Malaya Tribune, 26 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune ST NEWSPAPER MALAY A. Vol. X\. Nit 14 9 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. .r Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, Jl M: 26 I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 111 JYI W 81 POWDERED MILK r V iTfcl n°r'u S XEEDED TO KEKP "US :„„.k FRESH-VACUUM PACKED IT COMES TO VOL' IN PERFECT CONDITION A PRODUCT OF CANADA Obtainable at all Leading Prowsion Stores GETZ BROS. Co. -The new A U S T I IV rdol A has Jf
      92 words
    • 187 1 A. FLINTER 6 Raffle a Place, Singapore. Importing Diamond* and Pearl Necklaces of every ii» and quality. S< lling at latest and lowest market prices. a ul B»{d ornamenu ot fvery ttnd Jlialit P«*u» h jrhe.t trices exchange j HEALTH and STRENGTH j EVERY T,N RIIT \mJ JL IT MUST
      187 words

  • 289 2 Sporis At The Padanjr Club. VERY enjoyable function took P >'t the Singapore Recreation Club OH Saturday, when sports an a dance ware held in ralrTirithi al the Chib'a jubilee. The many people who accepted Invitations to he present saw
    289 words
  • 234 2 Sh elds In Wimbledon Surprise. London, June 15. Fran!; X Shields ha: beer the dramatic < g J in a big Wimbledop surprise He o Ei-ope to play in h? French tenuis han.piciunips ar.d nominated bv th* :ut c' States authorities as the fourth Amjri- j
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  • 53 2 Bard. l£f«Lf?yL»Mfcl -Plying BilMB** l f suffl cient support is forthsir*** n continn S5 Mup on TT S U1 6of sl »ort 1 sum, i r Jn«k-out system. hethcr m the J* wUh to dine at higly. Gm,nL A,u be made a-cord-•~tt&£tt in the {*> cents S at
    53 words
  • 394 2 V Handicaps For Next Saturday. (From Our Oicn Correspondent Ipoh. Satui day. fjANDICAPS for the opening day of the AlPerak Club's Sumnrr Meeting, cr Saturday, July 1: R ACE L—Ponies, Clam t, Dir 1 —5 Fur* Sknt Merchant 9.0 Earwig o 0 Little Flirt 8 9 Valkyr
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  • 278 2 Celtic Men Win Rowing Trophy. The race for tne lntematl nal fours was tn- mors important of the two events on tht pre gramme for the regatta which was held at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Saturday afternoon. Scm- gocd sport was seen and after a keen
    278 words
  • 538 2 40 Runs Win By Second Eleven. 7* fe c c P*dang on Saturday cventrur hv Kttgftg of forty run*. Batting Jri 1. 07. which included a xTb\ cSKnfn* largest indhuhrl score of ih7"n2S The sec bctvhng included fouT r by McNeill, and two fSfZ V*** Tne s.c.C.
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  • 272 2 Nondescripts Beaten By 15 Runs. TVAFFLES College boa; the Nondescripts by IV aHw« runs. playinß at th. Ctllege gcounds on Saturday. The College, baiting Or* mad th* not tmpres ive to'al of 84. but th i.cppcfunis impressed ev:n less. Brwlers had a field day. Foe tlvs Nondescripts. Fernando
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  • 267 2 W hat Is Wrong: With F J Lordon. J une 15 as? s S2 *2 ;un y d a o r d t;e il: E doubiUss pa >-^S aTco^r w Austraiia •tains: the South i?« 8 expected mmmm\ST noilc cou,d A^ l Crawford the Perry Beth Englishmen
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  • 46 2 Lall Singh Scores A Century. There n> very urn? U pur JuM 24 Th. «J 5 C R C BEAT V.M.C.A The 6eUngcr Chines beat the t Pur V.M.C.A. to-day by 17 nms LUm rcorcd 127 and th/ v\t n The Ch,ne 'e
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  • 227 2 Hurricane Hitting By Ross. THE V.M.C.A. easily defeated Raffles InstituU n the latter POund en Saturday, mak«ng 109 aga ns'. 24. Ross. Willis ani Penr.--atner W re th? chief scorers. Ross hit :ng twi v _x:s. five fOUXi and fiv e tWOB, only fourof his 45 being
    227 words
  • 322 2 Senior XTs In Soccer Pnendiy. S AT S frif ndly at the j u Stidmni between th,. r a:i Bes a Wltabte nnd J Chtoe» eams S tox. to that the soldiers >* plctcly oil-colour. to be C c. n The Chinese arst to last and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 WHITEAWAYS BACK TO PROSPERITY SALE Closes on Saturday, July Ist. c^ A^ PKOVED ELIZ ABCTH" PRAM CQMPACTUM CAR Comfortable, roomy upholster kM a■ v J^ 1 Cf finest ual "y- A«r finish motor cr sitting position, ligh ws£ bed softl y P fitted with over ftaat* ipoke wheels, li 'h
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  • 19 3 Wi hav<. no doubt that th. rr- Pnxtiaetn 'im then m«? hc
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  • 11 3 excitable ebullition of human rur, through the chfdho d oflh
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  • 57 3 YV m Muhiya ou g h t to watch these develop- y nunts carefully. We know that the Briu •t in Bangkok Ls fully alive to the situu SIS S thC b?st -f-med ma„ h i on current politics there. Apart from A -Ul.. ol e« in..
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  • 4 3 sdfs
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  • 48 3 ¥V> favourable surroundings furnish th- s abmty tQ u J a style hica must command 7Z in cf UMum circles' o r T S an, a sp >t pn-videntially chosen for the bLth < f a kindlier spirit in mankind I Time will te' —Singapore Free Press. Wl
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  • 392 3 Australian Flyer In Singapore. "JO demonstrate that Australian aircraft and personnel can do ewythini necessary in the iray „f long-distance regular air-service is ■object of the flight, said Mr. < Llm. chief pilot of the tri-awtered monopia::- "Faith in Australia." which arrived at Seletar air-hase at
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  • 21 3 Taking Important Post In State Govt. The Prince, vi,,, is 2G wa* «w«V2« MM iZllllT n ,ortant >*« 1»
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  • 108 3 No Catc Against Malacca I ninese Woman. (From Our Own Correspondent Malacca. Jun. n i In Jil** i Lstrlrl court b»-lore Mr. H. C ML £«r R i- 'Assistant chin -V Protector, produced a Cantonese woman. Lov Yuet Chan for procuring Chan Ah Lul u«*d 1 1 years,
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  • 91 3 Proposed Talks With Local Chinese. Thj Straits Settlements Trade Commissicn will be m»»Mng repre cntatlves of the local Chinese business houses, guilds, etc.. as con- Muted iv th.- Chinese Chamber of Commerce at the Council Chamber next Thursday to dl ru > local trade conditions Mr lay Lian
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  • 468 3 Co-operative Society. THRIFT NO PRETEXT FOR AXE. 'Front Our Qun Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, June 24, 8»C8dI dementi. High Commis- this mo at h i n i orn,n X ".augural meeting of Bedit arTl 25?" C*opiX" whkh S? Society, ever Mr. Bradney, thanking Sir Cecil on behalf
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  • 247 3 Imoort INohibition Creates MonoooK. J l3 fr m JU,IC 5 absolutely me 5£2 i;n^rlatiw matche, into t£, Writrs a Ke antan correspondent XeS eh" 1 m™ «T doubt aoopted measure to assist a local indu.--men nu»tch factory which commen.ed operations only m Pebruary of this Iv his annual
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  • 35 3 The replay for the Kepoel O C JMH lad.r Spoon batween Mrs. J. L. Campbell and Miss A Jones resulted in a win for Mrs Campbell »ith a *core of an squarr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 I OMENTAL I GOVERNMENT SECURITY j LIFE LTD. < INCORPORATED IX INDIA 1874). j HEAD OFFICE:-BOMBAY Oriental Life Office, j Dear Sir. Kua,a l **m< E*W f your mv. of mjr late husband's Trip Ben 7°' I r V h daim un <*er W for the sar,,. i *****1 and
      245 words
    • 172 3 8R1M65 HAPPINESS TO ALL F mmm PHDME-5463 mmmm TO GET AIRMINDED I MAKE A CHEAP At&VOYAGE TO T JAVA BY THE 1 jLKN I L M Wh< havti been operating this service L more than years. I IW fhc X N LM Carried From Nov. I«>2H j A 75,122 Passengers.
