Malaya Tribune, 7 October 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR OAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- -No. 230 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday. Oct. 7, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1933. FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 > f Ps-\ Read The Sunday Tribune Dominant in. Malay al —I Drink H ♦Dili i nnp f 0, do Atari -v. .#%&m t "2iw' \*jwfc^&BRAND v v. ifexOr H l r h I I VOLE AGENT/ INCORPORATED IN dT 8. W,W 18. 1
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER f, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coma and gold ornaments ci every class and quality, paying highest priest according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 127 2 Comments On The Mail. My dear Nieces. 1 have very little to Bay this week. ContributtQM have come in well but 1 notice that boom of ;ou still insist on writing on both tides of '.lit paper. Please, dears, remember to wiite on enc side
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  • 246 2 lUy "Ihippy Afrtfc'V Dm tit Lr., I had seen my ariltlf pubU.ued uiAi wtt-K. ><nd I «as very a lad. Thank? 10 Atintlf USEiIC. O! courx. you know those electric horns on r motor-car —you press a black button of about th* dec of your button which you w?ar
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  • 77 2 (By Schoolgirl Dolly.", One day I wan on my way hom". I vcaft In rickshi with my mother. A man on a bicycle rame rourid the corner ;.nd turr.rd thr ricksha over. Wf lell down. My mother hurt her hand ■lid le* I waa very frlxhtencd but was
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  • 903 2 >Bif "Sleeping i Tl-.rr jived m u country a Mrs, Thontt und hei Ix children The younger was n baby, tul the eldest Kim. a One your»? lud fu«»r Mr. Thou# bad bee» In prison for two years, aisd 111 had live morp yf'itrs to
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  • 206 2 ißr/ Merry princess.") There was an old eat who lav vick In bed. One day If ealled his &on. a small cat. to gu Tnd catch a rat. but little cat had never icon u before. So the eld cat told bin» that n -at had
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  • 164 2 /By •Jancl Gaunor"/ Hello everybody! I atn r*rv pleased to write 'his article lo the "Corner" When I go driving in the ctenlngs abuut 4.45 p.m. I always pass the front and st<mttimes I slop my car to look at the sunset. Thr flint thine I notice
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 TME ORIGINAL PRIMUS HEATING and apparatus, j SOLI AGENTS: Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the SB.)
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    • 272 2 GUARDS THE COMPLEXIONS OF FILM-LAND In the luxurious dressing-rooms of you find the simple, white tablet of Lux Toilet beauty secret of the film stars! The camera dĕmands a flawless skin; rhe mild lather of Lux Toilet is praised by scores of famous film stars for the youthful smoothness it
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    • 77 2 PHILLIPS* Dental j THE MODERN ~i TOOTHPASTE Sj! that Whitens the Teeth >T au nM m Protects the Gums Destroys Mouth *Acids LOTION DOUCE FRANCE No. 754 THIS LAST WORD Df The best of hair lotions at the cheapest price. Recommended for hair-setting. Cool and Refreshing. Obtainable at all high
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  • 467 3 Alleged Evasion Of Death Duties. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 5. AT a meeting of the Perak State Council held at Kuala Kangsar a few day? ago H.H. the Sultan of Perak expressed his deep regret at the death of H.H. the Yam Tuan of Negri
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  • 264 3 Long: Service In French Governments. Paris. Sept. 2. If. Leygucs. Minister of Mcrine, died this a f ternoon at his house at St. Cloud at th age cf seventy-four. Georgis Jran Claude Leygu'.s was born at ViUcnfuvp-sur-Lot on November 28. 1858 After schooling at the local
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  • 135 3 Belgrade, Sept. 2. The usual gaiety of the annual fair held ot Varvarin, in Serbia, yesterday, was brolc n o> an appalling event. The news spread among the crowd that a peasant had recognised in a blind, whit"- I skinned child in the charge cf some gypsies the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 es, he's well again getting longer day, Emulsion J" jUKSw a blessing to have W YOUr child hea lthy again |J strain and worry of illness Now —^wB^W is the time to build up his strength RWrapj and vitality and to prevent afterr]»vSK4r*| effects. So give him SCOTT'S Emulsion—the supreme
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    • 162 3 I TOO DELICIOUS TO LEAVE! I I j I j •MILKMAIir-crSTAHI) PUPBING. j 1 ttg, 2 tablespnonfuls Killmuid Milk, dissolved I j Rdl water. Fiavoii ring FLENSED MjUH METHOD -vw. &VESTENKO fidU. J a outterod ,ia,.er. and:stc am slowly until set- J\&M li about %of an hour. Serve hot or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 535 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basab Rtad, SINGAPORE. m If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water s"rvice, please write to the above address or 'Phone 8411. TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and
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    • 506 4 TO LET. I TO LET—IO, Newton Road, compound house, 4 big bed-rooms, baths, electric, water, garage, tennis court, servants' quarters. Apply: An,? Hock Seng, 38, Amoy Street. TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Slglap, furnished, by day or month. Apply Yeo Chiang Swee. 153, Grove Road. 'Phone 7405. TO LET—The upper flocr
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    • 485 4 j EDUCATIONAL. THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 541, Geylang Road. Day and Evening Classes in preparation for the L.C.C. and the Professional Exams. Conducted by experts in daily practical touch with big organisations. English day classes from Primary to Senior Cambridge re-open on 4th Sept. Particulars frcm the Principal. FAR EASTERN
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    • 290 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. J WANTED —A Lady Secretary and «cvenO fcr Uv? forthcoming Art and Bwuty Skovr. Apply Box No. 221, c o Malay® Trlbunt. WANTED —Assistant with A Ihotough Itnowlrd*e ui Genu" Coot a and Shcs writ* Bo:\ No. 222. co Mnluya Tribune WANTED —Astatic Advortisem ni Canvaa«ul>-> nn»«2«tu'
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    • 663 4 PUBLIC NOTICES* tTpTrRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO., LTD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual g serai Me"ting to be held on 13th October 1933, the Directors will tecommend that a Dividend cf 25 cents per share be declared In respect cf the year ended 30th June, 1933
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    • 550 4 j Special Grand Sale! from Ist to 31st October. A DRASTIC DISCOUNT OF j 30 per cent. is being allowed on all marked prices of Clocks Watches, j New Shipments of the very Latest Designs and Models in Clocks and Watches just received. Do not fail to pay us a
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  • 138 5 WE are eager to agree to a duty on imported rice if the whole amount so collected is used to encourage ricegrowing in the F.M.S. and not used to increase the general revenue so that the salaries of Dr. Tempany and other
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  • 128 5 BUT there is no necessity for justi- fication for taxing the staple food oi the labouring classes. Le. the great bulk of the people in the Federated Malay States. We do not regard Dr. Tempany as a simple-minded, unwordly bucolic. He is a high Government official
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  • 172 5 fTHIS country is spending no less than $750,000 a year on Malay education and it may well be asked what benefit accrues to the country from this expenditure. Malay may be the "lingua franca" of the country in that it is the commonest spoken language amongst all
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  • 113 5 BUT why not spend the money (Opium Revenue Replacement Fund i imme- j j diately on the development of the Colony? Particularly in slum clearance j and the provision of modern sanitaryhouses for the workers. Too much im- portance cannot be attached to this blot •on our social
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  • 271 5 Man's Nose Slashed With Razor. (From Out Own Correspondent.J Johore Bahru. Sept. 4. 4 FTER a hearing which lasted 2\( 2 days during which over twelve w'tnesses gave '-•vidence. Barkat bin Ahmad Khan, a private '.r the Johore Military Forces, was acquitted b: Mr. Justice Bailey
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  • 806 5 Thief's Escape In Motor Car. CJCOTLAND Yard detectives are enHj to trace a diamond, stated to be worth £20,000, which was stolen on Sept. 13, from a jeweller's shop window in Hatton Garden, E.C., in one of the most carefully planned smash and grab raids in
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  • 132 5 Drives Off Burglars With A Revolver. I The Earl of Dudley, armed with a pistol, drove off burglars who entered his home, Himiey Hail, near Dudley. I He stated that the value of the articles stolen was not great, but several of them were of sentimentaL interest.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 Small Injuries i. which is easily applied anu which does not get out of place > even when applied to LAI. a should therefore H.V. Straits Java Trading Co.
