Malaya Tribune, 29 July 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune THEMOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER N MALAYA. Vol XX.- iSo. IT 7 SLNLiAnJKE, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 FIVE CENTOS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, July 29, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 ilfCaliiun* j In Ihc oval flask. MILK AT ITS BEST i I NOW SINGAPORE'S FAVOURITE BRAND 8 111 rS. BECAUSE IJ Th<? Q«a«'y /s Worfh Titice /he Price I JILK PERFECT FOOD J TflE PERFECT FOOD I Bluejross The Perfect Milk -SS«M FOR B4BY j j SAFE AND GOOD FOR
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamond and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 79 2 Comments On The Mail Mv dear Nieces. CO itribat inns have lallen off this week and moa) appeal to all of you to keep your Corner" going. Two articles were received this week in connection with our debate and I am hoping to receive gui
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  • 524 2 ißy 'Jean.'.' Not once not twice, but a hundred time~ haw I a ked myself this question: How do they do it: By "they"' I mean those bored, heavy-lidded women whore pictures you come bo often in magazines and weekly paper:. T have, a* preaenl
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  • 619 2 (By "Ipoh Maiden") It wjs a bright, glorous and delightful sunny noontide, when I found myself with nothing particular to do. I went down-stairs and out t the open cool air. There I was greeted by my school-mates whc proposed to go exploring the woods that formed the
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  • 361 2 Should Girls Bob Their Hair? i By "Betsy.") I think. Auntie Lizzie is very wise to choose again such an interesting subject for ou: secoral debate. I have been waiting for a long time to give seme of my opinions about girls bobbing their hail and I think.
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  • 106 2 'By "Nightmare."> To grow cr not to grow, that is the question But it Is one that leads to no heated argument because gicls of to-day are not led by fashion, half so much as they used to be. They grow their hair long—or keep it quite short just
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  • 263 2 fBy Jan.") Many of you have eaten a durian. and know what it is. but. perhaps, you do not know how ic got its name. I know a story that will interest you but whether it is true or not I do not know. Once upon a time
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  • 113 2 (By 'Lilac" K.L.-t I suppose most >cf you, my cousins, have heard of the 'Girls' Annual Sports Day that was held here in K.L. last Saturday. There were seven competing teams. They each had a different uniform. The whole affair went eff well. The sack race
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 216 2 Delicious MILKMAID Toffee j mL, "Mummy, how do you AY V\ I' make 1 j V^Ny^ 3 6 "That is very simple, 11 j j 1 large tin "MILKMAID" Milk I M.fljli 1 tables p° on golden syrupj Milkmaid Bk&W »r 0 Sweetened AleUtOU. y Melt butter and sugar together,
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  • 791 3 MIGHT AS WELL BE SCRAPPED. Selfish Attitude Of Commanders Of Warships. "OFFICERS AND MEN OF ROTTEN STUFF." That the Chinese Navy is useless and that Nanking has no real control over it is the contention of the "Peiping Morning
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  • 114 3 Anti-Civil War League Again Active. Shanghai, July 5. Fxierntion of Anti-Civil War League y»s erdav addressed an urgent telegram to the fetttaty leaders in Szechuen requesting them t< ctasf their operations at once and form a ■ntted front against the Communist threat fiom the north. F.cU ration
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  • 60 3 Hangchow, July 4. T** Hjirnen authorities report that yester- a Brysteriow aeroplane hovered over n i«r half an hour and then left in an -u-nv direction. The aeroplane was of a and did not tear a n>* national 'A Z~nV 1 Painted on it were tt 5_ evide
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  • 53 3 Nanking, July 6. aeneral ***** Touylng v »ncial of Chau roan of the Hupeh ProOtSrßjjS. has 1)6611 acce P^ d b y **»c m* nnou ncement has yet been «W?? successor, it is generally M; lyor of l^ 1 General Chan Chun, former v WUI given 1116
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  • 125 3 Second Circular Telegram Of Protest. Canton, July 7. The South-west Political Council has decided to issue a second circular telegram to the country voicing its opposition to the Dairen Conference. In this wire, the South-west Political Council will state it regards the Dairen Conference as a '•second" Tangku
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  • 77 3 Soldiers Subscribing To Buy Machines. Foochow. July 12. The rank and file of the 19th Route Army are extremely anxious to expand the aviation force of the unit. It has already about thirty aeroplanes. The officers and men of the 19th Route Army have now agreed to contribute
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  • 46 3 Shanghai, J"uly 7. It is learned from well-informed circles that Mr. T. V. Soong is returning to China on July 14 on board the Italian liner Conte Rosso." The steamer ls expected to arrive in Shanghai on August 7.— China Times.
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  • 347 3 Red Terror In North Hupeh. Hsiaokan (Hupeh), July 6 COMMUNISTS are still active in Northern Hupeh, especially around Hsiaokan, in spite of the efforts exerted by the military authoriUes to wipe out the menace. The Communists operating in this area are those belonging to the
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  • 227 3 Peiping. July 2. According to a reliable report received from j Kalgan. there has been practically no fighting in Chahar during the lan few weeks despite the reports issued by Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang and General Fang Cheng-wu claiming victories in Northern Chahar. It is understood that
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  • 271 3 Spoils Of War. MANY MEN AND GUNS TAKEN. Peiping, July 11. ACCORDING to a special telegram received here from Kalgan, two brigades of Japanese infantry have arrived at Dolonor to reinforce the garrison there. These Japanese troops and the Manchoukuo garrison forces at Dolonor this morning engaged
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  • 260 3 Sequel To Riots Of Students. I Anking. July 8. T*HE student trouble in Anking which re- sul ed in the wounding of a school present and several examination officials appointed by the Provincial Educational Bureau has necessitated the declaration of martial law bv the provincial authorities.
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  • 481 3 SHANGHAI PAYS TRIBUTE. Volunteer Leaders. Highest Respect Of People. Shanghai, July 12. 4>r pHE various public bodies in Shanghai are giving a reception to-day in honour of Generals Ma Chan-shan, Su Ping-wen, Li Tu. Chang Tien-Chiu and other Volunteer leaders who fought gallantly against the Jananese last
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 Small j Injuries o> which is easily applied and 2 s SBar which does not get out of place, even when applied to j ti"** >>SSSS 18 C^ta^naiL) e rom spcnsar es N. V. Straits Java Trading Co.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 536 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. j SG-.'i7, Bras Kasab Road, I SINGAPORE. llfI If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Farther Reductions of Rents from Ist August. 1933.
