Malaya Tribune, 19 July 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 38 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 169 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, July 19, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1933. FIVE CENT&
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 179 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonda and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. It's Worth Reaching For!! S j j
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  • 598 2 Increased Imports Into U. K. rpHE imports of Indian hemp into the United Kingdom showed a considerable increase in 1932. over those for the previous year. In fact the growing importance of sisal and hemp to the Empire has led Dr. S. G Barker, Director cf the Wool
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  • 137 2 New Tariff Causes Complete Dislocation. j Istanbul. The Turkish Customs have been completely dislocated following on the action of the Ankara Parliament which suddenly voted a law increasing the duties on certain imported goods and decreasing the duties on others. For the moment the Customs have stopped
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  • 146 2 Fish That Refloated Steamer: Cemented In Leak. London. How a large fish refloated a leaking ship Is told by the owners of the "Admiral," Messrs Monroe Brothers of Liverpool. The "Admiral" (342 tons) arriving at Wicklow (Ireland) with a cargo of coal grounded at the entrance of the harbour
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  • 40 2 Milan A royal eagle, with wings measuring 6 feet SSfJt*£ been shot in 2[e Intra district. The bird is believed to have belonged Rosa and descend to the plains in search of prey each summer. I
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  • 759 2 Activities Of The Local Y.W.C.A. AS regularly as festival days appear comes the season for the Y.W.C.A. to make its annual appeal for funds, both to members and friends. This is the eighth year the Association nas concentrated its energies at raising the major part of
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  • 196 2 Donations Acknowledged By Committee. The General Committee of the V W C A thank the following donors for their aenerous gifts to the annual appeal and for their prompt courtesy in answer to their letters The list includes several which were sent early in the year: Prom: Derrick
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  • 133 2 British "Isle Of Orange Groves." AMOVE to make the British colony of Cyprus an "Isle of Orange Groves" is on foot among certain Jewish agriculturalists. A party of Jewish farmers and merchants have visited Cyprus within the past few week, and are reported to have bought as
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  • 155 2 Girls Who Do Not Know How To Make Up. London, i Many women do not know the proper things to put on their cheeks, lips anfi eyes. They are quite unable to see as others see them, according to Lady Standing, who has mad? a special
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  • 153 2 Bald Heads Replace Flowing Locks. London. The sad plight of English poets who go bald when they approach the age of 40 from trying to find rhymes has been depicted by the Poet Laureate. Dr. Masefield. It is a distressing picture. Dr. Masefield considers, since It some solution
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  • 116 2 Mr. Bernard Shaw's Next Play. Mr. George Bernard Shaw, in an exclusive interview in "Era," makes his first public reference to his new play, which will probably be produced during Charles Macdona's season »t the Prince's Theatre, London, "It is of stupendous length," he says, "and all
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  • 110 2 For The Economic Conference. I Belgrade. Everyone pitied a ragged old man who lived In a filthy hotel at Kragojevatz, in a state of apparently abject poverty and who lived on scraps which he picked up in the marketplace The other day, he rushed into the police ?*?J?*
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  • 85 2 To Stimulate Bohemian Industry. Prague. All-glass houses are being strongly advocated by leading archlUcU here. The frame of the houses would be of steel, but all the rest would be of glasM. Room* are planned round a sincle central hall. The campaign has been started with a view
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  • 64 2 Cologne. Opera can be heard In the Opera House here for only tenpence. This Is ductions ranging from 20 to 40 per cent in the prices of admission to municipal Sre B The tenpence buys a seat in the galleiV but In the Dramatic Theatre prices are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 ARCADIA WORKS lit If Ij m\ in in in liijf^^ CARRERAS'wonder Factoru in LONDON-the HOME of. CRAVEN A CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES The most modernly designed and equipped Tobacco Factory in the World is Arcadia Works, on the Hampstead Road, London, N.W., where Carreras make CRAVEN "A" Cigarettes. Nine acres of
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  • 1345 3 HUMILIATING FACTS. Rotten Ships Creating Trouble All The Time. ATTEMPT TO KILL THE ADMIRAL. The inside story of the mutiny in China's North-eastern Naval Squadron is told by two Peiping Chinese newspapers. The allegation is made that these rotten
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  • 112 3 Received A Blackmailing Letter. Shanghai. June 28. LU Tung-chen, owner of tht Shen-yang Umbrella Factory in the Chinese City, committed suicide yesterday after receiving a fetter from a certain lccal Bloody Association warning him against further dealing in Japanese goods. The letter was received about a month
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  • 61 3 Practically No Change Despite "Victories." Morning Post. Chungking. July 5. In spite of reports given out from official quarters about recent victories over the Communists, the situation in Northern Szechucn remains unchanged. There has been practically no fighting between the provincial and Communis' troops during the last
    Morning Post.  -  61 words
  • 52 3 Sin Wen Pao. Shanghai. July 6. Generals Wang Teh-lin and Li Tv, both prominent Volunteer leaders in Kirin. are expected to arrive here on July 8. General Wang has been in Canton fo- seme time for the purpose of exchanging views vi'.h the authorities in the South-west. Sin
    Sin Wen Pao.  -  52 words
  • 322 3 Reduced Wages. UNREST IN CANTON AND SHANGHAI. Shanghai, July G. a result of tne refusal of the factory managements to restore the old wages-scale, the workers of eleven Chinese silk factories in Chapei declared a general strike yesterday afternoon. The strike affects no less than 5,200 male
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  • 35 3 China Times. Shanghai, July 6. According to information from the Life-Sav-ing Bureau, no less than fifty-three persons were drowned in the Whangpoo River during June, most of them suicide cases.— China Times.
    China Times.  -  35 words
  • 89 3 Nudist Movement In Shanghai. Shanghai. July I. ¥N connection with current reports that th-? 1 Hongkong Nudist Society i~, planning to to.-m a branch society in Shanghai. Mr. Wang Yensung. a member cf the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Chine e Chamber of Commerce, has addressed
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  • 90 3 Chahar Generals Issue Circular Wire. Cheo Jan Pao. Canton. June 30. The South-west authorises have received a circular telegram Generals Fane: Cheng-wu. Tung Un-ko, Feng Chan-hai, Teng Wen and thirty-nine other commanders in Chabar pledging their support to Marshal Feng Yuhsiang and announcing their determination to oppose the
    Cheo Jan Pao.  -  90 words
  • 89 3 Return To China Denied By Former A.D.C. j I i Nanking. June 30. The report thai Marshal Chang Hsueh-lian will shortly return to China is categcricai'.v denied by Mr. Tang Kuo-cheng. former Cnicf Aide- de-camp to Marshal Chang. He said that Mar hal Chang and his wil_>
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  • 674 3 EXPENSIVE FOR CANTON. Why Not Sink Them? Navy Obsolete And Useless. "JgVER since the Manchurian incident," says the Shanghai "Morning Post," "although some of the military leaders have realised the necessity of unifying the Chinese army and put it under strict discipline, most of the warlords are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 I Yes sir/1 I coruri/icecLr y to put with f ViH your whisky >»M —and that's s s°JZ PHOENIX! Make it a rule RING 3463 and always ask for PHOENIX SODA. P. 3. i
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    • 305 3 STRENGTHENS BODY AND NERVES BeCMM Waterrtury'sOom- B pound contains generous MHB^^H^^^H »i yl amounts of cod liver oil, it MHgjflHfi^H^H vxl gives tlie strength to resi-t Kfl^^^^^^H '1 V dangerous bronchial di- ■■^H^^^HH Jt\ seanes. It guards vitality H /£L j" V/ during hot weather—bene- BbEHE^HH f 1 fits nerves
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 JUL HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 06-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are In need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from 1st August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
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    • 784 4 TO LET. 1 1 i— .1 TO LET—Newly built houses at Oenting Lane, oil MacPherson Road. Rent 915. Apply at 35, Oenting Lane. TO LET—The top floor of a shop in Seiegte Road, from 1st August. Apply Box 178, c|o Malaya Tribune. I TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd.,
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    • 675 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. BATU PAHAT BANK, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been made to the Directors of this Company to Issue a duplicate scrip hi place of the following share certificates which is alleged to have been lost:— Certificate No. 59. dated 6th October, 1919, for
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    • 472 4 II :i,f,c v I coiifi<li>iic t I I yon inaij tni.xt |j III :^B_i_____ 1 I L JlBSpi ■H(|| CUCTS. Every Wh^rp MALAYA TRIBUNE 'PHONE 6171. INSCRIPTION RATES. t IT ABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery including i_ cluain| at office Postage or close (Local or to Foreign residence. p.m.8.) Countri* Yearly
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  • 113 5 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYING Mr. Hay. rpo use something of a cliche, Mr. Hay nas I aid either too much or too little. His ren a -ks can only be taken as a criticism of some or body of persons having som- In- in the rubber industry, and we
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  • 116 5 4LL over the world—in every country in the A world—the lump and the black outlook prevailed a few short months ago stoy- ving except hand-to-mouth baying result was that both home and trade steadily dropped just like ste:-.m in a boiler which is not regularly aok v.
