Malaya Tribune, 1 July 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. ol- XX.- -No. IS*** SINGAPORE, SATURDAY JULY 1, 1933 FIV| CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, July 1, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 H BE £4' aHlilfnllmtKflK THE LAST WORD IN TflE ART OF BREWING Sole Importers THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, LIMITED. j I SINGAPORE. sisbmes HEW iBEm store Refrigerated Supplies, Cakes Confectionery And A Full Range of i Groceries Provisions. j NOW AVAILABLE I CjpLD STORAGE j ORCHARD ROAD. !LJOSCA S H
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    • 162 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Imparting Diamond? and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. f Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according Jo daily exchange rates. I THE ORIGINAL. fc PRIMUS j.
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  • 50 2 M> dear Nieces, I have nothing much to say this wi-ek. Our debate is getting interesting but 1 want more nieces to give their views. I am afraid I have to leave the question of a suitable motto for some time. AUNTIE LIZZIE.
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  • 400 2 (By Dora Remember the sabbath day to keep it jj 0 ly "is part of the fourth commandment which deals with Sunday. I am very sorry to say that many are. apt to grasp the wrong idea from .this commandment but it is too true. I have read lately
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  • 190 2 CBy '-Sunny Girl.") Hello, cousins, here I am again. Just the sa'me "Sunny to those who know me. Guess what I'm going to talk about. Well, it is the coming of Mums and Dads and my brothers from Java to dear old Singapore. Mums brought me gifts
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  • 123 2 (By "Topsie.") Hello, dear sister, its nice to be restored to the Corner after being imprisionrd by Mr. .aziness. I was with "Country Maiden".and "April" when I met "Joan" in the bus. I don't think she knows I am a member of the Corner, because I did
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  • 837 2 (By "Jean 'i I *-»U w w Whether dancing is an evil or not depends, I think, upon the broadmindedness of a person. Personally, I see nothing evil in dancingIt is a splendid iorm of exercise. It develops one's sense of rythm and helps
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  • 108 2 (By "Topsie.") I don't think dancing Is an evil. There la no h3rm In dancing In our homes or among our own friends. It is not exactly an exercise, but a sort of an 8musement. I dare say it doss exercise our l mbs, which is
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  • 344 2 (By "Merry Maid") Besides the extravagant expenditure and the neglect of 'duties to the homes in thosd who dance: as already expressed by some of the Cornerites, I shall say that the mental outlook of the conservative people is rather awkward. The first thing that would strike them
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  • 167 2 .By S. H. Tan,- Seremban.) Dancing is as it was a haunted pleasure. Seme take it is 3 hobby, some take it for pleasure. There ere two types in general. One is dancing by oneself and the other requires a partner. It is v?ry wise of those
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  • 97 2 (By •Dora") Auntie Lizzie, I am sorry but I am still of the same, opinion in spite of what you say. Dancing is an evd taken in what way thinkable, whether alone or in cabarets. You see when ycu know dancifig sometime or other you wi 1 y»eld
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  • 178 2 (By Lucky Star.") Gambling is another evil, besides dancing, and is very tempting when once you know the art of it. It is very hard and trying for you not to gamble, when you see others playing and throwing away their money or winning. Then you
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 the stars you admire LUX L toilet soap 9 o/// of IP Fll|t STARS LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND X-LTS 22t-*» a j /)o j Children and Babies generally do in this climate. Why not pi Meet them against the danger of skin irritations and inflamations? Nivea < reme
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  • 131 3 tiK with Colonel Rac »h< J W Price of tin should D dated kg 11 is far bettor that Ix. go c lied than be allowed fa the hands peculators, who w ■red the no "eld by the P tatter had ***** formed. And
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  • 126 3 rE Stats Vaßej net only the richest area In thi vvorld bu t the mi. heri can be work more cheaply than ml' anywhere tn the world. The point to be er. sidered is this 1- the development of t ;-ch tin-producing area to be held up so
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  • 149 3 T- .EE years ago. rubber producers in ibis tntry would have .scouted the idea that t£ t -mmcdity could be produced at present 2 C ices and at the same time enable Lhem j] F a small profit. They have learned in t L ird school of adversity that
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  • 147 3 ri goSE whose arduous and respon-iblc task 1 to endeavour tc balance the budget Federated Malay States will Stab? iterest, not untie ged with envy, nancial statistics giver. in the report on the social and economic pn of tiie people of Johvr-' for 1932' Iss r the signature,of Mr
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  • 402 3 Alleged Theft From His Towkay. JOHORE NEWS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, June 26. A CHINESE who is employed by a towkay of -TL Kulai in a provision store, bolted, it is alleged, ui the morning of June 18. with $500, in cash but action taken
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 Foods I S partK I 13"'3 S! a %f Jl eding of infants in hot AT j -mates. ITiey are free from jOGi, jf*O.LISI. J irmfuJ germs ar:d a-e lasting ihins iril vdily prepared by the effort, r it da: mple addition of boiling shoes, net i eppec -ater only,
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    • 174 3 DIRECT FACTORY REPRESENT A FIVE. HP f+ MR. A. J. WILTON. W M AND Union Building, I I- M ftV^ftm Sslss CYCLE LAMP REFILL BATTERIES LONG LIFE BRILLIANT |3r|| LIGHT /o frusf a wea/c imitation DEMAND powerful FLIT 9 Isn't your baby's health and comfort worth the protection that conies
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 621 3 CLUB DIARY. (There O fo numerous Clubs and Societies tn Singapore moH of the members of which are readers of tlie "Malaya Tribune." This Diary »s promded specially for them. Secretaries are invtted to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date «»d complete. Happenings of general interest still b" included in the
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    • 274 3 requested to note that the badmintcn sane! will be ready for practice on Saturday at 4 3'i pen. The court Is situated in Maxwell Rord L-ppo it<? Sun Wah Hot I. All co: resporde:>c rhould be addressed to Mr. Tay Oen Seng. 108. Feck Scab Street. Members are asked to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 M HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Eras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 8411. TO LET. fijrther reductions IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. SIANG UM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN HOUSES
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    • 798 4 TO LET. TO LET —Comfortable Rooms. 7a. Prinsep St. TO LET— Compound House, No. 10, Rose Lane, Katong Rd. A] ply 20, Chulia Street. TO LET—3, Ramsgate Rd., off Grove Rd., close to Katong Park. Key to inspect from Kebun 1, Ramsgate Road, or 3, Margate Road. Particulars Tel. No.
