Malaya Tribune, 23 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 37 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST PO PUIAR DAILY NEWSPAPER N MALAYA. Vol XX.- No. 147 SINGAPUKE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Frida>. Juno 2.5. 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 3^ mmtm sf a^mm^mt WITH THE WATER EXTRACTED IS Klim j Klim j WITH THE WATER ADDED IS I Milk KLIM j Powdered Milk Distributors I Oetz Bros. Co. j Ihe AUSTIN ZZT 10-4 ROADSTER. little car that will JWg to those who ivcfuire a limited number of seats. The
      129 words
    • 198 1 A. FLINTER 6. Raffles tticc, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and PearJ Necklaces of every s, z f an <* quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, Paying highest prices according ro daily exchange ji WHY »oes everyonel Himalaya
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  • 529 2 A Warning. LABOUR CONTROLLER SPEAKS OUT. a meeting of the Council of th.> Planters' Association of Malaya tt€ Ho:,. Mr. C. D. Ahearne. Controller of Labour. Malaya, called attention to the fact that on some states, there was a growing tendency for non-payment of maternity benefits required
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  • 691 2 Mr. Harbilas Sarda's Statement. R HARBILAS SARDA ha* issued the lowirg statement: Ihe WMIHI lalU Abolition and the Hindu Temple Entry Bills pending before the Legl~ lathe A-embly. w<re sent in by several men,, b-is fcr introduction in the Assembly m 1932 Cut as the Oovcrnor-Oencrars previous permission.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 ROLlEIFLEXi THE CAMERA THAT THINKS 1 FOR YOl Specially designed to show the image nght side up whilst exposure is actually being made. Prices and Particulars on Application. UK A FLETCHER 102, Singapore. Pains soon Vanish when you apply OLOAN'S <v UNIMENT^# mi BRANDOS SANDWICH PASTES Do You Realize the
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    • 267 2 !Have YOU TrieJi NTestle's (English) COCOA I U 0t >0U have missed a treat, for this cocoa is of 1 superlative quality and flavour. SEND NOW 10 cents I in Slamps for an sample tin, with mirror lid. I Vse This Coupon. (I II 0: I I Singapore. Name i
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  • 92 3 'j'i :KKE is no reason why the P.m.S. should (Idled with the entire cost ol the »11--mwmm, at a time like the present. romt It; The railway is a M:ilaya I and mmmm bo treated as such, each "I faring its fair share
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  • 49 3 B '.vhich must be ,ctt!ed sooner or later <Bttetli to follow the arguments rf mtm oppCM the measure. As we pointed Mfl in -ditonal or. May 10. Registration of -neiMup; is merely a safeguard in which bMM men of ir.tesrity and standing can BM anything objectionable.— Pmang OmuU
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  • 21 3 jT» POrttlM i, that. without am warninr I doles' 1 wUho-7 Ulta,ion Wi:h ""■m'TS M JJ. !a thi n
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  • 84 3 T HF «X tin control are, to say Th,v'n ver r L leaSt T y Bblc P r °P«gandi.sts ioon ~l T a Smßl(> to impress upon all and sundry and. it seems to i rttooteta upon the .< vonrt. rf-.iT.v, Ala 'ajan tin miners the T if
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  • 326 3 Youngest Premier In Europe. Vlt una. 'THE *wm that ML civ. D pofcj X Ooverntx- of the Bank of Prance, after an lntcrvkw with M. Paul-Boneour. 1« nc* on ruway to Vienna In ord r to supervise the last a tails of the long-awaited French loaa .o
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  • 260 3 Hongkong Notes. NEW PHILIPPINES GOVERNOR. A ffs p:; 1 i ry of the Btll-j 0*25, c chal a or th. former m™Jr r C°»nmeic P Council. hx f the chamber. pU up 1,1 >■» hall of tin22!!? WM on «N bust was th. T
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  • 136 3 Despite Hi* Death Work Must Go On." Shanghai. June 20. Uce-Prestd.n. ot the Central Research 22 League, who was ?V cead on Sun<.,y by five gunmen, aas placed m coffin yesterday aturnoon ln the presence of Madame Sojiir Chmit Ling widow <>f Dr. Sun Vat Se!.». Dr.
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  • 193 3 The Useful B.P. beat tin Grange B P. at the la tiers mnW\ bj 4 games to 8. Scores (Useful players meu.ioncd lin-t»; Kch B;ng Swc? lost to Koh Click Tuun. 3-15. 6-15; Chin Tham S»ce mn to Chua Leng Ycng. 15-S. 5-15. 7-15; E« ILck Chiang heat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 raa PMDiIE: 5453 m*mm Swan Brand Coffee. ta n e S^ n ?vT and C ffee ?1 f not >' ou are ,osln the most 'niacin Drink in the market. Because, it is prepared on best Wind* from selected coffee seed* of superior quSity TRY IT TO-DAY. It is always
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    • 224 3 1 mmmmmmmm m B As a bodybuilder during childhood,after an nourishmentwithoutoverdh ess, or when m.nd and taxing the digestion body are worried and over- SCOTTX i worked, there is nothing tmu,s, ij neariyasgoodasSCOTT'S V mcd c »«> Emulsion. a tood ,oni c that Its vitamin-rich strengthens lnd cod liver oil
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 365 3 CLUB DIARY. c lL ,irrr umumu Clubt and ffllliflll la S.ngaprre. moS t 0/ /A, memVr, 0/ ,r/,<c/i ere reader, 0/ ft« Tribune." Thit7*sl ;.ro: hM .peca/ly /or Secret ore ri.e Cub Diary" can cover meettnat ertrr- Ml ana ncn XJSL »^ortf f d t* f P 'Deary 0/ Etenta.")
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  • 527 4 Shipping News Notices. ROTTEREDAM LLOYD REPORT. Increased Gross Profit Recorded. T M: "ml I yoti f the Rotterdam Lloyd -t ft mm !Ca*ltaUoa Co »Why Ruys and /.ciu i MM|M ft tan year states that ''13-.' ai i yia of ur at difficulties for the ooMpaag and ftr Ne hr
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  • 102 4 Hoard Of Trade And Pleasure Cruises. Beard"'* cd »>• «he r~ arja» The new regulation make special nr-vt.i™ iS:4aC wSlTwm n i ;VKrr«i a L 131 nua,be 01 Gntlsh andahen r C1S> espectively of the detailej lH r l^ ia hitherto required In respect of each individual passerger.
