Malaya Tribune, 5 April 1933

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 38 1 The Malaya Tribune M ST DAILY NEWSPAPER ,N MALAYA. Vol XX, -No. 80 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday, April 5, 1933. Malaya Tribune 20 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1933 FIVE CKNTs:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 179 1 A. FLINTER Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. c I j Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. I
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  • 2275 2 TROPIC BEAUTY UNRIVALLED. AN EIGHT WEEKS' TRIP OF SHEER ENJOYMENT. /BY EDWARD E. LONG. C.B.E., F.R.G 3.) The latest development in holiday travel is the pleasure cruise, on an ocean liner, with all the luxury the up-to-date vessel of this type affords,
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  • 535 2 Aw Boon Par Challenge Cup Awarded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. April 1. In connection with the presentation of the Aw Boon Par Challenge Cup (open for competition among Malay Scouts) which was won for the second year in succession by the Malacca Association, a rally of
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  • 90 2 £3,000 Profit For A Stamp. Vienna. A profit of 100,000 schillings (more than £3.000) for charity has been made by the Austrian Government for the special "Skiers" stamp issue in connection wi h the Innsbruck international ski contests from Feb. 6 to 13. a he issue of 50,000
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 723 2 t Owing to the huge success and the j appreciation of the smokers of Lion ACIM/ i nArrr cigarettes for the Slogan competition which IjLUdlilCl UA 1L closed on March 15 in Kuala Lumpur, we have decided to make an open competition lor all Malaya. In order to give every
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  • 577 3 Chief Kathi's Death. GOVT. OFFICERS AT FUNERAL. Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. March 31. Ha air bin Haji Salim. the Chief died yesterday at his resid- KXH Bahru. Johore Bahru. after ■I the age of 65. The deceased, 11 known to many, entered the Service in
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  • 85 3 The Pope Pulls Down A Bell-Tower. Vatican City r*Ue. of the lamou oreu 0 b l S T vcr during iheir daily walks by a rsi ,h s e ch pre r'«!« of Lcurdes as at!*™ ,v Scnoe Pf e r. Bisinp Now, after wa£nl n2, .r ge
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  • 98 3 Soviet Official's Plan In Progress. ■ne-T. commit™ S s s^T" s__%_"JS2" and «*»*«»«< by t h e eccn^ifp^tT'^ C h f~ °< the rcDort 7 "Kress here, declares *~_si rapidly lo p ing and fj relt. Towns are growing exccsslvPiv x£r sets ss 22rs ««»s S2 hls Pulseless
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  • 111 3 Sequel To Violent Political Demonstrations. Reuter. TKs TT Belgrade. The University of Zagreb has been closed until next September, and the University of Ljubljana until March 1. This is the result of repeated demonstrations against the Government. At Zagreb a police agent has injured fatally and six others
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 1242 3 Toddy Shops. SUBSISTENCE WAGE OF COOLIES. The Annual General Meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association was held on Sunday with Mr. Alec McKenezie in the chair. The report of the chairman of the M.A.M. 8.. Mr. H. E. Nixon, who was unable to be present, was as
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  • 441 3 Death Of A Respected Chinese Lady. Tnere passed away on the 28th inst at 9 Broadtick Road. Singapore, an old and respect ca member of the local Chinese Christian community in the person of Mis. Chong Gh-c Locng. mother of Mr. Chong Fock Lov and K.
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  • 58 3 Leningrad. a dairy and vegetable farm has been started 2~ the P 01 Circle for the inhabi ants of Khlbmogorsk. wno ar e working mineral deposits, according to the Tass Agency. "Ihis farm will plant nearly 700 acres this year, in addition, it has two ho'-houses where
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 fS The Besl' Ami La re si' i^f C lock/ 0/ Wa Tche/ C-sll On U/ Before Going El/ewhere. Prices Moderate YfCKWOH HIMG- 1 Jt23. NORTH BRIDCE ROAD, (Near Middle Ri) Cor /'ncfor for H"pen'j cf Cfc:fo£ lVafcfitf to the Bnl'i/h ft eg 1 men T, fla/aya. A J G
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    • 688 4 TO LET. Vacancy for boarder. 1 at No. 67. Wilkie Rd., ■spacious airy rooms, electric lights, showerbaths, mod. sanitation badminton. Charges fncderatc. TO LET —165, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—I, Marga'e Rd., off Grove Rd., close to Kator,g Park. Entry 1-5-33. Particulars Tel. 3170. TO LET—CAPITOL
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    • 499 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—Salesmen en commission ba=is. Apply in wri ing to Fri e el Co., 135, c.o M.T. SITUATION WANTED. A Qualified Salesman (Chinese) wants a position as travelling selling agent. Al credentials offered. Speaks flu*nt EngHUi, Malay and all Chinese dialects. Surely to bring money for the firm. B'jx
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    • 384 4 EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION for Boys and Girls from Primary Class upwards by qualified Lady Teacher of extensive experience employing modern methods. Coaching for examina-* tions a speciality. Enquiri s ;c Box No. 132, c/o Malaya Tribune. PRIVATE TUITION undertaken by an experienced UNIVERSITY GRADUATE. ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS. PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY taught
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    • 530 4 25 Cents IAEGE TUBE PASTE I DISTINCTIVE AM I SCIENTHJCAEE* CCKREit^ KAPALA CHINTAMAM The best for all diseases of the scalp. }.> and ear. Makes the hair grow. $1 per Himalayan Pharmacy, 135, Serangoon R Singapore. f\"|7 GRAMOPHONE VA MAINSPRINGS British Make. Made from the finest quality steel. Obtainable from
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  • 342 5 CHRISTENING CEREMONY. STARTLING PERFORMANCE OF COMPER-SWIFT. The 'plane of Malaya's first lady owner-pilot was christened on day evening at the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club, and later taker, first llijtht reports the Malay Mail.- The machine is the H A K Kob f tSon and arrive the
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  • 387 5 Awards Of Diplomas In Arts And Science. b ta awarded the DipkaM in Arts >: Raffles College:— CLASS I c. Chtng Eow. Kck Swet' s r ran Ma Tan Koh Eng. CLASS II Boey Chen Kee. Miss M. En ■'P. Gunara:nam. Mis.s Gartaakhsn Ka»n Mis* Harbakhsh Kaur. B.
