Malaya Tribune, 17 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAjLYMHEWSPAPEH IN MALAYA. Vol XX. No. ittT SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday, July 17, 1133. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 184 1 A. FLINTEB 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. HEALTH an^STRENGTH IN EVERY TIN IJfJP IT
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  • 338 2 Child's Sad Death* PLAYING WITH HIS BROTHER. A PATHETIC story was unfolded in the Coroner's Court on Saturday when Mr. F. G. Bourne opened an inquiry into the death oi a six-ye.'r-old Chinese boy who was drowned whilst playing with his brother. The deceased's brother, seeing
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  • 323 2 Excess Of Expenditure Over Income. The serious state of the finance* of the Malacca municipality arc disclosed by the annual report of th? dminlstra ion of the Town and Pert of Malacca for 1*32, recently isueo. The revenue for the yenr totalled $399,844. as compared with 5494.250 in
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  • 62 2 23,000 Strike In Three States: Sympathy Moves. Reuter. New York. July 14. Simultaneously with the efforts of the National Industriil Council of Recovery to establiah codes governing wages and working conditions, 23,000 workers struck work in the States of New York, Maasachussetts, and Pennsylvania. The trades arc
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 69 2 Attorney's Allegations Against Ezra Brothers. Reuter. San Francisco, July 14. The District Attorney has charged the Ezra brothers with having sent to San Francisco eight shipments of narcotics valued at a million and a halt dollars. The ninth shipment was afterwards found concealed in oil barrels aboard
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 155 2 Canton Refuses To Hand Them Over. Hongkong, July 14. THE South-West Political Council has decided not to comply with the request of the Central Government that the three deserting warships from Tsingtao—the "Haichi." Haishum" and "Shacwo" —which have been taken over by Cannon and incorporated into what is
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  • 70 2 Effect Of New Factory In Turkey. Reuter. Istanbul. July 14. It b feared that British textile manufacturers in (porting cxtiles into Turkey will be hard hi' Whan the new factory and KaLsarich. in Anatclia. equipped with machinery from Russia start- production, which it is hoped to elu next
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 53 2 New Advisory Board To Be Created. Reuter. Washington. July 15. The State Department ia organising ••Foreign Trade Advisory Board.'' headed by Mr. Cnarles Barnes, to facilitate the forthcoming bilateral tariff dissuasions. Mr. Phillips, Acting Secretary of State, announces that the Argentine and Colombia have expressed willingness to enter
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 229 2 MADE IN ENGLAND 'Swan' Pens, Black or Coloured, from S 6.50 'Swan' Minor 4.75 'Blackbird' Pent 27* 'Swan' Ink Cts. 20 OF STATIONERS AND JEWELLERS. IHuitraled Catalogue post free. MABIE, TODD CO., LTD., Swan House, London, W.I. Factories London Liverpool. BHBD9H9HBHHHHI- LO OK YOUNG. WHY BE BOTHERED WITH TWO PAIRS
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    • 156 2 9 I /INHALANT^ The Simple, Safe, Speedy CoU Cure. Put a drop of Vapex on fdOX handket chief and ii.hale it often during the day. Put a drop on your pi 1; W and fight a cold vh'lt you sleep. Vapex clcurj th? brea hing paosafe.; end kills the cold
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    • 521 2 XV A HEALTHY and energetic. "*""■'■">■■«/ L-r—- brisk and vivacious that's /JT howSanatogen will make you. J\f tj Sanatogen will make you look Jr V 1 anc make you \eel J I be tter W *U enable you to II do twice as much, twice as I I well—and in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 303 2 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Davsntrg, EnoiemL Wavelengths: 25.2« and 51.3 metre*. (British. Summer Time: add 6 ara, 20 minute*.) C.M.T. 11.0 a.m. —10 pm. Transmission on an cmni-directkmal aerial: 110 Cinema
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  • 108 3 MR Ifevilk Chamberlain, the British Chauof the Exchequer, had every ju- tithe optimistic tone he adopted hi H ttt Commons on Monday night in to lie improved unemployment re- v are indeed "extremely encourand tiie more so as the June figures do just
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  • 149 3 ii ft ka am for a fact that Senor Pa tiro Tr I ss iamstcd part of his immense wealth ip Malayan tin mining shares and BMM9 into the big smelting works England which acquired one of our local m companies and is reported to have .atemp: to
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  • 156 3 TBI subject of a new PiSt Office for Penan:; ma raised as knag ago as 1924 bu. no ictfrl neasores were taken to put a scheme into eJfed The we find, >vas again menuoned m 1928. but Penang had to Wait SITrH m £2£ 193 befcre an
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  • 251 3 'jPHE action of Johore in abolishing the p-e-X ference duty and admitting British goodc tax-free into the S:ate has been hailed a-, in the true Ottawa spirit of free trade within ihe Empire. We are inclined to think that this praise is givtn with tongue in cheek, for
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  • 54 3 Terrific Cyclone In Kiangsu. Shanghai. July 15. 0 A TERRIFIC cyclone swept over the vicinity of Nantung. Kiangsu, yesterday. Houses disappeared, blown away by the wind, and people were lifted bodily from the ground, so terrific was the velocity of the current. Heavy casualties have been reported
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  • 125 3 Enormous Possibilities For The Future. Reuter. London. July 15. Enormous possibilities for the future of Chin.'', ere stated to be involved in a special mcetiit: of the League Council Committee on technical co-operation in China, to be held in Paris ;>n July 18. Several important League officials
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 97 3 Post Starts On Another World Flight. Reuter. New York. July 15. Wiley Post took off at 4.10 p.m. to-day in an attempt to fly solo round the world in six days using the same machine in which he and Gattv established a rounrl-the-wcrld record fa June. 1931. The
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 92 3 Non-Aggression Scheme Signed At Last. Rome. Jul> 15. -Reuter FU,ir P WfT The Four-Power Pact was suggested by Sig Mussolini to Mr. j. r. Mac Dona.'d duriii th .alters visit to Rcme nm three months ago. The scheme as presented by Sig. Mussolini is •n principle a pact
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  • 95 3 Slipped A Note Into Pocket Of Interpreter. Whilst a North Indian. Kewal Gowalla. wa: making the necessary arrangement to bail out his friend, the bail bond w?s being prepared by an Indian interpreter named Dholwant S!ngh. The latter had prepared the document and was about to bring the
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  • 92 3 Application For Discharge Granted. Inifce Bankruptcy Court on Saturday, before the Chief Justice. Sir Walter Huggcrd. applications for receiving orders were issued against Ctmp Tnong Choon and Chop Ban Thvc Loong The following were adjudicated bankrupt F. A. Tessentoh, Yec Meng Song and N* Yong Seng. »A« SK!*
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  • 71 3 AH To Go Off The Road By July 31,1935. Municipal Committee No. 1 has confirmed the suggestions made by the General Committee 2 m^ ioners «garding the time schedule for cessation cf licences of Ford model "T" buses. 0 u r 4v f routes to be cl <*ed
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  • 74 3 "The P l anter for July 1 contains the programme fcr the ninth annual conference of the Incorporated Society of Planters, to be held Aug 18 19 a d 20 at the New CiUb. Mr. c. E. T. Mann, head of the botanical f f ll6 Rubber Rese *rch institute
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  • 493 3 Happier Conditions. WARM WELCOME BY POPULACE. THOUSANDS of his subjects by the Kin- of Siam last Tuesd > v js&a the first of hJih poke from his Palace Susanna Mas very clear. The translation is as follows it B n l 2 the state of some
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  • 158 3 Demand For Subscription To Secret Society. A 19-year-old Chinese youth. Yap Eng Hock, was sentenced en Saturday to a month's r.i. bj. the Third Magistrate. Mr. M. H. Blacker, for attempted extortion from a compatriot. Song Cheng Kwatt. the complainant, a servant in a coffee shop in 33,
