Malaya Tribune, 20 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. "Vol. XX.- -No. ITO SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday, July 20, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 Sunday Tribune Dominant In Malayal I3jPISHH Joints of Finest Quality Iffl AUSTRALIAN MUTTON IfnHfffllH Very Economical Cost EU Prices range from 15 tents to 50 cents per lb. ,E COLD STORAGE Co.Xtd. ROM? TELEPHONE 5378 T wnr I THE CHEAPEST MACHINES ARE THOSE) I WBICH GIVE THE BEST AND LONGEST
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    • 151 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces oi every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. 3 Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. r j Sime. Darby Co., Ltd.
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  • 183 2 ITtHE question arises, should Malaya pay more m. for its education 01 not? Should ths parents cf those who ran afford It be made to pay an economic lee for their children's education or should they get it practically lor nothing a- they
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  • 210 2 IT Is indeed a matter for real satisfaction that, although a cloud hung over the Sronomic Conference for some time, the woilu confidence in the return cf prosperity remained unshaken and that the upward trend ta the markets ha-> been steadily maintained. The tfccislon to continue the Conference
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  • 170 2 IN lt« broadest outline the Pact binds the fou: participants to keep the peace for ten years If nothing more were involved than this general outline, the Pact mighi. have been signed some time ago; but it embodies also various provisions concerning the equality of status ol
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  • 173 2 AB to the World Economic Conference now ln session in London, the calling of it was clear recognition tha; civilisation to-day stand" at the parting of the ways and it is impossible to believe that the conference, which was intended tc blaze a new trail of human hope, prosperity
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  • 231 2 IF we had Children's Courts in the Colony juvenile offenders would be spared the ignominy of a police court conviction and alto <hat bitterness of heart and spirit which not infrequently follows a conviction and punishment for a comparatively innocuous escapade A court of the description we have
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  • 136 2 Charity Performances At Week-End. Under the auspices zl the Teotho.v Theatrical Association and with the assistance of the committee members of the Amicable Athletic Association, there will be a two day" Teochew wayang performance on Saturday and Sunday, at the vacant ground opposite (te Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital.
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  • 93 2 Wild Scenes At Close Of Dail Debate. Reuter Wireless. Dublin. July !S Wild scenes marked the closing stages of the sitting of the Dail which began at i'J.30 yesterday and ended at 2.10 p.m. to-day. Many deputies were asleep early in the morning. The debate was concerned
    Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 73 2 Outmanoeuvres Majority Of Congress. Reuter Wireless. Poona, July 19. The wishes of the majority of the Congress conference were flouted by the ele'er manoeuvres of Gandhi. who will resume ci?U disobedience on Aug. 1. Although Gandhi is steering an almost lone jcourse against the general desire of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 60 2 Madrid. An. agitated telephone call from a woman in a Madrid suburb was received by the police. 'My life is in danger," she said. She was politely told that she must "come round personally to lay the charge." Shortly afterwards the woman was found dead—stabbed in
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  • 593 2 Kuala Lumpur Demand For Legislation. A PUBLIC meeting of Hindus of the F.M.S. I was held at the Town Hall. Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday to consider the desirability of requesting the Government to provide an enactment for safeguarding Hindu endowments in the Federated Malay States. Mr. K. A.
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  • 114 2 Inquest Verdict In East Africa. Reuter Wireless. Dar es Salaam. July 35. The verdict returned at the inquest Captain Usslier was one of juicide while temporarily insane. The verdic; in the case of Mrs. Us.slier was of accidental death It wa- stated at the inquest thai Captain Ussher
    Reuter Wireless.  -  114 words
  • 89 2 Mr. Shunmugam Admitted In Supreme Court. i Mr. S. Shunmugam was admitted and enrolled as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court on Monday, before the Chief Justice Sir Walter Huggard. Mr. M. C. Johannes appeared in support of the application while Mr. J. H. Pedlow,
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  • 68 2 Coup D'Etat In Greece Expected. Reuter Wireless. Paris. July 15. An imminent monarchist coup d'etat in Greece is predicted in a telegram from Athens published In the newspapers and according to wliich feverish activity prevailed in both Government and Monarchist camps and Monarcinu emissaries have been Instructed to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 For a bright and lasting polish to brass and copper with the greatest ease use BRASS O a METAL POLISH lecKirr sons, ltd., hull lonoon AGENTS: ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO. LTD.. SINGAPORE PENANG, S.S. HARPER. GILFILLAN CO. LTD KUALA LUMPUR, SELANGOR. F.M.S. Chin Chin Restaurant 26. Market Street, SINGAPORE. We beg
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    • 546 2 i'QUICK Relief mi |I i if mm NAGGING rAin I Pains—Rheumatic Pains—Nerve Pains—Headache —Toothache—Earache W j Sm\\L§f?S&W LW Sciatic Pains etc. In minor cases of pain take two or three 'ASPRO 1 Tablets W C y BB I'M and that is usually the end of the attack. In major cases
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  • 105 3 MARSHAL FENG'S PLANS UPSET. Cannot Count On Whole Nation s Support. N |.;\V TYPE OF STAfESMAN NEEDED. i at the lost districts of Charhar were restored with- iiioodshed, that Marshal Feng is of secondary importance, i that his plans have
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  • 588 3 GREAT DISGRACE FRESH IN MEMORY." ~N r the roost important deveIr en i. says the "Ta Kung t Yu ii tin, '"in <he Chahar situduring the last lew days has i!eeii the return of General Liv Kueitn the Chinese fold. n parison with this event tho of Marshal Feng Yu-Hsiang
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  • 130 3 Workers Appeal To The Council. Shanghai. July 4. ON the poind that the building It ot iHtrqiHttr for factory purposes, the Shanghai Municipal Council hu- formally ordered th Chinese Vi Yuan Rubber Fact ry ofl North Chengtu Rotd to dose down. The Council pointed out that
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  • 182 3 Rumour That They Would Bite. Kweihua. June 2". A curious rumour circulated here lias resulted in the nummary killing of all the chickens In the city. The rumour runs that a certain wizard in the district is trying to secure the gho ts ol a «lumber of persons
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  • 121 3 Serious Student Riot In Suiyuan. Kweihva. Suiyuan. June 30. Student trouble has brcken ou: in Suivuan. MwibliH the di.smi sal oi Mr. Hou Pan. President of the Firs! Middle School, for disoo*dicnee to the crders of the Suiyuan Provir.r**.! Education Bureau Tiro man appointed by the Bureau
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  • 98 3 "Thty May one Day Start A Revolution/* Chungking. June 27. Dr. C. C Wu is still at Chungking holidaymaking. When interviewed Dr. Wu drew a pessimistic picture regarding ihe future of fj.*erhuen. Ht said that the ptople had sutferod enough from heavy taxation and there is grave danger
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  • 69 3 Sino-Japanese (Questions Are Discussed. Peiping, June 30. Formal conference between the Chinese and Japanese delegates for handing over the demihtarised zone to the Chinese authorities will shortly be held at Dairen. Aside from the representatives of the Peiping and Japanese authorities, the Manchoukou irregulars will also be represented
