Malaya Tribune, 6 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 37 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Vol. XX, No. 8 5 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday. April 6. 1933 Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 .^B^^k^. I Try Clover Brand j I I l c Baby Your Purse Burnt L^^^^^Tl^T \u% C NATUW J i w v/ Quality and Economy Plirily SOLE IMPORTERS: j E aRd ISMmH THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. i<^ PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR, SINGAPORE. SiiliiiiPflßE^iFmflEllllTllliri Refrigerated Supplies, Cakes Confectionery And A Full
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    • 193 1 A. FLINTER j Raata Piare, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coin* and gold ornaments rf every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. g 11l a ,r I WHY DOES
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  • 1555 2 CORRUPTION IN PENANG. Ghastly Figures. JAPAN'S CREED IS JAPAN. My roc nt visit to the Far East gave me an opportunity to study the religious life at cl»? quarters in all countries in the Far East, Japan. Korea, Manchuria and China. Nominally all these countries
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  • 89 2 The conductor of an orchestra, Herr Rudi Laufer, bought a fine old violin. He found a number of old Italian mortgage certified of considerable value inside i ceninca < of Hearing of this find, the former owner proSS no' that hC had 501(1 the tnl" e
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  • 193 2 DID YOU KNOW THAT a cloud is part of the Earth (By Our Scientific. Correspondent.) If one tiiinks of the Earth as it is generally referred to when written with a small "c"— simply as '-terra flrma"—one naturally decs not include the atmosphere around it, let alone the clouds and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 Who touched these last This new health soap protects hands against disease perils Dirty hands, dirty objects, pass on in/ectiĕri. Protect your hands! They need Lever's Health Soap—the soap specially made to rid the skin of all harmful impurities. Hands are safely clean after Lever's Health Soap. How soothing and
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    • 332 2 Brings Quirk Relief for Tropical Fevers In Malaya the distressing effects of Dengue, ahead of quinine because after ingestion in Malaria and other fevers are too well known the system it is a powerful germicide or f/erni to require comment. The main thing is quick j destroyer and it soothes
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  • 2313 3 RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVES AND SERVICES PLACATED. SIR T. B. SAPRU S VIEW. MORE OPINIONS ON THE WHITE PAPER. British Press the White Paper has articles of varying comDiehard journals are, of course, tile Then is no great enthuthe normal Government sup- opinion agrees that
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  • 191 3 Warning Against Habouring Delegates. Calcutta. March 22. The Police Comissioner in a press notifies tion warns the public that whosoever harbours, receives or assembles in any house Qf piemis:s in his occupation or charge or under his control a person whom he knows to hay j been
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  • 183 3 To Be Discussed in London. Tn NtW Delhi. March 29 b t T hL StatUt: 17 Board discussion mm h S2 SIR SCHUSTER'S TERM EXTENDED. th„ a New Delhi. March 28 Were re markable for th, S the Pin»n C M he HoUSe showed confident
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  • 27 3 The Maharajah of untitled was elected chancellor of the Chamber of Prince on Alar, h 25. He defeated the Mahaiajah of Ahear by 29 votes to 4.
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  • 32 3 The Legislative Assembly rejected on March 25. by 48 votes to 43. the proposed stamp duty on cheques. The Provincial revenue thus loses Rs 7C0.000. the promised help by Central taxation. m
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  • 38 3 The Maharajah of Travancore will sail from Bombay on the Bth inst. en an European lour, accompanied by his mother, brother, sister and the first Princess. They are likely to b awa; from India for about three months.
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  • 54 3 Dewan Bahadur P Kesava Pillay of untitled died In his native town on March 28. Ik was a prominent publinst of Madras for the past 55 years. He was aged 73. The death, uf Sir Dinshaw Petit on March 29 and that cf Sir Jivanji Jamshedji Modi on March 28
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  • 57 3 A meeting of the executive untitled of the All-Malaya Adi-Dravida Conference wiil take place on the 16th hist, at 1 p.m. Lt 74. Desk r Road, the premises of the local Association. The holding of the second annual All-Malaya Adl-Dravida Conference and measures to help destitute Tamil's in Malaya are
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  • 964 3 HINDU MARRIAGE REGISTRATION. FAREWELL PARTY TO SWAMI ADYANANDA. The unpopularity of the money-lending proten as practi-ed by the Nattukottni Chcttiars has reached an unhappy and unforeseen climax in Indo-China. The Government cf the French Colcny. it is reported, liave publicly proclaim.d ;hat moneylenders who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 < i 11 t) <t i111 (1 *****1111i1)t11f(1iMi((i111)!1)1i1)iu>11> t I OUR TOWN OFFICE.} I The town office of the "Malaya I Tribune" has been removed from 1 1 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, to I m I Messrs. E. M. Glover Co., I I 9, The Arcade (Ground floor) Tel. 2219. Advertisement
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    • 108 3 1 VB^^^H^nnff^MMMinaMgßjß^^ iii u|l Doctors know that Eno's drugs which irritate the ill 111 Fruit Salt" acts in a system. You can adopt ffi 111! sim P ,e > natural way by no better rule for keeping 111 HII washing out of the system fit than a glass of water
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  • 516 4 Shipping News Notices. GERMAN LINERS AT SOUTHAMPTON. Express Vessels To Use The Docks. An announcement that the North German Lloyd Line have decided that their express vessels shall after May next use the docks at Southampton for their outward passenger traffic, instead of allowing the vessels to anchor in Cowcs
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  • 405 4 Workman, Clark's Feat At Belfast j Workman, Clark, Ltd., Belfast, achieved a fine performance when they laid the compiete kre-!; of two 400 ft. passenger and cargo motorsnipe ordered by Messrs. Andrew Weir and Co. Tne building slips were empty when the staff began operations at C
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  • 114 4 Canton Fraternity Make Torpedoes, The C C. M Fof Canton corespondent writes that, acting on information, a detachment of the 2nd. Army raided Pel Pa Chau. near Whampoa recently, breaking in'o a robber 1 nest. The inmates had scampered away, but 'heir plans for bombing river craft have
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  • 308 4 Sampan Girl's Charges Against Chinese. A robbery with vLlence the victim of which was a 13 year-old girl, is alleged to have been committed on a sampan in Shaukiwan harbour en March 24. In the Central Police Court, Hongkong, before Mr. Schofleld, Yip Sang, 25 unemployed, was charged
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  • 132 4 Profit Considered Hood For These Times. The 33rd annual general meeting of the Slam Stram Packet Co.. Ltd.. was held recently at Bangkok. The chairman siad: The profit and account shows a profit of over Tcs. 35.000. which in these hard times must be considered veiy gocd.
