Malaya Tribune, 21 October 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX, ■No. 250 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 *IVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Oct. 21, 1933 Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 jtedd The] Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya QUALITY CIGARS DISTRIBUTORS CIGAR CO. 39 1. Ins IS. Droin |> <.roov f into which long filler 6 cutting and bunching long U| T 1 J I J I j 1 1 1 Natl A—Trimminß CiffV- inspection of finished I. Long filler ready
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    • 45 1 A. FLINTER, 6, Raffles Place, Singapera, Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest price* according to daily exchange rates. w»mmmmmmmmmmm iimt
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  • 144 2 My dear Nieces. Contributions have come in well but I node* that all of you are taking a very little interest in our -legate. It certainly looks as if debates are not interesting encuch However, I am keeping the debate open
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  • 383 2 'By Sweet Star.'; Auntie Lir*.zie had set an interesting subject for our debate. Last week sister "Lucky Star" wrote an article in favour of town life. Bravo sister! That is the spirit of a member of the "Girls' Corner." Though I cannot take your side I
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  • 156 2 (By Happy Neo."J In all western countries it has lon~ been the custom to take a census of the people. The reason is that it is valuable for the Government, merchants and others to have this information. For instance, the Government can. with the help of the figures,
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  • 122 2 (By "Y. K. N." e i l0 X, I*™ very lad mv «"*icle was published last week. Thanks to the Editor as well as Auntie Lizzie. Politeness is a mark of respect shown by a person to his superiors. A courteous person »nows that he comes from a respected
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  • 207 2 The Frogs Desiring A King." ißy Janet Gaynar.") The frogs were living in a marshy swamp, and they were very happy without other people troubling them. One day they made a petition to send to Jove, saying that they wished migthy Jove to send somebody to rule over them. Jove
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  • 407 2 'By "Night Mare.") 0 One bright summer day a number of little e girls were out walking with their teacher. They talked two by two, and were very happy, for e the sun was shinirig brightly ?nd everything y looked gay. u On their way they came
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  • 209 2 (By Dream Lover.") There are a lot of friends whom I know and I am very friendly with them all and I like them. I enjdy chatting, joking and teasing them for a few minutes and then I go oft. But when I talk of my friend
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  • 130 2 (By "Lady Rowtna") Hello, girls. "Happy Neo" persuaded me U join the "Girls' Corner" and I agreed to hei proposal. Although my knowledge is not s< good. I try to write something fof our "belovet Corner." "Happy Neo." and I are sisters. I went to
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  • 752 2 (By "Jean."J One of my ambitions is to have a library I do not mean the kind of library which i* usually found in tic hom*s of the rich: a library where rows and rows oi' expensively bound books look down upon ycit with a dignity that is almost
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 229 2 l V The flawless beauty of scores of famous Hollywood stars is in the safe keeping of rfaiitv white Lux Toilet Soap. They depend upon SECRET its soothing lather to keep their complexions OF smooth and young. Why not keep your THE STARS skin under the care of this chosen
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    • 77 2 First Edition BUKU KARANGAN PR AN AX AN KAWIN (Poem of Straits Chinese Wedding). Price 50 Cent? a Book. CHINESE HISTORICAL STORY BOOKS in STRAITS MALAY ROMANIZE. KOU CHYE TIAX.!) Books Complete SONG KANG, 19 Books Complete. Price |1 a Book. Also BUKU PANTON SPECIAL EXTRA-TURN SONGS. Xyanyi-an Kronchongs Stambols
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  • 839 3 How Problem Might Be Solved. 'THERE are two problems which should A demand instant attention by the State, and it behoves every thinking citizen to bring whatever pressure he can towards solution, even though improvement to a small extent only is achieved, writes Judge Whitmore Richards
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  • 104 3 Belgrade. Judge Jakob Urbah, formerly President of the Court of Slavonskl Brod has been sentenced to five months' imprisonment by the High Court of Sremska Mitrovitza. He was charged with seven cases of fraudulent use of State funds and with having given wrong judgments for his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 220 3 iveep him at his best I with a strengthening, iy-building course of St arrs Emulsion W^^^ proud mother longs to boy always strong and always at his best. Just &u/l&k O'l r\S Emulsion and j /}\§L need have no fear. SCOTT'S /vf 1 builds his body, hardens and maintains health.
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    • 204 3 I Y° ur Children IP TROUBLE Children and Babies generally do in this climate. Why not protect them against the danger of skin irritations and inflamations? Nivea Creme is the ideal cure. Rub a little Nivea Creme into your skin every time after washing. In the case of prickly heat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 504 4 M HASSAN. ELECTIUCAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 86-37, Bras Banah R»ad, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 8411. TO LET. SIANG LEVI PARK Further Reductions of Rents frcm Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
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    • 574 4 TO LET. < TO LET—New Bungalow. 163-A, Haig Road, i electric, water, garage. Rent cheap. Apply within. i TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Slglap, furnished, by day or month. Apply Yeo Chiang Swee, 153, Grove Road. Thone 7405. TO LET—I-C, S:a Avenue, Katcng, comfortable 2-storey house, garage, 200 yds. from sea.
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    • 448 4 EDUCATIONAL. THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 541, Geylang Road, Day and Evening classes in preparation for the L.C.C. and the Professional Exams. Conducted by experts in daily practical touch with big organisations. English day classes from Primary to Senior Cambridge re-open on 4th Sept. Particulars from the Principal. FAR EASTERN MUSICAL
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    • 289 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. By virtue cf an crder of Ccuri dated 13th Octobts, 1933. Suit No. 730 of 1933. Bet we: n SHAIK ALI EBRAHIMJI, Plaintiff Versus 1. KHUBCHAND DETARAM, 2. D. HOONDAMAL, 3. H. MULCHAND, Defendants. AUCTION
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    • 650 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF FRANK BATEMAN, DECEASED. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 144 (Trustees). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors or other persons having any claims and demands upcn or agair.a th? Estate of Prank Bateman, deceased, of No. 16. Burmah Road, Singapore, who died on the
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    • 448 4 \Wk b Ukkkv 1 J STRAITS TYPfc\VKiTi; K AG^ (Established !u liM) Stationers and Repair- rg M-A. Change Alley. Sln,,^ Oe; Ring as up for mechanics m c »s* typewriter Is out of order, and n-vds lmcHfc attention. Monthly cleaning- r offices undertaken, and can bt tnasjfl receipt of
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  • 172 5 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYING Germany's Action. MANY bas thrown an outsize in mto the complicated mehe international machine. shortly after the British v had made a statement hat the Powers now resby treaties should not increase ments, and that henceforth ienl should manufacture or art her weapons of the
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  • 180 5 Hto happen now? The thought ther war is appalling, but. if decides to heavily re-arm, equally certain to decide that prevent that by force of arms. Prance declares war on Gervill that solve the problem? The re long gone when a people enslaved and it was quite posit
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  • 218 5 THE necessity for taxing the food of the poor is another matter altogether and it is futile to argue that the tax is a small one. Food taxes were imposed in 1932 on sugar and kachang oil and they were increased in 1933. There is no guarantee, and
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  • 521 5 Light On The Recent Resignation. THOUGH the resignation Of the Persian Cabinet is announced, no reason is given for this event, writes Arthur Merton in the 'Observee." But anyone who, like myself, has been recently in Persia, will find it difficult to believe that this
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  • 285 5 First International Show. enterprising organisation on the Plaz Piloudski, Wai saw—the Institute for Art Propaganda—known to the yourg Polish artists as "I.P.S has rendered yet another service to European art in its organisation of a most impressive international exhibition of wood engravings in its well-lit galleries, writes
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  • 50 5 Berlin. Neu-Ruppin Brown Shirts led a woman through the streets with a placard on her chest and back inscribed "I, shameless person. Gertrude Koss, of Berlin, have dared to remain seated during the singing of the Orst Wessel iong. I thus mock the victims of the National Revolution."
