Malaya Tribune, 14 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 37 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1933
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 Buy the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST The Picture Paper. 20 cents. I Try Clover Brand I "ilk Economy |,l ily SOLE IMPORTERS: Eruntn,} aßd ImSMII TBE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD. Satisfaction. PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR, SINGAPORE. r^BM**Si^l*>SSBSMBWBMBMSlBMM>SSBBBMB^BMMMBB>B«B>MBW*Sn>BB«««Mww*»«B*WMr^«r^fc AM Grmdt 5 Fountain pens For V our Handwriting Choose >4£Sr I PILOT" and take
      147 words
    • 105 1 Prcrcribod And Fitted By Experienced Optician Who Are Always In At'rndanc ELLISON S. EZEK1SL CO., 3, Capitol Building. Stamford Road, Sing.iport (NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER OPTICIANS IN TOWN). REPAIRS:— BINOCULARS, TELESCOPES, GRAMOPHONES, etc., etc. D ve'eping and Printing Also Undertaken. Our Office Closes On Saturdays, But Op?ns Oj Sundays
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    • 111 1 A. FLINTER G, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. I H j Sime. Darby Co., Ltd-
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  • 97 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" docs not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BB AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing j. and on
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  • 86 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."} Sir. —Could you or any of the numerous riders of the "People's Paper" kindly say what Is the surest specific for hair growth? It is preferable that Asiatic medicine be recommended by any reader who has been succ°ssful in its use.
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  • 173 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —I for one cannot congratulate you on your second effort "From Poppy to Pipe Surely the preparing, packing and distribution of opium for sale in a Crown Colony of the British Empire becomes a national disgrace after taking into consideration the
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  • 176 2 i To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —The "Malaya Tribune" has most liberally allowed the use of its readers' columns f i expressions cf opinion and has considerable influence over large circles of readers business-men. May I beg a space in a pacer that has won with
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  • 191 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir. —I was one of a party who saw the pictur* "Smilin' Through" at the Alhambra. Before the commencement of this film a series of other pictures were shown. One of them showed how Verito and Bruno, sons of Mussolini, the Premkr of
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  • 233 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") a 1 2? 8 land wner have mortgaged genu/man n? iy 1 u P f 0PertieS a *E£ genueman of Malacca. The inters h ac hitherto been $320 per me Ll thl mortgage-holder, on acceunt of the slump has voluntarily granted me
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  • 298 2 Japan 's Folly. (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—China is in a position of "Time and tide .wait for no man," which phrase should be the skgan of the Chinese National Government during the tide of Japanese aggression, by which she has been taken completely unaware since the Manchurian incident
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  • 156 2 Extraordinary Meeting In A Hospital. Jerusalem. A former G rman soldier who settled in Fales.ine after the war was recently taken ill ;ind w nt into hospital here for a serious operation. When he recovered consciousness lie saw a familiar face lending over him.
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  • 238 2 Committee To Excavate Tomb. One of the first projects to be undertaken by tha Central Committee for Preservation, organised at a recent meeting of the Examination Yuan at Nanking, is the restoration of the once magnificent tomb of the Empress Wu Tseh Tien. The Committee, composed of a
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  • 100 2 Tokyo, Jan. 19. An indication of the extent of Communistic activities in Japan was available to-day after the police released the names of 238 persons arrested ln nation-wide raids beginning Oct 30. Th? list carried the names of a number r.f prominent intellectuals, Including Dr. Hajima Kawakami.
