Malaya Tribune, 3 April 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 78 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday. April 3, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 l^u» DISTRIBUTORS GETZ BROS. CO. 9KSEtf4KIBV^69OI^Kp4O^OHHOtOH^HIHHfIOVIW IN EVERY DETAIL/ J I The New Austin Ten Four y In introducing this new model the Austin Motor Co., wished"—and It has been achieved. Consider know they are providing a type for which there is a definite these features —sliding roof, four really
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    • 185 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prioes according to daily exchange rates. HEALTH a^STRENGTH IN EVERY TIN ]R IT
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  • 681 2 Trouble Over Composition Of Princes' Chamber, j New Delhi. Mar. 15. The attempt last evening by His Excellency the Viceroy to convince the Princes of the ad\antages of Federation and of their entry into same, and the attempt to take them into ins confidence with reference
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  • 484 2 Braces And Cheers The Soul. London, Feb. 26. "Sunlight exhilarates and enlivens. It induces gaiety, liveliness, and a sense of wellbeing. It braces up and cheers the soul. Like all stimulants, if pressed to excess it intoxicates and then exhausts: again like all stimulants, if exhibited over too
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  • 162 2 Committee To Examine White Paper. A meeting of the Council of the National Libera 1 Federation, after lour hours' deliberation on March 12. passed a string of three lengthy resolutions. The Conncil expressed dissatisfaction with the results of the Third R. T. C appointed a Committee consisting
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  • 1109 2 The Home of the "Savages"—Travels of a Restless Club Cheaper Holidays By Air. (BY DAVID BAXTER.) London. March 14 (by Air Mail.) Merc than once before in these notes I have expressed a Londoner's sentimental regrets at the sw eping away before the broom of progress
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  • 256 2 Men Who Have Fled From Civilisation. Galapagos Islands. An old wine o3sk, established on one of these remote islands by a British naval vessel in the last century, serves as the Post Office for the few settlers most of whom are men tired of the artificialities of civilisation,
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  • 106 2 Visit Of Instruction To Berlin. Helsingfors. A contingent cf Moscow and Leningrad policemen has just received permission from the German authorities, after some delay, to pay a visit of instruction to Berlin. I They must, however, observe the following restrictions: No conversation with the Berlin police is to
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  • 241 2 The Beauty Queens Fall Out. Istanbul, Feb. 21. The blue and the green factions of old almost seem to have come back again to life at Constantinople; only in 1933 all the passion and heat is over a beauty competition. Liast year Miss Turkey won the title
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  • 26 2 The acting Law Membership of the Govern- ment of India during Sir B. L. Mitter's absence on leave is expected to go to a Bengal ex-judge.
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  • 754 2 Presented With Service Medal. A very interesting function took place 21st inst. at the Methodist Boys' School Ha] Kuaia Lumpur, when Jfir. T. Arumugam. retired master of the schodl, was invested r a service medal by Mr. C. G. Solh.s Inspector of Schools, Selangor. The medal was presented
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 Rheumatic are quickly relieved by SLOAN'S LINIMENT m—mmm—mmKJLLS pa in Mmmmmmmmm 3070 PACKING. EXPERT JAPANESE PACKER. Please apply to M. SAWADA CO., 27, Bencoolen Street, Singapore. 'Phone 2776.
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    • 90 2 Call and be convinced of our comprehensive stock in SHIP YACHT FITTINGS At Greatly Reduced Prices. Boon Seng Co., Ltd, 36 38, Robinson Road. Tel. 7268. PILES SPECIALIST, GOOD NEWS FOB FILES SUFFERERS. All sorts of Piles cured ©without operation within a week. Bleeding stopped in 24 hours and complete
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    • 104 2 j AN "IDEAL" MILK FOB AN IDEAL HOME j Vlcncvcf you want Milk and want it in,plenty, t tKere's |deaj Milk wticn is rick country I milk concentrated till it is like cream* I "I DE AC I UNSWEETENED 1 MILK n I 'i A good housewife prides herself on
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  • 315 3 League Of Nations' Bulletin. rise f»,:iowin« is the Health Bulletin of the l( of Vat ions' Eastern Bureau, Singapore. d March 25. 1933: Beirut: 5 smallpox cases and no deaths as ■mpared with 11 cases in the previous week Alexandria ">9 smallpox cases and 11
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  • 132 3 Two Pictures He Did In His Youth. Stockholm. Feb. 23. t; has just had the opportunity of the pictures .Henrik Ibsen painted I heir owner is Dr. Ing Odd Rnnuiii. ><iio is a gieat-grandson of the man n u Ibsen when he worked as an a; otheer
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  • 88 3 London. Feb. 26. the London Society for Blind at Swiss Cotthe tease of the present Ut and the Society any on its work to Cottage was founded as its work falls into three education. technical When they grow up paid employees in th? v factories or
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  • 292 3 Conference Of Eastern Religions. The Mar.-h number of "Peace," the organ cf the International Buddhist Union, Singapore, is now on sale. An interesting article is "Religious Life in the Ttir East" by Sir Hari Singh Gour, written as the tesult of his recent visit to the Far
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  • 96 3 Burglars Spill A Bottle Of Scent. Berlin. A smell of scent has led to the arrest of a gang of buiglars here. The scent proceeded from a spilt bottle, en? of many slolen in a burglary at a parfumier s. After the police had followed their noses
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  • 96 3 A Man Injured—By Sovereigns. Johannesburg. Mr. W. Thompson, sub-manager of the Com-missioner-street branch of Barclay's bank hero Is in a nursing home as a result of a strange accident. A small lift in the building had been loaded with sovereigns which had been bought, from the public during
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  • 86 3 Increase Of Murders And Suicides In U.S.A. Washington. Thirteen persons died every five minutes in the United States during the past year. Altogether there were 1.322.587 deaths during 1932 compared with 1,343.356 in 1931 according to the latest census returns. Suicides and homicides (murders and killings) are on
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  • 1258 3 Shorter Holidays For Lawyers—Our Richest Writers—Prizes For "Bright Ideas." /FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) London, March 14 (by Air Mail). Ever since the time of Shakespeare, "the laws delays" have been a by-word. In more recent years high costs have b:en added to d.lays, so that the average
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  • 97 3 Peasants' Present To Their President. Istanbul. An island baa been given to Mustapha Kemal Pasha. President of the Turkisn Republic It 2- v 4 pre *f nt from Anatolian peasants who *ish to rhow their gratitude to him -75 Whlch is dutifully wooded, i on the
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  • 71 3 Indian Legislative Assembly Bill. Reuter Wireless. New Delhi, Mar. 24. A Bill to remove the disabilities of the de pressed classes, particularly the prohibition of their entry into Hindu temples in which the higher castes worship, was introduced intoth» Legislative Assembly to-day by Mr. Ranga Iyer. The Bill
    Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 483 3 Proceedings Of Committee Meeting. At the March meeting of the committee of the Malay States Association, held in Kuala Lumpur, Dr. D. C. Macaskill (president) was in the chair, ana there were present the following members of the committee; Mr. E. D. Shearn <Vice-Presic?nt). Mr. D. St.
