Malaya Tribune, 10 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 37 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOS T POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- -No. S« SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday. April 10, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 166 1 j THE FINEST""" I OF THEM ALL j KLIM MILK j From Rich Canadian Pastures. IN EVERY DETAIL/ The New Austin Ten-Four I In this new model the Austin Motor Co wished" w w fl T ey arC ProVldlnB a type for whlch a definite these i£j°J~ 'our adults of
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    • 204 1 A. FLINTER Raffles Place, Singapore, Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of (every class and quality Paying highest prices according to daily exchange I rates. I HEALTH S j IN EVERY TIN
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  • 2878 2 ALL-ROUND DECREASE IN COSTS. HELPING 10 BREAK DOWN PREJUDICE. The annual report of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club for 1932 p res< nted at the annual meeting of the Club on Saturday, is a rd oi steady progress. Increased membership is recorded as well
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  • 419 2 Performances In Malacca And Penang. The Oleh Oleh Party, of Singapore, comprising amateur artistes of Malaya, headca by if. Hon. secretary, Mr. Lcng Kirn Choon. paid a visit to Malacca at the invitation of the proprietors of .the C'ty Park and gave two variety performances a. the
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  • 152 2 Rotary Club Asks F< )r $10,000. Mi". A C. J. Towers, chairman c muni.y S?rvice Ccmnhttee of ill l Ri/ Club, s.nds the following list of i date to the Club's "Communitj t r unt P.M.S. Chamber of Mines Aw Been Par (Singapore» Ro.&ry Club cf Ipoh
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  • 184 2 From Orange Groves To "Lancashire." Madrid. A Spanish town has moved 500 nules froa the hot south, among the orange groves c Andalusia, to the northern province Catalonia. "Spain's Lancashire." Ten ago. the Andalusian town of Luck had a population of 1,700. Now it has scarctlr 200
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 I SPECIAL OFFERS FROM WHITE A WAY'S =r_ LADIES SECTION PINK I3ROCHE LADIES' FANCY >U)I|LPV S PURE SUSPENDER STRAW HATS. SILK HUSE BELT. Large brim. Trimm cl ribbon. Cuban fine Bastk side panels, four Black and white-only. suspenders. Special Price 82.75 each. Flesh, skin, new-beige. 25 to 30 inches. picasso.
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    • 21 2 PEACE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Economical and Satisfactory i Sole Distributors: O. Ramasamy Nadar Co. 86, Market Street, SINGAPORE. Tel. No. 7692.
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  • 694 3 Annual Report. TRIBUTE TO MR. C. W. H. COCHRANE, report OB th.' administration Malay States War Relief «r Ifta is presented for the ol thl General Committtee fn tth the procedure laid down for tdministratioo at the Fund. General Committee met once during the rhen the report
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  • 77 3 Letters To The Editor. KbtttU r oT^ubllc C inu^ d WTiU t0 us itood that the Maim n' T-Iv OTtt,t unfer%ecettamv tndorte opivAonM /r u 1101 vondentt. LETTERS SHOrnr^*» 6 ccrr POSSIBLE, prefcra blv u AS BRIE facing), and on one til (double Pen rMmet may be
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  • 363 3 LdHor Tribune.") Tamil paper '"Navaneetha tramIation from the Jour columns MarehTn a^ar ed "Mas, Meeting oi S- 3 "f r i he cal Paper." i am directed hi ntici5m m to inform you of thp r>h, my c °mmittee and request you to«222? °J not to give
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  • 208 3 (To the Editor. •Malaya Tribune.") I am a Straits-born Indian and a oualincd teacher, with a large family to suppor:. I have been out of wo. k for ever a ye;>r. I have applied to the Government times cut of number for a pos.t as a teacher,
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  • 225 3 Remarkable Finds In Palestine. Istanbul. Feb. 27. On his return from Palestine. Dr. Schneider, of the Gorres Society, gave here the ether day a lecture on the mosaics which the unearthing of the Tabgra basilica between Tiberias and Capernaum has brought to light, iile walls of the
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  • 700 3 Committee's Report For Last Year. HU. Kuala Lumpur, to-morrow at 10 a nM their report for tha year ended Au* the tommitt3e stale 1932 lowmg ccmmittee was eWf J c fo1 Sahib M. Kunhframan Na r Mr. R. N Thamb* Th r-,f ucc -l S- N. Sarma
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  • 137 3 btcret Of Tutankhamen's 'Purple Gold." Atlantic City (New Jersey). Th/? secret of King Tutankhamen's "Purple G. Id," a lest art of the goldsmith, has at last been discovered—if the claims of Prof- sor Weed can be established. The "purple gold." found years ago in KinTu.ankhamcr r tomb, was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 lIIIEI IIIE ART QF DRESSHAKIH6 WADE EASY f 11 W like to learn how to plan and make smart becomhow to cut. fit, and finish them with the ease and S INSTITUTE OF DOMESTIC ARTS SCIENCES ITD, 1 '2 114 A, Robinson Road, Singapore. W 1111 I——<M mi yju»vnui ul.-iii
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    • 20 3 When your energy begins to fla<* take BOURNVILLE COCOA regularly. You will be surprised at your rapid gain in vitality.
