Malaya Tribune, 27 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR OA.LY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. ISO SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Ti:e>da>. June 27. |fgl Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 ~m"* f| JOYCE 81/CUIT/ \l IBM Ba H W5,• S
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    • 46 1 A. FLINTEH 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing D&mondj and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying po!d co m a and gold ornaments of every class and quality. P*?ing h;<rh c st rrices according ro daily exchange
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  • 418 2 Surprising Report. ASIATIC MONROE DOCTRINE. fG prising Japanese i p. rt the Japanese plan to establish an Asiatic- Monroe Doctrine is being BOpported In some quarters in as the only alternative to save China from her Preset disruption, and a party bat
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  • 12 2 The Ha;nan Industrial Bureau «hich k con <B, ta*, J ft*"** XMM
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  • 77 2 Beautiful Shepherdess Shows How To Do Things. Georgette wa« k-i..*<« Athens. 20. She r d "••I standards Tha is 1 SSI ma "-by a flock of sheep h r lath owned So tea?* k Parenta objected. »i the Mantle to Pine S; Vtl° a modecn young woman BUfc
    77 words
  • 329 2 Much Progress In Spite Of Troubles. QESPITE the many and immen>e trouble! with which China is betel at the moment, both internal!and exlernally, the work of reconstruction is being carried on. as the following notes testify. Much more progress than is popuariy imagined is being made in
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  • 124 2 Pressure Of Work Caused Loss. T ED by pres ure of military affairs to low JLi sight of her 10 years ago. Oenerai C ha:, Chai Tong. military head of the Canton Government, is now searching fcr his lost 11-vcar old daughter according to a report published
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  • 55 2 Japanese Consulate Set On Fire. Mukden. June 13 I&VSSS; ir;^r°* Kne -X Many «heps tnd public buildings fneludHn the Japanese branch consulate L ll Th *ie™ nm«iFS£i sr Yothle arrived and drove the hanHH "■'r? ar »<£" o: uS« that thrv counwd d V SSSS f J:n n»ht
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  • 72 2 H as Shot Wirh Freedom Within b nd Alcjz Horvat. knc»-« t, «m mbrfort it arrived. w cm P >' cu D a r^!, he foUo,lirg three »onths he crack--a8 3K tl?i2Lr i acroBs Sudd.nly he jerked the chain violently from the s.rgeanfs hand and rushed ofT. Ho?vat
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  • 19 2 Spain To Compete With Empire Oranges. Madrid. iuir on each ha!' r?J r Zl nt of Drc,n
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  • 151 2 Water Reaches Record Level. Shanghai. June 26 rpHE water of the Yargtse River at Hankow JL yesterday was 47 ft. 2 ins. in height and mar i 0 overflowing at the top The fjS were lcakins In several places The Municipal authorities are hurrvin* to ~r the leaks.
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  • 118 2 American Authorities Interested. Canton. May 25. HTHE novel features embodied in the tim c J t ar Pn 35 rp S ards judicial administration has attracted the attention of the can consular authorities, according to an c > cial Chinese announcement to-day H ssn?? IC S that
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  • 112 2 Funds Appeal Find Response. Shanghai, June 25. .„*>*, 6110 Poiice have denied that two cf S J" c nnectlon wit h the assashmion ZJr-. Xf* H °ng Fat (Vice-President of the Cent al Research Institute ai d a ecmmitr.c DMAs* of the China Civil Rights League, la t
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  • 51 2 Manchukuo Troops In Japanese Services. th. i„„ Peiping, j une 25. < P e tl0ops in North China held Jarar Se CCS yesterda y in honour of the Japanese soldiers killed in the recent 1 lS? a e H reat Wal1 The Manchukuo troo-s Ue C allowed to
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  • 207 2 I'Uan Situation. THIRD POWER T 0 MEDIATE? THE Japanese have W aerodrome m Koupe Ll T Orcat Wall pa s nbrthTtt > number of barr acks accordance with theT!£ S°S make it the permanent southern boundary 0 S'SLfiL 10 1 According to latest the traitors arc-
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  • 21 2 The Feiping palaces were re-opened for public had b«n a J surcs J Palace, Boo* becauseof the a d trans P0««l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 From a Doctor's Letter r" son was fed solely and exclusively on Glaxo from birth until he reached the age of eighteen months. His physical well. being and progress during that period were so extremely satisfactory that I have since recommended Glaxo in every case in my own practice where
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  • 70 3 h M VUWs < of Lord Him MM) wffl Mj Malayans smile a tttttfl for U «t are aware there is n the rĕmoW e*taj m Sir Cecil Clement., d er *S3*-" B propyls 0 f a constitution vvifi h Gov :ment of
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  • 124 3 I y SPITE its misfortunes. R is still one or W the t WO of Malaya* principal Industrie* -re can be no tirubt that a foim of ifle control production practised by aV •rs on both um» of the, of would prove to be to the ultimate 1
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  • 110 3 T HERE have been some misgivings whether »m Pmmnmm Power was twtlHI in ordering the people in a -protected- Mate— v. hich is not Br.tish territory— t.... pav a hM» P ice fo:- imported neressities of Ufe in order benefit BfttMl ir.anufa turers. especially no such oider was
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  • 107 3 WfE hep- cci. cceii mm will Bad mu 10 sa >' °n the —ttif of M "lava's yhare 1 any future tm quota, the great danger owh to the shortage of Malayan tin of consume turning to other brands, the efforts of ee tain sections in London
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  • 154 3 1 on c type of cyclic against v. X tne still refuse to action however.-and that is th, .-ay-, vehst. He is the man who should engage the attention of the authorities first, for the .simp' reason tnai he is much more of a factor n the general regulation
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  • 242 3 Inearth Of Great Personalities. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Im Ixj.idon, June 1 (by Air Mail). tl cse days when cricket appears to be passing through times of trial cricketers on all .(es arc deploring the dearth of outstanding personalities. It is said that when the