      172 words

  • 490 4 Shipping News Notices. WHEN IS MONEY CARGO? Definition Hinges On Trading. P rt 10; the purpose of t.adtna is cargo. Itt rtfßi made by Mr. Balfour in the Cra ml Puiiee Own Hongkong. recent.) •M or i. hs vorship wM pasa sentence on vmm two Chin ,c R rcaseis
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  • 81 4 Experts Tphoid The < ompanvV lew. Chetbourg. May 20. cut French ii'fe"—■ totai r^Tn: r t** ,har dear el ouW b? extrcm .> expert; who were a] paint hj thf oJ, --urn ba K^wSyflS -r 'mm*, llitrcro.e, DM the MM „1 th. Sane o,r- tnev,° v Ih: con:;
    81 words
  • 109 4 Native Seamen At The Ceremony. Two vn j two flremcn. native em P yees of the P. and O. Line, Z fZFvZ 2a2: nCW P rlsh church oT st Paul a. Wold.ngham. Surrey, when Lord Inchcape unveils a tabLt to the memory f his father, the
    109 words
  • 190 4 Old Genum Liner heaves I or Mid-Atlantic. frch We., Africa and has been In £m,m!!2, IT?' b- ur.rco.nlHble. «ill d.f ZJITS" r v •Jiumj. ,i trartin» l,„ l n< ln til! Do!--£-T**S -b"d, b/^-- nyh,. in?- the Btohi b- > rnai.ano durerd. to rave tim- -h-
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  • 55 4 Steady Increase Of Overseas Business. filarjs r a M JEtS! I*' mere**. *aa marke m,h i>:, en "n< In the mrband Irum Luting 0 <• In addh:on to the ab*v» »hGuernsey tail L. the nt hJ Bnplr.- 3 h p J nof a 00 Proportion or k
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  • 444 4 Rec-cnl Transfers And Appointments. YIP.. E. Bruce, from in transit, hr. g*a lrl-fßcd- Nnnhann. M L Moore, from in gone .vcc:id (Ulcer. Nanchang. Mr. R. n. Learmouth. sup-y chief officer, c: -hum. hts gone chief officer. Tean. M W. D. Cashel sup'y chief officer, from I
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  • 93 4 Japanese Trade With China. Kob?, June 2 Shipping circles are pleased with the con- l r S Xnt° f lhe SUIO Ja P«nese «miSS* agreement, Huy anticipate a gradual im "!*5! 55 Murh smaller for some time cn ne tncjehot en The tonnaKi tarried by each vessel Ist
    93 words
  • 136 4 Loan From British Boxer Indemnity Fund. JHI of the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Fund U now tv ilv workine on m ,t m£S th loan rmetf 5 board ot tees hew m elc,-^V lhe members °< board I h2£L£i !E? 0n the n.-f VS aiur
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  • 80 4 Vessels To Be Laid Up For Three Months. Wa hington. June 10 The ro.iion piu Ml be used ~o ihat mtJLSS2I.'^S t J a ,ac,ical I TJJ war problem is the expend* of for no to „g cruises are necessary The enlisted Strength of the vavy' mu t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 116 4 IUJfUOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated m Italy) EXPRESS SERVICP m.r. HILDA July iJ i J Due Lea ?e Due m.v. TEROESTEA- 2? Jf JS 15 Snore. 8 pore. Venice 8 5 Au 15 j ft* CONTE VERDE FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI Ju: > 20 July 20 Aur. 7 m AND ,Ap AN
      116 words
    • 140 4 BAMBURG-AMFRIKA LINIE Deutacn Australlsche Dampfachlza Gesellschaft (Companies t*m tl n Germany) OUTWARDS XTr>«^ HONGKONO SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. M.s. MUNSTERLAND via U. M n. 1 f 3 3 ma. RAMSES, via Manila 7* n m -s RUHR, via Manila oJ* t ma. SAUERLAND. via Manila Sent 19 mtmma
      140 words
    • 415 4 ig NORDDEt TS( R The undernoted an he Con Da, fixtures:— tote**! 01 YARDS. ''ODER" for Manila, Hongkong !93j Japan. N. china and Etan£ for Manila fj, l China and Japan 5 "SAALE"' for Manila, Honrt Shanghai, N. China and SS? HOMEWARDS. r a^tS f r Tripol >- Get 1333
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  • 408 5 Mining Shares. r Moan.,, 11 ajn. »p; t« marc :«mttciu as ccued i mmmm m Buyer* t i iim varr Kumbang Tin 2 !> "i M Malay ST ST Xtl ■J" T:ri 13- 14- «I Mi "adnng 010 01 lvi 0.40 OAS Chcndenang Tin 6 Ml
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  • 223 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN EASES VERY SLIGHTLY. Rubber Down \nd Dull. 'By Out Financial Correspondent,, Singapore Monday, noon To day's Prices:—. Rubber (Singapore). 10-»« c t. down > n ct Market Tone: Dull. Tin (Singapore), spot. SllT^. Saturday. Prices:London Rubber, 8 9 32d.. VI down 1 16d.
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  • 163 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motrr Spirit and various brands of Kerosene ar? as fellows: Snell Auaticn Spur n: 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon SI 19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon %Q.h2 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
    163 words
  • 275 5 I Wit or m,-;>j i„ r The Year. annual general meeting o: Devon Malacca. Ltd. will b mU at thnTii™ 1 tht con.panv. Prench Bink Building* Eingacc- on Tu,-sd,;. June 27. mmm, at noon The airenors report wj shareholders states The account *he»- a profit of 11.251.48
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  • 74 5 Drop In Balance Sheet Surplus. Reuter. Boston June 23 Th: ca*ii iwu cf t*e Ford Motor Compan. in 183- amour ted to G £303.650.000 as compart «i ltii O.M72.483 CCO l-*t year. accani.i.g to th; statement flifti «ah tl* m. ssacnuseris 0>mmissltm of Taxation Th? piofit and loss
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 59 5 Output fcr 1932 was :.380.500 lb Price realX oOi 47d P :ur S 2IQ to 2 ,d. London landtn terms £??L Crwarc! to which U HOM PTOflt on übber stock 1331 £232 intees* 2*! »n:i redmptlrn ol War t£?29 0 1 ma*Dejjctint loss on year* trading £710
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  • 322 5 1 V> Hi. ■IkTHUIfC ,or Na I'lanling*. Amsterdam May jj |?S and A.ji.xn. Ui -HandelsbUd." in iv i sue of Mitt* ld take toU) f>u rot ye ?n P hJVr trees 1.01 ye hi uv procucuig stag- ian-lngs. anl tro. tact ha* been disreaarrw m-itn the;: f "»ve
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  • 38 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. Spot 3 9 33d New York 515 16 cents Singapore ie-s.~hm 4 cc-u. TIN London Spot £219 15s. .Unchanged. L rdon 3mo th? £219 (Unchanged ■tngapore: 1117.75. CO.'RA Sundrted %2 *o M mm
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  • 76 5 Wall Street Improvement Cheeked. London June J!. O the Stack Exchange to-day. apart fror; lev bright ipou, disappointing c:nditio..-l-e\ ailed, mainly due to the recent upward :cnd on Wah Street beirr; checked nationals rspecialh weakened but amo.i r.du trials Rayc.s were supported Tie commodity markets generally rulec yjieur
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  • 673 5 Ti~iA 'TOcaiimrj tor "ts32rs 5 •nc if there -gjj an tra gg"* o« rh» Man^estl^ 1 at th annual Powers and £>: JO n A??ocla tion of tall was pm -erain art* f Umm to Cgli 3 SLV!!j II 1 bMi ruade pgj th Sr
    673 words
  • 577 5 Rubber Shares. -i—e tu-r.jay. 11 Ml hi it**, otaafl Lyi ud Ev fcU i i Value i.- r i Ml. 1 ya!l t Shau.s A: Co Evatt I Ailr-nb $o70 $0 80 0 55 SO 80 1 Alor 0.50 0.60 0 50 o CO 1 A.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 94 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated ln England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street Authorised and Subscribed Capital C.900.000 Paid-up-Capital C 1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.00 c HEAD OFFICE: LONDON BRANCHES: Bom Day Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras. Amaca. Baghdud. Bahrein. Basra. Kirkuk. Mosul and Singapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened ar.ri money received
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    • 47 5 WATCH ITGROW.' Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK pi-/s interest quarts »j. Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55. Wall Street. NT.
