Malaya Tribune, 15 July 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY —NEWSPAPER ,N MALAYA. Vol XX.- No. ItSCS SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 i-iVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, July 15, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pear) Neckiaces of every §jze and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market i prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. v IN TBE ART OF BREWING
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    • 100 1 «WM! THE ORIGINAL I PRIMUS j HEATING and LIGHTING apparatus SOLE AGENTS! Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. anct/rporated in the S.S.) j MILK THE PERFECT FOOD -r FOR YOUR BABY BUY j Blue Cross The Perfect Milk I JVE ARE PROUD TO BE ABuTtO^ANN^ t Cf/:~ D X rHI/lADI? TABLE HAS
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  • 188 2 My dear Nieces, I am sorry I have had to stop further discussion on "Dancing" for two reasons. One If that no new ground has been covered and the second, which is more important, is that we are apt tread on
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  • 443 2 A The Giant New York. iity -Rainbow Girl," K. L.> New York! Man's Incomparable featl As incredible almost as that ants should have built the Andes 1 Colossal monument to that genius which creates new things faster than simple words can be found to define them. With what words in
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  • 457 2 (By 'June Chan") Daddy had been away and was coming home this morning, so the twins Dodo and Hugh, begged mummy to let them go to meet him In the lave. "But it's so very windy this morning." said their mother. "I think you"ll get
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  • 479 2 i By "Ipoh Maiden.") 1 must send my beit compliments to Auntie Jzzie for her kindness in allowing my article >n "An Old House," to be published. Heaven inly knows how my heart was at that time vhen I brought my attention to our corner md saw
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  • 241 2 (By "Dyak.') Good-morning, dear sisters. How do you do! I have not written anything to our Cornel for quite a long while. Last week I visited the General Hospital and am so glad to see that our dear sister, "Friscc Kate," is much better. She looks
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  • 294 2 tßy "Miriam: Seremban.) I had gone across the fields and Came to the end of my journey. Muddy ground, tall grass, thorny plants, and gigantic trees were no hindrance to me. I had reached the bank of n stream, with a hill opposite. Just at break
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  • 299 2 By "Mm"! h It's so long since I ever wrote to the Corner that I had to pluck all my courage to submit this my first venture to the -'Corner". Henceforth here goes something to fill up space only:— The other evening we went out shopping we:—that is
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  • 260 2 (By "Nightmare.") Insects make us feel uneasy and sometimes frighten us because we know so little about them. Yet almost all of them, especially in our country, are harmless. We kill them because we are too lazy to understand them. A splendid bumble-bee had come into the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 mmm&W*- OF FILM-LAND In the luxurious dressing-rooms of Hollywood you find the simple, white tablet of Lux Toilet Soap-the beauty secret of the film stars! The camera demands a flawless skin; the mild lather of Lux Toilet Soap is praised by scores of famous film stars for the youthful smoothness
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  • 1431 3 SEED OF FUTURE TROUBLES. Irregulars And Feng Profiting From The Crisis. MARSHAL CLAIMS NATIONAL BACKING. The Peiping newspaper "SJmn Pao" has a trenchant criticism of what it calls tne "foolish policy' ot the Chinese authorities in the North.
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  • 294 3 Soviet Not Amenable To Reason. Tientsin. June 23. NEGOTIATIONS for the stle of the Chinese Eastern Railway will cpen in Tokyo on June, 25. between the representatives of Soviet Russia, Japan and Manchoukuo," says the Ta Kung Pao, <Tients.n.) "Accoiding to. Chinese telegrams from Nanking,
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  • 153 3 South-West Expanding Military Forces. Canton. June 27. Ii has now been revealed that the provincial authorities of Kwangtung. Kwangsi and Fukien are making feverish efforts to expand their armies. It is learned that, aside from building up a aicng air force within a comparatively snor; peiiod. the
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  • 165 3 No Truth In Report About His Recall. Shanghai. June 28. Interviewed by the press. Mr. Yano. Councilor cf the Japanese Legation, declared yesterday that there was no truth in the report earned in the Nippon Dempo Service about tne h f° mm§ recaU of Mr. Ariyosni from
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  • 60 3 Shanghai, June 28. The various public organisations in Shanghai cr4 a s d h ?r ed ,V° int tClegram t0 OenerateS. Ch-n-shan and Su Ping-wen at Ruling urginTV v \Z? c X Shanghai as ***** as g pcS: ilSdv an elaDOme r «*P«on has Sis Sv aneed t0
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  • 151 3 Attack On Yingkow. MANY JAPANESE KILLED. Shanghai, July 1. JHE China Merchants' Steame*- "Tu Nan" which returned to Shanghai trom Yingkow yesterday, brought back the news that Yingkow was attacked by a detachment of Chinese Volunteers on June 26, the very day <>n which the "Tv Nan"
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  • 125 3 Labour Trouble In Tramway Company. Shanghai. June 28. The labour trouble which broke out in th" Tramway Company of the International Setlement. following the summary dismissal of ;bout twenty conductors by the Company, is .ow under mediation by the Chinese Municipal authorities and the Party Office. The
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  • 266 3 Warships' Message To Nation. Hongkong. July 14 rpHE South-West Political Council at Canton DeW, isinB the Sou:h-West National ?e ;^n^ U dron 0 formed b >- the deerting cruisers from Tsingtao-tho "Hau-hi Haishum *id "Shacwo'-and other warshm's including the Pukon" and Haichow.The Commander of the
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  • 296 3 CANTON'S GENERAL OFFENSIVE. Nanking Helping. Communists' Stronghold Threatened. Hongkong, June 30. ACCORDING to information from military circles, the Cantonese troops in Southern Kiangsi have started a general offensive against the Communist stronghold at Huichang from three directions. The Communists are now busily erecting defence works at Lotang,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 Small itTjU 1 S always occur. Then it is /^^^BhM necessary to close the gienically but so that which is easily applied and SSSSy which does not get out of place, even when applied to a Joint, should therefore ///m ly I! v.P It is obtainable from ail dispensaries N
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 ML HASSAN. KLKCTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. IJras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 341 L TO LET. SIANG LIM PARK Further Reductions of Rents from Ist August, 1933. $16.00 and $18.00
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    • 805 4 TO LET. TO LET-Comfortable Rooms. 7», Prinsep St. ~TO LET— Newly built houses at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35. Genting Lane. TO LET—The top flocr of a shop in Selegi.» Road, frcm Ist August. Apply Box Wt, c.o Malaya Tribune. TO LET —Seaside Bungalow, at
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    • 416 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. j GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS. TENDERS will be received at the Colonial BtcrstarTi Office, up to nocn of the 13th July, i;, 33. for the following work: Ccnstiucion of 20 bed ward at Female Leper Camp, Singapore. Every person applying fee a form of Tender will be required to