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  • 67 5 n,al Governors And Native Delegations. i.' Pra no is-,1 Paris. f Th *>'■>, JT h r Imperial Conference. fer Pan- deci ded to a call a con th ;d l P,l S 8000 as to discuss d. C0l GoZrn 1 C Ail VjJ] lors accompanied by native
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  • 238 5 Permanent Surplus Of 5,000,000 City Workers. New York. Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt. President Cl the United States, ha* revealed hims. if ta the champion of the -back to the land" movement. He stated at a dinner in his honour at the Metropolitan Club that if all
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  • 194 5 French Ex-Premier's Striking Speech. Paris. A warm declaration rf friendship for Great Britain was made by M. Horriot at a luncheon given in his honour by the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris. I am the friend of your country and your pec pie." he said. "I
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  • 153 5 To Balance A Town's Budget. Belgrade. A stcrm of protest has been raised here by the proposals of the Municipality to impose taxes on pianos, balconies and maids, and to increase the taxes for almost all their services. Taxes on motor-cars, motor buses and bicycle?; are also
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  • 297 5 Entertained At Dominions Office. J. H. Thomas. Secretary of State for Dominion Allairs. and Mrs. Thomas were hos's ai the Dominions Office recently, when a number of Dominion students were entertained at tea by His Majesty's Government. Mr. Thomas was accompanied by Mr Malcolm MacDonald (Under-Secre ary of
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  • 52 5 Manila February 8. "I hope the passengers who eat them will get ptomaine poisoning." said Mr. Georg" Bernard Shaw to-day as he inspected a tank of live turtles which was being put aboard the liner "Empress of Britain." which ha* arrived here in the course of her
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  • 24 5 Paris. A million and a quarter francs (£13,655) were paid recently, after for the "Mi-Recent" diamond sold by public auction.
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  • 189 5 Woman's Fashions For Cruises. Coquettish hats.- "Dietrich" trousers (tar cruising), flowered organdies, and "windswept." satin will be favoured by women thl summer. This was revealed o the dress trade •it the Fashions and Women's Wear Exhibition, which opened recently a' Dorland Hall. Lower Regent Street. W. Determined
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  • 58 5 Sydney. There were fewer marriages in Australia last year than in previous years. The marriage rate per -hcusand of the population fell from 859 in 1921 to 5.98 last year. The natural increase of popu!a*ion fell from 15.04 per 1.000 people in 1921 to 9.53 in 1931, and
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  • 49 5 Prague. Mr. Eduard Gola, an ex-miner, has been appointed professor at a Czecho-Slovak State Gymnasium or Middle School. He had worked nearly all his life in the same mine as his father,. In his free time he studied, and "coached" himself for 'he University entrance examination.
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  • 41 5 English Girl Going To Madrid. Madrid "Miss Europe" is to be eiec'ed this year in Madrid instead of at the famous "Petits lits Blancs" Ball in Paris. Twelve countries, including England, have signified their intention to send competitors.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 WHERE THE G^^ AL |W s ■>-—' /U"' MOST INSISTENT ACKNOWLEDGED AS MALAYA'S STANDARD CIGARETTE T9 *i£s&? S EXCEED i A SArfc 52,100,*****0s2,100,oooooo C.fnl 1 J WAL CLAIMS PA D EXCEED SURE 8 3,000,000 ,00o L 0 J SOUND J j INVESTMENT Policies issued against j FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, MOTOR
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  • 1678 6 Shipping News Notices. "BANE OF BRITISH MASTERS." Regulations Which Impede Progress. In their 40th annual report, presented to members mi the annual mteting in Liverpool on March 8, the management committee of the Imperial Merchant, Service Guild discuss a variety of subjects alleeting masters and officers in the Merchant Navy.
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  • 268 6 Effort To Prevent Sailing Fails. The steamer "Stanleyville," for whose crew a collection was made at the conference cf the British Anti-War Council in London in ordei to encourage them not to sail, left Blyth. Northumberland, on Mar. 5, for Japan with a cargo of scrap metal, having
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  • 644 6 Pressing Need For A Conference. The w-11-known Carc'iff shipowner, Sir William H. Seagrr on Mar. 6 made the fcllowing commen.s to The Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph on the views expressed in th:s? columns on Feb. 24 Mr. Jchn Donholm that a conference should be called
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  • 118 6 British Firm s Order From Dutch Owners. An order has been received by Crossley Bros L d., from the Netherland Steamship Company for auxiliary diesel engines for the company's P? "Manoeran," "Madoera" and Mapia -which are being converted from to diesel propulsion: in addition, modifications nre being made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 h (STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR lines. (Incorporated In England). *AIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. HHMtH *i AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Und r Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. K'.an 6,800
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    • 264 6 s.s. "KIM SANG" (Hue about April, 1f33). CbnsJgncea of cargc ex the above vessel from Japanese Ports are notified that owing to th'" vessel having ground: d at Ifoji, i Qenera] Avrran* has be°n declar d, and a contribution cf b r of the arrived market value of the
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    • 190 6 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HON(; uah* LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458. NORTH BRIDGE BOAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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    • 79 6 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed gjjjj Reserve Fund and Rest HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madras Axnara. Baghdad. Bahrein. Basra, Kirkuli Mosul and Singapore. a I.nI R H RE^ ACC UNTS !Pened and MM allowed at 2%
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    • 562 6 STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDEU TStHE R (Incorporated tn Germany). The undernoted are the Company's int naeq fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1933. S "ALLER" for Manila, Japan and Hankow Apr. 8 "TRAVE" for Hongkong, Shanghai, Taku, Dairen, Tsingtao and Japan Apr. 9 1 HOLSTEIN for Japan Apr. 26 "TRIER" for Manila, Hongkcng, Shanghai, Taku,
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  • 375 7 Mining Shares. c Wednesday, 11 a.m. In share quotations are Issued and Co exchange and stock Buyers. Sellers. Tin 23 3 24 3 18 20 norn Tin io 6 ii 3 lOti 116 0 05 0.074 I Tm 0.35 0.40 ::_S Ha 0.40 norn Malay sj- 7j-