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 which is easily applied and %*a'l Wh Ch d eS (t ffet out of PlaCC CVen Whe aPPUed t0 a ,oint sholl,d therefore always be at hand. N.V. Straits Java Trading Co-
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    • 456 5 COMES EAST! AGENCY FOR GREAT ANGLO-AMERICAN CHEMISTS' BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN SINGAPORE. A NOTHER link between East and West is established by the in Singapore of REX ALL, the great Anglo-American Pharmaceutical and Toilet goods enterprise. REXALL is the trading name of the United Drug Company, Ltd., of Nottingham, England; Boston,
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  • 1597 6 Shipping News Notices. NOTED MARITIME STIMULUS. Science And Way Out Of The Slump. rpO-DAY the Shipping Exhibition at Olympia enters upon its final week, closing on Saturday in mail week. The first half of its operations has provided a notable marine stimulus. A record number of foreign visitors, and an
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  • 55 6 Grant For Improvement Of Service. Shanghai, Oct. 19. rpHE Central Government has authorised the proposed loan of the China Merchants Stream Navigation Company of $15.000.000 from the local banks. This sum represents half of the amount which the has granted to the company fo>- the improvement of
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  • 620 6 Open Verdict Returned At Inquest. MR. Ingleby Oddle-, the Paddii:?ton Coronn, helc. an inquest on the body of Commander Cecil Brook:, formerly Commodore of the P. and O. fleet, who disappeared on June 16 Commancei' Brccks had been to th? Continent in connection with negotiations for the purchase
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  • 101 6 Construction Of Submarines Begun. Aecordirg to derails published by "El Debato a new submarine, construction of which was begun at Carthagena on Sept. 23. is the first of a series of this undersea craft to be built for the Spanish war fleet. The new submarine has a displacement
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  • 642 6 The Vexed Question Of Retaliation. IT is perfectly tleac that at the present rate British carg? tramp shipping will cease to exist. Th'? figures show that, and a graph of the position over the past 15 years indicates that the end will come, and come comparatively quickly." This
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 525 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. ii, p. o. BRITISH INDIA AND J APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., 'ONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE (Under Contract with Kis Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933. SOMALI 6.810 Oct.
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    • 189 6 IWUOYO TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Si""?, at Aj Penan B. Colombo. Bombay, Karachi, Aden. Massowah Suez Pn^ Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and T>Lf < Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. iTieste. I Due Leave Due mv HIL
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    • 209 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE DCUtSCh IHdSI Dampfschlils IBTCj Gesellschaft. (Companies Incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. 1 s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Nov 1 tm s. BURGENLAND, via Manila Nov 14 t s.s. OLDENBURG, via Manila Nov 29 t m£. KULMERLAND. via Manila D-c' 12 1 m.s.
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    • 588 6 STEAMER SAILINGS, j NOBDDEUTSCBEt Gennanrj. OUTWARDS. I "ISAR- for Iloilo, Manila, FTkoi 1933, Shanghai. N. China and Japan n "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo Manlli 24 Hongkong, Shanghai, North c and Japan S "MAIN" for Manila. R, Kov 8 Shanghai, North China and I "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hon S'hai. North China and
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  • 312 7 Mining Shares. Saturday, 11 a.m. hare quotations are Issued t change and stock by Buyers Sellers. tni Tm 30|- 31|--34 36 14 3 15 3 unit LM 32,- 33--0.21 0.25 0.90 0.95 tin M 39 0.40 0.45 i Besi) 0.46 0.48'^ 15 9 16,3 7j- 7,9 0.21
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  • 42 7 I Rubber Estate (of Harri- id gTOup) to June 30 States: maintained on "caretaker" ring been suspended since m estate expenditure, in- £695), of £1,863 (against (, directors' fees, Deducting interest £295 km £1.967 (£2.827t. real In to £188. I
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  • 13 7 t271; to depreciation, £5,489; CIS .968 to be carried forward.
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  • 155 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER PRICE FIRMER. Tin Higher In London. '«f Out financial CorretponAeni.) Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 12% cts., up Vj ct. Market Tone: Steady. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 11 16d., unchanged. Market Tone: Opened weak, closed steady. New York Rubber,
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  • 159 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and varlou* brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1 II Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon 10.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 127 7 Messrs. Lewis Peat, Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report dated Oct. 20. state: Holders becoming rather tired of waiting for restricticn, the market has gradually sagged throughout the week. The demand from the consuming centres has been poor, and New York is reported to have been selling in
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  • 470 7 Comment On Governor's Speech. (From Our Own Correspondent.) |l|||! t London, Oct. 10. THE following letter evidently written by a close student of the international rubber situation makes some interesting points on the subject of restriction. It appeared in the "Financial Times'" of Oct. 6, and
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  • 36 7 Profit to March 31 £3.247. including bad debtb recovered and tax repayment. This, with £15 220 written off by order of Court, has been srt againit balance brought in. and debit £1,549 remains forward.
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  • 281 7 Cheerless Report For Last Year. rpHE fall in rubber and coffee prices forced the Java Produce Co. ta reconstruct earlylast year, states the "Financial News'' cf Sept. 28. The report for the year to March 31, last is not very cheerful. In addition to depressed prices, particularly for
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  • 91 7 The 70th and 71st meetings of the S.S. Trade Commission were held in Singapore on Oct. 17 and 18. Evidence was taken from representatives of local steamship companies regarding their operations and various questions affecting their interests, as follows:— The Ho Hong Steamship Co.. (1932), Ltd.. from Mr.
