Malaya Tribune, 25 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN -MALAYA. VoL XX.- -N* 96 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, April 25, 1933 Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 345 1 W»2U Graceful Silent Smooth EASY, ECONOMICAL, ORIYING O O O O 000 ***** I To the motoring public the word "Austin" denotes a standard of excellence and dependability com- A *lt/tti bined with moderate cost, which sets Austin cars in a class apart, and renders them the criterion by which
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 489 2 Asiatic Unemployment. VOLUNTEER FORCE PROMOTIONS. ,'from Our Own Correspondent. Malacca. April 21. The undermentioned officers passed for promotion to «M rank of Captdn at an examination held at Malacca on April 9.: SecondLieut. A. M. Drysdale. Second-Lieut G. Angell. ACipt. W. J. Curran-Sharp. Lieut. Chan 800
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  • 123 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 20. I The trial of David Hamy, an employee of m. A. Babaihamy, a jeweller, was heard yesterday before Mr. H. C. Willan in the District Court. Hamy was charged with criminal *oi each of trust in respect of jewellery amounting
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  • 35 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 21. The annual camp of the Malayan Girl Guides for this year is being held at Tanjong Bruas, Malacca, under the direction of Mrs. A. Cavendish.
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  • 41 2 Copies of the Report of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson. C.CM.G.. KGB. K.8.E.. F<rmanent Under-Secretary of St*te for the Colonies, on his visit to Malaya in 1932. are mcilsble for rale at the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur, at 50 cents copy.
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  • 34 2 Mr. John Gurupatham. who lef: Singapore a few years ago after a long residence here, being employed by Messrs. McAlister and Co., lest his wife by death on April 3. at Parassala, South Travancore.
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  • 142 2 Hits Young Girl In Nanking. Nanking, March 28. While Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek was returning from a visit to Mr. Wang Ching Wei at about six o'clock this evening his private car hit a country girl, about 12 years of age. near the Foreign Office. It appears that
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  • 184 2 New Method Of Finding Firm's Capital. Canton. April 7. The Provincial Department of Finance has formed a committee to ascertain the capital of commercial houses with a view to fixing a correct impost of business tax. As a result of an agreement between Treasury officials and leading merchants,
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  • 71 2 Vienna, March 23. Owing to financial difficulties, the Abbey of St. Peter, at Sakburg. has been forced to sell a number of historic chasubles and mitres to Switzerland and Italy. A magnificent ho:r.e altar of silver and mcther-of-pearl depicting I scene from the Crusades, and dated 1494,
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  • 415 2 Exhibition Of His Manuscripts. London. March 2»J. Among the more interesting memorials of a man of letters, his manuscript J tak a hi M place It is the wealth And variety of the writings of D. H. Lawrence that make this exhibition at Messrs. Bumpus's. In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 98 2 i iiii—i■wmii Tirrnili I 111 i I 7 Builds Bonnie Babies GIAXO is treasured by mothers for the heart felt relief it brings—for the almost immediate contentment and strength it brings to troubled, ailing babies. Glaxo is a humanised milk food easily digested and is free from any risk of
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    • 311 2 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO THE FOLLOWING PLACE? Best Workmanship Guaranteed at Moderate Charges. Will you pUase send or call for a trial YICK WAH SING 81, North Bridge Road, (opposite Adelphi Building), SINGAPORE. BRILLIANT LIGHTING FOR NIGHT WORK. /f?T7"' s v Floodlighting THE TILLEY I LOODLIGHT fi PROJECTOR. «■r
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  • 845 3 THE INDIA WHITE PAPER. LIST OF PERSONNEL: GLIMPSES OF THE SITUATION. London. April 6. It i nflK iallv announced that the following 'i the British members of the Joint j inmittee 0:1 the India White Paper: (XiMMOXERS < «)ii<«rvatiN«'. Sir riamnrl Hoare. |tj R.
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  • 87 3 A divcree has been granted in the High Court here on the ground that the husband was servJrg a life sentence for murder The man. Emil yon Broembaen. was sentencced to death in March. 1931, for the murder ol Robert Cocper. stationmaster at Bulawavo. the sentence being commuted later to
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  • 585 3 Ready For Traffic Next Month. Madras. April 3. Madras will shortly be connectea directly by telephone with Bombay. Calcutta, and other important North Indian towns. Madras will be linked by a muik MSM wLh Bombay; and Calcutta and oUier specified places will communicate with Madras via Bombay which
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  • 112 3 The new Norwegian Cabinet was definitely constituted to-day under the Premiership of M Mowinckel. who was twice before been Prime Minister of Norway. Its ftrmation follows the defeat of the olj Government under M. Hunsteid and the latter's resignation a week ago. The new Ministry, which is purely Liberal in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 You Must Insist I I ON 1 I IMPENETRABLE I Ready Mixed Paint 1 IT LASTS LONGER I 1 j GOES FURTHER/ I I DRIES HARDER 1 STOCKED IN MANY COLOURS. I GuTffliiE e €b I (Incorporated In S.S.) Cj
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    • 267 3 [SEATITiIKri NOW SINGAPORE FAVOURITE BRAND f I BECAUSE 1 I The Quality Is Worth Twice The Price. SAFE AND GOOD FOR BABY [j II DO BOTTLE-FED BABIES GET ENOUGH TO EAT? jj L When your doctor prescribes Blue Cross Milk for your baby, you will know I that your baby
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  • 605 4 Shipping News Notices. EMPLOYMENT IN SHIPPING. Position At The Principal Home Ports. EMPLOYMENT among seamen during February remained very slack, and show>o little change on the whole in the shipbuilding and shiprepairing trades, according to the "Ministry of Labour Gazette." For seamen the demand was generally extremely quie the supply
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  • 218 4 Report Of Cammell Laird And Co., Ltd. The report of Messrs. Cammell Laird and Co.. Ltd., shows that the trading pr:fit after deducting all expenses of management, &c, was £47,819 (£61.530 in 1931); income from investments and interest £13,194 and transfer fees £147, then is a total