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    • 376 4 PUBLIC NPTICB& 1 ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. I» Bankruptcy. No. 263 of 1933 He YAU HING CHUN. Exparte ALAN LORE. To. YAU RING CHUN. No. 60. Robinson Road, Singapore. TAKF NOTICE that a Bankruptcy Fcti.ion hB !Vm issued against
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    • 628 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. D, THE OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. settlemenTof^singapore. SuU No. 81 of 1932. Between mmm ml TONG BANKING AND HIE SZI HAI plaintiffs INSURANCE CO.. LTD And tX A SAYNA HAJI MO..AMKB ECSOJ*^ To. ENA SAYNA HAJI MOHAMED EUSOPE. 34. v .-asamy R d. Singapore, or Porto Ncvo,
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    • 462 4 11l Tooth Paste II s uxNeiit!;illi| mi article of |H 'tonf illeiictv I ijoii 111:11) UK 6t IARGf 1111 W%C.DCTS. Everywhere MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. b/RSCRIPTION RATES. I ITABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including InclucUnt at office Postage Postage or close (Local or toFor-lgn residence. P.M.S.) Countries Yearly $1500 121.00
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  • 1091 5 LATEST ANNUAL REPORT. RETURNED ™TOMI MALAYA SETTLING IN VILLAGES. rJ in extracts from the animal working of the Indian »1 1932, for the year 1932, ist been received year, emigration for unskilled rmitted only to the countries of jloa as
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  • 55 5 Proposed Steamer Service To Rangoon. <<1 that th" Scindia. Steam Company and the E.I.S.N. Com--1 «ne to an understanding by which ■"ill ply a passc.iger steamer ate week between Rangoon ar.d the :< the East Coast. eltka of the Scindia Steam Navinpany have visited Eajt Coast
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  • 57 5 1 tabotrr-sartna devi-e whereby Cal- lights wil] be automatically lit and ti at a given fixed time, has been Mr S C. Roy Chowdhury. Elecpet -.o,- Lighting Department. Cor- Calcutta. Roy has designed and manufactured an :i swttch for the purpose. Experi'vin«t proved satisfactory, the new sys'l
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  • 87 5 Protest By S. India Chamber Of Commerce. The Southern India Chamber of Conim«>rre have rent the following telegcnm to the Secretary to tiie Government of India, Department of Commerce. Simla: "The Southern India Chamber of Commerce is alarmed at the attempted import of Japanese rice into
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  • 57 5 As a result of d'scussions between representative Natters of Devakottai villages and the President of the Karaikudi District Servant- of the Untouchables' Society on June 25, the Hattars have expressed their assent allowing the Harijans tq wear shirts and ornaments and use brass vessels. Thereupon draft resolutions were
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  • 462 5 Their Conditions Of Acceptance. London. June 28. THE European Association support to he White Paper, conditional upon the acceptance of some modifications to be placed befm: the Joint Select Committee was emphasised by Mr. F. E. James, the European Group Whip in the Indian Central Legi'lature.
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  • 293 5 Decrease In Figures For May. A statement has been issu:d by the Home Department. New Delhi giving the total number of persons <convicted either under the ordinary law or the central and provincial Acts which replaced Ordinance No. 10 of 1932> unc'ergoing imprisonment in connection with the Civil
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  • 162 5 A Sand-Baiik Formed At Tellieherry. a Calicut, June 21. _t J' tcclved tO -d»y from Tellieherry ssjs that after the monsoon burst in the West Coast tins year, the sea at Tellieherry extending between the Nilot Point" and "Bah Kallu recto to about 5 to c
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  • 398 5 In Joint Committee. ADJOURNMENT TO OCTOBER London, June 27. f AST Friday., conference between Sir Scrm;-; dCleSateS followed v, tc «11 v the P roceedi ne* *W cedure y somewll at speedier pre--Z that .ho commm of JuS h takmB ev!dencc about nUfe iv a view to
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  • 384 5 Improvement Day By Day. Pcvna. June 17. It is learnt that the doctor- opined tast the milk-diet en which Mr. Gandhi \\a tried for the past few days did not suit him. The: have preserved brown brr. d. butter and JeQles, as also fruits. This, they expect,
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  • 87 5 It is understood that, among the new Bills which may be introuced in the next session of the Legislative Assembly, will be one giving eToct to the draft convention providing for protection against accidents to workers employed in loading and unloading ships. This convention, adopted by the International
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  • 212 5 rpHERE j.s another aspect of the situation- an extremely disquieting one—which mv t mevitably be faced if Government refuses to change its mind. We have it on good authority that .he local Chinese newspapers veJcoOK the increase. The reasons for that welcome
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  • 212 5 FRANCE has developed a policy of seifsufficiency since the Great War—a policy of acute nationalism—but we say that her attitude cannot endure in the face of close cooperation between the United States of Amerh r. and Great Britain, with the latter of which r> included tbe wcrld in
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  • 197 5 OP most interest perhaps, m Mr. GanunsuW "conclusions" is his plan for systemaU-: ievelopment. He bases ft on the thesis thai the economic problem which faces the adninistration in Malaya is, to put it bluntly, to nake the Malay an efficient competitor of the .arious races with whom
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 b WIRELESS THE SUPREME HIGH DRY BATTERY,. AND DIRECT FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE. MR. A. J. WILTON, HI 1% DI A C Union Building, VJ IV I ImJ DIA\ 3 Ccliyer Quay. SINGAPORE. ■"'■■^■■^■■■■■■■■■i^sWs^BßWßs* LONG LIFE TO YOUR SILVER 11l Hf A 111 Just a sprinkle of Silvo Djl j L %_&_f///_\
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  • 964 6 Shipping News Notices. FIRST WHITE STAR OCEAN LINER. Old Plan Of "Oceanic" Launched In 1870. AMONG the valued possessions of Mr. J. Bruce Ismay. son of the founder of the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (White Star Line) and him elf a distinguished former chairman, is a large framed plan of
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  • 299 6 Passenger Jumps Into The Sea. Hcngkor.g, July 8. GLOOM was cast over the N.Y.K. liner "Suwa Maru" on Thursday morning when a second class passenger. Mr. G. H. Cc Carvalho of Orient Buildings, 579 Nathan Road. Kowloon threw himself into the saa and was drowned despi'e all
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  • 167 6 First Voyage For New Owners. The Clan Urquhart has just completed her first voyage, to Australia and back, since she war. taken over by the Clan Line, Ltd. When she left Australia she was leaded to capacity with a cargo for London. Liverpool and Glasgow, consisting of
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  • 204 6 Favourable Weather Awaited Before Dry-Docking. As soon as the weather is favourable, the hull of the liner "L'Atlantique," which has been lying at the quayside here ever since it was towed into port after the serious fire on board, is to be t-ken to St. Nazaire. In order that
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  • 454 6 To Connect City With The Volga. Moscow, June 2C. THE completion of the Moscow-Volga canal in 1£37 will provide Moscow with a direct waterway to Gorki and as far as Astrakhan on the shore of the Caspian Sea. The dream of many decades will b? realised when the
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  • 77 6 Checking Up St. Lawrence Soundings. A demonstration of the working of the British Admiralty high frequency recording echo sounder -was recently given on board the Canadian Government's hydrographic ma.or launch Boulton in the St. Lawrence at Montreal. The device is being used to check soundings in the
