Malaya Tribune, 17 June 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPLAR DA,LV NEWSPAPER N MALAYA. Vol. XX.- ■No. I^2 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY JUNE 17, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. "—-v. '"no 17. IN* Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1933. FIVE CEVrT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 FLINTER Pt« ting Diamond* and I i wof «*very iz< and quality. Stlling Od lowest market ;:rice.*. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality paving highest prices < rdtogia daily exchange TBE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING J l Sole Importers J THE
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    • 127 1 M’Callum’s PERFECTION SCOTS WHISAY I E ORIGINAIT X 1 j PRIMUS j j HEATING and JUGHTING appals. j J( SOLE AGENTS )l Sime, Darby Co,, Ltd. (Incorporated in the S.S > j MILK THE PERFECT FOOD YOUR BABY W^^^^^ Blue Cross The Perfect Milk I WE ARE PROUD TO BE
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  • 3844 2  -  Our Short Story. A.E.W. Mason. "jSttr*" •»oo k nine't£ bofh «T" rrU,^ht aild »*t*ning He a f V ,n <""^-h.b, he had bare v nC e kf>n rd ;,fi l! had S Uirnir:g F fare upon s, .n nd *ascmar..ri m Must I,„ father." he J£ hot. the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 143 3 I omuu it, h On The Mail. t ir r..s. d bate L, "I3 N; v. all .ou get to do ir to write w i ii in th following we.k you 1 any criticisms r ccnun n s ma ic e'-e. You m .st all
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  • 292 3 'By -Wooi Hcon K L.) ntir.uation oi my translation of Yar.-; :.u- F«is life. I ii;us. say tha. to transtate tiv Chinese thoughts and ideas into t nelish language is difficult at any time n tirue n si y Kuei-Fei was as faultbeautilul c* any Chinese woman could
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  • 284 3 By "Lucky Star.") rd "opium" makes me shudder, ■it. thousands cf people and is the i n. Yet to those who smoke, delicious. Bu;, thty never con- harmful result it brings along. not kill suddenly and instartly 1 r poisons. It finishes a man by stage; first his possessions
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  • 692 3 I By Australian Cliuv. lhls your *«««"»■> Chum- "1 yuu all? tlUs <™e I n»,r -n a story which I hope wou will ah t iijoy. Cat. t we the boys 'to come and play tnrns W itn us?", asked Joan Snulh. the new K.ri at
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  • 435 3 i By "Jean") During ere part of "Men Must Fight"—the part when Phillips Holmes refuses to fight— I was highly amused on hearing a gentleman scat'd about two seats away from me mUtter, "He'3 y llow I wi h people woultfn': air their c pinions at cinemas.
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  • 406 3 (By "April») Or* evening "Country Maiden." "Tepku" an myfceli found ourselves alone and with nothing paitkular to do. We decided to go for a walk < va! .»«d along Road, and tlu n wr ?pkd a lane that -we had not ben thiough Just for the love of
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  • 229 3 iBy Nightmare.*) My girl why are you late? Please, teacher, a I was coming to school with mv books unicr my arm. round the road corner, a woman catnt U» in a trap. So she called me to hold th" rorse while .he called In at
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  • 326 3 (By "Don"/. liaiihir a rc th8ir rrrt Th's? cut rair.a g r .j u re CCIr «=tliaes in tn? mlno &l "*r.ds and r .1 all, 7 hll tijil 1 Jrinuil on I" v»'. ui* bUt 1 whether a»L at ually 1 v,u u do no», even kimu- U,al
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  • 304 3 i By "JrHn." Jotu.rr > Although the *ate r bufTulj t*-enu, U. b.- Vi v ungainly a», *aid. u L s uu of the mo u-eful m th? u rUI m many parJk or China it is very ccmmon io et> this hug-* V ,rk! ,V'
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  • 321 3 iBy "Rio Rita") Hullo Sisters! It's -Rio Rita" broadcast in? frcm s at.on 167. 1 suppose you all will fcrve mr fcr being tco lazy to send in an article for the pan weeks. So "Jean." you think that I will bo the no "Cornerite" to walk
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  • 143 3 J <By Betsy Pr k.") I H' llo Comcrlte I suppose all of you know the m-antng of superctitton. but I do hope there are no superstitious gira In our ••Corner." The very id»a of mv composing this is because I fpcl so sorrv for thos» 'nnoc*:nt people. I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 249 3 r~ —v I've learned this secret of sparkUng teeth and sweet breath!" If t|Be Vj 51 etcateV-tnat'l the wav to keep sour teeth clean and he aittful! U* special polishing agent U the »H dend t. us,. And you'll find that UJgfttt delicious, enticing flavour combats anplcaw.nibreach -leaves the mouth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 W. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CON TK ACTOR. Hras Rasah Road. SINGAPORE. H you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and at ■wvko, pfeooc write to the above oojdresfl or 'Phone 8411. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. SIANG UTM PARK GEYLANG GARDEN
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    • 432 4 TO LET. TO LET-744 and 748, Grove RoadT~Rent $60 Apply No. 25, Boat Quay. BOAFI lil .IDENCE for a bachelor or 2 s'udonfe in private family. Box No. 161 co Malaya Tiibun TO LET—3. Ramsgato Rd.. off Orove Rd :!ose to Katong Park. Key to inspect from K-bur 1. Ramsga'e
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    • 489 4 NOTICE. K. A. oTbTg. L k All Members. Mass Meet in? •S4TCRDAV. Jl'\|.; Jm EDUCATIONAL. MB KA.siKRN Music SOKKM ■rtablished id. s. (A *m\\m Registered School). (hMr ,l °ys and Girls). Enrni rß' Sh rt Sl r Sin«aporr ™~ry. Corn^ k Cc^ L U^^ U Hnd Cr jncato. Dipl.n-a. ft
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    • 310 4 FOR SALE. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE To be held at the SINGAPORE AUCTION MART 24, High St reet on SATURDAY, June 17th, 1933, at 11.30 a.m. COMPRISING FURNITURE p AND OFFICE--! ables. Chairs, Beds, SideT*n oM Ulner Wa *°ns, Dressing F^FPTP \r REFRIGERATOR and kLLCTRIC CARPET CLEANER, Pictures, etc. Office Tables,
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    • 476 4 1 CWKECI i CTS. LARGE TLBE 2 5 J*e f y Where 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. bv'RSCRIPTION RATES. I IYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including i nc ln| at office Postage Pjstagfc or close (Local or to An** residence. p.m.S.) c ur.-. rle 3 Yearly $15.00 $21.00 < 33 00
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  • 92 5 I> m curtain k drawn on the last mSI traBedy ln whlch Mrs. Ida killed it may be as well to point Bee more the two lessons to be learnhk and that other, almost exact' •Mek Mrs. Mina Wallace lost 2 m bnefly,
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  • 103 5 El ROMAN estate and the hfcggf Orientally owned estates have, it seems to us. been k lied to carry out -spectacular stunt*." hilat nothing has been done to make smali•"'■n sait.tary. We do no* say that m k the time to compel the small ri to spend money,
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  • 71 5 JN the formation of Malaya, nation, we are not advocating any -weird We^^y^ngup7,; «rapka of the great naUons of hUtory by CCUntry can "htevTgxeS htights. The choice Is between a prcgressl* compS^rtn M L teya Cp,Cd by «Suin comprised of the best elements of its pr»>sen* bTT*
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  • 122 5 IT Is with undisguised pleasure, that we note that tho Penang Chinese girls of to-day arc rao\m with the times and are learning the advantages of freedom It is Inevitable a w r m? the trans »tory period, some should mi take hcence for liberty. The majority, however,
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  • 485 5 Annual Sports. THE HOUSE SYSTEM ADOPTED. IN ideal weather the annual athicti mv .ts ->i the Geylang English School were held yesday on the school ground at Lorong 23 The hcuse astern was introduced tor the "rst time in the Schocl thia year, three houses. Moon. Sun
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  • 282 5 I Their leaner Berlin" > Campaign. K» l da> M cUt »ed. is one of the west respectable cities in »«o. the night ui> or A w N tal was notortcS? fL ,f. hp tapl- mainly ,n "mosphert it «ugurated by the Lst cam P"*n-* l„Government
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  • 102 5 Chile's Decision Following V. S Action. Santiago de Chile. Ill consequence of United Slates having abandoned the gold standard, the Centra! Bank of Chile ha* decided henceforth to take the French franc aa the basis of its operations and to maintain the value of the Chilean peso