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  • 32 4 The P. and O. "Chitral" has left Hongkonn and is due here to-morrow mcrnine at 10 o'clock. She will proceed alongside the S. H B Wharf on arrival
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  • 230 4 200 Vehicles Carried Daily. rT»HE increasing yolume of vehicular traffic being carried by the new cross-harbour ferry at Hengkong is fulfilling expectations The service was put into experimental operation on March 6. since when an increasing u*e has been made from both sides by mot.rists and owners of
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  • 306 4 Complaints Made In Glasgow. A lack of housing accommodation for Glasccw seam.en in proximity to the docks was complained of at the annual meeting of the Glasgow Sailors' Home, held in the home at the Broomielaw. The Deacon-Conven:r. Mr. James Gilchrist who presided, said that housing for sailors
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  • 111 4 No Distribution On 5 Per Cent. Preference. The net revenue of the King's Lvnn Decks and Railway Company for 1932 was £10 986 (agiinst £22,241), to which has been added £383 brought forward and £1,500 (against nil) transferred from reserve. After providing for Debenture Interest dividends are
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  • 417 4 Move By President Of Hamburg Senate. THE Official Press Bureau of the State of Hamburg states that the President of the Senate, Herr Krclgmann. has sent a letter t the chairman cf the Hamburg Shipowners' Association. Herr Marius Boeger. a'king the Association, and through it, all other relat
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  • 322 4 Exceedingly Useful Work For M) Years. When th? Melanesian Mission steamer "Southern Cross VI." came to a sudden end soon alter she was built, there was a tendency to feryet that the "Southern Cross V." was still in existence, although condemned as obsolete, and she has only now
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  • 476 4 Registrar's Report Objected To. IN the Admiralty Division Mr. Justice Bateson heard a motion by the owners of the Russian steamer •'Armenia" in objection to the Registrar's interim report upon their claim in respect of damage sustained by the "Armenia" in a collision with the Italian
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  • 39 4 Tie If. If "Compiegne" is due here from JWadias to-mrrrow morning at 7 o'clock. She will probably sail at noon the same day for Tcurane and Haiphcng She will berth in the Roads en arrival here
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 474 4 BTEAMEJt SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND apcar lines. (Incorporated In England). MAlU PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Ui 'i r Contract with HLs Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Naldtra 1C.000 Apr.
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    • 238 4 r LLOYD TRIESTINO I (Incorporated in Italy). J EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. J SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA at Penang, Colombo. Bombay. j Calling at Colombo. Bombay, Su?x, Port Karachi, Aden, Massowah. Suez. Port J I Said, Brindlsi, Venice and Trieste Said Brindi s«- Venice and Trieste. I r»„„ t
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    • 187 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LJNIE Deutsch |M_Qf l"D"| Australisehe Dampfschifls lO C\ GeselLchaft (Companies xncorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. M.s. HAVELLAND. via Manila May 7 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN. via Manila May 16 m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila May U T m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila June 12 m.s.
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    • 521 4 STEAMER jAIU NGR NOKDDELTScTIER Germany). The underrated are the Company, fixtures:— nQt<J OUTWARDS. "TRIER" for Manila. BcivV 1933 Shanghai, Taku, DaL-tn. 1 and Japan f "HOLSTEIN" for Japan Pf 26 -ay 2 HOMEWARDS. "SAALE" for Marseilles, Adam Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bn t arriving Apr. 30. §Cargo steamers with limited 1
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  • 520 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Tuesday. 11 a.m. Thr following tin share quotations are issued prates and Co.. exchange and atock brokers.— Buyers Sellers. m Kumbang Tin 23.3 24,3 j lustra] Malay 18 20|- nam Httam Tin 11 6 1216 Tin 116 12 6 Bating Padang 0.05 0.07 4
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  • 201 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER AND TIN FIRM UP. Good Inquiry For All Positions. (By Our Financial Correspondent.* Singapore, Tue day, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore) 7 15 16 cts., UP cts. Tin (Singapore), $85« up $11/«. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber. 2 17 32d., up 3 32d. Market
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  • 41 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spof 2 17 32d. New York: 4 1 cents. Singapore: 7 15 16—3 cents. TIN. London Spot: £160 5~. (Down 7s. 6d >. London 3 morths: £161. (Down 55.). Singapore: $85.50. COPRA. Sundried $3.85 Mixed $3.60
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  • 219 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore. A:wil 25. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 13 I6d London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 25 32d., London 30 days' sight 2s. l%4Lj London demand 2s. 323 32d.. London T.T. 2s. 3
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  • 117 5 Effects Of America's Finances. Reuter Wireless. London, April 21. On the Stock Exchange to-day apprehension caus:d by America's financial policy and the effect on the foreign exchange market caused general hesitation, except in international securities which reflected the rise on Wall Street. Germans were very depressed. Kaffirs relapsed
    Reuter Wireless.  -  117 words
  • 156 5 World Demand For BritishMadt Engines. London, April 11. British aircraft and engines are in demand all over the world, and as a result there is a miniature boom in th: industry. Cne cf the bu iest concern; is De Havilland's of Stag-lane. Edgware, Middlesex. It is exporting
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  • 123 5 Tie rubber crcp harvested by the Soengei Rampah Rubber and Coconut Plantations Company in 1932 amounted to 380.151 lb. (agains" 396.237 lb. in 1931) and the average net sale price, ii eluding the estimated vmttM of unso'd rubber, was 1.92 d. per lb. (against 2.50 d.>. Costs of
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  • 32 5 An interim dividend of 3' L per cent, is to be paid on the Preference shares on May 1. but again no inteiim dividend is declared on the ordinary shares.
