Malaya Tribune, 2 October 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX.- 234 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1933 *IVK CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday. Oct. 2, 1933. The Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 Sunday Tribme Dominant In Malay SI k lim pj 1 f B Powdered Milk PURE, FRESH MILK IN CONVENIENT i i FORM FOR COOKING OR DRINKING I i \Kvl Obtainable at all Leading m j^ k j Provision otores. fjyy^ j GETZ BROS.&CO. I j \1 SPEEDY v,,.~ jfi \W
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    • 216 1 A- FLINTER 8, Raffles Place, Singapore Importing Diamond* and Pearl Necklace* of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. i HE CELEBRATED "NEW HUDSON" BICYCLE. Call
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  • 824 2 FIFTY MILLIONS OPIUM RESERVE AVAILABLE. Fresh Demand For Labour. Trade Decline Slowed .Up During The Past Hall Year. it in estimated, in the Colonial Secretary s annual review of the Colony's affairs, at to-day's meeting of Hie Legislative Council,
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  • 941 2 Population And Vital Statistics. The estimated population of the Straits Settlements on April 1, 1933, was 1,037,247 persons; of these 9,490 were Europeans, 11,511 Eurasians, 291.346 Malaysians, 606,313 Chinese, 107.224 Indians and 11.363 of other .races. There were 12,567 deaths. The death-rate calculated on a figure of 1,037,247,
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  • 783 2 More Rubber Estates In Tapping. The land market continued to b° mere depressed throughout the year and the sales that took place were at very low prices. During the first three months of 1933 the price of rubber remained at its previous low l vel and showed little fluctuation
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  • 876 2 A Definite Loss To Malaya. The figures for migration of Chinese between China and Malaya show a loss to Malaya. During the first six months of 1933, Chinese immigrants landing in Malaya numbered 1P 557. departures for the same period were 48.447—a difference of 37,890. For the corresponding period
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  • 417 2 Chlftfesdflfc'riiilint still DAf) mi fin Dec. 3!, iL' mtnl ft Iht fi'rH th« aclunl a *»in IhiMfl fIRUJ-LV» SCM| < i I Only c» 1 anlui^fc I wHjch included I rU f-JW a J during J'-'3X A? Jn J 031, invijUrjibflß va» a «tead J physical und (.'das**
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 WHITEAWAYS MlfuW SALE THE BIGGEST YET! 1933 NEW IDEAS For ;&lx Days/ Only COMMĔticiWG MONDAY, mCTOBIR d OUR COMPLETE STOCK IafcILLINERY WILL BE OFFEWD AT Big Reductions Toftfake Boom for" New Jock. This Advertisement is Aifivitalion For You To C6We And InK Our WONDERFUL SELECTJ» ol LADIES' HATST WHITEAWAY LAIDLA\
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  • 516 3 More Vesscs Call At Singapore. 'Mi.ut "i oifi'-n. 'nlwd and j Sin-', w «lift r the flfst )rx>ir year a» 24,119 tons, as ramil vjli; di period of the 1 l.i innui| |i tons wwr Japan*:c, i Orrman uinfl 6S» lotis Norwegian; Vh dpwm »4* jae.oas torn Biicieh.
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  • 527 3 Not Sj Bad As In Previous Half-Year. if urbanisation cf tlu- d*.f>.*rtmfiH wa« «Jlhud >u comply wrtUi U.* recowmcndatu, of Hip Straits S.UJnnei ts Roirrnchro«*nt •tthuc' tnchxfUw a reduuon of 22 p*r •«c in riir cuAk c»f annual i.current rharges. r Dan personal emolun-nt*. and the •ulal'r \a
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  • 444 3 Twenty-Two Per Cent. Of The Total Business. Pur the Strnitj Settlements, the foreign trade in merchandise amount-J in declared values to $295,493,000 or 90 per cent, of the foreign trade of Malaya, as compared with $305,435,000 or 89 per cent, :n th- previous period, the balance representing
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  • 460 3 Need For Retrenchment Of Expenditure. The financial depression which overshadowed the whole country naturally affected the work of the Education Department. The urgent need for retrenchment of expenditure resulted rot only in little initiation of new projects but also in the excision of some that had already be°n
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  • 606 3 Thorough Survey Carried Out In Singapore. Only on* girl from Malacca was awarded rludvnt rcholarships to Raffles Collar No other were awarded chls year in view nt ifcr uncertainty o! the staffing position three yeur» ahead. Twenty-eight Ookmy student* are In trait) Id* at Raffles College Tor
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  • 561 3 ft rants-lii-A id Total •522,020. Then- are 335 registered Ch'new Sfh'V ftlth 23,250 pupils, of which 36 with 5,727 pupili receive grant-S-in-atd much amounted .o £22.020 in 1032 Owing io the ttci: of facilities and of trained leat-hetj, Tiimll reboots lull behind Malay v in such important subjects
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  • 581 3 The Malayan Postal Union. The Secretary of State has now approred of the creation of a Malayan Postal Union on the following general lines The Union ta to consist of the Colony of the Straits Settlements, the four Federated States and any Malay States under British protection that
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  • 547 3 No New Items Of Major Importance. The provision for expendiure on Public Works (excluding personal emoluments and other charges) during 1933 is $7,605,372, of which $1,111,305 is on account of Rural Boards. The corresponding sum provided in 1932 i was $17,051,753 cf which $2,034,700 was on account of
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  • 495 3 Extension Of Wharf Facilities. The tonnages of general car<?o landed and shipped during the year were approximately the same as ttiose for the year 1831. There were slight decreases in the numbers and tonnages of vessels using the wharves. With reference to the proposals by Mr. G. W.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 gives It brightens J*A brass copper splendidly ll| t*\ BRASS O METAL POLISH AfCKITT SONS, LTD HULL ft LONDON AGENTS LTD OHJTLLAN CO. LTD.. PENANG. S.S. KUALA LUMPUR, SELANGOR, P MB. DID YOU NUGGET 1* YOUR SHOES THIS "NUGGET" only gives In illiuul J.i-f--fl ing shine, hut also V A
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  • 800 4 Shipping News Notices. UNCOMMON MODE OF TRANSPORT. Remarkable Pre-War Craft Recalled. THE three new train-ferry steamers now building for the Southern Railway at Messrs. Swan and Hunter's Neptune Works have revived public interest in this rather uncommon mode of transport. Readers will recall the. train-ferry at Helsingborg, between Sweden and
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  • 158 4 Port's Record Figures For Past Year. Tlic Stavanucr Harbour Eouid repurt for flic pas! financial ywr shows Uiat in spit». 0 f tin ITW* SCavkQgrr'.n port traffic reached record figure. I Thp number ot arrivals d<\rin* thr year v a 10.847 u«sr^»itn t 5.631,478 sjo* tons ujw
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  • 407 4 Wireless And Sounding Devices. A comprehensive display of Marconi Wireless and Echometcr sounding device apparatus, including the latest installat'cns fo. wireless telegraphy and telephony, music pitying equipment and the Echoscope—a rev. sounding devi-e for shallow wa cr surveyin; —will be a feature of this year's Shippirr Exhibition.
