Malaya Tribune, 7 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER N MALAYA. XX, No. 82 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, April 7, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 176 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, i paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. j It s Worth Reaching For!!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 MeSSr^J S FRY SONS, LTD., were the originators of this 1^ hygienic handy packing: 19/ ffliwl REFUSE IMITATIONS. y W Agents:- MeSSfS. SIME DARBY CO., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Sin*)*
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  • 101 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. [Our readers are invited M write to us on subjects of public int stood thai the "Malaya Tribune" docs not necessarily endorse onf»vT H must c II pendents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE or hi eXpresSf d °U corresspacing}, and on
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  • 93 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribvnc") Sir. —Without treating this as a controversioJ subject, I request yen to publish the following out tv in your valued People's Paper and thus enable me to pet wpifal Iron sonic of your numerous Tamil rea'de:s. Oram ins thn< the Tarn:! Reform Association
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  • 151 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."/ Sir.—Tlie letter cn the abeve sufcjSOt tn your isrue of M uc h L'8 commands apprecia ion The absence of a Savings Bank is heavily felt in this slump time, when many jobless clerio and workmen find that they bare no
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  • 138 3 To the Editor. -Malaya Tribune."/ Sir.—I am struck with bewilderment when I think of the many parties that have been established :n Johorc Bahru during the last few months. These parties are. as far as mv knowledge roes, beneficial to many people in Johore. where there
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  • 235 3 tTo the Editor. Malaya Tribune Sir —As there are peiiodkals running photographic competitions at present. I shall be tery glad if you or some of vour readers with past experience will give me a few hints to enable me to produce prints which should appeal io the judges.
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  • 367 3 (To the Editor. "Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—In the interest of year manv Catholic readers, will you be kind enough to publish this short letter in view of the absence of a Catholic journal in Malaya? During the past few years the clarion call ol His Holiness
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  • 345 3 'To the Editor. Malaya Tribune."} Ls a matter on wh ich all Modern L n T~ i S lt taw WnKUSS'?^ divorce seems to be a natural and comI s a^ r among r.he labouring la ss- Thus Hindu married life is trodrlm I d S«« re
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  • 366 3 (To the Editor, ••Malaya Tribune.") Sir—The position of the Adi Dravidas in -vluar is day by day assuming mot? and more importance. A few years back thry had no either for worship o- mcc for «.oc 3l purposes. In th? year ID? 1 for
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  • 64 3 Referring to "Sufferer's* inquiry as to a method >of treatment fcr a distressing ailment. Divine Healing" writes earnestly urging recourse to the principles indicated in his non dt' plu,mc, and appeals to those needing help in regard to any ills to attend the meetings cf the Assembly of God
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 I BEAUTY artificial aids TTHF kind of beauty that is founded on rational living and eating endures through a lifetime. Include Quaker Oats in your daily diet. It will send rich, red Mood puking through your veins bringing a lasting colour to your cheeks and the charm of health to
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    • 268 3 Z Kk?^^ ntme t nt heals sore injured or diseased skin Its anfiL^v ĕlC ft mstant, y soothes pain and itching, blood nn f P WCr Drovides a wonderful shield against Stte Zam B «k soaks deep into the underlying d eS r yS h f mfUl disease erms Zam-Buk
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  • 443 4 Shipping News Notices. AMERICAN SHIPPING FINANCE. American-Hawaiian Co.'s Losses. Tho annual report of the. AmericanKSwalian Steamship Co. for 1932 shows a net less of £(>0,186 <at par) compared whfh a tiet los of 1154,828 for the calender year 1931. A separate report for the Williams Steamship Corporation, for which a
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  • 448 4 A Leading Underwriter's Views. Ihe importance cf clarification societies drawing up rules covering the appliances which he aid be used en all types of cargo and passenger vessels as precaution against fire is rmphselßed by Mr. N. E. Barnes, chairman of the Liverpool Underwriters' Association. Writing in the
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  • 89 4 Men Discharged From B. S. Vessels. t'mtcn, Marrh i'j Exclusively reported in the "Yuet Wall Po" is the course that the Sea men V Union v. li pursue .because of the dtseimrsthu of several oi their member., by Me •>::•=?. But* i rfiel.l and Swire from the
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  • 161 4 Chinese Steamer Aground Near Amoy. No further news has been received of the Chinese steamer "Yu Ting." which shortly after 9 a.m. on March 25 was sending ouc S.C S. calls from the Hing HWB Channel, north of Amoy. Very little is known about the mishap. I*,
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  • 143 4 Sailors IVlake Second Try In New Boat. Captain Birchop who. it may be remembered, failed from Shanghai several months ago in a Junk t> make a trip around the world, has decided to try again. The skipper and his crew of five men nearly came to a fatal
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  • 90 4 Falls Into Harbour From Side Of Steamer. A cargo boat foki was drowned on the waterfront near the Canton wharf when athjrnptm .> to scale up ihe side cf the Yuet On" which had arrived from Canton. The man. whose name was giv m as Ng Sai-yin. aw.s
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  • 50 4 Skipper and His Wife Killed Tn< 115-ton vessel "Kcdaka Mam." while n»'We the Ogura Oil wharf at Kanagawa Yokohama, caught fire. Before the fire could spread, the remeJ wgfl SUttk thus saving 5.900 cans of gasoline. Suckle hi Kaneko, the skipper, and his wife were fatally burnt
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  • 658 4 For Wives Of Officers In Merchant Navy. The following article, written by the Her.. Mrs. Nelson-Ward, appeared in a recent issue of the "Nautical Magazine": I thhik moot of the readers of the "Nautical" are familiar with the name of the Officers' Federation, an organisation
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  • 183 4 Alleged Thief Caught After A Swim. a robbery with violence, of which tho victim W*B a Chinese .boat-girl, is mentioned in the police reports from the Shaukiwan district C £d perP alat Jl was crested whilwymg to swim awaj from the boat and >a DOW m custody
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 404 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. RMINSULAJi AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON and PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Ur,d r Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD PROM LONDON, l or China and Japan. Dae Tcnnage. Singapore. 1933. Soudan 6.800 Apr.