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  • 190 5 Dollar Weakness And Stock Exchange. Reuter Wireless. London, April 19. On th Stock Exchange to-day. apart from s eadincss of gilt-edged securities, the markets were somewhat unsettled by the weakness or tne American dollar. The commodity marke s were also unsettled. Inflation fears depressed dollars to 357 but
    Reuter Wireless.  -  190 words
  • 98 5 Loss for 1932 of the Merton Rubber Syndicate was £1.460. from which has been deducted the £736 brought in from the previous accounts, leaving a debit balance ol £724 to be carried forward. [I he total crop of dry rubber harvested amcunted to 172.214 lb., wnich realised a
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  • 75 5 The Chersonese (F.MS.) Estates announces an increase in profit from £6.292 in 1931 to £12.100 for 1932. and the directors propose to increase the dividend frem 4d. a share lo \d. a share, i.e.. from 2 1-12 per cent to 3's per cent., free of tax. A sum
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  • 69 5 During the week ending April 15 exports oi tinned pineapples from Malayan pert*; amounted to 24 581 cases, of which 17.513 cases were "to the United Kingdom. 1.561 cases to the Continent cf Europe. 3 150 cases to Canada and 2 357 cases elsewhere. The total exports for
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  • 83 5 Loss of the Cluny Rubber E;tates U r 1932. £1.239 (against £2.073 for 1931). from which has been deducted £1.000 transferred from taxation reserve. The balance of £239 rcducos i the sum carried forward to £3.267. FVrating a sets. £9.955; current liabilities, including con- 1 tingencies reserve. £1.710.
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  • 656 5 Sze Hai Tong Banking Company. The 26th annual general meeting of sharehylders of the Sze Hai Tong Banking and insurance Co.. Ltd., was held at 58, Chuha street Singapore, on Saturday. Mr. Lee Wee Nam (chairmanl pi' sided and the others present were Messrs. Teo Tew Pen*;
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  • 661 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations an issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyail and Kraft: 'sue Value. Fraser Lyall 4* Sh»reg Co. Bratt. 1 Allenby $0.50 $0.60 $0.45 $0.55 1 Alor Gajah 0.30 040 030 0.40 1 A. Hitam 0.60 0.70
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 83 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almelda Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Paid-up-Capua! £1.000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 IIEAJ) OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amaru. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuli, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS cpened and Interest allowed at 2% per
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    • 91 5 E_ Hi experience teaches I i§cu tc saw How many thinK? you rriipht have attained. .how many achievements you might have brought about..if only you had ready cash at that moment when golden opportunity presented itself.' Small deposits regularly made soon grow to an appreciable capital, and THE NATIONAL CITY
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    • 219 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Btratts Settlements). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONU BAna, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHCLIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BR IDGK ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 367 6 j Your LAST Chance to See a Fa mo us Cornedv Scream I -CAPITOL^ Hll« Willi 11l j 111 l T li" in TO-NIGHT ONLY TOM J RALPH LYNN j and WINIFRED SHOTTER IN J {PLUNDER] J The that ALL-SING APO.? E Yelled at before j BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR
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    • 145 6 j "THE UNKNOWN SINGER* IS COMWG. ANOTHER SPLENDID COMEDY PROGRAMME 1 tJ-INIGHT "Money MEANS Nothing" A PARAMOUNT BRITISH PRODUCTION with John Loder (of Wedding Rehearsal) Gibb McLaughlin (the chauffeur in Love Contract). STIRRING ROMANCE 0# THE OLD CALIFORNIA "WILD GIRL" j WITH Charles Farrell i Joan Bennett Ralph Bellamy WEEK-END
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  • 355 7 Municipality Taking Action. A- a recent meeting cf the Legislative Council H. E. Sir Cecil dementi, speaking on thr Minor Offences (Amendment) Bill, referred in ■10 Uncertain terms to the nuisance caused by noise. Tlu Bill in was only dealing aith the cracker firing nuisance but the
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  • 286 7 S.H.B. Employee's Sentence Varied. The appeal of Haji Ah. bin Haji Saleh and Mostram bin Air.i. who were convicted in the ow. t COurl of abetment of cheating, was argued before Mr. Justice Huggard, the Acting Chief Justice, yesterday. Mr E. E. C. Thuraismgham appeared for the
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  • 140 7 Marshal Chiang Divides Area Into Sections. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai. April 24. The Hunanese troops belonging to Gen. Ho Chicn. the Governor, have captured Wmgsan mi the Reds, while the Cantonose troops have occupied Suichen. The Reds in Kumsi are being checked. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek,
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  140 words
  • 95 7 To Aid Funds For The Unemployed. 0.30 p.m. coni ™'KJng at S her J3U2. It' r ladam DiCtZ W I u-i, I,eMra Ca P«" R- Caunoe. Capt. tLuZ ,*2r rOW Mr R °J Brown. Mr Joe B' a Ba. Mr. Carl Lawson at! Mr Va,,phan »S Hegtment providing
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  • 230 7 Plaintiff Gets Judgment In Supreme Court. Mr. Justice Mills delivered judgment to-day m the Supreme Court in the (ase in which a Chinese Kau aesned Lim Mvi Lenu nud Seah whye Bong for the recovery ol 11,500 plus interest en a proanissoiy note. The defendant denied liability
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  • 153 7 On the a.rival of iho 'Lye Moon' last night fiom Swatow. it wa? reported that a owav.ev tias on board. sp i\i May 0 bemg the anniversary of the King's Accession Day, it is requesud that vebsels ir harbour on that date "aie-s .ship." ARRIVALS. "Hero," Norw.. 823
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  • 78 7 As a result of a fall from a trolley bus in South Bridge Road yesterday afternoon a Chinese of the labouring class Is in a critical condition in the General Hospital. It appears that he align ted from the vehicle when it was in motion, and fell heavily,
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  • 116 7 i Alhambra.—Sylvia Sidney in Jtreet Scene." j Capltd.—Tom Walls In "Plunder.' Empire—"St-ady Company" and "Catena j and Kellys in Hollywood." j Great World.—Side shows, pasar, Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. silent and talfctag films ("Charlie Chan's Chance' and at Star Talkie: "Th? S»pcilers">. Marlbert uph.—Wallace Beery in
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  • 564 7 Japanese Constructing Roads. Peiping, April 22. The Manchukuo and the South Manchunan Railway have r:arhed an agreement to etttft Chinese surrendered soldiers to ccn&truct a road rystem in Ma-vhukuo territory. It is also lea.::ed that they haw- decided to appropria; 560.000.000 as railway expenses for the current year.
