Malaya Tribune, 7 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XX. No. 139 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, July 7, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 5 =~jJ I New Reduced Retail Prices For EE]l I 1 POUND VACUUM TINS $1.35 I 21 POUND VACUUM TINS $2.95 I 5 POUND VACUUM TINS $5.50 8 For Strong Healthy Bodies I j I Drink KliifT Tftegularty J IGIVE HIM /flli I Hra J THE all/ OC3OC .OBoeaoßoi ioaoc=ioaoc=i=aoaoe=flp
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Kaffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at later! and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 1447 2 Resident On Slump Conditions. rpHU annual report of the social and econo- A rale progress of the people of Negri Semj bi:an for the year 1932, signed by the Hon. Mr. J. W. W- Hughes, Br-tish Resident, states inter alia: tlhe total population of the State
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  • 116 2 Guilt Plea At San Francisco. Reuter. San Francisco, July 6. JUDA EZRA, formerly a millionaire resident of Shanghai and his brother Isaac, who were arrested in connection with the shipment cf narcotics on the "Asama Maru" pleaded giiilty to the vioiaiion of the Narcotic Laws jesterday. Sentence
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 210 2 Trolley Bus And Lorry Collide. Traffic w3s considerably interrupted at about i o'clock yesterday when a trolley bus and i Ford motor-lorry came into collision at the junction of South Bridge Road and Upper Pickering Street. A Chinese was injured and ooth vehicles were considerably damaged. It appears
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  • 132 2 Associations Asked To Protest. Following the announcement by the Education Department that the revised scale of school fees will be applied to students who join the local schools on or after Jan. 1 next, a meeting of delegates of various public associations is being called. Dr. S.
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  • 43 2 The members of the Lotus Club who are going to the picnic on Sunday at the 14th mile, Changi (Dr. L. Samy's residence) are requested to be at the Y.W.C.A. at 9 a.m. sharp. Conveyance will be provided for those who want it.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 Here she comes down the s rept. looking smart and very neat! Yea, of course—she did "Nuggt" her shoes Lhis morning. NUGGET BOOT POLISH THE "NUQQET" TIN OPENS WITH A TWIST Sole Agents: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., S.S. <fc F.M.S. A.P.8.3F LOOK YOUNG. WHY BE BOTHERED WITH TWO PAIRS OI
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    • 172 2 mm HAIR STAYS NICE MKHUIMi AM>TRIM tfl B It takes more than water to hold Br I wiry young hair in place. Stacomb X jn 8 tnc answer Though this cream *j£gp* X m I is light and free from grease it keeps El V Lfl I any boy's hair
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  • 92 3 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYINC Needless Conference QTB ban kmj held the view that the slum;) V? n partly caused by concentration on with very little or no concentration the commodities and articles so the hands of millions of potenU a trade improvement cycle m and if Great Britain and
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  • 162 3 FREE mpuborjf elementary education in part of an Empire policy that wold Ml onJy in a knowledge of the Una I BW also inculcate in the youth a propel appreciation of the rights ana the i.uties of British citizenship oi thls cannot be emphasised am a cosmopolite population
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  • 145 3 4 T the moment there b a strong case for reductlon of «*****1 fees. Incomes ha" creased, thereby addmg to °th« 35 52 ln parents. All of thenTeLif'uft WOrries of a sound education andthev of to equip their children effo:l will have to go ta«bZ*l£t& When thoy
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  • 166 3 gOME other effects of this anomaly (preference duties m "protected t*mif rciei encc «I by Mr. W. P E Pep! h ?7 r sioner. Trade and r„«t„ ctlng Com mis. for 1932 just SueS T in hls in the Federated Maiav ItSSAfi Mr. Pepvs -2» i22L25^.1 ll,,,,l r ""«1
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  • 605 3 English, Arabic And Esperanto. "FF you look at som? countries, you will find that they already possess some kind of international language. India, for inrtance, has Hindustani, the one language which unites all Indians." said Dr. Khalid Sheldrake, discuss'ng at Wednesday': tiffin cf the Singapore Rotary Club
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  • 101 3 Sensational Report From Nanchang. Hongkong, July 6. merchailt s in Swatow refuse to pay the business tax imposed by the Fukien %:Tn£J? c r<rr despite the Chinese have informed the orcign consul* that the case is belnfSeired to the Canton Government reierrea A Nanchang report alleges
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  • 7 3 Reuter. Londonderry, July 5
    Reuter.  -  7 words
  • 18 3 Reuter Wireless. Coblirg, July 4. have been sent *L Queen u»ve Deen sent for.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  18 words
  • 145 3 Handcuff Incident In A Trolley-Bus. Chinese r <*«*ry on Procured by rSLimii" wlth n a nd-cufl\s Phone, is rerSSi e OVer the teiePore three 3** in SirSch^ndr^lT 1 D fr° n r ConstBbl Ramaon a cnarge of crJaJE?Bf g**» «oma Chinese bank m«I!, »ith $700 on mm
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  • 122 3 Seventeen Accused Each Face 35 Counts. Reuter Wireless. weeks and is to last 5 "23»! EFSZtZJ?* itn carder. The only woman defendant was discharged no evidence being offered agains; taTflSS oi the 35 in the indictment. Only one o;her defendant has pleaded guilty rh!!: 66^"^ 1115 are
    Reuter Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 212 3 OTTAWA A FAILURE Position Of British Export Trade. Reuter Wireless. .*t.k London. July 4. The position of the export trade of the Lmted Kingdom Ls rertainly not unsatisfactory «n the light of the restriction on world trade declared Mr. Burgin. Parliamentary Spcretarv to the Beard of Trade, in the course
    Reuter Wireless.  -  212 words
  • 183 3 The Whole Subject To Be Reviewed. Reuter. London, July 5 In the course of the debate on foreign affairs in the House of Commons to-day, Capt. R. A. Eden. Pailiamentary Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, replying to Mr. George Lansbury on disarmament generally, admitted that there was a
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 44 3 Interested Buddhists are reminded that the annual ceremony of the Buddhist fasting month will be held at the Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Tiger Temple, Race Course Road, today. This fast has to be observed by all Buddhist priests for the period of three month!.