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  • 89 4 Tragic Affair On Board American Yacht. Vancouver. Mar. 21 All the nu-mbers of a family were found dead t -day by two who went aboard the yacht J B and broke into the main cabin Lying on the floor were the bodies of M'W. Cross, his wtf* and
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  • 303 4 Crew's Back-Pay Claim Allowed. Judgment on a civil claim of approximately $8,000 filed tome time ago in the Second District Court at Shanghai by Attorney N. A. Preobrajensky on behalf of his three clients, all ofrmer members of the crew cf the "King Lng," has been
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  • 217 4 M P's And The Continental Competition. In (he of Comnv ir-. on Mar. 6 Command r Mandea askid the Secretary of State for India whether he was now in a position to .state th- amount of expenditure incurred in concrmhui paaragai between India and the Unit d
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  • 113 4 Canadian Seigneur Caught By Severe Storm. New York. March 21. ii Rep rt /reived here to-day stated that B"t,si, freighter "Canadian SeigneurJS.W tons) which was reported to be in distret, in mid-Poalne. had Jettisoned part of her cargo of logs to right a severe list When this
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  • 56 4 Gunboat's Night Encounter With A Poacher. The Portuguese gunboat "Lidador" sank the Spank* trawler "Segunda," which it had fourd flsning off the Portuguese coast Pursued When a boat was lowered from the "Lidador.r tho trawler attempted to ram it but the Portuguese retorted by so severely dama.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BKITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated In England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Und r Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. < idan 6,800 Apr.
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    • 237 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LJNIE Deutsch Aiistnttsche D-;mpfschiffs Cojell chah < Companies Inccrpcrated in Germany". OUTWARDS HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. KORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 s.e. GCHEER. direct Japan ports Apr. 6 mp. RUHR, via Uniio. Cebu. Manila Apr. 6 f m.s. SAUERLAND. via Manila Apr 18 m.c HAVELLAND, \in Manila May 5 t
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    • 518 4 Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune mm »FS-£1 TonE Y. Mohamed Ibrahim, 134. Tanjong Pagar Q,M n 'street. MedlcaJ H tl. Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station. Mr fl X Ibrahim. 603, Dato Kramat Rn»rt A. Palasamy, General Hospital (News Seller) P»M»ng. Road. Mr. E. S. Kattuvasa, 391, New
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    • 40 4 s.s. "KHM SANG*' (due about 5th April, 1933). Consigns of cargo the above vessel from vessel having grounded at Moji, a Genera' of the arrived market value of the STSSi. 10 Slg &n Agreement a BOUSTEAD CO., LTD.. (Union Building).
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    • 550 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDE t HER (Incorporated Germany). The uDdcrnoted are the Compan*. r/ r fixtures: onl OUTWARDS. 1933 "ALLER" for Manila, Japan and Hanko".v "TRAVE" for Hongkong, Bhang. 7 hai, Taku. Dalrcn, Tsingtao Japan t HOLSTEIN for Japan "TRIER" for Manila, Hongkong, G Shanghai, Taku, Dairen, Taingtac and Japan A
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  • 394 5 Mining Shares. ire, Wednesday, 11 a.m. facial un si.nre quotatlone axe Issued wt d Co.. exchange and stock br> it-rs J Buyers Sellers. S U Tin 23 3 24,3 natal I*- 20 norn rin 10 6 11,3 Tin 10 i fi 116 5 r lg Padang 005
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  • 81 5 ISSUED BY FRASER 4 CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyers. Sellers. Deb. 7 per cent. 100 101 ci Singapore Municipal 5 J* ""J no 113 nam ■MBgMre Municipal 104 1913» 4 rxr cent inn ■tpa; 100 105 norn '192«, 5 )o. r r (Ogg) 0 per cent.