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  • 122 3 Inquiry Into Death Of A Labourer. The death of a Chinese c ;olie. Kay Chwee Seng, who was trapped Ly 400 lb. or falling zinc isheets. formed the subject o: a Coroner's Inquiry en Saturday. The deceased s employe.-. Tan Soon Lah. said that on the morning of
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  • 31 3 Subject to confirmation by the Boara. Municipal Committee No. 1 has approved the licensing of small four-wheel motor-cars as third class hackney carriages, seating fewer than four passengers.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 326 3 CETTHIS^ AND )MiDOTHIS# to obtain tne f 'ne quick polish Brasso gives! It brightens brass and copper splendidly BRASSO METAL POLISH KECKITT SONS, LTD.. HULL LONDON AOAUBQM GILFILI/m AGENTS: 'APORE rtLf-S 0 LTD I HARPER. GILFILLAN CO. LTD.. PENANG S.S. J KUALA LUMPUR. SELANGOR. F M.S. *<H CANNOT HAVE BETTER
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    • 247 3 PHOENix —l I M""" *j LEMONADE I tf&eaC for tie o#fan A MOTOR I Si i I I I ITS SPECIAL FEATURE. I SUent, amy tyttog, free from vibration, light weigh v. eaofly ad instable mi SSSS'liriSa ideal sus nsic separable into two units. Pliable. ecJroiS' I j ENJOY THE
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  • 1450 4 Shipping News Notices. MAKING PILOTAGE COMPULSORY. The Right Time To Press For It. OrHEN the pilots foregathered for the second ff day's session of their 4£Mi annual conference, in Anderton's Hotel. London. Mr. Bernard C. Webb (Clyde), a vice-president, was in the chair. A message of congratulation, on her successful
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  • 214 4 Is The New Pilot Flag Confusing REFERENCE wa made in the Merchant Na' v pages to .1 Eoard of Trade notice legarding the ne v international code of sik naLs. which comes into general use on J inuarv 1. 1934. Some confusion has been occasioned in seafaring
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  • 392 4 Council Of State Propose Loan Fund. AS a result of the large amount of new construction which has been carried out abroad for Norwegian account in recent years and the p- escnt impossibility of finding employment for many of those ships owing to the unfavourable world tran port
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  • 121 4 ■t atari* Court Find Pilot Of Liner To Blame. The Rotterdam Maritime Court found that the collision on June 1 at the mouth of the Elbe between the Union-Castle liner Guildford Castle and the Blue Funnel Line motorshir Stentor was pre-eminently due 'to the loca dense fog, which
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  • 945 4 Clause Exempting Coastal Shipping. THE amending clause by which coastwise shipping is exempted from the tax on heavy oils w.s moved in the House of Commons, on the report stage of the Finance Bill, by Mr. Ho;e-Beasha, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and read a second
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. r P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated ln England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR FAST MAIL. SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1933. RANCHI 17,000 July 21
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    • 172 4 iIjLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated ln Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA j** l jfr Co,ombo > Bombay. Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Sues Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sucx, Port gaid, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. m v HILDA In port July 17 Due Leave
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    • 181 4 aAMBURG-AMERIRA UNIE Deutach |H B Q Australlsche Dampfschiffli I D C Geaellschaft (Companies £ncorpurated ln Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 r s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug. 22 mi. RUHR, via Manila
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    • 542 4 STEAMER SAITJNG^ j£ NORDDEIITSCHER LLOYn ■rlaffiifl <Incorporated ra Germany). The undernoted an he Company's fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong S'hai. N. China and Japan T 8 "SAALE" for Manila. Hongkong 7*° Shanghai. N. China and Japan Ug HOMEWARDS. S "HAVEL" for Marseilles, Havre, Dunkirk, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen 5
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  • 551 5 Mining Shares. Bin ipew Monday. 11 a.m. j,,. (i Uowlai Un iIHM Quota tleus are Issued DV praser and Co. exchange and stock brokers: mmtt Vmnjc Buyers. Sellers, n AsaM Kunibai-g Tin 29- ?0 6 $1 Austral Malay 27 6 30 jj Ayer Hitam Tin 13,9 14j6
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  • 202 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER FIRMS UP: UNCERTAINTY. Encouraging American Statistics. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Monday, nocn. To-day's Prices:— Rubber 'Singapore), 13~ 8 cts. up ct. Tin (Singapore), Slo7'* v down Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3~,«d., down 1 16d. Market Tone: Dull. New York, 9% ct. up
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  • 160 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as fellows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1 19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 97 5 Japan Capturing D.E.I. Trade. Reuter Wireless. I London. July 13. JAPAN has ousted Holland from the position of the larger, t individual supplier to the Dutch E:st Indies." said Major Cripps, presiding at the annual meeting of the B.itish Chamber of Commerce committee to the Dutch rast
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 162 5 The directors cf Tronoh Mines report that resuiction of output under the international agreement continues seriously to affect the company's operations. In 1932 the output of (in ore from the company's dredgts fell from 870 tons for 1931 to 485 tons. The average realisation price was higher at
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  • 48 5 The following rubber and returns for the month of June are reported: lb. Ayer Molek 15.869 Baki; Katil 17.789 Brunei 35.C0J Changkat 26.90' Haytor 18.023 Henrietta Rubber 74.000 Indragiri 71.365 Lunas 46,100 Nyalas 36.900 Sungei Matang 58.000 Tapah 85.890 Rampah Coconut 183.000 nu_
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  • 39 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Snot: 3~.d. New Ycrk: 9 1 <G.> cents. Slngapoie: 13 T —l4' s cents. TIN. London Spot: £214 10s. (Unchanged). London 3 months. £214 ss. (Unchanged. Singapore: 5107.75. COPRA Sunrlried $3.90 Mixed $3.35
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  • 42 5 Loss of Marudu Rubber. Limited, for 1932 £865. increasing d?bit balance carried forward to £5 925 The estate remained on a care and maintenance basis throughout the year, but since March last tapping has been resumed on a reduced :eele.
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  • 865 5 Losses Incurred On Maintenance. i .hi c c eig hteenth annual general meeting of June 20 in the offices of the secretaries. ShangaDh C T Kew P resided supported by Messrs >un and r. Hunter (directors). follows:- 311 *****1 uddreiised meeting as 2 t J M, TS 0
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  • 797 5 But Decreased Profit Forthcoming. SSJkSi k d Was held on June 22 at Shanghai; where the managing director. Mr. a. E. Glover, presided. The chairman remarked:— stateiue nt of account f,, or th/ 0 X b in nSn J, h ,eqUiS,te numb?r of days, so I vv 11
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  • 644 5 Rubber Shares. Blngapcr*. Monday nam. The following rubber share quotations art issued by Fraser and Co.and Lyall ana Evatt: Issue Value. ?raser Lyall Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby $0 70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.63 1 Alor Gajah 060 0.70 0.50 060 IA. Kit am 1.00 120 1.00 1.10
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 92 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated ln England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital «2.000,000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 600.00 C HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi. Madras. Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
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    • 56 5 i jm Jtft Ik m QUARTERLY 2{ Interest:^yearly A paid (o ycu quarterly Think what small amounts put rejrulariy away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at. the rate of 2>/»% is paid quarterly.
