Malaya Tribune, 31 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX. -No. !79 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday, July 31, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 321 1 In the oval flask. ■f ~MILK FOR EVERY PURPOSE. 9 JH *>9 YOU NEED A SPECIAL MILK FOR BABY? mm. mm then think of klim-a milk in powdTTjllllfcai EREI) FORM SO PURE THAT DOCTORS NHHHHMK REC OMMEND IT FOR BABIES' KLIM r —A MiTTK WITH ALL THE CREAM IN IT
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    • 196 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamond's and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying geld cc-in3 and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. I HE4LTH andSTRENGTH j IN EVERY TIN
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  • 182 2 THERE is nothing wrong in Urge mining intercuts wishing to obtun control of a smelting concern, so that they can get the best terms for their ore. There can be nothing reprehensible in such a move. But a smelting combine is. in
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  • 216 2 THEIR latest adventure into the field of j internationalism stamps them for what I they are, an Invertebrate collection of nonenti- i ties. But there is just the chance that an J equally invertebrate Government will listen to j their supplications. On Monday, a deputation from
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  • 229 2 PERAK. and Ipoh in particular, have been denied many of the luxuries which have been lavished on the Federal Capital and, with the start of the "New Policy," we trust that very serious consideration will be given to the crea ion of a real State capital in Ipoh,
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  • 184 2 rE uses of advertisement so far as Malaya is concerned practically do not exist. ConI sider what there is that is likely to interest the man in the street, whether that man live out here or in England. Penang haa just published an admirably illustrated little book of
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  • 92 2 Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to write to U» on ubiects ol public interest, it must be under•tood that the "Malaya Tribune m doe* noi tecessarily endorse opinions expressed bp corrtt indents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEI kS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (doubU ■pacing), and
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  • 128 2 (To the Editor, ~Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—As neaily everyone knows th« Municipality does not alio*- the itinerant foot hawkers to ply their trade along the trolley tU! routes for obstruction. I would say it is hard luck to the poor people Especially of the coolie class, in the
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  • 161 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir —Will you please allow me a little spact n your popular paper, to express my thanks tc Mr. F. C. Sands, and other high officers, foi their kind net» In forming the Ex-Scouters Fund. Every Scout should offer help to their Brothers
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  • 315 2 To Me Ed tor. -Malaya Tribune."j s a pleasure for me to be a bio t write for the welfare of some unfortunate soul who in this depressed time are out of employ ment. Everyone should be pleased to know of th honesty displayed by some of
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  • 499 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."J Sir, —I hope you will allow me to express mj sentiments in your paper regarding the present world chaos. This chaos which has been in operation for many generations till our present t!me, is caused by no other reasons than, think, the
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  • 201 2 League Of Nations Bulletin. THE following is the health bulletin of the league of Nations' Eastern Bureau, Singapore, for week ended July 22, 1923: Alexandria: 2 plague cases. Eeirut: 3 smallpox cases cs compared with 7 cases and no deaths in the previous week. Baghdad: 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 133 2 Rheumatism Swollen joints, Ml Wl\ \ml aching muscles, a stiffening of tne limbs, usually mean an attack of rheumatism. T \ov\ When the pains arc acute V If P J and persistent, apply a little m d] 4 J Sloan's Liniment;gently ,withK~ tL mil outruD bing. At once you feel
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    • 202 2 I lIIItlllT'S AUGUST COMMENCES TO DAY MONDAY JULY 31. THE GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE OF $180,000 STOCK. THE STORE WILL BE OPEN ON AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUGUST 7TH. FROM 8.30 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M. so that all may have a special chance of securing some of the exceptional Bargains which
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 320 2 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLE' MENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 end 31.3 metres. British Summer Time: add hrs. 20 minutet.) GMT. 11.0 a.m.—1.0 p.m Transmission on an omni-directional aerial: 11.0 Cinema Organ
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  • 80 3 FENG MAKES HIS STAND. "Will Fight Japanese Regardless Of Consequences." NO INTENTION OF DISSOLVING ARMY. The full statement of policy by Marshal Feng is given in the mail message below from Peiping. The "Christian" general declares that he does
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  • 525 3 Tientsin. July 20. MARSHAL Feng Yu Hsiang has issued an informal statement on resent position in Charhar. He declares that he organized his AntiAHied Army for the specific of fighting against the Japanese. As he has had no chance to try out his strength
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  • 219 3 Allied Armies Against Governor. Chungking, July 16. IN Southern Szechuen severe fighting is now raging on all fronts between General Liv Wen Huei's troops and the Allied forces under General Liv Hsiang. So far the Allied forces are maintaining the upper hand, having already captured
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  • 94 3 Old Chinese Dollars To Be Withdrawn. Shanghai, July 12. The Finance Ministry has drawn up measures to withdraw all old silver coins on the market and to make the new silver dollar the only silver currency on the Chinese market. The various Chinese banks have already been instructed
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  • 71 3 Appeal Against An Order To Close. Shanghai, July 12 The Chinese Ratepayers" Association yesterday addressed a letter to the Shanghai Municipal Council requesting the latter to repeal its recent order .for the suspension of several Chinese rubber factories in the International Settlement. Th» Association points out that these
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  • 50 3 Arrives With His Family In Shanghai. Shanghai, July 12. It is reliably learned that General Chin Shujen. the ousted Chairman of the Sinkiang Provincial Government, lias arrived in Shanghai, v.ith his family, by way of Vladivostok. General Chin ls maintaining the utmost secrecy regarding his movements. China Times.
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  • 65 3 Not To Be Enforced Just Yet. Shanghai, July 12. The Finance Ministry has decided to postpone the enforcement of the Anti-Dumping ax until a complete understanding has been reached with foreign Import merchants, it is learned in finance Ministry circles It is said that the Finance Ministry has
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  • 67 3 Christening Ceremony At Hungjao. Shanghai July 12. The military pursuit-plane contributed to the Government air force by the local Tien Chu .Factory will be formally christened on the 15th instant at the Hungjao Aerodrome. A test flight was made yesterday at Hungjao and proved very satisfactory. The 'plane
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  • 71 3 Another Batch Of Chinese Refugees. Shun Pao. Shanghai. July IT. Another batch of Chinese nationals deported from Mexico is expected to arrive in Shanghai to-day on board the "President Pierce." This is the tenth batch of Chinese returning from Mexico. It 13 said that mor-j aie coming
    Shun Pao.  -  71 words
  • 286 3 Reds Rampant. SUICIDE OF WOMEN AND GIRLS. Chungking, July 10. STATE of anarchy exists in the cities of Kwangyuan and Tsanghsi, in Northern Szechuen, following the withdrawal of the Communists from those cities. It is now learned that the Communists abandoned Kwangyuan and Tsanghsi for some unknown
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  • 93 3 Through Traffic On Pei-Ning Line Discussed. Shun Pao. Peiping. July C. Negotiations are now in progress at Daircn lor the resumption <>f through traffic between Peiping and Mukden on the Peiping-Mukden Railway. It is said that the Mukden-Slianhaikuan secUon of the lane has been t?ken over by
    Shun Pao.  -  93 words
  • 74 3 Mr. Wang Ching-Weis WeekEnd Health Trip. Shanghai. July 3. Mr. Wang Ching-wei left here fcr Nanking last night by train after spending the week end tfa Shanghai. His visit was kept so secret that nobody seemed to know of his presence until he ordered the railway authorities
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  • 68 3 Fighting The Japanese In Jehol. Tientsin. July 10. Chinese Volunteers are again active in Jtncl with the advem of the Kaoliang season. According to reports f|:m local Chinese circles, more than £.000 Chinese Volunteers are no* operating in Uie Chaoyang. Chienning. Linyuun and Linnan districts. Since July 6
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  • 50 3 China Times. Shanghai, July 17. The Eurasia Aviation Company has i.sued a formal notice to the public to the effect that, fcr the summer months, the aeroplane for the North-western air service will leive Shanghai at 6 a.m. The change is to come into effect from today—China Times.