      47 words
    • 172 5 Oversea Chioese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements;. THE CHINESE TRP nn n,^, LTD. AND THE BAI^ Authorised » Paid Tin tin non nan a* U*.Al> OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING. iSSa. V JL*}*'™'**-**> LOCAL BRANCH 45k. NoStH^^£ !L l GA BOARD o? DmaoToah Chee Swee Cheng, Mja, chattman. Le- Kong
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 the Sailors on a Night like This! j NIGHTLY! Tfci famous pair of "HAD CIRL" t9MM m a rousinir Naoghtteal Comedy. Fox Film Presents JAMES i DUNN i EILERS &l fcr SAMMY COHEN »kV on VICTOR JORf fTV I 1 Directed by J JW Raoul Walsh OHflHl NEXT CHANGI! mC
      144 words
    • 152 6 hr The Funniest Slap-tiek Musical comcdTever made in Sound &ĔMMm^ m TO-NIGHT! CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S NEW RIVAL, THE WHITE SISTfcR" jliliLtLliiJLf'^A and HELEN HAVES. Itu j UHM£ OUT 1 LOOK OfTT The second annuel >MmV, >, U 'il-'KAT VhVt THE i CABARET j and enjoy dancing on the spring floor, 1X
      152 words
    • 236 6 j POSITIVELY YOUR LAST TH AtJriT'""' TO ENJOY Tins SUPERB FILM— raif|j|R^ MADAME BUTTERFLY SYLVIA SIDNEY I 9|BLf j*? GARY OBANT "MEN OF T^^tors^-7T With MAURICE BRVDDFII KUV j (M inter of the wtU known i i z ~.,,,,,IV, IV TALKIE AND r ii.,,,,,^ SILEXT PICTURES. JEtC JL T "0
      236 words

  • 1199 7 NEW SCHEME IN THE F.M.S. Federal Council. Government Answers To Questions. prßßßnmi question, on the wpMWte State clerical service which is shortly to be formed received written replies which were tabled at this morning's meeting of the Federal Council. QUESTIONS AND REPLIES. Mr. Ban Ah W»n. T
    1,199 words
  • 23 7 Alleged Murder Of A Woman. sssj jmjk ,hi mo murder ha„ kMJ preferred' Th Coroner viewed the body of ik
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  • 67 7 Ur. Sheldrake Names Local Man "Abdul Kanm." Dr. KhaUd Sheldrake who arrive Colombo yesterday P man Catholic to Mm ast JJS** Sfore'a E 525 Als B ff La^ 'xfore a large number of Muslim- AbdUl Syed Ibrahim bin Omar Alsagoff V e fchi in bdfeMW of Dr.
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  • 66 7 To Lecture On "The Soul Of China." Urder the »11» I 111 cf th- Chinese Association j cturc entitled The Soul of China^wUl delivered by Dr. Urn Boon Ken* at the Assoct. a ion premises in Short Street" on WedntEa, vfpH P T Members ar.d their
    66 words
  • 42 7 Feverish Erection Of Ramparts. ISir^iSE f the ftter ta tht> Yangtae Men at Hankow was 46.. feet at Aye o'clock hi, s*S& Thf -eh«, th^vero 1 Tht firms are fevtrishly erecting ramuart, to prevent their goods from being ruined
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  • 15 7 Dr. G. Haridas. who obtained the M.R.C.P. London, whilst on study Kave in Erglnd m
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  • 289 7 LC& Officer Not Favoured By Government. A s *»s published in the "Malaya Tribune recently. Dr. Larka who *vi oe re.urning to Singapore on Wedne.<day. from salmon had Issued a statement ficm Ku*la At?£ dt th o appointment as Indian Agent in Malaya of an Indian
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  • 203 7 Smashini: Victory Over Belgian. from Oar Own Corrttpondcnt F«f »k London. June L m nr> u ft Icr years Kid Be r ■nd of London, fought before his own a JjJfH cashing BS Saerens. th. Belgian, in a 15-rounds conteS rutcen thousand spectator*, nostlv J*"» Berg in
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  • 35 7 Institute .Members And Mr. L. Kestcven. 'From Our own Correspondent j Mr L. Kestcvcn. •ISiT',11 Arrh "«'<- .nauSL. brant! or a- Af Vh IVl p: ll>t I IHtlUllr £5?rrrfis every ucc™ ,nd ""*<1 Ulctr.