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  • 122 4 I Whilst on her return voyage to Shanghai j from Hankow, the China Merchants "Kiangan" j was fired upon by bandits from the south bank of the Yangtze, just opposite to Wusueh, Hupeh. The vessel's steel plates were riddled wi'h bullets, but, with the exception of a
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  • 121 4 Acting upon secret information, stating that a large quantity of cargo had been smuggled by the tug-boat "Wing Hang" from Ngoi Hoi dist'ict to Canton, the Customs authorities at Kongmoon immediately despatched a river gunboat with a detachment of armed police for special patrol duty along the driver.
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  • 315 4 Refrigerated Liner For China. THE Ciiincse Pacific Steam Navigation Cnmpanv. of f.harghai, have just bcught rather an interesting refrigerated steamer in th Jnicn Sieamship Company of New Zealand':. Waitcmo, formerly Glfford. She was built in 1911. by the Northumberland Shipbuildirg Company, of Newcastje-on-Tjnc. fcr Messrs. Andrew Wetr Mad
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  • 135 4 Ordered Not To Hoiat Foreign Flags. Canton S'-'pt. 'J. I The Canton autltnrilics havr issued a pr»irJiimatlon Chinrsc fls'-iiiig junJ:# provevdlti# to the South St-j I&laivd< l.unj bousuug £rj*rnan* flae? The order foliovixl tlir rvvly by tin Preilncial Guvnnnmit of a report from tht P«I -Ojir&tion CommL'-Morer for
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  • 99 4 World travel on the instalment plan is the latest American innovation. Trips irom San Francisco to Europe via the Panama Canal or by rail via New York, from Marseilles to Lonoon; by train through the Sw ss Alps; to South America: to the Orient. Alaska, or nearly anywhere
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  • 63 4 During the voyage from Canrda to Liverpool the Canadian Pacific liner "Duchess of R chin ond." in command ot Captain A. Free: R.N.R., made her fastest Atlan ie cossing. Leaving Montreal at 10 a.m. on Friday last, she arrived at Greenock in 6 days 20 minute?. Fourteen
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  • 606 4 I nteresting Conversions Recalled. THE motor yacht Roussalka. owned "Jy Lord Moyne. struck the B'oodslate Rock, off Preahlin Island, Killarey Bay. Ga.'way, recently and within seven mi-iutes A telegram from Lord Moyne lo his London heme the n>xt day was the first lnlimatioi of the accident.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 149 4 WLLOYD TRIEStTno (incorporated m Italy). I EXPRESS SERVICE. I CARGO SERVICE SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Cailtnr at Penan, Col„n,h« w- Ctmnt at Colombo, Bombay. S «x. Port kl°"ZZi Spore. B'por,. Vento, mv COL DI tf v s.s. CONTE ROSSO 'OR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI j Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Not. t
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    • 210 4 HAMBURG. A MPRiKA UNIE Deutacb jHpßj Australia Dampischifls Qeselischaft. (Companies incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, BHANOHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. t m.s. VOGTLAND. via Manila Oct. 8 i t m.s. LEVERKUSEN. via Manila Oct. 17 I BM. SAARLAND, via Manila Nov i t m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila Nov.
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    • 619 4 ==^ILINGb. &g| NORDDEIITSCHKS 1 LU)YD- (Incorporated a The undemoAc are the Company's intended fixtures: I (UTYYARDS. I mi. "FULDA" foi Manila, Hongkong, S'hai, N. Ch||B& Japan Oct. 11 "ISAR" for Bplo. Manila, H'kong, S'hai. N. ChA& Japan Oc t 2< "SAARBRUCro" for Hoilo, Manila, Hongkong. S»fihai, North China and Japan
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  • 550 5 Singapore, Monday, 11 a.m. Tne following tin share quotations are Issued ay Pi sect and Co. exchange and slock brokenissue Value Buyers. Sellers. A im Kumhang Tin 30 31,--ll Austral Mi-lay 31' 1 35j- HU Ml Tin 15 3 163 xd.' 1 20 1.30 xd.
