Malaya Tribune, 15 April 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 38 1 The Malaya Tribune POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER ,N MALAYA. f ol XX. No. SB SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, April 15, 193.3. Malaya Tribune 20 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1933. FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 M'Callum's ,l/;kjj I INTfIE ART^F^V^ Sole Importers THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, LIMITED. SINGAPORE. Refrigerated Supplies, Cakes Confectionery j And A Full Range of I Groceries Provisions. J NOW AVAILABLE I 0t If COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD. I lj t T nasona, >»y Priced they are obtainable from all dealers in
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    • 121 1 A. PUNTER Raffles Place, Singapore, Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. f" 1 "T^"-^— ~rz_, /If i I I
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  • Article, Illustration
    223 2 AUNTIE LIZZIE'S LETTER. Comments On The Mail. My dear Nieces. A good suggestion has been made by one ol the girls this week. She suggests that I should publish in our "Corner" a photograph of "Jean" with her prize. I am prepared to publish it but I must
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  • 296 2 (By 'Rio Rita."t Congratulations. -Jean," you deserve the prize for the essay competition because your essay wis the best. I send my deepest sympathy to "Gwennie," '•Ruth," ar.d •Belinda," and I would be glad if Aunt Lizzie would give them a consolation prize. "Jean," you said
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  • 255 2 (By "Jennie.") 1 Hullo! everybody. I am very glad to say that 1 am now a member of the most renewned dub of the day. As I am now struggling at my first attempt. I hope you girls will excuse mv poor English. Well, here it goes!
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  • 42 2 'By "Gwennie."/ May I offer my congratulations to "Jean"" Her prize-winnmg e>,av was indeed a very dainty piece of work lather short. Is'nt It? But then, girls lei* Bailor* n tlU t lamourin >< for >hort articles; Better this than -another holiday"!
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  • 572 2 (By Jean.'j Before proceeding with my article I should like to than; Aunt Lizzie for congratulating me. and to offer my heartiest congratulations to Ttv, nn!?." "Ruth" and "Belinda" on roming in second, third and fourth respectively in the Essay Comyetition. Even now I can scarcely believe
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  • 182 2 'By June Chan."/ Before I begin my story, dears.' just listen to this: The new maid was not at all sure of her duties, but she was anxious to learn "When I announce the evening meal do I say •Dinner is ready' or 'Dinner is served 0 she
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  • 120 2 (By "Mystery Venus.") I have a lovely cat. She has long ears, big bright eyes, a sharp nose, beautiful white teeth, fine curved lips and a black fury coat. She has a long body, a slim tail and short legs. She loves to be petted and will softly
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  • 269 2 (By 'G. O. C. 7.") Ccusins dear. I am very glad to sec you all this evening. Although I am one of the memters of the "Girls* Circle" for so many OH nths, yet I am quite sure and certain you ~li have not read anything
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  • 555 2 ■By Lucky Star:' I Bookworm is a word used to describe one whose great interest is to bury oneself in boons. It is oftentimes used as a contemptuous scoff in which a great lover of b:oks is likely to be its victim. Some of us are great bookworms
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  • 143 2 (By "Mandalay An(tel'\ A certain suburban house contains five unmarried ladles, who arj continually sighing over "what might have been." Recently a rag and bone collector was pursuing his avocation in the vicinity, and through an open window were wafted the strains of his sonorous chant; "Old
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 86 2 I I I t I I I Jm. Mm 0 A I I mm mm m M H mm\ mm wmm W !Hlff Iflß IfflS IB I I I I IwP W9SBĔ sag IB i I I mmmm mmmmm i Hi mm mm i 818 3 MAY BE THE LUCKY
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  • 6077 3 By Robert Hichens. Our Short Story. I s icen a passage and was on my winter in Upper n The sea was doudlese sky full the morrow. Sicily and. I ten Taor- Ifonte Venere. thronged updecfe smoking m It was late. pa sengera berths. I had i beauty of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 Pepsodent announces a notable new discovery —an entirely new clean ingai polishing material that is twice as toft as polishing material aly used in tooth pastes. Gives teeth a higher polish, brighter lustre—FlLM stains disappear completely. THE Pepsodeni I ratories an- is still the Pepsodent you have always nounce a
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    • 19 3 I m 1 MODERATE V TESTING B FREE. «g« NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO, Manufacturing Opticians, 86, High Street. Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 mm mW IS OI^MOTfO VYCf Sis CHICNCf I SHOE CD. I #2£/ NORTH BKIDGp ROAD /WGAPOST TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SIANG LIM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN BOUSES TO LET. 4-roomed type $20.00 per month. 3-roomed type $18.00 per month. Garages (with water) $3.00 per
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    • 623 4 TO LET. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—I, Margate Rd.. off Grove Rd., ckse to Katong Park. Entry 1-5-33. Particulars Tel. 3170. TO LET—CAPITOL THEATRE, MALACCA. Apply to S. Fung, Raffles Chambers, Singapore, or to Mrs. Tan Soo Sim, Malacca. TO LET —"Silverton," 8, Upper
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    • 419 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that I Tin Szen one of the partners of Chop Kwek Fah of No. 662. North Bridge Road. Singapore, carrying on business as Goldsmiths and Jewellers retired as a partner in the said Chop on the 11th day oi April, 1933, and from and aft?r
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    • 279 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF AUGUSTUS VICTOR VAN DER BEEK. DECEASED. PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE No. 144 (TRUSTEES). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all crediton having any claims against the Estate of the above dec:as:d, lata of No. 22, Buffalo Road, Singapore, who died on the 26th November. 1932.
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    • 645 4 SITUATION WANTED. A Qualified Salesman (Chinese) wants a position as travelling selling agent. Al credentials offered. Speaks fluent English, Malay jpnd all Chinese diahects. Surely to bring money for the firm. Bex 123, co Malaya Tribune. SITUATIONS VACANT.. V/ ANTED—Salesmen en commission baiis. Apply in wri ing to Frfcel Co.,
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    • 404 4 CTS. 2 5 J^j^^ KAPALA CHINTAim The best for all dim and ear. Makes the b Himclayan Pharmacy Smgapore. GRAMOPm V A MAINSPBQ Brithh Made from the Onesi Obtainable from al! Cta y and Grameephono Dt 1 i All siz.s available Ear phones. We guarantee wondeif. lif correct size fitted.
