Malaya Tribune, 4 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX. No. ise SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, June 4, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 104 1 ™m if I wan Brand I The milk that is liked by everybody I f^^^^^^p^— <^ ,J quality and economy rd ii combined Sole Importers The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., j m*^* SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG ieWE'S HEW HGPEBH STORE j Refrigerated Supplies, Cakes Confectionery And A Full Range of
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    • 155 1 A. FLINTER f6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pea;*) Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. J ml,, jOUINNESS IS THE BEST! I
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  • 606 2 Tientsin Dispute. JAPAN'S DESIGNS ON CHINA. Shanghai, July 3. rpHE tramcar strike in Tientsin has ended, the trams resuming services yesterday under arbitration of the Social Bureau. The latter has arranged for a conference to-day between the workers and the executives of
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  • 110 2 Factory To Compete With Imports. Canton, June 22 The Provincial Department of Reconstruction is preparing to establish a cotton yam factory, in view of the big demand here fo> thls product, which is imported from England and India to the value cf £2.500,000 annually As the depar ment
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  • 622 2 Work Of Communist Enemies. ON June 18 Ma Shou Wu, head of the Bureau of Public Safety (special division), Shanghai, was murdered by a ging of assassins. The full story of the outrage is given I While approaching the home of his favouri tte sing-song girl.
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  • 167 2 Where Is Mr. Wang Ching Wei? Shanghai, July 2. rE Ministry of Railways is planning to extend the Chiaotsi Railway to Stan (capital of Shcnsi» and thence to Lanchow (capital ci Kansu) to foam a trans-North China trunk line touching the Lucghai Railway. The cons"ruction of the extending
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  • 52 2 Heavy Damage In Farm Areas. A doudburn and thunder-a™ The heavy rain disconnected electric an* telephone wires, which were repah-edate 2 me noods which rose to three feet Because of the unusually hean is feared that the B:ight sunshine to-day dried un th„ dated streets.-Affiliated Press P
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  • 144 2 Millions Of Acres Under Water. Shanghai, July 1. fJIHE largt-st of the dykes built on the banks of the Yangtse River at Mawang<hu and Nan ehang (Kiangsi) have bum. and millions ci acres of crops have been destroyed. Numerous deaths have been reported, and thousands are homeless. Shanghai,
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  • 305 2 Fierce Fighting. CANTON-KOWLOON DANGER. BANDITS are reported to be lurkim* Kowloon Railway, *»d the operate company has asked that the unci' ables be removed. Fierce fighting between Communists and Cantonese regulars in tho Crunchen Zone is reported, and heavy losses ara believed to have been Z on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 9 Builds Hannie Cables V-'LAXO is treasured by mothers for the heart-felt relief it brings-for the almost immediate contentment and strength it brings to troubled, ailing babies. Glaxo is a humanised milk-food easily digested and is free from any risk of tuberculosis. SUNSHINE^, BUILDS BONNIE BABIES Agents in India: H.
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  • 104 3 fjlvery nation has been trying to make Itself J independent of every other nation, with Ihe inevitable result that the world's seaborne :ade has suffered acutely. Unless and until one-way" trade is abandoned, there can he httle hope of progress; for exchange is
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  • 133 3 THE advantage of the axe is that it provides fcr the despatch of the least efficient 01 of those whose services are no longer essentisl to the welfare of the State. With the growth f the Malay Administrative Service it is now ible to dispense with some of
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  • 152 3 HEALTH work at the Cameron Highlands has been thrown upon .the Health Officer at Tapah, but this officer has also to look after health work throughout the f extensive Batang Padang district and it is, therefore, obvicus that, however efficient this officer 1% he cannot perform miracles and
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  • 204 3 rE world situation as other pations see ttJ is not appreciated by the United States Government, else she would never expect tha rest of the world to reduce its tariff in ret'm for a similar flat rate cut in American impcrt taxes. Up to now the United States
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  • 1125 3 Wonderful Weather. THRILLING CRICKET AT LORDS. Somewhere in Yorkshire, June 6. \UE have just survived England's f? hottest Whitsuntide tor—well, see Home papers to find how many years—it's too sultry for me to abandon a comfortable garden seat for the purpose. But Noel Coward was right
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  • 293 3 Counterfeiter Sentenced At Assizes. A young Chinese, named Tan Ah Lam. was r.rraigned belore Mr. Justice Cobbett md a common jury yesterday at the Assizes on three chrirrr. —counterfeiting King's coin, pNKMkm oi Instruments and materials for ecunterfeitlnis King's coin and possession of King's counterfeiting coinx
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  • 61 3 Berlin. On the Initiative of Chancellor Hitler, a new office for racial problems has been established in Rerlin. It will work in clo c eon- > tact with the Medical Association of Germany and the Ministries of the Interior and of Propaganda. i Its principal task will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 327 3 PANCREBAL kfmted Pancr-ra— He mon?- pw—» n. in M ~n for the succrstlul "p.r c;T y I» I.\ BETES MELLITUS. I^9|^E^pS^JP Par.-iosal contains the tested and efficient Hormone of the Pancreas in common wuh the activatmg catalytic agents, and is to be taken by the mcuth It f„ h on
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    • 229 3 Wear ffie shade ffiaf's ngbf r y Cufex is ecofor your frock nonu'cai*. Keep fhe bottle tightly Every fashionable woman today is copped when using variety in nail tints. And the woman who combines good taste > e fo fne end with a sense of value will find in Cutex
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  • 534 4 Shipping News Notices. A DEFENCE OF SUBSIDIES. World Depression The Prime Cause. r these columns was outlined the case against shipping subsidies prepared by the British National Committee for submission to the seventh biennial congress of the International Chamber of Commerce which opened in Vienna. There is new available the
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  • 216 4 Shipping Competition Is Expected. Fierce competition in Atlantic fares will take place between British and foreign shipping companies in October. It has been announced that the British lines have reduced the fares to the United States, the reductions to take place immediately. The new fares affect all classes
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  • 107 4 Another Case Of Passenger's Cargo Carrying. A fine of $100 or two months was imposed on Cheung Sui-san by Mr. Butters at the Kowloon Magistracy for having unmanifested cargo on board the B. and S. steamer Taiyuan without the permission of the master or the owners of
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  • 268 4 Political Motives Behind Canton Trouble. THERE are politics behind the desertion of their pests by the crew of the Butterfield Swire steamer Shantung, who struck when she dropped anchor at Canton. Apparently agitators from the local Seamen's; Union got these deckhands excited to the point where they were
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  • 173 4 "Conrad Of The China Coast." Noting the death of Mr. William J. Sprinall. chief engineer of the China Navigation Jcmpany's s.s. Yingchow, the "North China Daily News" says:— A comparatively young man. the late Mr. Sprintall has been serving on the China Coast or about six years.
