Malaya Tribune, 26 July 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.-No. I"7S SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, July 26, 1933 Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1933. FIVE CENIS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 Sunday Tribune fri Malaya! milk su PP?y h KLIM, yoti M worry about ice. Vacuum packed, KLIM come SUB to you in pprfect condition. Even after the can HSjB is opened it keeps for woexs without refrifreratioti. HI ilß™* KLIM is fresh milk—powdered. Suppli «1 from ne dairy sections in
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    • 184 1 '4k%m Hit 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. It's Worth Reaching For!!
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  • 5941 2 Itm ih.s sto.y down, not expecting it will be believed, but, if possible, to prepare a way of escape for the next victim. He perhaps may profit by my misfortune. Iff own case, I know, is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 How else could "CAPSTAN" retain the title 'Malaya's standard cigarette* if it were hot for constant attention to every detail of manufacture. They are so dependable—the next CAPSTAN you light will be as perfect as the one you have just enjoyed so much iWJk PST4N f I MALAYA'S STANDARD CIGARETTE
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  • 92 3 LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN GEN. FENG. NATION FED UP WITH LEADERS. A NO IMPROVEMENT IN THE NORTH. That Marshal Feng's actions have not improved the sitution in North China and that the people are fed up with their l 2 ders are the contentions
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  • 541 3 Shanghai. July 15. 1 -HE recapture of Dolonor says I n Pao," "by Marshal Feng nff'stroopa is the only encour--since the battle of HsiV.:..: wn en General Sung Chehtroopa held back the Japanese a number of days. nation has lately been much „ted with its
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  • 134 3 Anniversary Of Northern Expedition. Shanghai. July 7. JULY I being the seventh anniversary of the m Expendition from Canton, which wai. for the overthrow of the Peking latent, a public meeting will be held that Shanghai Kuomintang Office m celebrate the occasion. nnectkM M is learned that
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  • 102 3 The Japanese Troops Start Withdrawal. Peiping, July 6. Japanese troop» inside the Great Wall ...v., be<<un withdrawing in two directions. IV Japanese troops at Miyun are withdrawing towards Jehol while those at Tangshan withdrawing in the direction of Chinchow. Jiie Japanese troops now staiticned at San'n>'in. Tsunhua
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  • 409 3 The Present Situation In Kweichow. Chungking, June 30. AS a result of the continued civil war hi Kweichow the province has now been divided up into several sections, each under the control of an opposing General. Among these Generals the most powerful are Generals Yu Kuo Tsai, former
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  • 112 3 Report Of An Agreement Premature. Shanghai, July 4. MR. O. K. Yui, Secretary-General of the j Municipal Government of Grea'cr Shangh3i. had a meeting with Mr. Fessenden o j the Shanghai Municipal Council yeS er ay afternoon for the purpose of exchanging views regarding the question
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  • 126 3 Corruption In Young Marshals Regime. Nanking. July 2. Sensational revelations of official corruption in Hopei Province during the period «\hen > Marsha! Chang Hsueh-liang was in control in North China has just been made known by Mr. Shao Hung-chi. a member of the Control Yuan who has been
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  • 106 3 Bring Up Conditions For Exchange Of Loyalty. Hongkong. July 3. It is understood that, the three* warships which are now sailing for Canton have brought up three conditions for acceptance by the Cantonese authorities in exchange for their loyalty to the South-west. The conditions are: That the warships
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  • 109 3 Shantung Chairman Interviewed On Chahar. I Tsinan, July Interviewed by the press. General Han Fuchu. chairman of the Shantung Provincial Government, declared that under no condition, would he allow himself to be dragged into the whirlpool of the Chahar :n spite of his former relations with Marshal Feng
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  • 98 3 Two Provinces In Financial Difficulties. Nanking. July 6. For the purpose of raising funds to meet the deficit in the budget for the nexti fiscal year, the provincial governments of Kiangsu and Chekiang are contemplating the imposition of a surtax. If the surtax is actually imposed X is
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  • 68 3 Amoy, July 6. General Tsai Ting Kai arrived at Lungyen yesterday by aeroplane to inspect his troops. The 19th Route Army have already captured Kwangcheh from the Communists and are advancing rapidly towards Changing. The 19th Route Army at the front is commanded by Generals Shen Kwang
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  • 257 3 May Be Overthrown. SCHEME OF CANTON LEADERS. Canton, July 8. IT is freely reported here that the party leaders in the South-west are getting dissatisfied with General Chen Chi-tang for his ambiguous attitude, and hate him the more because he alone frustrated the attempt of the
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  • 19 3 Peiping. June 30. Beginning from to-morrow, martial law at both Peiping and Tientsin will be abolished.
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  • 156 3 Ultimatum From Canton Seamen. Shanghai. July 8. THE labour trouble on board the Bufterfield Swire Company steamers in Canton threatens to spread to the Jardirti steamers shortly if lt is not settled in the near future, reports the "China Times." According to information from the loca'
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  • 79 3 Gen. Su Ping Wen Demands That They Be Reorganised. Shanghai, July 8. General Su Ping Wen has secretly left for Soochow. where he intends to enjoy a brief rest, says the "Morning Post." According to General t Su's secretory, who is still in Shanghai. General Su has no
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  • 49 3 Shanghai. July I. In view of the bank holidays to-day and Monday, the new Chinese dollars will not aput imo circulation until July 4, it is learned frcm a reliable source. The new dollars were" sent from the Mint of the Central Bank yesterday for distribution.
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  • 309 3 FURTHER STRAIN OF RELATIONS. Independant State? Peaceful Solution Possible. "IN recent months," says the Pei--1 ping "Ching Pao," of July 3, "the political situation in this country has assumed a more turbulent character. ''Differences between Nanking and the South-west over the question of our policy toward Japan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 n I STEADY PROGRESS PROVES HOW BABIES THRIVE ON "LACTOGEN." dm Wk A sample Tin of Lactogen. Mothers 0 "I have much pleasure in expressing my unqualilied approval of your Lactogen as a perfect diet and the (fCS^^^^m^^m^^*^ best substitute for mother's milk. 1 especially found that Lactogen contains the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 202 4 Jm. HASSAN. Electrical and water CONTRACTOR. liras n.tsah Road, SINGAPORE. If you fire in need of electric lights, faits, motors, etc., and water service, please write to th»- above address or Thttne I 8411. J TO LET. SIANG ISM PARK FarAer Reductions of Rents f rom I*l August, 19-T3. .$16.00
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    • 538 4 TO LET. TO LET—The top floor of a shop in Selegie Road, from Ist August. Apply Box 178, c,o Ml loya Tribune TO LET—Newly built houses at Gentlng Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd., dose to Katong Park.
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    • 519 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. i TENDERS TENDERS arc invited by the Portuguese Mission for th° demolition of portions of the Old Europe Hotel Building, together with the removal of ma.erials which will become the properly of the contractor. Full particulars may b.> obtained from the effiee of the Architects, Messrs. Swan and
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    • 416 4 WANTED. WANTED—Second hand Mcrris-Cowley. Price and particulars to Box 182. cc M.T. BOARD AND LODGING. Bachelor < European» wants furnished, or unfurnished room, with breakfast and tea. Box No. 181, c o Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Four D.C. Linotype motors, each 1 H.P.. also the following four large D.C.