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  • 83 4 Officers Imv.risaned In Buenos Ayrts. -go steamer .Ba o cX'who L* imprisoned for a week last Wee A' re after alW mmmm Dpcemb?r >n fcj bo n 2 hnd escape from the vesel now asked treatment of f °T a rr P°" the William Richmond mat.r PUI
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  • 182 4 Minister's Defence Of Subsidies. nuiUNO a discussion in the Italian Parli. *f M to budget of J; y-ars he .aid the merest increased by 65 o«r cent «k.i at ,v .he mm m bZ. t ot^K" est it was only natural for tre a*...* th -th and p^Uon
    182 words
  • 91 4 Tribute To Liverpool's Greatness. pOBI and w- i k lhe P' l l Liver■'.u,, hew nr fh uJoL PPOltUn,ty of WUng «t that in-- «x™er" o f «««nual net suffer in am iZ ft l ?"S nm I t..e country f that part Trade d-pended upon
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  • 300 4 Flea For Government Support. TJEFORE tiM Ligue Maritime Beige, M M 3 ex-Minist.r. made a statement reg-irdino the prtsent jxisltion of the Belgian merchan* fleet. According to M. Dens. Belgian shipowners are a very difficult situation Most of ttM ;> hare capital has been lost and sum of
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  • 81 4 Question In House Of Commons. cnarged fron ies*k. not on.y o ,h° dl t estuaries ai d twn l on *> «a.e s injury- to bud an? to L Z^tT^ lew/ th ,S m r »»-d tea** he IJ n m T natUre of thls N»t«:n.
    81 words
  • 26 4 **terd y. the £SZ aftt> prohib.t* to be £hmJ f is.ue d JS? th" s£S of 'import Proa.biUcn, A c? 1933 RUS&Un 0004,5
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  • 331 4 Task That Extended Over 20 Years. A 171 IOCkS at Ule north end offlcii :il L-fi harb Ur ba?in Rottentam. was offlciady opened recently, thereby giving access to new mn dock, named Coolhaven Sea btita only wet dock within the limits of the 1! not ln
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  • 11 4 £r r% B? HMHeHaueaa r„, fire m th>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 428 4 p. British india AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated ln England > MAIL. PASSENGER CAJMXJ SERVICES. PENINSULAR A\l> ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MATT. SERVICE Under Contract with Hi Majesty** Government.*. OUTWAPD FROM LONDON For Chtna tad Japan. Due Tonrage. Singapore 1933 RANPURA 17 000 June 2' I! ANO
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    • 86 4 I I I^^*^*^^*^»^^ IjUOYD TRIESTINtV TO ITALY MICIHI SMSI?2TO CONTE VERDE EOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI Julyrg July 20 Au 8 m 55 MAS CONTE ROSSO 2 5 8 Aug. 16 Aug. 16 Sept g AKIGNA NO Aug. 4 Aug m CONTE ROSSO J* H JuJy m.v. "ARABIA" lo ITALIAN fOUls, I
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    • 139 4 RAMBLUC-A MItRTR A fjyn Deutacb H_Ql VMJ GeselLchafi 'Companies incorporated in Germany,. OUTWARDS J ,ONQKONO SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS m.s. MUNSTERLAND. via Manila IC ms. FRIES LAND, via ManiU t V 1 m s. SAUERLAND. via Manila Set ,9 HOMEWARDS. HOLLAND, HAMBURG AND BREMEN. ma. HAVELLAND. via Genoa
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    • 510 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, NORi)Di:rTs(ni; i( In G )rP rat f5 In The undernoUd ar he rw fixtures:- tte Corn P^v s tabn^ CT YARDS. ••ODER" fc, Manila. Hongkong Si v 1&31 Japan. N. China and Hai KOBLENZ- for Manila Honl n STiai. N. China and Japan 8 "SAALE" for Manila Ho,
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  • 429 5 Mining Shares. oimjapore. F tday. 11 a .m im share quotations are issued mm Co. exchange and stock t Buyers. Sellers. X Whang Tin 29- 32- xd Mak* 26 ag-. V,V am Tin >3- u-cd 'JJ 095 100 Pln 18 3 19--8 Padang 010 015 PV* Tl
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  • 156 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN FALLS AWAY AGAIN. Rubber Is Steady But Dull. <By Out Financial Corrcipondent.) Singapore. Friday, noon To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), cts.. t the same. Market Tone: Dull. Tin (Singapore) |U t down $2 Market Tone: Easier. Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, 8 13j32d., up Ljd.
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  • 170 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene ar? as fellows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drum* per British Imperial gallon Si 19 Bhell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallrn $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in I |allnil drums
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  • 75 5 Scheme To Open New Markets. Reuter. London. June 22. The International T.n't.e ins organised I Tin Research Development C mnch The res. ai\h id' will b- directed by the British >citntist. Mr. Mar BMMJMHI and th» development sid" by Colon* A Heck t;tll-Snntn The Devr rit C
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 47 5 At an extraordinary g:iural meeting of the Kanvn Tln Dredginc Lunittd. a resolution was passed RtRMRf the rap.tal licm £*****0 to £270.000 by th I creation of 280,000 shares of ss. each, t" rank in all mm* ptcts pari passu with the xisting shares.
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  • 247 5 C onsiderable Business Transacted. Singapore. June 22. tr»^v?^ d raWe amount of msinrtm ha.« mm y r Manufacturers have shown mon interest than for som? time pat mmtm Outhrie s weekly rubber report b u r i C iiM| aVI, nuctuatwl 10 "rtam cxi n: talanc" m
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  • 104 5 M ssrs Outhri» and Co.. Ltd.. for.ard h following latest buyers' prices for Malayan Pa*aO i and Palm Kernels: TALM OIL IN BULK ct.f. landed weight Nrw York-Philadelphia 3 25 cents <US. currency* per lb elf. landed weights USA. Pacific Poru 320 certs •us currency* per lb.
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  • 25 5 !'»rge Business la Ru biter. Reuter Wireless. London Jim? 20. ha 7! SU U,nrd Wall St..>et 85 raln metals at rl mg prices.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  25 words
  • 46 5 Latest Quotations. rubber. Sp t: 3 13 32d. Nrw Yuik 5 15 16 cents. SlnBApo:-.: io \—10"; ce: ts. TIN London Spot £222 7*. 6d «Up 40s London 3 morth: £221 li#. (Up 25s t Singapore: $117 62^. COPRA Sundried $3 90 Vixe<1 $3.50
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  • 1336 5 Conservative Tapping. ADAPTABILITY OF THE INDUSTRY. The chairman. Brgadiir-General he Hon Charles Lambton. D.S.O said Gentlemen: The crap harvest.d. cf 1,954.000 lb closely KLTkTS ,hat f r ly31: 110 change 25 n tho c wstcm ol tauci P consistently Joi'cxed on Chevii tau P l -S. 1
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  • 670 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. E.iday. U a.m. The following rubber .share quotations are issued by t.a er r-U Co and Lya 1 and Evatt: Issue Va!uc Eraser Lyall Shares. Co. Evatt. I Allenby $0.70 $0.80 $0.65 $0.80 1 Alor Gajah 0.50 0.60 0.50 000 IA. Hltam 1.00 1.20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 92 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGArOHE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Pald-up-Capltal £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 600.00 C lit.AD OFFICE: LONDON BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi, Madras. Ana/a, Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Kirkuk. Mosul and Slnzapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened Bl d money received en
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    • 56 5 I aA I*!! Wm j QUARTERLY 21% Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Imerest nt the rate of 2ft% is paid quarterly.
