Malaya Tribune, 13 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER N MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 138 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Stagapirt: IWty, June 11, itss, Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 13,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 sds WHAT COULD BE MORE DELICIOUS? THESE HOT DAYS SERVE PURE j To give the finishing touch to your *4r^£ party, serve delicious cakes and 'T^^gk^L^^^^^mmMmW pastries baked in our own bakeries s^^^^^^^^Lmmmmmm^^^ I daily. We take orders for any Wmsfflr J special cakes or pastries! Mr J<£OXU{ CO 4tTtX
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    • 48 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every clan and quality, I »y«i* Ii I g fee at prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 330 2 Department Report. KWANGTUNG GOVT PROGRAMME. INSPECTIONS (luring the Jast few years and then actual prospecting th(> Apartment of Reconstruction of the Kwangtung Provincial Government have yielded results in the discovery of vast iron ore deposits and coalfields in the Kwangtung Province. These
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  • 57 2 Provinces Asked To Aid In Relief Work. Canton, May 31 «1*. for Kuomintang South-west Ex«u"vf'SSLf S.'S.'lEr*r? rby operation in brin-ina aid "in 5 l lpp,,rt and c > Tv UJ "ir,mg aid to the sufferer, cuits anH H«. tei Potatoes, a>. ment ha s r «a.ed .ST' J?"*"'
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  • 221 2 Cantonese Educationist In America. IAAUGHTFR of a once noted figure ln VanMJ comer ChhMM Mrs Chik Wa) Leung. 8.A.. MA. has returned to her birthplace. Vancouver. Appointed Educational Commissioner by the Canton Municipal Government, she will make a six-mon.hs-s uriy of educational developments in Canada rrd
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  • 97 2 Involved In Revolt In Singkiang? According to a report which reach >rt Ch u n3 Week,y teview" f r o m -curces. thore is a possibility that T E Liw «nee of Arabian intrigue fame, was •ciang ;SSV" 0lt f Mol:ammr dans in Sinss? sar r, "'n
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  • 40 2 Millions Of Copies Of S!o S ans Fof Distribution. Shanghai, June »2. 5£5« the Filth Bitnnial <£Je* IfiS" Marrhal Yen Shi Shan has transferred tw-> to s *;z '?Z U Z* Z n^ *«-E<5S z s -Z
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  • 207 2 Various Theories. LECTURE BY CHINA PROFESSOR JHAT the Chinese could not be tlta original inhabitants of the country ,„which they were first found tied has been the premise of all the older discussions relating to the of the Chinese people, declared Dr. Lsson M. Gale in
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  • 24 2 Manchukuos National Flower. Tokyo. May 27 HMnkinjr 10 i^ora U.n.h,ri au trow m •■rport.n- ,1 The OHM n ™^T* mm, m. mSnas^ssr
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  • 64 2 former M,l,tar> Governor Of Shanghai Dead. 1 Peking. May 16 governor of 81^^:^^~ -*ove^ in tne mtm he wa., ciefeate? by n^e^ 8 IM4 under Marshals Sun Chuan 2lf?i U fore Tuan and s ubse<ruenn y and Chi Shlh In 1925 he to of Klanesu bu"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 102 3 -11l i expressed the fear more than once VV Qml nw goodwill of Malayan tin. whic-.i :ht Howeaon lightly dubo as a fallacy. Is rj ccnsderably owing to the shortaa.tin. This, we believe. Is due to thß I msumers who have always
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  • 220 3 Q MOWING '.he am ounccninii that th r BaaM Government in'cr.ds to run a tiral lottery with the object ol aiding spltali emus the new> that the Btftl the Royal Commission on H tting has been Issued a*. Home. Th» mn has taken an unconscionably koD|
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  • 151 3 PRESIDENT Roosevelt's to Con- that he will v.vx ;eelc authority j MptMMi tariff acts is rather difficult to unci i-lard, unless the message is read ln ttM MM that he will defer any such request urtd Congress reassembles after the holidays. Such •r ,'irity he will
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  • 426 3 Dr. Portelly Entertained By Department. JOBORE NEWS. (h'Tom Ou* Own Correspondent. > Johore Bahru, June 10. THE MMtotl and Health Departments. Johore Bahru. v.ere at home to Dr. John Portclly. Senior Health Officer. Johore. and Mrs. r -telly, at the Johore 3porta Club on the eve ci
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  • 184 3 Damage To Seaplanes To Be Prevented. The Royal Air Force is experimenting with rubber nioorirg -buoys lor seaplanes and flying The advantage ol using rubber for tfcis pmpose ls that it- rt»siliencc preventa u.jurv to the aircrul* and thr buoy U eM when one fculs the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 BIRTH CONTROL 1 jjL AMUfcALETS "rredy ;n form f j\ 'Pinion of concep- For f*:r,;nir.e ami» ii.uraal hygien-. p. t is tablets. Sole Agents: E. Hi. ABDULLA A CO. 27. ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE The New Style in Face Powder JOAN. NO fif AUV SMART \f j $Ay QOESNT IT MAKEaN
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    • 182 3 I m W\ PERFUME \IH \T F.WOLFF &SOHN IM 1 A KARLSRUHE 'J8 V/ GERMANY /m Divinia Perfume liMy\ a,.—subtillv, distilled from th«* fra- granoe of a thousand flower?. Its d;:iuu and refreshing endear it to the heart of every l|j|Hr 1 di>criminatin£ woman. mm %m\ NY STRAITS JAVA f