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  • 504 3 Last Strongholds. CANTONESE TROOPS ADVANCE. Min Pao. Sen. thereby making his position stronger than ever.— Shun Pao. RED SPEARS" IN SHANTUNG. Tsinan, July 3 The Red Spears in Southern Shantung have been dispersed by the provincial troops as the result of a clash between the two
    Min Pao.  -  504 words
  • 154 3 More Chinese Returning From Mexico. China Times. Shanghai, July 7. ANOTHER batch of about a hundreu Chtnese deponed from Mexico ure expected to arrive this morning on board the Dollar Liner, President Hoover." The Chinese Overseas Association hav* already sent a number of its staff to
    China Times.  -  154 words
  • 671 3 KNOWS SHE IS ISOLATED. Less Aggressive? Seeks Friendship Of China. j "gKFORE the Sept. 18 incident, although the relations between China and Japan were strained, there was still some hope of reaching a compromise between the two countries. "The Japanese were then yelling aloud for the co-existence
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 ■MPJMI \%t immmnnVViimmammmmuWkuwm^ ammmW 17APEX is the safe germicide which cures colds without *f upsetting the system. Simply breathe the vapour from your handkerchief. You will feel it penetrating all the recesses of nose and throat where cold germs colonise, quickly ridding the system of these harmful organisms. THE VAPEX
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    • 123 3 pi Cheerfulness depends Ij I, |l and health is ensured by ENO 1L U'J_—Sli Gloom and depression are symptoms of internal disorder, ol' a struggle on the i>art of Nature to fight the poisons caused by constipation. Help Nature to restore fSjzyy/ your cheerfulness by drinking a glass ot LXO's
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  • 501 4 Shipping News Notices. SHIP LAUNCHED AT HONGKONG. New Fatshan Takes The Water. A SHIP 'launching 'of more than ordinary *V interert took place on July 10. when the the twin-screw river steamer Fatshan entered the water at Taikoo Dockyard. The launching ceremony was gracefully performed by Mrs. J. H. Little.
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  • 245 4 Tale Of A Secret Salvage Operation. Stories of a secret salvage company formed to "loot" the sunken H.M.S. "Hampshire," in which Kitchener went to his death, are being circulated in New York by a man who calls himself the "master locksmith" and who claims to have been
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  • 164 4 Opening Of New Waterway This Month. Leningrad, June 23. The canal linking the Baltic with the White Sea will be formally opened some time in the has occupied altogether 18 months. During that period there were erected and equipped mechanically 19 sluices, five dams with locks, 30 large
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  • 325 4 The Artificial Supply Of Tonnage. THE question of shipping subsidies was discussed at a meeting of the Economic Commission of the World Economic and Monetary Conference. Mr. Thomas Fearnley (Norway), introducing the subject, said they were anxious to find remedies to relieve the unprecedented depression in the sniping
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  • 260 4 Very Encouraging Returns At Bristol. The official tariffs return issued by the Port of Bristol Authority for the two months of the financial year ended May 31. is of an encouraging nature. Register tonnage enfered with cargo shows a substantial increase compared with the same period last
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  • 545 4 Recent Appointments And Transfers. THE following app intment; and transfers appear in the "Shipping Review": Capt. R. Kettlewell, from home leave, has resigned at home. Mr. H. S. Patrickson, chief office "Kiangsu," Irs gone chief officer, Yingchow." Mr. F. J. Gregg, chief officer, "Ying:how," has gone chief
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  • 623 4 Captains' Evidence At Inquest. THE tragedy which ended a honeymoon was described at an inquest at East Ham, London, recently, on Dorothea Gladys Taylor, wife of Cci! George Taylor, a surveyor, of Crouch End. Hornsey. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were passengers during h i; hrneymocn on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 473 4 STEAMER P. 0. BRITISH INDIA j AND APCAR LINES. J (Incorporated In England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. RANCHI 17.000 July 21
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    • 170 4 I BJLLOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated ln Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calltagat Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sue*, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. iriesie. T m.v. "TERGESTEA" Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Due
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    • 203 4 HAMBURG-AME RIKA LINIE Deutsch IHpQ Australlsche Dampfschlar. [P C] CHseUscnaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany) OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 t IA BOCHUM. via Manila Au/ fi t m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila Aue 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sent 7
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    • 547 4 STEAMER SAOIN^ NORDDEUTSCHER tvWfi'j LLOYD, (Incorporated m The undernoted an the Company s fixtures:— q OUTWARDS. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong. S'hai, N. China and Japan Ju S "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, N. China and Japan Aug i HOMEWARDS. 1831 S "ISAR" for Genoa, Marseilles, Dunkirk, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen
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  • 469 5 Mining Shares. Singapore. Thursday, li ajn. •tut ft>Do«ing Un share quotations are issued Co.. exchange an 4 stock fencers: f f eiif ZZLm Buyers. Sellers. J i,a s i baaf Tin 27 6 Co|- Malay 27 6 30 l B (am Tin 13|» MjO J 0.90 1.00
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  • 193 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER'S ERRATIC MOVES. Tin Loses Yesterday's $2 Gain. tßy Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Thursday, noon. To-Day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 13y 8 cts., \ir i m down V» ct. M^ rket /c Tone: after irregular. Un (Singapore), $108, down $2. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 4
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  • 40 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 4\d New York: <G.i cents Singapore-. 14—14' i cents. TIN. London Spot: £216 10«. (Up 22s Cd.) London 3 months: £216 5.-. (Up 2Cs 1 Sinngapore: $108.00. COPRA Sundried $4 M Mixwl $345
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  • 161 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1 19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 1209 5 Sungei Tukang Rubber Co. Meeting. The Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of Sungei Tukang Rubber Company, Limited, was held on July 12, the Hon. Mr. F. H. Grumitt presiding. The chairman said: It is not, I think, necessary for me to reaa to you the directors' report, which
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  • 194 5 Selling Deluge In New York. Reuter De-nit* Washington. July 19. ehccj: the s jjsst z s s w «r «he dollar b «trtbutd ,a? 6*. war" 53SST 5 market and selves from tunher slump.-ii v r New York. July 19. Stock was swept overboard in a
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 158 5 Certainty Of Control? FIRMNESS IN STOCK EXCHANGE. Reuter Wireless. London, July 18. The feature of the commodity markets has been the gradual rise of rubber which is now at over 4%d per IK, the highest price recorded since December, 1930. In the Stock Exchange' to-day, Imperial
    Reuter Wireless.  -  158 words
  • 237 5 Reuter. London. July 15 On tne money market cay conditions nuve continued with borrowers always able to obtain oans at half per cent. .0 under with the reailt that the latest issue of Treasury notes wa cHotted a: the average raic of 7 S Bd. pe-- real wnieh.