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  • 723 5 Financial News Views. WHEN TRADE WAS A ROMANCE. Changing Aspects Of Modern Industry. Mr. C. Sydney Jones, M. A., partner in the Blue Funnel Line (.Messrs. Alfred Holt and Co.). addressing the members of the Liverpool Chartered Accountant Students' Association on "Changing Aspects of Modern Industry and Commerce," said he
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  • 151 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviati:n Spirit in 4 gallon tirums per British Imperial gallon $1.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 Shell M tor Spirit per 4 gallon tin
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  • 34 5 Reuter. i Buenos Aires. April 6. Official circles are of opinion that an Anglo- j Argentine trade pgrwment Cannot be concluded I at present as the British demands are unacceptable.—Reuter. I
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 498 5 Price Affects Native Production. In the absenc? of in crnational co-opcra'inn, the rehabiiitalion of tho rubber irdus'ry mus. necessarily be a slow process, but I am glad to see that shipmen's are again taking a downward turn, says he financial correspondent of "Truth. Following the heavy
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  • 26 5 Reuter. Austin (Texas*. April 6. The Rail-ioe.d Commission has ord 'red 10 000 oil wells In Ease Texas to close down for fife days.—Router.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 84 5 New Scheme For Its Reconstruction. Reuter Wireless. Vienna. March 30. oraaaaa? sSJ? dCCiSi n relatln to foreign a editors security m connection with tho ZTnT^Z? the Credit Anslalt 2» reached by Government agreeing to implement ESFJS? formed of whlch foreign creditors mm hold a portion of the capital
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 79 5 Rumania Refuses To Accept Reduction. Reuter Wireless. Paris, March 29. At the International Oil Conference American producers renewed promises of cuectiv* control of their independent producer, and Rumania was asked to accept a further reduction in her quota but bluntly refused. It is expected that American members of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 75 5 No Enactment Passed In China. Reuter. Nanking April 5. Articles patented in foreign countries enjoy no patent rights within the jurisdiction of China." says the Ministry of Communicationin response to a query as to whether it was awful to manufacture for sale in China duphcates of foreign commodities.
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 166 5 Gopeng Consolidated. Ltd.. reports a profit I i' 20.816 for ;he year to September 30 (against p 22.733 for 193C-31. when £1.000 was reserved tor income-tax and £5.521 was writ n off mine •ir.Spment. <sc~ >. Four quarterly dividends cf Sgj. per shaie each I against four of
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  • 416 5 How Prosperity Will Return. Westminster, Mar. 8. l u hat savings of small capi- be dtectc into t£ House of Commons this evening M*. Haxtoc had raised the question cf Poverty prevail: ng in this country ballot W ™/f- VaXY aX, rS 1 by rUdit
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  • 370 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Wednesday, 11 am. The following rubber share quotation* era issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evat.: WM Value. Praaer Ljail gf Bhares. Co. tvait 1 Allenby $0.45 $0.55 $0.45 $0.55 1 Alor Gajah 0.25 0.35 025 OJ6 IA. Hiiam 0.50 0.65 060
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  • 287 5 FRASER A COS QUOTATIONS. a a." 3«; CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Sellera. $2 S2 Al~x. Brick Prcf. 0.80 1.00 norn $2 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.30 0.50 norn tl II B. Arr.eri. Tobacco 93 3 97 ti $10 $5 B. Malaya Trus.ce 5.30 5.50 £i £1 C. Tin Prcf. 7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 56 5 I! Your name should be on Bank Book. In it will be recorded Im^B^^M^ tho small savings you are able to »f bank from time to time. Soon it will show you a handsome account, assisted by 3 per cent- jLw interest paid quarterly. N9 9 COLLY6R QUAY SINCAPORfe Head
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    • 295 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. 'Inc rporated in England*. SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'AJnieida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Ca )ital £2.000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 BEAD OFFICE: LONDON j BRANCHES: B mbay, Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra, Kirkulij Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS pened and interest
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 Amusements < IN'UI X:.: N7 i iiE.V.'KE WITH THE PICK OP THE WORLD'S PICTURES. Matinees To-Day, Saturday Sunday! Howls of Laughter! Gasps of Admiration! albami'.ltas audiences know what's good m.-(;.-m.'s bblng vqu a show that has everything I I TALLULAH i BANKHEAD S x ROBERT i Omontgomery J SUPPORTED BY—
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    • 291 6 Singapore! indorses the World's[Opinion j I CAPITOL fj t ♦> •> ♦> ♦> •> •> »5» *> •j» »x* ♦j» *5» <♦ ♦> *2» *2» »> ZSPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEE? TO-DAY at 3.15' O.IS NIGHTLY!; 19.15 Tremenduus Success of the Gaumont-British Triumph— "ROMEf] EXPRESS** MAKE A NIGHT OF IT BY |j
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    • 218 6 MATINEE TO-DAY (HARI RAYA), AT 5.15 I'M. Here's Something To Make You Smile! Paramount's Glittering, Viennese Musicale "EVENINGS for SALE" Set To Glorious Strauss Music HERBERT MARSHALL m ■HBaH|^S^^>" BK _H__|9 _h___K (Half-price Matinees—Thursday 6: 'THE SECRET CALL." SATURDAY Bth SUNDAY 9th—DOUBLE TALKIE \TTK \CTION: "YOUNG AMERICA" and "NOT EXACTLY
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  • 1342 7 Sir John And Lady Scott. DINNER AT ADELPHI HOTEL. The Society of Yorkshiremen In Malaya bad* farewell to their retiring President. Sir John Scoti. and Lady Scott at a dinner at the Adelphi Hotel last night. Sir John has b?en President of the Society for three years
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  • 254 7 To Work On Another Picture. Mr Frank Buck, who wis responsible for the Malayan jungle picture "Bring 'Em Back AIIVC," which h? supervised, and which should. Incidentally, be available for screening hi Singapore very .-hortly. is back here Sgahi after an absence of about 18 months. He
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  • 297 7 Farewell To Mr. A. S. Haynes. In connection with the transfer of the Hon Mr. A. S. Haynes. M.C.S.. to Singapore as Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, a farewell garden party was given by the British Adviser to Office ;taff on Friday at the residence of Inchf
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  • 48 7 The District Judge <Mr. H. A. Forren ordered six strokes of the ruttan to be inflicted on a fourteen-years-old Chinese boy, who was alleged to have stolen a quantity cf knives and cutlery from an eating stall In the New World on March 15.
