Malaya Tribune, 26 April 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN iMALAYA. Vol XX.- No. 97 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, Apr. 26, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1933 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 148 1 [f your/k supply is KLIM, you need no! worry about lee. Vacuum J packed/LIM comes to you in perfect condition. Even after the can i* J\ keeps for we ok 3 without refrigeration. JLIM is fre»h milk-powdered. Supplied from the richest dairy scc t*is in the world, where the cows
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    • 196 1 A. FLINTER Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every and quality, paying highest, prices according to daily exchange rates. THE ORIGINAL j J PRIMUS I HEATING and
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  • 828 2 A Tragic Story. FINDS OF ITALIAN EXPEDITION. W; piioush below an article by Commandei Attilio Gatti on the Italian Scientific Expedition which he !ed from the Cape to Cairo Command r Gut:; describes some of the beautiful Bu.=hman drawing tha; he examined during the journey. Probably one
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  • 538 2 Interview With Sir S. Skinner. London, March 26. Several entirely novel and remarkable fea tures mark the new Derrv and C«♦ handsome and High-street, which is to be opened af hTpas "fe U the ay aftern 0n by The -J5 the fl chairman of the
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  • 140 2 British Approval Of Colombian Attitude. Geneva. March 18. J^ c n C T Cil f the of Nati °ns sat -fecial y this morning to make recommendaHons for the settlement of the dispute ojween Colombia and Peru, which has arisen oc f upatit>n by armed *«iWto« autumn of
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  • 63 2 TTnakio Warsaw, March 22. Unable to meet their children's school fees y lmP VerlShed P arents are paying in kind. Bakers pay with bread, bootmakers with ;SaU utchers with meat and 35^52 Doctors pay also in kind. They visit teacher, who are ill or .end in an
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  • 603 2 A Famous Firm. THE GREAT JOSIAH SPODE. Celebrations were hrtH LondoXl, M*™* 26. ol the bicentenary of yeSterda >' honour lamous British potter Slah Spode the Stoke-on-Trent on March 5° torn at A Thorp?. 3rCh 25 W. writes W. The revolution in pottery -.t eighteenth century was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 7045 3  -  Our Short Story. By "Sapper." L ■f/881 J^ ;k Tcr.nant got engaged to Mary fV Darnley, their world mi large derided good And it would have been diffidecide otherwise. Jack was one of the reliowi imaginable: Mary was a XI each had look"-: and—a detail i) in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 9fame3463. f CASTORIA has always proved a safe, 1 h effective, and harmless remedy for I children's common ailments. The g 1| Gastoria formula was especially made gj m for babies and children by a famous fl physician more than sixty years ago. 9 19 Castoria regulates the delicate stom-
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    • 171 3 ALL OVER THE WORLD jf The first choice of a discern,o*?ajfeiV m anc world-wide public; ''y .b pre-eminent for its tonic bitterness and ever increasing \f in popularity Over thirty S»' years' supremacy entitles Olde English Marmalade to the place of honour on Your table. Chlvers' Olde English iMarmalade Try
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 "THE I CLOCK i ok j WATCH j you treasured. IBight Mopped j 1 wor ln aUm dajqi ago, or Mouths or j f Yoirs, j 2 NEVER MIND BRING IT TO US AND < jWE WILL HAVE IT GOING RIGHT j I FOR YOU IN NO TIME. j Yick
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    • 584 4 TO LET. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate enlry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LBT— 1, Marga'e Rd., oil Grote Rd.. close to Katong Park. Entry 1-5-33. Panlculais Tel. 3170. TO LET —"Silverton," 8, Upper Wilkie Road, two-storeyed compound house, with sanitary installation, water, electric lights and garage Apply to N. B.
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    • 375 4 PUBLIC NOTICES, NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OP AUGUSTUS VICTOR VAN DER BEEK. DECEASED PURSUANT TOORDINANTP No. 141 (TRUSTEES)! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all credit on lowing any claims against the Estate «JTk! above dec:as<?d. late of No 4 2 the Singapore, .ho died on 932. and Letters of Administration
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    • 265 4 EDUCATIONAL. JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL 40, NIVEN ROAD. Receive. 1 students from Primary to Standard VII and Commercial Class. Assures success In public examinations. Entirely under new management. For particulars apply Principal FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1&28. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). B, Sbort Street, Singapore. ■nroJ
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    • 199 4 SITUATIONS tiCANT. j WANTED A Lady Teacher or Eon High School. Minimum quahficatiV Cambridge Junior Certificate. Apply by ietVs only to the proprKor, Mr. Peter Chor.g. y.k'.Mmeida St. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—I oi l ies, Ford and oLrcict in excellent condition. Apply 3. Sttffol Road. .FOR SALE—Eight L\ Q Linotype
      199 words
    • 470 4 is t'xxoiitial],, Ijjjll :»n article i>f 111 conf i,|,., K IJI y«" niaij tn* xt ill lyEfe;: gIV GRAMOPHONE V/l MAINSPRINGS British Made from the fin est qua;;;- Obtainable from all Hi tne* V. 311 Gramcphone De?; A'l sizes available for all kirn' phc es. W- guarantee wonderful regular;; co
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  • 842 5 Suit Dismissed. ACTION AGAINST A THING." Our OW Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, April 22. > m ifffrt Boon Hot Chia ri mion-Jones were admitted to Bai this mnrming by Mr. Justice n» before the VOfk ol the I rj per appeared on behalf of the C iho
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  • 479 5 Beaten Ba*dly And Tied Up. Fpm Our Oun Correspondent./ I Johore Bahru, April 23. This morning, thr hearing of a daring case of alleged gang robbery committed in the little Tillage of Ulu Sedili Kechik, which m about two days' journey over land and sea from Johore Bahru,