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  • 63 2 Harbin, Jan. 22. The Sino-Russian newspaper "Kung Pao" in an article dealing with the defences of Vladivostok states that there are now 50 submarines stationed at this port, and further that all the approaches to the port are mined The report also asserts that several tunn-ls near to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 j/j^ s&&s million smiles I Xv The cruel pain and flatu> lence is soothed away in a moment with a little dose vvar^s Gripe Water, baby's unfailing IP?' remedy in ail the troubles caused by teething, mdi gestion, colic, wind. tt\ Woodward's is perfectly sa^e even or n ew*born JtoODWARDS
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    • 342 2 They use twice the energy you do JUST growing up is almost a day's Horlick's it's the best nouri hwork to children everyday ment they can have and. in ajAnd then think of all they do as dition, it makes them get ma well: the tots at play the others
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  • 1127 3 A Different Picture In Penang. (By E. Young in the "Straits Echo.") To-day Penang declares its non-recogniti n of the once popular idea of l:cal Chinese girls going to the river side and throwing inte the water missiles or eatables to invoke the help of
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  • 218 3 Thirty Frocks For A Fortnight. St. Moritz. Miss Sonia Henle, the girl skating champion of the world. Ls considered here the world's best-dressed skater as well. She has brought to St. Moritz at least thirty frocks for her fortnight's stay and she has appeared in a
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  • 80 3 An Increase Of 1,160 Since April. There are 317.389 people employed on the civil staffs of Government departments, according to an official statement issued recently. Of that number 238.925, are men and 78.464 are women. The report is based on October 1 figures. This shows an
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  • 113 3 Crowd's Vain Pursuit Fror. Tree To Tree. Calcutta. A baby was left peaceful'y lying in its c-adle in a house at Delhi. A few minutes later its partnt ?aw c v onkey sitting in a tree, the baby in it.T arms and fondling it.
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  • 151 3 Two tales of ungrateful people are sent oy Reuter correspondents Bias Gervaso. a sandpit-worker, found an envelope containing £250 und:r a bridge near Toledo. Later the same day, he saw a man preparing to shoot himself on the bridge. Bias G;rvaou disarmed the man. The would-be suicide explained
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  • 292 3 Householders Take To Bed After Nightfall. Balgrade. Uncanny noises, strange shapes seen through cracks of shutters in the night, rooms turned up ide down even when doors are locked and windows bolted—these and similar horrors have so terrified the people of Veliki Kikinda that the town
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  • 213 3 Berlin's "Green Week" Bigger Than Ever. Berlin, Jan. 10. Berlin's annual "green week," long the greatest cf all G:rman farming and hunting: exhibitions, will have its scopa greatly expended when it cpens on the 28th. of this month. It will be called the gre.n sport and
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  • 67 3 A Surprise Present For The Tax-Collector. Prague. Because his week's earnings had be?n impounded by a tax-collector, a carter at Znaim, Moravia, took hi? five children, including a day-old baby, to the revenue office and left them on the doorstep. A note tied to one of
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  • 160 3 Because Of A Little Joke. J Bucharest. Prince Michael of Rumania is being punished for having spoiled the top-hat of a high palace officii, according to a *>tory in circulation kite. It ii .«aid that the official was preparing to accompany King Carol and the
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  • 105 3 Barbers' Shops To Provide 1 Million Pairs. Budapest. A factory for the production of shoes made cut of human hairs is shortly to be bull 1 at Gorki, according to a repon from Moscow. Four hundredweight of hfirs hav2 already been collected for the factory.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION." Tho only All-British Portable Typewrite* on the standard 4-bank principle, •bracing all the facilities attached to a odwrd Typewriter. VERY LATEST IN PORTABLES ON THE MARKET. ptrst liU—H i»1 just received. Sole Agents: Duncan Roberts, Ltd. 112 114 A, Koblnson Road, Singapore. Phone 7046. wjjth JAVASON'S
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  • 152 4 Shipping News Notices. OPTIMISM AT ALL PORTS. Encouraging View Of Dollar Official. -Cenerally speaking, there has, during the past two months, been a note of optimism noticeable at all of the ports where the Dollar boats call." Tills encouraging opinion was expressed to I "Malaya Tribune" reporter by Mr. G.