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    • 248 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Dcutscb [ql>Pi Doxopfschlffs GkseU chaf: (Companies Inccrpcrated to Germany >. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. c.s. SCHEER. c.ireot Japan port;; Apr. G ms. RUHR, via lioilo, Cebu. Manila Apr. 0 t m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila Apr. 18 m.s. HAVELLAND, \ia Manila May 5 m.s.
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    • 519 4 Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE AT The Overseas Trading n.._ti_i on THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS:- Roa d f ng^f SINGAPORE. 2, Lelth Street AOJ Ayurveda Rasayana Medical Hall 47 Y. Mohamed Ibrahim. 134. Tanjong Pagar Queen Street. Penang. Road, and Keppel Road Railway
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    • 70 4 s.s. "KUM SANG** (due about 5th April, 193.3). Consumes cf cargo cx the above V» sel from Japanese Ports are no.Hied that owing to the vessel having grounded at Moji, a General Average has betn declare, and a contribution or 5<? 0 of the arrived market value of the jeods
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    • 499 4 STEAMER SAILINGS norddi lul Ohnrai The underacted are the Cm fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 5 "ALLEH" fur Manila, Japan Hanho w 5 "TRAVE" for Hongkong SI. hai, Taku, Dairen, Tstngtao Japan t KOLSTEIN for Japan "TRIER" for Manila, Hon Shanghai. Taku, Dairen. T and Japan HOMEWARDS. I "LAHN" for G'.noa, M'scilier blanca,
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  • 328 5 Mining Shares. I Friday, 11 a.m. share quotations are Issued I exchange and stock I Huv*rs Balers. I' v 20 norn I 10;« 11.3 I 1 o ti 116 I 0.05 0.074 |f MM 0.40 i r Tla 0.40 norn I(j BurmaH 7|- norn I tag Tin
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  • 217 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. SHARE SENTIMENT IMPROVES. Tin Price Again Higher. (By Out Financial Correspondent.; Singapore. Friday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (K.S.S. Singapore) lin (Singapore), »79%, up 75 cts Yesterday's Prices: Londo.l Rubber 2 1 16 unchanged Market Tone: Steady, quiet. New York Rubber, 2 15 16 cts.,
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  • 152 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviati n Spirit in 4 gallon drums per British Imperial gallon 51.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon sn Shell M tor Spirit per 4 gallon
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  • 215 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, March 7. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d ..ondon 3 months' sight 2s. 3 13 16d., London 60 lays' sight 2s. 3 25 32d., London 30 days' sight Is. 3 id., London demand 2s. 3 23|32d., liOndon T.T. 2s.
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  • 17 5 The fpOpVtef tin outputs lor March are reported tc us: p.kuis. Jelebu 328.68 Rcn'K'.T 394
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  • 714 5 Fraser Co.'s Weekly Report. Fraser Co. report as follows on April 5: The general attitude of di interested apathy which has been a feature of the local BhJtl markers during tne last few wfeies continue and very little has happened either ijcally tX at heme .'ince our last
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  • 44 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBX& Lcndcn Spot: 2 1 16d. New Yo-.l:: 2 15 16 cents. S.ngannt: b 1 16—6 316 cents. 17N. Lev.den Spot: £153 15s. (Up 55.,. London 3 months: £154 12s 6d. <Up 5s >. Singapore: 579.87 1 COPRA. Sundricd 53 65
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  • 102 5 The 24th annual general meeting cf the Teluk j Anson Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at noon to-day at the registered offices cf the Company. I Hongkong Bank Chambers. Singapore. The a-- 1 counts, showing a loss of $19,857, were adopted together with the annual report. The
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  • 63 5 I The Taipmg Ru':ber Plantations crop of 1,G95,391ib. during the year ended September 30 (against 1,500.0871b. during 1930- 31). A net profit of £206 was earned for the I year (against £706), which, together with £1,045 reserve for income-tax not now required, has teen added to the
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  • 122 5 Taiping Tin Dredging's Strong Position. th V' nnUal of thp Taipfd -n C Ltd Mr DA- M Brow., said th at taktoj into consideration the pariou* c'-cr Vbv'«^ !:d dlUine the months compans had made a reasonably cd abowlrui tal^S^LE?" 1 lon fcr *P»*ciation, resulted m 540.b50 being