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    • 205 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD AND THE OVERSE V-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHUUA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 PACKED OUT NIGHTLY DURING THE WEEK-END j 6.15 fMMmffliffi 9.15 j Tremendous Success Of The Beautiful Hungarian Musical I "WHEBEIS THIS LADY?^ With OWEN NARES and GEO. K. ARTHUR. Hear (he Song Hits Laugh and Thrill at this joyous comedy set to music by the famous composer of "MERRY WIDOW."
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    • 279 6 Amusements J YOUR FAVOURITE SINGING AND j DANCING STAR OF "SALLY" Opening TO-NIGHT! Marilyn Miller j In First National's Joyous Comedy Show j Her Majesty Love With the greatest cast of comedians ever assembled I W. C. FIELDS, FORD STERLING. CHESTER CONK LIN I and LEON ERROLL. i i j
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    • 385 6 ~»«iLiLi»M»w»»M»*»»»M»*»*"r m r 1 mm isaiaaatgH last night. FARAMOUNTS SPLENDID PRODUCTION. "DISCORD" With OWEN NARES, HAROLD IiUTH, BENITA HI ME. Adapted From The Successful SPEcT\L~\TrRATrHi< j n rJS XTrk Gaumont Presents J "A ROOF AND the derby a „d FOUR WALLS trooping of thl ooloi p TO-MORROW The Kiss That
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    • 10 6 II I TAKE SCOTT'S EMULSION the best for your health*
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  • 897 7 "Gate-Crasher." TALE OF A REJECTED BANKNOTE. Bf David Baxter.) London. June 27. L ul entertaining stories A id Conference are going the round/ v The best I have heard concerns a gaU-crasher." You would scarcely erhaps, that anyone should want to him elf hito the
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  • 1158 7 Interest In Indian Land Settlement. THE annual report of the Labour Depart-- j ment. P.M.S., for 1932 by the Hon. Mr. C. D. Ahearne, M.C.S., Controller of LabouMJlaya, states: Prom the 'statistics supplied the areas of land held by Indians in the Federated Malay States may be
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  • 241 7 "Tristan da Cunha" Of The North. Khabarovsk. Siberia. THE little island of Wrungcl in the Arctic Ocean has a situation which makes it truly the Tristan da Cunha of the North. For four years this solitude 71 degrees noun Of the Yatkutsk (Siberia) coast has been inhabited by
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  • 131 7 Question Of Waitresses In Eating Houses. Municipal Committee N. 2 took the follow in,' action at a meeting held on July 7: Decided, by a majority, that the Oomndssioners should no: be recommended to allow the site of "Gaiety Cinema at cornf.- of Bencoolen Street and Albert Street
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  • 56 7 Cable news has been received from Edinburgh that Idler. Maiy Tan. daughter of 14* and Mrs Chan Ah Knab. of Singapore, has r.'.sscd her final professional examination? for the degr of Ml, Ch.B.. of Edinburgh Univeisit> intends to further her stay in Great Britain to do post graduate worh in
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  • 58 7 Mr. R. Jumabhoy. J P. of Malacca untitled has istued invitations tor a tea-pa:ty a. the Alkaff bungalow. 40. Pender Road I Mount Washington I en Monday at 5 p.m. in honour of Sir Lalubhai Samaldas. CLE.. J.P.. chap man of the Bombay Life Assurauce Co.. La Bombay. India. Mr.
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  • 830 7 Japan And "Dangerous" Trade Rivalry. JTokio. APAN ia regarded by many observers v standing at a cross roads in her inttrnational r -lationships to-day. "Which is to be. Great Britain or Soviet Russia? We cannot afford to be on bad terms with both. We must therefore patch
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  • 53 7 War Relic: Nationality Unknown. Rga. A sunken submarine, believed to be a relic jl the War. has been discovered by Latvian Bshcrßnen near the coast, not far from the entrance to the Gulf of Riga. A diver has gone doirn to examine but it has ■jeen unable to
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  • 40 7 Montreal. The earninps of the Canadian Pacific Railway foi the seven days ending June 7 totalled J CSOO.CCOO dollars which is a decrease of 173,000 dollars as compared with the figures for the corresponding period last year.
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  • 76 7 Cannes. A baby gul was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arien at a private nursing home h p re. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen intended to close their villa and to leave for England in order that th.-* infant might be born in a country of which Mr.
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  • 31 7 Ho Heck Aun. ship-chandlers, estate supplier and general merchant of L'6l-2e5, Beach Road, write to ftftte that they arc in no way connected with Supreme Court suit Nj. 1611 of 1931.
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  • 19 7 Mr. Max Mcnahem, commercial teacher Of Raffles Institution, has been elected a Fell.)"/ cf the Institute cf prmmerical Arts.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 CAPITOL THEATRE MALACCA TO-NIGHT:— THE MAI) GENIUS." (JOHN It A RIIV MORE I. TO-MORROW KING OF JAZZ." Charity performance in aid of Malacca i Asiatic Unemployment Fund j LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—A Junior Teacher. Apply to Box He. 179. c o "Malaya Tribune." TEN DUBS. m SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Nonce ts
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 209 7 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. PROGRAMME of Drill*, up to and for weri»endint; Juiy 23. 1933. TO-DAY, JULY 17. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, S.R.A. <v, Battery Parade A.A. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. "B" Cov.. Cv.y. Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. "C" (Scottish) Coy., 30 yards Range. TO-MORROW. JULY 18. 5.15 p.m.—Mackenzic-Buklt Timah Roads,
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  • 604 8 The Italian air armada has completed its long flight from Orbetello to Chicago and a great reception accorded to the intrepid airmen in the latter city was simultaneously being endorsed in most of the towns in Italy, where hooters were sounded, bells rung and even processions held.
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  • 283 8 Comments By The Way. EFFGF.TT- by Cninese interes's to form a big pineapple tanning company are the logical outcome of I lie s eadily expanding pineapple expert tiaae ol Malaya, which recently, despatched nearly 100.000 casrs abroad in one we:k. Ihe significance of that total should
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  • 309 8 I JULY 8 .narked an anniversary in the history I of the Volunt:er movement in the Colony ior it was on this date, in 1854. that the S ngepore Rifle Corps, which form.d the beginning of the present flourishing Straits Settlement* Voiunteer Fcrce. win insti.uted. Sin«? then '-arious
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  • 131 8 THE Straits Settlements Statistical Summary, 1932. compiled by the Department of Statistics. S.S. and F.M.S.. and just published, shows in plain and unvarnished terms the extent to which Malaya has been hit by the trade depression. In 1932. the foreign trade of Malaya registered a value of $380,000,000
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  • 39 8 Anthonysamy. a Tamil, who was convicted Df the theft of a sarong from the compound cf H. H. the Sultan's Ipoh Astana was bound ever o be of good behaviour for ,<ix months.