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  • 68 5 tT aa m af invited M writ.? to on sab/eefs 0/ pwb Hc interest. /f m t 6e 1 vnlava Tribune" docs not necessarily endorse opinions unaer f, rw« WOW. 8E ..S MOT 4S POSSWLE, vrZallyZZ'riUcn 1 f»-J «WW» 6. 1»?X «V«T' r
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  • 52 5 M(ii(v,'j Tribune.") bt dome to expedite ihc and no steps appear to dj thta defect. Di- '.!.■:.thy prevail, proDstcA Air Mail, regardBriUah business may fee is even in slump limes, boars for a lettcf to b2 doinf much to defeat ::o:n Europe, etc. regard* d as just
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  • 83 5 :i:rouch your valuable concerned pass a bat ail buses should have Whttat such a no hardship whatever to users on the other hand mU senefli extern 01 having some I rouk thai a travelling bus ition ceil can affect a wire- of about 150 yards. Corbie-
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  • 351 5 I -jp?;«e.") pan with UM tunes til ere fore give birth p i secure from the Ml aMrana n-ir.%-1 c rr.b.ned endowment j pokey, the premium for which carries a I ading varying from 6 to j about It points Man than the loading, how- J
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  • 206 5 (To the EdUcr. Malaya Tribune.") Sir —on page 7 of I dO in?S Was «toMteHad at PonUan K JhU five ?SliS ""I a Present niembership of M follow era. who are mostly men reclaimed from i v TZ?H And the w- f!S resort 10 any neOfefaMi vh?n thej *all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 FLATULENCE IN BABIES. j Flatulence, as all parents know, is one of the meet distressing of babyhcod troubles. It i h of.en thj cau-e of convulsions. As -JiHi ether Infantile dige:tiv? derang:m:r.te. SatokDCt can be avoided by keeping the s Ofinteb and bowehf free from accumulations of v.astc matter. Parents
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    • 333 5 aaaaaal aal aaaaaal V aaaaaal V V I H I aV aW aV *a* I LH Lm aaaV Laaai Lm LaawU^&5£Ja®Q Lbt a^"^^^^ aaaaaaaaaaaa illllllll^ I I aV Ll -*tftfaaal I W'' I IVT Lai I ..C >n W tSlfaV/* I HffiffiHBHWlPl I insecticides which lark the klHiu- HT^Wil»^^ power
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  • 504 6 Shipping News Notices. TWO DARING SEA ADVENTURERS. Round The World In A Junk. Manila. April 3. Capta.n Eric d<- Bisschop ai:d Jcscph Tatibouet. two French adventurers, arrived in Manila last Saturday morning, on board their vessel, "Fu Fo II," a 12-ton vessel which they themselves buiit. They are on the
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  • 177 6 Retired Steward Again In Former Haunts. .i-uny years cf sailing back and forth 3?ross the Pacific in the old "Empress of Japan." impress of India.' "Empress of China' and their modern successois, the present-day Emp,esses, might seen to constitute enough sea la ring for any man's
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  • 119 6 Gendarmerie And Spying I n The Mandated Islands. The Japanese espio sage mania has now extended to the mandated islands, where the mandatory terms forbid fortifications or other defences, says the "South China Morning Pest The Kobe Shimbun reports that the gendarmerie there are anxious to interview the
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  • 85 6 Nc More Chinese Crews On Dairen Steamers. The Japan Seamen's Union has filed a petition With Mr. Minami, Minister of Ccmmunietions, askJnf for his good offices in making the Dancn Steamship Company continue to employ Japanese seamen on board six steamers of that ccmpany even in ease the
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  • 282 6 D.K.K.'s Dispute With The Government. Little progress has been made in the controversy between the Department of Communications and the Department cf Overseas Affairs over the purchase of eld foreign vessels by the Dairen Kisen Kaisha. The question, however, must be solved immediately. When their joint
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  • 248 6 New Construction Programme Of 21 Vessels. The Navy Estimates, issued on March 9. total :o3.o";o.OOO. an increase of £3.093.700. Of this Increase no less than £2.355.360 is required in 'irdar t make normal p:ogress with new conifrttettoa. The new ccmiruction for 1933 as follows: Four cruise:s. probably one
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  • 235 6 P. O. COMMODORE. Thirty-Six Years With The Company. When the P. and O. turbo-electric liner "Strathnaver" arrived in Sydney recently, sh* was flying the flag of Captain Basil J. Ohlson, D.S.O., R.D., R.N.R., who has been appointed Commodore of the P. and O. fleet. A Cornhhman, Captain Ohlson served his
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  • 134 6 Demand For Defence Of Shipping. London. April 5. Questirned in the House of Commons this evening regarding the steps proposed by the Admiralty in view cf the increase in Chinese piracies. Sir Bolton Eyres-Moncell said it was impossible, with the number of warship5 available, to forestall all
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  • 107 6 President Vessel Reports Two Fatalities. A suicide and a sudden death occurred on the vcyage from Honolulu to Hongkong aboard the "President McKinl°y" reeentlv The first night after' leaving Honolulu, a Japanese woman travelling steerage jumped over the aft side of the vessel. The alarm was raised
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  • 587 6 Activity In Kiangnan Dockyards. With the keels laid down for the construction of a Chinese naval cruiser :«nd three preventative gun-boats for the Chinese Maritime Customs, and with the newiy completed hull of a commercial motor-ship awaiting the installation of engines, activity at the Kiangnan docks
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 415 6 BTEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BBrriSII INDIA AM) APCAR lines. f <lDforpor»ted In England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON and PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Ui-d I Contract with His Majesty's Govcrnmon* >. OUTWARD PROM LONDON. Fur Ciiiiia and Japan. Due Tonnage. Shigapoie. 1933. Carthage 15
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    • 532 6 i WhereJToiiJMayjjuy The Malaya Tribune I Road Penang and Branch, Tong En. a, C o SINGAPORE. 32. Leith Street. fc V Mohamed Ibrahim. 134. Tanjong Pagar A< Ayurveda Medical Hall 47 I Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station Qu n Btree t. Penan, 7, A. Palasamj- General Hospital (News Seller).