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  • 113 5 Feui 3 n imports of tin CTi during the monil ol Maich. 1033. Country of Origin. Tons, t. Aus'ralia 2 I 149 o. ni norlands India: Banka and BQUbon 455 Bingkep 62 Other Places 9 4 f«oca todo-Caina 163 Tanganyika 8. Onion Of Sou b Africa 317
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  • 160 5 J Presiding at tne annual meeting of Nortn Taiping Tin Dredging, Mr. Brown said the- ad secured an additional ar?a of 26 act* during the year. Turning to the profit and I aeotmt the chairman raid they would note 't admti.nal revenue of $15,000 had b f en
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  • 115 5 Chamber Of Commerce R. A. Report. 1 f C m ™<* *u°of April aUction I Catalogued 1.408.714 lb.rrG2B 89 tons 1336 805 0 =596.83 ton? Sold 1,065.891 1b. 475.34 tons London: spot, 2. l i 6d New York: spot, 2.29 32 ets. PRICES REALIZED. RIBBED SMOKED SHEET
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  • 68 5 cable, lor Malayan Palm Oil and Palm Kernes. PALM OIL IN 3ULK. 2 lVtr!?m^' ?,gIUS N W York -n» centi (L.S. currency) per lb 2^ X Wei?ht3 US A Pacmc Port oenu 1 US. currency) per lb PALM OIL IN BARRELS. 'SSS Inert ten phu premium for
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  • 20 5 V.'c have had the following March rohher ou:puts reported to us: Baku Jelotoog ,o^™ New Bcudai 2i2 08.000
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  • 80 5 flncrrporated in England) SINGAPORE BRANCH 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed mSSHSn C-.000.000 Paid-up-Capbal £1,000.000 Rmmmm Fund and Rest 5 0 0,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: B moay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras Amara, Baghdad. Bah;ein, Basra. Kirkui; Monti and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNT* i pened and intertallowed
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  • 650 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Friday. 11 2 n The following rubber share quotation* art m§mi by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Svttt: «ue Value. Fraser Lyall Share*. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby $0.45 $0.55 $0.45 $0.55 1 Alor Qajab 0.25 0.35 OJS 0.35 IA. Hltam 0.50 0.65 0.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 48 5 WATCH IT GROW! Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK pays interest quarterly. Begin your saving now. nammamammmmmmMmmmmmmmwmmmMamermsHm Head Office: 55. Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 218 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlemente). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHCLIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng, Esq..
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 Amusements < z W ATCH FOR "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY." lIHE PI N'l »EN THEATRE WITH THE PICK OF THE PICTURES MATINEES TO-MORROW AND SUNDAY. The BIGGEST week-end Show Singapore has seen in months Here's an M.-G.-M. Programme that has everything TALLULAH j BANKHEAD x ROBERT Omontgomery SUPPORTED BY—
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    • 108 6 The Picture All Singapore s Flocking to 1 CAPITOL 1 Packed Houses NIGHTLY! |j You must see the Gaumont-British Triumph— ROME EXPRESS I with CONRAD V E IDT GORDON HARKER JOAN BARRY HAROLD HUTCH CEDRIC HARDWICKE DONALD CALTHROP "As fine a picture as anything made by any company anywhere." VARIETY
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    • 261 6 I MATINEES—SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT !.l j SB LAST FEW NIGHTS!! Wm!? Mcltfic%> Don t Miss Thi^ I^^^^T VienntM Musical WkW MhRSHhLL Rcturß vtit r<r NiKht I-. THE OUTSIDER j A V The M.-G.-M Suecev lIS siarri,>B I 1% lV >fIRI MflftlTZß HAROLD HI'TH Xj\ 1 CHARLIE MKidLES MARY BOLfIND
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  • 1100 7 Luxurious Living On The Cheap-£l,OOO Apartments "Given Away'—Hard Times For London Hotels. iBY DAVID BAXTER.; London, March 21 Air Mail*. .London is a great place nowadays for people who have an ambition to live a Rolls-Royce life, while possessing only a Ford income. Amusements of all
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  • 80 7 All Possible Measures Being Taken. Renter. London. April 6. Strong feeling at the Newchwang kidnappings is reflected in questions in the House of Commons. Capt. R. A. Eden (Foreign Under-Secretary gave an assurance that the local authors lea were searching their utmost and had been requested next to
    Renter.  -  80 words
  • 29 7 Mr. W. Birtwistle. office-in-charge. Fishertes Department, S.S. and F.M.S.. has gone on long leave, and Inche Ishak bin Ahmad, Senior Fishery Officer, has been appointed to act for him.