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  • 64 8 Syed Shed bin Barakabah. attached as Special Cadet to the Legal Adviser s Office. Kedah. Is proceeding to England early next month to »mplete his legal studies. Che Mohammed Saaid, Official Translatoformerly attached to the Advisers Office and atterly to the State Council Office. Kedah. is hortly to
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  • 23 8 Mr. Toh Seang Eng. of the tutorial staff of Clifford School. Kuala Kangsar. has'been transferred to the Kamunting Government English School.
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  • 45 8 A young Chinee, about 18 years of age was the victim of a brutal murder at Kramat Pulai 2?\i H \Z M f° Und ,ying n a bed in a s hed with his body hacked pieces. The discovery was made by his mother.
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  • 49 8 Ng Ah Hua. who was arrested in Penang on a warrant was convicted and sentenced to a fine of $100. in de- fault four months' rigorous imprisonment on a (harge of committing breach of trust in r-spec of jewellery, the property of Ufa employer Ne Ann Chuan. B
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  • 24 8 Mr. R. Nunn. former Court Inspector Penang who recently returned from home furlough has been posted to Alcr Ga** Malacca, for duty
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  • 21 8 p£?« t Nain Permar Way Inspector. F.M.S Ranways, Kemubu, Ke'antan, has been transferred to Senai, in the same capacity.
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  • 40 8 Inspector Cole. O *J. P. D.. charged a Chinese named How Chin with having been m possession of suspected stolen property namely. 191 aluminium latex tank plates valued at $191. A fine cf $100 four months r.i was imposed.
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  • 14 8 Mr. and Mrs George Carroll have left for Mvi. Sarawak, on business.
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  • 59 8 At the annual general meeting of the members resident in Klang of the Jaffnese Cooperative Society. Ltd.. the following we-e elected office-bearers for the current year 1 chairman. Mr. Philip; committee. Mr X Arumugam. Mr. A. Chinnadurai Mr 'v' Thambia (Post Office. Klang) Mr. c. Ponnudurai and Mr. R.
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  • 445 8 BY 1 It would appear that in Btnool fees are not fees-ible. It is reported that the Am,,i nil tourist trade in Singapore has tat' a drop. It always did. dKo,: A A A And after our local brew, what eris they think of 3.2 per cent,
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  • 36 8 CHILD'S SAD DEATH, on page 2. RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 2. KING OF SIAM BROADCASTS. OB CLUB DIARY, on page 7. WEEK-END SPORT, on pages 13 :.nd H COURT NEWS, on page li?.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 -j li Hi bo, V i Can't Ride This Train. FT. <V.R> > H That'l M.v Horn Fox Tret. tV.R.) I Jj! L< vi Armstrong and his Orchrstra. 8631.v e .'■^r.-'A —'i 'With vocal retrain and trumpet solo by Louis Arm.slrongt i Japancss Sandman. Fox Tro J a llCflir C
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    • 133 8 I JUST ARRIVED! NEW SHIPMENT OF I TANGO RECORDS. j SEASON CO., LTD., j 115, North Bridge Road, J Singapore. [r L YICK WOH HING 420. N'orUi Bridge Road (Near Middle Rd.t I 1 The Shop of SATISFIED f«9 n CLIENTS, fj. f j where THOUSANDS Iwtamm 1 clocks and
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  • 106 9 Vi U10 SENDS ARMY OF TWENTY THOUSAND. Million Dollars Stolen? Former Mayor Of Peiping On Grave Charge. Having captured Dolunor, the gateway of the province of Charhar, from the Manchukuo forces, Gen. Feng's armies ;.jv busy reinforcing it against an advance
    106 words
  • 833 9 Reuter. Shanghai, July 17. QEX. Feng Yu Hsiang has reinforced Dolunor? against the proick of the 20,000 Japanese Manchukuo troops despatched*bv trshal Siuto, Commander-in-o£ the Japanese Forces in Manchuria. He and Gen. Kut Hung Chong, one of his commanders, have wired to Gen. Sung Che
    Reuter.  -  833 words
  • 50 9 Prince Continues By Motor-Car. Reuter Wireless. Lcndon, July 13. THE Pr °J Vvai.s made a forced landing b*" »t Swanage to-day, owing to bad [Wni: frcm Sunr.ingdale to Wey- h new pier which has be n j "f £150,000 ■JSJ'SS the offer made completed his journey by car.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 32 9 Reuter. Rangoon. July 12. Ti Mi h!' 3 ral i an airmac Woods, has resumed Be 1 J°. CaiCl, t aen route to Allahabad. -Beater w i 11 Mollison's record.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 120 9 Solicitor Explains Absence Of Accused. two Indians, Outandi and Naraina. appeared before the District Judge (Mr. H.A. Forrer) this morning on a charge of robbing a compatriot of $45. Chief Court Inspector Sheidy said that the accused were originally charged refore the Second Magistrate. They were on bail
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  • 218 9 Roosevelt's Action. ARMED BANDITS IN BRITAIN. Reuter Wireless. London, July 12. rriHE plans of the British Government for A strengthening the law against armed bandits is disclosed in the Home Office Bill introduced in the House of Lords. The Bill provides for sentences up to 14
    Reuter Wireless.  -  218 words
  • 63 9 Explosion Of Mountain Gun. Reuter Wireless. Rabat July 12. Six members of the Foreign Legion were killed to-day by an explosion of a mountain gun in the course of a successful attack by the Legion on Assif Mellul. in the Great Atl s. The Legion troops consisted
    Reuter Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 84 9 Tragedy In Malacca Straits. It is reported that as the "Formosa" was proceeding to Singapore, a European lady who had come from Gothenburg was found to have gone overboard. The ship was stopped but a search failed to reveal her whereabouts. The "Formosa"' is a Swedish boat of
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  • 108 9 Two Nasty Accidents During Week-End. Two nasty street accidents occurred during the week-end. L3st night at about 8 o'clock, a Chinese girl was knocked down by a motor-cyclist in Geylang Read. She was badly cut on the head and severely bruised about the body and legs.
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  • 95 9 Alleged Assault By Ricksha Puller. Whilst motoring along Stamford Road, at about 11 o'clock on Saturday night a European saw a man lying by the side of the road. He pulled up and went up to the man, who. turned out to be a Sergeant attached to Tanglin
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  • 60 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 14. At the Malacca Rotary Club dinner Mr. W. Munro spoke on "the notary public" briellv outlining the history of the office and :ti duties. It was suggested by Rotarian Chan Choo Tiong to organise under the auspices of Ihe Club
    60 words
  • 27 9 Reuter. Paris, July 15. The Quai d'Orsay state that they have no information of the occupation of the Coral Islands and they are enquiring.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 358 9 ENTHUSIASM OF CHICAGO. Rome's Delight. Career Of The Italian Air Armada. Reuter. Chicago, July 16. the machines had landed by 12.16 a.m. (8.5. T.) having completed the flight from Montreal in under eight hours. There was a cloudless sky and the sun glinted on the wings of
    Reuter.  -  358 words
  • 124 9 Employment Of Married Women. Reuter Wireless. London, July 12. Two hundred and ninety-one foreign publications are barred in Germany at the present time. Czecho Slovakia heads the list with 74. followed by Austria with 48. France 38, United States 12 and Britain 4.—Rev er Wireless. Berlin. July
    Reuter Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 75 9 Wiley And Post Down In East Prussia. Reuter. Berlin. July 16. Wiley and Post arrived at 11.55 a.m. They left for Novosibirsk at 2.11 p.m. The weather is reported to be unfavourable and therefore is is impossible that Post will land at Moscow.—Reuter. Kcenigberg, East Prussia, July 16.