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  • 431 4 Shipping News Notices. SOVIET FIRE ON FISHERMEN. Japanese Allegations n Crew's Story. r»OMPLAINT of mistreatment of himself and \J his men a' the hands of the Sovia coastal vuard was made by Mr. Klntaro Sao o-um of the fishing boat "Chofuku Maru •bW it put back into Toyohara. a port
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  • 175 4 V Substantial Increase In March. A total of 398 vssels with > For the tirst three months nf tv, number of vessels arriving an 5? y ar i«ported at 1 189 with" departing is of 3.001.080 tons "tf**"* tonnage vessels of 2 075 X, Wlth »198 of
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  • 43 4 The Swedish freight index for *nHi The paper kronor index number was on* lower in September, 1931 when freLht. down abnoi-mally for a«W L?!? W ,ed having the .uwVumM BWedtß The index number general St< kroner and kroner J-J» '^P-r
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  • 197 4 Ko r Of Trade And •he I nemployed. IN the House cf Commons, recently v. Admiral G Campbell aske* VICC the Beard of Trade d cf British many Ntvy mmm unempioved? c Merchar Mr W BMII mmn I rtsret Ko. t ableto gne ESS MMmmml. 1 Vice-Admiral Campbrll
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  • 146 4 Admiralty Court .ludjctncnt In Thami- Collision. »v>— £S5*2Z Cote Comply. A fttlS SI'S Trlnuy M Ju"k.. La n on and Ii!! the CA lor Plaintiff., the Afterglow was going d:>wn ttm rlv.-r ani was driven in o the north water S Puirhyn rounding a tug and
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  • 9 4 Many arc <• d S 1 PUr
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  • 240 4 Travel Costs Payable In Instalments. San Francisco. May 3 WORLD travel on the instalment plan" made its debut tc-day. From San Francisco to Europe, via the Panama Canal, or by rail via New York from Marseilles to London: by train throvgh the Swiss Alps to South
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  • 185 4 More Difficult Than For Past Hundred Years. mSLfTI G:OW the treasu rer cf the British 2L the Ma > or of London presided, at the Mansion House, said that the lot of the taUcr at the present t,me was mor. difficult than H had been durjij the
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  • 137 4 The increasing popularity of the short se* cruise is indicated by th. preliminary announce, ment emanating from the Edinburgh office of the General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd in remmtU a soeclal cruise from Leith to Norway The 9.182 tons steamer "Neuralia" has beBL »I? JU i r
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  • 18 4 thJX CUnard LU,n have in view of with theTxctMM. «r 5! famous llner whl —in as
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  • 331 4 Possible Appointment By Bureau Of Shipping. •TOE Chinese bureau of shipping is now conf the appointment of a firm of r veyors 10 act SsueS It L ü bLreaU accordi ng to a report 1 week from usually itTas e a Jr h iS H rePOrt
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  • 16 4 the n«„ S r« m 'e„"T n n go a r Pt C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 395 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AM) ORU\t\L VRAM nwigxtion (<» LONDON AND FAB EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with lILs Majesty's QMVMMfIt), OUTWARD PROM LONDON For China ar.d Japan. Due"\ Singapore. 1933. RANTTRA 17.000 June 23 BANGALORE
      395 words
    • 128 4 (Incorporated In Italy) EXPRESS SERVICE SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA CARGO SERVICE I Calling at Colombo. Bombur P ™*<« Colombo R« a. »alee and Sal" «i«S &JSI%J% Due Due BaJd Br,ndI Venice and Trle.te -cgnterXg Bpore E:ffl«™^»w^u June 15 June 15 Jul, 3 V 15 Ju,y 15 M CONTE VERDE
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    • 108 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA UNIE Deutsch M Q #%DLa Australlsche Dampfschlru H C Cteselischaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS HONGKONG, SHANOHat NORTH CHINA AND^^RTS. ms. BURGENLAND via Mnnii, 933 HOMEWARDS. HOLLAND, HAMBURG AND BREMEN. f* PREUSSEN, via Genoa Marseilles. Havre. AntaenT HAVELLAND, via Marseili i uenoa, via Genoa, JUne 30 Barcelona and Bilbao
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    • 520 4 STEAMER^att^ NOUDDEnsr HER The undernotrd are the c i fixtures:— OLTWARDS. "PRANKEN" for Manila Bn 1933 Shanghai, North China and i*o June 20 HOMEWARDS M "TRIER- for Genoa, Bare I 1933 Casablanca, Rotterdam j Bremen Hl t s.s. "HOLSTEIN" f or Aden rv, M'seilles, Oran, Havre, R'dan burg and Bremen
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  • 340 5 LATEST SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS. MMH TuPsuay nam. ban quotations are iaaued Co. ixchange and stock X uabang Tin 28 30 -cd -aHj 26- 2811.-. TH 13 14. 0 9o 1 o r IC9 179 Padang 0.10 0.15 H" oa> 055 i"* Tm 1 norn 1111 0.30 0 35
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  • 167 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN'S DECLINE STILL GOES ON. Rubber Quiet Slightly Easier. (By Our Financial OBtTMpMMMIJ Singapore. Tuesday, noon. To day's Prices:— Kiihber (Stngapore), 10 16 ie r«• down 51€ t t Tin. $120%, down Market quiet Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber, d down :> 82ci Market New