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 637 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Thundav, li am. The following rubber quotations are Issued by Wxmm mzd Co.and LyaiJ and tvmrt: Issue j j Value. ?ra«er Ljall 1 Shares. Co. Evatt j 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.83 $0.65 $0.80 1 Alor Gajah 060 0.70 0.50 060 IA. Hitam 1.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 84 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. LVAlmeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Paid-up-Capttal £1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi. Madras, Amatra, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 100 5 vH experience teaches mm vfl wL W How many things you might have mm. attained.. how many achievements m\ you might have brought about..if A v only you had ready cash at that A moment when golden opportunity Kfißfc» presented itself. Small deposits A regularly made soon grow to an
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    • 182 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHULU STREET. SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD OF DIRECTORSChee Swee Cheng. Esq..
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 664 6 Amusements < -=s Here he is—The screen's most popular Star—fresh from his triumph? in "The White Sister." Clark Gable s In Paramount's new Success j "No Man Of Her Own" I with CAROLE LOMBARD and DOROTHY MacKAILL. Cards were his game Girlr, his amusement until he found one who could
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  • 148 7 Alleged Smuggling into Local Prison. AN Interesting contraband case was mentioned before the D strict Judge (Mr H. A Forrer) yesterday. It concerned a P.W.D. mandore who was accused of smuggling a bundle of tobacco into *m, SmgaPore Crlminal Prisons. The case had already been heard
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  • 100 7 Work Of Singapore Malay Schools. There will be an exhibition of the Art and Cratt Work of the Singapore Malay Schco.s in the Examination Room of the Office of the Inspector cf Schools on July 21 and 22. All the exhibits are being sent to the Malayan
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  • 73 7 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust. A Chinese Nonya Ng Tok Nto, said to L»? the wife of a well-known merchant, was produced before the Second Magistrate. Mr. J.V.f Gregg, on Tuesday, on a chatge cf criminal breach of trust in respect of jweliery valued &< $1,310, the property
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  • 108 7 Allahabad, July 1. News has reached here from London MM Sir TeJ Bahadur Sapru has booked his passage ior his return to India by the steamer leaving Marseilles on July 7. It is likely that he will be asked to appear In the Meerut "Conspiracy"
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  • 664 7 Commercial Morality And The Plants. "TN the long cciurse of evolution, in the body A of the human ance-tor reason emerges. 1 That reason developed intelligence, and the next stage we find is the formation cf the i family. You find in that the attractive torce
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  • 48 7 St. Andrew's Cathedral Church Worker's Association is having a jumble sale at St Andrew's School Hall on Friday, Aug. 4, at 4.30 p.m. Gifts of old clothing will be gratefully received, and should be left at St. Mary's Home, Tank Road not later than Aug. 2
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 s Only long strands of pure Golden Virginia Tobacco are contained in Wills s GOLD FLAKE Cigarettes. The careful elimination by special processes of all deleterious matter ensures the superfine quality of these'cigarettes. The; name of W. D. &H. O. Wills ils your guarantee that their expert knowledge and constant
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    • 168 7 I Whispered The Reason... 'Unpleasant Odour is Caused by Underarm Hair* Yvonne aiways wondered why she waj »*ttO»uUi IMH was such a personal mat-i-i it mi dtfficvlft toil her RiaWy. I plucked up course—" Hair under th* ari 9 I» not only ugly tind repulsivelm>kmg bit Rt-.U'y aggravates the old
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    • 632 7 CAPITOL THEATRE MALACCA I TO-NIGHT:— "MEN MUST FIGHT." I A Metro-Gold wvn-Mayer Plctnre. j j SUNDAY:— J MISS FAY. The Hongkong Girl In "LOVE debt;* I Cantonese Talkie. t LATEST A^myiS^ENJ^ LOANS FOR EVERYONE. Security not ahvavs necessary. Big and small IMIM giV-a on application or call lo Ihe STRAITS
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 380 7 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and WttujHgi n Singapore, most of the viejnbers cf u-hic'i ay reader* of the Malaya Tribune." This Dt:.; is provided specially for them. Secretaries me Invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date 'and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in f'ae
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  • 49 8 Madam Yco Peck Neo. aged 64, mother of Tan Choon Kang and Tan Chin Koon, passed away at No. 19, Lorcng 29, off Gaylang Road, on Thursday. 20th instan\ at 12.30 a.m. Funeral at Bukit Brown, leaving residence at 10 a.m., on Sunday next, 23rd instant.
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  • 44 8 Mrs. F. Pinto, begs to tender her heartfelt thanks to all her relatives, friends and the Stan* of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, who attended the funeral of her late husband and those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence in her sad bereavement.
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  • 674 8 A cable from our London correspondent caused a little flutter in local rubber circles yesterday afternoon. This cable was so much more definite in tone than anything received in this country for a long time past that it was no wonder many people rang us and inquired
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  • 247 8 Comments By The Way. THOUGH to most people in Malaya—except timber-contractors-it may seem *a*t*ful that 25 per cent, of the surface of the Fede rated Malay States is gazetted forest reserve, there ifin fact no waste. The life of the country depends just as surely on
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  • 192 8 rHE frequent accidents involving mosquito buses which have occurred lately is testimony to the wisdom, in one respect at least, if the Municipality's policy of abolition of them n the course of the next two years. There s undoubtedly a great deal of dangerous driving en the part
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  • 170 8 THERE is a rumour that high police officials have under consideration the disarming of the majority of the constables who are at present armed, or at least of depriving them of live bullets. Apparently two recent shocking cases of deaths at police stations caused by shooting by policemen
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  • 138 8 In the Supreme Court, Mr. G. E. Faulkner successfully applied for an injunction restraining Fighting Choo from taking part in x boxing contest at the Fun and Frolic Park. Fighting Choo was billed to meet Young Johnson, the K.L. champion, over ten rounds. Three
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  • 88 8 The sex ratio in Pahang in 1932 was 106 males to 100 females as compared with 121 to 100 in 1931. The change is attributed to the efflux of single men caused by unemployment. Three persons were reported killed by tigers and VfO by snake-bite in Pahang during
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  • 166 8 Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Howell arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Friday. Mr. Howell is the new Legal Adviser. Judgment for the plaintiff was given in the case in which a Siamese woman named Chia Kirn Eng employed at a stall at the Great Eastern Park, sued Mr.