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  • 157 5 HE must at all cos is t>e kept human and toafc horn that "not-a-hope" philosophy whicn. felt uncombatted. is sure to sap the life-biojd of the .trcngest man; and that can only be done by establishing co-operative camps for the unemployed These camps are sure to provide
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  • 178 5 ON broad Issue, vhere Is one grave criticism we; level at the present tin control scheme It is most ineiaitic. and, in proo: ct that charge, take the present price cf tin. which, on the admission of the International T:n Committee, is likely largely to stimulate no:
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  • 187 5 IIfHEN the Conference was summoned it was Tf probably not realbed that a danger was created—the danger that a failure would intensify every problem the conference wai meant to solve. If the British Prime Minister and the others who were instrumental in oromoting the conference had had this
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  • 193 5 IN reason and oui of season he has preached 1 among the major chiefs and the minor chiefs, among the rayats and the town folk, the need for self-help, and his powerful advocacy in the State Council and his tatter. venti;n on behalf of :hem with
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  • 345 5 Alleged Use Of "Babi Babi." JOHORE NEWS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johorc Bahru, July AS the result of a summons issued against a "well known Chinese towkay of Johore Bahru named Tan Hak Klat, who was formeily the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce here, an interesting
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  • 155 5 Flies That Never Grow Up. It is said that old soldiers never die It s literally true that young flies never grow up !At any rate it is so with the more common English flies. For although flies of various sizes, even among the same kind, are
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  • 80 5 They Parade In the Streets Of Milan! Milan. Twelve handsome young m?n, :i. dressed i: the hcght of fashion, aL wearing dark hemmed laasN, wnfirtng in s.ngle file riM| ;;.ain street* What on ci rth i;> this?" said all the pa* by, I was only aii advertising "stunt
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  • 105 5 Cause 48 Per Cent. Loss To Manchu Farmers. Dalren, Manchukuo. Bandits and floods are said to have accounted for a loss of 48 per *cnt. of North Wmchuria's agricultural produces for 1932. The floods last autumn were disastrous, and banditry was at its height. As the outlaw
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  • 94 5 Half A Ton Of Butter In Twelve Months. Sydney. Wagga Gladys is stated to be the world's hampion cow once more. It was announced that Hawkesbury Agricultural College's Diploma 0» that this cow, one of the College Jersey I.?rd, had regained the world's record for butter 4 production.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 76 5 Fountain pens jf/ THE -PILOT" THE THE PILOT PEN Co., h No. 2, gfct /trtxufe, Singapore. BECORDS OF THE MONTH ON THE TUNE THAT STORMS ENGLAND STORMY WEATHER No CB. 619. AND LATEST DANCE HITS. Mong Huat Co. SINGAPORE. LOST OR IMPAIRED Can be recovered through the use of TESTOGAN
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    • 365 5 You'd think, 11) hear people talk, M^j* that Instant Postum was a new dis- li^W^LJl coyery So many of them are trying /'M W 1 ■ffiflW P««um, ™dc with it tor the nrst tune, and getting such j \V/ hotradk n^** 1 good results. Not that they're giving i J
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  • 1192 6 Shipping News Notices. PEACE IN SHIPPING INDUSTRY. Difficulties Fairly And Squarely Faced. rpHE relationships between employers and employed in the shipping industry were reviewed by Sir Frederick C. Allen, Bart., at the dinner given by the Chamber of Shipping and the Shipping Federation to Lord Runciman and himself, in London
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  • 361 6 Soviet Shipbuilding Industry. rTTHE Shipbuilding industry is one of the X youngest in the Soviec Union, having been j created almost entirely during the 15 years of the Soviet regime. In Tzarist Rusiia. shipbui'dim; was in its most rudimentary stage. From 1905 to Itsl I the Russian
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  • 122 6 Plan To Join Bay Of Biscay To Mediterranean. Genoa, June 6. An announcement that the French Government is proposing to build a canal from the Bay of Biscay to the Gulf of Lyons, with the result that the value of Gibraltar would be lessened, is made by
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  • 343 6 The First Bremen's Maiden Voyage. (PIEVENTY-FIVE years ago on June 19. the kJ first steamer "Bremen"" of the famous Bremen shipping company the Norddeutscher Lloyd, set out from the Weser on her first voyage to the Hudson River. After a partly very rough crossing she arrived safely in
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  • 339 6 Economic Conditions In Czechoslovakia. I According to a report on Economic Condition in Czechoslovakia, issued by the Departmen* of Overseas Trade, the total quantity of -oocs handled in the Elbe port, during 1932 amoun:ed :o 2.795,776 metric tons, as ccmoared wit!. 3.237.200/ metric tons during 1931,
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  • 307 6 Newport To Protect Interests Of The Port. THE Newport Town Council, recently, adopted th? recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee that .hey 'hould join in any action to prctect the interests of the port, in view Of .he proposed Severn barrage, which, the Newport Harbour Commissioners have decided
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  • 157 6 Mystery Of Abandoned Lifeboat. The discovery in the North Sea of one of the motor lifeboits of "L'Atlantlque." the French liner which was abandoned on fire while coming up Channel on Jan. 4. adds to the mystery which surrounds the outbreak. The lifeboat is described as perfectly seaworthy
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  • 128 6 Englishmen Returning From Cocos Island. A year ago nine Englishmen left Brixrnm. Devonshire, in a 35-ton yacht to search the Spanish Main and the Cocos Islands for lost gold. But the treasure hunt has failed and the men arc returning without the gold—or their yacht. "The poor old
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty* Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. RAMCHI 17.000 July 21 BHUTAN
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    • 175 6 IWlloyd triestino I (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA CaJlIngat Penang, Colombo. Bombay. Jvaracni, Aden, Massowah. Sum i>,., t Calling at Colombo. Bombay. Suex, Port Sa Jd. BrindisL VeniceTnd Tri«u Said, Brindlal. Venice and Trieste. venJce Trie,te Due Leave Due m V TERGES TEA"
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    • 205 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deut eh I |H D R Australlsche Damprjcnttn Oeselkchaft (Companies (ncoipoiaced in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 t s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept.