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    • 111 3 As a handy Peps tablet dissolves in the mouth tt gives off healing and germicidal fumes MM It^S^^fMrnW which are breathed ffSSJ// into deepest recess- C j esofchestandlungs P/^ Peps disinfeel the 1 J/ v/J (J throat and kill mis- M -X X. chievous germs. V# J^k. I They ward
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 503 3 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA. CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Davcntry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. iBritish Summer Time: add 6 hrs. 20 minutes.). 2 30 p.m. Tim" Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. 2.45 p.m. The Lady Golfer,
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  • 1592 4 Shipping News Notices. 1933 PASSENGER MOVEMENTS. Popularity; Of Tourist Travel. The Inward talar.e» of British passenger* Into tl. British Dries frcm places out oi Europe amounted in 10-2 to 56.282 (48.95;-. into tha Unit d Ktagdcm ana 7,329 into lhe Irisli Free State). In 1931 the inward balar.o was 38.885
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  • 520 4 Sequel To A Mersey Collision. B SSrV d judgment was dehvcrea on March 13 In the Liverpol Court Of Passage, by the presiding Judge. Sir W. F. K. Taylor, X.C.. in an Admiralty action which, assisted bj caplain Metcalfe, Nau.ical Assessor, he hud heard tiie pre vious week.
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  • 72 4 (due about ."»th April, 1933). Consignees of cargo «x the above ve s<-l from Japanese Ports arc no. if led that owing to tin' vetstl having ground?d at Moji. a General Average has been declared, and a contribution of b'l of the arrived market value of the
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  • 547 4 The Success Of The Gyro Stabiliser. Whm the net* I alian lin r "Coito dl Savcia" last called at New York, a joint meeting oi the S«x;ety of Naval Architects ad Marine Engineers and th: American Society cf Mechanical Engineers was held on board. Iff. P.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 406 4 STREAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BKITISH INDIA AM) APCAR LINES. .incorporated ln England). PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. roiNSULAR AJMJ ORIENTAL STEAM v j( iATION CO. LONDON and PAR LAST MAIL SERVICE, d r Contract With His Majesty's Government). Ol rWARD PROM LONDON, l or China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapo'.e. 1933. 0,800
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    • 509 4 Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE AT The Overseas Trading Syndicate 2C Burmah THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS.— Road Penang and Branch. Tung Boa 6: Co 32, Leith Street. -."ELS* 6 3 Kramat R„a d Mr. E. S. Kai'uvasa. 391, New Bridge Road. MAIACra E.
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    • 221 4 HAMBURG-AMERIILA LIN IE i Deub b Australische DampfseinlL, y^*^J»> Qeaefl chaft (Companies Incorporated in Qermany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Apr. 10 m.s\ HAVELLAND. \ia Manila May 5 m.s. LEVERKUSEN, via Manila May 16 m.s. ERMLAND. via Manila May 28 m.s. BURGENLAND.
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    • 553 4 STEAMER SAILING NORDDEUT LUEg (Incorporaled ia Germany). The undernoted are the Compa!.. ~< fixtures: OUTWARDS. 1933 5 "TRAVE" for Hongkong, B hai. Taku, Dairen, Tatngtao and Japan i f HOI-STEIN for Japan "TRIER" for Manila. Hoi Shanghai, Taku, Dairen, Tain and Japan |pt g HOMEWARDS. 1&13. g "LAHN" for G"noa.
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  • 411 5 re, Monday, 11 a.m. a .'hare quotations are Issued Co exchange and stock Buyers. Sellers. I Tin 23 3 24j3 tra Malay 18 20;- norn Hitara T.n 11 12 in Tin 12|- Ba:an« Padang 0.05 0.074 j. Caves Tin 0.35 0.40 J Bttktt Arang Tin
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  • 190 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. TIN PRICE AGAIN j higher. i I The Better Feeling* Continues. (By Out Financial Correspondent. j Singapore, Monday, noon. To-day's Prices: Rubber (Singapore) 6% cts., rp. /0 «P Ct. lm (Singapore) $8114. Saturday s Prices: London Rubber 2 5 32d., a/t i a rn
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  • 39 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 2 5 32d. New York: 3 1 32 cents Singapore: 6 5 16—6% cents. Lond-n Spot: £154 15s. (Unchanged) London 3 months: £155 10s. (Unchanged) Singapore: $8".25. COPRA. Sundrkd 5370 Mixed $345
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  • 153 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. I Prices for Shell Mot>:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviati:n Spirit in 4 gallon drums per British Imperial gallon SI.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 Shell M:tor Spirit per 4 gallon tin
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  • 78 5 (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: BcmDay. Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi. Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkull, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and interest allowed at 2% per annum.
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  • 919 5 Malayan Breweries, Ltd. "TIGER BEER'S" SUCCESS. The third general meeting of Malayan Breweries, Ltd.. was held on Saturday at 11 a.m. in the office of the Secretaries, Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., at 7 10, Trafalgar Street, Singapore. Mr. W. H. Macgregor was in the chair,
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  • 25 5 The following rubber outputs for March are further reported to us: Mentakab 44 500 lb Jeram Kuantan 40.000 lb. Sungei Bagan 51,000 lb.
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  • 119 5 Not Issued By Official Body. mL l Understandiß s the the Dutch L C Rubber Culture i" and s quota /chVmf f^f 165 WynReuter. nWU not by them.— A former message stat-ri- a the world ST!!S! growing wMI be IS e:ittntioJ of rubberdrafted Sy tt aI D
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  • 206 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, April 10. r^ Uing o 100-00 4 months' sight 2S. 327 32d L m o° nthS Slght *3 13 16 <i- London 60 ■ays sight 2s. 3 25 32d.. London 30 days' sight 7" a London demand 2s. 323 32d ondon T.T2s.
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  • 66 5 During the week er.d r.g April 1. exports of -mcd (4m apples lrom Malayan port, amounted a 30.663 caeca of which 24.538 case*. wer« (a he United Ittngdam, 20M came to the Consent of Europe. 6.915 ca-es to Canada and 21d cases ekewhac. Total export fo- the criod.