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    • 587 4 j TO LET. TO LET—Newly built houses at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply j at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Siglap, furj nished, by day or month. Apply Yeo Chiang I Swee, 153, Grove Road. "Phone 7405. TO LET—3. Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Pd., close
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    • 275 4 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Four D.C. Linotype motors, each H.P., also the following four large D.C. motors, each of 460 volts, one three H.P., one four H P., one 4.5 H.P. and one 6 H.P. All in good working order. Particulars and prices from the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56 60. Anson
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    • 421 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that whereas Madam Lim S ew Neo alias Nya Nya has deserted and left ;tv- protection of her husband Mr. Tan Teng Kee cf No. 7-C. Onan Road, Singapore. Mr. Tan Terg Kee wM not be responsible for the nets or debts of Madam Lim
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    • 449 4 EDUCATIONAL. J TAR EASTERN MUSICAL SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-.V Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both in Technique and Theory. Complete Courses hading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO. Principal. THE MODERN
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    • 479 4 U Tooth Paste" is vs.k fu ti all,, an art it I v n f confidence. I ijoii MMij tnist I 111 9 c iam,i run M CD CTS. Everywhere MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. b/ASCRIPTION RATES. I- IT ABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including lmiudlni at office Postage I'ostan or close
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  • 2326 5 COMMISSIONERS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Short Meeting. Wages Of Bath Attendant Reduced. YESTERDAY'S meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was an unusually brief one, the two main subjects diacunfed being the salary of the life-guard at Mount Emily Swimming Pool and improvements to Jaian Besar Stadium. The first matter gave
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  • 163 5 <JIHE position now is this. What Uie British A producers found out eleven years ago and were rash enough to put into application, playing a lone hand in the belief that they .ould "put it over" theii- compeUtors, is now oeing appreciated
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  • 167 5 r ANKS to His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementt and the wise observations Sir Samuel Wilson. His Majesty's Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, made during his recent visit to this country what was taking place will now come to a full stop and the rtulers, whose fathers
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  • 196 5 HIS Excellency could not have chosen a better occasion than that of the august assembly of Malay Sultan for making his s atement for the back to the land" movement is particularly appropriate for the Malays who were tempted by the high prices of rubber to forsake their
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  • 230 5 LACK of publicity as to the constitution of the Pool, the prices paid for its socks, he proportion of Straits tin in those stocks, and the steps to be taken to satisfy the quitelegi imate demand for that particular kind of tin, make any useful discussion of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 356 5 Use Lux Toilet Soap and get A BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT of a FAMOUS FILM STAR Save your Lux Toilet Soap wrappers They entitle you to a magnificent photograph of a famous film star. When you have I IICV all USe collected 5 wrappers from large Lux Toilet Soap or rai pcrs
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  • 635 6 Shipping News Notices. NEW AMERICAN LINER. Manufactured Weather On Washington. MANUFACTURED weather" in cabin and tourist dining saloons on the new United States liner "Washington" assures a comfortable temperature in these rooms no matter what the outside weather conditions may be. An air conditioning system such as many mo ion
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  • 269 6 Hatch Covers Fall On Four Workmen. The New Zealand Shipping Companj, Limited, and the Blackfriars Lighterage Cartage Company, Limited, were summoned at Last. Ham Police Court, for, it was alleged, neglecting to observe one of the Docks Regulations, 1925. Mr. Cyril Lowe, In-pector of Factories and Workshops,
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  • 401 6 Nanking Gunboats Will Watch Strongholds. ONE of the mo t essential measures fcr tn? eradication of piracies along the China ;oast is that sufficient gunboats of the Chinese Navy should be despatched to patrol and watch the notorious .'trongholds of the pirates at Bias Bay and Hon-
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  • 236 6 Valuable Work Done During The Year. The Committee of Management for the school Jiip "Conway" have presented to the Council Jf the Mercantile Marine Service Association the governing body) their 73rd annual report. .hich indicate that the reputation of the "Conway" is a valuable etiucanonal institution and a
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  • 303 6 Russia And Japan Differ Over Limits. ACCORDING to a report received by the Japanese Foreign Office on July J2. from Mr. Ogata, the Japanese Consul at Petropaulovsk. in connection with the seizure of the Japanese ship "Kotohira-maru" by Russian officials, the local Soviet representative visited he Japanese Consulate
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  • 194 6 Leith To Be Last Launching At Devonport. The sloop "Leith" is to be launched at Devonport Dockyard on Saturday, September 9. i It is not yet announced who will perform the naming ceremony, or whether it will be open to the public, although being on a Saturday
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  • 121 6 Threat Of Action By Conference. The Committee of the Pacific Freight Conference has now published the following as oeing the points agreed to at the meetings. 1. The Conference to urge outsiders to join, and in case they refuse to participate, to take a drastic action against them.
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  • 409 6 Truth About Scapa Flow And German Fleet. FOURTEEN years afterwards, the real truth about the scuttling in Scapa Flow of the German Fleet is revealed for the first time by the Germans themselves. The man who planned and organised the scuttling of the German Fleet was Admiral
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  • 155 6 Italian Salvage Vessel's Big Haul. The Italian salvage vessel Artiglio arrived at Plymouth again recently after an interval of eight months with gold and silver valued at approximately £50,000 salved from the liner Egypt," which was sunk off Ushant nearly 12 year ago. This last cargo, which was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 166 6 !tfjiLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA i Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suex, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said. Brindisi. Venice and Trieste. ffi y Ang v Due Leave Due mv MONCAUERI Sept. 16 Sept' 16 S pore. Spore. Venice. FOR HONGKONG,
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    • 210 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIN IE Deutjck j [HLZr] Auatrallsche Pampfgchrffa [fl**CJ Oeeellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug! 6 t m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila Aug. 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept. 7 t m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Sept. 19 s.s.