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    • 217 6 HAMBURG-AMERIKA IJNIE Dcutsch Australische DampfschifTs- Ge-selLchaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. v m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Apr. 18 m.s. HAVELLAND, via Manila May 5 f m.s. LUVERKUSEN, via Manila May 16 m.s. ERMLAND, via Manila May 28 t m.s. BURGENLAND, via Manila
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    • 493 6 STEAMER SAIIga tj|j|i NORI German-^ The ucdernoted are th c nan*., fixtures:OUTWAKLs. "TRIER" for Manila, H ten* ltSi Shanghai, Taku, Du:.end Japan t "HOLSTEIN" for Jap MMOCWARDS 5 "LAHN" for Genoa. IP *l blanca. Havre, Donkirj Rotterdam, Hamburg a;.: b rata 5 "SAALE" for IfaxaeflJ Rotterdam, Hambur« §Cargo steamers with
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  • 125 7 tantial His? In tho raising of Hon 44 to 6 per cent., l OO.Wfl to general re- a prehnnnrry state- Chemical Industries, Mk in 1931 are to be I,J ..< ili 415.423, as B foe 1931, ard the net 1,729.072 an mcrease of ropriated to and
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  • 212 7 Musi Keep Away From The ty. Bai "2. appeared X C at the C-.n.ral l J tor sentence. Hr ist ssiens of the Alfred Lauren.--. 70. i fraud such per:r. vest mcney or oal Match Com- tiie publication a i to be false. farad guilty only ad
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  • 204 7 Financial News Views. WORLD TRADE. Need For Artificial Stimulus. I !P c conclusio would seem to b« that some artificial stimulation of consumption and uf capual investment Ls imperative. For unless there is a recovery of prices and a consequent easement of the situation of debtors-States as well as individuals—
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  • 151 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviati:n Spirit in 4 gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.80 Shell M tor Spirit per 4 gallon tin
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  • 42 7 -Reuter. Washington. April 15. Fr hibition of transport by railroad or pipeline of oil produced in contravention of the State laws and regulations is the object cf a Bill introduced into the House of Representatives by Mr. Marland (Republican).—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 65 7 During the week ended April 8. expu.t I tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amfiunh i to 23,737 case=. of which 16.840 cases were to the United Kingdom. 1.640 cases to the Continent of Eur:pe, 3.190 cases to Canada and 2.067 cases elsewhere. T.tal exports for the period Jan.
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  • 46 7 A supplement to the F.M.B. Government Gazette notifies that the price of rubber and ccpra for assessment of export, duly for the period April 14 to 20. inclusive, is fixed as follows: Bubber, 6 11 16 cems per lb.; copra, $3.75 per pikul.
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  • 67 7 American Speculative Buying Of Silver. London. April 11. The Stuck Exchange, encourag d by belter New Ycrk advices, sa more activity ditpiayei tc-day, :sp-cially among tians- Atlantic i&.ucs and leading oil shares. Most commodity markets were al o betUr. The chief featur- «ki.where was the further advanej of
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  • 120 7 The first accounts of the Bempafa Rubbei Estates show a Iss for the year ended November 30 ot £2,62.), to which has been added guarantors' commission, £799. making a total loss to be carried forward of £3.424. Rubber harvested to November so amounted to 369.992i0. This crop war,
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  • 108 7 M Bare OtlUurfe and Co.. Ltd.. forward ihe j following latcct buyus' pi ice.-, received by cable, for Malayan Palm Oil and Palm Kernels PALM OIL IN BULK, c.i.f. land*} weights V w<-'ph: Ui cents iv s. currency) par th. c Lf. landed welghi i U
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  • 108 7 The crcp harvested by ihe Arudo-Mahv* Rubber Ccmpany c 605.144 lb. (against 843 0:2 lb. dUT*-* and the average net tale p:ir<. Including .h--estimated value of the unsold rubber was >->3d por lb. .against 2 62d >. The boot: value, f buildings, machinery. pftgnU, ice., has be* n
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  • 86 7 Profit of the Muar Itam Estates for 193* 1 Includtnj £1.261 profil on sale of £395 <against £36 for 1931: alter crediting n 25: withdrawn from tr.xafinn and contincenelj re:crve). It is proposed to *ransfer £400 t reserve fcr taxation, depreciation, and contingencies, anu" to cany 11.092
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  • 278 7 Greater Freedom Urged By Traders. issupd at u,ial 1111,011 of Manufacturers has rear mor f, Ildum the Salter report -eniona fl ail f trans P° rt and making sug- f r alternative policy. fnr 10 ls StiI1 an imm tnse amount of work dL Z H ai L
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  • 181 7 The Eastern Bank reports a net profit of '.'i 21.944 tor last, after approptiat ons to the ii edit of account a. uul or which mil provision for bad and doubl.'ul d°bts has j been made. For 1931 there was a net pr mt i 1119.607. full
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  • 132 7 Accounts for 1932 of the Mercantile Rank f India show a profit of £179.809, without pro'.idnie for bad and doubtful debts, this prcislon lnviv.t been made out of reserves. For 19D a profit of £*****1 was recurred. provision for bad and dovjbtftll debus, ncn- re- j mring looses
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  • 288 7 Silver Kemonetisation As A Stimulus. of**! BESSES!" T*2£* t0 Uie Council M the Association of British Chambers of Conunerce by Mr v a V tieasnrpr ,i A Ma lc°unson, hon ueasurer of the Entish Empire Producers' Organisation, British Snrar tw c file Centrn' »Z I g BpLt Soclet
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  • 107 7 The policy of selective A.B.C. tapping has been pursued by the Bikam Rubber Estate for several years and tree yields have improved as was expected, the crop harvested in 1932 being 1 178,389 lb. (against 904.000 lb. in 1931». The average net sale price, including the estimated value
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  • 101 7 Los of the Kuala Geh Rubber Company for j 1932. £2,743. to which it is proposed to add the Debenture stack Interest commutation account jof £3.893 (being th? allotment of Convertible Debenture stock to commutation of interest on I the Debenture stack up to and including January