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  • 98 5 Hundreds Coming From Germany To Spain. Madrid. Several hundred German Jews are expected to arrive shortly in Madrid where they will exercise their prcfession as doctors. As it ij believed that the Spanish law does not pcr?r»t foreign doctors not qualified by the natu.nal -•plon i to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 197 5 LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO. UJLA 1 By the MAI A VAN TRANSLATION A: CORHESPOVDENCF Bl'PPi'l in i oiike o HOON SECK TRADING CO. 1. Raffles Piar.'. Sinsranore 1 BCB-Aonrrs wajcted for abovk TMauroaiM j| jessie lumrm I'LL STAY WITH YOU. DBIO-«S DBIIC2. (Frcm "There foes the Mdf) V ~v; !v,i
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    • 195 5 THE MODERN TOOTHPASTE jsgt Ends Mouth Acds that Cause TOOTH DECAY y*s/4-W Whitens the Teeth J Phillips Dental Magnesia WEAK UN SPRAYS to kill elusive ants That's a job for the one and only powerful FLIT w+ i-iu.i,.. hWI (ack Jxrrs raaa>luiUe killi,,f! ,,r "I*" 0O„, Ki tl S arms
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  • 232 6 Shipping News Notices. DISCRIMINATION IN FLAGS. Satisfactory Settlement Of Rebates. m the House of Commons. Sir Assheton Pownall asked the Secretary- of Stat.- lot Foreign Affairs if he would state how long tfcf jegotiaticr.s with Portugal on the question cf flae di crimination had been continuing and IBM was the
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  • 89 6 Tangpu Intervenes In Shanghai. i-ecrganico the Seamen's QMn. gPU 10 The latter croup mamtains an office a' t.« Feng Road and seamen in the office we-e 2 T surprised last mm wr en tS o n rft pS-ld'lndT 11 cr lh the°e=es gggM eSoS of 2?« Kuommtang authontis
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  • 67 6 Owners Favour Stopping Customs* Allowance. n 3 if there were »nv regulations as to spirts teh» Haced on board trawlers 8 Siutnion, with a crew of 11 OTm^u'" 5 f"'" -»«'";o<£'Zi ?,r x boul to the gallon s,. ™r r e rr erlKs ,n tht Thej had
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  • 98 6 Japanese Destroyers Sent To Rescue. Two Japanese fishing beats of Dalren ftal nrey to the attack of over twerty Chine J pirates mm of the Taisei river in mail STJSwt home pon. 5, Wh h Ve FetUrned 10 On the approach of a steamer, the pirate fenve up
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  • 122 6 What s the name of this place askprf o, year-old Seikichl Sano. as the -AhJT2 91 approached Kobe recently L„ Maru and his jaw W hw thought it was some foreign gTgJSL? Mr. Sano, native of Numazu in ml v Prefecture, was returning TSjL absence of 75 years,
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  • 63 6 rJ r w me f R yal Mall llner "Demerara" was recently bunkered at Ceuta with 2.300 tons of Welsh coal in the short period of ii- 4 Loading commenced at 8.15 a m and com£g Place between noon and 1 p m. The apaiev ment was noteworthy,
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  • 138 6 Underwriters; Agreement Liability. A SETTLEMENT the under mm of the motor hn" •nd those on the shiprer*™ JSLfS!!? reached at a SS^^"^»**Wnen tm Bermuda was burnt >d ng at Belfast in mmSL »930 T 'nderwrltcrs pa .d claim h marine question aroseVhctie £J**- tithe policy covering the ren.
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  • 184 6 Bronze Medallion Presented To Captain. Captain Willi?m Cole, of West Hartlepool maMer of the auamer Camerata vm presented at the South Shields Board of Trade Office* v lth the Bronze Renown Medallion, awarded > the French Government in recognition of superb r aminship in rescuing fourFren'h
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  • 62 6 Russian Divers Busily Engaged. Leningard. May 21 ralaln, year in Norwegian™ter? sw J?"* U 20 hcurs below ■m^S^"* 1 tions. rt ln the opera -earner J« ST?S oS STfi jnent which ran on 7££ ?TT Ocean during a storm lastTc.- ArcUc Simultaneously, efforts are r*»in„ r»lse the steamer
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  • 181 6 Hongkong Government Defended. A PROMINENT Shanghai Chinese ship owner XT recently refused the question recently asked in China Press. Shanghai, by a member cf tne Bureau cf Navigation relative to the recognition of Chinese certttcates on shins flvong the Chinese flag by certain foreign Governments particularly the
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  • 142 6 Subject For World Economic onference. Colonel L R °P"er whether f 0 f Eritt h tonnag to Proportion of steady decline' and tb'' competition of foreign ii uh^" 0 f Government ?ubsidc ,ln r receive discussion at the W o.M subjrct Ior Mr. W. Boo*™* Conference. parts of
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  • 86 6 Ship Bou K ht For Experimental Purposes. steamer 3 fjg tan"** 1 Und Holt W. White. hea<' of thi h S ne by Mr Engineering Co., Ltd vipWi Wh,te 's Mari:;e an opportunity 10 britis t Kive him «W e J n i" PracUc u <* °t
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  • 283 6 Fishing Vessels Attacked Off Taku. TWO further mLM Dairen, May 30. recertlv 1 01 the P irates who Japanese n™' 1 01 f the 70 v»-iicr iraii ha\e arrived here •KaSra^Mar" 0 nTi £*5 the Katsura Maru N f° 2 4 tons) and the VeSSels taken
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  • 72 6 commenting on the imiwrMr,, coastal traffic for inrniT I of «*—"*Ui •Trtlinga." an Indian v &h,pp,n? c "*panies. combin, to the f. c hat bme of the t c r( *n* eomand the cXd* n h J, 1 Navigation Mm it very difficult to g?—- 15 And--ith
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 JJEAME^SAIIJNGS^ p. a BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., IXDNDON AND PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD PROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. ***** rahSJ 17l00 July 7 ?AUT»A^ V
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    • 112 6 IHjuoyd triestino t (lncorporated In Italy) i m.v. HILDA *rieaie. Due Leave Due m v 2? 2f*ls i Spore. Spore. Venice Aug 15 Au 15 M, CONTE VERDE FOE HONGKONG. SHANGHAI July 20 July 20 Aug 8 JAPAN CONTE ROSSO SSSESk 2 j Aug. 16 Aug. 16 Sept 9 nn
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    • 151 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA JJNIE Deutach H^H Australisrhe j X.™***} Gesellschaf t (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS ONG KONO, SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. m.s. MUNSTERHNrn Wm x, 1933 FR IES Land N u a Ma^ a a nila 29 m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila t m.s. RAMSES, via ManiU 2 5 HOMEWARDS.
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    • 434 6 NORDDEITSCHFR The undemoted are the rrm,„„ fixtures:- c Com Pan OUTWARDS. "FRANKEN" for Manila 1933 Shanghai. North China if^S*^ HOMEWARDS. t s.s. "HOLSTEIN" for Aden r> 1923 M'seilles. Oran, Hav?e Rdam &3> burg and Bremen m Ham June 21 8 Cargo steamers with accommodation. Lmited Passe npeT MINIMUM FARES. Inter-
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  • 376 7 Mining Shares. 9 liar»» quotation. are issued txclmnge and stot* H I 9 8uv»rt Kuwbang Tin 2P 32 cd :a Malay 26- 28'm Hi. am Tin 13. T, 1 0 93 1 00 15 9 173 jfl tiai.g I a i:ng y 10 q jj I 0.44
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  • 73 7 I»WM. RT FR4S»K*CO. EXCHANGE AND SiOCK BROKERS. Buyers. Seller» •rt; Cold S'orape SLStii 102 1034 cl P*re M micipa'} 10 110 nnm 4 per cent. 104 ina '■■•re Municipal 08 no,a 4'2 d. r c. nt. 104 ma M-nic:p*l 108 nom 4 P-r cent. loo ir^ b;
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  • 120 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN DOWN £3 10s IN LONDON. I Rubber Weakens But Steadies Again. Our Financial Correspondent Singapore. Saturday noon. To-day*s Prices: Rubber (Singapore), 9|4 cts., sumo. Yesterday's Prices: L ndon Rubbei. 2 15 Km!.. down 1 |d Market easy at doe* New York Robber, 6
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  • 164 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot r mm* and various brands of Kerosene are as fellows: Shell Aviati n Spirit in 4 rallon drum* per Brit.ah Imperial gallon Sheil Motor Spirit ex pump per Britfch Imperial gallon 10 8« Shell Motor Spirit pr 4 aallon
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  • 103 7 meeting of the employers' side of the South Wales Area Trimming Curd '.-epreoonnn thi Great We tern Railway Compan. and :l Cardiff dL.rict tcmmitiee of Urn Shipping Federation, uas held in mail week, to tom-ider the proposals lor alteration in the working hours of coal trimmers at
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  • 25 7 Furth r report for tin raurn tor the mouh ■I May is as MkMK R ncnt, Ccr_s:Mda ed 513 piculs. Katu Tin pi.-,,;.