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    • 457 4 loplhJPuste jjj cxxeiitiallj I article „f jj c«nfi<lui Cl y°" truxt MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. S/ASCRIPTION RATES. I IYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including at office Postage or close (Local or toftrsn residence. f.m.S.) Coa=t r ia Yearly $15.00 $21.00 $53.00 Half-Yearly 7.50 $10.50 18i0 Quarterly 3.75 t 125 m SINGLE
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  • 83 5 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYING End Of Control! V.i vould point out that the ;it has itaalf buffered ion. Not only has resiricd Its d'reet revenue liom im royalty, but the eionnous S Chinese miners baa >f the country and it's revenue iron The vari- greatly suffered bet/ith a reduced
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  • 88 5 n mamed in a backwater in il of the aeroplane, but the I umptn flying clubs have ii.ut rtaken with perand it should not now Malayan businessmen will Malayan towns by aerotd also socn become comm to take our holidays fhere by Erltish air-liners, :ds Bl that die day
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  • 105 5 op gill lug away from the j j people of this country have j direction most conducive j ..(i prusperity. If Maiaya spertty, it must adopt as sand." at this stage hi rate The Hon. Mr. Lim dial- with Penang only but it is of the utmos' c
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  • 210 5 jgEFORE congratulating Mr. Lai Tet Loke on his elevation to membership of the Federal Council we would take the opportunity of recording public appreciation of the good work dene by his immediate predecessor Mr. San Ah Wing, who has been r. member of the Federal Councii since Jmy,
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  • 276 5 rpHUS we have this modern Pooh-bah, who -I by turns been Emperor of China, ExEmperor of China President and now Kingelect of Manchukuo. Whether this will lead hnn in the end to the Imperial Throne of China remains tq be seen, but I a seems appropriate that the last
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  • 497 5 Self-Protection. PROTESTS AGAINST PERSECUTION. Reuter Wireless. Amsterdam. July 24. A WORLD Jewish Confederation with a provisional Beat in London and working* in co-operation with Lord Melehett's British committee will be one of the tangible re- j suits of the World Conference held j here. Doctor Untermeyer. the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  497 words
  • 74 5 "Dry" Southern States Vote "Wet." Reuter Wireless. New York. July 19. The dry" Southern States of Alabama and Arkansas have voted in favour of the repeal of the Eighteenth (Prohibition! Amendment by majorities of 3 to 1 and 2 to 1 respectively. Half the number of States in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 72 5 Will See Viceroy At First Opportunity. Reuter Wireless. Ahmedabad. J*uly 20 Notwithstanding the refusal of the Viceroy to grant him an interview in the existing circumstances, Gandhi declares he will not hesitate to knock at the Viceregal door whenever he sees an opportunity to negotiate. He supposed, however,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
  • 37 5 Philadelphia Man Dies Of His Wounds. Philadelphia, July 24. Frank A. McClatchy, the partner in a r.ealthy real estate business, has died from shot wounds sustained in escaping from kidnappers His assailants are not caught.
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  • 34 5 Reuter Wireless. Istanbul, July 20. Twenty people were killed and many injured in a violent earthquake in the Venzil region southeast of Smyrna. Numerous houses were destroyed. The tremors are continuing.—Reuter Wirelesa.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  34 words
  • 102 5 Letters To The Editor. I Our reader» nra 1 r Tcaaers ate inzttcd to write to us on subjects of public interest, it must be underttood that the 44 Malaya Tribune" does not aecetearily endorse opinions expressed by corretvondents. LETTERS SHOULD BR AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably
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  • 558 5 Colony's Backwardness In Education. <To the Editor, Malaya Tribune.') Sir —question arises, should the Colony paj more for its education when the people are faced with economic depression and unemployment and when the Colony's finance is very sound? Only those who received secondary and higher education in
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  • 85 5 (To the Editor, -Malaya Tribune." 1 Sir.—Kindly allow me to express my grateful thanks and appreciation publicly, through the medium of your esteemed journal, for th Invaluable kindness and unremitting care shown me by the staff during my treatment at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. These gentlemen enlighten
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  • 359 5 Mr. Gammans On Remedy For Debt. I From Our Oicn Correspondent,} Malacca. July 22. rE Malacca Government and Municipal Service Co-Operatlve Society held their hall yearly general meeting at the HighSco-xU on Thursday last, the hen. Mr. N. K. Bam presiding. Capt. L. D. Gamman.-,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 I The Tea of j World-wide Prestige By its choice quality and incomparable flay our Lipton i Tea appeals to all who appreciate the best I TEA ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN TNf FAMOUS YELLOW TIN i I Sole Distributors: j Henry Waugh 4 Co., Ltd. j Rt &«»pore Pen* n
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    • 220 5 j CHEAP SALE j STOCK CLEARANCE i < Siam teak-wood in all sizes. i JONG THYE HENG> 150. LAVENDFR STREET Thone 3647. Going on Holiday? Pack a Via! of Psnfceffcs. I The change cf food, *atfP and air fCXf often 1 ha en up.< tting cJfeet, During the first few
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    • 305 5 To make skin —we put so much OLP/E i <££*Zfr S WSI OIL into each cake of Xfc Paimolive Soap itl ACTUAI "PpOR a youthful complexion y Thktc ttubc you must keep skin hygien- I Illy M\ U I amoant of ically clean, free of pimples and V I /7
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  • 795 6 Shipping News Notices. WORLD CONFERENCE AND SHIPPING. Baltic Chairman's Plea j For Consideration. THAT shipping is entirely an international business, and that it could never prosper unless it remained internarional, was the plea put. forward by Sir Herbert T. Robson, chairman of the Baltic, when that exchange entertained delegates to
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  • 855 6 Low Tonnage Output For Half-Year. THE output of mm tonnage en the Clyde for ths half-year which ended on June 3C touches th? exceptionally low level of eight vessels of a total of about 13.300 tons. For the corre-ponding period last year the output was 16 vessels of
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  • 287 6 Two Chinese Fined For Stowing Away. YUEN Fun and Yuen Lam, two Chinese who have t en on remand since June 16 on ft rnarte of barding the s'eamer Van Hcu z without pennissi-n. appeared b-fcre Commands New 'l at t"'.« Marine Tour Hon?ko»>g. rere-n ly. on
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  • 921 6 Measure Ordered For Third Reading. rHE Manchester Ship Canal Bill was before the Unopposed Eill ComnYttce of the" House jI Commons. Captain Bou ne (deputy chairman of Ways and Means* presiding. Mr. C. E. C. Browne (Messrs. Dyson. Bell End Co.. Parliam3n'ary agents* explained that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore, j 1933. BHUTAN 6,000 Au 3
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    • 202 6 iWLLOYD TRIESTIHO \t 9 J m 4T (Incorporated In Italy). vvroiws <JFRVirF CARGO SERVICE. EXPRESS SLKVICfc. TTI ml> Penanr Colombo. Bombay. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Sue*, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay. Su«, Port Said, Brtodisl. Venice and Trieste, Said, Brindisi. Venice and Tries**. m v «<teRGESTEA"
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    • 212 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deut** |H D Q| Au*vraiiscae (Companies incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. t m.s. KULMERLAND, ua Manila July 26 t s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug. 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept. 1 t ms. SAUERLAND,
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    • 570 6 STEAMER SAILING #NORDDEUTSCHER (Incorporated tt The undernoted an the Company's fixtures: OUTWARDS IUV g "SAALE" for Manila. Hongkong. Shanghai, N. China and Japan Aug. "LAHN" for Manila. Hongkong, North China and Japan Aug. H "TRAVE" for Manila, Hongkong Shanghai, North China and Japan Aug. 2j HOMEWARDS. IBM. "FRANKEN" for Marseilles,
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  • 384 7 Mining Shares. .re Wednesday, 11 a.m. ban quotations are Issued I (xrhange and stock „ra• B* U«ue Buyers. Seller*. Knmbang Tin 27 6 30jU 256 30- a un Tin 13|9 14|6 0.90 100 |1 ;V n Tm 18 3 19|fl Bi 010 0.12 Si B L fin
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  • 105 7 ttenD BY FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyers. Sellers. ficjrspcre Municipal (1901) 5 per cent. 105 110 norn Kngapore Municipal (1907 )44 per cent. 104 .108 norn Singapore Municipal (1909) p*r cent. 104 108 norn Singapore Municipal (1913 i 4pt cent. 100 103 norn «agapore Municipal
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  • 142 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER EASES A LITTLE. Tin Makes Minute Rise. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Wednesday, noon. To-Day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 14Vb cts., down ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), up Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 4 7 32d., up 3 32d. Market Tone: Fluctuating. New York,
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  • 160 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are a? follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gaUon drums per BriUsh Imperial gallon $1 19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 113 7 Loss of the Bukit Rajah Rubber Company for the year ended Maich 31, £2,778 (compared with £4,289 for 1931-32), against which is placed £7,826 brought in trom the previous accounts, and £15.273 transferred from incometax reserve. A dividend of 5 per cent is to be paid (against
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  • 39 7 Accounts of New Columbia Rubber Co. for 1932 show yield of 653,198 lb. (715.937 lb.). Including £1,400 interest- on 7 per cent no-es, net less was £2.035 (against loss £5.127). Brought in £20,920, leaving £18,884 forward.
