Malaya Tribune, 11 October 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER ,N MALAYA. vol. XX.- No 242 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune, Singapore: Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 Redd Sunday Tribune dominant In Malay a* fi
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    • 45 1 A. FLiNTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamond* and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins j and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange i rates.
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  • 910 2 l.jigiish And German Progress. i f \r f fIIHE Uvu moat important European radi j A i xftibitions, reemtl/ concluded tit Olympia and* in Berlin, have provided an excellent opp tunity for the c omparlson of British and G i man technique, writes "H.F.S." in the "Ob
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  • 78 2 Budapest, Sept. 4. A strange natural phenomenon is reported from Banjaluka, in Bosnia. In the evening a sudden darkness overtook the town, but instead of a thundarstrom breaking from the clouds millions of small white flies fell on the town, obscuring the street lights and penetrating
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  • 505 2 The Force Of A Religion.' Aabenraa, Qppl. 7. LIKE every other religion which causes the rising of a nation, Nazism is supported by sentiment, not by reasoning, writes Marcus LftUesen in the "Observer." Its strongest support is /tar. Truth Is concealed oehind phrases, faith, and enthusiasm.
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  • 346 2 Civil Suits Against Grand Theatre At Shanghai. Civil suits and liens amounting tc some $#5,000 were filled against the proprietors of Shanghai's latest cinemahouse, the Grand, in the clerk's office of the United States Court for China in mail week by various contractors for labour and materials due
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  • 224 2 September Donations To European Fund. The following is a list of donatio is received by the European Unemployment Committee In September: cts. Government Contribution. AC Repatriations. 437 65 Incorporated Society of Planters. 113.34 Clubs. 3.952.60 Messrs. Mansfield and Co., Ltd. Aug. Ac 50.00 J A. Harvey Esq.
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  • 121 2 Aviation Mission Feted In Italy. Reuter. London, Oct. 9. Ch,ne i* students, including a ml If 1 Jir<l 01 l^e Box, 'i" IndeSSS'EiISiSh arr 0 u ,don A a Jn he Unlv rsme China Committee is Camhr'lri£> en ler lhem at Oxford, Cambridge. London, Edinburgh and Manchcrster-
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 "To Your Heallh Ol all toasts this is the musi pt.pular. for quod health is the great s! of 'he's blessings. The htm safe-guard Of g'.od health is r gulMtty oi the d Uj habit. If through neglect, or the; cause, you h: v> bcccine rem'ss, a f•« PiiikettM io-:»ighf.
      533 words
    • 211 2 For Discriminating Smokers /1 CIGARETTES Made 555 ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD LONDON. 272 IFOR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS WITH Prof. Dr. WOLFF-EISNER Santuben Tuberculine Preparations. Twenty years experience in over 18.000 cases (see Lancet June 29. p. 1367 and Medical Press, June 26, p. 530). SUPPLIES AND PARTICULARS FROM
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  • 562 3 Holiday-Makers Help In Fighting Flames. THE pavilion of Worthing pier was destroyed by fire recently. This is the fifth seaside pier pavilion to be burnt out this summer. The blaze was watched by thousands of holiday-makers. The damage is estimated at £30.000. The first intimation of
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  • 380 3 The Borzacchini And Campari Crash. rpHREE world-famous racing motorists met their death in the Monza Grand Prix at Milan on Sept. 10. They were: Borzacchini. the Italian winner of last year's Mille Miglia. among other big races; Campari, the Italian; and Count Czaikowski, the Frenchman, holder of the
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  • 174 3 Woman Pilot's Escape At Acrobatic Display. Wilfrid Allport. aged 20, of Stratford-road. Birmingham, was killed on the beach at Barmouth. Merionethshire, by being struck by the wing of an aeroplane. His brother CufTo d, who was also hit. received a compound fracture ot the arm. The brothers were
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  • 144 3 Plague Breaks Out Again In Manchuria. Dairen. Sept. 20. The whole of Manchuria is united in three-line defence against the southward sweep of bubonic and pneumonic plague a* present raging north cf Supingkai, and claiming hundreds of lives. The first defence is e-onfined to fighting the plague in
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  • 651 3 Interview With Mr. Iwanaga. WHITHER is Japan dr.fting politically > Towards something approaching Fascism or Communism or a military dictatorJliip? The question was asked by Reuter of Mr. Yukichi Iwanaga, the head of Japan's national KM ws agency, the "Rengo Shimbun Sha" I the Press A .sociation
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  • 158 3 Holiday After Examination Success. The name of a young man who had recently passed the final examination of the Law Society and would shortly have been admitted a solici tor, is added to this year's roll of mountaineering tragedies. He is Mr. Robin Joseph, of Lindengardens W., son
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  • 124 3 Guard For Soviet Harvest. Moscow, Sept. 9. The Union of Communist Youth, wiMi Its six million members, has been pressed Into Eervice to guard the Soviet harvest against theft and spoiling, which is considered the outstanding economic problem confronting the country at the present time. Young Communists are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 I Was Worried pj^l Thought Something Terrible Was Wrong With My Baby Ĕj^^^^^M Natural Way Doctors Advise Makes Baby Hungry for Food -Restores Health Naturally )^^T'^^M get need you fear that some- v rribte is wrong when your condition ite as naturall and sa{el fretful, hstless or won t eat.
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    • 54 3 NEW L4ID EGGS Pure Malt Extract CREAMY MILK —and Cocoa for flavouring only are combined in" successfully correct proportions in the world's finest food beverage OVALTINE which is easily 'digested and co m pi etc ly assimilated* Taken before retiring it ensures sound natural, refreshing sleep. mm Q IQHICJOOp BEVERAGE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 845 4 TO LET. TO LET—The upper floor of an annexe in Anson Road, consisting of two rooms, a kitchen r.nd bith room with lights and water laid on. Cheap rent. Apply to Managrr, Malaya Tribune Press, Ltd., 56 60, Anscn Road. TO LET—3O7, Eaft Coast Read, spacious compound house, good tennis
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    • 557 4 FOR SALE. FCR SALE—Rcyal Portable Typewriter. Last ycar"s model. Cheap. Apply Box No. 224, cp Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE —Freehold land with brick bungalow, 40A. Ceylon Rd. Rent $35.00. Apply 19, Serai. FOR SALE—2O,OOO lbs. Tea Dust, 3.000 lbs. Java Bvokm Orange Pekec*. 3.0P0 1b3.. Java Grange Pekoe. Box N>.