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  • 115 6 At a recent meeting of shipmasters, deck officers, chief engineers assistants, and wireless operators in New York, the first steps were taken towards the formaticn of a new organisation to be known as United Licensed Officer--, which will include in its membership all U. S. Ships' officers
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  • 749 6 Rough Weather Brings Two Out. HOW they climbed from the pier up over the side of the thip, jumped down into the after hold, and lived for two days in the inky blackness of the hold, was described by William McDonald and John Crcckar, two young seaman
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 465 6 L |TEAMER SAILINGS^ P. 0. BRITISH INDIA I AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). I OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. RANCHI 17.000
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    • 183 6 mm m- \m LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. K( up aporf TO ITALY AND CHINA Catting at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, SINGAPORE TO ITALY Am* Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suet, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, So.ex. Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. mV-
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    • 179 6 HAMBURG-A MFRIRA LINIE Deutach |HqR Australlsohe Dampfjcuai Oeaellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila July 25 t s.s. BOCHUM. via Manila Aug 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug 22 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Sept 7 t m.s. SAUERLAND.
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    • 542 6 STEAMER SAIUXQg NORDDKITSCHER cJ re OUTWARDS. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong Shai. N. China and Japan 5 "SAALE" for Manila. Hongkong 720 Shanghai. N. China and Japan j HOMEWARDS. 5 "HAVEL" for Marseilles, Havre Dm. IWl kirk, Rotterdam, Hamburg a rH Bremen J S "ISAR" for Genoa, Marseille D-in- J 17
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  • 519 7 Mining Shares. r Smgapc!-. £a urday, 11 a.m. The following tin share quotations are Issued h Fraset and Co., exchange and stock Buyers. Sellers. J, aum Kumbang Tin 29 30 6 I Z stral Malay 27,6 30 V ei Hitam Tiu 139 14:6 Wens 090 100 ID
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  • 125 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER SLIGHTLY BETTER. But Buyers Reserved: Outlook Steady. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Saturday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 131» cts., up V* ct. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 15 16d., up 1 16d. Market firm. New York, S'-'h cts., down t ct. Market
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  • 42 7 Pressure Against Pound Relaxes. Reuter. London. July 14 THE Money Marker, was normal and featureless to-day. Dollars opened at 4.60 and appre? ciated to 4.77%. Pressure against sterling by the gold countries relaxed and sterling is now steady all round.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 159 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and tarlous brands of Kerosene are a? follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1 19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in drums per British Imperial
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  • 64 7 No Unwarranted Increases In U.S. Reuter Wireless. Washington, July 11 The Secretary of Agriculture haj informed the mayors cf 49 cities In 25 State» that >hc Government will use its full powers if necessary to prevent "unwarranted increases in bread prices" as the result of the increase of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
  • 677 7 Alleged Smuggling Of Drugs From China. Baa Francisco. June 20. THE Federal Grand Jury here to-day returned a new indictment in what is now knenvr here as the "Shanghai dope case," listing Messrs. Judah and Isaac Ezra, previously indicted, and nine olhers. all of whom are
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  • 204 7 Urgent S.O.S. To The Government. London. A resolution regarding the subsidising of ioreign shippin,' has been sent to the President of the Board of Trade by the National M ritime Board, which represents the shipowners and seamen of the entire British Mercantile Marine. It reads: "In connection with
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  • 57 7 Electrification Order To British Firms. Reuter Wireless. London. July 11. A four pestr contract amounting in value 10 £--.000.000 for the elect: ifica ion and completion cf the main Warsaw Railway junction has been ?greed in principal between the Poli h Minister for Finance and the English Electric
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 62 7 During the wetk ending July 8. exports from Malaya:- pets amounted to 35.=42 cases, of rhich 28.820 w:re to the United Kingrlcm. 775 caier to the Continent of Europe. 3 COO cases o Canada ar.d 2.947 cases cisewhsre. Total experts for the period. Jan. 1 to July
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  • 104 7 Profit of the Jitra Rubber Plantations for the year to March 31 £15 < against a loss of £749 for 1931-32». The Preference dividend for the year < which absorbs £125) is being paid out of the sum carried forward, reducing it to £4.484. Floating assets, £6.713;
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  • 304 7 Anglo-Dutch Talks: Agreement Hopes. Amsterdam, June 14 The rumours emanating horn London thr" ihe iubber restrict.on discuss.ons have fail-d as the British Coloual Office is convince-;)' of the folly of restriction, are discredited here. It is learned norn a uutt negoti.-v ions are mil eoino 0
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  • 137 7 The U.S. robber questionnaire figures for May. received yesterday by Messrs. Syming on and Wilson, are up to the highest expectations U.S. consumption of crude rubber had been variously, estimated at from 40.000 ons to 45.000 tons. The actual figure is 44,581 tons, which compares with
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  • 645 7 Rubber Shares. Singapcr?, Saturday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share questions an issued by Fraser asd Cc.and Lya'i ana Kraft: Issue J Value. PVaser Lyall Shares. Co. Evatt. j J Allenby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.£5 1 Alor Gajah 050 0.60 0.50 COO IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20 1.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 74 7 Small SavingsJtiL LIGHTEN fw\ YOUR *Ml FINANCIAL ML PATHWAY f J9 §m fftf VEABIY INTEREST PAID TO YOl QUABTEBLY. Small Savings regularly deposited will soon build up for you a substantial Bank i Balance, .ready for the moment when A\—>~ l it is most needed. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OP
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    • 304 7 THE EASTERN HANK, LIMITED. i lac.' rporated In ■ngtetaai >im u'i'i c. MUktM D'aJieiaa stun *m<J tsuOMcnued '«m-ui-.upuw t1.0n0.000 HM>»T< MM k.o Rest 500.000 llr.AI» OUTCK: LONDON BRANCHES: H mouy Oaicuua. Colombo, Karachi. Madras, Amai/a. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received en Fixed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 263 8 OPENING TODAY AT 3.15. The First Big Viennese Musical Comedy Since "SUNSHINE SUSIE"— With Hungary's Prettiest Singing Star, I MARTA EGGERT in j (mtV? musk way ■y and v SONGS a By J With FRANZ LEHAB fIMSSBB OWEN (of A WLW WARES, j "MERRY WIDOW" GE X ARTHUR fame). and
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    • 253 8 I I The Show That's Drawing The Town* sth I Day And Still Going Strong!! J 6.15 9.15 Special < S$J&. It's Matinees "*'*'C£ Year's j Music! SOLDIERS Comedy i s rr thekiwg t*~*! f 7aTK 10 CTS.' FREE. TO THE J Great World Show T"V KIM SENG ROAD Z-fc
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 634 9 CHURCH SERVICES. j Details For This Week-End. r*n ST ANDRE W'S CATHEDRAL. 6 50 a.m. Holy Communion ":30 a.m. Matins. J, a in Hol y Communion (Choral) I •:M a.m. Holy Communion. I 1 ervice at H.M. Naval Base. Hoiv S£ Even son (Choral) and Sermon. pSs mmumon on Monday.