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    • 498 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAR EASTERN Ml SIC SCHOOL II k hereby pottfled tb«t tbhi remold to No. 1-A. Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. Principal, M. R- ANCIANO. NOTICE OF SALE OF CROWN LAND. NOTICE IS HEREBv' cIVEN that a lea* teSFSm of 10 yeans oi..;;"—n_ Cr WH Land,
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    • 301 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WA .< ;_~£2S: &rfj______! 7 r Doctors and a jsr iequired c o Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE^^^ I \TEST STOCK. v. cc .'ante seeds. gemmation Flower and Vgc able guaranteed. I;-; 5 GARDENS, Ipoh. Illustrated usw rw Z, fIAT*-Hartfsrd Automatic Ammonia FOP. Xr3H P 115 VOit 23 &mP
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    • 327 4 AUCTION SALE^ Important Auction Sale To be held at the SINGAPORE AUCTION MART. 24, High Street, ON SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1933, at 10 a.m. Household and office Furniture, one Amplifying Electric Gramophone H L Carter. Tables, Chairs, Beds. Sideboards, Silver Cabinets, Carets. Ice Chests, ELECTRIC ATOR, Pictures, etc., etc. fypewriters,
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    • 481 4 v f V SUIMIHUIiy I ceimi i CTS. URGE TIRE l I p C EveJ^WhereJ MALAYA TRIBUNE. PHONE 6171. b, ASCRIPTION RATES. r IT ABLE IX ADVANCE. Delivery Including Including at office Postage Postage or close (Local or to Foreign residence. P.M.8.) Countries Yearly $15 00 $21.00 $33 00 Half-Yearly
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  • 5385 5  -  Hy "Sapper." 4ND who," 1 asked, "is the somewhat A ane-iookiri youth with the charming bom V v cracked a smile?" Feathefstone grinned. ks mo.-- kinds of an ass, doesn I he?" Mill, not only is there a deuced that vacuous face his,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 W. D. H. O. WILLS' S HEp| CIGARETTES at tkfi 7leu> oP j 5© 511 !> p!i SUPREME B£4 THEIR CLASS j i' /f Jr i f 0 LEILA HYAMS. CHARMING M. G. M. ACTRESSL/
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  • 783 6 Restored By Admiralty Court. AN appeal try a ship's ofletf against the .suspension of h.s Board of Trade C«Ufi•ate was heard by Lord Merrivale (president, and Mr. Justice Langton. sitting as sional Court, with two Trinity Masters, in the Admiralty Court recently. Robert
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  • 232 6 REPAIRS TO VANDYCK." Whitsuntide Sailing Not Delayed. It wss reported recently that the Lampott nd Holt liner "Yandyck" had sustained damage to her stem when undocking at Southampton. It Is now announced that she Is undocking, and is expected to arrive in Liverpool, in order to take up her sailing
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  • 359 6 Special Facilities For Carrying (ML rr-HE iItMMT "HoihoW," built in Hongkong JL by the Taikoo Dockyard "and Engineering Co made hn maiden voyage last month, and her beh'viour under serv.ce conditions has proved highly satiefact'-ry. The buildine Of this I completed early in May. and she wts
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  • 279 6 Story Of Soviet Shipping Disaster. MOSCOW, June 1U Derails of the sinking cf the Soviet rescue ship. "Ruslan." which met with disaster when taught in a violent snow-torm vi the ice fjords between Spitsbergen iind Murmansk on April 24. aie now available Tnrce members of the crew
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  • 552 6 Control From Bridge Or Wireless Room? A N interesting discussion took pK-ce at A the -eekly tench** of the Kouthampion Ulster Mariners' Club on the subject of ihe Control of Wireless D.F. The debate centred round the rosm-n for r v direction flnder-ln the «rirete» roam under the
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  • 81 6 Spain Now Recognizes Swastika Flay;. Madrid. T un: 5 Th< Forrim Minister to-day the governors 01 those Spanish provinces bordering SB the ocean thn Spain has rccogui pd botli he Black-White-Red and Bwastika lla:?s as lie official German colours. It is generally anticipated thai eonscquently he various
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  • 712 6 State-Aided Shipping The Major Evil. VIEWING with the gravest concern the exiting position in the international overseas carrying trade of the world, the Britis! National Committer cf the Internal aal Chamber of Commerce has prepared a rarr.oandum on 'Tn-.- Mercantile Shipping Crisis .or atirm to the seventh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 192 6 jiff LLOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, Born hay, Calling at Colombo. Bombay. Saez, Port Port Said. Brindisi, Venice and Trieste. m v HILd? t «*X?' c m.V. HILDA July 15 July 15 Due Leave Due mv
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    • 217 6 HAMBURG-A MRU IK A LIN IE Deutach (Hpßl Australlsche DampfscliltCl |R**Cj Gesellschar: (Companies Incorporated in Germany) OUTWARDS HONGKONG, SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS 1933 m.s. MUNSTERLAND, via Manila Ju'v 2 m.s. FRIESLAND, via Manila j u ly 12 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila July 2a t m.s. RAMSES, via
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    • 636 6 STEAMER SAILI^T NORDMIITSCHfeR The Undcrno'rd ar 'h- fixtures:- feMjeaivl 0« A ARBS. "ODIJK kr 1933 Japan N China ana' Hankow j u i y 3 "COBi- Manila. Hongk s hai tapan july 17 s»aall Manna, Hongkong Shanr N C... li: d Japan July 31 HOMFVS ARDS. "AACHEN"' tor Tripoli, Qenca
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  • 572 7 Mining Shares. more, Saturday. 11 a.m The following tin share quotations are issued by and Co., exchange and stock brokers: isaw Value. Buyua, Sillers. U Asam Kumbung Tin 29- 3V -xd tl Austral Malay 26 ttj--5a Ayer Hitam Tin 13- I4|- cd Ayer Weng KM 1.30
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  • 3213 7 Financial News Views. UNITED SUA BETONG. Restriction Problem. (XESTION OF GOVT. CONTROL. 1 annual general meeting of the United Su: tong Rubber Estates. Limited, was heln On M 1 in the Council Room of the Rubliei owers' Association. 2-4. Idol Lane. London C. I J. G. Hay ithe chairman) presided.