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    • 421 5 COMES EAST! j AGENCY FOR GREAT ANGLO-AMERICAN CHEMISTS' BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN j SINGAPORE. I ANOTHER link between East and West is established by the i arrival in Singapore of REXALL, the great Anglo-American Pharmaceutical and Toilet goods enterprise. REXALL is the trading name of the United Drug Company, !Ltd., of
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  • 293 6 Shipping News Notices. GIBRALTAR-TANGIER SERVICE. Winter Itinerary And Motor-Car Freight. Loudon, Stpt. 5. MESSRS. M. H. Bland and Co.. Ltd., Gibi altar, state that the following service will bmaintained between Gibraltar and Tangier by their British twin-screw steami r Gibel Dersa" <1 225 tens, 300 ft. long, ma dmum sp
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  • 208 6 An Example Of Low Operating Costs. An example of the serious nature of the foreign competition with which British shipping has to contend has been brought to the notice of the secretary of the Mercantile Marin t Service Association. A member of the society has recently been relieved
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  • 177 6 Free Telegrams To Vessels At Sea. For the first time, the Post Office will participate in the exhibition of th. 1 shipping industry, to be held at Olympia from Sept. 7 to 23, when visitors will be imited to send Ul grams free of charge to their friends
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  • 97 6 Ship Refloated Without Damage. The O.S.K. new 8,000-ton cargo steamer "Tokai Maru," which sailed for New York from Shanghai on Aug. 19, went aground at the entrance to Keelung harbour on the evening of the following day. It was necessary to temporarily discharge 200 tons of cargo
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  • 91 6 Two accidents which have happened along the Yangtze River were reported by the Coast Inspector's Office at Shanghai. No damage was reported in either case, although it is understood that salvage tugs are proceeding to attempt to refloat the "Diagan Maru" No. 2, K.Y.K vessel now aground near
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  • 348 6 Designed To Save Space And Weight. AN invention which Is claimed to mark great engineering advance has been per- j fefcted and is now being manufactured at th-* i works of Messrs. Richardsons, Wcstgarth and I Co.. at Hartkpcol. It is a steam generator of new design that
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  • 146 6 Sir Arnold Wilson's Scathing Attack. London Sept. 9. A scathing criticism of the Suez Canal dues which, he declared, resulted in turning Far Eastern trade to the United States, was uttered yesterday by Lt.-Col. Sir Arnold Wilron. the well-known authority on the Middle East and India, before
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  • 146 6 August The Best Month Of The Year. In the number and variety of contracts placed for new tonnage. August will go down in shipbuilding lecords on the Clyde as the best month of this year, as seven new vessels wcic ordered. In addition to being the best
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  • 431 6 Real Reason For Possible I Re-Commissioning. 17 ha* been reported r»«m New Yew It tiuu 1 ii«« Untied States imtr Levlathon may *gah» bf put into coram if-''ion on Ihe North The rcavm stated for U* M nuwr bi-iwe«-n the Cr.nard and Whit* Si*. Luu~. u not, howpvfr,
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  • 104 6 i New Service To Be Established Soon. Helsincfors. Aug. 31. Owing to the increasing traffic betwe n England and Finland, the Finland Steamship Line has decid d to inaugurate a regular service between Abo, on the south-wtst coast of Finland, and England, commencing in April Mxt year.
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  • 102 6 It was reported at the monthly meeting of the Falmouth Harbour Commissioners by the Harbour Ccmmitt c that they had considered the proposal for dredging the shallow water between the north m arm of the breakwater end the Pool at Falmouth Doaka, and. having a7.proved of
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  • 558 6 Interview With Sir Leslie Scott. AFVER the Oslo Conference of the Com!to Maritime Internal imuil, «i f*r«'3S representative «us fortlinafr lit otrtiilii'Jil! an int rview vim su l£x2i<> £"co"t vic«r-oita>o« 4 nt of th»* Cijiiw and luad r of tile d' ley a l 100. Sir
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 511 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND f APCAR LINES. 'Incorporated in England.> MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FOR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore W 1933. COMORIN 15,000 Oct.
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    • 198 6 ILLOYD TRIESTINOj J (Incorporated in Italy). J j EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. I SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay Calling at Colombo, Bombay. Suez, Port Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port j Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Due Leave Due m rnT
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    • 236 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE Deutsch Australisch? DampfschifTs |M %tt\ Gesellschaft. (Companies Incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. f m.s. VOGTLAND, via Manila. Oct. 9 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Iloilo. Manila Oct. 17 t s.s. SAARLAND, via Manila Oct. 27 t m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila Nov. 14
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    • 576 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. Jjg NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, *J (Incorporated in The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures: OUTWARDS 1933. "PULDA" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai N. China and Japan Oct. 11 TSAR' for Iloilo. Manila, H'kong, Shanghai, N. China and Japan Oct. 24 < "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo, Marila. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nonh China and
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  • 507 7 Singapore. Saturday, 11 a.m. j n share quotations are Issued and Co., rachange tad stock Buyers. Sellers. Kumbang Tin 30|- 31|.1 Malay 32|- 35|Bltam Tin 15 6 16 6 Weng 125 1.35 rin Tin 33 34--nj Padang 022 0.27 i [In 0 75 0 80
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  • 169 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN AND RUBBER PRICES UP. New York Tone Strong. Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 13j cts., up I ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Ves(erday's Prices:— London Rubber, 8 31 S2d., up 1 32d. Market Tone: Very steady. New York
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  • 68 7 Almost All Sold To Foreign Traders. Shanghai. Oct. 6. The first consignment of American cotton under the $50 000.000 U. S. loan, which arrived recently. ha> been disposed of. The majority of the purchases were foreign firms and traders. The financiers and traders in Nanchanr; (capital of Kiangsi»
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  • 75 7 Mcssley's (Lancashire) nev industry—that c' the spinning and wecving ot artificial silk v^te—which is believed to be the only one cf its kind, in Britain, is making steady progress. A start has been made on the production cf stcckingette for the motor Industry and the frozen meat trade,
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  • 53 7 A disused cotton-spinning mil. in Bolton. Lancashire, has been tiismantled and is boing fitted with new electrically-driven machinery for the production of artificial silk (rayon> >am. Operatives are alreac'y being engaged. The manufacturers are a subsidiary company ,f Messrs. Kirklees, of Tottington. Lancashire, and Messrs. Greenhalgh and
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  • 28 7 Shanghai, Oct. 5. The Executive Yuan has adopted the proposals of the Ministry of Industry sanctioning the public sale of wolfiams in Kiangsi.—"Min Kuo Jit Pao.
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  • 138 7 The Restriction Bill Passed. IWE Netherlands Indies People's Council recently passed the so-called crisis export decree ior the general regulation and limitation of exports, states the Amsterdam correspondent of the "Financial Times." The decree empowers the Government to restrict the exports of Dutch Indian products and their
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  • 143 7 The aetttunts of the Malay United Rubber Estates sho'.v that after charcrh'.:; the whole f the expenditure relating to the Kamparmalim Estate and two-thirds of the London administration experse? there was a net 10.-t of £4 163 for the >car to March 31. (against £4.172 for 1931-32).
