Malaya Tribune, 6 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. NX, Xo. 158 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursdiy, July IMS. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 mÇallum's I Try Glover Brand I Mill, j Baby d Your Purse j (~(>!.< 1 MILK,,. Q ua "ty an Economy PUr,l> SOLE IMPORTERS: Econ my and BLMmM THE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD. sa,,sfact,on PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR, SINGAPORE. I j Refrigerated Supplies, Cakes Confectionery And A Full Range of Groceries
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    • 87 1 s jSime, Darby Co., Ltd. I MILK THE PERFECT FOOD j YOUr'BABY j Blue Cross The Perfect Milk f WE ARE PROUD TO BE ABLE TO ANNOUNCE:— j A D VWMtW&W? TABLE HAS AGAIN BEEN SELECTED FOR 1 r/11/IfIUIIij The Championship 01 The World 1933 j READY DELIVERY -Jf PRICE
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 750 2 PROTESTS AGAINST DELAY. MR. ANDREWS ON HOPES OF FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS. London, June 23. THE course of this week's evidence before and discussions in, the Jo nt Committee has been mor~ fruitful. Landholders have disappointed tbe diehards by their supporting
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  • 162 2 Convened On Request By Provincial Governments. The Industries Conference, which will commence in Simla on July 13, will be a pure'.y official conference. It h3s been convened at the request of certain Provincial Governments, with p view to enabling those responsible for the administration of industrial subjects to
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  • 49 2 No Reservation To Indian Ships. London, June 19. Sir S. Uoare informed Mr. David Grenfell in the Commons tha»t Japanese competition in the Indian coastal trade was being considered by the Government of India. But it was not contemplated to reserve coastal trade for predominantly Indian-owned ships.
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  • 119 2 New Delhi, June 27. This part of India is experiencing one of the severest monsoons. The sky has been overcast here for the past seven days, a phenomenon unknown before and heavy down-pours are extending for eight to ten hours without a break They caused considerable damage to
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  • 452 2 Committee To Examine Colonisation Abroad. fT will be remembered that, as the result o! J. the Conference held in Capetown early l 1932 between the representatives of the Union f South Africa, it wa* agreed that the Govrnment of India would co-operate with th; Jnion Government
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  • 180 2 Committee Appointed To Investigate. In order to investigate the administrative problems, incidental t? the creation of the rew Orissa Province, a? foreshadowed in tfie White Paper, the Government of India announce the appointment of a Committee, with the approval of the Secretary of State for India, composed
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  • 42 2 Professionals For Calcutta. At the mat meeting of the Indian Football Association, the chief resolution will deal with the introduction of professionals and it looks certain that next season there will be a number nf professionals in Indian soccer.
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  • 105 2 A party of twenty-four students and professors from the Delhi and Punjab Universities .•ailed from Bombay by the "Naldera" o n June IV, under the leadrship of Mr. P. D. Rangranadhan, Snj.etary fojf Indian Students Abroad, on a tour of the following European Universities:—London, Oxford, Cambridge, Brussels, Berlin,
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  • 26 2 Mr. Vithalbhai Patel is taking the waters of Badhall. His health is still causing concern, sayg a London message of June 17.
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  • 28 2 Mr. Butler, Under Secretary of State for India, replying a question in the House Commons on June 13, slated that whippings in ten provinces during 1031 totalled 6,189.
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  • 168 2 Separation Plan Under Consideration. London, June 15. In the Commons Mr. R. A. Butler informed Mr. Morgan Jones that Sir Samuel Hoare had now received a report of the proceedings of the recent session of the Burma Legislative Council and found in it nothing to lead him to
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  • 62 2 Indian Representation on Committees. London, June 16. At one member from each delegation to the World Economic Conference is sitting both in the Monetary and in the Economic Committees. Sir Henry Strackosch and Sir George Schuster will represent India on the Monetary Committee and Sir George Rainy, Sir
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  • 58 2 A! la ha b d. June 24. Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya had an interview with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for one and a half hours in the Dehra Dun Jail. A report says that it is strongly believed that the conversation centred largely round the present deadlock and
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  • 241 2 To Be Stopped In Ceylon. IT is learnt that at a meeting of the Board of Indian Immigrant Labour, Ceylon, held on June 26, it was decided by a majority vote that free repatriation cf tea estate labourer 1 under the terms of the Reduced Minimum
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  • 29 2 Poona, June 17. Mrs. Naidu is still bedridden. She has been advised to undergo the necessary treatment for her complaints, which might- extend over one month.
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  • 48 2 A drop of two hundred is reported in the number of civil disobedience prisoners during the month of May the total number undergoing imprisonment at the end of that month being 597. Release of political prisoners during the last fortnight before the expiry of their term numbered 60.
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  • 167 2 Meeting On July 14. MR. GANDHI TO BE PRESENT. Bombay. J tne 2: THE Congress leaders have at las: ft upon a definite move to consider the j tion of the Ccngre s and its future prog and the course of action, according Poona correspondent of
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  • 120 2 New Government Bill Under Contemplation. It is understood that the Government of India and the Army Department are contemplating to revive the Bill for the creation of an Indian Navy and if there is a broad or acceptance, to introduce legislation either la the September session or in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 The Firefly Made by HAMMOND, world's largest manufacturers of Electric Clocks. A Spectacular Clock At A Sensational Price. £10 flfl st f r6e aD\ where 4>l£*UU i n Malaya. LEE FLETCHER 102, North Bridge Road, Siugaporef" 'Phope 2m IV Three wen, a Zeiss and some Aorses BINOCULARS REPAIRED AND CLEANED.