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  • 52 5 Reuter. London, Sept. 30. An important development in the iKian section of the cotton industry, order to advance prices, occurred on the Manchester Royal Exchange when the combined Egyptian mills increased all their yarn quotations by various amounts from Id. to 2 ->d. ner lh.. according to counts
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 56 5 A to'al of 747 municipalities in the Province Ontario are supplied with eiectrlc power by Ontario Hydro Power Commission, a pub-litly-owned organisation. Tht 747 municipalities include 27 cities, 95 267 villages nnd 358 townships. The total revenue of the Commission last year was ?u The net creui f
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  • 156 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. SINGAPORE RUBBER PRICE UP 1 CENT. Renewed Buying In Singapore. Our Financial Corrtntmdjtmij Sintnporc Moudav N' on To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), H% cts., up IVh cts. Tin (Singapore), $112«fc, up Market Tone: Firm. Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4 1 J! .d., up i /R
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  • 78 5 Canton Rice Guilds To Assist Native Production. Hcngkorg. Oct. 2. The di legates from the rice guilds in 'the Cant:n districts met at Canton yesterday to discuis the .situation of the rif- trade in Kw.mgtung. It was dicided to suspend th? importation cf foreign ric-- in favou; cf
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  • 65 5 During the week ending Sept. 23 expo.ts oi t.nned pineapples fro.n Malax an ports Amounted to 11,788 cases, of which |,ISJ ca-ies were to the United Kingdom, 875 cajes to the Continent of Europe. 1,100 cases to Canadi and 1,650 elsewhere. Total exports for the period Jan.
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  • 15 5 Renoni Consolidated Tin produced 501 piculs during September, and Katu Tin 526- piculs.
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  • 127 5 Twenty Thousand People Homeless. Reuter Wireless. Mexico City, Sept. 27. Ihe cycljne disacLtr has r«.naero homeless 20.000 p-opie in Tampio:, of whom a number have b-r.n housed in public buildings and Use nmaindt' have taken refuge in th? park;. •-vh°re they are being fed by the authorities. Epidemics
    Reuter Wireless.  -  127 words
  • 163 5 New Conversion Loan Well Received. Reuter Wireless. London, Sept. 27. meet with success but it is considered to b_> mrinly money market affair. Gilt-edged securities at hi st were adversely affee'ea out latci improved considerably. Most of the issues closed a quarter to three-eighths above yesterday's
    Reuter Wireless.  -  163 words
  • 270 5 Budget For 1932 And Estimates For 1933. JN memoranda by the Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, on the Draft 1934 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, compared with the 1933 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, it is stated: The Estimate of Revenue for next year amount ing to
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  • 1027 5 Final Dividend Of 5 Per Cent. rTHE twentieth annual general meet- ln g of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation Ltd.. was held yesterday at the Registered Offices of the company, Cecil Street. -jjk n S Soon Tee, JP., the Chairman presided and among those present were the
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  • 144 5 Control Committee In London. riMIK following statement has ttcn issued by the International Tea Committee-— Ihe tea restriction scheme, whereby India Ceylon, and the Netherlands Batt Indies have ■freed to regulate for five fears the eaport of tea from those countries, provides for the siting up in London
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  • 643 5 Singapore, Monday. 11 a m. Ihe following rubber in&re quotation* m iK6ued by Praser and Oo and LymU and BVMfc Uwuc V»<ue. mam LymU f tihHM On »|M 1 Alknuy $0.70 $0.80 $0.75 $0.85 1 Alor Ciajah v.60 0.70 O.Ot 0.70 IA. Hiiam 0.70 080
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 95 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Snsjland) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital «,000.000 Paid-up-Capital C 1.000.000 Reserve Fund and R»t t 500.000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON BRANCHES: r <mbav Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras. Amara. Baghdad Bahrein. Basrs. Klrkuk, \l,vi|i nnd Slntrnnr»» CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received
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    • 47 5 WATCH IT CROW! Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK puys interest quarterly. Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 208 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. I'aid Up $10,000,000.00. UEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CIIULLA STREET, SINGAPOR* i LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 Amusements I SINGAPORE'S FIRST THRILLER BREAKS j j RECORDS! ALL SHOWS PACKED OUT DURING j THE WEEK-END j j 6.15 TLHAMBRA 9.15 j I Tremendous Success of United Artists great Malayan Production That Everybody's Discussing! j SAMARANG Beautiful Malayan Scenery I Thrilling Underwater Photography! i S See 3PJte Sensational Fight
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    • 200 6 f 'Last NWirr of maaul return screening I J-M g I j 6,15 -.«^E^^ m v« thP T AST CHANCE of enjtying this great an- "THE KID! FROM lifl^f i 1 Spain "jj WnmĔ TO-MORROW NIGHT Malayan Premier I I Melro-Coldwyn-Mayer's Masterly Production of J. Hartley Manners' j great novel
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    • 503 6 I PAVILION Ssmwt" I I t ■SBBBBBBBBIBJBjBBBBIBJBBBBBBBJ j A EeiCJi Classic Son. ri:Oit «Jraphy Eve S.v.. llrmTlJnllVi is« i .\iiHi< ns f opi< "Oon ty? ¥«3f Rj~M iQuixoe" iiold j|sß& BBkLvt dan it was first published '.V 1 m 160.V B. B[ i mortal classic with th? ISflj PF gfj
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  • 194 7 n fen weeks it comes round with monotonous nguliurflgr. And f<„r women who arc not vigorous and strong it Ls a period of great trial. El E titer tin ;ches and pains have subsided mmny >MKn fcrl weak and listless, suffer from attaches an dlariwm,
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  • 183 7 The interesl delayed in "Imperial* Typewriters at the British Industrie* Fair held at Olympia in 1U26 was recalled when H.M. The Kinvisited the RftyaJ Agricultural Show I.xhibirioy held m Derby a few weeks »g©. In conversation with His Majesty, Mr. Mawle. the General Sales Manager, reterred to His
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  • 228 7 BUDGET MEETING CEREMONY. Royal Salote. Governor inpects The (>uard. (rUARt) of honour uf a hundred nuu ut the Wiltshire under (he romwiand of apt. H. p.. hose, took pari in the ceremonial opening of ihi* Legi.dutive Council iMis rooming. r flu* «niaiiJ. \v hirli was ranged in rant
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  • 293 7 Reclamation OI) The Foreshore. The Acf-lng Councilkn for Penauc moved: That thh Council, in accordance with sect'on 4 of Ordinance No. 69 (Foreshores t approve* Oat reclamation of that port.en of tht ror--abOR and sea-bed approximately 8.000 square leet Ni area lying within ihe Pot limtcs o* Penang
