Malaya Tribune, 24 August 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR OAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX, No. 200 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday. Aug. 24, lt>33. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 In the oval flask. 1.W.J.W.17. ii.i!ii,i til bn ,ii i i MMH •••i•i»i»<»i•i•• i t i i i j i i i i i i i i i If A R I E COMBINATION W i nutty crisps j aftp:rnoon tea ROYAL ASSORTED ft[ i I jj REAM CRACKERS I\/
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    • 105 1 A. PUNTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Setting at latest and lo west market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. s Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. j
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  • 1712 2 Barbed Wire Fence. PRESIDENT'S TALK TO ROTARIANS. jy| EMORIES of great men of the were revived by Mr. W. Alan Eley, President of the Rotary Club of Singapore, during an address at th*. 1 weekly luncheon meeting at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday. Mr. Eley enlarged on his
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  • 551 2 Alleged False Customs Declaration. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 22. rpHE case was continued before Mr. F. K. -I Wilson at the Kuala Lumpur Police Court to-day in which a Sikh merchant named Jagat Singh and an employee were charged with being knowingly concerned in
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  • 726 2 Unions Prepare. RETRENCHMENT OF STAFF. arranged in Shanghai for Mr. Soong. The committee for his reccpticn are busy drawing up an elaborate programme, which includes the despatch of 'planes to distribute welcome bills and the publication of a special magazine to ccmmemmorate his historic trip to
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  • 144 2 IT is the duty of the advertiser to present the most prosaic article in as attractive a way as possible and certainly the exhibition at Olympia succeeded in demonstrating this in a very effective manner. It was in e.xh bition I oi ideas for
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  • 122 2 TT is indeed a topsy-turvy world. Hitherto -t the Occident has been ir-garded as the home of Puritanism, and the- On?nt has been credited, or discredited, with more liber 1 views in all matters of pleasure and self-indulgence. The theory, hitherto, has been that if a member of
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  • 162 2 rjHE bogey oi n of pa industry m tin past be leas tetrift Q neb as tr„ past 1 Tha, tc she a that q property would not Have bt i r the prices ot the raw c;•• v> ontoacompetim basi IneeeW"*" Report pints though Us y
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY? Will you still be struggling on at the same old job and possibly drawing c\en less pay—worried about the future—never quite able to make both ends meet. There is no greater tragedy in the world than that of a man who
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    • 193 2 i Morris Light Van Maintenance costs are extremely low ENGINE—B H.P. Side Valve, 3-speed transWhen you run a Morris Van. It mission, giving remarkable economy. requires very little petrol or oil. ODY—Of 5-cwt. capacity coMtructed UI teak and aluminium panels—lnterior diftienMorns Light Vans represent an sions—Height 3' 5," width :v
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  • 547 3 JAPAN WILL BE RUTHLESS. 10' LV OF THE ECONOMIC CONFERENCE FAILURE. That the failure of the World Economic Conference has left the Western Powers disunited, and diplomatically helpless in the Far East, and that Japan will now be ruthlessly
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  • 669 3 Government Realising The Position. "Under the stress of the national crisis," Siys the Peiping Morning Pest, "the Government has gradually realised the necessity for fostering the national strength of the country. "Generally speaking, the joint telegram oi General Chiang Kai-shek and Mr. Wang Chingwei issued from Ruling on
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  • 755 3 People Want Change. WHY THE MOVEMENT GROWS. Chungking, Aug. 5 (By Mail). IAT present the Communists in I Northern Szechuen control six districts, whore they have formally introduced the Soviet system of Government. i They way in which the strength loi the Communists has grown is
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  • 55 3 Nanking, Aug. IC. Under orders of General Chiang Kai Shek four new air-fields will soon be constructed by > the Aviation Bureau, it is learned from reliable sources. The new fields will be situated at Nancnang, Hsuchow, Kaifeng and Loyang and. when completed, will be the best
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 NUGGET BOOT POLISH Rives a brilliant lasting shine with a minimum of effort. Use it daily on your rhoes. not only for appearance's fake but also because it preserves the leather. A.P.8.2F. SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH St CO.. LTD.. S.S. F.M.S.
