Malaya Tribune, 24 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX, No. 1*73 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday, July 24, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 Ksad fhe Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malaya t ff Powdered Milk llWti^b^^E''Jl AND HEI( finest product PURE FRESH MILK in Convenitnt iorm (or Drinking or Cooking t^fflfiSffS^E-T A PRODUCT OF CANADA Y0 0 must 'IJJII v/ 1/ see •II'IIIIII// smartest ear l/11l Malaya 111, on display at Sox*neo Motors, U-fccl.
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    • 192 1 A. PLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. HEALTH and STRENGTH 1 IN EVERY TIN
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  • 218 2 ONE of the most interesting portions of an interesting rep rt (on the Malayan Forest Dept.) ts that draling Vtth -rrgeneration fellm," the object cf which is to increase, m the fo:eets of th? F.MS., the proportion of a..:' table -pedes at .he
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  • 171 2 lubber Growers' Association, anyway, is f ng m great service in placing betorc the o.le industry in convenient form the ag and potential ires of rubber in au.o--:1 manufacture. A recent development ;n _r technology, which seems destined lo c far reaching effecrs. is the direct application
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  • 199 2 |°_Nc day Penang will be the proud possvisOi of a water-borne sewerage system, tt is goin'; to rost quite a lot of money but it wil 1 be money well-spent. The present method of dealing with sewage is co-tly and cumbersome there can be little doubt that when
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  • 188 2 AS one high Government official said scm time ago. Fraser's Hill is lebeh kuranp !> Federal area generally administered from Kuala Lumpur and it has struck us that ihe development of thp Cameron Highlands worn progress more rapidly if it were also areated r.s a lebch kurang Federal
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  • 318 2 Method Of Retaliation For Debt Denial. A Sinhalese named J. M. Richardsingho was convicted on Friday by the Dis lict Ju-ge, Mr. li. A. Forrer, on charge of voluntarily causing hurt and was sentenced to three months' i i. Court Inspector Sheedy prosecuted and Mr. V. J.
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  • 51 2 Mr. F. K. Wilson, the First Magistrate, went to Sungei Bu'oh, in connection with the case irt which an Arab leper is alleged to have vo- intarily caused hurt to a Chine:e leper. The accused is alleged to have struck the Chine ,.e .vith an clectrlc torch and broken a
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  • 350 2 Food Shop Coolie Steals Nine Months' Savings. A Malayalee Muslim food shop proprietor ol 55, Beach Road, who has been a licencee of that trade for the last 24 years, was the complainant on Thursday before the Second Magistrate, Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, when a coolie of
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  • 90 2 Leembruggen's Action Against Miles. THE defamation cnarge againa* c. R. Miles, in which C. N. Leembruggen is the complainant, was mentioned before the Second Magistrate. Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, on Saturday. Mr. Milter and Mr. Banerjea have been engaged for the prosecution and defence respectively. Saying he
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  • 40 2 Hongkong, July 22. Mr. Aw Boon Haw has proposed to the Fukien Provincial Government the establishment of a new Fukien bank with a capital of $10,000,000, for the development of the province. "Sin Chew Jit Poh".
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  • 1138 2 Sir S. Wilson's Report. FLEET STREET AND MALAYA. Somewhere in Yorkshire, June 20. riNE'S mail must be posted early this v week. The Call of the Road is insistent, in England in June, and early to-morrow morning there will be a setting forth upon a whole
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 VISIT BANDOENG BY AIR Bandoeng in the Preanger Mountains 2,300 feet above sea level is the most beautiful hill city in L A si i M Leaving Singapore by the Wednesday morning m'plane, you arrive the same afternoon amongst M I the cool and restful mountains.
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    • 468 2 ORIENTAL" GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN INDIA 1874). HEAD OFFICE:—BOMBAY i «»>■♦*•«*>■ Life Assurance is a Real Necessity, The fallowing is an appreciation from a Grateful j; THE BRANCH SECRETARY, Oriental Life Office, Kuala Lumpur. jl Dear Sir, I have great pleasure in acknowledging receipt of II
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 315 2 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. Stations Received. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 313 metre*. British Summer Time: add 6 hrs. 20 minutes.) G.M.T. 11.30 a.m.—1.0 p.m. Transmission on an omni-directional aerial: 11.0
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  • 948 3 A TELEGRAPHIC REVOLT? General Chan's Clever Manipulation Of Power. NOT READY YET FOR INDEPENDENCE. Telegrams from China lately have hinted at the possibility of revolt by Canton against Nanking. The "Peiping Morning Post" says that it is only a
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  • 100 3 Bung Shao-Hsiung Returns ith Canton Envoy. 1 Shanghai. July 5. Huaim ohao-hsiung, Minister of recently went to Hongkong as Government's representative to ■,'t >:tws with the military leaders :'n -"ft. is expected to arrive here this n |,o arc j the s.s. "Empress of Asia." p' H *iang
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  • 40 3 Nanking, July 5. new complications which have s >nkiang, the Government has decided General Huang Mu-sung. understood that General Huang has involved in new disturbances in *uch .Hl!f c Oovernment Is apparently Tarried over the Slnklang situation.— I
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  • 153 3 1 Feverish Preparations For War. Chungking, July 6. Feverish warlike preparations are now going on in preparation for the fearful clash within a day or two. General Liv Wen-huei has evidently no intention to accept mediation and is prepared tc fight against the superior forces commanded by his
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  • 45 3 Shanghai, June 38. The Executive Yuan has issued another order to the local Municipal Government instructing that immediate steps should be taken for the ,eirly apprehension of the assassins of Mr. Yang Hsin-fo, who was killed by several assassins last Sunday.—snun Pao.
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  • 276 3 Determined To Resort To Force. Chungking. June J"GENERAL Liv Hsiang has drawn up a comprehensive plan for the unification of Szechuen and the suppression of Communists in Northern Szechuen. With the approval of General Chiang K* l shek. General Liv Hsiang has determined to resort to force
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  • 160 3 Peiping Delegate Returns From j Kalgan. Peipnig. July 3 Mr. Li Hsm. representative of the Peipina suthcrities, returned here from Kalgan to-d.iv. Immediately after his arrival Mr. Li confered with General Sung Cheh Yuan. It Is said that Marshal Feng Yu Hsiang refused to express his views regarding
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  • 83 3 Appointment As Hupeh Chairman. Nanking. June 30. Areording to information from political curies, the Government is contemplating th? appointment of General Chang Chun, former Mayer of Shanghai, as chairman of the Hupeh Provincial Government. It is said that the reorganization of the Hunch Provincial Government will be
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  • 83 3 More Chinese Return From Mexico. Shanghai, July 4. Another batch of eleven Chinese nationals I deported from Mexico arrived here from San Francisco yesterday on bo rd the s.s. "Pre- sident Hayes." They left for Hongkong on the same boa' early this morning after receiving ten dollar
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  • 50 3 Shanghai, July 1 According to a wireless message received from Canton, the aeroplane which left he for Canton on a test flight arrived in Canton yesterday. It is returning to Shanghai early this morning, carrying with it the first batch of mills from Canton.— Morning Post.