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  • 93 7 A Leicester firm bsffle recently put en the market a new machine for etching names of manufacturers, hotels, clubs, etc on tame blades. This machine does the work formerly done by acid Cching. with better execution M abour one-third the cost, fc claimed that no special skill
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  • 34 7 Cardiff firm has acquired the Pontyclerc irlhrocite co'liery near Ammmforo; Carmarthensh! v and is equipping the undertaking for a output cf 503 tons daily. Th product will he mainly exported to Canada.
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  • 27 7 Pull time is beln- worked a r the Penrhy:-. (north Wales» BlOte quarries for the firu time for months. Close on 2.000 workers are at'ected.
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  • 442 7 Successes At Grain Exhibition. WHILE the majority of the most coveted 1 awards for wheat, were won by Canadians at the World s Grain Exhibition and Conference, which opened on July 24 and closed en Aug. 5. two major prize", went to exhibit ors from the United States
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  • 28 7 Over 300 men have been re-en?. ged wi'h the --tarting of the mills at the Whitford Steel Sheet gahinLii.g works ai Briton Perry G'.am I.
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  • 32 7 The Association of Welsh Local Authorities which will hold a special mee'.ing at ShrewsL.rj this month (September), is likely to dis- a schema ior the estebttshnSßflt of a Welsh Actional Development Council.
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  • 377 7 Oversea Guests At Olympia. T ORD Stonehaven, president of the Shipping. Engineering, and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia. presided recently at a dinner given ot the Addison Restaurant, Olympia. in hot)our of o\ersea visitors. Mr. VV. a. Tookey said it was "tommy rot" that we had test the
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  • 166 7 j Scottish Firirf Perfects New System. j j j j A new type of heating system is now being manufactured in Glasgow. It is operated by electricity, but in a aifferent manner from any other electric heater. It does Bet radiate heat, but acts directly o I the
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  • 49 7 There Is a substantial increase in shipments Of galvanised sheets to IndU from fSouto Wales which is regarded as a gesture of reciprocity following the free entry afforded to cieap Indian pig iron «nd st<?vl bars. Fur;her orders are expected at the Welsh inctistrial centres this year.
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  • 34 7 The first block of pit-heaif baths in the Rhymney Valley, constructed at a cost of £21 000, was opened at the Britannia Colliery the Powell DufTryn Co., near Bargoed, last r onth.
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  • 672 7 Singapore. Saturday. 11 a.m. The following rubber «hare quotation* rtt iMued by Praaer and UojuxJ Ijrail and IM iMue Value. Praam LfttD I Share* Oo Ml 1 Allenby 3-0.70 $0.80 $0.75 {0.85 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.6» 0.70 1 A. Hitam 0.70 080 00.75
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  • 60 7 Nnnking Finance Ministry's Mortgage Plan. atiunghit Ocl. 0. According to a certain financier, the Nanking Ministry of Finance has decided to mortgage the customs bonds to the banks for $50,000,000 cash, which is to be obtained immediately for urgent Government expenses. The Government's net receipts from the ronds
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 BIGGEST 'BUS. Monster Vehicle Built In Britain. Stated to be the biggest 'bus in Britain—if not in the world—a single-deck vehicle 30ft. long and developing a horse-power of seventy, been constructed at Bensham. Gateshead, the Northern Gene-al Transport Company. The chassis and body-wok have been deBed to overcome* the difficulty
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    • 73 7 XIIE EASTERN BANKLIMITED. (incorporated in -taglandi SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Alror) la Street Authorised and «.,000.000 Capitol £1,000.000 Ptjd-up-Capltal 600.000 Reserve Fund and «< HEAI> OFH' LONDON BlMVf'lf--: Bombay. Calcutta. Qo**** Kf-"ach,. M*dr£ JS Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra KJrkuk, M rukR_NT S ACCOUNTS opened money Deposit on .erms to oe ascerInfeteTallowod at
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    • 12 7 "j N9 9 QUAY SINGAPORE Head Office: S5. Wall Street. New Ydrit.
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    • 204 7 oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. Ji. J (IncorpareAed In Stnute Settlement*.) THE CHINESE COMMERCIaI" BA?" LTOU THE HO HONG BANK. inCj Itd and THE OVERSEA CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. M*^^™^™^ HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING BRmof RO/SJ LOCAL HBANCH: d 458. JJg»~« OAD Chec Swee Cheng. Chairmen. Sian Lee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 You did not believe that it was possible to out-rival "HELL j DIVERS" till "HELL BELOW" came along! Now we teli j you that this new M.-G.M. Thriller is bigger still J ALHAHBRA I >1W 1 ,I'iLlß 1 j > MATINEES: TO-DAY AND TO MORROW, 3.15. P^P^L- 3 CRAWFORD ■fcwf
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    • 381 8 Amusements f Gorgeous Music! Beautiful Girls! t Side-splitting Comedy t Here's the Screen's Grandest Musical Operetta 6.15 j CAPITOL 9.15 Matinees: To-Day And To-Morrow at 3.15 •i| U i;(:!U, ,u Singing Favourite i i V' I AV English and Continental J Hgp. E v YN I ,3"' A, YE Hjj;,
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    • 253 8 THE PICTURE THAT IS MAKING ALL SINGAPORE HAPPY X( \v song hits... sidesplitting comedy situarion.s a wonderful *Jj4W entertainment for V'V GAINSBOKOUCH PICTURE JACK I? < y|| HUBERT j ~3 CICELY w\H5 COURTNEIDGE M^ TI NE T E: DAY TO-NIGHT POSITIVELY I AST NIGHT Universal Super Thrill ;r DORIS KARLOFF
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  • 242 9 Return To Import Quotas. Paris, sept. 2. TVaa Cabinet s decision to reintroduce impor* in tr q ,H otaS ,f° eShadoWS a considerable change in trade policy. g Jjjj Negotiations on the new basis arc expected *Lh Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey and Japan. The new. policy is
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  • 284 9 Richards* Mishap After Five Winners. Gordon Richards the champion jockev» alter winning Hvc races at Doncaater or Sept !5 had a narrow escape In a: aeroplane crash Un which the pilot Armt'norpe Aerodrome, five milcfi from Doncoster. on his way t< London, Hh stated tttiut he v/3s
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 195 9 DJABCTCs\ Sole Agents: E M ABDLLLA CO., t", Robinson Road, Singapore. /X. LOB I'LIN A N\ ANTIDIABETIC TABLETS S iMOtSAftM MXVI XIH CL«£t> \V irni* nvivuulu >JS *\a )J) CTW UU nCm »H»ilCl*« AND H V» /Y m mMM cvik cams or t»ckt> 5 «*W< -IOtIOJUA- HAS ftV N V«~S
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    • 594 9 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For Xhis Week-End. ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL j>:so a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 10:30 a.m. Air Base Volunteer Service 5:30 p.m. Evensong Choral and Sermon Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN
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    • 491 9 SINGAPORE HOTELS GOODWOOD PARK HOTĔT Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently. distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms I Apply:—Manager. METROPOLIS HOTEL. TEL. 7986. SINGAPORE. BRAS BASAH
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    • 179 9 J TO-NIGHT:— NOEL COWARD'S "CAVALCADE." Fox s picture cf the generation I/ J Mi»!inu To-day, at 3 p.m. *I i TO-MORROW:— "DIVORCE IN THE FAMILY." i with (Jackie Cooper. Conrad Nagel and Lewis Stone). A startling drama of adult lives. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, LOANS on land »d pre pert ies, cars
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 175 9 THE TRUTH IN YOUR HOROSCOPE Would you like to know without any cost, what the stars indicate for you, whether you will be successful and happy and what is indicated for you in business, love, marriage, friends enemies, lucky and unlucky periods,' what pitfalls to avoid, s what opportiinities to
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  • 46 10 VI r* \V Mai l] aai! tainliy to convey Ijcit brmfrh tiihiik» to Alt reliih-L-* and •dnU frl'XJd» who Ativjldcd tht lumral or Hit fiiLsbujid a* well au wtio #»-u; wietttns, letter.', itttO t-.-legrums of caauoleticc. t ecrvto etc In tiltJr *atl bereavrnie;:.