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  • 566 7 Profits Maintained. MR. A. E. PERCY ON THE OUTLOOK. 'JHE twentieth annual general meeting of the Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., was held recently at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C. Mr. A. E. Percy, F.C.A. (the chairman of the company), who presided and moved the adoption
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  • 647 7 Rubber Share. Singapore. Saturday. 11 a.m. The following robber share quotation* m Issued by Fraser and Oo and Lyall and Tiaid» Issue Value. Preset LraTJ m, Snare*. Oo Mm*. 1 Allenby $0.80 $0.87 $0.75 $0.85 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.6$ 0.70 IA. Hitam 0.90 1.00 0.75
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  • 64 7 Malayalam Plantations, Ltd.. announces that after providing £28,050 for depreciation upon estate buildings, machinery, etc., and transferring £9,500 from investment realisation and taxation reserves, the debit balance for the year ended March 31, 1933. is £67, leaving a credit balance of £87,074 to be carried forward, against £87,141
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 75 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4 D'Almelda Street. Raaerre Pund end Reat lOO.oqo HEAD OfTICS: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, KaracLi. Madras. Baghdad, Bahrein. Baara. Klrkuk. Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened one received on Fixed Deposit on terms to be ascerd££S' ACCOUNTS opened and interest
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    • 39 7 I j THE j I SUNDAY TRIBUNE Gives Saturday's t closing prices of j rubber in London j and New York, together with the Cross-Rate. N? 9 C OL~LYfe R QUAY SINCAPORt Hea4 Office: 15, Wall Street. New York.
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    • 210 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHTJUA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: «5«. NORTH BRIDGE BOAD. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 273 8 6.15 ALHAMBRA 9.15 ■•LOVE, LAUGHTER and M EXCITEMENT J3 The glamour of a big State Fair to-day WT "0 —its throbbing, eager throngs. jtf^m ■j|Ps i,, A yearning country girl and her ANI> WBL *y brother... a young reporter... ttoPĔ! Co-morrow hard-eyed carnival tolk. .shrewd farmers —out tor happiness or
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    • 187 8 y jam a motion picture rea 11 y be as the heart-throbs of f&s fcig as humanity? j as a woman's love? characterization i j l A Watn?r Bros. Hit. j G.xrgx Bitnf, Brtt; Davis, Dickie Moore, j "IHE KIND OF PICT; i;K yi < t Robert Warwick, Hardie Albright.
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  • 90 9 Brit. 109.99 tons, from Malacca, fi Malacca and Muar, 20-10. .ma Maru." Jap. 3,703 lens, from Cal-jy-10: for Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl, Kobe. Osaka and Yohokama, 20-10. Kh»ng." Brit. 3,875 tens, from Port ham. 13-10; fcr Hongkong. 21-10. Di; 729
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  • 109 9 Irom the Master Attendant states mporary line of eight floating unlight- vi. braconsflve miles apart from lat. 3 N lene. 112 deg. 51' E (apprcx) to If)" N. long. 113 deg. 22' E (approx) stern approaches have been withdr. v- n notice states that the unlighted tn
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  • 89 9 I Singapore. Oct. 21. I SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). lerald EEE. Wharf: Rajula 22; Hong Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Pre* Harrison 11; Ajax 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Oate 1). Kmta 32: Rahman 33: Malacca City of Khios 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Oate
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  • 9 9 From China and Japan by the "Moriokn
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  • 33 9 Melbourne. Special pictorial stamps are being printed in connection with the Victorian centenary next year. These stamps will be used on overseas correspondence to "Tell the World" about the centenary.
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  • 190 9 BELLING. Singapore, Oct. 20. London 4 months' sight 2|4 5|32 London 3 months* sight 2;4% London 60 days' sight 2|4 7|64 London 30 days' sight 2|4 332 London demand 2|4 1(16 London T.T. 2|4 132 Lyons and Paris demand 930 Hamburg demand I*B New York demand 52 Batavia
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  • 52 9 Helsinfors. In connection with the British Week here, an Austin car win be given to the buyer of a lucky ticket for the concerts of the "Black Watch" Band. A Morris car will be the first prize of a similar lottery arranged in connection with Messrs. Brock's
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  • 104 9 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, OCT. 21. High Tide.—ll.l4 a.m. Golf: Island Club October Bcgey Competition. Rugby: Negri-Malacca v. Singapore. SerembanS.V.C. v. Wiltshire, S.C.C. Hockey: Singapore v. Selangor, Padang; R.I. v. Young Indians. R.I. Football, M.F.A. Cup Tie, F. Munir K. Bahar, Jalan
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  • 77 9 ALHAMBRA.—"State Fair." featuring Janet Gaynor. Lew Ayres, etc. CAPITOL.—"The Sleeping Car." EMPIRE.—Ramon Novarro in "Ben Hur." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, Talkies: Sky—"There Goes the Bride." Star—"Leather Necking." MARLBOROUGH—"The Kia Jra Spain." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—"So Big." starring
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 Menburgs Foods rk from the purest milk a pastured in the home es, the 'Allenburys' r ids are as easily digested is mother's milk. They are a m free and are simply d quickly made by the adm of boiling water only. •od No. 1 Milk Food No. 2 us
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    • 210 9 NOTICE. h 9% NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN JM' -[ral that the Trade Marks depicted"' < r s?l< --J above are the exclusive property -jSjkWJ' r Messrs. Leng Seng ComWill pany of No 85, Rocnor e Road, tfe-' Singapore, and are used by the Wh\ ompany in aspect of Butter, Condensed
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    • 230 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS. TENDERS will ba received at the Colonial Sectary's Office, up to noon of the 3rd Nov., 1933. for the following work: Conveyance cf mud dredged by the Dredger "Mudlark" or other Dredgers from the bed of the Singapore River tc Beach Road Reclamation. Every person
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    • 607 9 j SINGAPORE MOTHS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL 1 m SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st. is the opening night of our newly decorated HalL We have arranged for this night an evening's entertainment entirely new to Singapore. THE SINGAPORE REPERTORY PLAYERS will present "THE LITTLE DEVIL" a comedy in three acts commencing at 9.30
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    • 249 9 TO-DAY:— EDDIE CANTOR in I "PALMY DAYS.'' with Charlotte Greenwood. Music Laughs Thrills Matinee lc-day. at 3 p.m TO-MORROW:— GENE GERRARD in "LEAVE IT TO ME." The maddest merriest comedy success of uhe year. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—Salesman with sound knowledge cf Household hardware. Write Box No. 231, I c o
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 197 9 [POSTAL IHTILLICtHCt 1 1 I SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. I China and Japan (Ajax) 1 p.m. China. Hainam. Japan. Korea. Formosa, East Siberia. Western Canada and W. Stales of U.S.A. (Hon;; T:h en g) 2 p.m. Kemaman. Kemasek. Krelny, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut <Asdang) 2 p.m. Banka Island. Pladjoe and