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  • 74 8 The Hon. Mr. Justice N. D. Mudie, who is taking the place of the Hon. Mr. Justice Gerahty, X.C.. is expected in Ipoh to-morrow. Mr. Geranty is going to Singapore. Nallammah. a Tamil woman at Kampong Bharu. who struck another woman of the same nationality with a broom and
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  • 41 8 At a special general meeting of the Seutosa Persenangan Club, two new committee members were appointed. They were Inche Seedin bin Abdullah and Tuan Haji Amin bin Haji Mohamed Saad. The meeting decided to hold the Club anniversary in October.
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  • 82 8 An epidemic of influenza has started in Kuantan, many people being laid up with it. The latest victims are Mr. G. H. Krishnan, the former Selangor footballer and Mr. E. R. Midford, Senior Executive Engineer, Pahang East. A tigress, which had been doing much damage to cattle near Maran,
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  • 421 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" The aviators at the Air Ba*e are said to be good at strip poker They're always taking off. Now that Nanking and Manchukuo troops are being sent against Feng, China will soon be back where sh* started and all the fuss will have been for
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  • 40 8 HINDU TEMPLES, on page 2. CHINA NEWS, on page 3. CLUB DIARY, on page 7. SPORTS NEWS, on pages 12 and U. TRIPLE TRAGEDY, on page 14 RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 14. MOTORING NEWS, on page 15.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 55 8 Pianos Bought, Sold And Exchanged. j SEASON CO., LTD., j 115, North Bridge Road, j SINGAPORE. J i 634 j I TENG SENG GUAN, i Agents for T.K.K.'S GOODS. Q ROCHOBE O ROAD. 1 v X r CS J f>~o\ S 1 H < m s ĕ ii H H
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  • 101 9 MUST EVACUATE DOLUNOR AT ONCE, Twenty Planes Ready. City's Defenders Concentrating Heavy Artillery. Japanese command in Jehol has issued an ultimatum rshal Feng Yu Hsiang to get his troops out of Dolunor at once. Twenty planes and a big
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  • 604 9 Shanghai, July 20. Th' ntral armies under Gen. Pong Ping Fun and Gen. Feng c now nearing Charhar ance against the allied twees of tien. Feng Yu Hsiang and Urn situation is most critical. Marshal Yen Shi Shan, the Shansi I -lord and former colleague
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  • 101 9 Most Critical Situation In Charhar. Shanghai, July 20. yyAR in Charhar is inevitable. The Japanese and Manchukuo armies are concentrated on the JeholCharhar border and an attack on Dolunor and Kuyuen is imminent. Feng's allied troops in Dolunor are feverishly constructing defences. The destruction of the bridge at
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  • 82 9 p k*a Of Guilty To Arson Charges. Reuter. London. July 18. THERE <i a sentattonal development at the racy trial which is being Old Bailey to-day when Leopold fire assessor, whom the prescribed as -the head of the fire pleaded guilty to nine charges "me other charges. acami,
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 440 9 Allegations Of A Swindle. A LTHOUGH this matter appears to be a A somewhat heavy 'Chancery matter, it is really the story of an attempt to swindle the plaintiff out of his rightful share in his dead father's estate." So said Mr. D. K. Walters yesterday, in
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  • 166 9 Conference Advocates Greater Use. Reuter. London, July 19. SENATOR Pittman's ambitious efforts for the international control cf silver have failed. The Silver Sub-commissicn has adopted a report advocating the greater use of silver for monetary circulation, recommending that restriction be discussed by th? producing countries. The
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 60 9 Liable To War Service With Any Unit. Reuter. London. July 19. Territorials enlisting after Oct. 31 are liable In the event oi war to serve either wi h regular or Territorial units. This important decision of the Army Council withdraws the pledge so far given to Terriers
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 52 9 British Conservatives Alarmed. Reuter. London. July 20. Apprehensive of the effect of "deliberate" devaluation of the dollar on British tariffs. Conservative members of the House of Commons have tabled a resolution urging the Government to give a further measure of safeguard where existing benefits may be eliminated by
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 35 9 Wealthy Philadelphia Builder Shot. Reuter. Philadelphia. July 19. Frank A. McClatchy. brother and partner of John McClatchy. the millionaire builder and .real estate owner, was shct and seriously hurt when resisting two kidnappers.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 32 9 Authorised To Reside In Southern France. Reuter. Pari;, July 19. The Government has authorised Tro zky to reside in the Soutli of France, including Corsica, for reasens of health.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 48 9 Reuter. London. July 19. The Princess Royal has been ordered a complete rest by her doctor. Sir Frederick Stanley Hewett. who saw her late last night. She is suffering from acute fatigue, caus d bj too many public engagements, according to the "Daily Express.'—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 234 9 Conversion Offer. DOLLAR INFLATION MOVE. Reuter. London, July 20. SEQUEL to the United States going off gold is the British Treasury's offer to exchange G5136,000,000 twenty-year Eft petcent, gold bonds outstanding from the loan of G5250,000,000 raised by the British Government in the United States of
    Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 171 9 Two Local Culprits Brought To Book. Two grab and-run thieves. Teh Sci Moi and Goh Scow Kan. were brought up before the ■Second Magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg) yesterday The fim complainant, a Chinese woman, aid that she was walking along Jalan Besar vith ln»r little daughter,
    171 words