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    • 88 3 ft \\\\\\\m happiness can be yours fi, II »«^P irltS > 0U h3Ve Teat 7ont influence in all stages of weak- rebuilds wasted t.ssues To young a new feeling alike it gives a new sense of P^'^, NC ARNIS fairly-trust.ry of confidence and do you permanent good. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVER
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  • 1014 4 Shipping News Notices. DISMANTLING OF SHIPYARDS. Case For Submission To Government. REPRESENTATIONS to the Prim- Minister and the President -ef the Bo;:..d of Trade are to be ma% as a result of a conference ol representatives of locr.l authorities held at Newcastle recently, when the action of t he National
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  • 254 4 "Gamble That Has Not Been A Success." London. JHE berthing of the "Yon de Tann," the salved German cruiser, which h»n towed from Scapa Plow keel witnessed by thousands *of s^ZsTLZ rbr y oken Llk u c p thC ScSa" German WarShips sun ocapa Plow has now come
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  • 185 4 Grain Cargo With :m\ Shifting B&trds. In the House oi Commons. Lieut.-Colonel J Sandeman Allen asked the President of the Board of Trade if he would state how many foreign shipowners had been summoned during a period of !2 months to the nearest convenient date, for bringing grain
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  • 148 4 Question Raised In House Of Commons. in the House of Commons lieutenant CoICBCI Allen asked tin Under fecie aiv of State for Foreign Affairs whahei his at.ention had been drawn to the case oj Captain C M. Wray. ot the .steamer R: ctrlo who had been sentencrd
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  • 322 4 Monthly Shipping Report For May. DURING May a total of 543 vessels entered and cleared the per of Halifax, as compared with 538 in May, 1932 and 500 in May, 1931. The net registered tonnage is reported at 507.823 tons, againsj 563.474 in May. 1932. and SSB
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  • 312 4 The Membership Considered To Be Satisfactory. The report of the council of the Institute of Char.ered Shipbrokers for the year enai.'.j May 31. 1933, showi that the membership was 2.083 <1 074 Fellows and 1,009 As ociates), ao ccmparcd with 2,109 11,143 Pellow.» and 966 Associate at May
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  • 147 4 Question Raised In House Of Commons. JN the House of Commons. Colonel Sandeman 1 Allen asked the Postmaster-General whether he would arrange that British vessels would be able to ask for medical advice through coast wireless statious free of all wireless charges, in conformity with Sweden
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  • 97 4 Further Confiscation Ot Cargo. Application for ;hc confiscation of a quantity of unclaimed unmanifested cargo was granted by Mi. Wynne-Jones in do Central Police Court on Aug. 3. The cargo consisted of six boxes of socks, five packets of birds' nest soup, eight tin.-> of oysters and fish,
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  • 89 4 Consuls To Co-operate With Chinese. Tientsin. July 27. A conference of the Consular body in Tientsin took place this morning at the German Consulate-General to consider the question of the navigation of Pei Ho River, which leads to Tientsin from Tangku. Since the middle of June, sand
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  • 86 4 Burnt Up Within A Fen Hours. Almost in sight of her destination, a i::g-bca. with full load of kerosine oil, towed by steamei '•Yuen Hing" and heading for Sun Cho district, in Kwangtung, suddenly caught fire a» 11 p.m. on July 29, and was burned up within a
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  • 96 4 Anouier instance or quick dcsp-tch at Newport is reported. Cardiff or Barry wen Ratted in the charter-party s the loading porta of the sterner "Mari;tan." Application was made and 'granted for the vessel to load at Newport, where she lead d a full cargo of 6.000 tons of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 jSTBAMER SAILINGS. P 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated tc Ergkind.) MAIL, PASSENGER CAROO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty"! Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. DM Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. SOUDAN 6.500 Aug. 30 CORFU
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    • 155 4 LfTLLOYD TRIESTINOj (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA CaUlnf at Penan*-. Colombo. Bombay. Calllnr at Colombo. Bombay. Soea. Port Karachi, Aden. Massowah, Sues Port BaM, Brindisi. Venice and Trieste, Said. BrtndisL. Venice and Trieste. Due Leave Due mi*. MONCALIERI S:pt. 14 Sept. 14 j
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    • 210 4 HAMBURG-AMERIRA LfNIE Deuistb. Australitche Dampfachiffs IQ (Cl Ckscllschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept. 7 m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Sept. 19 S3. PREUSSEN, via Manila Oct. 5 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Manila Oct. 17 t s.s. SAARLAND, via
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAaiNf^ NORDDEinSCH^ tieruiaiiyj. Jhejmdernoted an *c Company, OUTWARDS. 5 "TRAVE" for Manila. Hongkong Shanghai, North China and J. TRIER" for Manila. Hon S'hai. N. China Japan s nf 5 "DONAU" for Manila. BaßgkDH 13 Shanghai, N. China Japs* HOMEWARDS. "COBLENZ." for Genoa, B;uvl„„, Lisb n. Rotterdam. Hnmbt;:„ Bremen 5
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  • 456 5 ipore. Thursday. 11 a.m. foiionlng tm share quotations are Issued Jfru* and Co.. exchange and stock Ackers: ■"J" Buyers. Sellers. Vklje bang Tin 27j- 28;6 M i lay 28 6 30|- cd BUM Tin 13'- Mf--0.98 1.00 I Padang 0.10 0.12 J! Tin 47* 52*
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  • 248 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER PRODUCTION STILL GROWING. Alarming New Malayan Figures. f ßt- Our Financial Correspondent,/ Singapore, Thursday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 12 cts., unchanged. Tin (Singapore) $108"«, unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 23 32d.. up 1 32d. Market Tone: Very steady.