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    • 120 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation" Limited. (Incorporated ln Struts Settlement*). Baccessor* to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD. THE HO HON(i Ha*. LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIT* CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Dp $10,000 000 00 HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING. CHTJUA LOCAL BRANCH: «I». NORTH BBmCK 80/ul BOARD OP DIRECTORS cnee Swee Ghent.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 178 6 Amusement s j MORNING (SATURDAY) 1 j A TREAT FOR THE KIDDIB V j *'MICKEY MOVSE" MATINEE LT SELECTED CHILDREN'S PROCRAXCMI 1 T if mmhn MOW Cl.lll ,a» E>tSßi from lO am. H.K.H. The IWNCI Mi It Wm "A GREAT BHOW r imd s,nu:, P«"f (GRRBg V 1 U 5
      178 words
    • 187 6 i♦ I BBW Is praising this wonderj i l FILm I THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS LOVE STORY. SET TO A BACKOKOr. i PUCCINI'S GLORIOUS MUSIC hue mrenr mm PAR AMOUNT'S TRiUMpjj W I W,TH Jack Buchanan i mmm mm mm at best delightful musical mum 1 TES, ID. BROWN I
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  • 91 7 Accused Committed To Assizes. V I:AH KHAN police con- dMma of murder V in the nature of <i mmm Police Station on the night of ong o the story for the prosecution Uow' constable named Lai Hu'sain the food a -in t. bt*Jm to two triends. and
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  • 183 7 Suitcase And Cash Recovered. pattM constable who was on duty at thOunard Road Police Station .clock on the night cf June 1 noticed i C'nnese seated in a ricksha with a large His suspicions being aroused MMfl behaviour he decided to stop the and laterrogate the Chinese, hi
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  • 119 7 AJkkgmi liuonu-Tax Frauds. M w York. June 22 Mr Charle< E Mitrhell. the American financier, aho mm arrested for alleg d violation f the income ux law. has been acquitted Reuter. Mr Mitchell was arr sted on March 22. on mat charging him with purporting v eU 18
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  • 128 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) r Malacca. June 21. Manor «tsnrltltai beat the pwd Iders) 5—3 in the Oreriaant shield Com I tit ion yesterday. tatl and interesting and two early re .cored by H. If. de Souza and DaVJ for the Teachers. Ponnusamy saved well •as eventually beaten
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  • 61 7 tFnm Our own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. June 21. I ti Chinese F. A. beat the Police by > il Servire Club Padang to-day m Bantu District F. A. League, mi a it well matched, and play was throughout. 1 'lie Chinese. Swiss scored two goals and the
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  • 69 7 tnm for the first round of the Sione. 1a 3 billiards championship tournament met r suited as follows: Ch© aa Whye v. Quek Olm Cheong. Yeo Lha v. Soh Pent Kiong. Chan Sen« Che* Ah Hui. Tan Chue Seng v. Chlo 8 Wah. Tan Chye Hock v. Lee
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  • 43 7 i Hospital Recreation Club team v. the and Health Services Badminton Party Sorrow at 3 p.m. at the former's court: n* Soo Yong. Chua Kong Yong, Quek Kian«r C. Kartigasu. S. Sivam. Ow Pcok Choon. H D Huat. Foong Heng Sen.
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  • 25 7 Under the auspices of the Teochow Theatrical W Association. Mr. Ooh Keng Mian Is organi- iund for the benefit of the Po Leung '-'ik Singapore.
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  • 97 7 Preferential Duty For Empire Milk. 1»*»* and RUi Con miision were hriri o; June 20 and 21. Singapore on Evidence was taken from Mr .J. W OrandU IM kson 7 d J m TradlnK Mr S T L d Mr n MO£ rS CJOOneB Hn.hers. Co Ltd.. Mr.
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  • 267 7 Inspiring Lecture By Chinese Lawyer. was the subject of an insnirlr, ChLiTSS StrPet to the member, of ul Ho m ln l i[ L tmn I b» Mr Ph lip tal a iSr, U er stmsed e«*ntial quaht,. with which to achieve success-love, character P-cper meditation, and
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  • 100 7 Huge Crowds At "Quiet Celebration." Reuter Wireless. Pans. Juth* 20. wo royal marriage could h*xe attra< .ed greater attention than the weddin~ of mmm Barbara Hutton. the he.ress to the Walworth mUions and Pnnc. Alexis MdivanL a son of a rl?T r A, D ClO the T?ar hich
    Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
  • 97 7 Another Nude Parade In Canada. Reuter Wireless. Kamsaek. Saskatchewan. June *>0 Fifty naked Doukhobors «a Russian fanatical **t I who insisted on holding a nudist parade have been arrested by the police The nudist men and wemen. who were proh^ ng vo5 ainSt t tn CCRI attendance of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 90 7 Rao Sahib Kunhiraman Nair Sailing Soon. Rao Sahib Knnhiramnn Nair. A?ent to the Government of India in Malaya. retirmi from his office and i-; icturning 10 India M JJI J 6. An anncur cement as to who is to succeed the Ra> Sahib U expected from India
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  • 193 7 Kingsford Smith's Companions Plan Route. Sydney Plans are being made here for a Tram,. Pacific Might from Australia to America within the next three months. The fliers will be under the leadership of Mr C. t P. Ulm. who accompanied Sir Charles Kingsford Smith in his 1928
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  • 16 7 Mr. W. C. Christie the well-known jockey returned this morning from Belawan by ths "Opten Noort
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  • 100 7 Unfounded Story Follows (rash. Reuter. Mexico City. ?3 I f AYOR Aplaacoa r, ports that the Spanish a n unT' Ba aran and Collart. crashed into a ravine on Mahnche MounUin. ■JS V?* 1 Collart was killed Is now rfr'V, WIUIOUt ,0 ""dat»on. It apparently ►mnnated from