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  • 80 4 Passengers Escape Through Port Holes. Vienna, June 5. A fire, which broke out early this morning on the Danube passenger steamer "Franz Schubert." which was travelling from Vienna to Linz. was extinguished only after a couple of hours of extremely arduous work on the part of the
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  • 200 4 Two Ships Aground In Whangpoo. WHETHER it's the weather or the tide, to blame for two vessels going aground m he Whangpoo within two days, no one knov.r. At any rate the vessels were each refloated .vifhin a few hours and continued on their way lone the
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  • 225 4 Spraying Machine Used In Trawler's Hold. An interesting experiment was recently carried out at Hull which consisted of painting the interior of a trawler's fish hold by means of a spraying machine with a view to saving time and money. The machine used was a Volspray 111 G
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  • 226 4 Mr. Lawrence D. Holt's Advice To Cadets. When Mr. Lawrence D. Holt addressed the cadets at the Pang bourne Nautical College, he laid great stress on the value of personnel In British ships. He said that as one of the ordinary working 'Shipowners of the day he was
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  • 501 4 £1,000,000 At Disposal Of Companies. THE Cabinet of the Reich, at its meeting on May 27, decided to place 20 million mark.® (£1,000,000 at par) at the disposal of Germany's shipping companies. The reason for the grant is, according to a semi-official statement, the desire of
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  • 176 4 Victim Of Army Deserter In France. Paris. May.J.s. Andre Pajot. a young sailor of Bourftefranc. has had the unusual experience of bcaftling one rain as a sailor and waking upas a soldier md a deserting soldier to boot, in another While still his nautical self he .made the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 172 4 Wlloyd tries,ino (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez Port 1 Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Sues, Port gaJd> B rlndisL Venice and Trieste. I Said, Brindiai, Venice and Trieste. mv HILDA July 15 July 15 Due
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    • 203 4 I HAMBURG-A M X UIK^ILiINIE Dcutach |HpQ| Australtsche Dampfschlßi ID Cj GeseUschaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTB. 1933. M.s. FRIES LAND, via Manila July 12 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 25 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Aug 7 f m.s. DUISBURG, via
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    • 582 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Jj£ NORDDEUTSCHER H f LLOYD, (Incorporated in i 4 *M G ermany). The undernoted an tne Company's Intejxled fixtures: OUTWARDS. 1933. "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong. S'hai. N. China and Japan July 20 "SAALE" for Manila, Hongkong. Shanghai, N. China and Japan July 31 HOMEWARDS. 1933. t "AACHEN" for
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  • 549 5 j Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. The following tin share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co., exchange and stock orokcrs: Ism Value. Buyers. Sellers, £1 Asam Kumbang Tin 29 30 6 $1 Austral Malay 26,- 28;Ayer Hitam Tm 13 14 xd $1 Aver Weng 0.95
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  • 235 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN EASES SLIGHTLY HERE. Rubber Steadier With Little Business. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore. Tuesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 11"> 8 els., up 1!16 ct. Market Tone: Slightly steadier. Tin, $114T8, down Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3V£d M up 1 16d. Market steady.
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  • 154 5 The Straits Plantations earned a net pron. of £37.392 for the year ended March 31 ThL, compares with £1? 291 for 1931-32. The dividend is to be increased from 4% per cent, to 6 per cent, and transfer of £10,000 (against nil> is to be made to the
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  • 67 5 Less of the Teekoy Rubber Estate for the year to March 31. f 1,990, which reduces the sum carried forward to £169. Investments and cash stand in the balance-sheet at £18,515. The estate was placed on a care and maintenance basis as from January, 1932. The directors,
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  • 2269 5 Favourable Results For Past Year. The twenty-seventh annual general meeting of the Malacca Rubber Plantations. Limited, was held on June 14, at the office; of the Rubber Growers' Association, 2-4. Idol Lane, London. E.C. Mr. Charles Emer on t chairman of the company) presided and said: When
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  • 197 5 Cheerfulness Followed By Quiet. Reuter Wireless. London, June 29. Che&;-fulne:.s continues to reign en the StockExchange in spit- of the prevailing uncertainty In Wall Stre t which was chi?fly reflected la ir ernationals. The outstanding fe&tuie to-day was the strength of Katiirs and the fur-lrr rise in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  197 words
  • 38 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: New York: Holiday. Singapore 11% —II ?,J6 cents. TTV London Spot: £223 5 .Up 355.), London 3 months £222 ICK (Up 40s Singapore: SI 14.87 COPRA Sundried $4 05 Mixet $3.50
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  • 161 5 Asiatic Pefroleum Co. (&S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as fellows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pijmp per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gaIlcn drums per British Imperial
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  • 54 5 Reuter Wireless. Lei.eon. June 29. New rccrr:'s wsre set up for the mon hly gold coin bull on hAd by the Bank cf Er.giand in the figures fee June 21 cf £188.000 000 which is £2.000.000 over 'he May record. Hu corr.fpending ftgur s to. 'as.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 637 5 Singapore. Tuesday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations ait) issued by Fraser aud Co and Lj'3'l and Evart: Issue j, _j Value. Fraser Lyall St Shares. 8i Co. Evatt. Allenby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $o.f 3 1 Alor Cajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 IA. Hitam
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 92 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Alxnelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital «2.000.000 Pald-up-Capltal £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest I 600.000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras Araaca, Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra, Kirkuk, MopuI and Sinjmoor»* CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received cn Fixed
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    • 112 5 experience teactes jcu tc save How many things you might have attained.. how many achievements you might have brought about..if only you had ready cash at that j moment when golden opportunity i presented itself. Small deposits regularly made soon grow to an appreciable capital, and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK
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    • 226 5 1 1,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 t 1 »i Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSE A-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $10,000.000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. ■BAD OFFICE.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 260 6 Amusements < Positively LAST NIGHT! AL JOLSON Famous Star who made the iirst Talking Picture in HALLELUJAH I'M A TRAMP" In! Artists' Novel Musical Romance With RHYTHMIC DIALOGUE. To-Morrow (Opening at Matinee) Brand New Copy—Brought Back By Topalar Demand. "JUST IMAGINE" Fox's Famous Musical Extravaganza. With EL BRENDEL, MARJORIE WHITE
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    • 225 6 ■|H fi| ilk €g IJj 9 B Ik p ||m WHY SUFFER TRY IT AT ONCE Get a Free Sample on Application to the Sole Agents: FRANCO-EASTERN TRADING CO. Head Office: Paris. B Finlayson Green, Branches: S pore, B'kok. H'kong SINGAPORE. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLEARANCE SALE AT SMASHING PRICES. 10% to
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    • 375 6 WANTED —Spar? Time Agents for easy and lucrative work. Tops everything in Money Making. For particulars apply to B G. Wiciremasinghe, 58, Piactuud's Lane, Maradana. COLOMBO (Ceylon). TENDERB. iIMiAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tenoeri art aow invited lor tht fcllowlug material* or services, and that particulars of
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  • 1698 7 Special Interview. APPEAL FOR UNITY OF COMMUNITY. (By Our Indian Correspondent.) «J RFIFUSE to believe that the slump will continue indefinitely. The signs of a revival are already on the horizon and I hope that normal conditions will revive in due course. Rut I do not think
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  • 148 7 The death occurred to-day of Mr. Frank Eateman at the ripe age of 86 years. The deceased hai been a very old resident of Sini» pore and his service as an accountant m the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor- pcration for about 35 years, and prior
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  • 456 7 Children Who Did Not Get Their Money. A HOKIEN Chinese, Lim Choh Lian, was ar~L raigned before Mr. Justice Cobbett at the Assizes this morning on three charges of forg(1) Of a letter addressed to Chop Seng Bee Chan of Penang purporting to be written oy
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  • 36 7 A lecture on "The Life of Mchamad" will be delivered by Dr. Khalid She'd, ake at the Sultan Mosque. Kampong Glam. tc-day ct 8.25 p.m. All Muslim* and non-Muslims are c -dially in ited to attend.
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  • 83 7 "Baroud" At The Marlborough. Baroud commenced a run yesterday at the K r ribo:ough. Rex Ingram, the well-known dueetcr, takes the principal role with Rosita, cr.rcia m the feminine lead. It is a stirring tafa With mountainous Morocco as its background. The hero, a legiona n e
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  • 101 7 Hc3d Of Pioneer Chinese Family. His many friends in Mai ya will regret to Icarn of the death of Mr. Tan Keong Ann. A nr»n of wido snd varied business interests, iV r T n Ann was a member of one i the oldest Chinese
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  • 37 7 We are asked to state that the A. Conceics «ho ls reported to have been adjudicated a bankrupt is not the A. (Albert) Conceicao of the Civu District Court and of Government Quarters, 28, Buffalo Read, Sln*ap-re
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 83 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Re my advertirrm?nt which aopre.-ed in T> Mate* Tribune on 1-6-33, wanting to buy 1.000 acre; cf rubber land and cv r all those »i o tre interested are thanked. I have now purchased en estate at S.r.mban of over 1,000 a.. C 3. ell trees.. ICd
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  • 41 8 High of Requiem for the scul of the la c Mrs. Julie Francisco will be sung at the Church of St. Joseph, on Wednesday, sth instant, at 6.30 a.m. Relatives and friends ace kindly requested to attend.
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  • 38 8 MR. FRANK BATEMAN—To-day. July 4. at 10 a.m.. at his residence. No. 16. Burmah Read, age 86. The cortege wttl leave for ihe Cathedral of Good Shepherd at 5 pjn. and thence to Bidadari Cemetery for interment.
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  • 616 8 Malaya, like every other country, watches, or should watch, the pro- ress of the World Economic Conference with the greatest of interest. We may think that if the American boom continues we shall have a boom here whatever happens at the Conference. But it must be remembered
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  • 315 8 Comments By The Way. THE report of the work of the Empire Marketing Board for the year May 1932 to May 1933, just published, gives interesting details af the Copra Research Scheme undertaken In he P.M.S. in co-operation with the Board. A Trant was approved in
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  • 221 8 MR. Wang Ching Wei is probably the most extraordinary statesman in the world. A I Cninese Press report received yesterday says I that he is missing once more and alternative I reasons are given, but nobody can say definitely what he is up to. When he passed through
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  • 151 8 FROM time to time the Malaya Tribune has urged the desirability of arranging another exhibition in Singapore similar to the MalayaBorneo Show of 1922. Malayan trade needs all the boosting it can get, and its struggling young industries—which have sprung into being during the slump period through
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  • 95 8 The Penang Municipal Commission is not prepared to finance any further test with «eingatex road mixture. The Rev. L. E. Browne, who has had special experience of Moslem work in India, is coming to Penang for five weeks to advise as to methods whereby
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  • 73 8 Mr. L. R. Blacking, Agenl, Mercantile Bank Ipoh will be leaving for Penang on transfer shortly. Sentence of two years' rigorous imprisonment was passed on a Malabari named Xurup at the Perak Assize Court on his being found guilty of causing grievous hurt to a Tamil. A hawker, knocked
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  • 24 8 Last season's padi crop in Kedah is now estimated to have totalled 75% million gantangs, higher than any other crop yet recorded.
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  • 33 8 A Murathi Indian estate labourer named Vathavalthrow, accused of murdering his wife on Valliappa Chetiy estate at Mambau on May 31 has been committed to stand his trial at the nexi assizes.
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  • 39 8 Che Mohamed Azmi, son of Che Mohammed Delhi, retired .District Officer, Sungei Patani and an old pupil of the Government English School. Sungei Patani, who went to England to pass his law examination has returned to Kedah.