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  • 94 10 Mr r Tiiy Check tuy «lit i Gn)i Kmt Elm passed av.'iy U he: re cldeiu No. 14-3, Nivcn R'liti, fiUJgiUJQPt. Ihlft ractmuq She tenv:. fcthtr.rt Fur husband und hw aoiw ra\ Hnnjj Chut. HaJtL' Kiting ilang Fmun. Hunir P> na Haujc Turn: two »AUHh:m. Tav Stl im nnd
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  • 757 10 Education, as expected, became the major question in the debate at the Legislative Council meeting this week. Mr. Lim Cheng Ean, the Penang Chinese member, in a series of questions before the debate, challenged the Government on its policy of pushing Malay education at the expense of English.
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  • 237 10 Comment* By The Way. THE report on the working of the Registries of Companies, Singapore and Penang, for the year 1932, tabled at the last meeting of the Legislative Council, showed that at the end of last year there were 452 locally registered companies in Singapore
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  • 135 10 •THOUGH the mui-tsai problem in Malaya may not be so serious as in Hongkong and in China, it is a vital problem here. This form of childslavery and ill-treatment of the unfortunate victims by people of sadistic instincts is certainly a blot on the scutcheon of British rule. And
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  • 202 10 THE annual report of the S.S. anc F.M.S. Fisheries Department showr that Malaya is beginning to realise the importance of having fish from her »wn waters. Malaya is spending something like 5340.000 on earned fish every year A movement is afoot to make hshcanntng a domestic industry. Though
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  • 114 10 Mrs. H. Weisberg, wife of the acting Unde.Stcretary to Goverment. F.M.S. has returned irom Home. Mr. P. T Vasey, who was ]in charge cf th-' Kuala Lumpur branch of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., before going on lea\e, will rel c c Mr.
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  • 42 10 The Malays of the Temerloh District. Pahang, produced this year more padi than they required themselves but they still have much of it on their hands owing to the absence of a rice mill there, states Dr. Tempany in his Memorandum.
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  • 68 10 Before the Hon. Mr. Justice McFall at the Kuantan Assizes last week, a Hylam named Toh Yee Fatt, until recently employed as house boy by Mr. Tinkler, manager of Kara Estate Bentong. was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for theft in a dwelling of $1 560 in cash, on
    68 words
  • 10 10 Mr. H. de H. Smith. Mana-er Cic lv
    10 words
  • 173 10 Mr. D. A. M. Brown is due to arrive in Penang from home by the -Carthage" on Nov The Hon. Mr. S. J. Thomas, the nĕw Chief Justice, F.M.S. is expected to disembark at Fenang on Thursday, the 12!h instant. Mr Frederick Alexander Macquisten, XC Member of Parliament for
    173 words
  • 40 10 The death took place on Wednesday at Qhfa p Kia and the late Mr Yeoh £5 The leased was about eighty EEL ag6 the deceases grandCSS S g K Accounta n*. IPO", and Mr. Yeoh Chiang Lee, bamster-at-bw, Ipoh.
    40 words
  • 480 10 J OY j f "LOOKER-ON" I There is new hope of prosperity at Home, I read. It's not new. It's just the same old hope that was being hoped three years ago and on numerous occasions before that. And if readers of newspapers notice the number of
    480 words
  • 56 10 OIP.LS' CORNER, on page 2 PERAK STATE COUNCIL, on page 3. SMASH AND CRAB RAID, en page 5. CHURCH SERVICES, on page 9. CLUB DIARY, on page 13. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14, 15 and 13. HITLER AS LABOURER, on page ML RADIO NEWS, on page 17.
    56 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 203 10 fp2 FOR TRAVKL WEAR ■-'~¥jsL ROBINSONS, j I \.t| M ROBINA' j lire Natural Wool Underwear. I r J JJw Soft and Non-Irritating. t I Made in Enffland M m Stocked in two weights. j JP^^Jk*^ Liffh< For Tropicai Wear /JJ N Medium For Travel Wear. j SINGLETS BUTTON FRONT
      203 words
    • 52 10 J! SHIPMENT MANDOLINE I 1 BANJOS COMPETITIVE PRICES jj Season Co., Jjff 115. North Bridge Road SCIEXTIFIC GOLD JEWELLERY. Highly appreciat-.d by High Ccurt Judges. Ministers to Gov rnment and other eminent public men. FULL CATALOGUE FREE. The Scientific Gold Bangles Co Ltd.. 104, China Bazar Road. Post Box No.
      52 words

  • 486 11 NATIONAL GUARDS TO HELP MINERS. Power Mains Destroyed. President To Intervene In labour War? Reuter. rwenty people have been seriously wounded by armed pickets who are firing on every passer-by along a stretch of d in Illinois. Houses
    Reuter.  -  486 words
  • 335 11 Ni' v Of C?\ lon. Uindon. Out n I; y. vHi kino Jioa approved of tile il;a«3nt of Sir Ragl- H Stubbs to b<? Governor and •."•it i >. i-t'hl'M of CL.vion F-ii i.oju larTey has be*» piw> i:» 3 F miAwvu Under-Secrotaiy i Stat, !o: '.iii'
    335 words
  • 81 11 Tension On Manchurian Border. Shanghai. Oct. 6. TT is reported that the Far Eastern 1 Soviet troops in east Siberia have received instructions to proceed to Manchuli on the Siberian-Manchurian frontier ready for any emergency that may arise in the dispute regarding the Chinese Eastern Railway, and ready
    81 words
  • 244 11 Abolition Of "Captain Of Gun/ It ha~ been decided that the non-substantive rating ol '"Captain of Gun" is no longer required, and that the duties now performed by these re.tin*s as No. 1 in 16 In. and 8 in. turrets may in future be carried out by suitable
    244 words
  • 117 11 Revolutionary Cry Of The Socialists. Reuter. Madrid, Oct. 6. TJAVING failed to solve the political impasse caused by the resignation of Senor Lerroux's Cabinet otherwise, President Zamorra is now attempting to coalesce the contending parties into a Government of national conciliation. The independent Republican, Don Jose
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 317 11 Cricket Club Not Liable For Damages. If one of their leading county batsmen lit a bail out of the Ova! or out of Lord's Cricket Ground and someone was (truck, would that person bring an action against the M.C.C. or the Surrey Cricket Clvb 0 This question
    317 words
  • 214 11 Day Of Days For 7,000 Children. Portsmouth. Sept 2. To-day about seven thousand school-children of Coventry had the time of their lives with the Navy at Portsmouth. Their visit was intended as an educational experience, and the naval authorities did their best to make it so.
    214 words
  • 29 11 New Chief Justice For Hongkong. Reuter. London, Oct. 7. Mr. Atholl MacGregor, AttorneyGeneral, Kenya Colony, has been appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Hongkong.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 32 11 Shanghai, Oct. G. The Preparatory Commission to study the question of Mongolian Autonomy has been established in Kalgan (Charhar) as a Branch ol the MongolianTibetan Affairs Commission.—"Sin Chew Jit Poh."
