Malaya Tribune, 3 July 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. oL XX.- Na 155 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday, July 3, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 185 1 I A. FLINTER I 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying h!gh c st prices j according ro daily exc/iunge j rates. HEALTH
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  • 1042 2 MEETING MARRED BY ACCIDENT. Mayo Picked Up Unconscious. rjORAIS, falling half a furlong after the start of the sixth event at the Perak Turf Club's Summer race meeting at on Saturday threvvJockey Mayo heavily and both rider and horse failed to rise.
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  • 376 2 Holy Innocents' English School. THE annual athletic sports of the Holy bmoctttts' English School wan held in the rcKool giotaßd In Upper Serangoon on Saturday. Keen romp titiou was displayed ?ni both the students and their parents who attended in large lumbers thoroughly enjoyed themselves. F. Galistan was
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  • 83 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. June 29. Play in the Johore tennis championships (Southern section) has begun on the Johore Bahru Civil Service Club Courts, and the resu'ts to date are: SINGLES: G. Lov.e beat H. D. Grundy 10—8. 6—B, 6—l: N. Tadakoro beat G. A. Marshall
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  • 407 2 Padang Clubs Meet At The S.R.C. BOTH S.C.C. cricket teams failed to w5 their matches on Saturday. Playlrg at the S.ii.C. end of he padang, the tirst eleven dre with the Singapoie Recreation Club, thougi ihe latter had all the honours of the game while the
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  • 306 2 Saturday's Cricket At The S.C.C. J 1 At the S.C.C. on Saturday, the second Cricket Club eleven put up a total of 84 against the bcwling of St. Joseph'?. Cooke's 18 v.t,-: the best of the innings, but the schoolboys' bowling was deadly. Fernandez took two wickets
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  • 233 2 Selangor Club Beat Victoria Institution. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 1. The Selargor Club defeated the Victoria Institution by two wickets on the school padarg to-day. The fchool took first knock and scored 96 the Club replying with 99. Pearce once again this week played
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  • 709 2 Dull Game At JAian Besar. milE Chinese had no difficulty in I beating the Indo-Ceylonese at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday m the First Division of the b A.t .a. Le The C lndians were beaten from the .tart and had to concede six goals ivithottt
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  • 92 2 The City High Scchool entertained the Modern English High Schcol at badminton at its new premises at Benccolen Street on Saturday and won by 3 matches to 2. The results were as followrs (City High School pla/ers mentioned first): G. Pachymuttu beat C. P. Menon 15—3, 15^—2: Tan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 %«alHea# Zg) Listlessness JW irrttabuH v N \f~^" a 4. A Tiredness Rid yourself of General Weakness WHATEVER the reason "There is abundant eviof your weakness and dence of the value of Sanatlistlessness, Sanatogen will fl T€st(JTatiue and make you stronger and health- ,er. For Sanatogen feeds the food, more
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  • 143 3 rr APPEARS to us, from the Wilson Report. that the ultimate goal of the New Policy is a United Malaya in which matters of common interest will be dealt with by a central au hority on which all the Malay States will
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  • 150 3 ID S.A itself Senator Borah, regarded an exponent of international cotian, only recently committed himself to the statement that nothing need be expected Dm nations of Europe, either in military economic disarmament, a view in which unfortunately he has many followers. Other leading American politicians make no secret
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  • 119 3 InAILURE to appreciate the effect of tjoe 1 Round Table Conference plan on public opinion was responsible for the mistaken dcci- sion of the Congress leaders to revive organised lawlessness. Its collapse was certain from the start because the Voia driving force had beer removed. But it would be
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  • 214 3 'TRAFFIC control in tins part of the world is only a few years old. It owes its origin entirely to the amazingly rapid growth pf motor car traffic, and when it was introduced, the police naturally concentrated their attention on the motorists, particularly the native drivers who had
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  • 605 3 Solicitor s* Clerk Convicted. JUDGMENT was delivered by the Third Magistrate on Saturday in the case in which L J. Edwards, a solicitor's clerk in Singapore, was charged with criminal broach of trust in respect of the sum of S4O entrusted to him by a Chinese
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  • 182 3 Deserted And Stowed Away. A Japanese detective attached to the Detective Branch wa- produced before the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Ferrer• on Saturday on 1 bargee of deserting the Police force and failing to deliver Government property comprisr-»g a. iervice revolver 24 rounds of ammunition, a pair
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  • 54 3 Stranded Japanese Gunboat Sinks. Shanghai. July L A Japanese gunboat "Erkien" which was on ita way up the Yangtse River for Szechuen was stranded and sank 35 miles from Wushanhsien near Kweichow. The Japanese Admiral Beelar who Vas on board and the crew were saved by a transporter.—'
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  • 53 3 May Be Ambassador At Istanbul. Reuter. Istanbul, July 1. There b a strong impression in Consular quarters that Sir Miles Lampson will shortly I sreceed Sir George Clerk here. The latter vas appointed Ambassador at Brussels s'x weeks ago. The British Foreign Office declined to make a
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 132 3 Tidal Canal Being Cut. A* area <* «ome forty acres will be made available for industrial and commercial development on the western edge of the municipal area of as the result of draining operations now being carried on by the Puohc Works Department. ton »T at Present
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  • 317 3 I resentation Of Bell On "Hakone Maru." laru m*fch sailed far London on *5s J? l J? e old?r resi <*ents throughout Malay* m. recently returned to SingapVe %J*\ Maru Mi fiftieth voyaee from London to Singapore by the N V X ithm 34 years
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  • 283 3 A Death And Cremation In Sinuau-jre. The death occurred on Friday evening, at her residence in Seletar, of Mrs. Abyegoonev.avcler.e. wife of Mr. Arthur Abyegoonc-ward> ne chief clerk. Seletar Plantations. The deceased was a Miss Pathinayake and was only 27 years of age. She was born in
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  • 23 3 Reuter. London, July 1. The death has taken place of Mr. E. M. V/. Lawrie. ex-Commodore of Naval Establishments. Hongkong—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 698 3 Accused Acquitted Of Theft Charge. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, July 1. June 26. the District officer, Kota Tinggi, V/ shot a full-grown ttger which hfe despatched by car to Jehorr iiahru to be presented to His Highness Vie Sultan. On the arrival of the car
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  • 283 3 Towkay's C omplaint Of Assault. A Malay Po'.ice OecstaMe \va exonerated or Saturday by the Fouth Magistral*'. Mr. L. R. F. Earl, when he was charged with having us;d luminal force ai:d wrongfully confining a Chine c named Ong Chee Kee. i Mr. E. E- Thuraisingam appeared for
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  • 145 3 American Farmers' Plight. Washington. The gross income cf United States farmer? War; G. 55.143,000,000 < £1,030.000,000 at pari »n 1932—a drop of 57 per cent, since 1929. Their ca h income, after deducting various procUiction declined about 72 por cent according to the United States DepartBtw r of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 121 3 Swan /Brand Coffee. you take Swan Brand Coffee If not, You are losing the most delicious Drink in the market. Because, it is prepared on best principle from selected coffee seeds of superior quality. TRY IT TO-DAY. It is always unchanging in taste and flavour. Free from any adulteration. 100%