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    • 180 9 THE TRUTH IN YOUR HOROSCOPE Would you like to know without any cost, what the stars indicate for you, whether you will be successful and happy ard what Is indicated for you in business, love, marriage, friends, enemies, lucky and unlucky periods, what pitfalls to avoid, e— —> what opportunities
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  • 732 10 In recent air mail letters our London correspondent has drawn attention to the real significance of the abolition of the Empire Marketing Board and the probable abolition of the Imperial Institute. Both have been short of funds, as everybody knows, but few people in the Colonies, especially in
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  • 200 10 THE Automobile Association of Malaya has continually pressed for the establishment of a Malayan Road Fund, and it has just published a memorandum supporting that advocacy. The Association points out' that the amount paid by Malayan motorists in taxes and petroleum duty
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  • 257 10 ITTEDNESDAY marked an important date in the history of St. Joseph's Institution, for it was on Oct. 18. 1832. chat the site which the school still Dccupies in Bras Basah Road was first handed over to the Christian Brothers by the Government of the Colony. The wisdom
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  • 223 10 THE Straits Racing Association have issued a new style of racing calendar for 1934. showing in colours the allotments of dates for the different centres in Malaya. Thus a blue panel across certain dates indicates that there will be racing on those days in Penang. The dates for
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  • 82 10 Capt. A. J. Minjoot was entertained to dinner at the Eurasian Company headquarters yesterday on the occasion of his retirement from the force. There was a large gathering present. News has been received from Home of the marriage of 2jLieut. J. G. O'Grady the
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  • 81 10 An Indian tapper named Sattiah, working on Rambia Estate, owned by a chettiar. was charged at Alor Gajah with attempting to stab Mr. Krishnasamy, the manager of the estate The accused, according to the prosecution demanded to be given a job in the smokehouse. Otherwise, he demanded to
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  • 62 10 King s Scout A. N. Appan, of the Rangoon Headquarters Troop, who is going on a trip round Siam, Malaya, East Indies and Japan, and who had oeen in Ipoh for a few dayi,, left Ipoh on Thursday for Kampar on his way to Singapore. He intends to ca«l
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  • 120 10 A Malay of a rubber estate near Kuanf!«u h li a nar fow escape from being attacked by a wild boar recently. He is a gate keeper of a private estate road and was strolling along the estate when he ?l et af wn boar said to be a
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  • 430 10 BY "LOOKER-ON" "Million dollar jail." It seei law-breaking has become Don't wait for something to tur up—get busy and turn it up A A A It takes nine tailors to mak and one dressmaker to bre; What with all this leg-tl troversy, Test cricket has t> on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 192 10 < W_L i\ A NEW AND INEXPENSI VE JmffiM, "WUNDAVAL" A CHOICE OF MANY ATTRACTIVE j Robinson Co., Ltd. j SINGAPORE, i 100 I British Milk "REGAL" UNSWEETENED Procurable At All Leading Provision Shops. SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR, MED AN. lUti MM t—tri MMMM
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    • 164 10 {ANGELA DI MARTINIS, ENGLISH SCHOOL OF DANCING. FOREMOST SCHOOL OF DANCINO IN THE EAST." Experienced Teachers Of Every Type Of Dancing. Ist NOVEMBER. > We Are Opening Another Studio To Enable Us To Cope With Our Numerous Pupils. Every Wednesday and Saturday From 7 to X.30 p.m. A Large Airy
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  • 577 11 PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID PUBLIC REACTION. The Communist Drive. fecial Police Execute Many Luan Bandits. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." negotiation between China and Japan is almost in view of the latest development in the situation Far East The Chinese Minister
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  577 words
  • 111 11 Amending And Consolidating The Law. urund and consolidate the the introduction into and lony, and the transmission r infectious diseases, is to :he Legislative Council next the existing law relating to whi( i is contained in Ordininline and Prevention of ci by the Statute Laws Operation Ordinance, 1926.
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  • 20 11 I The H) Hon has ceased to exist; the has been duly registerI'.nos Press Sports Club ec i from registration.
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  • 118 11 Court-Martial Sentence Promulgated. Sentence of fifty-six days' detention was promulgated at Aldershot on Driver Ernest Henry Lee. twenty-four, of the Royal Engineers Mounted Depot, who had been found guilty by court-martial on charges of desertion, and making a false answer to a question of attestation. It was stated
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  • 32 11 Reuter. Stockholm, Oct. 20. It is announced that the Nobel prize for medicine for 1933 has been awarded to the American zoologist, Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, of Pasadena, California. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 18 11 Data Mohamed Ghazaly bin Mohamed Arffin has been appointed to be a member of the Rural Board Singapore.
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  • 209 11 Dramatic Scene In Fire Trial. Reuter. Berlin. Oct. 20. TNTEREST in the Reichstag fire trial flared up again to-day when Count Helldorf, a young Nazi storm troop leader and now Police President of Potsdam, described his actions on the day of the fire. He declared
    Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 179 11 Edinburgh Educational Scheme.. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Edinburgh, Oct. 10. While he is attending the celebrations of the 350th anniversary of Edinburgh University at the end of this month. Sir James Barrie is to open in Edinburgh what has been termed "A Workers' University." A generous citizen of
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  • 101 11 Impassioned Speech By Nazi Leader. Reuter. Berlin. Oct. 21. The German Government has no intention of Nazifying the world, declared Hr. Goebbels. opening the election campaign at an enthusiastic meeting, attended by 10.000 people. He claimed that Germany had done the world no wrong. All Germany wanted
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 97 11 Workmen Find Bowls Of Money. Belgrade. Serbian workmen digging tho foundations of a new hou~e at Petrovatz discovered a large earthen pot full of silver coins. Further digging unearthed two more pots, one full of golden money and ornaments, the other containing iilver, bronze and copp r coins.
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  • 1026 11 Provident Funds. TICKLISH QUESTION FOR ASSIGNEE. NUMBER of smaller cases in Bankruptcy were taken up in the Supreme Court, Singapore, yesterday, one bankrupt receiving his discharge. The ticklish question of whether •provident funds could be attached cropped up again. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr.
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  • 183 11 Roosevelt's Invitation To White House. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Uxt™™ Washington. Oct. 20. NITED States recognition of the Soviet has been advanced by the announcement that President Roosevelt has invited the Soviet representative to visit Washington. Kalinin is sending M. Litvinoff to conduct negotiations with Mr.