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  • 19 3 Mr. Chew Hock Leong of the Overseas wet sens Chinese Bank returned leom Hongkong on Wednesday by the "Mantua."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 jammmr MU paischesal elating the din rlthta 3 days P«mt. oly tne cx "etion can be quickly brought to the is supplied in laHifj at 15 a- in* Insulin-Unit*,. 15 Übi't/L CaCh tablet GONOTHEK tablet N l and N -nl in I***** USing for and Kawa. The advan ag eTaTe:
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    • 213 3 o BRIflfiS HAPPINESS TO Allf ■!wa PHOriEr 3463 An enjoyable IKHL foranymealoftheday Wto a delicious treat-famous ppetitefc your table as fresh and tasty as food for y you get then, in England. Made whofcsome and satisfying Zc from specially chosen meats and back since ,8ia wl have if WALL'S I
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  • 1294 4 Shipping News Notices. THE 1932 CENSUS OF SEAMEN. Substantial Reduction On Earlier Years. THE current is-ue of the Board cl Trace Journal" contains details of the census of seamen who were employed on June 15 1932, on vessels registered under Part I of the Merchant Shipping Actt. 1894. in the
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  • 282 4 Dutch Royal Mail Line's New Vessel. THE Nederland Royal Mail Line, which together with the Rotterdam Lloyd operates a joint service of mail vessels between Europe nnd the Dutch East Indies, announces that it will replace the m.s. "P. G. Hooft" by the s.s. "Johan De Witt," the
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  • 66 4 Pulantien To Be Open To Foreign Trade. Harbin. June 21. The port of Pul'-ntien. in the northwestern corner of the Kuantung Leased Territory, will formally oc opened to foreign trade in November, according to an official of the Marine Bureau of the Kuantung Government. Five light buoys will
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  • 37 4 The "Athos II" is due here from Penang on Sunday at 8 a.m. and will probably sail nr. the <ame day at 1 p.m. for Saigon. Hongkong and Shanghai. She will berth at the BJEXJ3. wharves. I
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  • 337 4 General Steam Navigation Co. Honoured. a TRIBUTE to the enterprise of the General A steam Navigation Company was paid by the Mayor of London, and other visitors, when IS! hioected th- "Royal Eagle," the newest and one mtht fairly say, best> pleasure steamer in the Southl ol• England
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  • 135 4 Annual Report Of The Credit Institute. The annual report of the Istitu|o per i". Credito Navale (Shipping Credit Institute) shows that the amortisation of instalments in respect of loans made continued satisfactorily. Tne work of the Institute during 1932 may be regarded as mamly that of regulating and
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  • 90 4 William Schofield, of Bellfield-street, Barrhead, Glasgow, w36 fined double duty amounting to £22 at Plymouth, for attempting to evade payment of customs duties on number of silk and woolen articles when landing from the "Mauretani*." It was stated that after Schofield had paid duty of 2s. on
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  • 35 4 The British steamer "Housatonic" reported at 7.27 pin., G.M.T., June s:—"Men lost overboard in the vicinity of lat. 49.40 N., long. 2 40 W. Ships in the vicinity please keep a sharp look-out."
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  • 299 4 Trustees To Build Three Vessels. THE Clyde Navigation Trustees, at their meeting in Glasgow, approved of a recommendation by the Ferries Committee to replace thiee oi the small passenger-carrying ferry steamers on the river. The new vessels will be similar in design to cne built in 1928.
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  • 283 4 Award To Canadian Pacific Captain. At Liverpool in mail week. Paymaster Commander I. V. Bloomfield, R.D.. R.N.R., chief superintendent of the Mercantile Marine Department of the Beard of Trade at Liverpool, presented to Captain Arthur Rothwell, of the Canadian Pacific liner Mantcalm, the "Emile Robin" Award for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 160 4 m LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. I SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA S^"™!, at Colombo, Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sues, Port Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. I Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. mv HILDA July 15 July 15 Due Leave
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    • 193 4 HAMBURG-AMERIRA LJNIE Irr—^ Deutsch IHaJHI Australische DampfschttEi Geaellschaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. M.s. FRIESLAND. via Manila July 12 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Aug. 22 MA RUHR, via
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    • 562 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Jjg norddeutschi:r (Incorporated m The undernoted an the Company's int/'pded fixtures: OUTWARDS. 1933. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong. S'hai, N. China and Japan July 20 "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkong. Shanghai, N. China and Japan July 31 HOMEWARDS. 1933. t "AACHEN" for Tripoli, Genoa, M'seilles, Havre, Dunkirk, Antwerp, Rote-dam, Hamburg
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  • 453 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Friday. 11 a.m. iii share quotations are issued 1 lT and Co exchange and stock brokers J." 1 Buyers. Sellers. f Vam Kumbarg Tin 29- 30 6 Austral Malay 26 28!Ay,: Httam Tin 13,- 14Aver Weng 0 95 1.00 r Bangrin Tin 18 3
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  • 80 5 itof ED BY FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. I ai_ Buyers. Sellers. eta .apore Municipal ;901) 5 per cent. 105 no nom #n*apore Municipal 'I! 07 «nt. 104 108 nom Singapore Municipal '1909 4U per Cent 1M ®n« Municipal 100 103 n m 110 4 U1
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  • 251 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN STILL RECEDES SLOWLY. Rubber Steady: Hangs Back Locally. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore. Friday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), ll?, cts Market Tone: Very Ct Tin, $112.50, down $1.25. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 3-v g d., U p 1 32d. Market very steady.