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  • 43 5 Latest Quotations. WT'BBER. London Spot: 3\d New York: 6 5 16 .G.) cent«t. Singapore: 11—11 1 16 cents. TIN London Spot: £222 15s. (Down 90s.». London 3 months: £2U2 15s. iDown Ws > Singapore: $120.87'^.. COPRA. Sundried |4 20 xed 83 35
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  • 160 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Meter Spirit and various brands of Kerosene ir3 29 fellows: Shell Aviati n Spirit in 4 gallon diums per British Imperial gallon Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0 81 Shell Motor Spirit per 4 gallon tin
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  • 30 5 The following rubb-r return* for the mcru'i of May are reported. lb. Bru.-ei ***** Changkat 24,911 Haytor 17 501 Indragiri 74.208 Lunas 38.600 Nyalas 36>700 Tapah 80 347
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  • 138 5 Southern Siamese Tin DredKinff Ltd. *i!h «SLiI t, b f n Wblmhi*. in acccruance l, S, k Eju-luumo requirements, of the i «aima. cbjecta. etc. Southern Stam«>e Tin i2000.Hr,,, uh,„ v.,.,0.,0 ~M S, iW|OO llait l,f I, >l( Jj The dir.-ctorat,. it su ,i, of Mr j
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  • 127 5 Loss or 87.312 For The Year Reported. r^>h« re Sl rt 0f ,hr d r r of U» Pung-or ates. Ltd. to »he annual p-enerM mc-Ung of >harehoidd?r* to "t n Fu r ni,n Bu1WIr I- Singapore, on Monday. June 10. vtat es; ,V CC,;r l tS 0r
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  • 44 5 mZSXISS- lh r ictai ttipmrati rrcm Malaya durin m» amounted to 4*> 90" J Ma> _£5s s J-- „nH X rtorks she n increase of 1 254 tons and now vand at 100 017 tons At the MMMBM f sterdav th.. »72aarau-
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  • 170 5 Quiet Alter (German Announcement. Reuter Wireless. London. June 9. meat* H raU rUUn announco feeuritws on h. o, doW ol Grriniin nth M tirp «•<* all. (trd but. aftev «I «d vutlr. H llerally >ptakin marfctn '»p«c« AMERICAN TIN DEMAND. I-nr.dcn. June 8. t" a, r :'Tr WaU
    Reuter Wireless.  -  170 words
  • 164 5 Lou ?1,726: Prop** d. Lew of *he Kul m P.uL'> r E-tut. s [Off 1932 J l7 mh^ 1 reduces tl..- .sum iurr*d forward :JL l rd j:,t prtet realised rti 2 29d P*t lb. Lcndjn lands* terms Accompanying the report are details of a reconstruction scheme
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  • 128 5 Still Ineffective Against Dumping. < 3 SKL^SS?" X3S2S ing fat-;iit,. r,. v the exj goods hi tho of Brk therefore, n ucsted V». ma »t:vc. be aad mi v r^>r mtatioM quate raciiuva' f be™^" 1 for Z >: > >blc d.lay J Ln V th the
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  • 36 5 *>» cropa arc nvirh n Pbf ;;rn r, Mjragt vrtta or: the pnMaten exnenW «nomang «> £371. and Iran fer 5" p y ana fund. Aftci mmm ««rW forward SijU to WIH Meeting. June 6
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  • 570 5 Rubber Shares. Btanpare, Tuesday, a.m. mmm* hare i uo^o M ara ssued by trmuer and Co. and Lyall and Evatt: 'mmm fata*. Fraaar m Shar.4. A CH,. Efm I All nby $0 70 $0 85 $0 75 $0.90 Atoraajan ij, 0M a. Hltam lirt tjs |j6j a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 83 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated ln England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital 12,900.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000.000 Reserve Fund aud Rest 500.000 DEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi. Madras. Amara. Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra, Klrkull. Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and Interest allowed at 2% per
      83 words
    • 86 5 mm i mm SI m\m experience teaches How many things you might h:i\r attained.. how many achievements you might have brought about., if only you had ready cash at that moment when golden opportunity presented itself. Small deposits regularly made soon grow to an appreciable capital, and THE NATIONAL CITY
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    • 186 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated to Straits Settlement!). THE CHINESE THP Hn Hm LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESITSaVJk? LTU CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid 17» imnn« ftftA BBAft Urt.CE. CHINA BUILDING, CHU LIA BTBRET aiv LOCAL BRANCH: 458. BOARD OF DDUDCTORS Cbee Sate Cheng, Esq CThalrman. im H,«?'n Lee Kunt Cblan,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 210 6 6^S[ALHAMBRAI9.IS M.-G.-M. does IT AGAIN Opening To-Night! "CLEAR ALL WIRES'' WtH LEE TRAC V (of "DOCTOR BSNITA HI'ME and UNA MBRKEL. He MMd Murnu umpu»] the n.'«s of the hour— Cut fired— Got arreted, then GOT MARRIED j borough last IT'S I)—l—F—F—E—R—E—N T Something New On the Screen I j
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    • 144 6 ONE NIGHT j 4 ONLY! 1 BROUGHT BACK BY mnm; DEMAND! M-0.-M.*» BRILLIWT KMC OF 194« MEN MUST FIGHT j with PUNA WYNYARD GPENINGTO MORROW Vl Special Ma, ine< /mm The Ordinal. Authentic «L 'KITH of t he world's seuiidal. a 1 convict who is j Sf P tiD in
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    • 151 6 j pavilion «5L years sauciest and nosMauyjh.M,. J,, j WAS HER FACEIILbIfIBB I She v/as surrounded by men, «Rp their arms—and when she ■HSIHr" finally succumbed, there was fe. J You 7/ £cc/ over laughter Fox Film's »::>^>; PLEASURE! CRUISE I GEHEVIEVE ROLAND TOBIN YOUNG Ralph Forbes Una O'Connor J