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    • 316 3 Rememberfthat pure blood not only keeps away disease, but is Nature's remedy—in fact, the blood is the stream of life. In the treatment of Blood and Skin Complaints Clarke's Blood Mixture is unexcelled, it expels the poisons and assists healing. Of all Chemists and Stores. Equally tood in LIQUID or
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  • 879 4 Shipping News Notices. A NEW BRITISH GUNBOAT. Sandpiper Built In Southampton. the water many thousands of milrs from the yard where she was built, H M gunboat Sandpiper, which was shipped in parts from Scutli mp:on to Shanghai and re-assem-b<ed at the Kmgnan Dock and Engineering Works, was launched at
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  • 330 4 Company Plans Extensive Developments. pONSTRUOnON work on the new vessel V/ ordered by the Os ka Shosen Kaisha for service on the Kob-Keehing line is now in full swing. The keel WM laid the first week of last month and it is expected that the ship wiP be
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  • 188 4 Conflicting: Interests Being United. Dr. Market, the Mayor of Bremen, anaaillll in the Bremen stock Exchange on the' taafea that confronted Bremen and Hamburg mUh regard to the future of shipping, said the principle to ue fciiowed must be German goods though German in ships That would
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  • 110 4 «n»r„??; U Known P ris dipartnient store is siang the owners :nd underwriters of the line m qUe for *****0 francs (approximately Sl?w2 PreSem rates) da «nages for fancy goods belonging to the store which they claimed Vera destroyed in the fire on board the line-s-ates a
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  • 258 4 Governor Favours The Use Of Colowan. MACAO affairs occupy a prominent place in colonial circles in Portugal, and special interest has been aroused by the suggestion brought to the Portuguese Imperial Conference by the Governor to establish a port at Colovt n Instead of the New Port
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  • 186 4 Big Contract For Messrs. Harland And Wolff. j To meet th? glowing competition in the Sout: s j American passenger service, the Royal Mail Lines. Ltd., hive decided to recondition a~d speed up their liners "Astums" and "Alcantara.' The contract has been secured by their buildeis. Messrs
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  • 140 4 To Tackle Question Of Discrimination. T-ere is a possibility of a .special international shipping conf.rence being convened in London or elsewhere, as the World Economic Conference is unhkeiy to discuss the snipDirproblem. y r TJb report which the International Chambei of Commerce wiil submit to the World Eeonor/.c
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  • 259 4 Effort To Remove The Vessel To A Buoy. A REPRESENTATIVE of the Canton "Daily Sun" again interviewed Mr. Johnstone. Cen'on agent of M"ssrs. Butterfield Swire to find out what was the true position of the Chinese seamen's s riko since its inception and what was the likelihood
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  • 219 4 Increased Duties Unfair To Contractors. Haulage contractors In port areas are disappointed at the refusal cf the Hon O'i- rr Stanley, the Minister of Transpart, to res'JL* r::>at e of 33 13 cent, for venici-s Mid la aieh areas, from th? increased dotica on meenar.ieally-propelled vehicles under lh>
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  • 133 4 r PPort of the Netherlands L!cv Steam Navigation Co.. Rotterdam, Stat**- Three of the seven rteamers owned have been laid up through last year, while th- t have made two voyages and one vessel a single trip to the Plate. Owi.-g u> detention and other unforeseen circumstances the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 185 4 IBjUOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated In Italy). J EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Calling at Colombo, Bombay Sorr Port M SOWah Sn p J Said. Brlndisi. Venice and Trieste. Venice Trieate. J mv HILDA July 15 July 15 Due Leave Due
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    • 191 4 HAMBURfi-A MR RIKA UNIE Deutach HpQ Australlsche Dampfachlxa Oesellschaft (Companies fncorpmated in Germany) OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. M.s. MUNSTERLAND, via Manila j£ 2 m.s. FRIES LAND, via Manila Ju Z J m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Z% I m.s. RAMSES, via Manila *Z m t m.s. DUISBURG.
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    • 531 4 JTEAMER^smiNGS, <jfo NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, (Incorporated m he n <l OUTWARDS. "ODER" for Manila. Hongkong, S'hai Japan, N. China and Hankow j,, lv S hai. N. China and Japan Jnl Shanghai, N. China and Japan j uly HOMEWARDS. f for Tr W Genoa, Mseilles, Havre, Dunkirk. Antwerp sTARBRnr H^M U V
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  • 561 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Monday. 11 a in. The following tin share quotations are issued •by Praser and Co., exchange and stock j brokers: mac Vain.-. Buyers. Sellers, c Asaan Kunta-f Tin 29'- 30 6 $1 Austral Malay 2ti 28,- v Aver Ihtam Tin 13|. 141. C( j
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  • 206 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. VERY QUIET TONE IN TIN RUBBER. Small Demand For Cheap Rubber Shares. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Monday roon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 115 16 cts., up 7 16 ct. Market Tone: Quiet, steady. Tin, $115(4. Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber. 3 7 16d.. up
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  • 159 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and varlou* brands of Kerosene ara as fallows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1 l« Shell Motor Spirit tx pua,p per British Imperial gallon 50. 62 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per
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  • 86 5 Mr. C. C. Inchbald's Vigorous Plea. A vigorous p!ea fcr freedom in the tin industry was made by Mr. C. C. Inchbald. the chairman of Kinta Tin Mines. He declared his view that if restriction is to be extended after August 1934 —when it normally expires—the period
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  • 135 5 Big Contract For Messrs. Workman Clark. Messrs. Workman. Clark (1923», Ltd.. <>. i Belfast, have secured a contract to recondition four large vessels and fit them with exhaust turbo-electric machinery. These vessels belong to tha Ellerman fleet, and the first of them, the steamer "City of Venice." is
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  • 150 5 An Extension Of Marconi Activities. The Marconi Marine Electrical Service D partment has arsumed responsibility for ci! the electrical work on board ships handled fo. repairs by William Beardmore aw Co.. Ltd.. of Liverpool. It has also been entrusted with the con tra»t or the complete installation and
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  • 44 5 Amount brought forward was £2.739: ad< transfer from tax reserve not required. £3.13f making £5.877. '.ess loss for 1932. £3.045 <agams£2.s7si leaving crtdit to carry forw?rd £2.831 T p;>:ng resumed on selected areas July 1 1932. Crop amounted to 147.807 poinds.
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  • 21 5 A dividend of per cent, is to be paid fo. '932 <£gainst 5 per cent, for 1931.).
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  • 266 5 Optimistic Market Keynote. Reuter Wireless. London, June 28. pront lakin K reduced gains in sevra dnections on the Stock Exchange to-day teat res were numerous in industrials nse ?n n Jh n c E?'*? neflt( from tne nmtml fa th i, price when. Kaffirs were supported by Pms
    Reuter Wireless.  -  266 words
  • 128 5 The balance-sheet of the Nederlandsch» 'and.l-Maatschapnij (Netherlands Trading toefctjr) as at De~ 31 shows deposits at 01.270 069 fl. .against 346 981.656 fl. on Dec. 1. 1931.. creditor:; at 28.779.914 fl. (against '8.637 850 f1... BOD bills payabie at 12.293.760 L (asjains; 23 031 l? 4 fl.). Cash
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  • 108 5 Report of Djapoeri Sumatra i Rubber Co. oc 1932 shows los* for year of £4.432 tagainst :?.851». reducing credit brought in to £2,370. i show 'hat loss in production period >f rive months to May was £2,788 and in care ■nd maintenance period of seven months :o >c.