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  • 612 7 Di\iderul Of 2Vi Per Cent. Declared. of^aflLar V iVi ird or< nar y antral meeiiny at 2 Prim* c. aS d >' eM,rtla y «I »oo'> ,S,TcT r E c",. Mr K Pat Vi n n > a~ 3rC l n5 lhl r "c-"»rt, M s r 1
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  • 85 7 he <)re Hotly The Real Position. is ra,- 10 lhc Papr on u,,. U J" J^ntay'a f of Kola u, U ,h,. Ul f Uu (xI^n-' presence tn lent'. Hi, r 1-.' doubt. It const tmt vein docs IT ,th,r lhuQ in property wul nol iTU ,hat
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  • 77 7 Successful Experiments In I encash ire. I-«<H<I<1I1. May 29 The Munch* iti-r Ch- i»i. .<■ rranglnfc- for u mc-Kin-. V nhi V imR ert li Uv.. of u, t rl r H Uu h «N!. of thJ S-iill 1 Z™* wm th0 reater us» t„ H lu f
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  • 606 7 Opposition Overcome. Mu A. KARIiOUR ON kximodiency. Ynm Corre,pon<unu May 31. i'XK«ct*i u Ubb! r CO tro, ls m eUnn. an.- lhc **°nd Dutch Experts p tc air:eifi »h the only u*y to P?-"manent control Atmt?tdam L oi Ul m a»Ket. MF '«°nciu. lar-c- cf Mny
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  • 178 7 Rubber Shares. iv Brntmrnnj, n a.m. The toUoi. rubtw .l.are quotation! tM bf Hl*N a* Co at* FIS andl!va£? Value. FraMt Shares. Co. mnMt J j Jiteiiar imi n.n i(J6S go J- nt 1 M I M 100 110 i a Kitnint ais iji oiu 020 A
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  • 276 7 FttASER 4 CO.'S QUOTATIONS. a «3 -C 5 CLOSING QUOTATIOlfa ■0 a cr oi 4 > > Buyer». SaDeva, i «2 II A1° X S' ick Pref $0 80 «0-90 t<. Alex. Brick Ord. 0 50 q™ S10 ai n T^ bacco 1026 107;6 510 $0 B Malaya Trustee
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 84 7 TIIE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Inr rror iled In England) SINGAPORE BRANCfI: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and SurjucTtbed OapHal Pald-up-Caphal 11.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 lit AO OFFICE: LONDON BR AVrifFSB'mbav. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. M*rtr*j». Amara. Raehdad Bahrein. Basra. KlrkuM. Mo'ni and Sincapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and interest allowed «t
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    • 43 7 Small SavingsJl IGHTE.N j I YOUR lINAfNCIAL PATHWAY j I UARIY INTER! hT P4fri YOU QUARTERLY. 3: N v A o T R r AL crry bank p NO 9 COLLYtB' "ttUAV~ SIN CAPORt" Mm< Offif»: 55. WtU IHlwI. w York. ■VMS _v
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    • 162 7 DfarjM CUqiu Banking Corporalion Limited. •Incorporated to Strait* Betuetnentai. to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL HANK LTD TKF Hn un, LTO. AM) THE O ERSEA-CIiINESE^BANK LTI) CAPITAL. Authorised $411.000 ()0(l :)fi n UN*!. «RAN,„ S sen ROAD tottf t>.;au. Esq Vlre-onatrman v J* U Ma Tau Ean Klam. rtsq. Y *P T
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 \m a matinee to-day s.u.—to-nkiht vi a x hf.\l LAlGll s,IOH PBB Your favourite Comedy Fair in M J t niversal s big scream id THE g COHENS GEORGE 1 UKELLYS JC I» TROUBLE! j \»hh yiMIfOTI Imagine them as Sailors bold L crsumvAw. IT S a yell j I
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    • 439 8 A m usem ents MIA'I y IT. IS WONDERFULLY ACTED BY PAUL "Strait* Times." MATINEE X; JTgU I TO-NIC.HT TO-DAY .1.15. I 5 They never believed such a film could be made I CANCEL ALL OTHER DATES AND SEE Warner Bro>. Terrific Revelation of The True Story of ROBERT E.
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    • 133 8 I BHIfCVS in MATINEE TO I}^: AND SUN DAY, j NAUGHTY SAUCY DELIGHTFUL THE COMEDY HIT THAT ALL SINGAPORE I MjjßjjV j IS TALKING ABOUT. f "Pleasure Cruise" j mm A fiwIAND young j Genevieve obla j NEXT CHANGE: rcland mini I STORY. "WOK "THE BLIND SPOT" j I w
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  • 1658 9 Mr. Ilraddell's Opening. SOME NEW POINTS RAISED. i 1,h ca<L ,n Vu Wan Yoke ;tiias \u ()i, a widow, sued Chu Kuan, Chu Siew Wah and Yip >i H?ny, a widow, was argued in •a! ■>!) Thursday before the Chief > i c. Sir Walter Hujrgard,
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  • 746 9 W omen s Change A Fashion. WOMEN AT HOME. iBj/ "Phihnc") London. May 3*;. I^nr S n KeCl to mention some tf Uie ieJT^ 0 8 WhlCh are in I* 0 iofhead m uI" B t IUl fr hk> ev «t.«» tt be af colour!ul
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  • 81 9 wo Chinese C'onvicte/1 At 1 erak Assizes. From Q, tr Ou Correspondent; THE trial of three rhin.. June nutted at Ba r w» murder com ended in the ad TcIuk A,l «on. at the Perak A'si? t of thc ncc^cd charged. cus<d acquitted and disnothin f R
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  • 166 9 "fJintral" Thousands Against Locusts. rn-XJS b .T'.r m nr.crUliMmo Pr '"f";: 11 A liading an rmv t Qradojevitch. launchtd th«- nrst K j m Uy thous an<i-s has herder of locusts wMrh Cn 1Vc a 8 alll «t .lie ,h bJn »«»>• k .o ac: authoiitics fer
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  • 75 9 Scheme To Encourage Trade ith Britain. P n b £rr r r «'zzrz *Tth- pc£- abCU:,Cn >f ihc ,-S: are ChiiC s dtilre to attract hiPPhig to llu Magellan Eugenia ,0 ?tCP thC 5rparatLvt men! m Magallar. s. b?ttt knemn as Puatu \r. nas 7;' ;L Y
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  • 74 9 First Steamer Sails Down Dnieper. MMt. A itcamti has for the BTal tun sailed frrm li.icpropttrcvk tc Klchkas acros, th famous Eniepcr fa'ls Tht: has b.-.n made pusible by artificial ncodmg to flat en out" the fans The aaMJMBi of the*, lal's. whicii have ben me. ty b-an.
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  • 808 9 (ourt Temperament. AUSTIN ON "HOW I TRAIN." HuL »I.™, London, May 25 v\ AL ST IN. tho British Davis Cupplayemfl|,,,b m Interesting thtog. to say about the court jnj about tne temperamental or competitor. He emphasises the strain rf ttrrTXIS at lenms durhl the pas, t-'.y
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 473 9 ADVERTISEMENTS. pat cnallty. Apply ptraonaty at 67. WUktc RO E»i..;apciv. be hear, cf otc U n m a,d C to 7.50 p.m. Amateur Photographic Contest •innu I s Your Developing and t Printing Work. PLEAftI CALL FOR RULES AND COUPONS AT HO .!;I ()VAVs STUDIO AM) PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE GO.