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  • 847 7 Successful Restriction Of Tin. In our November issue we quo! id a speech o. the Chancellor of the Exchequer in a fleam of Commons debite on Unemployment, in which it referred to the failure of certain restriction schemes to stabilise prices, and I suggested that the cause
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 84 7 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: B moay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi. Madras Amara. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra. Kirkuli, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS rpened and interest allowed at 2%
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    • 81 7 1 I jSmall Savings- j J J^ x LIGHTEN j YOUR j *B 1 FINANCIAL I j jWL PATHWAY j Jf Yearly Interest j Paid 10 Ycu i Small Savings regularly QlldrtePly j deposited will soon build up for you, a substantial Bank Balance, .ready for the moment when it
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    • 217 7 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BAPtn LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING. CHTJLIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE BOAD. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 WITH OF THE WORLD'S FICrTTJREB. For you—for the Children—for ever yone.— REAL HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT jj MATINEES: TO-DAY, TOMORROW, MONDAY. JANET GAY NOR Charles FARRELL 1 TOGETHER for the LAST time in I their tenderest, greatest romance "TESS if tie STORM i L GOUITRT" I IT'S FOX AND SUPER 1 I
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    • 179 8 I THE BIG HOLIDAY SHOW i I CAPITOL j j MATINEE TO-DAY AT 3.15 P.M. j j Positively LAST NIGHT of the Sensational Universal j I Jungle rhriller— j i TO-MORROW j t Opening at Special Holiday Matinee j THE BIG DOUBLE-FEATURE HOLIDAY BILL YOU'VE j j BEEN WAITING FOR!
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    • 376 8 SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEES: SUNDAY j BY REQUEST j Matinee' at 3.15 4 p.m. THE DRAMA OF A WOMAN WHO PLAYED i > m J The most sensational Film of recent yeai i of London's most famous Night-Club Quei A daring exposure of what goes on behiml the lot i of
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  • 30 9 The Tamil Methodist Sunday School Children will stage an attractive Easter Play entitled "The Way of the Crass" at 7 p.m. to-day in the Social Hall at t, Short Street.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 364 9 mtf* ADVERTISEMENTS. away. AIC j Manila H.ur Cut Saloon, very rate prices. 39. Dhobv GhaUt I I Cairn Terrier Dog, cream coat apply to Municipal K-ffwpnwg Java Road. mpound House. No. 10. Rose Compound Houses. Ncs. 16-A Bb Coast, Barrack Hous", Apply 20. chulia St. I ME COURT OF THE
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    • 384 9 For MAXIMUM i EFFICIENCY. j with t Maximum Simplicity The new NAG EL VOLLENDA cameras are designed for rapidity in I use and simplicity of handling. A J special feature enables you to include yoursjf in the picture. Ro.'l film models can be obtained in the usual popular sizes. Inspect
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    • 588 9 LADIES' flfltt MHWEWW SALOON I JLE DERNIER CrT UAICAM in hairdressing and ■▼■^■WWIH j beauty work. European Uipp.. EXPERTS with Parisian m **lvV*tLLll training. The Finest LATE MAISON and most modern equip- NITTO ment. Special cool-air 35 STAMFORD road drying system. Perfect (TEL. 4807) personal comfort. j PERMANENT WAVES. THE
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    • 700 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, j NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Originating Summons No. 88 of 1933. Between LOH POON LIP p:ai:iiifl SOU RIM GEOK. I) fendanl. To, SOI! KIM GEOK. of No. 51. Market Si.. Singapore. TAKE NOTICE felt an action has ben commenced agahvt
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    • 216 9 Just Arrived The Cheap Edition The>e Charming People ißj- Micnael Arlen.) Being a Tapestry or, if you like, a panorama of the fortune, misfortunes, and gallantries of Shelm rdene (that lovely ladyt. Lord Turlyon, Mr. Michael Wagslaffe, Mr. Ralph Wyndham Tv vor. and others of their friends of the lighter
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  • 51 10 Messrs. Chan Kwai Cho:n and Chan Lurr. Choon and family wish to tender their i grat?ful thanks to relatives and friends for their kind a.t?ndance at the Funeral and the night visits, also those who sent floial 1 tributes ard letters of condolence in iheir i
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  • 922 10 It is all to the good that the White House discussions are to be devoid of the restraint attaching to a formal conference—they are to be a kind of heart-to-heart talk by responsible statesmen who realise that much is expected of them, and that if they fail
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  • 391 10 Sir William Shenton In Singapore. Sir William Shcnton is a passenger by the Ranpura." which sailed yesterday boot ning, proceeding Home on holiday. He is. at is wellknown, an Unofficial Me:r.ber ot the Legislative and the Executive Councils of Hongkong, and the senior partner of the
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  • 232 10 Alhambra Joins The Merger. As mentioned in Thursday's issue. Mr. Max Baker cf Alhambra Theatres. Ltd.. has pined the Board cf Amalgamated Theatres. Ltd. Tins arrangement was effected to facilita'e the amalgamation of the Alhambra and Marlborough Theatres with the Capital and Pavilion, and Singapore leading cinemas
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  • 51 10 'From Our Oun Correspondent.) Bangkck. April 13. The Budget Estimates for the New Year disclose that the King further agreed to a reduction In the Civil List, which is now three million tieals compared wirh the vote of six millions when the King came to the
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  • 60 10 Mails by the outward Untch aercrj.aie man Amsterdam are expected to arrive at Slim tor* oy the evening express to-day. Correspondent MAreawa to uoxhoiders only win be teadv fodelivery at 7.30 p.m. From China and Japan by the "PenanMaru. due at Singapore daylight on Sunday ftcn Fra-ce by
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  • 12 10 The Divorce (Amendenent) Ordinance, 1933 win come into force en May 1.