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  • 151 7 Woman Who Trusted Her Servant. When a young Chinese. Chew Chik. j.leaded gudtv before Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay i this morning. Court Inspector Meeten Sfdd that the accused was employed by a women named Anita living in Kempas Road Abcut a fortnight ago she handed the
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  • 65 7 The District Judge (Mr. H. A Forrcri passed sentence of three months' r.i. this morning on flan Kirn Hock, a lorry driver, who admitted having forged orders In ordei to obtain petrol. The accused, who was employed by a CTinese firm in Robinson Road, pleaded for leniency
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  • 559 7 Inspector's Arrests. SYCES APPEAL FOR LENIENCY. The ease in Which t«Q Boyane ,c mo, r Mr tttveta were convicted ol obstructing doHm Offlcers in the discharge of their duty a. d of a •i.stins in freely a captive Horn lawful eus. dy was argued in appeal
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  • 148 7 Police Court Case In Appeal. A cas- fioni the Third Polite Court, in which a ma- 1 named Chitamoalam Chiitv was COUStcted of criminal breach of trust in respsc of t,lB and two pa ah tickets, and sentence' to pay a hne of $30 or undergo one
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  • 133 7 Treat; l o Offset Her Isolation. Reuter Wireless. The Hague April 19. A treaty of flonciliatiorj. jurisdiction an arbitration between H Hand and Japan was signed to-day It is the only treaty of .such general scope which up to now has been concluded by Japan. It provide.;
    Reuter Wireless.  -  133 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 513 7 Ig Where (o Stay— ORIENTAL HOTEL 1 BRAS BASAH ROAD —SINGAPORE. Convenient and Central Situation, d N ui(l And Comfortable, With Modern Sanitation Throughout, GREATLY REDUCED TERMS TO SUIT f PRESENT SLUMP CONDITIONS I i TARIFF. PER DAY PER MONTH S Single Double Single Double kj titendancc $2 00 $350
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    • 497 7 AUCTION SALE. BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT OlJOHORE. AT JOHORE BAHRU Land Application No. 9 cf 1933. Bet" S. M. S. t'heihamb iram het.y by his Trail. f*re<. S. M. S. Sinniah Ctu ttiar son al Huthukarapp.u: < rWUiar of No. ;<j. Jalav. Tan Hrok Nee .lohoie Bahru Chaise
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    • 76 7 Assets exceed $12,000,000. I mi Ĕ. Wl Assets nee in force oyer $35,000,000. j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eaatern LL'e Building, Cecil street, Singapore The Company has £20.000 deposited with tbe Bupreme Court or LONDON, OFFICE: 37, Old
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 66 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. D'jg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. P. Alor Star 90 0.22 5.2 73 Sitiawan 89 0.11 4.6 73 K. Trtngganu 88 Nil 10.7 73 Bukit Jerani 84 0.30 1.1 72 Malacca 81 Nil 1.9
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  • 680 8 This is a generation of change, of political upheavals and social revolutions. The new outlook which is sweeping the world was brought home vividly to Malaya when her neighbour, Siam, overthrew the the world's last remaining absolute monarchy and established a Democratic Government which allow; freedom of political
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  • 654 8 Comments By The Way. AN appeal was made in the "Malaya Tribune" a few days ago for general support by the cl rical class of the Clerical Union's effort to put unemployment relief on a sounder basis by organising office-to-cffice collections. The movement, is going ahead
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  • 136 8 The members of the Malacca Indian Ablvirthi are busy rehearsing a play, to be given pjblicly in the near future. St. George's Day was celebrated in Malacca by a ball at the Malacca Club. There were nearly 200 guests, who were received by Mr.
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  • 66 8 For baling a quantity of aluminium plates from Old Sercmban Estate, a Hakka Chinese >vas sent to prison here for six months. m A Tamil estate labourer, until recently employed on Sagge Estate, is being tri d in the local courts for causing grievous hurt to his I mistress.
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  • 121 8 Mr. W. R. Boyd has l>rcn appointed President of Penang Municipality. Mr. J. Dick has been re-appointed a member of Penang Harbour Board for a further period cf three years. A Tamil woman, charged with being drunk on toddy, was on Saturday cautioned and discharged by Mr. D Wills.