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  • 232 7 IT THE CINEMAS Tallulah Bankhead gives a stirring demonstration of her great abilities as a dramatic actress in the difficult part she plays in -Faithless, the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture whicn commenced a season at the Aihambra theatiyesterday. With Robert Montgomery as Bill Wade playm opposite her, Tallulah
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  • 118 7 The Fox picture. "Chandb. The Magician featuring Edmund Lowe, Irene Ware and Bela Lugon. began a season last night at the Roxv Theacre. and atiracted large crowds at both P'.fomances. The originality of the settino gives this picture a refreshing angle. "Chandu" can safe?? ba
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  • 196 7 European Accountant Put On Trial. (From Our Own Correspondent J Ipoh. April 6. C. W. Younger, former accountant cf Penav.a; Tin Dredging Co.. was produced at the to answer two charges of falsification of accounts, the sums involved being $780 and $300 respectively. The accused was previously
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  • 137 7 Possession Of Triad Society Papers. A Chinese who was under sentence of seven months' rigorous imprisonment for assaulting his wife with a knife and causing gmvou.s bocily harm io her in 1931. wa< produced before the District Judge <Mr. H A. Forren yesterday on a fresh charg?
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  • 1042 7 Philippines Governor. ROTARY MEETING ON MONDAY. The luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club of Singapore yesterday, at the Adelphi Hotel was devoted to business. Mr. W. Allan Eley' the President, was in the choir and there ni a fair attendance of membt-s. During the course of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 806 7 Where to Stay— gj 1 ORIENTAL HOTELI BRAS BASAH ROAD. Convenient Situation, Close to Raffles, 1 Qwet And Comfortable, With Modern Sanitation Throughout 3 {a S GREATLY REDUCED TERMS TO SUIT j PRESENT SLUMP CONDITIONS I 1 TARIFF. I PER DAY. PER MONTH X Single Double Single Donhlm Only and
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    • 95 7 j Assets exceed $12,000,000. >. m I TWSM mT\ i *~i Assurance in force over $35,000,000. j! j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the strait* w*tj M-l«. HEAD OFP1CB: Great Eastern Life Building, Oecil Street, Singapore settlements). The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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  • 126 8 GOMES—On April 5. 193J. al No. 56-1, Bencoolen Street, Singapore, Victoria Rozalia (Rosie) Gomes, 68 years, beloved mother ot Mr. M. P. Gomes. Mr. A. S. Gomes and Mr. Rcbin Gomes. Th2 funeral cortege will leav the re at 4.45 p.m. to-day for the Church cf
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  • 719 8 The terrible disaster to the U.S. airship "Akron" seems to spell the doom of the ''big bags" as a form of air travel. It follows upon two British tragedies of a similar nature in recent years, and appears to justify the contention of the "heavier-than-air"
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  • 236 8 The second annual general meeting of the F M.S. Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce will be held on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in the "Chettiars Hall," 2' L mile, ipoh Road. Kuala Lumpur. Tho extraordinary general mr-eting of the F M.S Chamber cf Mines, to be held on Saturday morning at
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  • 117 8 Opens At New World To-morrow. Arrangements are well In hand for the Sing-apore-Johore Agri-Hcrticultural Show which opens at the New World to-morrow. There are many entries of agricultural products doming in from Johore. Besides Agri-Horticultural exhibits, there will be several demonstrations of poultry hatching by machines, hygienic milking
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  • 165 8 Premier's Plan To Visit America. s London, April 5. It 1» understood that Mr. Rocsevelt has Invited Mr. J. R. Mac Donald to go to Washington at Easter for debts and economic discussions. An early announcement is expected, in which Mr. Mac Donald will accept the invitation. Later.