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 117 7 Of Worthier Shares. Washington. •-pX••^los^ ,^o lp is si wuitwi recent h f taWtors Sonate Banking ard A 1 1 by report p? mmm in cation of details fairing the pat* vr tors trom f rau d 10 protwt ln ■jgjhj! rc bribing the bill m?JSjL^ r who
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  • 72 7 Hoy Pleads Guilty To T\vo Charges. *y l <re-year-old schoolboy, appea ,red before fee Second Magistrate -Mr of ftM'aTS "J""! on t™> chargea oi th. .t in respect of school book. 6iscU «hat the books old iftCJT St JoS phs and 33k? m Bra Road for 1
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  • 57 7 Casualties .50 Miles From Malacca. From Our Own Corretpcnden; > T Malacca. June 22 been a 1 to have demonstration, took place The police was summoned to the scene and SSL'S 1 rpprnrt to "*ve been ma? There were ca.«u »ltles. lS Nor,h Johore. but our Johore gZTZ'an
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  • 60 7 Three Conveyed To Hospital By Ambulance. A rather *rij..s affray occurred in Uppe' Serangoon Road at about 10 o'clock 1 v ninht. several Indian* being concerned. Various wiapo.ii were reported to have been used, -ulminatint, m three men being wounded Th y sustained nasty cuts and bruise* about
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  • 64 7 Whe.i five Cantonese women appeared befor. the Second M gist rate (Mr. J. P. F. Gregg i thi. morning, on charges of assisting in the nanageavnt of a brothel, one of them had a log in her arms. She was promptly told to put the animal
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  • 51 7 Tne hen. joint s cretaries of the Muslim Reception Committee sUte that Dr. Khalid Sheldrake and Mi. Conrad Simpson will arrive here on Sunday at 4 p.m. by the "Chenonceaux." Members of Be* committee and other Muslim .re requested to be present at the wharf to receive
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  • 33 7 Keppel Road was the scene of a nasty accident yesterday afternoon. A Chinese pedestrian was knocked down by a motor-bus and was return ed to hospital with a fractured foot
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  • 70 7 The annual meeting of the Old Raflestarts' Association will be held in the V.M.C.A Hall >n Friday. June 30. at 8 p.m Members art reminded of the concert which will commence after the met ting at 9 p.m. when lady friends will be welcomed. Admission w!U be by programme which
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  • 59 7 Hy,a 2 Charged With Murder. u 4 -i ,> ult a Chinese woman. Road vesU.rJ»v hOUSe at Orma the jtt* as Tt to 5»»• deceased d£i„« h» h w the M«b wound abSenCe Fcur %l£n* U h running away t» the uou;: nand <* hhn over tLe
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  • 50 7 Says A Professor: Reaction To Colours. Prague. ■J* the brain and bf-r cf small animals 2 a num [arge agitata w£ amp to th, Mac irtSaTttS mJgg'gS 'fred Mat. smooth curves BL 0«lU of different ccloursT a d\7k brains' reeled thflt th ofTinSJ <cl,,urs by ,h( ,ouch
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  • 136 7 "uion, Home Secretary's Concern At Weak Spots. Reuter Wireless. Hcusc of Commons. Jun» :n The Home Secretary s concern at the- weak the efficiency of the Loncon Force aas expressed in th- cour>e of the HarSTmS b andin tor****** on '-he Metropolitan Police BUI nf 8111 provide*, inter
    Reuter Wireless.  -  136 words
  • 118 7 Antwerp To Singapore By Motor-Car. Tlie Jugoslav frontier authorities were astonished when they «topped a car at Sushak to find that it contained Miss E. Roosevelt, ajgoj of the American PtaaUft The surprise t r when Uley warned that sin* intended to chive all the way to Fmgapo.-e.
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  • 73 7 Belter Chance For Britain. Litbon. Certain British p.oducts and manufactures :re expected to baacfttt in ihe Port market as a result cf the rawing of a number ,i duties am French imported goods in reply to the increase by France of duties < n Portuguese wines. The duties
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  • 63 7 Denial Of A Projected Restoration. Reuter. Budapest. June 22. Thf report that Sir.nor Mussolini has submitted a plan to the Oreat Powers for tlic restoration of the Austro-Hungarian monachv is unfounded, aecordinp to official circles here. is pointed out that the whole country •hares the view recently expressed
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 55 7 Caused by Excitement At Son's Wedding. Reuter Wireless. Poena. June 20. following a setback due to excitement attenaant on the recent marriage cf his ion. Gandhi again making satisfactory progress toward* recovery and he now weighs 6 stone 7 It c u J*** to get up and read
    Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 13 7 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kim 800 returned yesterday tmm Penang by 'he "Klang
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  • 81 7 First State Visit To England. Reuter Wireless. London. Jul- 20. T»HE bocming of a royal salute from Dover m> castle announced the arrival of KinTh Sh 5? State Vislt Britain, by four bhhJL !2 met in ™«*-Channel HKhUng 555 9M Xmm a d a nl The Duke cf
    Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 191 7 Nearly Half The U.S. Total Wealth. New Yoil;. *£,T\^ hiS ;,ml more debts Not debts Thi,t L- tn, subi Tt--huer,,.,] VrtrttrrtnM--..hlch a llQ up ol rconwalsis him- boon stuiUV" UoU hl U 1 n:>,u "WtlMlllM oi coloration.L ited U Stl and yOV, m( -t»cies in tlv L e
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  • 271 7 1 1.000,000 Vibrations A Second. Cincinnati, Ohio ••ounor«ound" waves which may shake molecule* to pieces ran be produced by a new dc\ic It* invention lias been announced at the Uni\erslty of Cincinnati. These supersound waves arc as rapid al 14.000.000 idbraUru a second, far exceeding any rati