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  • 598 7 Circular To Shareholders On The Eastern Registers. The Hon. Mr. E. Newbold, as registrar, has received a cabl? frcm ;h3 London office oi Con- solidated Tin Smelters. L d„ stat'ng that the directors' report and accounts will be posted in London on July 13. \o all
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  • 330 7 Hectic U.S. Share Trading. Reuter Wireless. New York, July 22. Over 4,000,000 shares changed hands m two hours' hectic trading on the S.ock Exchange to-day after which the market closed irregular but firmer, on a final rally, followay another rush of unloading by speculators on ihori margin. Heavy
    Reuter Wireless.  -  330 words
  • 151 7 Statutory Report Of The New Company. The statutory meeting of Raffles Hotel Ltd, j will be held in the Exchange Room, Chamber j of Commerce, Singapore, on Wednesday. A i". 2. at 2.30 p.m. The report to shareholders states: The tot*l number of shares allotted is 292.116 of
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  • 43 7 First Unfavourable Balance For Two Years. Reuter Wireless. Washington. July The first unfavourable trade balance since Augu t, 1931. is revealed in the figures pubH hed to-day which exports in .Tune at J 119.900,000 and imports at $'.22,000,000 —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 39 7 Elliott Roosevelt Fresh From Reno Takes New Plunge. Reuter Wireless. Burlingtcnia (Iowa), July 22. Following his divorce which was granted or* Monday, Elliott Roosevelt, the second MM of the President, i marrying to-day Mis* Luln Gocgins—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 182 7 Loss of the Tremelbye (Selangor) Rubber Comoanv for the year ended Marrh 31. £3.406 <aga ns £4.508 for 1931-32). After deducting £1.429 brought in from the previous year a debit balance of £1.977 remains to be carried torward. The rubber crop, which, except for a small c-uantity, was
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  • 680 7 An Undertone Engendered. The dehbera.ions of the delegates at the Woild's Econ.mic Conference appear practically to have terminated, for the time being, at any rate, and whilst the result achieved seem to be meagre in the extreme, markets generally appear to have discounted U:e resultant disapprintment in
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  • 366 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, WttMrtsy. n am. The following rubber snare quctauoua im issued by Fraser and Co and Lya'l and Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyail Shares. Co. EvaU. 1 Allcnby $0.75 $0.85 $0.70 $0.85 1 Alor Gajah 0.60 0.70 055 065 IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.10
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  • 268 7 FRASER CO.'S QUOTATIONS. a 3 CLOSING QUOTATION*. J I Buyers. Sellers. $2 Alex. Brick Pref. $1.10 $1.15 $2 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. ncm £1 B. Ameri. Tobacco 106 3 111 3 $10 $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.30 5.45 £1 £1 C. Tin Pref. 7 p.c. 23 24;- cd £1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 93 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. ryAlmeida Street. A, SSS d Bubscr >e l #mm mBU Has Reserve Pund and Rest 600,000 Mmß OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi, Madras. Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra. Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on
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    • 51 7 QUARTERLY 2{% lnterest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 2%% is paid quarterly. Head Office: 55. Wall Street.
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    • 210 7 Oversea-Chinese Basking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated to Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULJA STREET, SINGAPORE LOC4L BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 133 8 j Last_Night! M.-G.-M/s Saucy And Naughty Comedy Hit "PRIVATE LIVES" By NOEL COWARD. WITH Norma Shearer Robert Montgomery GRAND PREMIERE TO-MORROW TIE HOD SIMMS GAUMONT BRITISH SITER SPECIAL Matthews LOOK OUT LOOK~Oljf7n For The Second Chinese Commercial Exhibition AT THE Great World. Gala Benefit Night I IN AID OF I
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  • 858 9 IMPORTANT POINT SETTLED. A Test Case Judgment In Local Assizes. JUDGMENT in what is said to be the first Icjral point of its kind pjsed in the courts of this country res delivered in the Assize Court yestfidaj Mr. Justice Cobbett. for the Public
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  • 273 9 Victim Makes Miraculous Recovery. ABDUL Manap, the Malay police constable who is alleged to have been shot down by a fellow constable on July 18, is .reported t- be making a miraculous recovery in the General Hospital. H*s discharge is anticipated within a fortnight. It will be
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  • 163 9 Malacca Doctor Going To China. Dr. Ho Pao Jin, the popular manager of the three amalgamated Chinese banks (the Oversea Chinese Banking Corp., Ltd.), Malacca, is shortly leaving for China on furlough with his family. He in'ends to visit Amoy, Shanghai and many Northern States in China. A
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  • 140 9 Six Hundred Gallons Of Fermenting Rice. A raid by a party of Revenue Officers on a house in Bukit Pasoh. in the Tanjong Pagar district recently, had a sequel before the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forren yesterday, when the alleged occupiec of the house, a Chinese named
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  • 118 9 Invading Finland: Herds Attacked. Helsingfors. A considerable increase in the number oi bears to be found in those parts of Finland adjoining the Russian border has recently been noticed. This invasion is said to be due to the intensive hunting of all edible wild animals In the Soviet
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  • 329 9 Showing Laggards In Campaign. Reuter Wireless. Washington, July 25. A NATION-WIDE attack on unemployment was launched by President Roosevelt in the course of a striking broadcast to-day. He said the immediate task of bringing regular expenses within revenue was now accomplished. A large proportion of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  329 words
  • 150 9 Alleged Kidnapping Of Tamil .Woman. "I was carried away while I was returning from a shop after making some purchases. I have both a father and a mother." That was the statement made by a youtig Tamil woman named Muniammal before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Ferrer,
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  • 91 9 Private Manufacture And Sale Now Banned. Istanbul. The manufacture and sale of dangerous drugs in Turkey is to be a State monopoly, according to a new law passed by the Turkish parliament in Ankara. Previously there were three large drug factories in Istanbul turning out large quantities
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  • 107 9 Indo-China Expulsion Orders Rescinded. The representat.ons by the British Ambassador at Paris have resulted in the Governor General of Indo-China rescinding the expulsion orders against two Indian bankers who have not yet left the country, Capt. Eden informed Mr. David Grenfell in the House of Commons. Mr. Eden
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  • 70 9 Detecting Surface Craft From The Depths. Santiago de Chile. A new device—the invention of a Chilean naval officer—enabling a submarine to detect enemy surface craft from a .great depth has been adopted by the Chilean 'Admiralty. Orders for its construction and installation have been issued. The apparatus
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  • 905 9 Disappeared Twice. ENTICEMENT CHARGE FAILS. H E !S id he was a Malay but he is a Chinese. Before marriage, he said he wanted to marry me and would embrace my faith. He said he was Mushm while he stayed in the house, v rL ate
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  • 63 9 The new chapel dedicated to St. Anthony at Mandai Road. 13% mile, off Bukit Timah Road, erected especially for the refugees who came from Bwatow five years ago. is now completed. The belssing day will take place on Aug. 5, and the ceremonies will be conducted by
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  • 38 9 An inter-club debate will be held at the O.C.A. Institute Hall, Rrtnsep Street, on Thursday. 8.15 p.m. on the following motion: —'That this House oppose the introduction of any increase of school fees." Members and friends are welcome.