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    • 523 6 STEAMER ftMLDflfr NORDDEUTSCHER The undernoted an tne Company's int*« fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong. IWI S'hai. N. China and Japan "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkon? Shanghai, N. China and Japan Aug j HOMEWARDS. 9 "ISAR" for Genoa, Marseilles, Dunkirk, Rotterdam. Hamburg and Bremen July 23 Cargo steamers with limited paMt
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  • 527 7 Mining Shares. I l Wednesday. II a m. tin share quotations are Issued and Co., exchange and stock oiot.i i".: l-:.iie Buyers. Sellers. Man Kumbang Tin 27 6 20 Alist!ill Malay 27 6 30 Ayer Hitam Tin 13;9 14[6 Ayer Weng 0.90 1.00 £1 Bangrin Tin 18,3
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  • 193 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. Rubber Recedes But Is Steady. TIN IMPROVES TWO DOLLARS. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore. Wednesday, noon. To-Day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 14» 2 cts., down */4 ct. Market Tone: Steady. Tin (Singapore), $110, up $2. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 4 17 32d., up 3j32d. Market
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  • 57 7 Reduction Made By The Ceylon Railways. With effect from July 10. the freight for rubber on the Ceylon Railways has been reduced by a rupee cem per mile. The fir t-class rate has been made applicPble to lots of two tons and above and -mali lets are being
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  • 113 7 Report for year ended March 31, 1933. states that both No. 1 and No. 2, dredges (Lahati were closed for year. No. 3 dredge «Ayer E'am) worked for eight months, and yardage treated was 883.400 cubic yards, which yieldea 550 tons of tin ore. equiva'ent to 1.40
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  • 41 7 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 4 l jd. New York: 9"s<G.> cents. Singapore: 14H —14\ cents. TIN. London Spot: £215 7s. 6d. (Up 55s.). London 3 months: £215 5s. (Up 57s. 6d Singapore: $110.00. COPRA. Sundried $3.95 Mixed $3.40
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  • 436 7 Coffee And Wheat Attempts. Reuter Wireless. London. Jui.v lb. An effort to obtain international rationalisation of the coffee industry will be made oy the Brazilian delegation before the bre?!c up of the World Economic Conference. They have submitted a draft convention aiming at restriction of production in accordance with
    Reuter Wireless.  -  436 words
  • 741 7 Increased Activity Prevails. dufmjth. T fr m the USA re ceived weekK h Week> States Messrs Frai and Co 1 dit Si S reP rt indicate that trade ?S >£sL*2 f Cadily topping and the in th. 115 3ISO reported to hay shared »»Z1 g J he
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  • 1041 7 Mr. Bertram White On The Position. The twenty-eighth annual ordinary general London EC. 1 Lloyd's-avenue, tn, oft the Past year after 609 -m!h dp PW>a«on. shew a loss cf 8ht X -suit los, M C ytar when toe actual cepreclau on i3 3 «.«H> to ™?r l
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  • 662 7 Rubber Shares. Sise&parf W in- .'ay. ll am. The following rubber share quckuinna an Issued by Fraser and Co.and Lyali ana Evatt: Issue Value. Fraser Lyall At Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby $0.75 $0.8 i $0.65 $0 80 1 Alor Gajah O.SO 0.70 0 50 0 60
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 90 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 BEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 44 7 Yearly Interest Paid to Yon Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK puys int#*est quartern. Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55. Wall Street. N.Y.
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    • 221 7 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK. LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $10,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHLLIA STREET. SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chec Swee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 j TODAY I *No Man of Her 0ml M Jtk CQROIE LOMBARD A .Jmwkm DOR01 "hymackaill Mm WATCH PQ« SCREENING Of "SO THIS IS AFRICA." MARLBOROUGH g£. saucier Snappier Naughtier Maurice Chevalier eJeanette Macdonald j ROLAND YOUNG AND CHARLIE RUGGLES i #"iE HOUR WITH YOU" Seven Big Unforgettable Song WBSamgm
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    • 302 8 Amusements PAIL Ll'KAS. W 1 GLORIA ST! ART Wpl 'A Wl NANCY CARROLL. ijm J S|< »1 attraction! VC!< f 01 Hit VATICAN. Pep- Pies XI o i the screen J A he mi jftj! V\ net Miiror. Nov. on view ii: B The daring j K< bin' I ur.gc
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    • 182 8 I Great World] Talkies: To-Nigh t! SKY THEATRE. I STAR THEATRE. I TARZAN, THE APE MAN" j "TO-NIGHT AT TWEIAI BORNEO STAR OPERA~ TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT. I A Sp cial Malay Allegorical Play will be staged fan two oi j "JERAGAN BUDIMAN" t tPart One). CABARET I J THE
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  • 185 9 Barber Shot Dead. MURDERER STILL AT LARGE. 4 RACKETEERING crime was described in the Coroner's Court i morning' when Mr. F. J. Bourne ed an inquiry into the death of a Chinese barber. was stated that he was shot down in Amoy Street on the night
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  • 33 9 Dr. Be&anl .>nd her colleague. Bishop Leadhave published the result of their clairniagniflcJtion investigations since 1895 hemical elements. Ninety-nine distinct ats. not counting isotopes, are recorded rind weights are given.
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  • 124 9 Gen. Balbo And Air Armada. Reuter Wireless. Rome, July lv. U\ NIGHTMARE" Is General Banjo's caX* bled description of the flight cf the Italian Air Armada from Iceland to Labrador He says for the first two hours flying condition* were very difficult and the planes were forced to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 181 9 Sentenced Once More For Theft. Having begun his dishonest trade" from the early age of 16. Tim Leng. a youth of 20 with a record of convictions covering all the intervening period, was produced before th> District Judge. H. A. Porrer. on Monday far cntence on a fresh
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  • 298 9 Good Fare At Sailors' Institute. OVER 200 seamen from almost every deep water ship in port gathered at the Sailors' Institute to witness one of the jolliest of concerts. The H.M.S. "Herald" arrived in port on Friday, and sent an advance party ashore to r g the
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  • 42 9 A brozne statue of the late B. G. Tilak is proposed to be installed at Chowpatti sea sands. Bombay. The memorial is to be unveiled on Aug. 1 and the Committee has decided to approach Mr. Gandhi to perform the unveiling ceremony.
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  • 207 9 Fifteen Previous Convictions. I A exploiting a life of crime in practical- *»>ly every State in the P.M.S.. in Johcre. Iy-oh. Tapah, Perak, Batu Pahat and Kelentan, a tall intelligent-looking Malay thought he wo-jk* seek new fields in Singapore. He was mistaken, however, for shortly after his arrival
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  • 411 9 Official Assignee Affected. fTHE qreaion as to whether the Official Arsignte of the property of a bankrupt could be brought before court on a judgment debtor summon* and be examined, was decided yesterday by Mr. Justice Mills. The facts are recapitulated in his lordship's judgment which is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 284 9 THE j VITAL PRINCIPLE. Life assurance is a vital principle of civilisation 1 Would you say to your family: -While I live I will feed ycu—if I die you can go hungry. While I live I will clothe I vou—il I die you can go naked. WhUe I live I
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    • 209 9 DONT FORGET DON'T FORGET j| "Bilwamangal" OR "SOORDAS" I Parse* i Madan's 100', Hindustani Talking Sinking and Dancing COLOURED PICTURE. I COMMENCING ON FRIDAY. JULY 21 I AT TIVOLI HALL I NORTH BRIDGE ROAD r—m In This Tropicai S[ Climate Your, Blood Easily Weakens j Guard and cure yourself from
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    • 498 9 CAPITOL THEATRE MALACCA TO-NIGHT:— j (One Night Only). j "HiGft SPEED** and j "LOVK AFFAIR," i i Columbia Pictui < J ON THE STAOE: PIPFESSOB P. LENTZ, j Famous Magician—Master Illusionist, j TO-MORROW: I "MEN IVfUST FIGHT. J A Mcfro-Ctoldvyn-Maycr _g j LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I WANTED—A Junior Teacher. Apply to
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 289 9 CLUB DIARY. < There are numerous Clubs and teemttet n Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune:' This is provided specially for them. Secretaries uie invited to co-operate in Jcezping it up-to-tlutc and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in fjie
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  • 55 10 Th? marriage took place on Saturday. 8th July. 1933. at Ba.u Pahat, of Mr. T. M. R. Sami sen of Mr. R. Mutusjmi Pillai. of Tanjorr, India, and Miss Kauveri. daughter of Mr. M. Ayyapan. also of Batu Pahat. The bridegroom is office cleik cn Sar.go Kcshi
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  • 57 10 Mr. Fong Peck Yew and family beg to thar.k th? staff of the Dept. of Statistics, staff of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. Members of the Blue S ar Minstrels and friends for sending wreaths, letters of condolence, attendances at nigh- visits and also attending the funeral of iheir
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  • 38 10 PINTO—On 18th July. 1933. Frank Pin.o. 25 years. The funrral cortege will leave No. 165, Bukit Timah Road, at 4.30 p.m.. to-day, for the Church of St. Joseph and thenc? io Bidadari Cemetery for interment. Deeply regretted.