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  • 171 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. FAIR DEMAND AT THE AUCTION. Poor Rubber Orders In Singapore. (By Out Financial Correspondent./ Singapore. Wednesday, noon. To-day's Prices: Kubber (R.S.S. Singapore) Tl c v 6 cts -> unchanged, lin (Singapore), $79%. Yesterdays Prices:— London Rubber 2 1 16d., v down i 32d. Market
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  • 42 7 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. Lcndon Spot: 2 1 16d. New York: 2 29 32 cents. Singapore: 6—6 116 cents. TIN. Lor.den Spot: £152. (Up 12s. 6d.>. London 3 months: £153. (Up 12s. 6d.». Singapore: $79.12^.. COPRA. Sundried $3 90 Mixed $3.65
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  • 39 7 Reuter Wireless. London. Mar 28. On the Stock Exchange to-day Railways and Kaffirs were good features. Other sections were mostly dull while commodity markets were generally inactiva. Wall Street opened ,-asy but later slightly rallied—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 724 7 Ulu Benut Rubber Co., Ltd. Trie thirteen;*! annual general meeting (if the Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Company, Limited, was held at (he registered office of the company |t Hongkong Bank Chamber.yesterday at nocn. The Hon. Dato S. Q. Wong was in the chair and
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  • 126 7 Elicit Of More Than Three Millions. Reuter Wireless. London, March 30 The current year--deficit of £3 3 00^ a budget shows a net return. ta*£rZ; c n? to the "44.791.000 and ~vrL 111 amounted to Th- figure T M eX ~T 1, n48 £.7.250.000 te the S2J f„
    Reuter Wireless.  -  126 words
  • 127 7 'From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Ipoh. A;:ril 4. d twT n D:ed Co. was further adjournhh morning, the Hon. Col. Cecil R a the V --™-olding that the Articles of A^loc£ a .™*uous and that he was not pre- ad^ hl a T f?S Proxies no vS T Whlle
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  • 169 7 j Investment Demand For i Kaffirs. Reuter Wireless. London, April i. Demand in connection with enri of ter requirements causedl erSt to h? qUar '-sable, resulting in 1 r- more a higher rate ?iSo£r £S*lTSt Treasury Bill accommodation W2eUy "Stto u^^ to-day Silt-edged •erived Kaffirs again strenShf
    Reuter Wireless.  -  169 words
  • 36 7 Reuter Wireless. Washington, April 3. c^ e d S bv te tL W K king Campai n 7r H ,JSe f Pe P r esentatives ap- cffe4"l f emergcnc v 34-hour week Bhi
    Reuter Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 47 7 Washington. Cross ha-, reported that, h\' Vi 00 bales cf cotton timed over to it ion in Z te f d Stat f Oove ™»™t for turn m the form of clothing to the n:edy hai used to SSicS dependents unemploy ed and their
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  • 631 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Wednesday, 11 k The following rubber share quotation* issued by Praser and Co. and Lyall and Evai aM Value. Fra«e r Lym A I Shares. <& Co. Bvitt 1 Allenby $0.45 $0.55 $0 45 $0 55 1 Alor Qajah 0.25 0.35 0.25 035 IA.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 59 7 3°lo Interest yearly paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rat© of 3% is paid quarterly. ill "I Pill II f. IHTgk
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    • 369 7 [Other financial news will be found on page 13.] SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA INCORPORATED 18G5 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL STATEMENT for 1932 I TOTAL ASSURANCES IN FORCE, December 31 i<m Tku large amount, the accumulat ntVoVV r S. $5,153,121,970 holder,, will become pavE™ them ifSS m j Ui n
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 251 8 Amusements _< rHEATRB WITH THE PICK OF THE WORLD'S PICTURES MATINEE TO-DAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, AT 3 P.M. Two of the screen's mcst dynamic pirsonalit ies brought together in a vivid story of our tlmw lf.-0.-M. brings you a rare programme of comedy and drama mixed to form astonishing entertainment.
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    • 215 8 England's Greatest Picture Greeted by j PACKED HOUSES at Last Night's Premiere CAPITOL! MATINEES TO-DAY at 3.15 and j TO-MORROIV (Hari Raya) I The Gaumont-Bnush Triumph— MAKE A NIGHT OF IT BY DINING at the CAPIOL RESTAURANT where the famous Child Danseuse I REN EE PAVLETTE will appear during' Dinner
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    • 122 8 Special Matinee To-Morrow 3.151 (HARI RAY A) v 'jM V V A glittering revel \\uw 0' that swtr> g s to I r^yt^m as j m P u d en Ricliard Talmadge AT HIS BEST. MARLBOROUGH TO-NIGHT RICHARD TALMADGE SCREEN DARE-DEVILS 7P m JEBS[I>T JRS x, Kn 9,50 pm. mm
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  • 41 9 To Further Sino-Dutch Aims. Reuter. It J learned that the L vith a Bill oaS lg made in accordance he Netherlandt r?n SOme tlme ago •greemem S he furtherance of ,n eS Gove ™ment on -Reuter. common Sino-Dutch aims
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 39 9 Reuter Wireless. Teh'.'ran. April 1. The Persian Government has engaged Americans and Swiss as specialists and advisers in the forthcoming Anglo-Persian oil negotiations, in ccnn?ction with which Sir John Cad man is expected to arrive to-day.—Reutrr Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 96 9 Large audiences greeted th» <he Paramour; pL,« Sil f *°«2 v.hioh conrnenctd Evcnl B '°r Sale," a., H SS ,t™ 7 Austrian nobility. v introduced in the role cf a waitPr -a-nment. They are assisted by a larep sun ES?f+
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  • 232 9 That the excellent reviews which have aopearcd m the Home press with reference to the Gaumont-British production. -Rom" Exp. ess. were well-founded was proved to the attended both shows at the Capitol last nigh The production is indeed an achievement of an? C mpany mignt
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  • 304 9 F'irates Demand Hug Ransom. Reuter. Newchwang. April 5% In addition to a million dollar? in silver, th\ C iiincic pirates demand for the 1 rl.r c ul ih-A fnn r n B M h captives 100 fench mortar w h J 5,000 shells. 100 machine purs. with
    Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 58 9 Further Action In U.S. Reuter Wireless. Washington, April 3. Th? S'nalg Judiciary Committee has aivii ten ative approval to the Bill to prohibit anpersons w ithin th- United States l.nding mon v for the purchase or sale cf obligation-, of any icrngn Government which ha? defaulted m WirekK
    Reuter Wireless.  -  58 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 272 9 J THE NATIONAL TRADING CO I DRINK WHAT t TEA pruvS^-^ 5 from any cf ran i tors THE CO.MMERCUI HOI'SF igjgg" ««rocr mab HULSh j Great World Show I Miss RIBOET'S Co. I ro-nfeM, Wednesday 5. at special request THE FOURTH **KRONCHONG-NIGHT SELECTION KRONCHONGS AND VAUDEVILLE I BALI-DANCE" and
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    • 446 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EOARD-RESIDENCE For 2 Bachelors or Married Couple in respectable Chinese heme. Box No. 136. co Maiaya Tribune. ORDINANCE NO. U (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Ir Bankruptcy. No. 451 of 192°. Re TAN TIN SENG of No. 9. Lorong 19, Geylang.