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  • 163 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Ptlcei for ahafl Mot r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Eheß Aviation Spirit in 4-galkm drums por British Imperial gallon $1 i» Bheß Motor opiru ex pump per British Impnial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per
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  • 126 7 Tin Bauek RUthei Estate reports a profi: £1.38'j in 1932 -including £2.199 proflt on nalisaticn of invtstments•. For 1931 taere WSJ a loss of £3.383. Adding £12.462 brcgh.--n from the previeus accounts, the sum now to .j' cc th with is £13.851. The d rec'ors hnve transferred t'2.000
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  • 96 7 Lr s of Ft Java Rubber Company lor 1932. (hgnlnsl C 5.742 for 1931). which has been pi Ided fcr out of the credit balance of £352 brought forward snd a transfer of £2.392 from E reral n serve. credit bar nee of £8 is earned lorward.
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  • 43 7 Lose of the Sunaei Krian Rubber Estate for 1932. £2.816 £1.518 for 1931). reducing dit balanc• carried forward to £24.460. Cash I InreatmsnU Ptand in the balance-sheet a£">5.664. During the ye:>r 1.425.874 lb. of sibber were colle.u-d (against 1.455.341 th,)
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  • 144 7 EVERYTHING VERY QUIET. Rubber Quotations Only Nominal. 'By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Sa ordajr 11 a.m To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore) 107.. cts down 5 16 ct. Market Tone: Very quiet. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 3 13;32d., down 1 16d. Market quiet. New York Rubber, 6 S 16
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  • 82 7 Lo=s oi" the Gl.-2£hlel Rubber Estates for 193;. £82U ugains; H,*lS>. A c:tdit bftfcUHt Bi £2C.v>9S v. as brought in front the previous accounts, no to inn ;he have added the Income-I x tumne ru £i.t>34, mating a ictal oi £11.733, which is reduced by the lo<.<
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  • 107 7 j (Incur pur&tcd in England*. MNUAIOKL BRANCH: I D'Almeida ciirert Authored aud Subscribed Capital tSM9J»Ot Pdlri-up-Capra; 11.000. MM) Hcser'f Funu fi:cl ' I MNMNN ii;:ai> oiikk; lo\oo\ BK.\.\rilt<: B moav. CHlcu'ta. OolMnba K«»*m"!»i M«*?r»» Am.a..a. Bafbd id Bahrein, Ba.-.r.i. Kirkuk. M'jmii *no tUncMfior* CURRINr ACCOUNTS opened
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  • 664 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Saturday, 11 ajn. The following rubber share quotations) an issued by Fraser and Co.and Lyall and KnmU Issue i Value Fraser Lyall de I Shares. Co. Evatt. AUeoby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.60 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.60 1 A. Hitam 1.00 1.20
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 75 7 Small SavingsJL LIGHTEN YOUR *ml FINANCIAL j ML PATHWAY iriTfct™ YEARLY INTEBEST Small Savins; regularly deposited will soon build up for you a substantial Bank 4F Jfcf% a, 1 Balance, ready for the moment when it is most needed. < THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF 1 j NEW YORK. MA^R/
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    • 217 7 j Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.» Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LTD., THE HO BONG BANK, j LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $10,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,900.60. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 301 8 Amusements < Opening At Matinee To-Day MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 3.15. Al Jolson The Famous Star Who Made The World's First Talking and Singing Film. Hallelujah I'm A Tramp" I See Our Special Announcement On Opposite Page. MARLBO^ PARAMOUNT PRESENTS THEIR MOST RECENT MUSICAL PRODUCTION THE BIG BROADCAST with STUART ERWIN,
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    • 361 8 j NEVER Has Singapore Been Thrilled By Such A Picture j .15 j I audiences! I We urg'.> you not miss seeing j Helen Hayes and Clark Gable j I "THE WHITE SISTER" j j i TUESDAY NEXT i With the Most Beautiful Girls This Side of Heaven in "The
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    • 338 8 I and'srn VAX, jfl^i j I I i l LAUGH OVER j j lEW STONE and j he Monseigneur i iip&mny j -Hf PKW THE WINNERS WITH AWN AND y£T TRAINJ «D£WY WMNU D PICTURE j 67, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. PHONE No. 1227 beys to announce the start of our
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  • 4470 9 NEW BY-LAH TO CONTROL BROADCASTS. HOUSEHOLDERS UNPROTECTED. "MATTER lloK INDIVIDUAL AC WW." The nuisance arisii fr «r the employment of radio or amplified gramophone mus c r speech for advertisement purposes was discusser by fcSingapore Municipal Commission yesterday afternoo m\ fer hey adopted by-laws designed to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 155 9 I capTtol tiutk i MALACCA j TO-NIGHT:— TESS OF THE STORM COt T NTT<Y. (JANET GAYNCR ft CHARLES TARKI LLi. j 10-MOKROW:- i •"STOWAWAY." J (FAY WRAY) And "BACK STREET' (JOHN DOLLS (BENE DUNNS'. J fT.N DKKS SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICR Notirc 1* bettfcy g'v*n 'hat ter.Om err cow Invited Tor
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  • 862 10 Yesterday's cables from London regarding the Dutch view on the question of rubber restriction contained further proof of that country's leaning towards some form of control and the necessity for its immediate application if the industry is to shaiv in the general world improvement in trade, evidence of
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  • 231 10 THE action of the Sing pore Municipal Con£ missioneis in passing a by-law designed to meet the case ot producers of cabaret or of amateur dramatics on a modest saale in tilt city will meet wun general approval. Thouaji no one can
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  • 182 10 AS a result of a complaint by a drive: another motorist who drove dangeroual long Orchard has been convicted an fined. The most prolific catise of complaint fc local motorists is tne discourtesy which is cor. tinually being met with. Cutting in is an a too common offence
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  • 180 10 f( r the purchase cf retu tickets 011 til 'j tram arid trolley-bus serviceope.1 ird by the Municipal Commissioners cf Penang have b?f-n in force since October. 1932. and this privilege is now to be extended o ithool-gcing children at half the rates char: d adjIts There
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  • 133 10 Mrs. A. C. J. Towers, who is in Eatu Gajah Hospital, is making a good recovery IP Mr. E. W. Hid?. Control!*..- cf Poses arc Tefef.:aphs. Pe:ak and D.ndings. has returned brant heme furlough. The trial has commenced at the Perak Assizo Court of
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  • 39 10 Two Hylams. Ifi Chin Si and Go Khoon Sve who pleaded guilty U being members of an unlawful society were convicted and ordered to undergo rigorous imprisonment. Mi Chin Si six months and Go Khoon Sye fou»- months.