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  • 666 10 There seems to be a suspicion that the parental opposition in the Colony to the proposed increase of school fees is being made a matter of a few days' sensationalism ,by certain sections of the press. The Malaya Tribune absolves itself from this charge. It has consistently
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  • 327 10 HINDU opinion in Kuala Lumpur, Kiang and .j bars in -he P M S., but principally Deal ib Federal Capital, la demanding the e&tabUehine n< In the Ftoderattoa of a Hindu Endowments or Advisory Beard, similar to the mode's to be found
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  • 200 10 rpHE commi.tee which organises the children's concerts in Singapore has gone a step further, and in addition to catering for audiences cf young people the musicians are also to be drawn from amongst schoolchildren. A concert of this nature takes place next Monday, when sixty girls of Fairfield
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  • 272 10 rjISCONTINUANCE of the weekly air-:uu:l JLf service from Singapore to Alor Star sad Penang has been officially announced t 0 the by the Acting Secretary for Pe a Affairs. The reason assigned is the verv ?ma'.l amount of correspondence received fcr Nffrlase i by air to the
    272 words
  • 72 10 Of eleven lepers, who were sent under police escort from Malacca to Singapore a few days ago, three were schoolboys- from local Government and mission schools In the police court before Mr. J c Der rick. Ramthola. a Pathan, was fined $5 or 5
    72 words
  • 27 10 VLccount H. De Bondy, of Raub estate has left for home on leave. Mr., o. M. Harding has been elected chair Son' CCntral Pahan P1 Aio"-
    27 words
  • 36 10 tAtSPa'g announced between Mr. h f the Chart <*ed Bank. Kuala Lumpur, the fourth son of Mr Lee Kirn B H,h ?f t aUg htCr f Mr and Mrs. 'B- Hu K" of Kuala Lumpur.
    36 words
  • 44 10 General Hospital. the Pena ng The death has occurred of Mr Henry t^h reS lf nt 1 au h r ago that k™ 5 less than a ™nth i Sased h£ brother John L™- Predeceased him. Deceased was 46 y ears P of
    44 words
  • 26 10 Health X CosgrMf Chie f Medical and for tcnnS f l Pah&ng has Panted a cup sTarorPah r an C g° mPea the Medica >
    26 words
  • 7 10 for alarm. to be no cause
    7 words
  • 9 10 Saturday H Uway left h <*P"al on
    9 words
  • 389 10 BY 1 I |^#^LOOKER-ON" These new school feea aro "cool" fees. are N A And the opposition 1«, them i- mi too ap-parent. Illy A From what I can gather the parent, are appealhng to the clement Clementi. ent ln A Hitler calls the Fonr-Po\\> r Pm
    389 words
  • 41 10 Y.W.C.A. APPEAL FOR FUNDS, en pa?.- CHINA NEWS, on page 3. JOHORE NEWS, on page 5. OUR SHORT STORY, on page If. INDIA NEWS, on page 17. RUBBER STATISTICS, on pagi 18 RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 18. -r=>
    41 words
  • 56 10 That he was in the habit of untitled Rope Walk friends without the knowkag w his uncle. Phua Kay Soo. was relaU-dI at v inquest on Phua Kirn Chye. when the mm ~L Mr. D. Wills, returned a verdiCi of wu. drowned. Deceased's body was :eeu rwn in the sea
    56 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 375 10 J&&\ I Ke>5 Ycu Can't Ride This Train. FT. (V.R.) That's M\ Horn?, Fox Trot. (V.R.) L< uis Irmstrong and his Orchestra. 6315 'With vocal refrain and trumpet solo by < Louis Armstrong) Japanese Sandman, Fox Tro^ AMERICA'S Snooksand his Memphi Ramb!ers B6303. i niTluusvra s-r Tappin' The Time Away
      375 words
    • 89 10 Violins Fittings Cheapest Best SEASON CO., LTD., 116, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. YICK WOH HING 429, North Bridge Road, (Near Middle Rd.) 1 The Shop of SATISFIED ,«?¥iifi f C ENTS i j where THOUSANDS 1 CLOCKS AND I9R I WATCHES ''Cjmm\7i have been sold and i repaired. Contractors for
      89 words

  • 1012 11 CHINA NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO FIGHT JAPAN. Feng's Useless Resistance. Muto Sends Troops And planes To Re-Take Dolunor. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." A sharp rejoinder is made by Premier Wang to the South West military leaders who ask
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  1,012 words
  • 98 11 Very Little Change In Victim's Condition. d Manap, the Maliy constable who was the New Bridge Road Police Station fiav evening, is still in a serious conin tiie General Hospital, there being very hangc in his condition. alleged to have been shot by a fellow a a
    98 words
  • 38 11 Reuter Wireless. Berlin. July If. Cabinet ye terday adopted 30 laws oeal■tth politicr.l, econcmic. juridical, financial, Itural and film subjects. 1 Communists ha c been shot dead while eaccrltd to a concentration camp.- Reuter ""(less.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 169 11 Nation-Wide Effort In Ch na. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, July 19. The Aviation Bureau is contemplating establishing an Air Defence Committee to devise plans for the aerial defences to be put up throughout the country. The first step will be to choose an important city as the
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  169 words
  • 335 11 Air Power In Three Years. Reuter. San Francisco, July 12. GENERAL Chin Jon Chow, the Chinese air chief, has announced here that Nanking will place in service 3,000 fighting in next three years.—Reu-er. Paris. July 18. Doctor L. L. Rajchmann, the Polish Director of the
    Reuter.  -  335 words
  • 49 11 Another Anglo-Dutch Rubber Talk. (From Out Own Correspondent.) London. July IS. It is learned that restriction is almost certain shortly. Dutch ripreventatives a»-e arriving here this week and I understand that they favour the curtailment of production. A general prophecy is that the negotiations will he successful.
    49 words
  • 118 11 U.S. Financier's $25,000 Bail Forfeited. Reuter. New York. July 18. Joseph Harriman has returned to his sanatorium. A warrant for his arrest had previously issued and his G525,000 bail has been o.dered to be forfeited. Harriman arrived at the sanatorium in a Hxi-cab. The cabman said that Harriman
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 118 11 Commons Question: Financial Problem. Reuter. London. July 19. Asked by Major-General Sir Alfred Knox (Cons., Wycombe) what practical steps the Governments in Singapore and the Federated Malay States had taken to protect game. Sir V. Warrender for Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister said that the recommendations of the
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 85 11 European Woman Acquitted Of Theft Of Cushions. The case in which Mrs. Campbell, a European woman running a boarding house in Newton Road, was charged with theft of two decorative cushions from a shop in Orchard Ror.d, came up for decision this morning before Mr. J. P. F.