  • 68 9 Prize-Winners In Annual Competition. The Singapore Ladies' Union conducts monthly classes in various subjects, including music, and holds annual competitions. The following is list of prize-winners at the last annual competition COOKERY I—Mrs. Veerammah Govindasamy. 2—Mrs. S. N. Naidu, 3—Mrs. S. Govindasamy. FLOWER-MAKING I—Mrs. Rama Sanmugam, 2—Miss Daisy
    68 words
  • 55 9 How American Cabinet Tackles Slump. Reuter. Washington. July 18. The Industrial Advisory Board, composed of members of the Cabinet, has formally endorsed '.he plans of Senator Johnson, under President Roosevelt's Recovery Act, for a campaign to bring all industry and business quickly into voluntary agreements for wage
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 59 9 Million Pound Headquarters As Peace Memorial. Reuter. London, July 19. The magnificent new headquarters of English Freemasonry were opened by the Duke of Conraught. Grand Master, in the presence of 6,000 brethren from all over the world. The building has been erected as a Masonic peace memorial. It
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 54 9 Organisations Dissolved: Leader Expelled. Reuter. The Hague, July 19. All German Nazi organisations in Holland have been dissolved by order of the Ministry cf Justice. The Nazi leader Tyfkens who has been expelled from the country has established a headquarters at Aix-La-Chapelle on the oiher side of
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 90 9 Agreement Expected Soon. The Hague, July 19. ¥\R. Colijn accompanied by Dr. Waals, the *J head of the Economic section of the Dutch Colonial Office, has gone to London. It is believed that Dr. Waals will discuss with British experts .he question of co-operation between the Duch
    90 words
  • 73 9 Hanover Clash: Discoveries Of Arms. Reuter. Berlin, July 19. Communist activity all over the country reported by the police includes the discovery of rifles and ammunition in a deserved mine in Thuringia. and bombs and explosives in the neighbourhood of Dresden. A number of arrests including 22 at
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 106 9 NEW OUTLET FOR SOCIALISTS. Pact With Right? Early Developments Expected. Reuter. Paris, July 19. Nazi movement is taking form in France in no way different from Fascism or Hitlerism. This was revealed following a vote of the Socialist National Congress, ostracising 80 Deputies under M. Renaudel for
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 183 9 IPIHOJIFIEIPIINIE HIE ALT IH JAVr Tones o Tonic as it o Im\^Effervescent Cleanses o r Tfaib Saline Assures proper digestion/ Impels the purified blood giving maximum I to stimulate the small veins nourishment, attended 1 and nerves which keep the by complete elimination V. J skin soft and smooth, the
      183 words

  • 133 10 EVIDENCE AT THE ASSIZES. INSPECTOR WOOD ON CHARGE OF CAUSING DEATH. Inspector Goodship, of the Tanjong Pagar Police Station, gave evidence at the Singapore Assizes yesterday, before Mr. Justice Cobbett and a special jury, in the case in which Charles
    133 words
  • 2365 10 jpAZAL Rahman, the Singapore Harbour Board constable whe was on duty at Gate 4 near where the accident occurred, resumed his evidence in the morning. He said that he saw across the road the car knock against the hawkers' cart and pushed it forward and
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  • 134 10 Sequel To Raid On Coolie Lines. A RAID by officers of the Criminal Investigation Dept. on the coolie lines attached to the Wah Wah Estate, Jurong, on July 9, had a sequel before the Second Magistrate «.Mr. J. F. F. Greggj this morning. Two Chinese, Goh Ang
    134 words
  • 46 10 i 'Impossible To Continue Living Together." Reuter Wireless. Mm dun (Nevada), July 18 It is understood that Mrs. Elliott plea in the divorce case brought by her husband is based on differences in temperament which "made it impossible to continue living together —Reuter Wirele~s.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 21 10 A lecture on Theosophy as Religion" will be delivered at the Theosophical Society, 428. Race Course Road, to-day at 6.30 p.m.
    21 words
  • 263 10 ANOTHER ASCENT TO STRATOSPHERE. Off Again At Once. Reuter Wireless. Moscow, July 19. JJAD weather compelled Wiley Post to land at Rukhlovo, 700 miles from Habarovsk, to which town he has decided to set oft* again immediately.—Reuter. Chicago. July 19. Tho Italian aimada has left for
    Reuter Wireless.  -  263 words
  • 139 10 Second Magistrate Delivers Judgment. Delivering judgment this moininj In ;h<> asc in which seven Chinese were charged vith a sisting in the management of a tottery, dr. J. F. P. Gregg, the Second Magis rale, »cquitted accused N?.» 1. 3. 4 and 5. Finding the three others guiky,
    139 words
  • 69 10 Admitted To Hospital After Assault. A Chinese and his wife were admitted to the General Hospital last night, at about 10 o'clock, as a result of injuries they sustained during an alleged assault in South Bridge Road. The man was bleeding profusely from a deep gash
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  • 761 10 Coroner Reprimands Detective. NAME OF ALLEGED MURDERER. Shooting Of Barber. "lIE whispered into my ear the name of the man who shot him," said a detective in the Coroner's Court yesterday. The court was holding an inquiry into the death of a Chinese who was shot down
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 441 10 ladae Has opened A RRANf H her business NO. 10, HIGH STREET SMART AND STYUgn DRESSES AND HATS FOR LADIES CHILDREN can he obtained at Moderate prim OWNSTS Cor Stlpply of FRESH CUT FLOWERS BRIDAL BOUQUETS WREATHS FLORAL BASKETS, artislicalh arranged, will receive prompt and careful attention. VANDA J0 A
      441 words

  • 121 11 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING ESSELS fS' PORT. ma Maru."' Jap.. 3,702 tons, front I>: China and Japan, not sure. Dutch. 4.120 tons, from Calcut.a. Italian, 1.526 tons, from c '.ia Colombo. 10-1. rB'J tona, from Djambi. ?0-7; Dutch. 1.886 tons. tS$Ma fdt Penang. 22-7. 32J tens,
    121 words
  • 89 11 Singapore. July 20 6HIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVKB. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Main wha-f (Entrance Gate 3* II Cobtena 14: Katong 12: Costa B i pue Dock (Entrance Gate S> 3(1 Karagola 35: City of P:;.h daat 39. ptra Dock 'Entranre Gate 4). Suverwalaul 46: Rhesus 48. •esl