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    • 191 9 WHfFEiWJirS BASIC ULUs] POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES, j I/ffl Smart nap brim. Shades of I MEWS FLAW ELS. light or dark grey, light or mid MENS sumReatfy ro -ar light beaver fawn I uc ght flannel trousers. White twill tenuis shirt I in light grcv owe op 4 \aj
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  • 47 10 GOH— Goh Tlane Kay. ag?d 49, passed a**ay pcaeeudly at li 15 pjn, on Tuesday nhjm. .n iivoenev. No. 118. Klllta y Road leaving his widos. mother and :xn to mourn hi- laaa Ir.teivncnt ra Saturday. April r al 2 pm. o Bufcu Browne
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  • 59 10 Mr. Kway Mee Koo and family beg to tender their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friend- for their kind attendance at the nigh--visits and funeral of the lat? Mrs. Kway Que? <ne? Gch Say Boh) and also these who sent wreaths, scroll's, banners, le.ters and telegrams cf condolences,
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  • 728 10 With the Customs Union bogey (be it hoped) out of the way at last; there are just one or two other little matters to dispose of and then the Colony, and Singapore in particular, can settle down to the grim«business of fighting the slump. Round about this month-end
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  • 154 10 The Rev. M. R. Doraisamy. of the Methodist Mission, will arrive some time this week and preach at the Tamil Methodist Church, Short Street, on Sunday. At a meeting of the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association at 8.15 this evening at the club premises, 440, Race Course Road, the question "Is
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  • 94 10 To Be Opened In Great Britain. Reuter Wireless. London, April 2. The first railway company air service m England Is to be inaugurated by the Great Western Railway Company on April 12. when a regular daily service will commence between Cardiff, Torquay and Teignmouth, the journey taking
    Reuter Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 275 10 An Urgent Appeal To The Public. Ti'e Principal of the C. E. Z. M. S. School, Government Hill, Singapore, writes as follows: "This school has now reached the 90th year of its history; during this Ion? period it nas carried oil its good work for Asiatic girls without
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  • 115 10 Pope Illuminates Cross By Wireless. Reuter Wireless. Vatican City, April I. The lighting of the huge steel cross on the summit of Mt. Senario, near Florence, by His Holiness the Pope, concluded the celebration of the inauguration of the Holy Year, which began earlier in the day with
    Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 38 10 Reuter. London, April 4. It is officially announced that Air Chief Marshal Sir John Salmcnd. who recently retired, is returning to the Air Ministry ly replace his brother. Sir Geoffrey falmond who is seriously ill.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 29 10 Aleppo, April 4. Maryse Hilz left here for Bushire en April 3 —R*u er. I Maryse Hilz left Paris on April 1 on a flight to Shanghai.]
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  • 23 10 Reuter. Bombay. April 3. Prince Ranjitsinhji's successor is his nephew, Rajkumar Digvi Jaysinji. who s s the eider brother of Duleepsinhji.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 20 10 From Europe (London mails despatched on March 16). by the "Rajula," due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-mcrrow.
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  • 197 10 The mysterious disappearance of Mr. L. W. Elsum, European mining engineer, was reported in the "Rangoon Gazette" recently. According to that paper, Mr. Elsum established his camp at a place sixty miles from Tavoy, bordering on the Siamese frontier, with a view to working m the tin area and staying
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  • 468 10 (BY "LOOKER-ON."}. To-morrow Ii Hari Raya If. "Public Holiday." A But we slaves of the Inky aren't among the "public." pri ably. A A I At least there's n.j holida us. "Business as usual! in Road, Cecil Street and Rob Road. A Contradictory: While an national conference
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 388 10 "ROBINSON'S j 'I- Special Offer ~OF GLASSWARE n Z j".. 1 A Splendid Opportunity '5 bat fahould Not Be Wfescd 1 j pin Tumblers- Price $1.75 dz. Sherry Glasses Price $2.95 dz. I I '/a pint Tumblers 2.35 Claret Glasses .'1.40 pint Tumblers 3.95 Champagne Glasses 4.50 i Port Glai
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    • 31 10 634 j| GUR PRICES—RETAIL OR WHOLESALE— I are identically the same as the c charged b\ T.K.K/S SALE DEPOTS. I TENG SENG 61/ AN. 634 North Bridge Road, Established 1905. j
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    • 12 10 THE "MALAYA TRIBUNE" will be Published as Usual TO-MORROW (Hari Raya Hadji).
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 260 10 DIARY OF EVENTS, Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, APRIL 5. High Tides.—4.44 a.m.. 827 p.m. Rctary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p,.m. AthLtic Sports, Anglo-Chinese Continuation School, Jalan Besar, 2.30 p.m. League Football: Div. 11, Harlequins v. Wiltshires 11, Anson Road. Farewell Dinner to Sir Joan Scott by Society of
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  • 883 11 CONTROL WIRES AND RUDDER CARRIED AWAY. Majority Of Crew Drowned. Sien Swimming Among Ihe Floating Wreckage. Reuter. I'.S. Navy airship "Akron." with 77 people on board into the sea off New Jersey yesterday. Her controls and r were carried
    Reuter.  -  883 words
  • 97 11 Threat To Missionaries. KIANGSI CAPITAL IN DANGER. Reuter. Nanking, April 4 A grave .situation exist* in Kiangsi. where the Communist armies inflicted severe defeat* upon the Government troops and are nowmaking a determined drive against the Pr.>vincal capital of Nanchang. The seriousness of the position is
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 184 11 First Talks To Be Held In June. Reuter. London. April 3. Britain and America are working hand in band to facilitate the early convocation of bte Economic Conference. Mr Norman Davis had a long conversation with Mr. Mac Donald this afternoon and goes to Pans to-morrow to consult
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 86 11 Worried By Debts But Not Drag Addict. London. April 4. h Voss r waff babiy haVe 10 deCldc mt. voss uas an innocent victim cr whether ac^ et h^ S n dCath as thp S a m:hc ol ocenin, t h £aid the ""Chester Coronor Hugo Voss
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  • 25 11 Insull To Start Factory 1,, Greece. Reuter Wireless. i Athens. April 2 en charges arising out of h, In -52, WrretT' Ure 56
    Reuter Wireless.  -  25 words
  • 1221 11 CHINESE ON THE DEFENSIVE. Japanese Drive Policy In Mandated Islands. Pilled in haVe hffn P'Hed to (hrt up three t.wm. They dated I Jj Pa eii Gewtror cf he, tp* Ct T l Japan w: Pete! w ,th resurd tc the islands. Shanghai. April 5. »3 Hiree
    1,221 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 (jTv! 'favour of EY *AN BUTTER is due to I vhi l eenditi under I j SOLE AGENTS: Annual Sale OF OBSOLETE AND DELETED v His Master's Voice" GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS. 10" PLUM n A 90.50 each. $1.00 10" RED BLACK $1 00 12" $1.50 i I NO FURTHER REDUCTIONS
      84 words

  • 688 12 S.C.C. Project. CLUBS MAKING NO HEADWAY? CRICKET. Inquiries made locally have failed to elicit information which would pcint to ahy praciical headway having b n made with the projected invitati.n to the M.C.C. to extend to Malaya
    688 words
  • 57 12 Reuter Wireless. NEWBURY SPRING CUP. London. April 1. H.M. the King and Queen, and the Duke of Gloucester saw a royal victory when the Newbury Spring Cup was won by His Majesty's hcrse. Limelight, which beat Solenoid by a head, with Fonab coming in third. The betting was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 24 12 The Anglo Chinese Continuation School will hold its annual sports at 2.30 p.m. to-day at Jalan „Besar StadiumFriends and visitors will be welcome.
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  • 38 12 The Chung Nam II defeated the Nam Ti II by 10 points to 4 points on Sunday at the former's court. The following represented Chung Nam:— Gee Thlum. Kee Ann (capt.) Beck Seng Or Thium, Chin Seng.