      557 words
    • 299 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—A Lady Secretary and several assts. fcr tho forthcoming Art and Beauty Show. Apply Box No. 221, c p Malaya Tribune. WANTED—First-class Process Hand; must thoroughly understand line and half-tone work; willing and illustrious man only need apply; good salary for right man:—Write Box No 187, co Malaya
      299 words
    • 481 4 If Wrr, LATKST AND »fr,-> II 1 IICLOCKS HATOIRS I MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Ineiuam at office Postage Pcstage or close (Local or tv For lgn residence. F.M.S.) Counties Yearly $15.00 $21.00 $33 00 Hall-Yearly 750 $10.50 $ie m Quarterly 3 75 5.25
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  • 798 5 REIGN OF TERROR PREVAILS. Soviet Regime. Kuomintang Members Marked Down. 'THE influence of th<_- Communists in lem Szechuen is stronger er as a result of the inactivity Szechuen provincial forces. not because the Communist iod fighting units, but is entire to
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  • 109 5 Nanking Planning To Nullify Them. Nanking. Sept. 11. IT is reliably learned that several other in. crct agreements between Sinkiang and Soviet Russia were concluded during the time □cacrsJ Chin Ghu-jcn was Chairman of Sinkiang. aside from the one which has just made public. The Government is now
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  • 82 5 Natives Want Reinstatement Of Director. Peiping, S*-pt. 14. The natives of Peiping and Fr-ngtien arc still pgitating foi the retention of General Pao Yu-lln as Director cf the Public Safety Bureau of Peiping. Yesterday they sent their reprcscntathes to see General Ho Ying-ching to press their poin After
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  • 167 5 Temple-Goers Must Pay For Privilege. Canton, Sept. tl. ANEW tax has been introduced into Chaochow, one of the richest districts in Western Kwangtung. It provides that all believers in gods must pay a certain tax to the authorities for their temple-going. At the same time each temple is
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  • 128 5 Victims Send Representatives For Relief. Shanghai, Sept. 14. Representative! of the recent typhoon victims at Tsungming Island have arrived here U appeal for relief from the local associations. Interviewed by the press, they declared that they represent the people Living en Shihchiao Island, near Tsungming: which was
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  • 113 5 $100,000,000 Set Aside For Railway Construction Nanking. Sept. 14. Tiie various public organisations of Shsqsf Kansu. Chinhai and Sinkiang have ient a joint telegram to the Go-.ornmnet urging that H00.000.000 of the American Cotton ?nd Wheat Loan should be set aside for the completion cf 'he construction
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  • 97 5 High Depreciation Of Banknotes. Nanking. Sept. 13. According to a telegram Just received here rrcm Tinua, the capital of SlnKiang. that city is now experiencing an acute shortage of cash There is practically no coin fr circulation on the market. All payments are being mad* with
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  • 554 5 Judges Poorly Paid. SALARIES SHOULD BE RAISED. "£)URING his recent aeroplane trip to Sinkiang Dr. Lo Wen-kan, the Minister of Justice, made brief stops at various places to investigate prison and judicial conditions with a view to settling the sparsely-populat-ed lands of China's North-west with convict labour.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1043 6 Shipping News Notices. FRENCH SHIPPING PROBLEMS. Mercantile Minister On Rehabilitation. THE French Minister of Mercantile Marine. M. F r ot. in a recent interview published in the "Cri de Paris," stated that after a period of prosperity which saw their "onnage increase liom 2,500,000 in 1914 to 3,500.000 in 1930;
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  • 852 6 Crew Rescued By Lifeboat. 1 rpHE awe-inspiring spectacle of a ship on !JL fire at sea was witnessed off the Norfolk corst on the afternoon of Scot. 15. when the British steamer "Porthcawl" (2 481 torn), carrying a cargo of esparto, caught fire, and was beached at
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  • 118 6 Found On Cunard Liner. TWO women stowaways were found aboard the westbound "Cunarder Lacania" when the Vessel was about six hours out of Liverpool, and were landed at Queenstown for transference to the eastbound White Star liner "Georgic." One is an American citizen, married, aged 24, and the
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  • 123 6 Man Fined Par Improper Entry To Ferry. Hongkonit, Sopt. 14. App«uitiK beiore Mr. Wynne-.'outs mt til* Kowloon MoflUtracy yesterday. n iruvellir ft la-dcr, I>l Kuan-Ui, was charged with boardii g Uit Mon®kolt" icrry from a sampan ins.rod o' through the prupw turn«ile. "I thirds st ictly speaking
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  • 164 6 Five Members Of Crew Reported Killed. Lloyd's agent at Yokohama telegraphs: British tanker Athelqucen, Yokohama to Manila in ballast, explosion occurred aboard yesterday (August 31). eight hours after leaving port, while cleaning tanks; first officer, chief engineer, and three hands were killed. Thtre Is no evidence of
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  • 256 6 Govt. Against Further Restriction. THE Netherlands Government have refused to accede to fresh demands of the Dairy Producers' Association, which requested a further contracion of the margarine production in favour of home-mad? butter. The official memorandum, which recites the attitude of the Government to this matter,
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  • 125 6 Woman Found Strangled In Her Boat. Hongkong Sept. 12. Apparently strangled to death with a piece of cord sometime during the night, the body of a Chinese woman Fung Man, aged 65, was found drifting in her sampan near the northern end of the Yaumati Typhoon Shelter
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  • 111 6 Young Men Found Aboard "President Hoover." Wazala Franz (21) and Frank Whitney (23), described as Australian and American respectively, were charged before Mr. Butters at the Kowloon Magistracy, on Sept. 11, with stowing away on the "President Hoover," the former from Hongkong to Manila, and the latter from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 506 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. I tea P. 0. j BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., I ONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Undrr Contract with His Majesty's Government). .j OUTWARD FROM LONDON. for China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933.
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    • 186 6 j iff LLOYD TRI EST IN 0 I (Incorporated in Italy). 1 EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Due Leave Due
      186 words
    • 240 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE Deutsch Australische Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1983 m.s. VOGTLAND. via ManUa Oct. 10 m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Iloilo, Manila Oct. 17 t s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Oct 27 t m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila Nov. 14 t as. OLDENBURG, via
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    • 573 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. sg£ NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, (Inoorooratcd in The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1933. "FULDA" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai N. China and Japan Oct 11 i 'TSAR' for Iloilo, Manila, H'kong, Shanghai, N. China and Japan Oct '»4 "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo, Manila. Hongkong, Shanghai, North China and Japan
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  • 413 7 Mining Shares. Singapore, Wednesday, 11 a.m. tin sham quotations are issued Mid Co. exchange and stock Buyers Sellers. X mbang Tin 30j- 3l|lialal 34 36 HitamTln »5- 16 6 1.32»i 1.40 Tin 33 34 lPadam 0.21 0.25 In 0 95 1.00 ;1 r] id riang Tin 2|-
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  • 57 7 R Terai, general manager of the bai branch of the Nippon Yosen Kaisha. i)romoted to be chief of the cargo of the head office, while Mr. Takeo to, manager of the Hongkong branch, :tired to the Shanghai position to Mi Terai. v Watanabe. manager of the Honolulu baa
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  • 161 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN PRICE DOWN Little Doing With Rubber. 'B» Our Financial Corretpan&ent.) Singapore, Wednesday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 13»/« cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $113 :5 5 down f%. lesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4 1 32d., up 1 16d Market Tone: Very
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  • 159 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Pricea for Shell Motor Spirit and various orands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon 11.18 SheU Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon 80.83 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 77 7 To Be Put On The Market By Canada. Reuter Wireless. Ottawa. Oct. 7. C-anc da will market a funding loan ol JX25,000,000 on Tuesday next, divided Into three series of two. alx and twelve year maturities, yielding respectively 3.75 per cent.. 420 per cent, and 4.35 per cent.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 744 7 To-day's Report By Fraser Co. Praser and Co., report as follows to-day on the state of the Singapore share market. In our previous circular we reported that after the recent rise a certain amount of profittaking was in evidence in the local Tin share market, and this liquidation
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  • 165 7 Activity Of Local Industry. THE Ministry of Labour unemployment statistics for June, 1933, recently issued, show a steady decrease in unemployment in Cheshire. The decrease is 1.6 per cent, as against the figures for May, and 5.4 per cent, as against those for January. One of
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  • 150 7 Vital New Industry For Wales ORGFES3OR George Knex. the mining expert at a meeting held in Cardiff, outlined a cheme whereby it was hoped South Wales :ould ir. a few years establish a vital nev.industry engaged in extracting oil from ce:al His recommendations embraced propos. d capital
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  • 81 7 Canton's Counter Move. 'From Our Oun Correspondent.; Bangkok, Oct. 11. The local rice market continues jumpy. Singapore advises, that the F.II S import taxes are effective on Oct. 17. Canton is weakening the import duties. This morning's bombshell is a report that Japan is prohibiting import forthwith,
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  • 226 7 Credit Supplies Quite Usable. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 7. NOTWITHSTANDING help from large Government and other disbursements during the week, credit supplies on the money market were quite usable. The recent efforts of the clearing oanks to raise .discount rates attracted heavy applications from outside sources and consequently
    Reuter Wireless.  -  226 words
  • 404 7 ALL WAGES TO BE REGULATED Recovery Still Held Up. STRIKES CONTINUE IN U.S.A. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 10. gTRIKES continue to hinder re covery. Thousands of steel and coal strikers in the Pittsburgh area returned to work to day but 35,000 miners are still out in West Pennsylvania. Coal strikes continue
    Reuter.  -  404 words
  • 663 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Wednesday, 11 am Tne following rubber anaxe quotation* m laiued by Praacr and Co And LjaU and mmM Übim value. meet L#»o Shares. 00. Wmm. 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.85 $0 75 $0.85 1 Alor Gajah O.CO 0.70 0.08 0.70 1 A. Hitam 0.70 080
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 81 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. d BubBCr,bed tt.000.000 PaM-UD-Capltal £1.000.000 B^rpuS Tand Beat »0.000 B HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi. Madraa, amart. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Ktxkuk. Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit on terms
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    • 47 7 WATCH IT GROW! Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ptays interest quarterly. Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 205 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straitt Settlement*.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANE, LTD AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE/ CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET SING ATOM. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lee Kong
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 321 8 Amusements < POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT! if A 1 UMi d kmrnmi ffl 1, MATINEE, TO-DAY, AT 3.15. .The exciting real life drama of a boy ""1 who gambled lor riche< r LEW AYKES l^pV^E 1 GINGER «J^^ j Rogers mr Jj I PONT BET ON LOVE TO-MORROW: "MOONLIGHT AND PRETZELS."
