Malaya Tribune, 5 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 37 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN. MALAYA. \t>i XX. A* lot SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday June 5, 1933 The Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 DFSDS U you desire milk as near to the Bneet, pore, fresh, paaturixed t dan, milk as can be obtained in any part ot the world STSd try HJk: I 111 Ktini J POWDERED MILK. 8 all Leading Provision Dealers. I =zz=zzzz=r The AUSTIN 10-4 ROADSTER. I A two-seater smart
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    • 213 1 A. FLINTfcR 6. Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every lize and quality. Selling -A iatont and lowest market pri Abo buying gold coins aad gold omann ata of eve rj cla :tnti quality paying high c s L price* according to daily exchange rates. i dbdb«*QCai
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  • 220 2 International Trouble Not Feared. Moscow. April 27. situation in Chinese Turketian Sinking Feisul of Ii728E0 CM CMFC MMtT' has broken out. is an lucratively stated i:« Chinese circles here to be in no way likelv to assume international proportions. Sino-Scviet relations in Sinkiane art-, it is
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  • 60 2 Motorist Knocks Down Cyclist And Steals Machine/ .shed down the s*re tmH k,<» l. aaatarial a££ cut o \T y cyclit •Uatad to -c,:d m -ov fr car and M 1 nis c arelessA.s th e f.a.'cd 'orth m« MMaa, the recovering his Dlcked m H
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  • 21 2 rorty Thousand Words On A l^stcard. Herr M is?on nf Munich. ha* a 1» 1 Pirmasens Palat'nato) tat in'iJ'th^'a'po^
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  • 43 2 Fkmtov Bombay. < laiaju- 'net-iphorically hanging out Us' v'h a scare r #2 father ha.s coincided rater taa na m 15 gciag to ha. th-Vefo. *V n Xt few He slKUld b! f r^ o ,ed :!KIC d d that < he
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  • 160 2 Conciliation Treaty Signed- The Hague. April 19. A TREATY of conciliation and arbHratlon between the Netherlands and was rigned here to-day. This treaty which is the •jnly on oi the sort concluded up to now by Japan, pro-, ides for the institution of a permanent lonciliJon committf>e
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  • 94 2 Hollywood Film Stars Are Cyclists Now. Los Angles. fto! rtty. fashionable 'P 0 has dipped the It is bicycling! Arr.Jng new erthu-ia'ts arc Mrs Harold Ltoyd i MiWrpd t>a\ ls>, Jen Cn>i5'rd. st Helen Twelvetrees. Bebe Daniels W rNa* *1**!%' WaItrr Huston Jat "°lt. Conrad 'and John Boles.
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  • 81 2 licari Taken Out And Put Back. ha** vJlt :rl 2? taScen PUt of w-uj .evn .ip and replaced—and h- is bM This extraordinary operation has been uerfcrwj a; the P.ochus Hospital. Budaptu to the Neve Freie Presse of Vienna' huilsclf "WaHl tho he r. v.uh a When
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  • 75 2 Vienna. Jn-- T h ucdovits. lsrdlcrd of an inn in thJ*2 Of > oterKur.n. Poland Aw J to tammu m the district for E strength When a gypsy troupe arrived wi.h a i*rtonnlng bear. Godovitv a tn:iUTS mmST* JJ ha:, he could defeat the bear i
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  • 571 2 Dunlop-Southport 1.500 Guineas. London, May 11. 10 commB over fom Belgium for th Dunlcp-Southpoc* 1500 ovintta ►ournamrnt made a spectacular re.'um to natch play. He g.Mn d first place bracketed with A H h rrT Ir. thfrhP d) with a ««*0 Of 143 in .he qualifying competition.
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  • 742 2 If Doctors Had Their Way. THS human body is a veritable museum oi marvels, but •is a little tiny bi of it— aacut tJ.e size of a cherry—which surpasses all the rest in the wonder it compels. Walkins about this world are fciants and
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  • 70 2 Police Rushed To Fashion Show. j London. Ontario r.ddln, ZZm ttn,cUons -"vertlwd was bride and tTSLSS* "«"""«y when— the tleo ebewh ""»t had been T"h* patrons of th» ejaculations. •«d the exhibit aire in 5 1 mf,ee ensu «l The police arrived a T r f d «*™ction.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 ORIErSTAIj" GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN INDIA 1874). HEAD OFFICE:-BOMBAY j «❖<► j Life Assurance is a Real Necessity. Oriental Life Office. I Dear Sir, KuaJa I n- your **t of my late husband's Tri e IWfii pJS r,;iim under you for the sum, IwihSS 5? tion
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    • 351 2 WHITE A WAY'S I BACKUTO PROSPERITY S AXiE IATM Ĕ TURKISH BATH TOWELS I fIAA/Lf C Whico Turkisn Bath iffltLS bmm Quality soft a „d absorbent Special J™** 1^ SALE PRICE $2.40 each. c; ATt St p ßici PLAIN PILLOW CASES. Oi good washing Calico £§k3lp S f ggfl V^^^^/
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  • 127 3 TtN, truce has hern chelated by .lrUums and if we are to believe COM r.ut nf his retirement and ;th the title of Liberator ill be broken as Eoon as thj In th; intrival it i.- to be B I h
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  • 69 3 rv KE posttma is. .hertfare. tliat China I 1 farced rTicially to ace pt the ProvtoCCa as an accomplished ana a nation divided against t v t an of Japan's no signs of diminshing. The •rtahl is that Japan has j •bj end of her scheming. Wha:
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  • 67 3 'I' D ti production w.iuld I 1 foe Malaya rtpresents a H doubt th* sm lters Bfl all ir furnaces at fud due* on the other hand will oe rceT o Jell s*»r*«taSS SSgastta-tSS it SUCC-SS suggeets a sohricn cf the compji- problp the control of the
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  • 136 3 TJR. Thorn had WMttMn veiy impoita-v to sa y tin pools-th.> talk in certain '-ens v, London abou: a buflTr pool whfchtb, F M.S. Go, rntnuu might beTauc'd J tak a ..hare of seme thousands of tons of Mn. In regard to tkH su«ttaav tmmTlmt Jtcti, convinced
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  • 61 3 lirHAr us hearu-nlng to the average rub'j-r ff grow.r is (hat the Dunlop concern, which n or hss unique by na comoir.aiion cf planting and manufacturing acUrttfei m one tkro, lias now con-c ntrated on imturing methods in onkr to plac vtb "i the marke. by mass
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  • 590 3 apt. Sir M. \V. S. Bruce To Be Married. Capita S:: iciiael VV. S. Bruce. he '••■tii- »1 ti n is to marry Miss Eliza- < r FI:;nm?r younger uaugh'er of Mr P. Wes bourne Crescent. H"de Pcic -ii i..> adven'urous career Sir i *f'- -'.any strange places
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  • 316 3 There Are Wrong Ways To I'ost Letters. The easiest thing in the world, one might be excused for thinking, would be poetin* a letter. and this is "officia'. —there are more than 400.000 people in London alone who, every week, fail tc post a letter properly. They are
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  • 103 3 Urges Compromise With Socialism. Montreal. Sir Arthur Bp***, the well-known British has received an honorary degree cf LL. D. at McCHB University at a special convocation. Afterward? Sir Artiiur delivered Ufe) annual Massey Pourdati«:n address on the subject of Modern Mechanisation and is effects on the
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  • 109 3 Man Who Sentenced Sacco And Vanzetti. Boston. Juctee Webster Thayer who in 1927 senlenced Sacco and Vanzetti. the anarchists to death, has died at the age of 75. In September last year Judge Thayer's heme at Worcester, Mass., was destroyed by an explcsion. The judge was unharmed
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  • 1072 3 iMANAGER FINED «250. Magistrates. Comment. Failure To Make A Deposit. T llli ease .imiiim -Mr. A I Durr.i» H Sg—f l fitaelof oj the Haaaal rraal Mutu.,l jr,„t lu-iu-ut AsMHiiaticn, Limited Luh„; r V n,K uu mZmtZ i WJjct curt, on Waaaeaaty lhe a,«*-,a1i0,, ,s undet,t..,[
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  • 263 3 Last Of Park Lane 1 atricians. suiting iaaaTattJE! 5? doctor*, dentists and OajaaT teu ing L thU H ill iT. He sa>T^ n i ind favour his aja* he ShS h C Park La:. sentiment «ppIL«I,v I That and 68 oru to Uaj Law. %18U>lt aPPeararxe
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  • 143 3 Purchases For Work 01 (Jirl Student. One huncued and forty of the pictures exhibited hay.- been aaai !■> an aggregate total of £5.420 since the opening of the Rnyal Academy S .miner Show. This Includes ftve purchases under the Chantrty bequot amounting to nearly £1 000 Among the
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  • 72 3 Non-l»oIitkal Dtsi-ns In New Is>U(\ Madrid. Nvw ior 2o p-seUi <10-> of a nature will shortly be placed m circulation here. They will bear no emblem either cf the Republic or of the Monarchy On the face cf the banknote- there i.> to te the hand of
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  • 52 3 Impatient Crowd Wrecks Railway Station. Istanbul A holiday crowd has almost wrecked the railway station at Boudja. near Smyrna. i Annoyed because they considered tha- QOf ennugtv trains vere behig n:n ih? people Hun stoner. smaslicd windows and a'together did a treat deal of damage to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 240 3 i*€r\d for/trial Orc&p r\ow' r jf** rail Brand Coffee. Do you take Swan Brand C >flV* if rwv. v delicto™ Drink En th! mark? Be C -<H ?i*2 lofl,n the T st Principle fr«n selected X on TRY IT TO-DAY. ft Is Blwaya unchaagia* in taste and flavour. I-Yoe from
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  • 654 4 Shipping News Notices. DEPTH SOUNDING EQUIPMENT. Radio Device Installed On Sheaf Lance. rpHE firrt radio sounding device to be ln.-talled x in the Far East was built into the radi I k of the Sheaf Lance Immediately before her departure from Shanghai recently for Chinwangtao. The vessel, chartered by the
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  • 175 4 Proceedings Against Master Suggested. The precaiious posidon that consignees of poultry are placed in was stressed by Mr. G. K. Hall Brutton in the Central Police Court. Hongkong, recently, when he appeared before Mr. Wynne-Jon s. to defend two Chln•aa poultry dealers' fokis who were charged with
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  • 39 4 Tn Canton. May 22 near tW m <* JTmTLI X n Chuen a Kapll PUUng with water, the "Chan Wan. sank so quickly that 19 J. v g not be y 2Sf "irxeen or them were saved.