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  • 67 5 Less of the BhtVi Rubber Estates for 1931:. i.028 (against Ui22b for 1931 >, from which as been EMl'Otad £1.876 unrequired incomex b3l'nces. leavinr £*.152. This reduces th. urn carried fonru ito £1.568. No depreciation as been provided on buildings, and so. The restricted cr<-p harvested during
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  • 71 5 Loss of the Jugir. Estate *or the year to larch 31. £2,997 «against £3,754 for 1931-32). o mest wh'ch £3,000 has been transferred rom rwerve. Th" reduction in the loss is du<o lower cess of production and to a profit n the sale of cofhe. assets, £23.247; current
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  • 66 5 The property nf the Kurau Rubber emained ou a CMC and maintenance basis iroughout 1932. The loss for the year amountd to £565 (against £1.791 for 1931). ALer adding th«? income-l~x reserve ol £436 o the 14.258 brought in from the previous iccounts and deducting tne year's
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  • 66 5 During the week ending June 24. exports rom Malayan ports of tinned pineapple mounted to 76,107 cases, of which 63,669 cases were to the United Kingdom, 2.250 cases to he Continent of Europe, 7,225 cases to Canada and 2.963 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period. Jan.
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  • 52 5 Loss of the Rubber Estates of Krian for '932. £1,896 (against £1,334 for 1931). to meet which £2,000 has been transferred from in-•cme-tax reserve. The crop harvested during 'lie year amounted to 685,583 lb. (against 708,358 lb.), and the average net price realised mm 2.02 d.
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  • 601 5 Government Terms Held Inadequate. As briefly reported on Saturday, the annu' general meeting of the Jesselton Ice and Power company Ltd., was held on mm day at noon at the registered offices of the Company at Nos. 64. 65 and 66, Market Street. rJ-L/S Liane
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  • 42 5 Latest Quotation*. RUBBER. London Spot: 3 7 !6d. New York: 9% .G.i certs. Singapore 11 3 16—11 ctnts. TIN London Spot: £221 10s. (Unchanged;. i London 3 months: £220 10s. I Unchanged' Singapore: Si 15.25. COfKA Eundrkd $405 Mlx=d $3.55
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  • 648 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Monday, If air. The following rubber .share quotations are issued by Fraser &\d Co.and Lyu. 1 and Kvtti: Issue 1 Value. Fraser Ljhll Shares. Co. Fvatt J I Alleuby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 fO.fcJ 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 Cno IA. Hi-am 1 Oil
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 93 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Alnoelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and R#wt 500.00 C BEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi, Madras, Amara. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
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    • 56 5 turn*/ It QUARTERLY 2% Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put resrulariy away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 2i/ 2 i s pa id quarterly.
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    • 210 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $10,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING CHI UA STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 341 6 I""* 1' NIGHTLY! Tremendous Success Of United Artists Latest Musical Novelty With The Famous Star Who Made The World's First Talkie AL JOLSON With MADGE EVANS Hallelujah, I'm A TRAMP" I 5 NEXT CHANGE! X Introducing for the first time i Brand New Print— Brought in Sound Films, Back By
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    • 142 6 Amusement NIGHT! This Magnificent Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture j With Two Famous Stars Together— Clark Gable j and Helen Hayes j i IN "THE WHITE SISTER" i Htiwwwwuim. FKOM SPAIN Show With The Most Gorgeous Girls Ever Put In Any Cast Lap 15 jen g^i^^^^yj|j A THRILLING STORY OF ADVENTURE ON A
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    • 250 6 mxr I WAS HE CRUEL M ~WKjmm WEDNESDAY g kind to her? WOULD HE HAVE BEN KMDBt «F B. D.'s Hysterical Laugh <j C j^^^^^^fe finer yj/ ..> The Inimitable Sydney Dithering |Bf Ct>^J^'^f of About From One Spot Of Trouble To v^ Another—And Then Winning The C«£Z?^'Derby «4^ j
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  • 120 7 GOING TO FIGHT AGAIN. NANKING AIR CHIEF RETURNS FROM EUROPE MISSION. Two distinguished Chinese officials passed through Singapore yesterday on board the "Conte Verde" on their way back to China. One of them was Major-General Wang Ping Hang, Director of the Nanking Air Department, who has
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  • 1019 7 "YOUNG MARSHAL" RETURNING TO CHINA YJAJOR General Wang Ping Hang. Director of the Nanking Aviation Department, passed through Singapore yesterday on board the "Conte Verde" on his way back to China. He had been in Europe, on a mission under the National Government, •studying aviation methods in the principal countries,
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  • 188 7 Die-Hards Defeated In Conference. Reuter Wireless. London, June 28. GOVERNMENT secured a resounding success on its Indian policy at a specially convened meeting of the Central Conservative Council to-day. The outstanding item on the agenda was a resolution congratulating the Government on their success in maintaining !aw
    Reuter Wireless.  -  188 words
  • 151 7 Head Of Great Liberal Chain. London, June 28. The death occurred in London to-day of the 'smous British newspaper proprietor. Sir rjharles Starmer.—Reuter Wireless. Sir C. St~rmer was Managing Director of tne •Birmingham Gazette." Ltd., of the North of England Newspaper Co.. Ltd., Bradford and Xstriet Newspaper
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  • 123 7 Italians Deny Anyone Is Missing. Reuter. London. July 2. The remaining 23 plane 3 of the Italian air \rmada which left Amsterdam at 7.14 a.m. "vrrived at Londonderry at 12 20 p.m.—Reuter. Amsterdam, July 1. The Ital ans deny that anyone is missing ">m the ftying-bcat. Three of
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 103 7 The second anniversary celebrations of the Great World, which opened on Saturday, had I tremendous response from the public From n early hour crowds began to flock in and by 1 o'clock there must have been between 20,009 "nd 25,000 people in the grounds. The entire park
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  • 35 7 In accordance with the provision of section 1 of the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, 1932, H.E. the Governor has appointed Oct. 1, 1933. as the date on which the Ordinance shall come into force.
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  • 26 7 The appointment of Mr. J. F. F. Gregs and Mr. M. H. Blacker to act as Second Magistral--sud Third Magistrate respectively, is notified in the Gazette.
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  • 520 7 CRESSON CASE IN APPEAL. Mental Cruelty." Counsel's Eloquent Pleading. "fHE position, therefore, to the wife is one of the greatest gravity. She has to uproot herself, leave the town where her whole life has been spent and where she has many friends, go to an entirely strange
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  • 103 7 AT THE CINEMAS. Al Jolson, whos? performance in the "Singing Fco!" brought him universal recognition as c film star, m kes welcome return to Singapore j in "Rjllelujah. I'm A Tramp," which opened -t i the Alhambra on Saturday. A feature of this production
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  • 65 7 "Th/ Yankee Don," starring the "Ace of screen dare-devils," Richard Talmadge, now showing at the Ritz cinema at Geylang, has been drawing crowded houses nightly, md will conclude the sc'son to-night. Mac Cla-ke and Kent Douglas Jn "Waterloo Bridg*»," prpcedrd by shorts and a silent
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  • 21 7 Mr. C. untitled has been appointed to be a 6oßMHfalßri€f 61 th" Rn*rd appointed und°r ths Mohamedan and Hindu Endowments Ordinance.
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  • 16 7 Mr. S. G. H. Leyh has appointed to act as Senior As istant Superintendent, Government Monopolies.
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  • 18 7 The promotion of Lieut. (Acting Captain) D. W. Mortlock to the rank of Captain has been r.pp:c ved.