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 64 9 National Calamity In Finland. Reuter Wireless. Helsingfors, July 12. Oigantic forest fires In the interior of Pinland, following the excessive drought, threaten an almost national calamity. Thousands of acres of forest land have been devastated and crops have been destroyed. The population in the areas affected are
    Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 358 9 PHOSFERINE Wonderful for Vigour mmm^^™ Ex-Service overseas, writes: j fr^^fe^^ "J AM a great admirer and 8 n gtfg '-'^^S^fe^MH! believer ot" the wonderful H W v^|S(HBB effects and properties of 10 l^^^^ll Phosferine, and can without hesitation recommend it very strongly to my brother athletes, i A H Hi
      358 words

  • 708 10 Last Night's Concert. ORCHESTRA SHOWS IMPROVEMENT. QXE of the biggest houses tho Victoria Memorial Hall has ever had was present last night at the concert organised by the symphony orchestra of the Singapore Musical Society. The concert, the first of a series of Sunday night popular concerts,
    708 words
  • 187 10 AT THE CINEMAS Where is this Lady?" a musical comedy, the aeon lor which was written by Franz Lehar who composed the music for some of the best musical comedies of his day. opened a season at the Alhambra -n Saturday and was
    187 words
  • 272 10 Intensive Campaign In MaJaya. (By Our Chines Correspondent./ j ¥S Malaya in fcr another Confucian revival/ X The St; aits Confucian Society, founded vpout 23 yean ago, which early this year roused J itself from Its lethargy, contemplates now an Intensive campaign for the revival of
    272 words
  • 125 10 Generous Gift From Singapore Philanthropists. r r r I A very g:nc~ous dona-ion ha~> beer: promised !to the Geylang Methodist Girls' School by Mi. Aw Boon Haw and Mr. Aw Boon Par. The school has for a long time been in nec t of a drill hall, covered
    125 words
  • 97 10 Seizure In Motor-Car In Church Street. The seizure by Revenue Officers of 160 lb. of dutiable tobacco in a motor-car in Church Street yesterday had a sequel before the District Judge <Mr. 11. A. Porreri this morning. Two Chinese Lim Cheng Hong and Lee Cheng Piah were charged
    97 words
  • 80 10 Three Chinese Imprisoned At Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent. > Malacca. July 14. Lim Kecw, Tan Toi and Lim Kher were produced before the police magistrate, Mr. J. C Derrick to-day by Inspector Byrde charge! with theft and fraudulent possession of *wo do:he> bags, an iron, two chandu
    80 words
  • 77 10 Fighting Machinese Tested At Canton. Canton. July 3. Three fighting planes purchased with pubi c subscriptions, have arrived here and have been assembled at the local aerodrome. They were tested yesterday by aerial officers and found satisfactory in every respect. Another airplane known as City Schools" will
    77 words
  • 45 10 Appropriation By House Of Representatives. Washington. The House of Representatives h-s appropriated 3,459,000,000 dollars (£691,800,000 at par) for the public works programme of President Foosevelt and for the Muscle Shoals and Tenr.cssee Valley programmes. The measure now goes to the Senate.
    45 words
  • 78 10 Voghera. Italy. A man who took vengeance on his neighbour by making his hens swallow pins is to be sued in the Assize court here. After brooding over a grievance, this man carefully fixed hundreds of very small pins into grains of corn and sprinkled them the
    78 words
  • 139 10 American View Of World Conference. Reuter. New York. July 14. I CiTT is better fcr the United States to go iorlwaid as if she were a sTiling boat in a fog, declared Mr. Sprague on arrival from England accompanied by Professor Moley. He said that the
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 253 10 Many Tributes To Mr. J. R. Dargue. The funeral took place at the Bidadari Ctmetery on Saturday afternoon of Mr. John Richard Dargue and was attended by the members of the staff of Messrs. Sir John Jackson Ltd. The Rev. Nigel Williams officiated. Wreaths were received from the
    253 words
  • 234 10 Killed By Six White Hunters. Nairobi. Kenya. More than 500 elephants have been killed jy half a dozen white hunters after six month* it danger and excitement. Jt was all don, without a single serious accident. The white hunters were employed by the 3overnment cf Uganda, to protect
    234 words
  • 102 10 Submarine To Be Built By Subscription. Reval. It has been Decided to add a submarine to the Estoni3n naval defence forces by means of a fund created by voluntary subscriptions, according to press reports here. The cost of the submarine required is estimated at 1,500,000 Estonian kron (about
    102 words
  • 79 10 To Flay In Vienna In The Autumn. Vienna. Emil Jannings, the famous German stage and film star, will play at the Deutsches Volkstheater, Vienna, for several months during 'the autumn, according to (the "Neve Freie Presse." Among the plays will be Strindberg's Nightingale of the Wittenberg" and "Tsar
    79 words
  • 205 10 I Municipality And "T" Models.' r j A MEETING of bu, owners and par. owners 1 A was peld at 41. Joo Chiat Road j Singapore, a few days ago. A legal representative was present. The a I tendance numbered 350. Mr. Lim Pit Seng, a former
    205 words
  • 146 10 Exhibition Of Composer's Manuscripts. Bayreuth. Richard Wagner was a genius, but he was a working genius, and just how hard he Strove to attain his eminence is shown by the collection of his manuscripts, which is now being public!;, shewn here for the first time. The collection, made
    146 words
  • 51 10 The funeral took* place at Singapore yesterday evening of Mr. K. Sandanasamy Mudelliar father of Messrs. S. S. Raj and J. D. Raj. of Thomas Cook and Son. Singapore. Father Snakers officiated, both at the Church of the St Lady of Lourdts, and at the
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  • 1083 10 Debutante Makes Own Court Gown. A MAY FAIR NOTEBOOK. (By Philinc") London. June. 27. LAST week witnessed a series of brilliant functions in London. Not a few of them were held in connection with tin visit of King Feisal of Iraq, who has been entertained at city
    1,083 words
  • 319 10 Confidence Renewei RUBBER AND METAit RESPOND. b Reuter Wireless. J! London, July 12 JHE World Economic Conferenc, i again in the danger zone The immediate cause i, objection of the United State.- i„ h technical sub-committee to til. posed consideration of the ouestionTf t co-operation between the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  319 words
  • 145 10 Prisoner Escapes From Dock. Park. Consternation reigned in the Law Courts 1 here when it was d seovercd that Andre Bjrtrand. charged wi h theft had c. caped from tne deck. Police rush* d hither and thither alcng the myriad coir, dors of the vast building in rain;
    145 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 74 10 I r HANDSOME AND USEFUL." 1 j bedsteads T«T tempat ticor <k CHOP cA •A LIPETIME IXVKST.MKNT" ••DIAMOND- Bedr tads ai Britldi J first Class materia!, and beautifully M* 8 PRICES FROM $6 TO tin Singape ■> <f all Uadtafj deal** Mere "DIAMOND" Bed* nds Aiaiava OLiriifc .he last 5
      74 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 477 10 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of trhich are readers of the ''Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      477 words

  • 111 11 HARBOUR BOARD. Singapore, July 17. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate I). Herald F. EE. Wharf: Rohne 22. Main Wnat (Entrance Gate 3>. :16 Rantau 14; Pres. Hayes li. 11] iwi 9: AefIKMM 7. Baxptov Dock (Entrance Gate S). Maclay
    111 words
  • 104 11 Levied By The Devil And His Wife Prague, wont hi and her brother have I tar i »:u:n;ng money by threat, ided thai ney also got it by false thej ma. queraded as the davij Th vonao accosted a peasant couple named ii'i>h! and declared to them od
    104 words
  • 76 11 £17,000,000 Loans, Mostly In Cash. Washing .on. ructicn Finance Corporation d the first fourteen months cf its existence 12.71« loam aggregating 2.506.944 268 .17 400.000 at par. in the United ■hi sed in the quarterly report of far the period ended March nli '.on tit ir ted
    76 words
  • 58 11 Tcwn To Attend Big Finland Meeting. Helsingf ors. British athletes will take part in nj here from Sept. 6 to Sept. Finnish Amateur Athletic Association Bast snxjoui 0 arrange for the visit I British athletes in connection Britisli week. winch is to be held -*w treat Sept. 4.