    85 words
  • 536 11 Last Days Of W.E.C. SILVER AGREEMENT UNLIKELY. Reuter Wireless. London, July 18. J'HE liquidation of the World Economic Conference proceeds apace. bub-committees are hatching formal reports from which emerges the fact that three-quarters of the questions on the agenda have been shelved until prospects of agreement
    Reuter Wireless.  -  536 words
  • 151 11 Resolutions For Protest Meeting. At the meeting of delegates of various organisations, to be held on the 26th inst.. to consider school fees, the following four resolutions will be proposed: 1. This meeting is of the opinion that any increase of school fees would be a hardship and
    151 words
  • 75 11 Woman Brooded Over Dead Husband. Yesterday afternoon a Cantonese womun named Me Bocn was found dead in a cuoic.e at 19, Club Street. There was a twelve-year-eld daughter pre:ent. The woman was suspected of having taken an overdo c of opium. Her husband died nine months ago
    75 words
  • 81 11 Tariff War With Ireland To End Reuter. rpHE Government will be urged next week in the H-ru-e of Commons to end the tariff war in the Irish Free State and a Government statement is expected on Thursday according to the "Daily Express" which says that the
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 46 11 Fifty U.S. Pursuit Planes Greet Him. Reuter Wireless. Montreal. July 35. General Balbo's Armaria will be greeted on entering the United by fifty Dulled States pursuit planes. Signor Rosso. Italian Amba<sador :o the United States, is a passenger aboard General Balbo's flagship."—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 313 11 WILEY POST IN SIBERIA. Slightly Ahead." Italian Armada In New York. Reuter Wireless. Novosibirsk, July 18. Post, who is attempting record world flight, resumed at 8.55 a.m. to-day for Irkutsk. He is slightly ahead of his 1931 time and a record is assured under perfect conditions. He
    Reuter Wireless.  -  313 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 55gF5*i I wr w j bonny! Mother thanks Bear Brand I Baby has been fed No wonder she I for a whole year, looks so bonny. j r '6 ht from the Purchase a tin of da y of birth, on Bear Brand Milk j Bear Bra t [SEE T
      125 words

  • 1185 12 BOYANESE DRIVER'S DEATH. GRAPHIC STORY AT A SINGAPORE INQUEST. How a Chinese stumbled over a bicycle at the side of East Coast Road and then discovered a dving man, bleeding and gasping, was told to the Singapore Coroner yesterday
    1,185 words
  • 86 12 Knocked Down By Mosquito Bus. A NA STY accident occurred on Geyiang Road shortly after mid-night last night. Two pedestrians were walking along the road when a •'mosquito- bus, alleged to have been driven by a Chinese, knocked them down. One of thr victims wos very badly injured
    86 words
  • 34 12 ,h P S Tay L R C P and s Ed t4 tne City Dispensary, has now removed his consulting practice to Victoria Pharmacv. 63 Victoria Street and wlU be with Dr A CWilliams
    34 words
  • 70 12 Chinese YputlVs Narrow Escape. A CHINESE boy of about eight years of age had a narrow escape from death when he vi as attacked by a bull In the Kandang Kertau district yesterday afternoon. The animal charged into him and inflicted a nasty wound over the left
    70 words
  • 53 12 H.E. the High Commissioner, with the approval of H.M. the King, has been pleased to appoint Mr. Lai Tet Loke to be an Unofficial Member of the Federal Council for a period of three years, with effect from July 19 1933 inclusive, in the place of Mr.
    53 words
  • 640 12 Sequel To Filming Of Dyak Dances. PROVOCATION was the plea advanced by a Boyanese actor named Dolah bin Ali when he was charged yesterday with having voluntarily caused grievous hurt to the wellknown Malay playwright and author. Ir.che A!i Munshi. The playwright was assisting an American
    640 words
  • 46 12 At the inquest into the death of a Chinese carpenter named Chan Han. whe was found with injuries on the neck and stomach at 79 Petalmg Street, the Coroner found that the de ceased died from shoe* and to wounds inflicted by him** with a mor
    46 words
  • 442 12 Tung kiang Taken. JAPANESE WARSHIPS SUNK. Shanghai, July 18. the coming of summer and the growth of the kaoliang, the Volunteers in Manchuria have resumed their activities. A strong force of Volunteers have attacked and captured Tungkiang, in east Kirin. They are pressing on to Fookam. Two
    442 words
  • 83 12 Reported Decision Of Government. It i> reperted trai the Government of •he Straits Settlements ha d.cidci agsnst any actirn tc establish thr we c klv *>>Urn in th; Strjils S. .Moments ft is also rcporlrd .h?t *hi> d.cision which will bp arr.oanecd at Ihc meeting cf the I
    83 words
  • 52 12 Reuter. Rome. July 18. Ex-Marshal Chang Liang and Mr. Donald his adviser, his two sens, and Tommy Lee. his secretary, left by aercnlane this afternoon for Milan and Torino where they will visit the factories, subsequently going to Paris to inspect military and air industrial .establishments
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 70 12 Personal Welcome By Fukien Governor. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Hongkong. July 13 A PcocbOW message states that Mr Aw Boci Haw. the Singapore philanthropist, has arrived there from Amoy yesterday morning h i vamet en the wharf by Gen. Chiang Kwojfe N- a Chairman of ihe
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  70 words
  • 61 12 The Royal Singapore Flying Club have set aside a Flying Day- for the members of the Singapore Cricket Club and members of their households on July 22. Flying will comment at 2 p.m. continuing until sun-down and should weather conditions prove unfavourable, these arrangements could be carried
    61 words
  • 318 12 Scenes At Simple Borne Ceremony. Reuter Wireless. Rome, July 15. THE Four Power Pact, chiefly instigates i.y Mussolini and which it is hoped wi 1 guarantee peace for at le-st it) years, was signed shortly after noon to-day. The ceremony occurred in the Pabzzo Venezia in Mussolini's
    Reuter Wireless.  -  318 words
  • 160 12 Universalis screen thiillet, "The Kis= Betciic the Mirror." starring Paul Lukas. Gloria Stuart. Nancy Carroll and Frank Morgan in the mam j rcles. commenced a season at the Pavilicn I theatre la;t night. j The 'toi v is one of illicit
    160 words
  • 65 12 "Crooner," which began a season it lue Rcxy las: night, provides good entertainment. The 'tory concerns a college band which meets with success in Broadway and the downtiH of the band when success turns the conduct».-s head. David Manner- and Ann Dvorak take the principal role
    65 words
  • 64 12 A ten-chapter silent picture entitled "iht Lightning Express" began a three-day run at the Ritz cinema. Geylang. last night. In the first, house another silent pictuic, 'Wanted by the Law." starring J. B. Wan:e;\ is featured along with other inters, ti "shorts." William Haines and
    64 words
  • 675 12 INSPECTOR WOOD* TRIAL. Asleep Id Car. Driver Alleges An Assault. JHE trial of Inspe Blundell Wood on a charg ha ing caused the death of a I t iu ker named Low Lum on f June 3 at Keppel Road by car in a negligent manner was