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  • 202 7 Singapore March 7. R. (Siam> W Coast No. l per Koyan $115 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $109 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 $112 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 $107 Rice, Siam -Old per koyan No. 1 $182 Rice. Siam "Old" No. 2 $162 Rice. Siam "Old" No. 3
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  • 1684 7 COMPLETE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. REVIEW OF PROGRESS OF THE LAST TWENTY-ONE YEARS. Twenty-one years ago. on March 15. 1912, th? University of Hongkong was officially opened by Sir Frederick (now Lord) Lugard. It was rather mere than a month after the Manchu Emperor of China had
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 291 7 SINGAPORE. REPRESENTED THROUGHOUT F.M.S. BY j j WEARNE BROS., LTD., PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE. j 'MM.II». LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ISO-CITP.O [Tightens nroatnh-toee away. AIC. EOARD-Pf.SIDLt CE For 2 Bachelors or Iff anted Coup] spectable Chinese heme. apttf Box So 136, c o Malaya Tribune. TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice b
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    • 302 7 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF JEWELLERIES. C-mp:i,ino_2 brilliant earrings, 2 brilliant VY\ bll la: ring. 2 brilliant ban-Is To b? h.ld at sr C beong Keen Seng <fc Co. s Sale-room. 30, Chelia Street, feS TI'ESDAi*. APRIL 11. 1933' AT 10.30 A.M. New On View. CIIEONG KOON SENG CO.. Auctioneers. fcmgapere 4th
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    • 65 7 j' Assets exceed $12,000,000. x The Great Eastern Life Assuran^C^^LW. 1 (incorportted In the Strait* W»J AJ&Uft HEAD OFFICE: Great Eaatern Life Building, Cecil street, Singapore Settlement.). The company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England "and compile, with the «fJ LONDON, OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry. E.O. I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Stations. Deg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Star 92 0.01 5.3 75 J Sitiawan 91 0.20 5.7 73 !K. Trcngganu 87 Nil lO.b 72 j Bukit Jerarr: 88 0.14 Nil 73 j Malacca 87
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    • 101 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. AFRIL 8 Rhlo, Biiliton. Java. South-West Sumatra, South-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Tohitii 8 a.m. Singkawarg. Pemangkat end Selakau (Palopo) 9 a.m. Miri. Labuan. North Borneo and Jolo <Kajang> 10 a.m. Bagan (Palima) 11 a.m. Ecurabaya <Valentyn) 11 a.m. Banka Island, Pladjoe and Palembang (Senang)
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  • 100 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Th- 1 family cf the late Mrs. Victoria Rozalii (Rotbe) Gomes wish to thank all relatives and fricncis who attended ihe funeral yesterday afternoon and those who sent, v.reaths and letters of condolence. DEATH. MRS. ONG HIN BIN ntc (Madam Lim Ec Neo) a' her residence. No.
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  • 734 8 It looks as though Japan has "burnt her boats behind her" in a determination to proceed implacably with her campaign against China The Jehol operations are being pressed with determination, despite severe setbacks as a result of the brave resistance and vigorous counter-blows of the Chinese troops.
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  • 142 8 Passion Week services will be held in the Straits Chinese Methodist Church. KampcrKapor Read, from Monday to Thursday nex" b?ginning at 8 p.m. Special music has been arranged for each evening. iJvJt are notified in the Kedah Government Gazette: Syed Sheh hin Abdullah Shahabudii, to be AiJK ttSbSS Master. Alor
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  • 102 8 Lord Irwin's Statement To Peers. -Reut2i\ London, April 6. The House of Lords, after a three-days debate, has unanimously passed a motion, already adopted by the Hous- of Commons, for the appointment of a Select Committee on Indian Reforms. Lord Irwin (ex-Viceroy), winding up for the
    -Reut2i\  -  102 words
  • 261 8 British Premier To Visit Washington. ReiKer. Washington. April 7. Within six hours of receiving Pi evident Roosevelt's formal invitation to Washington, to discuss debts Mr. J. R. Mac Donald notified his acceptance. He will sail on April 15 Reuter. London. 7. The texts of Mr. Roosevelt's invitation
    ReiKer.  -  261 words
  • 109 8 Germany To Demand Less Interest. Reuter London Ap.-il G. The possibility of Germany abandoning the gold standard and demanding a reduction in the interest on her external loans is envisaged by the newspapers in consequence of the decision of the Reichsbank to repay in gold credit £14.000,000
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 83 8 Transfer From China To Sydney. -Reuter. Sydney, Ap:il 6. The Bishop of Western China, the Right Rev. H. W. K. lIOWII, M.A.. D.D.. has been elected Archbishop of Sydney —Reuter. [The Right Rev. H. W. K. Mowll was Assistant Biohop of Western China from 1922 to 1926. in
    -Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 59 8 U.S. Senate Passes New Measure. Reuter. Washington April 7. The Senate has passed the Bill for a 30-hour working week, which also prohibits sh pment in inter-State and foreign commerce of products of labour employed for more than a 30-hour week. The measure will be effective for two
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 78 8 Absence Of News Causes Anxiety. Reuter. Calcutta, April 6. M f- S Maryse Hilz. the Frenchwoman who is flytag to Shanghai, left here for Rangoon at 6 am —Keuter. Rangoon. April 6. Anxiety is felt as to the safety of Miss Maryse HJ* who was due in Bangkok
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 85 8 A meeting of the members of the Singapore Teachers' Association, and those interested Id it. will be held to-morrow at 10.30 a.m at Raffles Institu ion. The co-operation cf a'l t achers i=. solicited, to make th- moetir<r a success. View Hotel b taking advantage of the iUU moon on
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  • 441 8 •/(BY "LOOKER-ON That mountain will bet Xeverest—people just. v in peace. A The Home GrOvernmenl simply Russian that Bill th House of Commons. It wasn't, however, gui! as read"—being, in point decidedly anti-Red. A fourteen years "drouj ended in the United St; the anxious "Dries" f, (alcoholic).