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  • 219 12 Mayflower Beat Changi Rangers. BADMINTON. The Mayflower beat the Changi Rangers on Sunday at the former's court by five games to one. Scores (Mayflower's players mentioned first): SINGLES: Eng Hee lost to E. J. Vass 7—15; J4—l4 (2 —3»; Miang Cheng btat, Robert Tan 15—10, 15—8: Eng Liat
    219 words
  • 331 12 S.C.C. TOURNAMENT. There was again no play in the S.C.C. touraan nt ye:tciday owing to rain. TO-DAYS TIES. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS (semi-final): Roy "3mith and N. S. Wise v. A. D. Anderson and R. B. B. Donnell. GCDOWN DOUBLES HANDICAP: E. A Taylor and F. T. K. Hobbes owe
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  • 222 12 CLERICAL UNION TOURNAMENT. The draw for the first round of the Clerical Union championship tournament (English game), 300 up, resulted as follows: To-day at 7.30 p.m.: C. Mission v. Lim Tin Soon. To-morrow at 2 p.m.: Goh Sin Eee v. Teo Chwec Hoe; 10 a.m. J. p. Tham v.
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  • 86 12 The Chinese Swimming Clcb will celebrate their 23rd anniversary on Sunday. The programme for the day opens with a swimming carnival at 9 a.m. followed by a general meeting at 11-30 a.m., the fnuction closing with a tea party at 4 a.m. Members of the Straits Bachelors'
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  • 101 12 Inquiry By The Embassy. Reuter. Benin, April 4. The Nazi Auxiliary Police arrested a Britisher, Mr. Harold Frazer, whilst he was in bed and took him to an unknown destination. 11 British Embassy is investigating. He was recently dismissed from a German news agency on the
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 184 12 Reuter Wireless. THE BOAT RACE. London. April 1. The Cambridge crew, with the exception oi Gilrrou., No. 2,- sat u; nobly in their seats at the finish of the 'Varsity beat race. Oxford due undoubtedly to their fine final effort, were more ,or less rowed cut. They rowed a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  184 words
  • 45 12 K.G.C. APRIL MONTHLY MEDAL. The Keppei G. C. .April monthly medal istroke» will be played on Saturday and Suntay ana Ye ladies' spoon (bogey) on Mono Monday. The qualifying round of the Telegraph Cup will be played cfx in conjunction with the April medal.
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  • 192 12 France And The Arms Proposals. Reuter Wireless. Paris. April 2. France has accepted the idea of a Europe v directory of the "Big Four" but here must be no coercion of the smaller States This ii the outstanding feature of the first official s.atemtnt obtained from Frani3 »tc«
    Reuter Wireless.  -  192 words
  • 123 12 Mhambra, —'.'Second Hand Wife," featuring Lilly Eilers and Ralph Bellamy. Capitol.— 'Rome Expie: Empire.—"Love Parade." Great World. —Side shows, pasar malarn, Malay opera. Chines? wayangs. silent and talking films ("Sidewalks of New York' and a. Sta'Tr.'kie: "Dixiana"). Marlborough.—Richard Ta'mudgc in "Get That Giil." New World. —Side shows,
    123 words
  • 1028 12 Pulau Brani Win. SCRAPPY GAME AT ANSON ROAD. ASSN. FOOTBALL. Reuter Wireless. Pulau Brani gained full points at the expense of the I.t.F.A. at the Anson Read Etadium yesterday in Div. I of the S.A.F.A. League. The slippery ground made good Icotball impossible and the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  1,028 words
  • 557 12 Arrested Britons. SIR ESMOND OVKVs LETTERS. Reuter. London. April 5. The tedious efforts pi Sir E (British Ambassador in Moscow [ormation aboiu the charges on whi tishers have been arrested and the trial will not be a secret inqu detailed, in a White Paper, giving the pondence
    Reuter.  -  557 words
  • 59 12 Reuter Wireless. j London. April 3 Arrangement:; are proceeding satisfactory for the co-opeiaticn of the Gov mm India in the commencement ar.d manlU nan of an air route from Britain to the P stated Mr. Butler. Under Secrete] India, in the House of Common He hoped
    Reuter Wireless.  -  59 words
  • 62 12 f A fine" cf $7,006 or. in default, 22 rigcrous imprisonment was bnpo d j District Judge (Mr. H. A. Porrei j a Chir.esc who was found in po $1,500 worth of contraband chaodu. H arrested in his sampan at the moutli ol Singapore River en the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 128 13 Expected Choice Of Roosevelt of American women to see a In Mr Roosevelt's cabinet has crystallprttUen to the President signed by da ix women's organisations. The memorandum reads: Bed executives of national orl total membership of ap- Btilfton women would welcome tntment of a qualified woman in
    128 words
  • 145 13 Play W ith Your Fiance And Know The Worst. San Francisco. Outsit of love. I consider bridge the greatinc poi;:". said Mr. Ely Culbertson, the American brid-'? king, in an interview during a tournament here. I d n't consider fighting over a bridge fab.t nv drawback", continued
    145 words
  • 179 13 Rudvard Kipiing On Post-War Relations. Paris. rh i '.r.:tons be ween France and nr. -.I. me of a letter addressed 1 h:.\:r.u to the famous French v;ri H B -cieaux. who had sent him a •< Amities Etrangeres." Ihe Jft-er i.c published by "he "Echo De Paris
    179 words
  • 388 13 Five Articles Of Food Essential. The five articles of food which have been ound essential to health in childhood were SSv ed ,t y tH r Alan Brown of Torcn S£ CoIWp w< convention of the American -About I.COO doctors irom aii parts of Europe o r UnUed
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  • 84 13 A ski?r from Prague (Czecho-Slovakia I slipped into the frozen bed of a stream in the mountains near there. Masses of snow lined the banks: he was unable to climb out and W*M m danger of freezing to death. But his little terrier barked for help—and
    84 words
  • 88 13 Reuter Wireless. London. Mar. 27. Alterarirns in the Customs tariff made by a Treasury Ordf.- issued to-night comprise an increase from tec to 25 per cent, ad valorem m the duty on unmounted diamonds drilled as to be aaapted for use in wired lawinc fees, a duty
    Reuter Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 123 13 British Expansion In China. Reuter. London. April 4. In the House of Commons to-day Major Colville (Secretary for Overseas Trade) informed Mr. A. E. L. Chorßon (Con., Platting), that the Overseas Trade Department was endeavouring to secure a further expansion of British cotton exports to China by co-operating
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 111 13 Must Flow Back To U.S. Banks. Reuter. Washington. April 4. Mr. Woodin. Secretary to the U.S. Treasury, la a broadcast speech to-day declared that 12.737 United States banks had re-opened by the end of March, of which 5,387 were national and Federal Reserve member and 7,350 State banks.