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    • 26 2 If The beer of long standing and n outstanding quality H oo wholesome j Sole Agents for Malaya N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., Singapore ~Nii
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  • 78 3 states' rubber interests in fj Dutch East Indies comimoua attempt—an unlikely '—the Government of thr cannot entertain any re:.a; do not safeguard the rubber. This is what they m the very start and it is kne that the D.E.I. Govway if constant efforts
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  • 96 3 RECEN: have shown the very excelwrhich have existed fall ait I and the Labour Depa.tite paid by the new plantFederal Council, the Hon Ik \v A A Stanton, at the last meeting. fMi Ahearne will be endorsed ted in the industry who f .s long view. Mr. Ahearne
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  • 175 3 WHAT commenced with a great flourish of h™V mpetS apPears to have into a hopeless wrangle, unprofitable to all concerned. It is to be hoped that the delegates will find some way out of the muddle in which hey have placed themselves. A breakdown of the Conference would
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  • 143 3 j WHAT of the two anachronisms—the ricksha and the bullock cart? They would lonj since have given way to motor traffic if the I Malayan Government had not proceeded to adopt what might almost be described as an insane pelicy of persecution against the motor vehicle, with the
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  • 1737 3  -  The Joys Of Coaching. MODERN YOUNG MEN AND THEIR CLUBS. (By David Baxter. Londcu. Juun 20. J WONDER whether the World Conference delegate* now assembled here wIO introduce Londoners t<: i ew tastes in eating 1 and drink/»?. For the catering department down a? the Geological
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  • 152 3 The First 700 Miles Completed. Paris. A track which planes can follow now exist; across part of the Sahara. Captain Vauthier who has just returned to Paris from the almost unknown Tenere to the south-east of the Hoggar, has for the first time succeeded in linking up Inazoua.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 PaMCRESAL rwd, akfch can be given to tbe dl lent „,,h ?T5. 5 he m:utfc -ne t *cr« to 2 sugar. 3? JEf? ,fach ,atlPt GONOTHEK A cornpMe outfit for the treatment of Gorrnhoea -th the latest external and mterr,l ■P> hermelvts quickly to no r remedies thpm H'air.s JS?*
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    • 339 3 J§ ,C t ri<} f a at sourness aiuJ gas. ,:n J that bilious headache or any sluggishness caused by too mucll Put the stomacll and in go(xi order Swe eten the whole system with Phillips' Milk Q of Magnesia. Be sure it is this bottle, with the F »"to?c.p*
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  • 873 4 Shipping News Notices. ROTTERDAM LLOYD'S JUBILEE. The History Of The Company. FIFTY years ago en June 15,1883, the Rotterdam Lloyd Royal Mail Line received its royal charter and is celebrating its golden jubliee. The history of this famous company, of course, goes much further back. The autumn of 1839 witnessed
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  • 80 4 Hull Of Wrecked Freighter Cut In Two. I Odessa, June 20. A novel method of salvaging was employed h> Soviet salvagers on the freighter "Kharkov," which during a fog became wrecked on a shoU in the Black Sea, her hull being badly holed. The cargo was removed from
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  • 443 4 Maritime Navigation Barriers. FINAL resolutions passed at the Congress of the International Chamber at Vienn?, whi h closed recently, included the following "The In'irnaticnal Ch mber cf Commerce stresses the need for prompt ratification of conventions affecting marit me commerce as uiged by the Washington Congress, and "Having
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  • 221 4 C hancellor Urged To Review Position. Tbt question oI the vls* fe>e charged to visitor* Crom the United States ha* uirui been i uiscd by Lhe council of \hc London Chi» ruber o! Commerce. on the recommendation of lu Travel Organisations Section. And letter* nave been sent
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  • 405 4 Further Judgment Against Arcos. Mr. JUSTICE Branson, in the King s Bench Division, recently, had before him an fcticn brought by Akties. Eruusgaard. of Dramm n. Norway, owners of the sieamship "Marita," claiming from Arcos. Ltd.. London, demurrage and or d mages for detention, and for injury
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  • 170 4 Norwegian's 300 Miles Solo Trip In Dinghy. Ejarni Oysteinsen, a Norwegian fisherman, armed at Aberdeen yesterday from Bergen, living made the trip alone in a 20 ft. dinghy. The voyage took seven days, and was undertaken by Oysteinsen to prove the seaworthiness of his little craft, which
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  • 81 4 The steamer "Yung Ning" was pirated recently of*, the coast near Snanghai. The steamer was completely plundered, according to a Ningpo dispatch to "Mm Pao." One of the guards was wounded because he offered resistance. Five robbers who were being escorted to Ningpo under armed guards were le
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  • 619 4 Example Of "Spending For Prosperity." A BELIEF tha: cruising has come to stay, and will show a steady development to more distant places, was expressed by Major Bustard. Lassenger manager of the Whke Star Line, in the course of a read before the summer meeting of th"
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  • 31 4 The White Star motor liner "Britannic." which left New York for Liverpool recently, had on board nearly 1,100 passengers, the largest number carried east-bound by any liner this year.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 204 4 I IBJLLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated In Italy). I EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. J SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Cft,Un l I Co,ombo Bombay I Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Sues, Port j Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sues, Port j Brlndisl, Venice and Trieste, J Said, Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. J mv HIXDA July
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    • 200 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIN IE Deutach j IfigZjjfl Australische DampfschUßi j Cj Gesellschaft (Companies tncoi plated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. M.s. FRIESLAND. via Manila July 12 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Aug. 6 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila
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    • 565 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCHEU Wtr (Incorporate-d m The undernoted an :he Company's int*?ie<j fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1933. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong. S'hai, N. China and Japan 2 g "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, N. China and Japan July 31 HOMEWARDS. 1933. t "AACHEN" for Tripoli, Genoa, M'seilles, Havce, Dunkirk, Antwerp, Ro terdam,
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  • 465 5 Mining Shares. > c, Thursday. 1! a.m. ■hare quotations are issued Co., exchange and stock If J Buyers. Sellers. x ae R onhai i Tin 2» 30 6 £1 Malay 26 28> 11 n Tin 13 I4j--0 95 1.00 -18 3 19|{/.ring Padanf 0.10 0.15 0 40
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  • 125 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN RECEDES FURTHER LOCALLY. Rubber Market Very Quiet. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Thursday, neon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 11 7 16 cts., down 1 16 ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin, $113%, down Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 19 32d.. up 1 32d. Market
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  • 166 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. I Prices for Shell Motrr Spirit and varlouj brands of Kern-nrne a? fellows; Shell Aviatiun Spirit in 4-gallcn drums per British Imperial gallon 11.IV 1 Sh*U Mot»r Spirit eX pomp per Bruiih impenal pulton 40.«3 Slitrll Motor Spirit in 4-gallcn drums per British
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  • 79 5 Lcs- of the United Catani (Malaya) RutoU"i' Estate- for 1932. £5,212. which has been deducted from the sum carried forward, reducing i* to £33.844. Provision for depreciation has been made from reserve. For 1931 there was a l?s of £4.897 after allowing for aepreciation. Cash and British
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  • 34 5 Loss of Kurau Rubber Estate for 1932 £565 'against £1.791). Balance brought in was £4.258, Add tax reserve no longer required £436, making £4 633. Deduction of loss leaves £4,129 forward.