    32 words
  • 481 11 Yesterday's Floods. HOUSEHOLDERS WADE HOME. the result of the heavy rains which Singapore has experienced for the last few days, and the final downpour yesterday which lasted for hours on end. many parts of the city were flooded last night and this morning. Orchard Road, as usual,
    481 words
  • 136 11 No Money To Pay Their Ransoms. Shanghai, Oct. 6. The leader of the bandit movement to form the New Chinese Republic" with headquarters in Chinwangtao has issued a statement announcing the organisation of the East Asiatic Allied Army, which is to consist of 100 corps. The bandits are
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  • 63 11 Latest Consignment Believed To Be Safe. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 6. The Hong Kong Bank's consignment of currency notes for Malaya this week was half insu:cd with the postal authorities and hall with insurance companies. It is believed that all the packets from the international express
    63 words
  • 121 11 Alarm At The India Proposals. Reuter. London. Oct. 6. HTHERE was a lively debate on the 1 Government's India policy at the Conservative Party conference to-day" at Birmingham. The conference was asked to support a resolution voicing "apprehension" with regard to the White Paper proposals concerning
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 51 11 Shanghai, Oct. 6. Dr. Chang Chi Klang, a member of the Central Control Committee, called on Gen. Feng Yu Hsiang, the "Christian" General on Wednesday. Me met Gen. Hau Fu Chu at Tsinan while o.i his way to Tientsin, where he arrived yesterday. -"Sin Chew Jit
    51 words
  • 228 11 GENERAL O'DUFFY ATTACKED. Head Injuries. Attempt To Wreck A Convention. Reuter. Dublin, Oct. 6. QENERAL O'Duffy and Mr. Cronin were injured by rioters at Tralec in attempting to enter a convention of the United Ireland Party. The serious disorder necessitated summoning the military 80 miles from
    Reuter.  -  228 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 SOUPS. THE GREAT SANDWICHES AND 4 r, 1 Get :t jar of Marmite—you will find that it leads yon to better health l;v ihe plcusantest of road.*—a itlore varied and interesting iliet. Marmite is an extract of pure yeast and fresh vegetables, and rich therefore in the vaJuuhle Yeast Vitamin,
      102 words

  • 490 12 ALLEGED CHEATING. ACCUSED STATES "THAT SHE ONCE SERVED GOVERNMENT. Mrs. E. M. Drage. who is charged with cheating in respect of a sum of $66, during her evidence in the Second Court yesterday stated that another
    490 words
  • 642 12 Prosecution Not Discharged Its Onus? "The whole point turns en whethei these people believed that they were savthnr ot it e in S lg this contract and I XL ?k] 11 ls b^ yond human creduUty rnl?iH People th Ueht that Mr Drage could guarantee such a
    642 words
  • 463 12 Would Not Need Boxes Until August. She saw Mr. Schaub and he said he received her letter, but the price quoted was too high. He also told her that work in the brewery would not commence until hC W Uld not need boxes He said that if she
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  • 394 12 Car Break Down As Thief's Ruse. A SENTENCE of five years' penal servitude •T* was passed by the Common Sergeant (Mr Hclman Gregory. K. C.) at the Old Bailey on Hamilton Hargreaves, aged 30. described as Cf BlaCk Lion_lane He pleaded guilty to obtaining £2 10
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  • 247 12 Arms Proposals. FRANCE AND LATEST MOVE. Reuter. Geneva, Oct. 6. German counter proposals to the latest British, French and Italian disarmament proposals are more in the nature of additions or supplementary suggestions. The details are not yet known here but the reaction, however, is said to
    Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 144 12 "To-Day We Live" At The Alhambra. J*»n Cruvlord vim uppers in MM Gory Cuoper in thv leading rrfc. R V uric of thn fines I iK?rfiJrmanco< ol htr curcti »ri To-day Wi L»o," tiie Mctrti-Goidwyn-Mayer production \*nirn a iC a?>ri ai LBe Alftambta last rvUflit Till* dim
    144 words
  • 139 12 t/-Mirs oi floiu-lc *rc we:i co: e r«i i ur ih ,ICrt> Wu,t? Tlm music for winch was by Johann Strsu® La, l waison last wchL ®*g*n Evelyn Layc, cm D -h e ni Bctrrste* on the English mmicaJ t»med^S-l tfe .caning t»y Fritz
    139 words
  • 37 12 The Roxy Theatre is ureseniing a sensational submarine film. -Hell Eelow an M r S products. lneir cmTent attra^- G una) .ems occurrences bupiiOitMig him are Madeo Km«. fc» v 3 mp,rte
    37 words
  • 581 12 Murderous Attack. SEAMAN SENT TO PRISON. v H 1^eyes were g,assy and ne nac a nasty temper and appeared to have been drinking. He walked up to me and raised his arm and thrust, a knife down my chest. I struggled and in pure desperation got
    581 words
  • 539 12 "ATTACKING MANY CITIES. AIl-Nignt Fighting. Japanese 'Planes Bomb Allies." Shanghai, Oct. 7. FORCE of 200 bandits suddenly appeared at Liangkoktsang. a town north-east of Changli in the Luan region, yesterday afternoon. The Chinese Police later dispersed the bandits and re-captured the town. Other hordes of bandits attacked
    539 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 113 13 HARBOUR BOARD. Singapore. Oct. 7 k BMlPfc* ALONGSIDE THJt WHAHVBS. F;ibt Wharf (Entrance Gate I). 22; Apoey 20. Main Wha/I (Entrance Gate 3;. 13; Ifcrau 10; Pres. Adaou 11; re Doc* 'Entrance Oate 3). M lea I»; Bengal Maru 32; P.aby Castle
    113 words
  • 201 13 Jewellery Worth £3,000 Stolen. Pot the eighth time in six months the pretni rs of Messrs. Chushier, jewrllers. of Bondstreet, W.. were visited by burglar? during the and jewellery valued at between 12 000 and £3.000 was stolen. The burglars must have cut themselves, for blood-stains were found
    201 words
  • 155 13 A Suggestion By Duke Of York. London. n* (ampaign against cancer has become f -"id the Duke of York in his Presidential address at the annual meeting of Km pin Cancer Campaign at the House of U ■tat that annual appeals might be made througought the Empire
    155 words
  • 155 13 Outside Reichstag Fire Trial Protest Meeting. re thrown at the police during dlsoutskk the Salle Wagram, Paris, meeting was in progress to protest the trial of the four men accused of R.xhstag. ten was Maitre More Glaffsri. iv yer. who has been refused perappear for the defence,
    155 words
  • 258 13 Policc Discoveries At Her Flat. R«inar liable contmta of a womuu'- tltu Weri MirJ Uuut'd at Marylefatie Police C tr whcr Nl ric TiHKtr. ne«t 43. wife r»f r.Uwjuftuit end m: titer 01 seven diddmi. pi< ided c u|itj 10 Ki/ ulinj, a womuu i hatvUiug nd ont«tiU
    258 words
  • 195 13 Halfpennies For The Unemployed. Berlli!. ..lany t;urii>u« method* <.112 10 rivlvt trade and to abolish UiiemjjtoyrUeol an- beta? t f )pd all over Germany. Prom the dIF not Polaunaie In Uvrmany, tberc eumen tu-day thr mv; lhat a •pectal \oluntary jjublU* levy is lo t»c brouth. into
    195 words
  • 74 13 Young Woman Pulled Off Omnibus. An unumal accident was responsible for the death of Miss Mabel Batley. aged 27, of Prin-ces-gardens. Acton, in London. She was preparing to alight from an omnibus in Buckingham Palace-road when her dog. which shs was holding by a lead, suddenly Jumped
    74 words
  • 185 13 I Prague, Aug. 29. Under the title. "The Swastika Threatens: j W> Sle pen the Edge of an Abyss." a smeil book, cheap, and evidently meant* for mass crnrumpUoa, has just been published in Czech here. Joseph Kojecky and Cclonel Emanuel, the latter of the Czech General
    185 words
  • 199 13 BELLING. Singapore, Oct. 6. London 4 months' sight 2 4 532 London 6 months' sight 2 4>„' London fiO days' sight 2 4 764 London 30 day.-,' sight 2 4 332 London cemand 2 4 116 London T.T. 2 4 132 Lyons and Paris demand 910 Hamburg demand
    199 words
  • 188 13 Singapore. Oct. 6. R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $120 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $111 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $92 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 $88 Siam. No. l -Sinhway"' SI6B Siam. No. 2 Sinhway" Sl6l Siam, No. 3 Sinhway" $148 Rice.