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  • 47 10 vnua Mui Churn Kjnsoor. Road. leavrnu a 11 al 256 Chua Hu:. g Tung n' ih n V tn F»ny «nd Chua Cho J 0 > soiis-tn-li,* a d .Li «-JughtiTA his Funwii R^ nd -<>i«!dren. u> »nst. at 9 a ni "'«.Sunday, thr lath
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  • 611 10 «V home-truths hay "i"">'he attention —cnmcnts „f Mala» of th. depression whfch «*b it. J teywe, rut*.**,,. »mp of Ik. ,arly thirties a, r;; Mrriag the "men had be**n JnlLui by n x n lnto faction > t*n* to take stock of »ts resources and prevent th? Un
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  • 424 10 Comments By The Way. A f;Ain r: question of rhtta Si"?J! lwr i uk "HfckUl, in nswd to our tion r and subs:ri P"ons. Since this question of |eaera] interest in the Colony. a w uli L T:t:,y <* clubs. I quae" fjear *«l 2 th
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  • 101 10 Chen* Ron* was sentenced to be followed S mom,JS —■■■HISS for being f> J| >W. polke stolen property, on? of ■«5 He Cukoddai Unto- ,S 'm' 1 cf :he Tamil As^ la^i a^ JJ1 at X Srlan«or °n Sunday. a donat on\ i
    101 words
  • 131 10 •>•)! tar JlSSJl'L*l.»" t w e ii„i e> JUSTS d Prov Mohamed. an Indian sentence in the appeared for cheating, wj LoT U nd^ OUrt J'" a char c for on? wJS Tv med,Cal ob 'Ufferuu from lhat S brain due toT Tn "if\ r c *kncsa of •nave
    131 words
  • 6 10 the new fctana Lskandanah
    6 words
  • 24 10 »s»x£ Kl. ng B h S -ior Execute June 24 from Pena, g. V°w M tES n taxe ov, r from Mr. a(
    24 words
  • 31 10 R. o W M n,Vu 1 Place of Mr. M B l£2 l ho went ho (> ten. m. I nomas has taken Mr gi, tone's pkjM ,t Kuala Pilah I>hUi
    31 words
  • 8 10 cation for admission to th,. s." ta,
    8 words
  • 343 10 BY The discovery thai to collect a debt will be Vll be circulated to my credited Another conference th thedevilcanfindplenv^'^ 1 to do, why the devil It is to be hop,,! th t machines finally take over the of the world they'll m\l improvements in us as
    343 words
  • 38 10 OUR SHORT STORY, on pa; .a 2 GIRLS' CORNER, vn page 3 Radio news, on pace v. ECDY-LINE BOWLING. OB p MUSLIM AFFAIRS, on mm* IV BOYS' CORNER, en page It MALACCA TEMPLE CAoE. 00
    38 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 125 10 THE ALL-STEEL- BICYCLE i M.1.1'.-i'i'R A'i'Kl) >\% CATALOGUE v if j CATALOGUE j RIDE A RALEIGH. j j The World s Bky* M(o Withstand Hard j PRICES from $67.50 "WOKW HICYCI.E «I-AIUNTKKI) W,R KVER i Robinson Co., Ltd. f. SINGAPORE KUALA UJMTOft. 1100 1 British I j Milk REGAL"
      125 words
    • 55 10 90U voi FINEST CEYLON LIQCOR Gt rxrßcON BI ICKWOOO 4 Owtaftf MM m UAXCINC. j Foxtrot. Wal'z. Tango. H* uirh I rUI b CoJtman S;reet. J «4 T.K.K'S BI BBi i nsDJ j Hock Su" from 70 r'.s to M 8 «NC BBNfl (.CAN. Established 1905 4 or h Bridee
      55 words

  • 102 11 DELAY IN THE WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS. CHRISTIAN general to havf higher post e Aeroplanes For China Nanking Covernment Ratifies The U S CoUon-VVheat Loan. A final settlement has oeen 1 nstian General" and the Central r™ between the of Charhar Province f °r the
    102 words
  • 904 11 Reuter. Shanghai, June 17. ttlement ol the Charhar disbetween Gen. Fen*: Yu and the Central Government ■wailing the approval oi Chiang Kai She* (Chairman Military Affairs Commission) Mr. Wang Chin- Wei (Chairnuu c Executive Yuan). king, it is reported, is prepared eorganiat the Charhar Provincial naaant
    Reuter.  -  904 words
  • 95 11 The untitled for the week Jun« 13 th? total numb-r of reath, as 192 Th- irattl rat- 20 91 pr- m»l> v "th 22 08 in the BttMCMMC Week and 2145 in tttt rcrTi-po-r:trtf Mcafe of last jralT. The chef cau~e- cf deith w?rc: Pneumrrn'a "8 Phthisis 21.
    95 words
  • 32 11 Devadas Gandhi Married i esterday. Reuter. Poona. June 16. objecu from Br.hEE SSTSJtirs; ut '««Hind,, clr .vry thW M no P«*ent and I I r. urtually becoming a Brahmin.-Reutcr.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 85 11 round With Knife In His Throat. *2 ?S2 d f Tamil woman ,n a 3 wlu n the affair w a Strate s C Urt > PsU 4 ITZLZ j -me «122 auav fbi n f M k :f (it seated wi. throat, from which MO ct IS
    85 words
  • 25 11 Ricksha Bmnhed By Moior Car. v«« run ln;j by j tax i M 1 JUS r a > r y d r *fM ».o
    25 words
  • 56 11 Alleged a B. T. In Respect Of iiwiMfjij. (From Our Oun Corrcpondent., Malacca. June 15. TO-DAY before Mr j c ***m mmmmm itm S^SSS woman on a ,nLi Btra«s-bor:i •1 trn t in crimina, breach lewellery v alucU and gold woman named W n iaSSft Ma,a >' Ahmad.
    56 words
  • 26 11 rte of Architects of Malaya is now out and en the -m of mchanical ventllaton: the mechanical properties or niec.ia.eued n t^ IZ„T™ *****Tl\mZ
    26 words
  • 21 11 FVul ry arc* notes on poultry keeoegm th pr> K! lca M mmmZ the usual month y UMfMJM. 10
    21 words
  • 19 11 Dur ng the thunderstorm yeat-rdav aflerLT n ««y»» "truck by iMhtninc wlSt S»i bj ambtdat: 1
    19 words
  • 106 11 *1 Nations Agree. DEFINITE PACT ON CURRENCY? Reuter. London, June 16. T H Kconomic Confuem-, oh a rth Jarked n US SerioU I'hasethis morning with the inau^urtho Monetary Commit k te> I r—.tlt-tl ..ver by Mr. Cox brief; btwfaf Uke mtek Wf*t for patience X U(( maximum
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 105 11 Oald Bars May Lie Beneath Her Ammunition. valuable clue, to ,he mmfTSmZ*. Jury-old buried gold of uic hutonc E^7"h lrjrhelhng In 1799. have ur^' e a or °y auon of irn 15 ■■mi'jui to Lrri B porta,,cr ,f h Beneraiij a£ .X ule "ft U1 %hich the
    105 words
  • 137 11 Due To Arrive In Singapore Shortly. Is now definitely learnt that Dr. Lar.ka Indr r*? Wh 15 on a tour ot Malay* rrd ,U dVin8 ,he Uvln wdiuom 01 Si r nt ln thea countries, with Mew thr »«,kii uro clal report ih-reoa to be arrivin d
    137 words
  • 78 11 Beadle's Suicide From Church S*cenle. Paris. May 2. A bea-i, f f Purien. E a- Salrt Mm T. in*t?L n own d atn brfcre commuting fUic 1' frcm the rhurch steenin rwL h f,n,l,y ond ,rlfnd »h«t after hlm«"f th An elur h wculd toll tho bell
    78 words
  • 20 11 t: lh Kret* Ayer Division last night niial k"! f lhrm ken bos"braMons. bui was no. badly injured.