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  • 150 8 One of the oldea residents la Srlannur. Mr Samuel Sco t, has just died in hospital at the age of 79. He came to Kuala Lumpur 45 years ago. and latterly lived in retirement on S?ott Estate. Rantau. Raffle- Institution beat St. John's Institution ai soccer by 5-1
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  • 49 8 The Taiping Sanitary Board has Just decid ed to adopt the system of charging fcr water supplies through meters. A Buick car, which is alleged to have tried to avoid a cyclist who suddenly crossed its path crashed into a bipr drain in Club Road on Saturday morning.
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  • 549 8 by rr 1 Men are just as much interests as women in what they wea don t have time to give brid ~t to prove it. A A new clock device will pul lh(> lights out at a certain time i when you have boring servants who
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 I ■'—n I Frocks! V r T Frocks! i A Viyella for i Frocks! i U Far the nicest frocks to wear, and to own...choose Viyella Fabrics. Always woven in newest colours, newest designs, is Viyella. Gay checks and stripes match exactly with plain-toned "Viyellas—think of all the smart ensembles
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    • 29 8 j 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, j TENG SENG GUAN i Established 1905. j T.K.K.S RUBBER MATTING. J M" wide 25 cts, per lb. 31V wide 35 cts. per lb.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 237 8 I DIARY OF EVENTS, i Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. APRIL 25. High Tides—ll.29 a.m., 11.09 p.m. Annual Parochial Meeting. St. Andrew's School Hall. 5.30 p.m. League Football: Div. I, P. Brani v. Wiltshires, Anson Road. Billiards. Malayan Championship, New World. Police Band, Katong Park, 5.15 p.m. TO-MORROW, APRIL
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  • 138 9 WORLD CONFERENCE IN MIDDLE OF JUNE. Currency War Must End. Germany Accepts British Plan Of Disarmament. Reuter. Washington, April 25. 'I ho Anglo-American conversations are virtually complete. A statement by Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Roosevelt expresses deep n at
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 251 9 Reuter Wireless. N York. April 20. -Thi. 1 had a quick sequel in Wall Street I -day wbea broken were taken unl rtaatpede lo invest in equities and rommodtttes, Clerks and Moor traders i n unabk to keep pace v. i h the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  251 words
  • 561 9 Gravely Complicated Issues Of Finance. Reuter. New York. April 21. sow M the -B-Tenearia." with Mr. RainJ acDonald and party aboard, arrived off Win mc shortly before neon, the official tug. Macon, knitted rlnngilib Walen, chairman of the New York •cc ci Welcome presented an address Ifacr* 1
    Reuter.  -  561 words
  • 497 9 Rumour Of Embargo Strictly Denied. Reuter. The Hague. April 20. "TV rumour that Holland is contemplating s geld, embargo is strongly denied. It is stated that the banks are fully able to defend the gi dd:r arainst any attacks.—Reuter Wireless. Amsterdam. April 21. Whil-t on official of
    Reuter.  -  497 words
  • 522 9 Japanese Driven Back. Shanghai, April 25. THE Chinese have regained much lost ground in the East Luan River area, and are ariving the Japanes: back on the Great Wall. The Chinese have crossea the Luan River on ah lines. The famous "Cfiungshang"' armoured train, leading two regiments
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  • 51 9 Reuter. Washington, April 20. A lawyer. Mr. Breckinridge Long, has been appointed Unit?d States Ambassador to Italy —Reuter Wireless. Washington, April 24. The Senate has confirmed the appointment of Mr. Breckenridge Long, the well-known international lawyer, as Amtassador to Italy and Mr. Sumner Welles as Ambassador to
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 55 9 Conference Of Chinese Leaders. A nip iin i of the views of Chinese and Indians tn the Wilson Report appears on page 12. Both sections regard it wiih serious mi?giv nffs and the three committees of the Straits (hiner Brithh Association in Singapore. Pcnanjr and Ma'acca are to
    55 words
  • 642 9 Reception Ignored. BRITONS MUST BE RELEASED. Reuter Wireless. Moscow, April 24. iy|R. Strang (Charge dAffaires) paid a vitit to Macdc: aid and Thorn.on in Sokolniki prison to-day and found them in the bestofheahh and very cheerful. They made no complaint. -Reuter. London. April 20. a joint meeting
    Reuter Wireless.  -  642 words
  • 80 9 Community Representatives Called In. Reuter Wireless. London, April 20. The list Is published of seven ministers, representing Indian Stats, and 21 representatives of all communities in British India, vi horn the Parliamentary Joint Committee, which is to consider the Indian constitutional reforms as soon as Parliament reassembles,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 42 9 Msr's. women's And children's clothing is still wanted for the Y. W. C. A. Jumble Sale to be held at the Y. W. C. A.. Raffles Quay, en Friday at 4 p.m. Parcels may be left there before that date.
    42 words
  • 27 9 A grant of $2,000 to the Child Welfare Society, for 1933, without promise of renewal in 1934. is recommended to the Commissioners by Mur.icipe.l Committee Nc. 2.