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  • 40 8 MaiL; by the outward Dutch I Amsterdam are expected to anr. by the evening express to-aorroa dence addressed to boxh lders only for delivery at 7.30 p.m. From China and Japan by I.laru." due at Singapore on Si;:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 l /1 l bought your TOBRALCO? 1 Directly you touch j j i •*> lobrnlco you arc coa- j I C>. -MZfy? ot its quality: its J vlj beautitul weave, us nrm j J t"** '0%&; texture. It proves a vwmdcriui economy in i -unny climates and it l\\,mm washes
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    • 34 8 I 634 GUP. PRICES—RETAIL OR WHOLESALE— j art identically the same as the c charged by T.K.K/S j SALE DEPOTS. j I TENG SENG GUAM. j 634, North Bridge Road. i j Established 1905.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 246 8 I DIARY OF EVENTS. i Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, APRIL 7. High Tides.—7.s9 a.m., 9.34 p.m. Meeting. Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Chartered Bank Chambers, noon. Opening. Agricultural Exhibition, New World, noon. Cricket: Johore v. P. Brani, Johcre. League Fcotball: Div. I. R.A.F. v. Wiltshincs, Anson Road: Div. 111,
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  • 1410 9 EXHIBITION OF PRODUCE FROM SINGAPORE JOHORE. INSPIRING DISPLAY AT NEW WORLD. GOVERNOR PERFORMS OPENING CEREMONY. Growing Orchids For Profit. Sultan's Interest In Cultivation Of Foodstuffs. New World will be the chief centre of attraction in Singais afternoon until the 9th, for the happy thought which I Mr. John Laycock, Mr.
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  • 280 9 Revision Of Four-Power Pact. Renter. Berlin, April 6. A semi-official statement says that in consequence of the mutilating effect of the French and British amendments upon Sig. Mursolini's original Four-Power Pact it is nc lunger acceptable to Germany.—Reuter. FRENCH NERVOUSNESS. Paris, April 6. French nervousness at
    Renter.  -  280 words
  • 107 9 Organiser Arrives In Singapore. Captain and Mrs. J. X. Hasenoehrl. prominent members of the German Sari novement. have arrived in Singapore by the "Tcuraine" en route for Germany. They were met by a few lcca! Nazis Captain Hasenoehrl is the leader and organiser cf the Nazi movement in
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  • 63 9 End Of Fourteen-Year "Drought:' -Reuter New York. April 6. i 14-year "drought" ends to-night, uhen m 19 out of 48 States beer, ale and porter will be sold in restaurants, clubs and hotels. Broadway, however, remains temporarily dry New York brewers having decided not to deliver alcoholic
    -Reuter  -  63 words
  • 43 9 Anti-German Demonstration In Poland. Reuter. Berlin. April 6. The German Minister to Warsaw, F- Yon Molkte, has been instructed to protest to the Polish Government against the recent antiGerman demonstration at Kattovice. in which IL-. Hitler was burned in effir.v.—Renter
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 67 9 The band of the S. S. Police will perform the following programme, weather permitting at Katong Park to-night at 9 p.m.: March "Light Cavalry." Starke; overture. "Stradella Hotow: waltz, "Eton Boating Song." Kaps: selection, "Madame Butterfly," Puccini- descriptive, "An Evening in Toledo," Schemeling: selection. "A Day wi' Robbie
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  • 33 9 "The Son-Daughter." M.-G.-M. super productton showing Chinese patriotism in SanFrancisco during the revolution and featuring He.en Hayes, Ramon Novarro and Lewis Stone, will be shown at the Empire Theatre beginning on April 13.
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  • 952 9 Many Wounded. INVASION OF CHARHAR. Rpinf 0 Shanghai. April 7. lM fresh the Japanese achanced southward from Sekho yestertetween r CUt Chinese connections ??nr?£ c "i«wangtao and Haiyangchan f fnmwangtao,. Their tanks fi ,ht PClnt VLSiblc from Chinwangtao. Severe fighting is m progress at Changkiuling 1 c
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  • 134 9 Ironical Questions In Commons. -Reuter Wireless. tu London. April 4 n^TT 1 1,1 B liv of two BriU. hers Fraser o-o4v by- n k U1 c "ouro of common, o day by members oi the Labour Party .sf/; tair Ed Under-Secretary for Foreign Affair* inform, d
    -Reuter Wireless.  -  134 words
  • 293 9 Passed By Commons. APPLICATION RESTS WITH SOVIET. Reuter Wir?iess. London. April 6. The House of Commons to-day passed the thud reading of the Russian Imports Bill by Wl votes to 41. The Liberals voted for the 818 on a Government assurance that the prcrfctons would be limited
    Reuter Wir?iess.  -  293 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 ISX XT BRAND i I There is a refreshing j /j Angering fragrance to Cologne rendering it distinctive and attractive. Thi> worthy product of j the British Empire is of great strength, and is priced sufficiently low to Manufactured by th c enable everybody to use Cooperative Wine grow- ft
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  • 308 10 Johore Wins. S. C. C. PI T UP POOR SCORE. CRICKET. Fimn Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, April G. The cricket season in Johore Bahru opened to-tiav when the Singapore Cricket Club travelled up to meet the Johore
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  • 838 10 Young Canadian's Prowess. ATHLETICS. London. March 23. After seven successive victories Cambridge were beaten in the inter-Varsity sports by Oxford who won eight events to three before a great troy.d of 14.C00 people at the White City track. Th,« eclipse of Cambridge was largely accomplished by C.
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  • 273 10 SJ».C MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Singapore, Polo Cluo, the first to be held under the reviled rules passed at a general meeting last November, was held at the Club-house on Saturday. The accounts for the half-year ending Dec. *1 were pr.-sed. The Kon. Mr. A. S.