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    • 546 6 STEAMER^&ULTp^ The undernoted an *he Comnanrfixture*:- '^■^lil^ OUTWARDS. 5 "SAALE" for Manila. HcneW IW I Shanghai. N. China and X?"* S "LAHN" for Manila. BocjL Au l North China and J?p-~ 5 "TRAVE" for Manila. Honekcr. 4 Shanghai. North Chma .J--HOMEWARDS. 5 "FRANKEN" for Marseille 0 Havre, Dunkirk, Rotterdam, Hu
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  • 502 7 Singapore, Saturday, ll a.m. IS*"The following tin share quotations are Issued toy Fraser and Co., exchange and stock brokers: I>sue Value. Buyers. Sellers. •j Aam Kumbang Tin 27 6 So|- ADStral Malay 28 6 30|- a; r Hitam Tin 13j9 14 6 •jl A r
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  • 176 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER WEAKENS FURTHER. Tin Rises In London: Steady In U.S. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday. To-Day Prices:— Rubber (Singapore) 12 cts., down ft ct. Market Tone: Weaker. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 3 27 32d., down 5 16d. Market Tone: Steady at decline. New
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  • 158 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot-r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are a* follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon 11.19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 67 7 Loss to May 31 of Scatish Tea and Rubber Trust Co. was £907 (against net profit of £1,497). This is first occasion company has made a loss. Net balance, including £ti,ooo brough: in. and after deducting year's kjea, fees and incometax, was £5,107, which is carried
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  • 1211 7 Chairman On Future Prospects. The thirteenth annual general meeting of j Sungei Tukang Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the Registered Offices oi tiie Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penang. on Jul} 12. 1933. The Hon. Mr. F. H. Grumitt presiding, said: I should like to add
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  • 39 7 Dollar Devaluation Rumours. Reuter. London, July 28. devaluatio of the «ternmr M tm then terms of mi lt )h hard K cned to 4 -33 but eased later to 4.45 absence of confirmation of the report:-
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 133 7 Overseas Turnover Down In Half Year. Amsterdam, July 9. HcZT^i 10 offh ial fiBures im P° r,s **> tar» This. Ie amwn:cd to millions (at X m J UWS 110 c h ange on rl May total bu compares with £9 millions in June 1932 Exports(WW valued at
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  • 125 7 U.S. Federal Reserve Bank's Action. Acticn of the Federal Reserve Banks in resuming purchases of Government securities to he extent of $25,000,000, and a reduction of the rediscount rate of the New York Reserve Bank from 3 to 2'» per cent, constituted outstanding developments in the money
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  • 130 7 Loss of the Lenda Rubber C mpany for thyear to March 31, 12 204 (against £3,298 loi '931-32». After charging exp.nd ture on upkeep of the immature areas and me value or the reserves land surrendered tt Sic Government, a debi: tulancv of £9.488 is carried forward.
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  • 45 7 Less to March 31 of Tai Tak Plan a turns WI (against Ices of £3.029 >. From reserve is takaa £i.300. plus £15 brought in. 1 kvtnfl torward £1.050. £3.500 of r:serve applied In writing down bock value of building, machinery, plan:, etc.
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  • 657 7 Singapore, Saturday. II a in. The following rubber share quotation* are issued by Fraser and Co.and Lyah ana Evatt: Issue Value. Praser Lyai] S» Shares Co Evatt 1 $0.75 $0.85 $0.70 $0.85 I Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 055 0.65 IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20 1.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 94 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). BLNGAFOBE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Pald-up-Capltal £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 BEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi. Madras. Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra. Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 68 7 Small SavinqsjL LIGHTEN *m I FINANCIAL mSL pathway fgff^ llm YEARLY INTEBEST PAID 70 YOU QUARTERLY. Small Savings regularly deposited will soon build up for you a substantial Bank *df%CVfc Balance..ready for the moment when h is most needed. *4ĔL THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OP <*T NEW YORK. Pays an
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    • 244 7 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid lp $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 264 8 A raai ul c Mai ent s jj MATINEE j to-DAY 3.15 j I TO-NIGHT POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT I j Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Lavish Daring Comedy set to a back- j ground of Beautiful Viennese Music John Barrymore IN j "Reunion In Vienna" With Beautiful DIANA WYNYARD. j TO-MORROW (OPENING AT MATINEE,
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    • 310 8 MATINEE TO-DAY NOT SINCE "SUNSHINE SUSIE' AND "JACK'S IJ<j HAVE YOU HAD SUCH A TREAT AS TH IS! THE GRANDEST SHOW ON EARTH I •mml t I 111 L *\I*W mi m lrl ta< j j' Xcve n l as f nv] entertau eenl fl_S3j? i,! Singapore will see this
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  • 1831 9 A Valid Lien On The Shares. PRIVY COUNCIL JUDGMENT. Tbe Full Text. as briefly reported in a cable from our own correspondent at the lime, ifri Batu Pahat Bank, Ltd., won their appeal in Privy Council against judgment <>f the Supreme Court, Singapore. The full judgment has
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 72 9 THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION Th° All-British Portable Typewriter buiU en the standard 4-bank principle, •mbracing all the facilities attached to a Standard Typewriter. THE VERY LATEST IN PORTABLES ON THE MARKET. Shipments by every mail. Sole Agenta: vuncan Roberts, Ltd. 11l 114 A, Robinson Ravi niniaf a roan* 7t4#.