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  • 109 3 I'casant's losses Because He Did not Tell Wife. Belgrade. J,an Milutir.ovitch. aho lives near Tzaribrod ,s "bia> decided to retire from farming He fold his land for a good price, hid the money •i. the straw maitress of his bod—and said nothing to anyone. Next m rnirg
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  • 78 3 Answer To Joker's Challenge. Tokyo. A 1.'.tl band of sightseers were standing en lh' «dct et the Osh;mi volanco early In the i rnfaf. Th<y looked fearfully over the edge, into the smoky ab;ss, and discussed tb; under- fl rumb. iigs. j M i:!y re mar. shouted
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  • 923 3 Chances For Lon ff -Distance Flights. LONDON LETTER. London, June 13. T 1 a:, present little likelihood that Put £jo^r UBeat WUl action to 1 recon »mendaUons of the Royal Commission cn Lotteries and Betting f r OVf r a year and spending hasZ2LZ evidencv the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 I Useful Books on Sports Pastimes I BEST TRICKS Ie HOW TO nOTnni h„ tv,. j SS" 0110 HOW TO SUCCEED, by 8 Cfc Hedgesl SSSt? H W T bvU,cT V' k' DuckcttS FOOTBALL HOW TO SUCCEED, by Rev. K. R G Hunt II > POSTAGE LXTK aa. pat a
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    • 247 3 t Holbrookes Olfrrcestershire SaUCC shades of 1, C ■..'"> APB.-l. ry MM< —"""umii 1 iiiir^i i|g n ii limn ■MBM "CONCERT" CLARINETS. vTkfr'" r, de L" r; f? one of the ta» French "•tel. Guarantee,! to be absolutely true in pitch ami accurate in tune. PBICE FROM $35 TO $90
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  • 564 4 Shipping News Notices. STATE AID FOR SHIPPING. A Reply To Foreign Criticisms. nSFLYING to czitkln of the support given *J I HMBI lo in: imrciwau umVUm i.. IM foim cf ocean mail MBuacto a.ia eoiuiiucicn leans a* provided ..•nan-nun ci Urn .im iica:. Steamship Owner?, oy liie MM*winu .-vi. Iff
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  • 96 4 Krcction Of Storage Tanks At V ancouver. vrSS rS nM f frCm C,hlna W U henc'lt by storage tanks having a cauucitv of 250.000 gallon; which are to be constructed miners'" Vancouver "«bour Com- j When th»» new facilities become avall.M. targe quantities of vegetable oils from
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  • 640 4 Century-Old Ensigns in London. a hat gygjgg, avrj> o1 h of Much*.-!. S.rxre house fla iS whle' when their 1 11 »ye MhM when their sea-going day* are o r and fIM» are neatly all well kn.wn to the aacd -amen who make the i.biary th,,,
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  • 267 4 Liverpool Coaster's Experience. A FURTHER example cf lhe handaai) in.paed on British coasting Bh'pofrnen bj tee tax cf Id per pa'lcn on heavy o l has b?en brought to lhe nctlce of th. Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph by Messrs Monroe Bro.* Ltd of Liverpool This
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  • 21 4 ajii on Thursday. oingapore at 0 She wiU proceed alongside the kh u~ wharf on antral. H 303 rd
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  • 498 4 "A Not Unsatisfactory Result." T% r n tP °M Cl tho directors of the Occanic sfn ted to Compan >'- Lid -to be precnted to the shareholders at the annual Son sTr/l be h M at enr: d r that the aCC0Unts for the J car
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  • 33 4 Soviet Icebreaker Leaves In July. Leningrad. June 8 beme' tmmm Z2* pTeparaU n f,r nd overhauled in SSTST cxpedltion the Among the new equipment bein<* incfoii-^ a a i-u^^"2^i^*:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 186 4 (U UOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated in Italy) EXPRESS SERVICE. CARro m j *™™>** ITALY AND CHINA O*. CA^SBEJ^ j Calling at Colombo. Bombay. Surx Port K»»ebl. Aden. Manowah, Sue. Port j SaW. Brtnd.U Venice and Trieste K Jd Br '««H»i. Venice and Trieste. mv. HILDA j u i„ s tlllv
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    • 214 4 HAMBURG-A \tp RIKA UNIE Deutat* |HpR Australlsche DampfschUJDS W\Cj Cresellschaft (Companies incwtpuiaied in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 ma. MUNSIERLAND. \ia Manila j u i v 2 ms. FRIESLAND. via Manila Ju!v 12 t m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila July 25 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila
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    • 493 4 SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCIIKu IWctJ lloyd, incorporate d tn flxTur e es^. dernoted he Company,s Ol AARDS. "ODER" lot Manila. Hongkong. S'hai IMB Japan. N. China and Hankow July "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong S'hai. N. China and Japan July "SAALE" for Manila. Hongkong Shanghai. N. China and Japan Juiy HOMEWARDS. Mseillc;?, Hav,re,
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  • 411 5 Mining Shares. Si gape.-e. u a m [•ip tin share ouutatiens are issued XT" Co ana S I?sue "a am Kumtons Tin "JT* «I Austral Malav 26 og~ Ajcr Hita® Tin 13 M cd Aver Went? 0 n5 Q Bangrln Tin 18;{ $1 Batang Padang n
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  • 105 5 ■M« BY ERASER A- CO EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. c< Buyers. Sellers Singapore Cold Storage Deb. 7 per cent 102 103 M C l Singapore Municipal '1901) 5 per cent ins n-> Singapore Municipal 110 nom <1907) 4», per cent. 104 ira rtm BB .pore Municipal 8
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  • 276 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. ALL-ROUND JUMP IN TIN. Rubber Firmer On Dutch Move. Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore. Tuesday, noon. To day's Prices:— Rubber (Sir.t-pore), 10?» eta., up i M Market Tone: Steadier. Tin (Singapore), <\*)t, $H9, at U P 11 1 i \t-terday's Price..:—London Rubber, 9 32d., ii
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  • 159 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motcr Spirit and various brands of Kerosene ara as fellows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.10 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.83 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gaJlon drums per British Imperial
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  • 587 5 Mr. Eric Miller on Native "Menace." Lon i.n. Jur.e 7. of Th h 1 22£*55 Ken ral Jflfce Sialan K Rubber Estates. Limited, was held W.H1... .day M i 31. 1„ I U ri»cm cf the Rubber Orow rs* Assocution. Inc. mm* I Mil, V ,tn> **+mm) presided,
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  • 107 5 I rench Gold Standard Humours. i I Reuter Wireless. London. June 32. on 81ock f m«! i amour? J"*»- mc 1 Pcrary Irnounced tern- I Whi »^nSh° f of' h wh^ m 0^ (:vo'jiable weather n.«« a of unCarada and the UnUed State*' by inSeCU ,R cr jed
    Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 41 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER Spot: 3 9 32d Vork: 6 3 16 G cents. -•nssport 10 15 16_ :1 6 TIN London Spot: £221. .Up 25s.» L>.ndi,;i 3 rao-th-.: £220 10b. .Up 30i &ingap;re: <119.00. COPRA Sundned Mixed S3 83.50