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 105 13 Protest Against Non-Acceptance By Ceylon. Reuter Wireless. London. Match 29. Ceylon a;:d the Cayman Isles were the only parts c? the Empire which had fail?d ,o incitement the Ottawa agr eimnts. declared Sir Philip Cunliffe Lister, in connection with the campaign of protest against Cevlon in accepting th;
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 211 13 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, April 5. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s 3 27 32d London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 13 I6d.. London 60 jays sight 2s. 3 25.32d., London 30 days' sight I -s. London demand 2s 3 23 3°d I London T.T. 2s.
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  • 278 13 1 hfc l. Umor r Ubber Com Pany maintains the results, ahich record an output of ov.r 500 n 3 3 a 5 C a e to n 3 d o?H redUCti n kI i 3 f sd r per lb The letter total. it mentioned, includes
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  • 48 13 io^ OS %i°/o Bukit Cloh Rubber Co- for i Ml, £852 (against £2.253 for 1931) which induces the balance carried forward to £2.326. KSS HSSetS £14,692: current liabilities. v«S ftr^h/ afierVe £2 6 Thft Cr P har i ntmfi c year was 415 6001b s*«
    48 words
  • 112 13 Holding: Its Own Despite Adverse Factors. Guaranty SrutTcJZ thC U^ m ffice of March 2if ompan y of New York on S 2 n SmUSJ 2£ S£T2 develop SK^SS,* hclding ite own 532 my TrUSt index of busll >«s actiber and fi4 "ii' agaillst 58 7 in
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  • 84 13 Argentine Delegation's Visit To London. Reuter Wireless. London. March 29. The basis for a new Anglo-Argentine commerce' agreement has be;.i reached as ;he result of tiki vi i: of the Aigentine trade delegaien to Lcndon. The Argentine Governm.nt has intimated its willingness to amend the cure restrictions on
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 67 13 Rccinrocal Tariff Agreements Wanted. Reuter. Washington. April 3. Legislation to empower the President to inmate practical reciprocal tariff agreements lower trade barriers and establish a foreign market for American products is proposed in Mr. Roosevelt's message to Congress. He asks for legislation to authorise the Federal Land Banks
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 149 13 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Mot:r Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4 gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.23 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 Shell M tor Spirit per 4 gallon tin
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  • 92 13 Guthrie and Co.. Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report, dated Singapore. Mar. 30. state:— The market has remained dull since our last report. Owing to the decreased crops now being harvested, due to the wintering season, there is less rubber coming forward for sale and prices have, therefore,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 I NEW WORLD! j j gin ga pore-Johore Agri-Horticultural Show. j On the 7th, Bth 9th, April 1033. j Open From 12 Noon To Mid-Night. OFFICIAL OPENING BY H.E. THE GOVERNOR, 3t 12 noon on Friday, April 7. MARINE INSURANCE I OF GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD I EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c,
      83 words
    • 15 13 —aw w Violins Fittings Cheapest A Best SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. >_
      15 words
    • 282 13 BY SPECIAL TO H.M. APPOINTMENT. JKj£ "IE KING OF SIAM.V Not even golf uilh lis tiolent movements of Ihe TBI" arms can alter the unfailing accuracy of an Omega watch. Because of its precision and sturdiness you win find an Omega on Ihe wrist or in the pocket of Ihe
      282 words

  • 99 14 OUR READERS 9 VIEWS. Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to urrtu to us on subfects of public interest 11 must be understood that the Malayt> Tnfssme" doet not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by corretpondents LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on
    99 words
  • 697 14 (To the Editor, -Malaya Tribune."/ Sir,—The basic plans of ordinary life assur- ance which require medical investigation from th( health point of view are classified under three main headings and are: <l> Whole Lif" Assurance. (2) Endowment for Adults ,3> I Children's Endowment. I In No.
    697 words
  • 104 14 Waylaid On The Road By Chinese. Five gold buttons and a torn jacket were exhibited before the District Judge (Mr. 11. A Forrer) yesterday, when a Chinese pleaded guilty to a charge of robbery. Chief Inspector Sheedy stated that the complainant, a Javanese woman, was walking along Meyer
    104 words
  • 1354 14 Union Jack Club. I SPEECH BY THE GOVERNOR. The annual gpncial meeting of the Union Tack Club war; hold in the Reading Room of the Club yeetcrda? at 6 p.m. H.E. the Governor. Si:- C't.l Clcmcmi. presided and the others present were H.E. the General Officer
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  • 156 14 Last Words Of Dying Centenarian. Athens. A weman named Scultana Arnaotoglou has died at Piri at the age cf 120. Right to th» last, slie was h ard t repeat, time after timeLife owect, Ycu have never had enouali of it." The civil rva.nt who gave the
    156 words
  • 213 14 Caught Red-Handed By De tec Live. Sentence of thi.e men His' rigorous impri onment each was passed by the Third Magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg) yesterday on two Chinese who weie found guihy on a charge of theft of wa er. In addition, one of the
    213 words
  • 124 14 ARRIVALS. J 3ulan. v 3rit. 441 tons., from Malacca 5-4; for Penang via ports 9-4. "Nagova Maru." Jap., -.729 tons, from Batu Pahat 5-4: for Kobe 5-4. Clyroneus," Brit.. 4 110 tons, from Norfolk 5-4; for Java 6-4. Kedah," Brit.. 1.033 tens, frcm B. Deli 1-4; for B.