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  • 471 4 Specially Built for Shallow Waters. IjESSRS Ah King of CWw.y Bay have IVljust complatofl and handed over to the Hongkon: ZZ shallow drift launch far Police duty > n the "h£T River and the shallows of ST The launch, which has been built to the dcsi K
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  • 158 4 Inventor Of Easy Method Of Tide Reckoning. An able seaman has just demonstrated before the Royal Society of Arts a device which he ha designed for calculating the tides. He is J. Patteson. of HM S. Hcod. and h» was invited by the Society to receive the prtz?
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  • 427 4 Anomaly Owing To U.S. Non-ratification. OWINO to the fact that as yet the United SUtes have not ratified the Safety of Life at Sea Convention. difficulties have arisen, particularly in regard to one of the previses, which states that the "direct" helm orders must be used in
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  • 97 4 New Liner To Succeed "L'Atlantfque.* n of debate in the French t ?f pu!ics 0:1 the estimates or the Mlniftry of Merchant Marine, M Fro', the said that instructions had already netT lETeTt preparaUon <* Pl»ns for a ne* taer to take the place of "L At antique."
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  • 57 4 p Action For Recovery On (.old Shipment. San Francisco. May 9 A raUway express agency here to-day sued in the Federal Court to recover from the ehT™ 510 on an undicharge claim due to the handling by the MW»cy of a shipment of nearly $10 000.000 atfaWaWSaSr ,he
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  • 346 4 Promise Of Improvement Not Maintained. rpHE placing of a number of orders for merfl,ant vess els during the first two months o* this year gave promise of a gradual improvej ment In the industry, but that improvement has not been quite maintained during the month or March.
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  • 141 4 Tha recent arrest, by officers of Pub'ie Safety Bureau at Shanghai, of the crew of th? "Han Jen Ho." belonging to the Yu Hsin K. N. Co.. on charge of murdering five ruvvkers. has resulted in the company's busimm balaf suspended for an indefinie period. The "Hsin
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  • 70 4 Japan May Purchase For Use As Battleship. Washing :on, May 13. Th- "Chicago Tribune- has published a report to the effect that Japan has approach. d d.c Lnited States Government with a uew to purchasing the liner "Leviathan." which is now out of commission. On account o: the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. 'Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICER PENINSI I. \R AM) ORIENTAL STEAM KAYIQATIOM CO., LONDON AND PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with Hi.s Majesty s Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnag?. Singapore 1933. SOMALI 6.503
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    • 188 4 (Incorporated In Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Pen**, tI LI2I L Callluf at Colombo. Bombay. Sara. Port Karachi MmZ\ Co,omb Bombay, j Sa*d. Brtndlai. Venice and Trieste, aJElst SBes Porl I Due Leave Due BrlndtoL. \enke and Trieste, I Snore. S pore. Venice.
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    • 207 4 HAMBURG-AMFRIKA LIN IE UUxh n GcseUschaft (Companies Incorporated In Germany) OUT WARDS "°NCKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Jm s BURGENLAND via Manila June 13 ND Manila JS g ms. FRIES LAND, via Manila T„lr 19 Lat K RLAND via Manila 5 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Aug. 7
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    • 527 4 JTEAMERjajIi^ Gern. The undernoted are the Comoai-. f xtures:— s inten^ OUTWARDS. 5 s.s. ISAR" for Uoilo, Manila nv. 1533 -kong. Shanghai, North^Cn^;.; "FRANKEN" for Manila. Bonefc J me 6 Shanghai. North China and j 5 F June 21 HOMEWARDS. M. '"TRIER" for Genoa, mvtAm. 1933 Casablanca. Rotterdam Han h
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  • 539 5 iclioii And The Future. r t.. general meeting of u.ii. Tin, Lt J, was held on U-street, E C.. Mr. C. V. rau.n of tn? company) preaf:er referring ♦.<? the accounts, rr. ulfs cf the year's working the fhareh'ldcrs may rest c a valuable mining proeq dipped,
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  • 31 5 for 1932 of £941 against dit brought in to £3.932. 11 I H lbs. —'410 (against £5.866). rela £1 298. Transferred mw. I p?r cent, (against I->rward £3.314 (£3.708).
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  • 16 5 DM -n'-ainsc £3.100» and tt app-cpriation account 000 (same) to depreciation and m > forward.
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  • 26 5 r i -TMpftßj to Oct. 3i mm I £20 383 brought forward: £4,000 foi plant and machinery: £21,054 9m 1930-31 proht was £1,198 artrr depreciation).