    89 words
  • 67 11 ".::1. from Euiope (London mail- deipatcnod tin Jui." 29». by the "RaachL" trio arrive ',y t.afcc to-morrow morning. Correspondence uSi be ready for delivery ;o be zholdtaa at Mff a m. 1 Ma:'.*, from London. Amsterdam, etc.. by the Dutch aeroplane are exoe.-led to arrive a 'he I
    67 words
  • 160 11 SELLING. Singapore. Jutf n London 4 months' sight iJtt London 3 months' sight Loudon 60 days' sight f London 30 days' .'ight London demand ."St London T.T. 23 Lyom and Paris demand Hambui 3 aemand New York de.Tand Batavia and Sourabaya demand Samarang demand r Penang demand 14
    160 words
  • 203 11 Singapore. July 20 R (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Slam) W. Coast 2 $10* Rice, B. Siam N. 1 $112 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 $IC7 Rice. Slam "Old" per koyan No. l $17$ Rice, Siam -Old" No. 2 $154 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3
    203 words
  • 141 11 WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JULY 20. High Tides.—lo.l9 a.m., 8.58 pjn. U*fU* Football Div 11. Malays II v. S. Cattle, Jalan Div. 111, S.H.B. r. V.M.C.A. Anson Road. Billiards championships. New World TO-MORROW, JULY 21. High Tides—ll a.m.. 9.45 p.m. Cricket: S.C.C
    141 words
  • 135 11 ALHAMBRA Trick for Trick," ..tarring Ralph Morgan. Sally Blanc. etc. CAPITOL No Man of He: Own EMPIRE- "Flower of Liberty." a Chill talkie. GREAT WORLD —Side shows. Cabaret Malay opera. Chinese wayang. silent and talking fiims (Bky Talkie: "Tarzan. the Ape Mr.r.:" Star Talkie "To-nighl a Twelve." i MARLBOROUGH
    135 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 ENGAGEMEMT RINGS £rf a Set with Diamond Phces From S3O Upwards K. M. OLIMOHAMED. JEWELLER. I 'o. 4508. No. 38, High StaecT. WE PtRCHASE THE DIAMONDS DIRECT FROM THE CUTTERS mount them in our own workshops nsures the price being the lowest possible. K. M. OLI MOHAMED, Jewellers. 38, High
      184 words
    • 160 11 I YICK WOH HING 429. North Bridge Road, (Near Middl? Rd.) i U I The Shop of SATISFIED f CLIENTS, 1 repair^ Contractors for the Repair of Clocks and Watches to the British Army in Malaya. A.J.GP. WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. Messrs. Duncan Roberts, Ltd., the local Agents, have just received
      160 words
    • 96 11 Jack's Reference Book. (For Home And Office). A Universal Encyclopedia. A Medical Dictionary. A Legal, Commercial and Parliamentary Guide. A Guide to Education and The Professions. A Gazetteer of The World and Empire. An English Dictionary. A Social Guide, Etc. The Cheapest Book Ever Published: 1034 Pages, Quarto, Cloth, Price
      96 words
      64 words
      434 words
    • 55 11 ij&IABETIS I Leprosy, Consumption,; V.D.. PILES, LEUCODERMA, < SEX-DISOKDERS, PARALYSIS and mum-to us oihrr rhronic comitlrrrd to 1m" hopeless by eminent doctors are riirrd by our Specialist. THE HIMALAYA* PHARMACY. Head OIIh. tt. Owen Road. Constitution Room: 131. Serangoon Rd, SINOAIMMtE. k Srnd 10 cts. slamp for rt-plk-s ;md literature.
      55 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 229 11 POSTAL INTELLIGENCE 1 L i SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Upper Burma, North and Eat India iKaragola) 3 put. Semarang. Scurabaya, Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly «Reynsi) 1 p.:n Ceylon. Southern India. Eombay. Egypt anc Italy tCont? Verde. I Italian Mail) I pis. Pandjang. Bcngka'.it. Siak. Pakan Bair.p. Foil de Koek
      229 words

  • 134 12 Doyle Suspended. PURSE FORFEITED IN PART. Reuter London, July 19. JACK Doyle, the Irish heavyweight, who fouled Jack Petersen in the second round of their recent championship right at the White City, has had his licence suspended for six months by the
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 341 12 Abattoirs Give Chinese A Fright. The Chinese IH defeated the Abba toirs in the Third Division of the S.A.F.A. League at the Jalan Besar Stadium jesterday by 3—2. It was a very fast game and the three goals scored by the Chinese in the first half seemed
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  • 124 12 Green Hill BP. beat St Gregory's B.P. by 4 games to 3 on Saturday at the latter's court Scores: (Green Hill B. P. players mentioned first). SINGLES: Yec Hong Chuan beat John Chye 15—12, 15—1; Koh Leong Kirn lost to Sim Mail Choy 6—15. 15—10. 14—14
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  • 54 12 Jovialads "C" team v. the Serangoon Lads B P. on Saturday at Lim Twa Tow Road. Upper Serangoon. at 3 p m SINGLES. R-bert Yeo. Sim Yeow Lim, Koh E. Num, Taa Lye Eia. Lee Kirn Choo. Low Huck. Lens. Lee Choon Hee DOUBLES: Phua Nghee Yong and
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  • 52 12 Matches in the Malaya Fo tball Association Co man League competition will be played as follows: Saturday. Kallang Batin v. Fahul Munir, "B" Division. Sunday. Fchimponan Stia v. Kalzom Bahar B Divisicn. Both matches to be played at Jalan Besar stadium. Dates open at pm. admission charge*
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  • 59 12 Playing at goal for the Medical Services XI at the Anson Road Stadium on Tuesday Dr Lee Pak Tong met with a nasty accident 'during the game and had to be removed to hospital by ambulance. He was found to have dislocated his right knee and is
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  • 299 12 Holder Eliminated In Tournament. TAN KIM SONG (Siong 800 A.S.), who las', year won both the Padmore Shield for :he Engli h game of billiardo, and the FrankeJ Shield fcr the American game, has now lost ooth his thles. Earlier in the year, Low Hock Kiat of
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  • 210 12 Next Saturday's Three Matches. Three matches will be played in the Malaya Cup competition next week, in Singapore, Seremban and Alor Star respectively. Singapore and the Command clash at the Anson Road Stadium. Negri Sem'ailan and Malacca meet in Seremban. and Kedah will entertain Selangor at Alor
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  • 51 12 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. July 20. Malner.a's team against Negri on Saturday wilt be: Lew Ah Sang; Chan Wee Liew, Tay Hong Seng: Reeve. Chan Ah Ngin, R. Leon; J. Lee, P. Lecn, Abdullah. Lim Hock Guan, Chin Wah. Reserves: Lee Seek Ann. M. Carvalho, P.