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  • 438 10 Devonshire B P. B' singles championshio tournament tiea last week-end resulted US follows: Buang beat Wee Boon Teck tw.o>: Cheong Hock Quee beat Lee Eng Kee 15—5. '15—12: Mok Yong Kwang beat Lee Ah Baah wo: Buang beat Mok Yong Kwang 15—11. 15—8; Lee Eng Kee beat Lee Ah
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  • 249 10 Seng Cheong Society Beat A.C.5.0.8. ASSN. FOOTBALL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 6. In showery weather on the Malacca Club Padang. the Seng Cheong Society opposed ar. eleven representing th n Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys. Mr. Tarn Seat Wah was referee and the teams were: I S.C.S.
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  • 64 10 -Reuter. London. April 6. A Third I Southern) Division postponed match, "played to-day. resulted as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE. DIV. 11l < SOUTHERN i Newport County 3 Luton T. 2 —Reuter. On Wednesday on- the J. C. S. A ground the United Chinese P. A. drew I—l
    -Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 44 10 Tecks BP. cam Government Trad. School to-morrow, at 3.3Q p.m. on the former's court: Lauw Pew Tjin. Yeo Oon Boon. Sch Sw f Teck Tan Thiam VVhatt. Lim Chin Peng, Lim Chin Teck and Teo Beng Chye Reserves: Chua Teck Chye. Koh Cheng Guan
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  • 106 10 Five-Dollar Notes In Pillow. On the arrival of the "Kam Sang from China ports yesterday afternoon a party of Revenue Officers under Asst. Supervisor Sidik searched the vessel and the passengers' belongings for contraband. No chandu .was found but on lipping open a pillow belonging to one of
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  • 113 10 EMPERORS ARRESTED. Alleged Anti-Republican Plot In China. Shanghai. Two self-sly led "Emperors' have been arrested, following the discovery of an antiRepublican plct in Shan'ung Province. They nrc alleged to be leaders of a secret r e~iety iormcd to set up an Empire" vvi h themselves as rulers. 1 hoy are
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  • 92 10 Discovery Wiihin Lingnan Varsity Ground. Canton. March 18 Antiquated treasures, of 2.000 years old have been unearthed on the campus of Lingnan University. The curias were dugged up in connection with laying the foundation of a new structure. Among the discoveries is a tomb, ancient coins, broken vases
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  • 128 10 Town Under Water: Houses Destroyed. Funchai. Floods following the recen heavy rainfall in Madeira have resulted in a big landslide which earned away houses and destroyed a bridge ai Vargens. near here. The police and firemen have organised partiea to clear the ruins. The body of a boy
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  • 124 10 Aihambra. —"Faithless." featuring Rob.rt Montgomery and Talluiah Bankhead. Capitol.— Rome Expies Empire.—"Love Parade. Great World.—Side shows, pasar malam, Malay opera. Chiness wayangs, silent and talking films ("Sid walks of New York" and a St3v 1 alkie: Dvii Ranch"). Maslbnrough.—Hindustani talkie "Gul iLunani Bakawali." New World.—Side shows, "Ghost
    124 words
  • 411 10 State Championship. MAY BE REVIVED THlsl YEAIt. LAWN TENNIS. (From Our Own Cor,, Jabere B&j ti. The Johore Stat? Termi Tournament, which has the past two years. Ss hoped 1 year if there is sufficieri of entries. Ia ease the tour: games in the northern secti fee
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  • 451 10 Banned By Internationa! Federation. Lon Cpea lawn tcnnii toui n—rnh for M> ama cure anc prcftssic: al play is neb one recently sanctioned by >he Da*e< Lawn Tennis Ass:elation last month were a# r.itel> banned at th- annual naee'ing cf Ir.i. national La n Tennis Ped ra i
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  • 497 10 British Team Unprepared. London. March 16 Nothing has yet been dune toward? the il.c.ion and preparation cf G cat Britain's Davit Cup te?m although next mon'h Britain are due to play Spam in the first round of the International competition at Barcelona. That is th:- indictment made against
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 1259 11 Explanation Of The Pilgrimage. (Bu Our Muslim Correspondent i The "Hari Raya Haji." or the festival of the Muslim pilgrimage, was celebrated by the local Muslims yesterday. Tne pilgrimage to Mecca is the fifth of the five principles of the religion of Islam. Its performance is incumbent upon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 500 11 I NEW WORLD j Sin gapor e-Johorg I Agri-Horticultural ShovvT mm -~mmmmm—^ mmmm^mmamimmmm j On the Tth, Bth ©th, April 1833. Open From 12 Noon To Mid-Night. OFFICIAL OPENING BY H.E. THE GOVERNOR, at 12 noon on Friday, April 7. $M§M3Mm g| Frc-dom "DUFF'S whisky j Guaranteed 12 years old.