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  • 47 3 Shanghai, July 4. General Huang Shao Hsiung, representative of the National Government to the South-west, is expected to arrive here to-morrow on board the "Empress of Asia." General Huang will make a brief stop tti Shanghai and then will proceed to Nanking Shvn Pan
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  • 199 3 Kalgan "Red" Menace. OPEN ENCOURAGEMENT BY FENG. Peiping, July 6. JJKPOKTS from Kalgan state that a membership drive conducted by the Communist Party is now in full swing there. UP the present no less than a thousand railway workers and students have joined that organisation with
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  • 108 3 Anti-Japanese Boycott Movement In Shanghai. Shanghai. July 5. The anti-Japanese boycott movement in Shanghai is still in fi;!l swing. The Citizens League has sent out a number cf inspectors to ccmh the various Chinese shops in both the Chines#* City and the International ment for Japanese gocds. Yesterday
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  • 170 3 Stern Warning Given In Shanghai. Shanghai. Juh 8. FOLLOWING on the heels A the notice given to the Chinese rubber factories in the International Settlement, says the Chine. Times." '.he Ta Chung Hua Rubber Pac'.Cfy, in the Fiench Concession, has received a stern warning. The Municipal Council
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  • 91 3 Anniversary Celebrations In Shanghai Shanghai. July 7. To-day being tht seventh anniversary of the establishment of the Municipal Government of Greater Shanghai, a memorial meeting will be held this morning in the Shanghai Municipal ofEr-e to celebrate the occasion. In the absence n f Mayor Wu Teh Chen,
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  • 72 3 Shanghai. July 7. The second batch of five military pursuitplanes prcha cd by thr Shanghai Aviation l.c3gue with funds raised here by public *übscription is expected to arrive befcre Ihe end of this month. Thc-e nerop'anes wi.l be handed over lo th- 1 Aviation BOfeau as
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  • 255 3 CLASH OF TWO LIU'S. Uncle And Nephew. Communists Reaping The Advantage. Chungking, July 4. •pHE civil war in Szechuen has developed into a direct clash between Generals Liv Wen-huei and Liv Hsiang, according to the latest ad vices from Lungchang, where General Liv Hsiang established his
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  • 37 3 Nanking. June 26. The southern section of the Tsin-pu Railway. between Pengpu and Chuchow. is infested with locusts, which are destroying the harvest. The authorities are taking effective steps to deftrrv the insects— Mm Pao.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 808 4 Shipping News Notices. COASTAL SHIPPING CONCERN. Bill Detrimental To The Industry. THE Coastal Trade Development Council h?s issued the following statement over the signatures of Earl Beatty. president. Sir John Sandeman Allen, M.P., chairman. Commander Arthur Marsden, R.N.. M.P., vice-chairman, and Mr. G. S. Maskall. 0.8. E., chairman of the
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  • 65 4 The late Mr. Thomas Herbert Bell, ship- I owner and shipbroker, who died on March 18 last, son of the late Thomas Bell J.P., D.C.L., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, left £364,692 7s. 7d., with net personalty £359,006. Among the bequests made by the testator are £1.000 to the Baltic Mercantile
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  • 45 4 The traffic return of the Manchester Ship Canal for May at £88,081 shows a decrease of £9.013 compared with May, 1932. For the first five months of the year the return is £451.901, v decrease of £13.100 compared with a year ago.
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  • 572 4 Amendment Of Mines Act Necessary. AS pointed out in the report of the Humber District Association of Chartered Shipbrokers for 1933. the Humber ports have, unfortunately, felt the full weight of the depressed state of commerce, particularly in shipping, but it is hoped by many that there are
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  • 152 4 Arrangements By The Canadian Pacific. Over the August bank holiday, the Canadian Pacific are operating a special first ciitss excursion from Hongkong to Manila and return on the Empress of Japan, the largest and tastes;, luxury liner on tha Pacific. The itinerary is, leave Hongkong Fuday evening, August
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  • 411 4 Value Of Model Work In A Slump. THE value of intensive model experimentwork in providing the most economical type of ship was shown to several leading shiptuners and engineers by Mr. G. S. Baker, the superintendent, at the annual inspection of the leddington Tanks of the National Physical
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  • 233 4 Admiralty Order In Satirical Vein. Following its little homily to seamen on the leed for going aloft when requested to do so. .he Admirality now delivers itself cf a similar effusion in the form of an Admiralty Order Jiis time devoted to the seaman's claspknife, iays the
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  • 491 4 I War Orders Result In Profit. THE 74th genera! meeting of the shareholders of the Kawasaki Dockyard Company. Limi:ed. was held at i s head offices in Kobe recen ly. Hachfsabux: Hirao. the president, was in »hsir, and in the course cf his remarks, he said: "X,
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  • 104 4 Vessel Sinks: One Damaged In Dense Fog. Due to den r e fog, the Awa Kyodo's llnor "Naruto-maru" (1.218 ctns>, plying between Otaka and Shikoku, went aground off KomatI sushima, Tokushima Prefecture, recently. After transferring all passengers, numbering 220, to frhing boats, the vessel was reflated abcut noon.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 487 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL. PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. .1933. P BHUTAN 6,000 Aug. 3
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    • 175 4 TfjLLOYB TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suet, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sues, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. m v TERGESTEA Aug 15 Aug 15 Due Leave Due
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    • 202 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deutech I Hfkf) Australische DampfschltTJ OeseUfchaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS 1933 t m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila July 26 t s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug. 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept. 7 t m.s.
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    • 582 4 _STEAMER jAILIN^ NORDDEFTSCHER iJSuSI LL OYD, (Incorporated q Germany). The undernoted an; the Companv s lnfm* fixtures:— OUTWARDS. IIU S "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, N. China and Japan a u "LAHN" for Manila. Hongkong. North China and Japan "TRAVE" for Manila, Hongkong. Shanghai, North China and Japan Aug 28
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  • 497 5 re Monday, 11 a.m. .in share quotations fire Issued Co., exchange and stock (it n-* Buyers. Sellers. riiaham Tin 27|6 So|£l i Malay 27 6 nou Hitam Tin 13|9 14|6 0.90 1.00 Sngrta Tin 18 3 19;--iatang P*can« 0.10 0.15 •> 1 Tin 0.42' L.
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  • 266 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN DOWN BUT FIRM. > Rubber Re-Action May Be Anticipated. 'By Our Financial Correrpondent.) Singapore. Monday, noon. To-Day*s Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 13 cts., down I/a ct. Market Tone: Sellers reserved. Tin (Singapore), $108%, down $VaMarket Tone: Firm. Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 13 16d.,
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  • 37 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 3 13 16d. New York: 7 (G.) cent\ Singapore: 13—13% cents. TIN. London Spot: £212 15s. ('Unchanged). London 3 months: £212 15s. (Unchanged;. Singapore: $108.37%. COPRA. Sundried $3.90 Mixed $3.35
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  • 29 5 The following iubber returns f:r the month of June are reported: Kuala Reman 51.000 lb. Lok Kawi 38,000 lb. Brusoh Rubber 45,000 lb. United Malacca 36,2*0 lb.
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  • 24 5 The output for the f=ur weeks ended July 18 of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Limited, amounted to 2,072 ounces.