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  • 842 5 Financial News Views. DUSUN DURIAN ESTATES. Increased Profit From Copra. The twenty-first annual general meeting of the Dusun Durian Rubber Estates. Ltd.. was held on May 10 in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association. Mr. H. J. Welch (the chairman* presiding. The chairman said. Gentlemen. —Once again we
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  • 89 5 Less of Ku.Ua Selangor Rubber Con:pany for 1G32. £1.807 I against £774 for 1931). reducing the credit balance to pa forward to 11.839. Th--crop fell from 986.970 lb. to 703.200 lb., averaee net price. 2 25d. per lb. fagainr. 2 72d per lb.): cost of production 2
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  • 61 5 During the week ended May 27. exports from Malayan ports amounted to 42.532 cases, of which 28,979 cs?.s were to the United Kingdom. 4.270 cases to the continent of Europ.-, 2.750 cases to Canada and 6.533 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period. Jan. 1 to May 27
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  • 786 5 Borneo Company's Small Loss. The twenty-third annual general meeting of Klmanis Rubber. Limited, was held on Tuesday. May 9. at 52 54. Oracechurch Street. London. EC 3. Mr. Charles Emerson (chairman*, presiding. rsifl' W Mlller "•Presenting the secretaries Messrs Guthrie and Co. Ltd... having read aSnSr convenln Urn
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  • 154 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. 1 Prices (or Shell Mot r Spirit soul varlou: brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviatl n Spirit in 4 gaUon drums per British Imperial gallon Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0 8* Shell Motor Spirit per 4
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  • 84 5 To liuy American Cotton And Wheat. Reuter. Washington. June 4. luThoriSd 0 1 1 ***** Fln nce Corporation has toU? tSL au of W million dollars So eW CPtlmeni to Purchase Unlt?d S.aU„ cotton and wheat. .Four-fifths of the .J 10 1150(1 for cot on and
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 111 5 •Japan Is Her Best Foreign Customer. 01 AU3 raM yt r ending on Jun- 30 1932. was with countrtf; within thr Brtttth Empfc». TO, TCom™ c «><*><-> -Mrt rfvfal thai •h,Comii.-nwf.lth-. Emplrr ,r«<i IncrfUed b, j* r ce nt. In the 12 mont'w i*nder review Exports to Brl
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  • 65 5 Profit of Pergkalen tin BjkM p-v»proors» to Sept. 30. after transferring f 1.700 to in-come-ax reserve, was 899. phi* £21 912 brought In. maklnc £*****. Prcpcr.y account written dewn by £10 OC2 to £65.000. dtv of 5 per cent, (against 10 per cent 1 on Preferred Ordinary. £13 280
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  • 58 5 Crop for 1932 was 288 354 lb f.o.b. cost 2 23d gross selling price 2 02d. Copra crop 123 piculs; f.o.b cost 7s Bd p-r picul; net sellng price 12s. Id Accounts, hi which rto depreciation has been charged, show loss of £898 (against £904. art-r MM
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  • 46 5 Crop was 408 000 lb?. and pi ice realised I 87d. per lb. (3.7*4.). Trading loss was :-V523 <against loss 13 660». af er writing off £791 depreciation Sum brought in was £216. and. after trarv..' £2.000 from resene. there is debit of £307
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  • 57 5 After debiting £883 to depreciation deficit (or 1932 was £3.403. After crediting income frcm Invertment*. interests, etc. including £465 n funded In re?per* of Income-taxi, less £133 written off on redemption cf War Loan inventmem at par. there is £7.035 carried forward Crcp of 1.778.421 Its. sold
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  • 330 5 Industrial Fatigue And Female Labour. The thirty-sixth annual general meeting of Bovrtl. Ltd.. was held in London, on March I, the Lord Luke. K.8.E., (the chairman) presiding. Sir wimvs Crichton-Browne. M.D.. L.L.D.. f'.R.S.. said that he did not wish to po e as monumental, but he thought
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  • 24 5 was 735 265 SaT* RUb r for »32 srs tnm rredit "ou v n forward. .Previous year loss of £i 082
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  • 257 5 No Confirmation Of Report Of Salvage. A New York despatch issued recently states ihat gold to an amount of £15,000 has been .ecovered by a salvage ship from the wreck of H.M.S. Hampshire oil the Orkneys. The farre message describes the find as the fin.t batch of
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  • 166 5 Sequel To Series Of Thefts From A Ship. Tientsin, May It An ugly incident occurred in Tientsin at about nine o'clock this evening when the officers of the "Yatshing" were suddenly attacked by coclics unloading eggs into a lighter According to a statement made to the police the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 tttlHft/ m OUARTERLY 2' Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean feo you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 2'j'. is paid quarterly. Head Office: 55.
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    • 292 5 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated In England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed 1655 BRANCHES: B-moay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras Amara. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra. Kukui. Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and allowed at 2% per annum. SAVING DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ooened and money received BR Flxrd Deposit an
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 220 6 T" %1 HOLIDAY MATINEE f/A jTg W/A \f TO-DAY AT .1.15 P.M. l';M T NIG,,T of 'he Metro-Gold* \n-Mayrr "l-lMujrhirnr Riot Buster Keaton "What! No Beer?"\ With SCILNOZZIj;- DURANTE. Indoubledly great Holiday «how To-Morrow Night j I Fox New Season hit JOAN BLONDELL I BROADWAY BAD With RK ARDO CORTEZ.
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    • 289 6 e im. eisi't» s 1 6.15 9.15 j SIXTH DAY STILL PACKING T EVERY SHOW! m *M POSITIVELY LAST TWO DAYS M HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY AT Mi P.M. CECIL B de MILLE'S Magnificent Spectacular Triumph— j THE SIGN lh f e CROSS j Only once in years comes a picture
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    • 218 6 The greatest musical comedy success of thrj year the picture that in one week 5o Mo eo *>le paid to see at the Plaza. London. j "WELL WOSTII SEEING TWICE" I SAYS AN EMINENT THE m.»^. I LITTLE i DAMOZEL BrfeL I NEAGLE HR^i SINGING 1 MWwR DANCING 1 I
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  • 606 7 la! Naur's Four Goals. T.P.C v. S RECOVERY IN SECOND HALF. I M| crowd that turns up for imotttfaj matches at Jalan Besar pram at that Stadium v IM how the K.L. Tamil igainsl the local champions, afan vab ihe Chinese on the previous though
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  • 48 7 Inflated Salary List Revealed. Reuter. II is ii Washington. June 4. Itaxntd thai portion of Uie Mornun tht proflu m £25 a srnan "MM in jUnior PMtnera received A" a^ rle f 5100 000 B°W annually awf22S2 members, the profit; to newer partner Werner P"
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 452 7 Victory For \V. H. Davies At Southport. London. May 18 C* of Wallasey, a British Cup player, won the Dunlop-Southporl 1500 Guineas Tourament with a se re of M f5 the seventy-two holes. Country. S is his fir* big nation,! JL H. Cotton it may be recalled led
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  • 99 7 AT THE CINEMAS Tht- Britioh and Dominions production. '"The Little Damozel." made an instant hi: %bf introduced at the Pa\ilion thea;re ye-terdav The star role v filled by Anna Neagle wnc goes a touching characterisation o: a tanti losing par: Special music by Had
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  • 59 7 Failure Of Negotiations For Release. Reuter Wireless. Dairen. :jay 31. Negotiations for the release of the three officers of the British Merchant SerMce whc were kidnapped by bandits, have failed. It was understood that the Manchukuo had reached an agreement with the kidnappers but apparently another gang lias
    Reuter Wireless.  -  59 words
  • 45 7 Prize Distribution At New World To-Night. The distribution of the prizes won at the Singapore Poultry Show by the Consul-General fcr China takes place at the New World tonight. It did not. as erroneously announced :r. Saturdays Malayi Tribune,' take place last night.