    20 words
  • 23 11 The vice-chaucellor of Oxford University mm ti,c mlt Mr D 'thankgyg m 7 J the Oxford and OMM I r th lr ™"tr«.but
    23 words
  • 28 11 Roosevelt Now Virtual Dictator. Reuter. wo.ks and de-.flopm! :n p Ccnrress ha> adjru ned Mnce di-> In It to UM 5 lh-' cS-i
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 34 11 CHINESE CHRISTIANS CINEMA. Mr S_>ng On- Sa-i» m v a debrr.e y n c n n, over on the Ass ZmZ i:\;:: ;vrat!e a the 3 E lh? following, .v^ak-n-s-Me.-sis. Ac UVi<irf v-
    34 words
  • 182 11 CHINA'S FAITH IN LEAGUE. Mr. Soong s Views. Strong Statement In London. Reuter. (]HL\a still looks to the Lea**, ...HO government of China which settled with Japan by recognising the seizure of Manchuria would last for 24 hours." This statement was made by Mr. *V* Soon
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      9 words
    • 110 11 Latest Music, FRANCIS DAY'S 54th Album. I Containing: j LOVE. THE SWEETEST THING J HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN CRAZY PEOPLE, j PIT AS A FIDDLE. I And a doxen other nongs. j X! ITfl l-ROVVSE 6ih Album. I Contain in*;: BALLOONS. j I SAME OLD MOON. IX SANTA LUCIA.
      110 words

  • 476 12 County Cricket Exciting Football Friendly. ESSEX WHACK SUSSEX. County Cricket. HOBBS DELIGHTS OVAL CROWD. Reuter. who were runners up to Yorkshire in the County championship competition last year, hail their colours lowered at Horsham bv Essex, who were very low down in the table last year but aro showing impro\ed
    Reuter.  -  476 words
  • 8 12 mmt Barry t.m ng Koe >'
    8 words
  • 45 12 awSwaffias Q«l Soe,. James LoviriT c Hun Tn JO! Tiang, P Iv v cLn ?'"''J 0 Ur n' Chan Le««; Chan'Che Vt 0 2* Tan Hock •»4 Hock. Chan Ah wi n^ €e T Pon «j Lim Tan Yip. Yap Yeov N S
    45 words
  • 21 12 In a friendly name of untitled played on the School beat the 2 C Admi ™lt" School by 3-1 wangoon English
    21 words
  • 26 12 to-morroJ!T the M P nmp nan Sports C 1"» 1 A. Ruham c \*L* Forbes. O. S. A Williams V *k S. E. Abeywardena.
    26 words
  • 284 12 State Champion Loses Title. i From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. June 16. A SENSATION *a S p.c.v.dcd m the Per.,* m*U lawn tenim chempionahtp this afte--i:oon when Lam Say Kee. holdfr of 2« J*" since 1925. met h!s Waterline match cf three sets. Say Kee kept
    284 words
  • 40 12 The Players who ha\e entered fcr Urn m«, rpen Mneles in the o 4 icr usf men BC C I 2 r vestc d to turn up at tha JJM* on Monday in readiness lo t h fif
    40 words
  • 8 12 S3? «S5 S£ "VA a*£^®»SS,"i
    8 words
  • 13 12 of the rtmrnmlmm^ Union at i-*«V Physical and Literary daTand'sUayr 8
    13 words
  • 42 12 The Seni-r T.T. race in the Isle cf Van it suited as follows: an 1 WOODS Norton 2 SIMPSON <Nor;on3. HIOT (Nort n) The Junior and Senior T.T. races arro on Castrol-the inter for lha JSh succession. year ,n
    42 words
  • 28 12 Thi Crmmcriial Cun match -v. o t. toco, fixed for Monday J, l ,0 v, i Jalan Besar stadium7ns J'.Ht Bead Stadium a, originally arranged
    28 words
  • 24 12 b. the .kippero?^^? 1 Pr(bablll 'V Oi th, end of ihe war VlS,lin be a mmV «i%t nd tei; nWOd W
    24 words
  • 31 12 The untitled friendly played untitled the Colonial Score Un" om, d ar win for tne U rrrer by Ln m *>, mmm BaUr nrf r! cow v 3» and Ismafl Hajl au.
    31 words
  • 20 12 Another Win For Tho King. i umeuoiit. 2- MiSiCHIN 3 DCXASOL. B-flng: 7--,: 15 2; ,oo~ e R=ul:r
    20 words
  • 74 12 The National And American Leagues. jj mm. c p»m£%?:&. ~£j*r« n m. K luoaI jyg NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston If* H E Ntw York .J 0 1 10 3 Bro<::!.r 10 0 Pitf burgh n Chicago 4 1 3 1 and de H SSJtyj 1 Hcn::al AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland
    74 words
  • 62 12 S.C.C. Mixed Foursomes Competition. vJu! S G C monthl > mi»d foursome* romFttltton was plajrr<) at Bu*lt Timah on d«y jna raultrf m a 2S2" J *Uh a score of 38-4 t _2v Tn y cartl5 ere taken cut in the Garrison Golf ciuh »bhih« i Mrs.
    62 words
  • 8 12 The mens monthly medal .b~r..
    8 words
  • 19 12 Lightning-Thunder B.P. team untitled Thye and ft* Peng Scon See ft Ah Wee Cheng San. Hoc u y «nd
    19 words
  • 74 12 Increased Quota On Tho French Stage. A Indirect tribute to Brituh j a Paris. A I'nplied in IVre-em L danc,ne 1 I number of fore'entrs t "ml»n* the I Uaee. „l amu-em C nt 'W"»* ■■> dIOerenrntn In mmfcS.tSfJSZ?*—' °< Oxed o «"«talnment "«a may b «M.
    74 words
  • 163 12 Jorinthians Beat Pontian I Kctchil. I I (From Our Oun Correspondent j Joiiore Bahru. June 15. rpiiE first matcS to be played in connectirn 1 with the Hull Cup comprtiticn was fought nut this eventn* on the Civil Sprvicp Ciub Padarg between the Jorlnthians and Pontlan Th*
    163 words
  • 83 12 Four-Ball Billiards Tournament. Entries close cn June 24 for the fcur-ball nateur bUhanfc champ»onship of Mal*v" tor- which Mf*rs. FYar.kcl Bros, are enn a Silver Challenge Shield ™crin 3 SimiLir ct nditlcns to these thich covcrncd thl- tournament last year will operate and 2 will ccmmtnce cn July
    83 words
  • 44 12 llu "Sunday Tnbun.y second competition vjil be announce:! B) to-morrow* ksue. tFj On, competitor had as manv as am ccive the lull prize. lc Lx*t week it was shared by 28 readers *mm or the firth in 11" STSp** lo-morrc*-., Sunday Tribune."
    44 words
  • 15 12 The Second Division S A F a. League came th, r..' mm* to
    15 words
  • 49 12 hmdmmton tourname-.;. v NagaUngam v k Vteravagn. S Kosiah v p RatnasaWhv X TiUlainathen v. R aHt«Se£ Jhwnbap. Ufa] i Btraa v X Run WJ*. N. Paramanathan v. a VeluppUlai' lie mill be Played at the Oeneti Hoirtt*. Mt requested to turn up at the ccurVat S
    49 words
  • 93 12 Straiu Fh.vslcal Athlui. pariv te 3m h W at 3 nm t 3t llw NB«h Sar3S?SMM2 '"eng Ban. Kok Lyi Scene Ton p. k tm.. Govindasamy. Tan ThiL, -V B Ah Leo. R? -Jhn Lun Boh 24th at am »t« pit>CJ 00 s>aturdav. Uu ftaSta^rSSSStt Man 'Sri£S m
    93 words
  • 135 12 'udge Signs Oath With Steel Pen. W H f lr M i JUitlCC Atkinson, the new H%h in.-in he ath al hl SWcai d an ordinary steel pen. nalsw a «f UC .lL marks yct arj other Uge iu the i anything buT. Sum wU
    135 words
  • 379 12 On Care And Maintenance Basis •From Our Own Correspondent J A_ Ipoh. June Iff. i the half-yearly meeting of the Selangor rati Club to-day. Mr. T. H. Menzies pre|"s S ,d ,hat cx Penditure had been very much cut down everywhere but despite thes« :V* nad a
    379 words
  • 412 12 Yesterday's Game. MALAY S WIN SOCt'Fu friendly U A L 0UGH P ,a .v>ng without their I two best forwards and Mat Noor-the Malav/ tab I to beat the S.C.C. yesterdav padang in a friendly football ter by five jroals to three. A heavy shower
    412 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 28 12 SOCCER. A special report and comments on to- 1 j days Malaya Cup j I match at Anson I Road will appear in j to-morrow's j SHUT TRIBUNE."!