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  • 234 5 Messrs. Guthri? and Co. in their weekly rvbber report of Aug. 17. state: Since last reporting, the market Oas been very quiet with little business passing. 3pot closes at 11% cents, best during the period being 11% cents. Th? following prices have ruled since our last report:
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  • 251 5 Loss Of £3,051 On Year's Working. rpilE working of the estates of Merlimau m Pegoh. Limited, for the year ended March 31 resulted in a loss of £3,051 (compared with a loss of £7,597 for 1931-32). Against this, however, there was a profit on sale of Government
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  • 45 5 Reuter Wireless. Pretoria. Aug. 21. The Union Government's biggest aatWW'lkM scheme was successfully ccmple.ed to-day when stockholders, accounting for £23.340.000 hi the £25.000.000 Union 5 per cent, local regi c; stock expressed willingness to corner* into th* new 3'i per ceni. loan—Reuter WllSteas
    Reuter Wireless.  -  45 words
  • 228 5 Final Pact Expected To-Day. Reuter. London. Aug. 23. rpHE Wheat Conference has agreed on an in- tenia' onal wheat price which it is underst od will mean a di*y free gold price C.I.P. on the wcild market, calculated on the averag price cf parcels of imported wheat
    Reuter.  -  228 words
  • 1054 5 Annual Meeting. INCREASE OF COSTS INEVITABLE. jpHE annual general meeting of Nvalas Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held yesterday at the registered office of the company. French Bank Building. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock was in truchair and among those present were Messrs. C. V. Bailey and the Hon
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  • 663 5 Singapore, Thursd y. 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations an issued by Praser and Co.and Lyall and Eratt: Issue Value. Praser Lyall at Shares. Co. Srvatt. 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.85 $0.70 $0.85 1 Alor Gijah 0.60 0.70 0.55 065 IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20 100
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 87 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street. Authorised end Subscribed 0,000.000 Capital £1,000.000 Peld-up-Capital Reserve Pund and Rest 1 BEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutte. Colombo, K.imchL Madrw. Antra, Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 104 5 H| experience teaches in cv save Kk iKI How many things you might have J ft, attained, .how many achievements im you might have brought about..if L only you had ready cash at that A 1 moment when golden opportunity HHft presented itself. Small deposits A regularly made soon grow
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    • 214 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated vi 6traiu» Settlement*.) Successors to ~,,x«/' i»am^ me CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. ITDU TIIK HO HUM. BAN* LTD AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE HAN*. LTD. CVPITAL Authorised IMWOO.OOMO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ni,,i.-. n Oh S:an Guan. Esq.. Chee Swee Cheng. Esq Chairman. Lre Kong Chian. Esq.. Vice-Chairman.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 Amusements -< NIGHTLY BDaiiM els-Ota j There is no doubt Grade Fields is great there is not i dull moment/ -"Free Press" (Yesterday) j SEE and A A al her {^^^^^^Slĕ^^ \\^MBM|p3iiA Beautiful r/l (•iris tI Lilting J |l I A V V "MARLBOROUGH ARE YOU THIRSTY FOR LAUGHS Then
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    • 329 6 6,15 Nigbt,y 9,15 See and Hear the Screen's most adorable star in an adorable FOX Picture JANET CAYNOR With her new screen sweetheart r -> HENRY G4RAT [l^^^] Great World Show TALKIES: TO-NIGHT SKY THEATRE STAR THEATRE Marion Davies n i a with Robert Armstrong Clarke Gable IN IN POLLY
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    • 209 6 HAVE ifTOMI/i TOE GREAT COMEW SUCHESS L£ftVE jt TO S!I l (Distributed By TO-NIGHT AN EXCITING WRESTLING PICTURE WALLACE BEE in in "FLESH" tf«t Change—Aug. 25. TOM MIX in I Matins s—Sat. Sun Aag. A T. MY PAL. THE KING" I JA( OAKIL in And j "stowaway." I "SKY BRIDE."
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  • 940 7 heating: Charge. HINESE BEFORE THE JUDGE. Y*i >UNG Chinese dressed in Euro- style, Kwek Kirn Chiang, yesterday before the Dis--1 idge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, charged eating Lim Yok Thing. alleged that he dishonestly inant believe that he was to give him employment, inducing him to
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  • 384 7 Racehorse Owner In Court. k FORMER sieging girl who has for nineteen year?, is ijla ed, been a secondary Wife to Chee Soon Keng. in the Fourth Magistrate's Cour: yesterday before Mr. M. H. Blacker claimed maintenance from Chee Soon Keng. who is well-known local racehorse
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 982 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In Bankruptcy. No. 167 of 1931 Re Eusebius Edwin De Rozario, of No. 34-8, Kerbau Road, Singapore, Operator at the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Ltd., Singapore. Notice is hereby given that a Composition
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    • 273 7 CAPITOL THEATRE! MALACCA TO-NIGHT:— "THE LODGER." (Ivor Novcllo. Elizabeth Allan. A VV. Baskcomb). A Twickenham Film Studios Production. i J SATURDAY: j GEORG3 ARLIS in j "SUCCESSFUL CALAMITY." I J Warner Bros. Picture. j Loanr. may b? obtained from The Singapore Finance Co., 9, Robinson Road. WANTED —A qualilieci ma!
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 730 8 A little flutter seems to have been caused by the announcement that the London radio programmes are shortly to be relayed by the Government short-wave station in Kuala Lumpur. We do not wish to discourage the Government from any radio experiments, but we venture the opinion that
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  • 243 8 i Comments Ily The j Way. I TOUCHING generally on matters count- J With the Health Department, the Ifunftd pel President in his annual report for ***** that the Municipality is now reaping die benefit of the large special expenditure of former years, and the chief
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  • 183 8 j IS it a definite p:licv of the Governinenta of I 1 the li b. and F.M.S. to discourage £ttut education and encourage private schools? A ■wplrtea that this is so has been aroused bv the decision to increase school tees. IhM suspicion will DC. be lessened by
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  • 213 8 A report has just been issued by the Department of Statistics containing figures relating to average prices, declared trade values, exchange currency and cost of living in 1932. The report was first issued in 1922 and similar reports have been produced annually since then. The tables in
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  • 71 8 The Malacva notary Club held their weekly t.fhn to-day at the Malacca Rest Hous", when Rotarian G. W. dp Silva delivered an interesting address on "Is man happier to-day?' The st'ff of St. David's hospital will hold v tea party on Saturday, Sept. 2.
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  • 31 8 Mr. P. Mohamed. Cashier of Customs, was waylaid by two Chinese on Monday morning and robbed of about 51.500 of the $2,000 which he was carrying to the bank.
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  • 212 8 Small shopkeepers throughout Perak report better trade as the result of the improved price of rubber whilst the bigger merchants s?y that "things are moving," says the "Times cf Malaya." At Ipoh amateur races on Saturday nearly all the first prizes in the cash sweeps were worth over $500
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  • 48 8 Monsieur Joseph Dte.racjucs. J.P.. leaves for Prance to-day On retirement after over thhty years of mining in Kin a. where he has been highly respected and liked. His place as general manager of the Societe dcs Etains de Kinta, Kampar. has been taken by Monsieur Joseph Ranc.