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  • 348 5 Alleged Crime Of Long Sentence Prisoner. (From Our Own Correspondent.' Johore, April 24 This morning, Chee Tin. the Cantonese prircner who i.s serving a long sentence in the Johore State Prison for attempted murder, was pioduced again b.fcre Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman tThird Magistrate). The accused,
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  • 138 5 Murderer Sets Nice Problem For Justice. Berhn M rch 7. Piisrn oflicials of Taiiinn ISlVit) are puzzled by a man condemned tvj oeath for murder who has survived his owi *f execution." According to Esthonian law, *-f a newspaper report, a condemned man m y chocs 1
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  • 107 5 Dead Bodies Left hi The Streets. Reuter. Nanking April 24. Thousands of people turned out fruitle: 'y after dawn to-day t:- witness the execution *l .he six gunmen who recent 1\ carried out i daring daylight bank cibbery in the centre of the city, during which they shot
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 189 5 Oxus River's Steady Encroachment. Moscow. In the depths of the Central Asiatic jungle, at the site of a small encampment nanvd Nukus, construction has been commenced of a new centre for the Kara-Kalpak Republic, one of the fourteen autonomous areas of the R.S.F.S.R A sum of 53,000,000
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  • 44 5 The youngest aeroplane passenger ever to have gone up from herr- is the 27-diy-old sou M. Roger Murder, director of the urodrome U Lcngvic. Accompanied by hisi father, grandmother, ani great-grandmother, the irfant thus had his aerial baptism on a •joyride." of four rjcncr.ttions.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 Cut. Hi u/orld.fairuo\ju6 reputation,, g||S And, Guarantee cf life ISMS kl lp^ 'Mm Neoer ckanqinq qualifcq. illß MADE iN| ENGLAND. w. D. H. O. WILLS, BRISTOL 8c LONDON. #OUND Policies issued against FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, BURGLARY, ETC., ETC. [I FULL COVER GRANTED AT COMPETITIVE RATES IHE
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  • 1465 6 Shipping News Notices. CONTINUED DECLINE SINCE WAR. Plight Of Norway's Shipbuilding. AS the Norwegian shipbuilding industry cannot be protected, a suggestion has been made by Mr. Chr. J. Rehn. proprietor of the Porsgrund Engines ing Works, in a paper read before the Norwegian Engineers' Association in Oslo, that the banks
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  • 251 6 International Review Suggested. IN the House of Commons, in mail week, Mr. R. Rankin asked the President of the Eoard of Trade whether, with a view to relieving the present depression, the Government would consider arranging for the international review of the whole question of the Suez
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  • 406 6 Cruising And Business Combined. A SUGGESTION that pleasure cruising could be combined, to the benefit of Scottish trade, with a business visit to Canada was made by the Duke of Montrose, speaking at a luncheon cf the Canadian Club, of Gla, gow. In the course of his speech,
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  • 53 6 Th*- Sh:ppin*>r novw rr ?re s t G t nvn that •ll serious efforts to salvage tbc China Navigation Oo.'s steamer. "Antung" <ashore on Mofu Point. Hainan Straits) have been abandoned. The "Antung" left Swatow on March 4 with 420 passengers and a crew of 111. in command
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  • 778 6 Aberdeen-Commonwealth Line Purchased. IT was announced in London, recently, tv»at the Aberdeen and Common wcr ith Line of Steamships has been purchased for £500,0<0 by a new company owned jointly by the P. and O. and Shaw. Savil and Albion Co.. Ltd The vendors are the White
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 467 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. P.&O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Naldera 16,000 Apr. 28 Burdwan 6,070
      467 words
    • 232 6 I LLOYD TBI EST!NO t (Incorporated in Italy). I EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at Penang, Colombo, r.ombay, j Calling at Colombo. Bombay. Suez. Port Mas*owah Suez Port Said, Brindlsi, Venice and Trieste. a,?i2SS™""l J m.v. CARIGNANO May 15 May 15 J I Due
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    • 191 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIN IE Deutech Haa-Q Australischc Dampfscllfls Geselkchaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. M.s. HAVELLAND. via Manila May 7 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Manila May lfi m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila May 28 t m.s. BUPGENLAND, via Manila June 12 m.s. RHFINLAND, via
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    • 521 6 STEAMER SAILINGS, h*£vf>f norddedtsc her (Incorporated I* Germany). The undernoted are the Company's In* nrled fixtures: OUTWARDS. 1933. "TRIER" for Manila, Honing, Shanghai and Japan Apr jt "HOLSTLIN" for Japan Hg. 2 HOMEWARDS. 1933. "SAALE" for Marseilles, Adam. Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen. arriving Apr. 30, .a ding May i ftCaxgo
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  • 550 7 Mining Shares. w, div sday. 11 a.m. The roltowtag tin share quotation* are issued ..i and Co.. exchange and stock )rokoa.~~ Buyers. Sellers. m Kumbang Tin 23 3 24j3 i ral Malay Wr 20,- norn Z uorHiUmTta HG 12 6 Tin 11« 126 B v Pad -.g
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  • 218 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER DECLINES IN NEW YORK. No Pressure To Sell Locally. (By Our Financial Correapondent.j Singapore. Wednesday, noon To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore) 7% cts., down 5 1G cts. Tin (Singapore), $86%, up I*4. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber, 2 1932 d., up 1 lGd. Market Tone:
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  • 152 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Avian n Spirit in 4 gallon arums per British Imperial gallon $1.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 Shell M tor Spirit per 4 gallon
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  • 212 7 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, April 26. Selling: London 4 months' sight 21. 3 27|3Zd London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 13j16d London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 25|32d., London 30 days' sight 2s. 3?'» d., London demand 2s 323 32d London T.T. 2s. 3 1116 d..