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  • 455 7 1! Months In Hospital. IM ANTS CLAIM ON INSURANCE CO I 1,1 Xin X Lee Ttm. an ,nrant I,v Kuo Chuan hi, •h!. mm 4 the Xorwiok Union 'durance Society. Ltd., mms yesterday before Si Hn«Wd (Chief Justice). Mr BedwU Terrell and' |fr c Mills. 4 •mmm
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  • 80 7 in* v hich Belonged To Mallory. Reuter. Da.jc ling. June 7. »r Camp Six is now definitely have b longed to Mallory who. "Vinv. I i his iu e ix! previous >np Mount Everest. ,,fd ir a v: ele. c s ccnvtr uaun b~an Andersen, Gc\ erne- «f
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 470 7 Japan's Aggression. SETBAt X TO CUSTOMS REVENUE. Reuter. Thp Shanghai. Jum 11. HE North China Daily New,." hi a leader The North China Daily New..- i„ a bMH ESn-S faCl:: aRd n ur s 5 S Customs Report for 193- says th, v give areeJiyaceurat, mm**
    Reuter.  -  470 words
  • 43 7 A untitled has been received from the World UVCA C-ian-a;.. t Headq Geneva rep- n.m; th mclcfinha po.tpor.-ment of the r2?' 8 CA council mating to which dilegat?.; from S2 eoontriei were Invited TUfci »a* to kt he'.J a. R.king in Oei.)ber BfOri
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 614 7 LATEST ft ARMST^ONCP 'LATR OP ROBINSONS- ommMsio,, Work d rapof rerfur^r^J 0 14^ 11^ 4-11 Eau d r6 ,W Mike, Fancy tea Hand <Wd net I Milk. Lipu-rttftSfw a BiSCUils on> Sausage*"aSJL'S i Wal!!! Marmalade etc? 2 Chlv SHOW ROOMS ORCHARD ROAD TENDERB7 SINUAIHJRE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Trnder. Supply of Heavy
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  • 28 8 A^u v S K i-apers phase copy). It\ AN—Catharine Laura <•-. S 11 S;, h, :k s m^ p M pleas» copy,. n 1 0 **P«*
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  • 560 8 f-x-Marshal Feng Vu Hsiang. tho Christian licneral." has very quickly renounced his resistance to the Japanese. His attitude, as we conIv '.tt the Start was "oPel**»ith .Nanking making peace with the •Japanese pc; free. and other districts JWJWriat, he had no chance of offering elective opposition. It
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  • 230 8 Comments By The Way. A' Singapore is connected to Eiirop® by air thnueh Hie enterprise of the Royal Aw-» ai n Un lh<> of the lmpeiIhI Airways liner to Seletar on Saturday is still a P r.rnt It can be said with justice tnst In m
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  • 105 8 T H j of d,]. 3 upon toUtnaUaW njppui at the nnpnine mbmUn -fu^i„riW an d eCos d -fYt d 3l l succeed in their eflortr^o to the wrmmmt problem Yrh 2? I so lu ion to «crid. 7he dSeSie, s n 7 r fa?ed however. loom jus
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  • 142 8 A? BR N .;v- a f* h rcpla nun ber o? the lav 2?* in the June v<ry inters «tetoal J Urna! subject ha, con 0n r nt C om.-nandeeSSfS 5 SurBeon tn charge of the n-edica,\ Un an wno mmi Base. Mete wnisation at the of people
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  • 36 8 riecirlc fan. i»a S de mid ImSR has be,: "urdajs simple imprisonmen:. 3*2« trunk fell of his head on frl H the cro n serious. *"oa>. His condition is not
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  • 86 8 the a member Mr Lee mm Hoc" an 1 of c Oerahty. K .C. Mr Ju p Perak. stated thi" simt i mrlal Ass K.nee. b-en thlrteTn "fi there had made in Perak. adjudication order* Anson an? Imr^, o riL oi ransfer to ™uk Deteeuvo jj? JiJLff* Oheo Ben*
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  • 100 8 b, u k ,TpX"T, v,, d s ,n:,lspowd Luncheon uill be 2 t Ut 930 »*ksun. afteruard Rl U Lod 8C PlJrl 1» *v The members of the ■<? ri, a h.reue Loan S-en. pn .v-der.t. at the KinJ *10 T. Skeen ha- been l£2 nf COrße V School.
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  • 36 8 Residents of the Rp n .t«i ■Jh* have ,uS gS S 01 Uie ■into. 3Ai mm was hi h fltH Graham-, n ,w Bt Mr Gord Hut hinson offi-iat d U US and th <> R*v.
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  • 18 8 «o act 5- a^<Amm has b»en ap,JJJS, sffar5 ffar bin W** Ofueer £I.™ u p E
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  • 18 8 Butl-r V s 1u,,M51, ng of Mes-rs. hr Euk-r «111 b- ch«i,m.„ E n u Mr.
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  • 415 8 By VJ-OOKER^ON" The local Traflfc Bill sv-.n «0« that on. lauth of makes the whole world A A brand new "End of R sign has appeared in n,- i r Who will be the first t o The sub-editors bee I• wants another war, Sholdft if place
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 Crocks! r-( (tj Frocks! Viyella for Frocks! 5" t:. mu*m fiirti to mmtt mmd st tHomj_ m a i c p Viyella Fabrics. Always »ovn witb plain-toned v- .i s Cay checks and strips match cxac ly i v thllia of a l the smart cnvmbls that surest*. ■TTLE PAMUd
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    • 123 8 MBHHNIdi ■■sbal^Br I Pianos For Cire And Hire Purchase. i I j SEASON CO., LTD., j i 113, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. j Whether They R e Dainty Wrist Watches for Udfa. OH sturih (mm tm riiHUiimm Atagri c all At: YICK WOH HING 42«. Nt»rli Bridge Road. ♦Near Midale