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  • 131 7 Two Malacca Chinese Fined. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 29. Before Mr. H. C. Willan, the District Judgc-to-day, Inspector Byrde produced Chong Chin Chye, Khek and Gan Hui Kheng, Hokkien. for theft of a topi valued 3t $1.50 belonging to a Hylam named Wee Cheng Ngo.
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  • 38 7 Mr. J. W. ds Piro takes Mr. It. L. K. Qraburn's place on the Hospitals Board, while Mr. Lim Keng Lian fills the vacancy on the Chinese Advisory Board caused by the resignation of Mr. Chua Kah Gheong.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 953 7 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. JUL SINGAPORE AUCTION MART 24, High Street. to-k.ghi"" I "STOWAWAY." 'I (FAY WRAY) We beg to announce to the Public "BACK that we have ODened thp ahnvo Ann »iKlJ.i!ii tion Ronmt AUC (JOHN BOLES IRENE DUNNE). uon Kooms, and are now carrying on Auction Sales at
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  • 654 8 After a week of crisis the World Conference still faces the possibility —almost a probability—of break-up. If there is no total break-up it is possible that the gold countries will break away and leave the rest to carry on to the best of their ability. How much
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  • 270 8 Comments By The Way. WHILE the electricity department of the Singapore Municipal Commission showconsideiaole enterprise m expanding its domestic services, especially in the way rftfc.L*»* such apparatus as fans, stoves and the like, it is backward by comparison with the corresponding F.M.S. department in one respect.
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  • 190 8 LOCAL cinema-goers—and they comprise the vast majority of" the population—have noticed with gratitude that the rigorous censorship rules which were in force a few years ago have been relaxed and many scenes which would have been unhesitatingly deleted then are now allowed to pass without a cut. This
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  • 176 8 AN indication that Singapore can at las r prepare for a serious effort to introduce the boon of radio is contained in the fact that the Municipal Commissioners on Friday passed byaws to regulate the nuisance which is caused .o neighbours by the inconsiderate use by some people
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  • 140 8 Dr. H. A. Tempany. the Director of Agriculture, has been admitted to Bungsar hospital. Valliamah, a Tamil woman, was bound over in the sum of $50, for voluntarily causing hurt to Vellasamy, her husband, near the Automatic Telephone Exchange on May 29. Mr.
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  • 117 8 Mr. S. J. Baukema is recognised as Acting Consul ol the Netherlands at Penang. The following societies of Penang have been called, upon to furnish proof of their existence: The Chinese Sporting Club, the Hai Tho Club, the Khor Si Jin Chin Seah and the Khay Tong Seah. Mr.
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  • 38 8 The uld lawless days in Larut when rival c ans of Chinese miners warred against one another were well-remembered by Haji Ismail, an old Malay gentleman of Ta ping, who has died at the age of 90.
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  • 46 8 The subordinates of the Director of Lands and the Mines Offices were lavishly entertained at tiffin, at the Heng Nam Hotel, Alor Star, by Che Abdul Kader. the office assistant, who won the first prize in the big sweep of the Kedah Gymkhana meeting.
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  • 27 8 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stewart, two old residents of, Ipoh. have left homeward bound on retirement. Mr. Stewart has worked in Ipoh for 27 years.
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  • 47 8 Mr. R. c. Edyvean has arrived in Seremban from Ipoh to take up duties as Superintendent, Posts and Te'egraphs. and Mr. A. C. WoUaston is proceeding from Seremban to Malacca at the end of the month to take up duties as Superintendent, Posts and Telegraphs, Malacca.
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  • 24 8 Another son has been born to His Highness the Su'tan of Perak and the Raja Perempuan. Mother and baby are doing well.
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  • 76 8 j The funeral of the 'ate Mr. W. Dunman took j place at the Christian Cemetery at Batu Gajah. the Rev. H. G. Hutchinson, of the Church of I St. John the Divine, Ipoh. officiating. After a short service at Holy Trinity Church, Batu Gajah, the cortege left
    76 words
  • 453 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" Britain has lifted the trade embargo on the release of the British prisoners in Moscow. Beware the whine when it's "Red." A Supporters of Decentralisation in the Malay States may yet discover that when an economic question gets into politics it's pretty bad for economy.
    453 words
  • 35 8 1 WEEK-END SPORT, on page 2. SOLICITOR'S CLERK CONVICTED. Cn A NEW FACTORY SITES, on page 3 CLUB DIARY, on page 13. YOUNG BANKRUPT, on page 13 RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 14.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 237 8 CABRON DOVER STOVES. THE PREMIER WOOD-BURNING STOVE. i 1 HE INITIAL COST REMARKABLY LOW. j EXTRAORDINARILY ECONOMICAL IN USE. SIZE Nc. 6. 33% ins. wide $35. SIZE No. 7. 37 ins. wide SIZE No. 8. 40'- ins. wide 555. J SIZE No. 9. ins. wide $«5. I PRICES OF BOILERS
      237 words
    • 83 8 I Pianos Bought, Sold I And Exchanged, j SEASON CO., LID., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. Workman/hip eiV,Ce c Charde/ .X. Iyick worn mm i 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD I (Near Middle Rnad.) \(enfiac Tors for fhe Ft pair of C/ccA/ Wdtche/ to the 3rifisA /frmy I Maid/a. I J
      83 words

  • 109 9 U.S. INFLATIONARY BOON ON FAITH ALONE. Beginning Of The End? Decisive Statement To-Day By Mr Cordell Hull. Unless an early agreement is reached on the gold queshe Sfc St3b liSati °"u° f the break-up of il h f enCe' enCe
    109 words
  • 1323 9 Reuter. Reuter Wireless. j-oriuon, July 2. JT is stated in French Conference circles France will not walk out of the Conference even if Mr. RooseveK finally turns down any form of joint declaration but confidence us possibility of its achieving substantial results will be completely
    Reuter.; Reuter Wireless.  -  1,323 words
  • 85 9 Professor Moley And U.S. Baom. Reuter Wireless. London. June 28, Prefes or Mcl:y. who up ie new has b?en I rrost reticent, gave the prtss an interview this evcn'ng whin he declared that as the Im'.d States was participating wholeheartedly in the Conference and was simuitan?ciu<ly establishing its
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 856 9 "Fight The Japanese." CHANG HSUEH LIANG NOT RETURNING. Shanghai, July 3. messages from North China state that the attitude of the "Christian General" Feng Yu Hsiang and his principal allies— Gen. Feng Chan Wu and Gen. Kut Hong Chong—has stiffened. Gen. P'eng Yu Hsiang has issued a
    856 words
  • 175 9 BRITISH ENGINEERS RELEASED. Free To Leave Treaty Negotiations To Be Resumed. Reuter. London, July 1. X HE For eign-Ofnce announces that the British engineers, Thornton and Macdonald. will be released tonight from Moscow and the embargo on Russian imports lifted. At a further* Anglo-Soviet conversation between Ambassador
    Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 47 9 Serious Loss Of Life And Property. Reuter. Tokyo, Ju'y 3. THrty-fiv; propl* ha\e been drowned six mis ing and 16 have bc»n injure and encui. damage t» prcpcily and conununlcati<ns has b:*n caused in «ruth-east Hon-, rwing to Mo.dv following heaw rains.— Rf uter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 134 9 Agreement On Position Of Reuter. Vatican Cit;», July 2 It is understood that an in prin- ciple for a concordat be.ween the Vatican and Germany ha<: been reached between Yon Paptn and Cardinal Pticelli the Papal Secretary of State The new concordat will link up exiting
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 85 9 Foreign Firms Suffering Great Losses. Reuter. Moscow. July 2. Foreign firms who are suffering great losses a the result of the holding up of their freights at Porgranitchnaya owing to the suspension of through traffic between the Ussuri and North Manchurian Railways arc vigorously protesting according to
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 29 9 Reuter. Tokyo, July 1. The Bank of Japan has announced the lowering of the discount rate from 4 38 to 3 65 inforceable from July 3.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 27 9 Mr. R. v. Harris has been appointed to act as a member of the Singapore Harbour Board during the absence on leave of Mr. G da Havilland.