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    • 348 8 I A Screen Full of Beauty—Hundreds of tantali aJag girl:- in ihe "Dance of the Maidens," one cf the most lavish and sensation «1 numbers ever produced ANEW... A WARMER th it ELISSA LAND! Bi^ BAXTE R Ere i) from her success >n J Vaster < men who "SIGN OF
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    • 234 8 I j NIGHT p rm rmmim. ibiii— EVER MADE M.-G.-M.'s Great Triumph M II II ]kl 4^ AWARDED THE GOLD iJ I" 1 Li 1 k MEDAL fOB 1932'S BEST fm*MMMmXAfk I IjTI MM 99 FILM! ltlKUlJutl j Starring j NORMA SHEARER—FREDRIC MARCHj LESLIE HOWARD The One Film You Will
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  • 793 9 Sikhs In Court. SEQUEL TO RECENT ACQUITTAL. rnHE acquittal recently ol' two Chinese on a charge of theft of i tricycle, had a sequel before the Third Magistrate, yesterday. A Bengali milk vendor named Raj and a Sikh constable d Kishan Sinjjh. who both ed as complainants
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  • 106 9 More Life Sentences In America. Reuter Wireless. New York. Oct. H MORE heavy blows have been .«truck U) the campaign to rid the country of kidiifipptirSt by ahvcu lUe sentences i over Hie week-end In addition to lour In Oklahoma. outwoman and two men have been sentenced
    Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 210 9 Is An Estate Regarded As A Public Place? An interesting point as to whether an estate was supposed to be a public place was raised before Sheikh Abu Baker, the Second Magistrate. Johore Bahru. to-day. Eight Chinese were charged with having gambled at "pakau" on the five-foot way
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  • 312 9 Lawyer Congratulates Government. i (From Our Own Correspondent.' Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 9. IN the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell bade farewell to the Bar. touching upon the cooperation that existed between the Bench and Bar. I He hoped the same pleasant relations
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  • 96 9 Dentist's Plan To "Grow" False Teeth. Vienna. A dentist lure is reported to have evolved a new method for fixing tale teeth in the mcuth. Alter a tooth has been extract**.. root made of pold. platinum or otter non-corrosive metal Is placed in the le&ultairt cavity.
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  • 174 9 How It Was Observed. URGENT REQUEST FOR UNITY. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Nanking. Oct. 11. Mr. Chi Ching Minister of Justice) presided over the Government celebrations of National Day. Mr. Lin Sen (Chairman of the National Government), in an address to those present, urged the people to
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  174 words
  • 235 9 Speeches To Children By Headmasters. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." National Day passed off quietiv in Singapore yesterday. Most of* the Chinese shops closed business, with the Nationalist flag flying over them The Chinese schools were given a holiday, the students only turning up in the mornings to listen
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  235 words
  • 57 9 Reuter. London. Oct. 10. Sixty Chinese students and numerous British friends packed China House at an informal tea party to-day in celebration of the anniversary of the Republic. The guests were received by Mr. Su Lee Chang. Warden of China House. The celebrations will conclude to-night with
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 68 9 (From Our Onn CoTretpvndenl.j J bore Bahru. Oct. 10 Unlike previous occasione. China's National Day was celebrated quietly in U»e capital cl the Sat. cf Johore. The Nationalist flag was flown from most of the Chinese business houses and dwellings in Jchcre Bahru. but the streets were
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  • 87 9 Criminal Force Charge Against Indian Merchant. Whai the part-heard CWS in which a wellknew r Indian cloth merchant of Arab Street Abdul Jabar, and his friend, Said Mohameri. were charged with using criminal force on the femurs grandmother-Ui-law. Haji Maimoonah bffiti Abdulla. came up again yesterday
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  • 105 9 In cuse which was leporccd in the "MaJaya Tribur-e" cf Oct. 6. urider the heading "Breach of Trust" it was stated that Mr. Llm T ip Chong, of Singapore, was the complainant ffl a case in which Le. Song Chua. a lawyers clerk cf Johore Bahru, was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 196 9 SINGAPORE HOTILS j GOODWOOD PARK HOTĔT Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms Apply :—Manager. LANKA HOTEL j (Established 1905). J
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 378 9 CLUB DIARY. (There are numeious Clubs and Societies 'n Singapore, nost of the members uf which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Dury h provided specially for them. Secretaries urc invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date uni complete. Happenings of general interest Kill still be included in the
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    • 203 9 < Strait- Chwbo E\>\\n< SfMe class, j 8 pm. I SATURDAY. OC T L« I Sunbeam Musical Pari v. .Weekly music prac- ti< Mr. Wee Cheng Keong'i residence, 32. I licOeJhim strict. pn. Attendance of new I number and i-ompulsjr-. straits Chinese ffpemth Lca.;ia tmteef 1 badminton, [Mng-pODg, etc
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  • 52 10 Th: triwaneiti d Mi»h ts:h« yj.* Chiv. in K ih oJil> fiauglutc uI Mr and Wrr. Cbco Llk K.<l» p ixtjcl ddoi>t?ti daugtuvr ci M.idam Ylefc Mr. Owph Eju Clluun. iiii> aod Mi uiui MRI. G*v<*< Jim Swt«e yvj* «•iVIioUJU* (I ON SatUrdav \|)c 7».)l i!