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  • 3488 5 Restriction And Higher Prices. The twenty-sixlh ordinary general meeting of the members of the Siamese Tin Syndicate. Limited, was held on June 21 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. Sir Cyril K. Butler, K.8.E., presid.d and said: I am sure you will regret that our
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  • 244 5 New American Slump Reactions. Reuter Wireless. London, July 19. LfS £E StoCk Exchan ee. to-day although profit-taking, especially among leading indusinais and rubbers caused some irregularity no particular new feature presented itself and the undertone all-round was good. Wheat further responded to bullish reports from America and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  244 words
  • 635 5 Singapore, Monday. 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations at* issued by rraser and Co.and LyaU ana EvatM Issue Value. Fraser LyaU m Shares. ss Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.85 $0.65 $0.80 1 Alor Oajah 0.60 0.70 0.50 0.60 IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20 1.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 90 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £1000,000 Paid-up-Capital 5 SnS 000 Reserve Fund and Rest Mo ooo HEAD OFPICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi. Madras. Arnara.' Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received
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    • 48 5 WATCH 17 GROW! Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK puys interest quartern. Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55. Wall Street. N V
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    • 231 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO BONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 Amusements < l! NIGHTLY! J 6.159.15 DOUBLE ATTRACTION Paramount's sirring new dramatic production— "LADY GENT" With GEORGE BANCROFT and W YNNE GIBSON Presented with a great sporting picture— THE SHANGHAI TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP, Shoeing The Well-known Malayan Champion KHOO HOOI HYE j Winnln» th Sin<rl s Championship tf Ch na and
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    • 250 6 6,15 L ast 9,15 Paramount's Novel And Entertaining Adap*cn Of Gina Kaus's famous Novel I "LUXURY LINER" with George Brent, Alice White Frank Morgan Zita Johann Peer Behind Portholes Unlock Cabin Door? r.nd see the exciting adventures on a SIX DAYS' ATLANTIC CROSSING t TO-MOHROIV NiGHT Malayan Premiere! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayrr'* Drlicious-ly
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    • 377 6 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm k jl IpMmail Last j AN INTRIGUING STORY OF THE LURE OF LONDON'S NIORT I tp ABOUNDING IN THRILLS AND CHARM E That Night in London! A PARAMOUNT RELEASE A PICTURE EVERYONE WILL ENJOY. j WEDNESDAY—FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! M.-G.-M.'s Successful adaption Of Noel Cowards Dnrir.u Co: "PRIVATE
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  • 712 7 MANY YEARS WITH GOVERNMENT. Fired At Bisley. runera 1 At Bidadari Yesterday. fj'i*P. took place with full .;;t t honours at Bidadari t r\ y sterclay morning of Mr. li:i!istan, o le of the oldest of the S.V.C., who died at i at r,
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  • 110 7 1 «II To ('apt. R. Macdonald B.v K. L. Staff. 1 U.e Branch Audit Office, Kuala > i tcriainwi Capt. R. Macdonald, M.C., r Auditor, at a farewell function ou al ll; Hotel Majestic. Veli ppilial garlanded r.fae guest on ..ti a group photograph wajs takui 'j'. V,
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  • 134 7 Flight From Berlin To Canton. Hongkong, July 23. AN unknown plane landed at Canton on Thursday evening. It was discovered only yesterday that the pilot, Sun Tung Kang, had completed his trans-Eurasia flight from Germany where he left on June 27. This is the first time in
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  • 453 7 Death Follows Cut ith Glass. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 21. fTIHE funeral took place this afternoon A George Frederick Blackott. aged 38. manager of Messrs. Harper Gilfiilan Co. Ltd., Malacca, who died yesterday at Durian Daun iTfispital. where he succumbed to olood poisoning caused
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  • 235 7 Cooking Competition In Home Section. j rpHE scliedule for the Home Section at the ort hcoming Malayafi Exhibition to be he«J •n Kuala Lumpur during the August Bank Hobdays is now available, and can be obtained .rom fee secretary of the Malayan AgriHorticultural Association, from the honomrv action
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  • 82 7 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust. The case In which a Chinese Nonya, lee lock was charged with criminal breach f trust in respect of jewellery valued at $1,1>70, he property of an aged Malay woman, Zana inti Hassan, was mentioned on Saturday efon- the Second Magistrate, Mr. J.
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  • 76 7 Military Expenditure Forms Half Of Revenue. The Kwangsi Provincial Government had dopted the provincial budget, which is estimaed at $24,000.000. with a deficit of $2,000,000. Military expenditure is given at $12,000,000 hlle $4,000,000 is allotted to construction orks and $3,000,000 to education. Dr. Sun Fo. Chairman of the
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  • 541 7 Mr. Braddell On Land Values. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. July 19. WfHEN the Hon. Mr. Justice Arnold Savage Bailey, C.B.E., presided in the Supreme Court this morning as acting judge in Johore. Mr. Roland Braddell, who was engaged in a case to come
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  • 705 7 Tamil Cobbler Charged With Murder. Frovi Our Own Correspondent./ Johoiv Bihru, July 20. As the result of an alleged stabbing affair, in Jalan Ngee Heng at about 5.30 on the .aiming of June 30, a preliminary enquiry wao hold ♦o-day by Sheikh Abu Bakar (Second Magistrate.* into a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 365 7 CAPITOL THEATRE! MALACCA j TO-NIGHT:-— I MISS FAY, The Hom-konjr Girl hi J "LOVE DEBT/ Cantonese Talkir. TO-MORROW: "HE LEARNED ABOUT WOMEN." I Stuart Tra in. Alison Sklpworth and Susan Fleming). A Paramount Picture. l— LATEST TENDERS I TENDERS are invited by the P<rtuguo*v I Mission for th? e'emo'ition of
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  • 90 8 Mrs. Galistan and family wish '.o convey their sincere thanks to all relatives anc" friends who att'nded ;b? funeral cf the lute Mr. Edgar Galistan and those who sent wreaths, ielegrams and lette:s cf sympathy in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. James and the
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  • 148 8 1 KOH—Kch Siok Kuan alias Chi Chik, ago 41. daughter of la'.s Mr. Koh San Hin. J.P., and Madam Secw G-eok Lin, passed away peacefully at her residence, No. 195. Joo Chiat Road, on Sunday. July 23, 1933. leaving her husband, Mr. Ong Seng Kit, 4 daughters, 2 sons.