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  • 140 8 Effect Of The Recent Arrests. Reuter. London. April 5. The BOOSe "f OnpaMNIS, b9 347 votes lo 48, rejected thr Labourite motion for the rejection of the Russian BiU, wl irh then pissed the second reading. Mr. Walter Rlinvfllian 'President of the Board of Trade) agreed to
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 90 8 Construction To Proceed Normally. Reuter. London, April 0. In the House of Commons to-day at question Upe, Sir Bolton Eyrcs-Monsell (First Lord of the Admiralty) restated the position regarding Jackson contract on the Singapore Base and completion of the work in four years and bt«r MM that Sincaprrr
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 89 8 Annual Muslim Holiday To-day. Muslims arc to-day celebrating tiie "Hail Raya Haji," cr the Feast of Sacrifice which is performed on the successful termination of the Pilgrimage, which falls on the 10th of the Muslim month of Zulhaj. to-day being that day. JSLJS*, f mos ques were
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  • 170 8 Mr. R. M. E. Michaux. director and General Manager, Socfin Co.. Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur, and Consular Agent for France, is returning to Europe as quickly as possible on account of bad news of his father's health. He Is flying home from Bangkok where he will catch the DuHnl 1 m
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  • 461 8 (BY "LOOKER-ON.") The compositor who set U n paragraph about the restoration rf martial relations is evidently n himself. The peace of the world j s thn ed these days by the desire ol nations to own a much largi r pie of the world. A An
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  • 38 8 Mails from Europe (London mails desj BD March 16), by the "Rajula." Which at Penang at 5.30 a.m. ;o-dav. Kill ai:. train to-morrow morning. Correspond* nc A be ready for delivery to boxholdcr* at I I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 217 8 J 1 k Have you V* j\ 4f&r&: bought your j \Mmm TOBSALCOt f Directly you touch j jjjf U t'*" 4 j Tobralco you are con- I >,\\ v" V scious its Quality; its beautiful weave its nrm 'iSbj&M texture. It proves a i V**l£HraS wonder-ui economy in Mlp*
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    • 32 8 I 634 iOUH PRICES—RETAIL OR WHOLESALE— •re identically the same as tho:e charged by T.K.K.'S GALE DEPOTS. Mi TENG SENG GUAN. j 63«, North Bridge Road, 5 i Established 1905 I I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 214 8 I DIARY OF EVENTS. i Public Functions And Sports Fixtures, TO-DAY, APRIL 6. High Tides—6.3l a.m., 9.05 p.m. Public Holiday (Hari Raya Haji). Cricket: Johore v. S.C.C., Johore. TO-MORROW. APRIL 7. High Tides.—7.s9 a.m., 9.34 p.m. Meeting, Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Chartered Bank Chambers, noon. Opening, Agricultural Exhibition, New World,
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  • 1148 9 FIERCE FIGHTING LASTS ALL DAY. SOUTH-BOUND TRAINS CROWDED WITH REFUGEES. Villages Destroyed By Bombs. British Marines To Guard Mining District. Japanese are continuing their drive on Chinwangtao and test cables state that they are closing in on that city. The r Peiping and the south are
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  • 121 9 Missing Goods From John Little's. A young Eurasian, C. Meinjoot, appeared before the Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay) yesterday on a charge of theft of goods from Messrs. John Little and Co. It appears that the accused had been temporarily employed during the cheap sale. He was
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  • 114 9 LESS COSTLY THAN RANSOMS Free Protection. COMMONS QUESTION ON PIRACIES. Reuter. London, April 5. Questioned in the House of Commons to-day regarding the Chinese piracies. Sir Bolton EyresMcnsell (First Lord of the Admiralty) said that it was impossible, with the number of warship.-s available, to forestall &1] piracies. Sir Basil
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 305 9 Denies Misappropriating Money. Arrested on a charge of criminal breach o; trust in respect of a cheque for $100 issued in October last, a Chinese. Tan Goh Hong appeared before the Third Magistrate (M) J. F. F. Gregg) yesterday. The complainant. Teow Hew Chaw, wa a merchant trading
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  • 122 9 Projected Revision Of Peace Plan. Reuter. Rome. April 6. Italy reply to the attempt to whittle down Sig. Mussolini's plan is contained in a communique issued after a three-hour meeting of th* Fascist Grand Council. It affirms that the fundamental element of Sig. Mussclini's plan must remain intact,
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 125 9 Samsu In Ship's Water Tank. When a party of Revanue officers boarded ft Norwegian vessel the other day in search of contraband they discovered 383 quarts of BMmtl in jars, which were cleverly concealed in one of the ships water tanks. Subseqirm enquiries led to the arrest
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  • 120 9 Attempt To Kidnap Four Jews. Reuter. Berlin. April 6. Following the murder of a German journalist Dr. Georg Bell, an ex-Nazi at an hotel at Durcholzen, in the Tyrol, apparently by Bavarian Nazis, as revenge for alleged treason, a similar outrage occurred at Vaduz, Liechtenstein yesterday, where
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 292 9 AIRSHIPS MAY BE ABOLISHED. "Akron" Disaster. Mystery Of The Crash In Belgium. Reuter. Opinion en the cause of the disaster U-the U.S. Navai airship "Akron" ainer N cne expert statin.; that the snip was probably caught in a vorUx. There was apparently no technical or structural
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 219 9 Pessimistic View Of The Future. Mr. K. F. Lay, Manager of the Bank of Canton. Ltd.. Hongkong, passed through Singapore yesterday by the French mail liner Aramis" on his way to Europe to study conditions and at tin same time take a holiday. He spent the day