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  • 53 8 The death took pi see on Monday at 365. Pudu Road. Kuala Lumpur, of Mr. Scr Cher j Jeu. the father of Mr. Tan Kirn Hoe. and Mr. Ser Whan Eoon. of Asiatic Petroleum Co.. j Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur. The funeral will t k3 place to-day at 4.30
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  • 24 8 It is notified that Mr. C L. Robless has been appointed to act as Asst. District .'udge. Police Magistrate and Coroner for Penang.
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  • 101 8 Mr. G. If. Notcly has returned from home. Work has already been put in hand at the Eastern Hotel. Ampang Road. Kuala Lumpur, for the laying down of a first class flcor for dancing. A first class orchestra will play nightly under the direction of Mr. C. Villanueva <
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  • 392 8 I By A tribe has been found in Si! which ha* been out 0 f touch S? civilisation lor twenty years s people have all the luck. I And if you don't know w h.. America's national dish is vou d know what goes best *j th
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 55 8 Pianos For Hire And Hire Purchase. SEASON C 0 .9 LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, J SINGAPORE. DANCING. I Foxtrot, Walts. Tango, e'c. laufht *t Rena'a Dance Studk,. Mejwr Man* una. Plat 6. Coleman Sir eel. 634 T.K.K/S BATHING CAPS. 35 cts. each. TENG SENG GUAN, Established 1905. 631, North
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  • 225 9 FENG'S ALLIES STILL DEFIANT IN CHARHAR. Massing For Resistance. Two Thousand People Drowned In Shansi Floods. ign of terror exists in many towns not far south Great Wall where bandits, many of them identified Reds," are rampant
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  • 350 9 Inother Civil War Expected In Charhar. II ps aider Gen. Sun Liang Wan Wing have surrendered rganHatton, but those under at and Gen. Fang Chan .Winking's orders. They are ricts in the neighbourhood Chan Wtt, who is enlisting rocrufU, li- has assumed the port an :.dt r-in-Chief of
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  • 406 9 Over Two Thousand People Drowned. The Huangho or Yellow River has burst Its banks in west Shansi. where the level of the river has so far remained quite normal. Thousands of acres have been submerged and 2.000 people are reported to have been drowned The railway bridge over
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  • 75 9 lam s Oldest Kore an Resident Deid. >n Our Own Correspondent.J Bangkok. Aug. 23. lias cf Father Colomber, AposUl.c Catholic Mission, whe hi giani continuously since 1872. i a» d 84. i-eml will b-> cn Friday morning in n «lie Cathedral which he raised options to erect.
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  • 59 9 Five Added To Malaya Command. The following officers of the Royal Engh.e vs disembarked at Singapore frcm the "Nalde I last week and have been taken on tne stiength of the Malaya Command: Captain E. B. Elkington, Captain W. J. Chevis, Lieut. F. H. Maclennan, L:. (8-WJ W.
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  • 15 9 Reuter. Thorshavn, (Faroe Islands*. Any. 24 The Lindberghs landed here this tfttrnoun. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  15 words
  • 162 9 Kenya Puisne Judge Appointed. L-ndon. Aug. 24. MR. S. J. Thomas. Puisne Judge. Kenya, ha? been appointed as Chief Jus'ice. F.M.S., succeeding Sir L. H. Elphi: stone. Reu'er. Mr. Samuel Joyce Th~n»as was Ist Judge. Kenya, sirce 1931 and is a s-n of MiEdmund Thomas,
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  • 122 9 Breaks His Fast After A Week. Poon?.. Aug 23 MR. Gandhi has been released ttncocdft! Pal!y. Later. Mr. Gandh: has now broken his fast, which s.arted on Aug. 16—Renter. Mr. Gandhi started his latest fasj a~ a protest against .he Government not ban i% allowed him rufficient piivileges
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  • 301 9 Ruptured Spleen Leads To Death. Said to have had a spleen six t'mes i;.- normal size and weighing about- 111b.. a Ch n s*» quarryman's decomposed body was in his quarters adjoining a coffee shop in Fulau L"bin en Aug. 13. He was said to have
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  • 236 9 Alleged Murderer Sent To Assizes. With a charge of murdtr against him, a middle-aged Chinese, Yeo Leng Boon, cut a pathetic figure in the Second Magistrate's Couit yesterday during the preliminary inqiiry. According to the evidence, the accused was the principal tenant of a house in Joo
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  • 461 9 Drastic Measures. TROUBLE WITH PITS AND BANKS. Reuter. Washington. Aug. 2:1. QLNERAL Johnson is discussing th>i problem of loosening commercial credit for financing the higher overhead expenditure involved in tho national prosperity push with the Federal Reserve Board and the R econ I struction of Finance Corporation.