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  • 93 10 Mr. E. E. Ncble. of the Eastern Smelting Company, Ptnar.g, has sailed for Home. Mr. A. C. Brooks has be:r. appointed *u officiate a; Deputy Governmen. Analyst. A young Chinese schoolboy r.urr.-d Lim Sen" Inn pleaded guilty before the magistrate en three counts of traffic offences. He was charged
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  • 94 10 When the Seremban Sanitary Poard met it was Stated ih:t Port Dickson is r.o-v snot lie j with purer water than Seremban. The wstes tkm was made that improvements ,ho*dd be mad* to the BaraavKM supply witn *he ***** m bate** left after competing the Port Dickson water works.
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  • 92 10 M: F. Beilamy. of Malayan Ccllierrs lm has returned f !om Home furlough. mm .M.S. is now being made in Kuala Lun pur where. m the eoursc.f the next few weeks ah hat portion of Victory Avenue from thT'en "TV o^™^ cffices to the Post I Reference to
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  • 28 10 Mr. W. Co'e. a cjdet of the Mahvan Civ l Stmce. has be. r. a c mded for service in Johon ncting Second Assis ant Adviirr Muar
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  • 461 10 LL I B lies a W ..j marnd m'■ PWPH widow nam, in 1 baa] died v :i he say A new dcvi jM'ision of gi a barrel Th /a.ara,-: in older it is the Hi •Ju n( lV (1 cataract. A I now a bro »ysn*doe.«
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  • 50 10 C'.iRLS' CORN!-',-. oM P»B C 2 f'l.UB DiARY 'I P*B« 3 .TCIIORE NEW P*** 3 OUR SHORT STORY, on pages I and 1«. MUNICIPAL 111 ETTNG, on pages I W CHURCH SEP. ICRS, OO PM* 13 RADIO NEWS PM* 15 BOYS' CORMI I n page I 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 278 10 ECONOMIC —LUXURY. j HfHTOckses Sheets and Pillow Cases have been famous for I seven generations. J i To-day th y .su!l held their place in populv favour through sheer excellence cf I ciuality. Snowy white, smooth in finish :.r.d remarkably duiable, they represent the Sacat value possibU to obtain Plain
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    • 36 10 1« NEEM "H t©£m dehtupowder [Contains Ant.sepi.c Deodorant i Of Maroosic (Neemi THE CALCUTTA CHEMICAL CO.. Ltd. (WiCOWOKUIt* IN IwDiA» I 111 mmm I i t fi:u j j Service la our Customers j I
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  • 1465 11 CURRENCY SPECULATION MUST BE STOPPIi). Threat To Leavt Conference. Firm Stand For Maintenance Of Gold Standa 1 Reuter. The crisis at the World Ecoi nic Conference has come to a head with the issue of an ul imatum by the
    Reuter.  -  1,465 words
  • 57 11 agreement Reached On Currency. Reuter. X?w Yotk. July 1. 5 r.r M 'cy r..i- recommended Pr. siden evclt to ap-r <he geld country' siu-r according nich Ihe c'-ntral ba«'<s i< u a the'r res s to prevent extern.' .'jrs of currcr. I s. i b jcv f 1
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 362 11 Western Muslim's Great Reception. IpXTRAOEBINARY seen;.-, were witnessed outside the Victoria Memorial Hall last Dight when Dr. Khalid Sheldrake, Life Pre- Bident of the Western Islamic Assocktion j London, gave a public lecture on The Beauties cl Islam." Large crowds besieged the hall long before the lecture
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  • 269 11 Cook Who Fell Into Hold. THZ Ue:wi of a slup's took, Puh T.v C'.itn v.ho rao founo lying across ihe piopcl..~ I shaft cf the ve>. >i formed the subject cf nqi. ry held by the Coroner (Mr. F. G. Boiir:;t yesterday. j Tne Malay quarter rrt'ster
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  • 65 11 Other Currencies Remain Quiet. Reuter. London, June 30. The crirs at the Wcrld Economic Corferene: Jefr cpera crs c:i th' Foreign Exchange marker uT)de«.id?d. Th?- dollar opined a| New forks o\r.:nighf. rate of 4.:\'. weakened to -4.25» and recovered to 4.25 on a fair cm a t of
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 99 11 SAN FRANCISCO ARRESTS. Twin Brothers. Reuter. Sun Francisco, June 30. JUDA Ezra, said to be a British subject and formerly a millionaire resident oi' Shanghai, and his twin brother Issac, a San Francisco pro-rerty-owner, are held as the alleged heads of a huge narcotic ring. Th y
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 397 11 Alleged Attempt To Molest A Wo nun. A young Chinese widow, living wilh her brother tn in the Naval Bate coolie lines, is alleged 10 have been subjected to, improper advances by a coaapatriot wh/Je she was sleep* .ng one n>ght on the verandah of her hou.^e. xiie
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  • 118 11 Anniversary Celebrations Siart To-day. Elaborate dictations by irertns or coloured electric lights have been Installed at the Great < lebrtvte the recond annrrertary and j for a week, .".artiner f;cm tc-rheht. this popu- lor amusement centre v :I! be transformed into B fairy ard. Th" entire rark
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  • 124 11 Company's Huge Decline In Assets, Y.'e:hi:g on. Jun: 30. The fact that the lota] a:s?ts cf Ki'hn. Loc-b and Company dropped by over six mllion sterling or fifty per c it. in was revealed in the company*! balance the t submit; d 10 tha ate Ennuiry. rhowtng
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  • 28 11 The member of the IndianAssociation will be At Homo to Dr. Lanka Blindorom. M A., FhD to-day at f pn in their lev; premises, 164. Rn-e OWBM R->zd.