      28 words
      66 words

  • 352 13 Sir Stenson Cooke. INTERNATIONAL SWORDSMAN. London, May I] the worlds greatest motoring or. >n.travelling tens of thousands of a' T° n Cooke eeretary of the A v ,atlon bordering on :v J0 is cue of the fittert men W, m an rx torsive Europe, a <
    352 words
  • 488 13 \rgument In Bankruptcy I ourt I|A£ the Assistant Official Assignee the right a: d tatus to represent the Official Assignee m a judgment debtor summons.' Inio b the legal point over which there was j- otractrd aiguimnt in the Bankrupcty Court nm rday before Mr. Justice Mills.
    488 words
  • 831 13 inal Of The MacDougal Cup. round Ior the MacDougal Cup rather soft' which* Wrathcr schooled ponies a rti.M 8^ Ve the t* 1 match rested in advance The Victor 'or "Orassnnne throughout and won Ka,,oplr joaL Won by a mar *in of elgh, 'o V^H lorm JWn
    831 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 318 13 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. 6 50 S ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 0 30 a.m. Holy Communion. 30 am. Matins. M?« Hoi c mm < choral). 30 p. m Evensong (Choral) and Sermon sorvie: at St. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN GARRISON CHURCH (Open To Visitors) 1 a.m.
      318 words
    • 283 13 I t Pm Service. j "Will* 6 pm. chc !r Practice THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH j Pay.i L bur Sunday 9 a.m. Sunday School. T/Btr* Rev GEYLANG MPI HODIST episcopal CHURCH. Junction of Al Junicd Road and Sims Avenue) 9am. Sunday School avenue) 10 Ts.u?' nt Wjrship I6t. 11 a
      283 words
    • 70 13 BETIIEB DA GOSPEL HALL, Pm. Bible Chaw and Sunda/school Pm. Gospel Service *****1 Sfit Mr A J Turner UST.30 8 n Pm '"S3 in Malay SSS; P m Blbl Address. ■P**** Mr A. J. Turner RAMKRISHNA MISSION No Norri» Road, lectures: Fortnightly, on Wedneadaya at6:3o Rcliaiou, Every Friday at 6:30
      70 words
    • 91 13 No fusing with pots a pans Kvery mould a masterpiece Crown J e"y is a time and lahmir savin* BRITISH PRODUCT. j Co. I Race ftforse I I Insurance 1 1 AT 2 LOW RATES I I with X ABSOLUTE SECURITY j Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. TEL. 5144 w \1
      91 words

  • 34 14 STOWAWAY HNKi). Arjan 81ngh. th? Stkh ttowaw» on b-ard the "Til»*a" which arrlvJri disc^^, r^?, d ?.T-to CP. O. FV^'r, He was ordered to be departed
    34 words
  • 22 14 TTir "Marecha! JofTre- duo here fm™ Madras on Wednesday at 7 j She will berth at the 8MB Wharves
    22 words
  • 99 14 Singapore. Jun? 17. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. HXf W arf (Entranf Oatf II Rohna H 2o ra,d Wh a a Main Wharf .Entrance Gate 3. PaUmbar.g i 8; Hako/aki Maru p. Adams 11; Hector 7 Empire Dock (Entrance Gate S> Stec' Seafaur 30 Kirti t-» vMyrtlebank 37 32
    99 words
  • 86 14 fireat Britain's Third Bost In Kurooe. Great Britain m-ik, th«*H Prague, far crun rl-f ha\ir<> »k EuropMctmr" ,en sh :J heie. :t «linc to etatlstici pub! he c.6«5 800 mtiM"of nTf t>lai ,h pn« 1;^ .2.V70O France 392 500 mr r s ar 3: a- r it- ,-T-
    86 words
  • 85 14 DeUctive Corns Guards Priceless Stamps. Hull' i« l UnT„T* aTth M BruuTu. Pa' m" Vi;Un3 In,^2il "hSE i 'or this July 9 it will hrZ .-n Uni 24 10 from 38 countriee. and tno Vf J Xh f tors to be shuwn is ertimated at Kv 2 000-J!
    85 words
  • 25 14 From Indo-Chira by tne "Azay Le Riieau Bb tapora a: noon, t c-morrow Chlaa J by the 'Totton Sir.capore at daylight on Mor-
    25 words
  • 232 14 Extension Of Personal Call Service. Fr r.i July 1. the p?rronal call service, which is at p.escat avallabe only cn trunk calls beI Ipch Kuala Lumpur and Sintended ro ai to enable such m Z b«we?n any subscribers within tne of the Federated Malav Ftates and btiaitc Sett
    232 words
  • 190 14 SELLING. Singapore, June 17. London 4 months' sight, 2j4 London 3 months' sight 23 31 32 don 60 day.' 1 sight 2 3 15 if> r »:idon 30 days' sight 2 3 >9 11 London demand 23 London T.T. 2 3 27 32 Lyons and Paris demand 980
    190 words
  • 262 14 Public Functions Anrt Sports Fixtures TO-DAY. JUNE 1. I High Tides.-5.59 a.m 6 .30 p M Meeting. Hctel Van Whk. Ex Golf: Qualifying Rour.d. Island Club. nd Sports and prize distribution sR r Football: Malaya Cup Mai- £3 30 P.: N. Sembilan. Anson Ro-id
    262 words
  • 155 14 T:t L b^ MBRA The C^s and Kel.v, f,o C m TSS PaUI Muni in am lPi Horn a Chain Gang." EMPIRE —Robert Montgomery in "Faithless' and Laurel and Hardy in "Beau Hunk,. vr^ AT WORLD -6ide shows, Cabaret, Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. Meat and taliing films (Sky Talkie:
    155 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 169 14 I and a 9004 j I *loYtiina J W BRtVKlB'' 1 I iVoori, j ■BAD TO BE RICH CAssovs Mifchg BMfa MANUFACTURING. T-p-'o- mi > vI v U fac; urine ■n* ok l,r F ort men 1 $2 5 2 5(BIOGRAPHICAL. M c-r »t Lh i •< o Rich 250
      169 words
    • 63 14 Pianos For Hire And Hire Purchase. i I SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. wwh «n m rlbl p ini Pill*. For 17 r«« M J throughout tho wo-ld, Jm\ A Imm9ut '•«•<!, b,,n •'••"•♦•«g J&H ,H# ,v,, «""9« of mo„. (X k,nd fr om rh«um*»„m ITVI nd
      63 words
    • 61 14 jk LOTION DOUCE fo| FRANCE No. 754 691 THE LAST word in pSI] PERFUMERY. I r H The best of hair lotions at the j pit B Recomm ended for hair-setting j r ol Refreshing. Obtainable at all hwh rlac- v «v nipn eias, Hairdreasma, and all the KMing dispensaries
      61 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 240 14 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Ben-kails and Bagan Si Api Api t- lh v «ToboalD i mm nTI? C J R(ngat ,Rokan 'Ml Dambl «Tcradia» l Dm Kemaman. Kemnstk. Kr-tay. Dungun Trrngga-u and Be ut (Asdang)' 2pm Bnnxa IMand. Pladjoe and Palembang «Senanu» 2n in China a-d Japan (Muroran Marui 2
      240 words
    • 338 14 CLUB DIARY. mJ 9%Mm 0,8 numerous Clubs and Societies in rea'derTof Sf-2 menber ecaers of the 'Malaya Tribune." This Diary that on which t* the da Previous to TO-DAY. JUNE 17 United C_fe__ tournament 4is m Badminton 3 m r ?<*** supporters. £Lg*_H! Players a;,d Borneo Ro,d X v p.m.