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  • 198 7 Quiet, But A Brighter Tone. London, April 22. On the Money Market this week borrowers continued lo be lavound b) i as;, COndi I and lenders occasionally even fou-d difficult] In employing balances at quarter per cent bill brok'as, however. were finally somewhat cheered by the result of
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  • 110 7 Completed Between Britain And Denmark. London, April 24 The first British trad/ 1 agreement to be concluded since the Ottawa Conference wai < to-day between Britain and De.unari:. The Anglo-Danish trade negotiations, which have now been proceeding f:r four month-, are part of a series of separate talks
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  • 41 7 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 2 1932d. New York: 4 cents. Singapore: 7-\—7 1! 16 cents. TIN. London Spot: £1G2 17s. Cd. (Up E2s. 6d.) London 3 months: £163 UK (Up 50sj. Singapore: $86.75. COPRA. Sundriod $3.85 Mixed $3.60
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  • 689 7 Loss Similar To Last Year's. annual general meeting of the Ayei Panas Rubber EMat.-, LfaL. was neid at the re Jfctered office of the company, Honi-hone Bank gnambe Btnganore, yesterday at neon. Mr. M. SiD;, uas, chaiimun and the others pre- m en I i-' t Chim Tuan.
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  • 142 7 i Banker Suggests Sinking Fund Suspension. The ira<> depression and various suggested remedies for it were discussed by Mr. J. W. Beaumont Pease, chairman of Lloyds Bank. a. B luncheon following the annual meeting on I reh 88 In London of the International Assoi km for Promotion
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  • 154 7 Lord Reading Urges Need For Co-Operation. Lord Reading hi an address t: members cf the American Chamber of Commerce in London j recently delivered at a dinner held at the Hots. I Victeria, W.C.2., following th 3 annual meeting lof the Chamber, said that the main difficulty
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  • 454 7 No Nation Can Compete With It. The Qrst appearance ol Mr. Arthur d'Anyera Willis as Chairman of ihe Chartered Bank .'l India. Australia and China, .ays the "Financial Time:," editorially, wae noteworthy for an address which lost nothing in comparison with the high standard set by
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  • 655 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, 11 am. [he following nttttMT ahare quotations tit kwued by Fraser and Co and Lyail and grvat'.: «s»ue Value. Fraser Lyall A t Sh>>r< .V Co rv-tt 1 Allenby $0 50 $0 GO 40.45 $0 55 1 A'or Gajah 0.30 040 030 040 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 40 7 YEARLY INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY A bank balance is your best friend. You can turn to it whenever you are in need of financial assistance. Build a bank balance quickly with small regular savings. i Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 309 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Inc rporafed In Em: Ian J» SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Aln.eida Street. j Authorised and Subscribed Capltid £2,000.000 Paid-up-Ca;dt;d £1,000.000 Reserve Fund und Rati BtOjOM HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: 13 moay, Cakuita, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amarn. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuh, Mosul and Singapore CURRENT ACCOUNTS <pened and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 260 8 YOUR SUPREME THRILL I WORLD'S PICTURES. »x f MATINEES TO-DAY— TO"DAI Saturday and Sunday. i tm 1 fl She Made Aviators Keep Their Feet on the Ground! I A $iren w ho «uly wrecked «he All,« am «¥ae)[Cifc /ORIS j SUPPORTED P.V WALT DISNEY'S IQWERS 2XiA TREES" la.M. V A
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    • 279 8 I HERE SHE IS-YOUR FAVOURITE j LILIAN HARVEY in her gayest and most novel musical romance yet j AT THE I Opening To-Day 3.15-6.15-9.1S I Lilian Harvey, Jack Hulbert t 'Jack's The Boy j SONNIE HAIiE (of Tell me To-night') j and CICELY COURTNEIDGE j Unique j Musical 4 j^j
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    • 172 8 An earl without a cent-his butler a man worth millions-his lordship in lov* Wife his daughter-a screamingly funny mix-up MONEY MEUSUTIIIi jj ~~Next Change! A MK!,iSm j FRENCH FILM "THE UNKNOWN SINGER t music i SONG DRAMA (Sub-titles in English t MHMHH| g |tfa|^^MOKO!tOOJOOHOS^ I STIRRING ROMANCE OF THE OLD
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  • 945 9 DECLINE IN REVENUE FROM TAXATION. No Income Tax Relief. Surplus Eleven Millions: Excluding Debt Payment. Reuter. Mr. Neville Chamberlain's second Budget was a recital of gloom) figures but the British financial position was shown to be sound. Excluding
    Reuter.  -  945 words
  • 141 9 Severe Punishment Meted Out. Three Chinese. Soh Tan. Chuan Ta:i and Lor: Tian, who wcie arrested whilst attempting to bring in six large sacks of du'iable tobr-.cco, the duty en which amounted to about $C 0). were smartly punished by the District Judg? Mr. H. A. Korrer) this
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  • 91 9 Seen To Dive Into Sea During Storm. Reuter Wireless. Naples. April 24. A seaplane was seen to dive into the rough sea and disappeared from the coast, south of Naphs. and it is feared this is the mis-ing French craft belonging to the Orient Air Express Line
    Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 118 9 All ambra.—Chester Morris in "Cock of the Air." Capitol.—Jack Hulb.rt in Happy Ever After. Empire.—Matheson Lang in "Carnival." Great World.—Side shows, pasar maiam. Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. silent and talk, ing films (Sky Talkie: "Good Night V:?nra": Star Talkie: "Th? Spoilers"). Marlbcraugh.—■ 4 Rascals." a Hindustani fu',l--length
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  • 20 9 from Europe .Louden mails despatched on April 6. by the "Naldera," due at Penan? at 6 a.m. to-moirow.