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  • 158 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and varloubrands of Kerosene are as fellows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.15! Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon
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  • 301 5 Consumption Increase Expected. Prices have advanced in all markets, parti cularly in America, due. no doubt, to the anticipated further increase in consumption, state Messrs. Gutnrie and Co., Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report of July 6. A feeling of uncertainty prevails regarding the successful outcome of
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  • 49 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 3\d. New York: 7 1 iG.> cents Singapore: 11 13 16—11 15 16 cents. TIN. London Spot: £223 5s. (Down 42s. 6d Lcnd.n 3 months: £222 10s. (Down 45s». Singapore: Si 12.50. COPRA Sf n i rted $3 95 M,Xed S3 40
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  • 532 5 I Costs Brought Down To 2d. Per Lb. I i was „c Eslate 4rs lr B ,ki11 and Sc general manof Sharl Bhai Mr C R Burki Pre idTh. eS represpnt cd totalled 276 943 The chairman saidGentlemen :-The report and accounts harto* it? 5 y Ur
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  • 87 5 Interest Ppvment And Gold Dollar. Reuter. London. July 6. In view of the action of the United St ingoing off the gold standard, bondholder? <ay- the "Times" i aie most interested'*waiting the method payment to be adopt ?d >r the half-yearly coupon due on July 15 upon
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 91 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., forward the ollowing latest buyers' prices for Malayan Paim "Ml and Palm Kernels: PALM OIL IN BULK, ci.f. landed weights New York-Philadelphia It cents (U.S. currency) per ib. ci.f. landed weights U.S.A. Pacific Ports IS cent- (U.S. currency) per lb. ci.f. landed
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  • 84 5 New York. June 15. Rumours of opposition to rubber restriction together whh the easiness of the stocks and ommodity markets caused a rush of spsculative 'juidatfon during the past week. Dealers state ;hat the raw rubber market is c er-burdened with large offerings of the commodity from
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  • 24 5 Orders Exceed Those Of 1929. Reuter. I London. July 6. te£nJZ a X7V S thC W rld Econ Con-
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 165 5 Utmost Caution In Advised. The need for utmost caution bv thov whn contemplate investing in the shares TpUntTnom^Tout S o^ he rUbb6 r the chairman at the^w^Uhil-S 5 annu^ge^ S of shareholders of the AnlioMr n June 7 at Shanghai ported b We,Ch WaS in the chair supW
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  • 45 5 for A r932 n ,hou° f H ngko,lg *'™s™> Rubber agaS £1 Jr* n u^ r Production £1.678 against £i.506>. Deduct on from rsyi TT£ avK £68M Add I™™? 0 r £Z r 'V: o 3 'V ub |e r lv S3s>.
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  • 36 5 mJfS f Sabran 6 Rubber Estate for 1932 Balance brought in was 119.558. added to which is balance of tax reserve no longer required. £75. making £19 Deducting loss, balance forward s £M.684
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  • 28 5 Proposei to reduce tie nomina" value SLI? n o ry fnarCS o: Ba Rubb-,r Sa 012 5 CapUa from £196 024 14s t0
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  • 37 5 i. i.»»111„ i/. Th- output cf Hew Scudai Estate for the rncn-.h of June amounted to 43.000 lb antic nj a total cf 126.000 lb. for the tfatw month, of lW« current financial year.
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  • 27 5 Ottawa. Fresh beef exports from Canada amounted to 5,037.900 lb. in the past fiscal y»>r compared with 3.344.600 lb. in the preceding fiscal year
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  • 367 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations an issued by Fraser and Co.and Lyall and Evatt: Issue I i Val e Fraser LyaU Shares. Co. Evatt. I Allenby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.80 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 IA. Hitam 1.00 1.20
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  • 277 5 FRASER CO S QUOTATIONS. a m% J CLOSING QUOTATION!. •5 > a. > Buyers. Sellers. 12 $2 Alex. Brick Pref. $0.90 $1.00 $2 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.50 room H B Amtvi. Tobacco 108 9 113 9 $10 $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.35 5.50 £1 £1 C. Tin Pref.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 92 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: B nibav, Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amaca. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
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    • 47 5 twmr> QUARTERLY Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts Put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come.* In a surprisingly short time Z ou ™i l have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at quarterly. Head Office: IS. Wall Street. N.Y.
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    • 207 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) f S W\ to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG RANK LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK LTD CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000 000 00 HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SI\GAPORF LOCAL BRANCH. 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 355 6 ■■> mww*m*m%\>m9^^ mst wicari BRAND NEW COPY! j Don't Mb j BROUGHT BACK BY PUBLIC DEMAND jit This Time: FOX'S Big Successor To "SUNNYSIDE UP" "JUST IMAGINE" 1 with EL BRENDEL MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN, MARJORIE WHITE, Etc. J iti 111! 1111 rli ii r 11 11 m **********111: ixllr 11 m
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    • 289 6 JLmusementfiL CAPITOL SATURDAY MORNING 11 A.M. MICKEY MOUSE MATINEE SPECIALLY SELECTED PROGRAMME Admission: Members Mickey Mcuse Club TREE. Xcn-members: Adults 50 cts., Children 25 cts. COME EARLY: BRING THITcHILDREN. Mickey Mous- Club members should pay July Subscriptions from 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. IVhat Girls! What Laughs 11 What Dancing
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    • 248 6 •UNANIMOUSLY ACCLAIMED MMkr^ij[f iff THE YEAR'S GREATEST I If) )P1 SCREEN SUCCESS g hll f*.jj_|j Great As A Novel—Greater As A Play—Now Surpassing AH As A FiimT TK. _ER_KfW owiTip aitht» hctui» j mt\wmtmm\ awn «imn-a» tfwn MAD IN HIS DESIRES TO POSSESS THE SOUL OF ANOTHER MAN! MAD IN
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  • 200 7 NO TROOPS IN WAR ZONE. Mixed Police Force. Terms Of Sino-Japanese Settlement. Shanghai, July 7. rpHK Si no-Japanese peace parleys concluded on Wednesday. The text of the agreement has, however, not been published. The only Chinese delegate who announced that agreement had been reached was Mr. Van
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  • 227 7 Pla n-clothes Leader Kindnapped By Followers. Th° Central Government has remitted Sioor, >!j for urgent relieif in the war areas in North China. Kok Pane one of the leaders of the plainr'.oth? n r r who recently created so much tr in T en.sih. has been kidnapped by
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  • 213 7 ANGTHER TANGKU? (anton Repudiates Dairen Agreement. Shanghai, July 7. h has appropriated $13,000,000 th which to suppress the Volunin M&nrhuria. menace has been received from Europe V Poong 'Finance Minister and legate to the World Economic stating that he is on his way cc -Marshal Chang Hsueh Liang, turattw™* r
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  • 397 7 Will Trouble Arise Over T, e Warships? Delegates from the three warships that deserted from Tsingtao following the mutny ■galCSt the Commander. Ar'miral Shen Hung L;en. yesterday offered their allegiance to the Canton Government on condition that, their arrears of wages were paid and the crews remained
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  • 290 7 Could He Be Made Bankrupt. A N INTER ESTING question as to whether a p *,r r ra «r rned eh Jst wnen two motions were filed on* f™Chan Shan pang as bankrupt -d r Mr D fiFtfC" i* the chop, diiors. t.^^^^^sr cie Mr Walters said that
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  • 313 7 Murder Charge At The Assizes. rIE trial of Abdullah Khan, a member of the Singapore Police Force, for the alleged murder of Lai Hussian at the Orchard Road Police St3tion on May 21 last was commenced this morning at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Cobbett and a
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  • 557 7 Pact With Colony On Tobacco Duty? I A T a merting of the Committee of the Johore **> Planters Association held on Monday. July 3. it was decided to enquire whether the Government were yet in a position to formulate an opinion on the question of a reciprocal
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  • 72 7 Messrs. Duncan Roberts, Ltd., the local Agents, have just received a cable from London to the effect that the "Imperial Model 50" Typewriter has once again been selected for use at the above Conference. The adoption of this machine coming on top of a .similar selection for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 467 7 1 CAPITOL THEATRE; MALACCA TO-NIGHT:— "TIGER SHARK" (EDWARD G ROBINSON). A FIRST NATIONAL HIT I SUNDAY:-—.Matinpc At 3 p.m.- I "GUL BAKAWALI." j I (A New Hindustani Talkie). j WANTED To buy cecond-hand baby car i"* Au J n or Triumph in running condition. Apply to 16, Nivan Read. WANTED—Assistant
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    • 337 7 OPENING SAT., JULY 8. HESTAURANT GRILL OLD NEW CLIENTS WELCOMED. Twelfth Annual Statement OF THE ASIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DECEMBER 31, 1932. ASSETS. Ca-h On hand With Barks and Trust Co.s W 181 13 Bonds and Dtbentures tAmorUzed value D c II i'i WJ.726 40 Stocks: (Market value Dec. 31,
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    • 19 7 DANCING. I t Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, etc., taught at Rena's Dance Studio. Meyer Mansions, I Flat 6, Coleman Street.