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  • 195 3 People who anaemic invariably suffer from digestive weakness. Anaemia results in dysp psia because when th? blood Ls scanty and thin the tlemen s which compos: the digestive juices are lacking. In addition, the diges.ive organs themselves are weakened because a plentiful supply is necessaty to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 113 3 Be confident your breath is sweet lovely Face your friends knowing that your teeth are thoroughly clean, beautiful, and your breath is free from tainted odours. Night and morning, brush your Bad Breath teeth with Colgate's, the modern den- is oflen caused b tifnce that not only cleans teeth to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 666 3 r V"T'7~'"'" Sundays. Latest reports show that the station J jjbX V_ has well received In various parts ot > 1 MaI *ya. as well as in Sumatra, Java aud Slam. J*/^fiXV\-\\ S 1 With BOOd volun,e and Quality. l JT /jnrHVVS *S BANDOENG (P.M.Y.—58.3 metres), Bandoeng jJ Jf /v/"/|V
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  • 830 4 Shipping News Notices. BRITAIN'S POSITION ON THE SEA. Importance Of Restoring Shipping Prestige. An appeal to the country to do everything in its power to bring back British sea prestige was ma;le recently by Sir Alfred Read, at the annual meeting of King George's Fund for Sailors, held in the
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  • 492 4 But 5,000 Miles Added To Trip. Egypt and the Suez Canal Company can look alter themselves: he British Empire needs more forceful advocacy if it is to obtain a hearing but perhaps it is hoped tha. the Dutch. Italians, and Japanese will plead our cause. Shipping is
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  • 80 4 U. S. Sailors To Eat Lefts Meat. More fruit, vegetable:- and milk and less meat and bread for sailors in the United Btates Navy has been approved by the Naval Committee of the IlOUse of Representative.^. The Committee favoured a Bill t<> make these changes in the
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  • 185 4 New Vehicle Propelled By Rolling. Palermo. An attempt is to be made to cross the Atlantic from Genoa to New York by two Italians in a barrel-like vehicle propelled solely by rolling. The vessel, which is called a "giroboat." is a klnc; of buoy. In the shape of
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  • 251 4 First British Prosecution Under New Act. A shipping ca'e. said to be the first und r tho new Act which brings international ships into line with Bri.ish ships regarding the load inc. was heard at Newcastle Police Court, on Mai 1, v hen Samuel Anderson Frldbold mast.i of
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  • 1199 4 A Reply To British Speeches. The Journal of Commerce hart received from the American SUam hip Owjir.a' Asscciation a s.atement issued by Mr. R. J. Baker, th: tecretary and triasurer. reply to the sp.eches made by Mr. Walter Ruftciman, P..evident of th; Board of Trade, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 411 4 BTĔAAIEB SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR lines. <Incorporated In England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. I.AR AND ORIENTAL STEAM ViOATION CO.. LONDON and PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE Ond r Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM lONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnagt. Singapore. 1933. adan 6,800 Apr. 12
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    • 196 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LFNIE Deutsch Australische Dampfschlffs Ikjj Geseilschaft (Companies Incorporated In Germany). OUTWARDS. HONOKONO. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. s.s. SCHEER, direct Japan port.; Apr 4 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Apr. 4 t m.s. SAUERLAND. via Manila Apr. 18 s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila May 4 t m.s. LEVERKUSEN. via
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    • 166 4 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG Bah* LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING. CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE BOAD. BOARD OF DntECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng. Esq.,
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    • 81 4 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed P.?H Pltal r, ".OnO.OOO Pdid-up-Capital £1,000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 50 0,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bembay. Calcutta. Colombo. Karachi. Madias Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra. Kirkuli Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS cpened and interest allowed
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    • 571 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 ~a iiJurVd NORDDECTSt, HER LLOYD, (Incorporated la Germany). The undcrnoted are the Company's Intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1933. 9 "ALLER" lor Manila, Japan and Hankow Apr. 8 "TRAVE" for Hongkong, Shanghai, Taku, Dairen, Tsingtao and Japan A P r I t HOLSTEIN for Japan Apr. 26 "TRIER" for
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  • 482 5 apore, Monday, 11 a.m. f mint tin »a»fs quotation* are issued i ras and Co., exchange and stock brokers.— Buyers. Baftsnm n* \uu KUBabaag Tin 233 24|3 li' Austral Italaf 18'- 20,- norn ilitam Tin 10 G 113 Bangrta Tta 10 6 lie <j BaangPadaoa
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  • 179 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. BIG INCREASE IN SHIPMENTS. Figure Up 4,495 Tons. (By Our Financial Correspondent./ Singapore. Monday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Kubber (R.S.S. Singapore) 6'/h cts., unchanged. Tin (Singapore), $78*4. Saturday's Prices:— London Rubber 2 3;32d., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. New York Rubber. 2 15 16 cts., unchanged.
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  • 234 5 $1,642 Profit For The Year. The annual meeting of Hay tor Rubber Estates Ltd., will be held at the French Bank Buildings. Singapore, on Saturday. April 8. In the report of the directors it is stated that the net profit for the year after deducting directors' fees of
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  • 52 5 Mr. Matsuoka's Conversations In U.S. Reuter. Washington. April 2. "We have arranged to improve the price of silver." said Mr. Matsuoka. laughingly, following a two-hour conversation wi h Senator Pittman. Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Mr. Pittman said that the conversa'ion rambled all over the Orien
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 62 5 During the week ending march 25. exports frcm Malayan ports amounted to 22.357 eases, of which 16.899 cases were to the United Kingdom. 1.440 cas:s to the Continent cf El rope 2.805 cases to Canada and 1.213 cases elsewhere. Total exoorts for the period. Jan 1 to March
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  • 138 5 A Loss Of $2,700 Last Year. l Ro.nd, Malacca P at 4 I that after chanrine Ji lrect rs re P Qr t shows fv, cnar ln 8 all expenditure to rov«iii« i e years working resulted in a loss of $2 700 27' n Lm U t
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  • 43 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 2 3 32d. New York: 2 15 16 ccr.ts Singapore: 6 1 16—6' s cents. TIN. London Spot: £151 2 S 6d. (Unchanged) London 3 months: £152 (Unchanged, Singapore: $78.25. COPRA. 2-5« S3 95 MiXCd $3.60
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  • 40 5 In- decrease of 1.776 ton. to 5*374 tons in tte total visible supplies of tin. disclosed bathe February statistics, h the second lareen: irZTn re H rded SinCe the tin trie.i n scheme was adopted two years ago
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  • 44 5 Messrs. Povell and Co., Ltd. are to seil by w, are 10 sell cy t ctlcn to-morrow the residential bui'.ding wi h attentive -rcunds .about 41.S68 square fect» known as 107A. Sophia Road, with a frontage C« Edinburgh Road and Government Hcu e rounds.