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  • 18 10 Mr. J v. G. Mills has been appointed to be a judge of the Supreme Court. S. S.
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  • 15 10 Mr. Lim Eau Thoon has been appointed to PeivuiY r°f B ard 0i LiCCnsinB Umk
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  • 19 10 M H. R. Avberj' takes Mr. Oecar Wilson s p.acc on the Board of Architects, the latter having resigned.
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  • 22 10 Mr. M. B. Hember. Assistant Engineer P. W. D., S. S., has been seconded for Service under the F. M. S. Government.
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  • 37 10 The following comprise the Sikh- Advisory Beard. Malacca, for this year- Mr w Lindon -Chairman). Sergeant Major Sham Singh. Bhai Boot* Singh. Bhai Chanchal Sin«h Bhai Sarjan Singh. Bhai Chay Singh. Bhai Ka-.tar Singh. Bhai Vir Singh.
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  • 380 10 (BY "LOOKER. Singapore present to Hollywood and E A Scottish Cup final Motherwell do it A Local Volunteers Changi. And all pany are then A When the Air Mail unexpectedly I suppose it m. described as Crash On Delivery That Malay soccer to be Madon goals. H<
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 I It m Foot Comferc? t That's j When it's a question of socks, and foot COS!for .Urn an-wer i always. "Viyella.'* I tarn rca on is that Viyella is aafeat in all climate*, cool and absorbent in iho j heat, easy In Ihe co!c!. Secondly. Viyella sock: n- vtr
      241 words
    • 34 10 What to do during the Holidays j on 14th, 15th, Ibth and 17tli j April, 193.5 Visit TENG SENG GUAM «134. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO BUY j T.K.K.V Rubber and other goods. J I
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 221 10 j DIARY OF EVENTS. Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, APRIL 15. High Tides— a.m., 2.19 p.m. Public Holiday. Opening of New Grand Stand, Singapore Turf Club, 5.15 p.m. Golf: Keppel G.C. Easter Competitions and "Guillemard Cup." Malayan Championships. Bukit Timah. Billiards: Malayan Cha.npionships, New World. Cricket: Selangor v. S.C.C.,
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  • 67 11 RUSSIANS' CONFESSIONS SAID TO BE LIES. MACDONALD WITHDRAWS PLEA OF GUILTY. Wreckage Of Machinery. Welsh Engineers Dramatic Demand For Justice. further sensational developments on Thursday and Moscow trial of English and Russian electrical rges of sabotage and espionage. Mac Donald with- gruilty. A Welsh engineer
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  • 1619 11 Fteuter Moscow, April IS. iluilopnw nl occurred ;!t re-caenh*S f the trial at I o'clock when \l.t. Donald, speaking ir. j |j ba I '<l voice repudiated his estcrdaj and declared i r> t tell S< k.iiov to commii M l-.>! I. -ay so
    – Fteuter  -  1,619 words
  • 378 11 Statements In House Of Commons. -Reuter Wireless. Berlin. April 14. The German Ambassador has been instructed to protest to the British Government against the statements about Germany made in the House of Commons yesterday, when Sir Austen Chamberlain declared: "This is no time to talk of
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  378 words
  • 265 11 Long Distance Merchants Busy. -Reuter. London. April 13 The Air Ministry announce that Sig R„o--tiano. the Italian airman who is flying from England to Australia, made a forcvd landing -1 Htndiyan (Persia) owing to petrol ■hortagc Tht plan? a«s not damaged and he is resumirg the flight
    -Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 66 11 Nanking Winding Up Civil War. Nanking. April 9. The Central Government by a mandate appoints Gen. Wang Chia Leh as Governor of Kweichow Province thus replacing Gen Vow Kuo Chi who has been appointed military cemmander. Gen. Vow is reorganising his followers in Kweichow and preparing to
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  • 974 11 Boycott Of Japan? WORLD CONFERENCE POSSIBILITY. —Reuter Wireless. London, April 13. cat<T 0 bv d M boyCCt f Japanese ds was o? romln AtltC f£ocialist the House b tween Mr nS p°" day S n ltem of discussl 3" Mr Ramsa y MacDcnald and Presided 1
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  974 words
  • 101 11 Statement Of Minister For Colonies. London. April 15. The "Financial Times" Amsterdam correspondent states that a declaration that he considers compulsory restriction of rubber production desirable in every respect as soon as a workable and efficient plan is available made by Hr. de Graaf, Minister of the
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  • 123 11 Election Procedure Explained To The People. Shanghai. April 12. The Central Standing Committee have adopted regulations for the election of delegates to the Party Convention (scheduled for July. <1) There will be diieet election. (2) the Ccn'ral Government will fix double the number ejected and .3) the Central
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  • 310 11 ALONG ROAD TO PEIPING. Langkow Lost. Casualties Getting Heavier. Shanghai. 13. Fighting has broken out along the Peipin<*Snanhaikwan road and the firing can be heard in Peipmg. Refugees from the Chinwangtao area are hurrying for Luanhsien. The casualties in the Eaule of Taipmgtsai are estimated at
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 {Annual Sale Of Deleted 66 His Masters Voice" j •RECORDS ENDS leStll APRIL. RECORDS FROM 50 cts. each AT j Moutrie's j j "H.M.V." SpeciaHsts. j I RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. j j Jk £k TAKE PLEASURE IN j 7 THEIR APPOINTMENT AS j J6c££2&s So j e A g ents
      77 words

  • 348 12 GOLF. COLONY-F.M.S. MATCH. Li u Easter Meeting. MALAYAN CHAMPIONS AT BUKIT TIMAH. The Cclony brat the F M.S. by five matches to one in the annual iratch played at Bukit Timah yesterday. TO-DAY'S EVENTS. Morning: —Intef-Team Competition Morning and Afternoon: Championship. Qualifying Round —36
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  • 46 12 McCorkindale's Triumph At Albert Hall. BOXING. Lo::don, April 13. A large irowd. including the Prince of Wales, saw D.:i McCorkindale I South Africa) knovk out Larry Gains (Canada) in the tenth and last round cf the heavyweight contest at. the Aibrrt Hall.—Reuter.
