oct. 22. pKIMO Camera retained his world's heavyweight championship title to day by beating Paolini Uzcudun on points in a fifteen-round fight here. The Piazza Disiena, where the fight took place, was illuminated by floodlight. Fifty thousand people including
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 339 12 Handicaps For Second Day. Handicaps for the second day of the races at Ipoh. to be held to-morrow, are as fohows: RACE I—Ponies Cla-s 3 5 fur.'—2.3o p.m. FESt Up 9.0. Mickey Mouse 8.12, Lucky Number 5.12. Yellow River 3.7. Timcang 8.4, The Imp 8.2. Iri-,h Lady 7.9,
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  • 144 12 Two Asiatic Fifteens To Meet In Seremban. (From Our Oum Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 22. The following teams will meet in a friendly rugger fixture an th? padang on Friday Oct H GOVT. SUBORDINATES XV: 8 Marimuthu; Loo Sie-.v Kim. J. o. Reutens. Loo Siew Hin. N. M.
    144 words
  • 29 12 Holder Retains Amateur Title. Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 23. «Z >v J W Harrison (Shanghai. *on the China amateur golf championshio to-Uay with an aggregate of 305 —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 123 12 Inter-Team Tournament Results. RESULTS and tics in the inter-team lawn tennis tournament at the S.C.R.C. are ai follows: Loh Poon Eip's team v. Tan Hucfl Toe's team (unfinished). Woon Chow Tat's team beat Chua Choon Leong's team, by 3 matches to Cheong Chee Tongs team beat Cheoni?
    123 words
  • 122 12 Result', in the Chinese Association's single handicap lawn tank) tournament over the week-end were as fellow Dr. Loh beat Dr. Wee 6—o (retired) Koh Thian Seng beat Yeo Men;. Scah C—3 (retiree'). Harold Tan beat Tan Ah Hun? two.), Woon Chow Tat beat J. P. Tham (ra), Hee
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  • 58 12 J. T. Smith Completes Triple Success. J k m**— LsLand and island Club golf champion, registered his third success In local golf by annexing the championship or the Singapore Golf Club yesterday He beat S. N. Kelly in the final at BlW: Timahj at the 38th hole,
    58 words
  • 255 12 IRISH SWEEP DRAW. A CONVENT GIRL'S LUCK. Miss M. Ferrao. £1,707,717 Allotted For Prizes. London. Oct tl JHE Irish Hospitals sweep on Cambridgeshire, to be run to morrow, has realised £2,72f,.nL'8 and of this sum £1,707,717 is available for distribution to holders of tickets drawing
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 69 13 CHAMPIONS CREEPING UP. hmvrNOCK register clever win hH M OVER ST. JOHNSTONE. 1 -i year's L >asue champions, are steadily I 1 iV-t Division table, and are now only .11 spurs after having been ninth b»ely 1 tsmoutli. who were at the top then, nave
    69 words
  • 1306 13 «niYN match** in the h and Scottish football series of interestbig teams. p* 8 had a run of bad luck, m and moving up r:n ;V' in the tables. The N occupy the bottom p: n tt First Division table. 0* in lh < the results as
    1,306 words
  • 70 13 sutet,;. Pataudl has definitely ™< pe will not take part in the <unne 121 India against England dis n f i rihc min g MCC tour. Pfatbntw intend t0 P la y much PU.C?w? cx P ef, ted to play against *des. r two of the
    70 words
  • 16 13 untitled has been appointed untitled *W 1 v inang, while Mr. W. M. > Rr -ident Councillor,
    16 words
  • 57 13 Emile Hirrschfeld. the well-known German weight putter who until recently held the world's record for this event equalled the new worlds record of 16.05 metres (52 feet, 7-7.8 Inches) established by Z. Heljasz of Poland last year, at a meeting at Allenstein. In equalling the world's record
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  • 24 13 Mr G L Ham has been appointed to be Under Secretary. Straits Settlemente, and Mr. A. B. Jordan to be Secretary for Chinese Affairs.