    China Times.  -  50 words
  • 56 3 China Times. Shanghai. July 6. According to a report of the Fishery Guide Bureau In Shanghai the total fish sold during the month of May was 214,674 piculs, worth $2,809,000. This was 14 per cent, more than the preceding month. Most of the fish was caught off
    China Times.  -  56 words
  • 201 3 Mohamedans Attack Capital. Ecntern Times. Shanghai. July 17. A CCORDING to a recent arrival from Sin- kiang. fresh troubles have rgain broken out in that province as a result of General Ma Chung-yins launching a counter-attack on Tihua from Hami. The reports which appeared in Shanghai
    Ecntern Times.  -  201 words
  • 78 3 More Phone Lines Between Shanghai And Nanking. Shun Pao. Shanghai. July 17. For Uu- purpese of facilitating telephone communication between Shanghai and Nanking, the Ministry of Communications is now drawing up plans for the establishment tween the two cities. It is said that construction will begin U
    Shun Pao.  -  78 words
  • 55 3 Chun Times. Shanghai. July 17. It ls locally learned that Uie World s Ant.War Conference will be held in Shanghai in August. The authorities who are making preparations fur the occasion are reported to be approaching the Chinese V.M.C.A. in tire Frencn Conin the hope of using the
    Chun Times.  -  55 words
  • 40 3 China Times. Shanghai. July i" 7 Dr C. C. Wu. who has been en an arifmwrc tour of the Upper Yangtsae. is expected to arrive here to-day on board tire Jar dine boa: "Kung Wo.'— China Times.
    China Times.  -  40 words
  • 370 3 WARLORDS ATTAIN WISDOM. Gen. Sun's Troops. Reclamation Work In Chinghai. fjpHE recent movement of General Sun Tien-ying's troops to Chinghai for reclamation work in that province marks an important step towards the development of the North-west. It is important because it is the first time a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 Swan Brand Coffee. Do you take Swan Brand Coffee If not, You are losing the most delirious Drink in the market. Because, it is prepared on best principle from selected coffee seed S of superior quality. TRY IT TO-DAY. It is always unchanging in taste and flavour. Free from any
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    • 157 3 GENUINE CRAZY HOT-CAKE OF TO-DAY. WHERE IS THIS LADY? j Sung by MARTA EGGERT GIVEN WITH AN ART SOUVENIR READY TO FRAME UP Ml X It." Can be had at: NANG HENG CO., 103-105, Selegie Road. ODEON mmmmmm mTmmmmTT mmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm RICHARD TAUBER~ J j Exclusively on ODEON I Marvellous Technical
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  • 323 4 Shipping News Notices. AMERICAN LINER HITS JUNKS. Fourteen Affected In Shanghai. I A NE of thp most unusual accidents in the \J history of Shanghai Harbour occurred ice rstly when the "Bellingham." Tacoma—Oricnta' freighter, gazed the N.Y.K. Mail Wharf and damaged 14 cargo boats. Damaged to the boats of more
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  • 315 4 Selecting The King's Gold Medallist. The annual ceremony of selecting the Kind's Gold Medallist —a custom which has now be.n observed for nearly 70 years—:ook place recently under the supervision of the Conway Committee of Captain J. A. Ccverley. deputychurman. Management, ihose present including Mi. Thcs. Scott,
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  • 143 4 Anomalous Position Of WellKnown Master. Captain Philip Gcing. master of the I a£oj. m rather an unforlunate PVgtA to The Asia an-ived in Amoy from Manila on December 9 last year and since then has ne-v 1 bankrupt*' Wner haVing Wont J The ship WM sold by
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  • 102 4 I Leon Hornet, of Brest, formerly an office! j in the liner Geo.ges Philippur, which wa* destroyed by fire in the Red Sea tried to commit suicide in a yacht at Cannes, where he employed temporarily. I He worked in varicus liners of the Messasenes Maritime* for
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  • 533 4 Recent Transfers And Appointments. -Luen n Li y, in ston eh engineer officer. "SuTwo." B ne hief engineer offic Mr. L. McWilliams. chief engineer officer "Sumo." is on short leaver-Shipping Rev Tew CAPT. I Newton, of the "Kanchow." is on reserve. Capt. E. G. Thomas, of the
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  • 835 4 Shortage Not Proved By Bills Of Lading. JN the Admiralty Division, Mr. Justice Langton gave judgment in the in which Messrs. j BpeM and Thorpe and Spiliers. Ltd., m Hers. lof Hull, sued the owners of the Hungarian j steamer Arpad" for damages for short ge in
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  • 241 4 Floating Fuel Stations In Mid-Ocean. Bremen, Jab) ±5. THE former North-German Lloyd steamer "Wes phalen." which for the past two and a j half months had been stationed in mid-Atlantic halfway between the African and Brazilian COMOI serving as a floating fuel station for &ero- planes
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  • 205 4 French Sailors Arrested In Japan. Ar aftermath of the punishment cf the three sadors of the French flagship Primauguet by the Kobe police has emerged in a protest by the French Embassy filed to the Foreign Department demanding proper disposition of the K< be authorities concerned. The matter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 191 4 IMllOyTtriestTno I (Incorporated In Italy). I EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay Calling at Colombo. Bombay. Suez. Port -1L Maaaowah, Sue.. Port' Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trleate. Venice and Trieste, Due Leave Due '"TERGESTEA" Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Spore. Spore. Venice.