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  183 words
  • 248 11 ALSO AN ENGLISH PAPER. Pursuit Of Rebels. Martial Law Still In Force. Reuter. (From Our Own Corresponding) Bangkok, Oct. 20. gIX Bangkok newspapers are not publishing to day, by order of the authorities, including one in th'j English language. A communique states that there was no fighting
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 81 11 ILlllg—www—b——— AjfPgS LION BRAND P>S??TOn Specially tf\V l nfi'Mll Blendedfor IHI fJ WISb r ECONOMY per one pound tin JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG A ND IPOH. j LATEST I i "His Master s Voice" GRAMOPHONE I <Epr=—t MODEL 150. j FIGHT OAK CASE
      81 words

  • 245 12 Galileo's Telescope. RAYS FROM THE MOON. (From Out Ourn Correspondent) London, Oct. 10. from the moon were concentrated through the telescope of Galileo in Tuscany, transformed into electrical energy, and trans mitted by cable and wireless to America. The energy will operate the switches which illuminate
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  • 147 12 Judge Fixes A Date For Hearing. The case in which K. R. Menon, till recently principal of the Modern English School, 55, Cuppage Road, asks the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer. for a ruling that he is the rightful owner of those premises, came up before
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  • 116 12 Dutch Couple Returning From England. "I hope you won't have to pay import-duties, en what the Stork has brought you!" This was the greeting given to a Dutchman who landed here after his wife had made him a proud father during the journey across the North Sea
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  • 94 12 Means Of Speaking To Each Other. An Inventor is experimenting with a system ot signalling for motor-cars which will enable them to communicate with each other as ships do. His signals are both optical and acoustic. By a combination of coloured discs and varied sounds, it is claimed
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  • 80 12 Montreal's New Form Of Racket. A new form of racketeering—"picture kidnapping—has come to light in Montreal. Thieves who stole from the Montreal Art Association 16 oil paintings valued at £3,000 have written to two newspaper editors demanding a ransom of one-quarter of their value. With the letters
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  • 350 12 Dashed Twenty Feet To Death. WHILST helping his coolies to demolish two buildings in Anson- Road on the morning of Oct. 19, a Chinese sub-contractor was caught by a collapsing wa'l and dashed to death to the concrete floor b^.low—a height of about 20 feet. The
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  • 140 12 Finnish Demand For Classic Books. The wave of pro-British feeling which has been sweeping over Finland culminates to the opening of the "Britisn Week" in Finland BritS" BUy T and thpn British art and literature are especially dopmar ftm now. and a prominent Finnish pubUaher has decided to
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  • 137 12 Designs For "Palace Of Technique." I Designs are invited for the Soviet's enormous "Palace of Technique"—which is to be an industrial museum so big that it will take a vis'tor about a week to walk over it when it is completed. "At least fifteen times as big as
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  • 86 12 Free Tea For Railway Passengers. Shanghai. A suggestion that passengers on certain Chinese railways should be provided with free tea supplied from special drinking-fountains fitted in all compartments of the trains, has been put forward by Dr. Wu Lien Teh, the Health Adviser to the Railways and a
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  • 80 12 Stopped By Fish In Sweden. Four electric power stations on the Gevile River are out of action as the result of great quantities of dead fish having got caught in th*; turbine gratings. Stations at Valbo, Sevden and two other points on the river are affected. The dead
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  • 237 12 The Ordinance To Be Amended. AN Ordinance to amend Ordlnarce No. 199 (Volunteer Force) will bo introduced at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Wednesday. The objects and reasons are: This Bill empowers a Commanding Officer to dispen c with the- services of a volunteer who is
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  • 96 12 Amendments To Be Introduced. A BILL to amend the Labour Ordinance will be introduced at Wednesday's meeting of the Legislative Council. The object of this Bill is to give effect to— (1) th recommendations of the Labour Department. Malaya, and the Labour Bureau Netherlands India, that the system
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  • 171 12 Mexico's Economic Drive Begins. Mexico City. The mobilisation of Mexico's resources for rehabilitation of her economic life through a six-year programme has begun under the command of General Plutarco Elias Calles, the "Iron Man" and former President of Mexico One point involved in the plans concerns the possibility
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  • 91 12 The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company, N.L., states in respect of call No is payable Oct, 11, that shareholders cannot be permitted to pay the call by draft on Hofca't lc ls not desired, nevertheless, to deny holders any benefit which might arise from the variation in
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  • 61 12 Planting cf roses has started in the Australian National rose garden, which is laid out in the shape of a gigantic rose, in front of Canberra Parliament House. Eight thousand roses are needed to complete the pattern, which extends over rHne acres including lawns. Gifts of roses
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  • 718 12 Dangers To Freedom Of The Press. London. THE "exploitation of civil libel" was described as a danger to the freedom of the Press by Mr. J. R. Scott of the "Manchester Guardian" at the Institute of Journalists' Conference at Eastbourne. "Freedom, of course, can never be complete."
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  • 288 12 Breeze At Pacific Relations Conference. Banff. (Alberta). A heated discussion on th* tariff war between India ard Japan took place at the biennial conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations which is being held here. British delegates said they had no objecton to Japanese competition in
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  • 349 12 Call For A General Strike. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 20. The dissatisfaction of the farmers with the recovery administration is evidenced in many parts. The primary object of the Farm Holiday Association's ca£l for a general strike is to compel the administration to formulate a code for
    Reuter.  -  349 words
  • 316 12 Scheme For Reconstruction Of Company. Peport for year ended June 30, 1933. states that crops harvested were 515,500 lb. rubber, and 971 cwt. coffee. Estimated crop for current year is 500,000 lb. and 2,014 cwt. respectively. Loss incurred by Dutch Co., excluding depreciation. amounted £1,302; cost of maintaming
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  • 179 12 Soviet's Latest Step To Help Peasants. Moscow. According to reports received from various parts of Soviet Russia, the latest action of the Government in granting aid to collective farmers to acquire cows has been received with tremendous enthusiasm, says the official Tass Agency. In many quarters the decision
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  • 230 12 Local Trappy. MOTHER FAILS Tn SAVE DAUGHTER A MOTHER'S vain atb „nt i a seven-year old da ~.t .r f befof fatally burnt wa> de«ift|u the Coroner's Court y< an inquiry was held Mr p p Bourne. According to the uf mother, a Chinese v.