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  • 97 9 Tragi-Comedy of Race In Belgium. Brussels. Foreign competition is not approved in tha underworld and when a band of criminals calling themselves "the gangsters of Brussels" found that Algerian and French associates in crime were poaching on their preserves they decided to adopt drastic measures. A series
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  • 90 9 Burning Clothes Kill Thousands. New York. A large percentage of the i0.000 deaths which occur every year through fire in the United States are believed to be caused by the deadly l&se from burning clothes. The American Chemical Societv reports that aurning woollen materials give cff such danerous
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  • 86 9 Hindu Murderer's Profitable Gaol Sentence. Calcutta. Sentenced to transportation for life, a Bengal Hindu saved the equivalent of £50 whil serving in the Andamans—the i land penal settlement of the Government of India in the Indian Ocean. This represents a 'mall fortune the man concerned. He was sentenced
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 SINGAPORE HOIKS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL" The most magnificently situated hotel in the T?land. ALL MODERN COMFORTS UP TO-DATE SERVICE. HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT (newly decorated). Single Rooms from $125 per month $6 per day. Double Rooms from $200 n $10 Luncheon $1: Dinner $1.50. j TENNIS: $2 per court for 4 persons
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    • 360 9 CAPITOL THEATRE! MALACCA I TO-NIGHT*— "HE LEARNED ABOUT WOMEN." (Stuart Erwin, AUton Sk'.pworth ar. J Sosan Fleming). I A Paramount Picture. i TO-MORROW:— Cecil B. De Milk s 1 "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS." i A. Paramoun; Picture. J LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice ta hereby given that
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  • 55 10 Messrs. Tan Chocn Kang end Tan Chin Kcon beg to tender hear felt .hanks to all relatives, friends and Arsociaticns for their night visit and tf.sit k:"d a. th? funeral cf .heir beloved mother, lat* Madam Yeo Peck Neo, and also to these who sent wreaths
    55 words
  • 45 10 A High Mass of Requiem for the repos? of th3 soul of Edgar Galistan will be suns at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, on Saturday, July 29. 1933, at 6.30 a.m. Prayrrs from r la ives and f:iends are kindly s;lici ed.
    45 words
  • 235 10 SEAII—Mrs. Seah Peck Scah nee Madam Tan Sco Heok. wife cf Mr. S ah Peck Seah passed away peacefully on July 23, 1933, at 8 10 p.m., at 40, Orchard Road. ag:d 69. Sh? leaves behind six sons, Messrs. Seah Lim, Eng Chiang. Eng Kiang, Eng Kweng. Eng Guan,
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  • 776 10 No one who has lived in Kuala Lumpur can deny that one of the principal drawbacks to residence there is the antiquity of its system of sanitation. The case for the provision of an up-to-date system cannot be disputed on hygienic grounds. At Friday's meeting of the
    776 words
  • 738 10 Comments By The Way. THE speech of Ills Ex >A ency the High Coin? ..i Monday's Duibar at Kuala Kang >ai' neaiiy two y/ars after his edumbration a;, Sri Menanti of the Decentralisation proposals, and the first after the publication of the report of Sir Samuel
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  • 19 10 Major D.M. Noyes-Lewis has been appointed District Superintendent of Prisons, Johore Bahru.
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  • 74 10 Miss Beng Tek Lim, youngest d:ughter of Mr. Lim K:m Soa of Penang and the late Mrs. Kirn Soa, has passed her LL.B. (final) at the University of London. Miss Lim, who is a former pupil of the Government Girls' School, and is the sister of Malaya's firsi lady
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  • 46 10 Mr. L. L. B. Gibson, M.C.S., Legal Adviser Kedah, left for home by the "Rawalpindi." It i« understood that Mr. C. W. Davson, M C S wilL succeed Mr. Gibson and Capt. J. Huggins MC, M.C.S win, succeed Mr. Davson as Assistant Adviser, Kedah.
    46 words
  • 49 10 Giving him the benefit of the doubt the Magistrate discharged Khoo Ah Keow alias Ah Sang, who was charged with cheating Lee Tet Chut, a padi dealer of Parit Buntfr m respect of two cheques amounting to the value of $400, at Belfleld Street, Ipoh on June 6
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  • 114 10 Mr. G. Robinson, Chief Permanent Way Inspector, P.MS.R., who has been retrenched from the service, is leaving for home shortly travelling via Japan and America. It is understood (hat when Mr. R Bird Collector of Lmd Revenue, goes on leave at end of next month, Mr. J. R.
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  • 43 10 In the police court the preliminary mquiry into a charge of murder was proceeded with again t a Cantonese, Yee Voon, who ta alleged, at about 7.30 p.m. en June-22, at No. 21, Lo ke have stabJj another Chinese named Yee Kow.
    43 words
  • 82 10 Two Hokkien families of Petaling, *Mta who are closely related, renewed a qua;rei which originated in China. The two lam h>s Uved en two small-holdings, quite close lozether, and one family, men. women and ctaOdlen, proceeded to the small-holding of the other family, carrying with tnem poles ard cher
    82 words
  • 396 10 I BY l rT i j Among the things that have LA down a iot in Malaya :.ose S Jtoo^aiotJok",.;',';;^ A (Did the Americans want anvti,, done at the World Confer* wonder r I A A They refused to discuss War IW they would not agree to
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  • 68 10 DUR SHORT STORY, on pages 2 and Ift 3HINA NEWS, on page 3. WORLD JEWISH COUNCIL, on page I. DUR READERS* VIEWS, on page 5. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14 and 15. :LUB DIARY, on page 15. SUALA LUMPUR SANITATION, on pa?- > 6 lINDU MARRIAGES, on
    68 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 284 10 SPRAfT'S j MEAT FIBRINE Canine condition depends upon Health Health depends mainly on the degree ot nourishment the do# derives from his daily lare that nourishment is determined solely by the nature and quality oi the lood he eats and digests. Hence the wisdom of demanding Sprmtts' and refusing substitutes.