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  • 790 5 Maynard Co., Ltd. TRADING LOSS OF $38,990. The annual general meeting of Maynard and Co., Ltd was held in the office oi Ur Bjcrea"ch«He^ S HaiTir3m Barker and Co.. Ltd., Charterp d Bank Chambers on Saturday at noon with Mr. c a. Brown in the chair The
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  • 213 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, April 3. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 327 32d London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 13 16d., London 60 days* sight 2s. 3 25 32d.. London 30 days' sight 3s. 311 d.. London demand 2s. 323 32d. London T.T. 2s. 3
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  • 658 5 Singapore. Monday, 11 am. The following rubber snare nuutauui*» arr is*ued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Ev«r *ue Value. Fra*er Lrall j Sharea. Co Kvatt I 1 Allenby $0.45 $0.55 $0 45 $0.55 1 Alor Gajah 0.25 0-5 0.25 0.55 IA. Hitam 0.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 43 5 Th MNK oQO'A Sj YEARLY INTEREST PAID, QUARTERLY A bank balance is your best friend. You can turn to it whenever you are in need of financial assistance. Build a bank balance quickly with small regular savings. TTend Office: 55, Wall Street. N.Y.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 244 6 Amu Bern {LAST NIGHT of the Famous\ British Comedy I 1 CAPITOL! J rtfrfrfrftft 00 0 0 Qlr1i*****»<H> <►<>♦■ f B lit 1 J TO-NIGHT Don't miss this last chance of seeing JACK'S the BOY" JACK HULBERT'S BIGGEST WINNER with Renee Pavlette and Svetlanova's Ballet I in New Dancing Successes.
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  • 210 7 Singapore. April 3. R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Kovan $115 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $109 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 $115 Rice. B. Siam N 2 $110 Rice, Siam "Old" per koyan No. 1 $177 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $156 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3
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  • 56 7 The TMotc Ayer Epworth League held their anniversary concert last Saturday evening at the Social Hgll of the Telok Ayer Church. A programme consisting of piano solos, songs and violin solos, together with a talk on cartooning and a sketch, "April Fools," was well executed. Mr. Lee
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  • 1068 7 Difficult Issue. AWARD TO PLAINTIFF WITH COSTS. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, delivered a long judgment on Saturday in connection with what is known as the tobacco case. The plaintiff in the action was Yu Wan Yoke and the defendants were Chu Siew Kuan and two
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  • 234 7 Farewell To Sir William Murison. two m*SSS J? rin 2 members 0{ the ST Ilff! T* Secretaries and was such an active one. SIMULTANEOUS FUNCTIONS hf 25? Unusual La Mr. ft.aunman l he energetic Cambridge hon sec had proceeded on leave a'few days before but of&l rc
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  • 232 7 Co-operative Efforts Of The People. f London, Feb. 26. Mr. Stanley Baldwin, who spoke last night at the annual meeting of the Abbey Road Building Society, held in the Queens Hall, referred to the foundation and development of building societies as among the movements which had sprung from
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  • 183 7 Why Her Romance Was Broken. Miss Leonora Brooke, eldest daughter of Sir Charles Vyner de Windt Brooke, the 'white Rajah of Sarawak, told a "Daily Mail" reporter that the belief that life in Rumania would not suit her was her reason for breaking off her engagement to
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  • 248 7 Trolley Bus Conductor's Death. "1 find tha* Lim choon Soon, an adult ■rate Hflfctaa Chinese, aged 45 years, a conductor crn ployed in the Singapore Traction Co died on the roadside in Lavender Street on March 15, death being due to shock and haemorrhage from multiple
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  • 109 7 Centenarian Dies On 100th Birthday. A centenarian has died at Marseilles on her hundredth birthday. She was Madame Pasquier, mother of M. Pierre Pasquier. Governor General of Indochina Until quite recently. Mme. Pasquier was very alert and enjoyed taking walks, through the city. Her family had planned to
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  • 100 7 Telephone Girls As Moral Censors. Comp.aints ihat telephone girls were listen-ing-in to private conversations and acting as unofficial "censors" were made during a sitting of the Financial Sub-Committee of the Aus.rian Parliament. One Deputy qucted a case of a subscriber who complained of interruption and was
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  • 146 7 Cameras Five Miles Below The Sea. Pictures of secrets wluch the Atlantic Ocean holds five miles below its surface will be sought in the Puerto Rico deeps by a party of scientists who have sailed fiom Miami abroad the yacht "Caroline." The ocean area which the party will
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  • 166 7 Higher Duties On Commodities Proposed. j 1 Wellington (N. Z.). A proposal for an additional tax of threepence a gallon on petrol, making a total tax of eleven pence plus primage, is included in customs resolutions introduced to-day into the House of Representatives by the Hon. J.
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  • 413 7 Bail Of $5,000. REMANDED FOR INQUIRIES. A sensation was caused in the Police Courts this morning when the news spread that Harold Vincent Perreau had been re-arrested in connection with the death of Piah alias Puteh the Chinese Mohamedan woman who was found dead in her house
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  • 200 7 £2 A Month Pocket Money For AI Capone. "Scarface" A1 Capone. now in Atlanta Penitentiary for evading income tax payments oa rJs gangland millions, now has a monthly allowance of £2. Inroad cf shoes costing £5 a pair, Capone now wears the regulation prison boot. Tailormade suits and
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  • 115 7 Moscow's New Institute Of Literature. Moscow. nf^, 1 1 16 f Literat r e bearing the name ThP h, rki 18 ab Ut to bs OP"*! here The Institute will constitute a literary edu--22?.. raBelirc n controlled by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the
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  • 26 7 SHIPPING NEWS. On arrival of the 'Singkawang" this morain* from Pontianak. it was rented that a Chined deck passenger had been missing since sX
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 68 7 j I Assets exceed $12,000,000. The Great EasteraLife I (incorporated 1» uj« Bt»iti J mMWWMB HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life BuHdto.. Oecll Street, Singapore SetUsmentf). The Company to* £20.000 deposed with the Supreme Court of England and compile, wit* the Brit*, v, *<* J ATTRACTIVE PLANS OP ASSURANCE. H! 0
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 68 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Las* Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor 92 Nil 6.9 72 Sit ia wan 88 0.51 4.2 73 K. Trengganu 84 Nil 3.1 73 Bukit Jeram 87 0.44 5.3 71 Malacca 82
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  • 85 8 DE .SOUZA—On Sunday, April 2. 1933, Alfred iFiedo). at the General Hospital. The cortege will leave the residence. No. 6, Tesscnschn R:ad. a. 430 pm. to-day. for the. Church of G<H)d Shepherd and thence to Eidadari Cemetery for interment. Mrc. Tan 800 I-at <Nee Ong Bhoon Neo).