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    • 387 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF SALE OF CROWN LAND. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that a lease for the term of 10 years of the undermentioned Crown Land, formerly the site of the Gaiety Cinema, situate at the junction of Albert and Eencoolen Streels, will be sold by public auction a; the
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    • 685 9 CAPITOL THEATRE j MALACCA TO-NIGHT:— j "NAGANA." I i (TALA WEILL). A Universal Pictuie. j j TO MORROW "THE MAD GENIUS.** (JOHN BARRYMORE). LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS TENDERS win ho rrccived at tho office of the Commission r of Lands, Singapore, up to noon of tho 24th July, 3
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 344 9 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous Clubs ana Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are tatted to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in Vie
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  • 772 10 The strong protest of Unofficial*, at the last Federal Council meeting, against the revised duties on tin, has had its repercussions in the British Legislature. Viscount Elibank, who is chairman of the Federation oi Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire, and who has had extensive colonial experience,
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  • 245 10 THREE Chinese have been fined for throwing b- xes en to the roads. This is a type of offence which is all too common in Singapore's crowded Thoroughfares and if it dees not often cause accidents the boxes are often responsible for
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  • 197 10 SPLENDID new barracks have been erected at various points in Singapore for the housing of our policemen and while this very admirable step of providing the men with as comfortable quarters a* possible is to be commended, it may be pertinent fo ask whetner it would not be
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  • 157 10 THE Fir?". Battalion of the S. S. V. F. will as usual be in camp at Changi in August week and advantage is being taken of the occasion to arrange for the entertainment of visitors. This is the only year that the Battalion, as a unit is in
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  • 170 10 Mr. John Hands, M.C.H.. has been appointed a member of the Beard of Management of the Malay Agricultural Settlement. Kampong Bahru. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. F. Bonavtntura, late Selangor Stato bandmaster, who after his retirement, went te the Philippines, has returned to Malaya. He
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  • 83 10 A new arrival in Ip<h is Dr. Wong Boon Pin, son of Mr. Wong Chai •Teck of Ipoh. He is a graduate of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, and intends letting up in practice in Ipoh. Pleading guilty to the theft of 15 katis of tin-ore
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  • 110 10 Dr. Ooi Keng Loke of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, has come to Malacca to relieve Dr. S. J. Chong of the Durian Daun Hospital, who is at present on leave. When Dr. F. X. Oliveiro of Durian Daun Hospital goes to Jasin Hospital. Dr. Ooi Keng Lcke will
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  • 40 10 At the Butterworth .Pclicc Court to-day. a Chinese shop-keeper was convicted for selling adulterated Dewar's white label whisky. The sentence of one day's simple imprisonment was passed as the magistrate held that the defendant had acted in good faith.
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  • 35 10 A Straits-born Chinese woman named May Hua. living at Kapar Road, Klang. was to-day fined $5 by Che Osman, for assaulting a Siamese woman named Malan, living at Kapar Road. Klang, on June 21.
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  • 37 10 A Sikh, the owner of a number of motor buses and hire cars, prosecuted for having failed to renew his licence for the second quarter of the year on one vehicle, was fined $23 and costs.
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  • 29 10 The Hon. Mr. J. E. Kempe, M.C.S., Acting British Resident. Pahang, accompanied by Mrs. Kempe has left Kuala Lipis for Pekan on an official visit to the Sultan.
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  • 41 10 Dr. G. H. Garlick, acting Principal Medical Officer, Johore, has returned from leave. Dr. W. J. Moir has resumed duties as Senior Health Officer, Johore, and Dr. J. V. Landor has been appointed to act as Physician and Radiologist.
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  • 471 10 "LOOKER-ON" I see that a woman in Singapore has been fined $13,000. And she gets two years if she can't fined it. A General Feng says that he feels easy in his conscience. If he feels just as easy in other people's con sciences he'll be sure
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  • 48 10 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 2. CHINA NEWS, on page 3. INDIA NEWS, en page 5 CLUB DIARY, on page 9 CHURCH SERVICES, on pas* 9 UP-COUNTRY SPORT, on page IS. OUR SHORT STORY, on page I* RADIO NEWS, on page 17. BOYS' CORNER, on P«C*
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      154 words
    • 147 10 STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY, (Established Id 1914). Stationers and Repairers 11-A, Chance Alley, Smgapere. ribbons carbons We guarantee I ml tne quality to be the best or else Iqi WLW your money wili be refunded. Ring us up for mechanics in case you! typewriter Is out ot order, and needs Immediate
      147 words

  • 1795 11 CHINA MUST PROLONG RESISTANCE TO JAPAN? Feng s Charhar Victory. ,1 Yen s Brilliant Speech At London Function. Reuter. The measures which China must adopt in face of Japanese aggression in the Far East were outlined by Mr. W. W.