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  • 172 9 Another spl?ndid comedy programme, featuring the Paramount British Production "Money Means Nothing,- warn shown at yesterdays change at the Pavilion Theatre. John Lod>-r (of "Wedding Rehearsal" fame) md Gibb McLaughlin .who will be remembered as lbs chauffeur in "The Love Contract")
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  • 65 9 Four Rascals 99 At The Marlborough. Eeginning from to-night, for a short season, .ths MarllxJiough will show a Hindustani talkie entitled "Four Rascals." It is a full length ccmedy. and is tha first film of the Ranjit Movitone Co. to be shown here. The principal parts are played by four
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  • 124 9 "Wild Girl." the new Fcx romance featuring Charles Farrcll. Jean Bennett, and Raiph Bellamy commenced its run at the Roy taol night. Charles Farrell and Joan Brr.r.ett a; pe*z ir very differon characterisations from the roles they hay? previo'Tly played. The setting in the giant
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  • 127 9 Outcome Of Inspector's Surprise Visit. C. Angus, the proprietor of the Caleut.a Cafe in Serano n Read, til fined S3O by the Fcurth Mafri trate 'Mr. A C. B yd> for running an eating h ire without a licence The cas. was the outcome of a visit
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  • 52 9 Whilst a Chinese coolie was working at the Gregson granite quarries at Bukit Timah Road a large stone fell on nis right arm. badly crushing it and also injuring his head. He was removed to hospital by ambulance. His arm was subsequently amputated. The victim is in a
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  • 566 9 No Lives Lost In Fires Last Year. There was an increase of 40 in the calls la ,t Vtai foi the Singapore Fire Brigade, but no lives were lost. The total number of calls was 182. Cf which 153 were to genuine fires, nine f these being outside
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  • 349 9 Landed On Beach And Turned Over. Mrs. Harry B nncy. the Australian aviatr.x who arrived in Singapore on Tne day 1 f last week, and took rff fr m Bstetar on inu morning en route to England, is now in Rangoon, where she bp hoping
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  • 85 9 Two Chinese, one of whom was a M I. polies informer, were prosecuted before the District Judge (Mr. H A. Forrei) yesterday on a charge of possession of an iltier two gallons, of samsr. and the gallons of fermenting rice They were seen c ming out of a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 122 9 LADIES' "FRENCH HA IB DRESSING SALOON j jLE DERNIER CRI I MAICQM j in hairdressing and I beauty work. European km ap% wmm > twjm I EXPERTS with Parisian MAITV*ELL.LII training. The Finest LATE MAISON j and most modern equip- NITTO I ment. Special cool-air 35 STAMFORD ROAD j drying
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    • 635 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Now...Soft Menthol 888 is genuine. j LOST— Alsatian Dog. answering the name of j "Tommy." Dalvey BOOK. 'Phone 4808 TFNDFRS IL W OPEN KRONCHONG COHPEI "ITION. i imi .iii—iin An cpc.i Kronchong Competition open to ail SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. I slxJsic J Pay i and Asocial (Amateurs Notice
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  • 672 10 j Since our first comment, last Friday, on the Wilson Report there has been time to note the views of a number of prominent people on that document. There seems to be general agreement with the opinion which we stated then, that there was no apparent
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  • 141 10 Comments By The Way. WE hear of th? Fire Brigade usually only when there is a blaze, but it is surprising now many other things they have to do in addition to putting out fires. Did you know that thsy clean the Cenotaph? In addition they
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  • 185 10 THE large section cf the Singapore public who are interested in poultry, dogs, cats goats and birds will welcome the decision which has been made to hold a show for these animals at the New World, from May 19 to 26 inclusive. The recent Agri-Horticulturai Exhibition at the New
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  • 173 10 THE report on fo:est administration in the Straits Settlements for 1933 is of interest to those who would see the further and more varied exploitation and development of the Colony's natural resources. The report itates that in «Singapore all forest reserves were to have been revoked, with the
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  • 203 10 THE "Macon," sister-ship to Ibe ill-fated dirieible "Akron." belonging to the U.S. Navy Department, has just b:en completed and has made a successful trial flisht. There is con'id n rable doubt, however, whe'h?r she will ever be put in'o commission. After the disaster to the "Akron," which crashed
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  • 120 10 A Chinese girl is on remand for the alleged theft of jewellery valued at $928. She was allowed bail in $500 on one or two sureties. S Mr. J. M. Barren, M.C.S., has been elected President of the Penang Government Servan; Co-Operative Thrift and
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  • 85 10 The annual camp of Malayan Girl Guides is being held at Tanjong Bruas. The date of the hearing of the case in which a Chinese towkay and his son were seriously injured and .were lor some time £a hospital has been fixed for Wednesday. itBoxing continues to thrive here.
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  • 100 10 Fourteen persons were fined $1 each for riding bicycles at night without a red reflector at the back. Three Chine c charged with assaulting a milk-vendor at Petaling Salak were sentenced to two months' r.i. each. Jockey Wadsvorth is charged with doing a rash act by colliding with
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  • 90 10 Ipoh ladies beit Penang ladies at hockey ly 5-0. Two hundred Mfhiytn delegit.s attended the Epworth League rally here. At a meeting of the Perak Radio Society yesterday Mr. S. F. Coleman speke on shortwave receivers. Mrs. Chan Yoon Lum, wife cf Inspector Chan Yoon Liur, has returned from
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  • 505 10 •'LOOKER-OM»"** j "Money means nothing" at the Pavilion. Just try to get into the theatre without paying, happens. The Bishop recently attended a boxing match, and the Pari refers to the new raceco of the amenities of Singap is certainly a broad-minded di cese! In spite of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 248 10 j j Frocks! j Frocks! j "****«bbs| I Viyella for j j j Frocks! i I p., t ie nicest frocks to wear, and to "own.. choose Viyella Fabrics. Always woven j in newest colours, newest designs, is Viyelli. Gay checks and stripes match exactly with plato-Uned Vivellas—think oi all
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    • 33 10 j 634 j NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TENG SENG GUAN j Established 1905. j T.K.K.S I RUBBER MATTING. J U" wide 25 eta. jier lb. j j 31"/' wide 35 cts. per lb. j
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 296 10 DIARY OF EVENTS. Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, APRIL 26. High Tides—l2.o2 p.m., 11.32 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m. Extraordinary General Meeting, Ceylon Tamils' Association, 5.30 p.m. League Football: Div. I, R.A.P. v. Malays, Anson Road; Div. 11, Police v. Wiltshires 11, Jalan Besar; Div. 111, S.H.B.