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  • 66 8 Mr. H. T. Pagden, Assistant Entomologist, Department of Agriculture, F.M.S., recently left Malaya on transfer to the Solomon Islands. An enthusiastic audience of about a hundred people including a dozen or so visitors from Kuala Lumpur attended the preliminary performance of "Cinderella" at the Sungei Buloh Leper Settlement.
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  • 51 8 Lan Liew, wife of a Chinese sundry goods shop owner, who was convicted for being found offering lottery tickets for sale, purporting to be admission tickets to a pingpong tournament was sentenced by Che Mustapha Albakrl, to pay a fine of $50 or, in default, to serve two months
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  • 512 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" A Hollywood writer says that a film director is on his way to make a film on the Island of Johore. The northern coast, of course, is on the Arctic ocean, the Eastern coast is on the China Sea and one of the furthest points
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  • 42 8 CHINA NEWS, on page 2. A MALAYAN ON LEAVE, on page 3. INDIAN AGENT LEAVING, on page 7. CRESSON CASE APPEAL, on page 11. RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 13 RUBBER STATISTICS, on page 14. JOHORE NEWS, on page 15.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 CARBON DOVER STOVES. f¥ I THE PREMIER WOOD-BURNING STOVE. I THE INITIAL COST REMARKABLY LOW. j EXTRAORDINARILY ECONOMICAL IN USE. j SIZE No. 6. 333 i ins. wide $35 I SIZE No. 7. 37a 4 ins. wide $45. I SIZE No. 8. 40 H ins. wide $55. I SIZE No.
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    • 86 8 -j Pianos For Hire And Hire Purchase. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. weem W^^p/ DENTAL POWDER I Contains Antiseptic D«odor»M Proper i.»s OI (Neemi prmciples THE CALCUTTA CHEMICAL CO.. Ltd. L(l«fOBPO««»» in Kou' DANCING. j Foxtrot, Waltz. Tango, etc.. taught »t Rena's Dance Studio. Meyer Mansloo*. I
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  • 839 9 AMERICAN CIRCLES AMAZED AT DECISION. "Budgets Must Be Balanced." British And Dominion Delegates Confer. Reuter Wireless. STATEMENT CAUSES DOLLARS TO WILT. London, July 3. DRESIDENT Roosevelt's smashing "no" to members of the gold blochas brought the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  839 words
  • 512 9 Mr. Hull's Statement To World Conference. Reuter. London. July 3. Tremendous eagerness was displayed m obtaining the first issues of Senator Cordell Hull's promised statement on international currency measures and proposals. Mr. Hull made it clear that he was making this declaration as Secretary of State and
    Reuter.  -  512 words
  • 289 9 Agreement Expected Next Week. Reuter Wireless. London. June 30. v,i Ir w B ennett Premi of Canada, interMewed to-aay. showed himself optimistic en the outcome of the wheat situation. It is the general impression in wheat circles of the World Economic Conference that an agreement may bp reached
    Reuter Wireless.  -  289 words
  • 386 9 And Japanese Apology To Soviet! Reuter. Moscow. July 3. SOKOLNIKOFP has informed Mr. Ota the Japanese Ambas ador that the charge that three Japanese fishermen were shot dead from the shore of Kamchatka has been found to be true. Hp tendered an apology on behalf of
    Reuter.  -  386 words
  • 64 9 But Dutch Willing To Talk Restriction! Reuter. Medan. July 3. Doctor Bernard, the retired Dutch East inoies Director of Agriculture, interviewed here, declared that the Dutch East Indies Government viewpoint m regard to rubber restrie .ion was unchanged but circumstances had co altered in recent years that the
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 498 9 Revised Table. UNOFFICIAL VIEWS MET. JJUTIES on certain classes of Empire goods entering Johore are taken off. This is the important result achieved from the presentation of a memorandum to Sir Samuel Wilson, Colonial Office investigator, in December last, by the Unofficial Members of the Johore State
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  • 67 9 Thousands Homeless After Hurricane. Reuter. Port of Spain. June 30. IT is known that, as the result of the hurricane -1 which swept South Trinidad yesterday eleven persons are dead and a thousand homeless. In addition a score of villages in the residential district were destroyed
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 44 9 Tragedy On Home-Bound "Naldera." Reuter. Gibraltar, July 3. On the arrival of the P. and O. "Naldera" from Singapore the captain reported that Alban Frank Mathews, a London Accountant, had been found dead in a first-class cabin and buried at sea.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 16 9 Buenos Aires. July 3. The death has taken place of the octogenarian ex-President Irigoyen.
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  • 508 9 NANKING TO FIGHT FENG. Troops On The Move. Missing Warships Joined Manchukuo Shanghai, July 4. now seems to be the only solution to the Charhar dispute. Gen. Ho Ying Ching, Commander-in-Chief of Nanking's forces in North China, is prepared to take drastic measures to deal with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 i HEYMAN I BUTTER I The fresh delicate flavour of I HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria, J Australia, it is handled and J packed with scrupulous care in order to ensure that it will keep j in perfect condition.
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  • 230 10 Yesterday's Final. MRS. J. D. LAING BEATS MRS. E. A. TAYtOR. gPARKLINC lawn tennis was see a on tlie S.C.C. patlang yesterday evening in the final of the ladies' open singles, in which Mrs. J. D. Laing beat Mrs. E. A.