    675 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 81 12 l M AISO N jj I MARCELLE (LATE MAI SON NITTO). jj LADIES' FRENCH H AIR OR ESSIN (i SALOON. I LE DERNIER CRI in hai/dr.ssing and beauty v;rk. European EXPERTS v. ill parts! training. The Finest and most mod m equip- ]r mint. Special cool-air drying system. Per: personal
      81 words

  • 194 13 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAYS SHIPPING \KRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. 723 Ion, lrom Penang 17-7; jMiauu 19-7. Bui 156 tons, from Malacca Malacca 19-7. SJBi tona from Oosshavcn (i84 tOOb, Croai Koh Sichang 525 t; ns, from St. PandjOTg ftdCM Baro- 20-7. SH ton. from Ashan !7-V B Kalis,
    194 words
  • 87 13 Singapore. July \'J. Pfl ALONGSIDE THE WHARVBB. r Wharf 'Entrance Gate 1). 22; Takada 30. Wha I Entrance Gate 3V II Peinbvokeshiie 14; Tnaw.i > I ire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). St; Ka r.-ola 35: City cf Perth Empire Dork (Entrarre Gate 4). atnu it; Rhesus 48. W
    87 words
  • 37 13 Mail- from Batavia and Paknabaag by aeroplane are expect-d at the G ncral P:s. Singapore, at 5 p.m. to-day. From Europe 'London mail" despatched on June 29>. by th' -Ran::ii" dw at Penan.- > morrow morning
    37 words
  • 143 13 SEALING. Singapore, July c> London 4 months' sight 3* London 3 months' sight London 60 days' eight 2 Lcndrn 30 days' iight London demand London T.T. J Lyons and Paris demand Hamburg oemand York demand Batavia and Sourabaya demand Samarang demand Penang demard P Calcutta and Bombay demand
    143 words
  • 286 13 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, JULY 19. High Tide-. —9.25 a.m.. 8.05 pin. Ro.'ary Luncheon. Adelphi Hotel, 1 p m. League Football: Div. II. Police v. Med College. Anson Road: Div. Ill, Abattoir v. Chinese III, Jalan Besar. Police Band, Kaiong Park. 5.15
    286 words
  • 139 13 ALHAMBR A. Trick lor Trick." barring Ralph Morgan. Sally Biane. etc. CAPITOL.—"No Man of Her Own. EMPIRE- Flower of Liberty." a Chinese talkie. GREAT WORLD.—Side shows, Cabaret, Malay opera. Chinese wayang. silent and talking nlms <Sky Talkie: "Tarzan. the Ape Mai.:" Star Talkie: -To-night at Twelve") MARLBOROUGH -Maurice Chevalie-
    139 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 137 13 I i I». A. WOLFF EISNER S SANTIBEN." prrcutaneoca treatment of tubcr- a m c'ifhd Robe-t Kock's t to bt rubbed ihrnugh the Ol AJACOL-SILICATE TABLETS to Exprcience durmft 20 years in rex 18.000 cas?s. paeklnf 6 Vials Tablets and 2 Via's Oi.tmcnt. The activated r RF.AS-HORMONE TABLETS. I'AM RESALETS'
      137 words
    • 45 13 The Tea of World-wide I Prestige By its choice quality and incomparable- flavour Liptona Tea appeala to all who appreciate the beat TEA ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN IHĔ FAMOUS YELLOW TIN urrom lt»v t« ranana. anum Sole Distributors: Henry Waegh 4 Go., Ltd. Singapore—Penang—Kuala Lumpur—Slam.
      45 words
    • 242 13 ASTHMA. Guaranteed Surest and Speediest Cure in all i s stages wrT out relapse. No matter who nas failed. Ask for particulars. Dr. Sherman, Baliabhanga. tFaridpur), Bengal. DANCING. Foxtrot. Waltz. Tango, etc., taught at Rena's Dance Studio. Meyer Mansion*. t Flat 6, Coleman Street. Diamond Bedsteads. PRICES FROM S6 TO
      242 words
    • 343 13 I 1 fRASERSfcAVE B? I ELLISON S. FZEKIKL .V CO., OPTICIANS WATCHMAKERS. ONLY ADDRESS: —3, CAPITOL BUILDING, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE, i:LI' MRS Binoculars. Telescopes, Watches, Cameras. Gramophones, Etc., Etc. ITLMS;—Developed, piloted and enlarged Sparkling Prims. OFFICE HOURS:—Sundays And Daily From 8.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. (Saturdays Excepted.) ORDERS RECEIVED BY
      343 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 229 13 jPOSUL INTELLiC€NC£i SINGAPORE HAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Southern and Western India (Rohna) 3 y.:n Banka Islana, P.adjoe and Falembang 3 p.ii. 'Ceylon. Egypt. Europe and Gt. Brkuui (Pembrokeshire) 3 p.m. Upper Burma. Malta and Em t India (Takadai Bangkok n m Keck) 3 p.m. Djambi .Tcba.. pjß. Anamba and Natuna
      229 words

  • 794 14 Malays Beat S.R.C. MATCH AT JALAN EESAR. gEVEN thousand people saw the Malays decisively beat the S.R.C. at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday i l the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League. Until yesterday the Eurasians were the only
    794 words
  • 38 14 KMaeriM c.m S t. jo eph'i invit,, *o„, ,I at; cricket at McNair Road mm\\Sm% Fernando, p. M Siriser.a. P. r P r 4s A m ,rasekera. I Sclir.n R. D Simon H Bruytr
    38 words
  • 36 14 cc cham H o, B s r ay nt fa* D C Bu,,. W. H. McNrille, J E C Mu>hell. A. L. Bill, If. c. Elliott, D. H raam and vv. w. peaa
    36 words
  • 427 14 Teams Entered For league. soccer competition of the Clerical Union. for which eight teams have entered, will cimmence on Saturday, July 29, when the "E" team meet the "G" team, on the Union's ground at Balestier. Thereafter, matches will be played every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday. Fridcy and
    427 words
  • 350 14 The following are the positions in the S.A.F.A. League ccmpetiions to date: FIRST DIVISION. Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Ma'ay- 12 11 0 1 49 13 23 Chinese 11 8 2 1 46 15 17 SRC. 11 6 2 3 29 17 15 Wil
    350 words
  • 82 14 Japan Wins Interesting Contest. Reuter Wireless. Pari3, July 15. Japan won the triangular lawn tennis mnHil Uth five wins. South Africa scoring four and France being third with enly two. To-day s re ults were as follows: defeated Boussus 6—4 2--6 6- I Munoi defeated Merlin 4—6
    Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 77 14 Start Of Eliminating Series. Reuter. Vienna, July 18. IN the second preliminary round for the 1934 Davis Cup competition, Austria beat Spain by five matches to nil. The results were: Artens beat Maier 7—9: 6—3; 2—6" 7 56—2. Matejka beat Suque 6—0; 6—3; 9—7. Artens and Matejka
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 209 14 Points Shared At Anson Road. me S.A.F.A. League Third Division maui. between the Medical Services and the Marine II ended in a draw one-all at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday. Pte. F. W. Hughes refereed and the teams were: MEDICAL SERVICES: Lee Pak TongHendroff. s. Cheong; Mohammed,
    209 words
  • 83 14 Saturday's Match At Alor Star. Selangor s team to meet Kedah in the final Malaya Cup match in the Northern Section to be played en Saturday at Alor Star is UmUai to that rielded against Penang wlth'thexcer ion of Thornton who is unable to make are journey,
    83 words
  • 164 14 R-ults to date in the two sections jf Lhc Malaya Cup crmpctnion are as follows: NORTHERN SECTION. Kedah beat Perak 2 1. Selangcr drew with Perak 3—3 Penang beat Perak 3—l. Selangor beat Penang 5—2. Kedah and Penang drew 3—3. Goals. P W L. D. F. A.
    164 words
  • 179 14 Balestier Friendly Athletic Party v. the Clerical Union to-day on the Clerical Union ground will be: Chong Kow Tai, Khor Jiak Keng. Tan Tian Peng, Lim Fook Hee, Ng Ngiap Ycng, John Chay, Harry Tan, Wee Tian Hock. Ong Kay Sung, Lim Huat Lye and Sng Koev Hoe.