    188 words
  • 182 13 Cheaper Than On Land In France. I a Frenchwoman, Madame VBcher-d'Aasan-lcville. has decided to make her permanent residence on beard a 4 Trans-A'lantic liner. Madame Vischer-d*Ast«;nlcvill?. who is a widow, nad never been to sea until last July, when she went for a pleasure cruise in the
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  • 142 13 Peekham Monastery In Tenement House. The Church, of -England monks whose Order, the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross I\ekham. was formally sanctioned by the Bishop of Sowthwark three months ago, have found larger premises for their monastery in large tenement building In Linden-grov-Beckham, S.E. The monks will
    142 words
  • 91 13 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. OCT. 7. High Tmes.—o.37 a.m.. 12.16 p.m Rugby: H.C.C. I. v. P.S.. SCC ItotA* WHtS 11 V Ma!aySl Anson Hockey: LA. v. Police. LA.; s.R.C. -A" v Colts. S.R.C. S.C.F.A. Rugby Football practice. Beach Read. TO-MORROW. OCT 8
    91 words
  • 88 13 ALHAMBRA—-To-day wĕ J an CraWt rd and Ev^n^-"^ 112 Time EMPIRE.—Boris Karloff in The Mummy." L GREAT WORLD.-Cabaret Dancinsideshows, Malay and Chinese Wayanes cinemas Talkie. Sky-"Pack Up Your vKgStar.--The Rider of Dea\h MARLBOROUGH.--Sati-Savitri.'' an Inaian talkie. NEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing sideshows. Malay Operas, Chinese Wavangs. cinemas, etc. PAVlLlON.—'Falling for You"
    88 words
  • 38 13 Nanking, Oct. 6 i Dr. Lo Wen Kan (former Foreirn Muusta) has r?co;r.mended to the Central Government that Dr. w. w Yen 'Minister to Soviet Russia* be appointed Foreign IVnltt~-r.—' dm uhew 0.0 Pan
    38 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 124 13 I When we sag This id the Heme cf TIGER BEER Z7 c 1,0351 that HERE Ti S er Beer is brewed mm* th, m(1 m*? T^* 9 conditions possible. fc moßt The Brewer >'. a modern struct ure—set in ideal wi I f 4g UiPment and 15 C etched
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 69 13 EL SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Kcmaman, Kemasek. Kretay. Duneun Tronggar.u and Besut .Medusa,' 2 pm Easl lndia tSlrdhana> TkAjong Balel and Laboean'^ilf 10 3 mm and South-East Borneo 4 Tembiiahan and Rcngat tlfaroa) 4 p m.' j Ben-kalis and Bugan 61 Apl Api j (Tcbot.ll) 4 p.m. Sm%?; China and
      69 words
    • 328 13 CLUB DIARY. (There are numoous Clubs ana Soc'.etm tm Mvoporc matt of the member* of which a-e inZZ t SPeClallV urn Secretaries Je invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date US Stfi HZ!"*" °> oenerat intcTci •he Club Diary" can cover meetings, enterand porting engagement, oVier than recorded in the
      328 words
    • 338 13 devotional service. 5.30 p.m Speaker. Mr Lim T',y Boh. Subject, -World Christian StudentsConference Golden Ecll Minstrels: Invitation of Mr .'co Hock Thye on the occasion of his cousins engagement. Fall in. fecretaxy's residence l P.m. Drrrs. white suit, party's bow and badge Attendance of musicians and singers compulsory. Eachelcrc Home
      338 words

  • 1598 14 OUTSTANDING INCIDENTS. CHANGES IN FORTUNES MAY COME WITH THE RAIN. Mr 1 A H Catton. the well-known football of the "Observer," describes the highlights in the games i in man week and refers to many points about the
    1,598 words
  • 89 14 Selections Not Affected By Scratchings. THE foUowing are scratchings for the Selangor lurf Club's races at Kuala Lumpur to-day and which do not affect the selections published by us on Thursday: RACE 1. Wait and See. RACE 2. Beau Geste II RACT 3. Haute Ecole. RACE 5.
    89 words
  • 164 14 Lawn Tennis Ties For Monday And Tuesday. Ties in the lawn tennis tournament at the S.R.C. are as follows. MONDAY S TIES. •A" Singles: M. A. Cordeiro .plus 15» v. Dr W A. Balhetchet (owe 15—4) •B" S;ngles: C R- Eber (scr.) v. O. G. Struys ,uwe 3).
    164 words
  • 57 14 English Women's Open Golf Title. Reuter. London. Oct 7. At Westward Ho. in the English women open g:lf championship. Miss Dorothy Pearson tTunbridge Wells) beat Miss Mary Johnson (Hornsea) by 5 and 3 over 36 holes in the final. Miss Pearson was three up at the end
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 127 14 The draw for the United Confederate Funem tssoc ration tfour baill open champ on>hl; iilU&rd.s tournament resulted a* follows: Urn Teck. Whyc v. Law Pec* J"n Cb-r Chen* Klat; v. Lim TwH ly-one, See» Tciu Chye v Cho Peck Kwit. Scow Kwn Am v □an Hock Hoe. Tay
    127 words
  • 58 14 Mayfair B.P. team v. the" Anson Road P.P. at the latter's court, Wallich Street tomorrow, at 10.30 a.m.: W V Lim, J. C. Kwok, P. C. Lee. A. C. Wee. S. G. See, W. H. Yeo, tt. S. Yeo T. S. Lee, K. H. Yeo. Reserves: F. Y.
    58 words
  • 141 14 Programme For November j Meeting. RETAILS 0, the the racing oeing oa «o runs aT-TSr meet** on Nov. X r*r. „000. M (ur <ur,. > mi... Sl.BOO. M.700. $1,600. j Horses Class 4. I* furs.. $900. $900 I Ponies Class I, PA furs.. 6 furs. 7 furs..