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    • 621 9 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End, ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 6:30 a.m. Holy Communion. a.m. Mauns. J a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.10 a.m., Holy Communion. Holy SS^E? I ,Choral) and Sermon. ™™TZ°* Monday Wednesda Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN GARRISON CHURCH (Open To Visitors) am Holy Communion ■••45
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    • 374 9 SINGAPORE MOTHS 1 (The most magnificently situated hotel in the Island. j ALL MODERN COMFORTS UP-TO-DATE SERVICE HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT (newly decorated). Single Rooms from $12.1 per month |f per day. Double Rooms from $200 $10 Luncheon $1: Dinner $1.50. TENNIS: $2 per court for 4 persons each afternoon; TT 0r
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    • 86 9 CAPITOL THEATRE! I MALACCA J TO-NTGIIT:— J I Ce. il B. De Mine's j "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS." A Paramoun v Picture. TO-MORROW: "POLITICS." (Marie Dresner and Folly Moran). A Metro-Gcldwyn-Maytr Picture. Ipfe# i BURIN GOL. R. cools head, prevents baldness, blackens hairs, cures all brain complaints, eye and
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  • 542 10 Many protagonists of rubber restriction will be disappointed by the Reuter cable published yesterday. It indicated that differences had arisen between Dr. Van der Waal, head of the Economic Section of the Colonial Office, Holland, and the Dutch Rubber Growers' Association and that these differences might entail further
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  • 215 10 Comments By The Way. A READER residing in Kota Bahru mentions that the Malaya Tribune of July 20 did not arrive unttl the 25th, owing to certain alterations in the railway fervice. Just how far this permanently effects the postal arrangements between Singapore and the capital
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  • 234 10 THE naval defence of Singapore is to be s.rcngthencd by the addition ol the "Ter- ror." a monitor which carries 13 officers pnd 202 men, and which will be stationed at the Naval Base. The assignment of this vessel to Singapore gives some idea of the progress
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  • 204 10 THE plight of the Selangor Turf Club due to the depression makes extremely unlikely their chances of. entering early into .heir propesed "new" racecourse. They have sunk a quarter of a million dollars into rhis venture, which may well become a total loss to Uiem. But the
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  • 116 10 During one wtik's display of articles made at the Taiping Jail nearly 50C orders weie secured and these alone will keep the jail workshops going full time for two to three months. Mrs. Yeap Seng Hin has died. She had come to Penang to
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  • 39 10 The Indo-Ceylonese community of Taiping entertained Mr. J. N. Sheffield and Mr. Toh Eng Hoe to a tea-party in honour ol their being appointed Justices of the Peace for the State of Perak by His Highness the Sult.ui.
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  • 174 10 The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was all over in three minutes, the president going through nine formal items of business with one single int r rruption, when a commissioner rose to second item No. 6. The other items did not even require a seconder. The marriage has
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  • 113 10 The engagement is announced between Alfred Francis Lendon Barrow, son of Sir Franc's B;rrow, Bart., and the late Lady Barrow, of West Molesey. Surrey, and Ruth Mary Milsum. aaughter of the late Mr. W. S. Milsum of Frensham. Surrey, and Mrs. Milsum, Gove nnent Plantations, Serdang. The Chinese
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  • 43 10 A Malay named Ahmat bin Sadi was convicted of having dishonestly received at Sal-k village 194 katis of sheet rubber value $25.22, the property of Jendaram Estate, having reason to believe that the said rubber was stolen pioPerty. He was fined $50.
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  • 20 10 Mr. R. j. h. Sidney lectured on Eastern Cities" to the teachers and children of the local English schools.
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  • 400 10 BY "LOOKER-ON" Again leading the way! A A To-morrow's Sunday Tribum i contain an art supplement of l 0 c»! and topical pictures. A But the price remains the same —five cents. A A A There never has been such valu* for money in the history
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  • 53 10 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 1 CHINA NEWS, on page 3. MUNICIPAL MEETING, on V* CHURCH SERVICES, on page >' SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14 and la OUR SHORT STORY. OB P»f* 1 RADIO NEWS, on page 17. JOHORE NEWS, on page 18 CLUB DIARY, on page 18
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 j C) The j I felfif 0 Children's j awn fabric! Nursery Viyella is its name. Nursery Viyella is the perfect nursery fabric. It is washable almost to infinity, and never, never shrinks It is soft and soothing to the most tender baby skin. Absorbent, safe, protective in all temperatures
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    • 123 10 Pianos Bought, Sold j I And Exchanged. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. CHEAP SALE STOCK CLEARANCE Siam teak-wood in all sizes. JONG THYE HENG, 150, LAVENDER STREET. 'Phone 3647. DANCING. j Foxtrot, Walts, Tango, etc., taught ftt Rena's Dance Studio. Meyer Flat 6, Coleman Street. ARE You
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  • 559 11 WARSHIPS TO BE SENT FOR INVESTIGATION. Protest To The Powers. Mutiny Of Volunteer Forces Outside Tientsin. dramatic situation has arisen in the Pacific owing to {iv occupation of certain coral islands by the French. Projts haw been made by the
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  • 256 11 General Cheng Among The Deserters. Shanghai, July 28. M.:. Yan Tung, leading the magistrates and the polic?. t ok over the Ningho. Yuktien. Luantufien, Lokting, Changly, Fooning and Lolung districts yesterday. The Japanese troops have stopped the Man1 chukuo irregulars under Gen. Shih Yu San from being transferred
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  • 61 11 '«'test News Of Rubber Scheme. l r "m Our Own Correspondent.) Lond n July 28. ml Times understands that the 1 l he Amsterdam restriction hitch a u;udc of Indo-Cbina and Siam. i 'ibjecriJns were raised by the British rf Presenutives. P S d s h
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  • 42 11 Lan v >°" n employed in one of Mr. had Ktes hutories in Sumbawa Road en tsU f hl fin Beis completely severed *nt. urbda y his fiTht hand beca»ie tnti >ngkd in some machinery. J take* to hospital by ambulance.
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  • 101 11 Seventy Thousand Men On Strike. Reuter. Washington, July 88. PRESIDENT Roosevelt is greatly encouraged by the country's response to his re-employment campaign and has decided to assume new powers by forcing industries to adopt wage and hour codes. It is now announced that tftor Mj. > _9M
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 29 11 A second meeting of delegates from community associations to U IHIIHHr will be held at the Garden Club. Raffles Chambers, next Wednesday. l 5 15 Pm-
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  • 104 11 Sensation In U.S.A. LEFT HIGH AND DRY IN LONDON? Reuter. New York, July 28. 'JpHE "Herald Tribune's" Washington correspondent says that there is talk of Mr. Cordell Hull resigning his post as Secretary of State owing to his treatment at the President's hands and the intervention
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 238 11 Theft Of A Singer Sewing Machine. A Portuguese Eurasian named Reginald Micheale Thesira. a former employee of the Singar Sewing Machine Co.. was convicted yesterday morning by the Second Magistrate. Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, of having criminally misappropriated a seTving machine, valued at $112. The accused went
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  • 215 11 Distinguished Audience At Annual Function. A large and enthusiastic audience was present at last night's entertainment in aid of the orphans, at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus. Lady Clementi and the M'sses Clement! were the guests of honour and other distinguished guests were Mr. A. S.