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  • 1073 11 DEMAND THAT JAPANESE LEAVE THE PORT? More Chinese Successes. Massing Of Soviet Troops In The North Reuter. St national reports have arrived via the Chinese cable services British intervention in the Far East by the landing of marines
    Reuter.  -  1,073 words
  • 61 11 A Further Cut Reported. Reuter. London, Api i' 26. The "Financial Times" learns that the meeting of tin puducers at The Hague has adopted a new quota scheme involving a further cut in production cf 6 2 3 per cent. Htrce, for the fourteen months ending Angst t.
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 62 11 Compulsory Yo-Yo For Young China. Nanking April 7. The revival of ancient Chinese games in all schools is oro?red by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry specially recommends kite-flying, shuttle-cock, yo-yo, boat-racing and archery. As these games are conducive to the development of the physical he3lth of the
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  • 751 11 Moscow's Retaliation To Embargo. Reuter Wireless. London. April 25. THE British embargo on Russian imports came into operation after the close cf the Custcms office at 5 p.m. tD-day.—Reuter. Moscow, April 22. Soviet retaliation to the British embargo on Russian goods may, in the opinion of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  751 words
  • 840 11 Washington Talks. EARLY STABILISATION OF CURRENCY. Reuter. T„„ Washington, April 22. HE week-end conference between President beeanT,? Mr Ramsa y Mac Donald House I, k 1 5 thC Val Room of the White House which overlooks the Potomac river. The Secretary of State. Mr. Hull, and the
    Reuter.  -  840 words
  • 48 11 Reuter Wireless. The Hague, April 24. 1 The Carnegie Endowment Fund has awarded Mr. Arthur Henderson, the British Labour statesman, a prize of £2,200 in value in consideration of his work for the promotion of peace and disarmament as President of the Disarmament Conference. —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 182 11 International Petition By Jews. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, April 23. A plot to assassinate HeiT Hitler Is said 11 have been discovered by the Munich polir-o who yesterday stopped an Italian motor-car near Rimsting and arrested the two occupant.; One of the men is believed to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  182 words
  • 65 11 Reuter. Athens, April 24 Thirty people were killed and over 100 injured in a severe earthquake at Kos Island, in the Dode Canese group, in the Aegean Sea.—Reuter Wireless. Kofe (Dode Canese Islands), April 25. Seventy-four bodies have been recovered from the ruins of the old quarter of
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 476 11 HEADLONG DIVE INTO SEA. One Man Killed. Pilot Dangerously Injured. AHAWK2F.-HORSLEY b mbing machine clashed into the Straits of Johore during earners gun practice yesterday morning and a Leading Aircraft man is believed fc) have been killed, as no trace of him has yet been found.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 BRITISH ESTIMATES. Revenue £698,777,000 Expenditure £697,486,000 Surplus« £1,291.000 Beer tax to be reduced by a penny a pint. Deficit on Mar. 31, £32.679,000 Debt payment £29,000.000 Sinking Fund £17.000,000 Net Surplus £11,000.000 j (See page 9.) I
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    • 103 11 HEYMAN• I BUTTER i I The fresh delicate flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to I the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria, Australia, it is handled and packed with scrupulous care in order to ensure that it will keep I in perfect condition. A BRITISH
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  • 895 12 Baker's Sparkling Play. WILTSHIRES BEAT PULAU BRANI. ASSN. FOOTBALL. ißy K.O'i The Wiltshire* pained full points at the expense of Pulau Brani at the Ans.n Road Stadium yesterday in Div. I of th? S.A.F.A League. The winners
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  • 577 12 Yeow Kirn Swee Shield Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent J Malacca, April 23. There are five entries for the Yeow Kirn Swee Shield competition this year, the draw for which resulted as follows Bunga Raya I v. Bunga Raya II (to be played en April 27.). Chinese F.
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  • 48 12 First Race At Newmarket Meeting. THE TURF. Reuter. London. April 25. The First Spring two-year-old stakes run at Newmarket to-day resulted as follows: 1. LADY NAIRNE COLT. 2. CAMPANULA. 3. MERENDA. Twelve ran: won by a head, third two lengths away. Betting 7—1; 20—1; 21—20.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 55 12 The Two Thousand Guineas. Reuter. London. April 25. Following are alterations in the list of probable starters in the Two Thousand Guineas. Highlander (Wells). Melfort (Lane). Scarlet Tiger (A. Wragg). Restormel I J Mainwcod (Dickens). Titian (Steve Donoghue). Colorow (Weston). Thekeen (Pat Donoghue). Tuppence (Marshall). Blue Grass was
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 94 12 The Singapore Chinese B. P. defeated the Chinese Students' L. A. by five games to nil, at the former's court last Saturday. Scores «S.C.B.P. players mentioned first) Tan Chee Eng beat Koh Tfet Van 13—13, s—l, 7—15, 15—4 Yeo Hong Chuan beat Gwee Ah Sye 15—3, 15—2
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  • 231 12 Malayan Championship Competition. BILLIARDS. Last night's ties in the Malayan champion- J ship competition at the New World for the Padmore Challenge Shield presented through Messrs. Frankel Bros, resulted as follows: 6.30 p.m.: Chee Lian Chye (United Confederate Funeral Association* beat C. L. Perelra (Indian Association) 300—162.