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  • 182 9 Worldwide Membership Of Over 300. The President and chief organising secretary of itlie Anglo-Malayan International Correspondence Club, Mr. M. Koji Mohamed. is now or. six months' leave and during his absence any information abc-ut the Club required by either members or intending members can be obtained from the
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  • 64 9 A me2ting of those interested in aviation was held on Monday at Teluk Anson with a View to the formation of a flying club. Teluk Anson has often been visited by R. A. F. planes and on Monday a Moth plane, from thi Kuala Lumpur Flying
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 378 9 Derives wonderful Staying Power from PHOSFERINE Mr. JACK COWLEY "T would like you to know of the ĕreat benefit 1 have received Bjß r m c co tinu a use your Wilt years and it is a very great strain §Bk&s 'fjmWt WfR to box continuously for 2 or 3
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  • 571 10 ASSN. FOOTBALL. S.A.F.A. LEAGUE, DIV. 11. Harlequins' Debut. WILTS BEATEN AT ANSON ROAD. In spite the ed verse conditions, a good game was witnessea at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday when the Harlequins nut the Wilt shires II in the Second Divi-ion of
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  • 110 10 Eitfht Div. L Teams Share Points. Louden, April 5. Postponed English League, Div. I. matches, played yesterday, resulted as follows: FIRST DIVISION Derby County 2 Middlesbrough 2 Everton 0 Newcastle U. 0 Manchester C. 0 Leeds U. 0 Sheffield W. 1 Birmingham 1 SECOND DIVISION. Bradfrod 1 Manchester
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  • 212 10 The Moonlight Rangers beat the Shanghai XI by 7-0 on Wednesday at the Rangers' ground. Mr. Tan Teow Siong refereed, and the teams were:— MOONLIGHT RANGERS: Peng Kong, Cheow Swee, Ah Bock, Chwe Chua, Ah Song, Chee Kit, Kee Seng, Koi San, Edward Cheang (capt Cheow Bock
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  • 463 10 Anglo-Chinese Continuation School. ATHLETICS. The annual athletic sports of the AngloChinese Continuation School were held yesterday afternoon at the Jalan Besar Stadium. The most interesting event was the interschcol one mile medley relay race which was won by the team from the Anglo-Chinese Lci.ool, holders oi th i
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  • 300 10 Horlicks "B" texm v. the Straits Physical Athletic Party "B" at former's courc, off Joo Chiat Lane, to-day: H. S. Yeo. Kow Sim Thye, Tan Choo Kee. Chan Siak Choon. Lim Som Chuan. Chan Seng Thong, Tan Kirn Huan. Chng Boon Swee. O. K. Young Reserves. Henry; Cheong. Teo
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  • 745 10 Second Race For R.S.Y.C. Yachts. YACHTING. bunaay morning produced one of the finest races we have seen between Kathleen and Tarbet, Kilat unfoitunately running things too fire at the breakwater just went; aground, and. although she was able to get off again without any damage, she had lost
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  • 211 10 The R.S.Y.C. "B" cla<s yachts will sail the ;Lird and last race of the series for the ladies' Challenge Cup presented by Mr. Denis Santry, en Saturuay afternoon. Th, start will be at 4.30 p.m., and the course «40 be posted. To date Prima Donna B
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  • 95 10 WATER-POLO. 1 he. folic .vinj viH represent Y. M. C. A. Juniors Is and 2nd Tc:m:. Mguinst the R. A. at thj Y. M. C. A. swunaiuag poo!. Fort CanDlng, on Saturday, at 430 p.m. Ist Team. Lim Kirn San 1. Lai Khoi Hian. Cng Kirn I*?ck
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  • 51 10 SWIMMING. The 23rd anniversary of the Chinese Swim- ming Club will be celebrated on Sunday. The following programme has been arranged: J Swimming carnival. 9 am. to 10.30 a.m.; annual general meeting. 11.30 a m. to 1 p.m., Tiffin 130 and a tea party from 4 to 5
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  • 58 10 THE TURF. Training on the Penang racecourse on Tuesday morning was marred by an accident to trainer L. Casson. who recently returned from f trip to Australia. He fell when riding a pony which he recently imported and was taken to hospital with, it is believed, a
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  • 43 10 The Chung Nam team v. th? Chur.g Weo Athletic Association at th; latcr'r premi es: Lee Soo G?rla (capt.), Tav Heng Guan. Tan P<.ek. Tan Ting Kuan Yic Chin Seng. See Goh Keang. Ng Kow Khiah. Resents: Ng:e Kirn. Ben Bech Beng.
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  • 592 10 The International At Dulwich. LAWN TENNIS. London. March 23. The first International lawn tennis fixture cf the season ended in a British victory when London defeated Paris by twelve matches to nine en the Covered Courts at Dulwich. That iesult was due largely to th? play of
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  • 122 10 There was po piay in the S.C.C tournament yesterday ,or the U*d day SSJSS* TO-MORROW'S TIES GODOWN DOUBLES HANDICAP A Taylor and F. T. K. Kobbes owe 30 v R f Young and B. J. p. Fletcher plus 3. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS (SEMI-FINAL) Roy Smith and N. s. Wise
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  • 88 10 No games were pieyed in tht R.S.Y.C. tournament yesterday owing to rain. Revised ties are as lollows: TO-DAY S TIES. Nathan v. Haden; Cowin v. De Golia: Mr. and Mrs. Matheson plus .15.2 v. Miss Snow and Afield plus 15: Tweedie and Mac Donald owe 2 v. Blyth
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  • 503 10 Pataudi And Larwood Looking Fit. CRICKET. A number of famous sportsmen uttmd Colombo by the "Otranto" recently m Prominent among them were the I Pataudi and Harold Larwood. two I J victorious Test cricketers Pataudi could not aicompanv th. un* team to New Zealand for mote
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  • 46 10 S C.C. team v. Johore tc-day at Johore Bahru: Major. C. J. K. Hill. Lt. M. T L Wilkinson. R G. Cranford. J. H. Willmot: W. W. Dean. G. Child. Lt. H. C. Ekin? J E Jeans. R. A. Asworth <capt.>. Vine MacCreanor.