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    • 204 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA ULNIE Deutsch |H n Q Australische Dampfachiffs Gcsellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 s.s. BOCHUM, via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug. 22 mjs. RUHR, via Manila Sept. 7 t m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Sept 19 s.s. PREUSSEN,
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    • 567 4 STEAMER^SAITiy^ The undernoted an the r ftni fixtures:- Xe Com Pany S OUTWARDS. 5 "SAALE" for Manila. Honrtm, iW| Shanghai, N. China and 2 5 "LAHN" for Manila. Aug. North China and Japan H l Bkor "TRAVE" for Manila. Hcnrt™ Aug 14 HOMEWARDS. "FRANKEN" for Marseilles fW. 18,1 Havre. Dunkirk.
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  • 509 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Monday, 11 a.m. Tne following tin share quotations are Issued DV pram a' ld Co.. exchange and stock feeaaaUV Buyers. Sellers. Ivji on Kumbang Tin 276 30,M.ilav 28 6 30 Hitam Tin 13|9 14 6 ng 0.95 1.00 r DCm Tin 18|3 1»|--ing Pndang
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  • 135 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN PRICE IS STABLE. Rubber Generally Weaker. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore Monday Noon. To-Day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore). 12 cts., down ct. Market Tone: Dull. Tin (Singapore), .$llO, unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber. S%d, down 3 32. Market Tone: Dull. New
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  • 159 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon 80.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 91 5 Accounts of Bank of Taiwan for half-year to Dec. 31 shows gioss profits 23,085,570 yen (againso 28,234,597 yen tor second half, 1931», plus 73,827 yen brought in. To current expenses, interest, c.c. 22.590.695 yen, reserves 270.000 yen (330.000 yen), bonus 25.000 yen, dividend three per cent per
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  • 61 5 Profit of Kens. tF.M.S.) Tin Diedging, Ltd.. for 1932, £922. This increases the credit balance carried forward to £4,701. No ning has been provided for d.-preciation of plant. &c. for the year. Pleating assets. i! 18.895; creditors £43. During the year arrangements were comple.ed for Goptng
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  • 1994 5 Improved Condition Of Industry. The annual general meeting of the Kinta Tin Mines. Ltd was held on June 14. at the registered offices of the company. 65. London. wall. E C Mr. C. Chant rey Inchbald presiding The chairman. af\er reviewing the accounts for tlie year 1932.
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  • 291 5 Swamps Electric Lamp Market. London. British factories may have to be closed, with consequent unemployment and distress if the Japanese competi ion in electric light bulbs cont nues in its present volume More than 50 million bulbs were imported from foreign sources last year, a large proportion
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  • 78 5 The accoun's of the Booth Steamship Co.. Liverpool, to March 31 show > loss of £2.765 i against a profit of £11,483». plus £1.250 for directors' fee* and £16.811 loss on the sale of steamers, less transfer from income tax reser v e. After taking these items
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  • 50 5 Loss of the New Columbia Rubber Company for 1932. £2 035 against £5 127 for 1931). which reduces the credit balance carried forward to £18,885. Investment in Government securities stand in the ba!ance-;heet at £14 754. A crop of 653.1981b. was harvest.d during the year (against 715.9371b.).
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  • 632 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Monday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations art issued by Fraser and Co and Lyall and Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyall fj* Shares. Co. Evatt j 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.85 $0.70 $0.85 I Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 0.55 0.65 J IA. Hitam 1.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 90 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Auttorlsed and Subscribed PaSVcapltal H.OOO 000 Reserve Fund and Rest 600,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi Madras, Amara, Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra, Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit on
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    • 50 5 QUARTERLY Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance, Interest a* the rate of 21/2% is paid quarterly. Head Office: 55. Wall Street. N.Y.
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    • 209 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000.000.00. Paid Up $10,000.000.00. mADT OFFICE CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 303 6 DON'T MISS THIS LAST CHANCE I Losf Night I Fox's Sensational Production— j With LORETTA YOUNG and GENE RAYMOND. i i j TO-MORROW NIGHT! Matinee Wednesday j Grand Malayan Premiere at ALHAMBBA and MARLBOROUGH! I M.-G.-M/s Miracle Picture of 1933— "Hell Below"'' With ROBERT MONTGOMERY, MADGE EVANS and 1,000 others
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    • 301 6 Positively LAST NIGHT of the Thrilling Romance of the men j who Fly the Great Air Liners J "AIR HOSTESS" j With EVALYN KNAPP and THELMA TOIID. TO-MORROW NIGHT I lt%Mm\i%, The Biggest Laugh Riot Of The ScreenIt all happened over a beautiful Lady's Jewelled Garter given by an admirer
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    • 286 6 i PAVILION EVKHV SH o^^ I fl TH E GOOD 1 j I COMPANIONS j 1 JESSIE AAATTHEWS II I I tHjTy>Tn E* It g| Ml AND 1,000 PLAYERS. ■l'"""^""""""*'"""""a"a^»^===» J ''Never has finer entertainment been '*V S i brought to the screen H^^KSSW^^B take off tm hat to the
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  • 765 7 Restriction Soon? Mrs. Lee Choon Guan In London. London, July 5. the weather is like a Turkic j bath, and every Malayan I rees tnat never was such heal felt in Malaya! Still Malayans are revelling in the golden sunshine. 1 was present on June 27 at
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  • 40 7 1 1 Berlin. Bitter Is to spend his summer holiday country home in Obersalzburg. near ■den. Bavaria. The Chancellor will much-needed rest, and will deal only 1 n w* most pressing of Government matters ,!u r:nc; hfe vacation
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  • 348 7 Malay's Three Previous Convictions. (From Our Oirn Correspondent./ Seremban. July 28. Raja Kamaralzaman. me Seremban Police Magis rate, a Chinese named Chong Piang Yoon charged with the theft of latex irem Gracia Esta'e, Broga. Raja Abbas, 0.C.P.D.. Mantin, conducted the prosecution. After recording ,-\he evidence of the
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  • 157 7 Giant To Be Finished Next Year. Berlin. Sx rabidly has work ptdgltaXd i n Germany's giant new Zeppelin, known officially as L.Z. 12C that over a third of the sktle-n of the huge ship has now been completed, and the ah ship, the largest in Uie world,
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  • 98 7 800 In Direct Line Still Living. Mansfeld. Saxony. That there are still -living 830 direct descendants of Martin Luther is revealed by the celebrations here in c n;-cticm wi h the 450 th anniversary year of Luther"s birth. Most of them are scattered about fecvas and villages m
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  • 84 7 Dresden. -Healing Forces of Nature" is the ti'.le cf a travelling exhibition now open in the German Hygiene Museum here. It shows the curative effects of sun. air. water, plants and other natural iesources at the disposal of mankind. Three of the six departments are chiefly
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  • 236 7 Roosevelt's Drive To End Prohibition. Washington. A drive by the Roosevelt AdminLstration is under way to speed up prohibition repeal. The Roosevelt forces have been spurred to action by: The vote in New York Slate, where the rcpea. of the Eighteenth Amendment has been approved by popular