    27 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 326 9 PHOSFERINE ASSISTS ATHLETE S SUCCESSES R^. ING th e win °er of 72 weight-lifting Matches and Tournaments during the past 10 years, my lengthy experiences in active athletics and strength contests have proved to me that Phosferine. apart from its inestimable value in cases of Indigestion, Brain Fag and Nerve
      326 words

  • 513 10 Wimbledon Tournament. THE KING AND QtjfcfiN PRESENT. Reuter. London, July 1. attendance records at Wimbledon were surpassed to-day wher the fourth round of the lawn tennis tournament was continued in brilliant sunshine. Their Majesties the King and Queen were
    Reuter.  -  513 words
  • 86 10 Reuter. London, July 2. The British team for the Davis Cup Eur« pcan zone final against Australia at Wintledon in July 13. 14 and 15 has been t:lttted at follows: H W. Austin Hughes. F. J. Perrr and H. VV. Lee—Reuter. THE WIGHTMAN CUP. Lrmdtn. JnJ> 2.
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 44 10 International Golf Matches At Edinburgh. Reuter. London. July 2. At the Royal Burgess links, Edinburgh, today. in the International golf matches, Bull nd beat Scotland by 10 to 5, being halved. The England team included all the Ryder Cup players. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 39 10 Reuter. London, July l. The race for the London Cup resulted as follows: 1 Tajuddin. 2. Barrage. 3. Grey Wonder. Won by three lengths. Third half a length away. 8 Ecttlng: C—2; 20—1; 10—i. Thirteen ran —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 548 10 In Aid Of European Unemployed. IN aid of the Singapore European Unemployment Fund, a successful gymkhana was held at the Singapore Polo Club ground. Balestier Road, yesterday evening, upwards cf SDO people being present. Among the visito- s were the Kon. Mr. A. 5. Hayne?, Mrs.
    548 words
  • 145 10 Conclusion Of Spf ing Tournament. The S.R.C. spring tennis tournament was concluded with the final of the doubles handicap between Dr. W. A. Balhetchet and N. E. Ess (owe 30) and N. S. Hogan and K. C. Balhetchet (owe 15). The former won in two straight sets 6—3,
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  • 132 10 Yesterday's Semi-Final Match Drawn. The S.C.F.A. Cup semi-final between the Siong 800 Athletic Association and the St Matthews Young Feople's Guild at the Jalan Besar Stadium ended in a goalless draw. Mr. Teck Seng refereed and the teams lined up as follows SIONG 800 A.A.: Slew Hong;
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  • 41 10 The July bogey competition at the Singapore Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and resulted in a win for T Bhck (all square) in "A" division, and P X Lee (I up) in "B" di\ision.
    41 words
  • 208 10 Amateur Championship Competition. THE Amateur championship j four-ball > billiards tournament for the Frankel Challenge Shield was commenced at the New World on Saturday. Tin Kirn Song, last j-ear's winner of this tournament, had an exciting game in his first round tie yesterday, and was lucky to survive.
    208 words
  • 283 10 Reuter. The National And American Leagues. t New York, June 30. Latest results in the National and American baseball Leagues are as follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. H. E. Chicago 11 1 Brooklyn 2 7 0 P. Herman made a home run for Chicago Pittsburgh 4 8 0 Philadelphia
    Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 74 10 Saturdays results in the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament: Mens singles championship: L. Green beat Lim Bo Seng 6—j. 6—3; A. H. Yap beat P C S«-nds 6—l, 6—o; Tan Thian Seng beat Po Guan Cheng 6—l, 6—4. E. M. Tampoe-Phillips beat I. A. Alsagoff 3_ B—€: D. Green beat
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  • 77 10 Postponed from Friday in consequence of rain, the final of the ladies' singles in the Singapore L.T.A. championship tournament will be played at the S.C.C. to-day, commencing at 5 pjn. The contestants are Mrs. J. D. Laing and Mrs. E. A. Taylor. The mens doubles, Roy Smith and
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  • 43 10 ssoccer XI v. Raffles Institution on tne Padang to-day: A. L Horsley, D. E. Nickels P. Plane, R. W. Jakeman, T. W. Morray. m' Walling, R. v. Welch, T. Wateon, H. G. Riches C. H. W. Goult, J. K. Gale.
    43 words
  • 14 10 me penang uricket Club annual sports wilt be held on Saturday.
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  • 257 10 Yesterday's Cricket On The Padang. MERCHANTS, who were last in the S.C.C. cricket- tournament table, beat the Services (Malaya Command Officers) easily in yesterday s tjame en the Padang and move up to the second position. Scores: UNITED SERVICES. Capt. Ranee c Page b Hewett 49 I lt.-Lt.
    257 words
  • 192 10 Sunday s Cricket At McNair Road. The Nondescripts- beat the Indian Ascoon th N.C.C. grounds on Sunday by 107 runs. Scores. INDIAN ASSOCIATION. Harigovind c and b Pereira 8 Davar lbw. b de Souza 9 Rajaram c Humphries b Pereira 2 Abbasbohoy c and b Pereira 13
    192 words
  • 210 10 Sunday's Game Ends In 4 Draw. Sf?S V th? SR C on Sunday between the Club and the S.C.C. tournanAt XI, Etceteras, was left draxn Ul »am.nt Scores: S.R.C. P d'A'mtrida c Burn b McNeill <m 2• JE N OPhlers c Esde y b McNeill a I
    210 words
  • 362 10 Raffles Trounced By Medicals. THE Medical College, thanks to a brilliant 138 by Alvis. and to good bowling "hy all their trundlers, were table to inflict "a serve troucing CH their rivals from Raffles College. The match was played on the Sepoy Lines ground on Saturday and yesterday,
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  • 334 10 Final Yesterday. J. T. SMITH WINS FIVE AND FOUR. T. Smith yesterday won tho Singapore Island golf championship beating W. Eldred in the final five and four, in a 36-hoIe contest, divided into two rounds of 18 holes each, at the Island Golf Club. The prizes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 395 11 Productions In Open. geoua launching out into an T atre was rewarded by the pre- n udience which, if not large, was when "The Sceneged three one-act plays at "The re Oldham Hall, on Saturday .ating them, however, on their on the choice of subjects for
    395 words
  • 201 11 Missing Warships Going To Canton Shanghai. July. 3. ATSTNGTAO message states that the aeroplanes sent out to search for the three missing warships. "Haichi," "Haishun" and "Shaowo," which left Rock Island lat the end of last week for an unknown destination, have found no traces of
    201 words
  • 102 11 Seizure Of Still, Liquor And Rice. The seizure of a large still and a quantity of Jquor and fermenting lice by Revcn -K Officers, had a sequel in the District this morning, when three Chine e were charged. Mr. Baker said that a party of Re\enue CfScers
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  • 77 11 Boy Who Stole Suits Sent To RtfarmatDry. Mr J F F. Gregg, the Third Magistral, made an example cf the pawnbroker who creel ed stoUn suit from a HMshJ buy. by totes him $10. and he Bestowed the accused "to ten 'strokes and two yea;, m the ReforrrcAceusrd
    77 words
  • 342 11 Hon. Secretary Gets Judgment. JOHORE NEWS. (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) johore Bahru. July rTTHE court house and its precincts 1 ed with Malay, when suit which involved the sum of only $1.6». *J calVed before Sheikh Abu Baker (Second MagiSt Tr2ne Ariffin bin Lasa. a Government
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  • 106 11 In Germany's Trade. Berlin. There is a big drop in German fore'gn trade for April, both as compared with month and as compared with the same period last year. Imports for April were valued at 32i,G0C000 marks »£16.050.000 at part and exports at 582.000.000 marks »£19.100.000» as compared