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  • 115 7 But Deceived By Gilded Tin. Belgrade Thieves, attracted by the glitter cf the jewelled decorations of the altar, broke into the cathedral here during the night. By the flickering light of the altar candM they tore the frames from the ikons, prised cut the gleaming stones from
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  • 23 7 The Frank* 1 Sn.eld open Amateur billiards •American) toi rrj ment. entries for which etc* to-morrow, will commence on July 1
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  • 201 7 Health Officer Makes A Suggestion. 'From Ovr Own Correspondent.) Malacca. June 21. T»HE monthly meeting of the Malacca Munitoe ST?S 21 he!d this afternoon- «I «T !F Bain Others Ml R Bird Collector of Land D Tn*n ROHe «**»P*l Engineer,. t r S Badenoch 'Health Officer),
    201 words
  • 61 7 Reuter. Athsns, Alabama, June 27 A new trial has bren -.ranted to Hevwood Ku i.-on one ol the teven ne;:ro youths in the on°AtHi r °o l T' Wh M s ™tenced death on April 9 after re-trial. The dcatr sewenev U thus set aside.-Reuter ITIle negroes
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 464 7 LATEST ADVIERTISEMENTS, WANTED -Car.taker tor .-mail att U house (seaside) at 10>, mile. Wuuld <uit poor family •box No. 163, co Malaya Tribune. TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice: is Hereby given that tenden are j now invited for the following material* or i wrvices, and that particulars of such tenders
      464 words

  • 39 8 4oT I? T Sun= !U: ««ay ?r, l T,h «"W*. on Thu.W bfkvrd "i She 1,,v "inc.' 2 cved h '«i*«nd and an on»v Hauah w inier* on Sunday. Jun? 25. Bukit Brown •SumaLa pica* copy,:
    39 words
  • 518 8 Patiently debt-ridde i. tariff bunha d world awalti rebel Thindications are that it will haw fa wait uttfa loagw. T hl Wor|d EeoMMie < nference has ,„„duc,,| ■o far. a few tmmnlmlkmm, more rtttej. and many sub-committees, not forgettmg a garden party which «u solemnly filmed in
    518 words
  • 194 8 Comments By The Way. rpnE ItjMl HUM speeches in tfM Fedeml X Oouaeil b| tin Indian member, the Hon Mr. 8. N V.-.-:«:.;uny. have been collected. "JtteJ ami pubttllMd The work is thit M: W*m a NnanaJ N ne ha great mm\ im Mr Veerasamy, fcr
    194 words
  • 71 8 th on of £poki n crl of na Tfj" 1 Ke re P ted his criticism Su. b e r »;™?'m«U« cf unit,, then he madh ,L n ,une and Ping ix>hev la <„ i- ipan> tn 1■ «w taptV/"mpan" outnif tUbbW read- for ?h 3r 3 of
    71 words
  • 119 8 |ONE0 NE o, ;i ward at I DCh m w3 J m t lt rehad fan rcJ-V hv man in As ara mt v T se fLr bein tote, so he r- urned t «W the matron. the nurs■ w-hjicf w u or Uv •he tabbed i
    119 words
  • 12 8 parade. hcoi Kanipar. at a Scon-
    12 words
  • 30 8 now c male cent I lnfl "enza. He v Council y 1 1 of the Federal eharWd'wlth fl£ 5?"£2 S*re Geo,*. pleadeTt"™ Nurse <*b round y; a scs
    30 words
  • 33 8 «M week on Mamhau Est at d mU> a "ore aluminium mmm tank-pUte. f 450 has been discharge* a,aed at A Chinese vagrant a motor van ho S -forturate man S2£ 52
    33 words
  • 80 8 months. w,n 50 away for four A Hylani. Lvp Kiut c *ing amad TH c mlctPd <* a knuckle duster and lm i to wit Amu emcnt 7£k_ at «»c Beamed Goh Kirn BM, cha-a-d u-iti, v *ton of suspected st o!en P SSP P**«ta of mercury KStmKS:
    80 words
  • 37 8 A o 2L^?** W of th e departure ol Urn Heme." venules Office savi an "A; £2 10 30 pm Mr. Mhd Hu sa S n al p" OSPltal Penw of atuched to PUtei 110 < I
    37 words
  • 383 8 BY #^LOOKER-ON" Every time I tune in to th«. rw try station my radio set emits suspiciously like a rasp,, n!'/ A make the dove of K°c The heir to the ex-Kin* of has relinquished all his r? V a SK" by marrying beneath ms rani A
    383 words
    47 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 1 I*' p-- *£C0 TRADE MARK \JB Tennis j •■■Hun .»i a j;. Mi urn expense. Cream Plain Or Wmmrnt i pwci per PAW j -GOLF HOSE- j CREAM AND KHAKI. PRICE $2.25 PER PAIR. I ROBINSON Co., LTD SINGAPORE, 1 J Xl ALA LI MPI R. j »001 British":
      110 words
    • 80 8 Pianos Bought. Sold And Exchanged. j SEASON CO., UD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. j FOR BUKB USULIB* I AT ECONOMICAL PRICE. H.WE A B" j Takes lb Pictures. mm 1«. x l%m Qn m Iv pi: sped C«t.»ogues and Prtc Un icrl fn MALAYA PHOTO SUPPLY SS. Victoria Street.
      80 words

  • 94 9 RAILWAY REPRESENTATIVE RECALLED. ALL TRAFFIC •gtJggW FRONTIER Tension In Luan Area. Fifty Thousand Bandits May Take Control. Russia has called a halt to the neeotiatin,-. f ai ►i her rai wav interests in Noki iv M v for tne traffic onth'e Russian J£ are
    94 words
  • 1277 9 Khabarovsk, June 22. T HK W«HBi Railway has deciiid to discontinue mboH* fof afiMlUßl with the South ■Ischuria,. Railway on questions ot of freights and payBMata, It is understood that Kirsanov the Railway representative mho I bw engaged in neg has BM recalled. tion
    1,277 words
  • 139 9 Local Men Must Take Their Places. .from Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 22. Andrew CMC CBE AT* Colonial Secretary, .peakirg at the anrual Meeting of th, s., lK apore Auxiliary Di<x n Association yesterday said he believed thn •"•Tip cond.tiona in Malaya would necessitate n: reorganisation
    139 words
  • 90 9 For People Who Soread Lfea About HitUr. Reuter tk« M- Berlin. Mm 21 h- m.2. J 4 erln erod electro In 12 'Preading Ue 3 about Hitler or Ohei ocVw the cv r *ol the n mWmf, -Reuter Wireless. aa Berlin. June 23 r *!L S™*£*" trade
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 49 9 Siamese Revolt Achieves Its Object. Reuter. r_ JL Bangkok. June 22 K J n ***J ,dht P°* ha- appointed Phya Bahoi l rr Government Three of the rcrmer Mist r, nax e bre.o re-apoointed Th- J Mi met for ihe first dW :.nre April 2._R cl ..ter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 30 9 Reuter. Lund n June 2*» ihe death his taken place of the famcusVac motorist. Sir Henry Btrkin. who ha. MAN* iU smte May 29. when a itaYta"