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  • 1049 8 We are inclined to support the contention raised at the Municipal Commissioners' meeting last Friday that the old racecourse is not the most desirable location for an aquarium, and for two reasons. One is that every inch of this valuable open space should be reserved for recreation purposes.
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  • 247 8 Lavish Ceremonial In j Rome. Vatican City, April 1. The solemn opening of Holy Year commemorating the crucifixion, was carriedout by .he Pope in an atmosphere of mediaeval splendour, surrounded by Cardinals, and Ambassadors and Minis ers accredited to his Court. striking three times with
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  • 76 8 Progress Of French Airwoman. Reuter. Brindisi, April 2. The French airwoman. Maryse Hilz, who left Paris on April I in an attempt to fly her 300 h p. Farman Gnome to Japan, via India, Hanoi and Shanghai, arrived here on the evening of April 1. She hopped
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 35 8 Reuter. New York. April 2. l-'i h nk Theodore «Hulswit, President of the American Commonwealth Power Corporation. hM rlird ten hours after falling from the fifth Pn-.i nf an hotel in Broadway.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 32 8 From China and Japan by the "Terukuni Maru," due at Singapore at. 11 a.m. to-morrow From China and Japan by the "Raneoon Mam." due at Singapore daylieht. I n Wednesday
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  • 201 8 Dr K Ando has removed from 147 to 171. Middle Road. The death occurred suddenly on Thursday NBt at Sungei Lembing. Kuantan, of Mr R'mialdo Pereira. senior dresser of the Pahanc Consolidated Co.. Ltd. He was 54 years of age. BBd leaves a widow and five children. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 468 8 (BY "LOOKER-ON.") Hammond's New Zealand Test average is likely to stand as a record for a long time—227 and 33G not out —average 563. His Australian Test figures were: 112, 8, 23, 2, 85, 20, 14, 101 and 75 not cut—total 440, average 55. A The Singapore
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  • 30 8 Information has been recieved to the effect that Mr. M. N. Mtnon has passed the Intermediate Examination' of the Corporation of Accountants. Glasgow, held at this centrr curing December last.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 "ROBINSON'S" Jp Special Offer Wfir OF GLASSWARE '4;-" Bottom i Jjy Strong Prices pi Quality I 1 I A Splendid Opportunity That Should Not Be IV/fsscd ml Tumblers Price $1.75 dz. Sherry Glasses Price $2.95 dz. Tumblers 2.35 Claret Glasses 3.40 ml Tumbler* 3.95 Champagne Glasses 4.50 Glasses 2.95 Ice
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    • 31 8 634 l! OUR PRICES—RETAIL OR WHOLESALE— j identically the same as tho c charged by T.K.K.S SALE DEPOTS. I! TENG SENG GUAM. 634. North Bridge Road, I <i Established 1905. j
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 219 8 DIARY OF EVENTS. Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, APRIL 3. High Tides.—2.33 a.m., 4.45 p.m. Meeting, Singapore Co-cpcratlve Union, Fullerton Building. Extraordinary general meeting, Ceylon Tamils' Association, C. T.A. Hall. 5.30 p.m. General Meeting, Child Welfare Society, Government House, 5.30 p.m. Commercial Cup Football: Monopolies v. N.B, Geylang, M.P.H.
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  • 967 9 REFUGEES CROWDING TRAINS TO PEIPING. Japanese Marines Landed. Positions Change Hands Several Times. Chinese cables report that Luanchow was heavily shelled during the week-end, whilst the Japanese offensive has continued vigorously in that district. Refugees are crowding the trains for Peiping. Japanese
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  • 75 9 Inwrovcment On Italian Plan? Reuter. Paris. April 2. 1 JV he Britisn lan amendWacDonaid o by Slg M usso«ni to Mr. fof iauned > c h understood to have (*ttfcfa te nanded by Lord Tyrrell ££ST" t0 Paris > to M. Paul ac »-lour-p,, u„ newspapers, an
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 74 9 ,r uosome Discovery On Railway Line. ur °wn Correspondent.) Alio h»> r Ipoh, April 3. 0n rai l ated has been found has C north ot Taiping I-sub-*arcl,r a ?th ed that f Pakar Singh, t' gao1 Cov ered Y hat the htad was dis ere a »»o
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  • 77 9 Searching For Kidnapped Britishers. Reuter. Newchwang, April 2. As all attempts to locate the kidnappers have failed, the local authorities anticipate that nothing will be heard till a ransom is demanded. A Japanese destroyer has arrived from Port Arthur and is co-operating with H.M.S. "Cornflower," while armed guards
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 30 9 Reuter. Dublin. April l. Negotia ions for the settlement of the Irish rail strike have broken down completely on the question of the reinstatement of the strikers.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 27 9 Reuter. New York, April l. The deathroll in the recent tornado is at least 60, mostly in the Mississippi region Hundreds of people are injured.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 377 9 Assembly Dissolved. ROYAL DECREE IN SIAM. Reuter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) j Bangkok, April 2. A Royal Decree issued yesterday slates; "The present Peoples' Assembly cannot properly carry on its public functions and is a menace to the safety of the State and the Welfare of
    Reuter.  -  377 words
  • 304 9 Nazi Pickets Outside Shops. Reuter. Berlin, April 1. The suspension of the boycott is regarded by disinterested people here as a recognition *L« n s™™™ which would follow and this viewpoint is urged by Na.i members of the Cabinet Many people consider that the whole comoaUr. not
    Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 100 9 Memorial Services At Canton And Nanking. Hongkong, March 30. Ten thousand people, including officials and civilians, led by Mr." Lin Wan Kai. Chairman of the Kwangtung Provincial Government Mayor Liv Chi Wen and Mr. Tsui t hou o worshipped at the tombs of the "Seventy-two Martyrs" of the
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  • 19 9 Reuter. President Hindenburg 'the appointment of Dr. Luther as AmbSSador to the United States.— Reuter. 1 w
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 397 9 Reuter. REFORMER OF INDIA CONSTITUTION. Banned Meeting. Congress Resolutions Taken As Read. Lord Ch<'mvford, whose new constitution for India, framed whilst he was Vicqroy from 1916 to 1921, is now to be ampihed, is dead. Trouble occurred in Calcutta where, after the Congress sescion had been
    Reuter.  -  397 words