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  • 236 12 Five Hundred Tons Of Machinery. Lucknot. 'The editorial telephone number ol ji "Pioneer" is Lucknow 70." Behind that businesslike announcement in i famous Indian new. pap .r lie? the s.ory o{ a astonishing achievement in modprn journal» Sixty-nine years ago, when Allahabad tui railhead tewn and the
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  • 118 12 Ex-Queen Ena Accepts EM* From Ambassador. Pittsburgh. PennsylvaniaIt is announced here thai Ex-Qucn E» cf Spain has agreed to a reduction of dollars C£12.000 at in the legacy w to her by the late Alexander P V for Amorican Ambassad r to Spain Under Mr. Moore's will Queen
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 324 13 Alarming Situation. WHITE RUSSIANS TRAINED. Shanghai, Oct. 20. H usand Japanese merchants iet port of Vladivostock naY( md np their business in res- instructions from Tokyo getting ready to leave for home reinforcements are daily a for Manchuria. The Japanese Headquarters ng
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  • 72 13 s ouih African Young Man Sent To Prison. Pretoria. named Fred Walter Hils ntenced her; to six weeks' obtjinirg moiey by imperil Buchanan, the British stage He ih irding-house keeper that he to and without money for ally worth CBO 000." he told I :il keep me
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  • 45 13 hn rint Experts At The Zoo. Sydney. ft] zoo have just had their by nty detectives. d no crime, but the prints pottite to help them in their m t\il-doers. desired to record characraagi in the monkeys' paws 'hods of classifying human
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  • 33 13 Reuter T Oslo. Oct, 13. sL cl °sed wuk 11 1 bad getary year 1932--kf 0l r 'Ih, v deficit of 37,000,000 reuu'e,, > üblic howevef, nas Wirck y 27 >000,Q00 kroner.—
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 268 13 Japanese Troops Attack Bandits. Shanghai, Oct. 20. A Japanese report states that Gen 4* Fang Chan Wu. the decamped Com-mander-in-Chief of the Charhax "Allies has been assassinated in Tientsin Gen. Fang, it will be recollected was arrested by Gen. Shan? Chan last week but made
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  • 188 13 Sailors are credited with having a girl In every port. In "Sleeping Car." a GaumontBritish picture. Ivor Novello as the sleeping car attendant, had a girl waiting for him m every capital city that th? passed through en route f rom Paris
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  • 200 13 "State Fair 19 At The Alhambra. Surpassing in entertainment values and supreme in characterisation. Fox Film's eagerly awaited "Stat; Fair" measures up to everything that could be expected from the winning combination of great star cast and great story. The picture cpened yesterday at the Alhambra Theatre, and appears destined
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  • 122 13 Members of the Y.W.C.A. who are selling tickets for the Benefit Performance at the Roxy Theatre on Wednesday, are asked to do their utmost to dispose of them over tola weekend and return the butts and money to the Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay, on Monday.
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  • 103 13 Interest In Maintenance Of Order Only. New York, Sept. 16. The hope that, if intervention were necessary in Cuba, it would be undertaken with the sympathy if not with the co-operation of the Latin American countries has been dashed by the Argentinian plea for a "hands-off"
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 547 13 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 6:50 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 10:30 a.m. Alt- Base Parade Service. 5:30 p.m. Evensong (Chcral) and Sermon. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thuisday and Saturday at 7 a.m.
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    • 468 13 FREED FROM PAIN AT 95 After Suffering For Many Years. What a great thing it must be fcr .his woman, after suffering from rheumatism for many years, to be free from pain again at her age. She writes:—"I should like to tell you that sin©: I commenced taking Kruschen Salts
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  • 100 14 HOCKEY MATCH AT THE S. G. C. SELANGOR STATE TEAM TO PLAY TWO GAMES. The chief sports item of interest in Singapore to-day will be the Singapore v. Selangor inter-State hockey match on the Padang. The visitors
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  • 225 14 Singapore v. Selangor At The S.C.C. gINGAPORE and Selangor meet in the first inter State hockey game of the season to be played in Singapore, at the S.C.C. this afternoon, when there should be a larg«? attendance. Selangor have already made one outing. and won, against Negri
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  • 365 14 Nine Goals At Hong Lim Green. 'jpilE second team of the R.A.F. were entertained by the S.C.R.C. at Hong Lim Green yesterday and in a game of hockey with the Club's second eleven turned out winners by 5—4. Play was patchy in the early exchanges but
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  • 191 14 Two Inter-State Friendlies Up-Country. Singapore N< gri-M .lacca at rugby football in an inter-State at Scrrmban Jib ufUrnocn. NegTi-Malac-a have already had two outings. They los*i narrowly to Selangor and beat Perak decisively. The teams will be: SINGAPORE: J M. Brander; J. E. King N. G. Morris. J.
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  • 63 14 A.P.C. Defeated At Paya Lebar. Playing on their own ground rt Paya Lebar the A.P.C. were defeated by the V.M.C.A. by 3—o. In tie first haif ihe home team managed W hold their against the visitors and ihe -core sheet was bank at the interval, but In
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  • 48 14 Ihree Horses Scratched For To-day. The following horses have been scratched from to-day's races at Ipoh: RACE 2 —The Arcadian. RACE 4.—October. RACE B.—Nonya Bukit Timah. The big sweep will be held on Race 7. Double Totes on Races Nos. 4 and 5, 7 and 9
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  • 26 14 The first inter-College sports meeting »111 be held at the Raffles College grcunds this afternoon, when the Medical College and Raffles College will compete.
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  • 386 14 Yesterday's Function At Jalan Besar. I 'THE annual Athletic sports of the Singapore 1 English School, cf Oldham Hall, took place at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday afternoon. There was a good attendance of puniLs and parents present and they followed with interest a caid of 25
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  • 85 14 "BODY-LINE BOGEY. Australian Board To Meet On Nov. 16. Reuter. Adelaide, Oct. 20. A SPECIAL meeting: of the Aus- tralian Cricket Board of Control has been convened for Nov. 16 to discuss the M.C.C. cable re body line" bowling follow in? the dissatisfaction of several members of the Boa rd.
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 26 14 Hillcat Scratched From Tuesday's Race. Reuter. London, Oc.. 20. Hillcat has been scratched from the Cambridgeshire which will be run on Tve day. —Reute.-.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 65 14 Playin» at the Chinese Association premises on Sunday the- Amicable Athletic Association defeated the home side by 3—2. Scores (A.A.A. players mentioned first): Ong Mah Soh lost Chen Kwok Mm o—3Toh Yong Quee beat Ycng Eng Mon 3—o Yeo Hun? Cheng beat Kiong Woon Kew 3—o Lim Sung
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  • 50 14 The following match will be played at Jalan Besar next week, in the M.F.A. Cclman Shield competition: MONDAY: K. Bahar v. Kota Raja TUESDAY: K. Batin y. Bidadari SC. PO Malays v fathul Munir FRIDAY: Perhimponan Stia v. M K Raja Amission Charges: 10 and 20 cents
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  • 136 14 Three Matches. LOCAL GAMES NEXT WEEK. COMBINED team of Indo Ceylonese soccer players from op-country and Singapore will try conclusions against Singapore's thre.? leading teams next week. Th? fixtures will be: V. CHINESE <Finu Division .unners-up) on Friday, 27th at Anson Road Stadium. V. MALAYS (League champiens) on
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  • 127 14 In a friendly match played on Wednesday Loke'b B.P. drew 2—2 with the Grange 8.P.. at the former s court. 331. North Bridge Road Scores <Loke's players mentioned first*: SINGLES: George Chen lest to Koh Chek Tuan B—ls. 13—13 <5—2». 9—15; Lim Heng Vim lost to
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  • 260 14 Thajudeen's Test At The New World. BOXING enthusiasts will have an cpportuni y of seeing Thajude?n in action to-night when he fights Y. C. Song in a ten three-minute round main event at tlie New World Arena. Much has been said cf the Muslim champion's qualities as
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  • 47 14 In the report of the Friendly B.P. v. Devlin B.P. badminton match en Thursday, the result of the ladies' doubles match should have read: Miss S. N. Choo and N. M. Then lest to Miss F. Honi and Mi?s S. Horii 3—15. 6—15.