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  • 666 5 Sound Position. CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH AT ANNUAL MEETING. Mr h rii »7 Those present were Mi C V Ba-t 8 (Ch& }™™>. Mr. J. Murray ,k Bailey and Mr. J. a Claris the Secretaries) v*or -rictly comparable witTthat he^rh 0 'jjLgy* lectors' fees have he ii u^ c
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  • 659 5 Singapore, Monday. 11 am. The following rubber share quotation* art ivued by Fraser and Co. and Lyal] and Evett* •*lue. Fraser Lyall A f Shares. Co. g* at t 1 AUenby $0.45 $0.55 $0.45 go 55 1 Alor Gajab 0.25 0.35 0.25 038 IA. Hitam
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 38 5 YEARLY INTERESTjPAIk> QUARTERLY A bank balance is your best friend. You can turn to it whenever you are in need of financial assistance. Build a bank balance quickly with small regular savings. Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 180 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated ln Straits Settlement*). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONC u AWft LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. BEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHI MA STREET. SINGAPOME LOCAL 3RANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 PICK OF THE WORLD'S PK7TURBS. TO-NIGHT j WHAT happens when a real he man is let loose in society f j WHAT happens when a pretty girl is brought up at an army post WHAT happens when a murderer meets his victim on the polo field j JACK HOLT THAT
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    • 175 6 I By Popular Demand For One Night Only I! CAPITOL! I I T»»»»»»»»0»»+»»0#»#»»»••••••••• v TO-NIGHT only! I The in Their Brst Special ONE DAY Screening j Hear the popular hits "B yond thS Blue Ilorizrn." Always in a"I ways." etc. I i TO-MORROW NIGHT: Univcr al's flaming story of exotic
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    • 292 6 j OWING TO ENORMOUS SUCCESS j "Evenings For Sale"j Paramount s Wonderful Viennese Musical has been extended till t>. Positively Last Day! OPENING TO-MORROW The film all Malaya is waiting to see "The Road To Singapore" With WILLIAM POWELL, MAKIAN MARSH. DORIS KEN YON. An amazing, sensational drama of the
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  • 291 7 Dutch Homeward Planes To Call Here. The existing air-mall services between Svnsaf pcre and London arc likely to be appivciublv j accelerated if negotiations which are pioceedI ing between the Dutch and British authoritici controlling the air mail services cf the two countries are satisfactorily
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  • 218 7 Singapore. April 10. R. <Siam> W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $115 R. < Siam iW. Coast 2 $109 Rice. B. Siam N. i §i l4 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $109 Rice. Siam •■Old" per kovan No. 1 $182 Rice. Siam Old" No 2 $162 Rice. Siam Old"
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  • 345 7 Talk Of Armament, Not Disarmament. Paris, March 4 ta Geneva "1 n S m n 60 next to consu \v hM nES 3 haJt in Parls the French Pririo bef r€ thf > and Ita s no vp?" VarloUSly inler Preted t.'ncibiP r»~ ,i» to obtain
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  • 331 7 League Of Nations' Bulletin. The following is the Health Bulletin of the league of Nations' Eastern Bureau. Singapore tor week ended April i. 1933: Beirut: 2 smallpox cases. Alexandria: 32 smallpox cases and 11 deaths as compared wi'h 59 cases and 11 deaths m the
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  • 217 7 Italian 1,000 Mile Road Race. Reuter. Rome, April 9. The supremacy of the British light car wa< m Te m ?o h ad nt^ Vin t d H iCated ln mne road race—the world s lonees* and mno Perilous nnnr event, from Brescia" v a FioreTce
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 242 7 Change Of Programme At Capitol. Tne very successful run of -Rome Express' ol to ri'Tr t( 2. the CapUol is SSg f r f r ne !!ight on] y- a r «um scree:,: mUL lont^ Carl the delightful Paramount musical comedy in which Jack Buchanan and Jeanttette
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  • 76 7 The "Kima" which arrived at Singapore on Saturday, go. stuck in the mud on the Perak River at 2 a.m. on Thursday. She refloated with the tide. No damage was done to the ship. "It was reported on the arrival of the Aushun" last
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  • 163 7 "Klang," Br.t.. 723 tons, from Port Swettenham 10-4; for Penang 12-4. "Polyphemus." Dut., 4.067 tons, from Tjctatjap 10-4; for Port Swettenham 11-4. •Trave." German. 4,890 tons, from Bremen 9- 4; for Hongkcng 10-4. "Kashima Maru," Jap., 6,147 tons, from London 9-4: for Hongkong 10-4. •Marudu," Brit.. 982 tons, from
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  • 321 7 Mr. Tay Lian Teck. S.C.B.A.'S LETTER TO GOVERNMENT. ««P^t^SLl t,le topic of «»«J cf Commons to H thr. ■"■■■XL in Chinese circle* SI, Cl3t:on held a feting to 5: s see ~s President of the elation, to cur Chinese We are sending a strong letter of
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  • 385 7 THAT a new electric particle has been found 'By Oi.r Scientific Correspondent.) .J*****. discovery in connection with electricity U that there is a cmstituent of the exigence of which nobody has hiiheito been sure and only a very lew people have conceiyeo. Tho*e who have investigated the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 A NEW ADVENTURE M A i jj; Iff ,N ROMANCE jL I I/ ;il I The world will love these I f Iff i M lov «s more than ever in 11 i I -vJ|J A this delightful story of 11 A HgrlP^ l c New England coast. I m
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    • 271 7 WANTED Canvassers, (Ladles and Gentlemen, for Margo Soap. Neem Tooth Paste No Pam Balms and O.hrr Products, on 20 cemmL-ion first week Starting salary. on satisfactcry wcrk $5.C0 and ft* weekiv "$5 00 necessary to carry out samples.' Apply Manager, Singapore Branch. 10. Prinsep Street CALCUTTA CHEMICAL CO.. LTD.. Calcutta
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    • 57 7 jj Assets exceed $12,000,000. II The Great Eastern Life I head oppice: MMm ut. »»lM Mm W« j IJftU* ij The Company bw «0,000 deposited with ftL Sln Dore ATTRACTIVE PLANS OP ASSURANCE. An Investment of 50 cents a day in Endowment Insurance is a very sure road to Independence
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm, Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. D:g. P. Inches. Hours Dcg. F. Alor Star 91 Nil 10.5 75 Sitiawan 93 Nrl i"7 7j K. Trengganu 89 Nil il l 74 Bukit Jeram 8a Nil 9 6 75 Malacca 86