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  • 138 12 Variety In Aid Of St. David's Hospital. j Mrs. Alford, well known all over Malaya for her showmanship, is now in Malacca busy prcducing a show for Saturday night. She has got together a fine crowd of performers to help her. Miss Anita Frankel is coming from Singapore
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  • 125 12 Said To Have Gone To China. When a case of causing -hurt was mentioned before the Second Magistrate (Mr FltJ'. Gregg) y esterd ay. it was disclosed that the complainant had gone to China T™ c c cused was a Chinese named Chan Toen Chye. He and the
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  • 250 12 Island Club Beat Keppel G.C. THE following were the scores in the four ball foursomes "match played between Keppel Golf Club and the Island Club on Sunday over the Island course. (Keppel players mentioned first): R. Craik and Dr. J. M. 1. Dr. Ibrahim and C. Bateman 0.
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  • 303 12 AT THE CINEMAS The reformation of a professional cardsharper forms the theme of No Man of Hei Own," screened last night at the Capitol Cinema. Though the story is of a type thai has been employed successfully before in the movies, C.'ark
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  • 122 12 Alleged Assailant Injured In Running Away. A Chinese woman vegetable seller was walking along MacPherson Road, on her way to market at 4 o'clock this morning when she was accosted by a man of the same nationality The man is alleged to have attempted to rob her. She
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  • 112 12 Big Conflagration In Sarawak Kampong. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuching, July 15. On Tuesday afternoon a fire broke out in Kampong Gersrk and completely destroyed four Malay dwelling houses. ♦u Xt Jf e P° rted that the fire started from tne kitchen of a house' where a
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  • 47 12 Che Raffar bin Mohamed Amin, Assistant District Officer, Kuala Lipis, Is leaving on I transfer to Bentong as Acting District Offl- 1 cer for a short period in the place of Datoh I Hussein who remains at Kuantan as Acting Dtetrict Officer until relieved by another senior
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  • 172 12 Local Schools Clash At Cricket. JDUCLOS scored a century for St. Andrew's School "A" in a match played on the School ground against St. Joseph's Institution 11. The game was left drawn. Scores: ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL. W. Moss c Donough b Pennefather 6 W. Ferguson run out 1
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  • 156 12 Grif Match At Keppel G.C. The following are the teams for the ;aptain v. Vice-captain's match on Sunday at he Keppel Golf Club (captain's players menioned first): A M. 8.45 Lowson and Watt v. Irving Jones and Barron. 8.50 Jackson and Earee v. G. Wilson and Fooks. 855
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  • 89 12 Party Arrives By "Conte Verde." A party of studen's of the Lingnan University of Canton arrived here this morning by the "Conte Verde." They have come here to visit friends and the parents of fellow student*. There are many Malayan Chinese students at the University. Volley-ball, basket-ball, and
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  • 435 12 Police Beat Medical College. I M P YESTERDAY'S match in the Second Division of the S.A.F.A. League, between the M.CU. and the Police, which was played at the Anson Road Stadium, produced very little good football. For the most part play was dull and unin teresting. Both
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  • 55 12 Man Found Badly Injured On The Road. The police are on the lookout for a motorcar, at present unknown, which is believed to have knocked down a Chinese pedestrian on Geylang Road in the early hours of this morning. The victim sustained severe head injuries and was
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  • 57 12 Ties in the Straits Physical A. P. tournament, to be played this week To-day Seng Bah and Bian Swee v. Hood Chwe-? and Lye Seong. Teow Chuan and Ah Loo v. Tin Geong and Bok Choon. To-morrow Khai Seng and Tuan Chee v. Kirn Soon and Eng Cheng,
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  • 155 12 Bowes Not Playing. GENTS v. PLAYERS AT LORD'S. London, July iy W. E BOWES the York** bowler, will not be available f or the Second Test between England and the West Indies, which is due to commence at Manchester on Saturday Reuter. Clark (Northampton-hire > who rWI
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  • 122 12 Ties in the Korlicks Badminton Partrt ••A," -B- and "C" singles championships during the week-end are SATURDAY ("A"): Ong Kwce Yang y E Tian Cheng. Kov Sim Thye v E Ch nLeong. B" Stanley Yeo v. Joseph Eng ton. Lim Som Chuan v. Tan Kirn Guan. C Cheorg
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  • 65 12 Clerical Union League "P" team r. the Tan Toek Seng Hospital Recreation Club on Sunday at 5 p.m. on the Clerical Un on ground S. Shunmugam Ong Seng Hock. Tan Tenc Seng D. A. Samy, Ng Hon Pai. Koh Swee Teck Abdullah bin Eunos, Sng Koey Hoe (capt).
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  • 42 12 The open singles championship of the M Kirn Cheng Badminton Party" has conciucod with the following results :—Ang Whatt Kirn, v inner Kee Hup Seng, runner-up. Mr. Tan Chuan Hock has been darted a ice-president of the Party.
    42 words
  • 42 12 George Kojac claims a new world's swimming record for the 440 yards back stroke In an official A.A.U. test at Flushing. New York, fa: recorded 5 mm. 29 4 sec. against hi- previous record of 6 mm. 10 sec.
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  • 42 12 In spite of all denials, it is a fact thai Max Schmeling, the German boxer wiio mm defeated in New York by the Califomian, Max Bacr will in the immediate fulure marry Annv Oudra. the popular Czech film actress.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 107 12 I I 5M M powdefed »Ukl»« standard full-cream milk. powdered milk Is pnre-or doctors could not I j /y^^ tw 'ecommend it for Infant ieed:r. e I X KLIM Powdered milk is ofo uniformly hl B h star, Hard I mT^P- Quality—the same today or tomorrow. t 1 PoWderedmllkUfr ,hni
      107 words

  • 452 13 Results Of Week-End Events. AFTER a hard fought game at the Penan] Chinese Swimming Club. Tanjong Bungpn. Un Sunday, the Dragons beat the Sharks by 3 goals to nil, says the "Straits Echo." The Sharks took the water without their regular goalie. Chew Chong Eng. whose piar?