      500 words
    • 266 11 or GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED I AT LOW RATES (J For quotations for att. m transit risks by Road, I Rail or Water 9 Apply to:— 4 SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. General Agents: f/ Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd, j Merchants' Marine Insurance Co, Ltd. Telephone
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 762 11 CLUB DIARY. reZn Z Hi 2f mCmbeTS °> Ttn 6 Malaya Tri oune." This Diary mtC't 2225 /0r them Secretaries are oill "tX ft*?'*** 9' °f general interest The -cJh rl lClUded in the Diar y °t E W 'aivr»„? ary Can cover ™etings, enterand such record rting fh enoa
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  • 320 12 Reduction Urged By sit Wilson. SHIPPING NEWS. London, April G. L/rging a reduction of Suez Canal dues in an address to the Central Asian Society in London. Sir Arnold Wilson suggested that the statutes of the Canal Company should be modified so as to provide fcr directors
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  • 92 12 The £1,000-A-Year Beggars. Pragu?. "Mas:< r-b; ■Hcqfill to have b? n earning from £500 to £1 tOO a yea- have been round op by the Police a* M">rav:fca Ostrava. Then men were the h?ads of a large organisation of beggars, vhcm they are sta ed to have
    92 words
  • 461 12 "Fiddled While The World Burned." New York. America was described as a "Nero among nations'" and a country which for 14 years ha* "liddicd while 'he world burned" by Dr. Glenn Frank, President of 'he University of Wisconsin, in an address o the New Yoik Chapter of
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  • 72 12 Hundreds Of Winter SuUs Collected. Shanghai. C'li.-icre women nar cci a d";ve 'o coHec! funds and clc hing for lhe Chine? Vohir eers who are fighting in Manchuiia. TbCUEandi c d->lla.« and hund eds of suiti I warm winter clo hing have already been coi'ec cd.
    72 words
  • 1143 12 Evil Of iJohl. MANY DBFPICULTIES OVERCOME. The following rcpcr. on Co-operaticn in Malaya is si'pphed'by Ifr. F. J. Shtpherdson, lion. sec. of the Singapore Co-operative Union: The hnest movement ever introduced into ;his country for the economic uplift of clerical and artisan workers Btods its debut when
    1,143 words
  • 1138 12 Churches Cry "Hair! To War-~Grt*i Salvage Work Abandoned —New Cancer Cure. iFROM OVR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) London, March 21. Never has the world been in greater danger of war than it is to-day. All statesmen admit the danger and it is continually being discussed at Geneva. Still armaments
    1,138 words
  • 117 12 Mes.-ina. Feb. 23. lhe Penal Tribunal of this city is being made ready for th? trial of a gang cf thieves and bandi's numbering 107 men and women, a record in its w?y. Rsveral of the large iron cages in which prisoners are enclosed when standing their
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  • 88 12 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore. March 7. East Wharf <Entrance Gate 1). Adamaxtrr ZEE. Wharf: Opfafr 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3». Deksbrist 9. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3K K.rnsang 37: Islander 39. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Clrmteak 43. West Wharf (Entrance Gate 4). Agsausnnoa 4. Section
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 14 12 t »tiiiinmniimniii>n wamnjiill ■■■■■arfßßCT— t «B^^CT*t>. j After aSwiM f FBMEi)a HEAVE L'P DIUKIBUTORi
      14 words
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  • 1892 13 ti < )lidi Entertainment Singapore. 111 l bless" j rogramme l< up to tho most B of tin 1 KB I girl. ma nly with the iU ny exciting incidents, fl <■:: imatic -I. deliberatej§|§ »t5 through whom Mary Pick'WM-
    1,892 words
  • 259 13 How Paramount Secured Its "Scoops." THE Paramount Newsreel, which for the past several years has claimed an unbroken record for the greatest number of news scoops per annum, seems to have outdistanced the field again in 1932. During the last twelve months Paramount News reached
    259 words
  • 239 13 Facls Make The Best Stories. A people won't believe it. according to Mac sMered XTS, 3i 7'l and have been con..Jere. the wilder flights of the imagination. th y nl k *J?™* "IW Protest in type 2 in this story has been towra ftOtt real life."
    239 words
  • 841 13 NO GROPING IN THE DARK. REDUCED TO MINIMUM OF HUMAN ERROR. ißy William Penny. SHEAER, a few years ago. played the dramatic opening scene in "The Trial of Mary Dugan." It was a matter of mathematics applied lo histrionics. Besides her ines and characterisations, she
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  • 168 14 Monkeys And Deer Escape. A four-days hunt fcr 25 monkeys which were playing in a ship s rigging was described to a Daily Mail" reporter by Mr. George Wardle. an offleial of the Lh'erpool Zoologieil Gardens who had returned from India with a collection of rare birds and
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  • 387 14 Bees In The Dining* Room. Mr. Carl Lawson lies appeared in many amusing sketches during his sojourn in Singapore, but recently he unwittingly appeared It the final act of a farce which involved: A lady in distress. A dashing young hero, and Practically every civic and Municipal authority
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  • 155 14 Foiled By "Medicine Man V Confession. Liibon. A negro plot to massacre the white population cf Braga, a di trict of Loanda. Portugu S West Africa, has been foiled at the eleventh hour by the police according to reports received here. The plot was BfHnaefaa a? a result
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  • 373 14 British Student tells how he r. and Dcvtlo! ti Dm**., X a«d a Comm adinp IV«,o v A small book that c D. C. Houldinc of accomplishment* How developed self-cemmar J Jj a control over other pi r it of the efficacy of a new
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 531 14 I ll I, NOWf ASK FOR ljurr. j VERICHROME Bl tho now Kodak film that has j revolutioni>i-(l Correct Time j| J from your I Electric Circuit O 50 simple too! Merely N J r >y Into nearest electric outlet. No further (rouble j X winding or regulating. Vy &PZSZiĔB
      531 words
    • 92 14 THE FIRST STEP TO SUCCESS /^^^v These are times when biirincss men need every ounce of energy. Keep your initiative 0$ and your zest Tor work which come from l^&ffl^\S. perfect health, and combat depression. 1 Only CAUSE OF FAILURE ife 5 Losing health means losing mom v. Lassitude, fatigue
      92 words
    • 109 14 After middle at/c men divide lfifl two classes, the Dependent and tixl Independent. Ycur position is detffl mined not by*what you have can™ but hy the amount yon hflfl saved. The easiest way to n| to consult the Manufacturers LsB Insurance Co. V U R a SANDWICH PASTE used as
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 295 14 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcast™g Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. v. T. 130 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben News Bulletin. 1.45 pm. The Week Abroad, a talk by Mr.