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  • 120 8 MADAM lIAK SIN. aged 68 ytars. wife of Mr. Chau Ah Wing of Messrs. Ah Wing and Sens. Hongkong Branch, parsed away peaci fully at her r:sid:r.c<\ No. 56, Tias Street, I J i»0 a m., en Saturday. April 3. 1933. 1 aye.; behind her husband, two
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  • 767 8 Tin appears to have taken on a new lease of life at a time when this was least expected, and antirestrictionists as a body have been reluctantly compelled to admit that the present firm tone is largely, If not entirely, due to the control of production. In the
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  • 105 8 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sime are this week leaving Kuala Lumpur for Home on retirement. H. H. the Sultan of Kelantan and the Perdana Mentri of Kelantan are on a visit to Singapore. T> W. A Roeers who was the first owner of the famous Beatrice TJn Mine, is
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  • 35 8 From Holland by the due at Singapore tc-morrow morning. From China and Japan by the "Havre Maru," due at Singapore to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Africa Maru," due at Singapore to-morrow.
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  • 602 8 Retiring Governor Of The Philippines. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, who has been Oowmnr flrewral of the Ptiflipping islands during the last'two yeais, arrived in Singapore by tbe "Op ten Maori" Hum Eatavia this morning. When there is a change in the American administration, the Governors of imijortant American
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  • 172 8 Hotter Quota Agreement For Malaya? Reuter. An extraordinary general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines was held at Ipoh on Saturday morning to discuss whether the Tin Ccntrol Scheme should be renewed on its expiration in August next year. It is understood, says the "Times of Malaya."
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 105 8 Profesror Verne Dyson, of the National University of the Philippines, Manila, is a passenger by the "President Piere-." which arrived last Saturday, to America. He is a well-known Sinologist (student of Chinese affahs) and has bern lecturing fcr many yea-sen Chinese subjects and Far Eastern politics. He ts
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  • 43 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. April 9. The death is announced of an eld Bangkok re.-ident in No:th Wales. Mr. Charles Thorn", former propi ietor of the Bangkok Times." piior to its formation as a limited liability company years ago.
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  • 370 8 (BY "LOOKER-ON.") Tliere seems to be an epirj flying girls just now. Flighty ones, of course, hav< rife for a long while. "No Preference for Beer,** declared a headline in the Sunda yesterday. A To which I would mere)) exlamatory query: "Oh, I just!" A The famous
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  • 68 8 Reuter. N' W Delhi. Ap« 6 S r Jo eph Bhorc, Commerce Member to-4»j introduced Into the As mbly an Ai Bill, to empower Govirr.nrn: U in duties on hnpori abnormally lew prices H lo end existence of I"d:an industry A notification imposing the add.i on QU
    Reuter.  -  68 words
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 BOYS BUILD j fine models 'I Who can hcpe .0 have a- many toys as n Meccano boy? He ta a rral engineer—his* I ayrocm i. an engineering workshop, when b want;, a Irttck, a crane, a bridge, a motor < <;.:. or a' kcumo'ive. he builds one with his
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    • 32 8 What to do during the Holiday en 14th, 15th, Kith and 17ih April, 1933 Visit TENG SENG Gl T AN 631, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO BUY T.KJL's Rubber and other goods, j
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 170 8 DIARY OF EVENTS, Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. O-DAY. APRIL 10. High Tides —10.29 a.m., 10 45 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p m. Golf: Keppel G.C. Ladies' Spoon (Bogey). League Football: Div. I, S.C.C. v. RAP, S.C.C. Coininereial Cup Football: F. and N. v. P. 0., Anson Road;
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  • 688 9 JOINT ACTION TO STABILISE SILVER Conversations In Europe. Mac Donald And Herriott To Go To Washington. Reuter. are moving more rapidly towards a World Economic Mr. Mac Donald and M. Herriott have already agreed to n to talk debts and finance and
    Reuter.  -  688 words
  • 113 9 Death Of Mr. Liang Shih Yi. Shanghai. April 10. Vi died at the Paolung Ho.pirxgnJL s™*? mornia c. In his will he tdrkto H pc that his colleagues would ;n: P r ovement of tne r.ational -seed.- M, n Kuo Jih Pao". M U" ***** in 18C3 in
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  • 70 9 Againsl The Advice Of The I nion. Reuter. London. April 10. 3*» at mid- ccision of a mass meeting *tt>nWt yesterday to repudiate Laaj huh BaofflS? lnvolved m the strike contrary to the recomA. ujy J u n:on. N» v jot entitle the men to rtrlke 0
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 167 9 Completion Of Manchukuo Frontier. Shanghai, April 8 Owing to the bad weather, Japanese planes did not operate in the Chinwangtao area yesterday. Japanese infantry, too. did not advance. However, Japanese artillery was continuously shelling the Chinese lines from Thmsday evening until yesterday. The Chinese maintained their positions
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  • 69 9 Bady Of "Akron's" Commander Discovered. Reuter. Washington. April 10. The body of Commander Berry, commanding nava'. air stations, who was aboard the "Akron," has been recovered eight nvles from the spot where the airship tTashed. by a coastguard destroyer, which later recovered the body of Cap.'. McCord. the
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 248 9 Everest Party Disaster. LONG DISTANCE EFFORTS. Reuter. Purnea. April 7. Further flights of tho Houston Everest expedition are at present impossible owing to the heat, which has reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit, accompanied by a strong wind. The hydrogen weather balloon exploded under the heat while
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 128 9 Gen. Tsai Ting Kai Arrives In Hongkong. Hongkong. April 10. Gen. isai Tir.g Kai. the famoes commandt: of the 19th Route Army, arrived in Hongkong yesterday afternoon. He stated that Q was on his way ta Canton to confer rearrangements fcr the Northern expedition from the three provinces.