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  • 30 11 The untitled Compenration untitled I i eras paa ed in 1931?. will come into lorjt t fTCB Oct 1. 1933. acco.dina to a r.ctiiioation In the Oovrnment Gazette. t I
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  • 161 11 Three Chinese Warships Missing. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." THE Peiping authorities arc mediating in the naval revolt in Shantung, lhey are arlanging with the Isingiao Squadron for the latter to submit to the control cf the Ministry of the Navy, so that unity in the National -;avy
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  161 words
  • 53 11 Progress Made Net Yet Complete. Reuter. Lendcn. June M. If. LitvinrT mat Sir John S mc: fur the luird time at the F ieitn Oihce ta-dav wren, a c mmunique st.s. 'pro; "ess being mad. in th. mat er is net vet cample.c. Anoth r ep.r'y meeting i;
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 43 11 Attempt Ot laved By Stormy. Weather. Reuter. Bearali J;-iu- so. j The Ch..:t t fli r Mr. Hun Tong f cthrrwis? Sun), v.'li, it fly in .2 from Berlin to Nanking, has beta htlci ap at Baalbata by stormy aeather. Reuttr.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 150 11 STRIKE SITUATION WORSE. High Feeling. Butterfield Godowns In Danger. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Hongkong, July I. TPHE Canton Seamen Union's .strike has attained more serious pro-, portions. Sot only are the seamen* boycotting the Taiku (Butterfield and Swire' steamers and refusing to unload their cargoes, but feeling
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  150 words
  • 20 11 Reuter. 1 Tokyo. June SO. tl is officially anno: need th?t the Empress is cacicntc. —Renter i
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 122 11 A I* Marvellous" Shoes BLUE LIVEN ONE BAR SHOE. C TA Trimmed whit? and blue kid. WW Dif.-.'ount. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England SINGAPORE. KUALA LIMPIR. I'KNANC. AND IPOH. SPECIAL. I A Moutrie Player-Piano j At the price of a good upright piano. j fi p—*" 8! T
      122 words

  • 102 12 THREE GOALS TO ONE. YESTERDAY'S GAME AT THE ANSON ROAD STADIUM. There was a large crowd present at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday for the Malaya Cup match between the Malaya Command and Johore. Rain earlier in the afternoon
    102 words
  • 694 12 Superior Team Work Wins. ißy "Reynard." i JT was the Command's game from the start, though Johore put up 8 good light in the second half. The result was the difference between team-work and In spite of providing a few thrills, Johore never had a
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  • 756 12 Johore Improve After The Interval. Bn "Jttmau." jDOTH teams had undergone a number of changes since theii' last outing. Johore had eight new men doing duty for them and the entire team was drawn from Johore Bahru. The Command hr.d Hall in nla c <> Taylor
    756 words
  • 525 12 Athletic Meeting At Jalan Besar. LOW Kee Pow. with 25 points was easi';the best athlete at the annual sports of St. Joseph's Institution, held yesterday at th. Jalan Besar BtadhttU and he was awarded the Santry Cup. His three nearest rivals —who were joint runners-up—had enly nine
    525 words
  • 176 12 Malay Revenue Officer's Application. Receiving and adjudication orders wer_» relumed against Mohamcd Yusoff. Pong Hee Scow, C. t'. Rodriguez. Tsn Bim Poey rrd Chua Kok Cheng in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Mills. Ofcman cin Mohamcd Yusope. an employee in the Government Monopolies D.pai lment. appli.
    176 words
  • 53 12 Parmt-.n-nd the proprietor of a Guzarati firm, was to appear yesterday before Mr. Justice Cobbett in the Bankruptcy Court to be publicly examined. Th? bankrupt had. bowevtr, bolted. Mr. C. Wilson, the Official Assignee, told the Court. His lordship ord red a warrant to be issued lor the
    53 words
  • 61 12 Horses Scratched For To-day. HORSES scratched frtm K-day's races at IpOt) are: RACE 2 —Palm Oil RACE 3.— Tir. Pool. TtACE 5. —Sweet Heather. Miihra RACE 6.—Ectinj'.on. RACE B.—Armide. Currency Boy. Selangor, Vcrdeter. All engagements. Mickey IfOuse. Ihe double tote will be drawn on races 2 ci
    61 words
  • 218 12 The following are the positions in the County {Ticket championship to-day: Ist. Inns. PfLPfl Pos. Obh rerc. Point! awarded -15-453 ft*** (1) H 11 1 0 1 1 210 173 82.38 Susses .2« 14 8 2 0 3 1 210 138 65.71 VTtex (11> 11 6 3
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  • 227 12 Fitter (lit* Clear Of Heavy Liabilities. A:, applin tioti loi the discharge from bankoi Moi mcd bin Ahmad, a fitter emloyed in the Singapore Municipality, v g heard oj. Mr. Justice Mills in the Bankruptcy Court, v. trrday. Mr. E. N*. Ihywr, the Assistant Offici..l A>nee,
    227 words
  • 90 12 Chinese Who Turned Mohamedan. When a youth appeared before the Second LVfagtStrate (Mr. J F. F Greggt yesterday wearing a fei cr.p it was disclosed that the boy s name was fhri Idm and that he was a Chinese who had turned Mohamedan. He had been adopted
    90 words
  • 75 12 Defendant Ordered To Pay Compensation. Pau San. the Chinese who was charged with mi chief by throwing a stone at a Temple Street barber shep and breaking a mirror worth ISO, was convicted by* Mr. M. H. E!acl::r. the Third Magistrate, to a fine of $10 or
    75 words
  • 128 12 Last Nights Annual Concert. The annual concert of the Old Raffle.siJn-' A?*<,cia ion was held last night at the V.M.C.A. Hall, Orchard Road, the Hon Dr. Noel Clatk? meriting. The outstanding artis.c of the evening was ICfca Ehie Wong, E.A.. wl ore tVTO appeara..cs v ie both encored.