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  • 458 7 Debate Later In The Day. I Moving that the Council approve the draff I estimates cf rrvenur and expenditure lor the year 1834, th- Acting Colonial Secretary said that h- had the authority cf tho Govcrner to state that as it wa c ricnratle to proceed with legislative
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  • 104 7 Murder Charge. ECHO OF FIVE-YEAR-OLD CRIME. I JWKEE Sikhs, Lab Singh, Scram Singh and Arjan Singh were produced before the Second Magistrate this morning on a charge o! i murder. Inspector J. Judge is in charge ot the case. The alleged crime is said
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  • 33 7 Reuter Wireless. Alexandria. Sept. 27. Abdel Fattah Pasha. the former Foreign Minister, has accepted fthe ofLee of Premier ir. succession to Sidky Pasha, who resigned on the giounds of ill-health.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  33 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 236 7 m f Jt is not surhcicnt to brush M your teeth regularly. m The mouth and gums mv I v also be kept healthy, f l.ucryl Tooth Powder cleans and polishes the tcctii I making them like pearls. I lt ail MM, m oil rei trl') m rent stamp
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    • 4 7 pavilion I NEXT CHANGE!
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    • 46 7 f To treat those complaints successfully, get to the root of tho trouble. Clarke's Blood Mixture »s the world's greatest blood purifier and healer, it is famous for Blood and Skin Disorders. Of all Ctiemistt and Stmt*. Eaua'ly good in LIQUID or TABLET form I _Tj_iin
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    • 639 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ■a PUBLIC NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE I Summary Case. 5 no. 17» m mn Re MOHAMED YUSOFF, of No. 9A, Municipal Quarters. Katnponir Kalian* Road, Singapore, Night-Foreman, Gas Works, Kai- I lang Road, Singapore. i Receiving
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    • 695 7 SINGAPORE HOTELS I fiOODWOOD Ml HOTEL I Phone 6490 Telegram: Goodwood Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure an atmosphere of peace and quietness. J LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT I High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. I I Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms I SAMSON SHOES
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  • 65 8 The family of the late Mrs. Bong Khi Sam beg to thank all kind friends and relatives Tor their night visits, wreaths, attendance at her funeral and expression of sympathy. 1 J.i- fnmlly cf thi' late Mr Roy>ltei Burrowa 3ir.i rely than* those who attended the
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  • 651 8 While Great (Britain, without any spectacular effort, seems to be moving quietly and steadily towards a trade revival, America, with its National Recovery Administration, is said to be threatened with industrial chaos. The comparison is not meant to be in any way derogatory to Americans. Britons regard
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  • 252 8 Comments By The Way. IIHE acting Colonial Secretary. the Hon. Mr. A, S. Haynes. was in rr-mlnisc(mt mood when he d< |ressed the Singapore Teachers' Association on Frldov night. He spoke of the old days in Pahang. when it was nothing foi the yistrlci Officer aid
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  • 158 8 m LUANG Pradit. who was exiled from Siam a few months ago because his views did not coincide with those of the other members of the State Council, returned to Siam a few days ago. He i has agreed to support the policy oi the Government with
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  • 161 8 THE attack" yesterday on Singapore by the Sumatra Victory Corps." j otherwise the S.V.C.. failed, according to j all reports, dismally. These manoeuvres formed the annual inspection of the Volunteers by the G.O.C. <Maj j Gen. L. C. L. Oldfield* who. accompanied by the Governor, watched I the
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  • 69 8 The Hon. Mr. Justice Prichard, X.C.. h due bade in Penang from Home l aye toward the end of next month. It is understood that Mr. Justi.e Prichard will be stationed In Penang again and that Mr. Justice J. C. Cobbett, who is just
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  • 173 8 Mr. A. T. Newboult. M.C.S.. :e un d f'om Home leave by the "Rawalpindi." Mr. S. M. Ponniah, head overseer, P.WD. Kuala Lumpur District, has been transfer d to the Town Engineer's Office. Kuala Lumpur with effect from Oct. 1. Mr. John Sayer, of th 2 Borneo Compan
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  • 30 8 Mr. j. Williams, Government Town Planner, Perak, left Ipoh on Friday fcr Penanen route lor Home on retirement. Alter a spell at Home, Mr. Williams intends going to Kenya
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  • 73 8 The Girls' Sports Club of Malacca will give r> variety entertainment in aid of the Asiatic Unemployment Fund at the Malacca High School on Oct. 7. Many new songs and dances ar? premised. I Up to Friday there were no crim nal ea e~ I on the calendar to
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  • 163 8 Dr. H. Sc.imgeour. cf Bentong. is at pr■ept at Taiping General Hospital in place of Dr. L. E. Vine who has gone Home. A Chcttiar who attempted to smuggle cloth from Penang was fined $82. or a month's rigorous imprisonment, by the Tap ng Magistrate The clcthing was valued
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  • 18 8 f thC offiCe Collector of Land Revenue. Seremban, has been channel to Assistant District Officer. Seremban 8
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  • 424 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" The Sumatra Victory Corp* vvns very badly named, Those w ho weren't shot up have probably beaten h hack to Sumatra by now. AAA The "war" took place in n n*inwi> part of the island, and while ipucta tors were not objected to. their earn
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  • 35 8 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S REVIEW p. 2 3. t > .-s i. WEEK-END SPORT, on page 13. POSTAL SECRETARY'S REPORT, p 13 15. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE, on page 14. RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 14. t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 163 8 j "His Masters Voice 99 s j TAP.LE (.KAM) if. g^^lfef^ I GRAMOPHONE i PRICE $80.00 i JUST SAY WHO SHALL SING OR PLAY, AND PUT THE RECORD OX J countless happy hours of shcSer enjoyment infinite variety these are yours if y< v have "His Master's Voice" Gramophone Model
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    • 49 8 Pianos Bought, Sold And Exchanged. j SEASON CO., LTD., |S 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. jli i i I i ■r i r 634 j NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, TENG SENG GUAN, Established 1905. Our Prices Wholesale or Retail are identically the same as those charged by T.K.K.'S SALE DEPOTS.