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  • 49 11 Sentenced To 28 Days' Detention. Reuter Wireless. London. June 28. 1 Guardsman Harris, who was court-martialed on a charge of being asleep while on duty as sentry at Windsor Castle, while their Majesties were in residence, has been sentenced to 28 days' detention. —Reuter Wirel s?.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 50 11 An interruption occurred this morning in the Second Magistrate's Court when an Indian t police constable fainted and fell unconscious as he was passing the bar table. A. S. P. Sym and another constable rushed up to his assistance, loosened his uniform and carried him out. j I
    50 words
  • 79 11 About 300 guests, including many Eu opean j ladies and gentlemen, were present at the dinner given by Messrs. Cheang Theam Cnu and Cheang Theam Kee at "Riviera," 112, Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore, yesterday, in celebraHOB of the anniversary of the birthday (which fell on the 10th day
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  • 19 11 Miss Mary Chen, Chinese Secretary of the the Y.W.C.A., Singapore, returned yesterday by the "Conte Verde" from Europe. j
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  • 44 11 Invention privileges for a term of 16 years l aye been granted to Mr. Ong Chin San. of M Joo Chiat Road, for an invention for a new md simple apparatus fcr utilising solar oil m--tead of gasoline fcr various types of motcr engines.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 67, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. 'PHONE No. 4227 I Begs to announce the start of our annual cash cheap sale commencing from Monday. July 3, »55. 400 Morning Dresses just unpacked from Europe m all range of colours at one price $1.90 each rhnosp vour Morning Dress right away for S5U<J1
      152 words
    • 357 11 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. *w (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). J I n Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry. EC. HEAD OFFICE: Great thp Supreme Court of vn gl&nA and CO mplU S with the British Life Companies Act in every
      357 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 221 11 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. Programme cf Drills up to and week-ending July 9. 1933: TO-DAY. JULY 3. 5.15 p.m.—Headquartets. S.R.A. (v). Battery Parade. s.lf> p.m.—Headquarters. "BP Coy.. LA. and 30 yards Range. 5.15 p.m.—Mackenzie Road. "CT (Scottish) Coy.. Section Leading. TO-MORROW. JULY 4 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. "A"
      221 words

  • 219 12 "ARAMIS" DELAYED. "Chenonceaux" To Take Her Place. j The M.M. motor-ship. "Aramis." is delayed, nnd her return voyage according to schedul Will be made by the m il boat "Chenonceaux." which will thus arrive and d'part from Singapore Homeward bcund on the
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  • 108 12 Singapore, July j. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Raj ula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3». Malayan Prince 14: Pies. Harrison 12 Arendskerk 9; Oder 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) Mr.rudu 30; Twecdbank 37: Oil Uglitar (Soeeny) 37. Empire Dock Entrance Gate 4).
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  • 45 12 Mails ttom Batavia and Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Pot Office. Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. tc-morrow. From Holland by the "Baloeran." duo nt Singapore to-morrcw morning. From China and Japan by tire "Bengal Maru." due at Singapore on Wednesday afternoon.
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  • 452 12 Deadlock In Negotiations With Feng. Shanghai. July 1. The director of the Mukden-Shanhaikwan branch of the Peining Ra'lway is taking over cort:ol cf the war district: in the 3rea. havi g enlisted Manchukuo soldiers and getting read/ to have traffic resumed with Peiping as requested by the Japanese.
    452 words
  • 183 12 Thrown Overbaard By 1 Welshman. Paris. A bctUe thrown -overboard bat ween Colombo und Australia more than four years ago by .a Welshman, whose name is given ps Mr. I. E. Williams, of Pcntypool. South Walts, has been picked up by a shipyard worker at Toulon. M. Charles
    183 words
  • 178 12 SE\LINC Singapore, July 3. London 4 months' 2 4 London 3 months' sight 2|3 ***** London 60 days' sight 2j3 ***** London 30 days' fight 2j3 29 3:t London demand 2 7'/» London T.T. 2|3 27 32 Lyons and Paris demand 985 Hamburg demand 153 New York demand
    178 words
  • 207 12 Singapore. July 3. R. <Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $103 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $114 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 SIOS Rice, Siam •'Old" per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $154 Rice. Siam "Old" No. 3
    207 words
  • 264 12 National Monopoly Campaign Prepared. Madrid. British manufacturers of sulphate of ammonia axe like'y to lose one of their best lrarkets if a project drafted by the Council cf National Economy for the control of the nitrogen market, is carried out. Drastic measures for the protection of the heme
    264 words
  • 51 12 h Chicago. *lye gunmen drove up to a Chicago brewery with three lorries having turned their hands to the latest approved "racket." Grimly th-v rolled 200 beer barrels into the lorries and drove Off with their spoils. But—the brewery had not yet started woik The barrels were empty!
    51 words
  • 258 12 WHAT'S ON\ Public Functions Vnd Sports Fixture^ TO-DAY, JULY 3. High Tides. —6.05 a.m., 6.05 pjn. Commercial Cup Football: Bramtoco \\ap.c. Anson Road: Monopolies v. S.H.BJb.H Q. Great World Anniversary Celebrations. TO-MORROW, JULY 4. High Tides.—7.45 a.m., 7.14 p.m. Meeting. Straits Trading Co., Ocean BmXr.g, noon.
    258 words
  • 109 12 ALHAMBRA.—AI Jolsou in "Hallelujah I'm a Tramp." CAPITOL.—CIark Gable and Helen Haye* in "The White Sister." EMPIRE—DoubIe talkies: "Tilly cf Bloombury and "Raise the Poof." GREAT WORLD. —Side shows. Cabaret, Malay opera, Chinese wayangs, silent and talk. ing films (Sky Talkie: "Love on Wheels" S'.ar Talkie: "Fianken tein"). MARLBOROUGH
    109 words
  • 153 12 Two Hours Behind Time Ot Mollison. Karachi, June 29. Mr. Ulm was only two hours behind Mollison'* time when he lefc here at 6 a.m. for Cairo, where he hopes to arrive at 10 a.m. to-morrow. It is stated that he and his two companion* hope to continue
    153 words
  • 75 12 Series Of Loan Issues In America. Reuter Washington, July 3. The Reconstruction Corporation has announced a series of loans to American exporters, to finance the S3le of 60,000 to 80,000 bales of cotton to Russia, secured by cne-year five per cent, interest notes by Amtorg, the Soviet
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 82 12 STOP THAT COLD WITH A /;NHALANTa|| You travel and work in an al mosphere laden with germs. Unless you destroy iheSQ germs you will take them home and start in your f&miiy a round of colds pregnant with dangerous possibilities. The inhaling of Vapcx from the handkerchiefs kills the germs
      82 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 68 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. |M Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mia Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Station*. Deg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. P Ale S ar 8« 0.54 4.1 72 Sitiawan 85 0.03 6.5 71 K. Trcrgganu 89 Nil 6.1 70 Bukit Jeram 89 0.04 7.6 72 Malacci 87 0 03
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    • 122 12 POSTAL INTELLIGENT SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Sam "except. Lower Siara) <Katons» 3 B jg. j Bangkok <Halvdan> 3-p.m. Seat Prxdjang. Bengkalis and B»gan I Si Api Api <Ujak» 3 ojn Philippine Island:;. China and Japan I (Od r> 3 IMB. TO-MOF.ROW. Sunn (except Lower SiarrO (Kepong* 11 pnv -Ceylon. Bcmbay.