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  • 737 8 I The developments in China at the present time are of vast importance to the whole world. It has beer demonstrated clearly enough at the World Economic Conference, by China's own spokesmen, that China offers the greatest undeveloped market the world has ever known. With internal peace,
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  • 281 8 Comments By The Way. IMiT cU i ol ihe British Resident cf Maigj-r not to accede to the leeniest of unofficial members of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board to change the board's name to 'Town Council." after discussing the matter with the Residents ol the other
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  • 267 8 TF it were necessary to prove the suec-ss of the Sund y Tribune as a newspaper ventuie we would be required to establish figuresfigures relating to circulation and advertising revenue ar.d so on. We have not been required to provide this proof. Malaya in general, anci Singapore
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  • 180 8 NO better example of the loyalty to the I Home country of the oversea* Chinese could be supplied than the frequent tours of China by Mr. Aw Boon Haw, the well-known Singapore philanthropist, for the purpose cf fulfilling any pressing needs which may be drawn to
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  • 71 8 i The death has occurred suddenly of Mr I Yeoh Seng Lye, one of the leading Chinese of Penang, at the age of 59. He was proprietor of KeaL Wan Co., rice merchants, at one time a director of the Overseas Chinese Bank a
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  • 41 8 R. P. M. Perumal Chettiar was attacked by an unknown Chinese as he was walSnfout side the Plaza Hotel about 6.45 p.m 7ne man threw acetic acid in the chet'lar's 1£ d escaped. The victim is in a serious condition
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  • 198 8 I n3 h fv,o l^ d n!t 0f -'■■■■I has expressed reQf^faiL 1 SS? to Col *P* with teTwishTs BOard to Chan e me jvuaia Lumpur Town Council. 0 system. such a sewage fi Mr W E Pe s been ap- pa^l D land Pi ?n t0 2
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  • 62 8 Mr James Kellie, manager of Dunbar Rubber ES.ates, Naram Tunggal, Pahang, has ten "E* of f the e neral hospital, Kuala l££ wfih dengue fever. He Is now convalescent JSLJt t Moore of the engineering department, Penang arrived at Luala Lhv. on Tuesday, to take over charge of
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  • 479 8 i BY J I I have achieved fame at lact. A A Two of the jokes 1 neiw about a week ago found tht-ir1 Cd into the humorous column nf t r "Sunday Tribune's" Ioca com™' he ary yesterday. con^mpo r A The Resident of Selangor has
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  • 31 8 AN EDITOR ON LEAVE, on p. -> RADIO PROGRAMME, on fmP CHINA NEWS, on page 3. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 12. 13 UM I* MUSLIM NOTES, m pace IS.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 SPRAfT'S MEAT-FIBRINE DOG FOODS ==s Canine condition depends upon Health Health depends mainly on the degree of nourishment the dog derives from his daily fare. That nourishment is determined solely by the nature and quality of the food he eats and digests. Hence the wisdom of demanding Spratts' and refusing
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    • 46 8 F I TAKE SCOTT'S EMULSION the best for your health. DANCING. j Foxtrot, Wal*s. Tango, etc., taught «t Rent's Dance Studio. Meftf Mansions, j Flat 6. Coleman Sireet. T. K. K.'S FOOTBALL TUBES. 15 to 24 cts. each B TENG SENG GUAN, 634. North Bridge Road.
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  • 961 9 Silver Agreement At World Conference. REGULATION OF PBODUCIION AND SALES. INDI4N OUTPUT LIMITED FOR FOUR YEARS. Other Countries To Buy In. Immediate Advantage To Far Eastern Commerce. Reuter. A silver agreement has been reached at the World Ec nomic Conference by which production and sales are restrii ted, India's output
    Reuter.  -  961 words
  • 78 9 details Of Malayan Exhibition Stction. hfdule for the Arts and Photography i if the Malayan Exlubiticn to be held ;aLl 1 unipur during the Bank Holiday «-end roe jus: published. art there are classes for oi's, li n r 1 miscellaneous, and Batik painJay;,... 01 T1 e
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  • 46 9 R.E.H Governor by notification in the «*ea the appointment as Justices Settlement of Singapore, of r Persona who have left the bun.' Beary Long Kingsfor.h OnJWJ McEacharn Marshall, Charles "Me&Q «m I ril:k Art hur Pledger, Andrew **Unj \v k J™?*" Geor3e Stirling. "*mtr, Harold Wolskel.
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  • 93 9 Well-known Malacca Chinese Passes. (Frcmi Our Oicn Correspondent.) Malacca, July 21. Mr. Goh Chim Bee, a well-known Malacca resident, passed away at the age of 62 years last night as a result of apoplexy at his residence, No. 277, Tranquerah. the deceased suffered a stroke while in
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  • 34 9 Mr. T. Troller. former manager of the Asior House Hotel, Shanghai, and of the Grand Hotel Wagons Liis, Peking, has arrived in Singapore from London to become manager of Raffles Hotel.
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  • 371 9 New Nazi Decree. DEATH PENALTY FOR INCITEMENT. Reuter. Berlin, July 22. JJEATH will be the penalty for any action against public officials and Storm Troopers, also for the distribution of so-called "atrocity propaganda" imperilling the dignity or existence of the State under a bill which will be submitted
    Reuter.  -  371 words
  • 79 9 Eastern European Peace Protocol. Reuter. Paris. July 22. France is willing to sign the protcol dflOntoiJJ "aggressor" signed in Lcndon CO July 1 by the Soviet Government. Turkey. Poland, the Little Entente and the Baltic States provided France is not the only Western Powo: to join the
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 23 9 Poking, July 22. Bishop M:wle has formally accepted the Archbuhop.ic of Sydney.—Eeuter. [Bishop Mowle is at present Bishop of Western China.]
    23 words
  • 224 9 INDIAN SEES OUR POSTER. Suspicions Aroused. Part The "Tribune" Story Played. "MALAYA Tribune" poster was directly responsible for the recovery on Saturday of a car which had been missing for two days. On Thursday afternoon Mr. C. F. Young, of Vitalexin, Ltd., Mercantile Bank Building, found his
    224 words
  • 161 9 Emergency Measures In America. Reuter. Wa shine tow July 23. The Agricultural Depart men. has approved he Chicago Boa/d of Trade's proposal setting Thursday's closing prices as the minimum belo wh;ch no trading will be allowed unul notice. Daily wheat fluctuations will be limited to S~e cents
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 100 9 Chettiar Community Joins Opposition. The Chettiar Chamber cf Commerce, Singapore, is calling a meeting to-day ol Chettiar pc ents and guardians to consider the question of school fees and to appoint two delegates (members of the working committee> to the meeting of representatives of local communal institutions
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  • 41 9 Three Chinese Seamen Arrested At Calcutta. Reuter. Calcutta, July 22. Three Chinese from an American vessel now in Calcutta have been arrested for possession cf six Italian made pistols and 500 rounds of ammunition, alleged to be intended for terrorists.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 42 9 No Reconciliation With Stalin Intended. Reuter. Naples, July 22. Suffering from heart disease and malaria, Troizky arrived here from Istanbul and left for Marseilles to seek medical advice. He emphatically denied that he intended a reconciliaUon with Stalin.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 71 9 Reuter. Paris. July 22. Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang met a "representative of M. Daladier nnd Dr. Wellington Koo. He will visit Verdun tomorrow accompanied by a French staff officer s>nd wal meet M. Daladier and M. Pierre Cot. the Air Minis'pr. during his stay. He will
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      49 words
    • 371 9 FAMOUS j a, FOOTBALLER'S I M TRIBUTE Jll'j Mr. GEORGE CAMSELL the clever Middleslwrough «ĔsJIW Player, writes: I VERY footballer who plays in a leading team must be in tu» pink of condition. That is the first essential. To enable him to combine effectively and to put in an individual
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  • 114 10 CHIANG KAI SHEK'S 5 FOLLOWERS. Active Id Canton. South-West is Taking Precautions. Hongkong, July 23. 'pHE Canton Party (Kuomintang) Headquarters have issued instructions to its branches in the South-West provinces to take precautions again* 2 disturbances which are likely to >e created by the Blue Shirts. The
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  • 108 10 Clash Between Rival Chinese Clans. Over a dozen people were mjurtd during a riot that cccurred at the Buki: Brown Cemetery. Thompson Road, yesterday. About a hundred Chinese were at endin? a funeral when an argument arose between (WO different clans. The rivals eventually came to grips
    108 words
  • 79 10 Attempt To Rescue British Captives Fails. Reuter Wireless. Dairen. July 19. Japanese and Manchukuo authorities, working in conjunction, made a daring and nearly successful raid on the Chinese pirates who are holding three British marine officers captive. The authorities located the pirates* lair in swamps in the Panshan
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 104 10 Terrible Accident In Rubber Factory. A terrible accident occurred at the Lee Rubb r Factory in Kallang Road at about 8 o'clock list night. One of the Chinese hands in the engine room became entangled in the revolving machinery and sustained fatal injuries. By the time the
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  • 44 10 Knocked Down By A MotorLorry. A twelve-year-old Chinese boy was badly injured yesterday afternoon when he was knocked down by a motor-lorry in Boundary Road, Upper Seiingoon. He waa taken to hospital by ambulance, having sustained severe lacerations about his legs.