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  • 121 9 Stolen From Messrs. W. Hill Co. Convicted on a charge of dishonestly retainin'stolen property, a ssvcnty-two-year-old Chines; war fined $40 (in default two months' rigorou in.prironment) bv the Second Magistrate (Mr A. V/. Hay on Saturday. The property. 14 four-inch iron pipes. brasi joints and manhole covers, valued
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  • 97 9 Visit To Mussolini By Air. Reuter. Berlin. April 8. An official announcement has not yet been ad. b:tt it is certain that Hr. Goering wil shortly be appointed. Prussian Premier by Chancellor Hitler in bia new capacity ci Administrator of Prussia and that Hr. Yon Papen will be
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 107 9 Sequel To Raid On Lodging House. Tlie case in which a Chinese woman was charged with being the occupier of a common gaming house was concluded before the Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay) on Saturday when his worship delivered judgment. At the previous hearing Mr. V. D.
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  • 312 9 THREE BRITISH CAPTIVES. letter From Pirates, Release Negotiations In Progress. The latest news regarding the BrKisj, o»< captured by pirate* cli the Manchuri:,n COBCt Ls that Ihcy arc beIS* moved aht u t i n ju:,k- but the authentic ard lhe pirates are >ng for th-ir release.
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  • 374 9 Saturday's Funeral At ISldadari. The body of Mr. John Archibald Russell, vrho died m the Gen ral Hospital on Friday uteht, was laid to rest at Bid dari Cemetery on Saturday. There was a large gathering representative of prominent business in.erefts and cry many beautiful
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  • 135 9 Trial Of British Engineers In Moscow. Moscow. April 8. "They cannot frighten us." declares the "Isvestia," commenting en the House of Commons debate on the Russian Imports Bill. The peper adds: "British diplomacy, ignoring the basis of the accusations, gave undue prominence to the incident of sheeting
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 285 9 it fruit Saline Cleanves FUC/FEPINE HEALTH X\LT All-day Rgotif U assured by Phosferine Health Salt which Flimmaus the poisonous waste matter thai causes cells and tissues to grow old It is the pleasant lnv.Pora:ing dose cf Phosferine Health Salt that keeps the synen healthy and fit to withstand all climatic
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  • 465 10 S.A.F.A. LEAGUE, DIV. I. I.C.F.A. Collapse. MALAYS SCORE SEVEN GOALS. ißy 'Full-Back.'' I The Malays had r.o difficulty in gathering full pointis from the I. C. F. A. at the Jalan Boar Stadium on Saturday in Div. I of the
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  • 257 10 Siong 800 Beat Bendemeer. By th*- only goal scored in the game. Siong 800 Athletic Association eliminated Bendemeer Athletic Club from the S.C.F.A. Cup Competition yesterday at the Jalan Besar Stadium. They deserved their win. as they were pressing lor the major part of the game. Mr. Lim
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  • 109 10 To-night's Carnival And Aquatic Sports. A moonlight carnival which will include 2Et32f v iv he,d at the Sea View f eVents which are OP*" everybody, comprises the following--7-00 P.m.—Swimming Competition (one length of pagart for boys *rom 10 to 18 years (open, free stvlei. P.m.—A similar competition
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  • 436 10 C.S.C. ANNIVERSARY. Carnival And Annual Meeting. I The Chinese Swimming Club were en fete yesterday on the occasion of their annua' anniversary. A large number of members and guest-; were present, and they had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The carnival was held in the j fcrcocon. The following were
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  • 349 10 Weil-Known Local Ship-Master Passes Away. The death took place on Saturday at the General Hospital. Singapore, of Captain Richard James Curtis, at the age of 71. Captain Curtis had served the Straits Steamship Co. fcr many years and retired four years ago. He was chiefly on
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  • 112 10 English Bulldog To Guard Roosevelt. Los Angeles f California). A prise English bulldog will be the new guardian of the White House wnen Presidentelect Roosevelt moves there. He is "General Grant." a snow white prize-winning English bulldog valued at £400. He will leave Los Angeles by aeroplane
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  • 71 10 DAVIS CUP MATCH. Argentine Eliminates Chile. Buenos Aires. April 9. In the Davis Cup South American Zone final, the Argentine lead Chile by two matches to none. Hector Cataruzza beat Ellas Delk 6—2, 6 8, 6—3. 3—6. ,6—2. and Guillermo Robson beat Salvadora Deik 6—l. 6—o. 6—l.—Reuter. Buenos