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  • 34 5 I 2 525? b> t:,r 1231 1 Secretary d under lac Currency sr. Bank Note At: bV I T^ I :V^ L ,l 1 t ,W5 Such notx.lanV »»tts issued In
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  • 137 5 75 Cents For Half Year. SMELTING ONLY AT HULAU BRANI. worn, «,L oi m tor thr I Trjd n; Ocmpun d »489 208 4" Ma > »> t The dhectors rtx-ommenU:--«5» übrorbmt $075 000 00 Ihat t;, t balance of S74Q or" oi £2 icmaincj closed. e
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  • 40 5 Hestrlctian Possibility "C.ood. M Reuter. Amsterdam. June 26. A Dutc 111 cf five memb *lin re rle lon of rubbri C rowin~ •ul mmt th. n.. v and .s eonin Lili y of reahsinff re ,;ricUon.-R. u trr.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 442 5 Rubber Shares. Sii gopcc-s, Tuesday. 11 a.m. i 0,1^ w n 8 l -ibber share quotations are 1 issued by Fran: t»*:d Co.and Lya'l and Evatt: Issue Value Praser Lyall 6c Shares. Co. Evatt. Allenby $0 70 $0.80 $0.65 $0 80 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50
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  • 252 5 PHASER CO S QUOTATIONS. n. jj -or CLOSING QUOTATIONS. m > u, > Buyers. Sellers. S2 Alex. Brick Pref. $0.85 $0.95 S2 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.50 «M» £1 B. Anrrl. Tobacco 102J6 107|6 I $10 $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.35 5.50 LI C. Tin Pref. 7 p.c. 24(-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 108 5 i experience teaches How many things you might have attained low many achievement you might have brought about, if only you had ready cash at that j moment when golden opportunity i presented itself. Small deposits regularly made scion grow to an < appreciable capital, and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK
      108 words
    • 246 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4 D'MnuMda Street. *h -t.ri Hn< i KuhNOTlbed pJ222i BJMyMI w^,v f mm M6.4M IM 4i» ofhi f UMfSjcm niwm > 1 »»*«v r,,„ n ;i r Xsmchi. M^rw. Amr. a. IM-hdud Dahre n. Bm, Khtak r UXXXJMTi Dpfmi and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 298 6 Last Nighi! •JAMES DUNN and SALLY EILERS in "SAILOR'S LUCK" I^lL1 11 L AT COHEN HE'S A RIOT I TO-MORROW? Opening at Matinee 3.15 MACK BENNETT'S RECORD-BREAKING LAUGHTER SHOW HYPNOTIZED .MOHAN nd COWS antt .1 ,<:(uw»« *m ""~9 The Picture that was voted one of ti Best JEMifflL, j eomeuics
      298 words
    • 169 6 Amusement s Another mi tan, mmm vis: stbss? —i S i lU^i'iJ, P° nt Mi s AST NIGHT I ALBERT BURDON I az£ "LETTING in tin SUNSHINE" ith KEXKE ADD and MOLLY UMnvr" j TO-MORROW I OPENING AT MATINEE 3.15. J Epoch-making as a Slape Succ j j WwM kmmm
      169 words
    • 278 6 A PICTURE FOR [fewr |p— j THE YOUTH OF TO-DAY ANTHONY GIBBS CONTROVERSIAL PL j|B OF TO-MORROW I Maurice Braddell J d i S NEXT CHANGE >\ j I SYDNEY HOWARD I j jl THE KING OF MIRTH in JP I II "IJfr fbr the Derby" j 1 iW/ j[
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  • 686 7 MOST INOPPORTUNE TIME. Federal Council. IVeferential Treatment Of Malays. "A 1 the moment it: does seem peculiarly an inopportune time for the imposition of this duty," said Mr. Sav«fe Bailey in the Federal Counyesterday, referring to the tin The price of tin, he said, was now
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  • 99 7 Doable Knot For Spanish Ex-Prince. Reuter Wireless. Lausanne. June 22. Enormous crowds defied heavy rainfall to Ine i a culmination cf the romance when Prince Asturias. heir to the Spa- and a direct descendent of Roman Emperors, was married to a commoner, the -nn,'hter of a Cuban sugar
    Reuter Wireless.  -  99 words
  • 48 7 n ".ms of the Cricket Club and the i' A. meet on Hm Padang to-day. 11 1 vii or the Club's improved hotviruT. reat interest is being centred in to-day's gam:, and a toga crowd is expected. •<••• v ur! arrangfmenta for adml sion will operate.
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  • 372 7 Caused By Speeches To The Masses. Shanghai. June 27. ta North MM give KM Chinese au Iv.rlMcT'n ?'p a definite reply in due tou h b n P tt cf Staff of 2 MpMMMH 2m£ He is not expected to cTtur.n to Piping Übord b 'U,
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  • 129 7 Wtllknown Firm Found IJa ble. Reuter Wireless. mm. London. June 22. The UabQl v cf nmm in uixonrricusly handling Hbtfl U a, J 125 5 the V ll1 to-day when the well-known wholesale distributors. W H f en L r d.;vcr: ord r, d to pay Hm
    Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 106 7 Rival Communities Join to Quell MosQae Flames. Reuter Wireless. Simla. June 22. Rioting has bor'cen out. in Kashmir accordSSJ?UL »««ase reeved by Oovernrmnt. Three mosques are reported o have been destroyed at Mirpur which waa the ■cc.w oi .c. ouo communal riots f*o years ago. TI Simla. June
    Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 104 7 Discovers Anti-Fascist Plot. Reuter Wireless. Rome, June 22. Seventeen arrests have been made in Cheania and Paleimo in connection with the dtcovery cf an alleged an .-I c:st plo. in th little republic of San Martino. The arrest of two suspicious individual lp d to the discovery of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 66 7 Owing to the d tes proposed for the Singapore Agri-Horticultural Exhibition -t the Great World for August clashing with upcountry exhibitions of a similar nature, the participation of the Department of Agriculture may prove impossible. Participation in th<> circumst nces would, it is felt, cause serious dislocation with
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  • 141 7 Defendant Consents To Judgment. rp'tE ra i v which Chop Too Siang «otherwise known as as Chop Teo Slang Guan Kee> sued Chop Yeo Lotui Hua: for the turn of $2 rame up for trial before the Chief Justice. 3lr w c. Huggard. in the Supreme Court
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  • 147 7 lit Of Officeraccepted. An extra-ordinary general meeting of tht members of the Indian Association. Singapore. ?a> held on June 21. to consider the resignation of the President and the other offlc* 0 Jrers and the removal cf the Association to i..." nper premises. The members tried to persuade
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  • 135 7 MfWjirial Service To Mr. Tan Boon Chin. H Is a nun of personal charm and lr ays h s worked hard and stu dii> •he welfare o: the Straits Chinese Coaimvnity. of whom he has always been regarded routed, valued end outstanding member.** Mb tfM la One Hundred
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  • 48 7 Total Of Killed Now SixtySeven. Reuter. Ba a via. June 26. At K-Jt 67 propie have bam killed in a: rarthquake in the South Benccoicn district o id.—Rvut fc Later -wenty* trc among the victims c earUy tt k e ia Scum Beavoolen. Sumatra