    44 words
  • 52 10 Transferred from the Third Court for senten c or a charge cf theft, Poh Hong Yok, who had had a previous conviction for theft in 1929. was this morning sentenced to five weeks' r.i! tc be followed by six months' police supervision by the District Judge. Mr. H.
    52 words
  • 37 10 Mrs. L. Kennedy. Mr. A. W. Hay and Dr. W. Dawson hive been appointed to be members of the Hospital Visiting Committee, vice Mrs. H O Maas, Mr. S Cl Hacker and Dr J 8 Sloper. resigned
    37 words
  • 124 10 Promotion Of Industrial Development. Reuter. Changchun. July 22. THE new Manchukuo tariff promulgated today and effective from to-nvrrow is notable for the decrease uf duties in over fltty classes ol goods, designed to promo c industrial devehpmcn and lighten the 'ax-burden. Duties on C ten lex
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 213 10 497 Articles Discovered In Man's Stomach. London. An amazing collection of 497 articles disw vered in a man's stomach, was described to the West Cheshire Coroner at the inquest id a farmer who died following an operation. The articles, which together weighed 1% 'b. included 200 nails from half
    213 words
  • 133 10 Lady And Gent" At The Alhambra. Local tennis enthusiasts will doubly appreciate the new programme which began at ho AJr.ambia yesterday where, in addition to th: featuie film, the Malayan tennis champitn, Khoo Hooi Hye is seen in action. Th? film is of sufficient leng h to
    133 words
  • 155 10 The hug? bulk of a modem Atlantic liner forms the setting for the intensive analytical study cf human emotions and reactions in "luxury Liner," screened at the Capitol Thea rtor>. Saturday nigh.. The ptriod of conflict is limited to th? space of its trans-Atlantic journey.
    155 words
  • 117 10 "That Night in L'-ndcn." the Paramount British film starring Robert Donat. Pearl Argyll? and Mileo Mandrr, commenced a t?? at the Pavilion theatre yesterday. There is mystery, romance, brilliant cacarec pic'ureque scenes of rural England and •shcts" of many pcinLs in the great Metro
    117 words
  • 86 10 Hopes Of International Agreements. Washington. Although President Roosevel; has decided not to send a ra olution to Congress asking for full authority beforehand to make tariff treaties it if. understood that he is preparing a stilt". merit cf hi» tariff policy to clarify the situation. This l
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  • 651 10 Reuter. Pendine To Newfoundland In 23 Hours. New York. .lul\ -5. 'J'HE Mollisons crashed in landing a* Bridgeport, Connecticut. Both the .Mollisons have been take.* to hospital with abrasions. They ar.* not seriously hurt but their machineis wrecked.—Reuter. Harbour
    Reuter.  -  651 words
  • 140 10 Changes In New Excess Profit? Tax Forecast. Johannesburg: The Transvaal Chamber of Mines publisher the following intimation with regard to the dividend declarations o: South African goldUdnlng companies. "A special bill imposing the excess ntolits iax en the gold mines will be introduced in the House of
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  • 63 10 Britain Regaining Position: Poland's Falling Export. Helsingfors. British competition in the Northern European markets is held to be responsible for a decrease in Poland's coal production. Tha latest figures available, for April, show that only 1,731,680 tons were produced—a decrease of over 17 per cent. The Scandinavian
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  • 154 10 Paris Ciub Limited To Intellectuals. Paris. Jewish exiles fiom Germany now have a club in the Cham us Elysees. It is known as the •Foyer Heirrich Heine" and was opened at a cercmoney performed by the famous French ruigeon. Professor Jean-Louis-Faure. and is intended for mtellectuals only. Its
    154 words
  • 71 10 German Aeroplanes Reach China. Shanghai. The D 5, one of the two German aeroplanebought for the joint German-Chinese airiin* Eurasia" which left Berlin on May 31, he* arrived hare. The other plane, the D 7. is at present engaged in transporting the newly appointed Chinese Pacification Commis
    71 words
  • 214 10 Death Certificate Was Wrong. Reuter Wireless. JLodnun. July 19 AN Open verdict, was rcu/n.-d by the Coroner after the inquiry inn the ir.ys-.crit us death of the former actress, Mrs. Marion Roosc. th: friend of Maundy Gregory, the journalist who tie;; recently served a ben ence
    Reuter Wireless.  -  214 words
  • 123 10 Thousands Watch In Horror: Waving To Crowd. i Philadelpliia. Pennsylvania. Little Gene Macon is only twn. but she has managed to bring traffic to a dead stop in one of the busiest streets of Philadelphia. For here she was. five storeys up. walking along the edge
    123 words
  • 56 10 Moscow Three Milliard Rouble j Loan. Moscov.. The diree milliard rouble ten-year Soviet loaa 1 (nominally £300,000,000' to finance the secrr-1 t five-year plan issued on May 15 hps now beon fully r-uhscribcd. Of thi« amount *he workers' employees subscribed 2,256,000.000 roubles, other city populations 155.000.000. while 564,000,000
    56 words
  • 29 10 Mr W. J. Wilcoxson and Mr. C. V. Bailey have been appointed M be members Of the Trade Commission, vice Mr J. Bagnall and Mr J. G. Campbell, resigned.