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  • 691 8 The persistency of the steps taken by the Dutch rubber authorities during the last three months along the road to rubber control has gone a long way towards convincing those interested in the welfare of the industry that the establishment of restriction in some form or another
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  • 710 8 Comments By The Way. rHE Municipality of Georgetown, Penang, i* taking advantage of the present depression Ito install a highly efficient and modern system of sewage disposal. The scheme was overdue, and it may be quite accidental that its installation coincides wth the world's greatest slumD.
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  • 32 8 The Rev. G. V. Summers, principal of the Anglo-Chinese School. Klang. with Mrs. Summers and children will be sailing :cr America on long leave very shortly.
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  • 110 8 Banished thirteen years ago from the Colony. 1 a Chinese, Ng Ah Kirn, alias Seong Ah Mb?, who was recently arrested for theft in Penang, was arraigned before the Hon. Mr. Justke Sawrey-Cookson at the Penang As-izes and sentenced to penal servitude for life. An outing to the beach
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  • 51 8 Mr. Lim Gim Hoe, brother of Mr. Lim Gim Kang, of Gim Lee Estate, Kulim. who is now in London, *at for his law examination in j May and passed in Constitutional Law ar.d Legal History and Criminal Law and Procedure, obtaining a second class pass in the latter
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  • 118 8 Mr. Howell, of the A.P.C., Ipoh. has proceed- i rd to Malacca on transfer. Mr. G. Perkins. Manag;r. Legong Ulu E tat\ Kendcns, Malacca, has proceeded on furlough. Mr. Edward A. Phillip a former cfficer-?n-charge of Pulau Undan Lighthouse, has died at the Durian Daun H.rpital. Mf. Alb3vt de
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  • 21 8 I Mr. R. J. D. Richardscn has been appoin'cd tO be a member of the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board.
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  • 32 8 I I When the acting British Resident. Negri 1 Sembilan, paid a visit to the St. Paul's Institution, the boys were given a half holiday 1 in honour of the event.
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  • 37 8 Dr. V. R. Gabriel, of the Health Office, Ipeh, has been admitted to hospital for treatment. Mr. R. Bridson. dredge ma ter, Sungei Kinta Tin Dredging, is an inmate of the European I Hospital. Batu Gajah.
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  • 505 8 m a I BY "LOOKER-ON" i Some of the new cars made quit, a splash in Singapore yesterday. The usual Singapore weather makes us sweat. Yesterday's made us wet Millions of crows assembled for a meeting on a beach in Ceylon. It j s understood that they
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 139 8 i WORTHS— I THE NAME OF" I "WORTHS" I has long been a 5 synonym for excelI I i\/f:l;l II lence in corsetry and I\| the graceful figures j V| JS of wearers of their I lliwflf choice creations are invariably conspicuous I No. 689. b ep-in with elastic panel
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    • 104 8 j JUST ARRIVED! I I NEW SHIPMENT OF i j TANGO RECORDS. j j SEASON CO., LTD., j j 115. North Bridge Road, j Singapore. j II 1 FOR SI RE RESULTS: j AT ECONOMICAL PRICE. HAVE A J j BXBY FEICE I Takes 16 Pictures, size 114" x l%"
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  • 103 9 DELEGATES TALKING AT CROSS PURPOSES. AMERICA'S STRONG PLEA FOR CONTINUANCE. Re-Assembly In October? Gold Blocs Withdrawal From Monetary DiscossioDs. y The Great World Economic Conference is as good as I, according to the latest telegrams. America TmJS, v,nth-hour plea for continuance, but the gold
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  • 881 9 Reuter. London, July G. FURTHER proof that the Economic Conference is as good as over was en it became known that Secretariat is preparing to leave M Saturday. It arned that the morning's as most confused owing gates talking at cross purHence it is impossible to
    Reuter.  -  881 words
  • 148 9 A 1 «<1 Assault With Iron J'oker. M Soh Wah, who died r'"' fi th!> .«ub pierced b a POker. ,!f T 1 M,- p n an inquiry by the 11 cin i; Bourne» this morning. b< t the m.frH eSe> Chin Poh who Mr A v l
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  • 45 9 French Idol Killed In Motor Smash. Reuter. Paris. July 6. The airman Robida. hero of the flight with M. Codos last year, was killed today in a motor smash. He was married recently and promised his bride that he would no. fly again.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 93 9 The Municipal bealth statement for the week- ended Ju'y 1 gives the total number of death.-, as 196. The death rate was 2135 per mil e compared with 22.87 in the preceding week and 21.67 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes of death were: Pneumonia 34.