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  • 236 7 Burgomaster Who Won Forest By Drink. Berlin. A burgomaster who. at one sitting, drank two gallons of beer to defeat a ruler's favourite, and at the same time win for his city a beautiful forest, is claimed by Fins.erwaldi the German town 60 miles from Berlin which formerly
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  • 95 7 High Heels And Athletics Blamed. Los Ar^el.s. "AnMrkaa vcnun's fget arc getting biggf nnd th'ir ankles are growing larger, says D. Frank Schleicher, who is vice-president of th 1 California StaU Association ot Chiropodists. '"High heeled and R.hletics are th cnusc." explains the doctrr. He adds that
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  • 99 7 Only Ei?ht Eggs In World Like Them. Wellington <N.Z.). Two mca. eggs have b_en presented to the Auckland museum. Only eight of these eggs art known to be in exi?.enc j ar.d .hey are all ii. th? car? of museums. Th? moa, now long extinct, was a giant
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  • 73 7 Rewarding The Man Who Found £5. East London, Cape Province. A native errand "boy" found a woman's handbag in a busy East London-street. It contained £5 and various trinkets. He afterwards saw the owner searching for it, and gave it to her. She was overjoyed, anr asked
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  • 97 7 A party of 17 students of the Putan Unij vcrsity of Shanghai arrived on Saturday by the "President Pierce" from Hongkong. Before they embarked for Singapore, they had visited a few ports in Fukien where they distinguished themselves in volley-ball. They expect to stay in Singapore for about
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  • 146 7 AT THE CINEMAS. A duel between a 'plane and an oxpres:: 'rain, the former hying to stop the latter to aye it from plunging into a flooded canyon, •.nd having literally to fly rings round the earthbound speed gian:. provides an netting limax to "Air
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—Bab;- Austin M:rtis Triumph Couky, late mcdes. Price unci particulars. Box No. 186, c o Malaya Tribune. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER OF DUPIRE MORRELL Limited and Reduced AND IN THE MATTER OF ORDINANCE NO. 155 (Companies). i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Petilijn presented to the Supreme
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    • 268 7 I SINGAPORE HOrnS I GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL" a The most magnificently situated hotel in the Island. ALL MODERN COMFORTS UP-TO-DATE SERVICE. HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT (newly decorated). Every thing of the best and plenty of it at very reasonable and inclusive terms. TENNIS: $2 per court for 4 persons each afternoon; Or
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  • 66 8 Mr. Gan Eng Thiam and family wish to tender thzir grateful thanks to Eng Choon Huay Kuan. Chinese Friendly Association, Unison Badminton Party, friends ar.d relatives for their night visit and kind attendance at ihe funeral of the late Madam Tay Soh Geok and also to those
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  • 781 8 It is generally believed that the attitude adopted towards the World Economic Conference by the Government of the United States of America was one of the principal causes of the Conference's failure. The attitude however, was merely the undisguised (and to that extent, honest) equivalent of the
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  • 223 8 Comments By The Way. THE Water Department of the Singapore Municipality has undertaken valuable research work in connection with the employment of rubber pipe in sea-water for the conveyance of fresh water under some pressure. The annual report for 1932 refers to experiments with a twelve-foot
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  • 190 8 At a prize distribution at the V.M.C.A. swimming pool last week the General Secretary, Mr. R. Lyne, made a brief reference to a rrcposal to erect new premises fee the V.M.C.A. when better times return. The building he said, would probably be of five storeys. All who are
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  • 156 8 rTHE annual report of the Tan Tock Seng X Hospital for 1932, tabled at to-day's meeting of the Legislative Council shows that whUe economies have become necessary the good work of this institution, which affords free medical and surgical treatment to thousands of the poor,
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  • 116 8 Prior to his departure for Ipoh on transfer, Mr. Yin Choo Han, accountant, Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation. Ltd., was entertained bymany of his friends to a farewell dinner «t th? Government Re. c t House. When H.H. the Sultan of Kelantan. Sir Ismail
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  • 67 8 By the death of Mrs. Cheah Cheang Hooi, at the age of 64, Taiping has lost one of its most respected old residents. Mrs. Cheah Cheang Hooi belonged to a very well-known Chinese family of Perak and Penang, being the widow of the late Mr. Cheah Cheang Hooi, elder
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  • 63 8 On the occasion of the tea party held by H.E. the High Commissioner and Lady Clement! at King's Pavilion. Kuala Kangsar opportunity was taken to present the Malayan Certificate of Honour to Haji ishak, retired Malay Writer. Haji Ishak has the distinction of having served under three Sultans,
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  • 127 8 Revenue officers who boarded the s.s. "Solviken" ZV^J^X*™ 1 1 from China P° r found 700 tahils of Red Lion chandu in one of the *ater tanks. The approximate value of the contraband is $6,000. r 5« Wor Lok- J P.. on whom the Certificate of Honour was recently
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  • 14 8 Mr. B. A. L:we has been appointed to act as Agricultural Officer, Muar.
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  • 30 8 Mr. A. J. Sturrock. late British Adviser, Bate-an, who re ired on pension in March. 1931. is on a visit to Malaya, and is in Inch at present. 1
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  • 26 8 nr™? J*" S X*™ 1 Assistant Ccntroller ff .Lrtewr, U.S., who has recently been an „™t? S J"; Seremba Hospital, has now returned to duty.
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  • 43 8 A Taaaß named Govindasamy ehargcd with being in possession of suspected stolen prcpertv namely a leather bag and some clothing belong-' 2,°» man "ad gdne to hospital, was ordered to pft y a *5o or in default to undergo 3 months' r.i.
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  • 37 8 sitTof L nwV have rected a bridge at the JeranLt n W w LePar fCTry 0 the KuantanJerantut Road as the river at this point has \TSt f Uted thus the opeSuon of a ferry impracticable.
    37 words
  • 16 8 w Haji Ibrahim, a retired Government servant, (has joined the Kunla Lumpur Sanitary Board.
    16 words
  • 427 8 There will be firework* ,t v World f ro m the fourth to a h h^ h h of next month, and there'll bil and frolic too especially w h e n Crazy House opens its door, th I'm just crazy to see it. So far. the
    427 words
  • 34 8 OUR READERS' VIEWS on Baft RADIO PROGRAMME, on |).< :< I CHINA NEWS, on page 3. CLUB DIARY, on pase 11 WEEK-END SPORT, on page? 13 and M A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK Ml P*f
    34 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 I The New Low Priced "His Master's Voice" j Portable Model 97. j Light In Weight Small In Size Easy To Carry. Low In Price Substantially Built. j Generous In Convenience, Utility And Musical Results, Price $35.00. Jl I "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" AGENTS i I LggjM Robinsons j SINGAPORE, KUALA
      154 words
    • 35 8 I CHEAP SALE STOCK CLEARANCE Siam teak-wood in all sizes. I JONG fHYE ttfcNC, I 160. LAVENDER STREET 'Phone 3547, T 634 Nrrth Bridge Road. TENG SENG GUAN. ĕ •tans for T.K.K. CO., LTD.'S GOODS.