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  • 145 10 Soccer Second String Snaps. Schoolboys defeated the Singapore Cricket Club's second soccer XI on the S.C.C padang last night in a friendly game, the Raffles Institution winning to the tune of -'x goals to one. The teams were: RAFFLES INSTITUTION: Saruan: Abdul Rasak. and Seng Kwee: Harif,
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  • 145 10 Appeal Before One Judge Only. THE question as to whether an appeal against the finding of the Medical Council shouln be heard before a single judge or three judges war decided to-day by the Court of Appeal, comprising the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Hugnard. Mr. Justice a'Becke.t Terrell
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  • 178 10 Denial Of Police Court Statement. While the accused in an alleged theft case was discha >d. a witness for the complainant v;aa fined $20 by Mr. J. P. P. Gregg, the Second Magistrate, yesterday aftrrncon, for denying a statement he had made in the police station. Akbar Ali,
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  • 65 10 Bride Daughter Of Mr. Kow Soon Kirn. The marriage took place yesterday at 3, Evelyn Road, of Mr. Koh Choon Joo, of the legal firm of Messrs. Aitken and Ong Siang, and Miss Kow Soon Kirn (Pradap), the only daughter of Mr. Kow Soon Kirn, a well-known
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  • 176 10 Four Countries In The Semi-Finals. Reuter. London, July 3. VERY ho- weather was again experienced at WJmbleo'hi where the tourn-ment has now reached an advanced stage. Among the more outstanding results was the defeat of Mmzel v.'llo Farquharion (Perry's conqueror) and the elimination o H
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 368 10 Government English School Sports. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Labuan. June 29. The annual sports of the Government English School. Labuan, was held on June 24 on the school padang and was attended by a large gathering of parents and friends. The inter-House and tne individual events were keenly
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  • 39 10 Holder Outpoints Johnny King. Reuter. London, July 3. At Manchester to-day, in a fight for the bantamweight eh* mpionship of the world, the holder, Al Brown (Panama) outpointed Johnny King (Manchester) In a fifteen-roun bout. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 73 10 The S.A.P.A. Div. I, League match between Pulau Brani and the R.A., arranged for today, has been postponed, and will be played at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday, July 29. The R.A. match with Pulau Branl postponed from March 31. will be played at Anson Road Stadium
    73 words
  • 327 10 Monopolies Defeat S.H.B. BETTER opportunism gave the Government Monopolies a 4—2 victory over the Singapore Harbour Board in the Commercial Cup soccer competition yesterday on the S.H.B.J.S.C. ground at Cantonment Road. Play was fairly even but the Monopolies' forwards finished becter than the Harbour Board's forward quintette. Mr.
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  • 391 10 Bramtoco Beaten By A.P.C. The Commercial Cud soccer r ame between (he A.P.C. and the Bramtoco at the Anson Road Stadium last evening resulted in a 4-1 win for the former. The oilmen were superior in all department »nd the weakness cf the tobacconists' drf-anca '-ft lis c'jubt
    391 words
  • 104 10 Latest positions in the Commercial Cup Competition are as follows: Goals. P W L D f A Pts. M.P.H 7 6 0 1 31 8 13 Muni. Services 6 5 1 0 22 7 10 F. and N. 6 4 2 0 27 10 !1 S.H.B. 7
    104 words
  • 25 10 The Keppel G.C. July monthly medal (bogey) will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, and the Ladies' Spoon <stroke) on Monday."
    25 words
  • 177 10 Sepoy Lines Beat Garrison G.C. SEPOY Lines Goif Club beat the Garrison Golf Club on Sunday, at Sit ay Lines by to |)i< Scores Sepoy Lines Garrisen G. C. Dr Lowson and Ft.-Licut W. S. Allen Dr. English 0. and F. R. Hobbes 0. Fitzgerald and Capt. J.
    177 words
  • 48 10 The S.G.C. ladies' Jul- bogey competition, played at Bukit Timah yesterday, resulted in a win for Mrs. Hclmes-Smith «1 down) in "A" division, for Mrs McMullan <1 down) in "B' division and for Mrs. L A. Williams, in "C" division. Fifty-one cards were taken out.
    48 words
  • 52 10 Walton Heath. June 29. The Prince of Wales beat Lady A ter by 2 and one in the semi-final of the Parliamentary Golf Handicap. Tiie Prince had a handicap of 11. ha\lag to concede Lady Astor a special handicap of 20 (7 strokes in an eighteen hole match)
    52 words
  • 62 10 Weybridge. June 20. Over the St George' hill course in an laterr.ational golf natch, Britain beat France by seven matches to two. Britain won all tine" foursomes and four of the six singles. A notable defeat in the single: was that cf Miss Diana Fishwitk, the
    62 words
  • 91 10 Newmarket. June 00. Gordon Richardr, the champion jockey, tod* his 100 th winner of the ceeson to victory When he brought in Mr. Darting*! Croon in Ixsworrh Plate here to-day. Richard's nearest opponent, Harry Wra»g. has v ridden only '0 v, mm ITiis i: considered to be
    91 words
  • 18 10 To-day is an America* national holiday (Independence Dry) and the Consulate General is closed to business.
    18 words
  • 326 10 Handicaps For Second Day. HANDICAPS for the second day of the Fcrak Turf Club's Summer race meeting. Ot Ipoh tomorrow are as follows: K.oco I. —Horses—OfctS 4—< 5 fuvs.). Kali 9.7 Conan Doyle 3.1 Bcb-The-Gorger 9.2 Sllvanus 711 Hannah's Garden 9.1 Klumpur 7.4 High Crag 8.9 Pataques
    326 words
  • 101 10 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust. d Lo have committed criminal breech pi t.-'-t m rcopect cf two clvquos for $2,191.50. Try Kfiiq z Ch'nese fiirly well Hnwn in. locrl brs'.neso circles, appeared >"efc>re th~ o. cond (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg th s morning. His Mr. C.
    101 words
  • 247 10 Europeans v. Rest. MATCHES IN PENANG AND SINGAPORE. rJIIE following flayers have invited to attend at tho S.R.C for a trial match on Saturday ami Sunday preparatory to the selection of the Rest XI to meet the Europeans in the annual Clarke Cup match is to be
    247 words
  • 86 10 Malayan Amateur Billiards Championship. Ycc c:day'r results in ihe Malayan Amatcui (fcur-boli > bSttrcs for th? Frjnkci Shield ft the K..w World resisted as tolkrw: Cna-n Ah Su (Trae API M*t J. 1. Eiiss iPr.'.hol Karib» 390- _3. Lee Chim Lye (T:a3 A.P) beat Tan Bock L m
    86 words
  • 44 10 Reuter. Lisbon. July 4. Portugal and hr. eclon cs have all achieved budgets either balanesd or lowing surpluses for the ccrr? ry year. The Portuguese budge: has a surpiu- ft two million eeiitl&s tne Macao and floor budscu are *ca'.c:i ed—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 12 10 THE MALAYA twiritnw. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1333. 10 RED AMY CHIEF DEAD.