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  • 24 7 Heavy Punishment For A Kidnapper. Reuter Barnstaple. Mass Jun* Buck has been tentenc-d to M fmn imprisonment for kidnapp 2 M JL2
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 15 7 Mr. Chung Ah Ming has been appointed an f hree yt n mnm from May
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  • 73 7 l>«d Not Know Why He Made Them. Hu-aein. a £L„ ""V™ 1 Ta c M r m H h T Char ed District Judge H A Pcrro the roh£ STSL 1 mv *-r g alon •bout a foot roughly m de weapons Jr 2?S "*> the
    73 words
  • 75 7 Invention Conquers World Of Silence. DcaTEK woi i mZm*!* «2 over his ,or h7n hetJT" mfUll nd cU A switch was turned nn clearly~*ven trull fS Wift,lesf Programme £ZZ d feet ye car drums had nly rXr Clt lps as they evid•l ,»rt„™ n 10 re,m o
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  • 130 7 A Red .And Ycltow "Peril" In Vu^oslavai. The ot £«a nm ft a ££3*. !£,r«?U* ,vln e Itoin Bushafc to Zagreb re. ,an >»to a ii i t.U (or 0 "J? 'hey had to ;;ai,a «2* 1 SUV? 1W d J** w,s Iftousht l.'la: du.l clouds 1 S5J
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  • 690 7 Khalid Sheldrake. MET BY CROWDS IN SINGAPORE. ftHALID Sheldrake, the life president of the Western Islamic Association of England, arrived in Singapore yesterday. He had travelled out from Colombo by the Meswgeriea Maritimes liner *<<Che"onceaux." which berthed at 230 p.m. He was met on arrival by Dr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 NOTICE TOPATRONS. THE COLEMAN HAIR DRESSING SALOON. No. 37, Coleman Street. Branch Saloon—No. 6, Hill St. will be opened to serve the public on July 1, 1933. NOTICE. MADAM CHLA CHnTIJEO of Mo M Lcrong 4, Gaylang Read. Singapore, having left tlv protection of he- husband Mr. Wee Pa k
      87 words
    • 603 7 T<BChCr .-Jan. Minimum qualification. Junior Cam•V g s organisation of Kinderv and Primary classca a racomm He b:a.-d and lodging. Apply s auug a lady Supervisor. Gemas BBsJfafc Scho,:. rSJf Katong Rd. .A. p ly 20 ChuJla gtr v( IttX'ilSllL?*!' Ammonia rretzinK Plant Motor 3 HP us Volt >? ««rT
      603 words

  • 7 8 "< t rt.vnn'nf c<mdo1 >hcr
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  • 698 8 Wm a timeliness that ona expect* 5" P'--v,ded irill, an XcUs rtwaawg at the Disarmament Con their need, real or imacined emaaeea* in the air Btttoil and tlm Air laudato nave -(iisct>vered" that high-fUn* ■tom i-iunes dew ever Betted «WPPed pamphleta, of a nature in Wilting to
    698 words
  • 231 8 Comments By The Way. A T a wh n >hc PcUcc in th; F:deral z.i. usam getting on iho .rail of 1.1. wi.:. leave h.-j machin: unattended U-t tr tii w xcad, the remedy, '"Jr •*"«<*> i. aUgiect.U by U poiict iflic r at Klai-u -public
    231 words
  • 191 8 T HE celebration cn Saturday cf the fiftieth bjrlhdsy of the Xingapore Recreation Ciub a S a:i event o f outstanding importance to raUe the Eurasian community of e Cli:b ha£ f:r «any yearts* PaU 2f e er importance in and "h?s. £:Cial Hfe 0f the Settlement and
    191 words
  • 166 8 A existence only six weeks the Su'-dny Tr iune again made n*v Sundav ««paper totet.ry in M.toy; ves Dro nc"s nS ot M^ 8 T" fivc cen!s ~nuinlr. s ,o f ..fa av?n interest Or» ot -h new fea.ures which had a very definite appeal tof n
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  • 118 8 i-rtatetSj? Pu<lu P H Forbes chief accountant. FMSP a-T Wed rBd y burglars broke into St JSTS and 100,5 brass boy! from the baptismal font. The thieves must a-.e b?en disiuibod sirce nothing else was lstm except the bowl. A silver and ebony
    118 words
  • 80 8 A Penang repertory players comnanv mm the near future and 3 a, the E and O. Hote, ZmSZ into hospital ST 27 SfH Was Emitted violent tL"jS. "ES been discharged Chool and 1138 A Malay named Kadir bin mh lion Including Counc was present .t orJfc d f L
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  • 57 8 Before Mr S R vr m. DttMi Kn«h ~;s h H r "J* named the Ipoa hZhnZ MfaTt near cas. m, FaUja Slneh 4 IPOh. in from Road. School. 1 tne Girls' i V »~-tc d road b j I'j P R G s has turned tTlpoh X
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  • 18 8 1 stwul* n»1 Stt?5 vva; evicted ol tc^ t 8 in Tlan 500 thc Chine* in- I
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  • 1 8
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  • 2 8 hhr
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  • 301 8 j BY J How uid you lilc fV€ got to hand if to li fhey must have «rted ,D And do you know wheitein i Recess? Local news VTJ* local news and features tn *t* all. Efficiency is I hp nni» protects you a<^'^r'r"'"' ,ha W its
    301 words
  • 38 8 WEEK-END SPORT, on pages 2 and 15. Ufc AND SENIOR OFFICERS, cn pace 3. MALAYANS AT HOME, on page 11. CLUB DIARY, on page 12. RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 13. LONDON'S OLYMPIAD, on page 14.
    38 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 A TOOEfct PfeODUGT Have you bought your I TOBRALCO? brako stands up wonderfully to unshHie and nrashinjr. Sec' the of designs. ►ta I rotl j ruarantee f*f nUafactton in a 1 !l wear. Whtm baying »,e the aainc Tobnlco an the stock 1 ttdodff °i hw ,ov r ,y 25*
      214 words
    • 16 8 Violins Fillings Cheapest Best SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Koad, SINGAPORE. Scm,e 1 mw Cooteatfri
      16 words

  • 72 9 VOLUNTEER TROOPS TO RF REORGANISED. Armies Of Bandits. Manchukuo s Appeal To Japanese In Jehol. The deUcate Ntuatkn i n charhar h-.c ity. Instead of leavine k I ,1 man»ged in ta- "ded tobegfai LT, T V H,H ar hM L
    72 words
  • 1146 9 Shanghai, June 2G. QWING to the deadlock in the peace ■magemoßftl i n Charhar. Gen. r Ch« Yuen (Commander of the 29th Army) has expressed his unwilllllgnett to resume duties H I hairani) of the Provincial Government »1 Chiaag Kai Siiek's reply relatkigtothe Charhar situation
    1,146 words
  • 221 9 India Will Agree. NOTK TO LONDON CONFERENCE. Reuter. London, June 26. U |NDIA will be prepared to join any de-laratio i adopted by th Conference emphasising the desirability of reducing custom tariffs." Btmhn memorandum issued by the Indian delegation to the World Econo■fc Conference. For practical*reasons of
    Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 38 9 A'-istrVs Answer To Hitlerite Threat. Reuter. V'enna. June 24. ten l- 1 r I :Ut mrm i*tLl Austrian gfeg4-| autr thrown from an aeroplan- at Lin« \mT Austrian of/icl.C. of tKh Tun t c are for..h.,t
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 65 9 l lmV Flight Ddaved At Alor Star. HM plane p itn Al r Sl A ir Ju been forced down Alo mmm, star mltn tn «^i plane will be delays for one <Uy._ 'From o«r Oicn Corrupondent. I Ulm hooped f or R* n 2 at 6 am.