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 56 7 Will Lriiish Engineers Be Released? Reuter. London, June 26. L.t.L;cJT cd Sir John Simon V th- ore tn Offlc > at noon to-day to resume nec<y.ations regarding the imprisoned iiritk.' c ngineers. ti-.l t criclrs in London do not regard th outcome of the ta!k optimistically They
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 73 7 Tne Band of the 3.5. Police will play th f-lloAlng programme, weather permitticg the Botanic Gardens to-morrcw. commend: at 5.15 p.m.: March. When the Band goc-M.-rchi: g By." NichcUs; Overture. "The Magi i-lute." Mazart; Walt:. LII d Amanr." Bati fort. Fantasy. Cock Rcbln and C 0.." stutelv
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  • 81 7 King Feisal At The Guildhall. Reuter Wireless. London, June 21. K™° FL-ial n6d »U etixmonial enuweDufc. of otocJSr."* ccompanl< i "J "it u* MaSSJ ZSSJt T"" by aan >" n Of Common p two countries born taurrsU. Iraq had n urishl d by mutual Great Britain JJ
    Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 123 7 This Week's Programme Of Drills. pROGRAMME of drills u P to and for mm ending July 2. 1933: TO-DAY, JUNE 27. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. "A" <MG> Coy Soctmr. Drill-Night Hring. > C J Lvo m n~Tra^r rtCrS 2rd Bn n TO-MORROW. JUNE 28. 5 'Pl t! "D" (Eurasian)
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  • 72 7 Youth Who Hid From Inspector In Culvert. 3 his car outside the Pol r Caf In Street on Sunday night. aCC l i;? d came "P a^d offer d to watch UP r tU T d Wm BWay--2 toIST and Wltne?s c:ught hoid f took W s?t
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  • 1010 7 SPURT AFTER A DEADLOCK World Conference. JAPAN'S DELEGATES RESTIVE. Reuter Wireless. London, June 26. J HE Japanese delegation is restive at the slowness of progress made •t the World Economic Conference Lhey contemplate an independent line of action and will approach England, -menca, France, Italy, Germany and perhaps other countries
    Reuter Wireless.  -  1,010 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 LATEST M'VKRTTSEMKNTS once) uho can give dancir..; leatsna one* r- 1- Ind ff '""lWlHli. tttice aw k at abo T NOTICE Annual Clearance 8a!e -ZSrr Meeting toad for FridaV. j, ne 30th £3 S n per,; pen dun il further notice t r Dresses ranging from $3.00 Hats from $1.00
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  • 819 8 His Exoaflaocy u, t Governor, even before he expounded the "Maw Policy." has always apOßt a good deal of time in the Malay States, and. a.though he may maintain that the ■Way States need more attention Ota ever, owing to their financial difficulties and development problem,
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  • 531 8 Comments By The Way. Of t£l£odSSSr Problems a catr.sation of vulcanised rubber have v r^TJS" 1 are usualno£r anauv f T?* stayed to make ™nuf 3c tuie. But it has also •I "imp a' l thP investi eators that: a»r? i; 1 b ,25 0 Purify
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  • 96 8 i .-*!L R X Pakrisam y "M elected preaid nt UhiraMda Mahajami Sabha on Saturday. v.uona he s:n n m m M r n A imm was elected pVeTident N *™'»uloo Naidu The death look place at his restd'nee in S ec *m*MmSm of
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  • 69 8 r J Simpson. Agricultural Pied St lanBCr Wh has b^n health Jew' a.° y s a Sc n rPtUrned l Kuala L -Pur a H Venkattan. the 18-vear-cld Tamil boy who di appeared in May from the house of tlto K*lh i^f• has found He had gone has
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  • 57 8 ■1 Bth Owl,. has grantt d r railUw as Second Lieuten;nt (on mo- I >n to, M.v.f. to Mr. Cheah Gh m Ch f h S*\ rflß fa her Hon. Mr o? SSI Ur n' Who ls on the RePc" ktn erS> WaS the ftrst Chl "ese in Perak
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  • 22 8 A congratulate :y was given by ttti. ET. Se K mbilan ChlreSC You Mm's A'soriahonour cf M.,, Tan Pah and Chan
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  • 45 8 M O. Bundle. O.C P n w„ i fho will be proceeding H or n.'in h X 1 the next few days L< the course of to a tea y aS J" l n rtBined Gently or the Pchce at rank d file
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  • 9 8 The new Stau? mnim■<> morning in ShS "?SS
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  • 424 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" The Colonial Secretary wan, that we must have U< nice young English clergy in diocese Prospective bridesmaids distinctly disappointed. JL Aberdeen dentists rive Hi*;* rtwo doses of gaa-orS when ing the teeth and the extracting the fee. Edison, the great inventor. showed his real genius
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 ATOOTAL PRODUCT j Have you i bought your TOBRALCO? T< 0r.:.c0 stanch v > wonderfnfly to I rosbine and washing. See the fascinating ranfre of designs. Like i!l Toots] i'roilucis Tcliraleo carries the J iJ l- int< I* i ion j v/ash and wear. When baying be 1 1« see
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    • 26 8 I > m mm I j Violins Fillings Cheapest Best SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Uridge Road, SINGAPORE. f 614 i 8 Senile to our Customers i
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  • 118 9 CHINESE PROPERTY IN MANCHURIA CONFISCATED. HIGH HANDED ACTION OF THE JAPANESE. TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH TAKEN. Wrath Of Chinese People. Shanghai Support For Feng s War Policy. Tht Japanese Command in Manchuria has coafeeatad Mnose ,m,,,, tv to the value of twenty mittiondouaS Sa«Mri it k, being used for «ppliS
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  • 414 9 Shanghai. June 27. f pilE Central Government has ordered (Jen. He Yinf Ching (Com-mander-iT-Chief at Peiping General Headquarters) to settle the Chaifear situation peacefully. On. Sun- Che Tnen (former < hanman of the Charhar Provincial G v?rnment) hits been urged to leave for the
    414 words
  • 379 9 Tibetans Invading Sikiang Again. lhe *Mm of the Chinese Super'.ntendant cf once at Neuianshan. nonh cf Peipmg and the appointment of a cff.cial in nis place was, not the worti cf the Japanese trccpe in that area. M ft reported, but the Manchukuo Li Tsi Chuen. v ho
    379 words
  • 122 9 I'arty Who Went After Deer. 'frcm Our Own Correspondent. Malacca». June 26. lr Treasuring approximately 7'L. i'a na bagged by Messrs. Gch Kav Seng". K m Eock. Org Chin Choo. Nco Sin Ke? <" <1 ti t ty v.h»n thpy r ent do*n la-t Surday 1 Asahan. jiorth
    122 words
  • 29 9 The untitled and member of the Singapore "le Gills' School axe reminded at 1m •'.'• meeting to bj held fcobonrd room of the school t 5 15 p n.