      35 words

  • 99 9 JAPANESE PLANES JOIN IN OFFENSIVE. Nanking Strives For Peace. Chiang And Wang Declare Policy Of The Government. In response to the joint Japanese-Manchukuo attack on Dolunor Marshal Feng has thrown in three more divisions for the defence of this gateway
    99 words
  • 889 9 Shanghai, July 31. THK Japam-se-Manchukuo counterattack on Dolunor, the eastern if the province which is Peng Yu Hsiang's units, ed on Friday, when a mixed ••da drive on the city, ese 'planes co-operated. Manchukuo troops under Gen. c Hai Pttng clashed with Gen. i ig Yu
    889 words
  • 120 9 Obtained For Penang Monopolies Bond. OUxlni and measuring plant was I, enctcd in the Government Bond in Singapore two years age :pense as proved to be negligible the amount of the revenue at 1 value of the time and analyses 11 allation, states a report cf nuance
    120 words
  • 158 9 Suopression Precautions Cost $2,200. The outbreak of rabies in Penang Island, which originated in January, 1931. continued throughout the years 1931 and 1932, and as an additional measure in the campaign against the disease. »H dogs in Penang Island were required by law to be treated with
    158 words
  • 568 9 What 1932 Statistics Reveal. IN the report for Malaya on average prices, declared trade values, exchanges, currency and cost of living for the year 1932, tabled at the Legislative Council to-day it is stated than locally commodi y prices declined by 17 per cent, in wholesale
    568 words
  • 114 9 Three People Stabbed With Chisel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pontian Kechil, July 30. PANDEMONIUM reigned in a house at Pontian Kechil on July 28. A Chinese carpenter living with his wife, sister-in-law and mo her-in-law. in a house at Pontian Kechil. suddenly ran am k with a
    114 words
  • 9 9 CONTROL ON THE WAY. PROPAGANDA IN D.E.I. Persuading Natives.
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  • 961 9 Estate Owners' Annual Meeting. work is continuing towards including the native producers in the N.E.I, in a rubber control scheme is the contention of the Malayan Estate Owners' Association. In the report submitted to the annual meeting of the Association in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday reference is made to the
    961 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 288 9 The 6ood morning j£ \Wi Fixring! Sparkling! Health in a glass! To fmk W/\ drink a glass of Phosferine Health Salt in P'Sfl Vti the morning is to feel good, is to feel well /^*^?S^x/t 9 all day. Gone are all the poisons and wastes Wj^TZ^^Ve\ M from the day
      288 words

  • 93 10 NOT THE TIME TO SPEND? GOVERNMENT WILL NOT CHANGE SCHOOL FEES POLICY. Strong opposition was expressed in to-day's Legislative Council to the proposal to spend money on the development of a hill station in Penang. The motion for the
    93 words
  • 4688 10 CjTRONG protests were raised at the meeting of the Legislative Council to-day against the proposal to raise school lees. Tii<» protests occurred on the adjournment, after Government had stated in reply to questions that il saw no reason to change the policy. Tiie rreetng was
    4,688 words
  • 619 10 GOVT. OPPOSED TO IT. Costs Too Much. Committee's Proposals Rejected. JHAT the changeover wage system would cost too much the opinion of the Government Among the blue papers laid table at to-day's Council mccl ono giving the report i rrittee appointed to consider l he q Mon
    619 words

  • 51 11 JUS T WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. TO-DAY'S SHIPPING TORPEDO LOST. 18 In. FA A3, no. 750. v July 21 In approxiI dep. 15 mill. 42 sec, 104 10 mm. 42 sec, east. Is offered f<«.* its recovery. a «I MPRESS/OF BRITAIN." the port f SingaBmpraaj of Britain," ;> rt
    51 words
  • 74 11 Singapore. July SI. SIDfl THE WHARVES irl 'Entrance Gate 1). 'shifts :o 48 9 OwHni) Entrance Gate 3). E igkong If; Pres. Pierce 11; City 9; Gkiaffer 7. t >.TU* G*t> 31 32; Irisbank 35. City i iocs '£?uranre Gate V Si StmrnXß Gate 4». I' d Jardtaea;
    74 words
  • 268 11 Conditions Far From Ideal. j Ity tor economy has caused I at of a echeme for the agrants in Singapore, cnl now made for them sec rding to the annual retne Colony, tabled at j t C unci] meeting to-day. an in the Colony which am]
    268 words
  • 100 11 Prints Ask $200 For Daughter: Offered $50. 'F-nyn Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 2d. i smnittrng rape having been v the lower court against him, liim q was charged in the DisUict cidnapptng a Chinese girl .vscd 13 lacfnl guardianship of her Byrde, prosecuting, told Mr. H.
    100 words
  • 33 11 From Chine, by the "Ccme:.' duo at Singapore at daylight tc-morrcw. Mads from Batavia and Palemhang by se <- plane are expected at the General Post Gftce. Sinjapcie. at 2.30 p.m. '.o-morrow.