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    • 351 14 The station opens and close with the call sign, followed by the call of the Kookaburra. News items are given at intervals during the transmission, which is a musical one consisting chiefly of H.M.V. recordings. MELBOURNE (VK3ME—3I.SS metres), is the sister station of VK2ME. They are owned and operated by
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  • 1174 15 MODERN SINGAPORE —The City Of Opportunity. IX.-HOW SINGAPORE GOES TO WORK. LARGEST SINGLE CONSUMER OF ELECTRICITY. place spumed by the Singapore T. action Co .notoriy the Kf e of the city worker who takes Xnt^ ?,,T T,r an? f transP rt Which is so rendih- ac c tootoy-btu, but
    1,174 words
  • 586 15 The "Undesirables." THOUSANDS SEARCH FOR HOMES. Moscow. Feb 25. The passport system, so hated under the rail- legime a.d abolish-d by the Bolslrwks immediately after the revolution, has now been reintroduced into the Soviet Union. Plus a change.... In all large cities and industrial centre?, every Soviet
    586 words
  • 141 15 Many Families Of Ex-Soldiers. Cologne. There arc now 755 British subjects living in Cologne. They form 4.1 per eent. of the 01 S to aI forei B n population. i wo-thirds of them are wives and children. Many of he Britisftj residents are ex-soldiers who were memoeis
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  • 120 15 Widow Expected To Pay. Berlin. The widow of a murdered man is amazed to have received a no ification from the local magistrate demanding immediate payment for damage done to the harvest in the field where the murder was committed and for the various costs entailed by the
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  • 63 15 To Take His Fiancee To School. Cologne. A 20-year-old Cologne youth who has been arrested is stated to have stolen five motorcars In the pas f few weeks He declared that he took them to drive his financee. aged 17, to and from business college, where she
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  • 79 15 This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, APRIL 7. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. Fortress Coy., European Section—Lecture. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Ist Bn. Sig. Section Signal Training. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Bde. Sig. Sec, Signal Training. 5.15 p.m.—Malay Headquarters, "F" (Malay) Coy., Weapon Training. TO-MORROW, APRIL 8. 2 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "C" (Scottish) Coy..
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  • 331 15 Stormy Session. VOTE OF CONFIDENCE CARRIED. Madrid, Feb. 25. A Reuter message says that a motion of confidence in the Government and appointing a Parliamentary Commission to inquire into the circumstances in which the Civil Guards suppressed the Royalis rising in Casas Viejas. has been approved
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 196 15 The photo STORE I! j WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING j For Your Cameras, j ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY j f -r y° u still b e Strug- i Post this Coupon to-day j iT rlin 011 at thC SamC Id INTEBX \TIONAL CORRESPONDENCE j j»k and pOSSlbly drawing SCHOOLS,
      196 words
    • 130 15 You need it now to make you well and keep you well; to prevent coughs and colds and ward off serious illnesses to build the body, harden the bonts and enrich the blood; to maintain vitality and tone up the nerves. But it must be genuine For Health and Strength
      130 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 315 16 I he besl I Ant! LalesT C!oc Uj or Wa I'che/ Call Cn U/ B>ef«r« Going El/«vhere. Vr i r ej ModValV V Yv/;'y H H;:NS JUS. NORTH BRIDGE: ROAD, (Near Middle RA) /'o /ft £r////jj \'ima f, fls/dya J A J r PAFINrAL. TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT
      315 words
    • 566 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. Vacancy for boardere. at No. 67, Wilkie Rd., spacious airy rooms, electric lights, showerbaths, mod. sanitation A badminton. Charges moderate 7 0 LET—-165, Tank Road. Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers TO LET—I. Marga'e Rd off Grove Rd.. Close to Katonsj Park. Entry 1-5-33.
      566 words
    • 587 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. RRITISH TRADE FAIR. 24ih TO 30th MAY AT THE GREAT WORLD. List of applications has new been closed end Ballet for s.a'b will take place i:t ihe offic of H.M. Trade Coramis.ionc-r en W:dnesday. 12th April, at 3 p.m. WM. Y. SEMPLE. Hen. Becre%ry, British Tiacl Fair
      587 words
    • 396 16 SITUATION WANTED. A Qualified Salesman (Chinese) wan's a posnicn as I ravelling sealing agent. Al credentials offered. Sp aks fluent English, Mala; and ali Chinese dialects. Surely to bring money for the firm. Box 123, co Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Eight D. C. Linotype Motors, each V 2 H.P.,
      396 words
    • 541 16 CD! NEC 1 i CTS, LARGE TtfcE I 2JT Everywhere KAPALA CHINTAMAM The best for all diseases of the scalp. c and ear. Makes the hair grow. $1 j Himalayan Pharmacy, 135, Benua Singapore. AY GRAMOPHONE VA MAINSPRINGS British Make. Made from the finest quality steal Obtainable from all Chinese
      541 words