    Reuter.  -  12 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 2216 11 MR. BRADDELL'S ARGUMENT. CRESSON CASE IN APPEAL: THE BATHROOM INCIDENT. Much interest was centred in theCresson judicial separation case when it was heard in the Supreme Court, before Mr Justice a'Beckett Terrell. Mrs. Anne Cresson gave a graphic description of how she had been
    2,216 words
  • 72 11 §1,760 Millions Excluding Reconstruction." Reuter Wireless. Washington. June 30. THE United States has ended Jie {.resent fiscal year with an official deficit of approximately $1,760,000,000, In addition to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which has lent or disbursed in the same period $1,285,000,000 which is not carried in the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  72 words
  • 75 11 New Transport Board Takes Over. Reuter Wireless. London. June 30. London's passenger transport passes under the control of the newly-created London Passenger Transport Board. This will be effected ty the coming into operation of the act transferiing control from abou: a 100 public undertaking- at .present operating, coaches,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 53 11 Commons Move By Friend Of Hungary. Reuter Wireless. London. June 28. Tiu? revision of the Treaty of Trianon with the object of restoring territory to Hungary which is essentially Hungarian Is urged in a resolution lodged by seven members of the House of Commons. Immediate consideration, however, is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 37 11 Holding Up British Airways' Plane. Reuter Wireless. Basra. June 29. An unprecedented 60 mile an hour sandstorm here to-day is causing ;he holding up at Shaibah of the Imperial Airway London plane from Kararh:.—Reu:er Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 241 11 -j Assets exceed $12,000,000. j rm AT% X \T\ m Assurance in force over $35,000,000. < The Great Eastern life Assurance Co., Ltd. I (Incorporaled in the Straits Settlements) j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore j The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of
      241 words

  • 37 12 It is reported that the Northern (Red) leading light on Pulo Tunjuk. Bttß Strait, (lat. 0057 dee N. long. 104 deg. 12' E.) is not burning.
    37 words
  • 26 12 The "Mantua" has left Hongkong and Is expected to arrive here at 1 p.m. to-morrow. She will proceed alongside the S.H.B. wharf on arrival.
    26 words
  • 42 12 The M M. "Porthos" fc due here frcm Saigon to-morrow at 7 a.m. and will probably sail on 'he same day at 2 p.m. for Penang. Colombo, Djibouti." Suez, Port-Said and Marseilles. She will berth at the S.H.B. wharves.
    42 words
  • 74 12 "Kedah." Brit.. 1.033 tons, from Belawan Dell. 4-7; fcr Penang. Belawan Deli. 6-7. "Glenogle," Brit.. 5.879 tons, from London 4-7; for Hongkong, 5-7. "Tidcre," Dut.. 525 tons, from P. Baroe 4-7; for P. Baroe 6-7. "Kuranda." Brit., 553 tons, from Sibu 4-7: for Sibu 8-7. 'Larut." Brit., 464 tons,
    74 words
  • 113 12 Singapore. July 4. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES, East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rajula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3> Ealoeran 18: Malayan Prince 14; Talma 11; Glen-g'e 9; Manila Maru 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Tweedbank 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). ML West Wharf (Entrance Gate
    113 words
  • 42 12 From Indo-China by the "Porthor," due at sincr.:oie at 7 a.m. to-morrow. From Chu:a and Japan by the "Mantua,' lue at Singapore at 1 p.m. to-morrow. From Chinr-. aid Japan by the "Benuii Maru." due at Singapore en Thursday att.raoon.
    42 words
  • 171 12 SEALING. Singapore, July 4. London 4 months' sight *J London 3 months' sight 2,3 lipj London 60 days' sight 2,3 15 lb London 30 days' sight "J"" London demand J London T.T. 23 27 Lyons and Paris demand Hamburg demand New York demand J* Batavia and Sourabaya demand
    171 words
  • 203 12 Singapore, July 4. R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $108 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 $1 14 Rke. B. Siam N. 2 $103 Rice, Siam "Old" per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $154 RSee, Siam "Old" No.
    203 words
  • 49 12 Cashier Wounded And Tcs. 4,000 Taken. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. July 3. An armed gang of seven attacked '.he cashier of a European rice-mill on the wes: bank of the river yesterday morning, wounding hini and stealing 4.000 ticals. The cashier has been taken to hospital.
    49 words
  • 36 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 3. The death has occurred of Mr. Thomas Fox, till lately editor of -the "Siam Observer." He previously served on Malayan papers and In South Africa. I
    36 words
  • 278 12 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, JULY 4. High Tides—7.4s a.m.. 7.14 p.m. Meeting, Straits Trading Co., Ocean Building, noon. Football (Friendly): Malays v. S.C.C, Jalan Besar. Great World Anniversary Celebrations. TO-MORROW. JULY 5. t High Tides.—9.15 a.m., 8.08 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel,
    278 words
  • 113 12 ALHAMBRA. —Al Jolson In "Hallelujah W a Tramp." CAPITOL.—Eddie Cantor in "The Kid from Spain." EMPIRE. —Double talkies: "Tilly of Bloom?--buiy" and "Raise the Roof." GREAT WORLD. —Side shows, Cabare; Malay opera, Chinese wayangs, silent and talking films (Sky Talkie: "Love on Wheels" WM Talkie: "Franken tein"). MARLBOROUGH. —Rex
    113 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 275 12 3hpreme rhroughouf I Arrest the Progress 1 f. of that COUGH £2> I k P |g iest it may linger and SS** ft [t lead to something serious i V V jjj 1 Take km I DB. D£ JONGH'S ML LIGHT BROWN I I COD LIVER OIL I In J
      275 words
    • 262 12 THE GREATEST GIFT TO THE HUMAN FAMILY. MASRIAGE <fr BIRTH CONTROL: (A Book For The M. rriei And Those About To Marry). Ry BRENDA BARWON. Th? Psychology of Sexual Ethics with regard i to Marriage—Moderation—The Law of Sex— The prop r Method of Birth Control: INDEX: L Marriage: What it
      262 words
    • 210 12 'PHONE No. 2G-J3. TOCK TYPEWRITER CO. 28-A Change Alley, Singapore. 3FSCIAUSTS In Typewriter repairing, overhauling, etc DEALERS in new and second-hand Typewrlterf We carry stocks of all stationery lines. Monthly cleaning of machines in offices can U arranged on receipt of instructions. Work guaranteed. Charges moderate. TYPEWRITING WORK ALSO UNDERTAKEN
      210 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 203 12 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Selat Pandjang. Beiigkalis and Bagan Si Ani Api ,Hon S Thong) 3 p.n.. Bdat Pandjang. Bengalis. Siak, Pakan Baroe Fort de Kock and Padang ba,oe ,Hong Kwong> 3 p.rr Bangkok 3pn ♦Ceylon. Egypt and Europe (Leverkusen) 4 p.m. Indo-China and Hokow (Cap Pad.iran) 4 p.m. Java
      203 words
    • 144 12 Golden Bell Mintrels: Second quarterly general meeting, hon. secretary's residence, 109, j Waterloo Street, 7.30 pm, Attendance compulsory. United Chinese Football Association: First monthly committee meeting. Mr. Ang Hock Beng's residence, 2, Cheang Jim Chuan Lane, 8 p.m. Union Spci tirg Association: monthly meeting, Mr. Chia Tiang Choo's residence, 147.