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  • 92 10 ~Wlv T fit S\tc«- aBf 59 yc:r; d .1«. V pe-acttully *t hi.' rcaldrnec No, 3"0. JOu Chlu» on th? Hnh tnetuni. leaving hl» h luviti V.U- M.irtnm Tay prck No 4 wr»s, v.r. Guuij tdo> Gu-u Hna. Oua» Keh tu.d Gu*r. ciun< 4 duuuhi*r>. Soon Ne.i, 5, ofc
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  • 730 10 Last week it was announced that Dr. Tempany, in a memorandum to the F.M.S. Government, suggested the imposition of a tax on imported rice. Undoubtedly the proposal was made to Government long before it was published, but that does not affect the point we wish to make—a point
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  • 216 10 Comments By The Way. THE Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association has solved to a very large extent the problem of "telling the world." The Association has arranged for Christmas hampers. containing Malayan produce, to be prepared and sent Home to the order of any person in Malaya, who
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  • 205 10 case reported on Monday of a A Chinese boy, who had fallen into the sea, being rescued by a Malay constable, emphasises once again the need for compelling children who are physically j and mentally sound to learn to swim. j Many of the principals of the Singapore
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  • 270 10 jIN countries where enlightened rule i does not exist the Press is subject jto heavy censorship. As early as In ths I time of Milton the need for giving freedom to the Press, was felt. This inspired him to write his "Areopagitica." The withdrawal of freedom
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  • 173 10 An international beauty competition will be held this month at the Great Eastern Park, Kuala Lumpur. Mrs. Wilson, wife of Mr. F. X Wilson First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur and her two children have returned to Kuala Lumpur after a long holiday at home
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  • 105 10 The hotel at Bintang, the Cameron Hignlands, should be* completed D y tVl f 155 understood from a reliable source that a syndicate has been formed for Hiah?^° Se the Cameron Highlands with electric light. Arraneem f 6 H ts t re b^ ing made for the lighting
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  • 26 10 The Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts, Bishop of Singapore, is staying in Ipoh from yesterday and will be at the St. John's Parsonage till to-morrow
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  • 416 10 BY "LOOKER-ON" j German journalists are to b* made Civil Servants. Malaya, pleas.* copy! Re the slump in Kuala Lumpur dance halls, the young men of that town have probably realised that tripping "the light fantastic toe" has become an expensive pastime. It seems to be cheaper
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  • 60 10 NEW WIRELESS DESIGNS, on p?ge 2. NAZI DRIVE IN DENMARK, on page 2. JAPAN'S POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, p. 3. CHINA NEWS, on page 5. CLUB DIARY, on page 9. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14 and 15. LIKELY DEFICIT IN F.M.S.. on page 16. RADIO PROGRAMME, on paje lfi.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 263 10 For iflfc Baby fj^S MODERATĔLY PRICED. PINE APPEARANCE. j ALL STEEL FRAMES. BUILT FOR DURABILITY. THE REST VALUE IN TOWN. Prices, $8.75 and $11.50 JjNCAJPORE —-y-— KUALA LUMPUR For Your Pram* (Needs Always* Say TAN-SAD proof »nd upo Istered in mottled cloth] with *.d«.s and back in one piece. White
      263 words
    • 71 10 *JK SHIPMENT fj 1 MANDOLINE B 1 BANJOS ill COMPETITIVE prices »1 |j Season Co., jLySffl 115, N(,rl Bridge Road. SCIENTIFIC GOLD JEWELLERY. Highiy appreeiat?d by High Court Judges. Ministers to Government and other eminent public men. FULL CATALOGUE FREE. The Scientific Gold Bangles Co, Ltd., 104, China Bazar Road.
      71 words

  • 93 11 MOSCOW'S ALLEGATION OF MILITARY PLOT. TOKYO DEMANDS RETRACTION OF ADMISSIONS." Threat Of Stern Action. Soviet Agency Continues Its Grave Accusations. \y SPITE a reported threat by Japan to take stern action, the Soviet official press agency, Tass, is making further ns regarding the supposed plot of
    93 words
  • 459 11 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 10. y [FAX incidents between the and Manchukuo over the of the C.EJL were reby the Tass Agency, ated that the Soviet Consul llabarovsk enquired about on which Soviet errC.E.R. were arrested. tative of the Manchukuo hey were merely arrest- at ion
    Reuter.  -  459 words
  • 98 11 Prisoners Making A Bolder Stand. Reuter Wireless. Leipzig. Oct. 7. I'nmpM urr unci ready wit of M l.i- infi.ctCd lus fellow priln- <o-iiav pleelully joined in i Appreciation of DimitrofTs fuiuwcred questions them- buldlj than formerly, (112 rnarmd in roui't und upoloiiuntent.ionally insulting the -v iii ui his
    Reuter Wireless.  -  98 words
  • 98 11 Ol Atholl's Move Against Authorities. Reuter Wireless. Loudon. Oct. 7. 1 of A«;»oll announces that no »vili b« recetvi el after to-day. > «ur announcement marks the 1 I !;rsr pharc In the huee plan iiiivt>;il Dritlsh lottery .laws "'«•i! bv l.h" Homo Ollice warning M' ni«uni*ed a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  98 words
  • 95 11 President Dissolves The Cortes. Reuter Wireless. Madrid, Oct. 9. The President has signed the decree dissolving the Cortes. The elections are fixed for Nov. 19 and the new Cortes will assemble on Dec. 8. Reuter Wireless. Madrid. Oct. 8. There is considerable relief throughout the country at the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  95 words
  • 79 11 Australian Receives Women's Kisses. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 9. Kisses from admiring women constituents formed part of the farewell to the Australian-born Captain W. P. Crawford Greene, MP. for Worcester, who took off from Worcester to-day in a specially chartered triple-engined cruiser monoplane on a 25,000 mile
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 45 11 Reuter. Jacksonville (Florida). Oct. 11. Incomplete but substantial returns show that Florida is voting six to one against Prohibition and is thi s likely to became the 33rd out of the 36 States required to vote "wet" in order to end Prohibition—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 197 11 American Complains Of 111-Treatment. Reuter Wireless. Berlin. Oct. 10. AN American citizen, an official of Woolworth's named Wells, has protested through the American Consul at his maltreatment by a crowd of Nazis because he failed to salute the Nazi flag. Wells, whose face was badly battered,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  197 words
  • 145 11 European Chinese Opposition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Oct. 11. The Chinese community of Perak has decided to send a petition to the Sultan of Perak protesting against the rice duty which comes into force on the 17th The pc» ion points out that the population as
    145 words
  • 115 11 Agreement On Near Eastern Policy. Reuter Wireless. London. Oct. 8. The plans formed at the recent conference oi the Little Entente as Sinaia for closer co-operation of all South European States are being actively pursued, with the participation of tht sovereigns concerned. A meeting has just terminated at
    Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 94 11 League Requests Early Action On Geneva Plan. Reuter Wireless. Geneva, Oct 9. M Mkl'js ,hdda (Liberia' La being pressed to make up his mind quickly with regard tc im- League's plan foi the solution of Liberia's problems, in consequence of the news that lighting has broken out
    Reuter Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 76 11 Viennese Demonstrate Against Government. Reuter. Vienna, Oct. 11. Riots have broken out at Ottakring, a working-lass suburb of Vienna, following a demonstration of protest against the Government ban on the "Arbeiter Zeitung." Mounted police charged the demonstrators, making many arrests before peace was restored. Police have been drafted
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 474 11 The Arms Deadlock. MUCH NERVOUSNESS IN EUROPE. Reuter Wireless. Geneva, Oct. 9. IfR. Norman Davis, interviewed by Reuter on his arrival at the meeting of the Disarmament Conference Bureau this afternoon, was feelino rather more optimistic "because the situation now is so bad, it is obvious