    452 words
  • 129 13 Pole Forces Alekhine To Resign. Dr. A. Alekhine. the worlds chess champion, letired in favour of Dr. S. Tar:akcwer, of Poland, in the world championship tournament. Dr. Alekhine. who is leading the French '-earn, adjourned his game but the hopelessness of his position gave him no alternative to
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  • 105 13 The Lucky Star Badminton Party beat fhe Kampong Java Badminton Party in a friendiy match by five to one ai the former's court on Saturday. Scores (Lucky Star mentioned first): Robert Tan and Khor Ah Chooi beat Yeoh Eng Wah and Itam 21—5, 15—21, 21—17; Ng Ah Phoon
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  • 84 13 To Miss Violet Webb, the inter national hurdler, falls the honour of winning two championships in similar events on the same day. She won the Southern Counties 80 metres hurdles at Brentwood equalling the British :e--ccrd with 12 sec. and then travelling by car, went on to
    84 words
  • 43 13 Melbourne Inman was narrowly defeated at Sydney by Horace Lindrum. a nephew of Walter Lindrum, by 419 points. The match lasted a fortnight, both playing level. Final scores: Lindrum, 14,252 (beat breaks 320, 317); Inman, 13,833 (best breaks 376, 343, 301).
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  • 571 13 Cook Objects To His "Hair-Oil." j London, June 29. ORE than fifty thousand people crowded ill the Cardiff City football ground to see Jack Peterson, the British heavy-weight champion, succe-sfully defend his title against George Cook, the Australian veteran. Although Peterson won a close fight the
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  • 340 13 j Sam Ferris' Wonderful Record. After seeing Sam Ferris win the annual Windsor-London Marathon race, promoted by the Polytechnic H., fcr the eighth time in nine attempts, and taking in his other successes, 1 have no doubt (writes Joe Binks in "The News of the World" of June
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 259 13 Bp§a_ Your home 5-1 needs protection Hust and dirt hold a constant menace—disease germs. I he purifying lather of Lifebuoy Soap sweeps away dirt and germs together. No threatening impurity can withstand the wonderful health element in Lifebuoy. Let your home and aVC LIFEBUOY SOAP ASUS PURIFIES PROTECTS IEVtR BROTHERS
      259 words
    • 255 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Asseis exceea *i Assurance in force over $35,000,000. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements). iHEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British lif.
      255 words

  • 85 14 Juda Ezra Blames Accomplice. Reuter. San Francisco, July tt). JUDA E.'ja ha c made a statement to the US. attorney exonerating his brother Iraac and naming a Shanghai man, Allen Zimmerman as the real accomplice. The attorney said he would attempt to extradite and prcsecute the man
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 84 14 Portuguese Police Stamp Out Incipient Revolt. Reuter Wireless. Lisbon. July IS, The police are now confident tliat they nave stamped out all danger of a revolution for a long time to tome as a result of the vigorous measures which have been taken. It is officially announced that
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 604 14 Murder Verdict At Malacca. {From Our Own Corretpondent.) Malacca, July 17. A VERDICT of murder against Arjan Singh, a Sikh police constable, was returned by the Coroner's jury to-day for t hooting Bhaga; Singh, a Sergeant and a South Indian named Rat nam. Arjan Singh himself was found
    604 words
  • 252 14 Family Disturbed \i Night. THE preliminary inquiry tafc house trespa after making p cause hurt, against a Chir, 800. was conch idee' before ntrate. Mr. J. l p. On honour in the end reserving d < dal. Mr. A. J. Bra -i tar tin and Mr. H
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 322 14 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Trammltter, Dat-enlry, England wavelengths: 25 28 and Sl.S metres. ■British. Summer Time: add 6 hrt. 20 mlnutei.t G M T 11.0 a.m.—1.0 p.m Transmission on an omni-directional aerial:
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  • 102 15 HEAVY OIL AS FUEL. (jKrAI ECONOMY IN CAR OPERATION COSTS, 10 li p. motor engine was recently demonstrated nd, vvn ich shows an economy of .53 pounds of fuel per he equivalent of about 14 h.p/hours p:r gallon
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  • 150 15 Ai RKADY London is using a mim- se new engines in comles, and hundreds have irope. Arrangements ri rond tided for the ol the motors in rifTH'l oi operations is different kNM heavy fuel oil engine ke 'iie cylinders are filled amount being metered tiirot'le
    150 words
  • 528 15 A Remarkable ar For Only 1*250. London. June 29. ROViH si been one of the outstanding 1933 Thh Company has pro- < *c Rover Ten which months back; the Rover ta the hands of Mr. Wynnhighest marks of all the cars Hastings Rally; and all the
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  • 557 15 Essolube: Product Of HycJrogenation. ITNDER the title of Essoluoe. a new motor oil has been paced on the market which the first commercial product of Hvdroa-r't-non to be offered to the public. Scientists believe that in the near fdtUTt the process known as hydroaeroion will be emp
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  • 1333 15 New Small Cars. LARGE NUMBERS ON ROADS. London, June 8. WITHOUT a doubt the outstanding feature ol the English roads thi» sun«.ner—and we have experienced over the Whitsu.i-tide the joys of a heat-wave—is the remarkable numbei of new small sports oars to be < an everywhere.
    1,333 words
  • 52 15 From figures recently published in connection with the annual registration of Motor Boatt in America a very creditable annual increa-e of 13.1 per cent is calculated which increase has been iteauily maintained for the past twelve years, whilst the number of new craft registered last year was
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  • 52 15 One can quit': iODPghH thai a -peedwav rid"r would choose a nippy *p.d sportv-iookm > car: hence it is not sin prising that Wally K.imister. who thrills rhe crowds at the Wen.tuey Stadium. 1 as purchaaed a Hillman Aero Minx than which there could ratty be
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  • 263 15 Popularity In Overseas Countries. j fpHF. British commercial vehicle enjoys, of I course, a very satisfac tory measure of poourlty in countries overseas, and the reason is no: far to seek when one reads of them performing so well as the following letter from a transport firm
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  • 197 15 Car Converted Into A Horsetrap. From a far off land comes news of what must be one of the earliest British cars ever io be exported. A lady living in the Orange Free State has tent to Humber Ltd., a snapshot, of an ancient car of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 58 15 mt Imperial Airways Atalanta Type Machine. Imperial Airways have been using Triple Shell for many years. They have completed over 70,000 engine hours on this oil. Think this over then use Triple Shell yourself. It now costs only 30 cents per pint from a bulk cabinet. TRIPLE SHELL OIL Advertisement
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 200 16 M HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. *> TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and
      200 words
      1,755 words
    • 205 16 V f II v SUENf IllOuy cruicT I CTS. LARGE TUBE j The Firefly Made by HAMMOND, world's largest manufacturers of Electric Clocks. A Spectacular Clock At A Sensational Price. ft 19 AA Post free anywhere laC eUU in Malaya. LEE FLETCHER 102, North Bridge Boad, tfngapire 'Phone 2851 [CLEAMSES
      205 words