  • 219 9 Formally Charged In Soviet Court. Reuter. London. April 2. Sir Esmond Ovey (British Ambassador to Moscow) arrived in London from Moscow this morning. He was met at Liverpool Stree' Station by a special Foreign Office messenger, who handed him a large scaled envelope and other documents. Sir Esmond
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 89 9 Accused's Mother Member Of C.E.C. Shanghai, April 1. After the failure of her lawyer, Mr. Wu Kai Shing, to secure the release of her son, Liao Chen Chi, Madam Hoh Siang Ying is personally going to the Police Department for the purpose. —"Sin Chew Jit' Poh." [Madam Hoh
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  • 25 9 The annual general meeting of the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association will be held to-morrow :it the St .Joseph's InstiruMrm nt 5 30 p.m. j
    25 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 404 9 PHOSr» ASSISTS ATHLETE S SUCCESSES Winn of 72 weight-lifting Matches and Tournaments an sf d r Ur,n the past years, my lengthy experiences in active athletics fts ineZ 9 a L C n r S haVe Pr me that Purine, apart ftom SsoTde ™t of 1? 2? Indi esti n
      404 words

  • 2154 10 S.A.F.A. LEAGUE, DIV. 1. MALAYS BEAT THE CHINESE. Thrilling Finish. Seven Goals At Jalan Besar. (BY 'FULL-BACK." It ha:; often been remarked that the Malay:, lely on th same players in all important League and Cu;> matches, and that they would
    2,154 words
  • 68 10 PRINCIPAL CLUB MATCHES. Old Merchant Tailors Trounced. Reuter. London, April 1. To-day's principal Club matches resulted as follows: Bath 22 United Services 5 Birkenhead Park 11 Leichester 18 Coventry 9 Bristol 6 Harlequins 21 Gloucester 28 London Scottish 16 Old Blues 16 Newport 0 Blackhealth 5 Northampton 14
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 225 10 £22,723 Paid Out In Grants And Pensions. London. Feb. 26. Mr. J. L. Garvin, presiding yesterday at the annual meeting of the Newspaper Press Fund at the offices in G&rrick Street, said that the strain on the fund was unexampied in this time of depression, and its
    225 words
  • 98 10 SOUTH AMERICAN CLASSIC. The Aqua Caliente Handicap. Reuter. Aqua Caliente, April 3. The Aqua Caliente handicap (l 1 miles), valued at $50.000 (gold), was run t>-day and insulted as follow 1. GALLANI SIR. 2. WAYLAYER. 3. LEMON HILLS. Gallant Sir, who HI favourite at 3 to 4. cam'
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 30 10 The Royal Engineers Rifle Association Corps Shield, open to all Royal Engineer Units abroad, was won by the 41st (Fortress) Company. RE Singapore, for the year 1932.
    30 words
  • 96 10 Alhambra—"Second Hand WifV," featuring Sally EHers and Ralph Bellamy. Capitol.—Stage ar.d screen programm: ("Jack's the Bey"). Great World.—Side shows, pasar malam. Malay opera. Chines? wayangs, silent and talking films ("Such Men are Dang?rous" and at Star Talkie: "Paramount on Parade"). Marlborough.—Richard Talmadgc in "Get That Girl." New
    96 words
  • 446 10 Tenth Time In Succession. CAMBRIDGE WIN AGAIN. Londcn, April I. Cambridge University won the par- to-day by 2', lengths in 20 minutes and 57 T rracc, which is held from Putney to Mcrtlakc is ever a course cf *tf hrld e It was the 85th of UK series. Cambridge
    446 words
  • 305 10 Saturday's Annual Handicap Competition. The eighth annual handicap swimming carnival of the Young Men's Christian Associaion was held at the Association's pool .at Fort Canning on Saturday at 4.30 p.m. The results were as follows: Event 1. Junior 40 yds. back stroke handicap final: Chia Boon Whee,
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  • 129 10 At the annual general meeting of the Wales Ministrels. held on March 24 at the President's. Mr. Chua Sv.a Chwee'st residence, 19, Seah EUraet, the following were elected office-bearers for the current year:—Patron, Mr. Koh Peng Chiang; President. Mr. Chua Swa Chwee: Vice-Presidents. Messrs. Yeo Wah Hin, Lim Bah Kow,
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  • 317 10 GREATEST INDIAN PLAYER. Death Of "Jlanji." MADE HISTORY IN TESTS. Reuter. New Delhi. April 2. Ranjitsinjhi died this mcrning In Jamnagaifrom heart failure. —Reuter. Lt.-Col. H. H. Shri Sir Ranjitsinjhi VibhajL, Maharaja Jamsaheb of Nawanagar, G.CSI., G.8.E., X.C.S.I. celebrated his 60th birthday on Sep. 10, J932. He was the
    Reuter.  -  317 words
  • 109 10 TEST MATCH ABANDONED. Reuter. Auckland, April 3. Continuous rain this morning caused the abandonment of the Second Test between England and New Zealand, which was commented on Friday. The England team sail for "Home by the "Aorangi" to-morrow.— Reuter. The First Test was also abandoned, when a dust-storm
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 202 10 0 Princess Helen Gets Her Own Way. London Prince Michael, thj 11-year old son of K; Curol of Rumania and Princess HeW:, former wife, is to be educated it- England .> all. Inquiries are now being maae here < ceming a suitable preparatory school for tnr This decision
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 147 11 Tom Walls At The Pavilion. "Canaries Sometimes Sing," which was shown to crowded houses ah the Capitol recen. ly, is new being screened at the Pavilion, many p oplc taking advantage of this short re urn t.ason. which b;gan on Saturday night, to see ence again this
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  • 171 11 Jack Hulb?rt, the popular B:ii-h comedian, again ccnvuLses audiences in "Jack's th? Boy," Ahich is now showing at the Capitcl after making its debuft to Singapore audiences at the Pavilion recently. This film, which includs in the cast Cicely Ccur.neidge, tlx? famous comedienne, has
    171 words
  • 189 11 The Alhambra maintains it* run of highclass productions with the Fox film "SecondHand Wife." a blight production with Ralph Bellamy. Sally Eilers and Hthn Vinson, a newcomer to the scre.n. in the principal roles. Sally Eilers needs no more introduction to Singapore audiences than does Ralph
    189 words
  • 121 11 hive s*l! V** sho r-iytholocv a on anc e lore or to'bV tS fl--- n M ?S f modern lif e- said deakwith l n H In d an fi2mdomof ?he wr e of" 2?T a d drinks and audile i JStJ, husba nd
    121 words
  • 54 11 Serious Charge Against Chinese. Appearing on behalf of Goh Huan Lian* a S^aTV"* 8 merchant Change Alley took: fire early on Friday moving I F. F. Gregg) on Saturday. His client question had been insured for iiinnn *J5 "S2 «»ttta ball be at $Iso1 o 0 ponS
    54 words
  • 822 11 New Swimming Pool. ANNUAL MEETING OF S.S.C» Sw^mmhTo, 1 P nCral mcc in 8 of the Singapore 8 m U T WaS ld Jf*2£Z a t tnl Club was a L*2r\Zl H DmmSt Presided and there TjLLE! attendance of members. ac£unTVV dopUon f the and repor.