    24 words
  • 696 13 Serious Accidents. A MALAYAN RECORD EQUALLED. I (From Our Own Correspondenx.) Ipoh, Oct. 21. I rpHE totalisators and cash sweeps were poorly supported at the opening day of the Perak Turf Club's four-day professional race meeting this afternoon, due probably to the presence of a large gang
    696 words
  • 248 13 Tournament Results And' Ties. FRIDAY'S ties in the lawn tennis tournament at the S.R.C. resulted as follows: •B" SINGLES. O. G. Struys (owe 3) beat C. R. Eber (scr.) 6—3, 6—2. MEN'S DOUBLES: Dr. W. A. Balhetchet and H. N. Balhetchet (owe 15.3) beat R c. Balhetchet and
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  • 101 13 For seventy-five years Siddi Wastad, who was a champion wrestler in 1850. and who is at least 130 years old, has been drawing a pension. Siddi. son of a negro father and an Arab mother, was one of the famous wrestlers in the Court of H.H. Maharajah
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 461 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated to Use Strata Settlement*). HEAD OPTICS: Great Saltern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OPTICS: 27. Old Jewry. 8.0. The Company hai £20,000 deposited wltb the Supreme Court of England and oomplieg with the
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  • 456 15 Idols' Shattered. TOAST, BEER AND OYSTERS. (From Our Otcn Corrcsvondent.j Lnodon, Oct. 6. pAT men are happy, so they say— but for every half-pint of beer taken by a man on a slimming diet he would have to play squash rackets for half an hour
    456 words
  • 186 15 Champion Trumpeter And His False Teeth* Berlin. A CHAMPION trnmpmr and a set Cf false teeth will be the main exhibit* in a unique lawsuit in the mountain town of Traunsteli). Bavuri',, In a neighbouring village ther' is mutii rivalry between two rival musical clubs. Each club
    186 words
  • 173 15 Fine And Compensation Ordered. (rrom Uur Own Corretvoiulsnt.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 21. The case was concluded in the Police Court to-day in which R. P. Thomson, a European planter, was charged with voluntarily causing hurf: to a ricksha puller by driving a motor-car so rashly and negligently
    173 words
  • 151 15 Girl Due To Be Married In November. "tow ilur Oh'V Ccrrt 'povCcni t Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 21. An inquest. was hold to-tluy on Die body of a Chines** woman 22 years of age. The deceased was the adopted daugh- ter of a Government pensioner iivlnK at i
    151 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 113 15 Do >w v. Realr.* the N hup****** of a fgrt Moihcinal Soap? Th«*n DM I I TH 1 HA x, U A the pmnm% inawlients ami Mr d.tlM«k»«fllnMl l ,r r V r ,,,„,.kin(ro..M f Jiubut i C Ointment and Talcum MMiter Fhipps ,<l l nioti Building. Siatfap Backache? tf
      113 words
    • 122 15 FOR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS WITH Prof. Dr. WOLFF-EISNER Santuben Tubercoline Preparations. Twenty years experience in over 18,000 cases (see Lancet June 29, p. 1367 and Medical Press, June 26, p. 530). BUP PLUS AND PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS: E. M. ABDULLA CO, 27, Robinson Road, Singapore. LODHRA
      122 words
    • 14 15 Ugly yellow stain in your teeth can be quickly removed with KOLYNOS I j
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 266 15 CLVB DIARY. (There are numerous clubs and Sodtute m Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary in provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date, and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 471 16 W. HASSAN.! ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. M-37, Bras Basah Read, SINGAPORE. If you are In need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone Mil TO LET. j m+mmm m SIANG LEVI PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933.
      471 words
    • 412 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—N» w Bungalow. 163-A, Haig Road, (Jectrie, water, garage. Rent cheap. Apply v.ithin. TO LET —117, Kllliney Road, modern sanitation and garage, modetate rent. Apply 64 Market Street. TO LET—I-C, Sea Avenue, Katcng, comfortable 2-stcrey house, garage, 200 yds. from sea. $30
      412 words
    • 550 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. m WANTEE>—Cashier. Storekeeper and Bill Colhcto.-. Cash sreurity required Apply C.C.C., co Malaya Tribune. WANTED—Salesman with sound knowledge cf Hous hold hardware. Write Box No 231 c o Malaya Tribune. WANTED-Urgently an efficient Advertising Compositor, frr a Singapore Daily Newspaper Gccd salary to first-class man. Write to Box
      550 words
    • 559 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. g:, 1 l NEW YEAR SPORTS, 1934. Not ice A Public Meeting will be held in the Singapore Cricket Club, en Monday. October 23rd, at 5.15 p.m. to consider the desirability of holding Land and Sea Sports on January Ist, 1934, and if approved of: —To appoint Committee
      559 words
    • 534 16 j Special Grana S "afei from I Ist to 31st October A DRASTIC DISCOUNT Qp 30 per cent. is being allowed on all marked prices 4 Clocks Watches. New Shipments of the very Law' Designs and Models in Clocks HZ Watches just received j Do not fail to pay us
      534 words