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  • 54 11 Alleged Gambler Taken To Hospital. When the police made a gambling raid on a house in New Market Street yesterday afternoon one of the alleged gamblers, a Chinese, in attempting to escape arrest, slipped and fell reavily. He was bruised and was unable to run any further. The
    54 words
  • 35 11 Leaving For Home Via Southern Ireland. Reuter. St. Johns, Newfoundland July 28. The Italian Armada. h»s reverted to its Intention to return via Valentia, Ireland, at 8 cm. British SummeT Time to day.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 734 11 PLOT TO DISFIGURE FEATURES. Tamil Sentenced. Alleges 111-Treatment By Police. gENTENCE of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Gerahty yesterday at the Assize Court on Sinnathamby, a middle-aged Tamil, for attempting to administer a stupefying drug to ar. actor called Vellappa, to
    734 words
  • 74 11 Sikh Alleged To Have Resisted Arrest. A Malay police constable attached to the Telok Ayer Division, and a Sikh, said to be a hawker, were injured yesterday, when the ccuple came to grips. It appears thH the Sikh refused to go a* ay when ordered and resisted arrest.
    74 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 246 11 not merely tM 3p a perfume l'N the opinion of many women /liV who never use ordinary per- Al» A fumes, Eau de Cologne is an (IP 1 essential to the toilet. For W mtk\ ood Eau dp Col ne KEY 1 I Trf \^mmmTs£ Ml BRAND has qualities and
      246 words

  • 1891 12 M4LICIOUS AND MISLEADING." HEATED DISCUSSION IN BANKRUPTCY COURT. A heated discussion took place in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Mills, on a motion by the Official Assignee to commit a bankrupt to prison for non production of the books
    1,891 words
  • 116 12 Alleged Robbers Acquitted And Discharged. There a quick finish to the trial of tiires Chinese, Tang Ah Koon. Koo Ah See. See Kim Eoon, before Mr. Justice Gerahty, and a common jury, at the Assizes yesterday, on a ch rge O- armed robbery. Mr. J. H. Basset «the
    116 words
  • 393 12 Sceneshifters' Next Production. Rowland Lyne. director of the Scencshifters, writes as follows: Apart from the plays or acting, two criticisms have been made with regard to the recent productions in the Glade Theatre, criticisms which we hope to overcome a? follows: 1. Too short notice was
    393 words
  • 384 12 Special Attractions At Anniversary. THE New World, that ever popular amusej rk A in Sin gapore, will be celebrating it? tenth Anniversary early next month commencing from Aug. 4. and ending on Aul a. both days inclusive. o,f Fta iSh ed in the year 1923 about a yea.*
    384 words
  • 172 12 I I Security Of $1,350 Paid Into Treasury. VISCOMTE Rrpl.r.el dp Bondy, of Ilaub HiAker «states. lid. Pnhar.g, who ii in f ineapoiv cn his wjf Home on leave, \va c pjeduced before the District Judge. Mr. H. A. IVjrrer, yesterday. He wss asked to show cause
    172 words
  • 54 12 Siamese War Veterans' Appeal To Govt. From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Bangkok. July 28. The Siamese -Comrades of the Great Warhave appealed to Government to provide a permanent headquarters for themselves and their dependents. They also request a monthly allowance of 400 ticaLs to keep up the headquarters. The
    54 words
  • 40 12 Messrs Jackson and Stratford will welcome EL l e G Spel b eing heid in the ne* hall near the eld Tank Road railvav -ta.ior en Thursdays at 6 p.m. and BMurdus at 3 p.m. Hymn boots provided. No ccllection.
    40 words
  • 99 12 Editor rJ AT' Morcira icminst the bro °*t hr A «5 plaintiff $iS 55?«%ZS half-pay fa ,Va!? ALso on i ~U ir '"ll "•■"flag th. clafc s?***J lowed I 5ec,::,;.,, 'here v J to go to Eu: JJ* month's salary uTJJ" chj t-> to recover bajj h
    99 words
  • 61 12 MM* IMwUs T, mf Henart. London, J sir Herbert Beau*] utf oih. The British delegation t./\ h( Conference, include todissN women of ali oliUval to Banff. Canada The entir-% unofficial chararer m J ftrtnce was made dear at ZL*I! Si of Commons w,-dav '2fUS the expression of
    61 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      37 words

  • 52 13 i; -i" «I clian Mail) is due here jj.n U-St.. from Tries.e, Said B:mbay and j .i! again the ame day at 5 d SqukIvI. S HIi. ING OFFICES. j Import and Expor if.:-. Situ/day. Aug. 5 and ./.if ur only
    52 words
  • 69 13 ;pcre. July 29. >v iri •i r .an,'f OmPn 1 1 v > Lalandia (haul Entrance Gate 3> Pres. Pierce i 2 p.m. shifts Entrance Gate 3). S3 Em Tong 35; C'.-y of ai re Gate 4). i) ueattaa 48. (1 .:.iance Gate 4>. .1 (Cntrance Gate 7).
    69 words
  • 18 13 From China and Japan by 3w **ffc r due at Singapore at 6 cm. en Monday.
    18 words
  • 223 13 For Mum Marin ffrr Methods. INSPIRATIONAL: Men at Top Mean cto Gact la—Elbe t Hubbard 0.-5. cumbißt up Getting 0\ r DiflSeuttie! H Tips on Lurk 1 success and Happiness l-J-Looking on Bat Bright Bide i■_<«■ 12 Worst Mistaken In Bavin H Will Power In Business
    223 words
  • 169 13 Singapore, j!!,y I London 4 months' sight > .f* London J sight 32 London 00 d:ys' sigh j e4 L-i.don 30 days' sight C 4 London demand 2 a ~o London T.T. 98 0 h: ons and Paris demand jro Hamburg oemand New Ycrk demand £a Latavia
    169 words
  • 295 13 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, JUUY 29. T i3h Tide.;.— a.m., 2.49 p.m. Odf: bland Club. July Medal. League Football: Div. I. I.C.F.A. v. Wiltshire, Jaian Besar; P. B:ani v. R.A., Anson Road. Tr.dniinton Championship. Drill Hall. 2.30 p.m. Cricket: S.C.C. v. Med.