    47 words
  • 30 14 The R.A.F. "A" team fixture against the S.C.C. "A" XV which was to have been played on the Padang yesterday was cancelled at the uouest of the Airmen.
    30 words
  • 217 14 TWO THOUSAND BOXERS. National Tests. Olympiad Every Two Years. I Nanking, (> t. 21 JHE All China Athletic Sports oat eluded yesterday, the day of the meeting. Mr. Lin Sen, the President of the National Gown* ment. presented the prizes. I I Addressing the gathering I. he
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 150 14 Pepsodent polishes teeth as it removes film This double-action tooth paste brings a rapid improvement in the appearance of your teeth QOME tooth pastes mil remove three most important things necessary film, but they may harm tooth to keep teeth clean and sparkling, enamel. Others are perfectly safe, but they
      150 words

  • 833 15 Did jardine Receive >• ln>tiiKtions." I 0 n Correspondent.) i oodoa Sept. 28. in ..f young 11 sir of India, anil \>l v. ivp though r in its effects as I hat the MC C. had "inI to v <- leg theory dur•a, denied and "t I
    833 words
  • 130 15 Inter-Port Practices For All Marksmen. THE S.V.R.A. will hold practices at Bukit Timah Range for the annual inter-port rifle ■hoot against Shanghai and Hongkong. The conditions are seven shot each at 200' "iOO anc 600 yd<=. As it is de-ired to obtain the best possible team marksmen desirous
    130 words
  • 87 15 A ping-peng match was played between the J: va Traders A sedation and (he Wei Yang Athletic Party on Wednesday at the formei premises and resulted in a wi-i for the Java Traders by 3 games to 2. Score; (Java Tracers mentioned first*: Soh Kirn Peow beat Soh
    87 words
  • 189 15 Tournament Results And Ties. RESULTS and tics in the lawn tennis tournament at the S.R.C: "A" SINGLES: N. S. Hogan (owe 4) beat G.E.N. Oehlers 13) I—6. 6—3. 6—3: Dr. W. A. Balhetchet <owe 15.4) beat M. A. Cordeiro 15) 6—o, 6—4. "B" SINGLES: R. G. Lange (SCT.I
    189 words
  • 60 15 Chinese Sports .tarn v. the* Amicable A.A. on Sunday on the S.C.F.A. grounc at 5 p.m.: Yee Cheok Wah. Chong Ah Tim Loh Kwanp, Sung. Ceo Ah Lla;. Ho Tian Song. Tay Fook Nam. Yip Fook To. Chan Ah Chin. Chan Ah Yin, Chua Tian Sin. Van
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  • 54 15 Hcrhcks' "C" '.earn against QtO Useful B P. "C" warn en Sy.r.di.y at former's court at 3 30 p.m.: Kuek Choon .Hian. Ang Bin Kocn. Chng Eccn Swee, Peek S'c-1: Beng. L m Hock Soon. Tec Hock Seng, Henry Cheong. Lim Koh Sun. Charlie Lee. Reserves: Ong Ching
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  • 36 15 Hua Chiang Badminton Party v. the StCregory's Badminton Party to-r.:orrow at the latter's court: L. Yeang. Peter Tan, Ho Seak Fong, Lee Siang Heng Yap Yew Keng. Le? Siew Hoor.g. Wong Ah Loong
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  • 30 15 The final of the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Asrociations ping-pong championship tournament was played on Wednesday between Ec Cheng 80-cn and Michael de Souza. Cheng Boon wsn by 3—o.
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  • 24 15 The final of the American billiards tournament between Cluo Eng Wah and Lee Yeow Soon will be pb.ycd to-morrow at 8 p.m.
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  • 32 15 The straight snooker championship final (three frames) at the S.C.C. between F. J. L Mayger and T. B. Rogers will be played on Thursdry. 26th. ai 6. 30 p.m.
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  • 101 15 Berlin. The German girl, Ruth Litzig, who set up a new world record by swimming for nearly 79 hours, died in hospital at Essen. She had never recovered consciousness after being taken out of the water seriously 111. By her swim she beat her own previous
    101 words
  • 42 15 Berlin. The "droll stories" of Hcnore de Eala?ac the great French novelist, have been banned in Pi ussia. The German translation of the bock ha>> been placed on th? "forbidden list," which a number of books by well-known German writers.
    42 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 I He is not a Hero r I I —not one of those men J who plunge recklessly into J a cold bath every day— S he knows the glorious YSkSa luxury of a hot bath and as not now tnen _-k\ a A but daily at any hour of
      151 words
    • 274 15 j Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000.^ The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Qreat Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore i th th R LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. S.O. Tne Company has £20.000 deposited Warn the Supreme Court of
      274 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 498 15 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societie* 'n Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Miry :s prorfded specially for them. Secretaries are mmted to co-operate in keeping tt up-to-date** and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 697 16 Over Ten Million Bibles Published. London, Sept. 14. IN Queen Victoria Street, London, two large buildings stand side by side. One of them Is the new International Telephone Exchange where subscribers can speak to 32,000,000 telephones throughout the world. In the other building is the British
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  • 163 16 "Soap is a kind of etuff mad-' in cakes which 'ou can't eat. It smells good and tastes awful. Soap r.lway.<; tastes worse when you get it In your eye. Father says Eskimose dent nsver use soap. I wish I aas an Eskimcse." A vcrv
    163 words
  • 142 16 Damage Of 1918 Revolution Repaired. Berlin. The wondfr-elock of the foiuier Imperial Palace of Potsdam is working again. This clcck wao half-destroyed during the revolution of November 1913 and was displayed to visitors as beyond rcoair. a Berlin clockmaker named Franz Stegemann, h»wever persuaded the authorities to
    142 words
  • 122 16 Flight Planned Between Sister Towns. T Pari In orcer to bind the people of Vincennes Paris more closely to th* p ople of Vincennes. Indiana, a French committee under the leadership of M. Herriot has purchased a new four-seater aeroplane which will be ncwn in stages
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  • 109 16 New Football Gives His Gang Away. Belgrade. A gang of young boys has been arrest cl by the police h»™ and charged with a series of daring robbieries. When questioned, the leader, aged seven years, did not attempt to deny his guilt but announcet. majestically 'I
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  • 81 16 When "Mounties" Want To Catch A Boy. Truro. Nova Scotia. The Royal CanacLian Mount yd Police have a reputation for getting their men. They have recently caplured five boys by the gentlest method—they whistled for them. Five boys escaped from the Truro Training School here and ran
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 140 16 TOO.. THEY I Aefjfc.ltCT' It's natural enough for children to ask for um. I Yet you probably hesitate. You know that tc:i I \> tains tannin; a drug that is harmless enough in small I //jflj |JW quantities, but hardly the best thing for grow I ZfifJ Pf I children.