    179 words
  • 124 14 Amateur Championship Tournament. YESTERDAY'S third round ties in Cm Malayan open Amateur (four-ball) bilhui'ls champiomhip competition at the New World, for the Challenge Shield presented by Messrs. Frankel Brothers, resulted as follows: Wee Keng Lim (Tras A.P.) beat Poh Tianq Siew (U.C.F.A.) 300—253. Chio Eng Wah (Siong Boo)
    124 words
  • 254 14 Volunteers Beat Command Officers. Volunteers beat the Command in a scries of lennis matches played on Sunday on the Tanglin Club courts between "A" iM.G.t Co. 5.V.C. and the Malaya Command. For th? Command, the pairs were: Capt. R. McL. More and Lieut. H. A. Orr, Major General
    254 words
  • 52 14 Reuter. New York. July 18. National League baseball games re ulted a<= follows: R. H. E. Brooklyn 2 7 2 Pittsburgh 14 16 1 E-coklyn 0 7 o Pittsburgh 7 i 6 o Swetonic pitched for Pittsburgh. The Detroit—Philadelphia game in the American League was postponed owing t
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 76 14 Reuter Wireless. I London. July "3. The Prince of Wales wa* beaten in the nnal of the Parliamentary Golf Handicap by 5 and 4 by Mr. George Lambert. M.P. The match waa of 36 holes over ;he Coombe Hill course. Surrey. The Prince was one up at the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  76 words
  • 55 14 The V.M.C.A. team to meet the S.H.B. at Anson Road Stadium to-morrow will be: chu Swee Hung. Ng Kong Yip, Soong Koey Hoe Chan Cher Seng, Tan Seng Hock, Chan Joo Kirn, Lee Ah Chee, Jameston Lim. Yap Yeow Siang. James Loviek. Chan Ah Wing Reserves: Tan
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  • 47 14 Mayfafr B.P. team v. the Hua Chiang B P at the Modern English School's court on Saturday at 3 p.m.: Lee Seng Hor, Lee Cheng Puan Wee AikChan. Kwek Chip Jian. T. w. Lim! T s K. H. Yeo, Yeo Hock Seng, See Gim Siang.
    47 words
  • 92 14 Sequel To The Death Of A Chinese. Mention was made this morning before the Second Magistrate, Mr. j. F F. Gregg of case in which one Chong Poh is charged witn culpable homicide not amounting to murder The accused, it will be remembered, was produced before the Coroner
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  • 58 14 Four cases of cruelty to poultry was heard by the Fourth Magistrate, Mr L. R. F. Karl this morning, when two licensed pork-shop keeners and two licensed eating-shop keepers we- e JSSS 4 W lOVl and without supplying them with food and water The accused, who were
    58 words
  • 290 14 S.C.C. XI Too Good For Monopolies. THE match between an S.C.C. XI and the Government Monopolies cn the Padang yesterday, was too one-sfded to be of interest. The S.C.C. had a fairly strong side out; whereas the Monopolies were weak in every department of the game. This
    290 words
  • 402 14 Walker's Benefit. EXCITING FINISH It BLACKHEATH. Reuter. tylLLIS Walker, the Notts prof e sional, taking his benefit wfe Lancashire visited Nottingham Z their County engagement which com 1 menced on Saturday, had the distfe, tion of scoring a century. R ai interfered with play and the pZ
    Reuter.  -  402 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 741 15 Satoh's "Chess" Tennis At Wimbledon. THE Wimbledon. Championships at the All England Club opened with strong hopes among all close followers of the game that even U England could not supply a player to carry off the men's singles at least she would maintain the progress
    741 words
  • 117 15 The Straits Chinese Epworth League Sports Club beat the Anson Badminton Party by six games to one on Saturday at the latter's court. Scores. (S.C.E.L.S.C. players mentioned first): Singles: Wee Boon Hai beat Wee Hong Hal 15 7 7 ~15- 13—13=5—3; Tay Soo Lan beat Sng Beng
    117 words
  • 356 15 Compiled To Middle Of June. BATTING and bowling averages for first class matches to the middle of June are as follows: (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 22. BATTING. Highest Not Inns. Runs. in na. Out. Avge. Barling 13 951 269 1 79.25 Iddon 13 703 204
    356 words
  • 218 15 National And American Leagues. Reuter. New York, July 17. Latest results of matches in the National and American baseball Leagues are as follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE R. H. E. Chicago 1 10 2 Boston 2 7 0 Boston 17 0 Chicago 3 11 0 New York 0 9 0
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      132 words
    • 373 15 Assels exceed S 12 000 000 Assurance in force over $35,000,000.* The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*). j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Buying. Cecil St*et. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. E.C. I The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of
      373 words

  • 4421 16  -  *Byj H.G.Wells. ONE saw Monson's Flying Machine from the windows of the trains passing either along the South-Western main line or along the line betv/een Wimbledon and Worcester Park. —to be more exact, one saw the huge scaffoldings which limited the flight
    4,421 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 65 16 9 YOUNG'S CHILLY SAUCE Recognised as one of the most delicious and appetising sauces in the world. No matter how bad your appetite is or your food tastes a drop of Young's Chilly Sauce will work wonders. CHiijfa! (Write for a free sample) x *2«g8 Obtainable from all provision stares.
      65 words
    • 72 16 MILK IS ONLY MILK BUT "IDEAL" is anything between milk and cream—just as you like. If you want ordinary milk you add a good proportion of water. If you want very creamy milk you add less water. "IDEAL" Milk is just pure rich dairy milk concentrated till it is like
      72 words

  • 1615 17 CONSERVATIVE PARTY'S APPROVAL. MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL SHOUTED DOWN. The momentous meeting of the Conservative Unionists lss< ciati m in London on June 28 on which the future of India so largely depended voted against the resolution which said
    1,615 words
  • 323 17 Length Of Course Made Uniform. ACCORDING to the recommendations of the Indian Military College Committee the length of the course to be undergone by Cadets at the Indian Military Academy. Dehra Dun, was fixed at three years for ihost cadets who gained admittance through the open
    323 words
  • 206 17 Boards To Settle Peasants' Debts. If the sanction of the Government of India is received in time, Mr. T. A. Ramalingam Chettiar will introduce his Debts' Conciliation Bill in the forthcoming meeting of the Madras Legislative Council. The Bill which is on the lines of the CP. Act
    206 words
  • 134 17 Official "Experts* To Be Nominated. Ootacamund, June 28. Though under the proposed new consUtution of the Madras City Corporation, the total strength will be sixty, consisting of forty divisional councillors, five aldermen and fifteen councillors to be elected by various special interests, it is believed that the Government
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  • 46 17 Indian Representatives To September Session. Representatives of India at the September Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations will be the Honourable Sir Brojendralal Mitter, Sir Denys Bray and Sahlbzada Abdus Samad Khan, with the Hon. Sir Hormusji Maneckji Mehta, as substitute-delegate.
    46 words
  • 31 17 A separate University for Maharashtra is now under consideration by the Bombay Government. A conference of bodies directly interested was called by Government for this purpose on July 7 and 8.