    295 words
  • 141 13 I ALHAMBRA. —Lorctta Young and Gene Raymond m -Zoo in Budapest/ CAPITOL. —Jctm Barrymore and Diana Wynyard in "Reunion In Vienna."' EMPIRE.— Air Mail." with Ralph Bellamy and Slim Summerville. GREAT WORLD. —Side shows, Cabaret, j Malay opera. Chinese wayang. silent and talkj ing films iSky Talk::: "Marry Me,"
    141 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 226 13 dung good, a iy oiled to ensur ,hi.« healthy teeth. Use day—morning, after tiffin. P i men. women and it -r-ientifically safe at ii r S3- fMS. BARLOW COMPANY rt A Kjii'.a Lumpur 2. A PH —5. A ITeadrrfui wverj in the Medical World sll>l>:!\ »t v. >iAM \R.\naWAJA. I
      226 words
    • 69 13 Amateur Photographic Contest. Bring Us Your Developing and Printing Work. i LEASE CALL FOR ROLES AND COUPONS AT HtLLOWAY'S STUDIO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE, 60, BRAS BASA H ROAD I GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO--111, South Bridge Road, Singapore. 4 *y Optician Mr. C. Y. PAN). CIIARGES CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE. 1 Sight
      69 words
    • 277 13 %t BQ pott tret am|whm Jyj yj V'% Published in aid ot THI PLANTERS W BENEVOLENT ffUND OF MALAYA A LON T G FELT WANT for those adopting Newbolt's The Book of 'he Long T ail as a text for ihe Cambridge Examination. JUST PUBLISHED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on Newbolfs
      277 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 228 13 I jPOSTAL INTELUGtHCt .1 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. "Cevion, S-uthern r»nd V rsurn India. Europe. Great Britain and Western Australia (Aramis) (Fr.nch Mail) 12&»1 p.c. Banka Island, Piadjue and Palemsang (Senang) 2 p.m. China and Japan (Deucalion) 2 p.m. Kemaman. Remark. Kretay, Dungun, rrcngganu and Besut 3 p.m. North and
      228 words
    • 67 13 DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan Meteorological Service. yesterday. Sight Max. Bright Mm. Temp Ralufall SuLshtn T"up Stations Deg F Inches Hours Deg.P. hi r Star 86 1.42 1.3 72 Bitlamafl 88 0.15 1.9 73 X Treng4anu 85 Nil 0.3 73 Bukit Jeram 88 Nil 5.3 72 Malacca 84 0.51 2.7 72
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  • 301 14 LARGE CROWD AT JALAN BESAR. Athletic Sports. fUE annual athletic sports meeting of the Mercantile Institute was held at the Jaian Besar Staduim yesterday afternoon, a very large gathering of students, parents and friends being present. A heavy PNlgramßM of
    301 words
  • 72 14 Two Singapore Players Not Available. epoits Club are unabj, to go to Penan, to *2 th <* v. F.M.S. cricket match next v. eek-end. After consultation with Penang tan 'ccal Rectors h,,e asked W EL McNeill, of «2 6m?apore Cricks Club, to fill one rj| £c
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  • 16 14 urur n Badminon Party t*M > (V Tan X- Taj S Tar, Soo Aik SSS2£SSE»a
    16 words
  • 13 14 Minto Younstery untitled XI v the Kampong .i-n-.orrow ai Beach Ro;id «round A»£aa'-attaarsS
    13 words
  • 16 14 Playing on the S.H.B.J.S. Club ground on Athirtac Party bv 3 A And eh,.og ™*,,?.,1,! j
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  • 269 14 Exciting Match At Bournemouth. Rueter. rpHERE was an exciting finish in the County X championship match begun on Wednesday jat Bournemouth, Hampshire, just filing by I seyen to secure the runs required for victory after Lancashire had declared their second innings and put the home side in.
    Rueter.  -  269 words
  • 417 14 Agenda For August Conference. HpHE taatth all Malaya Urban Co-operative v. Cov fercncs consisting of of j urban thrift loa i socie ies in Ma! va to :be hed the auspice o thi Sriango Urban Cd op ra:ivĕ Un.on. Ltd.. w:il b- h 1 ;on Sunday
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  • 18 14 //•row Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 29. It is raining heavily and the going is heavy.
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  • 126 14 College Take First Knock. [fTtHE two-day match between the Medical j X College the S.C.C. commenced ;on the Padang yesterday, when the M C U took first knock. Score: M.C.U. Mohd. Dai b Cranford a C. Aiphonso b McNeill L. Alvis c Cianford b McLeed 16 W.
    126 words
  • 386 14 Sinhalese And Eurasian In Court. d( :dV at tnis sta c becausea zsr uic po ibiiny 01 I MM ce.iacri that the case should go on In Ma cv dcncc. E. R. Fernando, the first £2* J*** at the time cf the "lieged •n^moui 1 10 Urn but
    386 words
  • 95 14 Men's Championship Singles. JOHN Lim has qualified to meet Lim Bong Soo in the men"s open championship singles .n the lawn tennis tournament at the S.C.R.C. Latest results and ties are: CHAMPIONSHIP SHINGLES: (semi-final): .\>hn Lim beat Thutt Pitt 4—6, 6—l, 6—3. CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES: Lim Bong Soo
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  • 476 14 Chinese Sentenced For Cheating. THE A. B. C. Brewery in Alexandra Road was mentioned in a case of cheating that aai heard befcre the Third Magistrate (Mr M. H. Blacker* yesterday. The accused. Tan Nee Poh. was alleged to have cheated a compaYact out of
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  • 375 14 Complainant Who Was Told He Was Lucky. Hadji EuGof appeared before the Second Ma?„f T "V F p G, ™> uLv C i arge °i thcU of a sold wristlet A a at 25 property of Hadji Adam on May 19. Court In pect:r Bern broke prosecuted. Hadji
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  • 173 14 New Premises Promised. SPEAKING at tha prize distribution at vie V.M.C.A. swimming pool yesterday. My. R. Lyne (General Secretary) announced that the Association was contemplating, when tlmes return, constructing a new V.M.C.A. building on the present site, possibly a nvestoreyed one with additions at the wings. He requested
    173 words
  • 207 14 Malay And Chinese On Serious Charge. A N alleged assault on a Chinese fruit larmer. a*. which iubsequently led to his death, wa* mentioned before the Second Magistrate (Mr. J. P. P. Gregg). Two young apprentices, employed at a garage In Orchard Read, a Malay
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  • 304 14 Challenge R 0Und GREAT BRITAIN Reuter. Aut^il.J l; i v2B JHE challenge round 0 f the n Cup competition between V (holders) and Great Britain > of the inter-zone fnj to-day. comm^ The first two singles ana cesulted as follows h Pa* Austin (G 8., beat Mat.