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  • 379 5 Business Now On Small Side. Singapore. July i. The recent activity in the local share market appears to have subsided for the time being and the volume of business passing is new on I a small scale only, states Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s weekly report: The results
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  • 43 5 Latent flotations. nvA*m London Spul J 10 Now York e lain -G oCTii Singapore 21 3 16—H cciilt 11M London Spot: £225 Is fid tUp XfLondon 3 month*: £22-1 15 t",s ;'fis Singapore «113.75. COPRA Sundrtcd 54 ,»0 Mixed ;j,4 j
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  • 63 5 Commodity Markets Quieter. Reuter Wireless. LoruJ itj, Juul i an#/u/*' r r It"? b o L ic«aLU inri" J 144 0 1 l l,MnaKt u m «•vaunt 00 hQ,u u,ui CqnUi '«n--l «vif P m s rtftHianJ ha tonrinuot ft.t cuppor ,r n».;r Z, r tT <■ Ci*llv.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 113 5 Fwrtsn tejjOTj o) Bo ore du.-lns the month •J... 8, 1933. Country of Origin. T i- Alaska x Burma 3. Netherlands Ind^c:— Eanka and BUltcn 37 Sthgfcep c C her Plae s NlI 1 Indo-China j nuiganyikj jr j5. Union of Scurh Afrit a 4 J Total
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  • 73 5 C op of the HordaaaJ tJohore) Bobber I tat* >• '-93J 655.4331b (afaiTSt 6-3 *****. for 19.<1 IIM accounts show a loss of £3.354 a c i of £?C3J'. which is deducted from £ii.-,4! E usbi in leartnj a crii t ba'.ancj of £1?.'86 fcj co fo-ward
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  • 92 5 was ?u;pended on the Lumal 'he N'.rth Bcrneo State Rubber. Lim/ o\ i .Je end of April. 1332. and since then if l :>rrn on a care-ar.d-maintenanee ha is. Fox I Tour months to April 30 the output Died to C 3 9231b. Mandahau estate iruned
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  • 724 5 Improvement In Net Results. I or 1 1 ordinary general meetinK of fee S.alang Rubber Es.ates, Ltd was held SowS-'i ln Ule COUnCl1 Room of th < R"°ber lowers Association. aJfVJk?* MlUer (the chair ™n> presided and m the course of Ins address saidAl.hought last year's trading
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  • 50 5 j Accounts of Rubber E tales of Kiian for I 1932 show lorn of £1.830 (against £1.334). after £639 for depreciation of bu Idings etc. and I £114 export duty to Kedah Government I Transfe" from tax reserve £2.000 and £174 brought in leaves £278 forward.
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  • 666 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Thursday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations an issued by Fraser and Co.and LyaU and Bvatt: Issue fc(JH Value. Praser Lyall Shares. it Co. Evatt. Allenby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.60 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 1 A. Hitam 1.00 1.20 1.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 91 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in nd). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D* Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.900,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,000.000 Reserve Fund aud Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi, Madras Ama-ra. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received cn Fixed
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    • 12 5 N? 9 COLLY6R QUAY SINGAPORE Head Office: 55. Wall Street. New York.
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    • 187 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to :THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LTD., THE HO HONG BANK LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 813 7 Mr. Udell's Claim. SUPREME COURTJUDGMENT. UU Justice Cobbett delivered idgment to-day in the Supreme fouH on ;i niotion to vary a (jpcffion 0 f the Official Assignee, in connection I*l, liquidation of the Europe Hotel, VisL Iter, which was brought at the instance of Mr. Odell, formerly
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  • 141 7 Latest Government Pronouncement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) T HY Kuala Lumpur July 6. HE following official communique was received this morning: IhTtUK 5 aPPwnension in I the mining industry, pending the result of the equity of the new basis for calculating tho export duty on tin
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  • 85 7 Modernisation To Cost Gs77 Millions. Reuter. Washington. July 6. THE Navy Department ask G?77 for the modernisation of battleship.*, which will give the United a fleet of battleships equal to those of any Navy," states Senator Swanson, Secretary of the Navy. The money will come from
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 144 7 It is universally agreed that "The Kid From Spain* is one of the jolliest pictures ever put on the local screen. For two days it has drawn enthusiastic houses at the Capitol. It is the best thing Eddie Cantor
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  • 176 7 "Just Imagine" at.racted large crowds uner i. war shown at the Aihambra some tibat ago although it had emerged from the hand: of the Censor considerably the worse for wear. Last night a new and practically nwtMf— prmt began a season at the same theatrt
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  • 135 7 "Cynar a" At The Pavilion. Ronald Colman arts impressively in Cynara the United Artists' rcmance-drama. whicl enjoyed a remarkable run of success as a stag play and which commenced a season at the Pavilion yesterday. Kay FrancM is her usual clever self in tlr role of the trusting wife, but
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  • 75 7 The Universal picture "Air Mail" commence:' a run yesterdiy fti the IfNr&MraUfJft, Commencing with an air crash, the film i. r replete with thrlls. L tells of the dan°r-r' that face the 'planes that bvim in the mail strictly according to schedule, irrespective o r
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  • 53 7 The M.-G.-M production, 'The Secret of Madame Blanche." featuring Irene Dunn?. Lionel Atwill and Phillips Holmes, commenced a season at the Roxy last night and proved a popular attraction. The clever acting of Irene Dunne is a feature of the film. There is a strong
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  • 127 7 Success In Hie Bar Final Examination. I Mr. One Boon Tat. J .P., the popular proprietor o' the New World Show, has just received a csblo from Inndun informing him of the aiierese or his boa Mr Ong Tiang Wc«. in tbv recent Bar Pinal Examination.