      338 words
    • 129 14 noting, church hall. 8 pm Chinese Friendly Associauor. W non. asst. secretary. Tao Nam Bchoo Arm Street. 10 a.m. TUESDAY. JUNE M. Mayflcwer Musical and Drama::, u.sual music practice. Mr. Wong Brian Ytta iesidenee. 70. Sophia Road. 7.30 pm Musical Party: Musk ariettas Mr Henry Wee's residence. 511-1, KMBO»* Bahru
      129 words

  • 77 15 THRILLS FOR A SMALL BRITISH COLONY. YEARS GLIDE MORE RAPIDLY. COMMENTS 0i New Cal writ, V in ny 1 m News ol the outside world b brouriiTtnW UorM h of the island, by occMionl? Noumea. but from Noumea to P2J S en e
    77 words
  • 421 15 J) H MXXX is the centre of the i riving chromium mining inN m Caledonia, and 2.000 the green-clad hills, over»ta of Waring palms leadto surf-jrirt strands of mm% is an important English •t d by a London company. l.ttle colony" is employed. s-.tper-laklng of -hafts,
    421 words
  • 117 15 s i (t ions Received /n Malaya. •Holland), 15 88 metres, 8 15 to M:'UR (58 mttres), 6.30 to 8.30 •a> and Fridays and from 7 to 9 p.m fi.v "i'" PMY —58.3 metres). Mldrnm to 10.20 pm. pro- pean music. Aiso on 31 n native and
    117 words
  • 63 15 C MMM last week Colonel d the Postmaster-General pared to sanction the < s licence fee by quarterly 1 1 f persons registered aa •>- Assistant Postmaster 1 WPjr, that the objection 1« d was that it wculd very t of collection and •:rninaticn in favour
    63 words
  • 43 15 WirttaM valves and recti- 1 s quired to bear an 'n:i *U1 be di cussed at a pubi; W*rd f Trade at 11.30 a.m. 'If n.cessary) at 10.30 am. i'i:ry will be held at .he < Oraal George Street, won-
    43 words
  • 172 15 Many Special Festivals Relayed. Era nmn &go^ln 1928 the Hospita Wire less *und Committee was formed in Colomnubhr radl C,UD and «™eral fUnds and 10 ™ie for mmy* faemy. m a the principal "tab, and InMitutions In Ceylon says the h. shortly after, swept over the
    172 words
  • 89 15 Lack Of Finance-And Public Apathy. apathy on the Dart nf T a dls l nct The ftrat broadcast L uJT™ 1 PUbUc about eleven SS" "ft* P,aCe Hongkong Hotel lhe roof of tn e no serious eflo. t wist» From 1923 ing broadcast unfi T92T months" service
    89 words
  • 83 15 *T Ulc na rjven to many a;: asu„g,ra-,,r. centred around the Empit I* cf the ;hort-wave pre ammes Daventry. According to win the ca,cutti and Wtlons no* l-.tquentiy relay the Empire n orammes. ad Mm, m (U q 1( llfr ELi?, argcr audience. am"JSTS2 r,IPV,C]
    83 words
  • 154 15 Much Interference. AFRICAN PROGRAMME HEARD. IJECEPTION during the week. April 13 to 20. V» has be?n upset by atmospherics writes thp Malayan correspondent of Heavy thunderstorms have oaid accompanied by heavy rain VlSitS 4 gCnerally Start Awards for about four hours E r Und the COm^ Since
    154 words
  • 72 15 Singaporean writes to the 8.8.C. as foltc2 a? a2J2 r ,oment Hst nin ami dst a b«t of to another nauseating J£ EESS wouW ask >' ou to send, instead mt°V^ a ria f rayS Relipi n W orld 'mies Ruscia and ua Pive-vear Prozramm* E !t tein
    72 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 105 15 Perfect World Radio Reception with a GECoPHONE Superheterodyne RECEIVER (Fop A.C. Mains) I A highly efficient 6-valve Superheterodyne model cr use Wlth a n external loud speaker. Designed n f h f Short and medium wavebSids. The result of intensive research and experience J reception in all parts of the
      105 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 287 15 THE EMPIRE STATION. Details Of Programmes In Advance. The following are th- programmes (subject »o alt-ration» which will be broadcast from th<Empire s'ati n (Daventry> on 25 3 and 313 metr s for the Indian and Malayan zono from June 17 to L'5 .for particulars see World Padio." PROGRAMMES FOR
      287 words
    • 566 15 Bard o-.duitor. B Walton O'Don,1: Ar hur Brough barttono. 1> pm Concert by the Magyar Orchestra d cct d by Walford Hvden. Hughes Macklln »tenor». 4 30 p m A Vocal Recital by Oda Slob dskava «sopraro». r 00 P m. A Missionary Talk. »15-3 30 A Summary of th:
      566 words
    • 641 15 1 PROGRAMME FOR EVERYONE. Daily Omnidirectional r<*nBmisBion*. '*>ail v on jf.| metre,., SUNDAY. 0. MT MONDAY. TUESDAY 1. 30-100 pm-studio Concert. WEDNESDAY. gg JJ'-ffg* Otcan R eiUI. fS Owtetrml Concert 1-30-1.00 P in.-Orch,* ral Concert. THURSDAY 1-15-1 00 P-m.-ChrUtoph t Stone. FRIDAY "2 ••M.-Or W n Recital. 12« a
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  • 804 16 Body-Line Bowling. CRISIS WILL COME i IN 1934. London. May 1b A PIF.R two hours- conclave the M C C xeste-. trover .J 11 h? «"*< >»*>*, It has avoided the issue by aoDolnrlna iuo-Commute® which is to investigate all the l "S t nC f ,hr
    804 words
  • 118 16 A Lusitania Victim Returns. Ocneva (New York State». QIVEN up for Jead. mourns f or e'Lhtcen ycaiF. as one of tho** u e-t,nicen the "Lusitaiiia" in 1815. Miss J? las. minute cancelled her booking h» 1 sltuauon «Uh a £±2 extensively and did not at once
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  • 211 16 atholies—And Fascists Flocking In. -B Rome. tourist traffic is booming in Italy Thousands of catholic pilgrims have been pouZ nto Rome for the Holy Year and now suecUi t:a;n.> from a,I parts of the country >re brimm* ,an *22 All It.!,- K-,rns ,o be on lfc
    211 words
  • 162 16 What Is "Kicking rhe (Jong Around." Nf* York I A professor of English at Ohio state Cni I \em»y ha., oramn up a list 7,J ,L slang vcrds used by drug trafficker < 1 I Here are some: I JUNKERS— Druj addicts who do net a*. I c:;clu.lvely
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  • 435 16 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, June 9 MEAT. Beef, .teak round), kati 30 Beef, stew cr curry, kati 25 Pork, lean «Ist quality*, kati 42 Pork, lean and fat «Ist quality >. kati 34 Mutton. Australian, lb. Fowl, kati 33 Hens ilocally reared*, kati 4 Ducks, each Q
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  • 132 16 Forty-Four In Three Months. JIHER£ have been no less than 44 escapes •a- frcm the p nal settlement in French Cunana. in three months. This is made known in a report just received at La Rochelle. whence the convicts set sail. For the most part, the convicts slipped
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  • 131 16 Jeanette MacD«na| d Impugned. TEANETte MacDonald th, rJ bringing a libel r magazine daimim 200,000 Par mages for reproducer- f n which she state: to With J rhe further states 1 v reputation U an artist. (i her integrity Her counsel will quot* "interview" and the
    131 words
  • 116 16 Who Should Prescribe Them." Madnd Protests a E Jinst the prescribing L v opticians were made a t pCCtacles Kr °J> h «ialmoiogic l cZT* prescribing Should bo donc'fcv sl J' that s «b They alleged float optichns' oHen noticed obscure dLs -a os which mm!*?? tame
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 257 16 HAD RHEUMATISM FOR 20 YEARS. Rut None Since mo. mmm mwm some-hing urn a neanj Urn H sa > s -"Smcr 1910 up to ImO —that i-i ''ft t H v Jhat 3 ''v IS 'I must mr to have that awful The paias or tw Mbv osits ,t ati
      257 words
    • 18 16 injuries 1 Which is easil y applied and 1)***** eVCn WhCII aPPlied t0 V- Straits Java Trading Go.