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  • 79 12 I was drank but I was sober." exclaimed an Indian before the Second Magistrate <Mr v, F F Gn^) yesterday, when he was charged with being drunk and discrderly The interpreter said that the accused wai still incapable. He fell out of a ricksha in East Coast Road on Thursday
    79 words
  • 210 12 Fourth Koi.'jd Results At Wimbledon. London. June ZO. HER Majesty the Queen was present a*, tV Wimbledon burn lenaU champion-' 1 when the weather was again glorious. In the fourth round of the women's sh.Ur. Mrs. Wills-Moody beat Miss Henrotin 'j—3. G—o. Mi s Valerio (Italy)
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  • 27 12 There was no play v..trrday in the two-day game arranged to commence on th? SR C. ground yestf.-dr.: The match «JD bo played to-day.
    27 words
  • 30 12 We have received from the Senior Accountant, Post end Telegraphs, a copy of the Post Office Mails Guide ar.d Pro Forma Time T bhfor the quarter ending Sept. 33. 1933.
    30 words
  • 422 12 PREFMAN CAPTURES 100 WICKETS. County Cricket Results. deted the* firs! Sussex! thei- romS t hey a. wu rui.ii-r.--up In the MUCn r-h m ptanaUp hat to un. game comm. Hnuoa Wednesday and concluded res) a Tich Frcem.m. the Kent slow bou; poured ihe hundred* wicket in the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 Wan airplane could pics up nr-ii from the workfa I l, ii! v sections and deliver it fresh mi your door, you would confjj sidev yourc?lf lucky, wouldn't you? You would be g'.ad to get I I such milk for your children—rure of its aeorfching iruaK'y— jj j W«
      198 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
      77 words
    • 714 13 Assets exceed $12,000,000. durance in ftm ew $SS,OOG>OQ. j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j Incorixira.ed in the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. Sincere. QNDOM OFFICE ,7. Old Jewry. E C > The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Suprrme Court Of England
      714 words

  • 43 14 The "Conte Verde" (Ita'ian Mall) is due here to-morrow from Trieste. Venice. Brindisi, Port Said. Bombay, and Colombo, and will sail again the same day for Hongkong and Shanghai at 5 p.m.
    43 words
  • 134 14 Owners and masters of shipp ng are requested to keeo their vessels an clear of the range as possible d irin? th a heavy gun practice which will take p'aee from Fort Sioso on July 11 and 18 and fioni Fort Serapong on July 25, commencing at 8
    134 words
  • 48 14 AT THE CINEMAS. "Doctor X." the Fir t Nationr.l productiowhich .met with trem< ndous success Whan i was shewn in Singapore previously bega.: on at the Rcxy last nigh; Thrills and surprises are plentiful. The principals are Lionel Atwih. Lee Tracy err' Fay Wray>
    48 words
  • 46 14 Mails Iron London. Amsterdam, etc.. by the Dutch aeroplane are to arrive at the Gene al Oflice, Singapore, at 0.30 a.m. i-dav. The delivery of correspondence will be From China ami J: par. by tie ■•Benanl M..111." due at Singapore en Wednesday afternoon.
    46 words
  • 171 14 I I ngaii'W JunP 30 24 London 4 months' d tot 9 3 31!32 London 3 months' ght 3 lf M London 60 days' siitj o 3 >9 3 London 30 days' ti\\ 27 t^ London demand 2 3 212 1 London T.T. 9gj Lyons and Paris damd
    171 words
  • 151 14 PuSillc* Functions And Sports Fixtures. I '-I'.il. JbLI 1. Hiih Tic. 4.24 p.m. Cricket: c SC.C.. S.R.C.; E.C.C. v. S.J S.C.< R.C v. M. OoOcp, M.C.; Y.M.C.A. K a. Y M C.A.; N.C.C. v. R.I. N.C.C; C.S.C. v. V.M.C.A., C.S.C.J S.C R.C. v. Darby,
    151 words
  • 137 14 ALHAMBi AI Mm hi "Hallelujah I'm CAPITOL Qatte and Beta Hayea pmrog- I in Fugitive from a Chain Gang." OREAT WORLD.—Side shows. Cabaret, Mala] opera, C es a aneot una mß> tog fiia tskrj rap Politics"; Star Talkie: cr.keui tsi I. drjTjoj"OH. "The Big Broadcast." HEW WORLD —Side ibowa,
    137 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 398 14 Supreme rhroughoul s'ff'i"? H AND BOOKS, j Z BRIDOI TIFS AND TEST HANDS. Por Avctton or Contract Playara, i by Prank England $lJt. 1 I contract bridge, by Milton c. Work. Including OnVtal Laura cl Contract Br cgp 53.00 J CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR AUCTION PLAYERS, by Ely Cutbertna *3.-J0 J
      398 words
    • 620 14 Chin Chin Restaurant 26. Market Street. SINGAPORE We b.£ to announce to ali our customers that we are row prep-ring Europan and Chin v Meals which car. be had at moderate rjjice-, please tome and hay? your Breakup. Tiffln and Dmmr regularly and also Office Staff's Thi:: ran be ordered
      620 words
    • 336 14 11-20 DISCOUNT REMOVAL SALES ALL KINDS OF GENUINE LEATHER BAGS. CASK-. WARDROBES, etc. SAN MING LEATHER HAGS CO., Head Office 2 3, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. FOR SALE—Mcirh Oxford. Ocearional 4-. cea ir. xeelhnr condition. N.-ar S3OO. Apply Ec( it:, co Malaya Tcflmnc TO LEI —Newly bud* hcus I a-
      336 words
    • 233 14 We punt ase the Dia-1 monds dinct from the Cutters an mount them in our ovu Workshops which ensires the P 4 being tlie i west possible. I 1 —I ENGAGEMENT RINGS I v 5 Set 'h Diamond Prices F- m S3O Upwards. K. M. C.I MOHAMED. .VELLER. j Phone
      233 words
    • 112 14 KAPALA CHINTAMANI Prevents baldness, pr<mv4*r growth and blackens the ha*. Curea diseases of scalp, bead, soat a:.t tar. 5.. Packing and postage M cts. I t< 9 ota. Himalayan Pharmacy 135. Serangoon Road, Singapore. GLLL BAHAH HAIR OIL. Wr Try a bottle of this > Perfumed /f Tonic for the
      112 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 129 14 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Bebtwan, Cry ion. E-ypt and U.3A. <Maron> 1 pm. «Briawan, Ccvlon. Egypt ar.d Europe «Cyclops) 2 p.m. Eanka Island. Pladjoc and Faierr.bang (Sprang) 2 p.m. Ke-rrmr.m K.miasek. Kretay, Dungun. Trengganu and Besot (Bharrurangid) 2 p.m. Ceii'n E-vpt. Euiop? and Gieat Britain ""City of BhftCfhsi) 2 p.m.