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  • 100 7 Malay Runs Amok In Johore. I STATED to have left the lunatic asylum amokTn7H ree fore man «5 mSt a" Sti Ul l t the man ctabbe his sister «at a ricksha-puller, whom he St bbed on the X and Bukit uST in the di of n(
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  • 347 7 Reception By Local Alumni Of His University. do^ n bv p S kcr T s pa L d tnbutc 10 anS Ch V B n Keng both in c l*l I i! the Suen at the Garden Club yesterday by the local alumni of the Un"
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  • 71 7 Alleged Assault By Thrse Men. The ambulance had tc deal a rather unusual case yesterday morning. When a call irum Beach Hoc-a i-oiice ■tflttaa was answered, the dresser had to attend to an Indian and bla Wife, who wuc bad y frem na.-iy head injuries.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 In Vienna! The City Of A Million Melodies. YOU'LL SOON SEE HEAR HER IN FRANZ LEHAR'S MUSICAL MASTERPIECE: "Where Is This LadyP" WAXmTEjJ—tipare lime Agents tor easy and lucrative work, lops everything in Money Malcing. Tor particulars apply tc B O. Wickrernasinghe, 58. Piachiud's Lane. Maradana. COLOMBO (Ceylon). TENDERS. SINGAPORE
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    • 512 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—To buy baby car Morris, Austin cr Triumph in running condition. Apply to 16. Niv-n Read. FOR SALE—Freehold lam Fat f% miles Paya Lebar, 4 acres 32 poles. Roadside. Price at 5 cts. per sq. ft. or nearest offer Apply No. 2, Chancellor Road. .*nw A V arughe.e
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    • 207 7 AUCTION NOTICE. BY ORDER OP THE SUPREME COURT OF JOHOPJS. AT JOHORE BAHRU. Land Application No. 05 of 1922. j R ML N. N. M. NACKIAPPA CHETTIAR. by bis attorney Sayanna KaMvisvanathan Chettiar of Singapore. Chargee Agalas: i I CHIANG CHYE. also kaonn as Ng Chiang Cbye of No. 6.
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  • 128 8 rite family cf *h- late Mr. Prank Bntrmun lender thile aitccrc ihtink* to all rMn ivrs and kind rrtindf *ho r.ticmk-ri the fun»ral. as will as those who tit w cot lis. tel. grams and let.ers of condoUncf. Chew Krw noik, K«ow Chinj K tsumif and family
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  • 96 8 \Lr Tas Kfnuc Aim |>iu-a <l iiway ai M 3 re-ld-ence. SI. Tonr Wj(t> I? id k! Cl 5 ivm.. on Jul* 4. ut thi> ««i* of .*5 yc<irs. H<* have* a widow. »*o sons, the Hon Mr Ton Clrng LoUc and Mr Tun Cheng Ju»y. thrtc (laugh.trs. M:«
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  • 680 8 A complete and shattering reply to the political economy pursued in high quarters, as applied to tin, was delivered at the annual meeting of the Straits Trading Co., Ltd., on Tuesday by the chairman, the Hon. Mr. J. Bagnall. He referred to those "who will not trouble to
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  • 666 8 Comments By The Way. OTTAWA is having remarkable results uprm the Malayan tinned pineapple industry. Twelve months ago, the Hon. Mr. Arnold Savage-Bailey spoke in mournful tones about the prospects facing the industry, at a meeting of the Federal Council. Then Ottawa happened. The result is
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  • 33 8 His Excellency Sir Cecil dementi presented District Scoutmaster Chong Wan Fook' with the medal of merit and certificate for meritorious wcrk in connection with the Scout movement.
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  • 165 8 Mr. and Mrs. L. Kestevcn were entertained at a farewell tea on Saturday at the Great Eastern Hotel on the eve cf their departure from this country by the members of the draw Ing office of the Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur. A Tamil, named Singaram, was charged
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  • 35 8 A Tamil of the .labourer class, named Muniandy, was sentenced to five yeais' rigorous Imprisonment at the Perak Assizes en pleading guilty to a charge of unlawfully returning to this country after his banishment.
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  • 217 8 Charged with stowing away on board the s. "Siu Sang" on a voyage from Singapore to Penang. a Bengali named Hashim Khan pleaded guilty before Mr. D. Wills. His worshio ordered him to be sent to the house of detention and recommended him fcr repatriation A Mchamedan Indian who
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  • 29 8 The death has occurred of Mrs. Elias de Costa at Bandar Hiiir. She was the wife cf Mr. Elias de Costa, a well-known Governmen pensioner of Kuala Pilah.
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  • 21 8 His Highness the Sultan has accepted with pleasure the nomination to the presidency o? the Johore Planters Association I
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  • 459 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" Roosevelt seems to have knocked the gold blocs out from under the World Conference. If the World Conference breaks up information will be wanted as to the whereabouts of those fifty million Frenchmen who can't be wrong. We might describe this currency stabilisation discussion as
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  • 35 8 INDIAN AFFAIRS, on page 2. COMING HOME ON LEAVE, on page 1 CLUB DIARY, on page 11. ENGINEERING WITHOUT TEARS, on p RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 14. MOTORING NEWS, on page 15
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 WORTHS i# THE NAME OF "WORTHS" has long been a synonym for excel- lence. in corsetry and the graceful figures of wearers of their l V choice creations are 1 1 1 invariably conspicuous No. 689. S N tlastic 2»? in every fashionable Bides, fitted 2 pairs suspenders, 13 inches
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    • 67 8 Famous POLYDOR Records j; FANTASIAS FROM THE OPERAS: La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, Carmen, II Trovatore, Rigoletto. PLAYED BY THE BERLIN STATE OPERA j ORCHESTRA, PAUL GODWIN ORCH. AND ETC. Season Co,, Ltd. 115, North Bridge Road, Singapore. J 634 For Comfort, Durability and Syle. TRY T.K.K.'S RUBBER AND LEATHER SHOES.