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 243 9 Clash With Nazis. FOOTBALL MATCH CANCELLED. Reuter. Vienna, June 21. \yHILE the martial law order which has been proclaimed at Krems, Mautern and Stein is officially des- v merely an extension of ordinary police powei, Krems resem- a town in a war zone. I Dootl mu>t
    Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 119 9 Nanking Orders Navy To Help. Shanghai. Jun'j 23. in. and p4 Cm a T ,tl C al Sa£. reftmd fW ~Uon thfVan B ts c c Ri.° r f Ifr- 2 «Pr^ e >, fl )0d SitUilion a < UM Tientsin River at Zm, Urn v Tni
    119 words
  • 22 9 Mr. J. De Groot Commander of the Salvation Amj fee Eat Indies, arrived in Singapore t us mcrnm? by the -Qptan Noort
    22 words
  • 532 9 WORLD CONFERENCE AND BANKS. Request Fop Action. Delegates Object To Long Day. Reuter. London, June 22. gENATOR Cordell Hull has introduced a resolution to the World Economic Conference designed to lay the foundation for a gradual redaction of artificial trade barriers. The close co-operation of Governments and
    Reuter.  -  532 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 241 9 j FILLING A LONG FELT WANT, j j AYLMER INFANTS FOOD fill 3 ,011K fdt need for infants $M invalids and others special diet. lavement oz. size AYLMER the finest nalural fruits and m 9 vegetables, fully strained to a smooth, even texture, ensuring j Jj Im (tisy digestion. Packed
      241 words

  • 284 10 TEAMS FOR TO-DAY'S GAME. Malaya Soccer Cup. AT THE ANSON ROAD STADIUM. gINGAPORE and Johore meet in the -Malax a Cop rnmpetition at the Aneon Rood Stadium to-day. Soccer fans from the Sultanate have heon pouring into Singapore from carlv |Wi morning t -day
    284 words
  • 21 10 aff ak mett in Penantc to-morrow afternoon in the Northern c ect Z Z Maaya Cup competition hc
    21 words
  • 12 10 Jrsrs £2sr but ta, to Pulau Bran? U W
    12 words
  • 168 10 International Events At R.S.Y.C. Two rowin" rac» s will h-> h,M w of the members morrow over the breakwater Ub wm steam launch »m rotators following the racet and J 22 the new nier ->t a rac e». and will leave Webb F r* t*. 1 D€ tween
    168 words
  • 15 10 Amernsekera. CL 5 A Carlo Pcrnra S man. Samuel Le e A. Rah-
    15 words
  • 31 10 Kniiliwers mTw'™ v United N Abba.sbhoy P k !u VWUA to-morrow A Dr R^h8 S Varma j p?u 8 nd Amarchand. Kam Singh. Reserve p No rdn n ts. Purushotham. Radha
    31 words
  • 46 10 at' (1 c J Pt team v. s C R r* a at 2 i> m. on the ry.i»T on Sunday basbhoy. s. 3 Varma p Rr Und: N Ab- *"»>' Dr. Rajahram P B Va M»stry. Amarchand j p®„ Daver B brah m 3<«™» Haranjothy ""'«"«"d.
    46 words
  • 389 10 Singapore Lawn Tennis Championships. Reuter. rp-TE outstanding match ol the Singapore <fo^ aW^ Tcnni, ch *«Ptonahips played on th i mf.'S" last Ui hl the Men's Sf match between M.S. Wise and Dr Demo ny A protracted contest, the second set went to f- uer
    Reuter.  -  389 words
  • 79 10 gymkhana In Aid Of Unemployed. An interesting programme of events ha* be«n tWp S the Pol cl "b «rcund on July 2 race Or inClUde 5 race. Gretna Green race, balloon race musical tace show jumping competition The events are open to anyone interested «n ,ur,h °<
    79 words
  • 8 10 Sunday. July pi i and
    8 words
  • 30 10 on Sunday pUyed for to-morrow nnd 5 pm. Md the lolh tet from «15 f rS, n art? rsns lift a U> 10.35. the 10th 10 li
    30 words
  • 151 10 Trouncinss For Kent And Warwick. Reuter. mmmTm 1 n At Chlmsford. Essex registered n ...oh •viikcts- win mmm K»»i>t »k„ n 'htm 999 "a «ame bchn? charMt< rised by HMWI bowling by Smi-h Nichols and Freeman y The OMMy d mpioa, ma de short work of Warwickshire at
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 171 10 Soccer Friendly On The Padann:. CLERICAL UNION ffcaj He k D X R.n,v Kee Slang. Kun Glm The exchanges were i\en durina th- m,... rs? ~m h,u ~h -swsa The CUnca! Union were unlucky to ha-€ 23* J 825 *MS MS The Unions forwards lost moat of
    171 words
  • 67 10 The match between the Clericsl Union and the Post Office Sports Club, arranged for Sun aay. has been postponed ■SSS! Un >n team on Monday v the Hongkong mmt Shanghai Bank Sports f£ oil th- in.on ground H 5 PJ T Ong s«ng Tan Tene Son R A?
    67 words
  • 35 10 P n^Aber 41 ClUb SOCCer team v the Karr. him: A M,don !■>'>- «2; a UTsSSiJ' H ron JriSS A z*" >m: ami j,„. SS 8,.-i; h ra v 0 v p !lh ,m >5, HuMUn
    35 words
  • 34 10 ry,. London. June 22 ruIVdY; f r th NcWbur > cup run to-day. result, d as follows Pf 1 CRKME BRULEE 2 NITSICHIN 3 TAJXASRA I Betting 7-1; loc-30; 9-8 -Reuter
    34 words
  • 7 10 untitled give schot untitled for poor untitled
    7 words
  • 106 10 British Amateur Golf Championship. Reuter. London. June 22. fIDWARD P. Kyle. ex-Malaga champion >y who reached the fifth rom:d cf the British \mattur open championship, which is bein" en the links of the Royal Lirernooi Oolf Club at Hoylake. was eliminate? Zs£ Re in 0 I Canada >
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 104 10 Chinese III Beat Medical Services. A°p T £rjrsrys R and the teams were: S Chln Ann Y <« WR: CNoni, P.'h Onlflr0; Hamid. Hendrofl VinchesUT. Ah'0?«^^'''^; difence giving the fast rht n Senicrs «•ope Chinese forwards little ;SS"''=.7= 'he interval sow r M'rS,- %r 6 r^ HALP-TIME:
    104 words
  • 223 10 aate in the 8 a f a t competition? are u follow: UaRU0 first division. Qoals. W *> -P. A. Pta ChlttK* JJ 2 J J 38 13 19 Wilt, 1 1 15 13 8.R.C. 8 J 25 11 12 P. Bnuii J0 4 21 11 *1
    223 words
  • 225 10 Entries For Three-Day Meeting. T HE folIo^: -g are the entries for the summer" 1 a^nd 11 f Perak Turf C,ub on Jul and 8: CLASS 1.-Forfeit. Refill. Comprador™ "S 55 Haraga I s Cla GeSncerra. the Crisis. Vederer. Senlac. Armide oelangor. Done Up. Currency Boy M?r?h
    225 words
  • 39 10 J.C.S.C. Beat English College. From Our Own Correspondent./ In a w Johore Bahru. June 21. Civi matCh ***<*» the Johore f rL k Club and the English College the lormer who scored 99, won by a single run
    39 words
  • 21 10 Tne -nnual picnic of th? Tamil Methodic Namazies buugalcw Bth mile. Siglap Men btrs Bad Ma* are invited.