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  • 1041 9 COLONY'S DEFENCE IMPOST REDUCED. An Honourable Settlement. Strong Financial Position Of Straits Settlements. The three main points in the speech of H.E. the Governor at the Budget meeting of the Legislative Council to-day were the Defence Contribution,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 214 9 m$ IPIHCJIFIEIRIINE WEALTH XAIT All-day vigour is assured by Phosfcrinc Health Salt which Llminaus the poisonous waste matter that causes cells and tissues to grow old h is d.c pleasant Invi'oranng dose of Phosfenne Health Salt that keens the system healthy and fit to withstand all d.mauc r.gours and stress,
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  • 130 9 Yearly Amount Fixed At $4,000,000. AN agreement has been reached between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the Straits Settlements in regard to the protracted dispute over the amount of Imperial Defence Contribution which the Colony should pay. The sum has been fixed at $4,000,000 a
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  • 101 9 I Three Killed After Dedication Of f R 101 Memorial. Reuter. London. Oct. 1 A small private aeroplane returning to London from the dedication ceremony of the R 101 memorial at Beauvais crashed at Hawkhurst. Kent, and the three occupants were killed. They were Captain Stvran. the
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 57 9 Ship Capsizes In High Seas. Reuter. Tokyo, (Irt, 2. Twenty-two people are known 1« be drowawl and over a hundred are missing as a result of a pleasure steamer capshiii( yesterday afternoon off the coast of Kumamoto, due to high <eas and overloading. Only 19 people have so
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 82 9 F.M.S. CURRENCY FUND. Colonial Office To Make Inquiry. Reuter. London, Oct. 1. Sir Basil Blackett has accepted the invitation of the Secretary of State for the Colonies to visit Malaya to enquire into and report on whether, and, if so. to what extent and under what conditions the Malay States,
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 558 9 BIG SCHEME OF RELIEF. Roosevelt Roused. More Credit Released For Industry. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 2. r pHE fact that Mr. Roosevelt was accompanied to Chicago by the entire executive and office staff i< thought to portend a first-class pronouncement.—Reuter. Chicago, Oct. 2. Announcing yesterday that the membership
    Reuter.  -  558 words

  • 725 10 "Government Must Keep Its Hands Free." At the Penang conference. I pointed out that the proposal to limit the annual expenditure on local forces to $500.000 as a maximum must be understood to hold good for a term of live years in the same manner as the oifer
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  • 546 10 Steady Progress To A Strong Position. In speaking of the Colony's defence contribution I have touched upon two other important subjects, namely, the Colony's fiscal policy and the Currency Guarantee Fund. Of our fiscal policy, including the proposal for a Malayan Customs Union, I have nothing at present
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  • 1072 10 Unfounded Rumours Of Rubber Restriction. I am convinced that the time has come when steps should be taken to place the whole question on an equitable and, as far as possible, a permanent basis. The matter has been put before the Secretary of State with the suggestion
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  • 474 10 Strength Of The Financial Position. The unofficial members of this Council have unanimously approached me with the request that the Opium Revenue Replacement Reserve Fund should revert to the general assets of the Colony, and that whatever control exists over it should be no greater than that appertaining
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  • 14 10 A summary of the Colony's Budget position appears on the Financial Page.
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  • 364 10 NO PROCESSIONS IN CANTON. Martial Law. FEARED RISING OF BLUE SHIRTS." Hongkong, Oct. 1. -JpiE reascn given for the prohibition j of processions in Canton in this I year's "Double Ten" celebrations (National Day, Oct. 10) is that th city will still be under martial law. This is declared to
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  • 177 10 Sailor Injured: Driver Charged. A EUROPEAN -ailor attached to the "Herald" and a Chinese were injured last night as a result of a collision between a motorcar and a Ford bus. the latter belonging to th? Southern Omnibus Services, Ltd. It appears that the car which was being
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  • 639 10 MALAY THE v LINGUA FRANCA." No Inquiry. "No Alteration In Present Law." the meeting of the Lcgislatrt i Council this morning Mr. Lim Cheng Kan, the Penang <"] Member, challenged the educational policy of the Straits Government in a scries of questions.