    33 words
  • 176 11 SGU.INP. Singapore. July 31. London 4 months' sigh; 4 'j* London 3 months' sight 4 lf~ London GO days' shrht London 30 days' sight 21 JJ;!: London demand 3 I London T.T. M »»|JJ j Lyons and Paris demand JTjj j Hamburg ccmand I New Y:ik demand Batavia
    176 words
  • 206 11 Singapore, July '28. R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $108 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 WH Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $107 Rice. Siam "Old" per koyan No. 1 $174 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3 $153 Rice. Siam "Old" No. 3
    206 words
  • 288 11 I WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. I i TO-DAY. JULY 31. High Tidrs.—4.15 a.m., 4.11 p.m. legislative Council Meeting, 10.30 a.m. j Commercial Cup Football: MP.H. v. Man,fleld. Jalan Besar; P.O. v. Municipal Ceii vices, Anson Road. I TO-MORROW. AUG. 1. High Tides.—5.43 a.m.,
    288 words
  • 121 11 ALHAMBRA Loretta Young and Gene Raymond in "Zoo in Budapest." CAPITOL. —"Tiie Air Hostess." starl ing James Murray. Evalyn KLnapp. tc. EMPIRE —Edmund Lr.„c in "Chandu. GREAT WORLD. —Side shows, Cabaret. Malay opera, Cninese wayang. silent and talking films «Sk;. Talkie: 'Jus: a Gigolo." Star Tahcie: Murders in ,he
    121 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 fir— M Ks< REFRESHING Cuticura Talcum Soothes and cools Father's face and removes the aftershaving shine, comforts Baby's tender skin and prevents chafing and irritation, and gives the finishing touch to Mother's toilet. Sample each Soap, Ointment and Talcum free upon request, from Muller at Phippa (Malaya) Limited, Union Building,
      51 words
      246 words
    • 52 11 VALVES, COCKS, ETC. CBSCJE a:;d "Pig! GATE VALVES. mrfS c UN-METAL PET drain ir PLUG GLAND Stockists: Boon Seng Co., Ltd. 36 38, Robinson Road. Tel. 7268. li I ij Pianos For Hire And Hire Purchase. i SEASON CO., LTD., i 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. i 1 i L
      52 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 612 11 IPOSTAL IMTCLLICCHCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Selat Pandjang. Bengkana and Bagan Si Api Api (Makassar; u.rn Bengkalis, Laooean Bins and Tandjom Ealei 32jaki i ,>.m. •Ceylon. Southern and Western India. Egypt and Europe 'Ermland> I pm. •Ceylon, Europe and Greai Britain (Jarrta) 7 p.m. China and (Y:\ma ;»ata M.iru»
      612 words
    • 181 11 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. Programme cl Drills up to and for weekending Aug. b, 1933: TO-DAY, JULY 31. 5.15 p.m.--Headquarters, S.R.A. (V), Bakery Parade 5.30 p.m.—Headquarters. "B" Coy., Officers a.iul Senior N.C.O.'s Meeting. ".15 p.m.—Headquarters, "C" (Scottish) Coy.. Officers and N.C.O.'s TO-MORROW, AUG. L 5.15
      181 words

  • 122 12 GREAT BRITAIN WINS THE DAVIS CUP. For The First Time Since 1912. TITANIC STRUGGLE BETWEEN COCHET AND AUSTIN. Great Britain won the Davis Cup by beating France (holders) in the Challenge Round final at*Auteuil yesterday by three matches to two. Thrilling tennis was
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  • 419 12 Auteuil, July 31. pEHRY S victory over Merlin sent the Davis Cup to England for the first lime since 1912. France and America had overshadowed British tennis during these years but this y- ur England eliminated the United States in the i/iter-zone final. Merlin played
    419 words
  • 145 12 Indian Leader Who Visited Singapore. Mr. j m. Sen Gupta, the Bengal Congress leader who v, sited Singapore seme time ago 23 J died 2t Ranchi or. He died of a:i tp.leplic stroke due; to hi"h Wood pressure. Returning alter dinner at Ld SL i C
    145 words
  • 39 12 Classes For Plumber To Be Opened. I viiaustiv? enquiries have led to the con rtota» that, the most likely field for LtSan en a small scale may h-> 3 tar- c p'p™Tc„ s ;S; «x~y.s isurg j
    39 words
  • 65 12 io-morrow afternoon at four o'clock a silent I l»m dcplcthiß the achievements of the plc in ly will b,, screened at the Pa vino, j.-.nemo. Orchard Road, under the auspices oM c Fascio Ul f Singapore and Singayo c j The captions will be in ItHian. and accord-
    65 words
  • 123 12 Mcrris For Government House Guests. A Council paper tabled to day (Fmance Committee report cf July 8) sates: Fnrehese of Morris Major (Tourer) Five- ™*< tbe The Government Boon Morris Oxford Four--.ater which was purchased in 1927 ~nd baa run 100 000 mfle. was condemned S'ifea a
    123 words
  • 87 12 Council Asked To Vote Another $5,000. On the completion of .he contract for tmm extraction of the New Pier to replace Jcl s-one Pier, a differ, noe cf epinion b e veen the contractor and the Public Works as t, the amount payab c in res PW to
    87 words
  • 55 12 Provision For Travelling Expenses. A Finance Committee report tabled at tday s Council meeting of Trade commission Provision made in the ,Estimaies~Nil m c n-»s m Singapore, expenses of any wit anfa 5 UlCir 'eSmenV Malacca* and Prevision could not be made before as th. Common
    55 words
  • 62 12 Championship Billiards Tournament. rTHE semi-finals in the Prankel Shield open Amateur (four-ball» billiards championsh.p :ournament resulted as follows: Wee Keng Lim iTras Athletic Party) beat Teo Chwee Ho (Cleric 1 Union) 600—364 Salleh bin Kassim (Fathoi Karib Club) beat Lee Chim Lye (Tras A.P.) 600—581 The fin 1
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  • 188 12 Great World Cabaret's Benefit Night. Undeterred by the heavy ram which fel» hroughoui the wnole evening, a large crowd of members and friends of the S.C.R.c turned up to attend the dance in aid of the Club's building fund held at the Great World Cabaret on Saturday. Novelties
    188 words
  • 152 12 Singapore Side Held To A Draw. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. July 30. The Junior Civil Service Associations f-otball team visited Johore Bahru this evening and drew with the Muhabbah en the Istana Padang 3—3. The game was net up to standard, both sidev narticuiarly the
    152 words
  • 252 12 Interested In Dlctatorshp Ideas. Reuter. Parts, July 29. Aviation is claiming Ma.-shal Chang Hsueh Liangs closest attenti n dtiring hi? Eur<open our. in which he ir; studying modern mditary development. The Mershal. intervieved by Reuter. 3l >oke of MussoUrVl ccur esy nablin* him to appreciate Ole eiant
    Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 64 12 November Rains Cost Government $110,000. A Finance Committee report tabled at today's Counc:l meeting reveals .hat the cost of making good flood damage in Penang and Province Welleslcy, caused in November last is SBO.COO and $33,000 .-espec&vely. In th? Piovince three road bridges had to be rebuilt,
    64 words
  • 44 12 G540,000 Paid For Tammany Bosses Relative. Reuter. Albany, New York. July 30 boPsP^wh! 1- thC ?Z Ung relatlve of Tammany bosses, who was kidnapped early this month has been released and has returned home™feiy IxJn^H^ 00 Gs4oooo has beer, paid to his abductors.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 233 12 Ashworth Again Misses A Century. |7K>R the second week in succession R.A. r Ashworth just failed to reach his 100 in a tournament match, when Public Services met the Mercants at the S.C.C. yesterday. Scores: PS. AND L. A. B Jordan c Hewett b Cranford jO A. E.