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  • 1354 9 UNBRIDGEABLE GULF ON MONEY STABILISATION. Adjournment Probable. Gold Bloc Adamant After Midnight Meeting. Reuter. The World Economic Conference is said to be on its last though last-minute efforts are being made to revive it appears to be an
    Reuter.  -  1,354 words
  • 317 9 End Of The Parliamentary System. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, July 5. DR. Bruening has announced that the O* man Centre Party has dissolved it eU Reuter. Berlin. July The population of the German Reich is now 65,300,000, according to the provisional returns in the recent censu including
    Reuter Wireless.  -  317 words
  • 62 9 Negotiations Progressing Favourably. Reuter. London, July 6. THE "Financial Times" Amsterdam correspondent wires that authoritative rubber circles there state thai rubber restriction negotiations are i- rogressing favourably. The re.ent visit of two Dutch members of the "International Working Committee" to London is stated to have yielded good results
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 105 9 Crowd Of 10,000 Waiting For The Take-Off. Reuter Wireless. London, July 4. Revelry resembling a village fair has occurred en the Pendine Sands, where Jim and Amy Molhson are awaiting favourable conditions to take off on their Atlantic flight in their aeroplane "Seafarer." Crowds have been gathering all
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 55 9 Thornton And Macdonald In London. Reuter. London. July 5. Huge crowds cheered the released Moscow prisoners Mr. Thornton, and Mr. Macdonald. when they stepped out of the train at Liverpool Street station this morning. They were met by relatives and friends and by the chairman and other officials
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 51 9 Reuter. Tokyo, July 5. Following the Soviet's memorandum lasi night regarding the sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway, the Manchukuo delegation made a statement on its attitude thereto and announced rtadiness to pay only fifty million yen.—Reuter. [The Soviet had asked for 210 million gold roubles.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 676 9 General's Coup. NANKING TO ORDER ATTACK Shanghai, July 6. is inevitable in Sinkiang. The Central Commissioners, Gen. Liv Nam Lung and Gen. Shing Shi Tse appointed by Nanking jointly to control the province, have wired to the Central Government to order an attack to be launched
    676 words
  • 79 9 Siamese King Withholds His Acceptance. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July i>. When the Premier <Phya Bahol) assumed office following the second coup d'etat, he announced that he could only hold the post for I."' day^. He accordingly placed his resignation in the hands of the Sovereign, who
    79 words
  • 115 9 Restriction Of Tariffs And Production. Reuter. London, July /CANADA, AtUIXUHu liiC ArytflMuC ami (M Unlt«d Statts i-bv' |.j a «cttl-aMM» 01 the Wheat protNim on !hu or iti< Atnerlo«n prop»'nil It »a und..:Stood thai (lv phin will be muted to Hi*? M.i!at jtrcitucei- W!* n hove lindtt
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 44 9 Taking A Long Sea Voyage Shortly. Reuter. Uiudwi Jwiy s It b. auawncrd Uitit &,r Juuu Sir.n>n tFotcUji MUiWeri wiU fcuntly laivi; <u a 3uog vw tpfHjfp (or Iht Vvtiifti \.l fai i.e.iltli w|-/i Uta been UidUlcreat fo; iL* kst tun Rumv,,-,
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 834 9 JAPAN'S ACTION IN MANCHURIA. Commons Speeches. Impossible To Enforce Arms Embargo. Reuter. London, July 5. JX the course of a debate on Foreign Affairs in the estimates in the House of Commons to-day, Mr. George Lansbury severely criticised Japanese policy in the Far East. He asked who
    Reuter.  -  834 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 Derives wonderful mmmmmmm Staying pWH Power from PjPiS] PHOSFERINE I wM Mr JACK cowley I T 'ike you to know of the great benefit I have received BHHttl rom the continual use of your W wonderful Phosferine. I have been *>— «h)KI a Boxing Instructor for several ,w >' e:lrs
      251 words

  • 1189 10 PERAK SUMMER RACE MEETING. SECOND DOUBLE TOTE COMBINATION PAYS $825. Fine weather favoured the second day of the Perak Turf Club's Summer professional race meeting at Ipoh yesterday, when another card of nine events was worked off,
    1,189 words
  • 82 10 S.CR.C. team on Friday and Saturday v 6.C.C. on the Padang: Evan Wong, Keng Hock. H. Boon, I. Hoahing. Siow Kee, Kean Kooi, Slow Hian. Choon Sim. R. Tan. Chow Tat. Choon Leong (captain). Reserves: Keng Siew, Kee Choo. S.CR.C team on Sunday v. the R.A.F. at
    82 words
  • 60 10 The following races will be swum" oft at tii? Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday at 12 45 p.m.: 200 yards breast stroke (handicap) for "A" and "B" 60 yards breast stroke (handicap) for boys 60 yards breast stroke (handicap) for ladies' Water Polo match between Sea Serpents
    60 words
  • 170 10 Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Tournament. Reuter. London, July 5. CRAWFORD. Australia's No. 1 lawn tennis player, has qualified to meet Ellesworth, the American holder of the Wimbledon title in the final of the men's singles championship. In the semi-finals, Crawford disposed of Catoh and Vines eliminated
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 604 10 How Rain Altered Fortunes Of (tame. A J—A draw in the Second Division Leagutn.atcb between the Medical Collect* and thi Harlequins at the former'}, ground cid justice to both iJdiv. judging from the rue <»112 play. The Harlequins had most of the game am. had a hat looked
    604 words
  • 59 10 The Chinese Student's Literary Association will hold the following badminton tournaments this year: Men's open singles championship. Ladies' open singles championship. Men's junior singles championship. Men s doubles championships. Open mixed doubles championships. Entries will close on July 15. Forms can be had from the hon. sports secretary
    59 words
  • 49 10 The membership campaign of the Straits Physical Athletic Party commenced on July 1 and will close on Sept. 30. During the campaign the entrance fee will be waived and the monthly subscription will be 50 cents. Application forms nay be had at 17, Cheng Cheok Street, or from members.
    49 words
  • 22 10 The Chung Wu Athletic Association defeated the visiting Batavia basket-ball team by 51 to 21 points at the New World on Monday.