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  • 701 12 Calm Sea And Light Breeze. YACHTING. There **a a calm sea and a light westerly breeze and the yachts ail carried reaching jibs when the six-metre class of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club sailed the first race for the Van Schreven challenge cup on Sunday. The three yachts
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  • 422 12 Participation In M.C.C. Tour Assured. CRICKET. Bombay. April. 9. The Bombay Hindu Gymkhana to-night resolved to rejoin the Bombay Presidency Crtcke' Association and also play representative matches as before. The resolution marks the return to the status quo of two years ago wh.n. owing to the prevailing
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  • 121 12 Latest Results Of Matches. BASEBALL. New York. April 25. Latest results in the National and American Leagues arc as follows NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. H. E. Boston 5 10 2 Hogen scored a home run > Philadelphia 6 15 2 <.Klcin scored a home runj Twelve innings. Brooklyn d
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  • 68 12 The Sincere Lads' hon. secretary's team beat the sports captain's team by 3 games to 2. Scores: Chua Yam Buk beat Chan Siak Kong 14 14 (i—3>. 15—7. 15—6; Wan Chin Inn beat Wee Peng Hoe 15—2. 15—3; Tan Kirn Chwee lost to Chan Wei Kee 6—15. 3—15; Tang Siang
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  • 383 12 Germany's Best Player A Jew. LAWN TENNIS. Berlin, April 24. Germany's decision to not allow Jews to represent German tennis in Davis Cup and Inter- national matches and official matches bet we: n j German Clubs deprives her of the services of j Dr. Daniel Prenn. the
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  • 130 12 Following America. "TEN-OUT" INSTEAD OF "NINE/* In future, boxing refen seconds before declarim. viously the count Bine tad out. These instructions have bo British Boxing Board. Thi National 6 Club rules state that a boxer mv I riaf v. ten seconds. This news will come ai
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  • 175 12 ANSON AND MAYFADL Thr Anson B P. and Mayfair B P duw :-3 en thr formers court en Saturday Scam (Anson pliyera mentioned first- Bob Etc fhve lost to Lee Cheng Puan 14-14 (Ml, 3-15 IC-15: Sng Eeng Teck beat Lee L"ng Her 15-9. 15-5: Sng Seng Hcng beat
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 749 13 St. George's Ball. SUCCESSFUL DRESS FUNCTION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. April 23. The members of the Royal Society of St George (Malaca Branch) celebrated the feast of their patron saint by holding a Fancy Dress Ball at the Malacca Club on Saturday nignt. There were
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  • 204 13 Later Lighting In Certain Streets. Municipal Committee No. 2 took the following action at a meeting held on April 18 Agreed that it is desirable for conservancy purposes to retain lighting In certain streets later than is present practice. Generally approved minutes of third meeting of the Hawkers
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  • 32 13 Reuter Wireless. London, April 22T Sir Henry Royce, the world's greatest motorengineer, and one of the founders of Roils Royte. Ltd., died to-day after six months' Ulncs*.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  32 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 234 13 I 7.15 To-Night 0.15 j Lawrence Tibbet IN "NEW MOON" »«JM^>BBIi^RIMWMKW^^^HR>M*^^^rtRHBMBBBafIaiia^(^BMR^RMRERB^ v ma i 1 I "StLiAalt" MY BMar < x*/GKr*<- ...a war is r—m In This Tropical pfl Climate Your Blood Easily Weakens i Guard and cure yourself from anaemias, poorness of the blood JJ l l(0a I and
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    • 16 13 1 j I Pianos Bought, Sold And Exchanged. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE.
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    • 278 13 I BY SPECIAL T0 HJL j APPOINTMENT. KIX F SIAM Not even golf with its violent movements of the B J arms can alter the unfailing accuracy iof an Omega watch. Because of its precision and sturdiness you will find an Omega on Ihe wrist or in the pocket of
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 572 13 CLUB DIARY. (There ate numerous 'Clubs and Societies in S ngapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary w provided specially for them. Secretaries are invitea to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date ana complete. Happenings of general interest VW still be included in
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  • 3379 14 ANNUAL PAROCHIAL MEETING. CHAPLAIN CALLS FOR UNEMPLOMENT BUREAU. At the parochial meeting yesterday the Chaplain referred to the urgent need of churches for the growing community of Britishers at the Air Base and the Naval Base, and for Serangoon
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  • 313 14 Dr. Chu Ngo Hsiangs Practical Suggestions. Dr. Chu Ngo Hsiang, Director of the International Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has returned to China from his tour of French Indo-China. Siam, Malaya, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines. Interviewed in Shanghai, while he was on his
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  • 68 14 "The rtafiiesian," the magazine of Raffle; Institution, is now on .ale. It is as usual nicely edited. A moit interesting and varied asexrtmeni of ai tides is published, and the school notes are maintained An ed.torial note re zeals tint "ihe wst in China seems to have had
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  • 423 14 Nude Intruder. LADIES' UNNERVIN, EXPERIENCE. A rather unnerving experience rhirt, L European lady was related i n the n 11 4 beiore Mr. H. A. Forrer yesterd-.» k Court Malay. Haron bin Hamid. phadV a tail two charges of house-breaking l <> It was stated
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  • 114 14 Singapore. April 26. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rohna 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Chitral 18: Mata Hari 16; Talma 13; Kistna 11: Carnarvonshire 9: Trier 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Steel Traveller 30; Azumasan Maru 32: Karapara 35; Rahman 37. Empire
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  • 104 14 A verdict of death by misadventure \va<; returned by the Singapore Coroner (Mr F G. Bourne) yesterday at the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of a ricksha puller vhn wa; knocked down by a Johore Bahri' motorloiry in Rochore Canal Road on April 19 It was
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 4 14 j AFter aSwiM I
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    • 187 14 The OLEH OLEH PARTY I (Ornprising the best Straits-Born Chinese Amateur Artistes of Malaya) WILL PRESENT ON THE FIRST NIGHT, SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, AT 9 P.M. A "GR\ND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT" (consisting of English. Russian. Spanish. Burmese and Chinese Dances. Comic Sketches. Special Kronchongs. S ambuls V* j Extra Turns.) ON
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  • 349 15 Interview With Lady Reading. London, March 26. marvellous work-rooms in the V,. End to-day where voluntary workers are :li materials supplied at cost price pretty frocks from Is. each attractive dresses from Is. 7d. to anc time they are turning old Bl t r rials into nw.