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  • 196 9 HISTORIC CEREMONY IN LONDON. OPENING OF THE ECONOMIC CONFERENCE. "We Must Not Fail; Practical Proposals To Meet Urgent Necessities. History was made in London yesterday when the Kinodared ope the World Economic ConfLence which cuscuss trade problems and methods of sol vine em. Ihe
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  • 1544 9 Reuter. London, June 12. INTENSIVE efforts on the part rerybody concerned—Bureau Is, furnishers, decorators and a I Other busy workers— succeed"i in rendering the Geological 'Blhoroughly well equipped for pCßing of this afternoon's great On I dais at the top end of the Ay hall
    Reuter.  -  1,544 words
  • 199 9 Bird's-Eye View Of The City. Reuter JHE "ASTRAEA." the Imperial Airways mcnoIrom ICh L% 4on «™f flight to Auatr.Ua. in connection with J the existing service from 2TT?Sh*JS2SS furtner w Air **<*»*ncy the Governor at Seletar Air Base yesterday evening Lad? Wh mM by 2,^
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 209 9 Expected To Arrive Here On June 20. Dr. Lanka Sundaram. who recently Hit Kuala Lump\r for Saigon with a view learning a: first hand the dlfflculiie, of the Chettu r bankui>. commun.ty in t.icir moneUr. transaction* m that coun.rv. is exp.*cied to arrive ln Singapore on the
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  • 66 9 Authoritative Statement Made In London. Reuter. Niw Ycrk, June 13. Complete British d.fault on the drb". ir. ulmrnt dur on Jun r 15. m probable unless Mi nd.iv'i Cabinet Meeting reached a frtsh decision, according to wha b dcsrnUid as an au'heriU tre statement rrade In In.Ud
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 186 9 Complainant's Memory Said To Be Affected? an 1 0 19 to rme lost his mmmZ SATS of ln *™> ln accident was the complainant in a case th*t ?Mr Tl s?* !*55 the I wtrSTjiSi «Mr. H A. Porrer) to-day The accused. Urn Bok. a mosquito- bus
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  • 32 9 Reuter. Washlngton. "June 12. Ihe of Representatives has adjourned until noon to-morrow, thus btockln- mw possibility of ending the present m Mor of Congro to-night as President Roosevelt drsircd —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 229 9 Aim Achieved. PACT DELEGATES SMILE. Reuter Wireless. jm T;nv ..,> mvoi conlerence ha< *W"* its aim and the parties he buildin» smiling Its object was to enable Britain and America to "sextain bow little sevuritv France c, !:vsi,l to reduce her heavy land armaments. J is aadentood that the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  229 words
  • 99 9 Surrounded D.v Mob In Thompson Road. T,'' T' 5Ual lnrid?nt b irred in Thompson Read at about 8 ociock last night following cn accident. niotor c driv kno». ked down 3P elderly Chinese, and when he pulled up to endei &*&l:tancc he was surrounded bv a mob n^
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  • 99 9 Judgment Postponed To Friday. Judgment on the charge cf defamaion h«v. l i_ which should have been delivered this morning by postponed untU Friday. June 16. His worship regretted that ha was unable to arrive at a decision as ft Leembruggen is alleged to have writ*en a he
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  • 74 9 Secures Votes Of German Workers. Reuter Wireless. Oenevm. June 8. The Ituhan Senator. Signor Demiehelis. has **en elected Chat-man at the opening of the session of the International Labour Conference although the workers" group abstained rrm on th? ground that he is a Fascist. The O rman
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 83 9 rvf t X ty beforr the fourth Magistrate Mr. j. 8 Ra*lings) this morning to a charge or rash and negligent driving, a 'mosquitobus driver was fined $15. ™1 c the cutcome of an accident Ortween the a citted's bus and a car driven by Mr. o.
    83 words
  • 88 9 Warrant For Athens Detective Head. Reuter Wireless. Athens, June 8. A haS issUfd for the arrest of hfcrt" 0 t! Uie Athec detective force on a Vtntar'i'-SuuJ wi: h eli tt6nipt l> Athens. June 3. c^- b S cxcitcmcnt is notlcable to CD emiowclal Greek new» agem,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 41 9 PoIicc Take Swift Action After Anti-Jew Excesses. Reuter. Vienna, June 12. PnH 1U K.*i^ h u have cc up ed th P Brown rio x by nS 0 y/^ nna {ullcwi foffltfturs -Renter Jtw 3 and
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 934 9 NO ALLIANCE WITH SOVIETS. Maintaining Order. l>ut Against Japanese And Traitors. Shanghai, June IS. of Gen. Ho Ving Ching (Commander of the janktog Forces in North China) and Humiig Fu (Chairman of the Peiping Political Reorganisation Committee) have wired from Kalgan that -en. Peng Yu Hsiang, the
    934 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 239 9 j FILLING A LONG FELT WANT 1 AYLMER INFANTS FOOD fill i I :i long felt need for infants, j m\ mmmZAt*. invalids and others requiring size AYLMER I W IXFAXTS FOODS consist of H v 1 il% lhe ltowt n tural fruits and X 'mlfcf Mm\ ve f strained
      239 words

  • 120 10 Boxing At Olympia. FRENCHMAN FAILS TO HEAT BROWN. Reuter. SERIES of important bouts were fought at Olympia last night, th? principal fights ending as follows. T Lor.d-n, June 13. 1 a OfUen-round c-ntest for the 5. han 'P ,cns *»P of the world. Jacki?F™£e> c «tPo.nteU
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 504 10 Post Office IV at (Jovt. Monopolies. and ?h„M2S2 P artments tne Post.,l and the .Aionopohes. tried conclusions with each mm y sterday at the Ans:n Road Stadium, m the n—.Hlal C t P CompetUuTn Ihere WM httl, to choos, be-tween "he two from tne run of play,