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  • 307 10 Ties For To-day And To-morrow. Ties for to-day and to-m;now in the SCO tournament ere as follows: TO-DAYS TIES. GODOWN DOUBLES HANDICAP —A. GHay l and Roy Smith owe 15.2 v. winners cf E. A. Taylor and F. T. K. Hobbes owe 30 end R. F. Young and
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  • 244 10 THAJUDEEN HERE. Ceylon Champion Returns For Bouts. Thajudeen, the stylish Ceylon-Malay boxer who made such a favourable impression when he viiited Singapore with George Wells last year, arrived in Singapore yesterday with his manager. Mr. Charles de Alwis. who is a well-known Ceylon promoter. Vincent Ptrera. the hard-hitting Kuala
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  • 85 10 A divorce petition under the Strait- Settlements Non-Domiciled Parties Divorce Rules which came into force en Dee. 2, 1931. came before the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison in the Supreme Court thai morning. The parties were Mr. Earnest Charles Smith, Inspector cf Weights and Measures of th: Police
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  • 207 10 S. C. C. TOURNAMENT. United Services Win On Padang. Yesterday's match in the S.C.C. tournament resulted in a win tor United Services. Scores: P.S. AND L. AEG. Blades b Phillips 4 J. E. Jeans b Phillips 5 Dr. H. Hopkins c Wilkinson b Bond 35 H. H. P. Whitley
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  • 457 10 The S.C.C. tournament side. Merchant*, beat the S.R.C. yesterday at the S.R.C. by 3 runs. Scores: MERCHANTS: —C Wmdle d Leijssius 3, E. S. Riches, b D'Almeida 8. R. A. Ashworth c Leijssius b D'Almeida 5. D. R. Harper c D'Almeida b Leijssius 0. J. V. S
    457 words
  • 100 10 Albambra—Jack Holt in This Sporting Age." Capitol.—' Monte Carlo,- with Jack Buchanan and Jeanette Mac Donald. Empire.—"The Old Dark Hou.e." Great World. —Side shows, pasar malam, Malay opera. Chinese wayangs, silent and talking films ("Part Time Wife- and "Girls Demand Excitement" and at Star Talkie: "Dude Ranch")
    100 words
  • 612 10 THE RECOVERY OF SHIMENCHAI. Japanese Pians. Puppet Government i n North China Japanese plans involving i sryacafe pupptt Government n North nJnd arc said to have been unearthod \l the m the Chines? ar, ering lo:-j cities. Shanghai. April 1 According to the report of the ItreJanh»!
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  • 98 10 MM A man who lived for three yeai expenditure oi two-pence half pel been arrested by geadannet in Urn Chan res. In 1930. he acciden ally set ft and fearing the consequent > I woods, where he lived like a s-u pota'oes and laying iraps fv>r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 1089 11 Chinese Good Wishes, j THE TRANSFER TO PENANG. I The Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese Justices of the Peace, the Chinere Advisory B >ard and the members of the Com- j mittse of tho Po Leung Kuk, Singapore, gave a te* party on Saturday afternoon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 I To-Nlgbt: I Buster Keaton I —in 1 'Tree Easy" caused &y Mmndutgettce m in lo&acai and *J A profitable transaction! A y U lil V 9©od report! Why should you I l\\ not celebrate these events? \\\x^W^ Feeling happy and content, one smokes one drinks (p an< c after-effects
      64 words
    • 486 11 Violins Fittings Cheapest Best SEASON CO., LTD., !115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. I i I {MARINE 'iNSURANObI of ;J GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD j EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED 1 I AT* LOW. RATES (j fj For quotations for aIL transit risks by Road, fl Rail or Water |2 Apply to:—
      486 words
    • 182 11 j Jt MR I'LL MAKE YO'J THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD AND ALL THAT I HAVE Will BE fOtftC!" Miss. And, I can Buy whatever wi;h?" MR CFCOURSE, QfEEN of My HEART. IN FACT YOd CAN HAVE YOUR WiiM RIGHT A WAY 1 J KNOW You always like dresses,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 270 11 CLUB DIARY. I I n o».. numerous Clubs and Societies in 7 o/ r/;c members of which are r/le "Malaya Tribune." This Diary se rially lor them. Secretaries arc •opentt* in keeping it up-to-date j Happenings of general interest Acd in the "Diary of Events." i D cry" can cover
      270 words
    • 210 11 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, APRIL 10. S 'coy P p a 7a* adqUi,rteS C Coy., s Dril P m HeadQUar e!S 1 Co> A"" 5 5 Yarrßar« ad<,UanCr! B 3 TO-MORROW, APRIL 11. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "A" <M.G Coy I A 4 and revision. 7 HeadQUaiterS
      210 words

  • 2022 12 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. THE ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LEAGUES. SATURDAY'S RESULTS. PENSIONERS' BIG PUSH TO AVOID RELEGATION. Ch-lsea continued thur up.' ard slide from th- bottom of the labia in the First Division of the- English Ltagur on Saturday wh n they beat the promot-cl team, L r cds United,
    2,022 words
  • 22 12 Welsh And Scottish Amateurs. London, April 8. To-day's Amateur International at Bangor resulted as follows: Wales 0 Scotland 0 —Reuter.