    22 words
  • 283 10 Bong Soo And Partner Lose. LIM Bong Soo, the Malayan lawn term s champion, was beaten, with his partner lan Huck Toe in the semi-final of the men.; open doubles at the Singapore lawn tennis championship meeting on the S.C.C. Padang ast night. While Huck Toe played a
    283 words
  • 80 10 Frankel Challenge Shield Competition. Last night's ties in the first round of the Ma'ayan Amateur < four-ball» billiards championship at the New World resulted as follows: Omar bin Hussein (Darul Ta'alam* beat Hitem <S ngapore Pranakant 300—252. I C. Kesslar (S.H.B.J.S.C. > beat Francis "tozario (St. Joseph's Church
    80 words
  • 52 10 Government Monopolies Beat Marine 11. Yesterday's game in the Third Division cf the S.A.F.A. League, at the Anson Road Stadium, between the Government Monopolies and the Marine n. resulted in a win for the Monopolists by the only goal of the match. RESULT: G M.S.C 1: Marine
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  • 30 10 The Singapore Malaya Cup team for Saturday's match against Malacca at the Anson Road Stadium will be the same az that wlilch beat Negri Sembilan and Johore.
    30 words
  • 34 10 The S.C.C team for co-day's Firs* Divisior. occer match asain t Urn Wiltshires en thr ">adang will be: Lashmar; Elmer. McCaffery; Laidman. Lee, 3cmbro'.;e: Elliott, Brown, Orr. Fyfe and Kir.*
    34 words
  • 37 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. July 1. The Government inter-Departrr.ental Fcot'r.p'i •ompetition. which was played off in record Mme. was brought to a successful finish yesterday when the Polic? beat the Government Vlcncpolies by 3—l.
    37 words
  • 357 10 1 Match Abandoned Before Time. HEAVY rain interfered with thf ficoond Division S.A.F A 1-eax.Ue match between the Chinese and the Wiltshire? ut the J»l«u Be put Stndlum yeaterday. It ratne rlwvu not very long artcr the steond hull luid started and within n f«w minutes ihe
    357 words
  • 254 10 Fositiors to date in the S.A.F.A. Leasuc are as follows: FIRST DIVISION. Goals. P. W. L. D F. A. Pts Malays 10 9 0 1 38 13 19 Chinese 10 7 2 1 40 15 15 Wilts 9 6 3 0 25 11 12 S.R.C. 8 4
    254 words
  • 142 10 British Golf Open. THE PRINCE WATCHES DUDLEY'S PLAY. Reuter. London. July 5 DAGEN loads in the first round >• the British open golf champion, ship at St. Andrew's with a wore of 68. The Prince of Wales mingled with the on-lookers and was almost unrecognised.
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 219 10 Fight At Harbour Board Match. In the closing stages of last night's Division IH soccer match between the Singapore Harbour Board and the Medical Services, at the harbour Bord ground. Cantonment Road blows were exchanged between two players, who were ordered off by the referee. Mr. Perry
    219 words
  • 37 10 Tips in the open singles championship of the Sect Kirn Cheng Eadminton Party tournament, resulted as follows: Tan Chuan Hock beat Sect Kirn Chen? 11—15. 15—10. 15—€; Ang Whatt Kirn beat Kee Hup Seng 9—lsr 15—10, 15—12.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 169 11 Coroner Returns Verdict Ot Murder. rdei was returned by the Mr. F. G. Bourne) yes- nclusion of the inquiry into Cnii woman who was found lodging house in Canton--3C The verdict was man who had been living r game months. ttk daughter attended the idence. vai given
    169 words
  • 71 11 i.i i Woman Before Tin- ourt>. rjirt. Mvrah bint" 3 Mrncjcd by rfct Dwirl- vf- tcniny on a i-bur*o hMiup 11 V"j»nv of n ntktl hv > IHU in Rx-fcort Roa'i Jjy ll ru. Jiu* 'ftp ana «Miftr irrii urt >uW i*u- aituefd iii tc the backyard
    71 words
  • 45 11 Istanbul. It i u.siitute a weekly •fish day" tOC rating of fish would be By this means it is hoped to Ben, who have been badly ricUoOi on their trade with b in excess of demand fcerel HV selling for less than
    45 words
  • 581 11 Funeral Of Straits Chinese Gentleman. I TIHE ceath took place a few cays ago of Mr j Chew Cheng Keng, aged 61, a well-known member of the local Straits-torn Chinese I community at his residence No. 11 Blair Ro d The late Mr. Chew Cheng Keng
    581 words
  • 28 11 Sir Malcolm Watson Selected. {From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 5. Sir Malcolm Wtaon is becoming the new president of the Association of British Malaya.
    28 words
  • 196 11 Dr. Sundram's Malacca Address. (From Our o;rn Correspondent.) Ma'acca, July. 4. AT a public meeting yesterday Dr. Lanka Sundram M.A.. Ph. D. I London». spoke on "Indians Overseas." The Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock. C B E., presided. The large High School hall was packed to its utmost
    196 words
  • 666 11 Final Race For Batavia Cup. rPHE Rcyal Singapore Yacht Club "A" and "B" Classes sailed the third and final rac fat the Batavia Visitors' Cup on Sunday. The wind was very much fresher than it has been lately and consequently many of the boar-, were under-crewed. Ella and
    666 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 LONG LIFE TO YOUR SILVER fFfwm a transformation Smiling kmS WB& silver silver that 'I does you credit. Silvo is M By-J y sa^e or s,,ver pa te JrfL I A DAM SO N, GILFILLAN CO. LTD. .V g Ĕ SINGAPORE PENANG SS TlfTTlflfly g» harper, gilfillan co. Ltd. K»
      135 words
    • 337 11 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. 1 i L to-* Assurance in force over $35,000,000. j I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). 7 j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore I j The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
      337 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 542 11 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous Clubs and Societies I» Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be inoluded in the
      542 words
    • 197 11 ence. 44. Tras Street. 2.30 p.m. Attendance compul-ory. SUNDAY. JULY 9. United Chinese Amateurs: Badmintor tournament, 4.15 p.m. Broadway Musical Party: Second anniversary celebration. Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow. Pasir Panjang. Sports will be held and a group photograph will be taken at 3.30 p.m. Lunar Athletic and Musical Party