    233 words
  • 307 12 Yesterday's Colman Shield Match. Yesterday.- Divisin "B"' match in the Rf.F.A. Colmai. League competition, be.ween the M. K. Raja Cub and the Darul Afiah I C. resul cd in a draw of I—l. There was li tie 'o choese between te two •earn-, but the foo ball
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  • 86 12 R.A.F. Stands By: Troops Moving Against Tribes. Reuter. Simla. July 30. Royal Air Force bombers are standing by to begin bombing at dawn on Aug. 1. following the expiration of the Government's ultimatum to the Bajauns. who are harbouring notorious agitators of whom the ultimatum demanded the
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 64 12 Alleged Carrying Of Contraband Arms. Reuter. Dairen, July 30. the British vessel "Glenogle" was ordc.-ed to be detained outside the port this afternoon as a lesult cf an clleged confession by the Chines* crew, who were arrested ashore, that a large quantity of contraband arms and ammunition
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 79 12 Perak Beat Singapore In Final. (From Our Oirn Correspondent J Kuala Lumpur, July 30. the third year in succession, the Perak ■T p.w.D. won the Finch Cup by beating the Singapore P.W.D. to-day in the final by 6 goals. The Perak team proved superior in every department
    79 words
  • 96 12 $500 Millions To Be Raised In August. Reuter. Easthamplon, Long Island, July 30. The. U.S. Treasury has planned f- 500 million dollars bond issue in August in denominations as Lw as G550, announces Mr. Woodin. Secretary to the Treasuy.—Reuter. Washington. July 30. The United Treasury has
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 73 12 Commanded Battle Squadron In The War. Reuter London. July 11. The death is announced of Admiral Sir William Chris.opher Pakenham, at tan Sebastian.—Reuter. TSir W. E. Parkenham was the second son of Rear-Admhal the Hen T. A. Pakenham. Be entered the Navy in 1874 <he was bern in
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 33 12 Mr. and Mrs. Nat untitled managing direc or of Warner Bros. First National Picures (Singapore). Inc.. arrived this morning by the "Plancius from Java, where Mr. Uebeaktad has been ;n a business trip.
    33 words
  • 148 12 Win f Britain. SPRINT IN 9 9/ln SECONDS. Reuter. London Jul, mm |A T t c City. B ritain tenth Anglo-Frvnch athlei test by 651/, points to 54* The Hundred Yards was Britain, in nine and nine-tenl two miles s-eeplechase by B a 10 mins.. 28 seconds. The
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 83 12 America Holds Up Joint Agreement. Reuter. I Washington. M It is authoritatively learned thr the ni delegates to the wheat conference b 1 have cabled Secretary Wallace to Ins deaden on wheat acreage reds cause new informal efforts have ben taken to reach an agreement, although I ferenee
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 24 12 Reuter. New York. July 30. Ma't-.m has arrived ha Vict ceaopl ti round the world flight m a Carre:- i plane.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 I DOVER SOLES LEMON SOLES PLAICE HALIBUT I TURBOT j 'RED KING' SALMON NEW ZEALAND BLUE COP Available at the Orchard Road and Sub-Depots. Singapore Colo Storage LTD. I
      29 words

  • 509 13 Saturday's Results. MX FOX SADDLES FIVE WINNERS. n„ n* n Correcpondent.) from omt Penang, July 29. ,v- n it her prevailed in the afterheavy rain this the opening day of the Club's four-day pssional race meeting mtuinfl F ,rui aid $431 'Cheerful Lady— M Refill—Little Mes'ert. I
    509 words
  • 221 13 Garwood And Bartels Bowl Well. tTBM R A F. defeated the S.R.C. on Satur- daj do the n.n.c. ground by st run-. Scores: R AF. IST. INNINGS. Lac. Gardiner lbw. b. Balhetchet 35 Lac. Morgan b. Eartels 4 Lac. Keck b. Bartels 0 Lac. Fletcher b. Bartels
    221 words
  • 61 13 Lim Seng Fook Cup Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 2J. The Perak Club visited Ipoh to-day fcr their match with the Railways in the Lim Seng Fook Cup competition. Siew Hong scored for the Railways in the second minute cf play and this turned out to
    61 words
  • 152 13 Visit To Singapore At Week-End. The following members of the Malacca Springers will represent the Association in f x>tr»all and baske; ball games to be played in Singapore during the August holidays. FOOTBALL: Chan Wee Uew, Choc Soo.i Lee. Cnan Ah Ngin. Fernando Leon, Got Jit Sin. Lee
    152 words
  • 139 13 Result Of Spoon Shoot For July The July Spoon shoot of the Muar Rifle Club was fired off on Friday and resulted as follows: Yards Total W. 200 500 600 Hand. Hall 26 29 28 100 11 A. Kadir 27 25 18 98 60 Yahya 20 29
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  • 68 13 Athletic Meeting In Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 29. There was a record attendance of spectators at the annual police sports en the depot ground to-day. At the conclusion of a lengthy programme prizes were given by Mrs. London, wife of .he British Resident. The champion
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  • 76 13 Malacca Team To Meet The Malacca Sprinters soccer XI will meet the S.C.F.A. at Jaian Besar next Sunday, on the day after the Malaya Cup final The Lingnan University students, whosa soccer team beat the S.C.F.A. champions here last week, will be returning to Singapore from up-ccuntry in
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  • 131 13 Lall Singh Fails To Score. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 29. FAST scoring was the feature of to-day's cricket here. The V.M.C.A. lost to the Kilat Club in a match in which qune a number of fours and sixes were hit. The V.M.C.A. took first knock
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  • 196 13 Gunners Win By Two Runs In Bowlers' Match. Two runs was the margin by which the Royal Artillery defeated Raffles College on the latter's ground on Saturday evening, the scores being 55 for the Aitillery, who batted first, and 53 for the College. Scores: ROYAL ARTILLERY. Wool,
    196 words
  • 165 13 Anglo-Chinese School Beaten. Playing on their ground at Balestier the Minto Youngsters beat the A.C.S. "A" team at cricket by 125 runs. A.C.S. "A." Kothari b Leklie 2 Ram Singh c Ahm: t b Leklie 0 Paraman c Amin b Leklie 4 Selankan Singh c Amin b
    165 words
  • 104 13 New Events Introduced At Ipoh Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 23. Rain made the going heavy for the intorschool sports here to-day. Four senior schools did not compete and the Anglo-Chinese School dominated the meeting. Two new events introduced this year were the low hurdles and
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  • 215 13 Close Finish To Good Game. RAFFLES Institution beat the Indian Association by eight runs at the R.I. ground on Saturday. Scores: RAFFLES INSTITUTION. Hoffman st. Paramso hy b Fernandez 0 Ravilal lbw. Fernandez 6 Thillainathan c and b Rajahram 1 G Valberg lbw. b Fernancki 37 11
    215 words
  • 60 13 Wiltshires Visit the J.C.C. Johcre Bahru, July 29. The match play.d on ;he J.C.S. Club pound between the Jolure CO ana the Wiltshire* was left drawn. I The Wilts went in first and scored 155 for 9 wkts. d.clared, Lt. Bond making 44. Tbe J.C.C. had scored 62
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  • 59 13 In response to many requests from enthusiastic Singapore, the Pavilion theatre will to-morrow (at the 6.15 and 9.15 performances only) screen the complete "Bobby Jones' gclfing series comprising twelve reels In which tha famous champion demonstrates the best methods cf play. Plan- are now open for the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 313 13 i Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurnnce in force over $35.00(1.000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore nifh th» LONDON OFFICE: 87, Old Jewry. EC The Company has £20,000 deposited ,Ith the Supreme Court of England and
      313 words

  • 672 14 Wilts Beat I.C.F.A. THREE PLAYERS SENT OFF. (BY "FULL-BACK.") JWO ugly incidents marred the match between the Ist Wiltshires and the Indo-Ceylonese in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League at the Jaian Besar Stadium on Saturday, resulting in three players being ordered off the field, including
    672 words
  • 382 14 Three Goals In Five Minutes. pULAU BRANI secured full points in Div 1 of the S.A.F.A. League on Saturday at the calan Besar Stadiiun from the Royal Artillery whom they beat 4 1. The issue was in doubt until seven minutes from the end when the
    382 words
  • 233 14 Saturday's Cricket At Anson Road. f|\HE A.P.C.. who were entertained by the X V.M.C.A. on the lattsr'3 ground at Anson Road were defeated by 33 runs on Saturday. The home team batted first and KOfWS 110 runs, towards which Willis compiled a useful score of 27.