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  • 305 10 United Servlc c (Officers) v. PS. and L. in th? tournament gnne at the S.C.C. on Sunday commencing at 10 30 a.m.: Major C J. X Hill (R.A.P.C.), PP. Lieut. Croom. (RAF'. Capt. H. B. Rose (Wilts), Capt. L. H. Bearne (Wilts*. Lieut. N. J}. Phillips (R.A.), Lieut
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  • 26 10 BILLIARDS. A reminder is given that entries I Malayan billiards championship for the Padmore Shield close on E The tournament starts on April 15
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  • 43 10 GOLF. Y. Chikamoto (14) beat J. T. Unit by 2 up in the final of the Ratv C competition at the Island Club on Surv Entries lor the invitatico mixed f< tournament for the Ea.;U-r Cup.- dPm tv day.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 661 11 The Royal House. WHAT BAVARIA IS THINKING. Munich. Feb. 25. erlod of uncertainty and timidity :th Southern States of Germany QoTerntnent is markedly stiff then bai been plenty to alarm nee Hitler came into power the face baa been changing at a bewilder- bk speed. We
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  • 822 11 Fight In Prison. ATTACK ON TAMIL WOMAN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, April 4. A well-built young Chinese of about 26 years of age was charged this morning before Captain Nelson Jones (First Magistrate) with having assaulted a Malay warder named Hashim in the Johore Bahru
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  • 693 11 Passenger's Eye Cut Through. Johore Bahru, April 5. artfni» JUSt V 6 Richard Williamson, who is acting for Mr. Justice WiUiam Burton, who s on Home leave, presided for the first time mf J, J onore Bahru Supreme Court this rung. Several civil matters were dealt with m
    693 words
  • 126 11 Aihambra.—"Faithless,*' featuring Robert Montgomery and Tallulah Bankhiad. Capitol.—"Rome Expres-." Empire.—"Love Parade." Great World. —Side shows, pasar malam, Malay opera, Chinesa wayangs, silent and talking films ("Sid-walks of New York" and at Star Talkie: "Dixiana"). Marlborough.—Hindustani talkie "Gul (Bunga) Bakawali. New World.—Side shows, "Ghost Train,' open-air cinemas, Malay
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 80 11 I NEW WORLD j Sin gapor e-eJohore Agri-Horticultural Show. j On the 7th. Bth Bth, April 1833. j Open From 12 Noon To Mid-Night. OFFICIAL OPENING BY H.E. THE GOVERNOR, at 12 noon on Friday, April 7. j THE ART OF DRESSMAKING MADE EASY 1 would like to learn how
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    • 15 11 r Pianos Bought, Sold And Exchanged. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, j SINGAPORE.
      15 words
    • 157 11 ImarSeTns^ OE J GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD (1 fi EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED \j jj AT LOTF #AT£?S JJ >) For quotations for aft. fro/wif rwfa /food, a Koi/ or Water ft Apply to:— v! SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. > Geceral Agents: tl Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd., Merchants' Marine
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 241 11 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night Max Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall Sunshine Temp Stations. D.g. P inches Hours. Deg P. Akr Star 93 0.07 ~TI 75" SiUasmn 90 013 74 74 K. Trtngganu 87 Nil 8.8 73 Eukit Jeram 89 0.01 33 74 Malacca 88 010 S5
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  • 274 12 Seven Years For Armed Robbery. (From Our Ou n Correspondent.) Malacca, April 4. Ng Khlew, an employee in a Saw Mill, convicted of armed robbery at Jasin, appeared Mr. Justice Whitley. Mr. P. A. McElwaine, D.P.P., prosecuted. His lordship sentenced Ng Khiew to eeven years' r.i. sjc
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  • 68 12 Made In England For A Film Star. Paris. The b.ggest big drum in the wcrld has been brought from London, where it made, for Jeane.te Mac Donald to beat in a "ium" a a cinema. Ihe drum ij more than si-: fee' in diamete.-. and it
    68 words
  • 64 12 Prison's Profit Last Year. Albany. New York. Athletics at Sing-SUig in 1932 brought in a profit of £2.200. of which £1.700 was spent fcr football equipmen the leading prison spore. By permitting the taking of films of the interior of the prison, the Warden obtained materials for the
    64 words
  • 451 12 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, March 31. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati 25 Perk, lean, kati 44 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 36 Mutton, Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), kati 44 Ducks, each 66 Pigeon, domestic
    451 words
  • 101 12 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVE3 Singapore, Ap;:[ c East Wharf (Entrance Gate li Adamastor E.E.E. Wharf; Nagato Maru >{i Main Wharf (Entrance Gate I). Van Heutsz 18; Bangalore 13; Perak 12- imh 11; Scheer 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3> Lycaon 30; Kola 33; Karoa 35; Kumsang 37Islander 38.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 FOR PROMPT RELIEF OF {tmzzmh CATARRH HAY FEVER, ETC. Regesan Catarrh Pastilles quickly I I give relief to ail Catarrhal conditions Q f respiratory passages. Allow one pastille to dissolve slowly j Conttlnlnf M.nthol, ,n the mouth when required. Oil of Pktt, Cmmm Regesan Catarrh Pastilles quickly •ec la #—II
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 846 12 CLUB DIARY. (There ut<. numerous Clubs and Societies in S.ngapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 77 13 New Delhi, March 24. Th? Assembly galleries W2re crowded when Mr. Ranga Iy?r Introduced the Bill to remove the disabilities cf the depressed classes, regarding their entry into the temples. The visitors included Messrs Devidas Gandhi (Mr. Gandhi's son), Mr. Rajagopalachari, Gandhi's lieutenant who is at present
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  • 771 13 Committee's Report For Last Year. Tho committee of the Lunar Athletic and Musical Party have issued the following report to be presented at the general meeting on Sunday at the President's residence. 149. Neil Road, at 1 p.m.: Your committee have pleasure in submitting their report