    29 words
  • 126 9 Alleged Utc Of An Iran Poker. Appearing befjre the Second Magistrtto 'Mr. J. F. F. Gregg* yesterday. Insoector Trewin. of the* Kandang K-reau Division, mentioned a case In which c Chinese. Chcong Poh. was originally charged with voluntaiily ciusing grievous hurt to a ccmpatrioL. The accused, it was
    126 words
  • 53 9 Reuter Wireless. House of June 23. Ihe Budget pac. the third riding by 230 vat.-s uga'ruit 42. afte- a debate in the ourse of which Mr Hore dechrv d an. invitation to make a pronouncement on currency d"bts as that would be improper in the midst of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 140 9 Lindberghs Flying To Greenland. Reuter Rangoon June 26 ULM has arrived here from Alor Star Reuter. I Mr Uhn and two co-pilots arrived in Sinaai I m Saturday in a straight hop from Derbv. Western Austrain They left on Sunday mornIwg for Rangoon but engine trouble
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 91 9 Conference Adjourned Till September. Reuter. Paris. June 26 The adjournment of th. Disarmament Conference po.slbly un il September has be n virtually agrc d ML Paul Boncour in an Interview vi h Mr. Arthur Her.d?rscn when the latt r I a< en route to Oer.eva favoured adjournment to
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 64 9 Exchange Preserved: Reds To Be Suppressed. From Our Oun Correspondent > Bangkok. June 26 The new Gove ament announces that tlv rest Mit rate of o.ehange will be preserved and ill doctrines rigorously suppressed The Government will further develo: fiiendly relations with foreign powers -nd tits utmost
    64 words
  • 88 9 ircunmntinK Conuo Basin Treaties. Reuter. Nairobi. June 26. «2 .S255 cf Africa to Impose Imwria! Prefi n in vtew if th«* various .reaties HE to some extent be overcome as the result B< new tariffs unreduced to-day. hereby- a pectnc rate or an alternative ad valorem duty
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 50 9 Foundation Stone Of Kxtensions. Reuter. London. June 26 Th. ir Majesties laid the founoation sion- of th- n w buildings cf London University at ■MBMtaHf this af ernotn A _i tte 01 n and cr s nas bc(n acquired largely by the genercslty of Rocl; feller Poundation— Router
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 38 9 Reuter Wireless. Londan. June 23 j 3?L U f L ilanl a" v recalled by the death of the commander of the ship to-day Thomas Turner was one of the best known Cunard -Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 725 9 Drastic Nazi Action. EX-GOVERNOR RUNS THE GAUNTLET." Reuter. Berlin. June 21. JHE inrrimlui of Dr. Nationalist Hirhtinjr units is ,rS? r d as nieaninjr that Hitler is t» brook no rivalry to bii authonty ort, have any competitor, allies to his army of Brown h oflidaily stated
    Reuter.  -  725 words
  • 129 9 All Nazi Mandates Suppressed. Reuter Wireless. Vienna. June 2:. POLLOWING the OaMMfi M*, to suy press .11 activities ol th. Nazi Party in Austria, a bill declaring all Nazi mandaus h» parsed the Lower Austrian Diet. Th< mm mmmmmm of Kitzpuehi m the >rol ha* bow mm
    Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 252 9 ALLEGED SHOOTING OF FISHERMEN. Naval Action, Landing On Soviet Territory. Reuter. Moscow, June 26. JHE Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Ohta, visited the Acting Foreign Commissar Sokolnikov yesterday and protested against the alleged shooting dead of three Japanese fishermen in the region of Capo Kronotzky, Kamchatka. Hs asked permission for
    Reuter.  -  252 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 119 9 j 75 CENTS DIVIDEND, j J Straits Traders Oblige This Half Year. I \fler mi in* off dcprrr.i \i. n.- id m.«k- tar I.\ l md U. übtful drtta l> tet pr« if t h lanfik TraiUng com- I pan> I miird amocin to M 59.268.42 Hhcli. mmm thr balanc-
      119 words
    • 168 9 heyman I BUTTER The fresh delicate flavour of UttYMAM LLITER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria, j Australia, it is handled and packed with scrupulous care in order to ensure that it will keep in perfect condition. A BRITISH I EMPIRE Agents:
      168 words

  • 591 10 TEST CRICKET SURPRISES. England v. W. Indies. TOriilSTS COLLAPSING BADLY. Reuter. London, Jnnc JHE First Test rr.atch briween 'Eogfattd and the Weal Indies, which was begun at Lord's on Saturn day morning but was interrupted by rain after only 4" runs had been
    Reuter.  -  591 words
  • 248 10 F- N. Store Fifteen Goals. A RECORD were in local Leasue soccer was put up yesterday in the Commercial Cud future at the Anson Road Stadium w, n winning by U RO als to nil. Nine of the goals were obtained by Kere I «-a record
    248 words
  • 168 10 Yesterday's Soccer At Jalan Besar Stadium. a.P C. hoi to acknowledge defeat fmm cup ComrijUon mCt Ixl the oommerciai Although there waa no doubt at any tf*. of the game that t!ie Postals -,7-\ 7~ Chiang. Hon Sen. 00 Bwec Wuncey D HMSan M3mat Tek S GOA
    168 words
  • 131 10 Singapore Lawn Tennis Championships. I YESTERDAY* tie, i„ the open Itwn tennis champicn..hip mcctiny at the SC C re suited as folia ws **y»*J, reOMEN MIXED DOI'BLES WMmZStSS. ChCOnK Mrs. Mrs. Laing and Pater son bent and Dr Balhetchet 6-3 2-1. 1 M MEWS OPEN SINGLES Roy Smith,
    131 words
  • 207 10 AnKlo-Chinese Primary School Sports. Thursday km ground Thoro wa* .Andrew's Schos. and i ricn ?r J 8 par: nLs and of many nea r-'Presented J*£j«* dividual and Intercast for. wert> keenly compeict At the i to burst Ay. greased h:s v! w ?h 2 lhe ings or the
    207 words
  • 14 10 e anr,ual athletic spoils of the Zlolv in rsTj^K-» 60 hew
    14 words
  • 66 10 Friendly Soccer On The Padang. J.HE M.U» Publishing Hou« and the Club had a fair ,slead, ng however, fo.Their weak 1 hare of the exchanges ineir weakness lay in finishing Showing superior speed the mp w five goals in the MP H score .1 twice flrSt
    66 words
  • 34 10 Gloucester Trounced At Bristol. Reuter. London. June 26 B«. 01 on S.^ mC h P mitch **"»> <« Scores: GLOUCESTER ;29 Pc< v 7 30 for 2 wick7t,.-i R 3 pi dard 7 <<* and
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 22 10 Open Championship Tournaments. X minded SfSwtSl. JIT are «he hon. Road Ye K,n IM. Chin ■s«"JSairt l;"a c A ft
    22 words
  • 27 10 k Petersen Outpoints George Cook. Reuter. At Cardiff to-day ln a < n J nc 26 J*ck Peterson outpinid th- V contest «"tight. Qeorge Cook
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 9 10 Jul> 22. Oldllcld Cun 1. hoi..