    46 words
  • 76 12 LAWN TENNIS. The semi-final of the gcdov.n doubles handicap in the S.C.C. tournament was "played on Thursday nr.d resulted in R. F. Young and B. J. P. Flelch r b?«ttin~ A. C Hay and Roy Smith by 6—4. 6—4. No ti:s art being played during the holidays. In
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  • 26 12 Thursday's ties in the R.S.Y.C. tournament resulted as fellows; Mr. and Mrs. Matheson plus 15 2 beat Mi. and Mrs. Steven? 5—7. 6—2. 6—3.
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  • 87 12 Official Opening Of Grand Stand. The offit. ia! opening of the new grandstand of the Singapore Turf Club cn the new Ra-2-v curse at Bukit Tnnah. by H. E. the Governor 1 Sir C.cii CloTccnti > ,wul take place at 5.15 p.m. to-day. when the
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  • 530 12 R. A. Routed. MALAYS SCORE NINE GOALS. ASSN. FOOTBALL. (BY K.O.') The R A. were beaten to the tune of 9—nil by the Malays at the Anson Road Stadium on Thursday in Div. I of the S. A. F. A. League As a result of their
    530 words
  • 341 12 M. Services Beat Public j Services. The Medical Services beat the Public Ser\ices on Thursday at Geylang in a Third Divii sion match, by 3-1. The score was a good I reflection of the run of play. The Medical I Services were a better side. The standard of
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  • 445 12 Second Division Game At Jalan Besar. Playing in the Seccnd Division of th? S.A.F.A. FOatlH on Thursday at the Jalan Besar Stadium, the S.C.F.A. II overwhelmed the Police, beating th m by eight goals to one; incidentally obtain ing their first Uvo points In three matches. Futures
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  • 49 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Kuala i.atn.... The Ceylon Sports Club who have gone up to Kuala Lun pur tc meet the Tamilian.' Physical Culture Association in a series of timet, soccer and cricket, wire 'cater by their hosts at eccccr tCHtej by 4 j I
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  • 59 12 St Joseph's team v. the R .vF. 2nd XI on j the school ground at 5 p.m. on Monday: H. I Boon: Sim Im Peng: Clan Boon Hock: A. Richards. A Philemon <capt.». Chan SeowY.n; < G. Hoeden. P. Ong. G Fernandez. A. Exeyama. P. Miztila. Reserves: B. Rodrigues. Li;n
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  • 21 12 YACHTING. The Royal Singapore Yacht Club notifies .hat. there will be no racing over the East-r balldays.
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  • 370 12 Key Match. ARSENAL BEAT THE WEDNESDAY. By boating Sheffield Wednesday at Highbury yesterday, the Arsenal have increased their points' lead ever the Hillsbro' side, who are second in the English League. Div. I, tables to five. Neither the Magpies nor Aston Villa, had a game yesterday. Chelsea
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  • 51 12 DIRT TRACK RACING. Aarhu. Apnl 13 The Australian rider. Con Cartwell. Q undtr his machine and was killed during the rnatirtia! dirt track meetins. Tiger Lewis (Malay Archipelago» collided art h Cartwell's overturn d machine ana :om.r'aulted and was sent to hospital with concussion of the brain
    51 words
  • 72 12 National And Leagues. BASEBALL. The baseball i IraTch s :n X* Philadelphia and N en- in the Am r.. Ycrk—vara postpone d i In the Washington vas among the 25.000 '.he home team's vi ball. Th? following wen- tr* mufairt cq ;o-dav. the eisitii first: NATIONAL LFJAGIT Pittsburgh
    72 words
  • 158 12 Sunrays Athletic Part] Do i B.P. team to-morrow I 3 English High School a' IM 'lan. Michael Tan. EUeae, Let Bog g-gj Kian Huat, Lawrence c< Souxa Teolflti Lityd Rodiigues and J ttw\ Lim Sorrt Chuan. Siow Tim: Kirn Bet I Kjftan and C. X Ong. The Novice BP.
    158 words
  • 83 12 Alhambra—Janet Oeyuor and ill in TMt of the Storm Country Capitol. —-Nagana Empire.—"The Son-Daughter Great World.—Sid? shows. DMC J Malay opera, Chinos: wayaag* silent m ing films < -Gocd News" tad T t'r Go Na ive'V Marlbon ugh— Richard I r.Your Guard." New World.—Side sh > cpen-air
    83 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 957 13 Alleged Confession. "ASKED FOR WATER AND DIED." "Perreau told me that he had a row wi b Piah when he was drunk. He said he hammered her and when she fell he carried her and placed her on the bed. "After asking him for some water
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 253 13 Buster Keaton in j I "Free Easy" j j OK j GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD j EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED AT LOW RATES i| For quotations for mil, transit risks by Road, Rail or Water j A»ly to:— j! j SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. jj General Agents: gj Motor Union
      253 words
    • 272 13 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. STRAITS CHINESE CHURCH. Prinsep Street. I a.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 9 a.m. .Malay) Mr. Song Ong Joo pjn. (English) Rev. W. Wurray i The Lord's Supper will be observed 8 P 2*' Tcachf> Sl Training Class. Wedn,:day. 8 p.m.: Choir Practice 4:15
      272 words
    • 185 13 j No fussing with pots and pans, j Every mould a masterpiece Crown I Jelly is a time and labour saving BRITISH PRODUCT. FRAMRQZ Co. 1 BUTTEWIV j PARIS MUSHROOMS' j ARE THE BEST AND I CHEAPEST ON THE MARIZgs|| KET AND THE MOST j IALATABLE OF ALL I VEGETABLES.