    Reuter.  -  1,795 words
  • 142 11 Attempt To Reach Settlement. Reuter. Poona, July 14. IT Is understood that Congress has decided to continue civil disobedience but has authorised to continue civil disobedhncs but has authorise 3 Gandhi to seek an interview with the Viceroy with a view to a settlement. Gandhi is
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 46 11 Exploratory Conversations In London. Reuter. London, July 14. It is understood that conversations hive taken place in London on the Dutch rubber restriction scheme between Dr. Colijn and Sir Pnilip CunlifTe-Lister. The talks are exploratory in character and no decisions have been reached. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 191 11 Benefitted By Ottawa Agreements. Reuter. London. July 14. OIR Philip Cuniiffe-Lister, Coionial St eretary. in the course of a comprehensive survey conditions in the Colonies when bringing up the Colonial Office Estimates in the House of Commons to-day said that despite U c tremendous fall in prices,
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 1121 11 British Influence. THE SUPPRESSION OF OPIUM. £JHINA'S foreign relations and her •future were discussed by Dr. Lim Boon Keng, 0.8. E., principal of Amoy University, at a public meeting in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. The attendance was large and included a number of Chinese
    1,121 words
  • 129 11 New Laws Passed In Germany. Reuter. T Berlin, July 14. HE Cabinet has adopted new laws providing for the confiscation of property of "enemies of the State," including organisations and private persons inciting feeling agiinst Germany from abro3d and Germans living abroad who are disloyal to the
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 72 11 Chinese Who Carried Five In One Basket. Tan Hoo Kim was charged this morning before the Third Magistrate, Mr. M. H. El acker, with cruelty to animals in having carried five ducks in one small basket in New Bridge Road ai 6.15 a.m. on the 12th inst.
    72 words
  • 39 11 Italian Machines Arrive At Montreal. Reuter. Shediac, New Brunswick July 14. The Italian flying boats took off at 8.51 ajn. Eastern Summer time.—Reuter. Montreal. July 14. The Italian air armada had all landed safely by 7.10 p.m.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 793 11 WORLD CONFERENCE TO ADJOURN. Desultory Talks. Deadlock In The Silver Discussions. Reuter. London, July 14. a career marked by unexpected storm and stress the World Economic Conference has decided to adjourn till July 27. No indication has been given hitherto of the proposed date of re-assembly
    Reuter.  -  793 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 486 12 Japanese Report. YEN STILL STRIVING FOR PEACE. Shanghai, July 14. JAPANESE confirmation has been received regarding the fall of Dolunor, the eastern gateway of Charhar Province, to Gen. Feng Yu Hsiang's allied troops. The Manchukuo forces are falling back on Hsifengkou, the strategicGreat Wall pass. Japanese
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  • 136 12 S.S. Appeal Court Verdict Reversed. AS briefly reported in these columns yesterday, information has been received by aUSe rhat the Privy Ccuncil has allowed the appeal of the Batu Pahat Bank. Ltd., against the Official Assignee, thereby reversing die decision ol Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell. Sir
    136 words
  • 148 12 "Discord" At The Pavilion. "Discord.'' the Paramount British screen version of E. Temple Thurs.on's successful stage play "A Roof and Pour Walls." was intriduced to Singapore audiences at the Pavilion theatre yesterday. It is excellent 'crt ertainment. with Owen Nares. Benita Hume and Harold Huth in the
    148 words
  • 342 12 x\lade To Pay Protection Money. A RATHER interesting preliminary inquiry was partly heard before the Third Magistrate 'Mr. M. H. Blacker) yesterday. The accused, a young Hokien named Choh Bah. was alleged to have stabbed a ricksha puller whilst attempting to rob him. Two other men,
    342 words
  • 445 12 Reversed By Chief Justice. AMOTION to vary a decision of the Official Assignee in connection with the bankruptcy of H. E. Trennery was disposed of yesterday by the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Huggard. It appears that some months before the bankrupt was adjudicated he sold some
    445 words
  • 85 12 Hylams Charged In Police Court. The in which seven Hylams stand chsrged with assisting h\ tiie management of a Wa Hwai lottery was continued before the Second Magistrate. Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, yestertery. After further evidence for the prosecution had been led, Mr. Briggs. counsel for the
    85 words
  • 869 12 Dr. Lim Boon Keng. ADDRESS TO A.C.S. STUDENTS. JJOW, a dunce in the class, he was inspired to hard work, which resulted in his winning the Queen's Scholarship two years later was related by Dr. Lim Boon Keng, President of the University of Amoy, yesterday. He
    869 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 123 12 JSllenburgs Foods The'Allenburys' Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of babies in hot climates. They are germ free and their use is an absolute guarantee against infantile diarrhoea and cholera. Milk Food No. 1 Milk Food No. t Birth to 3 month* w to 6 month* Malted Food No.
      123 words
    • 343 12 Chin Chin Restaurant 26, Market Street, SINGAPORE. We beg to announce to all our customers that we arc now preparing European and Chinsse Meala which can be had at moderate price*, please come and have your Breakfast, Tiffin and Dinner regularly and also Office Staff's Tiffin can be ordered and
      343 words
    • 349 12 AUCTION SALE of 1 Aims ns SJddley. 4 Cyl. 1 Electric Amplifying Gramophorv i Gramophones and Records. 1 lion Safe by Thcmas Withers and S England. ttt, 1 Electric Refrigerator in perfect or* LIQUIDATION STOCK OF A large variety cf Silk and Gotten Ur COMPRISING:— Flocks. D.-esses and Boys" Suits.
      349 words

  • 91 13 HARBOUR BOARD. Singapore, July IS. "HIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES, feat wnarf (Entrance Gate 1). Herald E.E.E. Wharf; Roh.ia 22. a Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). 18: Pres. Hayes 11; India :re Dock (Entrance Gate 3). nti 30: Kutsang 32: Ci y of Peril
    91 words
  • 18 13 untitled arrives from ir at 2 p.M. She will stay hi d ul at 9 a.aa. on Monday.
    18 words
  • 27 13 From China and Japcn by the "Penan; Maru." due at Singapore at 5.30 p.m. to-day. From China by the Takada." due at Singapore on Tuesday.