    21 words
  • 336 10 Marines Beaten. MALAY RESERVES iv FORM. N T HE Marine Sporta Club l sl sustained their first d season when they met the M at the Anson Road day m the Second Division S.A.F.A. League. Playing w .th confidence mm rnderstanding. die m.. One Without reply. This
    336 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 932 11 Arrangements For His Reception. MUSLIM AFFAIRS. <*9 Our uuilm Correspondent.) ot m High,*' cousin of Her arrive have u V t,* Mud rf Sarawak, wil! •ChenoneJaux" from 2 J P m b >' the m the invitation of Dr it c mm »»rge number cf LS vr
    932 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 300 11 THE NEWJWRIFsiffW TO-NIGHT TALKIPH alkies TO-NIGHT Blonde Captive FREE ICE CREAM TO ALL EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. 2if The Best Swiss Made g 6 l coughs, cold., sore P~ J-A.' R angular Model Lev r f the a,,d slrm,ar ■"•Ctlooi *fSS? YICK WOH BING —-1 HP*. c
      300 words
    • 150 11 j "ace Insurance 1 I LOW RATES j I WITH (j J SECURITY I TEI Sime Darby C "<•• 1 "^^^3B^^^^^ LOOK for the pyramid Trade Mark on every handkerchief you buy. In fabric, designs, colours and service, j Pyramids offer you-always-the J Greatest Handkerchief Value in the I World.
      150 words

  • 34 12 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING "SEA BELLES" LAST TRII-? -S"« h,' V 1 k c p 0\srnecifca «Ml IV ,,7" at Pulcu Tengfol. Trcn7j-»- u th<xwt u 8»" -til return a,d
    34 words
  • 44 12 P n N 1 Du l 00 f">m Bel.. wa,J 23-6. for Rntavia 23-6 Ti ,Tom L,vpr o 1 T.. Klan, B ,lt. 721 t.r.5 from Petuiur -2.« fcr Prnang J4-6. ..z-e.. T Bitu' ,rDm ,nd a ,jr ,rom Bandjtr* j ""«"bI5yW* frw
    44 words
  • 102 12 Sinsaricrc. June 23. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. r»„ Ea 'V Whnrf Oate 1). On T. r. No rt 2:*. Main Wharf -E.iTanrc Cite 3) Dure u> xian. Enrplre Dork Entrant Gate 3> Goshu Maru 30; Uu.twit Major 37. Empre Dock (Entrance Gate 4) 48. West Wharf < Enhance
    102 words
  • 52 12 "Enpii-c Day" Wreath For Lond >n. A Melbooroe. «-ii r- 5S R JBI ,c a v 1 t j •f frum th» Enu-re n*« tr p:,ced on thT grave r the Unknown Warner or th- Cenci d>, nn —np:re Day on May 2* «ncuph on ha 600,1 Bhlpped
    52 words
  • 46 12 ■«I* Cur Pmbs njßMßhblf 9 Keen interest has been arouse tn MkTaL. of v .1 c* 4 cr the aurnm 4 t! V lrcjnt l raga«arrl ii.c BClfin cl this peak 1«; 2 100 rw iff**? hiherto TmmU un MkBH to motor-car traffic. U
    46 words
  • 45 12 F cm F;cnce by the 1 Chenonceaux." due ai Bm gapon at 4 p.m. en Fir m China and Japm by the Hague Maru due at B:ngap:re or: Sunday. From China and Japan by Die "Hamburj due at 'Singapore on Mo day
    45 words
  • 114 12 EngHl Mj.:orist Fined At Nice. Nice. Foil wing a collision between two motor* oa n- Mojrr n::e-Cornirhe Read leading from Nice to Mr.::, Carlo, as a result of which a Fur. nwnaaaa Professor cf Physical Education was injured, an Englishman Mr. Alfied Trrr.hill. has been fined 5-
    114 words
  • 81 12 Costly Blow On Her Jaw. Belgrade d L 1!?! h appearw! completely £5_5 < lo cro J" frontier Into Italy M r5S£. h T. mUCh smu li n? of foreign Cwraacf has lat«ly occurred Z Js?i fo,,rd on hPr T^? n. |M M SlSSS'*^*"" 0- the yaffSL*
    81 words
  • 188 12 SELLING. Singapore, June 23. London 4 months' sight 2:4 London 3 months' sight 2 3 ***** London 60 days' sight 2 3 151(3 Lordcn 30 days' :ight 2 3 29 31 London demand 21~k London T.T. 2 3 27 32 Lyons and Paris demand 985 Hamburg demand |«j
    188 words
  • 211 12 Singapore. June 23. R «Sinm W. Ccast No. 1 per Koyan $114 R «Siarn» W. Coast 2 $108 Rice. B. Slam N. 1 $117 Rice. B Siam K. 2 Sll2 Rice. Slam "Old" per koyan No. l $176 Rice. Siam "Old" No 2 $154 Rice. Siam "Old" No! 3
    211 words
  • 46 12 72 English Interpreters In Czech Courts. Prague. "ft* 2"fe court lH* themselves on their ablhtj to try case.-, fa 31 languages ■in Fi! f i™- oUrt inter Preters employed 72 7o are French, and I*4 are GelAmong other languages for which inter-
    46 words
  • 14 12 Woman Acrobat Of Fifty Years Ago. thnlled c flftv Mar,nda SlstPrs
    14 words
  • 120 12 ALHAMBRA.—CIyde Beatty and Anita IV;-: in "The Big Cage." CAPITOL.—Je sic Matthews in "The SB#ohipmaid." EMPIRE.— James Caeney and Marion Nixca in "Winner Take All." GREAT WORLD.— Side shows, Cabaret, Malay opera, Chinese wayangs, silent and tslkir.g films (Sky Talkie: "Maid of the Mountains;-' star Talkie: "Retamctkm.") MARLBOROUGH.—"The Dawn
    120 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 140 12 ißu «1 mmm] about your choice of whisky; should you not be as careful about your soda-water? j f. N. *»■>« j and get the maximum of pleasure from your stengah. 1 THE CROWN CORK IS YOUR SAFEGUARD J AGAINST INFERIOR BRANDS. j i I \FRASER NEAVE, Ltd .u;kated water
      140 words
    • 34 12 LEPROSY Diabetes Consumption, i, v ILKS LEUCODERMA -nd nummui other hron* glmraxj. dorlor, are f LT l rurd by »««r BfariaM pharmacy 5» m. s »n«. xroni. „,mp f tf rr: |r jnd (>(rrjt||
      34 words
    • 63 12 WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE, 44 Imnerial n Preference. Tl>. AU-BrU.h Mmm** Typewriter has been oOclaUy mmmm tir use H the above ConferHre U fur.her evidence that the hmmM Mod,, 50 ha. ence more gained inter. rec 1 ton Nea shipment of the latest Mo,e, 50 and the popular Good qZ -icn-
      63 words
    • 57 12 KAPALA CHINTAMANI Prevents baldness, promotes grout:: blackens the hair. Cures diseases of head, nose and ear, $1. Packing and pos' 1 60 cts. 1 to 3 bots. Himalayan P.. 135. Serangoon Road, Singapore. An Investment of 50 cents a day in Endowment Insurance is a very sure road to Independent