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  • 793 17 Saleema Xoordeen Gives Her Views. MUSLIM AFFAIRS. (Bp Our Muslim Correspondent i Pmum moment the chief topic of m inoia. is the vexed question of "Purdah V V' l r mPn The of occastn hn» dlscUSsed on innumerable vet «U 1"S ,u J «»nr conclusion
    793 words
  • 134 17 5,000,000 Volumes In Moscow. stirs? number f btlns erected beside ,h- ni>w block be ready foT H aild «11 catted U, JTitttrHC 25 3 also contain :ai, Tradm 5?" and The number of JES? r ms for one day tta& 2^, 00 r «°rd number FOREIQN MAOAZINES Soviet
    134 words
  • 301 17 Reroarkable Outburst Of Lord Kimberley. London. May 25. T" E re «ed m U5 1,010 <*»«■ dtclarcd that p.,.,,.", clrc ks «lion h? Is almo-t 1 r °J?; day Association football professional Nearby sat Sir Fredoririr the Football Af.or^ti n Secretary of comfortable. looking rather un*n£h°££Zc™ L^r
    301 words
  • 170 17 Most Passionate Least Sincere. Paris. I When you reccive a passionate love-letter mini?* In flowi 8 ®*eganf Phrases and swear in? undying den>tlcn 'beware! M. Paul Reboux. writing in the "Paris-Soir «-ays that the most eloquent lovers arc the Str S1, f Cer r, and adds that the
    170 words
  • 58 17 Musicians' Home On Wheels Tj ome To England. A visit to England Is to u.c ittoera'AI'oT trio from Graz in Styria, whote home will be IS CaUle hm hlch th< pS on 1£E! th TT" brother Rudolf Knotz. They will in Styrian costume and will give tvoirai q*
    58 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 311 17 I I •<<•>.< Km- oLmmmn. 1 j Kan,olw l t nc l I j FWX FKOM WTO «M EACH r.M A. MI SIC HOUSE i«- a L Wt^W,g|fc t Road- Singapore. I ,^*"J, llilnD,B I aneaap SALE I AUCTION SALE OF I SEAH song SEAH, DECEASED I '•'»< «:k„ i
      311 words
    • 390 17 INDIAN SEER WILL ADVISE YOU FREE. Would you ake to know without any cost. I iJ lndkate f(,r you «»Sr you what opportunities to I Here ig your chance to obtain an A^xS^ijS^K Astral Reading of yoU r •>** s > life TREE, to barn V?\C 23rl ;he real truth
      390 words

  • 76 18 .1 Look At This Week's Post-Hag. •Oi mi Haphava, I t of row members when mMi I Mntanl hi UM Chums Club, ask me iVnph and inform them whether they an u< »< l v not. it i:-. (Lißc nit to do this, but you
    76 words
  • 446 18 i By "Treb.**> ihere vas an unusual atmosphere of mir:h nnd Jollity as I enured rr.y class-rtom lor I knew not what reason. Doitid h«re rnd there were grcups of boys, some in close conversation. some laughing hilaiiouily. while others standing a; silent as Zimmerman 0 Solitude.
    446 words
  • 137 18 'By Lee Cheng Stcee.) hut .-hall i pen tn The answer will f £™T thk week? Pocket diary. And this im f^ 1 few words fiom my diary Panning a SV. n vT 1 In a short time I l^ard'i inching. to the spot I saw an
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  • 439 18 i By -Gay Cubellero." K L.) purtog the Grfat War I was a spy for the AI»-e.. I was to find out the German piaiu a spy *as caught :n our ;erma:>. h s documents revealed a certain plan for v.m I» 1 was to
    439 words
  • 85 18 I By "John Brown."J practice 1 economy' CC£Sary to the comforts necels^L deprt H ng of our homes. acquire happine»- in do try to economic Economical people extrava *ance necessary tlS3 JL? lu 1'hey perd n th, h k, they d not r «W*. thev win savn f ght
    85 words
  • 78 18 (By "Kalidas 2 £I Vay speak truth Truth is brave 2 Be polite and kind. J Courtesy is the mark of a gentleman 4. Salute your teach. r-. _7 man 5 Do no, L, and su Perlors. •peaking. 1 lnterrUpt another is -standi. anVOnC rcadin writing
    78 words
  • 501 18 Bj "Considered False." j the KWs' correction co my mmm *m that mm "Urnm* cm llwiTkir^L l^ So Uncie wili f ,o n.e T7 honour bi *».:.:enm. me wnetrer N MM years ago "Uaurice" and I aint to Maurice had secured a Look enf'L-i -w to break
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 225 18 THE wane Lux Toilet Soap. They depend •p >n BEAUTY its 500t!.;,,, lather to keep their comi lexions SECRET smooth and young. Why not keep our OF •kin under the care of this ch< i l > TIIE STARS roull be enchanted with its mild lathed /^>v and tresh perfume.
      225 words
    • 20 18 j dainty and elusive—for discriminating toilets j —but less expensive. ASK YOUR OWN CHEMIST. PmVEaS Co. I IMPORTERS siNC.iror.i I
      20 words

  • 154 19 No l i-gcncy Treatment For Proposal. Reuter Wireless. r~ Oene\a. June 13 t.» f r a fort >'- hour week failed Pnry tre»tment when voted ac Intp rnational Labour Conference. ti p 'rti instead of proceeding la:er with comn?w? °?I Ct lhe com ention. a special ?f draW
    Reuter Wireless.  -  154 words
  • 52 19 Marriage PmtpiiuJ: Rights Renounced. Reuter Wireless. The wed-irp nf .k June 13. me wed. tr.g of the Prince of the Asturia* the eldest son of ex-Kirn* *v Anurias. •t —Reuter Wireless o^l Tl Paris. June 13 Tiie Prime of Astutias has signed 1 iL. rr.ent formally renourcln*
    Reuter Wireless.  -  52 words
  • 59 19 a lit/, Germany And Her Standstill Creditors. Reuter. v,»„.i London. Jun- 16 Negotiations betwen Oermanv and Ho* V. agreement to-day a to an -i 2S? to on h c^ debtors, and the 10 lr.c iud d would b* reduTn v commteBlon cent to 4>, per cent d from
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 56 19 And All For The Sake Of Politics. The Budaoest vtar-cu Vienna, has been Anton Lova, leader of the Hunc.riLn Jo6ef Karo, Vi. ported here Hun ar »«n Legitimists, it is reBudarSit 1 ISmXTrnZi "*y hon s f Behuum. where i,. o '™™V a lu the An
    56 words
  • 38 19 Estimated Deficit Of 81 Millions. Reuter. An estimated budget mmmTt J .T H guilders i* announced ot M miU,OR 5 •r^sawsss; Increased Uxation and cuts in wa*es »111 r. proposed —Reuter. wages will be
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 157 19 We Shallow: Minerals 'fyneath. T"placei 8h »i, l j rh m< Un a,! 5 arc not t* 10 only >ee and «now: th< rr nrT assoctour *Ku But m the Ia ,L NOrUl South to think of them af votviAnJ t° ar Wrcng snow-coverea wastes nothing but deepest
    157 words
  • 58 19 Mr. Tan Kah Kee Gives His evidence. yrlSe cSSntaJoi the June 13. M aild 5 ere h °W in Singapore on "J* Mr C. Jflfaken Francis Graham Manufacturers* Singapore Kah Kee iwho o„ na rro »n Mr Tan n >. regarding varJS?° 1P nled by Mr K H.
    58 words
  • 29 19 Caccho Slovak mm. dually take place m be held in August. p or reasons of economy" 1 5 •bounced. I out simple fte?d cX ""'>
    29 words
  • 85 19 And Doing: It With String. JT mmM be interesting to know how ma, ~1 n l '-2* '"an could war, icu C n nmnS iCr: and S SS?J Try rarely r jr,| rrsoa > * proband J£ n IS?* ;r. ,h h > s s? -mm between the
    85 words
  • 27 19 Orders Of The Day For Next Meeting. Lun 'Ammdmenti Bill 1933 Com W«ati,,„ Women a„„ C rl. S, m T l>" Bill ,rls PX'twtlon .Amondmcnn
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  • 20 19 Reuter. Tokyo, June |f. The notorious bandit chief Pei Pa tw ft patches.—Reuter. arcoiding to o u
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 73 19 tru^u Without Malice." Our Qnn Correspondent J Maiacca, June 14 JUDGMENT was tn-dnv the Diev tiict Judue. Mr H n «711 >n «rhtch Dasuah nJLS& 5? the case •»Winst the Suetee nf S?2 SS?* images him. ten ex-rommunicatin? His honour held th«f ■ttachtof to tlv an on
    73 words
  • 93 19 Gives $600,000 To Build Hospitals. PC re again left for LI? Ha,l) of Sin*-i--ncon by the "Strrnvr fo yesterd *y after- tour of China™ He Sll^r^' 0f has decided to c c un t5. Mr- Swatow. in Amo a d "P'to-date hospital hoSr Lss rSTLff o^c
    93 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 77 19 i Room for all f and Power to spare! with the Minor-long or short «heelbase model-you eertam.y do m most for yoi M well as ,n roominess. That compact 8 h,, engine -"Ply pours out power. The ridiculously easy change '-.-speed gearhox- helps to make light of the load Afao
      77 words