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  • 112 9 Hitler's Scheme For East Prussia. Reuter. Berlin. July 7. THE rural province oi East Prus-ia is to be industrialised on a large scale in a desperate attempt to prevent Polish influence penetrating into the province, according to the "Konigsberg Preussischi Zeitung." Hitler's plan provides for Government cooperation
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 533 9 Bread Seller Convicted In Police Court. Abtiur Rahim, a B?r.gaii Mus'im bread seller. charged yesterday before the Secoiiel Ifagtoiau*. Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, with criminal breach ci trus- in respect cf $15. Jassim Khan, a food shop keeper in Jalan sar. sent fcttet at about
    533 words
  • 165 9 Heavy Fine On Malay Who Robbed Compatriot. (From Our Oirn Correspondent.) Malacca, July 5 j »J2fi V£ DiStlict Judge H c Willan I k ar bin Lagim com Plai"ed of being robbed by Bulat bin Said of $50 secmion Gth Ti W aPPGared for the P r for
    165 words
  • 76 9 Russian Statesman Leaves For France. London, July 6. JUL 102*51 l6ft for Paris yesterday. It is rnZl d > th l U at the re UcEt 01 the French ?nd nrnh Cr l; If meet M Paul Boncour Ud probably M. Daladier with regard, it is in .K
    76 words
  • 285 9 No Separation Order. PETITIONER TO PAY OWN COSTS. T HE ful1 Court of Appeal delivered judgment to-day in the Cresson judicial separation case. M». Cresson's appeal was dismissed and she is therefore not granted a separation. Com. ZlTur e 'T\ hea d in the of T pe
    285 words
  • 181 9 Another Pilot Challenges Record. Reuter London. July 6. A forced landing at Lyons spoiled Ulm from achieving his second lcng hop. to Heston from Rome, where he arrived fro.n Aleppo .yesterday. He telephoned to Heston aerodrome to send an engineer to do repairs—Reuter. Broom. West?rn Australia. July
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 64 9 Charge May Not Be Proceeded With. The charge of alleged criminal breach Of just in re. pect cf $1,000 preferred against w Osborne, a European, may not be hea*d. Appearing before the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forren Mr. J. G. Campbell stated that the case might not
    64 words
  • 43 9 Performances Postponed Till To-Night. Owing to last night's rain the second perfoimance by -The Scene-Shifters" at the Glade Theatre. Oldham Hall, has been postponed until to-night. The rehearsal of their next production, fixed for to-night has been postponed until Monday next.
    43 words
  • 61 9 Accident To Man Working On A House. Whilst working in a house at Pearls Hill Road early this morning a Chinese coolie was seriously injured when a bundle oi zinc sheets fell across his body. He was unab'e to walk and complained of severe internal pains. He is
    61 words
  • 140 9 Will Money Be Spent In Britain? Reuter. rv\uv London. Tc-clay. I f Member of Parliament Mr Zm V? er iSt ask Mr Neville Chamber?J I HC ?Cf Comm on Monday if M h aware that Mr. T. V. Soong Ls new negotiating Mta a
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 24 9 Reuter. Washington, July C. The Senate Committee which has be"n investigating private ba: king has gone in'o rece s until October —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 156 9 ANIMAL TRAILED AND SHOT. Stampede In Jungle. Constable Gored To Death. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 6. WILD bull elephant killed a Chinese child on the DegongKoad and knocked down several Malay*. When the Game Warden, Perak, received the report he set out to destroy
    156 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 I —NOT MERELY I A PERFUME i j |N T the opinion of many women I /1 mW V who never use ordinary perl j uses which put it in a class by I y;Q refinement of taste on any social occasion when a delicate per- !g* fume is needed
      121 words

  • 149 10 KENT BATSMEN IN FORM. Gloucester Trounced. CRICKET THRILLS AT FOLKESTONE. Reuter. London, July c. pOLKESTONE cricket fans *er« thrilled by Ames (295), and Todd and Valentine when Gloucestershire visited Kent for their County ehampio.iship match which began on Wednesday. Hammond and Dacre tried
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 244 10 Lawn Tennis Finals. INTENSE HEAT AT WIMBLEDON. Reuter. London, July 6. INTENSE heat prevailed at the Wimbledon lawn tennis championships to-day, when the holders of the mixed doubles title, Maier and Miss Ryan, were sensationally defeated by the German pair, von Cramm and Fraulien Krahwinkel. Miss
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 98 10 Open Amateur Championship Of Malaya. Last night's first round results in the open Amateur (four-ball) billiards championship of f..'alaya. whi-jh is being played at the New World for r. Challenge Shield presented byMessrs. Frankel Brothers, are as follows: V. Woodford (Pathol Karib) beat Lim ThUn Hoi.: (S.C.R.C.) 3CO-211.
    98 words
  • 116 10 The draw for the Singapore badminton championships will take place at the Clerical Union premises. Rangoon Road, at noott oh Sunday. The public will be admitted. The closing date of the men's open doubles and veteran's singles has been extended to noon on Wednesday, Aug. 2. Entries for
    116 words
  • 77 10 The semt-flnals in the Siong Bjo Athletic Association's American billiards o-hamnionshlp tournament resulted as follows: Lee Yeow Soon (300) beat Ng Cheong Whye (176): Chio Eng Wah (300) beat Chua Boon Lay (185). Chua Boon Lay made the highest break of 41. beating Yeo Sim Lim's previous best
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  • 95 10 The Medical College team v. Raffles College in the annual football match for the staff trophy to-morrow at 5.15 p.m. on the Medical College ground will be: Tan Boon Beng, K. Sivagnanam, R. Valoopillay (capt Chan Ah Kow, W. Ess, Sulaiman. P. C. R. La Brooy. C. Alphonso,
    95 words
  • 44 10 Nondescripts' team on Sunday v. the untitled College at McNalr Road, at 2 p.m. will be: J. Fernando icapt.),G. CarloPereira, ChoorSingh, E. Abeywardene, P. M. Sirteena, A. Mmerasekera, P. R. Forbes, S. Sequiera, L BaUm H. Ilruyns. S. William. Reserves: A. Rafcam, Samuel Lee.
    44 words
  • 344 10 Handicaps For Third Day. HANDICAPS for the third day of the Perak Turf Club's Summer race meeting, at Ipoh o-morrcw are as follows. RACE 1— Ponies, Cla:s 2, Div. 2. s«j furs. Ben Hall 9.7 Yellow River 8.2 Perfect Lady 8.13 Palm Oil 7? 3 Highland Lass
    344 words
  • 279 10 Cricket Match In Johore Bahru. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, July 5. The Seiamat Cricket Club visited Johore Bahru to-day and were engaged in a whole day match with the Johore CO. Batting first, SegSmat scored 149 runs, Johore began their innings at about 3.30
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  • 61 10 The Y.M.C.A. to meet Riffles College on the College ground tc«moffcw at 2 p.m. will ba selected from: R. Lyne. G. L. F. Willis. L. M. W. R Willis. C. D. Boss. James Lovlck, John Lo Cain, F. R. S. Martinus, S. Perrieia, R. P. Ridley, G. A.