      197 words

  • 157 12 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAYS SHIPPING ARRIVALS. "Mantua." Brit 5.933 tons, from Yokohama 5-7: for United Kingdom via Bombay 7-7. "Maros,".' Dut.. 363 tons, from Indragirl 6-7: for Indragiri 7-7. "Klnng." Brit.. 732 tons, frcm Penang (J-7 -for Port Swettenham and Pennag 10-7. "Annam." Dan.. 4,236 tons, from
    157 words
  • 87 12 Singapore, July 8. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Nil Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Mantua 18: Perak 15: Malayan Prince 1 J Eengal Maru 12; Talma 11; Manila Mara 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Mir?apore 30; Yubari Maru 32; KhandaUa 35 Empire Dock
    87 words
  • 93 12 Malls from Europe (London mails despatched on June 15). by the "Rajputana,'* will arrt.t jy train to-morrow morning. Conespcndence vill be ready for delivery to boxholders at 8.45 i.m. Mails from London, Amsterdam, etc.. by the "vi i* at oplant art expected to arrive at th? juieral Pete
    93 words
  • 178 12 SELLING, Singapore, July 6. London 4 months' sight 24 London 3 months' sight 2|3 ***** London 60 days' sight 2!3 15|16 London 30 days' tight 2|3 293* London demand 2!7% London T.T. 2|3 27|32 Lyons and Paris demand SCO Hamburg demand 111 New York demand -0 Batavia and
    178 words
  • 203 12 Singapore. July 6. R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $108 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 $114 Rice. B. Siam" N. 2 $103 Rice, Siam "Old/ per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $154 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3
    203 words
  • 303 12 I Public Functions And S|K)rts Fixtures. TO-DAY JULY 0 Hl"h rides.—lo.2f a.m., 9.00 p_m. Lvagur Football D»v. I, SCC v VfUMnum, 6.CC: Utv n. Police v Malay* 11 hi ltt Bcsar Du lit. YMC.A. AbiKna. G<-vlang Clrrn» World Anniversary Cclebinllons TU-MOKBOW. JULY 7 Ht<h
    303 words
  • 108 12 ALHAMBRA.— Just Imagine." CAPITOL.—Eddie Cantor in "The Kid from Spain." EMPIRE. -Eddie Cantor in "Palmy Day-" GREAT WORLD.—Side shows, Cabaret. Malay opera, Siamese opera, Chinese waynn->. silent and talking films (Sky Talkie: "MaU Hari": Star Talkie: "Million Dollar Legs"'» MARLBOROUGH.—"Air Mall." NEW WORLD.—Side shows, "Ghost Train," open-air cinemas, Malay
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 283 12 Stands preme toroughouf i DESIGN j ADVERTISEMENT? TEN FREE RAZORS COMPLETE WITH BLADES FOR THOSE WHO CAN DESIGN A WARDOMA RAZOR ADVERTISEMENT, j st Prize "LINCOLN" Set Complete with Chromium Case Razor and 10 Blades, j 2nd Prize. "OXFORD" Set Comp!ete with Chromium Case Razor and 5 Blades. 3rd Prize.
      283 words
    • 114 12 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. We beg to inform all our customers and friends that our Singapore Printing Works and Town Offices will be removed to Nos. 7 and 9, Robinson Road as and from the 16th June, 1933. All enquiries for printing, stationery supplies, books, etc., will be appreciated.
      114 words
    • 138 12 DANCING. j Foxtrot. Walti. Tango, etc.. taught *t Renaa Dance Studio. Meyer Mansions, j Flat 6. Coleman Street. I A Wonderful Discovery in the Medical World. SIDDHA SATWA MAKARADHWAJA. The King of Tonics to build up Nerv Brain, Boiy and a sure rtmedy for Nervous Debility. Asthma, Loss of Vitality,
      138 words
    • 69 12 TAKE ENERVIN TONE WINE AND BE STRONG. KAPALA CHINTAMANI Prevents baldness, promotes growth and blackens the hair. Curea diseases of scalp beao, nose and ear, $1. Packing and postage 50 Cta. 1 to 3 bote. Himalayan Pharmacy 135, Serangoon Road, Singapore I 1 1 9 NEEM ▼Bby DENTAL POWDER ConUiru
      69 words
    • 129 12 THE GREATEST GIFT TO THE HUMAN FAMILY. MARRIAGE ft BIRTH CONTROL: (A K"" k For The Married And Those At/out To Marry). By BRENOA BARWON. Th 2 Psychology of Sexual Ethics with r gard to Marriage—Moderation—Th» Law of SexThe proprr ?.lethod of Eirth Control: INDEX: L Marriage: What it is,
      129 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 220 12 POSTAL [HgUKjgjg L 1 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Uopcr Bui ma. North and East India (Khandalla> 3 p.m. Sourabava and South-East Borneo (Giang Ann) 4 p.m. Semarang. Sourabaya. Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Reael) 4 p.m. fthin Eanka Island (except Muntok) Billiton and Batavia (De Weert) 4 p.m. lava. Southern
      220 words
    • 71 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Nigut Max. Bright Min Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Stations. Dt, 8- P. loche*. Hours. Deg. k Alor Star 79 o 53 Nil 73 Sitiawan 89 Ni' 5 5 73 K. Trer.gganu 87 n.20* 5.3 72 Bukir Jeram 90 0.94 6 2 73
      71 words

  • 2321 13 MR. JOHN HANDS HIS JOB. IBF MARCH OF PROGRESS DEPENDENT ON THOUSER BUI TONS. universal use or misuse of engineering terms is able because the march of civilisation depends and literally on that engineering triumph, the l ecla d Mr John Hands at the Kuala Lum- lub
    2,321 words
  • 468 13 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, June 30. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 31 Beef, stew cr curry, kati 22 Pork, lean (Ist quality), kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 34 Mutton, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), 40 Ducks, Saigon, each 77
    468 words
  • 61 13 New Soviet Enterprise Begun. Helsingfors. A regular air service will be run by the Soviet authorities across the Arctic regions between Spitzbergen and Murmansk, in the north of the U S S R. The service began on June t. A new air line is also being openea
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  • 40 13 Reuter Wireless. Rotherdam, July L Princess Juliana, of Holland, is leaving for Gravesend this evening aboard the steamer "Batavia." She will stiy at Kensington Palace as the guest of the Earl of Athlon? and Princess Alice—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 36 13 A Bengali cyclist was rather badly injured when he was knocked down by a motor-car at the 18th mile. Mandai Road, yesterday. The car was alleged to have been driven by a European woman.