      140 words

  • 649 17 Plans Of The 8.8.C. T M KING PICTURE IN THE HOME. m our Own Correspondent.) Oct. 3. (By Air Mail). ii the launching of a perfect isiOß service at almost amy lr there will begin one of the i struggles ever
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  • 303 17 Authorities In Britain Interested. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 10. rrHE ciulising, steadying and educative inHucnce of wireless among scattered communities, white and native, throughout the Empire :s daily engaging more serious attention of authorities who have been brought into touch with overseas problems. The 8.8.C.
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  • 356 17 Malta Thrilled With Gallant Effort. Valetta, Malta. Sept. 3. rr-HE whole of Malta is thrilled to the core JL with the magnificent effort of their champion swimmer Arthur Rizrto to swim the Malta channel from PoKalo, Sicily to Valetta Malta, Liv%S2 f miles. Rizzio was tn «i 6n
    356 words
  • 268 17 Marvels Of Double Purpose Machine. on land, river or on the sea and as a home and worKshcp when they had alighted. Starting out London Lympne. Amsterdam, Copenhagen. Oslo, Stockholm, and Helsingfors were visited and the flyers then went on to Poland and Czechoslovakia. While flying over
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 42 17 > iw<w Bvpbtx DIRECT FACTORY mmm a REPRESENTATIVE, TORCH AND MR. A. J. WILTON, 1 1 ;Hr CYCLE LAMP mm REFILL BATTERIES LIGHT n ii —n n n n 1 Jl__l___l__BBM I HHiR-JP _Hb_. MA S TERS w ifete... /oi rtW and tUul
      42 words
    • 42 17 l Why waste money buying new* chokes speakers, Etc. We can restore them to their original condition. At 8511 to 50 \'t less than the cost of new ones. We guarantee prompt and efficient service. TfltJhe 4791. limited" 163, Orchard Road, Singapore.
      42 words

  • 551 18 British Jewry Organised Campaign. WITH a deliberate avoidance of publicity British Jewry has during the past few months carried out an organised boycott of German goods with such effect that German trade has already suffered by millions of pounds, writes a special correspondent of the "Observer."
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  • 465 18 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore Oct. 13. MEAT. Beef, steak cound), kati 28 Beef, stew or curry, kati 22 Pork, lean, kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 34 Mutton, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), kati 42 Ducks, Saigon, each 72 Pigeons,
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  • 469 18 Azana's Tremendous Achievement. Madrid, Sept. 13. REACHING office in his seventieth year, and after fifty years of poltical battles, Don Alejandro has changed i the direction of the Republic to "right Incline." His government does not imply a frank "right wheel," but it does at least open
    469 words
  • 120 18 Out-Murdered By Twenty-Six Cilies. Chicago. Chichi has vi-.dicated itself. Tne butt of nusic-hi)3I comcdianr, cartoonists, sensational novelists and newrpapermcn for years as the ity cf viclenc?, sudd<_n death and gar.gster--0TR —U actuary Twenty-sixth amongst \merica:i cities in 1332 for murders per capita. That ir, according to Mr.
    120 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 435 18 the smile yw COLGATE'S" I m^^^^^^^ OMILE at your friends with perfect assurance t that your teeth are charming—sparkling white! You'll find Colgate's just the toothpaste to use. Its special polishing ingredient is the same as that used by dentists. Colgate's not only j cleans and beautifies your teeth but
      435 words
    • 300 18 ■iiiiiiniiiiiiiu«»iiiiiiiii'.iiitiiiiiiiiiiMiiii«i«»ii*"«»i '*»*'l2'»* i 11,,, i ••->•<*• i i i i j i 5' l I I FLATTERED 1 m i m m BRAND TR>PC JS^^^L" ftß OTHER PRODUC ER S I TsBL f/ WIIETHERTIIEYRLAi.;. D WU> (S n or not auk PAYING OUR PRODU I ■SaSSgf!! I THE PUREST FLAI
      300 words

  • 51 19 tioM we closed the debate :i r!:ted humanity?" and so to write and tell me put forward the stronger al opinion, of course, until yuu have decided hen ihe result is publibat I think about science. Your Chum. UNCLE
    51 words
  • 363 19 fi I he-While," K.L.). v i writing to the Corner is the way I feel when I deliberate!} stopped from wTiting to our t :me. My subject m our r.- ces.->ity for life—rice. s Ctrnerltes who have been rerjc- i the local newspapers will have tte .leadlines flashed
    363 words
  • 865 19 'By Raymon Hay, Klang.) "When will this beastly slump go away?" I muttered to myself as I sat on a park bench. "Why? Do you want work?" I turned .ound. and perceived a gentleman, well dressed. "Yes sir. I am out to seek work," I replied. "Here's
    865 words
  • 118 19 iBy "Raul Wamba," K. L.) A friend of mine in Kuala Lumpur persuaded me to join, your popular "Corner. and I am now a newcomer to the "Corner." There has recently been a revival of the question as to -whether or not It is suitable respectfully, rush
    118 words
  • 65 19 (By "Happy William:') Since exhibitions are now being held in all countries I take the opportunity to write to you about international exhibitions. By bringing together the best of every country's products and are a great Impetus to industry. They are the means of education and a source
    65 words
  • 298 19 (By 'Michael Phang.") I am a newcomer who has a vague knowledge of English because it is not my mother tongue. Now let me describe my subject from my own personal experience about "a dream." I dreamt that I was made a king by the Julus of Africa.
    298 words
  • 201 19 I (By John Brown.) One Saturday morning, during September the sun was shining brightly. We got into the train with our school master at 7.30 a.m. and the fare was very cheap to school boys. As the train passed by. we looked through th° windows and saw
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 22 19 THE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING j Sole Importers: I The East Asiatic Company, Limited. A PORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG.
      22 words
    • 287 19 will be stopped by taking KALZANA Diarrhoea is usually caused by inflammation of the intestines, generally due to irritated nerves. I By taking Kalzana, the Calcium food, you will provide your blood with the mineral necessary to strengthen the inflamed areas. The swelling will be quickly reduced and the diarrhoea
      287 words