    29 words
  • 1018 10 Japanese I'lanes Over The City. JOINING FENG'S CAMP Attack On Dolunor: Reuter. Shanghai. July g| BATTALION of the Vol* trooix under < < hen* Km •an have mutinied at Matsang, wh lT they were stationed, and are fet*. vest along the Pwping-Suiyuci Railway. The Peiping authorities bay«
    Reuter.  -  1,018 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 232 11 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAYS SHIPPING AESSELS IN PORT. 322 I ns. fmra Pert SvettenI 23-1; for rot certain. 362 I OS, froai Bengal 23-7; BrU 184 from Bagan f Began, 25-7. 'i tan fr m Malacca 23-7: I Mai, cea 24-7. 761 t ns, from Bangkok 23-7:
    232 words
  • 94 11 Singapore. July 24. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). <' .:>: Francis 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). n Madaj 15; Alaska Maru 11: Sash 9: Titan 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Teireeias 32: Marudu 34: Ci y of Empue Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Sfcervaisut
    94 words
  • 73 11 Msiis from Batavia and Falemba~| by acropfcUK are expected at the General P.:> Singapore a- 2.30 p.m. to-morrow. Frcm Holland by the "Indrapotra" dn v at SingaporeHo-mcr or.- meri.v.Fr:m China and Japan by the "lfortoJca Mam due r.t Singapore to-morrow roornirg. Frcm China an.: Japan c. the
    73 words
  • 42 11 Owing to the very small imotm; of corr spendene? receive:' for these mails, the Week]) air mails from Singapo.e to Alor Star ar.d Penang v.ill b_- discontinued aftrr the despatches which will close in Singapore en July 25. 1933.
    42 words
  • 174 11 SELLING. Singapore. July 24. London 4 months' sight *g iki London 3 months' sight 1 London 60 days' sight g London 30 days' sight London demand London T.T. 2 J *JS Lyons and Paris demand Hamburg demand New York demand jr Batavia and Sourabaya demand Jjg Samarang demand
    174 words
  • 207 11 Singa pore. July H R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. iSiami \V. Ccast 2 $108 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 SI 12 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 $I^7 Rice, Siam Old" per koyan No. 1 5176 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $154 Rice, Siam -Old"
    207 words
  • 86 11 What Separates Us From The Stars. Chicago, Illinois. The scientists have been measuring the amount of -star dust" between the Earth and the distant heavens. The amount of dust according to astronomers at* Yerkes Observatory (Wisconsin) Is not much. In fact, they calculate that all
    86 words
  • 303 11 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JULY 24. High Tides—l2.3o p.m.. 11.39 p.m. Commercial Cup Footbal': F. and N. v. 'A.P.C. Anson Road: Mun. Services v. Hon^kun? Bank, Geylang. League Football: Div. 11, Police v. Maiays 11, Jalan Besar. TO-MORROW, JULY 25. High Tide.—
    303 words
  • 112 11 ALHAMBRA Lady and Gent. starring George Bancroft. CAPlTOL—"'Luxury Liner"' featuring George Brent, Alice White, etc. EMPIRE. In Ihe Family. GREAT WORLD. —Side shows. Cabaret Malay opera. Chinese wayang, silent and talk m%. films <Sky Talkie: "Sttent Witm-j." Sta. Talkie: •Seed.') MARL3OROUGH —"The Vagabond King." NEW WORLD.—Side shows, "Ghost Tram.
    112 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 108 11 Violins Fittings Cheapest A Best SEASON CO., LTD.,I! 116, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. A Wonderful Discovery in the Medical World. SIDDHA SATWA MAKARADHWAJA. THE PANACEA FOR ALL DISEASES. The King of Tonics to build up Nerve, Brain, Body and a sure remedy for Nervous Debility, Aslhma, Loss of Vitality, Impurity
      108 words
    • 38 11 CHEAP SALE STOCK CLEARANCE Siam teak-wood in all sizes. JONG THYE HENG, 150. LAVENDER STREET. 'Phone 3647, I LIVERISHNESS SLUGGISHNESS I STOMACH PAINS H A Jose of Beecham's Pills each nii>ht M Will you Smiling, Healthy o- Bright
      38 words
    • 62 11 9 -_j i -m** -r &U* illisSSr 1B si siU»l BHRIN gol. It cools head, prevents baldness, blackent hairs, cures all biain complaints, ape and ear diseases. The Calcutta Chemical Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in India). Dealers may cail in fee any information at jur Far Eastern Branch. 10, Prinsep Street,
      62 words
    • 203 11 ij)^- fe^p^^^^ I RICHARD TAUBER Exclusively on ODE ON §A Marvellous Technical Achievement. TAUBER SINGS DUETS WITH HIMSELF. j With Orchestral Accompaniment iSung in German*, j 222 058 I WOULD THAT MY lOVE MIGHT BLOSSOM. j I 10-in—RA. °P 63. No. 1. MenJelssohn-Heine SHIMMERING SILVER. WHISPERING WAV E Op. 25.
      203 words
    • 54 11 RIBOET'S SERENADE! We Have Them the finest ever Keleased in Singapore. JB9H aiuo.) MISS HBOBT AT HER REST on Latest BEKA RECORDS. New Eleclrographie Process. Krontjong Riboet Malaiac. Tawon Goela. Krontjong Black Sheep. Kambing Itam. j Stamboel ll—Socara Serbisik. I Parlinah's Liefde. Kronjong Slendro. Etc. D T. LIM CO. 353,
      54 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 228 11 CLUB DIARY. ri roiis Clubs and n r "t o; the members of which are Malaya Tribune." This Dirrv for them. Secretaries cie •"•rate in keeping it up-to-date Happenings of general interest tied in the Diary of EvenU. v Dtarjr" can cover meetings, entei-night-tmn and such function-,, otlier than
      228 words
    • 227 11 1 POSTAL INKILKrMCfI > SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Bengkahs. Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balel (Dajak) 3 p.m. Selat Panjang. Bengkalis and Bagan Si Api Api (Makassar) 3 p.m. Ceylon. Sou hern and Western India (Alipore) 3 p.m. Bclawan. Ceylon. Egypi and U.S. A (Sllrei walnut i 3 p.m North. N.-East
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  • 424 12 Two Centuries. THRILLING CRICKET AT OLD TRAFFORD. London, July 23. PRICKET lovers at Old TrafFord. Manchester, where the Second Test between Engl a .id and the West Indies was begun on Saturday, were ■lore fortunate than those who alt fnded Lord's for the first game, which
    424 words
  • 254 12 Cricket Match With Indians Left Drawn. The cricket match played on Sat" day af e~rtĕc.a between the S.RC "A" and the Indian Asf ciation en the latter's ground at Bales tier pla a ended in a draw. Ihe S.R.C. -A" had first knock and declared at 177
    254 words
  • 49 12 Reuter. Brussels, July '53. Tn the 1934 qualifying round of the Bavi Cttß composition. La Croix beat Gabro'vH/ 6- 4. 6—4, 6--2, and De Kehrling beat Debor- 5. 7—5. 3—G. 6—4. a Croix adn Deborman (Belglrn) b*»at Dr Kciirlln- and Cabrcwitz 2—6. 6—l. 7—5 3—6 c—4. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 120 12 Indians' Magnificent Display. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 23. BS. GILL cored a brilliant 131 no 1 out, while his brother Lall Singh rattled up 66, and Chanan Singh made 77 when the Selangor Indian Association mci the Selango.Club in a whole day match
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  • 259 12 Anoihcr Century By Chooi Singh. Tho Nondescripts 2nd XI defeated on thenown gro/ud on Saturday the s< cou.i eleven of th: St. Jco :ph's Institution by 73 runs. A feature cf the game v. as he fine form of CL.or Singh b_th with the bat
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  • 130 12 Yesterday's Foursomes Match. The fcQowing is the result of the four-ball foursomes match between the Captain ana vxe-Gantnin'S teams, ylayed at tne Keppel G. C jreaierdnj 'Captain's players mentioned first) Lowaon and Watt l% t Irving Jones and Ean on 0. Jackaon and Earee 1, G. Wilson
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  • 137 12 Championships At The Drill Hall. Yesterdays ties in the Singapore badminon eh at the Drill Hall resulted as follows: OPEN SINGLES. Koh Keng Siang beat Robert Tan 15—6 15—2; See Gim Hock bea M Sockahng m 15—5. 15—2. JUNIOR SINGLES. Tan Soo Choc beat Yeo Hong Chuan
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  • 76 12 The four-ball Amateur billiard: champion alp tou-.nament at the New World haj row -ached the closing stages and the semi-finals nd final wih be played follows: First semi-Anal. Saturday (2f»th) at 3 pm GOO-up* between Salleh bin Kassim (Fathoi -ar b) and Lee Chim Lye (Tras A. P.).