    Reuter.  -  461 words
  • 117 9 Gruesome Discovery Near Kampar. (Fro.n Our Oun Correspondent.) Ipo'.i. Aur. 24. As'artling d scovery was made a. six u'cl-ek this m'rning wren rhe body of Saba pa thy. t> conduced- of the Idri-s Hjdraulic M nc. was lound dead on the roadside a quar er if
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  • 149 9 Alleged Theft At John Little's. Aires-ed by >r Mcßa-uu a; Engl'sh-speaking Sian:e e-CLiuece amir empl ycv-i a* Messrs. J h: L:t'le and' Co.. wa. rrcdueed before »the Third Magi.s'.ra*e Mr P. F. Gregg) yesterday, on two nhatfri of 'i rf and th rd charge .f dish nts. relen
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  • 129 9 Government Con fisca tingPrivate Arms. Reuter. Dublin Aug. 23. THE Governments proclamation of the Blue shirts in implementation of Public Sal I Act has further charged the atmosphere of the city which is already electric with possibilities The a* rest of members of the National
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 156 9 HUGE DAMAGE BY HURRICANE. Washington Flooded. Steamer Disabled By Gale. Reuter. The American steamer from Now Y'rk to Norfolk. Virginia, v 'h 37 [iMwm.fl was disabled in a gele off C ipe Charles. Virg nia. fte United Stu es cruiser "India-e--apolis" has been ordered to stand by
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 267 9 FAMOUS j IT FOOTBALLER'S jffi TRIBUTE Mr. GEORGE CAMSELL //ze clever Middlesborough Player, writes: tootballer who plays in a leading team must be in pink of condition. That is the first essential. To enable him to combine effectively and to put in an individual effort which results in a goal,
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  • 597 10 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES SUCCEEDS. $500 And Costs. Sequel To Dismissal Of Watchman. 'THOMAS Carr William Loveday, a European, formerly Clerk of Works in the P.W.D., made a success ful claim for damages for libel, against a night watchman, late of the P.W.1)., in the Civil District
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  • 55 10 Mr. Arthur Henderson's Two Opponents. London, Aug. 22. Mr. Arthur Henderson has been nominated as Parliamentary Labour candidate fcr the Clay Cress (Derbyshire) 'vacancy, due to the death of the sitting Labour member. A Communist and a National Conservative will be his opponents.—Reuter Wireless. [Clay Cross division
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  • 48 10 German Girl Gives Life For Record. Reuter. .Berlin, Aug. 23. The girl swimmer, "Ruth Lrtzig. who was taken out of the water after swimming for nearly 79 hcurs, beating her own world record by five hours, died in hospital In Essen tc-day without regaining consciousness.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 26 10 Reuter. Lcs Angeles, Aug. 24. Vera Wavell has .divorced Harold Stanley Wavell, the Shanghai cil man, naming a "beautiful Russian lady" as co-respondent.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 16 10 Mr. T. Rowan. the well-known Malayan lawyer, arrived on Tuesday from Japan by the Terukuni Maru."
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  • 919 10 Shortage Of Local Labour? r.E following are the minutes of a special general meeting of the members of the Johore Planters' Association he'd at the Kluang Club, Kluang, on Saturday, Aug. 12, a: -10.30 a.m. Present. Mr. J. W. E. Adams (chairman) in the chair and Mr.
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  • 53 10 A marriage has been arranged between Ronald Bathgate, only son of Mr. and Mrs Norman Bathgate, of Burlington Combe Somerset, and Margaret, elder daughter of Mr Walter Makepeace, former editor of the Singapore Free Press." and Mrs. Makepeace BriStol weddin X take S T£ tly Rt Westbury-on-Trym Parish Church, Bristol,
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  • 19 10 Capt E. F. B. Law, R.N., has assumed command of H.M.S. "Herald" in succession to Lt. Comdr. A. Jones.
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  • 424 10 Supreme Court. FRAMROZ COMPANY SUED. yilE case in which Mr. P. I. Titus sued Messrs. Framroz and Co for an order to have an account taken M all monies due to him by way of commission, was taken up yesterday, in the Supreme Court, before Mr
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  • 201 10 Janet Gay nor 9 s Latest At The Capitol. Janet Gayno. is seen in a new role, as i vivacious, witty and wilful princess, in a deightful picture now being shown at thTapiicl. Adorable." Her "fans" will certainly rind her more adorable than ever. Her new screen
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  • 128 10 Gene Gerrard. one of the most popular of rresent day British screen comedians, plays the leading role in "Leave it to me," the 8.1.P. adaptation of P. G. Wodehouse's popular novel "Leave it to Psmith." As the proprietor of Help. Ltd.. Gerrard is provided with
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  • 32 10 Vienna. A 34-year-old Gypsy at Kecflemel (Hurgatv, oas become a grandmother. Her daughter, who married two years ago at the age of 13 tas jusi had a baby girl.