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  • 210 4 Peculiar Discontent Among Officers. Captain Coombs of the Officers (Merchant Niuyi Federation Ltd., addressing members ot the Brighton, Hove and District Master Mariners Association touched en the question cf uniformity in the Service and the grave and peculiar discontent amongst many officers which unfortunately is so acute to-day
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  • 72 4 Steamer's Long Voyage From Australia. After having been 5G da;s at sea. tha steamer "Chelsea," 4,304 tons, trrived at Sydney frcm Imminghum. I England. The I made the 12.5C0 mOea tr.p without ai an totero&atfata pott. a voyage of such length is rarely madeby a rtSaxaer.
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  • 38 4 Mr. W. T. Goedwin. of the general trade department cf the Dolar Steamship line, baa arrived m Singapore from Shanghai to relieve Mr. B. R. Bates, general agent in Singapore, who baa gone to America c:i home leave.
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  • 490 4 Crew Of Cunard Liner Honoured. Captain Dolphin, and nine members of the crew of the Cunard liner "Lancastrian were presented by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool at the Town Hall, wi h m.dals of ihe Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society in recognition of gallantry in rescuing the
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  • 65 4 The two luxury liners. "President Coolidze" and "President Hoover." belonging to the Dollar Steamship line, have discontinued runnin? tbKttgb the Panama Canal and will ply only on the trans-Pacific service from Manila tn .an Francisco. This change of schedule mea is that a luxury liner will be available at these
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  • 346 4 Why Salvage Operations Were Abandoned. It was officially announced recently that the salvage of the sunken submarine M 2 was to be abandonsd. This decision was only made after a long spell of hard work carried en under most difficult circumstances. On the evening of December 10
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  • 83 4 Long Cruise Completed By French Craft. The French submarine "Surcouf," said to be the largest submarine in the world arrived at cherbcur: recently tm r makry Fni'er CHiiarta. »s2V2 J' :iih h s < h< Of -800 t ns and a cruising of 10.000 rr-les, has Just completed
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  • 30 4 The s.s. "Naldera" has left Hongkong and I: expected to arrive in Singaoore at neon to-morrow. The steamer will proceed 9tem the Singapore Harbour Beards whan* on arrival. 1 i.-
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  • 507 4 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS:SINGATORE. V Mohamed Ibrahim. 134, Tanjong Pagar Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station A. Palasamy, General Hospital (News Seller) o KaUuvas a. 391. New Bridge Road fc. S. Nainamsah, 23 Neil Road A. Habib
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  • 636 4 Rich Haul Celebrated In Feasting And Songs. Shanghai, Jan. 20. Romance;, of buccaneering on the Spanish Main v.\re recalled on board the Chinete s.r. Tahua during th? early hours of Wednesday morning off the Chekiang coast, when a horde of more than 40 pirates,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 400 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR lines. (Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND PAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contrct with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Bangalore 6.000 Feb. 18 Comorln
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    • 168 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deutsch Australlscbe DampfschuTs H^jC Gesellschaft (Companies Incorporated ln Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933 f m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila Feb. 21 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Mar. 8 WORLD CRUISE 1933. t s.s. RESOLUTE, in port 8 to Mar. 9 t m.s. DUISBURG, via
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    • 144 4 THE "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" I now owned by the Malaya Tribune" Press, Ltd., and published from the "Malaya Tribune*' office* at 56-60, Anson Road. Singapore. th'j i*aa no oreativ to**™** by the introduction of many New i Features, while the best of the old I ones are retained. I I
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    • 454 4 STEAMER SAD^ The mid emoted are toe fixture*:— *"*»ori totet^ OUTWARDS. 8 "LAHN" for Manila. Hoiiekn* lla Shanghai, Japan and North China HOMEWARDS. "SCHLESIEN" for Aden. Havre. R'dam. H'burg and BreZ?" "SAARBRUCKEN- f or r m n M'seilles. Barcelona, A dam H'burg and Bremen m Feb. n •Cabin and Intermediate
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  • 539 5 Singapore Tuesday, 11 a.m. The roOovtat tin share quotations are Issued prases and Co.. exchange and stock brok cr5_ JJJ Buyers. Sellers. Asam Kumbang Tin 23|6 25|6 I Austral Malay 18|- 20j- nom l n Bttan Tin 10 9 11 ;g fl Bangrin Tiu l*>
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  • 144 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LONDON RUBBER STOCKS UP. Very Little Inquiry Being Shown. (By Out Financial Correspondent.; Singapore. Tuesday, Noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (R.S.S. Singapore) 6% cts., up 116 ct. Tin (Singapore) f76y&, down 50 cts. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber 2 5;32d., up l|32d. Market Tone: Steadier. New
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  • 244 5 Gilt-Edged Securities Brighter. Reuter Wireless. London. Feb. 8. On the Stock Exchange to-day. although the lull in Kaffirs continued, and most prices again eased slightly, the improved sentiment cvidTht vestcrday was fairly well maintained and the markets generally had a better undertone, in •sympathy with America. Good business
    Reuter Wireless.  -  244 words
  • 221 5 rflj/ Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, Feb. 14. peffiag: L?ndon 4 months' sight 2s. 3 7 <d.. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13 16d.. London 30 days' sight 2s 3 25 32d., London demand 2s. 3?td. London T.T. 2s.