    141 words
  • 73 14 S.C.C. v. Wiltshires At Tanglin. The MtoWtai have been invited to play for the S.C.C. v. the Wiltshires "A" XV. on Friday at Tanglin: N S H. Wvkes: H. E. Orr. A. L. Hill, R. N tick E G Brown: D. G. M. Owen, J. L. Bcnnar A
    73 words
  • 26 14 Reuter. London. Oct. 6. lowna Putter has been scratched from the Cesarewitch.— Reuter. Washington, Oct. 6. The Giants beat the Senators by 2r—l today—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 1644 14 "HEAVEN HELP THE GAME." FORM OF THE PRINCIPAL ENGLISH FIFTEENS. Mr T H Evans Baillie, writing in the Observer M in mail'week, had some interesting remarks to make■ iv,aXg the threatened European rugby union, if British ?o operatln with the French was not forthcoming. He also
    1,644 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 70 14 I ANOTHER j) $100 I MUST BE WON j I) SEE TO-MORROW'S j \sunday\ \\tribune\ I II 1 jj KLIM pOWDEHEDpI LX PURE FRESH RtWl SAFE, milk B!iB MILK for wasM LFOR I DRINKING GROWING \OR COOKING. |S|gjKJ CHILDREN. Obtainable at all Leading Provision Dealers, j I lllll ,„,H| l
      70 words

  • 79 15 Selangor v. Malacca-Ncgri To-Day. (From Our Own Corrcs]x,ndcnt.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 5. THE following arc the teams fcr the first interState rugby match tf Ihr season on the padang between the combined Negri-Malacca team and Selangcr this af^rnoon. NEGRI-MALACCA: Macaulay; Banham. Caldwell: Burr.ham. MoNee, Montgomery. Seniviratno: Reed
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  • 82 15 Monthly Mixed Foursomes Competition. The following were the best cards returned in the m nthly mixed foursomes competition o: the Island Club on Wednesday: Mrs. W. McMullan and K. C. Eu 44—8—36 Miss S. Abed and Yong Loong Chong 49—11 >o—37'i: Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Currie
    82 words
  • 115 15 i Fight Fan Suggests A Third Meeting. '•Fight-fan" writes: As Rivers has gained all Lis decisions against opponents who could not really extend him. his showing against Brady who knew the A B C. of boxing appeared to be as though he i River? I was rot
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  • 99 15 Twenty Irish Ponies To Be Imported. The committee of th? Singapore Turf CHib have decided to import a batch of twenty griffins from Ireland for racing at the Spring 1934 Meeting, at a cost to subscriber? of £125 landed Singaprre. The Committee expert that the griffins will arrive
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  • 80 15 Indian Association team v. Raffles College at the I.A. ground on Monday: Dr. Rajaram; A. N. Chatterjee, Solakan Singh; G. Kennedy, P. K. Baskaran, j D. K. Samy; B. Singh, Arjan Singh, I M. M. H. Namazie, M. B. Singh, G. Shirazie. Reserves:—Radha. Paramjoti (jr.) I.A. team
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  • 93 15 On Sunday night the Chinese Students' Athletice Association by 5 games to nil. Scores (C.S.L.A. players named first): Li Chew Kuen beat Hee Njan 21—16. 21—15, 18—21, 21—19 (3—1); Loh Kirn Soon i beat Qng Mah !\->o .21—6, IC—2l. 21—10. j 21—11 (3 —1); Leon* Chong r-iu beat
    93 words
  • 25 15 Reuter. New York, Oct. 4. At baseball to-day New York beat Washington 6—l—Reuter. Washington. Oct. 4. The Senators beat the Giants 4—o Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 47 15 S.C.C. "A" team v. the S.C.R.C. on Monday at the S.C.C: H. A. Exley. J. A. Evans, T. W. Morray, T. M. MaclacJilan, D H. Tudor, L. J. A. Fellden, H. L. Davies, L. S. Freer; A. E. G. Blades, C. A. Carey, E. MacCreanor.
    47 words
  • 176 15 Lawn Tennis, Badminton And Soccer, IF rum Our Owtt Oorrtspomicnt t Scrcniban. Oct 4. t lift THER results, u, badminton, tennis. end tif'ball competitions of th' US. Chin re AJilrtir meeting are is follows: badminton. MENS DOUBLES ,final) Lin, Eng Bcr fj tt I Kom Un An
    176 words
  • 200 15 Revised List Issued By The 1 SLR. A. Dates of ra~e meetings to be hrld next v ax have been amended by the S rai'.s Racing Association r;nd arc now as folo's: SINCAPORE TURF CLUB. Professional Meetings: Fib. 24 28 Mar h 3. May 5. 9. 12
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  • 90 15 The Jean II Challenge Cup Race. On Sunday the R.S.Y.C. Internationa! 6-metre Class will sail the first of a series cf three races for the Jean II Challenge Cup. Starting time 10 a.m. The "B" Class will sail the third and last race of the series for the
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  • 53 15 The English Championship At Westward Ho. Reuter Wireless. London, Oct. 3. At Westward Ho to-day. in the English women'd golf championship. Miss Wanda Morgan (winner of the title in 1931). was unexpectedly defeated in the second round by 4 and 3 by Miss Dorothy Pearson, runner-up In 1928.—
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 32 15 i The final of the S.G.C. men's Duffers' Cup competiticn, played at Bukit Timah on Tuesday, resulted in J. C. Barry beating H. C. At- kin-Berry at the 19th.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 272 15 I Race Horse i Insurance I iAT ft low hates: I WITH )l j ABSOLUTE SECURITY (f Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Don't expect 1 SPRAYS to kill elusive ants That's a job for the one and only v powerful FLIT Weak imitations whiYh lack FLIT'S remarkable killing power are helplese
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    • 202 15 AwN exceed SI 2.000.000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Urn Strait* Settlement*). 7 HEAD OFFICE: Grett Eastern Life Building. Cecil Bt.-eet. Singapore. The Company Das £20.000 deposited with the Bupreme Court of Enolnnd LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry, 1.0. 81 Dd
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  • 685 16 Recollections Of Herr Hanisch Vienna, Sept. 2. HERR Reinhold Hanisch, an etcher, living in the suburbs of Vienna, who hitherto has been steadfastly reticent about his friendship with Adolf Hitler when the two did jobs together in Vinena before the war. has now teen nersuaded by
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  • 127 16 Trains Held Up By Wire In Wheels. London, Sept. 3. A dozen trains. including eight expresses, v.tre held up. yesterday, on the main L.N.E.R. line at Inmouth. Northumberland, and the whole trouble was due to wire having got entangled BE the wheels of trains in front of them.
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  • 129 16 Belgrade, Sept, 2. It is reported from Veles, in South Serbia that to g f t rid of a vampire which had long luninted lus house a man named Prnyare.->tch recently engaged the services of an old man with the ominous name of Vampirov. Vampirov demanded a
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  • 726 16 Threatened War On Ford. Boston, (Mass.). Sept. 2. RE-EMPLOYMENT has fftfed four millions short cf the'estimate cf -ix millions which jPr «ddent Roosevelt on July 24 set as the goal jto be reached by Monday, Sept. 4, America's j Labour Day. General Johnson's figure of the
    726 words
  • 462 16 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, Sept. 29. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati 24 Pork, lean, kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 33 Mutton, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), kati 41 Ducks, Saigon, each 66 Pigeons,
    462 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 242 16 CARRIED, UNANIMOUSLY Sr* Where the call for quality is most insistent B J J "CAPSTAN" are carried unanimously. kW T^JF Every; single cigarette is good every tin t^WAmT is just'the same, in manufacture and quality, mmmT* as the one before. IfißS "CAPSTAN" quality sets a standard for itself—and "CAPSTAN" quality
      242 words

  • 1037 17 POSSIBLE "WAR" WITH FILMS. INVENTION OF PRIME VALUE TO SECRET SIGNALLING. Developments ofWevancg cf the utmost importance, ough still of a purely experimental nature, are likely to be übject of further tests by the British Broadcasting ration w.thm a few months. These developments
    1,037 words
  • 657 17 Empire Reception Not Too Good. PLINTONG," Johore Bahru, writes to the B BC. as follows: i "You have requested reports from your Empire listeners, and as one whf. mad' some shcrt reports to you on the old (NSW station, for which you were good enough to express
    657 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 43 17 Why waste money buying new TRANSFORMERS, CHOKES SPEAKERS, HEADPHONES, PICK-UPS, Etc. We can restore them to their original condition. At 85't to 50 < less than the cost of new ones. We guarantee prompt and efficient service. 'Phone 4791. HMITtD* 163, Orchard Road, Singapore.