    27 words
  • 216 9 Germany Sweeps Away Traditions. Reuter Wireless. Hanover. April 21. ALL Masonic lodges in Germany are lo he dissolved and re-organised on a purely Christian basis. This decision is embodied in a statement issued after a meeting of Masonic and Government reorcsentatlves to the effect that "the Grand
    Reuter Wireless.  -  216 words
  • 168 9 DISTRESS SIGNAL IN STORM. Crash In Apennines? Millionaire Among The Missing. R euter Wireless. Naples. April 25. DESPITE, searches by sea and air no trace has been disco vered cf th- French air liner en the fcfUl files-Baghdad service, which ha.-, disappear, a sance it sei:t out
    Reuter Wireless.  -  168 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 KEY BRAND I Eaude Cologne There is a refreshing lingering fragrance to "Key Brand" Eau de j Cologne rendering it dis- tinctive and attractive. This worthy product of j f the British Empire is of great strength, and is £_vv£ priced sufficiently bw r to Jpffi enable everybody to use
      130 words

  • 44 10 Jews Debarred. ACTION OF GERMAN L.T.A. Reuter. Berlin, Apr'l 24. The German Lawn Tennis Association has debarred Jews from representing Germany ir. th? Davis Cup International matches or official matches between inter-German Club.-. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 511 10 Singles Championship SemiFinal To-day. The semi-final of the singles championship in the SCO .tournament will take place a l the SC.C. this afternoon between N. S. Wise and P. T. K. Hobbes. The winner will meet Roy Smith m the final to-morrow. The final of the championship doubles.
    511 words
  • 93 10 At Kuala Lumpur In August. ATHLETICS. The second All-Malayan Chinese Athletic Meeting will be held on Aug. 5, 6. 7 and 8 in Kuala Lumpur. Singapore will send a representative/ contingent and for the purpose of selecting competitors, will hold a contest some time in June or July.
    93 words
  • 74 10 Dutch To Link Singapore And Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, April 24. Next month the Dutch air mail will run a weekly service from Bangkok, allowing passengers to breakfast in the Siamese capital and dine la Singapore or Penang the same evening. The plaae will call
    74 words
  • 391 10 St. George's Match Ends In A Draw. ASSN. FOOTBALL. Tiie annual St. George's D.?y match on the Pudang yesterday was ratlur spoilt by the rain, which fell heavily at the start and <ontinu d intermittently during the rirst half, rendering the conditions anything but favourable to goed
    391 words
  • 45 10 Yesterday's English League Matches. Reuter. London. April 24. Postponed English League matches, played to-day. resulted as follows: FIRST DIVISION Sheffield U. As ton v. THIRD DIV. (Southern.. Burnle y 1 Tottenham H. 1 THIRD DIV. (Northern) Trammere R. 0 Wrexham 0 —Reu'e\
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 244 10 'From Our Own Correspondents Johore Bahru. April 22. The Muhabbah F. A. drew I—i with ihe Jorinthxans on the Johore Civil Service Club Padang this evening in the Johore Bahru District League. The game was clear and fast throughout and some fine .."Dotball was' witnessed by a
    244 words
  • 1051 10 Bramtoco Too Good For Monopolies. Playing i~ the Commercial Cup Competition yesterday, on the Harbour Board ground at Cantonment Road, the Bramtoco Sports Club proved too good for the Government Monopolies, beating them by three goals to one. The game was played on a sodden giound. a continuous
    1,051 words
  • 480 10 Match Against Victoria Institution. The Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, put up a splendid fight on their own padang on Friday, although they lost to the Raffles Institution by the narrow margin of 3—2. Play was fast and fortunes fluctuated rapidly. Tile visiting school held the upper hand throughout
    480 words
  • 112 10 SWIMMING. The result of the Singapore Swimming Chb team race held on Sunday when six teams comp ted. was a follows. First: J. w. Guthrie. B. Megg-, R. v. Welh. S. T. Fiickson (Time 1 minute. 20 seconds>. Second": J. Brath. J. Nairn. D. W. Hcwe, G.
    112 words
  • 228 10 List Of Horses And Jockeys. THE TURF. London, April 24 The prcbablo sartors and jockeys for .ho Two Thousand Guiniae. to be run :u Newmarket to-morrow are as follows: Harinero (Pat Bailey). Light Sussex (Taylor). Young Lover (Perryman i Madagascar (Carslak i King Salmcn (Harry Wragg). Blue Grass
    228 words
  • 162 10 Tribute To Jardine's Team. CRICKET. Reuter Wireless. London. April 20. In the unnual M.C.C. report, Mr. D. R. Jardine and the members of the British team are congratulated on their success in Australia which was largely due to able and determined captaincy. Thanks are also accorded to Mr.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  162 words
  • 239 10 Malayan Championshin Competition. BILLIARDS. Last Bight** ties in the M :<l rhip competiiion at the Ne« v Pudrr.ore Challenge Shield p, r.ankel Bros. reauttal h Chin Boon Lay iSicng no At! r.tion) beat L. Natarajan (India 300—219. C B. Ablut (John Jackson Oh*) a Woodford (Singapore
    239 words
  • 98 10 Banns Of Banned Marriage Published. Reuter. Berlin. April 24 Despite opposition from members of the Hohenzollern family, the bams for the marriage of Parmer" Wilhelm. Prince ol Prussia. and Dorothea yon Salviati. wen oosted up at the Town Hall at Bonn The wedding is expected to take place
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 97 10 Perforation At Lonn Range. Reuter Wireless. London. April 20 The claim that nil tirm had invented the v shell in th? wild was put forwarJ by the f air cus Sheffield Steel Master. Sir Robeit Hadfi lo at the annual meeting of th;- Company. BjRW he declared that
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 664 11 Prisoner's Suicide. HANGED HIMSELF IN CELL. Confined in the Civil Prison pending his trial at the forthcoming Assizes, on charges of murder and attempted murder, a young Cantonese preferred to die by his own hand rather than face his trial, and he hanged himself in his
    664 words
  • 21 11 From Europe (London mails despatched or. April 6). by the "Naldera." due at Pneang at 6 a.m. on Thursday.