      129 words

  • 1081 15 REGULAR BULLETINS ON THE AIR. LOCAL AUTHORITIES WARNED AGAINST INFECTION. While popular attention is cone, ntrated upon the Urn. pects ol local broadcasting and the Empire radio, only a few experienced amateurs pay attentioi. to the more
    1,081 words
  • 99 15 Dqily Omnidirectional Transmissions. Va-Iy on 19.8 metres.) SUNDAY* I 1 -•>o p m studio Concert cl Light MONOAT. lr —Cinr— Org-n Recital. y l<u «> Orclr. c ral Concert. pjn.—An Qrcb*atta] Concert <Gr*- "Pnora *.ccrds>. TUESDAY. Cir n:a Organ Recital. •»■—Orchestral Ccncert. p.m —Studio Orchestral Concert. WEDNESDAY.
    99 words
  • 151 15 Stat oris Received In Malaya. j HUISBN (Holland), 16.88 metres, 8.15 to j 10.15 p.m. j KUALA UMPUR (58 metres), 6.30 to 8.30 j p.m. Tuesc, and Fridays and from 7 to 9 n m Sundays. j BANDOL/G (P.M.Y.—58.3 metres). Mid- day mvii From 8.50 to 10.20
    151 words
  • 186 15 8.8.C. Is Looking For Composers. rpHE comparative youthfulncss of the Domin--l ions and Colonies has prevented them from contributing in my bulk to the ihumc of the world. compo.,ers are rare: it is almost inevitable that ••masic-uvakers" should chn: o those lands that have already a tradition behind
    186 words
  • 49 15 Radio AJgt:rs lias always striven to be heard ouusicr its own frontiers, and in order that tne new European highpower stations hall not grown the programmes, steps are to be taken to increase th: power of the transmitter, which at present works with 13 k\V.
    49 words
  • 382 15 Two Years' Experience In Ceylon. rpWO years rgo. cays the Colombo corrcsponcent of the B.RC.. the Education Department cf the Ce> \*t% Government, taking advant ge of facilities offered to them by the Government Broadcasting Department, inaugurated a "Broadcasting Service to Schools" throughout the island. Some thirty
    382 words
  • 24 15 The Republic of Uruguay has begun regula-short-wave transmissions at midnight (G.M.T.) ianv. telephony being on a wavelength of 26 39 metres.
    24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 Perfect World Radio Reception with a GECoPHONE Superheterodyne RECEIVER (For AX. Mains) -~r. u a A highly efficient 6-valve Superheterodyne model j for use with an external loud speaker. Designed I to operate on the short and medium wavebands. i The result of intensive research and experience of short wave
      108 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 722 15 THE EMPIRE STATION. Details Of Programmes In Advance. The following are the programmes (subject to alteration) which will be broadcast from the Empire station (Davcntry) on 25.3 and 31.3 metres for the Indian and Malayan zone from June 1 to 12 (for particulars see "World Rad.o." PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING
      722 words
    • 792 15 Orchestra, relayed from the •nn s *™y Hotel. London. -00 p.m. coumrv Ways and Country Days" M 5 530 K ,3lk t by Mi A G Street 5.1&-5.30. News Bulletin. THURSDAY, JULY 6. II a.m.-l Transmission on an omnidirectional aerial: li.oo Orchestral 130 o m CCr e !215 10 Ch
      792 words
    • 140 15 500 pm. A recital by Richard Taubcr (tenor) Continued (Gramophone records 5.15-5.30. News Bulletin. WEDNESDAY. JULY 12. 11.00 a m.-l. pm. fcansmiseion on an ocanldm tonal aerial: 11.0 Cinema Ori' 3 Ree- ai; H. 45 f.tudio Orchestral Conceit. 12 30-1.0 Orchestral Concert 1.30 pm. Time Signal from Big Ben News
      140 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 73 16 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. 112. South Bridge Road, Singapore. «y Optician Mr. C. Y. FAN). CHARGES CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE. 1. Sight t-stcd glasses supplied from $4 on 2. CROOKES LENSES completed with franv from (6 on. Smalt Injuries which is easily applied and -SLY which does not get out of
      73 words
    • 63 16 AGAIN TO-MORROW!! J THE I SUNDAY TRIBUNE WILL CONSIST OF I 20 PACES j j LOCAL NEWS j AND PICTURES j I i 1 «5 cts. FULL WEEK-END ajcts. ONLY SPORTS REPORTS ONLY.' 1 Further New Competitions I "Mystery Man" 1407/ d/wse and{] Maintain j >W Interest j The Best
      63 words

  • 167 17 Wh n this woman of 72 years found a remedy I* r tndl est! n. it proved to b? one her -old brother was already using to keep him a pi rfect picture of health." she writes: POl yean 1 had suffered with indigestion, irnph could
    167 words
  • 142 17 Meet The "Berap" And The Aluminium Tie. Nice. The beret, which for years has been the favourite headgear for men on the Riviera ba* new been supplemented by something- 'thai BUfht be called a "Berap"—because it is hai' way between a beret ar.d a cap The crown is
    142 words
  • 44 17 Budapest. Joseph Tipl was so poor that he could not even afford to buy fodder for his cattle One day. in de pair, he hanged himself. In a farewell letter he explained that he could not bear to see his cattle go hungry.