    822 words
  • 86 11 SHIPB ALONGSIDE THS WHARVES. Singapore, April 3. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Ada master 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 8). Klang 11; Kajang 9; Kuala 8; Elpenor 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate I) Lossiebank 32. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4) Silverteak 48. West Wharf (Entrance Oate 4) Automedon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 155 11 I 7.15 To-Night 0.30 j Robert Montgomery IN SHIPMATE 1 [marine INSURANCE I I GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD I (j EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED (j ai! LOW RATES I For quotations for aIL transit risks by Road, Rail or Water j) Apply to:— yj SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. I General
      155 words
    • 126 11 ij I Carborundum And Aloxife Is I The Hardest Abrasive Made I WbL All Carborundum products are backed by the Carborundum I Wm Guarantee. The genuine products contain the Seal bearing I l 8» the Indian Head Trade Mark, by which these superior Wk j I \mSk abrasive products are
      126 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 90 11 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. APRIL 4 Singkawang, Pemangkat and Sambas «siar» i. t (Tomohon) 11 a.m. S a S an and Rengat (Hon noon £2*s£Ss. (Ban sion ■»> 1 pa Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis. Siak. Pakan Baroe. Port de Kock and Padang I Cci f D mm 'Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. Sefct
      90 words
    • 141 11 connection with Singapore Schools Mardarir speech competition. Kheh Community Guild Pec* Siak Street. Assemble, Mr. Lcm Kai Cheongs residence. 14. Jiak.Chuan Road, 6 30 P.m. Dress white with black bow and party badge J SUNDAY, APRIL 9. Telok Ayer Epworth League: Union devotion I meeting, Straits Chinese Church, Kampon* I
      141 words
    • 506 11 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in S.ngapore. most of the members of which ar> readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invitea to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will st.ll be included in the
      506 words

  • 679 12 Pretty, Ballet At Victoria m y' Theatre. Singapore has demons'.rated mor than o::c;--that It houses amateur theatrical and dancing talent to be proud of, and the show which was prt ented at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday by local children and girls, in th. intc:ests of
    679 words
  • 61 12 Turkish women are learning to fly. Two Istanbul girls are now taking lessons at the aviation school run by Vedjihi Bey. Civil aviation is in its infancy in Turkey but now that the Government shows signs of encou agiDfl m n an: women to cwn aeroplanes it
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  • 208 12 Sports Pastimes. CRICKET. WEEK-END MATCHES. Raffles Institution Beat S.C.C Raffles Insti ution defeated an S.C.C. XI on .he Padang on Saturday by five wickets. Scores: S.C.C. E. J. Riches b Balberg 4 C G. Windle c Nagasvaran b Ally 33 S. Ponsford b Thilianathan 7 D. C. Bum b Ally
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  • 207 12 The S.R.C. beat the Ceylon Sports Club or, the C.S.C. ground at Balestier Road en Saturday by 17 runs. Scores: S.R.C D. d'Cctta c Muthucumaru b Jansen 3; C. Mosbergen run out 9: H. N. RalhetchU b Jansen 0: T. Leijssius c and b Jansen 45;
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  • 219 12 S JccpKs beat the i on Saturday n the N.C.C. ground by 95 runs. Score ST. JOSEPH'S: H. Boon ft. Pennefathcr fc P reira 67: T. A. Cordeiro c P:nnefa her Pereira 8: G. Fernandez b de Silva 60; E. I/ Merci i c Forbes b
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  • 80 12 United Services (Officers) v. Etceteras in th: tournament game at the S.C.C. Padang. on April 9, commencing at 10.30 a.m.: Major C. J. K. Hill (R.A.P.C.), Pit. Lieut. Crcome (RA.F.). Capt. H. B. Rose (Wilts). Capt. L. H. Eearne (Wilts). Lieut. N. C. Phillips <R.A.> Lieut. G. H.
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  • 177 12 The S.C.C. beat team frcm Fort Canning en the Pi dang on Sunday by six wickets and 23 runs. Scores: FORT CANNING: Bruilt c Glasg w b Jeans 11. Baker b Cranford 7. Worshell b Cranford 0 Billing ley b Walling 20, Burrage c Gibson b
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  • 213 12 St. Joseph's Institution beat an S.R.C. XI by 45 runs on the S.R.C. ground on Sunday Scores: S.J.I H. Boon c and b .G. Vaiberg 26, T. Cordeiro c Colhck b d'Almeida 0. G. Fernandez, lbw. b d Almeida 3. E. Le Mercifr b Eber 1.
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  • 158 12 (From Our Own Correspondent\) Malacca, April 2. St. Francis' Institution bca St. Paul's Ins'itution Seremban on Saturday by an innings and 65 runs. Scores: S. F. I.: 99 (Toledo 51. S. d*Crus 4 for 31, Edward 4 for 36). S. P. I.: 14 (C. Rodrigues 4 for 6.