    639 words
  • 261 10 No Inquiry And No ('hanKc Policy. rrpllw were B loliint 1 —'a» MaU\ '< IJji fMi* l I Malay* and M> U*«l 0) «II Itor r»' J I*l' in thtilr h>t<*rcouT>e «nil: irm <b> Government u- not iji tt 10 an enquiry in ord«T to pn/vtde ilv rm*'u/i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 106 11 Siuguporr. Oct. 2. BHIFS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVM EaH Wlurr (Er:tr»nc* CUt* 1». Vluln W*i« T «Kntrnnr» Qa(jt I» I .ft .sifi Vlcrrlc :< H MS. ht-raid 10: A A. «llli# Cnmire Dock Entrance Oatr S). SI La-mt innik 34 I||th
    106 words
  • 216 11 Showed The Way How To Fight. Madrid A vsomitn lit a anall town near Jacn has been dirsstue like u man tor thirty year* This u her storjr 'Hie woman's name ts. La Reverie, and she ts the greatest noroan bullhghier of all time. La Reverie via» JO
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  • 22 11 Mi,ils I cm Batavia and Palembans by aeroplane are expected at the General Post Office. Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 23 11 Leit Arrd. B >' Spore London 'Ardrc Lebon" Sept. 6 Oct. 2. "Karagolr," Sept 7 Sept. 30 "Kota Pinang" 8 Oct. 2
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  • 94 11 Karachi-Singapore Air Mail. i 1 ANOTHER step towards the fulfilment of plans in connection with the excision of the Imperial Airways service from Rangoon to Singapore has been taken by the Government of India At a recent meeting of the Standing fi2?" Q C Co A mmit
    94 words
  • 67 11 W\ Of Malaria In Hunan. Reuter. Nanking, Oct. 1. TtitALARIA has taken a terrible toll in 1« the Pingkiang district of Hunan. Of the population of 400,000. 95 per cent.-are stricken and over 50.000 are reported to have succumbed. It is difficult to find men
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 92 11 Rcduciiou Of Tariffs For British Goads. Reuter Wireless. Buenos Aires, Sept. 27. The supplementary agreement to the Anglotrade agreement has been signed by Senor Lamas, the Foreign Minister, and Sir Henry Chilton, the British Ambassador. The supplementary agreement reduces tariffs' en certain British exports to the Argentine,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 152 11 Baronet Tells How Baby Was Drowned. In a v.ilcc broken wl h emotion, Sir John Hopkins toui BL ihe iaqtfosL at Lluglleld, Surrey, on Axis 12, the akfry oX Uwr drowning of his baby grandson, wtv* found by hi* uursc lying faco downwards In a lUy pond
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  • 213 11 SELLING. Singapore, Sept. 29. London 4 months' sight 2 4'.» London months' sight 2 4 3 32 London oO days" si Jilt 2 4 5 64 London 30 days' sight 2 4 119 London demand 2 4 1 32 Lor don T.T. 2 4 Lvrns and Paris demand
    213 words
  • 192 11 Singapore. Oct. 2. R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $120 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $111 Rice. B. Siam N 1 $91 Ric-, B Siam N $87 Siam. No. 1 "Sinhway'" $167 Siam. No. 2 "Sinhway" 5161 Siam. No 3 "Binhway" $147 Rice. Saigon
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  • 244 11 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. OCT 2. High Tides—lo.ll a.m., 9.55 p.m. legislative Council Meeting, 10 30 a m. L< tm Cub Pete. India-Ceylon Club. 4.30 p.m liuckty: S.C.R.C. "W, v. Clerical Union; CU B.R.C. A" v. Khal A. S.R.C. S.A.P.A. Cup Football.
    244 words
  • 73 11 ALHAMBRA.— Samarang. CAPITOL —Eddie Cantor in The Kid from Spain." EMPlRE.—"Trader Horn" and "Tarzan The Ape Man." GREAT WORLD—Cabaret Dancing sideshows. Malay and Chinese Wayangs cinemas Talkie: Sky—Grand Hotel" Star—"Waterloo Bridge." MARLBOROUGH—EIis.a Landi and Fredric March in Sign ot the Cross NEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing sideshows. Malay Operas. Chinese Wayangs.
    73 words
  • 58 11 Visit To The King Of Sweden. Reuter. Stockholm. Oct. 1. Marshal Chang Hsuoh Liang has arrived and has been received by the King. He lunched with Gustaf Adolf, son of the Crown Prince. His foreign adviser. Mr. Macdonald says that Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang is interested in engaging
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 46 11 Russo-German Dispute Continues. Reuter. Berlin. Sept. 30. As a sequel to the Russo-German Press dispute, the Soviet newspapers "Isvestia" and "Pravda" have been banned in Germany. Six Russian correspondents are leaving Berlin to-night and nine German newspapermen are returning to Berlin from Russia.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 50 11 Reuter Wireless. London, Sept. 27. A new chapter in the history of the question oi war debts opens to-day with the departure America of Sir Frederick Leith Ross and Mr. T. K. Bewlay who are accompanying the British Amabassador. The discussions will begin on Oct. s.—ReuUr Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 Start and End the Day with this aid to health. Use Gibbs Dentifrice regularly—every member of thf family—and doctors bjjja will be few and far b tween I Gibbs is a i.-alth preservative b«r; it_s use rrKaus clean round teeth. Ti io through the mouth, particularly ilirouKli unclean and decaying
      149 words
    • 118 11 j KOLYNOS I i Kills dangerous germs in j your teeth. j Burmese Specialist. Isa^S. KHOO 800 LONE now at Singapore lim Wm\ No. 332. Tanjong M Bp Pagar Road. 19 Opposite to vH Bf Empire Cinema. \sß H' Having had 37 years' experience at Rangoon, (established 1893) to
      118 words
    • 30 11 An Investment of 50 cents a day in Endowment Insurance is a very sure road to Independence. Consult the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., to-day. BUILD YOUR ENERGY WITH Scott's Emulsion
      30 words