      284 words
    • 20 10 j 631 I T. K. K.'S FOOTBALL TUBES. 15 to 24 cts. each. DENG SENG GUAN, 631, Ncrth Brldffr Road
      20 words

  • 95 11 FENG COUNTER-ATTACKING ON JEHOL BORDER. WILL LUSHAN CONFERENCE BRING PEACE Many Changes Proposed. japan Closely Watching British And U.S. Activities. While the Japanese and Manchukuo forces are besieging Dolunor, the gate of Charhar province, Gen. Feng's troops are counter-attacking the Jehol frontier at
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  • 399 11 Shanghai, July 26. IAPANF.SK and Manchukuo forces are now besieging Dolunor, the eastern way of Charhar which is held i: Gen. Feng Yu Hsiang's allied troops. Japanese 'planes reconnoitred over the Chiiu- positions in eastern Charhar yesterday. Th- military situation in Charhar remains
    399 words
  • 467 11 ■ Anxious About Mines In Fukien. is vi,.n p0: taa the Japanese Government tish toncern the American and BriCxiaiu'V t "i! nt s in the construe ion of the m Fukien, because the J vmce opposite Formosa. Const:.v'- 1 essa S e sta e s that the Fukien
    467 words
  • 245 11 Welcomed And Feted In Nanking. Reuter. Shanghai. July 26. The citizens of Nanking gave a big welcome to Sun Tung Kang, the first Chinese to complete a trans-Eurasia flight from Germany ;o China, yesterday. By request of Marshal Chiang Kai Shek, Sun will fly to Kiangsi before proceeding
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 38 11 Director Of Berlin Civic Opera. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, July 24. The death is ennounced of the famous musician. Professor Max Schillings, director of the Berlin Civic Opera and a former director of the State Opera.—Reuter Wire.ess.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 32 11 Seven Thousand Claims Bringing Big Expansion. Reuter Wireless. Pretoria, July 24. A big expansion of the Rand gold mmm? industry is in tia n. Over 7,0*00 claims are involved.—Reuttr Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  32 words
  • 95 11 Was It Hushed Up By Admiralty Reuter. MYSTERY attaches to an explosion on the submarine "Otus" at Wei Hal Wei on Sunday. Naval men at Shanghai and Wei Hai Wei deny all knowledge of it. The local men indicate that absolute secrecy has been imposed by
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 160 11 Appeal In Prolonged Conspiracy Trial. Reuter Wireless. Allahabad. July 24. Expect d to last two months, an appeal in the Meerut conspiracy case has been taken up to the High Court. The appellants are three Englishmen and 24 others who were sentenced en Jan. 16 to various terms
    Reuter Wireless.  -  160 words
  • 118 11 Two Rumours Of High Appointments. Shanghai, July 2(i. The Chinese Foreign Office states that the report that Sir Cecil Clementi. Governor of (he Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Malay States, will succeed Sir Miles Lampson as British Minister to China canot be confirmed. They have
    118 words
  • 156 11 Attitude Of Germany Still Unchanged. Reuter Wireless. Paris, July 22. Mr. Arthur Henderson in his capacity of Chairman cf the Dis rmamert Conference break.'asted to-day with M. P ul Boncour a. Ihe Qnai d'Orsay on the conclu ion cf nis visit lo Rome. B-rlin. Prague and Munich
    Reuter Wireless.  -  156 words
  • 94 11 No Help For Europeans In Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July 25. Mrmb°rs of the British Legi:n In Siam at ■'}?ir annual m-c'ing to-day discussed the exposal of surplus funds. A. p-oposal tha' part of these be used the relief of Singapore European unemployed was rejected
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  • 456 11 Better Weather. I AIR CHIEFS CABLE TO MOLLISONS. Reuter. New York, July 22. ACTIVITIES this week-end are focussed on flying. Special arrangements have been made at the Flloyd Bennet Field, Long Island, to handle the tremendous crowds which are expected to await the arrival of the
    Reuter.  -  456 words
  • 84 11 Spanish General's Ten Years' Imprisonment. Madrid, July 24. After a long trial, the case against General Calvanati md thirty others of being concerned in the San Jurjo rebellion in Seville in August of last year ended in the General beng sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in the military
    84 words
  • 94 11 Shortly To Be Sanctioned In Germany. Reuter. Berlin, July 25. The Cabinet will shortly sane ion a law for lhe steriiisa ion of the unfit. It prov'des that persons such as incurable drunkards, sexual criminals, lunatics and sufferers fr;m incurable d sease which can be passed on tC'
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 56 11 Twelve-Year-Old Border Boy i Heads Raid. Reuter Wireless. Simla, July 24. The twelve-year-old son of a famous old Border raider has headed a powerful body of upper Mohmands in an unsuccessful attack on the territory of the friendly Halimzai tribe on the border of Afghanistan. The raiders then
    Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
  • 44 11 Syndicalist-Fascists Preparing Rising. Reuter Wireless. Madrid, July 24. Nation-wide pre;aut'ons have been taken following the arrest of 110 Syndicalist Fascists lelievpd to bs pn paring a rising against the Government, of whom 63 have been sent to the penal settlement, Ocano.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 90 11 COTTON PACT WITH HOLLAND Agreement Reached In London. Reuter. London, July 25. rilHE Conference between representatives of the Anglo-Dutch cotton industries which began in Manchester last April were resumed in London to-day. The meeting further explored the possibility of the Anglo-Dutch Governments taking mutually advantageous measures in regard to cotton
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 26 11 Reuter. London. July 25. Sir Robert Ho lung is ill in a nursing home in London. His condition is improving.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 179 11 GHASTLY WOUNDS IN THROAT. Johore Sensation. Indian Mohammedan Arrested. A SENSATIONAL discovery was made in a house in Johore Bahru yesterday afternoon. A young wife was found dead, apparently murdered. The woman was married to an Indian Mohammedan, who has been detained The couple lived together. At
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 To (Q) To give Baby keep Baby active contented sleep Happy play in the daytime, contented sleep at night, are the result of Bear Brand feeding. 4 Baby will enjoy Bear Brand; you will be proud nrrTHH tbade mark i of his healthful cheeks. QVI BABY BEAR BRAND fOR INVALIDS
      153 words

  • 1132 12 ALLEGED ASSAULT BY FELLOW PRISONERS. DIED FROM INTERNAL INJURIES. JUMPED ON WHILST HE WAS ON THE FLOOR. gEVERAL prisoners gave a graphicdescription, before the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yesterday, of an assault that occurred in the Criminal Prison on the night of July
    1,132 words
  • 186 12 Series Of Accidents In Hill Street. Three women and .two men. all Chinese were lnjured ir an accident fa HUI Street at abtut 7 o'clock last night I appears that a touring car. driven by a Malay, was proceeding along Hill Street in Lhe direction cf Tanjong Pagar
    186 words
  • 69 12 Official Announcement Of Occupation. Reuter. Paris, July 23. Tne French occupation of coral islands between Indo-China, Borneo and the Philippines reported on July 14 i s officially announced. H "Jf efCrth the y are under French sovereignty. The new territories are specified as follows Caye D'Amboise. occupied April
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 150 12 House Raided In Malabar Street. A large seizure of dutiable tobacco was made by the Revenue Department yesterday mornina at about 10.30. Mr. H. R. Baker, Controller attached to the Monopolies Dept., and a of Revenue Officers raided 61. Malabar Street and discovered 500 lb. of tobacco on
    150 words
  • 31 12 Piccard Not To Take Part In New Ascent. Reuter. New York, July 25 scientific instruments. Jean Piccard is not SPSTS Settle hi, attempt to mate £fo.SECT SetUe 15 n
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 23 12 Reuter. Oceanside (California), July 26 Seven people were killed to-day when a mili- I tary bombing plane crashed.—Reuter. i
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 435 12 School Fees Question To Be Raised. A DIRECT question on school fee* will be asked by Mr. Lim Cheng Ean (Penang) at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday. He will ask Government to consid-r either the- advisability of pestpening be ter times the raising
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  • 221 12 AT THE CINEMAS "Re-union in Vienna," now showing at the Capitol, is an episode of the post-Hapsbur-days, when the Royalists, under the noses oi 'tee police, were trying 10 held together Urn remnants rf their past glories and gaieties. Their head and hope is the
    221 words
  • 118 12 Norma Shearer and Robert Montgomery play the leads in Noel Coward's ccmedy "Private Lives." screened on Its return visit to Singapore last night at the Pavilion. They succeed amazingly in re-creating the roles cf wealfhy idlers who, detpitc a passionate attachment, spend a very large
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  • 75 12 Associations At To-day's Meeting. The associations to be represented at today's meeting to consider school fees will include the following: Eurasian Association, Straits Chinese British Association. Chinese Association, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Straits Chinese Reading Club; Clerical Union, Indian Association, Ceylon Tamil Association, Tamils' Reform Association India-Ceylon Club,
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  • 630 12 Acid And Poison. AMAZING STORY AT ASSIZES. amazing story was told by the Crown in the Assize Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Gerahty and a common jury of an alleged conspiracy to disfigure the features of a Tamil so that the woman living with him might
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  • 161 12 Tamil Contractor And A Borrowed Bicycle. A v g w d 5 n Ve sto,en a bicycle valued at $8 Vadivelu, a Tamil, who gave his profes sion as that of a contractor, was produced be fore the Second Magistrate. Mr. J F f Gregg, this morning.