      185 words
    • 77 13 'PHONE No. 2«:j.J. T0( X TYPEWRITER CO. 28-A. Change. Alley, Singapore, j SPECIALISTS in Type rit r reuairing. overhauling, etc. DEALERS in new and second-hand Typewriters. We carry stocks of all stationery lines. Monthly cleaning o! machines in oniccs can be arranged on r ceipt of instructions. Work guaranteed. Charges
      77 words

  • 192 14 "Tess Of The Storm Country." AT THE CINEMAS "Tess of the Storm Country," the latest Janet Gaynor-Charles Farrell romance-drama. which commenced a season at the Alhambra theatre on Thursday, is a picture that everyone in Singapore ought to see. This universally popular pair of screen lovers have
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  • 18 14 "Nagana." the remarkable jungle romance and thriller, eonttnOM to draw holiday crowd* to the Capitol theatre.
    18 words
  • 199 14 The picturesque figure of Mrs. Meyrick. the London night-club queen, the story of whose colourful reign reads like fiction, must havi h.spired the filming of •Illegal." the FirstNational Warner Bros. British prcduction. which commenced a season at the Pavilion Theatre yesterday. It is delightfully entertaining and
    199 words
  • 107 14 Anrther Richaid Talmadge production. "On Your Guard," began a season yesterday at the Marlborough. In this action picture, the 'tar. in the role of Frisc the criminal, is as daring as ever and his stunts are as breath-taking a:= before. Many thrilling fistic fight; are
    107 words
  • 76 14 The Eas er hoUdayi ire tefng ushered fa al the Roxy by bright era amusing picture in which Douglas Pairtoanki the iriol o" cjneiragocrs. Is featured in "Mr. Robinson Crusoe." At to-day's matinee 'The Final Edition'" v/i b;- S'-rrencd with he fust four cha;:'en cf
    76 words
  • 76 14 An Ipoh resident, returning from Telpins j had an odd experience a few nights »gn Just I aft--.- passing tbe t 11 r at- on the Lssanria. I r >':e a tar-.p tigrr was Been on the read, j F.*;g'itc~cd by the headlights, it lan on la f:c,nt of the
    76 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 104 14 Save ihv Coupons Handsome Gifts Obtain SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. Singapore, Penan?, Kuala Lumpur, [poh. 3 APB.-l ~vi UDWAJRI) /W t)fNl)^^| apologies to the Sergt- MajorFRASER NEAVEL 1 PQODUCFPS Of PUQITY /N MINERAL W4Tfl\s TAKK SCOTT'S EMULSION the best for your health. i 1 n CHILDREN OF SINGAPORE
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    • 7 14 KOLYNOS Kills dangerous germs in your teeth.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 115 14 MAILS CLOSE. MC'n'DAV. APRIL 17. <Merauti> 8 a.m 'Bee Sch» 9 a.m. Rhio (Ecnuit) 9 a.m. Pulau Sceai (H'-Og Teck) 9 am. Slukup <Ho~.g Hin> 9 air. Filial: Tekong <-iong Aiki 9 a.m. I.' N.-East and N.-West Sumatra iMelch'or Treub) 9 a.m. rta, N.-Fa:.'' and) N-West Sumatra 'Geneial van der
      115 words

  • 1115 15 DO YOU PUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE? THE EFFECT OF REFLECTION. HOW TO IMPROVE SHORT-WAVE RECEIVERS. Tropica find that the reproduction of radio theii loudspeaker is harsh and they often or speaker itself will cure it. The p< sitioii of the loudspeaker in
    1,115 words
  • 335 15 Improving Short-Wave Receivers. That the short-wave receiver of a few years ago was an inefficient affair compared with pusent-day receivers is a fact which will hardly be disputed. The high efficiency of the present-day short-wave receiver has, however, not come about by any radical
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  • 38 15 The Soviet Government, is planning to erect l number of high-power radio stations in Eastern Siberia. A certain amount of apprehenicn is felt among the Japanese that the Soiet may use these staticns for propaganda purposes.
    38 words
  • 168 15 More Reports From Malaya. rmISL haS receive <l the following 2 T «"Westtom. on the reception of the Empire short-wave station **fS Estate. Malacca.—"Might I BHHt Son what' 'Tr 01 thC you'shotdd men" The linte of the Weathor 15 b<?ing e^"enced. „f v y clear lhe fascinating part
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  • 70 15 Nairobi, on 49.5 metres, can be heard nightly after 11.50 p.m. Sydney, on 31.28 metres, is enly available on Sundays. The transmission times are 11.20 r. m. to 1.20 p.m.. 4.50 p.m. to 8.50 p.m.. and 9 20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. Radio Coloniale is still going strong—a
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  • 75 15 The total number of listeners in Germany Increased by 52.651 during the month of February. The total on March 1 was 4 480,251. Of these. 551.693 are licences issued free to unemployed persons. This latter number shows an increase of 17.446 during the preceding month; the actual increase
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  • 221 15 Portable Short-Wave Apparatus. Wireless is to play a leading part in the latost Antarctic expeditoin, which left Table Bay en Jan. 25 for the Great White South. The leader is Ccmmander Riiser Larsen, the Norwegian airman-explorer, who is about to undertake one of the most hazardous expeditions ever
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  • 136 15 The unfortunate illness of Mr. Malcelm Frost in South Africa after he started lis world tour in connection with the Empire Broadcasting Service has considerably upset the plans oi the BBC. Mr. Frost is now back in London, and the 8.8.C. is planning to send a substitute to
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  • 371 15 DAVENTRY Empire Station; nightly 9.50 to 11.50; see above. HUISEN (Holland), experimenting on 16.88 metres, clear and loud. 8.15 to 10.15 p.m. KUALA LUMPUR (58 metres), a Government transmitter, programmes being supplied by the Malayan Amateur Radio Society (Kuala Lumpur), broadcasts records 6.30 to 8.30
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 Perfect World Radio Reception witb a GECoPHONE Superheterodyne RECEIVER (For A. C. Mains) efficient 6-valve Superheterodyne model J an external loud speaker. Designed j ►n the short and medium wavebands.. of intensive research and experience J wave reception in all parts of the world. tent is particularly suitable for the
      90 words
    • 244 15 j WHERE IS THE PICTURE? j Li Because readers have become familiar with the illustra- li j tion of the G.E.C. Radiogram, an impression has been Ij j formed by quite a number of people that this is the only model which the G.E.C. have to offer, and in this
      244 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 232 16 "Children are usually healthy when properly nourished"—was a favorite saying of a famous family physician of the old school. He was ahead of his time, for today almost every child specialist gives first place to proper nourishment in the bringing up of children. While this careful attention to the proper
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    • 247 16 The Stars reveal their secret! i —Do you ever wonder how the Read what f jmous stars of the screen care LOVELY LORETTA YOUNG dr for their lovely complexions Here is their secret. At work says about Lux Toilet Soap M [n the film studios, and in their lovely homes
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 33 17 Messrs. J. S. FRY SONS, LTD., were the originators or this Waj W B\ hygienic handy packing: la \^W^ REFUSE IMITATIONS. /JBj f W> Messrs. SIME DARBY Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Singapore.