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 246 13 sn>A ADA!!! BUKU HRITA DULU-KALA RAITS A ALAY Ko.UAXIZED Bernama CHENG TECK KOON YKU KANG-LAJJ aiau t'KK-KOTAN ill zeman SG TEOW. Salu Chrita Jang amal i and ramc. So, I. Sudi Scdiu. KU TAMAT. si i Copy—Postage Extra. D. T. LIM CO., re Road, Singapore GULL BAHAB HAIR OIL. i
      246 words
    • 201 13 PICCADILLY Viae INI A CIGARETTES in the new TRU-VACT Tin, surprise feTTTTBIMi mW* tO yOU 2 W theY C me to you sCa cd f resh in the TRU-VAC Tin Cigarettes smoke cooler, last longer, draw better and are more satisfying even than before. This wonder Tin effectively maintains Yts
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 667 13 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. G.M.T. 1.30 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. 145 p.m. National Lecture, by Sir Eric Di ummond. 230
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    • 90 13 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, AP?:iL G. 5.15 pin—Headquarters, S.R.E. (v), Company Parade—Held Woik. TO-MORROW. APRIL 7. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Fortress Coy., European Section—Lecture. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. 1st Bn. Sig. Section. Signal Training. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Bde. Sig. Sec, Signal Training. 5.15 p.m.—Malay Headquarters, 4, F" (Malay) Coy., Weapon
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  • 763 14 Depressed And Tired. PRISONER SHOT IN CELL. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, April 4, The only serious incident reported in connection with the anti-Jewish boycott occurred at Kiel, where a Nazi picket was killed by a ievoh'er shjl from a furniture shop before which he had been posted. The
    Reuter Wireless.  -  763 words
  • 725 14 Plentong Town Flooded. MANY TIMELY RESCUES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, April 3. It will be recalled that last month the dead body of a Hylam named Wong Ah Boon was found on a rubber estate (situated opposite the Naval Base, Seletar, at about 6 a.m.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 508 14 KUENZELS SPECIAL OFFER I ALLIGATOR BRAND ALL MUSIGAL STBINGS r^N V 25% DISCOUNT v 'm n During Annual Sale 0r2 t. h. A. MUSIC DOUSE II WATERPROOF 167, Selegie Road, Phone 7465. j I I ih Several patent preparations have been rjlJHp 7I T offered to the public of Malaya
      508 words
    • 29 14 B —r-rw-i—PUMi hi j I BOSCH sparkinq^lX^! I For Reliable Service j IN. V. Straits Java Trading Co., I M I GAPORE PENANG. I( Ml HAfta g 6918 b
      29 words

  • 1355 15 Automobile Association Automatic Devices REPORT CREATES SENSATION. Mechanical Signals. FAULTY DIRECTION INDICATORS. Out Own Corrcsjxmdent'.j London, Mar. 9. > atkm has b?en caused by the the Departmental Committee on bited many months back if Transport, ttee rcporl that they find nc isc ol mechanical direction vehicles. They do not at
    1,355 words
  • 511 15 Automobile Association Of Malaya. THE Secretary of the Automobile Association of Malaya writes: The A.A. oi Malaya has now added Denmark to the list of countries for which it may issue "Triptiques," and thus Triptiques are presently available for Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Great Britain, the lnsn
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  • 176 15 GREAT BRITAIN CUSTOMS THE General Secretary of the A. A. of Malaya writes: I am informed that A.A.M. members entering Great Britain with camping equipment, i.e.. ten s. chairs, camping beds, bedding etc cookmg utensils, camp stoves and ovens', etc may import such articles free of duty provided mCer at
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  • 314 15 l T Pper Cylinder Lubricantion. necessity of iudinl?H dlstnbutors as to the numbers Z nTvfrnJ I m tor fuels wSSSJty £S?S?.:* ftl, claims f <* the containing a few n£ gaSOline tha t is. Jubricam Cent of an upper cylinder to the eXpt ed 15 due tttotoSTSti:
    314 words
  • 222 15 Over A Thousand Car Clinics. London, March 9. A new trouble-saving :ervice for motorist* has canoe into operation at over a thousand stations in Guat Britain. Messrs C C IS 0 6 11 k The motorist will be able to drive up to any garage bearing the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 182 15 j W fOUR OIL 111 BULK AND j i i i I i j Save The Cost Of The Tin j Shell Motor Oil Bulk Cabinets j Are Installed For Your Convenience] j Use Them and Save Yourself Money j Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Limited. ne
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 242 16 fil IS Clir IVICTTC ■-TDCSO CP-'lONCs' JtltX CO. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD /WCjAPORf (■■■■■■■lMH TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 1933. AT SIANG LIM PARK GEYLANG. GARDEN HOUSES TO LET. 4-roomed type $20.00 per month. 8-roomed type $18.00 per month. Garages (with water) $3.00 per month. Apply:— SIONG
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    • 431 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET —45, Truro Road. Apply 47, Truro Road. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—I. Margate Rd.. off Grove Rd., close to Katorg Park. Entry 1-5-33. Par.iculars Tel. 3170. TO LET—CAPITOL THEATRE. MALACCA. Apply to S. Fung,
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    • 422 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Eight D. C. Linotype Motors, each V 4 •> all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager Malaya Tribune, 56|60, Anson Road. ETON HIGH SCHOOL. The Proprietor, Headmaster and Staff of ETON HIGH SCHOOL havmuch pleasure in informing tiu public that the school
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    • 237 16 EDUCATIONAL. JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL 40, NIVEN ROAD. Receives students from Primary to Standard VII and Commercial Class. Assures success in public examinations. Entirely under new management. For particulars apply Principal. SINGAPORE CHINESE MANDARIN SCHOOL. 74, Prinscp Street. A New Clabs for Beginners will be Opened on April 6th. Time: 7
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    • 582 16 iHuve All Your Clock or Watches that arc going v.. impaired by Skilled Hands, Promptly, and at the Most Reasonable Rates. Yick Woh Hing 429, North Bridge Road, Near Middle Read. Contractor fcr Repairs of Clods tag Watch. n s to the British Malaya. A J G P. KAPALA CHINTAMAM
      582 words