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  • 96 12 "The Malayan Travellers Gazette" for JulySeptember, is of its usual encyclopaedic character. Any who propose either to travel outside Malaya, or within the Peninsula, will be well advised to consult the "Gazette" before they start out. In addition, there is a mine of information as to what the
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  • 520 12 Transferring Control. FURTHER STEPS TO FOLLOW? Reuter. Denver, July 26. COMMENTING on the new silver agreement, Mr. W. W. Price, exPresident of the Colorado Springs Mining Stock Exchange, expressed the opinion that it is a compact to "take control of the silver market from selfish monopolists
    Reuter.  -  520 words
  • 181 12 Leave Pay And Return Passage. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) A„ Ipoh. July 26. N interesting suit is beforf the Supreme Court in which Mr. A. E. Moreira exAssistant Editor, sues the "Times cf Malaya" foi $4.000 leave pay and return passage to Europe According to tlic
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  • 492 12 MAN WHO KllJEn MISTRESS. Singapore Assizes. Unanimous Verdict i* Five Minutes SENTENCE of death Mr Gerahtv at th, A i7H yesterday upon Shunmuaam a the special jury had found him gouty of the m r( er Tamil woman alleged to be h mistress. 15 The trial,
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  • 253 12 Funeral Of Madam Ye.i Peck Neo On Sunday. The funeral took place on Sunday at B'iktt B: own cemetery of Madam Yeo Peck Neo. who died at her home, 19, Lorong 29, Gevlang. j Thursday at the age of 64. She leaves two sons, Mr Tan Choon Kang
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  • 93 12 Alleged To Have Wounded Tamil I Bay. I (From Our Oun Correspondent Malacca. J"'V A shooting incident yesterday m> nuns Batu Berendam. had a sequel in lhr 1( k Court this morning before Mr J c indent when a Chinese boy, Poh Seng Siong a j> of St.
    93 words

  • 101 13 VESSELS IN PORT. Brit.. 3.608 tons, from Calcutta from Rangoon 27-7. ra." Dutch. 6.421 tons, from Rotter- 05.7; for Sourabaya 25-7. d H Brit.. 109 tons, from Malacca for Malacca 27-7. ~K i'"'i land" German. 4,366 ton®, from HambiirE 26-7: for Miri
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  • 101 13 Singapore. July 26 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Ea'-t Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Mntr. Wharf (Entrance Oate S). H m, u lav 15. Somali 13; Bulan 12; s, Maru 10. Titan 7. Et: :r~ Dock 'Entrance Gate S>. 3 Karoa 3Z-: City of Perih "7; SttsaM 39 F-n'.re Dock
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  • 73 13 Mails from Batavia and Palcmbang by aeroplane are expected at th" General Post Offkc. Singapore, at 5 p.m. to-day. Frcm Europe tLond-n BBUa despatched on July 6). by the "Rajula.' due at Penang daylight to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Fuahimi Maru," due at Singapore to-morrow morning
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  • 23 13 With effect from Aug. 15, insured ieiteis. and parcels will not be accep'ed iJi transmission in the air-mails to Netherlands India.
    23 words
  • 204 13 Prince Of Wales Opens Three In London. London, July 4. "London Bridge is falling down, falling down tha old song used to say. But nowadays new London bridges are going up—the Prince of Wales opened three in one afternoon this week. The three new bridges, which together cost
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  • 73 13 British Army'» Property Wins First Prize. i »;v. Gibraltar. BHly—the only donkey in the British army who was recently mentioned in the Array Estimates: hat won another laurel. I «In the "Animate Parade and Horse Show" held recently at the Empire Fair Festivities, under th£ auspices of
    73 words
  • 165 13 SELLING. Singapore, July 26 London 4 months' sight J "jg London 3 months* sight j 32 London 60 days' sight j: 64 London 30 days' sight Uj London demand -jiVj London T.T. 985 Lyons and Paris demand jr< Hamburg oemand New York demand 5 Batavia and Sourabaya demand
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  • 200 13 Singapore. July R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 108 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $HRice, B. Siam N. 2 »107 Rice, Siam "Old" per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice, Slam "Old" No. 2 $154 j Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3 $144
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  • 94 13 Increase of 50,000 Boxes Since Last Year. Sydney. A substantial increase in Australian butter exports during the last ten months is disclosed in an official report received by the Minister for Commerce (Mr. F. H. Stewart). During the period. July 1, 1932, to April 29. 1933, a total
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  • 83 13 Man Who Preyed On Re-Married Widows. Prague. A man is alleged to have swindled dozens of widows who have married a second time in Czecho-Slovakia. It is stated that, during the past 19 years, he has persuaded at least 20 women in a single district to pay
    83 words
  • 52 13 Singapore Man Arrested In Penan?. 1 Alleged to have cheated a Sinhalese out of $300, a E'irsuian named Lambert Nosse appeared before the Third Magistrate (Mr. M H. Blacker) this morning. He claimed trial and the case was postponed until July 31. No«?e was arrested in Penang and
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  • 285 13 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, JULY 26. High Tides. —0.15 a.m.. 1.20 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Meeting of delegates re School Pees, 1*0, Benpoolen Street, 5.15 p.m. Golf: Keppel G.C. Ladies' Foursomes. League Football: Div. II. Wiltshire II v. Harlequins.