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  • 457 12 Prizes Presented By The Sultanah. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, July 21. WITH the completion of the men's doubles this evening on the Johore Civil Service Club's court*, tne Johore L.T.A. championship tournament was brought to a successful close, and credit goes to Mr. F. M. Still, the
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  • 293 12 Yesterday's Game At Jalan Besar. Perhmiponcn St a II drew with Urn Kalzu.i B har 2—2, la a game In ma M.F.a. Colman League e'ompe.ition at tne Jala., Besar S -.idium yesterday. Beth teams 1 ere well balanced and play w-s even throughout. Daring he firn ha
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  • 44 12 Chicago. Mr. Peter Kupisc comnlains that he found Jovk chops to be a cruelty He alleged, when asked for a divorce, that although he owned a meat market his wife gave him nothing but oork chop? to eat for a year.
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  • 314 12 The Football League Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. July 21. THE Muar Football Association which hue been rather inactive for the past year or more has now sprung to life again and has rtarted a League Competition. The following teams are c'mpetiiv?: Johore Military Forces I
    314 words
  • 687 12 New Use For Flying Club Machines. Hp; IE u-e of machines belonging to the Rova' J*- Singapore Flying Club ?s targets for the Volunteer anti-aircraft gunn* s is referred tc In the report of the Club for the first hilf-vear of 1933. 3 The repor* i;
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  • 324 12 Yesterday's Tournament Game. NEARLY 450 runs were scored yesterday in the S.C.C. tournament game on the Padang between Etceteras and the Merchants. The game was left drawn. Scores: ETCETERAS. H. B. Noon b Hewett 17 J. E. C. Mitchell run out 46 A. L. Hill c
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  • 47 12 A car owned by Towkay Wong Hong San of Kuala Lumpur, whilst being taken to be garaged at 2% mile. Kuala Lipio, came to grief when taking a bend. An ocupant Yap Phui sustained a compound frac.ure of ihs right shin. He was taken to hospital unconscious.
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  • 377 12 Davis Cup Inter-Zone. BRITAIN'S TRU Mph AT TENNIS. Reuter. Auteuil. July 29 QREAT Britain defeated the Untted States in the inter-zone fin*] of the Davis Cup competition and qualified to meet France (holders) in th* challenge round. The
    Reuter.  -  377 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 30 12 from Australia's supplies of Finest Quality. Manufactured on our prenTTses under European Supervision. Contains all the vitamins and original elements of nutriment. COLD STOrMOE Co., to *AR'N V IV It
      30 words

  • 116 13 Fin.u To Be Played in Singapore. from Our Oun Correspondent.) Pcr.ang, July 22. I tl ie Mala: > Cup match at Alor Star to-da", stiansor i- ftrtod Kedah by 3-1 after leadtoiff 3-0 a' half-time. fiis i; iii even but Kedc!h finished P (J the scoring and
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  • 206 13 $£.C. Overwhelmed By Raffles College. ■eel Club II suffered igno- own padang on Saturday bandi of Raffles College, who having made more than theta opponents, when the S.C.C. yesterday.. RAFFLES COLLEGE. C n gen c Kirk b McLeod 5 D Ex- o McLiod 7 D
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  • 131 13 Swimmiajr Events Arranged For V/hole Year. From Our Oun Correspondent.) Ipoh. July 22. The I. Sr. miming Club is launching an renting y gramme to cover the whole ear 1- includes a monthly handicap competition. th; prize to be awarded to the lady V e -.curing the
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  • 100 13 Loh Ah Lum Scores 98 Runs. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 22. T OH AH LUM just missed his century when Li playing for the Selangor Chinese against the Non-Benders on the Kuala Lumpur Padang this afternoon. The Chinese took first knock and compiled a
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  • 225 13 Medical College Defeat St. Joseph's. The Medical College defeated the St. Joseph's Institution on Saturday at the College grounds by 54 runs. Scores: ST. JOSEPH S. H. Boon b Vellupillay 1 T. Cordiero c Alvis b Boon Beng 38 G. Fernandez b Vellupillay 9 I. Leijssius
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  • 197 13 Championship Billiards Tournament. The draw for the billiards handicap tou-na-mer.t of the Clerical Union resulted as follow.;: •A" HANDICAP. Seah Peng Heam—80 v. Lim Tian Lye—Bo. Chua Bocn Lay—loo v. Teo Siew Sun—l6o. Low Hock Kiat—l6o v. Tan Bock Lim—l2o. Lim Chuan Geok—120 v. Loo Cheng Swee—loo. Goh
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  • 276 13 Handicaps For First Day. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Penang, July 22 HANDICAPS for the opening day of iiie Penang Turf Club's four-day professional race meeting next Saturday are as follows: RACE ONE. Ccral Moore 9.0. Gallant Lover 8.12. Mountain Belle 8.11, Carkal 8.5, Silent Merchant 8.3, Jonathan
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  • 192 13 Mahmood And Wazir Singh I Bat Well. The M-dical College b:at the Khalsa Associati:n on Saturday by 17 runs. Scores: M.CU. tX S. W. Rajah c M. S. Singh b Ram Piara 0 Prins b Ram Piara 0 KanhT b Das 21 Mahmood c and b
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  • 54 13 Elimlnatory System To Be Maintained. Reuter. Paris, July 22. Contrary to expectations, this morning's nueting of the Davis Cup nations vo-ed by 7 to 6 to maintain the present eliminatory system for the European zone. There was no question of any alteration to the rules to establish
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 61 13 St. Joseph, Missouri. Mr. Gus Pusateri did not like the drab appearance of his cell in the county gaol. So he persuaded the sheriff to let him decorate it at hi* own expense. I Mr. Pusateri has decided upon aluminium coloured bars, red lacquered floor and white walls.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 9 13 showers (Danger t ASPIRIN TABLETS with the "Bayer Cross".