    Reuter Wireless.  -  474 words
  • 85 11 "Smithy" Passes Over Batavia. Reuter. Batavia. Oct. 10. Commodore Sir C. Kingsford Smith passed over to-day and dropped a note stating "London-Batavia in 6 da>s 3 hours; how's that" and requesting that landing lights be switched on at Sourabaya.—Reuter. Sourabaya. Oct. 10. Sir C. Kingsford Smith arrived at
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 126 11 Test For The National Government. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 9. MINIATURE general election is now pending and is likely to indicate the strength or otherwise of the support for the National Government. The death on Saturday of Mr. N. W. Smith Carrington. Conservative member for the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  126 words
  • 225 11 BRITAIN PUTS HER CASE. Reduction Logical. Radically Altered Conditions. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 11. IpOLLOWING the war debt meeting Mr. Acheson (U.S.A.) revealed lhat Sir F. Leith-Ross (Chief Economic Adviser to th< British Governnent) urged the present radicallyaltered world economic conditions being unforseeti when the settlement
    Reuter.  -  225 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 I All in one Nn j of Healrh^ Cocoa f\ i) Golden Honey, fresh Cream I Milk, fines* Cocoa, health- j i giving Malt and new- I I laid Eggs ail go info Walt j TALIS MALT, the w| I health giver. j Ensure re- 5 I c newed vitality
      209 words

  • 1931 12 EVIDENCE OF ADULTERY. DEFINITE PROOF UNNECESSARY. Custody'Of Children. Allegations Of Cruelty Fail. THE Chief Justice, Sir Walter Huggard. granted a decree nisi, to be made absolute* in three months, in the* Supreme Court yesterday to Sylvester Stephen Bell, with costs and the custody of
    1,931 words
  • 330 12 Youthful Fitters On Serious Charge. /CONSIDERABLE interest was taken in a case which was heard before the Second Magistrate (Mr. Norman Grice» yesterday morning, involving two youthful motor-car fitters employed by the Singapore Motor Works, a (Yacob bin Ahmad) and a Chinese <Yee Ah San). It was
    330 words
  • 181 12 Alleged Murder Five Years Ago. Another week's postponement was granted by 'he Seeord Magistrate Mr. N. Griee. this morning, at the request of the police, in the case in which two Sikhs. Lab Singh and Arjan Singh, are charged with a murder which :t is alleged was
    181 words
  • 90 12 "Boy" Falls Over Pan Of Boiling Oil. A Hylam boy" in the empLy of Mr. Collick, tht S.RC. footbalUr, was very severely sc-.lded in his master's house in Jalan Besar ye:t:rday afternoon. He was in the kitchen standing near a pan cf boiling coconut oil when. oi. turning
    90 words
  • 155 12 Driver Fainted. DOCTOR'S OPERATION IN ROAD. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 7. AN elderly motor driver's fainting fit while at the wheel is believed to have been the cause of the tragedy at the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace to-day. There was the utmost alarm among
    Reuter Wireless.  -  155 words
  • 178 12 R.A.F. Find Lost Machine. HTHE Royal Singapore Flying Club's Cutty Sark flying boat, which has been missing since yesterday, was sighted this morning by an R.A.F. machine on the beach of an island up the coast. The Cutty Sark, which set out yesterday morning at about 10.30 carrying
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  • 1336 12 Woman Charged. DEALERS COMPLAIN OF CHEATING. r pHE story of an alleged attempt a; cheating Chop Nang Heng, a well known firm of furniture dealers, was unfolded before the Criminal District Judge Mr. H. A. Forrer, yesterday. Choo Ah Sup, a well dressel Cantonese woman, was
    1,336 words
  • 276 12 Decorated Car Kills A Pedestrian. THE Coroner's inquiry into tne death of a Chinese who was knocked down by a motor-car that was on its way to fetch a bridal party was concluded before Mr. F. G. Bourne yesterday. His honour reserved his finding untii to-day. Inspector
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  • 93 12 Warsaw, Sept. 2. Unable to rind work in Poland large numbers of Jewish refugees from Germany have set out on a walking tour to Palestine. This week a group of seven left Warsaw. Other groups are preparing to leave. They will have to walk about 4.000 miles.
    93 words
  • 58 12 A young Chinese woman cmpkryed as a teacher in the Nanycng Girls' School was in\c.\ed in an acetdent yestercar morning She was walking along Pasir Panjang Road wti n a "mosquito" bus knock d her down BacJy bruised on both hands and knees, fee was conveyed to hospital
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  • 51 12 A Chinese coolie employed in a Europea Bowned rubber factory in Bukit T.'mah Road was badly injured yesterday afternoon. He was busy amongst the stacks of rub er *her. a load fell on his back, injuring him so badly that he had to be carried to tin
    51 words
  • 1039 12 AFFAIRS OF LO( M TEMPLE. Trustees Accused. Breach Of Trust Alleged In Supreme Court ALLEGATIONS of a 5en,,,,, were made against trustee 0 Hong San See Chinese Tempi, in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr Justice Gerahty, X.C.. when th' court dealt with a counterclaim by
    1,039 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 54 13 N.C..U FINED. I'.'iaHt'nffur* Saved Fifteen Per Cent. Niuv York. Or.l. 7 .intiuior tl;« Nor Mi-Atlantic < i.c- fiiirti the North Gorman ii' inx) for .lOrfptinK ratiistercO p. .ajro money by which l.lti'er. per ccni. tine ia colU-eted. it will b<' I'tm H»HY
    54 words
  • 97 13 t i." Italian. ion». irom lor UuUvlu l'-lO m.ii i British 3.72? >ons. from U lor Pormitß 12-10. i.>-i DriUsi!. 3.220 Um&. from 1 '< li« ol dcp:: rtorr aiitf «in» iv»i kimwi\ <-j. tons, (rum -\\y u R:ou»i. B.u.i, Bilii- ;2-:a NurweM*m. i»4si ums, from I'M'
    97 words
  • 113 13 Singapore. Oct. 11. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THB WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Mate wharf (Entrance Gate J). Bulan 16: Santhia 14: Hawaii I] Tasman 9; Ulysses 7 Baqrin Dock (Enrrance Gate S). W: 32: Raby Castle 35; Cain Prince 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). 1j: Fulci?..
    113 words
  • 53 13 British Resident Of I'erak Injured. '•3m Our Ow>i Correspondent J Ipoh, Oct. il l' t.'ulor, British Resident, 1 mtiny u mule and going up the Uills. met with an accident The mule at limbing throwing 'Ik- «round i .or:, injuries Include a frac- iicresaltatliiy a stay in
    53 words
  • 63 13 ropoH'd Return Ocean Flight Abandoned. Reuter Wireless. London. Oct. 9 Muljlsmifc have now decided to 1 I their proposed flight, due to iK n in ihe season and the per- or unfavourable conditions. MoUikojis have cabled that they 'to use the alternative route re-shipping their 'plane "Sea- M"
    Reuter Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 55 13 Secret Construction Of The Machine. Reuter Wireless Ancona. Oct. 8 Colonel CasaneUft machine, in which broke the air speed record, was constructed secretly and daily preparation been made for a fortnight for the k on the record, but weather conditions were bad until to-day. "he ingine develops
    Reuter Wireless  -  55 words
  • 144 13 "I Loved You Wednesday. wiUi Eliitu Laudl and Warnt-i Ba*Ler in (be iwu h-udmg roles, bisan a &ea£«m at tile CapUul la.m utyhl, and vny. well received by good hou»us. Adapted from a famous French play, the lilm tells the story of
    144 words
  • 92 13 "Smiling Througft.' u»t M.G M which VUi nwarctd the Gold Medal for The yeurbcst nlni m 1932. >«nrrtnjf Norma Slicairr. F titicric 1 MasrL and Le*Lc HawaH aas Intru-dtiri-d ul Hit- PaitUjn fur a sltou .ii-uaun ycairrday. Cinema lunt who missed -mmum llilfi (<r*at
    92 words
  • 114 13 "Don t Bet On Love." the Alhambra's Ir-aturc production for the ne*t Tew days, is an attractive tale of lilt* taring track: and tell* o( a .-.mulllown yo«th <Lew Ay re*) who wins a fortune through betting but at the same time lo.vs
    114 words
  • 74 13 The B.LP. cwtcdy. "Leave It To Mo, 4 ait ucißpiallon from P. O. .Woaehoiuc'» -«'«ry. "Leave Ii t« PattUUi." commenced it run at Uui Boxy Imj.l night It m bright entertainment and should bt enjoyed by everyone. Oeoe Ocrrmrd. of "My Wile's FAmlly" fume, In
    74 words