    61 words
  • 128 10 Inter-League Stars Play A Match. Reuter. New York, July 6. COMISKEY Park was the scene of a thrilling game, the first of its kind, when stars of the American and National Leagues clashed in an exhibition Ttst before a packed stadium holding 49.000 spectators. .The scores were: R.
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 70 10 St. Gregory's B. P. team v. the General Hospital R. C. to-morrow at 3.30 p.m. at the former's court: Singles: John Chye, Joseph Chye, Syn Man Choy, Thomas Choy and Choy Ah Neng. Reserves: Choy Ah Onn, Syn Man Chik, Phay Khiam Huat. Doubles: Chan Keam Cheong, Lum
    70 words
  • 54 10 The ties in the semi-finals of the C. T. A tournament are as follows: Winner of M. Sockaling3m and K. Veeravagu. v. winner of S. Rasiah and K. Thillainathan. K. Thambapillai v. V. Ramanathan. These ties will be played on Sunday at the Tan Tock Seng Dressers' court,
    54 words
  • 40 10 Balestier Friend y Athletic Party team v. the San Chee School on Sunday. c<t the School ground: Khor Jiak Keng, Lim Huat Lyc, Chua Keong Whyc, Ooh Kim Chay, Ngin Bag K:at, Ec Tian K'e and Abdul Ghan».
    40 words
  • 73 10 Balester Friendly Athletic Party team v. the Malayu Kebatian Raja Club to-morrow on Municipal Ground (Geylang»: Keong Whye, Jiak Keng. Ghani. Seng Que i, N T giap Yong, Keng Huat. Seydek, Koey Ho.' John Chay, Kay Sung and Eng Kiat. Reservee: Huat Lye, Koon Huat, Slayman and Kek
    73 words
  • 87 10 The draw for the Ceylon Tamils' Association ping-pong tournament resulted as follows: N. S. Muthu (bye) v. P. Ratnasabapathy (bye), S. Slvam v. V. Arumugam. K. Kumaravelu v. N. Paramanathan, S. Kuperasundararn v. C Karth.lgesan> M Sockalingam v. K. Thillainathan. K. Veeravagu (bye) v. R. V. s. Sundram
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  • 95 10 On Sunday, the Royal Singapore Yacht Club "A" class will have practice races for the forthcoming interport race in Batavia. The "B" class will race the first of a serie| of three for the Cardosa Challenge Trophy. The conditions of this race are that boat., are to be
    95 words
  • 23 10 Reuter. London. July 5. The Gentlemen v. Players match at the Oval has been cancelled owing to difficulty in raising teams.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 183 10 Leniency Pleaded On Account Of Restriction. Lee Cheng Siang, one of two partners in a Beach Road sundry goods shop. Chop Loons Chiong. was produced before the District Judge", Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $4,000.
    183 words
  • 112 10 Teams For To-morrow's Cur> Match. THERE will be no change in Singapore's Malaya Cup side which turned out against Negri Sembilan and Johore. when Singapore and Malacca meet at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. The game will start at 5.15 p.m. and the gate charges will
    112 words
  • 181 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 5. In picking the Malacca side to meet Singapore on Saturday, the Malacca F.A. have made a remarkable departure In choosing what is tant3mount to an entire Club side. The Malacca eleven will be an all-Ch nes' combination, another record in Malaya
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  • 303 10 Municipality v. The Island Club. The following are the starting times and teams for the four-ball match between the Singapore Municipality and the Island Glut on Sunday morning, over the Islnad Club course (Municipality players mentioned firr.n 8.30 M. M Pateraon and F. Bedford v. J. 1 Smith
    303 words
  • 236 10 European On A Cheating Charge. A furtlu r stage was reached before the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forren yestrrdu in UN cast, in which J. W. P. Thrrnley. a HKtripeM pirage proprietor is charted with ch*a in; r In respect of $69. The ccmplalnnnt. an Indn;i
    236 words
  • 62 10 Hashton bin T.\i:r. a Malaj dark enuy.cyea at Meatrr BoUaacn and Co. .vhc pleilid guilty to a char.?e pi cheating In rcspret of no rige stamps valued at $4.20, came up for judgment before the third Magistra'e (Mr. M. H Blacke-) yesterday. His honour sentenced him to
    62 words
  • 175 10 Hagen Still Leads In British Open. Reuter. London, .)uiy C. HAGEN'S consistent form going out in 35 and home in 37, following his earlier 68, enabled him to retain the lead in the second *ound of the British open golf championship at St. Andrew's to-day.
    Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 90 10 Results of ties played in the Old Rafflesians Association tennis tournament are as follows: Mohamed Yusof bin Ishak (scr) beat Dr. T. H. Oh (owe 4), 7—9, 6—3; Teo Tian Keng <ewe 15.4) beat E. V. Miller (owe 5), 6—2, 6—3: K. M. R. Menon (owe 15.3)
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  • 37 10 Grange B.P. v. the Loke's B.P. at the former's court on Sunday at 3 p.m.: Chua Leng Ycnr, Yeo Cheng Chua, Chua Leng Kuan. Scan Yak Thai and Goh Seah Chew. Reserve: Koh Chek Tuan.