    504 words
  • 51 10 RP. Beat T.H. Girls' School. tiejiilt I,s ,r n r> Sivorpr. J B 1 names metioned first. Tan beat {J+EFtZ** Ml* Betty MIXED DOUKTve. Ju.* 5 IS I2 KathermT. ££afL, Chee »"d Won, X.m No 21 -p jj u^' 1 a »<» Miss •«»d Miss Pairv Chua a
    51 words
  • 38 10 Australia v. South Africa. Reuter. London. June IS. AT thi Queens Club to-day. In the Davis Cup IB quarter-Mrals. Klrby and Faiquhar. on Africa, beat McOrath and Crawford. .Au~ mmm) 6—4. 6—4. 6—4 Reutei
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 63 10 i25 O.O.C mens monthly medal »as .-aycri on Saturday and Sunday, and the fallowing were thr best returns Sq L. A E Barr-S:m n_ J. H. Peacock 2 n C. C. Collom i W. A. Fo/ur J Lieu:. C M. Keblc 5 "l"*" n d Lieut
    63 words
  • 7 10 B—6. Amm A Tay'or
    7 words
  • 236 10 Accused Placed I nder Arrest On Water-Boats. triedT sc °< P° s »«*i°n of arm. were •ried b, the District Judge Mr H a veterday momic* mimTm the IhkH Tnoune c. v, mmTmmmTZ*' tato ,cr .J* was one kg wh:ch Inam w"t r T TZid hC Was
    236 words
  • 195 10 Anniversary Of The Friendly Bands. mX tllc Straits Chll **c possess high musical and ir—Ul talent was again demoLtranuV' ,a urday night at th. Q of STSLZIS Girls- School when lhp "J 3 Mens ,15th, and the Oirls ,iOth> w£mi Band jointly celebrated their anniversary > a »ell-prepared
    195 words
  • 102 10 Lady Huggard And Mrs. Laing In Final. *J for the final of the ladies- champioohln >f "H at Bukit Tlmah Jvesterday P Th«. s mi-finals resulted as follows Mrs. Laing beat Mrs. Hardie 4 and 2 Mbß 4 and 2 A DIVISION. Mrv Hrlmes-Smith 4fi Q 48 a
    102 words
  • 39 10 Result Of Yesterday's Junior T.T. r_ Loudon. June 12. B Junior Tuu.l.t Tr p v llc|d m t r«uNcd a, follow 1. W-ods Norton Hunt 1 Norton I. a Guthrie (Norton*. All three v ed Castrol lubricants
    39 words
  • 115 10 Tclok Ayer Epworth League Function. ■2?! AiVr WWWIH LeaKUo lit-jd the.r nrs: grand pknlc of the year on n >. Mr Aw Boon Haw s bungalow Pal mi at About 50 leaguer, and %2?Sf2 another me result were as follows: INDIES EVENTS vJITS ■»>''«»: I Misses NVi
    115 words
  • 230 10 Ten Goals Scored At Jalan Besar. ■THERE MN msm goals yesterday at the Jalan tatJTIL Stadium in the Commercial Cup inrt th h ?22 the iVillava Publishing Bowe SLn i atK Pftrokum Company, no fewer than_,en being scored. The Pushers were' JR Br Wn refereed and the
    230 words
  • 39 10 J» till 111 ties will be played <n th 1 «?Im,-h ICns tennis tournament--MUkr U cwe .5 TeO Kc g 154 V. Tuesday. June 20 Dr T w v. C D. Smuh plus 2 Wee mve 153
    39 words
  • 8 10 C l. F Wl, >v n
    8 words
  • 174 10 M.C.C. CABLE TO AUSTRALIA. Leg-Theory l phe d FUTURE TESTS ir STAKE. Reuter. London. June [g F E(I theory bowling is the Rarylebone CC in th hy Ot a 700 word cable in !i Australian Board of c£ against 'body line" bowlbg. l It
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 112 10 Sequel To Orchard Road Accident. H. G. Stennim. a European, ur.*:,,. ,d eiore tne Four.h ?.!;gistrate «Mr. G S Rawlingsi this morning en a charge of rash md negligent driving. He corned trial and the case mm tmV T-oned until Juno 17. The case -he eilcome
    112 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 pi KU M gjj II a fir. st j I n miU for u y 'c r *ur; ,1 Ma safety. U ~re cf «aatf] Pan KUM V ai taps*. U would by Packed m special vSS*' ng tn ta p5 5j -iSBT aane am v ..:i. .r gg crr;
      79 words

  • 763 11 Accident Sequel. KHASON TO TAKE WRONG SIDE. L John Angus, the European attached to the Singapore >f t till*', who was charged with i\ i]"* and driving on the wrong i 'V road, was acquitted by the Magistrate (Mr. J. S. Raw- yesterday. !m- case was the
    763 words
  • 57 11 AT THE CINEMAS. on^K-ays^n prog r a 'The Cohen. »f 2 "JSTL^'-Sf Norma %ZJS?&T- Th In the rirst show at. 7 .1 n r 4 tnr- ..-ri 7.4a p.m. a sclent UsSeT n of shits R0P sh «hen a Pr Si™ u Jl^t ="<"«* h
    57 words
  • 62 11 I*lot Against .Manchuria And Japan? Changchun. May 17. The nurrepchtan police. In a statement mad» y Clen Honalh. leader of the White Russians In China and at present a political refugee in Peking, with plotting against Manclit&uo and Japan. O. ir. Russian, were also charged with an aJcg-.d
    62 words
  • 746 11 Amazing Allegations. ADVISED TO T\KE HOLY BATH. A maz ""< «»<*ations of i„ uccency were mack- against the chief Pnest (a Siamesu monk hv a m d iSt t m| C in Si »""l*>" > a marned woman. when the f ZT, '-fore the Second Magistral, ,Mr
    746 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 122 11 I THE NEFlifslw TO-NIGHT TALKIES TO-NIGHT "Lin injttie Rough" «51 ICE CREAM TO ALL EVERY MONDAY AM) THURSDAY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. f i f ia »"»^»s»w*saMHi»^reag 5 B g gßßSßaare Arrest the Progress ==E oi that COUGH I it may linger and 3■ I mmi to something serious CoY I
      122 words
    • 159 11 The Original is prepared from the Juice of Sun Ripened Californian Oranges. Refuse imitations. It is inimitable. Phone 6354. !Rac& Horse j Insurance AT J LOW RATES WITH V I absolute: security I Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Jj 1 EL. 5144. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Safe for Children's Coughs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