    65 words
  • 11 9 -New Htir Presumptive To Spanish Throne. Reuter. .':,..'77.7.^'--' ,.,7
    Reuter.  -  11 words
  • 303 9 POLICE PLANES TO BE built. Equality Insistence. Peace Treaties Will Be Broken. Reuter. A S 8 r sult of "raid" by strange Which droppcd in h tS over Berli Germany t0 inSiSt air «*> I wo new police machines are to be 7 k" 1 contrave ntion
    Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 104 9 After Brief At Malacca. 'From Cur Oic.i Correspondent Malacca. June 24. ;h Plac last ni ?ht «t the Durian Daun fcagfjggj following a brief illness of Mr Wong bco- r Yoon. at the early age of 21 years He was a Cambridge siudent cf Uie AngloOMM scho.l. keen
    104 words
  • 94 9 -Malacca Chinese And His Debts. (From Our Own Correspondent 1 Malacca. Junj 24. In a civil suit b.fore Mr. H. C. Willan yeIh v J. he dtfcn d«"t Chua Up Song, accepted h~H C C 3e f pl 1: Uff 10 ,cut the cock s f «uppcrt
    94 words
  • 70 9 Seven Cantonese Women Plead (iuilty. of C a ar br V th a45l,tin in management wom .n MVCn 8al,y drc&sed (M- T ,P t d b fore the *****1(1 Magistrate Cirf 88 > thLs n:oi nlng. ta h PJ i—c. dt J guilty and were fined 50
    70 words
  • 38 9 Lim Chin Cbcon. a Chlnrac. was produced IhS 7ISLLl mm Ni H A y*f l K on a charge of having caused grievou hurt by a rash act J».l> 8 and allow.d bail in $200
    38 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 259 9 MALAYAN CHAMPIONSHIP WON and British Record Broken j j~ with help of V PHOSFERiNE CHfIMP, 001 LEONfi TEIK writes: '-mitiK Champkiuhip.7 J Malayan WeightV I Record. P- add '""'> I broke a British W !2i? aY END «"*NCE and 5S RENEWS BROKEN-DOWN TISSUE." HOSFERINE 1 aar OF ALL TON 1«
      259 words

  • 95 10 MALAYA CUP SOCCER. PERAK ELIMINATED FROM THE COMPETITION. Penang and Peralt clashed in the Northern Section of ha Malaya <up ompetition on Saturday at Penane- It Penang s first and Penh's last outing in this ycarV com- lor I
    95 words
  • 371 10 pENANG defeated Prrak by at the Victoria Greea, Penantr. oa Saturday afternoon in the Northern aectioa <>f the Malaya Cup competition. This puts Perak out of th? running for honours this year, as they wen bcttfeai by Kedah and only ircw v. ith Beitaajar. l:-i!t,- m\
    371 words
  • 54 10 The Grand Prix De Paris. Reuter. Paris. Junt -J5. f«« 1 BT h m f S t -cu:y th iace for the orancl Prix d<_- Pari., r* ultjd at follows 1. Lndy Grandard" CAPPIELLO. 2. M. BaWMC'i THOR. 3 H Rtvaatfa ASSUERUS. Eighteen ran. Won by half-a-length. third
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 93 10 Troro Our Oan Ccrrcspondcnf.; Malacca. June 2V The last tie in the second round of the GovI mLer-Depirtmcr.tal competition w,. d on Friday when the Police beat the Po« and Telvsraphs by 3—2. The Mai scored first, but before long the J 0 rmm the latter scored two
    93 words
  • 25 10 nr±S"Jt A Lt. C.FG B Noon I) ri -> W H Mi-Nrtll. is»»»• tew, a I%m H Pa!m, r R B ■3 aVa^jkVam 1
    25 words
  • 41 10 off the Sue X f f ,he •i th. Championship Kr«rnam«Bl Cn <-'ng Badminton Party's X ft Chen, >H| Saturday 1 "J** Q An Whatt Kirn. Chens Ts„ Ttn B Slew v Se»-t if,™, Tnn Chuan Hr, k v
    41 words
  • 52 10 Yesterday's Events At Katong. cmTtt- 5 result 3 l the chlßese s ■J?Jsrt handicap A* On? Ml Ya-dback-stroke handicap B Lim tS i n J? c Hoc •J Yard back-stroke handicap .Ladles, Mte Anme Yeo. Miss Mary Yeo. Time 73 GO Yards handicap .Roys, Yen £r„T*' «s
    52 words
  • 73 10 Russia, Krupps Schneider Interested. Istanbul. tr 2E? 4 Britam h alom? in net havin* ex--522 finanClal r faSSS Tur ke y during the past year Soviet RusaS a d the giant armament firms of German -n m r s o^\o^ n r C k h ev armS 1932>
    73 words
  • 10 10 trick 3. aeugnttu th e audience with
    10 words
  • 389 10 Yesterday's Friendly At Jalan Besar. THERE MM a good attendance m veaterday when Darul aSr up in the M-JKA. League beat 55* IT^' ahead of the oU W Th Chl^" 8 to **.lay*. aa alway, °ut t «—tu* 5 «ood. Aman. eCa«»im M n Sf S
    389 words
  • 162 10 Decorations Conferred Bv Kinu Fuad. Alexandria. Three British police officer > have received K,ne Fu,d oi their sen Ices In connection alth the Campari against illicit drug trafficking c—mwn Colonel Baker sub-director of the Narcotics Bureau ths Order of Merit Ko id> Lieut. Colonel Naldrett-Jay. director of the
    162 words
  • 35 10 Tht annual athletic MMti |M a, M Thursday Junt 29 Tncrc wui be r« to old ft gSl^Vyardt He!L 5? the B*s »J5 pm Heats for the 100 yards evert 2
    35 words
  • 66 10 London Lawn Tennis Championships. Reuter. London. June 24. A T the Queen* Club to-day. the L<,ui, uT«he Ul ra^ n£hiPS own, JEg?"' and StOoffin »x>th DOUBLES: Vine- ar.a O.e hiM ,An,.« and Kirbv and Fartju- u t LADIES SINGLES Mrs W X •UAA.i and Mr, Plttman% Briton V
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 31 10 A Nr.::r. a:.,: I ul 8 r m Luiu»r Athleuc ard Mu>ical P»rt,. C B| O.un JW Kt- Kh Chlt 83:1 S3 S and Tcrfg Ho? Ann. Boon Anr.
    31 words
  • 42 10 (ireiit New Arterial Road For I.S.S.R. T. i 1"» to be censtruct-d b?twi«n Mr**™ and Oorky .Nizhny-Novgorod. 00 Throughout its 2CB th road will hay 2 fcf JS? '«0 be about uri> ,p *t Plans have been »v.--.-. m k..
    42 words
  • 22 10 Wealth Distributed To Red Indians. Brentford Ontark> Three days havr been spent distnbutin* J?. P«r' «..< the interc-t 01 s
    22 words
  • 51 10 > clmg Passion Reaches Hollywood. Hollywood]. The pa-slon for ''uush-bik>*<!" ,«.1.■ SmLrZ !L of cychng s": ,eKs Mary Dun M >. knt. WuMarm Janet Uaynor damas-d lu£S inflUence 15 to have blondea." crashii i ii° W m f n into "Pl*tinum She wL 3gf h t5 a
    51 words
  • 67 10 British Actor s View On Drama's Future. Ottawa. Amateur acUn|. thrcueh the Little Theatre movement. will be th. saving- of the Br SmJA to Rupert Harvey the been Vtatttn, Ofawa To Judge the Dominion Drama > «m? ,trikJn example of tho "am&tcv Pi Bensborough. the Got, mo--
    67 words
  • 53 10 C anary C arried Home Unharmed. Sydney. A poiiceman-s Alsaiian aa< watchina mm man nr, t door clean cut his canarTcaL. and perched on o fence. The dojj d:t.<htd after it ban«H .w •ir. and sehvd the bird kaped lnto 1 He trotted bade with only the
    53 words
  • 10 10 Colombo A StoatS CloCl topped
    10 words
  • 51 10 Scott's Victory Over Bourn. Reuter. •TOSS :1 A of »'>« Bourn 30. n tht MUtta ladies' pen ta k ins broih-r'Sn, was ""'""ted and 1905 Osnoi.d wan Amateur finalist ft bJJoutd' ntM?UB C T ltent -P th. tun: ato feu? no iU H 5« ■Ullllll ima,, up
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 89 10 Ipoh Police Beat Kampar Police. •From o U r oun Correspondent., J*_**Jms\ Cup football defeated Kampar Police by 4—o in c h large attendance 6Cd Wtiu:r mm fan and Interesting T ere const thforce was impugnable 11 HALF-TIME ipch 1; Kampar 0. Play and S thr!? d
    89 words
  • 29 10 t^";'N° ld Association tea, hart been fixed as followsMj Wiag Chca E N. Oehlcrs owe 4> Saturday: Teo Tina Ken* 15.4, v t. V Miller icwe 5).