    27 words
  • 159 13 SELLING. Singapore. July London 4 month sight 24 London 3 months' sight 4 London 60 days' sight London 30 days' sight 2 s ..i Londcn demand London T.T. s Zl Lyons and Paris demand Hamburg oemand New York demand ak Batavia and Sourabaya demand j Samarang d?mand .J
    159 words
  • 140 13 ALHAMBRA.—"Where Is This Lac;.: tilling Malta Eggert. CAPITOL.—CeciIy Courtneidge in "Soldi is 01 the King.' EMPIRE—"HoId Everything" starting jc; Brown. GREAT WORLD. —Side shows. Cabaret. Malay opera. Cninese wayang, silent and talk- ing films (Sky Talkie: "The Cuban Lye 1 Song": Star Talkie: Igloo."I MARLBOROUGH Viki am Charitra," Hindustani
    140 words
  • 266 13 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JULY 15. High Tides.—4 a.m.. 4.25 p.m. Garri on Athletic Sports, Tanglin. Cricket: Selangor v. Perak. Ipoh; Clarke Cup, S.C.C.; S.J.I. v. RC., R.Ct; Y.M.C.A. V. M.C.U., Y.M.C.A.; M.C.U. v. R.I., M.C. Singapore Badminton Championshio, Drill Hill, 2.30
    266 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 285 13 CASSON BUSINESS BOOKS. I )t i i eas —Ideals—New Methods. LN-PIR vriONAL Tom $2.50. LIE-LH IiMH Hubbard 0.25. Up 2.50. Of I Difficulties 2.50. 13 lips on Luck 125. Bu and Happiness 1.75. OP the Bright Side 1.75. M: takes in Business 2.50. v. Power in Business 2.50. v,. Worry—Dr.
      285 words
    • 213 13 By Popular Request The famous OLEH OLEH PARTY will present "A Grand Variety Entertainment AT BANGSAWAN HALL. No. 3, GREAT WORLD. On Saturday, 22nd July, 1933, at 9 p.m. A MISS !S AN ABSOLUTE REGRET Tickets Of Admission Obtainable From: Messrs. G. H. Kiat Co., Ltd. and Members of the
      213 words
    • 82 13 PHOTOGRAPHY: Q FOR SPARKLING Developing And Fresh Roll g Fiuns. Packs And Plates Always In Stock. Cameras. Repaired And Cleaned, ELLISON S. EZEKIEL A CO., Opticians and Watchmakers, 3, Capitol Building. Stamford Road. SINGAPORE. LEPROSY Diabetes, Consumption, V.D., PILES, LEUCODERMA. SEX-DISORDERS, PARALYSIS and numerous other chronic diseases considered to be
      82 words
    • 104 13 M FAVOUR —1- f I mm mm Children and Babies generally do in this climate. Why not protect them against the danger of skin irritations and inflamations? Nivea Creme is the ideal core. Rub a little Nivea Creme into your skin every time after washing. In the case of prickly
      104 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 106 13 jPOSTAL INTiLIICjNCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Banka Island. Pladjoe and Palembang iSenang) 2 p in. Kemaman, Kemasek. Kretay, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut (Medusa) 2 p v North and East India iKutsang) 3 p.m. Djambi (Tchkn 3 ;j.m. Bengkalis and Bagan Si Ap Api (Tobcah) 4 p.m Rhio and South-Eas; Borneo
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  • 999 14 Yesterday's Cricket. THE LUCK OF THE TOSS. r £llE annual three-day cricket match, between the Europeans and the Rest, for the Clarke Cup, was comme.iced at the S.C.C. yesterday, when the Europeans batted first and collapsed sensationally, losing
    999 words
  • 936 14 Johore And N.S. Share Points. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, July 15. SEGAMAT was the scene of a Malaya Cup match for the first time in history, when Johore met Negri Sernbilan on the English School paciang yesterday and drew I—l. Although it rained during the
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  • 348 14 Nancykar's Thrilling Run. Ipoh, July 14. NANCYKAR provided race-goers with a thrill at the first day of the Taiping Amatuer •ace meeting to-day when, left behind by a length at the start, she overtook the WhOta field in the third race to win in a great finish. There
    348 words
  • 333 14 S.C.F.A. Entertain The r President. The Straits Chine "c Football Association enteitained their President, Mr Tay Lia.i ,~eck. to dinner last night at the Garden Club m honour cf his appointment as a Justice of he Peace. Over 100 people were present, and beside UM guest cf
    333 words
  • 117 14 Johore P.W.D. Beat J.CF.A. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, July 13. In the semi-final of the Hull Cup competiti.n the F.W.D. beat the Johore Chines? Football Association on the Civil Service Club padang by 2—l. Thf..e was not very much to choose be.ween th* twt teams
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  • 87 14 Amateur Championship Competition. LAST night's results in the open Amateur (four-ball) billiards championship at the New World, for the Challenge Shield presented by Messrs. Frankel Brothers, resulted as follows: Yacob bin Kassim (Darul Ta'alam) beat Kwck Siong Hoon (Ai Tong 0.8.5.) 300-175. Teo Chwee Hoe (Clerical Union) beat
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  • 45 14 Yesterday's Race At Sandown. Reuter. London. July 14. The Eclipse Stakes run at Sandown Park to-day resulted as follows: 1. LOANINGDALE (Childs). 2. FIRDAUSSI (Elliott). 3. FOXBRIDOE (Buckham). Won by two lengths, third three lengths away. BETTING o—2; 11—10; 10—1. Ten ran. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 44 14 Famous Schools Meet At Lord's. Reuter. Londin. July 14. The annual Eton v. Harrow cricket match was begun at Lord's to-day. Scores at close of play HARROW 237 (Pawle 9«. Holmes 4 for 26 V ETON 91 for 3 wkts —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 24 14 Owing to the Garrison sports, the soccer rr :dcr betw en the Malays and the Wiltshires, arranged for io-day. has been postponed.