      144 words
    • 239 12 CLUB DIARY. (There o»» numerous Clubt and S oo Singapore, most of the members o) tth h ~L readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Dm is provided specially jar them. Secretarial invited to co-operate in keeping it "P- to "Tjj and complete. Happenings of general una still be included in
      239 words

  • 343 13 Malaya And The Monroe Doctrine. AS far lam aware, this report is absolutely baseless as far as M.laya i.s concerned,- said Mr. Pu Wu Mun editor el the "Sin Chew Jit Poh," prominent local Chinese daily newspaper, to a representative of the "Malaya Tribune," when questioned upon
    343 words
  • 158 13 Scque! To German Victory In Rome Show. Rome. nlatea of Italian cavalry officers is -t by Btgmt Mussolini to Ireland nee, Germany, Spain and perhaps other ltTk tJ buy Worses to be ridden by Italian •era m international horse shows i:s decision is the sequel to the
    158 words
  • 460 13 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, June 30. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati -*1 Beef, stew cr curry, kati 22 Pork, lean (1st quality), kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (1st quality), kati 34 Mutton, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), 40 Ducks, Saigon, each 77
    460 words
  • 140 13 Lost In Mountain Snow. Belgrade. A smuggler who was lost in the snow on the With Untains has been saved-py th e police. With two companions he set out from Mostar oba?co g T n H S) WUh hCaVy loafis 01 contraband tobacco. They were overtaken by
    140 words
  • 79 13 Tdwn Where Streets Are So Dark! Santiago, Chile. A candle and a walking stick are handed u» paf f e ger who alights at the railway station of Ovalle, a markfet town U the north or Santiago. They are used to help thp passengers to walk in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 25 13 s The Coupons Handsome Gifts Obtainable DC RCS7KĔ <%c Lviristoerat of Cigarettes Sole Agents: HENRY WAUGH Co,, Ltd. Singapore, Ppnanp;, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. 3 APR-6.
      25 words
    • 327 13 beware of imitations Why this supreme tonic-food j cannot be equalled. I>rOQf f ovaltine superior quality and maximum >«* X S S*. ValUe a& a food bevtra S- is found in (he increasing \\&T-\ number of imitations on the market. All these imitators i\lZw 1 haVC 10 aglee thBt valtine
      327 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 325 13 L m EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLVDINt BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Darentry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. Two or the following frequencies and ware lengths will be used in the transmissions U the Indian zone.
      325 words

  • 275 14 nf 100 aces and over, for the month ending January, 1933. Acreages of tappable rubber not tapped on Estates of 100 aces ana over, ACREAGES OF TAPPABLE RUBBER NOT TAPPED. Acreage of On Estates which have entirely On Estat^ Tappable ceased tapping. Acreagp Percentage of (1) <•>.
    275 words
  • 106 14 Labourer Engulfed In Bog. Prague A labourer was wheeling his bicycle horn? through the fields. Suddenly the ground sank away under his ieet and engulfed him. Frantically he-clutched at a tyie as he sank in the soft ground. The tyre came away from the wheel and
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  • 92 14 After Dodging Police For Five Years. Philadelphia. Afer successfully dodging the police for five years, a man who thought he was wanted for murder Has met his victim. -Arrested in the street here, the police detained him while his record was examined. Then they produced the man
    92 words
  • 64 14 Student As A National Beauty Queen. Belgrade A student of the University of Belgrade has been elected "Miss Yugo-Slavia 1933." She is described as a "a type of Yugo-Slav racial beauty." The new Beauty Queen is Miss Radmila Jetchmenitch and is a niece of General Jetchmenitch. King
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  • 46 14 Istanbul. A sack of gold coins of extreme antiquity; has been found by a Turkish peasant near Kerassund, on the Pontic fhores. Some of the coins are stamped with the head cf King Mithridates, the Sun-God, who reigned about 110. B.C.