  • 46 13 Young Corbett. formerly we'rerweight champion of the world, has decided to retire from boxing after a caceer in the apart of 14 years. *3? is now 29. Corbefo M retiring because he despairs of getting a return match vrith the- champion. Jimmy McLarnin
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  • 202 13 SSIXING. Singapore, Oct. 11. London 4 months' sight 2,4 532 London 6 months' sight 241 London HO days' sight 24 784 London 30 days' sight 2 4 332 London cemand London T.T. 2 i 4 132 Lyons and Paris demand M| Hamburg demand 14 New York demand 53
    202 words
  • 184 13 Singapore. Oct. 13 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $120 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $111 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $94 Rice. 3. Siam N. 2 $90 Siam. No. 1 ••Sinhway" $170 Siam. No. 2 "Sinhway" $163 Siam. No. 3 "Sinhway" $150 Rice,
    184 words
  • 126 13 Warsaw, Sept. 2. The passage of the 1,500 motorists and other Germans of the Nazi party through the Polish Corridor to Eastern Prussia, where Hindenburg celebrated the anniversary of his great victoryover the Russians in 1924, gave rise to the most unusual sight. Thousands of Nazis travelled
    126 words
  • 147 13 Underground Activities In Soviet Capital. Moscow. The first portion of Moscow's first Underground will be ready for traffic by Nov. 7. 1934. the date of the celebration of the Seventeenth Anniversary of the October revolution, it is announced here. The building of the railway has been making good
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  • 94 13 ALHAMBRA.—Lew Ay res in Don 1 Bet On Love." CAPITOL.—EIissa Landi and Warner Baxter in "I Love You Wednesday." EMPIRE.-Double talkies: "Fast Companions" and "Scandal for Sale." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayaiigs. cinemas. Talkies: Sky—"Speak Easily;" Star—-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." MARLBOROUGH.—'Sati-Savitri." an Indian talkie. NEW
    94 words
  • 48 13 Neighbours Pad Against Aggressors. Reuter. Rio do Janeiro. Oct 10. Au treaty. outlawing uggres slon and forcible acquisition of termor} has been signed by the representative of Argentina, Brazil. Chile, Mexico Paraguay and Uruguay. In the presenci oI many diploma to and notabilities. Router.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 124 13 Warsaw. Sept. 2. For the mm time in free Poiat.d. half compulsory means arc to be employed to find subseribera to an internal State lorn. On Sept. 1 the Poll h Government I i launching an internal loan of r.bout £7.090.00'» to cover the huavy ceflcit in the
    124 words
  • 48 13 British Expert To Live In Shanghai. Reuter London. Oct. 10. Wing-Commander R. P. Willock. Air Attache to China, who is sailing on Nov. 11. has decided to reside in Shanghai and not in Peiping. Aviation firms took objection to his being stationed elsewhere than in Shanghai.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 33 13 Rejection Of Independence Act. Reuter. Manila. Oct. 10. The House of Representatives, hy 58 votes to 22. has approved of the action of the Senate in rejecting the Philippine Independence Act—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 48 13 S Wherever the Sun shines or th; Wind blows The Universal Favourite. lit years old and Magnificent. i THOSE VVHO STATE I THAT NO TEETOTAL j /flßu HAVE NEVER TRIED J!| CUBE! v STKALiAN CLARET AN 1• V I'KOM'CT J Fraser Neave, Ltd. j Aerated Water Specialists. j
      48 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 186 13 [jp^yNmuGtMg SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Banka Island. Pladjoe and Palembang (Thedcasi 3 urn. Pcntlanak iKhoen WHmu 3 .j.m j Tongkal and Diambi iToba) 3 «>.m. Ccylcn, Egypt. Europe and Gt. Britain (.Glengarry; Ipm "North. N.-East and N.-West Sumatra Siam. Burma. India. Iraq. Palestine. Egypt. East and South Africa, Europe. I
      186 words
    • 338 13 DIARY Of Ttit Dffii WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. OCT 11 High Tides—3.l9 a.m.. 2.18 p.m. Rotary Luncheon. Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Athletic Sports, Teo Hoo Lye Institute, Jalan Besar. 2.30 p.m. Chinese League Football. Kieta Ayer v Balestier. S.CF.A. Rugby: S.CC. II v. P.S. "B," S.CC.
      338 words
    • 76 13 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Teaterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Station*. D°g. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. F Alor Star 88 Nil 7.9 74 Sitiawan 89 0.02 8.7 75 K. Trengganu 87 025 8.7 73 Bukit Jkram 88 0.08 10.7 73 Malacca 85 0.66 10.3
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  • 102 14 YESTERDAY'S RUGBY FOOTBALL MATCHES. START OF S.C.C. TOURNAMENT. CHINESE FIFTEENS FIRST VISIT TO TANGLIN. Two interesting games of rugby football were played yesterday despite the inclement state of the weather. On the Padang the Malaya Command Officers met the Merchants in the first tournament
    102 words
  • 622 14 Merchants Outplayed On The Padang. <;AME that was characterised by hard forward rushes and by fierce tackling was witnessed on th"c Padang yesterday when the Command Officers defeated the merchants by two tries (6 pts.) to a try (3 pts.) in the first game in the S.C.C.
    622 words
  • 520 14 Asiatics Strong In Defence. Chinese rugby football XV. making their second outing for the season, met the Wiltshire* "B" at Tanglin yesterday and were beater, by a goal and a try (8 pts.) to nil. The conditions were far from ideal, there being too much
    520 words
  • 116 14 The following are the first round ties of tha Bramtoco Sports Club open, ping-pong championship tournament which will commence to-day at 4.45 p.m TO-DAY: Leong. Wing Yutt v. H. E. Hall, R A. F. Brown v. Tan Gim Yang. TO-MORROW: Wee Cheng Siang v. Boey Chee Choon. H.
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  • 88 14 Satisfaction In Sydney And Melbourne. Reuter. London. Oct. 10. AS a result of the publication of the texts of the friendly interchange of cables between the M.C.C. and the Austral an the British Press says the bodyline controversy L> over. Reports from Sydney and Melbourne announce general
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 140 14 Gist Of The Cables Exchanged. Reuter. Adelaide, Oct. 10. The text of the cables revealed following the receipt of the Marylebone C. CYs, reply shows that negotiations have been very friendly. The Australian Board agrees that leg-theory has been practised- for years without any open objection, yet
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 170 14 Interest Spreading In All Directions. (From Uvr Own Corrctpontsnu) Seremban Otl :o Tiie intettx in badminton u, beionunir so etui Mttlwyt »u So; cm Urn hav»» 1*1(411 lip tils; trmnc. The Bpl x Dndmiu'o:; Pnr'.j met the Pusah K«d/mmun Pany t»n hi' Utter cuurts ;u Ruaah ««id
    170 words
  • 101 14 New Class 1 Horse Added To Lists. The following is the latest list of classifications by the Straus Racing Assoc.atior HORSES. TRANSFERS: Pegasus from Class 2 to Class 3, Rona Welkn from Class 3 to Class 4 NEW CLASSIFICATIONS: Class 1 Greenoak; Class 2, Stoker; Class 3,
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  • 796 14 Badminton Final. THE HOLDERS LOSE TITLE. AXE of the finest doubles matches played during the last few seasons was witnessed by a large crowd of badminton enthusiasts on Saturday in the V.I. Hall when the final of the Selangor men's doubles championship between A. S. Samuel and
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  • 420 14 Immense Gathering At Nanking. Nanking, Oct. 11. FAVOURED by bright weather, the All-Chjna Athletic Sports was opened in Nanking at ten o'clock yesterday morning, with a crowd of 400,000 in attendance. Forty aeroplanes soared over the sporte stadium, dropping pamphlets. The leading officials of the Government, including
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  • 52 14 Dead Heat In Champion Stakes. Reuter. London, Oct. 10. There was a dead heat for first place in the race for the Champion Stakes at Newmarket to-day, when only three horses ran. 1 DASTUR. 1 CHATELAINE. 3 SCARLET TIGER. Betting 2 5 Dastur; 9 2 Chatelaine; 5 1