    37 words
  • 61 10 Owing to the heavy rain yesterday three S.A.F.A. League mat.'lies had to be postponed. On the P dane the S.C.C. were to have I met the Wilt'hi:• in tIM First Division. At Jalan Lesar the Malays II were to have I played the Police, and at Geylang
    61 words
  • 54 10 Clerical Unton team v. the Social Athleti- laity at occer to-day. on the Unions rruund: —Tan Penp Hock: Grh Ah Chew. Onq Mag Hock; Tan Chwee leek. S. Kemat. Khor Jiak iCusopr. Ben? Wan. Ho Khot Sian Tan Thian and R. Menon. Reserves: Sng Koey Hoe. Lee Keng Huat
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 457 11 Murder Verdict. HYLAM "BOY" TO BE TRIED. Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) returned a verdict of murder yesterday against a sixteen-year-old Hylam "boy," Yeo Tin Keng, at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of a Chinese woman who was murdered in her
    457 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 196 11 I ~~~NEW WORLD CABARET I TO-NIGHTTO-MORROW Gala Nights. Balloons Streamers Will Be Distributed Free. THE NEW WORLD SHOW TO-NIGHT TALKIES TO NIGHT WALLACE BEERY COOPER IN THE CHAMP face Horse I Insurance I at X I LOW RATES I WITH (l ABSOLUTE SECURITY B Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. j I
      196 words
    • 417 11 I r_rt_ aTI Ĕ- Wl m Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. t dncorporafed in the Straits Settlements) MLJ %M 9 HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and comnlie ith
      417 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 297 11 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members o] which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diar% is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general Interest will still be included tn the
      297 words

  • 93 12 JUST, WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAYS SHIPPING ARRIVALS. "Aachen," Germ., 3,872 tons, from Yokohama 7-7; for Belawan 7-7. "Batoe," Dut.. 4,083 tons, from Calcutta 7-7; for Oothaven 9-7. "Erria," Dan.. 5,481, ten', from Copenhagen 7-7: for Bangkok 7-7. Tung Song,'* Brit., 156 tons, from Malacca 7-7; for Malacca 8-7.
    93 words
  • 85 12 Singapore. July 7. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Plancius 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Malayan Prince 14. Bengal Maru 12: Aachen 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Mirzapore 30: Yubari Maru 32. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Erria 46: Tarakan 48. West Wharf
    85 words
  • 42 12 Fr~m China and Japan by the "Nagatc Maru." due at Singapore at 6 p.m. to-morrow. From China by the "Glenamoy." due at Singapore on Sunday morning From France by the "Athos II." due at Sineapore at 8 a.m. on Sunday.
    42 words
  • 171 12 Singapore, July London 4 months' sight London 3 months' sight J» l g" London 60 days' sight g JJ" London 30 days' sight 23 JJV London demand London T.T. 2 1 3 27 3 Lyons and Paris demand JJ" Hamburg demand l zl New York demand ol Batavia
    171 words
  • 244 12 Dr. Sundram Puts Case For Federat'on. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. July 4. Dr. Lanka Sundram. M.A.. Ph.D.. «Londor. i Director of the Indian Insti.ute of Interna tional Affairs, addressed members of the In-dian-Ceylon Association this evening. on India and Ceylon." Dr. Lanka Sundram said that
    244 words
  • 309 12 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JULY 7. High Tides—11 19 a.m., 10.01 p.m. Cricket: S.C.C. v. S.C.R.C., S.C.C Johor? v English College, Johore. League Footb&H: Div. I, SRC. v. rat Anson Road Great World Anniversary Celebrations Police Band, Botanic Gardens, 9 p.m. TO-MORROW.
    309 words
  • 114 12 ALHAMBRA. "Just Imagine." CAPITOL —Eddie Cantor in 'The Kid from Spain." EMPIRE.—Eddie Cantor in "Palmy Day-.' GREAT WORLD—Side shows. Cabaret, Malay opera. Siamese opera. Chinese wayangs, silent and talking films (Sky Talkie: "MaU Hari"; Star Talkie: 'Cohens and Kellys h Hollywood." i MARLBOROUGH.— Johnny Mack Brcv.n 1" "The Vanishing
    114 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 141 12 1 J r RASER«EA\TI TD I 1 j IIIII!II>;I■<I,ll|||||IIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ECLIPSE IS TOOL. 101 USES. j I Slotting, Flat Scrapping, SHttin??, Sawing, Round Scrapping, Filing, Etc., Etc. Obtainable at Boon Seng& Co.,
      141 words
    • 233 12 HERE THEY ARE LATEST AND PURE Arabic-Iraqi on His Master's voice Records. Sung By Popular Artists Also MALAY RECORDS By CHE NORLIA, MISS NANCY, MISS ANNIE, MISS FATIMAH J ASM AN AND OTHERS. Available from O.T. Lim&Co, 353, North Bridge Road, Singapore. It You desire REAL SATISFACTION. Be Sure you
      233 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 206 12 [POSTAL INTCLLjCtNg SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. North N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Sclat Pandjang. Bengkalis. Siak. Pakan Baroe. Fort de Kock and Padang 3 p.m. Java. South-West Sumatra. South-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Nam Yong) 4 p.T 'North N.-East and N.-West Sumatra, Egypt and Europe (Aachen)
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  • 337 13 ACTOR STARRED IN FIFTY PICTURES. Benita Hume in a scene from '<Discord,'' coming: to the Pavilion next week. This is one of the delightful British comedy-romances which have been shown periodically at the Tanglin theatre. Attractions At The Local Cinemas. ttractioß has been prothe Capitol for the open"Soldiers of the
    337 words
  • 647 13 Paramount Release, which is coming to the Pavilion on Sunday, the director had built a long scenic railway which stretched to the j lofty rocf of the studio. The CcTmera was mounted A a truck running on rails, and as it toured the scenic railway, it took shcts of the
    647 words
  • 155 13 Of such stuff is Movieland made. A fice in a crowd in Wichita yesterday may be a star in the cinema heavens to-morrow. SCREEN RECORD OF RICHARD BARTHELMESS. MANY LEADING LADIES. HAS TWICE APPEARED IN CHINESE CHARACTER. Stars may come and stars may go, but Richard Barthelmess has just completed
    155 words
  • 554 13 f\F late, however, Dick has become associated with aviation pictures, ''The Dawn Patrol" having got him off to his flying start. Following the success of that picture, which wa one of the few Hollywood has ever produced without a feminine player in its cast, he
    554 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 41 13 JmBIP Cicely Courtneidge and B™T~ jfj 188 ath b\.-j v f I &H' will be seen at the A Capitol next week in opening night of this production, when the WmW*IĔ&L Wiltshires' band will play 1 Wmm selections before both J
      41 words
    • 122 13 Swan Brand Coffee. Do you take Swan Brand Coffee If not, You are losing the delicious Drink in the market. Be"nuse, it is prepared on best principle from selected coffee seed" of superior quality. TRY IT TO-DAY. It is always unchanging in taste and flavour. Free from any adulteration 1007
      122 words
    • 193 13 A S Delicious aroma —Delicate flavour 7 PerfeCt vir mia r SAVE THE COUPONS! i HANDSOME GIFTS OBTAINABLE. DC CCSZKC UKq JlrisioercLt ofC&f*^ 96 SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. LINGAPCRE. PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH. 1 M»c^»»»^^»» r »g- r^-^ 3.AP.8. 16. IHi' Quaker Oats is pre- H n^^ff' ffn