      57 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY N:rth. N-East and N West Sumatra I c i <Tinombo) 3pm Selat Pandjang. Bengkalls. Siak. Pakan j Baroe. Port de Kock a-.d Padang Dangkok <Am d! Pm t. '.Hero i 3 n m Banita Is-and textep; Muatok) i <De Weert> 4 pm Java. South-Wcst Sumatra. South-East
      240 words
    • 66 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night J* ax Bright Mia fit»r.«. J eDiP Ralnfa11 Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Peg. P. mches. Hours. Deg. k. A:<;ry,;11 «7 0 32 M Sitiawan 94 Nil 73 70 K Tnngganu 87 0 99 34 7rt 91 m 10 S Malacca M HQ
      66 words
    • 348 12 WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. JUNE 23 High Tides.—11.46 a.m.. 10.33 p m Sports. Vic orla Bridge School, j ahl p.m. 1 lA r ric f k K et S.C.C. II v Wiltshire* n SCr Football: Malaya Cup. Singapor V Anson Read. TO-MORROW. JUNE M Hi K
      348 words

  • 434 13 r rHE hiKh standard of entertainment which 1 hM pr.'.aded of late at all the local mar mm mam ained during the pa.-t week Capuo! thLs week commenced a season "The Midshipmaid.' featuring Jessie r.itthews. who ha> become an established ravourite with Singapore audiences by
    434 words
  • 466 13 New York j AN mmmn into the early ambitions of leadin: tmm players has revealed that few hcped ori R inall >' for rir.ema fame Arumber cf payers wore reeentlv asked whathe;.- Childhood ambitions had been Here ar. some of their replies: Rn h Chattert n-wished to become
    466 words
  • 782 13 STAR ALL THE TIME. WAS ONCE IN VARIETY WITH DANCE lb AM. WHEN LIFE TOOK ON SEW MEANING. Ramon Novarro has celebrated his eleventh Of course, he's really more than twk, 1S""k" 6 «wnt, dating back to his birth in
    782 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 177 13 DE.RESZKE &ha yinstocrxit of Curettes Plain, Ivory Cork Tipped i 1 I I f f I f I J j W i j j Enjoy a cool satisfying i smoke at anytime. I I Keep a tin on hand—they I are always fresh. j j Save your co v pon
      177 words

  • 70 14 Convict Released For World Tour. Vienna. A EUTENANT was sentenced to |fU years impris:nment for comuhrttv murd. r will shortly leave his -n. 1 in 11 world tour as a v.oitnU ,tart 3 :mrd part of his sentence h* -i region of the remainder of
    70 words
  • 74 14 Destroyed By Raiders During Rejoicing. New y«tfc a«,tfsr of Archaeology American MhH sch^dr a d d s r the at sia the Institute dthev W^" ***** di^r l? I very where *here v»,- **H« entert >inmf nt WcnCe of fe stln and The bodies of warriors and
    74 words
  • 75 14 New -Secret" Police Force Formed. J 1 Poliiical Police 9 force :he-.lsm anl nth v h combat "ng Bolam k. v r** 9m men 'his secret 'oicp r ti.V the Purposes of tta special ?t n has tv I,y erciBc ««ty^ Prolan D !e* "SSS. the ALREADY AT
    75 words
  • 39 14 Conference Again I'roposcd. .o consider tne political situate creX Political circle* here believe that tills ma! metting ma y be ,h/ CIOf <• their rrapSur,^.^" 1 "**3S It 1» further ur-dr.-stood »iat t'lo i-,. who j»rU«lp. M y
    39 words
  • 329 14 Description By Lord Clydesdale. rVHE Marquis of Douglas and Clydesdale gave his first public description of the flight ovec Moun, Everest on May 20, when he was entertained at a reception at Renfrew Town Hall. Glasgow, together with his colleague 1 ight-I icut. Mnelntyre. "With Plight-Lieu
    329 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 208 14 I STEEL SPLIT I PULLEYS. j USE PULLEYS JlT^m THAT WILL LihMi^m J GIVE YOU BETTER wM^JB j RESULTS. j We Cam, Siocfcs of Various Sizes of Such Pulleys. I L~L"fL"° RNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. j Kon ill a FOR COl-Gn AND COLDS. It will „ot only relieve but cure immediately
      208 words
    • 154 14 Cereal Food plEaln^ l up of boys and gtrl s C huU,] *S is fast gaining fr^ h h Alnt, nca. now that its trne nu t rit t r *S is properly understood Va Ue drenXairnSur d/ weight or not gaining should, for Cream o Twh aB th(? y
      154 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 161 14 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. ar™??' CEYLO STRAITS SETTLEMEMS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES ASD ADEN). rrom The Empire Transmitter, Daventn England. Wavelength*: 25.2S and 31.J metre*. at freqeent inter.jU U mwl Freaoenej. «2S, »51« ket 51.55«. »•5 SS& 5555 11,865 ket 25.2« m ke, British Summer Time: odd m*. 20
      161 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 35 15 What you need is energy Takelhĕ energy food-drink, Bournville Cocoaj How ««K em«gy wUI k give you! Tha, is «he mo, I food. Bournville is the coco., that tastes like chocolate and the most Hv^^O*)}
      35 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 181 16 ELECTRICAL AM) WATER CONTRACTOR. M '17, Pras Basah Road SINGAPORE. llfI If you are in need of electric KsbU, fans, motors, etc., and water semYo. please write to the above address or 'Phone TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SUNG UM PARK GEYLANG GARDEN HOUSES
      181 words
    • 357 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPEHTIr^EPENDEWf^HOOHESS^I TO LET. TO LET-76. Truro Red. from July 1 Apply 47. Truro Road 1 TO LET—3. Ramsgate Rd off Grove Rd Key to inspect Uom bun Ramsga> Road, or 3 Marsat. Ro«h Particulars Tel. No. 3170. Mar at < R°*<*. nouse. 4 big bed-rooms, baths, el-ctrle water
      357 words
    • 265 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL FAR FASTE*NJ»irsK SCHOOL. Dhoby Ghaut, on the 52 M R A\< |\\o p r i nfjpa TENDER For Ope:; Ac Cm ma at t.-u. Read. Plan and Shaw Bothers" Office ne fl* Red. Smgaporr. U p to ,;,o K bl,,son 9am.ft i pm a iSf
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