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  • 110 13 ALHAMBRA. —Leuctta Young and GentRaymond in Zoo in Budapest." CAPITOL. —Jchn Barrymore and Diuna Wynyard in ••Reunion In Vienna." EMPIRE.—LioneI Barrymore in Washington Masquerade." GREAT WORLD -Side shows. Cabaret Malay opera. Chinese wayang, silent and talking films (Sky Talkie: "Silent Witness." Star Talkie: "Little Accident.") MARLBOROUGH—The Four Marx Brothers
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  • 63 13 Mr. Arathoon's Discharge Frc Bankruptcy. Mr. Justice Mills, in the Bankruptcy Couit this morning, granted a discharge from bankruptcy to Mr. M. S. Arathoon, former partner in the hotel business known as Sarkies Bros. The discharge was suspended for 18 months. At one time the partnership owned three
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  • 49 13 Going. To Same Spa As Foreign Commissar! Reuter Wireless. Marseilles, July 24. Piquancy is lent to Trotzky's visit tp Spa Royal, Puy de-Dome, by the f;ct that Litvinoff, the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, is said to be taking a cure there at present.— Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 60 13 Further Argument On Legal Points. The appeal of a local practitioner against the decision of the Malayan Medical Council to strike him off the roll was commenced to-day In the Supreme Court. Mr. V. D. Knowles. for the appellant, occupied the morning in addressing the Court on a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 BHRIN GOL. h eooii brad, prevents baldness, blackens sain, cares ail brain complaints, eye and ear Diseases The Calcutta Chemical Co., Ltd., (Incorporated In India). Deafen may call in for any information at cur Far Eastern Branch, 10, Priam 81»«*, -•-apor» or o. K. Tea Trading Co, No. Sjj Raffles
      156 words
    • 139 13 i i i RICH A "xAUBER 11 Exclusively on ODE ON A Marvellous Technical Achievement. :fC\\ TAUBER SINGS DUETS WITH H MSELF. With Orchestral Accompaniment V- 'Sung in German). •1 MOmI 222 058 1 WOUI D THA" I MY LOVE MIGHT BLOrfSOM I f||j||y(u 10-in— RA OP fi3 No L
      139 words
    • 134 13 AUCTION SALE OP 1 Buick f> cy. Limousine Motor Car. 1 Amplifying Electric Gramophone. 1 Iron Safe by Thomas Withers and Son. I Table Gramophone and Records. A LARGE VARIETY OF COTTON AND SILK MERCHANDISE ALSO NOVELTIES COMPRISING: j Frocks, Kimonos, Pyjamas, Boots, j Corsets, Necklaces, Imitation Jewel- lery. Hand
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 299 13 LETTER TELEGRAMS. Extension Of The Service To Melanesia. With effec. from July 24. daily letter telegrams for New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Hebrides and Papua will be accepted at all telegraph offices in the Straits SetMementd and Federated Malay States a*> the rates shown below:— 26 words or le s
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  • 903 14 CRICKET TEST DRAWN. Manchester Match. SUSSEX BOWLER'S FEAT. Reuter. London, July 25. JAMES Langridge, the Sussex all•ounder distinguished himself in th Second Test match yesterday be veen England and the West Indies at Manchester, when he captures sewn of the tourists' wickets, incidentally achieving the
    Reuter.  -  903 words
  • 743 14 Wilts Easily Beat The S.R.C. (By "Rimau.") ALTHOUGH unimpressive in attack, A the Wiltshires scored two gDak without reply and should have nad a few more with better finishing when they met the S.R.C. in the First Division oi the S.A.F.A. League at the Anson Road Stadium
    743 words
  • 117 14 Pharacre Wins Goodwood Cup. Reuter. London, July 25 THE Stewards' Cup handicap, run at Good wood to-day, resulted as follows: 1 PHARACRE (P. Pox) 7.4 2 OLD RILEY (Herbert) 8.2 3 SOLENOID (Elliott) 9.7 Won by a head, third tluc-quarters of length away. Betting 22—1, 10—1, 20 l.
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 88 14 Golf Match With American Association. A friendly four-ball foursomes match habeen arranged between the Club and thAmerican Association, to be played over th Island course on Sunday morning. Aug o. Members wishing to take part should sigr the list on the notice beard. Only members with handicaps
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  • 32 14 Friday's First Division Game Postponed. The First Division S.A.F.A. Lra.m gam between the Straits Chinese Fc tball As>oc:a tion and Malaya Football Association, arranger for F-iday. has been postponed.
    32 words
  • 593 14 M.C.U. Give The Marines A Good Game. The Medicos gave iheir beat d afc this season when they mrt the Hkrlm I •n the Second Division 01 the SAFA I *aa m the Medical College ground yesterday Though beaten by 2 f.oais to nil. ;he ODUexJ fully
    593 words
  • 119 14 Tournament Results And Ties. LATEST results and ties in the lawn tennis tournament at the S.C.R.C. are as fol'ows "A" SINGLES HANDICAP (FINAL):— T. H. Hoahing beat Chua Choon Leong, 7—5, 7—5. VETERAN'S SINGLES (HANDICAP) «:ho Nam Khy° beat Kiong Chin Eng. 11—9, 1—6 Seow Poh Long beat
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  • 176 14 Singapore G.C. v. Keppel G.C. Ihe following arc the and starting for the two-ball foursomes match to be lived at Bnklt Timah next Monday (Keppel layers mentioned first) 3.30 p.m. Mrs. Pat?rson and Miss Hadley v. L-dy Huggard and Mrs. Innes Miller. 3.3 C p.m. Miss Paterson
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  • 125 14 Tli? Seremban Chin .>? Badminton Party beat Ik tfting BP. by s—l. Scorts .S.C.B.P. ilaye. I mentioned first >: MIXED DOUBLES. Clan Ah Kam and Miss Won? Pong Mcc .at B. Maniam and Miss MoUy Pern 13—21. I 9 -L—ll: Yeo Sun Leon and Miss Chee <*"Bj
    125 words
  • 786 14 Companions' Soccer XI Beaten. A LARGE crowd saw the Lingnan University of Canton defeat the Chinese Companion Athletic Association (champions of the S.C.F.A. Inter-Club League) in a thrilling game yesterday a: the Jalan Besar Stadium. The visitors won 3—l. The tourists gave a brilliant display of fast
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  • 258 14 301 Not Out. COUNTY CRICKET RESULTS. Reuter. pATSY Hendren, the veteran, made the highest for the season in first class nZfa* when playing at Dudley Worcestershire, in the County Z pionship match begun on Satta*. and concluded yesterday. SwZ also ran up the big score of 23«
    Reuter.  -  258 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 437 15 Superior Stickwork At Hurlingham Contest. London. June 29. JAIPUR, champions of India, beat Osmaston, champions cf England, in the final of the Champion Tournament at Hurlingham by 11 goals to 6. A large and enthusi:* ie crowd witnessed the best polo that has been seen this
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  • 443 15 Inter-Regimental Polo Final. London, July 6. TN the final tie of the Inter-Regimental tournament at Hurlingham the Royal Scots Greys beat the Queen's Bays by six goals to five. As the score suggests it was a very evenly c.ntestcd game and the issue was in doubt
    443 words
  • 143 15 The following are the results of the ninth and tenth rounds in the Marigold B. P. championship singles tournament: Ninth Rotund: S. Q. Quek beat Yeo Swee Kwang 15 —6. 15—7; Chua Leng Seah ber.t C. H. Chung 15—12, 4—15, 15—10: Tan Cheng Kiat beat Tan Chong
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      231 words
    • 326 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (incorporated in the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. E.C. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
      326 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 350 15 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies '>« Singapore, most of the members of u-hich are readers of the -Malaya Tribune" This D&rf is provided specially for them. Secretaries we invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in ihe
      350 words
    • 167 15 petition. The Rev. W. Murray will be conductor. All members are requested to attend at 8.15 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 29. United Chinese Amateurs: Badminton tournament, 4.15 p.m. Telok Ayer Epworth League: Games and postponed ties of draughts tournament, 3 p.ra Physical culture class, 4—4.30 p.m. Photographic class, 5—6 p.m. Bible
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  • 2273 16 SEEKING POWER TO BORROW. Mr. Grenier's Move. GOVT. SANCTION FOR LOAN. WITH reference to a proposal made some time ago by Mr. John Hands that the name of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board be changed to Kuala Lumpur Town Council, the chairman told the Board on Friday
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  • 152 16 Envious Chinese Sent To Gaol. JOHORE NEWS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Jchore Bahru. July 24. CHIA Peng Cheah, a Chinese cf Kulai, who was in the first instance brought before the court on a charge cf murder, was sentenced by Capt. Nelson Jones (First Magistrate* to jndergo
    152 words
  • 89 16 C hinese Who Said He Had No Reason. When a Chinese. Tang Tong Teh, appealed 1.-efore the Second Magistrate <Mr. J. F. F. Gieggt en Monday on a charge of attempted I suicide, he pleaded that his mind was un- 1 hinged at the time. He was
    89 words
  • 33 16 I Lisbon. The population of the ft hing town of Seiubal. the centre of the Portuguese sardine trade, is 197.996. Of these, 123.103—0r more th v 62 per cent.—cannot read or write
    33 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 100 16 lur kin j The germs of disease lurk in the mouth and crevices of the teeth. Pebeco is the weapon to use in dealing with this unseen threat to ycur teeth and health. Pebeco is different from all other tooth pistes, il contains no scap, no grit, no sweet flavouring.