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  • 87 15 Overseas Chinese To Help China. I OtjWWgi April 8. I Chi Wan, was pUfIQ, which I s.dents and i tnd educational j Ov Pr :p Cecil yesterday. present, and Kwai. delivered the gathering's w the Canton prethc opportunity to hospitality at the i nts were entertained Cam
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  • 75 15 Well Appointed Home For "Old Maids." Turin. March 15. J Sianor Pietro Bozzalia. causing some merriment his large and well- Btella, the Huddersncld of "OW maids," who can. in it. free of 81 i,,!..'. ,m rest <* their lives. equest has caused amuseWends, he will never confess that
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  • 727 15 Habits Of Fish. INTERVIEW WITH MR. BOULENGER. London. March 26. Deep sea fishing has been made, it seems a less uncertain enterprise by a Marconi invention, the echometer, which is recording to-day on over three hundred British trawlers the depth of water in which the fishing
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  • 82 15 A single-cylinder motor car, 30 years old, found on a scrap heap near Dover, England and bought for Bs. |<L left Dover recently on a tour to Africa. Mr. Will Cozzi and his brother Frank, both of whom belong to Dover are driving the car. Intending
    82 words
  • 262 15 End Of The First Month. Now York, March 25. If Mr. Roosevelt's drive and speed in regard to legislation show some signs of slackening as the first mcnth of the new administration draws to a close we need not be surprised, and the American people will
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  • 304 15 Japanese And Germans Meet. /Special to the "Malaya Tribune.") On the same day as the 'Deutsche Gescll- 1 -chaft fuer Natur und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokyo" (German Society for Natural Science and Ethnology of East Asia), met to commemorate its sixtieth anniversary, in Tokyo, a score of Berlin
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  • 159 15 Paris, March 25. There was a fall in prices on the Bourse o-day which resulted in some first-class securities touching the lowest figures yet reached this year and brought various categories cf French Rentes down by amounts whicn in the case of the 4 per cent.,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 119 15 Fr. erminent LrmpitMiu» h..s been discovered never dry the skin or cloytht pure* It riva nurvelious rr.-ni.ii ffcMIIMI h*V€ Mientii: ally blended pure Mmnm of and prtmanevt beauty of complexion which men adore—«tul r-un with the i,ih-,i .nr-tloatt 1 |»..w,l, r It fa .ailed lVudre uhuii needs no cr.nstint
      119 words
    • 354 15 /5 You d think, to hear people talk, SfeLf that Instant Postum was a new dis- /*J N^sSHS*^ coyery So many of them are trying W llltSM» it tor the first time, and getting ffi«33Hl£\W k 0811 "?:V'l good results. Not that they're giving 1 it^ up tea —no
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  • 121 16 fifty pictures, including Botticelli's Venues. forming part of the collection of the Banner. Bi»nor Gualino, formerly one of the three richest men in Italy, were despatched to London'yesterday for the Italian Embassy, which will soon be the most richly endowed embassy m the world. The collection was taken over by
    121 words
  • 158 16 Women Police For Peiping. Peiping, March 25. Seven women students have successfully passed the entrance examinations of the- Peiping Police College, according to information irom local Chinese circles. Altogether 56 candidates sat for the examination, which were held under the personal supervision of General Pao
    158 words
  • 135 16 No Apparent Enthusiasm In The Country. Madrid. March 25. The Portuguese situation remains cloudy and cnfu.'-ed after the plebiscite for the new Ccn--titution. The fact that in Li-brn. a city of 529.000 inhabitants, but 19.000 took the trouble to vote in favour hardly denotes fervid enthusiasm for the
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  • 104 16 Promotions Approved By The Governor. Routine Ord rs issued by Lieut. Col. If. J. I MC. Commanding S.SV.F. dated Apr) 1 25. are as fellows: Prcniotioris, Officers: HE. the Governor has teen pleased ;o approve the following acomotiens to the rank of Lieutenant: 2nd Lieu* ii. B
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 j DRINK WHAT? Was Grown and Cultivated from the Highest Mou j Ceylon. Try once, and Get a pound to-day fro J reliable provision stores, li" you are not really s; return your money. J Coffee is Ground from the Best and Selected Coffee S< I from adulterations of any
      173 words

  • 228 17 Inter-State Game. INTERESTING MATCH AT IPOH. For the first time Asiatic golfers met in an inter-state ontest when a Chinese team from selangor played a team captained by Mr Chung Ah Ming in Ipoh. during the Easter nohdays. The latter team
    228 words
  • 420 17 S.C.C. TOURNAMENT. Sunday's Match On The Padang. Ram causod the abandonment of Surdav'< tournament match ;i t the S.C.C. betweer etceteras and Merchants alter the former har Jctlared at 203 for 9 wickets. Scores: ETCETERAS. H E Ncon c Harper b Ashworth 74 J- E. C. Mitchell b Ashworth
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  • 754 17 An Appreciation Of The Great Player. J. A. Spender writes in the "News Chronic!: For the greater part of my life my knowledge of Ranjitsinhji was that of the far-off ldolator who watched from the pavilion, or fome humbler position, while the superb encketer lifted the game
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  • 219 17 DEVONSHIRE B.P. Ties in the Devonshire B.P. "A" singles championship tournament played last weekend, resulted as followsflap Chin Tee beat M. Said 15-10, 15-6; X ne beat Koh Chye 15-6, tm Chek Tuan Mohd Jaffar Se™ V/ 15-11; Mak Man 8 beat Tan 7n°;^ n Kirn Hong beat Mohd
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  • 799 17 Third Anniversary Sports. ATHLETICS. Ihi2" S Darby S l»:t« Club held ther a ,ar 4 e kcen,y comKt <i <"••" deal or a»u"„L, d !atk raCeS CaUSed a J« L r7 m A S ha nSe CU bv r v>L 7 A A «deron-Pole. was won R
    799 words
  • 123 17 Latest Results In U. S. Leagues. BASEBALL. t New York, April 24. Jttsss" ,he united s,a, s NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. H E. Boston 2 0 Brookl y n 2 8 0 Chicago 3 g Cincinnati 4 g Philadelphia 7 6 2 New York J J (Fttatantwui scored a