      33 words

  • 617 18 Alleged Murder. "SAW A BODY BEING CARRIED OUT." (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Eahru, April 11. The hearing was continued this morning ai the Johore Bahru Assizes, before Mr. Justice Richard Williamson, of the case in which three Malayalees employed on Guntong Rubber Estate, Kota Tinggi,
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  • 316 18 Chamber Protests Against Increase. Recently the Chinese Government decided to increase the pcstlal rates for letters sent by Chinese letter-shops to twelve and a half cents per letter. Local Chinese letter-shops, which abcund in the Chinese parts of the city, are opposing the increase. They have made
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 653 18 THE BEST BRITISH WATERPROOFER. Cheap and Simple to Use! PUDLO restores damp walls or floors to perfect dryness cheaply. PUDLO in 71b. Tins—s3 20 per tin. (For every 100 lbs. of Cement use 5 lbs. PUDLO at the most). Extensively used all over The World. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. DON'T
      653 words
    • 262 18 LIKE POSTUM TOO.. .THEY It's natural enough for children to ask for tea. Yet you probably hesitate. You know that tea contains tannin; a drug that is harmless enough in small quantities, but hardly the best thing for growing children. Instant Postum, made with milk, is the ideal answer to
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  • 251 19 v. hat on earth is -i two t very frank ling of bad new? m\ t xam- Uing you nation Friendly 1 hat Happy-go-id *bik on the aua I an very gr< at ofpf Mown Kuthini Congratulations. 1 ims a ho came R M again
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  • 81 19 I write to the r I am rather 1 readers will I got hold of whether they ide After hesi--111 agreed. All of tfted on our jour--5 *U K .';.'j was from Kathrough Changl, and •eluding myself •ad, we took no heed to Siglap, our •aing the
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  • 434 19 I By Simple." Muar.j Having finished reading the "Boys" Corner" page. I was meditating unpenrefully. for quits a c.n-iderable time, in finding a suitable subject to contribute to my beloved Corner this week. I pondered and pondered, scratching my good-for-nothing head over and over again
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  • 516 19 (By 'Boras !."> It was a dark night and it seemed as though the stars had forgotten to make their appearance. An old lime-piece proclaimed the eighth hour, and at this very moment all the members of my family left the house, to attend a
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  • 522 19 'By Cheang".' Sunday dawned bright and clear and as both hands of the clock approached the hour ol mid-day the heat accordingly increased. A pedestrian stopped and mopped his head and a crowd collected round an ice-water stall If the word Sundayis derived from '•he words sunny
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  • 215 19 i By A Melody Maker One day in January, at the hour when Singcpore moves abroad in quest of lunch, several young schoolfolks and myself marched out of school into a big building next-dcor, which turned out to Raffles Museum. It was frightfully over-crowded, and as we shuffled
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  • 163 19 (By "Hispaniola.") The Singapore Harbour is one of the most important seaports in the world with its deep natural channel where the shipping clearances average millions of tens. The breakwater in the outer harbour furnishes safe anchorage for steamers and during the monsoon season it breaks the
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  • 382 19 (By Lip, Kuching.) fronds e of"mfn 1 dtScussill S with some friends of mine in my room about the iviT°intp Ubje^ tS Suddenl y our conversation street b7 an &xcited voice from the street exclaiming. <• A week! A wreck A wrec m We immediately rU shed
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  • 194 19 By -SmiU'-the-While:' K. L. phrase What to write" has appeared hi vm articles of this "Comer". The only u::^' 10n to real meaning la that most of th? Cnums have fcnind this the most likely excuse for their inabiliey to contribute, while otbera adopt the same for
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  • 207 19 {By Unseen Lover.") We cannot live without food, clothing and shelter. We. children who do no; work for our own food and clothes, must not think that "labour" is unnecessary; for if our parents did not work, they could not give us these things. Mast young people look forward
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  • 187 19 IBy Hispaniola." A market is a public place where all sorts of eatable things are exposed for sale. There are numerous markets in Singapore, the biggest being the Clyde Terrace Market in Beach Road. The market I am about to describe is the Geylang Market which is within
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  • 157 19 (By "C. Y. Bee") At present the study of Mandarin 4 s a very useful and important one. Its only toughness is the pronunciation. Though I am a beginner in this language I can give one of the principal hints. There are five tones and we have to
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  • 282 19 (By "Borax How do we know that a person is fainting or not? We judge him by his appearance. His face is pale and sometimes the hands grow cold. He feels drowsy and has the desire to sit or lie down. Faintings are due either to over or under
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  • 129 19 (By "Ray Mon Hai.") Well done, "Jerome"! Your aiticle affects me greatly. It entourages me to write to our famous "Corner" once again aiter a long absence. It is not cowardice that caused my long absence, Chums, but it is through "Nothing-! o-Write" Please excuse me for
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  • 85 19 'By •Southern Cross.") Nowadays all occupations arc bad because it is very hard for people to earn their livings. Down the busy streets of North Bridge Road, and busy thoroughfare of Boat Quay you can sec many shops closed because they are in difficulties Many ■shops and offices
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 195 19 Foods The 'Allenburys* Foods are particularly suited to the feeding ot infants in hot climates. They are free from harmful germs, and are readily prepared by the simple addition of boiling water, thus giving complete independence of doubtful milk supplies. Moreover, they are practically identical in composition with mother's milk,
      195 words