      159 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 562 11 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAV. JUNE 13 5 15 pm —Headquarters A" <MO Coy Sai.d table exerct'e. 5 15 P.m.—Headquarters. Armoured Car Sectiu.i 8eetlor» Parade. :> 15 P m —Headquarters. 2nd Br Sig Section Lecture— Signalling. TO-MORROW. JUNE 14. p m Head quartcrs. D" Coy P'.aioon
      562 words

  • 84 12 GUN PRACTICE. Owners and masters of shipping a-e re-m* to k»ep their ve:se!s as clear of th J porjible duru-., U» "ro™, np 1™" 05 5 «I" <«0 place 'n June 13 to 23 incisive rrm™ Suber n m. each day. commencing
    84 words
  • 104 12 ir»'* Ccnte nos«o" <i a''an \f« < cn Thursday trorn'nt- r'n m"*£i J Ue hw m r z Sa M dt l Vtn rp ani SU Z The Marin Fanuj'D" «s rxu-r u a-rhor in the Head' on and r fr<m Yokohama K be Shane Hcrpxong. Che
    104 words
  • 91 12 Singapore. Junr 13 niIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Oate 1) S:ba;ak 20. Main Wharf .Entrance Gate 3) K I Kuala .6 vp M u :i TaoOMSjsji Maru 11: Kedah 7. Empire Dock T ifanr* o«> 3» t:eel Sca.'r.rer 3C: Jirartut 32 Empire Dock «Entrarce Gate tl
    91 words
  • 62 12 Wmm M»4M ■hy the Fei xll dua. Oangapnrs a; 7 a a.. r-morrow by the Kumsana dv» at Bnopparo ;.t 6.a.m. on Thursday Nlails frcm Batavia und Palembaiig by aero. •vie are v |h, General Post Ofnc> Suuaporj. at 2>j p lo a Frorrs China and Japan
    62 words
  • 110 12 What It Means To South Africa. Reuter Wireless. dp?;own. June 7. thT2 M ni 9° am n to maintain gLfg l j*** l outlined by Mr. j hi* budget statement in M>it e cf Vp from lh< at* mining inJostn T.ica ax. slJd Mr Pr.tnck D.ncan M-niV-.SoSo U
    Reuter Wireless.  -  110 words
  • 75 12 Tax On All Sales Of Cotton C jntracts. Reuter. Washington. June 12. .2**. Sfnat the Farm Credit Administration Bill which has already passed u#e ct with a provislcn anting the Cotton Future, Act kvySg upon Jr Jiu C cc:Uract tax of one cent l*r bate involKed in any
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 187 12 SELLING. Singapore, June 13. London 4 months' sight 2 4 132 London 3 months' sight 2 4 Lond n GO days' tight 2 3 31,32 London 30 day.- right 23 15 London demand 23 2932 London T.T. 1 22 Lyon* and Paris demand 98 0 Hamburg demand 165
    187 words
  • 167 12 Singapore. June 13. p !S£s SL" Cra 1 NT 1 P er Koyan $111 B. biam n i W Bmm h 2 IS Rice, Slam Old" per koyan No. 1 JITO Hue. Sum Old" No 2 iSJSo. v! Rice.SSat.on: t .on OT. i J > 5 Rice. Baojo* 3
    167 words
  • 17 12 Mattcrn Dazed By Petrol Fumes. Reuter Wireless. B f m* in the ft* pipe JUne
    Reuter Wireless.  -  17 words
  • 104 12 ALHAMBRA.— "Clear All Win CAPITOL. Men Must Rght." EMPIRE.--Tarzar.-the Ape Man.GREAT WORLD.-side shows. Cabaret Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. silent and takstL x m ;V Sky Ta:k,c: W(st BroadwayStar Talkie: "College Love". -Tcm Mix :n My Pal The J«»W WOMJ>--4»d« shows. "Ghost Train." open-air cinema*, Mam, aperaa. earner wavangs. cabaret
    104 words
  • 138 12 Suggested Alteration In The Law. Reuter Wireless. Londcn. June 8. Striking recommendations for th; n a gambling m Britain are contained in th. leport of ihe Royal Commission on I and Betting which concludes thai turn-over 10 -day probably equals thai recent dat? and is much r,'eater U
    Reuter Wireless.  -  138 words
  • 87 12 Result Of Spanish Political Imbroglio. Reuter Wireless. Madrid. Junt 8. The Premier, Seror Azana, has trndercd the resignation of the Cabinet because the President has d'dined to adopt tho proposal to rt ousti>utD the Cabinet before consulting with the other groups. The President .recently lias b t the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 113 12 T— maaau FRA/ER AKOTHEJI SHIPMENT! I; CA SANOVA, THE GREATEST LOVKK OF ALL TIMF w TUMIMIII By ARTHUR MA. .IF' I wnat d! licary even m ;",aarity at I they eon rued to bring to th tr abandon CNE STOUT VOLUME OF 1.000 r.'.GES. PRK E S. .00. POST FREE
      113 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 233 12 POSTAL INTELLIGENCE I SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Selat Pandjaii".. B nstkali.s. Siak. PaKan Ba.or. Port de Kack and Padang tHo:i3 Kwcng> 3 p.j. Selat Pardjang. Dengjcahs a- d Ba ,a.i Si Api Api iHcng Thong» 3 pji U-. :i5 :<aiis. Lab:ea:i Bilik and Tand.on* B»!" <Re;eh> 3p :n Bangkok (Dukan
      233 words
    • 232 12 day i' WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. j j TO-DAY. JUNE I] Hlsn Tides.-1.22 a.m.. 2.16 p m Committee Meeting. Keppe] or League Football: Div. I, R y Road. s (l ansa* TO-MORROW. JUNE M High Tides.— 2.20 a.m., 401 nm Rctary Luncheon. Adclphi Hotel 1 Dm League
      232 words

  • 496 13 Story Of How Paper Was Closed. r Mr Harh.n, May U, ■nearer, of t Mam-hukuo ■wt with Mr. c. Lenox Simpson i Prta or of Harbin Herald, a blllnguai which 1, about three-quarters Russian to Intflab has caused a sensation The 1 1 have for some time
    496 words
  • 108 13 How The Orange Trade Started In Spain. to T mn X p° rt f 50 CaseS of to Dan .Rogers and Co. of Liverpool as ir r::,, ru ,n th, middle of J* a trad, Much is now worth many annually, it s reported here Iwo French ■MilllHi
    108 words
  • 304 13 Progress In Difficult Year. M ajmnaj mm* IU th ommm a nu re u, ;h„ iv """""ancc ot the economic depressum ?»MilM im mm* and its mevitableXt membersSTSE the ""*tmcnt of new members has been heavier than durinir the «01l cr the Society s new Pellows. thanks