      193 words

  • 387 14 Revolutionary Change In German Land-holding. Berlin. THB Nazi plan to try and form Prussia and eventually Germany into a land of free peasants Is to be put into effect by what its promoters describe as the most important change in German law since the freeing of the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 643 14 B.T.H. PICK-UPS--AND „„I*™. V2V TONE ARMS j The preservation of your favourite "records" is of great importance and excessive "record" wear must be reduced to an absolute minimum. Further if volume and quality are not to be impaired, reduction in record wear must not be obtained by de- creasing the
      643 words
    • 161 14 and Power to spare j i i j I With the Minor —long or short wheelbase model— you certainly do get most for your money; in performance as well as in roominess. That compact little 8 h.p. engine simply pours out power. The I ridiculously easy change four-speed gearbox helps
      161 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 337 14 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventrv, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.S metres.. Two of the following frequencies and wave, lengths win be used in the transmission* to the Indian rone. Announcements will
      337 words

  • 289 15 Complaint By Naval Base Police. CHARGED with possession of dutiable liquor, on which the duty would have amounted to $122.90, two Chinese, Low Lay and Ong Ke Yuan, were produced before the Third Magistrate, Mr. M, H. Blacker, on Tuesday afternccn. Mif. P r S. Rickard of the
    289 words
  • 287 15 Loss To The Local Indian Community. 'By Our Indian Correspondent./ Indians in Singapore have lost a most unassuming and modest public worker in the departure to India on Saturday last of Mr. J. A. Dorai Raj, late y of the Raffles Institution. He came out
    287 words
  • 133 15 Hylam Youth On Murder Charge. Charged with murder, a sixteen-year-old Hylam boy, Yeow Teng Keng, was in the dock In the Coroner's Court yesterday when the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) opened an inquiry into the death of a Chinese woman named Teo Chye Neo. It is
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  • 88 15 Six Counts Of Alleged Cheating. An interesting case in which the accused is a Eurasian woman named Mrs. E. M. Drage will be heard in the Second Magistrate's Court on July 12. Six counts of cheating in respect of various sums, ranging from $5 to $35, have been
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  • 74 15 Mother-in-law Charged With Theft. (From Our Ovon Correspondent.) Ma'acca. July, 4. In the Police Court to-day before Mr. J. C. Derrick, a Hoklen woman named Toh Yew was produced by Sub-Inspector Kasudin for the alleged theft of clothes and a spirit level valued at $38 the property
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  • 25 15 Bishop E. P. Lee and Mrs. Lee of the Methodist Episcopal Church left Singapore last Sunday for Manila. They are expected to return in Auguft.
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  • 446 15 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, June 30. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 22 Beef, stew cr curry, kati Pork, lean (Ist quality), kati Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati *j Mutton, Australian, lb. 40 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), Ducks, Saigon, each fl Pigeon, domestic unfledged,
    446 words
  • 43 15 Arrivals And Departures In June. The following are the numbers of arrivals trcm and departures to the Madras Presidency tor the month of June, 1833: Arrivals (State-aided), ncne. Arrival? (Others), adults 1.628; minors 11/: Infants 50. Departures, adults 2,286; minors 218.
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  • 71 15 The Band of the S.S. Police will play the following programme, weather permitting, at the Botanic Gardens to-day, commencing at 9 p.m.: March, "The Gladiator," Sousa; Overture, "Stradella," Flotow; "Three Pieces." Techaikcwsky; Selection, "The Yeomen of the Guard," Sullivan; Valse, "Roll Along, Kentucky Moon," Halley; "The Savoy English
    71 words
  • 65 15 Aa. the result of a knife attack, a Chinese is lying in a serious condition in hospital. It appears that he was walking in "Chinatown" when he was accosted by a compatriot who drove a knife into his shoulders. The wound was a deep one and the
    65 words
  • 46 15 Visitor were very pleased to see the much- tallced-of "Heng Wah" plant bloom in the garden of Mr. G. M Nair, Headmaster, Government English School, Trengganu. The plant had twelve flowers on the night of June 26. Mr. Nuir'b garden is lull of this famous plant.
    46 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 359 15 A normal, healthy child baa a and a good appegood health-and E Jood digestion-usually m«S£S in happy, bright-eyed, -king children. Cream of Wheat is a good food Z~ knnim youngsters, a food 22es and helps them to th8t IS of Wheat should children with fickle appetites, those who need u
      359 words
    • 182 15 A GOOD BATTERY WILL SOON PROVE A^E^KONOMY It pays to take the long view when buying a battery—an Exide will still be giving efficient service, long after a cheap and inferior battery has been scrapped. BORNEO MOTORS LIMITED. >ingapore. Seremban. Malacca, Kuala Lumper, jjj* X Ipoh. Taipin; and Penang. W£
      182 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 208 16 M. HASSAN. m ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Rras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. SI ANO LIM PARK GEY
      208 words
    • 755 16 THE PEOPLESPAPER: iwnKPENPE^T&PROORESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Compound House, No. 10. Rose Lane, Katong Rd. Apply 20, Chulia Street. TO LET—Newly built houses at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd., close to Katong Park. Key to Inspect from
      755 words
    • 371 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF SINGAPORE. ASSESSMENT*TOR THE YEAR 1933. Rates due for the 2nd half-year 1933. Owners of property are reminded that rates for th-? 2nd half-year. 1933, are due and paypbl? in advance without demand ai th° Municipal Office in the month of July, 1933.
      371 words
    • 216 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. in Bankruptcy. No. 201 of 1933. Re TAN KAM CHOON. Ev parte K. KOGUTI. trading as NANYO PRINTING OFFICE. In the matter of Bankruptcy Notice Issued on the 12 h day of April,
      216 words
    • 422 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Claims for Refund of Assessment on Vacant Houses. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that claims for refund of assessment on vacant houses within Municipal Limits for the period from Ist January to 30th June. 1933, must be sent in on or before 31st July, 1933. Applications
      422 words
    • 484 16 25 Cents r lAKGE TUBE TOOTH j A DISTINCFIVi A\l I SCHWTIfICAUV CCFfcluH MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I IYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Include at office Postage PosUft or close (Local or toFor-iu residence. F.MS) Countrl» Yearly $15.00 $2100 tss.oo Half-Yearly 7.50 $10.50 $16.50 Quarterly 3.75 6.25 in
      484 words