      100 words
    • 162 16 I'9P Normal healthy children are active I and happy. When a child is fretful, does not want to play and refuses to eat, it is often a sign that the system is out of order. Try CASTORIA! It is especially made for children's ailments. It quickly and gently stimulates the
      162 words

  • 110 17 URGENT NEED TO RECTIFY IMPERFECT LEGISLATION. HINDU LAW AND CUSTOM. SHOULD PERSONAL LAW GOVERN MARITAL; RELATIONS? ecent judgment of Mr. Justice Whitley on the ►roof in a case of disputed marriage has brought to question of what constitutes a valid Hindu marv. it should
    110 words
  • 4183 17 t or rather the illegality. [ages in Malaya and by moans of legislate the anomalies now i t ..It with in all their 1 i in a lengthy aitrr< it number of the .••••-Malayan Review." four important cases oaf of marriage (an j at I was
    4,183 words
  • 213 17 A Record Number For Half Year. XfOR the first half of this year the number of Indian estaie laoourers who hav\ returned from Ceylon to India reached the unprecedented figure tf 69,837. R: patriation at public expense, as provided for by Government regulations, was availed of
    213 words
  • 118 17 Prohibited In French India. II !r. learnt from Karaikal. the French India Settlement, that following a pr.hibitorv order i of the French Colonial Minister, the French ii di? Government have issued orders prohibitj ing i':e impart if raw and unground coffee j seeds into French India. A consignment
    118 words
  • 149 17 It is understood tha: the Imperial Library :au horitit: arc con .emplaning to convert it info r. copyrigh* library on the mcdel of the Britl h IQMMI library in England. If and when iiis is done, the lm: I Library will be entitled to receive a coj>y of
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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  • 365 18 Ratepayers Will Support Protest. fIfiADLNESS to consider supporting the views li expressed by communal political associations against the raising of scho l fees was expressed at a mcc ing of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association last Thursday. Mr. J Laycock (President) was in the chair. A copy
    365 words
  • 145 18 Mosaic Splendour of New London Headquarters. Reuter Wireless. London. July 19. One of the many splendours of the magnificent building erected at Covent Garden as the Masonic Peace Memorial and Headquarters of English Freemasonary nh eh was cp. Ned to-day by the Grand Master. H.R.H. the Dukof Connaught.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  145 words
  • 157 18 Charge Of V oluntarily Causing Hurt. T'.vo Siklis quarrell-d ocr a saaip3n at Lorong 3. Geylang. on July 9. One cf them, Bhag Singh, was charged before the Second Magistrate. Mr. J. P. P. Gregg, with voluntarily causing hurt to the other, but was discharged after
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  • 171 18 Mr. Justice Gerahty At Singapore Assizes. Mr. Justice Gerahty, who has been transferred from the Supreme Court. Ipoh, took his seat on Monday at the Assizes Court as a judge of the Straits Settlements. Tire case he is engaged in is that of Shunmugam. who is charged with
    171 words
  • 29 18 Reuter Wireless. London, July 20. King Feisal of Iraq left London this afternoon en route to Switzerland on the conclusion of his visit to England.—Reuter Wireleas
    Reuter Wireless.  -  29 words
  • 201 18 Young Communists Bound Over. TWO youthful Hylam communists, Seng Ah Eng and Foo Ah Ylng, were bound over for six months in one curety of $100 each by the Second Magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg) on Monday. 1 Mr. Barry, AJ3.P. attached to the Special
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  • 145 18 Funeral Of A Singhalese Lady. With full Buddhist rites the funeral of Mrs. M. S. Perera. nee W. L. Lokuhaminay. took place at 5.15 p.m. on Saturday last at the Buddhist Cemetery at Bidadari. The deceased lady, who was 58 years of age, was a very
    145 words
  • 34 18 Reuter Wireless. London, July 20. The Greek debt commission has decided to return to Athens from London without concluding a settlement with bondholders on the subject of payment of the debt.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  34 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 564 18 A R L tung^ j£ Em ments were ilLj I A Hwf DC MAZDA'S and the ££t LA rVI Non-Sag Filament «*'>o THi »Ri-ri«; M Thomson-Houstonco.LTo was their latest crow* noL-ie AiowYCM london.w.c.l. tnumph. WITH THE WONDERFUL NON-SAG FILAMENT.—A MAZDA INVENTION. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 USE QUALITY LAMI'S—USE MAZDA
      564 words
    • 372 18 pip l> P PYORRHEA SHE had a great many friends. Now she is ashamed to open her mouth! The brilliance and natural charm of her smile are gone. Pyorrhea is the price she paid for neglect. Its work is insidious. At first, just a little blood on her tooth brush,
      372 words
    • 311 18 I Whispered Theßeason... 'Unpleasant Odour is Caused by i Underarm Hair' Yvonne always Mltoul m uncKOula: ..n !it wht h.■ 1 tec «t MM difttult- to tfil l,r'r hailki up Mm#« i< a! *rrns not only up!y arJ J" looking M Rreatly apgr.vv.ei the L my o*n ttjfww -I.
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 285 18 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. Stations Received. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA 'INCLUDING BURMA. CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. ■Vs 25 28 and 31.9 metres Brttish Summer Time: add 6 hr%. 20 minute*.) C.MT. 11.0 c.m.—1.0 p.m. T.-ammissicn on an omni-d:r actional
      285 words

  • 451 19 Not Working Smoothy. DUMPING BY THE DOMINIONS. London. July 19. gARL De la Warr, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, made an important statement in the House of Lords to-day en the glutting of British markets with Dominion agricultural products, especially dairy produce, under the Ottawa
    451 words
  • 142 19 Outspoken Debate In House Of Lords. Reuter Wireless. London, July 20. No permanent commercial treaty between England and Russia will be made without a settlement of Russian debts and British claims on Russia, emphasised Lord Londonderry when replying for Government in the course of the debate in the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 80 19 Exchange Of Opinion About Armaments. Reuter Wireless. Munich, July 20. Mr. Arthur Henderson arrived hare this evening from Prague. He conferred for an hour with Hitler and Yon Neurath with regard to disarmament. Subsequently, it was unofficially stated that the discussions afforded the possibility of continuing an exchange
    Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 287 19 For your throats sake, smoke CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA tixe r lWK> Made and sealed-fresh in London —■the tradition:;! home of the jmWm^^^^H^iiiH World's finest Virginia Cigarettes— CRAVEN 4 A" do nor. eunnou affect the f\ t throat. You can buy CRAVEN "A" any- 1 where scaled-fresh in the certainty that *jßrilii
      287 words