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  • 210 14 Tamil Accuses Compatriots At Assizes. Two Tamils. Sananathan and Supramaniam were arraigned before Mr. Justice Ccbbeti at the Assize Court this mornine on a charge of having robbed Ponniah oi hi purse containing -30.40 at St. Andrew's Road on March 27 las'., using a knife and an iron
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  • 115 14 Chinese Youth Sent To Reformatory. A 15-year-old Chinese youth w?s yesterday sentenced by the District Judge, Mr. 11. A. Forrer. to eight strokes of the rotan and detention in the reformatory for three years. Mr. MdEwan, who prosecuted, stated that the accused was seen carrying some food storing
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  • 85 14 Chinese Woman Fined For Possession. Koh Chye Moh. an elderly Chinese, was fined by the District Judge. Mr. H. A. Forrer. this morning, sums totalling »333, or 14 months in default, for having been in possession of dutiable liquor. It was stated in evidence that when a raid
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  • 49 14 World Meeting At Yokohama: President Sails. Reuter. Marseilles, July 15. Lord Marley. president of the World Committee against war, has sailed for Shanghai in the steamer 'Andre Lebon" with a large international delegation to the forthcoming world conference aginst war at Yokohama, at which he will preside.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 120 14 Britain One Up On Australia. Reuter. London, July 14. PERRY and Hughes (Britain) beat Turnbull and Quist (Australia) 7—5, 6—4, 3—6. 6—3. in the doubles of the European zone Davis Cup final at Wimbledon to-day. Britain leads by two matches to one. Only two thousand spectators
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 140 14 Meeting To Be Held In Paris. Amsterdam, July 14, The French Lawn Tennis Federation has convened a meeting to be held in Paris on July 22, of all Davis Cup nations, to consider the possibility already expresed at the Wimbledon meeting, of cancelling the whole of the new
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  • 385 14 Rain Everywhere. YORKSHIRE ONLY XI TO WIN. Reuter. JJEDLEY Verity, the Yorkshire left. hand spin bowler, created a sensation in the County championship match at Leyton, begun on Wednesday and concluded yesterday, when he took all ten Essex wickets in tht first innings and nine in the
    Reuter.  -  385 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 559 15 Chinese Schoolboy. SATURDAY'S EVENTS AT T. BUNGAH. TAN WAH HAM. the schoolboy star swimmer, again upheld his record on Saturday by winning the 400 metres free style open event at the Chinese Swimming Club, in 7 mins. 2 2 5 sees., writes Chia Poteik, in the "Straits
    559 words
  • 195 15 Sunday's Bouts At Kuala Lumpur. boxers competed for the first time in v* Kuala Lumpur last Saturday night at the Great Eastern Park, as also a number of pchcem-n from the Depot. The feature of the nights boxing was the success gained by Fighting Jalal (Depot) over Battling
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  • 31 15 Reuter Wireless. Washing on, July 11. A construction programm- estimated to ccst $200. 000,000 has be n approved by the Cabinet Board in charge of Public Wo:ks.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
  • 679 15 The Inter-Schools Tournament. T HE follo *ing are the results of the matches itJSS ln J he Victoria Institute Hall, Kuala sSS i Tn" SatUrday mornin in the interSchool Tournament—"B" division:— M.B.S. v. ST. JOHN'S. (s N j g i SS** Ya *> Ken K <* Keng
    679 words
  • 65 15 Heavy Sentences Imposed In Germany. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, July 11. A secret hijh treason trial in tha Supreme Cour„ at Lripzig result :d in sentences being Imposed ranging from la years' hard labour to 4 years. Two out of the six accused were ersailo s. The prisoners were
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 158 15 Remembemhat pure blood not only keeps away disease, but is Nature's remedy—in fact, the blood is the stream of life. In the treatment of Blood and Skin Complaints Clarke's e!ood Mixture is unexcelled, it expels the poisons and assists healing. Of all ChttHsts and Stores. Equally good in LIQUID or
      158 words
    • 184 15 HEADACHE AFTER HEADACHE. Now She's Free From t Them. 0 A woman writes:—"l would like everyone who suffers from headicnes to try Krusch-n Salts. Before taking Kruschen I w*2 hardly tver from a headache. But since I have n tak,n S i: ieguiarly I have hardly had a Hadache, for
      184 words
    • 345 15 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. I rwi» mTt J- H m Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and comnlie ny,
      345 words

  • 4298 16 H. G. Welk Our Short Story. MY First Aeroplane! What vivid memories of youth th*t recalls! Far back it was, in the spring of 1912. that I acquired "Alauda Magna," th" great Lark, for so I cr.cister.ed her; and I was then a slender ycung man of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 59 16 SWt RIATIVf QUALITY I AT AN f CONOMICAL I PI*ICf I State Express 555 Cigar- I ettes appeal insistently I to those discriminating I smokers who will be satisfied only with the best. They stand apart »H;:i|Pi ;;-v from all others in their unique qualities I State £xpress;|| I^^^^P 555
      59 words

  • 1172 17 DEMAND MUST INCREASE. SPECIAL CARE AN^ INSULATION complaint against the way British manufacturers i xception oi the G.E.C. and one or two others) are g the Malabo radio market is made by the Malayan correspondent of World Radio. He
    1,172 words
  • 178 17 Quality Of GSE's Music Transmissions. listening to talks recorded by the Vv Elattncrphonp-StiHp process writes a j Singapore resident, makes it quite (Mr that ir.c quality 02 such hroadce. sts is much b-low that of speech rtl the m crophone. I lt v ls always pces;b:e to say,
    178 words
  • 222 17 How The Weather Affects Wireless. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 20 JS* the irel research that is being Zmlmm "7 ln the intsrest th<? list <™r ,c WardS thC Fr blem of weath hindrances to good rccept'o i. I The investigations into this question involve amongst other
    222 words
  • 235 17 Scholars To Hear Great Ceremonies. JN view of the setting-up of an Educational r«MMIMi in New South Wales under the 22? to d t r h a e f f AUStral,an Com! i a Programme of br^dcasting In tWs directloß *ha t h thy iCtorian expresses the
    235 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 68 17 \q $ot**Ljf ~J NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED. j Tlj e waltzes you have been waiting for:— j p Johann Strauss Famous Waltzes. j <£■ J "tk <J£ (iuriff*! Famous Waltzes, "if w. m Celebrated Waltzes. I Piano Solo 60 cents each Album. j r vife i :t7 Violin Solo 30
      68 words
    • 130 17 Perfect World Radio Reception with a GECoPHONE Superheterodyne RECEIVER (For A.C. Mains) A highly efficient 6-valve Superheterodyne model for use with an external loud speaker. Designed i to operate on the short and medium wavebands. j The result of intensive research and experience I of short wave reception in all
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 705 17 THE DAVENTRY I STATION. Details Of Programmes In Advance. The following Is the full programme (subject to alteration* which will be broadcast from the j Empire station (Daventry) on 25.3 and 31.:> i metrrs for th? Indian, and Malayan zone -cm 15 to 22 (for further particulars see "World
      705 words
    • 412 17 130 p.m. Time Signal fiom Big Ben. News Bulletin. 145 p.m. Concert by the Coventry Hippodrome G chtsira. conducted by Charles Shadwell, relajed frrm the Hippodrome Theatre. Coventry. 20 pjn. Evensong from Westminst r Abbey. 2.45 p.m. Concert by the Buxton Municipal Orehes.ra, conducted by Horace F.'llowes. relayed from the