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  • 718 10 Father's Fraud. SON'S CLAIM BY MOTHER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 23. JUDGMENT was delivered this morning by the Hon. Mr. Justice G. A. Hereford in the Supreme CourJ in a civil suit in which a Chines.3 named Wee Tiu Yap (a minor) sued, by
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  • 188 10 Farmers Arriving By The Hundreds. Regina <Sask), July 24. The gates of the World Grain Exhibition, which has been in preparation for the past three years in the centre of Canada's largest producing area, were swung open to-day although the official opening is not due until to-morrow. Forty
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  • 233 10 Took Leading Part In Amalgamation. MR. Yap Geok, more popularly known as Mr. Yap Twee, has resigned from the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ltd., both as Director ar.d Managing Director. The Board, in accepting his resignation with much regret and reluctance; expressed their .hanks ar.d appreciation
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  • 71 10 Theatre Appointment At Sixty-five. Munich. A Franciscan L-iar. Father Expetiitius Vchmidt. who is 65, lias been granted a special permit from his order to take up an engagement as producer at a theatre here. He has taken a keen interest in the theatr lor many years and
    71 words
  • 141 10 STRIKERS PlGlft MARINES. Barrage Of Barges, Naval Tugs BroarjM Action. Reuter Wireless. 'pHIS morning ur battle on the Seine the strike of watermen. Forty of the striken on bin I last night dashed i fluence of the Oise a threw a barrage of barges across tW
    Reuter Wireless.  -  141 words
  • 181 10 Help For The Widow And! Children. I rIXOWINO the report of the OmJ enquiry into the death of th. Chinese seaman who burnt him.-eh M> daftg the bathroom of his home at Tiong B widow, Yeo Keow. ha, 1 received of $10 from an employee ot
    181 words
  • 121 10 Crowing L<st Of Defaulter On Hooks. Ge.ieva. July 3 There is a growing li*:'. or deia books of the League Of H In the first ten ar so of League counted rarely mon Urn countries as being in an v tribution-. In 1930 the number of 4
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 33 10 THE mlmt Overseas Assurance CORPORATION- U> ,|U China BuiMinir. Chd« S* l 'PHONE 5808. FIRE, lIIIK, VEHICLES nl'vvl COMPENSATION IV»*-" It is hereby no mcd date of the i.m. I cl the Corporation
      33 words

  • 50 11 Onl> Maintenance Crew Next Month. .ir < env f the "Sea Belle II," the ..-lit. ill be paid off at the end h after which only a care and u\v will be engaged. d that the vessel will be
    50 words
  • 78 11 ;rrc!k" is due hf -e from England v.;th Capt. Errol Manners, R.N., Sin- is going to join the China sht will leave Singapore for HongIt i,n S'pt. 13. Cornwall." Capt. R. B. Da vies, A.F.C., R.N., cammanding, ,i Sep.. 12 from Hongkong for will nniain hece for a
    78 words
  • 85 11 4 811 tons, from Shanghai, .•i Ln rpcol via Havre, 30-8. Bnt 2.907 tons, from Moji, 23-8; 1 ,r I/ndon 24-8. D itch. 6(54 tens, from Bagan. 24-8; I Pt iung. 26-8. i B-.t 519 tons, from Penang, 24-8; for Bat!an. 26-8. Dutch. <29 tons, from Palembang,
    85 words
  • 86 11 Singapore, Aug. 24. PS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Fast Wharf (Entrance Gate I). Maru 22: Anhui 20. n wnarf (Entrance Gate J). 14; Van Heutsz 11; Katong 0 lii Maru 7. re Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Cly.oneus 32; Karoa 35 Empire Deck (Entrance Gate 4). Wharf (Entrance Gate 4).
    86 words
  • 96 11 Mails from London, Amsterdam, etc.. by 'he Dutch aeroplane are expected to arrive at the General Post Office. Singapore, at 4.40 p.m. t--day. The delivery of con espendence will be effected immediaie'y. Mails frcm Europe (London mails despatched on Aug. 3) by the "Rajula," will arrive by liafl
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  • 204 11 SELLING. Singapore, Aug. 24, Londcn 4 months' sight 2 4 London 3 months' sight 2 3 31 32 London 60 days' sight 2 3 61 04 London 30 days' sight 2 3 15 16 London Demand 2 3 29 32 London T.T. 2 3 7 1 Lyons and
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  • 191 11 Singapore. Aug. 21. R. (Siam) W. Coast N 1 per Koyan $124 R (Siam) W. Coast No. 2 per Koyan $117 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 f> si 04 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $l(>3 Siam, No. 1 "Sinlvway" j!74 Siam, No. 2 "Sinhway" C 164 Siam, No. 3
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  • 165 11 "Sixteen Stone" Club President Dies. Istanbul. All the members ot the fat-men's club of Istanbul, the "sixteen-Stone Club."' are in mourning over the death of their President. Akif Bey, who has had a fatal accident outside the city. Akif, a jovial mar. of nineteen stone, was
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  • 179 11 Egypt's New Law To Protect Tourists. Alexandria. Begging, which for many years has been o subject of criticism among tourists in Egypt, is to be stamped out by the introduction of a new law proclaiming begging to be an act of misdemeanour, punishable by prison. The Ministry
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  • 294 11 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. AUG 24. High Tide —12.36 p.m. Hockey meeting. I.A. ground 5.30 pm League Football: Div. I, P Brani v. S.CC Anson Road Coiman Shield Football: F. Munir v. D loUfc Jalun Besar. Fxhibiticn tennis. S.C.C. 4.30 p.m. TO-MORROW,
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  • 115 11 ALHAMBRA.—Grade Fields in -Looking on the Bright Side." CAPITOL—Janet Gaynor and Henry G -rat in "Adorable." EMPlRE.—Wallace Berry in "Flesh." GREAT WORLD—Side shows, Cabaret, Malay cpera, Chinese wayang. silent and talkie cinemas. MARLBOROUGH—Buster Keaton in "What! No Beer?" NEW WORLD —Side shows. "Ghost Train," open-air cinemas, Malay operas, Chinese
    115 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 4* f* I M LATEST MODEL MANDOLIN BANJOS. fl| Vast Improvement. mf Pric e from $18—complete with case. T M A Music House, 167, Selegie Road. i i i i i > j j B Uild Up reserves °f re- sistance now and safe- j ."uard each member of I