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  • 42 7 The New World Cabaret should be well patronised to-night when a special dance will be held in aid of the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. Dancing will continue until 2 a.m. The usual admission of 50 rents rill be charred
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  • 937 7 Why The U.S. Team Will Miss Wimbledon. l.Vmdon, May iS. O UI'AT Britain rcnthctl the tliird RNHMi <»l ihc Davis Cup, having ejijly beaten Piobad al the Quecn'a Clul), tondaa. Britain will next mee'. ■It winners ot the tie between Hal\ aaai Austria-expected u hv
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  • 24 7 The Hon Mr. J. Bagnall has been appointed to be an Unofflclal Member of the Executive Council SS„ for a period of two ye^rT
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  • 14 7 Fight Lieut A.H. Paull RAF has been appointed to be an Honorary Aide-de-camp to
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  • 245 7 Selangor On Top. ANNUAL MATCH KUALA LUMPUR. (From our Otm Correspondent j Kuala Lumpur. Juno 4 Rj" nia th bKwo n ing continued here to-uajr in Ime weather PUv will h* to-morrow. Scores y m remmej PENANO.—IST INNINGS U B'oojr b Ull Singh M g°' ,b Vanderhoit ,i
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  • 146 7 n. iHiant Century H\ Raujrhan. I Frc-i Oir O:. Corrcpondent. > Tll Malacca.. June 5. f..~T Sldl 15 Tb!tta K Malacca tared poorly when they Ink the fleHI aaalast Main era on Su:id..y So< r. MALACCA IST INNINGS P Marti: r Dunn b McLeod 1 And»rvm lba
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  • 19 7 Mr G. F Staynes and Dr R Walkinuntitled mvc been seconded fo- ,-r U under ttW Government of Johore
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  • 31 7 Invention privilege have been graved to the Singapore RtibUr Works. Ltd for v period of 16 years for an invention tor Improvement in water paints, distemper- colour washes and the like
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  • 23 7 Mr. W. R Boyd has been appointed to be an Unofficial Trustee of the Penan* Free Bchool for a period of three year
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  • 21 7 The Ven. Graham White has been appointed to be an Unofficial Member oi the Commute °f the Singapore .Sailor; Ins* hut-
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  • 28 7 The appointment of the Hon Dr. Noel Clarke as a member of the t Couuc.i of the King ■award VTI Coltese ot Meri(ri-v> is notified m Bar Oa*ett«»
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  • 215 7 Straits Chinese Help The I Unemployed. NOVEL ways of raising money were employe 1 on Saturday at the Charity Bazaar of the Straits Chinese Rending Club In the spacious grounds of thi Singapore Chinese Gab' School a. Emerald Hill Road. Besides a concert, sale of flowers and badges
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  • 28 7 The Straits Cattle Trading Sports clue atic c exT d t 80 ceased re exist and the Tr.r" y. Drivers' A- sortati m has been dul> registered .Association
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 IiDIES- FRENCH IfAfRORESSINfi SUNN IS dernier cm I UAICAKI •n hairdressins and| beauty work. European kJ A mm EXPERTS with Parisian MARCELLE training The Finest LAI* MAISON and most modern equip- MTTo went. Special cool-air j drying system. Perfect personal comfort. <TKI ,B 7) PERMANENT WAVES. THE H( >USE j
      273 words

  • 158 8 CHEW-Mr. Chew Boon Lay, g? 82 passed away p-cacefully at his residence 141 n Devonshire Road, on Friday. June 2 'at 945 Pm. He leaves behind his b-lov.d wu > 6 1 Ha k Bene Ha tmm, I mTmmm Hot Lee. Hock L ong and Hock Hln)
    158 words
  • 752 8 If there is anbody who needs convincing of the efficacy of tin i t friction he should be persuaded to item at the Anglo-Oriental Mining ooration's booklet. "Tin/ its latest annual review of the world >tati>tics. The figures are tabulated in very handy form and are accompanied by
    752 words
  • 262 8 r pHOUGH rubber has been improving steadily these last few weeks, and though American consumption In May shows a gratifying Increase, there will Inevitably bo a measure of dlcappointment that Malayan exports for May are up by approximately six thousand tons. Rut
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  • 212 8 ROM time to time the question of mens 1 dress reform for the tropics has been raised but there Is apparently no-one bold enough to take tlv initiative and set afoot a movement definitely to get rid of the tie-and-collar bugbear. For ordinary purposes ties would appear to
    212 words
  • 150 8 rk-N'E of the best barometers to the state cf V tradp in city is house rentals and tht extent to which these have dropped in Singapore in the last year or so is a painful reminder to (be owners, of vanished prosperity Many houses are empty and have
    150 words
  • 170 8 Mr. A. E. Rambaut who recently had to go to Singapore for an operaUon is now convalescent. Dr. J. t. Amarasingham of the Ceylon Medical Service and Mrv Amarasingham have arrived In Kuala Luropur and are stay i with Dr %A. E. Dora'amy
    170 words
  • 12 8 Co.. Ipoh, »iii, on the termination of his IP h Tln
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  • 23 8 \rTIL Hnl t Wai> enl '™«ed at dinner to S W h HoU>l frknds P»»or to his departure to Ceylon on retirement
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  • 140 8 On Pridav before Mr. H C Willan. 21 Malay, and one Chinese w<re produced by the Harbour Master for fishing neu wtthoS mmm? "2 S^S 3 to renpw their Zl icences All were fined $3. except six. Mr and Mrs Choc Rang Whye have issued b nations to dinner
    140 words
  • 50 8 hJrJn er y Chme 5 xagrancy have been lecommended for repatriation. fcVhlfj? PlCadPd gUilt y to theft of poned CU COnvicted and post- coat belonging \> an ?ndia n sTidV**™ 1 took the coat for a piece of rag *he ml& *SS attached K. Killoran. K'X Stat £2 and
    50 words
  • 493 8 BY "LOOKER-ON" And the question now is wh they going to do on my birthday?* There seems to opinion that at least one nera! the King's Birthday wsu 0n Johore Kest House is to into a Post Office. It rest house. Ue a A From what I've
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 r?3l FROM ™LL CREAM MILK 'mj j j Sol, Projnrfori.DOMlNlON DAW 61« A>IFSBURY BUCKS "Chiltern" COTTAGE CHEESE j Cheap Good Pure. L'liiltern Otttag* mm is made from only the finest full cream milk. It has a most delicious flavour is economical and keeps m sood condition for a considerable time.
      166 words
    • 27 8 >! ,j 634 North Bridge Road TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905 j T.K.K'S tahil lUlloon Tey» 7 etc. each RUBBER PILLOWS. Large $1.3». Small M cU. each. 1
      27 words

  • 946 9 ALLEGATIONS BY FOREIGN PRESS. Chinese Village Sacked. Mysterious Disappearance 0! Jetaol Governor. Reuter. -n are made from two sources that Marshal Kai bneK has signed a secret agreement with the recognise the Manchukuo and stop th- antise novement and
    Reuter.  -  946 words
  • 45 9 Round-The-World Aviator Sighted? Reuter. London. June 4. The airman Matte* n. the American who is flying round the world, has been lighted over Ccur.ty CUre. Ireland. Later. The earlier report that Mattern has been sighted over County Clare is so far unconfirmed -Reuter
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 70 9 Marriage With Italian 44 Commoner." Reuter. Berlin. June 3. Hohvnzotkrn admint traUon officially HMHM ».it P.Ucc WUhelm forfeit all rlgh's cf prtatfnMm by contracting marriage at variance with trie constitution I f the royal house The principal ifgMi forfeited include the eventual administration of the Hohenzellern cs'ater
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 118 9 Military Honour For Member Of M.S.V.R. The Lst of local Birthday Honours on Saturday should have imiud.-d the nan of Lieut Ernes. Jams K-nn-ison. F M.S. Volunteer Frees. who has been mad? a M.mmm of the Order of the British Empire Military Di\ o*J A mtive cf
    118 words