    21 words
  • 65 11 There passed through Singapore last week by the Saarland. M probably on retirement. Miss Rebecca Parish. Director of the Mary Johnston Hospital in the Philippines. She is going home to America. She is a writer of note on subjects of interest and inspiration to women, her articles being a regular
    65 words
  • 30 11 A Government Gazette Extraordinary, issued yesterday, notifies the appointment of Mr. P. A. McEhraine to act as Attorney-General and of Mr. J. H. Bassett to act as Deputy Public Prosecutor
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 236 11 j 715 To-Nlght ©.is Lawrence Tibbet IN NEW MOON"! g| RHEUM ATISM// mm) JiK^gjgjj^jlj^,^^^^ SUFFER? TRY IT AT ONCE! Sample <>,i Application to the ■'RAM O-EASTERN TRADING CO. m 2 B Finlayson Green. i,k, k Mkon? NN4 APORE. Cleans m S.S. F*MS. BARU> COMPANY, L/C P{ I I P f%
      236 words
    • 298 11 I B LEMON SQUASH j ORANGE SQUASH I j LIME JUICE-CORDIAL i Are renowned ,or their Weliciousness and I I ESS s,ren6,h j EL,X,R 0F LIFE j p OP ULAR ALL Mgjjp OVER MALAYA i -PHONE 6354. j j Framroz Co., Ltd. f( of GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS
      298 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 542 11 CLUB DIARY. S'ZaZlr*" n mPro Clubs and Societies in Teader\Z< the memb€Ts °> which are fZ XL** 16 Malaya Tribune." This Diary %£2tf" > or them Secretaries are iJ3 co "°P«- in keeping it up-to-date The n DiaT V °t tain™' Dmry can cover retinas, enter£FSS« m0ht visit »«ch functions,
      542 words

  • 2125 12 "SERIOUS MISGIVINGS." CONFERENCE OF S.C.B.A. COMMITTEES IN SINGAPORE y The "Malaya Tribune" learned yesterday that the Straits Chinese British Associations of Singapore. Malacca and Penang are calling a committee meeting next week at Singapore to discuss the Wilson Report,
    2,125 words
  • 502 12 Alleged Armed Gang. "DON'T GAG MY DAUGHTER." ftpp—before the Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay) yes erday a;; the principal witness 'in a case in which a Chinese is on a charge of armed gang robbery, a Straits-born Chinese nonya, Lee Soo Neo, gave dramatic evidence of
    502 words
  • 167 12 Dummy Pistol, Daggers And Pepper. I Arres'ed in possession of a dummy pistol, three daggers and a packet of pepper, two Chinese, Wong See and Lun Moon, were sentenced by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Ferrer) yesterday to eight months' and six months' rigorous
    167 words
  • 149 12 Mr. Hu Han Mm Still Holding Out. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Hongkong, April 25. The South-West Political Council at yesterday's meeting decided to c nvene an open extrac rdinary assembly cf the Party Convention of th? South-West to counter the propose i Provisional Party C mention to be
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  149 words
  • 60 12 Employees Of Shop In Tsinan Bound And Struck. Shanghai. April 25. Japanes: in Tsinan. the capital of Shantung Province, ye terday. it is alleged, commit;: 1 an outrage :n a :hop named "Li Shine" which, s.lls shirt; baring an anti-Japanese slogan. The Ch nese employees cf the shop
    60 words
  • 58 12 At the conclusion of the inquiry yesterday, into the death of a 67-year-old Chinese cook, the Coroner (Mr. F. G. Eournc) returned a verdict of c apable against seme person or persons unknown. The deceased *a> found iyi-g dead just outride hi: quart rs in Emirald Hill
    58 words
  • 108 12 Singapore, April 25. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rohna ?0. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Krdah 13: Anhui 16, Talma 13; Carnarvonshiie 9. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Stcti Traveller 30. Azumasao. Man. 32 Rantau 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Tung Song 49.
    108 words
  • 162 12 Where Is The Circus Girl? (From Our Oion. Corrcspr>rd < JiOndon, April 12 (by An u^i Amazing happenings come to p. U. last Sunday's "Exprr m". aid account of what happened to Mum a back in your Federal Capital "I was in Malaya (Kuala business, and while
    162 words
  • 36 12 A turtle weighing 108 untitled Pasir Panjang yesterday b\ Chines* Divine service in English vill b I E. P. Mission Church, Jalan Battel] Sunday next, at 5.30 p.m.. ami v. ducted by Mr. H. R. Cheeseman.
    36 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 17 12 UPWARD JP W- 4 CLAtses With opo/ogies to the Sergt-Major FRASER NEAVE l: PRODUCES OF PUQITY /Af
      17 words
    • 138 12 ELLISON' S. EZEKIEL St CO., Opticians and Watchmakers, ONLY ADDRESS:—3, CAPITOL BUILDING, S amford Road, Singapore. Repairs :—Binoculars, Telescopes. Watches, Cameras, Gramophone?, Etc., Etc. Films :—Developed, Printed and Enlarged. Office Hoars: Sundays and Daily from 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. (Saturdays Excepted). LATEST ODEON RECORDS. RONALD FRANKAU (Entertainer). A55l—A GOOD
      138 words
    • 70 12 KRUPOKS IKAN AND UDANG. \J JIUONBRAfI ALWAYS ASK FOR LION BRAND. The Best Ever Made In the Market. Obtainable only at:— v D T. LIM Co. 353, North Bridge, KimH. SINGAPORE. j Violins Fittings i Cheapest Best i i SEASON CO., LTD., j 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. KAPALA CHINTAMANI
      70 words

  • 389 13 Feeble Opposition. GOVT. MAJORITY EXPECTED. Madrid, March 18. rill to-inarYDV in a national to decide whether the nation accepts Coi tutioo urepared by the GovernD Oirveira Salazar and which is forni the present Dictatorship constitattaa] normality. barter, which is a slighMy modin ni the Constitution prepared
    389 words
  • 88 13 Government Troops Fighting Against Raiders. Nanking. April 5. Genera] Ma Yuan Fung, representative of toe ourteentb Division which is at present rth-Weet of China, upon N DkJni trosn Kansu, stated that tab Division had repulsed several bandit raids iroa Ssechuan and is doing its utmost to pre■l
    88 words
  • 483 13 A German "Miracle Girl" Mystery. Ihe German miracle girl," Teresa Neumann, has consented to the request of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, to undergo examination by experts to settle all doubts that She bears the stigmata—the five wounds of Christ. She undergoes the Passion each Friday.