    124 words
  • 221 14 Singapore, April 4. R. (Stoat) W. Ceast No. l per Koyan $115 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $109 Ri:c. B. Siam N. 1 $112 Bice, B. Sir.m N. 2 $107 Rice, Siam "Old"' per koyan No. 1 $177 Rice, Siam -Old" No. 2 $156 Rice, Siam Old" no. 3
    221 words
  • 422 14 Evidence On "Wha Huay" Gaming. Further argument was heard b. I Third Magistrate (Mr. J. F. Oreg| day regarding the running of a "Wha h J, lottery. The case was one in whfc] Chinese. Wong Siang Hing and Tan y the latter a detective sergeant, wer with assisting
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  • 107 14 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore. April 5. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). ftrtamartPe E.E.E. Wharf; Rangoon Maru 22; Nagato Mara 20. Main Wharf fEntr*nc« Gate SV Btuaa 15; Bangalore 13; Rahman 12: Kfl'a 11; Aramis 9. Empire Dock 'Entrance Gate I) Lycacn ?0; Bencruachan 32; Karoa 35. Empire
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 UPWARD JP TlMttry i 1 ciAtse§ apologies to the Sergt- Major FRASER NEAVE L p PRODUCfQS OF PUQITY //V WATERS
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    • 98 14 TAKE SCOTT'S EMULSION the hist for your health. do::s your mirror hake you feel depressed? Other pec] fes-em to have all the luck the good looks U well. But whatever features arc like do not forget that a f>fvin and bright sparkling eyes add bear the plainest face. Take an
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 405 14 CLUB DIARY. IL (TP M numerous Clubs and Societies in I" c most of the members of which crt read' °f t,u "Malaya Tribune." This Diarit is l d'd specially for them. Secretaries arc l»tj« to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date Happenings 0/ general nitcrcxt loi 't:ll be inclwicd in
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    • 420 14 Ing, Mr. Tan Boon Guan's residence, 71, Chin Swat Road, 7.30 p.m. TOng Soon Kok Association: Monthly general meeting, Mr. Chua Hung Tong's residence, 256, Rangoon Road, 7.30 Bang Choon Kok Association: Usual montltfv meeiing, Mr. Oh Poh Soo's residence, 2, Lorong 117 Geylang, 7.30 p m. Qleti Oiih
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    • 84 14 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW, APRIL 6. Aramba and Natuna Intend* Scott Harlcy) 9 a.rr. Penang, Province. Welle: l.y, North-West Perak, Kedah, Siam. North, N.-East and Ncrth West Sumatra (Kedah* 10 a.r.i 'Upper Burma, North a-:d East India. Aden, Egypt, Europe, Great Britain. Ireland, Canada and U.S.A. tKaroa) <B. I. Mail) 11
      84 words
    • 68 14 1 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Yesterday. Night Max. Bright lift*. Tt mp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. P. Inches. Hours. Deg. P. Alcr Star 92 Nil 8.3 74 Sitiawan 90 Nil 4.6 74 K Trengganu 87 Nil 9.5 73 Bukit Jeram 88 Nil 5.1 73 M'a'acca 87 0
      68 words

  • 205 15 Prague. An "au omatic 'bus conductor" has been c-t up at a stopping place 5 the cen'rJf? ""hoe f ~hi° f n laigP At present this machine is me r e ly an *v penment, bu it is
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  • 170 15 Conference To Follow 10-Day Battle. j Shanghai. I The vast province of Szechuan. where ther* have been more than 400 civil wars since he and Ug wn a c h 0n H 0f Chim?Se public in 1911* o£? h&S JUSt in the thr of ye. one of the
    170 words
  • 189 15 The "Straits Chinese Monthly for FebruaryApril is on sale. Tihe editorial discusses whkt the editor calls the cultural void of the Straits Chinese. These are extracts: -Perhaps it may be traceable to the educational policy of this eoun'ry or they may have be-m unduly by fluenced by
    189 words
  • 696 15 Tokyo. The Japanese military authcrities arc per- fectly frank in admitting that unless the question of Jehol (the province immediately north of the Great Wall of China on whose borders fighting has taken place) is settled, it wlli become necessary sconer or later
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  • 346 15 ..THAT the heat of the sun's centre has been estimated (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) We are often reminded that, no matter hoy WatCr 11 WiU never et ho "er than 100 degrees centigrade. But that is not the extent cf the flame's power to produce heS ir
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 239 15 HER FAT WAS A BURDEN. [Vow She Is Quite Slender. mo i case where the trim, *lim youth has displaced the coarse, fat ihkM; -a|e. It is a housekeeper y v. ha*, weight I was. but I i i :ii t myself. I have -'it ai Kru chen Salts and
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    • 71 15 V r .intni.'ii •iiii<iiiiiii!Hiniiiininiiiinin,iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiit:ni:iiiii.rI OUR TOWN OFFICE. 1 I The town office of the "Malaya I I Tribune" has been removed from 1 I 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, to 1 I Messrs. E. M. Glover Co., 11 I 9, The Arcade (Ground floor) Tel. 2219. I Advertisement inquiries may be I
      71 words
    • 168 15 W 1 rf I 1 {ii f|§| !B{ J ARCADIA WORKS. v Like all the Best Virginias are LONDON made SEALED-FRESH SOLD-FRESH jt^m*B___\_ Hermeticaily sealed in the patent TRI VAC Tin, CRAVEN "A" are pr tec^ ec ff alongside). Whenever and wherever you if break the Fresbness-seal, the result is
      168 words

  • 305 16 Belief In Perpetual Peace Forbidden. Rome. "Mussolini is always right!" This slogan 1« b:ir.g instilled in the minds of hundreds cf thousands of y ur;g Fascists. It is one of the "Ten Commandments of the Black Shirt," which are published on the front pages of th< leading Italian
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  • 60 16 Queer Plan to Encourage The Troops. Tokyo. A mail from Kyoto in'ends to send a single «rain of rice to each of 30.000 soldiers of ihc 16th Division. On each grain he will writ? the five Japanese characters meaning, "Loyal 7. courtesy, chivalry, faithfulness and sincerity." Some
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  • 330 16 What A Woman Artist Thinks. New York. The faces of American women are growing more interesting and more beautiful as a direct result of current economic troubles, according to Mrs. Angele Watson, the Belgian artist. "Your faces are becoming more like those of Europeans," the Belgian artist said.
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  • 49 16 Prague. A .«hop arsis ant at Reichenberg wanted 10 write a novel called: "Nero Fiddling While he Store* Burns." In order to get the de.ails quite correct he is alleged to have se fire to the store in \vh ch he worked. He has been arrested.
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  • 58 16 Miners Routed By Swarm Of Bees. Johannesburg. A swarm of bees which had made their home in a shaft at the State Mines, Brakpan, atacked and put to flight hundreds of workmen All work in the shaft was brouglr to a standstill until smoke apparatus could be summoned
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  • 801 16 A Perilous Path. COULD BRITAIN TAKE PART IN THEM? Though it is not the business of a Naval Correspondent to express opinions on the political aspect of a controversy, it dees fall within his sphere to indicate clearly and soberly the issues involved, in so far
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  • 37 16 Vicenza. Italy. Hundreds of people walked in the funeral procession of Andrea Fin, aged 77. who died heie. Fin had stated in his will that anyone who attended his funeral should receive 2d.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 294 16 ORIENTAL, I GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. j (INCORPORATED IN INDIA 1874). HEAD OFFICE:— BOMBAY -~>-~ Life Assurance is a Real Necessity. I The following: is an appreciation from a Grateful Beneficiary: I THE BRANCH SECRETARY, Oriental Life Office, Kuala Lumpur. 1 Dear Sir, J I have great pleasure*
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    • 296 16 POPULARYf|r%rf A ALL OVER THE WORLD l^f^'V Fruit at its freshest and finest, VSkS'' V pure sugar and unfailing quality have made Messrs. Chivers' Jams world-wide favourites. Thousands of tons of ripe fruits from our V s_*&+&^ own orchards are made into jufn the day they are picked. Chivers Jams
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 667 16 I EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA, CEYLON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Davcntry, England. Wavelengths: 25.28 and 31.3 metres. G MT. 1.30 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. News Bulletin. 1.45 p.m. Man versus Microbe —Den*al Caiies. a
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  • 627 17 Sports Pastimes. CALCUTTA CUP. England Centres Lamed. RUGBY FOOTBALL. London, March 23. qt ß ore crowd of seventy thousand people S,it^ Urr f yfield> SCOUand England S a olitary try scored three minutes before halfc"cutta ld Cup. thCy regainCd V mmmkm f aJLirli?? confidently stated that the English side would
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  • 396 17 Spectator Gets More Excitement. London, March 16. It has always been a matter of wonder to the casual lcllower «of sport that such huge crowds turn out to .witness the big sporting events throughout the year. What thrill can the spectator behind the barrier feel in the game
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  • 335 17 Championship A White Elephant. ROWING. London, March 16. Ted Phelps, the world's sculling champion, has received a cable from Australia asking him fcr his lowest terms to rcw against "Snowy" Burns on the Paramatta River. The cable sugges's a limit of £250 to include Phelps' expenses.