  • 68 9 Stabilisation Measures In U.S.A. Reuter. Washington. June 3 "0 Z l? a d Stal 131 by 48 xctes to to CS l ld M no* mm to President Roasevelt— Router The Hous,- of Rcp-erentatives by 283 mtm A the Bill Rb oi,shm? R °oS Elll LL."2f htrilln
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 65 9 Car Sale Sequel: American Surrenders. Reuter. r-i-„ v Shanghai June 4 Glen Bmtmmm, an ex-Us. Marine and a p,, d V 0,,:: to the fn States former Dtatrtei Attorn followln c h. Sq?, tdu ««*d at Bedford School H.i dpth h alleged to be the result cf
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 13 9 Sovie: Accents Japanese Mediation. Reuter. 2?JS ot "he c" tT'i" ar^
    Reuter.  -  13 words
  • 45 9 Discussion Postponed To Thursday. Reuter. The nr<t,.K a Geneva. June 3 Ih. British Disarmament Conference mm mi||,|,< that ?ht Sir i discussmn, b Sta es stau>smt.n with reference to th" positlon of th.. Co. 4 mm Uv n pjjll" until Thursday-Reuter P«tponej
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 29 9 Milt Lyne De So uza who wa, elected Mtas V*r._ for 1932. was married here Dr S.niounet. who represent, Bergerac iDor+*m mm C/iamber of I^u«
    29 words
  • 34 9 A Co lorn bus Ohio A corporal of th, Columbus police force M told to mm* iMta" he new ]e^l 3 2 r *S?" Mw »nu,xicatlng. apptite^ Udld he?Bld <o,het 5
    34 words
  • 31 9 Reuter. Tokyo June 4. tnLri", W e kUlwl and thlrt y wioualy njured In a coalmine explosion near Saseb, th is mornmg according to an offlcuU repjrt —iteutet.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 29 9 Dr F. O Drimcoll. who left Singapore a short while ago on transfer to Nigeria, haa resigned from the Colonial Service and ia now in private practice at home
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  • 43 9 Mr S. Brayshay, of the P.W.D. and Mr W Cole. M.CB have be?n seconded to Johor* Mr. A. C. Baker. M.C.. M.C.8., has been aecondTLlt K el nt n Mr. W. H. Undaay. of the P W D has been seconded to Trengganu
    43 words
  • 74 9 HOLIDAY MAKERS KILLED. Drivers Error. Speed Limit Not Observed. Reuter. Paris, Juno 4. \T \east 14 were killed and 70 mjured when the Paris-Nante< express was derailed outside Xante; today. Several passengers are """"I and it is feared that the Aeath-rol will be considerably higher —Reuter. T
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 77 9 International Commercial. Exchange Congress. Paris. The International Commercial Exchange b ftr5t attended In. v ,f r s er5 from 44 eountrtJa. in drav.Sde ,r posaU 10 International (oUovtag plans are being discussed topublishment of inur national cifices for the collection of informaion on tariff and customs Questions. M-asiuv
    77 words
  • 113 9 Ardent Women Students Of Japan. Tokio" College women here ar? azk.ui for mlUtar> training so that they wIU be ready for In the trenenes if required The student; and the faculty of the Imp* ria, Werner s Pharmaceutical College, a private, instl-ution at Osaka, have requested
    113 words
  • 112 9 Wants A Mayor And National Council. Monreo. The people of Monaco, who have bean deprived of all conytituUonal rights tor the last thtee years, are making another attempt to obtain a change in ihe present form of government A deputation sent to Prince Louit the _>vmign. by the
    112 words
  • 129 9 Ge3rge Washington's False Teeth. Chicago Ororgc Washington's false teith are to be r laced on exhibiUon here. It is said that th* teeth, which were made before the days oi piolesslonal drntLs'ry. were liable to cause his mouth to stay open If he opened it too wide, that
    129 words
  • 74 9 MM. A year-old Indian boy. In the absence oi his parents, amused himself by tormen'lng a I onkey on the roof of a house The more th» monkey rhowed Its annoyance the more delighted a-as its persecutor. But the monkey's patience finally gave out. The animal leaped
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 387 9 PBOSFERM ASSISTS ATHLETE'S SUCCESSES w gEING the winner of 72 weight-lifting Matches and Tournaments an J "*SL PaSt yCarS my lengtft y cx P« ri ences in active athletics and strength contests have proved to me that Phosferine. apart from its inestimable value in cases of Indigestion. Brain Fag and
      387 words

  • 858 10 THUMB NAIL SKETCHES. CARD OF NINE EVENTS: FIRST RACE AT 215 P. M. A card of nine events has been prepaid for the last day of the Singapore Turl Club's Spring professional race meeting at hukii I
    858 words
  • 81 10 Special Selections For To-day. «WINING Po tV special selection* for thi afternoon's races are as follows: RACE I.—OEORGE ROBEY Wait-And-Se\ Vice Admiral. RACE 2 -M» Uon's Pric*e Campflre. Admiral Di ak RACE 3.— PATAQUES Kulim. Re al prrp riy RACE 4 —GREEN MARK Sunmaid II. Monte Car!o.
    81 words
  • 58 10 Army v. Navy Kitfhls Tj-niirht. BOXING. The an:iual Army v. Naw contests for KM L wthtr Grart Cup will be decided at tl Mconligh Hall. \y .id. to-night The Navy hay tnvariably won the tronh-. but the Army mm. .st;uncly represented to-night tM are contldtnt of
    58 words
  • 148 10 Marigold BP.* team v. the Lokes BP Moadtj a' tht Bnw TTnim Rlul.commencing 330 pjn.. L. 8. Cm*£ C H Chung. L V Chua. c. T. Tan and 8 H. Ta>. .Reserves S. Q. Quek and C L Tan VMM P. tram I bunrays Athletic Party
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  • 686 10 Colony Win Both Competitions. LAWN TENNIS. THE Colony were eusy winners in bath the McCabe Reay Cup md Guillemard Cup >mp<*ii.lons ngninsi the Malay States. The tOvtriuun< at commenced at the tt ngtta Cluo on Saiuidiy morning. ttV Colony 'Ainnirig all -i\ doubles maUli»-; Play was
    686 words
  • 103 10 Satoh Beaten By Australian. Part*. June 5. in the French championships quarter nnals Satch (Japan. surprisingly defeated Pern Uis number one player. I—6. 7—5, 6 —6. 6—2. Satch'a when he was o—4 in th* ■Ml reckoned as the mc*t brUlim victory on the tennks courts of Europe^
    103 words
  • 179 10 Perak Beaten In First Match. ASSN. FOOTBALL. rFrom Oar Own Correspondent.} Alor Star, June 4. OKRAK were surprlsing'.y beaten by Kedah in the first match in the Northern section tf the Malaya Cup competition to-day when thry visited Alor Star and the only goal of the
    179 words
  • 481 10 Shock For Visitors. A TEYTH-YVICKKT record? T HE three day match at u le srr tile club a "d Negri Seir.biia> v commenced on Saturday men t lch yesterday and was full of surpnw'' The visitors, took first knock-ui* misingly by scoring 73 rune t "'v
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 159 11 I Britain Has Awakened Says M. Herriot. Paris. i II 'IAIN has awakened. the Pour Power Mas tx-en thrown overboard, and ifhr aRain This Is the gist of a :> ant irtlc If contributed by M. Radual Dcpeche Dc'" sj.aks of last Thursday's' debate v.hich
    159 words
  • 60 11 a o, Chicago «Illinois.. for th r .T' 1 200 f Pl Ls W 5 built for ths forthcomirt? "Century of Prom-e«s" exposition by th. Indian Refining Company The niunerals on its three sides will be ten h»,h and th, ny n in-v columr. will consist
    60 words
  • 861 11 Mrs. U e Choon (iuan. REVELLING IN HOT SUMMER. A/i ai.avans home on leave arc itvetHat ia t»u- pi iii iii aeathar, landaiaoaal of the land thai is Mwayp afternoon, and tirtTdfj M> the hottest day to far this year, uhl hottest May day rface 10* In
    861 words
  • 66 11 Permanent Home In Gulf Of Genoa. M Milan. April 19 Ex-King Alfonso of Spain is stated in official circles to have decided to make his permanent residence at Alaasio, on the .OuU of Oenoa. Wes» of Savona. T !H* Jj e l8l0n foUo Kimr Alfonso* visit to the
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  • 88 11 Madrid Two bandit* set upon a Barcelona taxi-drhrr trussed htm up In a tunnel and then borrow yd his car to use while cotnmlttint a robber. Bcfor* leaving him. however, they lent him an overcoat to keep him warm and allowed him to retain 2, 6 which they
    88 words
  • 64 11 Produces One-Sixteenth Of Capacity. Neu York. ,or loYw"' p 8 ron '"ro-alio53 of j<13 KTOSS lons or a decrca*« cent, lrcin 1931. according to th^ to ond a-"»™ flvl M output was 42.613.D83 tons, nearly tl V meS lhat 0f ,ast ><» r At the Mr n.