    Reuter.  -  304 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1444 15 fine Running At The White City. Inndon, July 10. 0 r than seventeen titles charged hands in Hie nineteen events decided at the 4 bdiat the Whit? City, It don considering that all of last v:t re defending their titles, Irtish records were beaten. Ure
    1,444 words
  • 734 15 Universities Meet In Athletic Contest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 13. THE track and field athletic contest between combined teams from Oxford and Cambridge, and Harvard and Yale was held in the vast ivy-clad Stadium of Soldiers Field on Saturday, July 8. and, as in 1925. each
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  • 443 15 First Time In Six Years. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 13. rpHE King and Queen. King Feisal and Princess I- Ingrid of Sweden were among the fifteen thousand excited spectators at Wimbledon wh j watched Mrs. Wills-Moody (America) defeat Miss D. Round (England) in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 194 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. I The Great Eastern Lite Assurance Co., Ltd. i (Incorporated ln the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. E.O. j The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
      194 words
    • 253 15 10th ANNIVERSARY 10th. THE NEW WORLD The Oldest And Leading Pleasure-Park In Malaya. Watch-The 5 Big Nights 4th, sth, 6th, 7th and Bth Aug. 1933. Insurance AT 9 LOW RATES WITH I ABSOLUTE SECURITY I Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. L TEL. 5144. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, (i You enjoy drink without )U
      253 words

  • 2966 16 "By H. G. Well. "I MUST get rid of it/ said the man in the corner of the carriage, abruptly breaking the silence. Mr. Hinchcliff looked up, hearing imperfectly. He had been lost in the rapt contemplation of the college cap tied by a string
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 23 16 THE ORIGINAL I PRIMUS j I HEATING and LIGHTING apparatus. j SOU AOBNTS Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the S.S.) -r-r
      23 words
    • 257 16 I 111 f I :V^TtT#| with its MV A f U .tabbing pains in thebackcan qu.cmy lbecuredifyou Will but «H4 get a bottle of Eadu'i W 'M mWm\ Pills to-day and take th.-m regu•arly. You fW3333W W wil .oon And you arQ feeling «A fitter and better than W» you
      257 words

  • 468 17 Modern Short Wave Receivers. HOW TO BUILD A SET. I u ,j Wires Short. M )VS RITTIONAL details. nave set I ever built valves, but they and >mponent* were dis-base-board large iniodate a modern tT"' -I'd to b*> the prethe short-wave ills tM ircnerally as "ini-. a principle that In-
    468 words
  • 142 17 Shanghai Municipality Approached. THE Shanghai Municipal Council has received a deputation of persons interested in the wireless industry who urged the need for action to check the present acute congestion of the local ether and overlapping of wavelengths among the numerous unregulated wireless stations. The deputation
    142 words
  • 144 17 Stations Received In Malaya. huisen (Holland). 18.88 metrea, 8.16 to 10.15 p.m KUALA LUMPUR (58 metrea). 8.30 to 8.30 p.m. Tuesday and Fridays and from 7 to 9 p.m Sundays. BANDOENG (P.M.Y.—58.3 metrea). Midday music. Prom 9.50 to 10.20 pm. pro gramme of European music. Also
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 113 17 Perfect World Radio Reception] with a GGCoPHONE Superheterodyne RECEIVER (For A.C. Mains) A highly efficient 6-valve Superheterodyne model r use with an external loud speaker. Designed to operate on the short and medium wavebands. j The result of intensive research and experience j of short wave reception in all parts
      113 words
    • 162 17 DIRECT FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE. "T" df\ W% i J MR. A. J. WILTON, I Wl% W -Tl AND Union Building, SINGAPORE. CYCLE LAMP REFILL rM BATTERIES LONG LIFE BRILLIANT j j j far N nf* Therearenw I/ 1 l -V merous causes war J w i JC rob man of his
      162 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 322 17 THE DAVENTRY STATION. Details Of Programmes In Advance. The following is the full programme (subject to alteration) which will be broadcast from the Empire station (Davrntry.) on 25.3 and 31.:; metrea lor the Indian, and Malayan /one Lrorn July 39 to August S (for further particulars see "World Radio.'*) PROGRAMMES
      322 words
    • 535 17 4.30 p.m. A pianoforte recital by La'-ric Cohen. 500 p.m. Readings from the Old Tes any nThe Beginnings of Israel: The Death cf Jacob—Genesis XLVIII. XLIX 5.15.-5.30. A Summary of the Week's News. MONDAY. JULY 31. 1933. GMT. 11.0 a.m.—1.0 p.m Tiansmission on an omni-directional aerial: 11.0 Chrma Organ Recital:
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    • 202 17 12 45—1 0 Studio Orchestral Corcert. 130 p.m Time Signal Big Ben. News Bulletin. '45 pm The Week Abroad, a talk by Mr. Verncn Bartlett. 2DO p m Concert by th" Scottish Studio Orchestra directed by Guy Dames. from Edinburgh; Edward Dennis violin*i. from Glasgow. (Time Signal from Greenwich
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  • 589 18 Man Worried About His Wife. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Jchore. July 27. A R°™° married Woma n named on her nSk Wh ad a Scar six case inX n Mos;rAmo- Chief the Waterwor k s M D:; S a r f m Tn, 2 the
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  • 146 18 i United Army To Fight the "Reds." Shanghai, J«ly 25. 1 Ccn. L:u Hsiang, the Chungking w'r-lord t has organised a Szechuen united army to flgh. the "Red?" in the province. Tang Sik Hou, Gen. Liu's subordinate who recen ly drovs out the Governor. Gen Liu Wen
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  • 506 18 Services To Dernrtinont Of Agriculture. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 27. rpS Excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Cecil Clementi, accompanied by Mr. H. G. Beverley. A.D.C.. and Mr. R. j. Curtis. Private secretary, srrived at Seremban to-day for the award of a Cert ficite of Honour to