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  • 21 5 Further January tin output* reported to us arc: pikuls. Pahang Consolidated Co., Ltd. 1,516 Ipoh Tin DredKinß. tm. 2.215
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  • 1577 5 Stocks Not So Bad As Anticipated. The twenty-fourth annual meeting, cf the Gien Bervie Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on Dec. 30, at Bunge House. 71, St. Mary Axe, 8.C.3. Sir Herbert Wright (cha rman of ihe company) presiding.
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  • 55 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 2 5 32d. New York Spot: Holiday. Singapore: 6\— 6 7 16. cent?. TIN. Lcndcn Spot: £14C 7<-. 6d. (Down 27c. 6d London 3 months: £148 12s. 6d. 'Down 27 Od.V Singapore: $75.50. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundried S4 95 Mixed
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  • 93 5 (Incorporated in Englandi BINGAPOKfc. BRANCH. 4. U n.iav' n 6tr*«i Authorised atai autwiu.«e Capua. £2.U00.l<0«) Paid uy Capi *l gljttm&M, Reai t*e puio »uo 'u*t t wĕHmu HI All OFFH'E: I.ONOOIS BKAN( HRRi ttomoay Ce'cut a. C/N»nir>o. tiaracru. Mwi». AaWrA, rwtid&a. i>*w."u» rj<»»r« m cuit U:..-ni
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  • 650 5 Sinpapor Tuesday. 11 3 ".v The fallowing rubber share quotaUooa are issued by Prarer and Co and Lyall and Evatt: '«*ue Value. Fraser <. Lyall t Shares. St Co. Bvatt. I Allenby SO 45 »0 55 so 45 10 60 1 Alor Gajah 025 035
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 tTHE SOUTH BRITISH INfcUBANOI OOMPAHT. uifrrn. f ire, marine transit AND MOTOR CAR OIIUKAIICI ACCEPTED AT tOWtST CTJEEENT BATIB. L a IIABOOUOUTH, oau Flnlijton Otmb. toMier THI eastern united 488U»ANCt CORPORATION, LTD. FIRE, "MARINE, MOTOR CAR AND PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ■■A 'OHNtON: Otaml gfanager. or 8-«. Rare* Slaro«r*,
      48 words
    • 89 5 expefierice teaches A lln How many things you might have many achievements lm V you might have brought about..if 1 only you had ready cash at that 1 moment when golden opportunity presented itself. Small deposits A rcqularly made soon grow to an M appreciable capital, and THE j
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    • 220 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LTD.. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE ONERSKA-C HIN ES E BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAI» OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIHGE ROAR. BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 Jimusements < z ii r theath: i h of worid's pictures. LAST NIGMT TO-NIGHT! j The Grand and Glorious Musical Comedy that all the World has Acclaimed— EDDIE CANTOR and CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD IN "Palmy Days" UNITED ARTISTS SUPER. TO-MORROW-Wednesday j OPENING 4T THE M4TINEE at 3 pm. i Metro-f ioMw\
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    • 148 6 I j You remember "The FLAG LIEUTENANT" as j I the Record-breaking "Silent" Success. Now see j this mighty Picture as The Year's Biggest j "Sound" Triumph— I OPENING TO-NIGHT j j at the j iSCAPITOLSi j ———i j j British and Dominion's Rousing Brilliant Naval Spectacle. Made with the
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  • 543 7 (iROVE ROAD MOTOR SMASH. Coroner's Verdict Against Driver. Is a ttquel to a fatal motor crash that occurred in the height of the Hari iUyu Pua'a festivities, a Malay driver k v \y? prustculed for ailegedty ecus. I„g use death of his wife by a rash act.