    64 words
  • 50 11 Madrid. When th, major Of noaapoflkJ near Huelva lost conlroi of a council meeting over whi-h h. was presidue. he threw bfa handbell at the most violent of the councillors to call him t,, orde.. The rouncill-r is now in hospital with serious head wound,
    50 words
  • 373 11 This Week's Projrramme Of Drills. TO-DAY. JUNE 5. Headquarters, Portress Cow. Malay ■eetlon Miniature Range. 10-MORROW. JUNE C rtZrST™* 7 A (MG y l '!Li^ft3* Car Section. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7 l\i V ;Z n C! i,: :u>r: SRA t»V. Gun Drill. 51 o ll a 2 qU;i
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  • 104 11 C apet Skipper Who Was Asking For It t> r> Simon down, lit..ram Brooklyn, the skipper of a local fish- boat, baa been fined £2 for "obstructing" the British sloop Daffodil It M stated that the Daffodil was leaving UM port, and sounded three short blasts on her
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 290 11 THE NEW WORLD CABARET. '■ALA NIGHT —CARNIVAL DANCE Fret distribution of Halloons, streamers, etc. To-day. Monday—."ith June. 1933, UD OF ST. ANDREWS MISSION HOSPITAL. BAR LICENCE EXTENDED TO 2 A.M. ivt gait admission to benetit the above Fund. ADMISSION AS USUAL 50 CTS. FREE ICE-CREAM will be given to Everybody
      290 words
    • 117 11 ij And Aloxile Is l A The Hardest Abrasive Made All Carborundum products are backed by the Carborundum vßk Guarantee. The genuine pro facta contain the Seal bearing fl. tbe Indian Head Trade Mark, by which those superior mW I abrasive products are known. Grinding wheels, Discs, sharpening stones, razor
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 202 11 CLUB DIARY. o/ ft VcXfl i« Tribune- r/iij n*nm S SwiJ'lSS a d Me taction*. aw* ml W mM^m ZJ t T be reived that on wSutifir 2S day Pwlou receipt may mean iSSSf" 1 to dMlrwl Ut r may mran holding over UU next day.) TO-DAY. JUNE 5. 'J
      202 words
    • 364 11 KM PI RE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PKOQMAMMEM FOR INDIA (INCLUDING HURMA, C£ YI.ON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN). From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. •Vavt lengths: 25 28 and 31.3 metres. Two oi the following frequencies and wavehncth* will be used in the transmissions to the
      364 words

  • 170 12 4< All-In Wrestling" With a Wounded Beast. A MAN has fought an ••all-in" wrestling bat with a wounded leopard and b alive ,o tell th, tale. A farmer. Mr v va' Jaarsve.d went out with a rifle *o Took a lecrx.rd whicn was carrying out "raids" on
    170 words
  • 56 12 rtmni Kirn through a etawtari Mag Ban y ai omshed to .x a her own nuia: In ri ion a tombstone, and vith v other U aboat h"r*elf. such as her date of b! and r.- jiclt v name. j MMM revealed that her husband bad b iried
    56 words
  • 211 12 He Saved 1,153 Prisoners From Death. AM ENGLISHMAN Mr W h. R Trowbridge, author cf t\ nurous works on the .rm h Revolution, has paid a tribute here -o OM oi the n>ost daring Frenchmen of the .t.volutkn He ha.s given a tablet, which has just be.
    211 words
  • 112 12 World Supplios Up 7,000,000 Gallons. Lubjti. The i tal world prcdu tion of wine in 1932 as 3.8o0 090.00'j gallons, according to official Igures L-sued In Lisbon. This is ar. inert ast some 7.00D.00"» gallons r n the prevl ous rear, nd .5 s.ijhtlv larv :r than
    112 words
  • 110 12 wiaciian Pilot To Make Attemnt. Toronto. A tra..5-A f:i'.c tl: ht frcm London to Toronfcv a ir the nrn in Ju- e« a leca. pilv-i. Mr J D M. Gray, who i s H to an announcement —S-'-r y T a > t ptlc rt nan y
    110 words
  • 29 12 Allien*. Oeaer»! P*rtir** «ftM recer.tiy aeiied Ui« jojre. fa, Greece, a* u\,m, J*n fee a mmkmH fourteen a rha— i "•««•1 I UuUras 0:1 CalymL. 2
    29 words
  • 112 12 Carries Fastest Shinhoard Military Aircraft Nine of the fasten and moat efflcien. «i,..v. board military a!rrraft in the w"kTn T eluded in the complement of the Easle which arrived in port last Sa rem Colcmbo on her wa, to
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  • 98 12 Singapore. June 3 SHIPS AI.ONGSIDE THE WHAKV&s. Rj»«t Wharf "Er'nnrn Gate i) Cm -a Maru 22: Rajula 20 Main Wharf «pnuance Oa»e 3) Ipoh 15; MaU Hart 13; Pres. p-lk 11; j.^q Empire Dock (Entrance Oa»e 3) Taybank 30; Katorg 33; Baron Belhavcn 35 Thurland Castle 37. Empire
    98 words
  • 167 12 o .hhL 1 at Ch:n:l 1,0 r Cl4n S to ddh.em and some of her ancicnt rrllgions If untrue, according to a ccrcmony was he»d .eeentb hi the pre Mace of ca •n tl.e ci y of Taichow mrr«» than 200 vount men wtre made
    167 words
  • 53 12 aaaus xia.r. uatuvia and Palembang by aeroMBlClti at thr General Post Office I 1 at 2.30 p m. to-m:rrcw Fro.n China by the Talma." due at Singapore ai 6 a.m. t .-mcrrow. F.O Chi aby "Carnarvonshire." due at amgapvie to-morrow. Wnm Phfllpptat Islands by the "Tcurcoins 1 auc
    53 words
  • 12 12 Left Arrd. p Spore Loudon •*i-»v 1-' Jur.e i
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  • 196 12 cmpctitcr In i'arliamentary Ilandican. J l ie man wait., «aoas ttm in com- > 1 I'vUiaan. y GoU Handicap W A. i4 Sw I p, u l 1 V altcn Iicath Club's I -TI 1 I" -n. ic.i~ntd the s^ml- < w «4| fcwrtm by a narrcw I
    196 words
  • 200 12 SELLING. Singapore, June 2. London 4 months' sight 2j4 1J32 London 3 monthi* sight 2 4 I 1 a t;j days' right 2 3 31 32 London 30 days' right 2 3 15,10 London demand 2 3 29 3.1 1 T.T. 2 3". I U and Paris dimand
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  • 295 12 Endless Task Of Speakers' Judges. "Should War Debts Bt Revised?" "Should War Debts Be Fevised?" Saould War Debts Be Revised?" That theme, with endless variations, mu?t till be round in the ht?.ds of the Jcagr; at the Notional Speakers* Competition, organised by .'he National Union of Conservative and
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  • 293 12 Public Functions \nH Sports Fixtures TO-DAY. JUNE 5. High Tides—8 a m.. 7.59 pm Bank Holiday (Whit Monday, Lawn Tennis, Colony v. f\k -i Singapore Races. a iu. Golf: Kcppel G.C. Whitsun con»*.,I,in 1 Cricket: Selangor v. Penary, K l N. Sombilan, S.C.C.; M.Ct:
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  • 112 12 ALHAMBRA.— Buster Keaton and Jimmy Durante in "What! No Beer?"' CAPITOL.— "The Sign of the Cress." EMPIRE.—Joe E. Brown in "The Tenderfoot." GREAT WORLD.—Side shows, Cabaret, Malay opera, Chinese wa>angs>, snent anu taJcin« i films <Sky Talkie: "The Champ"; Star Talkie: "Animal Crackers"). MARLBOROUGH.—Tamil talkie, "KcvjiisB". NEW WORLD.—Side shows,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 Safeguard Tender Skins by Daily V»e of CITTICVIIA g i np l MBiitm \rr too \oung to itatl u-\ ruiiviira Samr-I*- each Soap. Omiwnt a-rt Tal <M.!ava> L.maed. I'nion Buildinu !>oiyapoiv. After middle ajre men divide into two cusses, the Dependent and the dependent Your position is dete£ mined nut
      167 words
    • 85 12 PILES SPECIALIST. <iOOI> NFWs FOR PILKn vi kffrfrs w All »oru of Pile* cured »lthout < pi rati n »ut..o a week. Blading stopped v. Mklg 24 hours and compter? cure «2 M»i uu i "ie«-d in a week s time j dLaV guarantees to cure all «T "THR f
      85 words
    • 26 12 I The PHOTO STORE j For Your Cameras. Stockists of ZKISS IKON CAMERAS. (Price LUt On Application). MALAYA PHOTO SUPPLY M 7-7. Victoria gtree*. BINaAPORK I
      26 words
    • 46 12 j Famous POLYDOR Records j j FANTASIAS FROM THE OPERAS: f I La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, Carmen, II Trovatore, J Rigoletto. i PLAYED EV THE BERLIN STATS OPW* ORCHESTRA, PAUL GODWIN ORCH t AND ETC. i i Season Co. Ltd.! 115, North Bridge Koad, Sinpip"'*- J
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 43 12 MAILS EXPECTED DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan M« te«>rolo;Jual Service. mm Yecltrday. N rM M Br1«ht M!n T'ihd Raipfali stoaatskM TVmi> F. inchr. Hour, r>T» A'or SUr 90 ooi 87 7S 0 D STEWART Sup rlrt-naviu Me coro:.*:i Bra:vh. MMi 1 re. Jun 5.