    58 words
  • 84 11 Anthropologists Theory: An Englishman. Hekingfors. B.Miop Henry of Upsala (Sweden), the Patron Finland, was an Englishman. So Finnish anthropologist who has exremaining bones of the bishop f aihedral. This theory tallies with tradition rhat Henry orgmally came I .ad. Henrj baptised the heathen Finns a Swedish .Crusade
    84 words
  • 104 11 s himpGood. For Our Nerves. New York. ■wM has been for many years on the a "nervow braakdown,- and the best pretstan can do is restore normal "tUng to Professor Kappers. director Central Institute for Brain Research 4 «msterdam. the mode of living of the prerattoo has
    104 words
  • 41 11 Mail/ from Batavia and Palembing by aeroplane are expected at ihe General Post OfICC, Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow. From China by .he "Van Heutsz." dv.- »t Singapore daylight to-morrow. From China by the "Takr.da." due at Shigapore- te-morrow.
    41 words
  • 20 11 By Lfft Arrd. Spore London "Kakar-I-Hinri June 23 July 17 "Jchan de Wit. June 23 July ij
    20 words
  • 164 11 Progress of German Shipping. Bremen. Seventy-five yean ago this month a German liner named "Bremen" et out on her first Atlantic crossing to New York, which took sixteen days. To-day her namesake, the fastest liner in the world, and holder of the Atlantic Blue Riband, covers the
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  • 139 11 Nairobi's Children Mourn Two Friends. Nairobi. Kenya. The Japanese Qovernaaenl is lmpcrting wild animals from Kenya. A representative who visited the Colony specially for the purpose superintended the shipment from Mombasa of I two giraffes, three cheetahs, sir hyenas and one hundred chameleons. The number was increased
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  • 128 11 Replacing German As The "Cultured" Tongue? Prague. Jews in Slovakia and Sub-Carpathian Russia are now eagerly studying the English language, according tc reports which have reached Prague. Jews form 14 per cent, of the population in those districts of Czecho-Slovakia, compared with 1 per cent, in other
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  • 54 11 Belgrade* After two months of record rain, hordes of field mice have swept across the fields of Drina Banovina. Enormous damage is being done to crops, especially in the Sarajevo district, j The Banovina Council has held special meetings to decide on measures for the
    54 words
  • 189 11 SEALING. Singapore. July 17I London 4 month:' sight 2 4 1,1 j London 3 months' sight 2 4 London 60 days' sight London 30 days' sight 2 3 Jl M London demand 2 3 lo 11 London T.T. 2 3 29 M Lyons and Paris demand Hamburg oemand
    189 words
  • 205 11 Singapore. July IV. R. 'Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. fSiam) W. Coast 2 $108 Rice, B. Siam N. I $11? Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $107 Rice, Siam "Old" per koyan No. l $176 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $154 Rice. Siam "Old" No. 3
    205 words
  • 121 11 Veteran Opera "Star" Saved. Saint Louis. Milhe. a mule which ior twelve years has stumped across the operatic stage Ift '•Pagliacci" and other operas, ha.s been saved from the destruction which threatened her because she was out of work. Not long ago the curtain rang down on
    121 words
  • 239 11 WHAT'S ON? I Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JULY 17. High Tides —G.39 a m., 6.05 p.m. Commercial Cup Football: Mansfield v. Pa). Geylang; A.P.C. v. Monopolies, Jalan j Besar; Hongkong Bank v. Bramtoco. S.H.t3. Football. Malaya Cup, Malacca v. Malay» Command, Malacca. TO-MORROW, JULY
    239 words
  • 117 11 ALHAMBRA—"Where Is This Lady?" Pairing Marta Eggert. CAPlTOL—Marilyn Miller in "Her Majesty Love." EMPIRE.—LioneI Atwiil in "Dr. X GREAT WORLD—Bide shows. Cabaret, Malay opera. Chinese wayang. silent and talking films (Sky Talkie: "The Flag Lieutenant;" Star Talkie: Tglco.'i MARLBOROUGH.— Vikram Charitra," a Hindustani talkie. NEW WORLD.—Side shows, "Ghost Train,"
    117 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 By Popular Request The famous OLEH OLEH PARTY will present "A Grand Variety Entertainment" AT BANGS A WAN HALL, No. 3, GREAT WORLD, a On Saturday, 22nd July, 1933, at 9 p.m. MISS IS AN ABSOLUTE REGRET Tickets Of Admission Obtainable From:— Messrs. G. H. Kiat Co., Ltd. and Members
      68 words
    • 40 11 PURIFIES j [BEAUTIFIES THE SKIM!] (THE CALCUTTA CHEMICALCQ.iI? I (Incorporated in India) j Dealers may call in for any information at our I'ar Eastern Branch, 10, prinsep Street, Singapore or O. K. Tea Trading Co., No. 1, Raffles Quay, Singapore.
      40 words
    • 141 11 ff \/\AA/ TaWe Muslc Stands I A| LIGHT COMPACT CONVENIENT vjp Jy 4r 4t 4 cents eneh, postage 25 cents. T. M. A. MUSIC HOUSE, 167, Selegie Road, Singapore. j j RECORDS OF THE MONTH j I ON COLUMBIA J THE TUNE THAT STORMS ENGLAND j STORMY WEATHER No CB.