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  • 676 17 SUNSHINE AT HOME. Early Boom ItrOpen Tournaments. London. Apiil G. A long .spell of wonderlul sunshine has brought an early boom to outdoor Lawn 'I ennJs. Players are quickly finding good form, and the official policy of having no t:am trials this year is forcing the ranked players
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 155 17 t iet them suffer fruits cute and burns! j 1 **J help tne most a oner 'Km. It tin, an i .1' lr. Keep it that L eft tie at $1.3*. 13-00. j ".r sy cook In only 5 minutes CCOTI SPORAGEOATS are the most convenient as •veil i,s the
      155 words
    • 356 17 HE HAD TO REDUCE. Easiest Way Proved The Best. A man who had been advised bv his doctoto reduce writ s tin; "I had put on weight t: the extent of 206 lb ht£,r\-?T* e as iam niy 5 n 11 u h v r 1, aad ma s ap(
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  • 78 18 An arsenal and a modern port Will be built at Ismid. the Turkish naval base. If P»r»ament approves a measure providing for WU scheme, which will be laid before it shorth'. It is estimated that the cost of the arsenal, and other work, will amount to about £500.00(V There Is
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  • 393 18 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, April 21. MEAT. 3Q Beef, steak -round), katl Beet, stew or curry, kali 42 Mutton. Australian, hi. 4Q Fowl, katl 42 Hens .locally reared), katl Pigeons, fledged, pair EGGS. 27 Fcwl, 10 16 Duck, 10 iy Preserved (duck), 10 FISH. Baval Puteh (Pombrel),
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  • 159 18 A Central European Wedding. Belgrade. March 23. a wedding on a scale practically unknown m Central Europe has jmt taken place in the of Mukatchevp. tS. lath'rs of the bride and bridegroom vhose ages are now seventeen and eighteen Ire famous and wealthy rabbis who dec id.
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  • 96 18 Development Of Modern Dancing. Vienna, Maxch 16. The development of dancing from the Gothic period up to the present mustrated in 552 pieces, has been traced by Dr. Wolf 1. Bok the art historian, in the internattonal exhibition of dancing which he has arranged in the Hagenbund building
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  • 247 18 Friendly Relations To Continue. Moscow, April 15. Pears that were at first entertained in Moscow thnt the mtler Government might carry S policy so f« as tc, bring to ,n end the Soviet-German friendship, whicn Sd exist din varying degrees of intensity 2ntlS signing of the
    247 words
  • 316 18 Curious Story From Lichtcnstein. Vienna. April 6. Cere-rrin? the assault of the no'crius brothers Potter bankrupt Berlin theatrical managers -n the territory cf the Principahty of LichtenSeS an account no» published by the oCchU Wees bureau of the Lichtenstein Government .tates that the propriety of the Kur-Hctel athem
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  • 188 18 Leonardo Da Vinci's Designs. Rome. March 23. Italy's participation in the coming Chicago World Exhibition will not be confined by Genreal Bal'oo's flight there with thirty-three Bi aphUXS, «hleh will sweep down upon Lake Michigan cv the opening day. Exhibits ranging Irom prehistoric times to the latent Marconi
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 537 18 Cheap Lamps /iSNfe arc an tTU rtofsMk Expensive I AtM 1 m»o£ 'A/ Luxury Mazda Laboratories iimffM 2r mv nted the '■'■■■^SMflMBg AP| drawn tungsten electric lamp \B then all lhr mOSt v E y n"g|Asr.rr^ V. Ith; i mL; A MA:/ nVo and the LAM") Non-Sag Filament v their
      537 words
    • 359 18 I i iM/ v I WOMAN'S BEAUTY DEPENDS i ON THIS. j The fir t necessity [or a fear com- j phxkm and bright iy«• blooc I stream. This is hopossihl to obtain if I you are constipated—rven b degree. In nearly eosry per* tben> alf.ays a ilighl aceumul; a
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 663 18 EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. Two of the following frequencies and way* I ler-ths will be used in the transmissions lo i the"lndian zone. Announcements
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  • 894 19 By Selfish Parents. OLD PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD THEIR DAY. Ifj Leonora e.\ ho, wil Irwiru London bJH the following remarkable article rtceal is»ue ol a well-known Honu 11 i. the fashion nowaday.. whenever middleand eJderty folks get together, to deplore bi selfish callousness of the
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  • 56 19 Berlin. March 25. lva] P»J» In the open-air theatra of which opens in May, t ain special re*? from the fact that the 1 01 ReoM lias been appointed R'lth iw ■Crawn Princess and Prau are expected to be present at cnard Wagner performances In ition
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  • 1030 19 The Question Of Inflation. The four articles by Mr. Keynes in The Times' recently, have now been excellently reprinted, with certain small additions in 37-page pamphlet by Macmillans. Hundreds of people will be very glad tc have them in this convenient form, inasmuch as th- growth
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  • 1076 19 SEARCH FOR COMMON DENOMINATION. B. B. C. Pronunciation In my view there are three distinct categories of individuals who are responsible for the appalling confusion in the matter of speech to-day,' said John Reith Director General of the B B C., when presiding at a lecture at
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 336 19 jjjjjjjjjji ARCADIA V WORKS CARRERAS' wonder Factory in LONDON-the HOME of.. CORK TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES SfcrlS 1 and equipped Tobacco Factory in the World is Arcadia Works, on the Hampstead Road, London N W C AVE A C^arettes Nine acre"' of air! washed, sun-bathed cleanliness, housing 3,500 happy, healthy workers.
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  • 121 20 THE TROPHY. —Mr. Ouj Peng Bit*, Kuah. Pulau Langkawi. A TRANQUIL SEA.-Master Cheim Chong Woo. English College, Johore Bahru. BREWSTER ROAD BRIDGE, IPOH.-Mr. W A. Rode, 36, Lav Ek Ching Street. Ipoh. SEEN PROM THE NEW HONGKONG BANK BUILD.NG TOWER. IPOH.-Mr. W. A. Roc*.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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