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  • 31 12 Saturday's Match At Dulwich. Reuter. London, April 8. Th 2 Amateur Cup final at Djlwich to-day resul ed as follows: Kingston'ans 1 Stockton 1 After extra time. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 335 12 Record Crowd On Saturday. The Singaporc-Johcre Agri-Horticuitural Show at the New World was bvought Vo a conclusion last Bight when Mrs. Lee Choon Guan distributed the prizes in the presence Ci a large gathering, including the organisers of the shew and a number ol well-known visitors. Mr.
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  • 98 12 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore. April 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rajula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Pres. Pierce 11; Klang 9: Trave 7. Empire Dock (Ent-ance Gate 3». Muncaster Castle 30; Kutsang 32. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Nil. West Wharf (Entrance Gate 4). Katong
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 140 12 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. APRIL U. China. Hainam. Japan. Korea. Formosa East Siberia, Philippine Islands. Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. (Kutsang) 10 a.m. S:am (except Lower Siam) (Katong) 11 am Tcmbilahan and Rergat (Hong Lam» neon Rengat and Tembilahan (Flevo) 1 p m H' ihow. Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy
      140 words

  • 2694 13 ENORMOUS WATER-POWER RESERVOIR. LAND RECLAMATION AND IRRIGATION OF SAHARA. nc "Malaya Tribune") ansa.isfartory condition of T:; whether considered frcm tho the political point of view, for the putting forward a" i. 0 f gigantic dimensions. V > destined in the minds of the;: thoui mere
    2,694 words
  • 394 13 Committee's Annual Report. Shanghai Badmhnon Part. wtU be presents) rm at s ai sh 2 r neral mceling tO da at 3 p.m. a t 5. Shanghai Road One special general meeting and five com. mcvUa 2* were held during tha year ZtLr There were one Patron. 33
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  • 351 13 Strange Case Of The Pentecostals. Ottawa, March 5. Roman Catholici m, the dcavnant reUgicn o: the French-Canadian province ot Quebec, still retains its numerical Itad.rship among the religious denomination:; cf Canada. The hopes of the United Church, in tbe first census af,er the union, that they would
    351 words
  • 91 13 Children Given Numbers As Names. Vera Cruz < Mexico >. Two children here have been baptised a* 66" and "123." The numbers are those cf decrees of expropriation passed by a former governor of the State of Vera Cruz, and the paren's of the babies are ardent Socialists.
    91 words
  • 536 13 Trajan's Markets In Rome. London. March 5. j Between September G and 15 the fifth World Poultry Congress will meet in Rome, UTJder the petronagc oi' the King of Italy, the acting president being the Italian Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. The Capitoi has been chosen for
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 219 13 Con q v gr^ Malarial mmmmmmm a wel^ After Malaria, your body cries out for something which will give you new, healthy blood and so make good, in a natural way, the ravages caused oy the malaria parasite. So l>egin a course of Sanatogen. This tonic food has Hon tested
      219 words
    • 124 13 Teeth Like Pearls G Z HE proper kind of care can help so much to make your teeth sparkling and beautiful. Colgate's Dental Powder is the most effective formula known for cleaning and whitening teeth. Its superior action is §due to a special chalk powder ingredient which works without any
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  • 445 14 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. S.C.C. v. R.A.F. To-day's Match On The Padang. The postponed S.A.F.A. League Div I match between the S.C.C. and R.A F. v. ill take plac on the Padang tc-day. The ground will be enclosed. Seating and standing accommodation for the general public will be a\ailable on
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  • 263 14 K.L. CONTESTS. Singapore Boxers Disappoint. A programme of live fights was arranged for Thursday night ai the Hollywood AmusemtiK Park, Kuila Lumpur, which was not Wry well pafomsed. This apparent lack of enthusiasm is due to the prices demanded and. perhaps, to the fact that It was only *ast
    263 words
  • 85 14 HORLICKS BEAT S.P.A.P. r .l icks B defe ated the Straits Physical Athletic Party "B"' at former's court on Thurs *£2T* nil. Scores Horlicks'nam" first): Noble Tan and Chng Boon Swee beat CI T 6 and n "*J Ba 21-15 J LT! I( L Chan Thon and Tan Kirn
    85 words
  • 66 14 S.G.C. MIXED FOURSOMES. no !J e S G -C. monthly mixed foursomes com petition was played at Bukit Timah on Prioay and resulted in a win for MU* V m of I '£3S an 3 d R J The s G~r 4 i J° rty Cards were tak ?n
    66 words
  • 863 14 LOCAL MATCHES. Chinese Win On The Padang. The S.C R.C. visited the S.C.C. on Saturday and beat the Cricket Club by 49 runs. Good tatting by Kcng Hcck and Evan Wong and effective bowling by Chow Tat and Dr. Siow Hian were ihe chief features of lh3 game. Scores:
    863 words
  • 457 14 Nearly Caught Off A "No Ball." Mt. Lavinia (Ceylon), March 22. St. Thomas' College. Mount Lavinia. had th-> distinction of receiving visits from two members of the victorious M.C.C. team who nasld through Ceylon to-day. passid J »K Ck Hobb f and H Larwood visited the College
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  • 47 14 Reuter. PRINCIPAL HOME MATCHES. London, April 8. Th_- principal matches played to-day resulted as follows: Bristol 3: Harlequins li. Coventry 21; OM Blues 3. D vonport Services 5; GJcucc ter 10 Leicester 18: Blackheath 11. Northampton 22. Rcsslvn Park 0 O.M.T 24: Lcndrn Irish 3