      43 words
    • 166 12 j POSTAL INKLLlCEHtt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. j tamB| «Patras» 8 a.m. Ka:imr-. «Mcrantl) 8 a m r >Boe Seh> 9 a :n. Kukup fJtaai Him 9 a.m. Rhio m r v 1 n a m Ir.dr»-Chin.i nvd Hokow iDcMtadvi 9 am Ofejioa, B inbay. Esy >:. G~noa. Enropc I
      166 words

  • 1243 13 I titii Results. RD'S TOTE RECORD ON SATURDAY. hvr obtained throughout nioo:i for the fifth day !<• Furf Club's spring •ial meeting on Saturday, ards the end of the ivy clouds loomed over, nierference with sport, very lightest drizzle t i rov d loft. "if spectacular in
    1,243 words
  • 189 13 Inler-School Contest For Ball Shield. (Frnrn Our Oun Correipandrnt I Malacca. June 2. on the Malacca Club Pad.tng, the h-ter-schorl athletic contest, resulted in the High School winning the shield for the second year in their history by a record margin of points, successful in every event com*
    189 words
  • 363 13 Interesting Game At Anson Road. THE Tamil.,. ul CuW a, M fonc J a s R nd ,hr I*™* «P J?ag 5 Chee Urn. Ah Hui i £■2? n Hock Quee u^ nah P Sin..' c Vylhllin am i Ounarctnam. DlnUrln SUnny Jahn Mohamrd Chelliah
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  • 356 13 ROVERS TOURNAMENT. Tic* to be played off on to-morrow. Sunday and Monday, at 330 pm. each day are TO-MORROW: "C" Division. Tan Qu M Hock v. Teo Chin Ann Ong Boon Beng v Cheong Slan Kay *'B" Division. Lim Geok Tee v. Or.z We? Kiong. Ong Peck Kir on
    356 words
  • 203 13 The National American Leagues. New York. May 31. I ArLST faults In 12ic National and American Leagucf arc an follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE. n— R H. E. Borfcrv Philadelphia 2 7 2 •JO 0 K me Was called at end of the lxth owing to a wet ground. Brooklyn
    203 words
  • 169 13 It b> understood that the first prize In Royal Calcutta Turf Club s recent Derby was in the neighbourhood of £60.000. This fife are was reached because unlike* *h" sweep ef 1930 and 1931. there is to be oniv one prhx lor each horse. La?t year, when
    169 words
  • 925 13 Tine Weather. GOOD PERFORMANCES BY SCHOOL-BOYS. WITH fine weather on Saturday afternoon, TT all the local Matches UTaoged for Saturday after nun were played Without interruptioa and som einteresting results were recorded. S.J.I. v. ST. ANDREWS. Leijssius Junior Scores 67 Not Out. The match between St.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 94 13 I RADIUM FLASHLIGHT BATTERY S j I THE REST FLASHLIGHT RATTERY ON THE MARKET. GIVES MAXIMUM LIGHT—MINIMUM COST. I Made Specially To Withstand Tropical Climate. I Every Mattery Is Guaranteed To Give Full Satisfaction. I Obtainable from:— Messrs. Robinson Co., Ltd., Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., j John Little Co., Ltd.,
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  • 243 14 Evidence At Knebworth Inquest. i London, May 6. J [DRAMATIC evidence of blacking cut. mg niomen ary ur.r. experienced by pUoU during high speed flight* W|ta .1 T'?. 2 H2nd n on Vi Kiiebworth aud Leading- Ahcraftaman Ralph SKES kM during n formation night on MaY
    243 words
  • 39 14 ria S u e r^ n m »"n Halved. Melbourne. Victoria Hotelaeepcn, virtr.r-. rsrtar «sswcs So«r. by: w wa, dU »W by U» m -!WSt" 1 Ucncc Prohibmonlsts maintain th •ott-ttauor education* lat reenccMble. campaigns are partly
    39 words
  • 51 14 Police "(lean Up" Seville Streets. Madrid. An epidemic of str-«. *>?Ute In ootn «tr£l-1? Mmßt •»Od boys have br.-n youthc' fu "»l" M In 24 h.ours the 2j> balls ar .d t*in* used for bocthaU %hich The coofUeated boj's aTf k_ •hUdrer. s homes. «re to be *ent
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  • 44 14 Negro Carries A„ Arraourv In His IVkets. Detectives *e«c suspicious 1 clothes of a negro her* -I blU es to PoUce station lhe hhn't. There they found j u,^ looted. Ul 5 Sii*"* "<>«.,<*. with «0,.«, ZSLS* <" ■■2 SUSE 10 mi .o
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  • 50 14 To Break Eight Years' Silence In July. flu- India:, mystic c hpl B«b«. who urrlvec v, LYgb„H -ayed at Con JmSS T InA *•< a 77 rr a •Cfordmg to a part,- D &£ih ta Ju, V who have arrived frWWr, ,oMo England Am rt a route
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  • 11 14 French Schoolchildren Strike In Protest. JV%2 broken
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  • 416 14 Details Of Current Prices. ti. Singapore. May 26. MEAT. Beef. steak (round), kati 32 Beef, itcw or curry, katl 28 Pork. lean, kati 4 2 Pork, lean and fat (1st quality), kati 32 Mutton. Australian, lb. 25 Fowl, kati lien# (locally reared >, kati 42 Dudes, each Pigeon,
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  • 118 14 Tablet C om mem urates Printer "ho Was Dismissed. Parii!. -«v. Thr t. lh i t ™»urg-iin-Breis-32~ «i»t ene Marti America." used the name Hl« claims, however re-t on —i cure basis. Duke Hem- ii «f ler an «rt and tetter, coL,' 2 1 Wtron •U>n of the
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  • 25 14 High Toil Of A Siberian Epidemic. Helsngfors. 'fui Is stated that 400 «i-itttT/ «aikal. Siberia. »l«.dy Mken 5 S V n CI,t
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  • 190 14 Hamper The Flow of Commerce. Rome. QUOTAS and exchange rcsuictions were court, ed by Signor Mussolini in a sneeca I ««jauguratim? the 18th session of the Parliamentary Conference of International Commerc-to-day. The c measures.- he declared, -adopted as •MM of economic defence, hamper the flow (ol
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  • 255 14 New York Reprisal For Antifew Campaign. New York. I Nazis have been carrying on *»Pa£ in Germany* Germai/ J Ow of New Tort, largest hooking agents vner, cf night clubs and P ro 1 r wardens- are banning G-4an «««1 ,nn entertainers/and ™-en ST Sii move ST.
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  • 123 14 E\hibi(ion In Honour Of Roosevelt. Warm -Springs. Ckorgl.i An int?rnaUcnal stamp collection in r.onou- £Mllil« Roosevelt, himself a philateli-l 1? -cl b y s(amp c P lub n ?ri m fOl th club are at a -ndatton in winch the President teg in t>Ji t T d mUCh
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  • 68 14 To Re -Symbol Of Far Eastern Culture." Hsin king <Man?hukuo. 'nr Fai H UUCnJ C nd chilSLtion 000 000 people on a site of 80 sauare mues miction wcrk has already started mcluX S' rt 't ndCr u,c plan £fi u ads and sewers to t followed by
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  • 10 14 ShCrtly in Madrid tk. Home Office announcement
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  • 434 14 Vivid Ceremonial v St. Peters U A FTER thirty-six Acusslon I Catholic CV;h,bMV bestowed by the Pope on the vZ T has b£ Do Bte. Euphraoo SjeUeT \Z French dector cf the tin^f t:~r\ who founded :> I:-. Shepherd at An- rs G-<, The purpose. of the
    434 words
  • 189 14 The Automatic Photo-Electric 'Eye.' Paris. Paiis engineers have successfully experimented wi.h an invention which they claim will levchitionise the street lighting systems of the world's capital cities. This is a photo-electric < eve') which, exposed to the daylight, automatically switch'* on the electric current when the dayiigrt icnchcs
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  • 211 14 Two Men Who Need One I'air Of Shoes. Fair exchange is no robb<ry These stories receiver! from Reuter 'o-da? prove it:— Mr. Farrington, of Bismarck North Dakota, ha? only one left—a left one M.\ O to Wilbarger ha., c a ri-h" l p S One uay Mr. Harrington
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 236 14 JUST UNPACKED! HOLLANDSCHE CIGARS and CIGARETTES. AMARILLOS Prinz Leopold Hi.. Kita Crmriti van U*wim Oranj- IVndck Flop de Tabella, etc. and WENG CIGARETTES. We are the only firm who have imported Dieng Cigarettes lor public demand. SUFBUOB and LIGHT for CENTS and LADIES Obtainable only at: D. T. LIM CO.,
      236 words
    • 64 14 NOW! CorrecfTime from your Electric Circuit So S i mplt iQQ *«u g into nearest rleetric outlet. Xo f urther trouble winding or regulation No otliag or (leaning. ■WWW DESIGNS. Table or Wall Type A l nccd I° r house Jioid, snap cr mmm%\ Thm ELECTRIC CLOCK tor A. C.