    • 302 11 1 CONSTIPATION j*! I Asn ALL STOMACH TROUBLES is to take fiHfgS I WAMPOLE'S I L MAONOLAX I IrrVn i- fcirntifk com- g tinatl. n cf Mineral Oil and Milk -i (jj Ma' n bl'iided (lia J i== hai a P te, *»"C and palatable j iij w •i jo
      302 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 130 11 POSTAL INHLLIGCNCE' I SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Upp.r Burmn «Hcng Xhrng. 3 p.m. 1 Sclat Farcjang. B«ngkalis and Basnn Si Apt Api i Masjo-iiv) 3 p.m. 'Egypt, Europe and G:cat Bri;ain iMito M?r:i) 3 p.m. Belawa.v Ceylon, Egypt an<i U.S.A. <Sih'Ci sandal 3 p.m. Philippine Islands. China and Japan (Mcsrkerk)
      130 words
    • 70 11 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. fed Tester**? Night, jg- Bright Mm. T«mp. Rainfall Sunshine. Temp, Stations. Deg. p. inches. Hours. Deg.p. Alor Star 88 0.44 9.9 7T Sitiawan 91 Nil i 0.3 72 K. T-cngganu 88 Nil 8 5 71 Bukit J>ram 89 Nil 11.1 70 Malacca 8-5 Nil
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  • 1676 12 SATURDAY'S RESULTS AND TABLES. SPURS TROUNCE THE PENSIONERS AT STAMFORD BRIDGE. Portsmouth beat the Villa on Saturday and maintain their lead in the First Division of the English League. Chelsea were beaten at home by Tottenham Hotspur. The Arsenal
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  • 282 12 S.R.C. Beaten In Cup Competition. ANOTHER good First Division team—the Singapore Recreation Club has been knocked out cf the S.A.F.A. Cup Competition by a second Division eleven —the S.raits Cattle Tj.-ading Football Club. The latter emulated th° performance of the Wilts 11. who on Friday eliminated the
    282 words
  • 40 12 Famous Boxer Maimed For Life. Reuter. Macon. (Georgia), Oct. 1. 'JHE boxer Young Stribling was seriously injured when motor-cycling to-day. He collided with a car. His left foot had to be amputated and he sustained a fractured hip.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 90 12 Results Of Prin?ipal Games On Saturday. Reuter. London. Sopt. 30. The principal rugby footba'l matches playe to-day were as follows: Birkenhead P. n Bia-khetith 20. B'.ackhea'h 11 U. Services 3. Gloucester 16 Bristol 0. Guy s 8 Plymouth A. 5. Harlequins 19 Bath 9. Leicester 25 London Welsh
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 58 12 Irish Beat Scottsih Amateurs. w Belfast. Oct. 1. Fifteen thousand people saw the Irish League beat the Scot ish League at Association Football by 3-0 in dull weather to-day. The half time score was 2-0. It was Irelends fifth win out of thirty-four meetings md was thoroughly deserved.
    58 words
  • 47 12 King And Queen See Limelight Win. Reuter. London, Oct. 1. At Kempfon Park to-day Thrir Majesties the King and Queen were present to see the royal colt. Limelight, gain a great victory in ihe Duke of York's Handicap, for which he started joint favourite.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 60 12 Indian Association team v. M.C.U. on Wednesday at the M.C.U. ground: Rasthy: Solakan Singh, Chitterjee; Kennedy Baskaran. Samy; Sharazie. B. Singh, Namazie A. Singh, Baboo Singh. Reserve: Radha. I.A. team v. the Police on Saturday at the 1. A. ground: Rasthy; Solakan Singh, Chatterjee; Kennedy Easkaran. Radha:
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  • 25 12 The results to date of the S.C.F.A. InterDlstnct League are: Covent Row drew with MacKenzie Road 1-1 Coleman Street beat Balestier Road 2-0.
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  • 301 12 Saturday's Rugby. THE REST RUN AWAY WITH GAME. A SCORE of 29 points to nil fairly adequately represents the superiority of the Rest over the Newcomers in the first serious rugby engagement of the S.C.C, played on the Padang on Saturday. The Newcomers played vigorous but somewhat
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  • 39 12 How The "M.Ts" Tips Worked. "pIVE winners and ten placed horses at the Selangor races at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday were named by "The Man-at-the-RailV in his selections, published in last Thursday's issue of the "Malaya Tribune."
    39 words
  • 275 12 Saturday's Game At The Depot. PLAYING better hockey in almost all departments, the Singapore Colts beat the Police by 3—o at the Thompson Road Depot on Saturday. Composed mostly of boys just out of school, the Colts were younger and lighter than the Police eleven, for
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  • 23 12 Beaten By Battling Chan Yesterday. Penang, Oct. 2. BUD Walley was outpointed last night by Battling Chan in a twelve-round bout.
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  • 692 12 PROFESSIONALISM TENNIS. Cachet Explains. Everything Should Be Above Board. (From Our Own Correspondent, j London, Sept. 14. "JT is well known that lawn tennis amateurs to-day are receiving laige payments to play in tournaments." Henri Cochet, the famous French star, challenged the world with this statement in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 112 12 SUGAR MADE FROM THE PURE CANE > i Is a refined sugar of quality and distinction and is an f entirely British Product. Discriminating housewives \j| specify "Taikoo" because they know that its purity is altof gether beyond question. "Packed for the consumer" Taikoo sugar reaches the purchasers in the
      112 words

  • 533 13 Big Increase In The Air Mail Traffic. f rHF. annual report on the Postal and Telegraph Department for the war 1032, as laid on the table at the Legislative Council meeting this morning, states: The prevailing depression, the increasing need for economy, and a further
    533 words
  • 574 13 Installed In The Singapore Suburbs. In addition to the head post offices i Singapore, Penang, Malacca and the post office at Labuan, there were '''< post offices in the Colony on Dec. *H. this number including various r 'ttices where postal duties are carried cut by postal agents.