    233 words
  • 267 14 Police And P.W.D. Sports. Fine weather favoured the two sport* meeting* held here this afternoon. One was the annml sports of the F.M.S. Public Works Department and the o.her that of the Selangor Police. Both were very successful functions and the former was attended by the British Resident,
    267 words
  • 213 14 Ashworth's Unavailing Effort. ¥\ESPITE a good innings by R. A. Ashworth MJ the S.C.C. XI had to admit defeat when thty entertained the Medical College Union on the Padang In the two-day match conduced en Saturday. Scores: M.C.U.—lst Innings. Mchd. Din b Cranford 0 C. Alfonso b McNeill
    213 words
  • 89 14 Results Of Saturday's Ties. Results of ties in the Singapore Badm-uton Ch° P nr M S, N c; LES: Lim 8000 Gua bemt RoH Cheng Moh 15-5. 15-6; Lim Tian Wan Vat Ang Whait Kirn 15—4 15—13 Pnh U^? R K SINGLES THIRD ROUND); Cher Poh Chia beat
    89 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 506 14 I (KATIL BES1) J caw 30 r SL I *ofiuTCSH*{ j **A LIFETIME INVESTMENT." j I m 2 J "DIAMOND Bedsteads are British made, j of firs, class miteiicls and b:autifully I J finished. j PRICES FROM $6 TO «22. (in Singapc.v* of all hading dealers. J I More -DIAMOND
      506 words
    • 63 14 NOW! C&rrect Time from your Electric Circuit So simple too Merely Plug Into nearest rlectric outlet. No further trouble or winding or regulating. No ciling: rr cleaning. Beautiful designs. Every household, shop or I factory should at least have one Telcchron clock. *3eiecfi/uffi I The ELECTRIC CLOCK For A. C.
      63 words
    • 197 14 (DIGESTIVE TABLETS). Very Superior, improve iw ulnf tne entire digestion WHY suffer Indigestion when Intestinol Tablets are at hand to suffering attributable from Indigestion. Every home should ke"p h th,t I ON SALE AT ALL DISPENSARIES AND STOKES or direct from (THE SOLE AGENTS: Naina Mohamed Son* i j SINGAPORE
      197 words
    • 79 14 HAD-. ->''' '^^^V ENGLAND Swan Pens, Black or Colored, from I < > Swan' Minor 5 *75 Blackbird Pen* Oi 'Swan Ink Oj 20 &WAN PENS OF STATIONERS AND Ithitra'cd Co'j 19M pos' MABIE, TODD CO., LTD.. Swan House, London, W.I. Factories 10-dor :^erpool. It cools head, pref an[j (t
      79 words

  • 1073 15 Unusual Holiday For. A Princess. A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. I London, July 4. rpHOUGH London hostesses have given us A many brilliant social functions this season, it h3s fallen to an American to take the lead in entertaining and surprise Mayfair with his lavish hospitality. A ballroom was
    1,073 words
  • 437 15 Claim By Member Who Stood Surety. ttrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 27. I V AN interesting suit in which Mr. H. S. Bay, Chiel Storekeeper of the Central Medical Store, Seremban, if suing for a deeLiation that the defendant Mr. C. M. ManIckam, Secretary of
    437 words
  • 346 15 Action By Siamese In London Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 19. Mr. Justice Eve in the Chancery Division en Saturday, heard a motion by a Siamese ncbleman. Phar Abhaivorgc. against Mr. Harry B. Schenck. an American citizen, relating to a film called "Beyond Bengal" or "Jungle
    346 words
  • 132 15 Bankrupt Leaving For Home Shortly. In the Bankruptcy Court on Friday, before Mr. Justice Mffir, an application to consider <* composition was made by Mr. W. J. Read. It appears that Mr. Read's health is bad and he has been ordered to leave for Home. He offered his
    132 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 287 15 CAMERA WILL HELP yO jo BETTER RESULTS. ■li iiiHl F6 3. Size 2 V x 3Vi." and price list on request. MALAYA PHOTO SUPPLY n torii Street, Singapore. p r ,,f p. WOLFF EISNER'S •S ANTI'BEN." i it iikwi treatment of tuberm >tiified Robert Kock's > be rubbed through the
      287 words
    • 414 15 With YOUP HEAITHIj iMiifcjw i Jl Why take risks with your health when you can buy a proved, safe I B Ifftit V^-'-/i^ f 1 and efficient remedy in 'ASPRO'—which has gained fame by its 1 f B 1; works and service throughout the civilized world? You can obtain 1
      414 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 560 16 M. HASSAN. LECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. M-97, Bras liasah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric aghts, fans, motors, etc., and vater service, please write to he above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. l IANG LIM PARK Farther Reduction of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and
      560 words
    • 493 16 THE PEOPJLE S;PAPEH: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Newly built houses at Oentlng Lane, oft* MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply %t 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—3. Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd., iose to Katong Park. Key to Inspect from '<'bui l. Ramsen'e Road, or 3, Margate Road. Particulars Tel. No
      493 words
    • 570 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Four D.C. Linotype motors, each U> H.P., also the following four large D.C. motors, each of 460 volts, oie three H.P., one four H.P., one 4.5 H P. and one 6 H.P. All in good working order. Particulars and prices from the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56 GO,
      570 words
    • 281 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSICAL SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). 1-A. Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training bo h in Technique anc Theory. Complete Courses lvading to T.C.L j Certificate, Diploma. etc. Bock It free. M. ANCIAXO. Principal
      281 words
    • 453 16 CTS. IMGi Tt'Ef MALAYA TRIBUNE, 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. r 4YABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery hehfe, at office Postage or close (LocaJ or residence. F.MS.) rjour^ Yearly HUM OLN |SJJ)| Hall-Yearly 7.50 u*M tit* Quarterly 3.75 i 1 35 j SINGLE COPT 8 C£NTS Copies of back numbers of tht it
      453 words