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  • 390 17 I.E. BEAT FORT CANNING. United Engineers beat Fort Canning by 124 Scores°~ th<? YMQA ground m Saturday UNITEERS: Harvey c Facey b Briult 94. Lake c Bruilt b Hart-home 39. Brown c and b Carhman 26. Mathews c Shave b Moss 3 Sims b Briult 7. Loveday b Briult
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  • 189 17 ARGENTINE CHALLENGE. An extended stay in England to compete m the leading tournaments and championships and in a match against Britain is planned by the leading six Argentine golf professionals. Ift. Paul Casares, honorary manager of the Argentine players, said to a reporter: rffSnTff?? ld vf a Was 10
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  • 350 17 Pulled Out Hair With Teeth. WRESTLING. London, March, 23. America. M ""P o l from kSTu h Scome md the ban of aMU The Coroner thought that all-in wrta llna SPO and ltat when r c„mopponenfiT XVe "J"! slaughter. cn«.rge of man. ling come e s t in
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  • 76 17 The- following members have been elected oTLce of the Rosedale Association (ahr j Chip Hean Kok). for the ensuing year- P> p• 1 'fi M Sim Thua Yong: vice-president. EJ*? ChV Qimn: hon s c Mr Lee La; i Mag, hjtt. treasurer. Mr. Lim Tiang Chan; hon.
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  • 306 17 Useful B.P. Beat Syrian Union. BADMINTON. The Uceful B. P. beat the Syrian Christian Union by 5 games to 2 at the court of Modern English School on Saturday. Scores Useful* players mentioned first >: SINGLES: Chin Than Swee beat G. laat* ii'.cws. 15--9. 15—4; Chiang Tlong Wah
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 264 17 tor the serious v amateur IVAII ABLE for the first time in A lagel plate and film-pack nstantly appeal to the Tapher who works to definite objective. x and film-pack cameras c finest ever produced. care has been taken over fiction down to the il, and with their largeg and
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    • 152 17 thFcar I YOU CAN AFFORD I_*__________m\*____ MORRIS CARS have proved themselves not only cars 1 that—broadly speaking—everybady can afford to own but also cars that most people prefer to own, because they definitely embody the best that motoring has to offer at any given price. Approximately one in every three
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  • 1030 18 "Betty" Thomson's Wedding. (From Our Oun Correspondent.) London, Mar. 8. The principal Malayan news of" the week concerns the wedding of Miss Yvonne Elizabeth ("Betty") Thomson, daughter of Mr. H.W. Thomson, C. M. G., and Mrs. Thomson, to Mr A. F. Peter Taylcr, of Kuala Lumpur, which
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  • 58 18 Warsaw. A "Sobrie y Week" has been organised by the Polish Temperance Society for thii month. The programme cf this "Week of Propaganda for Sobriety —to give it i;s official name—includes conferences, meetings, and cha s about alcoholism and means of fighting ic. Talks are given in schools
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  • 31 18 It is understood that Mr. Abdul Aziz. President < f the All-India Muslim League, has cabled to Mr. Jinnah. asking him to return to India and give a lead to the Muslims.
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  • 452 18 "Home-Made Money" Schemes. At least 500,000 persons in the United States are now supporting themselves by barter according to an American authority. Schemes are now on foot to extend the movement for exchanging goods in order to cure unemployment and for cities to issue their cwn currency.
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  • 202 18 Key To. New Treatment Of Disease. A new key to the possible better understanding of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and kindred diseases has been discovered in the acid and alkaline balance of the blood, according to a report by Dr. S. M. Al er, of Los Angeles. The
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  • 35 18 n__, Philadcphia. Golfers will play ma'ches in America with their knees oar e next year, according to the International Association of Clothing Dcs gners The designers say that the well-dressed golfer
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  • 346 18 The Taming Of The Shrew. i A three-mcnths-old Jaguar cut crara. presented by Mrs. Sta; proved a remarkable example of i done by tact and kindness, writ Cical correspondent of the "Ob On arrival the animal's ext a gery made it imperative for its k
    346 words
  • 119 18 Money Shortage Causes Low Prices. Belgrade. The shortage of mon y in the village- o: Jrgo-slavia has brought ab ut a tremendous fall in the price cf land. Farm bargains thai are now bting offered are: Forty-two acres cf land, including forests, plough land, and an orchard
    119 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 613 18 Mazda Laboratories IP IE W_, tungsten E jj 1 Wt \_f*\ iiiv A 1111 the most V X mjit A im cr ant improve- T"Hy B ments were \A/ HJ I A IvJj IJt MAZDAS and the rWI r 5 Non-Sag Filament ii« 6 10 tmi British tmomson-houston co ltd
      613 words
    • 123 18 NO I HAVEN'T CVE* VP TE4__ Bl)T You'd think, to hear people talk. v/v'^V^fitMkk that Instant Postum was a new dis- /(J %a, \W covers .So many of them are trying /M \W_\\ lflffr?Mr it tor the first time, and getting such j ffV BBQP/ Postum w Jt h good
      123 words
      120 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 130 18 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, APRIL 5. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. S.R.A. (v), Battery Parade. (Lecture by Lieut. N. Carter, 7tb A.A. Battery. R.A.) 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "D" (Eurasian; Coy.. Section Tiaining. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Intelligence Platoon Lecture. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, M.G. Platoon (Eur.). Immediate Action 1st Position. TO-MORROW. APRIL G.
      130 words

  • 4909 19  -  Our Short Story. By H G. Wells. THERE'S a man in that shop," said the has been in Fairyland." N I said, and stand back at the the usual village shop, post- .< ire on its brow, line pans and boot-, shirtings, and potted In the
    4,909 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 150 19 THE BETTER MILK FOR BABIES ,A tor Baby's Sake— LACTOGEN Doctor and Nurse are so pleased "Lactogen" is pure, fresh, with Baby and the way he has full-cream milk, dried by the come on, since Mother put him "Lactogen" method which on "Lactogen." They say it's preserves the precious vitamins,
      150 words