      106 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 269 11 CLUB DIARY. 'Th,-,- a r e numerous Clubs and Societies 'n "lost of the members of which are the "Malaya Tribune." This Dizry specially for them. Secretaries ate 'o co-operate in keeping it up-to-date -c. Happenings of general interest included in the Diary of Events." Diary" can cover meetings, enter-'~<ght-visits
      269 words
    • 619 11 IPOSTAUNTtLLIGfNttI I i SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Ceylon. Aden. Egypt. Europe and Gt. -tt™ (Bangalore) 3 p.m. Upper Burma, Northern. Western and Eastern India. Aden, Egypt. Europe Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and US A 'Ka:-oa> (B. I. Mail) 3 p.rr. -Jam <except Lower Siam (Kola) j p t Semarang, Sourabaya,
      619 words
    • 67 11 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Tf nop. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. r. Alor Star 88 0.06 5.0 74 Sitiawan 90 0.09 9.1 72 X Trengganu 88 Nil 9.9 73 Bukit Jeram 88 Nil 7.7 72 Malacca 86 Nil
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  • 83 12 THE COMPLETE ENTRY LIST. TH.S MOBN.NG;™ AT BUK.T T.MAB Entries closed yesterday for *c Singapore Turf Club's !T- l-i r,„>> racp meeting which will be held at tne Autumn (Gold Cup) race e g A 6
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  • 694 12 Big Attendance At Bukit Timah. DORSES Wrier the charge of Traiieri O'Neil and Logue took part in the tiairing this morning in r irion for the forthcoming fiveclay professional race meeting at the Bukil Timah Racecourse. mm mv Hg ffll J Useful work was put in
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  • 545 12 Big Race On The Last Day. T»HE complete card of events fur the five days of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) race meeting is given below. There will be eight races on each of the first four days, and nine races on the fifth
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  • 843 12 Griffins Replace Class 4 Horses. ENTRIES for the Sings pore Turf Clubs Autumn (Gold Cup> meeting which closed yesterday constitutes a record for a September Iftllni One hundred and ninety-six anima's have entered this year, rs compared with only 176 last year. This year s meeting
    843 words
  • 155 12 Exhibition Games. MODERATE ADMISSION CHARGE. f AWN tennis enthusiasts will be afforded an opportunity of witnessing a series of five exhibition sets at the S.C.C. this afternoon, when the two crack Japanese players, Yamaoka and Yamada, will be seen in action. Play will start at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 144 12 Inter-Team Tournament Arranged. MEMBERS of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club interested in hockey held a meet ng {-esterd v evening at the Club premises. Mr. Evan Won<? and Mr. Chung Thutt Pitt (the hon. secretary* were among those present. The meeting decided to hold an inter-t:am
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  • 63 12 German Naval Team To Appear Locally. A charity soccer match is being anang d between the Marine Department F.C. and a team of naval cadet* from the German cruiser Koln" which will arrive on Sept. 19. The gsme is to take place at the Jalan Besar Stadium on
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  • 55 12 Celtic Pricked By The Thistle. Reuter. London. 23. To-day's matches in the First Division of the Scottish League resulted :s followCowdenbeath 2. Hibernians 4. Kilmarnock 2. Aberdeen 0. Motherwell I, Dundee 0. Par tick T. 4. Celtic 3. Queen of the South 1. Queen s Park 4. St.
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 42 12 Finals Postponed For Third Time. Reuter. Forest HilK Aug. 23. There wa£ no i~ay for the third successive dty in the U.S. women's open championsh ps the courts being drenched. The finals have been postponed until tomorrow. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 899 12 SECOND VICTORY. Weak Forwards. First Division dame At Anson Road. JN view of their excellent dispU Thursday against the Chiaea* with whom they drew 2-2. much was expected of the S.R.C. > <■ t i they met tne Wiltshire* in the Rni Division of the S.A.F.A.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 284 13 Keppel G.C. v. Singapore G.C. THE following are the teams for the fe<urball foursomes match :o be played on Sunday over Keppel links, be ween the Keppel ard Singapore Golf Club (K.G.C. Players named first): 8.30 am. J. If. A. Lowson a::d R. Craik v. M. M. Paterson
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  • 327 13 Successful Season Ends. The encku season of the Victoria Institution. Kuala Lumpur, was bioight to a close I the week-end. when prizes were presented t< soim of the players, whose success was larger, due to the great interest taken by their cricket secretary. Mr. E. A. H.
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  • 102 13 (From Our Own Correspondent./ Muar, Aug. 19. The J.M.F. n put up a great fight against the Police team lo the Muar F A. League today but were defeated by 2—l. I> was the best performance that the BOtdferj s?c3nd string had put up this season. The J.M.F.
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  • 42 13 Golfing Giants Meet In Brussels. Reuter Wireless. Brussels. Au.;. M. Henry Cotton, the English professional attached to the Waterloo Club. Brussels, today defeated Walter Hagen. the American Ryder Cup captain by and 4 over 3« hoV <j. —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
  • 133 13 St. Gregory's Beat The Greenhill B.P. T H mn S G r 8 ry s PB d:ftatcd Oreen- JSrJif by four B«»«i to three on Sunday v the letter's court J*mm («i Gregorys players mcntmnM SINGLES: Khng Guan Siang lest to V H f huan 5-15, 8-15: Thong
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  • 48 13 Phtyfatr bp. team v. the Government Vlonopolkt Spcrts C:ub on Sa.urdr.v at 11* riangolds court at 3.30 p.m SINGLES: Choo Tian Hon? Chua eJ'iia Tee. Ltew Kirn Chen^. DOUBLES: Quek Bong Qute and Lim C! h Lam; Lk.v i;im Cheng, Ht ng Swee Lee.