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  • 209 12 Lord Hawke has criticised Hobbs for his reference to Sutcliffe's slowness in the first Test. "I wonder why Lord Hawke so often attacks me?" asks Hobbs. "Almost every year he has a go. Surely Lord Hawke cannot seriously mean I should apologise to Yorkshire. Isnt his
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  • 238 12 SCOTLAND BEAT ENGLAND. But Wales Win Championship. Reuter. London, April, 1. At Hampden Park to-day in the interna tie nal final, in ideal weather and before a record crowd of over 130,000 pcop'fc, Scotland beat England 2-1. Wales win the championship.—Reuter. On Thursday (Public holiday), the Clerical Union
    Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 23 12 IRELAND BEAT ENGLAND. International Championship Final. Reuter. At Beckenham to-day. Ireland but England by 2-1 and tnus won :hc International championship —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 184 12 SATURDAY'S INTERNATIONAL. Scotland Win Championship. Dublin. April 1. Fine weather and a crowd of 40,000 favoured the Rugby International match between Ireland and Scotland played to-day. After a thrilling game Scotland won by 8 points to 6 points, thus becoming international champions. It was a hard and determined
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  • 657 12 French Clubs And Rough Play. London, Mar. 16. One- again tha French Rugby authorities have demonstrated .heir desire to stamp out unsportsmanlike conduct on iho field of play. Dra .tic action was taken at a plenary session cf the Disciplinary Commission of the French Rugby Federa
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  • 169 12 S.G.C. APRIL MEDAL. The S.G.C. April medal competition, playcl at Bukit Timah on Saturday and Sunday resul*«d in a win for S. J Beattie (75—7—68) in "A" division and for A. E G. Blades (90— 20—70» in "B" division. The Spring Cup was won by S. J. Beattie. GUILLEMAF.D
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  • 184 12 Philippine Trade Commission Arrives. Hongkong, April 1. The Philippines Trade Commission arrived at Hongkong yesterday mevning. They attended the entertainment given in their honour by the Chamber of Commerce, and left for Shanghai in the evening.—"Sin ChewJit Poh." [The Mission left Manila on March 29 by the "President
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 143 12 UPWARD /W apologies to the Sergt-Major FRASER NEAVEL PQODUCfQS Of PUQITY /At MISII\| WAltf* STANLEY GIBBON'S STAMP ALBUMS, ETC I THE OLYMPIC STAMP ALBUM. Spaces for over 4,000 Uamps $0 90 THE IMPROVED ALBUM No. 1001 5,000 stamps 120 THE IMPROVED ALBUM No. 2144 5,500 180 jj THE STRAND ALBUM
      143 words
    • 79 12 I For MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. with V j Maximum Simplicity I The new NAGEL VOLLENDA I cameras are designed for rapidity in use and simplicity of handling. A special feature enables you to include i yoursjf in the picture. Ro'l film j models can be obtainrd in the usual popular sices.
      79 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 213 12 THE SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY. APRIL 3. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. Fortress Coy., Malay Section —Drill. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "B" Coy., 30 Yards 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "C" (Scottish; Coj Company Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Depot Ccy., riifk--Initial Lesson. TO-MORROW, APRIL 4. 5.15 p.m.-Headquarters, "A" (M.G) Coy., la. No. 3, and Revision.
      213 words

  • 555 13 One Year Of Puppet Government. i By Our Chinese Correspondent.) i ha* lived lor one year. Elarfal ceremonies and fu.iction',f'b':;,- ivcrsary have come to an k consolidation goes on. cn Tn have naturally been proud ol placing the "puppet* feet. The majority of the 8 though,
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  • 225 13 Salvation Army For Devil's Island. Paris. The flag of the Salvation Army will shortly float over Devil's island V For years Commissioner Peyron, head of •he Salvation Army in France. Ls been anxU ous to establish seme permanent Una of icfugc for convicts on the French nenal
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  • 129 13 Boy Killed By His Own Invention. I I Belgrade A schoolboy at Ljig, named Milorad Simitch, aged 16. invented a gun MUO He made the barrel from half of the barrel l an *u°n ld Turkist musk «t. The macnTnery o the gun was made from pieces
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  • 117 13 Senorita's Voice Is Not Liked Madrid. The Spanish Government has granted a film expert £275 to cover his expenses of inspecting Hollywood studios. This is cne more move in Spain's bid to Place herself in the foremost rank cf film producing countries. The outcome of the expert
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  • 98 13 Sentence On Princess Commuted. Paris. The appeal court of Aix cn Provence has commuted the sentence of eight months'imprisonment without benefit of the First Offenders" Act and a fine 1.000 francs in default passed on Princess Hohenlohe (nee Luigina Pasquero). The Princcss was found guilty of issuing a
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  • 99 13 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. [Our readers are invited to write to us on subject* of public interest it i stood that the "Malaya Tribune" docs not necessarily endorse opinion,, m "l e under pondenf.. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably tl spacing), and on one
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  • 58 13 (To the Editor, ''Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Will you or any readers of your valuable paper kindly let me know how to cure constipation, or kindly recommend me to anyone who is able to cure it. Yours, etc., "SUFFERER." Singapore. March 31. rif familiar home remedies prove unavailing, there is
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  • 100 13 {To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Will you kindly permit me space in your esteemed journal to make suggestions to the Police authorities? It is indeed a pity that they are still shutting their eyes to the rteed for public lamp posts at Yeo Chu Kang I
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  • 106 13 (To the Editor. "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—The announcement cf the report of the Committee of Nineteen of the League of Nations regarding the Manchuria affairs between China and Japan is a very logical one. but unfortunate ly the strength of the League cf Nations is not sufficient
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  • 520 13 (To the Editor. Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Having noted Mr. S. D. Raymans letter on the above subject in your issue of the 29th inst.. I hope that you will kindly permit me just a little space to submit mv opinion on the same. I understand from Mr. Rayman s letter
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  • 242 13 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."; Sir,—My attention has been drawn tn thletter of "Axed" under the aboTe canMnr appearing in your Issue of the 27th inst P The writer of the letter suggests that wom»r. and girfc be not engaged while men arguable and asks what the Clerical Union
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  • 285 13 (To the Editor, -Malaya Tribune."} ,h« k~? ICV:ng lhat your P o Pular paper is h i mediUm throu h to get in ouch with our Straits-born Chinese, f yen ture to ask your favour kindly to give publicity to the following announcement revalafwhi thr
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  • 104 13 Jubilees For The Unemployed. n Cologne The t-nth annlvfrsary of their discharge from work has just been celebrated by 30 skilled mechanics. They left an optical in trument factory at casscl at that time and not one cf them has smcc found work. The principal it?m in
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  • 73 13 BLACK SOAP TOWELS. The Modern Mode In Bathrooms. Reuter. Hollywood (California). Black is the new colour for bathrooms, according to interior decorating artists her*. They declare that the new mode calls for: Black bathtubs, inside and out, blackgrained marble walls, black soap, and black towels. This new decorative scheme was
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 463 13 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, March 31. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kpti 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati Perk, lean, kati JJ Pork, lean and fat Ust quality), kati 36 Mutton. Australian, lb Fowl, kati 2 Hens (locally reared), kati ai Ducks, each Pigeon, domestic unfledged pair 80
    463 words
  • 320 13 Chinese Children Perish In Flames. San Pablo, March 20. The live.; of four children. 15 stores, and PIOO.OOO worth of property were the toli collected by a devastating three-hour fire that swept San Pablo's downtown section starting at three o'clock this morning. 1 ie four children burned to
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  • 95 13 Gourmet Wins Bet Of £2. Belgrade. Antony Militchitch began an "eating race" with a friend in Zhupanija. This is what he ate:— A whole turkey. 10 bread buns. 10 Pork Chops. 50 small sausages. 10 skewerfuls of veal roasted over charcoal. 5 apple dumplings. He wasl-ed this down
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 122 13 i TRAVEL BY I o other means oi conveyance can offer you T an unique opportunity to admire and realise the I t s oi you »v isi« to so t woroughly and in such a short time. T j SIXGAPORE— PALEMBANG—BA T A VI A, J 1, EVERY WEDNESDAY.