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 48 14 Changes Among The Jockeys For To-day. Reuter. London, Oct. 10. Changes in the jockeys for the Cesarewitch are: Robertson will take the place of Cordell on Bunkawai, and Foster will ride Strathallan instead of Lynch, who will ride Boldero. Lord Nugent and Tuppence have been scratched.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 477 14 MR. SANDS LEADS DISCUSSION. Yesterday's Start. Encouraging Attendance Present. 'pHE first of a series of lectures or the rules of Association football was held at the Anson Road Stadium pavilion yesterday. Mr. F. C. Sands, Chairman of the Referees' Board, was the speaker. There was an encouraging
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  • 31 14 The C.C.A.A. tS.CF.A. League champion will meet the Babul Aman (favourites Far M.F.A. league honours) at the Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow. Admission charges: 20 and 10 cents.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 39 14 )j ,f you desire a mi,k as near to the fine^tTpure^ j n kas tan be obtained in any put oH wmrU you should try XLI M. POWDERED MILK. v OBTAINABLE AT ALL LEADING PROVISION DEALERS. Distributors: Co. I
      39 words

  • 316 15 Smith's Chance To Win Another Title. md J. T. Smith have qualified j? in t p.e of the semi-finals of the Ctab chamoipnship. The arc S N. K.ily and J. P. third round wtre: Mullan 2 and 1 beat Beavis 2 up C Hamilton beat 6 and
    316 words
  • 119 15 OhiO Badminton Party beat the Hua Chiang Badminton Party on Saturday at the ill by five games to three. GreenhiU players mentioned first). Yf > Hong Chuan beat L. Yeang Kofc Le~ng Kirn beat Peter Tan 9, 11—15: Tan Ah Tong lost 13 —IS, 15—9. 11—15; Lim Yap
    119 words
  • 52 15 P W.D team defeatec the Land Office fad game of soccer on Monday ■I C P.A. grornd. •mg represented* the P.W.D.: —J. Let humanan. R. Joseph. Idris, Kiran and Carlo Pereir.i, Osman SivaJantan bin Awang. E. Paglar (capt.) »BC Philip d'AlmeicJa. scorers were Jantan bin Awang
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  • 404 15 Bouts At The City Park. fFrom Our Own Correspondent.) j Malacca, Oct. 9. rpHE bouts offeree last night B* the City Park 1 were rather in the nature of a disappoints mint, if thy opening one between Mat Locheng snc Aman Beilon. the comedian of the Nooran Opera,
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  • 148 15 Teams For To-morrow's S.H.A. Practice. The first local hockey trial match will be played at the S.C.C. on to-morrow's evening. The teams were selected last night as follows: WHITES: Dr. S. L. o:hlfcis (S.R.C); Lieut. W. Douglas (R.E.t. A. G. "Armstrong (S.R.C): Hazara Singh (Police). Lieut. N. C
    148 words
  • 115 15 The Anson Badminton Party defeated the Mayfair Badminton Party on Sunday at the Termer's court by 5 games to J Scores: (Anscn BP, players mentioned first). Chiang Tiom? Wah lost to Quek Chip Jian K«—l3 (.)—5), 7—15: Sng Beng Teck beat Lee Cheng Puan 15—7 11—15. 15—
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  • 606 15 Lehtinen "Better Than Nurmi." (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 21. r E pppearance on successive days of the present holder of the world mile record and the man frcm whom he recently captured it aroused great interest in the world of Atnletics which has been
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  • 210 15 The following are the results in the 17th round of the Marigold B.P.s singles championship tournament: Tan Chong Tee beat Chua Leng Seah 15—8. 1*3—13 (5 —3); Tay Swee Hiong beat Tan Kirn Song 15—2, 15—4; Yeo Sim Kang beat C. H. Chung (w.0.); Tan Chong Llat
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  • 77 15 S.C.R.C. team for to-day v. the R.A.F. at the SC.R.C. ground: Cheok Wah, Evan Wong. Gim Lock, Theen Chye, Fong Lim, Kee Sian.?, Chin Khean, Tuck Soon, Tiang Seng, Joo Kong, Seng Whatt, Reserves: Yew Hock, Geo Lee. On Friday, v. N. C. Officers at the S.CR.C ground:
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  • 553 15 Double That He Just Missed. (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 21. j IIfHEN he beat Max Marstor.. holder of the fl title ten years before, in the final of this year's American Amateur Goif Championship at Cincinnati. George Dunlap n!<si have haci cmc reflections on how
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  • 214 15 Boy Of 12 Beats His Father. Golfers who have children in the game should take warning from the fact that the other day a boy under 12 beat his father over 9 hole without any flukes. The boy. W. Stoff.r, was having a round after playing in the
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  • 135 15 Sunday's Annual General Meeting. At the seventh annual general meeting of the Union Sporting Association, held on Suncay at Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow, Pa-'ir Fanjang, the following were elected .officebearers for the year 1933-1934: Pre icJent, Mr. Chee Koon Chhing (re-elect-ed) Vice Presidents. Mr. Kwek Noy Chia
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 21 15 j Duffs Whisky 'Scotcß 11 F >ran(i and without Sole Agents F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., 3A, Raffles Quay, Telephone No. 2234.
      21 words
    • 280 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eaetern Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 37. Old Jewry. 1.0. The Company hae £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compUee with the
      280 words

  • 629 16 Eight Millions. THE BIG RAILWAY LIABILITY. JNDICATIONS as to the Federation's budget prospects are given in the annual report for 1932 of the Auditor, S.S. and F.M.S. After accounting "for all charges, it is estimated that less than $3,500,000 v ill be available to meet the
    629 words
  • 102 16 Local Governments* Opinion Solicited. It is understood that the Government of India, following upon the motion in the Legislative Assembly for circulation of the TempleEntry Bill for eliciting public opinion, have circularised the local Governments to forward to them at an early date their views, together with
    102 words
  • 17 16 Thirty four men and 16 women were converted to iaUun during August by ihe Mounathui IslSabha. Ponnanl.
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  • 163 16 Constant Stream Of Visitors Seen. Berlin, Aug. 26. A Munich illustrated journal publishes this week some interesting pictures of Chancellor Hitter on holiday. Although he is theoretically spending his summer holidays at Wachenfeld, the country home which he owns at Obersalzberg. buried deep in Bavaria, Hitlec- cannot
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  • 113 16 100 copies a minute. Speedy and silent in action, this Duplicator is capable of turning dq| 0116 hundred copies a minute, h. machine is of a particularly solid eoestruction. By means of the vai pressure lever fitted to thr machine, the density of copies can be \i,
    113 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 283 16 j —M\<'' :r I aitd_adds a keener edge to j 4Khk|l& Tyour 'appetite" I ALBM NOW SELL ING kl ill^BHl/il^^ (SINGAPORE PRICE) j per case op <£nn nn 96 PINT BOTTLES Tjf If 0R PERDOZ l I 4t) quart bottles. 2410 0 mW I fkS CHOP 1 KEPALA BRITISH BREWED
      283 words
    • 153 16 i M ikatil be so JsL 03 ChOP A. mm m "A LIFETIME INVESTMENT." "DIAMOND" Bedsteads are British made, of first class materials and beautifully finished. Prices From $6 to $22. (In Singapore of all leading dealers). Seven reasons why you should own a "DIAMOND BEDSTEAD:" 1. They are of
      153 words
    • 45 16 Why waste money buying new TRANSFORMERS. CHOKES SPEAKERS, HEADPHONES, PICK-lfpfe, Etc. We can restore them to their original condition. Si At 85', to 50% less than the cost 0 of new ones. We guarantee prompt and efficient service. Thone 4791. LIMITED 163, Orchard RoaU, Singapore.
      45 words
    • 223 16 HER FAT IS GOIXa FAST. Ii you are curious to know what to her bust, wjist. and hi her letter:— T was 186 lb:. wh< Q I ktai chen three months ago and am and I hope at reduce mv v. n-\v warding my awamrriiwuts b Xruschen: I v a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 319 16 TODAYS EMPIRE PkOGRAMMES. Transmissions On Two Wavelengths. 'Add hrs., 20 mins., to G.M.T. times.) TWO of the following frequencies anc wavelengths will be used simultaneously,' but the wavelengths may b< changed in the course of each day's transmissions. Announcements will be made at frequent intervals:— GSF ***** kcs 19.82 m.