    48 words
  • 230 13 International Athletics At The White City. Reuter Wireless. London. Aite, IT. In spite of the Jewl.h requeu to the A.netew Athletic Associati.n to cancel the \t'i ctic met'lug at the Whit- Ci.y between Em 'and anc Germany, the meeting was carr! mA fit bant inciden. this aftcmocn.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  230 words
  • 106 13 Suttliffe To Undergo An Operation. It is anticipated tha at apsatftflto will b performed at the c.d of th. c.icket l■ a.-on m Sutchrle. the Englar.d and x j ksh.ic player. I The rouble is tint a srrali pasMge cadtog frcm the cavity undei 'h- i got eye
    106 words
  • 74 13 Australian Players As Pressmen. Unlike their cricket confreres, the Australian Rugby League players now u:i their way .o tour England may arite for the prea& On the casang \ote of the chairman i-«ir Jcynton Smith, the Audialian Rusby League r.oard ha; decided that there will be DO ban
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  • 67 13 August Ladies Spoon (Bogey) Competition. Seventeen cards were taken out lor the Keppel G.C. August ladies' spon.i and the tcllowing returned:— Mrs. R. E. Morris (15) 1 down Miss V. M. H. Patterson (10) 2 Miss M. N. Hadley (14) 2 Mrs. W. P. Douglas (12) 3
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  • 31 13 Ri.a White, the champion woman 3pr:titer of Scotland, and Dr. F. P. Reid. the Scottish and A. A. A. sprint champkn. a r e engaged to be married
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  • 21 13 The entries for the open doubles championships under the auspices of the Selangor Badminton Association will close on Sauuxky. Sept 2.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 227 13 NEW WORLD CABARET I Dancing Nightly From 9 p.m. Dunce Hall Thoroughly Renovated And Lighted By Coloured Lights Changing Automatically ILLUMINATED CABARET GARDEN. NEW WORLD TALKIE To-night. "FLYING HIGH" HoFse j Insurance LOW RATES WITH J 1 ABSOLUTE SECURITY I Sime, Darby Co., ltd. TEL. 5144. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. l. Frequent
      227 words
    • 197 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. I Assurance in force over $3.T.(HMMHH>. 11 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street Singapore The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of ,ONDON OFriCE 27 ld E.O. CoUrt of England and
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  • 190 14 Fierce Moor Tribesmen Overwhelmed. Rabat. The French Foreign Legion has added onemore to the long list of its triumphs by the occupation of the Assif Melloul in the Great Atlas, north of the Jebel Sarro country, the stronghold of the ferocious Ait Atta tribesmen. The action was
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  • 14 14 Prof G. G. Hough of Rafiles College arrived from Batavia yesterday by the "Both."
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1144 14 j Full of Life! food-drink /ill children love I yiVACIOUS, glowing health, tireless energy I 4' 4 and a delightful awareness of the joy of life aod m y t living, are the rights of every boy and girl. m *vk aJ if now f v'«u'« comparatively, give evidence ol
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 310 14 ;>v. j VTvV>. EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. Brit ish Broad cast in g Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA 'INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MA LAY STATES AND ADEN*. From Th* Empire Transmitter, TMiventry. England •Vavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 me'rea. 'British Summer Time add hrs. 20 minutes.) C. \i T. 11.0 a.m.
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  • 881 15 Motoring Notes News. SPEED LIMIT QUESTION. IS SLOW DRIVING DANGEROUS? Conflicting Views. Sir Malcolm Steers A Middle Course. Oar Ou n Correspondent.) London, Aug. 3. /'I interest baa been aroused motorists by Lord Ban saion in the House of at he never travels faster 2(1 miles an hour in his
    881 words
  • 838 15 Foreigners Buying British Cars. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 3. piIFTY-SIX British cars participated in the International Alpine Trial, whicli began from Merano at four o'clock en July 31 and coninued fcr five days. It was the biggest Britisr ntry ever received fcv th:s classic event,
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  • 823 15 System In Paris. PEDESTRIANS SAFE IN "ZONES." (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 3. PXPERT opinion is moving strongly in favour of fixed crossing places lor pedestrians. It is based largely on the experience of Paris, where the system is definitely successful, and which Reuter has previously
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  • 93 15 Wins Ulster T.T. At 88 m.p.h. Reuter Wireless. Belfast, Aug. 19. The Ulster Motor Cycle Tourist Trophy, the fastest road race in the world, was watched today by 100,000 people. It was a most thrilling race and there were many halrbreath escapes. However, there were only minor
    Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 131 15 of the I Lubripating Oil Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Limited. 'If Like a lurking in the The germs of disease lurk in the mouth and crevices of the teeth. Pebeco is the weapon to use in dealing with this unseen threat to ycur teeth and health.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 504 16 M HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36 37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SUNG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and
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    • 434 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Siglap, furnished, by day or month. Apply Yeo Chiang Swee, 153. Grove Road. 'Phone 7405. TO LET—I-B, Sea Avenue, Katong, comfortable 2-storey house, garag?, 200 yds. from sea. $30 p.m. Apply 1-D, S:a Avenue. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd..
      434 words
    • 259 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—Music Teacher to give piano le:sons daily 2 p.m.—s p.m. State qualification, experiences, and salary required. Apply to the Principal, Far Eastern Music School. WANTED —First-class Process Hand; must thoroughly understand line and half-tone work: willing and industrious man only need apply: good salary for right man: —Write
      259 words
    • 173 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. TENDERS. TENDERS are invited for the erection and completion of a house off Farrer Road. Tenders to clcse'at noon. August 28th. 1933. The Owner does not bind himself «o accept the lowest or any tender. Plans and Specification to be obtained against deposit cf $50 frcm H. R
      173 words
    • 284 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Three D.C. Linotype motors 1 2 H.P., apply to the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56 60, Anson Koad. EDUCATIONAL. LESSONS. In French and Piano. A few vacancies. Madame DLtz. Tel. 6575. 7. Oxlty Road. THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 5. I on nt 40, Geyiang Road. Day and Evening
      284 words
    • 393 16 > CM I HI CTS, UfcGE TIEE p Every Wh ere I MALAYA TRIBnjT 'PHONE 017. SUBSCRIPTION RAH PAYABLE IN Al)\ \M j Delivery Includine ln rn at office Pustnge Pasta» or close (Local or »»*J residence. PMS c ri Yearly HSJN HI N m Hb lf-Yearly 7 M |Mi|
      393 words