    9 words
  • 84 10 Goats MP H 7 IT P A- P i Muni Services 6 5 0 ?J J n 3 *nd N. 7 4 Jr f 2 7»0 poauis 7 0 27 10 8 Ho-gkong Bank 4 2 i !J 19 7 SHBJSC 5 1 1 12 8 5
    84 words
  • 411 10 Britain v. America In Rider Cup. Reuter. TYPipat a London, June 26. th America conditions prevailed for ,IIM won the foursomes match. The draw was as fellows P.'fnyan v. cnugwoxi and Padgham and Perry v. Dudley and Burkt. The foursomes resulted as follows: h Alliss and
    Reuter.  -  411 words
  • 229 10 Brilliant Play. WORLD TOURNAMENT IN PROGRESS Reuter. London, Jump or T HEWi mb ledontourna m en; o (d to-day in sunny weather Tw was a big cr owd present Sutter played with rock-lik* B f„ -s in the second set whe a («dden opportunity 0>l Itoh
    Reuter.  -  229 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1056 11 Aliened Rash Act. VCCUSEDTB EVIDENCE EXPUNGED. INSPECTS C. B. Wood, of the rrafflc I*l*. vvas committed to the Fourth Magistrate I X r. Earl) yesterday, on a n* oi causing; the death of a c hawker by a rash and negli*ct Whilst driving his car along w
    1,056 words
  • 823 11 Attendant Has Rib Broken. TROUBLE between three attendent» in thr Mental Hospital on May 18 resulted in one m them oecominK an inmate of the Tan Tock S B JS! pltal for 8 twenty dava and mm other being charged before the District Judge Mr H. A. Porrer.
    823 words
  • 789 11 Chinese On Murder Charges. JOHORE NEWS. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore. June 25. ea. it is alleged, to the latter -txiki- k tho Uttlngnan on >he nca(J wlth kSSSef UUBkU S Third "«"moned to th Johon- Bahru •he h?ea t ,ar? M Mte«te could reach he ho
    789 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 25 11 New World Cabaret Friday, 30th June, Saturday, Ist July, Two Gala Nights. Balloons Streamers Will Be Distributed Free. NEW WORLD TALKIES TONIGHT "MADAM SATAN 99
      25 words
    • 282 11 fZB A Drink that has made j jjjl HISTORY i j Original j qff 'f'iß has b€C Meriorly imiiated but "ever j Mffl|g| FRAMROZ S CO. Pioneers of Fruit j Insurance I LOW RATES j WITH ABSOLUTE SECURITY 71 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. I DEPARTMENT. m I Arrest the Progress
      282 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 444 11 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of MMM* are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." Thit Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in ke ping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general Interest mU st.ll be included in
      444 words
    • 154 11 Springdale Minstrel*: Music practice. Mr. Lim Peng Hong's residence. 21-1. Lorong 16. Gtylang. 730 p.m Attendance compulsory Straits Chinese Epworth League: Badminton practice for members of Sports Club and Leaguers 2 p.m. Physical culture class. 430 p.m Telok Ayer Epworth League: Gam's Draughts tournament first round commences. 3 p.m. Physical
      154 words

  • 115 12 NEW LIGHT. Established Off The Coast Of Trengganu. In connection with the estabhshm nt of a about 30 mile, off th» coast of Tr nsaa v*u* for inch pur, o c th, Master Attendant 'leapt Department LtghtlousT CS ft 4i^ d v.
    115 words
  • 86 12 uieniuce Brit 4 120 ton., from T.ku Ba. 27-6. for London 28-8 c *j7 «".IT;" 51,7 Um ,rom uodc.» 27-6. icr unknown. 1 S 8 T, B r t ,S ,ons Malacca -•-5, for Malaca 28-6 -Malay»." D,n.. 5511 tons from or Manila Shanghai 27-6. B.nvenue Brit. 3 730
    86 words
  • 123 12 Singapore. June 27 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES East Wharf «Entranr* Oate 1» Main Whirf <Enfr«n-*» Qate 1\ 'laru 11. Rahman Frrnire TV** «Ent-«nc# Oa»- It C.-v of 30 Maion 32. Has*; Maru 34. Grshu Maru 37 Errpir» rw* .Entree Oa> 4) Mcmncn 46: Kedah 48 I Wr«t Wharf
    123 words
  • 53 12 Mi.L from Batavia and P.Ucmtang by aercrmm arc expected at the fl—atal FM Office a: 2.30 p.m to-day From Europe .London mail* despatched en a oy »hr ••Raju'.i." due at Penang at a iljnt o- Thursday. Frcm Cht-a and Japan by the "liakono MMM. uuc at Singapore at
    53 words
  • 76 12 I aTS; Vu^yT terday at the MftOtmogh. 7 I. ttbn iha» has a nmjoni the cui ft- itMrf appeal tc Q n iKCtirtain* r Air. rica it U 3 u- C f ir-t SSCT Wilh pkmy of m £1 U«hT
    76 words
  • 19 12 A,«», w r m h a T« »no is inx-olred tn a murdvr cas
    19 words
  • 171 12 SELLING. Singapore. June 27. London 4 months' sight 2 4 London 3 months' sight o n S London 60 days' sight 2 JJ 3 2 London 30 day,', lgnt g JJ" London demand ~Jf London T T I-.ons and Paris demand 2|3 *!2 -iamourg demand JT? NNI York
    171 words
  • 164 12 Singapore. June 27. 52*2: tj: K'ce.Stam I J gjj I*». 1 "Sinhway 3 JJJJ Slam. N,. "Sinhway I g* &*am. No 3 "SinhwaV !}2 Rice. Saigcn A 1 |«J Rice. Saigon N. 1 Rice. Salg:n > 143 Rice. Saipon j $137 Rice. SQ" per koyan SS SIST* c Me
    164 words
  • 60 12 Acquitted On One But Fined un Another. Second Magi- charge of tryine to /»f g th,s morni ng. on WVD broker Platted button* which !5 ?L2 for W d to pass off for S! alleßed 10 hav e AeeuaeT waf butto charge to resect of ha tn'h n
    60 words
  • 40 12 Trade School and Raffles r\u Governf nent favour of the former by t~c T Players mrntioneTfixst 3 6 0 ,G TS Wyj»»»'»? Timothy Chew ,5-5 15-5 isis 19an beat Aik Hooi Seah p no Chons 21 12 21—12-
    40 words
  • 23 12 »m ?„Th nSi H n f ,he Dutch Government having been living 7,,\ morning, for m.-..r s of ruiSSce"
    23 words
  • 305 12 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. j TO-DAY, JUNE 27. f High Tides.-0.26 a.m.. 1.56 p.m. co xSn g f tv* (spcre> Meeting. Government Servants' Thrift Society. Council Chamb, r League Football: Div. H, Harlequins' v H. Jalan Be ar Football (friendly) S.C.C. v. S.C.F.A.