      141 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 164 11 [POSTAL INT{LUCCNC{ SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Ceylon, Southern and Western In (Tango Mann 3 p m 'Nortn, N.-Eat and N.-West Sumatra, Egyp,, Europe and Great Britain (Atreusi 3 p.m. Selat Pandjang. Bcngkalis and Bagnn Si Api Api I Makassar > 3 p.m. TO-MORROW Eelawan. Egypt and U.S.A. Steel Scientist i
      164 words
    • 66 11 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. tin Yesterday. Night. Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall Sunshine. Tamp. Stations. Deg. P. Inches. Hours, Deg. P. Alor Star 88 104 4.3 72 Sitiawan 90 0.10 5.3 71 K. Trengganu 88 Nil 8.0 72 Bukit Jeram 90 0.11 5.9 70 Malacca 85 1.11 2.0
      66 words

  • 160 12 StHGT. CARPENTER'S PART. RON. DR. NOEL CLARKE ENTERTAINS THE TEAMS, Sergeant Carpenter played a big part in the victory gained by the Europeans over the Rest in the annual Clarke Cup cricket match which was played
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  • 1734 12 SENSATIONAL collapse by the Rest when, victory seemed weli within their reach resulted in theii being beaten by the Europeans by six runs in the amual Clarke Cup mat h which was flayed at the S.C.C on Friday, Saturday and yesterday. The game w
    1,734 words
  • 92 12 Amateur Championship Competition. SATURDAY'S ties in the four-ball Amateur open billiards championship at the New World, for the Challenge Shield presented by Messrs. Prankel Brothers, resulted as follows: Sirat bin Haji Ahmad (Java Pranakan) beat Goh Ouan Chuah (Clerical Union- 300—265. Salleh bin Kassim (Pathol K&rib) beat Tan
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  • 74 12 England Team To Meet West Indies. Reuter. London, July 15. England's team to meet the West Indies at Manchester on July 22 has b:en seleced as follows: D. R. JARDINE (capt.) (Surrey), R. E. S. WYATT (Warwickshire), C. K. WALERS (Worcestershire). R. W. V. ROBINS (Middlesex), H.
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 107 12 At the annual general meeting of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital Recreation Club held a Tew days ago the following were elected officebearers: President, ex-officio. Dr. J. C. Carson; vice-president, Mr. A. Kahar: hon. secretary, Mr. A. S. Johary; asst. Hon. secretary Mr. Hamidon bin Lembot: hon. treasurer.
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  • 83 12 (From Our Own Corresvondent. Johore, Bahru, July 17. The match arranged to be played between Fcrt Canning anu the Johore Cricket Club ai Johore Bahru yesterday, had to be postponed on account of a heavy downpour of rain. WILTS. V. J.C.C. The Wiltshires and the Johore C. C.
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  • 49 12 Chinese 111 team v. the Abattoir S.C. on Wednesday at Jalan Besar: Yong Shin, Jwee Yeow, Seng Quee, Kong Guan, Ah Kong, Yew Leng, Swee Thye. Ah Bok, Ah Hong. Boh lim, Chin Ann, Ying Kit. J. Seah. Weng Sow. Peng Kong and Chit Bah.
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  • 291 12 Inter-State Match Drawn. \'From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July IT. QELANGOR and Perak met in their annual inter-state fixture ever the week-end end the match ended in a craw. Play had to be abandoned after tiffin j.n Sunday en account of the rain. Scores: PERAK, Ist INNINGS. Dew
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  • 64 12 Singapore v. Malaya Command On Saturday. Singapore meet the Malaya Command in what will virtually be the final of the Southern secticn of the Malaya Cup competition at the Anson Road Stadium en Saturday. The game will start at 5.15 p.m. and the admission charges will be
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  • 73 12 Lee Replaces Perry In Final Match. Reuter. London. July 16. In the last singles match between Britain and Australia, in the European zone final of the Davis Cup competition. Crawford beat H. W. Lee ißritain/ B—6. 7—5, 6—4. L?e rvplaced F. J. Perry who injured a shoulder
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 38 12 Annual Cricket Match Drawn. Reuter. London, July 15. The Eton v. Harrow match at Lord's was left drawn. Scores: Harrow: 237 and 146 for 6 wkts. declared. Eton: 195 and 84 for 4 wkts. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 140 12 Revision Of Dates And Grounds. THE following changes in dates are announced by the S.A.F.A.: SECOND DIVISION. Wiltshire Regiment II v. S.C.P.A. II (abandoned on July 5), will be replayed on Monday Aug. 21, at 5.15 p.m., a: Anson Road Stadium. Medical College Union v. Wiltshire Regiment II
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  • 76 12 Annual Athletic Meeting In Penang. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Penang. July 15. At the annual Municipal sports, the Engi- neers Dept. won th? Commissioners' Shield, breaking the £ucce sful run of the Electric Dept., who wen it the !as; three years. The champion of Class A was Goh
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  • 57 12 Ladoumegue's Mile Record Beaten. Reuter. Princeton (U.S.A.*. July IG. Princeton and Cornell Universities (America* beat Oxford and Cambridge Universities ((Britain > by eight events to four in the interVarsity sports. The Oxonian Lovelock and the Princetonian Bon'.hron. both beat Ladoumegue's mile record. Lovelock's time was 4 mm. 7-3
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 455 12 North v. South. TOURNAMENT THK WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent., Johore Bahru ?,i FINALISTS ln the Johore LT I t t f r Vl5 (Northern and Southern at Johore Bahru on July 20 and 1 mett tie? are as follows: Tfl MEN S SINGLES Yon bin Mian
    455 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 26 12 DOVER SOLES LEMON SOLES PLAICE HALIBUT TURBO! 'RED KING' SALMON NEW ZEALAND BLUE COP Available at the Orchard Road and Sub-Depots. Singapore Cold Storage ltd. I
      26 words

  • 504 13 Three Matches In Open Singles. THF'-'E vas fair gathering of badminton lasti a: the S.V.C. Drill HaU to ten ihe opening games of the Singapore non championships en Saturday and onU "Pr" l ingles event fixed for the "w u sandwiched between three junior iship game- on
    504 words
  • 223 13 Saturday's Cricket At Sepoy Lines. pLAYING on thvir own ground on Saturday afternoon, the Medical College Union defer ted the Raffles Institution by 79 runs. Scores: R. I. —Ist Innings. G. Valberg c Boon Beng b W. Ess 12 L. Hoffman c Willis b Armstrong 16 M.
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  • 268 13 Kampong Kuantan Beat Selangor Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. Kampong Kuantan inflicted a severe defeat on the Selangor Club to-day on the Padang. Winning the toss Kampong Kuantan batted first, making the splendid total of 238. Duncan, who scored freely, hit seven fours
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  • 428 13 Amateur Meeting Concluded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, July 15. TO-DAY'S racing opened sensationA ally, Chindrawati falling in the course of the first event, with the result that an outsider came in first to pay a three figure dividend. Seven ponies started and Chindrawati lea round the home
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  • 175 13 New Session Commences To-Day. The 49th half-yearly session of the Straits Chinese Reading Club tbranch of the Chines. Cnri tian Association; was commenced last Monday evening in the Institute Hall, Prinscp Street, with the Rev. W. Murray in the chair. There were present Mr. Song Ong Slang. Mr.
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  • 171 13 Australia Beaten In Davis Cup. Reuter. London, July 15. BRITAIN beat Australia in the Davis Cup MJ Eucrpean Zcne final at Wimbledon to-day by three matches to one. H. W. beat McGrath 6—4 7—5 6—3 —Reuter. In the earlier ties Perry beat McGrath and Perry
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 46 13 Colombo Wins National Breeders. Reuter. London, July 15. The Na ional Breeders Produce Stakes, run a. Sandown to-day, resulted as follows: 1. COLOMBO. 2. SILVER ARABY. 3. VALERIUS. Ten ran; won by one-ar.d-a-half Lngths, helf-a-length between second and ihird. Batting: 40—85; 7—l; 13—2—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 48 13 Perak Beat Penang At Ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Inch, July 15. Perak won the Mitchell Sh.eld by beating Penang in the final 10-d:y by I—o. Mrs. M. L. Wynne. wift of th? C P. 0., Perak, presented the trophy to the winners after the match.