    304 words
  • 101 13 »Oman Shopkeeper's Frantic Search. Cologne h.L TIT*". shopke eper in a Rhin?land tor n deposited the day's taking in her dustbin intending to pay tnt m mtQ the opened next day. Morning came, and the servant, oblivious •Le e tn l ,thr 101 had become a "aVaif
    101 words
  • 120 13 Death Follows Months Of "Fatal" Fever. Mtar Alice Tolan. a 20-year-nld Mexican girl aho amazed doctors by remaining alive »ith a temperature of 112 degree*, ha* now dted Medical men say that 107 degree., is usually considered fatal. The doctors at the Los Angeles Oeneral Hospi-al state tha'
    120 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 318 13 SMOKERS! VOl H SMOKE A BETTER \ROM A TIC. GET IHOM LS! g just released Lerge stocks of fresh superior cjuality XNILI.IN STICKS and Wil l IN POWDEB& Vanillin Stick will do the rest. lieed end mixed with your < igejnettei and Tobaccos. ««t odour, nice taste and the mouth
      318 words
    • 162 13 Building vigorous young bodies. f&k wise mothers f* make HORLICK'S an essential part of JkjT^^^ their children's diet Jhe ■nillhltaj "malted > b«ley and whea,. Horlick s provides R-I .VLSS f»_- b~ .he e„e„" *■*<. vouns HoRLICK'S £S& 'S THE ORIGIN AI MALTED MILK t^S^Stfj 'Available B.,„ wmtr€ j^^^fi HOMJCKB
      162 words

  • 276 14 B Aggressive." NO FRATERNISING IN U.S. New York. A to avoid -fraternLM,,, .reai s p «*r to develop "a a f i hls a PPeal ft, to give the game power. P drawing Never before have we faced more stnnecn* LLrr 'n ring Rnd be ueciarcd.
    276 words
  • 252 14 End Of A Search Of 40 Years. is the best joke ever made For forty years now Fergy." jovial, cheeked twinkllng-eyed little Scot, has beer, jotting down in a little book all the funnies, things he has heard The new curate asked an old parishioner
    252 words
  • 60 14 Six stitches were put in a man s heart when w "tmS:! knowS Th °i the rarest °l*»*>' 1 known. The mar/s heart had been bad.--nolnln tfd WhPn a fe OW Work who was He was taken, unconscious, to the hosnlK' cE operatior ssss aeny.
    60 words
  • 322 14 Radio Message. THEN SILENCE: AND DEATH. Thip mm m w hington. April 24 !L 1 an aPParent by the lust kr n l out S3S message just before it crashed off the New Jersey rol on April 4 was recounted ZE^J^£s court of inquiry instigating the disaster
    322 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 201 14 AUCTION SALE. CHEONG^HOON^ SENG CO? AUCTION SALE OF IAM ABLE BWGAPOM TOWN ft C OI'NTRV PROPERTIES Cheon g KoonSen K& Co.,Salo- r oo m X O 3 0. chuiia mm, On Wednesday, June 14, at 2.30 p.m. MORTGAGEES* S\LE 2 Toe, Ouan Sir,,,. -irJwsT 999 —>—< >r -no. ,00. D
      201 words
    • 119 14 jGUINNESS IS THE BEST? BUT BE SURE IT'S "DOG S HEAD" GUINNESS STOUtJ j j k i i. i i i i i i I STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY, 1 '~,n wniJ (Eaabll hcd in 1914). T Stationers and Repairers M-A. Change Alky. C -£2SS a SSST t Moderate. I I
      119 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 215 14 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. Brtttih Rroadcasting C orporation. P "SK»yg*gf '™IA (INCLUDING ESS* «7« 4V rjMl SETTLE' FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventrg, England ?5 28 and 31 S metre*, i f S 1 fo,lcw,n 'r«,tienrlr. and ware. 555, ln th* U the Indi. 70Be Announcements will
      215 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 'You only have to lock at tis to see what you needthe energy food-drink, Bourn ville Cocoa' tvery member of the family needs the extra nourishment that BournviUe Cocoa gives, but the need is probably greatest in middle. .^S^^v *c. Then energy begins to flag. Then the power of
      128 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 210 16 |m HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Mras Basah R»ad. SINGAPORE. Ii you are in need of elect, ie ii. Ms, fans, motors, etc., and I Wator service, please write to j th« above address or 'Phone TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SUNG LIM
      210 words
    • 590 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROOJIESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—744 and 748, Grove Road. Rent $U0 Apply No. 15, Boat Qua.". TO LET—3. Ramsgate Rd oft* Orov Rd. c ose to KPtong Park. Key to inspect from X bod 1. Hamsga c Road, or 3. Margate Road Particulars Tat No.
      590 words
    • 533 16 NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that my wife. Chla Choo No. having left my house on the 30th May if 33. is no longer und-r my protec lon or care and that I shall rot be .responsible for any acta dene or debts incurred by her as from that date. LEE KIM
      533 words
    • 363 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE-Four D. C. Linotype Motors, each y> H.P., all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager, Malaya Tribune, 56;60, Anson Road. CHEAP SALE STOCK CLEARANCE Siam teak-wood in all sizes. JONG THYE HENG, IM, LAVENDER STREET. 'Phone '»617. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. 61 of land
      363 words
    • 426 16 j j article I 111 C«»fi«lvii Cv I I !|»w m:i,j t,.„ Xt MALAYA TRIBUNE. 'PHONE 6171. by ASCRIPTION RATES. I IYABLE IN ADVANf Delivery Including i at office n lostage or close (Loca! cr residence. PJUj Yearly $15.00 t2l on Half-Yearly 7.50 s °o ?J Quarterly s 3 75
      426 words