    305 words
  • 143 12 ALHAM3RA.—James Dunn and Sally Hen :n "Sailor's Luck." •CAPITOL— Lilting k. the Sunshine." featuring Albert Burdon and Renee Gadd. EMPIRE.—DoubIe talkie feature: "The Rider of Death Valley" and "Undertow." GREAT WORLD. —Side shows, Cabaret, Malay opera, Chinese wayangs. silent and talking films <Sky Talkie: "Devils Lottery"; SUiC Talkie: "Captain
    143 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 1 1 Noon, I KHUPOKS i BITERlOfl QUALITY PALATABLE DCLldOUs Try ontc ™cl vcu will always ask for it. KRUPOK UDANG KRUPOK I KAN EMPJNG BUNDJO KRUPOK TAPIOCA or Genuine Stuffs rail at I). T. LIM CO. ">■!. N, '»th BrUgc Road. SINGAPORE. HAIR OIL. Try a bottlt Toni You
      53 words
    • 305 12 READ o\>sovs tp-to-*!at? Bulletins For Business mm\ And So Keep Ip-todite. 1 Right o 1 Ha* to Make a Shop Pav S 3 What is Wrcnj witli Britain and < lte« to K ep OMn s 50 5 T..c So:. Icr oy Mak 8 Using Pho o-rauha o Increase Sales
      305 words
    • 177 12 NOTiCI OF CHANGE OF AMKSB& We bejr to inform all Qur cu<t tad that our Singapore Printms Works and Town Offal *W 1* removed t„ X„ 7 and 0. Robin vm. m the 16th Jun< AH enquiries for printing, station»3 supplies, books, etc., will be appreciated. wm m PETERCHONO
      177 words
    • 42 12 THE FASHIONABLE SOLITAIRE. A rim; fashion TO-DAY. Wo hay,- many off the* Kings from «hOO and whatever price you pay Y ou alue W 0t r tta more ENGAGEMENT RINGS Set with Diamond Pr»ces From S3O upwards. K. M. OLIMOHAMEa JEWELLER.
      42 words
    • 24 12 NATIONAL BAND GRAMOPHONES IN VARIOUS MODELS Only stocked by YICK WAH SING $55 5 «1. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. WaU-h Repairer and Gramophone Slorr, SINGAPORE.
      24 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 211 12 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY Bengknlls. Laboean Bihlc und Tando-g (CWfe*) 3 p.m. Scat Pandjang. B«-gka!is. Eiak Pa«an Earoe. Fort de Kotk Pada-g 'Hcng Kwong» 3 p.m. Mat Pandja-g. Ecnijkali. and Btgaa Philippine Islands. China and Japnn <Ma'iya> 4pm Java. South-West Sumatra. Sou h-Last Borca* Celebes. Molucca and Timor Duly Mart
      211 words

  • 902 13 k Lansbury's Lido 99 Again. IBy David Baxter. > London. June f? <by Air Ma 11!. tM »n honest lot of people, we Lonf f doners Maybe rcme of v; are not trying v, pervade the ineom- tux autho u1" kMMMM a:e lower IMu tr U
    902 words
  • 467 13 Details Of Current Prices. Singapcrc. June 23. MEAT. Be f. :tcal: |round), kati 30 9M of, slew or curry, kati Pork, lean (Ist quality), fcatl 42 Pv!k. l C a:» and fat .Ist quality), kati 32 Mv ion, Australian, lb W**% kati JJ Hens tlocaily reared*, kati 42
    467 words
  • 45 13 t Praau in c aer To make rocm fcr voting lntelligerc md pmbitiou- youth." n »l < facials who have HMMd the age limit ar- to be retired. Thk: is announced in the "Prae r Pr sse" the semi-official crgan cf the Foreign Minis'tr
    45 words
  • 569 13 Successful Treatment Of "Hopeless" Cases. r j V lnQpCrtant Q'-velopmenis in the war -v"! h 011 #clent to «ag:ng ag inst ie. ha.e boen announced. n the first pVv it wr\s stated at the annual irecum t Eastbourne, of the Institute of Public h that "absolutely
    569 words
  • 76 13 Mother-In-Lnw's Tribute To V (Jowl Man." Parts. A baker wh_ murdmd hu wife on th#. mm mm oi infldeiity and recchrfu* He was undcmoin« treatment for tuberculosa a ranatorhuW. when he rtcetved \mZ2z I?*? hu siltsr» -turned home and in tht middle of the niaht mmm* his wlle
    76 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 314 13 I I I|\ i DiviNiA O PERFUME 'IB 1 (A r}' f jf I F.WOLFF SOHN 19 II (V KARLSRUHE W/ Divinia Perfume perfume of distinction and i y subtilty, distilled from the Irafiance of a thousand flowers. Its )fr k C,aint V and rc r eshin qualities nm&f/ endear
      314 words

  • 242 14 THE GREAT TORONTO EXHIBITION. Pineapple Push. 'From Our Own Correspondent j London, June 12. CANADIANS are to be shewn how to cook Malayan pineapples h dozens of different ways so as to bring out their full flavour. They will be shewn this at the 56th Canadian
    242 words
  • 194 14 Revelations Of Police Patrol. TWO mmm unknown .bor*i„?, n *S t s .„H "k" %Uan cUln > *»<■> by singula.!™ afctjlhd account of the customs of HANDS SKERr lO MEN On some occa. ions th» a woman." writes Mr. Niall. strangle "Then it someimes that mm off her
    194 words
  • 118 14 Mouse Bites Cable: Water Works Burned. r»r.„ Bel?rade n™ \£Z mou which s:ra >*ed into a mdosh n r Medlar. liid -amage the ultimate effects of which may cos* between £20.000 and £30.000 Finding its wav m to th. r iectr:r plan: which hlch a «5K J!k 10
    118 words
  • 111 14 3,000 Against Tourists Since War. 'From Our Oitn Correspondent.) Wm™ 01 June 1 (by Air Mail) HEN comp bng his invaluable century for I ed ht U SoTurin h fiJ ce c S i Indi6£ Hobbs all touring S ,S? matChes f.lii England since the war being
    111 words
  • 57 14 "anicl g Tomb is Really Alexander's. That th? tomb of Alexander h i 3 0 under the Mosque of Nabi SSSS maw"? is the opinion «*mei in Alexandria. h Z&£ ogM Daniel w as bMed MesonS^ i<;cie-> OT «-sopctamia. and thi* 5 Alexandria is littU shon rnoiSTt "y
    57 words
  • 48 14 AH Because Two Cats Went On Holiday. Turin. a rumour is current that we ;h. k .nnke:per. Antonio Pastfol the tahabtfitatien o( offended ho,- «'r', h ""•*«'«*«> of Rial '■<•■■ «ata» god fee? l ta u might have cur vil!ag° Sd of thf Peace court in extended honeymoon.