    44 words
  • 453 17 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, June 23. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati 25 Pork, lean ,i st quality), kati 42 Mutton, Australian, lb Fowl, kati J Hens (locally reared), kati 4i > Ducks, each *g PJgeon, domestic unfledged, pair 80 Pigeons, fledged,
    453 words
  • 64 17 But They Were Twice Re-Married! Little Rock, Arkansas. Mr. Cook has asked the Chancery Court to stop his wife from repeatedly sueing him lor divorce and then putting him to the expense of remarrying her. His reply to his wife's latest divorce suit stated:— "On two occasions when
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 323 17 CATARACT i of op-ration. No matter ripe or unripe. <r however hard the films may be. nteed cure without any harm. Particulars lues*. Apply Dr. Sherman, F.C.S* Dga (.FAr:::pux>, Bengal, India. INDIAN SEER WILL ADVISE YOU FREE. >v like to know without any coat, stars indicate for you, whether you
      323 words
    • 280 17 f "tong lam CO. 46M, PECK SEAH STREET, SINGAPORE. For "Balanced" Poultry Foods I according to Poultry Editor's formula. Prices on application. PHILLIPS' //SCaW Dental J*£W Magnesia Grtains Ovcr7s% Whitens teeth quickly Milk of Magnesia and prevents Decay THE MODERN TOOTHPASTE BMBMMBMW&BMMMMBĔtBMMMMMUBBMMMB^ AUCTION SALE. CHEONG KOON SENG CO. AUCTION SALE
      280 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 119 18 'You only have to look at us to see what you need— the energy food-drink, Bournville Cocoa 'life /7 •'4^• :m w^jSk tvery member of the family needs the extra nourishment that g^^^ Bournville Cocoa gives, but the need is probably greatest in middleThen energy begins to flag. Then the
      119 words

  • 65 19 l) .a* Nephews, little for me to tell you this I i.'>u]d like to recommend that •ttention on Sundays to the leature. which is conducted by like ihe Cornf' on Satur:nk you would like it and I know .Many would
    65 words
  • 252 19 I By Happy PaL") :ap. Wha; is that?—a knock fron I rp n. At the entrance my friend in" him to my house. .i- i- John L«eo. ••■»ut and medium in height with fine He likes sports and is an allPohten»*ss and manners favour him to my
    252 words
  • 241 19 II Chiew Hock." i n anted to see an accident. 1 u u i want accidents to happen. mot happen, I wanted to G > see one. 11 r aav& been too late, and nave L, i." 00 ,v hen the excitement was rther day i saw
    241 words
  • 125 19 Ai: By K A. Koh,.") '■••II V),. 1 J s a man who works on a f-.u e wants to become an engineer f>e: la e scl ence of mathematics and But if h C£. i) t'V ls Weak in Algebra or Geometry IV in engineer. :ht wori f
    125 words
  • 851 19 'By Smiling Lieutenant," Klang.) It was a fine morning, and the sun had just announced the birth of another day w£ by the look of the landscapes and sky was going to be a day of fine weather Just as usual, Tom and his chum Henry were
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  • 102 19 (By "Gunboat One Sunday evening, before the sun set, I walked to Katong beach. My house was not far away from the beach, and it only took me a few minutes to go to the beach. First I went into Brooke Road where are many big houses,
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  • 454 19 (By Treb."j Two beys were walking up and down theli comfortable rooin, with their eyes concentrated on the floor as if it was a problem, and theii hands pressed hard against their heads, tryini unsuccessfully to iorget the punishment thej would receive that evening from their inexorable pater.
    454 words
  • 248 19 'By "Rip wan Winkle.") A certain monk lived in a hermitage. Onda;- a hungry traveller arrived at the hermitage, seeking food and shelter. The mo'lk received him with great care and kindnesT He heritably invited him to stay and 7ine The guest accepted the invitation wntV out
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  • 105 19 (By "Tony.") or sSrief'nut 11 they lette 's or stories, put in very few full stone. They just go writing on and on the mosTtVemenSSMS which appears to be quite an ordinary Printed in the usual type, with and my name at the top and yet. when
    105 words
  • 450 19 'By A. c. C. S. S. "W."> prepare on th* p m into a small room took „.J *V g m a peg and donned it j\%LT d Wn froiT and ate a few slices o SSeS oread hf" I made for my door. UUered bre3d befor
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  • 177 19 (By "Q. AlwiaT) Hallo Chums, hope you all enjoyed the week-end. As for myself I had a fine drive to Changi, and then accompanied some Mickey Mouse Club members to the Capitol last Saturday. Now for the aiticle I am going to write For many hours I sat
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 117 19 "Milkmaid" Milk Concentrated Creamy. it i ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE The Whole Clock Round The Whole Year Round i j Jj JOHN SAYS SO TOO/HE* FtEUNG BETTER $|(WCE WE V IHV I man y people arc trying \9mJ 1 /WSi W tnis new way to better health! X p eople
      117 words