    29 words
  • 25 10 ra "re ;t s vfa SRC fixed to-morrow mm been nasi poned. and will be on a date *to arranged later. 0t
    25 words
  • 230 10 ELIMINATED. Second Round. fame v.,,-,- 3Urpriaef the hU„d goif cham ij( <<-m.XH.uon was continue On Saturday, in t■ound Uhenrood B "•hen he disposed cf M. M Pat-rs '-d.. v. J. T in c.. tomm ncing at 2.45 10 M™£ Cf a;s °ciated clubs and their l~i [f
    230 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 890 11 Whitsun Heat. VISITORS REVEL IN FLAMING JUNE. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) London, June 7 ib> Ah Mail*. P IIEW v riaminn June has come P :n really sensational style, ard we are uusKini< in temperature- cf as n:uch as 17 •a tne shade. trcjn my own
    890 words
  • 196 11 I-egal Adviser On Hesponsibility. -1 a mceung ot the Malaria Advlfcr nibm JZi 188,1 re, P°"*»o»ity 8 C .f ?P" eBUt< ral «*d by Dr After W,Bttt *»t—tin, of the Board. Uu« LZrJ JS! lhe chair man on behalf of Ad vis^ r to draf b?S?ĔS l the
    196 words
  • 506 11 Surprise At Mildness Of Reception. DRrriSH Malaya" (London, for Jun, at- s "VT' f v ,he mild reeaptton in t;.i of sir Samuel Mni'i Report BI 7T STfy' *W the Malayan apers contauung information as to th MMpttM accorded-by the public in MalayaMafaja R<P n hl < "We
    506 words
  • 167 11 A New Singapore Venture. is to have its own Agri-Horti-cultural exhibition in mid-August, following the annual exhibition of the Malayan AgriHurUeul Jural Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur at he Bank Holiday week-end. WnrM $U r lhC exhM,lu °n wlu the Great Tho moving spirit is Col. C L prior,
    167 words
  • 69 11 Tokyo. T*■•• men w.,v carrying a coffin .lowly ttaongh the streets of Fukuchimachi .Japan, When the bottom of the coffin teH out ownto the- weight of its contents. The two nun took to th:ir heels. The coffin contained a large brorur bel! JM* they had stolen
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 177 11 I WTEWJfORLD SHOT] TO.NIOHT TALKIES TO-N.OHT REGINALD DEISNY in "MADAM SATAN" j| FREE ICE CREAM TO A LI, EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. •m* mmm m* mm mn-mt m» -n mm <mr- m-M mmm >m m youre looking like, your old self again! MfV co les "nt Quaker
      177 words
    • 198 11 j Race Hotrse Insurance j I lATI AT LOW RATES WITH I I ABSOLUTE SECURITY I Sime, Darby Co., Lid. •i INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. I WALLS that Reflect Good {JUDGMENT- fj'Vw j The rttJllrwiMlnti oi .1 material to bo used as a S I j wall covering are known to all.
      198 words

  • 169 12 HARflOt U iui LISiON. A M.JU.sion took plao. last night at ou«r-.r where lh Raub" was anchored The hn,,h v taimd damage launch ARRIVALS. Br V 4tW tons from Knantan 26--« tor Kuantan 28—G 26—6. for Batavtn 27—6 mmu9m m 26—6. for
    169 words
  • 133 12 Singapore. Jure 26. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Ea!<t Wharf <Entrance Oate It Akita Maru 22. Main Wharf 'Entrance Oate 3> Ipoh 15: Shunko Maru 11 Kuala 8 Kala:;>: 7 Empire Dock Gat*- 21 CKf »f Evansvi le 30: Maron 32 HaguMa:u 34. Ocvihu Maru 37 Empire Dork Oate
    133 words
  • 79 12 I at riotic Duties Can Again Be Performed." Berlin. The former Crown Princess Cecilie in an addre&i to the Kcemten Luiscnbund. a rigtv- woman's society, formerly ui.d.r tne Nationalist wing, acknowleJged iien link their supreme Itad.T •The Chancellor.- said the Crown Princess has our gratitude for the fact
    79 words
  • 93 12 S.O.S.— FOR BEER! Liquor Lorries ith Receiving Sets. New York. nn^p r M 0r iff! W,U flUed hy wireless, annour.ces the head of a 1» cal brewery The brewery, which will soon be produc.n to full capacity hu a fleet of 100 t.«n-tcn 1-irte; each equipped with a short wave
    93 words
  • 65 12 "Mr. Marathon" Starts 150 Mile Walk. Vienna. Michaei Vrrdcrb r. an unemflo/ed r^ullrur 8tvrll Ulk n hLs hj,r from Ora*. m Vle, 1# a distance ol about 150 miles Mr Marathon." to give him the title he ha* adopted, had to take a rest after the first
    65 words
  • 71 12 IteMi from Batavia r\-!d P. Kmbang 8f aerctt*aae are expected at t!ie General fmm\ OOkM apere. at 2.3J pm. t -mor:ow. y-. rr and Phihppi-• I-ic.r.cN by th "Gi pKi c due at Singapore to-mor.ow morning. l- .em Holl. nd a;d Ot-rma*. y by th«- -•> Si
    71 words
  • 187 12 SELLING. Singapore, June 26. London 4 inui.ths' right 2 4 l-wiioon 3 mcnthv right 213 31^*2 London 60 days' sight 2i3 ***** Lordon 30 days' *ight 2 3 293 > London demand 07London T.T. 2 3 Lyons and Paris demand 9 8 Hamburg demand mm Ten demand 47
    187 words
  • 195 12 Singapore. June 26. R «Siam. W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R 'Sianr W Coast 2 «108 W■ B. Sfasm N. 1 $in Rice. B S:am N. 2 $n 2 Rue. Siam -Old" per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice. Siam "Old" No 2 $'54 Rice. Siam "Old" No
    195 words
  • 23 12 AT THE CINEMAS. thieves I. 172?? 1 a ganK of Jewel. amusing as -Jack's the Boy
    23 words
  • 112 12 LUCk whicn a reason at the o rf rday S ne f ,he pro! Sgaire ,hat '"own in l three times previously take th- i M Hi„ M and though formcrifnUns ble to SnniTwff SJS real comedia an cast a frf Jf r f
    112 words
  • 332 12 WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JUNE 26 High Tide—1.26 p.m. Federal Council Meeting. KL. in am Common ial Cup Fo jt'u.ill po v ipr Besar: Matafield v. F and N. .w Fc-Jtball (frierdly), S.C.C v. R.A.. R.C.C TO-MORROW. JUNE 2} High Tide-x-o ?0
    332 words
  • 92 12 ALHAMBRA.—James Dunn and Sally Eiltis in "Sailor's Luck." CAPITOL—-Letting ir. the Sunshine." featuring Albert Bui dun d Rcnce Gadd. EMPIRE Dcuble talkie feature: The Rider of Death Valley" and Undertow." GREAT WORLD.—Side shows. Cabaret, Malay opera. Chine, wayang<. lUent and talking films (Sky Taikie: Devils Lottery"; Sta* Talkie: "Resturrection."
    92 words
  • 44 12 After middle age men divide into two classes, tlx- Dependent and the Independent. Your position is deter* mined not by what you have earned but by the amount you have saved. The easiest way to save is to consult the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 154 12 you m ?mwm about your choice of ivhisky should yen not be as careful about your smla-icaUr j MAKE IT AN f\ SODA ami fj<t fhf maximum of pleasure from your nteiipah. j THE CROWN CORK IS YOUR SAFEGUARD j AGAINST INFERIOR BRANDS. I FRASER HEAVE, Ltd. AERATED WATER SPECIALISTS.