      64 words

  • 292 15 Park Lane Going Back To Barbarism. \i crowds which had gathered on both il t the roari in Piccadilly cheeredi long when the King and Queen drove l; < ingham Palace to Burlington tlieir visi to the Royal Academy. was delighted to 5ee that the
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  • 26 15 Spain is suited in official make his permanent Un Gulf of Genoa. Kin <? Alfonso's visit tnd it Ii reported that I ;Id i splendidly
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  • 69 15 Russia Builds Mfcore Airships. Moscow. rV, U lat4St evidence of the U.S.S.R. have already subscnVd of, £4.000.000 tcwJds tVe' I)!*?"" ta for the -lenm RusfUVs first semi-rigid airship will be ready rh.rtly to take the air. Its ga, volume w l?be 2 150 cubic metres and it
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  • 179 15 Curious Hobby Of V (iolfer. Chicago Illinois* i\, rWs ma t enthusiastic leg Ummh\ Mr Gecrge Klewer. a Ci.icago architect He a collector of golf tees There is no one else .n the world, he claims who has made this a hobby In his collection there are 802
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  • 71 15 But They Were OtiJv A Bunch Of Cyclists'. Madrid. wr.en villagers of Tc;:s saw a crowd at men. ia b-ight .rail and blue ;crscy s v H pioachlr»g on bicycles, they turned out in and mcboed them, ready to defend ther h nits against a "communin attael-:"
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  • 274 15 Seized And Bundled Into, A Car. I I Magdeburg. April. 16. "TVEi .vi s have just come to light of an extra»J ordinary kldnajipms case which caused a ID ation here, and in. it is officially stated l investigated by the police. Herr GtorK. State leader of the
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  • 144 15 To Match The Dress Or Slippers. Chicago. GJd and platinum wM b* jparkling oa every woman's hand as a result of advice given be 10th annual Midwest Beauty Shew held here. But the precious metals arc not for ringsthry are new nail polishes. Some of the new shaded
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  • 101 15 Plans To Meet Economic Blockade. Tokyo. A s^ e mobiliratlcn her wiCa», V*[ f o,lln ii being prepa red N U he] to pVeVrSoSs Gcv «™**r.t. acC o rd the standpoint na fo^T^ 1 l, dUStri S from economic developme.n C CV Ja^n s Affains.' mm l^J**** Xm
    101 words
  • 176 15 neltenham Flyer To Increase Its Speed. SiST*" 1 Fly,,r the f as cst journeys more quicklv u°h"n Ih R° mpU !U vtce on the On a Wes ,-n! w 8ummcr duced on July 17 Railway is intrabT ten mlnui*., L-, Pwldiiiton th L "2" f "»nt. »nd dj,-
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  • 149 15 Her Birthday Party At Windsor Castle. Princess EUzibeth. the oMof daughter of :he Duke am Duchess of Ycrk. is now seven Fhe celebrated her birthday with her grandparents, the King and Quetn. at Windsor Caste. The King and Queen attended hir birthday par;y at w'ruch «he had a
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  • 116 15 Demand For Tea In The Houm Of Commons. lea *as the most popular mail at the House of Commons last year More ;han Ci.943 teas were served on the 144 days on which the Hove sat. as cmpa-d with 111.557 in 1931. when the Hous >at on
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  • 108 15 It Does Not Develop The "Team Spirit." Oolf is a selfish gainf —according to Dr. P. Cawadias. He told the confercnce on New Ideals in Education at Oxford that.: "Rugby in my opinion is the b:st game to develop the team spirit, and I think golf is
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  • 75 15 International Institute's British President. Lisbon. A British member will be elected president for the next two years «lien the twentysecond meeting of the International Colonial $istitute opens here to-day under the Presidency of Conde Penha Oarcw. The British members are Messrs. Newton Rhodes. J. Coalman and Basil Williams,
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  • 692 15 Asked To Write Off 25 and 40 Per cent. MADK \s rnr-n;-.. ~j M y 20 state Fit..;- d.vclopmmt, ut.der.v. :ca. hay, 3iSn ,n UC: nf C fl lar in h o l hr p of the Long Te m Credit wi rr U f
    692 words
  • 152 15 New 90 m.p.h. Flying Squad Cars. A new heel of motor-cars, capable of speeds be.ween 80 and 90 miles an (hour. ha*, it is undersUKHl. mmm NWN4 lor the use of Sect-L-.nd Yird* Ely ins Squad. At t>he > time it is. riported that within the next
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  • 77 15 May Open New Summer University. Madrid. Professor Ehvtein will probably be asked to lecture at the International Summer University when I) is opened on June 15 in the former royal palace at Santander. If he accepts it will be his introduction to educational circles here and an eventful
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  • 159 15 I v labki.s if spiroids will allay the lrrl at* n. soothe the inuanud mucous mrnb«a In the breathing tubes, break up the phlepm ai.d bring ease and relief. Ri.piroids act en the principle of direct tnatment X the aflecVd parts. As the tablet
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 300 Babies In One Institution All Happy And Contented on "LACTOGEN" j cont' th h ■""■>■'" -~~t-~-*, i mcnt. k I mY) pleased to recommend •S** a perfect Food tor <Mms!Ĕ*^ ,ni: »nX Over ,{OO babies have been lactogen (quite a tew from llj M in this Home) and in
      97 words
    • 97 15 FOR I Coughs I 1 SOREIHROn 1 Exercising soothe muscle pains with SLOAN'S LINIMENT 6 X! Llr PAinnnnv 3072 MADE IN ENGLAND Swan Pens. Block or Coloured, from 6.50 'Swon'Minor 4 75 'B'ackbird Peni 2.7* Swan 'Ink q, 20 OF STATIONERS AND JEWELLERS. f/lusYc'ed Ccla/ogue posl free. MABIE, TODD CO
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 284 16 M. HASSAN ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTE U TOR. r, Bras BrsrJi L.nd. SINtsAPOKE. Ii :on arc in need of electric lUgl 1 B, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the ftbove ■ddfesi or 'Phone I TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, ISBX AT SIANG LIM
      284 words
    • 581 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—744 and 748. Grove Road. Rent SCO. Apply No 25. Boat Quay. IO LET 1. Marga'e Rd., oft Orove Rd I to Katoei Parle. Entry 1-5-33 Parti-' cilars Tai 3170. TO LET—Houses Nos. 37. 39. 41. »1. 117 and 119. Bldcftee «o.T
      581 words
    • 243 16 AUCTION SALE, SHERIFFS SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Writ of Sriiure and 8*1» dated Bth May. 1923. Suit No 319 of 1933. Bet wren HO All ROW. puin|i<r Vrrsus KOH JOO SENG. T Al CTION SALE OF One .i, steam Launch known as
      243 words
    • 144 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. We hereby not.f\ our curtomers that from 4;h day of June. 1933. our business be located Nos. 239 and 24 South Bridge Road, almost cpposl'e our pres nt premis s Nos. 2 and 3. South M4M Road. TAN CHONG lIUAT. PACKING. EXPERT JAPANESE PACKER. Please
      144 words
    • 367 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established 1928. 'A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). B. Short Street. Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both in Technique and Ihf-ory. Complete Courses leading to TC L Certificate. Diploma, L etc. Booklet free M. ANCIANO. Principal. THE MODERN ENGLISH
      367 words
    • 425 16 I'll ..j 11 ■jjjjj tonti«{ei, te j| Jjow miuj h-iijst ill PSrrc MALAYA TRIBUNE, 'PHONE 6171. b/P»SCRIPTIOX RATES. I IYABLE IN ADVA v Delivery Includ'ne t •it office Postan JT*** rsidence. PJi Yearly $15 00 Hi H Half-Yearly 7 i23(1 0 Quarterly $375 \>'-',r I 6 SINGLE COPY a t£NTR
      425 words