    36 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 91 13 i poisons breeding ppfiiflg tn your I'oisons as dangerous as the poison in the fangs of the serpent may be created m the mouth, if particles of decaying food are allowed to remain in the (rev ices of the teeth. All decay is caused by germs and bacteria, invisible to
      91 words
    • 207 13 WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. Messrs. Duncan Roberts, Ltd., the local Agents, have just received a cable from London to the effect that the. "Imperial Model 50" Typewriter has once again been selected for use at the above Conference. The adoption of this machine coming on top of a similar selection for
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  • 307 14 Courteous Treatment By The Soviet. Reuter Wireless. Moscow, July 2. THE first intimation that Mac Donald and Thornton had of their release was the entry into their room at 10.00 p.m. of the Assistant Police Chief who told them, "Pack your kits." The prisoners were then escorted
    Reuter Wireless.  -  307 words
  • 146 14 Rescuer Unable To Save Boy's Life. A sad episode occurred at Seong Lim Park, Geylang, a. about 9 o'clock yesterday. It appears that several young Chinese boys were playing near a large drain when one of them, a boy of six years, fell in". The water in
    146 words
  • 121 14 Man Charged With Killing His Mistress. The Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) opened an inquiry yesterday into a tragedy that occurred in a house in Cantonment Road in the early hours of the morning of June 26. On receiving a call the Tanjong Pagar Police went to
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  • 81 14 Australian State Premiers Confer. Reuter Wireless. Sydney, July I. A conference of State Premiers to discuss the question of wheat acreage sat throughout the day in camera but it is understood reached a satisfactory decision which will be considered by the Federal Cabinet and the result cabled to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 46 14 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, July 3. Eight workmen were killed and a number seriously injured by an explosion in the coal washing works at the Blumenthal pit near Reeklinghause in the Ruhr region. The fire destroyed the machinery and part of the building.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 214 14 Statement On Bestowal By Mr. Bennett. Ottawa. THE bestowal of the G C.'M.G. upon Sir George Perley was in conformity with rstablishcd constitutional practice, the Prime Minister. Mr. Bennett, told the Canadian House oi' Commons recently. "It is the considered view of His Majesty's Government in .Canada,"
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 940 14 (REG TRADE MARK) "ny? Say "Qood-bye" to Colds Colds are caused by disease germs breathed into the respiratory tract when the victim is "below par.'' The inhaling of Vapex at the first onset of a cold cleanses the breathing passages and destroys cold germs at their point of entry into
      940 words
    • 36 14 hi CLEANSES PURIFIES) BEAUTIFIES THE SKlfllj THE CALCUTTA CHEMjCALCaiS Dealers may call in for any information at our Far Eastern Branch, 10, Prinsep Street, Singapore or 0. K. Tea Trading Co., No. I, Raffles Quay, Singapore.
      36 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 340 14 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventrv, England. Vavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metre* Two of the following frequencies and wartlengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be
      340 words

  • 553 15 264 MILES IN Z\ fIOUBS. SWEEPING SUCCESS OF NORTON MOTOR CYCLES. re-devil Irishman, twenty-nine years of age Stanley just achieved for the second time, and in succes•s, the most mmarkable double for a racing motorwinning of
    553 words
  • 321 15 Long Way For A Little Money. of motoring on a modern always, as fully realised as it II a possible to buy to-day for mall sum a full-size saloon I transporting four persons rl and to run this car at ranaifjy moderate cost. demonstrate this, and inr
    321 words
  • 326 15 Home And Overseas Demand For Singers. An indication of tb? activity which the British motor industry is enjoying is shown by the fact that Singers recently took on 500 extra men. An official of the company stated that during the last six months their export figures
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  • 1054 15 Amazing Paris Run. CREATES DELIGHTFUL IMPRESSION. WHEN our motoring correspondent called at the Citroen headquarters in London to take out on a road test this particular model he was shown a cable from Paris just to hand announcing that a Citroen Ten had just completed on
    1,054 words
  • 309 15 Singapore And A.A. Of Malaya. *l t 7 n i r wllt Pleased to learn that the ZT,-?* r th Slogs pott Branch lrictcaeed the a™ l i 502 dU 7 tng 10 month r »ays rut,» 112 0,1)0 for that month. If thla ILL P^ CVS 15
    309 words
  • 705 15 Average Speeds. SMALL CAR AS GOOD ON SHORT TRIP A TOPIC that always causes controversy amangst motorists is that of average speeds The owner of a small car, say, round about 10 h.p. contends that he gets as good an average as docs the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 51 15 Why buy a gallon when you only need a quart Why buy a quart when you only need a pint? You Gan Buy Shell Motor Oils FROM SHELL BULK CABINETS in pints, quarts or gallons You Also SAVE THE COST QW THE TIN. Advertisement of The Petroleum Compqny (Strnite Settlements)
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 208 16 M HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SIANG LIM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN
      208 words
    • 803 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Comfortable Rooms. 7a, Prinsep St. i TO LET —Compound House, No. 10, Rose Lane, Katong Rd. Apply 20, Chulia Street. TO LET—Newly built houses at Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—Seaside Bungalow, at Slglap,
      803 words
    • 207 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. It is hereby notified that this school has been removed to No. 1-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Principal, M. R. ANCIANO. NOTICE. Re my advertisement which appeared in The Malaya Tribune on 1-6-33. wanting to buy 1.000 acres of rubber
      207 words
    • 134 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —Qualified Chinese Doctors and a Dresser for a private hospital in Singapore. Apply stating qualifications and salary required to Box No. 165, c;o Malaya Tribune. SITUATION WANTED, j 11 Bi'let wanted as Bill Collector, wi h substantial security. Will eec-Pc reasonable salary. Apply to Box No. 172,
      134 words
      519 words
    • 478 16 v f fl v SCtiNimcjuiy I mini a CTS. LARGE TUBE*'! pf- EveryWhereJ MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. bv'ASCRIPTION RATES. I t V ARM. IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Including at office Postage Postage or close (Local or to Foreign residence. P.MS.) Countrl* Yearly $15.00 $2100 |33 00 Half-Yearly 7.50 $10.50 $16.50
      478 words