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    • 652 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). I HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.O. J The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
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  • 949 14 Malaya Cup Soccer. i COMMAND BEATEN ON SATURDAY (By "Rimcu.") BRILLIANT sunshine favoured the meeting of Singapore and the Malaya Command in the Southern section of the Malaya Cup Competition at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday when Singapore, by beating the Malaya Command, qualified to enter
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  • 505 14 Saturday's Athletic Meĕtmt THE spacious grounds at the Police Depot, Thompson Road, presented an animated seen en Saturday afternoon, the occasion being the i nnual athletic sports of the Straits Settlements Police force. The weather was hot. but the ground conditions were excellent, and the long programme was
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  • 188 14 Local Company Team Springs A Surprise. The Straits Chinese Recreation Club on their own ground to the Asiatic Petroleum Company's XI Ly 38 runs on Saturday afternoon, after a keen game. Scores: ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY. Burn, c Kee Choc. b Hoahlng. ii O'Neil Dunn. St. Koon Leong b
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  • 80 14 Burma Rifles Eliminate Perak P.W.D. (From Our Oton Correspondent.) Ipoh. July 22. The second round of the Saw Ah Choy Cup soccer competition took place to-day when the Burma Rifles C" Company eliminated the P. W. D. The Burmans held a decided suyeriuril.v over the P.
    80 words
  • 98 14 Badminton Championship Results. THE fcllowing were the results of match's played in the Singapore badminton championship competition at the Drill Hall en Saturday. I OPEN SINGLES. Yeo Kian Ann beat Tay Swee Hiong ;5 U 8-15, 10—5. JUNIOR SINGLES. Justinians de Souza beat Lim Jiak Kirn 15—10, 13—13
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  • 74 14 Kuala Lumpur V.M.C.A. v. I Selangor Rangers. j (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 22. E. C. Jumeaux top-rcored for the Kuala Lumpur V.M.C.A. who were robbed of victory fc» want of time in their mr.tch with the 1 Selangor Rangers to-day. Scores RANGERS: 145 (de
    74 words
  • 57 14 I Ties played In the Old Rafßesians' Association tennis tournament last week resulted as follows: Dr. T. H. Wee owe 15.3 beat C. D. Smith plus 2. 6—4, B—6.8 —6. Dr. P. L. Luh owe 30 beat P. R Lewis scratch 6—2. 6—l. Dr. S. L. Oehler; (owe
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  • 66 14 The Malacca Sprinters will be visiting Bktgapore by steamer and will engage Singapore Chinese teams at soccer and basket-ball during the August bank holidays. The cost to supporters who wish io make the trip will be $3. Applications should be sent, accompanied with cash, to the hen.
    66 words
  • 240 14 Home Team's n ne Recovery. (Fiom Our Oun Conetpommmj m, jjuti t 2l ALTHOUGH completely first half, when Malac. "|*s goals. Negri Sernbllan mad flej: in the second half and. always ta. u v i:-:d and made the ganv _Jj Malaya Gup match at Seremban m
    240 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 594 14 JOHNSON OUTBOARD j Lnriballed RJIiATP/lO Unequalled i liLt* <n Sp*««*- \f I "11 In IVr/orm.irtr, j <*=S&- The Greatest Marine j Development of the Age. j p-<p— Outboard Motors that win consistently In bia I aWtl regattas MUST BE GOOD Thes flashil)g power plants stand more punishment in 15 L
      594 words
    • 232 14 The Wonderful Bremtheable Tablets PEPS Ward off Sudden CHILLS i Swan Brand Coffee. Do you take Swan Brand Coffee If not, You are losing the most delicious Drink in the market. Because, it is prepared on best principle from selected coffee seed s of superior quality. TRY IT TO-DAY. It
      232 words

  • 1236 15 Presentation Oi* Address To Dr. Sheldrake. (By Our Muslim Correspondent.) TN honour of Dr. Khaiid Sheldrake, life-president of the Western Islamic Association, London, and Mr. Khaiid C. Simpson, the Muslim community, it may be remenjbered, gave a tea-party on July 12, at the Alkaff
    1,236 words
  • 249 15 League Of Nations' Bulletin. rpHE following is the health bulletin of the July 15 fenern Bureau for week ended Beirut: 2 plague cases; 7 smallpox cases. Bassein: 3 plague cases and 2 deaths; 4 smallpox cases and 4 deaths. Bombay. 2 cholera cases and 1 death;
    249 words
  • 354 15 Well-Known Local Cattle Trader Involved. Kanm. popularly known as Karimbhoy in local cattle trading circles, appeared on Saturday before the Second Magistrate, Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, on a charge of having on May 21 and 22 cheued one Dost Mohamed by falsely representing that a fee of
    354 words
  • 92 15 The 36th, 37th and 38th meetings of the Trade Commission were held in the Council Chamber, Singapore on July 18. 19 and 20. Evidence was taken from Mr. Tay Ah Choon (Messrs. Watts C 0.,). on the subject of the import trade in textiles from the United Kingdom;
    92 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 405 15 Start and End the Day with this aid to health. Qibbfl Dentifrice re—i very member of family—and doctors HI be few and far Gibhs is a alth preservative bcise Its use mians clean s.und teeth. h the mouth, particularly mclean and decaying teeth. begin, if your ight th odds arc
      405 words
    • 204 15 I Why not -<fOti cant I Always have some PHCENIX AERATED WATERS in the house when your friends come— The men folk like PHOENIX SODA and ...well, you can be sure of having a favourite for everyone. DIAL 3483. ?-2. RECORDS OF THE MONTH ON j THE TUNE THAT STORMS
      204 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 304 16 M. HASSAN ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LLM PARK Jurther Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
      304 words
    • 708 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Newly built houses at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35. Genting Lane. TO LET—The top floor of a shop in Seleglc Road, from 1st August. Apply Box 178, cjo Malaya Tribune. TO LET.—Bungalow situated in the Municipal Limit.
      708 words
    • 316 16 j FOR SALE. 1 FOR SALE—Four D.C. Linotype motors, each V_ H.P., also the followI ing four large D.C. motors, each of 460 volts, one three H.P., four H P., one 4.5 H P. and one 6 H.P. All !in good working order. Particulars and prices from the Manager, Malaya
      316 words
    • 178 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. t J NOTICE. SINGAPORE AUCTION MART 24, High Street. We beg to announce to the Public that we have opened the above Auction Rooms, and are now carrying on Auction Sales at the above address. We cordially invite the Business Houses and General Public to consult us when
      178 words
    • 407 16 AUCTION SALE, AUCTION SALE OF STOCK-IN-TRADE OF FERTILIZER WORKS To be held at No. 17. Jiak Kirn S-rect, off Kirn Seng Road, ON TUESDAY. JULY 25, 1933, AT 11 A.M. Comprising:—One Carters New Patent grinding mill with Cromptcn motor and starter, Fairbank platform seal?, Carbolex disinfectant, Hubbacks red ochre powder,
      407 words
    • 474 16 1 <M> A CMffCT i CTS. LARGE TUBE I 2 5 EveryWher e| MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Xt TABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery including at office Postage or close (Local or toPorem residence. F.M.S.) Countn» Yearly $15.00 $21.00 $33.00 Half-Yearly 7.50 $10.50 $i eso Quarterly 3.75 1 6.25 nil
      474 words