      43 words
    • 362 17 v Newly discovered! a priceless safeguard to teeth —an entirely new cleansing and polishing material has been developed that is twice as soft as polishing materials commonly used in tooth pastes. Gives teeth a higher polish, brighter lustre—film stains disappear completely. THE Pepsodent Laboratories announce a the Pepsodent you have
      362 words

  • 237 18 Shamrock v. Sunbeam At Kuala Lumpur. riE Shamrock Badminton Party met and defeated the Sunbeam Badminton Party on the lauer's court on Saturday last by 4 gurue* U 1. Results (Shamrock players menikmid Brst>: i L. Danker and C Bonavantura met to K. Hon* and H. Sang
    237 words
  • 66 18 Tics for the open singles badminton championship of the Siew Sin Sia to be played during the week-end are: To-day: Sng Sng Heng v. Koh Pang Koon, Teo Keng Hong v. Sng Beng Teck, Teo Soo Poh v. Lim Boon Guan. Sunday: Teo Soo Poh v. Koh
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  • 56 18 1 Horllcks' team v. the Marigold B.P. to- day at the latter's court at 3.30 p.m.: I Ong Kwee Yang. Kow Sim Thye, Neo Kirn Poh. Tan Choo Kee. Tan Chong Beng, George I Wan, Chan Seak Choon. E. Tlang Cheng and E. Cheng Leong. I Reserves: Ang
    56 words
  • 48 18 The Marigold B.P. team v. the HorUcks r.P. at the former's court, 62, Shrewsbury Read. io-day al 3.30 p.m Chua Leng Yong, Tan Chong; Tee, Chi:a Leng Seah, C. H. Chung. S. Q. Quek. Wo Sim Kang and Lee Jouy Seah. Reserve. Chua Leng Kuan.
    48 words
  • 40 18 Thp Marc* Lie BmtmmtrDii Party im«*t rh«» Payo Lcbar Badminton Paiiy t«-d:»y «U 14». Puyu Lcbar RodU. ut 2.4 ft p.m. Players and supportws are rcqueM-wl to &««.nbte at 3«2 Joo Chlai Road at 2 p.m. I
    40 words
  • 38 18 PclerdAlr D P. team v Lake's B P. at L&e former'* court to-mutrow. I T S Hciitf. L. dc Sousa. T- S- Slang, T T BaK C. tl'Cott*. T. S. Hc>uw atirt T. S. liUmf. I
    38 words
  • 80 18 Lall Singh Among Paliala Probables. I Simla. Sept- 16. j The Maharaja of PalialA'c t'Bfn mw' the* M C C. At Putlala (Ml Nov. 14, 16 »nd Ifi will be selected from »bt? fallowing sixv«'m player*:— I Maharaja of PaUala. Yuvaraj of Patlala. Nawab of Pataudi. Pranlc TarroM.
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  • 65 18 Ties In Straight Snooker Championship. Ties lor next week In the Straight Snooker championship at the 5.0.C.: MONDAY'S TIES. P. J. L. M&ytrcr v. J. A. Dean, Dr. E- D. Lindow v. Winner of C. E. Winter and C. P. Burke. TUESDAY'S TIES. E. H. R Bowerman v.
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  • 37 18 Thurday's Rugger At Tanglin Washed Out. The Malaya Command rugby football trial between the Command Officers and the Rest which was to have been played at Tanglin on Thursday, was cancelled owing to the rain.
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  • 258 18 Tournament Ties For Next Week. I rSS In the lawn bowls tournament at the SCC have bern arranged as follows: MONDAY'S TIES. SINGLES HANDICAP: iserni-flna'M. A. B. Jordan «plus fi» v. P. O Nell Dunne plus 2, DOUBLES: Dr. KD. Lindow and H. K. Feanulde r. H
    258 words
  • 57 18 Green Hill B.P. t. the Hua Chiang B.P. a. the former's court to-morrow: Yeo Hong Ohuan, Koh Leong Kirn. Tan Ah Tong. Lim Kian Soo, Tan Peng Swee, Qvek Khye Kee, Cheong Ah 3ox Chan Keam Cheong, William Tan. Reserves: —Yeo Hong Chiang. Tan Gim Kia. Lee
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  • 433 18 Customers Driven From Restaurant. Thirty engines were called .to a fire which broke out on the night of Sept. 15 in the warehouse of Mr. Willie Clarkson, the wig and theatrical costume maker, in Ramillies-place, which is on the south side of Oxford-street and close
    433 words
  • 266 18 Scotland Yard Statement On The Facts. 1 Scotland Yard has issued a statement regarding a report that a plot had been to assassinate Lord Trenchard, Commi.vs;o:ier of Metropolitan Police. The >tatement as follows: During the evening of September 4. a representative of the "Daily Express"' brought a
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 904 18 I ARM NUMB WITH RHEUMATISM. j i Woman's Thanks To j Kruschen. "I have been suffering from rheumatism for years. At one time I could scarcely walk with j pains in my feet. The thumb cf my left hand I was so stiff I could only bend it with the
      904 words
    • 245 18 "IN MALARIA, |r Sanatogen hai a remarkable effect 'B on the debilitated system. The strength to Pr resist the weakening influence of the malaria |p parasite returns, the IS vHHHHI number of red blood |p\ corpuscles increases oH^^HB and within a short time the patient feels fit and healthy again,
      245 words

  • 359 19 I\ F( )on For Or Against Science? ttnud K/t\*iin). I u tor mv lfampil ft-u-tid y >.»!;• v. Jr. ?hi transformation of •i tieuw* and pin» t-rrw by t)u ui c !uiry >> in my wr>rlhy friend. can |f' •> na»ui«« and lu»bM> al flshe»
    359 words
  • 124 19 By Chew Yew SengJ Uf' a mnaquiio-bus driver Is bath in and wearisome. >«in work early In the morning «t twr>ve or sometimes one o'clock ihr time- when we should be in •<i »-nllv ne baa noi enough sleep lu» tualtn u ruined. "kh, not only be
    124 words
  • 508 19 <Bv Yi-o China Stote, Miiar). I was very much worried—yes. so worried that I paced up and down my room like an old man wlio bad forgotten where he had put his elassrs— whtn 1 read of how my loyal «upperters. Daiid Ka&sim and I. Soo Chye were
    508 words
  • 285 19 (By Richard Soh, K. L.) Hullo Chums, may I Introduce myself to you? I am a new member from K.L. A tired traveller, after a long and weary journey rested himself under a shade in the forest. Beside him was his cooking pot filled with porridge. While the
    285 words
  • 180 19 (By M. V. P., Johore Bahru). Every person has a peculiar habit of his own, and this is the case with me also. But there are habits common to all. Every habit can be adopted by proper training. Now. I will explain to you what my habit Is.
    180 words
  • 535 19 <By L. P. Yak.) One morn In* one of my friends and I set on hunriedly In a t,xi to the aeirdrome at Selctar to catch a monoplane that was round tor Batavla that morning. On arriving there we heard the loud noise of an engine.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 24 19 I THE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING j Sole Importers: I The East Asiatic Company, Limited. 1 SINGAPORE KUALA LtJMPUB PENANfI. 1
      24 words
    • 379 19 Keep young Such Symptoms as these are WARNINGS: Easily induced fatigue, dizziness, difficult breathing, blurred vision, low resistance against colds and infections A l l m° U life> b ut eipecial| y when y° u passed the age ot 40, calcium deficiency is a distinct menace to your Health tnrich
      379 words

  • 94 20 A *o»p P,0, 3 ph f ve s C Governor ccci The Guard uf Honour th. Witts** Regimen., headed by the band, marching to position for'the ceremoniai opening of the Le gtel ative CouncU. Lady Clementi (right) taking tm at the recent Lotus-Club garden party. Some
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  • Page 20 Advertisements