      122 words
    • 29 13 (airship I BRAND FINEST CONDENSED MILK j TRY A TIN AND BE CONVINCED J I j Sole Distributors: S. A. ALLAPITCHAY Co. 147-149, Beach Road, SINGAPORE. Tel. No. 2882.
      29 words

  • 1024 14 A Good Year. PROFIT OF $10,000 REPORTED. A satisfactory year's working was reported at the annual meeting of the Tapah Rubber Estates, Ltd.. held on Friday. Mr. W. H. Macgregor (chairman) presided, and also present were Mr. J. L Dawson and Mr. J. A. Clarke. The chairman
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  • 381 14 Conference On Social Problems. Extreme cordiality and an earnest desire to appreciate each other's viewpoints and difficulties are said to have marked the proceedings cf the conference between British and Indian students held in London under the auspices cf the National Union of Students to discuss
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  • 319 14 Passing Into The Ownership Of Chettiars. The following interpellations were recently answered in the Burma Legislative Council: U Thin Maung (Hanthawaddy West): Is Government aware that a large proportion of agricultural land has already passed into the nands of the Chettiars? The Hon. the Finance Member: The
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  • 121 14 English Lady's Experience On The Riviera. Nice. The theft of a sum of money and a number of jewels is reported by an Englishwoman residing here, Mrs. Norman Rose. On returning late in the evening to her villa at Antibes after dining at the Cannes Casino.
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  • 78 14 NO TIE Why A Prisoner Was Discharged. New York. "Do you identify this man positively as the one who shot you?" the Magistrate asked the witness in a recent case here. "Yes," said the witness, who had preferred a charge of felonious assault against the prisoner. "Look at him carefully,"
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  • 1171 14 Girl Guides' Report For 1932. I Chief Commissioner Jean Cavendish, In her annual report for 1932, says: I Guiding in Malaya in spite of the slump and lack of Commissioners and Guiders, has made most marked progress. Our numbers have not only increased; but also our keenness
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  • 953 14 F.M.S. Customs Policy. (DAMAGE TO COLONY'S TRADE. I Recently (says the "Times of Malaya" a editorial) at least three newspapeis t V e Malayan Press, including this jcun a r criticised the Government for its jy., rf drift during the present Slump, point, that there has not
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 624 14 ~Vx JOHNSON OUTBOARD 4 V Unrivalled UATAnC Vneaualled N V t Jh v in Speed. IfIUIVII£3 In Performance JOHNSON SKA-HORSE. THE (;REATEST MARINE ll lIK\ ELOPMENT OF !HE AGE. JP jr THE BORNEO CO., LTD. I% 8 In all tnat P p rtains to outboard motoring the \JBiI <Lrzf J6
      624 words

  • 1143 15 Rubber Restriction. DI TCH changing their views. Our Own Correspondent.) I'-ndon. March 15 (by Air Mail.) ir! And how! We had a ft at tile beginning C f the i- we arc making up for this :i is shining, and "coats off' day. How long will it
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  • 1824 15 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. THE ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LEAGUES. SATURDAY'S RESULTS. MAGPIES MOVE INTO THE THIRD POSITION. Aston Villa were well beaten at Highbury on Saturday in the First Division of the English League, incidentally giving the Arsenal more than the number of goals they required to register their century
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  • 79 15 Mohammedan Priest Fined. Belgrade, Feb. 21. A Mohammedan priest has been charged before the court at Bihatch in Bosnia with selling quack remedies. His method of diagnosis is to drop melted lead into cold water and to take the shape taken by the lead as an indication of
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  • 647 15 HAMMOND MAKES HISTORY. Highest Test Score. 563 RUNS IN TWO KNOCKS. I W. R. Hammond, the Gloucestershire professional, who ca:ri d everything before him m Australia in the 1928-9. seriis, when he sccr:d 905 in ihe five Te<ts, but was ever shadowed by Bradman in the following Tests In
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 131 15 1 AIT OF DRESSMAKING MADE EASY IF i*doth lear h W t0 plan and make smart becom■M < CS t0 cvt fit > and finish them with the ease and I I HUN S INSTITUTE OF DOMESTIC AHTS jLfg., 114 A. Robinson Road, Singapore. Cl IR C 7 I T
      131 words
    • 103 15 I thFpriceZ^ V V yf DOES NOT MATTER I V the ■PSS*? of ihc lai «P is what matters! Does the lamp eat the current or save it? Does it waste or save your money? For a PHILIP lamp efficiency comes first which means: the lamp costs a few cents
      103 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 292 16 /Clock/ or Wal'che/ Call On U/ E>efore Going El/ewherr Prkfi Moclei'al'c YfCKWOH HSNCr 429.NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, (Near Middle Rd.) Contractor fir ftrpa/t-j 0/ C/ccfoC HktiJkA to the Br1 toh RtfltfncrJ, fla/dyo. 1 A J G Pafineau TO LET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From 1st January, 1933. AT f S1ANG LIM
      292 words
    • 816 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. Vacancy for boarders at No. 67, Wilkie Rd., spacious airy iooms, electric lights, showerbaths, mod. sanitation badminton. Charges moderate. TO LET—165, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—CAPITOL THEATRE. MALACCA. Apply to S. Fung, Raffles Chambers, Singapore, or to Mrs. Tan
      816 words
    • 319 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE PRESS, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Strai s Settlements). NOTICE OF LOSS OF SCRIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been made to the Dkftters of this Company to issue duplicate scrip in place of the following share certificates registered in the name of
      319 words
    • 258 16 i SITUATION WANTED. Thoroughly experienced, well educated and < ffkicnt your-g man as book-keeper, typist and cashier, off'.rs his services tor any pot. Good iel'cicnc?s. Small security may be furnish :d Apply Box No. 133. c o Malaya Tribune. A Qualified Salesman (Chinese) wan s a position as travelling selling
      258 words
    • 282 16 FOR SALE, FOR SALE —Eight D. C. Linotype Motors, each y_ H.P., all in good wording order. For further particulars write to the Manager Malaya Tribune, 56|60, Anson Road. LIQUIDATION SALE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AT BARGAIN PRICES LADIES' AND MEN'S SHOES EXCELLENT QUALITY AT REDUCED PRICES. ALSO SUNDRY
      282 words
    • 564 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. KAPALA CHINTAMANI The best tat all diseases of the scalp. >. j m t and ear.
      564 words