    483 words
  • 110 13 Switzerland And The Nazis. Zurich. March 16. Conditions along the frontier between Germany and Switzerland are getting more and more disagreeable, particularly, at the two most important spots—Bale and Constance. At Bale the Nazis have stupidly annoyed the Swiss population by hoisting the German Fascist flag over the
    110 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 489 13 ItritaWlity pi. Toothsdecay MeCpICSSIieSS, Expectant 0 E£}H£] Excessive Mo,hers X fromuilhin. Your teeth YYt Kalzana acts efficiently in E M are la, S e, y b "ilt up of Upi, -B» na -I the expectant and 1f calcium and any lack »Ol I<M 1 ©11 T'" B 8 da X
      489 words
    • 31 13 Swan Brand The milk that is Uked eV€ryb0dy It's quality and economy aass^^ p^ combined 80,6 ,,nporu rs: The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., 1 5 Plf** 1 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      31 words

  • 129 14 Figures showing South Africa's overseas trade for the year ended December 31. 1932. have now been made public. They show a favourable trade balance of £37 000.000. as compared with only £18.000.000 in the previous year. Although, during the year, South Africa exported 88.1 per cent, of its products to
    129 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 425 14 r />o\ Holbrookes V*3» etfrcestershire SaUCe Solr Agents: WILLIAM JACKS CO. (IVLILrtYA), LTI/., 1 I Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, I poh, Prnang. I J Several patent preparations have been J uUKIL I I offered to the public of Malaya for W 'SINGAPORE FOOT' but none quite ONLY 75 cts. so good
      425 words
    • 65 14 the great essential i^^^ For 7/.C Purest of Tobaccos JBi For The Smoothest ot Tips '^yfEf ir^t&* o%<? j/Jridiocrdi of Cigarettes A f Ivory, Cork Tipped and Plain 3-a p a. 13 SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd.. SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR IPOH. MAR T ELL j D -lISp sote>ig
      65 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 645 14 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA {INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. Two of the following frequencies and wavelengths will be used in the transmissions to the Indian zone. Announcements will be
      645 words
    • 212 14 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY. APRIL 25. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. "A" (M.Gj Company, Demonstration and practice Traversing. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. 2nd Bn. Sig. Section. Signal Training. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarter;. "E" (Chinese) Coy., Weapon Training. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. Armoured Car Sec, Section Parade. 5 15 p.m.—Malay Headquarters, "F" (Malay) Coy., Company
      212 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 28 15 MEASURED by the energy it gives you, a cup of Bournviile offers you better <A. j food-value than anything else in your ordinary diet. —i, w udi V'<
      28 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 231 16 swcw ISCIUR DIOTTC •Tt.t. Si? CHEONO' SHOE CO. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD /HSAROfIT TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SIANG LIM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN HOUSES TO LET. i-roomed type $20.00 per month. 8-roomed type $18.00 p*r month. Garages (with water) $3.00 per month. Apply:— SIONG LIM
      231 words
    • 584 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LXI. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road. Immediate enlry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—I. Marcra'e Rd., off Orove Rd., close to Katong Park. Entry 1-5-33. Particulars Tel. 3170. TO LET—"Silverton," 3, Upper Wilk:e Road, two-storeyed compound house, with sanitary installation, water, electric lights and garage Apply
      584 words
    • 468 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF FARLEIGH JOSEPH ALOYSIUS PENNEFATHER, DECEASED. PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 144 (TRUSTEES). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors or other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the Estate of FARLEIGH JOSEPH ALOYSIUS PENNEFATHER deceased, late of No. 9. Hallifax Road,
      468 words
    • 427 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS. TENDERS will be received at the- Office of the Colonial S:c:ctary, up to noon of Friday, slh May, 1933, fcr the following work: Erection and comple-ion of Singlemen'? Barracks. Garag s and Drivers' Quarters at Peails Hill Singapore. Every person applying for a form of
      427 words
    • 286 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—I93O A.J.S. Motor Cycle complete with accessories, Lucas "MDB" Magdyno Lighting and Ignition Set, has a very good appearance and recently overhauled. Reasonable offer accepted. Can be seen by appointment only. Box No. 138, c o Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE—Eight D. C Linotype Motors, each y 2
      286 words
    • 529 16 25 Cents r LARGE TUBE EveryWhere ■VvISF TOOTH V PASTE I H\IINCFIVI A M 1 sciENiiEiCAEiyTeißßiTin f|Y GRAMOPHONE "A MAINSPRINGS British Make. Made from the finest quality steel. Obtainable from all Chinese Watch Rcpalrerj and Gramophone Dealers. All sizes available for all kinds of pramophones. We guarantee wonderful regularity of
      529 words