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 20 14 Reuter. ENGLAND BEAT BELGIUM. Bruscelc. April 8. The International played h?re to-day resulted as follows: England 3: Belgium 2.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 33 14 Reuter Wireless. IRISH SWEEP BANNED. Brussels, April 4. The Irish Sweepstake has been banned throughout Belgium and orders have been given that money payments for tickets will be confiscated.— Reutcr Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  33 words
  • 303 14 Club For Retired Cable Men. There is in Nelson. New Zealand, a little ■Club within a Club" known by the Malay name "Pusing-pusing." Locally th is is trans lated as "to turn arcund" and is said v. have a Rotarian significance though "pusing" may be a facetious
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  • 59 14 China Port Now To Be Known As Ssuminjf. Amoy. Feb. 24. Subject to the approval of the central authorities, the city of Amoy wHI be re -named Ssuming when its status is changed fri h distnet (hsien) to a municipality according e?nmem tlSion P^in^Sov! With the conversion
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 441 14 ii CALLENDER CABLEBACKED BY 50 YEARS' I EXPERIENCE. J Rubber Insulated <^^^^^^ j Wires and Cables. <^';#\v L j Cab Tyre Sheathed 1 j Cab,cs J^^(WEItTHE WORLDS] I th.Wneo I tor LIVERISH N ESSWhen the liver is sluggish, and your urgently needed. They tone, purify tongue is coated, your eyes
      441 words
    • 140 14 MADE IN ENGLAND I Swan Pens, Black or Co4ot R Swan Minor 'Blackbird' Pens Swan 'Ink o 'yi OF STATIONERS AND jt.v.:Eßs" liluilrated past c MABIE, TODP CO., LTD., Swan House, London, W.I Factories—London I. lim Call and be convinced of our comprehensive -took in SHIP YACHT FITTINGS At Greatly
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  • 1011 15 P.A.M. Approval. MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. A meeting of the Council of the Planters Association of Malaya was held in Kuala Lumpur on Mar. 25. Mr. R. S. Chantler i Chairman) presided, and there were also present Mr. J. C. Innes < Vice-Chairman). Mr. C Ward-Jackson
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  • 618 15 Jeram Kuantan Rubber. ESTATE IN GOOD CONDITION. The annual general meeting of the Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate. Ltd.. was held on Friday at the office of the Company la the Chartered Bank Chambers at noon. Mr. W. L. Stevens was in the chair, and the other*
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  • 362 15 Criticism Of Existing System. Mr.. J. T. Buckley, treasurer of Philco Corporation, of America, who is visiting England, on Mar. 2 in London commented rpon the recent developments in the United States. He said that to a large degree the present troubles haa developed from the American
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  • 465 15 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore. March 31. MEAT. Beef, steak round), kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati 2^ Perk. lean, kati Pork ic ail and fat «Ist quality), kati 36 Mutton. Australian, lb Fowl, kati J Hens (locally reared), kati 44 Ducks, each rigeon. domestic unfledged, pair
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  • 117 15 Death Of Woman Who Risked Soy's Fate. Milan. A postmistress who stayed at her post throughout the Austrian invasion during the ereat war, and communicated with her countrymen by signals, has just died in a village near Venice. Her name was Mrs. Angiolhia Ceccctto. She k< pt watch
    117 words
  • 566 15 Interest In Research. THE KING'S LEAD AS FLAX-GROWER. London. March 5. On; of the moot interesting documents of the yrar made i's appearance yesterday—the annual report of the Department of Scientific and Indus.rial Research. With its 200 pago_ oi valuable information it should prove a best-seller"
    566 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 139 15 I ucryi Tooth PowJcr .'O, J ihixoughJy cleans and V Mies your teeth, it seep* ?hc mouth healthy yid rhc hr;Mff< >y»ri tec tp4 of 5 cents stamp Drebei A Co.. 116. Cecil St., Singapore. I It j Moving Pictures! j i J whir.r.r.. .and j ade tt movie. The
      139 words
    • 68 15 STEADY PROGRESS PROVES HOW BABIES THRIVE ON LACTOGEN "I have much pleasure in expressing my unqualified approval of your Lactogen as a perfect diet and the best substitute for mother's milk. I especially found that Lactogen contains the exact amount of fat K^^S^f^g^l^^^ needed in a food for infants and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 324 16 Have Ail Your locks or I Watches that are v >iag rcngly f repaired by Skilled Hands, v Promptly, and at the Mosl 8 Reasonable Kales. g Yick Woh Hingf 429, North Bridre Ko*d, Near Middle Road. g CfriUractCr far Repairs of Clocks and ff Wmtt I British r.cgiment, n
      324 words
    • 691 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. Vacancy for boarders at No. 67, Wilkie Rd., «pacious a:ry ;corns, electric lights, showerbaths, mod. sanitation badminton. Charges moderate. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—I. Marga'c Rd., off Grove Rd., close to Katong Park. Entry 1-5-33. Particulars Tel.
      691 words
    • 624 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. IN THE SUFREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Grigina ing Summons No. 4 of 1931. Ir. the F: tat( of Chew 800 Chiang alias Chew Boon Tec or The* cr Thik Chew Chan Soon alias Chew Han Chiang, deceased Between The Official Assignee
      624 words
    • 326 16 EDUCATIONAL, JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL 40, NIVEN ROAD. Receives students from Primary to Standard VII and Commercial Class. Assures success in public examinations. Entirely under new management, for particulars apply Principal. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1923. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). B, Short Street, Singapore. Enrol for
      326 words
    • 554 16 ELECTRICAL AND CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of elect* lights, fans, motors, etc 2 water service, please write t the above address or 'Ph 3411. hOD e KAPALA CHINTAAUxp The best for all diseases of the scalp ht A and ear. Makes the hair
      554 words