      122 words

  • 163 13 Revolutionary Greetings On The Air. Sofia. TJEPORTS from owners of receiving sets in 1% the South of England and the North of France have stirred the Bulgarian Police to action against a secret revolutionary wireless station somewhere in Bulgaria. The troi'h!e is that the police do not know
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  • 161 13 Four Different Varieties Known. Another blow at the "wisdom" of the arI cients has been struck by the further complication of water—which scientists of lor i ago .and even fairly recently) regarded as tne simplest thing imaginable. In fact, they were so impressed by its apparent simplicity
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  • 79 13 Largest In Southern Hemisphere. Durban. The largest paper mill in the southern hemisphere will be erected here at a cost ot £300.000 if the financial interests concerned are able to secure a satisfactory site from the town council. It is intended that the mill shall occupy a
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  • 532 13 Hard On Him To Have No Chance. KHOO Kirn Sal, a Straits-born Chinese al 31 years of age, applied in person yesterday before Mr. Justice Mills in the Bankruptcy Court for his discharge from bankruptcy. Supporting the application, Mr. E. N. Taylcv, the Assistant Official Assignee, said that
    532 words
  • 274 13 How Radio-Active Elements Assist. j I There is a little group of fifteen of the »1 elements which are very similar to one another. One of these, cerium, gives gas mantles that peculiar quality that makes theshine white when lit (although they ~nmt at a very low temperature)
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  • 184 13 Man Who Understood French Canadians. Cobalt (Ontario. A bronze plaque set in the fireplace beioro which he used to smoke and write, will Le Cobalt's memorial to Dr. William Henry Drummond. poet of the French Canadian farmer--the habitant." The fireplace is all that remains of Dr. Drummond's
    184 words
  • 269 13 "Blow To French Film Industry." Paris. VTO less than 400,000 foreign workers left the £T2 r natiVe during uresr!L2L lths through lhe recent neeTil tlng foreign labour here. hoover thlfn f I_S_? has enounced. STn a t T WOrkel 3 cartis re!TseJ£h CaSCS wi be granted act; thaT
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  • 242 13 Darwin Only Touched Problem. The very mention cf the name DarwtZ m L t0 b V CUffiCient t0 bring to People's mird;the idea of monkeys becoming, in the cour*of time. men. Actually, of course, that is a \ery small fraction <and net a very accurate one at
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  • 209 13 Beyond Which Man's Blood I Boils. i As certair. records are exceeded, from ti:n« to time, -we sometimes *eem to think that they can go on being beaten by a little bit c-a -li time indefinitely. But there are some achievemer ts which can only reach a certain
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  • 87 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 1. The Ipoh Golf Club has, adopted two new lules. One provides for the admittance of non-playing members and members and their families. The second permits ladies belonging to a member's family or household to become ordinary members upon payment of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 241 13 A Thorough Dentifrice that does a better job Oibbs Dentifrice just as a trial for a week and l bat a difference it makes to heal li arc! appearance of ycur ie:-th! Gibes cj ans THOROUGHLY. The flood of ptfc foam penetrates all the sties ar.d novices tf the teeth—deantna
      241 words
    • 304 13 N N TO GET AIRMINDED I MAKE A CHEAP AIRVOYAGE TO T JAVA BY THE A j j K. N. I L. M. j Who have been operating this service Ii I j more than 3 years. H/f The X N -I-L-M. Carried From Nov. 1928, fli 75,122 Passengers. Jf
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 388 13 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune.'* This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 150 14 Revision Proposals Under Consideration. SEVERAL letters have, it is understood, oeen addressed to the Executive Committee of Labour. Industry ard Commerce, by OBtetfl manager asking for a revision cf the wage eheduled and also of the price of rice supplied to labourers under the Immigrant Labour
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  • 146 14 Screaming Engine Tearing Along. Mr. Harry *****, of Kentish Town, had a refreshingly "different' rem niacence when interviewed on his retirement after spending 43 years at one engine shed. Perhaps the story is best told in his own words. "I wi 1 always remember hen I was
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  • 428 14 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore. June 30. HEAT. B cf steak I round >, kati j" Beef, new cr curry, kati Pork lean (Ist quality), kati 42 Pork! lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 34 Mutton. Australian, lb. 4Q Fowl, kati Q Hens (locally reared), Ducks, Saigon, each
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  • 114 14 Wife Accepts Reduction Of Payment. An application to vary a maintenance order oi $100 a month to his wife, made On Aug. U\ 1928, was made by a European. Alfred WilI'am Duggan. before the Fourth Magistrate. Mr. L. R. F. Earl, on Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Duagan, who
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  • 130 14 Four Killed But Nine Escaped. Istanbul. A number o{ Turkish prisoners in the prison of Karakrusse, near Van, in Eastern Anatolia, have escaped after a desperate fight with warders. For many weeks the prisoners worked away at a subterranean passage leading from one of their cells. They succeeded
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  • 173 14 And Then Came Politics I Annapolis, Maryland. J I ruHE residents of Cob?; fc-and. on the Potomac iJ. River, fifty miles fef.-.ow \\»OAtigVm., do rrt want any more politics. I The Governor fi M#Trto«l was informed at a hearing of a •-•Hi *M incorporate the town c. Cobb
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  • 223 14 Anglo-American Agreement Outcome. Another tra'el developmen; L- the all round redaction m feres across the Atlantic, vhi h las takrn effect this week. It will con--ideubly cenefi: passengers from this countiy to rtic Unite't Stales and;\ Tr.e change are the outcome cf an n.rieerrei.t between the
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  • 226 14 Johore Bahru Defeat Segamat. (From Our 0:rn Corrcspcv.dent.) Johore Bahru, June 29. The first match to be played in ihe Arab Cup Competition in Johcre Bahru. was fought out this evening between the English College, and the Sogamat English School on the former s ground in the
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  • 117 14 But Eternally Home Sick. The Scots, according to Mr. John Buchan. MP., are the most wandering people on earth. It was at a meeting in the Assembly Hal of the Church of Scotland, at Edinhursh. txf ce-c- brate the centenaiy of the abolitiou oi slavery and the
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  • 108 14 j Offered His Own Wife For $25. I An unurual cas? cf chcatir.g was dealt rth by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Pbrret) oh Sr.turday. The accused, an Indian namod Oopal. was alleged to have cheated his friend of $25 by inducing him to agree to marry
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  • 25 14 The Malays' Reserves were given a walkover by the Medical College Uuicn in the Second Division S A.F.A League game fixed for Saturday.