    48 words
  • 133 14 0 D s as. London, June g declares Urd newspaper. Sunday He has become by far t-u- i driver he ifl straight and steady that been sca.ea rail! J** "Til! he got on the ninth tee To'l, an iron to drive with at evcrv hZ 1 A
    133 words
  • 44 14 KANGAROO LION. Its Young in a Pouch. Th Sydney. It is C 5 imatfed that ir. over the L^^^^fi?"»W**. 2000.000 y.ars t °V*22? fr m about 20.0« y:ars \l ame extuict some believed that ST2S h time "me 0 still joined t0 MM* was
    44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 308 14 j _L__IWH4T IT is. I m V,,ul Thi L Uis a Baby Food. I my EStt Bg it is for the Sick. 1 J ACTIALLV J it is for all Ages, the Sick and lhe Strong ________^^-_aai_____ 1 1 click's being composed solely of I TP Fresh Cwwtey Milk dried
      308 words
      65 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 302 14 UMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES ASD ade:. From The Empire Transmitter. Daventrf. Englai.d JVa.ei..; <ths 25 2* and Jl 3 metre* Two of the followinr frequencies and t»„. wtU be uvd in the UanMnJwion* to l»e Indian tone.
      302 words

  • 1528 15 Consumers' Societies. STATE WITHIN STATE" IN ENGLAND. hese times, when the air is full of new economic panaceas, what f the Consumers' Co-operative move-Co-operation in Malaya ">u K h only recently started, has rude appreciable strides, thanks to at le su Pervision of the heads of
    1,528 words
  • 255 15 Australia's Dearth Of Youthful Talent. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 1 <by Air Mail). A LTHOUOH tne heated controversy of the rV 1 51 1 1 of Tests against Australia has hardly abated there la Already talk of the next test which is to
    255 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 46 15 KjUINNESS IS THE BEST I BUT BE SURE IT'S "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS STOUT Jnllili.llllillltl. *****,1 I I< I 'lult JulUHlHill I »M. I• T-f'lT-1 Til 111 I I 111 I lII— HUMIHIIII il I I l„l ********** I I I I I I I II uj,
      46 words
    • 255 15 Heavy Smokers i Kno„ TL* wKtl*k UNSEEN I ENEMIES I I OBTAINALLIi M|j|| GERMS *nUC>r»~. T DKPKNSAfelES <;erms s,art influenza, coughs. c.,!ds. I L VKlSQM AT n CSMm ca arrh hoarseness and other throat 8 menlS and ywu inhale millions (t hsT" li A TIN. ,ht m daily. The sure
      255 words
    • 45 15 I "Egyptian" Brand Coffee Malayan Coffee 1 j «MADK PROM BEANS GROWN ON GOVERNMENT P LANTA 4n" Ask Your Dealer for a Tin. A trial will convince you. Prepared by C. Van den Driesen, Kuala Lumpur. Sole Agents: NAINA MOHAMED SONS, 22, Battery Road. Singapore.
      45 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 189 16 HASSAN J I AMI v, atm: I CONTRACTOa 3 I 36-:;;, Brm i.asah EUttf, I I SINGAPORE. R M you are fa m ed 0 f electric 8 I lights, fans, motors, etc.. and 8 I water ■enrice, please write to I I tne above address or 'Phone I TO
      189 words
    • 365 16 THE M| TO LET. TO LET— Comfortable Rooms. 7u. Prinsep St TO LEI" Compound Hous?. No. in. Ro» t Lane KM mm mi Ajply 20, Chulia MSftt TO I.LT 3. Ramsgatv Rd.. ofl Orovc Rd 1 X->K -> to imnea from X l. or 3. Margat. Road ft mmmm TH
      365 words
    • 402 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. The public are hereby informed thai thi. school will be removed to No 1-AKtrk D" mj Ghaut, on the 25 h jLe. 3ft M ANCTANO. Pitncipal n^iceT MADAM CHUA OHM MR) mNo p -rone 4. Gaylang Road. Singapore haviJftft protection of
      402 words
    • 308 16 SALE. Imp9rtant Auction Sale To be held at the SINGAPORE AUCTION MART, 24, High Street, ON SUNDAY. JULY 2. 1933, at 10 a.m. Household and othY». Funrtur* ©?< V' Ti.b!,.s. chfc Beds Sideboards, Silver ."^£s Pictuit e t c tSv» wrttefa, Office Dos] Table*. $a 7 form Scale, Ty,, writer
      308 words
    • 407 16 jijjj it evxeiitialljj if article of ill confidence. I y«»ii matj tnixt ill I iTwiWn^ MALAYA TRIBUNE R 'PHONE 6171. by ASCRIPTION RATES. t ITABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery totludln, at office p or close (Local or F r iga i*s|Jence. countries $15.00 121.00 $33M hall-Year* 7.50 10 5 0
      407 words