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  • 52 14 Durban A house in Durban has been set on fire oy a bowl of goldffch. The sun, shining through the curved side of the bowl, which acted aa a magnifying glass, set fire to a large.easy chair. The fire was extinguished before extent iv.; damage had
    52 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 424 14 Safe for Children's Coughs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gets I quick results without the use of nar- £t I J cotics. It soothes inflamed membranes (^Sf^^niAljfC l LI almost at once, yet is absolutely safe COUGH for children as well as adults. Pleas- >-J REMUJT H ant tasting, economical, and sure
      424 words
    • 180 14 You can SOOn HORLICK'S MALTED MILK f "VJ J> shortens convalescence f TT N a hot climate, conva- cows' milk enriched with the n| //rM\\ 1 is nearly always a nutritive extracts of malted trying time. Recovery can barley and wheat, it supplies be so protracted set the essential food
      180 words

  • 805 15 Sentence Reduced On Appeal. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johcre Bahru. July 2. JUDGMENT was delivered yes erday morning by Mr. Jus. Ice Richard Williamson in the appeal a..gusd by Mr. Claud de Silva, who appeared on behalf of n Tamil motor car driver, named Suppiah, who
    805 words
  • 147 15 Shopkeeper's Stock-Book Not In Order. Ng Keng Yeow, the proprietor of a liquo *hop at 24, Queen Street, was prosecuted befor* the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Porrer) yesterday morning, at the Instance of the Monopolie; Dept., for failing to keep his stock-book Jr order. Mr. H. Paulusz,
    147 words
  • 195 15 Driven In Lorries Through Jeering Crowd. Berlin. THE former State President of Baden. Dr. Adam Rammele. a former high Government official of Herr St nz. a L-ocialist Reichstag deputy, a So;ialist Journalist, a former police officer, and several leaders of the Rcichbanner and the Ironfront in Baden
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  • 254 15 Banishees Sent To Prison For Life. The fourth Assizes of the year commenced yesterday morning before a crowded court presided over by Mr. Justice Cobbett. There are 20 cases on the list of which eight are on charges of armed robbery. Two are for alleged murder. Shunmugam. a
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  • 181 15 Becomes A Soldier Overnight. Paris. "Have a drink, old man!" said Private Saffrey. Able-bodied seaman Andre Pajot had arrived at Roehefort <Charente-Inferieure) on leave. He was in civilian clothes. He assented. He woke up next day in tram in Brittany wearing a soldier s uniform—remembering nothing but a
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  • 72 15 Beauty Queen Too Young To Vote! 0 Madrid. Senonta Emilia Docet, the beauty queen who Z 552 Spam tnis year has become interested in politics. Although she is still too young to vote (she is only 17) she has joined the Galleguista Party, a small group in
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  • 68 15 New Concordat To Be Signed. Vatican City. A new concordat which will regulate all ecclesiastical matters in Austrla-particularly in relation to education-has been agreed upon by Di. Schuschnigg, Austrian Minister of JustState and Cardinal paD€l Secretary of The new concordat which will shortly be signed replaces the
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  • 91 15 Blind Boy Declines Gift Of Shoes. Charleston (South Carolina). When Red Cross workers offered "The Blind Boy" a pair of shoes, he declined them. "I use my feet to see with," he explained. on T e Blind Boy is a neBTO youth of about 20. He
    91 words
  • 269 15 League Team For England. of the S 5:11 < or Englan/on July Tl\l^l° a a diff -nt basis R« Paymenfwm their a,,0 «™c °f £4 per week. f lBylng ?5 be allottpri k and conduct Points will of imnSLSI the cam managers at the end ?nere Itn l
    269 words
  • 57 15 Nine Casualties For Sweet Charity. Tampa (Florida). A detective was knocked unconscious, two police officers were incapacitated by cudgel 5. and half a dozen constables were injured while arresting a gue t. at a charity ball given recently for the benefit of local police constables. The ball is
    57 words
  • 46 15 Replaces The 111-Fated "Niobe." Berhn. lie "Gorchsock." a three-masted sailing ship to be used as a naval training sh-p for cadets, was launched at Hamburg to-day. It replaces the ill-fated "Niobe" whicn sank with a loss of over 60 lives some months ago.
    46 words
  • 432 15 Won By Maharajah's Team. mm u London. June 15. Maharaja of Jaipur's Indian team have won their first London tournament at Ranelagh. They beat Sir Ian Walker's Osmaston te m in the Ranelagh Open Cup by six goals to four. The weather conditions were ideally suited to
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  • 22 15 Budapest. Legeslegmegvesztegethetelenebb" is said to bo the longest word in Hungarian. It means "a man whose opinion cannot be bought.
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  • 169 15 Mexico Champion At Five Games. London, June 13. Tj"OR 28 years an English sportsman, Mr. Claude -T Butlin. has astonished Mexico with his -thletic feats. He is known to Mexican sport fans by the affectionate name of "Claudio", and he probably has a larger record of sporting conquests
    169 words
  • 113 15 Sees Man Who Stole Inheritance. Budapest. me dream of a penniless widow has led to the arrest of the man who stole her inheritance. Her husband, the well-known artist Josef Rennl died in 1027 and apparently left no estate. Investigations, however, showed that he had had a deposit
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  • 94 15 Farmer Sues Neighbour For £1,000. Santiago de Chile. A prize bull imported from England is the subject of a curious case brought before the courts here. The bull, while grazing, crossed the boundary of a neighbouring farm where it fought another bull. It died a s a
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 497 15 WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. Messrs. Duncan Roberts, Ltd., the local Agents, have just received a cable from London to the effect that the "Imperial Model 50" Typewriter has once again been selected for use at the above Conference. The adoption of this machine coming on top of a similar selection for
      497 words
    • 14 15 J M ARTELIJ sol* fl. v. straits Java Trading Co. (INCORPORATED IN BATAVIA.) I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 198 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 30-37, Hras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric (lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 1411. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. SIANG LIM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN HOUSES
      198 words
    • 807 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—Comfortable Rooms. 7a, Prinsep St. TO LET —Compound House, No. 10, Rose Lane, Katong Rd. 20, Chulia Street. TO LET—Newly built hous:s at Genting Lane, oft" MacPherson Read. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd.,
      807 words
    • 234 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. TAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. It is hive by notified ;hr.t this school has been remov ri to No. l-A, Kirk Terrace. Dhcby Ghaut. Singapore. Principal, M. R. ANCIANO. NOTICE. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL DEBENTURE STOCK, 1928. Interest Due 20th July, 1933. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha; the
      234 words
    • 95 16 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED—Qualified Chinese Doc'ors and a Dicsscr for a private in S nsapore. Apply stating qualification'- and salary required to Box No. ICS, c o Malaya Tribune. SITUATION WANTED. SITUATION WANTED. Bi'let wanted as Bill Collector, mi h substantial seer.-ity. Will ace pt reasonable salary. Apply to Box Nc.
      95 words
    • 356 16 EDUCATIONAL. THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, (Registered under the Schools Ordinance, 1926). 5, Lorong 40, Gylang Road. Vacancies in the Morning Classes from Primary to Senior Cambridge and also in the Commercial Evening Classes. Succe'-s guaranteed. Moderate fees. Early enrolments advised. Per particulars apply to the Principal. OUR WELL KNOWN RAPID
      356 words
    • 517 16 25 Cents f LARGE TU E E E v c r v \^he^^^^j^% CS®P^TOOTH 1 A DISTINCTIVE AND 1 FEffKESHiNfr PASTtI I I SCI ENTIEIC \LLY CCRRtjij MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I 4 V ABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Includlai at Office Postage Postage or close (Local or
      517 words