    574 words
  • 919 13 Greatly Increased Use Of The Services. During the ywr there were number tl d vclopmcnts Ui ctmocc-i lon vj< h air mollv aud the volumF o* «lr mall tcirr».-spv»»dunr:! continued greatly to increase. Very little us 1* now mod by the public in the Strjlts Sitt!emen*;> or
    919 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 385 13 4ftft«»tft exceed $12,000,000. A -z A w Assurance in force ever |3ftJMMi 000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (incorpormted in the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFF ICR: Oreat Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. SlnrtDore LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. 1.0. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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  • 131 13 Rovers Draw With Malays. (From Ovr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 30. IN spite of other attractions a huge crowd gathered at the T.P.C.A. ground to-day to witness the final of the S.F.A. senior Cup competition which was played in real Cup atmosphere. At times the enthusiasm
    131 words
  • 129 13 Enjoyable Function On Saturday. The Girls' Sports Club was the venue of a happy social gathering on Saturday when the final in the ladies' singles tennis championship was played off and the prizes wets distribu :d by the Hen. Dr. Noel Clarke. The following were the priz?
    129 words
  • 121 13 Disappointing State Trial. 'From Our Own CorrespondcrU.) Ipoh, Sept. 30. The quality of the play in to-day s State rugby football trial when practically ali the best available talent turned out. dees not suggest that Perak is going to have a bright season HUI year. Two fifteens, representing
    121 words
  • 65 13 Wins For Colombo And Limelight. London, Sept. 30. The Imperial Produce Stakes, run to-day, resulted as follows: 1. COLOMBO. 2. Valerius. 3. Achtenan. Eleven ran. won by a shorthtad, third three away. Betting- 4—9: 100—8: B—l. The Duke ;.f York's Handicap resulted as follows: 1. LIMELIGHT. 2. Shrewton.
    65 words
  • 825 13 Selangor T.C. IRVINE RIDES TWO WINNERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 30. Selangor Turf Club's Autumn professional race meeting was held to-day in favourable weather. There was a large gathering and excellent sport was provided. H. H. the Sultan of Perak was present with his
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 490 14 PAWintheHEAft piSAPPEARIik'MAGIC \y Be^ e 1 8 and Headache, and was soon well K*¥ 111 L t -oV^ C tO v VI 17 Walhch Street S ■TBlfil I TAb\ etS c *4th April. V \\V > tVvC C /V rt^ C 181 1 have seen in the newspaper the various
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 279 14 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Davenlry, Knaland Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. (Greenwich Mean Time: add 7 hrs. 20 minutes.) G.M.T. 110 a.m.—1.0 p.m. Transmission on an. omni-directional aerial: 11.0 Cinema Organ
      279 words
  • 1043 14 Amendment Bill In Council. AN Ordinance to amend the Criminal Procedure Code, will be introduced into the Legislative Council to-day. The objects and reasons are as JoJlows: The object of this Bill Is to effect a number of amendments in the Criminal Procedure Code, the majority of
    1,043 words

  • 765 15 V(mpts To Encourage The Service. I*» 1 J932, the rates for local tele-.un-i\<: from liv<- cint? per word minimum charge of 35 cents to four word with a. minimum charge of 4C i ordinary *lesrams and from 15 •«Unary telegrams and from 15 m one* |h«t word with
    765 words
  • 394 15 First Step Has Already Been Taken. In view of the present depressed conditions much the ugh t has been given to methods of providing telephone service on more attractive terms. The first step in this direction was indicated in the previous year's report i.e. the introduction of shorter
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  • 434 15 Communication With The North Interrupted. There is a large proportion of wires lying Gpare, particularly in underground cables, as a result of the decrease In numbers of telephone circuits during the last two years. The spare wires, however, are all good arid useful plant and paticularly in
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  • 941 15 Emergency Services During Wire Breakdowns. The Wireless Stations at Paya Lebar (Singapore* and Penaga (Penang) carried on without failure during the yea.-. The Paya provides services to gulps and tc Sarawak and Christmas Island. It also provides an emeujency service io Kunhi Lumpur anc". Penaga ill the event
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 309 15 THE VOIGTLANDER Brilliant THB CAMERA WHICH GIVES 100% RESULTS, WSBl| EASY TO HANDLE AND QUICKLY READY LEE A FLETCHER 102, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. THONE 2850. I How terribly discouraging to come home fagged with visions of You can order a long cool drink of PHOENIX Special Dry Ginger Ale
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 536 16 M. HASSAN. ELLCTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Raad, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET, m eta SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00
      536 words
    • 346 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—IO, Newton Road, compound house, 4 big bed-rooms, baths, electric, water, garagt, tennis court, servants' quarters. Apply: Auj Hock Seng, 38, Amoy Street. TO LET—Th? upper floor of an annexe in Arson Road, consisting of two rooms, a kitchen and bath room
      346 words
    • 233 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSICAL SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education Systematic Training both in Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. AXCIANO, Principal BEXAS DANCE STUDIO
      233 words
    • 888 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. P WANTED —First-class Process Hand; must thoroughly understand line and half-tone work; willing and Industrious man only need apply; good salary for right man:—Write Box No. iB7, CjO Malaya Tribune, Singapore. WANTED —A real hard working Chinese young or middle aged man with a cycle to sell Margo
      888 words
    • 542 16 Special Grand Sale from Ist to 31st October. A DRASTIC DISCOUNT OP 30 per cent. is being allowed on all maiked price* of Clocks Watches. I New Shipments of the very Lata* J Designs and ModeLs hi c. j Watches just receh Do not fail to pay us i j
      542 words