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  • 365 14 Illegal Visit To Liner In Harbour. EIGHTEEN young girls were charged bef re Corrunar.der Newill at tho Marine C Hongkong, on June 21, with boarding the steamer '•Cremcr."' lying inidstre m, without pa mission. Sub-In-ipee'.or Bnker. prosecuting, (aid thathe girls vent out to the vessel for
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  • 205 14 American's Idea Is Perpetuated. Though Scots may leave home, oiher people want to see Scot'and. So arrangements have been made for them to make lightning tour. In North Britain. The stcry if told that an American visitor went up ti a railway booking office and said rhat
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  • 173 14 Country Comes To Town. rural town of wooden buildin g ana meet was pat up at Wimbledon for til B *nd West show. Tr.c pride of the West COUBB? vas assembled in forty acres of ground Pedi&rce cattle, sheep, goats, winninc hunters and agricultural ttOTJ of which
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  • 109 14 Malacca Tough Sent To Gaol. Malacca. June 30. Before M«. J- C Derrick the V*£j™£ trate, to-day. Ch«Wg Thin, a Can ftood charged with assaultir.s Lin: with a knife. The complainant, a barbrr. Mated th April 21 last h- was walking towards Cross Street, when three eh
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 366 14 V ftpHNSON OUTBOARD I MOTORS In Performance j j WITH THE DEPENDABLE JOHNSON. 1 "kH b|| Fishing, (ampin*, Hun ing, Swimming Cruisliv ukOK 1 "JOHNSON" to do it Safely, ll is th? only outboard \m\\} HL 11t\ iS No No sc N Vl| BN Hjß/ N< Effrr required start, No
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 358 14 j i EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA f INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Dat entry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 318 metres. Two of the following frequencies and wanlengths will be usrd In the transaDksions to the Indian
      358 words

  • 663 15 Padffham's Wonderful After-Lunch Fight. s London, June 8 (by Air Mail). A GALLERY of three thousand people stood and cheered themselves hoarse at the end it a dramatic final in the £750 professional golf tournament cn the Temple Newsam course, Lords, last week. The cheering
    663 words
  • 199 15 Why Singapore Can Be Sticky. eeathet can be extremely uncomfortoniy moderately so, according to the ot moisture in the air. If there is ire, one's perspiration will be more asorbed by the hot air than if there thus making a hot dry climate ra::oleasant than a hot
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  • 98 15 A Lancashire Girl's Novel Request. Sydney. A Lancashire girl has asked the Lord Mayor of Sydney to find her a nice Australian husband." She wrote to him because he h the '"best known man about town." I am dying to get to Australia." she told him, "and would
    98 words
  • 32 15 The entrance tc. the Bank of Merjjaa Mr. J. p. Morgan is being asked by the 1«. Government to explain certain items in connection with his income-tax returns.
    32 words
  • 217 15 "Degrees Kelvin" Below Zero. what iz the coldest thru you can ihinS of? The Ncrth Pole? Th<> tcp of Mount Everest? These may be the coldest natural thing- on the Earth's urfacc: but they n rot nearly as cold as it i; possible to mrta thing-, by
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  • 225 15 Artificial Malaria Injections. It may seem, at first sight, to be the height of insanity to go out of one's way to get malaria, but when we see how science is able to com.rol the ?genc»ies that cause malaria it will not be quite so surprising to (earn
    225 words
  • 159 15 Interview That Was Not Granted. Berlin. Herr Otto Obst, the German who introduced Norman Baillie-Stewart, ex-Lieutenant of the Seaforth Highlanders, to the mysterious Marie louisa, has a namesake in Berlin who is difficult to interview. A man of that name actually lives at the address on the
    159 words
  • 330 15 GoebbeiY Problem: "National Kitsch" To Be Banned. Berlin. I Kitsch is a useful German word meaning al] that is vulgar, cheap, sentimental, and I commercial in the arts. It has recently been appropriated by Dr. Gcebbels the young man responsible fcr enlightenir? xhe German people as to
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  • 186 15 British Firm To Build Gebel Awlia Dam. Cairo. The British firm of Messrs. J. W. Gibson have been awarded by the Egyptian Government the big contract of building the Q?bel Awlia dam a few miles south of Khartum. Their tender for L.E.2,078.086. was the eccnd lowest. Pour firms,
    186 words
  • 83 15 Minimum Tariff On Wheat. Ottawa. A new reciprocal trade, treaty between Canada and Prance has been negotiated and will be introduced in the Dominion House of Commons, according to an official announcement. The new treaty replaces the former agreement which ended last year and it Is unofficially
    83 words
  • 268 15 Climax Of French Naval Manoeuvres. Toulon. I THE bombardment of Toulon, the destruction 1 of a -wireless station and an attack on a on its way from France to Africa have if imaginary, fea!™L of the *"nch naval manoeuvres in the Mediterranean. "The Batttle of (he Convoy" in
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  • 259 15 "No Nice Girl Swears," She Says. New York. MISS Alice Leone Mrats. who was a recent debutante here, has written a book oi achice to other girls rr.akir.g their wav in rcciety. She call: her book No Nice Girl Sweats" ar.d these arc some of the things
    259 words
  • 101 15 Circus Man Faces Wild Kind. Nairobi. AFTER being in daily contact with all Madf cf wild animals for nearly 40 years. Mr. F. H. Bostock, a partner in the world-famous circus and menagerie which was disbanded recently, has ju t fulfilled a life-long desire bo sec
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  • 118 15 Recognition Of Atlantic Flight. Warsaw.. Captain Saarzinski. the Polish airman, nas been awarded 5,000 zlotys (about £166 at pr?c:it rates) for his recent flight acrcss the S alh Atlantic when he followed Mr. J. A. Malison's route and claims to have established a record for a direct
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 239 16 M. HASSAN.] ELECTRICAL AND WATER fi CONTRACTOR* 36-37, Hras liasah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to 9 I the above address or 'Phone I mil' I TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT
      239 words
    • 731 16 THE PEOPLES PAPER: INDEPENDIrW&PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—76, Truro Road, from July L Apply 47, Truro Road. TO LET—Compound Hous?, No. 10, Rose Lane, Katong Rd. 20, Chulia Street. TO LET—New'y built hous:s a; Genting Lane, off MacPherson Road. Rent $15. Apply at 35, Genting Lane. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd.,
      731 words
    • 222 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. U is harcby notified :hat this school has ber-n •emov d to No. 1-A. Kirk Terrace, Dhrby Ghaut, Singapore. Principal, M. R. ANCIANO. WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. i Messrs. Duncan Roberts, Ltd., the local Agents, have just received a I cable from
      222 words
    • 112 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —Rubber and CocOnut Contractor fc an estate; apply with full particulars to Box No. 167, c o Malaya Tribune. WANTED —Qualified Chinese Doc ors and a for a private hospital in Singapore Apt* stating qualification; ar.d salary required to Box No. 105, c o Malaya Tribune. FOR
      112 words
    • 271 16 educational. THE MODERN ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL. 10, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. (Under New Management) Classes: Primary to Senior Cambridge 8 00 a.m. to 100 pan Junior, Senior and Lond. Ma?ric. fi* 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Special class in English 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m Individual tuition in special subject is
      271 words
    • 485 16 25 Cents 1A176C TUBE EveryWhere TOOTH I I I DISTINCf IVt AND 1 J I KIfHSmNO P/VSTE 1 SCItNTIfICAUy CCRRICI MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. S ASCRIPTION RATES. r IT ABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Incluoini at office Postage Postage or close (Local or toPor-lgn residence. F.M.S.) Countries, yearly $15.00 $21.00
      485 words