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  • 79 13 By eight wickets, the V.M.C.A. Reserves debattel the Sikh Union. The Sikhs lost half of their wickets for 12 runs but a rot was stopped by the rest of the batimen who earned the total to 75. The Association passed their opponents' score with eight wickets in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 12 13 J travel safelyt 3 always carry ASPIRIN TABLETS in the original packing.
      12 words
    • 400 13 j Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over fSSyNMM. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). j HEAD OFFICE: Q~4 1» Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry. EC. I c haS £20 0 0° d€PoSlted BUPrCme COUn 0f complies with the Bri'ish
      400 words

  • 1094 14 Keen Competition. COMPLETE LIST OF RESULTS. HEADQUARTERS Wing; the Ist. Battalion, the Wiltshire Regiment was the most successful team, their score, at 70' L points being six and a half points ahead of the runners-up, "A" Company of the same regiment at the Garrison Sports on Saturday.
    1,094 words
  • 186 14 Europeans v. Rest Game Cancelled. (From Our Onn Correspondent.) Pcnarrg. July 15. THE Europeans v. The Rest cricket ma eh which was to have been played hero for the de Silva Shield has b:en cancelled. This is a sequel to the failtvc of the Rest to rgrcc on
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  • 19 14 A mixed foursomes competition has been arranged for the August holidays at the Kepße! Golf Club.
    19 words
  • 297 14 Johore English College Beaten. THE Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore, defeated the English College. Johore Bahru. in a friendly game of soccer on Saturday on the S.H.B. ground at Cantonment, by 5—2. The lccal boys overran their opponents the first half, leading 4—o at the interval and adding a fifth
    297 words
  • 211 14 Malaya Cup Soccer t Alor Star. (From Our Own Correspond^., 1, PENANG S Malaya Cup hop, appeared a, Alor Star only crew with Kedah three-., *9 Kedah play d splendidiv In the but Penang should have heh half lead hi the first half, instead of ,v'J"
    211 words
  • 66 14 Ycsterc!a> match between the YV c \g and the Medical College Reserves at the Anson Road ground ended in a w in for ihe Association my two Wickets and 105 runs. The College Reserves took first knock and .-cored 47 ruas and the Association replied with
    66 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 607 14 mmmmmm 1 aM M t«M««M««»ll I iv. ii mmmmmm^ CALLENDER Jl^Si^X CABLE. j BACKED BY I 50 YEARS i EXPERIENCE. V.I.R. Cable C.T.S. Cable J^^^^T WE WORtp j THE BORNEO j LASALLE EXTENSION CHICAGO, U.S.A. j| hv me MALAYAN TRANSLATION AND CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU (Trans- j! lavurs. Booksellers and Publicity and
      607 words
    • 94 14 I ~"l I ij j i J I i i I I Morris cars give most satisfaction, so most i motorists drive Morris R I cars. There is a com- I I j plete range from 8 V h.p. to 25 h.p. and a I I choice of 31 distinctive
      94 words

  • 637 15 Indian To Be Tried Again. AN interesting criminal appeal came up before Mr. Justice Mills in the Appeal Court on Saturday morning. The appeal was one In which an old Indian roolie named Doraisamy appealed against th? decision of the Police Court in eon-icting him
    637 words
  • 195 15 EDWARD VII HIS TIMES. A New Book By M. Andre Maurois. Taris. "Edward VII and hi* times.' by If. Andre J Maurois. an authority on Britain and the British, is nearly ready for publication. The author handed over the last sheets to the publisher before leaving for his tour of
    195 words
  • 50 15 Thousand Million Dollar Schemes. Reuter. Washington, July 14. The Cabinet Board has approved river, har bour, and flood control projects amounting to one thousand million dollars and has divided the United States into ten zones for the purpose of administering public works advances to States and municipalities.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 45 15 Sight-Seeing Car Tour In Quebec Province. Reuter. Quebec. July 14. Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt drove in her own car here from New York, spent the day sightseeing and then left on a homeward tour via the pietureseque Ctaspc Peninsula, Quebec Province. it outer.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 617 15 Lawyer's Contention In Appeal Court. THAT a pOWinhl miscarriage cf justice might have oci-arred by the Magistrate re using admit certain evidence which he submitted tv bo admissible formed the basis of the argument cf Mr. E. R. $oek en Saturday in the Appeal Court. He rppealed
    617 words
  • 154 15 Many Violent Deaths In France. Paris. Has the heat wave any influence on crime? it seems reasonable to ask. Here is a little list of violent deaths in France, for one day only. Paris: A woman of 75 was found strangled in the bathroom of a boarding-house.
    154 words
  • 201 15 BEES COLLEGE GIRLS. Indian Victims Jump Into Pond. Lahore. Two giils jumped into a pond, one girl lost a pair of costly earrings, some lost their shoes, and many los", their shawls, when attacked by a swarm of bees during a weekend expedition, organised by an Indian college, to the
    201 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 286 15 KMBROIDERY FRAMES 4 of DIFFERENT SIZES ROUND and SQUARE oi well smoothed wood with ust-proof -crew fasteners. Ij X square wooden frames can be adjusted to any desired sizes with polished wooden pegs, i i LME AND HAVE YOUR SELECTION I). T. LIM CO. North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. WSSSSSSSIS^^— S
      286 words
    • 84 15 the mm leaf. The Rich Golden Leaf used in the perfection of Wills s GOLD FLAKE Cigarettes is matured and prepared the Wills way— wAw the way that is exclusive to this famous name, ft is ripe— Js+\p\ mellow —pure, and consequently always smooth and uniform in smoking. Our own
      84 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 200 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water served, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
      200 words
    • 789 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. I TO LET—Newly built houses at Oenting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—The top floor of a shop in Selegi2 Poad, from Ist August. Apply Box 178, c!o Ma!aya Tribune TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd„ off
      789 words
    • 246 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—Salesmen and Saleswomen on commission basis. Salaries will be considered after trial. Apply personally Hock Co., 39A, Tanjong Pagar Road. WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—SIO,OOO Straits currency) for half interest in a thriving business o." long standing needing expansion. Alternatively, loan wanted against interest and hypohecation oi marketable stock-in-trade. Gtnuine
      246 words
    • 93 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAB EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. It is hereby notified that this school has been removed to No. 1-A. Kirk Terrace. Dhcby Ghaut, Singapore. Principal. M. R. ANCIANO. RIDE A 1933 B. S. A. MOTOR CYCLE Prices From $375.00 THE CYCLE CARRIAGE CO. (1926) LTD., REDUCED. IM
      93 words
    • 569 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. BATU PAHAT BANK, LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appl'cation has been made to the Directors of Company to issue a duplicate scrip in place of the following share c?rtificat>es which is alleged to have been lost:— Certificate No. 59, dated 6th October, 1919, for 60
      569 words
    • 474 16 CTS. LARGE TtEt I J? FT EwryWhei^J MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. AT ABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Includins at office Postage Poatagt or close (Local or to Foreign residence. F.M.8.) CountM* Yearly $15.00 $2100 $sa 00 Half-Yearly 7.50 $10.50 ,lfl. M Quarterly $3 75 t 6.25 |j j,
      474 words