      154 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 669 12 [POSTAL INKLllgHCtl SINGAPORE MAILS LOSE. TO-DAY. Pontianak -Ih ub» 2 p m Chit a. Hainam. Japan, Kc-ea. F:vmosa a~d East Sibetla «Akita Maru> 2 p.m. Bra v. an. Ceylon. Egypt a <d U.3.A 'oihvrcyprcsM 3 pm TO-MORROW. S aiM (OBOOpI Lowe: BkUBl < Kuala 1 11 am wrung. Pema: gkat
      669 words
    • 64 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Testerday. Night Max. Bright Min. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. D' g. F. Inches. Hours. Deg f A:or Star 89 1.66 8 1 73 Si iawan 93 Nil 10.3 T5 K. Trengganu Bukit Jonun 90 Nil 10.8 Malacca 85 Nil 7.3 T1 Singapore
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  • 681 13 i he V.M.C.A. Repertory Players. W 1 i,:v lankly, w, or- nit |,Mr, tho 1 l*riri«3tal \v e u«v I to give ■omethi tj that ptopb ;it tht Ulkiet, ttntthliM w not Imi a mrriMrfil two- >'> h I.oiitiOFi or York lent w.nt to bore our
    681 words
  • 234 13 Extensions To Singapore System. 'JSpa. f «-ty was rouiu?c;ii .i v P 8 the year 5 «6 sever r umber at the end cf V 1--. is proceeding cn the sewerin» if tn d xzs*&«*£ xi™* Sn 1933. when the [>„,,7 J in nn,U shouwt i^SS J uS
    234 words
  • 49 13 Local Air.azons Separated IJy I'olice. (From Our Own Correspondent Johore, June 24. T ,v chinese *omea, one of thorn with w jc*CK€t torn, were char?pri n*itK 4 .,e p.** ss Panda:: C0U "»P«tor. fighting' arrested ,h en coun "oMly p"ow s .mf ar ach and le
    49 words
  • 217 13 Drama On A London Sp< .dvvuv Track. ml».n. June 8. on the L(a BHAji Stailium, London, wHmmud one of IM mom\ \t,aordinary ineid<Mts in Ino history of sp«odwav racing last v.e-.k. W JM of the heats a speed wav •tii,- attach m 1 10 the Clapton team
    217 words
  • 197 13 1 "rmer Rating Trainer To i ne King. sbdiwd/ tCHSSSJ? ,s C| was with him at Lie end. known. Kent. He be* r l £t Sme tn. m >lfe. and on r,Cenor «arly ln ••>•■■"< tl..t.race > U cTtmplc. hL, Vr t asmTu S U^ S
    197 words
  • 28 13 Down Pencils! Schoolch.lcfr n mrmA Park Be: v b-caus". at ""IfWw mor tha n m »>• —riMrad -SK school Wf st e 'or a new ™KS',:sr«...
    28 words
  • 131 13 Sleeping- Wife And Child Killed. (Tram Our Own Currrsvcndcntj Baala l urr.pur. Ju> c 24 A TR/Gr:ii 1::- Li PUuU a. H-3.J p.m. b t ~,v roof over the back tX$Jm o the M ond floor of T, hlCh '■;d b > a hi-, !.\mily collapsed. telm^/ 1
    131 words
  • 136 13 Tribute At Perak State Council. (From Our Oun Corrcsjnndcnt.' Ipoh. June 24. daf Coun:il da> H.R .ho sultan pa.j a tribute to th, good mm* don- by th iate Raja Di Hilir. the oldest member of the Council. > t cf P?rak in tribute said it
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  • 52 13 Educating Undertakers in Burial. Prague. Stat:- gTWibjJJBM and dad ta'-.s rs in Ciecho-Slovakia are to receive caurses cf i-e--tuiticn in the art of bur;: L This innovation is cic to complaints m mourners that th. fane i n,hps at ttemS d.d no, d: play imU\ liuUj mournful
    52 words
  • 358 13 Tlw Royal Society's Summer School. (From Our Oa;n Correspondent./ London, Jane 12. and women from many eonntnea ol the Empire are to exchange dews and information about tail erial matters and to hear famous men speak about Empire questions -is summer. For the Royal Empire bociety
    358 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 281 13 7 /N iJOTH LOOKING BETTER EVERY DAY. h i r fleet.d in hippy tfltfk* in •c fcr t mm is th? Of wo*. f uily sa «tying as these Vh a health his to*n b lev p*.r the suiet r iov ry U to imprcve the qu-.hty and the u-n
      281 words
    • 27 13 I "Milkmaid" Milk j Concentrated Creamy. i -SB?^ j CsS> j II ill i ALWAYS AT YOUR SERV/CE j The Whole Clock Round—The Whole Year Round. 1
      27 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 410 13 iM empire radio to-night. Hrilish Broadcasting Corporation. /NZ)M (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MAI.AY STATES AND ADEN). f'om The Empire Trontmttter, Daventrf. England Va vl-r.gths: 25 28 aiyl 31J metre» ,.,d wave. g !m will be aid in the tran*m;-*i .n* U•r Indian lone. Announcements will be raadr »t
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  • 532 14 Whitsun Meeting. BRITISH GAMES AT WHITE CITY. London, June 8. SPITE l bluffing sun. which Mazed unabated through the I Whitsun holidays, about 20,000 track j and Held enthusiasts turned out at the bite City Vadium on Whit Moni day to witness what mijrht well I>, tanned
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  • 95 14 "■■HP P London: Girl Disciples Returning. Marseilles. He broken ln Loudon dunne July identity and demer announce hv pcs Hno ari on their r«» back to Enginnd from on boTd ill Anchor mm Britannia..' to mate IE? neoes.ary arrangement, for the sn^eeh brST STSS "Ld h oeen
    95 words
  • 41 14 And Now She Has It At The Age Of 101. A «onun .t Oy. r ,uu h M mnm^S^ 1 Interested in dollUcs i,;. V' keenly «mbition to vote lK>r Wclon Now she has achieved it at th*
    41 words
  • 416 14 Details Of Current Prices, Singapcre, June 23. MEAT. Bcvf. steak (round), katl 30 Beef. stew or curry, kati 25 PJrk. lean (1st quality), tatl 42 Pork, lean and fat (1st 'quality», kati 32 Mutton. Australian, lb. Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), katl 4> Ducks, each 5 g
    416 words
  • 81 14 Czech Girl With Only One Passion. A prettr golden-haired «sirl ,h« 111 thin* for the thin** vho cares noand J» Pretty alone 8 arrived in India th. one thl„ E she UfftJ* s>he dofcs not powder h#.r f„„. moke, drink. danV RO to I ml 7" W lipstick
    81 words
  • 44 14 Briand May Continue His World Pilgrimage. Paris. letters ffS5 l B "that w for ni and ,aS kfn s >™b°» of S« n? haT.?«« Z*2" 22 COUn,rv antJ the peaceful •We therefore ask that the peace « mmm an Armide Briand stamp
    44 words
  • 470 14 Men Who Defied A French Army. Paris. rpwo youns men whose capture required I mL P oxpedhion on an extensive J >avo J" the dock at BaaUa (Corsica, recently, but their caso hrls been postponed mmm to a le S al point beta. raised at the last
    470 words
  • 215 14 How Unemployed Are Helping Themselves. Chicago, VICTIMS ,1 unemployment here are g the public library virtually mZ mcnt bureau, I his on job. The Ame: an Library Association w a report hoar library o r ideas and informal J the unemployed citizen for new ki- o
    215 words
  • 212 14 He Waggles His Ears And Ill-Doers Flee. Turin. Ras. a young North African lion has h"mTeu'SatCl;d?fn{0 T firm carriage-makers is h»iu most Italian houses the shop P- hi'?K Una a '«W ">»•' courtyard a„u run 01 tfcis yamFoJati Ca ihP i v' t DO Se slon of
    212 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 331 14 I I Correct Time from your Electric Circuit s loo! Merely P'ue into nearest electrir '""<l. \o f urthpr rou r cr rr e atin;r No oilin- ~r rleaning. mutn i MBiQifft j 4 s/iop cr farto r y. I Th* ELECTRIC CLOGS Icr Supply. ORZAI PRId j rill. BORM.O
      331 words
    • 64 14 You can smoke D-n't let MMfctag destroy the attractive whiteness of teeth. Lucryl Tooth fuud.T winuiM al ttan of nicotine and ■tarns, and make:, teeth like pearls IM fa«fc rWdcr ckan s pSsbc «<nd disinfects. Pre Samples on receipt of 5 cents stamp from W O. Dreher Co.. lie.