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  • 399 17 ControJ Of Arms ''Illusory." Paris, Sept. 9. (i by some papers here to-day the Vianc -Biitish conversations tc Id hi Pans on September 18 v.i*h a view iig the possibility ot a ::> ordination icics of ihe two c-cuntues in the armaments beame the re-opening of
    399 words
  • 473 17 Details Of Current Prices. 1 I Singapore. Oct 6. MEAT Beef, steak <ruurd). kati 30 Beef, &teW or cuiry. kali 22 Pork, /ran. xntl 41 Pork. Icr.n and fut <l:t ejus lily» Lati 34 MutvOO, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, katl 40 Hens < locally reared), kau 45 Duciu
    473 words
  • 144 17 Visits To "Holy Coat" To fje Restricted. Cologne. SO many invalids are flocking into Treves Cathedral to touch "Holy Craf relic that the authorities have decided that the numbers must now be considerably restricted. On Sunday evening alone over a thousand ill p.-ple pressed forward to touch
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  • 39 17 As a result of simultaneous raids by the Rangoon police jointly with the police of the Insein and Maubin districts over one hundred persons have been placed under arrest and articles of jewellery, valued at over one lakh, seized.
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  • 465 17 jHelp Of The Carnegie Trust. PRACTICALLY the whole of the British Isles is now opened up fur library purposes, Mr. L. J. Packing!on. Chief Librarian of Lambeth, told a correspondent of the "Observer" in a talk about the Library Association Conference which opened at Harrogate on
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  • 227 17 Cccan shipments of rubber, including latex, revertex and concentrated latex, during th- month of September. 1933 Sheet and Crepe Latex, Concentrated Latex. TOTAL Tons. Revertex. Tons. TteS. Name of Port. Transhipment Transhipment Transhipment. Export Straits Malay Export Straits Malay Export Straits Malay Grand Proper. Settlements. States. Proper.
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  • 208 17 {T was claimed that the Straits Trading Company in keeping tin off the market when the price had fallen and selling it when the price was high v/ere doing a service to the industry of a similar character to that done by the
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  • 165 17 WE have protested strongly, but unW availingly. that it borders on the j insane to persecute the motor industry [ft the manner the F.M.S. Government has done in order to bolster up the Railway. It must be remembered, and this is a fact which the F.M.S. Government apparently
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  • 169 17 THUS with an import tax of 25 cents per pikul <40 cents a bag> the additional cost to the consumer would be 80 to 90 cents a bag or 3 cents a gantang. an imposition of approximately 15 per cent, based on current prices. The main argument in
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 9 17 iH Agan t Dysentery anc intestinal affections Hn 'yaTren'ios
      9 words
    • 294 17 I r-m In This: [Tropical tg Climate Your Blood Easily Weakens Guard and cure .yourself from annemias. poorness of the blood !Hos and in any case of eneral debi,it y» of anaemia J etc., by taking the famous HI Dr. RQUSSELS j Hy HEMOSTYL SYRUP For Particulars Apply Sole Agents:
      294 words

  • 818 18 33 MILLION MORE PEOPLE. Huge Mortality. Birth Control In Madras. J'HE Government of India released for publication on Sept. 20 the report on the census of 1931. The report is voluminous and shows an increase of 33 millions in the population, despite
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  • 621 18 Carried After Discussion In Assembly. AN* interesting- discussion took place in the Indian Legislative As;emt>ly on Sept. 20, when the supplementary demand uncer "Civil Aviation" for Rs. 263,000, in connection with the agreement with the Trai.s-Continental Airways was tak n up. This demand came •is. the
    621 words
  • 287 18 Heart And Intestinal Trouble. Geneva, Sept. 24. MR. V. J. PATEL is very seriously 111 in a clinic near Myons, Lake of Geneva, suffering from heart and intestinal trouble. Specialists, who have been called in, take a very grave view of the case. Mr. Subash
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  • 58 18 Audience Given Back Their Money. Mr. S. G. Kittappa, the popular Tamil stage star whose songs are familar to all Tamils in Malaya through his gramophone records, felld own in a swoon while Acting as Nandanar in "Tiruvanur" on Sept. 16. The big attendance present had to
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  • 675 18 PLEA FOR GOVT. ASSISTANCE. Preference Urged. Facilities For Debt Collecting-. •JWAT Indian traders in the F.M> were having- a difficult time wan emphasised at the annual meeting of the Selangor Indian Merchants' Association, held on Sunday last at Kuala Lumpur. The lack of Governmental assistance was
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 715 18 J Cheap Lamps v Expensive Vm^fcfcJ' l KH Mazda Laboratories HE A 0> drawn tungsten 1 'If v.irp electric lamp A m 191: S U •\,V .\S a 1 |/A ,hen all the most \rj (®> lllPT K *3fi\~ nr.| gTpr Q£ MAZDAS and the ■r, L/\rV||'3 Non-Sag Filament ■~«»mO
      715 words
    • 124 18 iiiirii!iiiii::ini„i, i ■»f«;.iHiiii l -ru«iiin„iiiiiiiiii l ;i l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!itiiiir ■nii!iniHiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii|i l |iiiiii,i lMln lflMluillll 111 (teMtl 111 l <■..... ■"""■"■"■"■"■M»umiiii»iißii»ii»ii«ii»uiii»ii»H»Ußiwiiiii| l ii'ilM illilllli tilDilnlnliili!l:il':iiiliiliiln(iiii I I j Purity Value m GILBEY'S tWk I INVALID PORT. WM I AMAZING FREE OFFER ggj I A handsome Wine Glass is now given lIHHBf
      124 words

  • 151 19 Shanhaikuan May Re Handed Back, Shanghai, Oct. 7. outcome of Sino-Japanese ne- a portion of the Suzuki ..■toned at Shanhaikuan has I 'hovv in Manchuria. Only Japanese Garrison remain IB the city. j nchukno organs are to De ::j f.tion. nee Police are ready to leave un
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  • 78 19 i iwucnt Commences Operations. SlitfJiflhal. Oci tf. imutpiun m Sxechuen U pronly 7bo CommuuUu in the t.titian districts are fetreoUng 'roops advance iit Che twfchuen Cocumanderi iivd ro Oen. Vang Hu Chen, -tujisi. tiia; the Szechuenese bjr six routes against the ;!rneu north into South Shensl. hoyed
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  • 299 19 "No Place For Blatant Nationalism." Vienna, Sept. 9. IfIENNA l^fWßf it3:lf up tQ q week end uf f rtstivity such as it has not enjoyed since tne war. He would be a difficult person indeed who cculd not find something to interest him in programme which includes the
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  • 73 19 Ten Thousand People Welcome Airmen In Si an. Shanghai, Oct. 9. Capt. Sun Tung Kang and Capt. Wang Tso Mm, the all-China flyers, arrived at Sian 'capital of Shensi) yesterday on their 'plane. Gen. Yang Hu Chen (Chairman of Shensi* Mr. Shao Lik Tse (Chairman of Xansu) attended
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  • 309 19 "Ironsides" And "Storm Troops." Berlin, Sept. 5. SEEKING in foreign history for characters whom it is seemly for good Nazis to admire, Nasi writers and historians have "discovered" Oliver Cromwell. During the past year, at least two German biographies of Cromwell have appeared. Last Sunday the '•Berliner
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  • 43 19 It is reported that a new co-operative society has come into existence—the Mercantile Subbordinates' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society. Its aim is to encourage thrift among the lowers ranks of employees in the business firms —the peons, servants, messengers, etc.
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  • 25 19 Divine Service, in English, will be conducted oy Mr. H. R. Cheeseman at 6 p.m. on Sunday in the Chinese Presbyterian Church, Jalan Salleh, Muar.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 80 19 O-CEDAR POLISH MAKES THAT CLEAN DUST LESS HOME FRIENDS ADMIRE KKAIITIFUL FLOORS BEAUTIFUL FLOORS Wood Tile Floors Wood Tiie Floors "Cleans As It Polishes" O-Cedar is the safest and best of all polishes for fine furniture, pianos and woodwork. It quickly "cleans and polishes" all kinds of surfacesremoves spots and
      80 words
    • 288 19 WORKS LONDON i- IJI ISHr Virginia CARRERAS' wonder Factory in LONDON the HOME of.. CRAVEN A CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES The most modernly-designed and equipped Tobacco Factory in the World is Arcadia Works, on the Hampstead Road, London, N.W., where Carreras make CRAVEN "A" Cigarettes. Nine acres of airwashed, sun-bathed cleanliness,
      288 words