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  • 347 18 Gen. Chan Tsi Tang Not In It? j Hongkong, July 26. ]t/f R- Yang Tak Chlao. who recently interJJI viewed Gen. Chan Tsi Tang, the Canton Commander-in-Chief, as the representative of Marshal Chiang Kai Shek, has stated that Gen. Chan is devoting his attention to suppressing the
    347 words
  • 45 18 Over Six Millions In Malaya And Burma. Shangha. July 2S. figures of the census taken cf the Pimm— Ch.nese are as follows, the total number being 18.J10.000: DuU-h colonies 3.370 009" British Malaya and Burma 8.550,000; Portuguese colonies, 1.180.030 Sin Chew Jit Poh
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 452 18 THE MODERN TOOTHPASTE i /^/Sf Ends Mouth Acids that Cause TOOTH DECAY ?4__\T Whitens the Teeth JjJ J O L I I I 1 Contains CWS'J rniiiips >gr Dental Magnesia AUCTION BALF CHEONG CO. j AUCTION SALE OF SINGAPORE TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES, AI Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s Sale-room,
      452 words
    • 454 18 COULD XOT^y Th i Mlt «/H matism. it is "> o* si < I cut of the system- ii 1 10 rjW this ma,,' trouble:—- j N "A bad attack of rheta h 1 ago laid me up for rmT** f **»rf 22 work. I Uki W sufficiently to batten
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 307 18 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Soc:el:ci -'n Singapore, most of the members of which arc -coders of the "Malaya Tribune." This JMsr% s provided specially for them. Secretaries vie mv.ted to co-operate in keeping fj up-to-date and complete. Hajpenings of general irJercst mm still be included in .the
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    • 320 18 Koriicks 8.P.: Badminton tournamen; y< East Ccast Road. 3.30 p.m. Chinese Amateur Orchestra: OrcVstrel practice. 139. Tank Road, 7.30 p.m. Vita 8.P.: Special general meeting. 35>-3 Butna Vista Road. 3 p.m. Attendance compulsory. Blue Eagle's 8.P.: General meeting, Mr Goh Teow Guans rseidericc. 9. Lorong 25. 10 a.m. Attendance compulsory.
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  • 80 19 isok At This Week's] Post-Rag. ti unber or entries for the tiich Happy-Go-Lucky I en not an easy task to nd scsed the best, but I the best feeag on "Why Chums' Club' had been 86 otWi b Himw i nom-de-plume I cannot prise has already
    80 words
  • 233 19 Chnam' Club, the "Corner" ributtans which we send in. met publication than those in by the non-members y backward in English Uncle Bob. who reads rrecta the grammatical misoor English. ■re yet schooling will find c r helps us in our essay arriting. >d to contribute on
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  • 164 19 B Longfellow," Kuching.) I I :!.at I could understand the birds' and languages, and what the trees say U» es'h other. I a:r. sure that when the stream tinkles mervr the rocks or stones it sings a little u:.ri f i could understand these things 1 iiould i>arn
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  • 107 19 Bu L. P. Yak.* V l nam ot fresh water rising in v b Unci, generally in a mountain Boding It wav either into the ocean or Different parts of the river iMerciM names. *finnin| 1 tailed its source; the end rs the lea its mouth, the channels
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  • 420 19 fßy L. K. Ktm.) Recently there called at the port of Singapore a small neatly designed sailing craft Ol a few tons. The vessel was named "Gullmarn.' Neither Its name nor its appearance would rouse the interest of any casual observer mr the vessel was not different from
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  • 102 19 4| iBy C. Altcis. > In the Ea-.t .here is not an art in j ping a> in America. The gangs o. racketeers have arisen rapidly to j States, and their «ri is jut. to bolt off whn a rich child of an adult, and -sk i TfKlc for
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  • 77 19 By -V. CJ The introduction of the bicycle to *te world 1 n the vxople. It is indeed a great S haT wheels of equal ch'cumleren^ The c Id-fashioned bicycle was for the use of both sexes. But at present The only a woman's has none, has a
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  • 46 19 Bu "Happy Pal."> School teachers always object to boys smoking, drinking and are caught in the punishment. J* „nripr ace The maan object oi S who are Sometimes you see that son£ absent-minded and do not know are doing. What P»ty to see mem.
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  • 585 19 ißy -The Wegian."> As the sun was above the horizon m the West. I went home as usual after my school s dismissal. But on that night I had an unusual sort .of dinner with no company a, tne table. Mv family had gone to Changi wnerc m
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  • 234 19 ißy Borax 1"> Allow me. uncle, to make use of this same title over again. M mmm Before I forget-our well-beloved "Happy-Go-Luck-Kid" left for Sarawak last Saturday, for which reason you must not expect his appearance at your office. Just a few words to my chums. Kid
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  • 258 19 (By C. S. Peng.t One day. it was on Saturday when I was going home with some of my Wf*™": Ing -Charles Ho." "Pete" and "Domjme Wong." after the Mickey Mouse Cuius irer show. We happened to witness an argument nstween a ricksha-puller and a cyclist on ac
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  • 369 19 ißy Smile-the-ichile," K.L.) I enjoy most reading the articles so humorously and well written by "The Mystery Man" in the Sunday Tribune. You all ought to add to your list this paper, which is becoming more and more popular in Malaya especially the offers of the Solid Dollars
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 135 19 1 "I've learned this secret of sparkling teeth and L USE Colgate's—that's the way to keep your teeth clean and beautiful! Its special polishing agent is the same one dentists use. And you'll find that Colgate's delicious, enticing flavour combats unpleasant breath leaves the mouth completely refreshed! Offensive breath is
      135 words