      64 words
    • 84 14 —Aching Back? "VVIILN you feci overcome b> pains in the hack or kidneys, apply Sloan's Liniment quickly. V>u will instantly fed a healthy circulation of the blood, a soothing, healing warmth that drives the pain away. Soon you are a new man. Any kind of joint or muscle (j\ pain,
      84 words

  • 224 15 Test CricVo* RAIN INTERRUPTS PLAY. Reuter. London, June 21. j \liDIXE won the toss to-day when Kngland met the West Indies in 1 r f I est at Lord's. Rai„ f e |l m j 9 a -m- but the wicket was t affected and the England
    Reuter.  -  224 words
  • 47 15 Police Eliminate Postal Team. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Malacca. June 24. surprisingly x^by^J^ 11 W In the last s-eond-round t£ ot~4 £l~ jrnmen. Inter-Depwtmental Footbai! a^m.vetifolTows: dr3W for the s mi-final resulted as Teachers v. Monopolies on June 27 Municipality v. Policc on June 30
    47 words
  • 159 15 Canzoneri Loses His Title. Reuter. Chicago, June 24. gAUNEY Ross outpointed the holdw"houl their coats owing the T l crw for photographers, grinning. with f nuc,uatin fortunes P T of Punishment on both aides ThS" d .f cond were fast and ?urio£. Punches to the bodv end jaw'
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 127 15 Ft May Be Climbed »v v i'omcn! Tokyo. rt-T r£l Sanjogadake Mountain is "in k I m0,P ,han a thousand years r.o i.oman has b en allowed tj climb It Now the fears or 500.000 devotee, who conidcr that it would be sacr.lege for a worfan
    127 words
  • 74 15 Ninth Son Of A Ninth Son. Belgrade. King Alexander of Yugo-Slavia was godfather when the fifttenih child of a humble peasant, K ib:k of Ruma. was christenod The child, which was nam d Pet*r Andria after two of the Royal Prince*. Is the ninth ton of Kut.k.
    74 words
  • 233 15 I hree Of Them Are Doing Well. London. June 8 tby Air Mail). present cricket season is remarkable for tht number of footballers who have risen to prominence In the summer game. Already Jce Hulme. the match-winr.Uig Arsenal winger, talked about as a future England player. His
    233 words
  • 333 15 Receive Severe Drubbing In London. London, June 1 tby Air Mail.» 1 Hallan Athletic team which came ut, VVhile c,t >' were given a thorough drubbing. winning only two out of eight events Disappointment was felt that Beccali, the Olympic 1.500 metres champion, and Toctti were not present
    333 words
  • 63 15 Six Indies Every Year Says Scientist. Tokyo. Tokyo Is hinkUig— arcordiiw tn scientist «7 7 to a Japanese o<h.,vcen l-2(jth «iSca^i r it) told a mm o rn,,?4?, Ki sa- Es Mr. Ml jab:- says, however, that there is no danger of the city «inking below sea
    63 words
  • 139 15 Importance Of The Course. Leaden. June 10. ral bad taUOU at ,h ir *****> consideration a report on 'he 10 held at ZSLTcJa, K. and an apphcatan by the 0 'w rtt^TrST 111 "hU as v r dis nre and a!so th-mltt-e were ~o o, L« raj an
    139 words
  • 292 15 hung Hwa Pool's First Open Competition. becomlnt more and more 12f morC lac C::int ln Sin 3 ano-c w, s again indicated on Saturday at p a -nai nrst open coinprtiticn. A largt crcwd wa« presert. Including Mr. Tm* Lao. the Comal Cuneral. and Mrs. Ton* Lao. who
    292 words
  • 120 15 Selangors Seven-Nil Victory. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Kuala Liunpur. June 24. Once again Negri Sembilar. went down to aewngor State in th?ir return soccer interSta e match played here to-day at the Stadium before a large crowd. Seiangor wen by seven clear goals. When these tw» States met
    120 words
  • 93 15 During Funeral Oration Over Victim. Prague. ••Your murderer, perhaps, -unds among us at hte moment. He will not escape God s justice oecauae his conscience cannot mm him rest r t tk>n OVCT lhr gravo of murdered ™>tisek Kunupka. his friend. Ferde Zapletal blanched and shudde. <! ,k
    93 words
  • 517 15 Athletic Sports On Saturday. JttE spacious playing ground adjoining the Kin* Edward VII Cottage, of Medicine was the scene of Wty happy function on Saturday afternoon. It marked the first annual ■UUfltk meeting of the College in 20 years. Favour*) by fine weather and with I
    517 words
  • 121 15 Zaro Agha Seeks A Bride Not Over 75! f Istanbul. j Zaro Aj.Ha. raid to be the eldest man in the Surly S l contract his lcnth marrlags He wishes tc marry a -young" woman, that is. scmecne not more than 75 years old. Zaro who Is ncaring
    121 words
  • 71 15 Sequel To Sir Henry's Italian Victory. Imperia duly). likefv ir^ 1 h CO,S an< Lord Shoes- ar w Sal h( ir shortl >' as a r «ult of Sir Henry Birkins success in the Tripoli Grand PJUL which bo* br-uyht £13.000 to six cuWs t Imperia who drew
    71 words
  • 70 15 American Freshman's Surprise. MHville, Georgia. You have .seen the same thing in fum comedies but it actoa!!, happened to Mr. Drew miiLT 1,1 the wh River and m m d t0 be lo Suddenly the "I r" have a violent lurch the boat
    70 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      92 words
    • 204 15 Protect your •a COMPLEXION OF YOUTH Against the tropical sun. Try our marvellous JAVA FACE LOTION and JAVA RICE FACE POWDER. Also ask to inspect our excellent 1 BUaH KRASHAIROiir m LION BRAND m tj* -s via LIM CO. North Bridge Red. D. T. LIM ft Co., mm 3513, North
      204 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 218 16 W. HASSAN.j ELECTRICAL AND WATER I ON TRACTOR. ;J J7. Bwm Basal Road. SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric li ii fans, motors, etc., and Water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SIANG
      218 words
    • 614 16 sered TO LET. TO LET—76. Truro Road, from July 1 Apply 47, Truro Road. TO LET—3. Ramsgate Rd.. off Grove Rd close to Katong Park. Key to Inspect from Kebun 1. Ramsgate Road, or 3. Margate Road Particulars Tel. No. 3170. TO LET-July 1. 10. Newton Road, compound House. 4
      614 words
    • 560 16 j NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FAR EASTERN Ml s|( s( O OL 3 h are hereb: t! ut tnla i££ T5 5 to N Kirk T rr Dhoby Ohaut. on the 25 h June. i9? 3 ML R ANCIANO Principal NOTICE." THE MALAKA PINDA RI BRER ESTATES, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY
      560 words
    • 279 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Four D. C. Linotype Motors, each \<> H.P., all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56 60 Anson Road. 1 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Valuable IraeboM land and pr:m:ses known as No. 109. H,, stre.t. Malacca m, ft. more or less
      279 words
    • 390 16 25 Cents Everywhere PASTE MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. ASCRIPTION RATES. W ARM IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Mtffc. at office Postage Posttge or close (Loc al or tom-Ji residence. P. M .S.) Countries. Yearly $15.00 $2 i 00 t M Half-Yearly S 7.50 53 g2 Quarterly 3-75 y 5.25 J 82.
      390 words