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    • 141 17 TUNE IN TO NIGHT. Stations Received In Malaya. HUISEN (Holland), 16.88 metres, 8.18 to 10.15 p.m. KUALA LUMPUR (58 metres), 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Tuesday and Fridays and from 7 to 9 p. m Sundays. BANDOENG (P.M.Y.—58.8 metres). Midday music. Prom 8.50 to 10.20 pjn. programme of jfiuropean music. Also
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  • 201 18 League Of Nations Bulletin. The following is the health bulletin of the League of Nations' Eastern Bureau, for the week ended July 8:— Beirut: 1 smallpox case. Ba c sein: 2 plague cases and 2 deaths; 2 smallpox cases and 1 death. Bombay: 1 cholera case
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  • 208 18 Senior Appointments Regradcd. A special fupplement to the FM.S. Government Gazetie dated July 12, makes the following announcement:— The Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies has b:en pleased to approve the changes described below in the grading of certain appointments in the Malayan Civil
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  • 147 18 Differing Views At The World Conference. Reuter Wireless. London. July li. Thy proposal for a worldwide "drink mc E wine" propaganda campaign led lo a lively di cussicri by trie World Economic Com mission sub-commission en the co-ordination of production and marketing. Sir George Rainey, on behalf
    Reuter Wireless.  -  147 words
  • 91 18 The Municipal health statement for the weekended July 8 gives the total number of deaths ?s 196. The death rate was 21.35 per mille compared with 21.35 in the preceding week and 16.92 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes of death were: Pneumonia 32 phthisis 24,
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  • 153 18 "Worlds Most Efficient Organisation." Montreal. 'TpHE world's most efficient and economical orJL ganisation is the Universal Postal Union," stated Brigadier-General F. H. Williamson, Director of Postal Services of the United Kingdom, on his arrival here. General Williamson has come to attend the preparatory commission of the Universal
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  • 144 18 Legal Battle Over Dead Man's Gold Teeth. Belgrade. Hu r ar Parchitch, a peasant of Tzasina, went to America to make his fortune. He came back recently with a fortune consisting of a set of 28 gold teeth. He was very proud of them. When he died
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  • 101 18 12 Spanish Communists Escape From Gaol. Madrid. Twelve convicts have made a clever escape from Valencia gaol. Fcm an empty house next doer to the gaol, friends of the convicts made an underground passage which ran right under the prison and deep holes were made at each
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  • 85 18 Soviets' Secret Apparatus Theory. Hclsingfors. Russian salvage vesrels and other craft have reWBH d r.civities in the Gulf of Finlsfnc. south of Kelsingfors, where a Soviet submarine iank in 1931 with all hands. Though curing the last two summers a large flotilla has inve.;tigu ed the locality,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 929 18 h find Colgate's makes teeth lovelier breath fragrant!" WHAT a glorious feeling to know that your teeth are sparkling white to know that your breath can cause no offense! Night and morn* ing brush your teeth with Colgate's—the toothpaste that contains the special polishing ingredient den* tists use. It does
      929 words

  • 79 19 ■try pleased to read Singapore of "Happy bis offer of a prize for m him most warmly and I know Urn reeling of all of you hdng the book. ot-en many entries, plenty of time and I i imtfl
    79 words
  • 234 19 h -Km Co. t. m Quit I should hold up my m thing to the Corner after about a month. I ask myl keen lazy Well. I cannot thin* fam quite diligent yet 3t It. T.pted to write, my head What subject is worth Own I thought of
    234 words
  • 201 19 iBy C. Aluis.) v had a good time? I hope you rv m !U week end Tribunes. I hope Thi "-i. in reJlity is our Uncle Bob Is Apr °Planes that I am going to inort perlod has elapsed since L. r in an aeroplane, progress has ,ld
    201 words
  • 101 19 The IVegian*\) I A btu»K r t IJ moon was shining brilliantly i'* a ""ttd.ri n< ifu ***** Road This t V J nad roL W f 16 of al1 nationali- ,r rom far and near to see J": f: COration s there. 'ill. °?5\ WB8
    101 words
  • 573 19 "Si Gilari It was a beauteous night, calm and free a full monon lay peeping througn the shifting patches of the blue sky, poured a flood of silvery radiance upon the floor of heaven and decked everything with gold. Here and there, in the azure sky a
    573 words
  • 135 19 'By "A Johore Muslim".; The days of the famous budding essayists from Johore, especially "C 2" and "The Johore Kid" seem to have vanished. I do not seem to see them writing nowadays. We badly miss them so very much. The "Johore Kid" as far as my
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  • 324 19 New School Year. (By Daud KashhnJ The days ripened into weeks which in turn rolled on until finally a full month was reached. The day of the re-opening of the school appeared but was given a scant welcome by some boys (I included) but with great joy by the diligent
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  • 471 19 ißy 'Raymon Hay,'' Klang.) Hello chums! Are you all glad? I am, for the "Kid" had returned to Malaya. Welcom" "Happy-Go-Lucky Kid." To-day I wish to relate to you a detective story which my friend, "Union Jack Leong.' told me iome time ago, and this was what he
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  • 321 19 'By M. V. P., Johore Bahru.) Truth is stranger that fiction. Not many of us would have had an experiece in wild boar hunting, it is a sport full of thrills, and should have stamina and courage to indulge in it I am not a hunter nor
    321 words
  • 219 19 (By T. K. Swee.) Hello, everybody! i think u-c you all a bed-time story better give Once there was a Kirur nnn very happily for many years w bore a son after some tone QUeen King started drinking for jov have an heir. But alas th/ !£V° much
    219 words
  • 178 19 (By Gunboat:*) The other day. t WPn t n which was played M far ahties 0016 4)1 to m' the ionggeng. 81 wh *'»">»8. drS|d SSr"^ srsrs ith ro °< n- ?hr th H pIatform ™'h chairs round It. two LL "a,f S 81rlS ear,n8 ***** lg
    178 words
  • 608 19 (By "Treb.") A ith u h 1 m,t «f »J V. m ttM r seemed to bulee out of their sockets, i could not discern anydark used ?o hhl, 3Ve and which 1 «lwavs crent slc.if.l^/ 111 broBd dayligh of Wly DUt surel y into my head and I
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  • 181 19 By L. S. Peng, i Once there was a man, who lived in a village. He had never eaten any meat In his life. One day he went to market in town to buy meat for a festival. When he had paid the money, he asked
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  • 205 19 (By ■K.halidaB."j I hope that you have enjoyed my recent article and I hope that you will also enjoy reading this article. Before I start to write the article, I want to know why you all did not follow our Uncle's advice and chose a «oid "motto"
    205 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 105 19 Delicious "MILKMAID" Toffee A "Mummy, how do you I //T m^' c U MILKMAID" 1 1 large tin MILK MAID" Milk 3 ozs. butter I DENSED Mlw l 1 tables P oon g° ldeil syrup. sweetened f Method. H ffcjfflr% jmfi Iwßßr Melt butter and sugar together, add conVfjSl d«nsed
      105 words