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  • 506 17 Sittings During Recess. SUB-COMMITTEES TO TAKE EVIDENCE. London, July 5, A TTEMPTS lo facilitate and accelerate the Joint Committee by the appointment of subcommittee-; have promoted confident anticipations of ;he conclusion of the examination of vitnesses and discussions by Indian delegates by the end cf July or
    506 words
  • 150 17 Thirty Years Guarantee Demanded. The Railway Board Committee, London, had a prolonged sitting on the 3rd inst., and practically concluded deliberations. It is understood that the subjects discussed include the relations between the Board and the Federal Government as also the extent to which the various communities are employed
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  • 131 17 Merchants in the French India Settlement of Karaikal and at Pondicherry have made a representation to French authorities in India and in France praying for their interference In regard to the order passed by the British India Government prohibiting the import of Chinese crackers either by
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  • 46 17 Bar gold worth Rs. 7,886,567 was exported from Bombay for foreign countries during the week ending July 1. The total value of gold exported from Bombay since Great Britain went off the Gold Standard up to date now amounts to Rs. 1.443,830.903.
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  • 41 17 Mr. J. M. Sen Gupta has occasional /ever with headache. He is discribed as pulled down, though cheerful. Mr. Sen Gupta recently paid a visit with his family, to Jagannathpur Village, to attend the Purl Ratha Yatra celebrations.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 188 17 A Cop Of Hot BOVRIL gets one going in the morning! The delicious beef Nothing equals AGENTS: THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD., SINGAPORE AND BRANCHES. A.P.B.—12. I CASTORIA has always proved a safe, I I effective, and harmless remedy for I I children's common ailments. The I I Castoria formula was
      188 words

  • 268 18 MONTHLY RETURN OF DEALERS AND PORT STOCKS, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, AT j CLOSE OF BUSINESS, 30th JUNE, 1933, IN lONS, AS DECLARED. (A.) DEALERS' STOCKS. i i i Dry. Wet. Total. Crepe. Wet. To** l Area. R.S.S. U.S.S. Estate Remlll Scrap Dry. Wet. Dry. dry rubber Blanket Lump
    268 words
  • 143 18 Astonishing Freak At Oxford. London, June 10. I Cats with nine lives and cats-o'-nine-tai!s arc fairly common but Oxford has ju t produced a cat with two wings. This fuliy grown black-and-white cat is in the Oxford Zoo and feline experts are astonished but batfled by
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  • 94 18 Visiting Northern England To Study Conditions. Helsingfors. Conditions in some of the industrial centres of Yorkshire and Lancashire will be studied by 20 young employees of the Finnish woodworking Industries who have left on a short visit to England. During their tour, which has been arranged with the
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  • 37 18 Sydney. An unlicensed bookmaker arrested at Redferm had made 189 bets on two races when the police took possession of his books. The books showed that not one of the "punters'' had backed a winner.
    37 words
  • 58 18 Bombay. A resolution that no one over the age of 40 should be allowed to marry has been parsed at a conference of Oswals, a sect of Jain* (a section of the Hindus). The penalty for violating this rule will be "excommunication"— social boycott from
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  • 133 18 German Tourists In Incidents Abroad. Brussels. National feeling caused a flare-up in Brussels when one of a party of German tourists visiting the city, displayed the Nazi swastika badge. He had only gone a few yards along the main boulevard when he was violently as c aulted by
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  • 37 18 Berlin. The "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" which was once a Government organ but was bought in 1926 by banking, industrial and shipping interests, has been forbidden to appear for three months. No reason ls given.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 441 18 Fairbanks Scales. (A Tradition of Accuracy and Dependability.) f—1 Use a FAIRBANKS Scale and you I Wf<mv use a Scale that is well-known for its 1 W ACCURACY and DEPENDABILITY. I PffP For almost a centurv the name of 1 HE* FAIRBANKS has been dominant in I BWf, the 1
      441 words
    • 418 18 EXCESS FAT MELTS. Under Treatment That Creates Energy, Some folks are naturally fat. but thero' lot of people who put on pounds of anW-1* fat because they haven't got enough n3J5 move about to keep it off. B 10 It's not laziness in most cases—but a eonditm brought about by
      418 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 578 18 MALAYAN MONTHLY WEATHER REPORT, Abstract Of Observation For June, 1933. Air Temperature. Humidity. Rainfall. Bright Sunshine. STATION Extrenvs. Means. No. of Highest Lowest Most in Rainfall Daily Max Mm Max Mm. 9 a.m. 3 pm. 9 p.m. Total. a day. days. Mean. Total. Alor Star of o 7 n 2
      578 words

  • 383 19 Detail* Of Current Prices. umpirr July 14. MEAT. Bd), kati 30 f r'currv kati 22 Bfff. 41 quality), kati 33 >M ?iirtT«Hf" lb. 55 00* asM 40 Fc* 1 b,y ,d, kati 30 80 JJJ. **4 pair EGOS. i n M 36 Fowl- IW* 17 D**- 1, 10
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  • 106 19 Nursery Cannons Killing Billiards. Adelaide, June 10. !T, an the billiards that th ng a tour of this country, to am» s mo K noTOnoUS USe 0f tne nurser y Ss£" breaks 15 WUIn the J£ he added.'' the limitation of nur- l p »ty-Pve in one session,
    106 words
  • 77 19 F LIGHT ENDS IN GAOL. Over A Forbidden Area. Berlin. has th t made °y H e« 1? CL*?, at€n hh own record Si N ht as the fi?S rst recc *nltion of his feat kZ 1 High £t' n WtaSE"** minutes he W' n over a f V"" I**1**
    77 words
  • 658 19 Formation Of Indian Company. Simla. AN Imperial air route, linking Great Britain with Australia, has been brought another stride nearer completion by the arrangements S a f n^ n ed for Imperial line across India to Malaya. The new Karachi-Singapore service is to be operated by
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  • 49 19 STRIFE HAPPINESS. It Has Stopped the TaxCollecting Madrid. The happiest village in Spain is Cabrales, near Asturias, where the villagers have paid no taxes for over eight months. Owing to political differences, the members of the Municipality struck over eight months ago and have not returned to their duties.
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  • 64 19 Prague. A local farmer, whose cow was struck dead by lightning, conscientiously entered the amount cf meat taken from the carcase on the form required by the taxation authorities—and sent it in. Back came an official reprimand. "You have committed a breach of the regulations," the farmer
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  • 90 19 Cologne. "Another little boat won't do us any harm" seems to be the guiding principle cf the steamship services on the famous Rhine. Now that s.irsmer services have come into force there are rev en steamer trips daily in each direction between Cologne end Mainz
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  • 494 19 Explorer Describes Scene Of Revolt. ALAND where houses dissolve 11 It rains; where men have thirty wives—one after another; where the British and Russian Consulates at Kashgar form the only nucleus of Europeans. This Is Chinese Turkestan in the heart of Asia, a country almost unknown to the
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  • 158 19 And A Screen Success At That. Hollywood, California. From the land of the midnight sun in the little Eskimo settlement of Cape Prince of Wales, a boy has come to Hollywood and "made good" in the films at the age of U years. The lad is Romeo
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  • 137 19 Spain Starts a Library Campaign. Madrid. Newly married couples in Castle may now begin the serious business of married life by filling in questionnaires sent round to them by a "Seminary of Librarian Economy." This institution has been founded with a view to teaching young people that they
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  • 75 19 But Only Fifty Found In Tokyo. Tokyo. Model motorists are to be rewarded by the police here. The number of motor accidents in Tokyo during 1932 was 235,000—0r an average of four accidents caused by each driver in the city during the year. The Metropolitan Police have
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  • 50 19 Helslngfors. Mr. Pickwick and his friends are at present capturing the hearts of the Finns. A publisher has just brought out a Finnish translation of the "Pickwick Papers." "It is a book that should be read," an enthusiastic reviewer in an important daily paper has discovered.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 108 19 All the VALUE IS mm the CIGARETTE. It is not necessary to be a tobacco expert to appreciate that in choosing a quality cigarette the TOBACCO is the first consideration. MADE IN Whilst hygienic manufacture and careful packing are of great importance in ENGLAND, assuring the freshness of your daily
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