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  • 116 7 Portugal Not To Occupy It. Hongkong. Feb. 14. Mr Kar. Kai Hou, the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the South-West Provinces, tutes that the Portuguese Consul-General at Canton has communicated to the Chinese Governmtnt a note stating that the llacao authorities have no intention to occupy Wang
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  • 112 7 Denial That Prince Will Marry. Madrid, Feb. 9. The Prince cf the Asturias, son cf ex-King Alton md Heir to the Throne, has announced >ria h»' is ready tc renounce all Rqyal right?. i: an fulfil his desire to marry a commoner, in. Mexican. Senorita De Pedro. He
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  • 450 7 WAGES OF CRIME. Various Offenders Dealt With. Charged with possession of Indian hemp (bhang) a Chinese was found guilty by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forrer) yesYerday and remanded for sentence He was a pashe*hL°Vh Hy<Ua U and the veTel b rthed at Tanjong Pagar
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  • 276 7 Question Of All-Malayan Association. "Your Committee considered the suggestion cf a Malayan Eurasian Association and after deliberation were of the opinion that, for the present, it is better to continue to have separate Eurasian Associations in the different centres," iqys the report of the Eurasian Association of Singapore,
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  • 202 7 Would Have Looted Trading Ships. Reuter Wireless. Batavia, Feb. 10. The Dutch Ccmmander-in*Chi f, in a statement to tne D.E.I. Legislature, revealed the purpose of tho mutineers of the Zevern Provincien." According to the wireless message they o-nt out they intended toreleaje the naval latings who were left
    Reuter Wireless.  -  202 words
  • 217 7 Bitter Red Opposition Continues. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Feb. 8. The R?icfcsbauk is con emplatir g reiu in; the bank rate to 3 per cent, in order to support Goven'tnent's policy of a general reduction in the interest rates on gilt-edged securities and similar issues. No serious political
    Reuter Wireless.  -  217 words
  • 148 7 Debate In The House Of liords. Reuter Wireless. London. Feb. 9. Immediate steps for the future in Indian constitutional reform were debated in the H.use of Lords following a m-tion inquiring as to the precise procedure. Lord Irwin, for the Government, said that the joint select committee, which
    Reuter Wireless.  -  148 words
  • 127 7 Bonds And Securities Falling. Shanghai. Feb. 14. A spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Office (Waichiaopu) expresses satisfaction with the report of the Sub-Committee of Five and hopes that the League Assembly will pass the report and enforce it.—"Mm Kuo Jih Pao." A message from Rengo states that
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  • 192 7 Singapore. Feb. 14. B. (Slam W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan Sll3 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2., JJJJ Rice. B. Siam N. 1 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 Rice, Slam "Old" per koyan No. I$ 85 Rice. Slam -Old" »N°\ f 6 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 3$ 55 Siam
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  • 431 7 MR. MRS. BEGG. Judgment In Assault Case Appeal. The appeal cf Kaji Mohammed and A. K. Juddi against their conviction en charges of voluntarily causing hurt to Mrs. Begg and using criminal force on Mr. N. C. Begg. was digued yesterday iefore Mr. Justice Whitley. The first
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  • 101 7 Keeping Order In Germany. Berlin. Feb. 13. The provincial governments as well as the Reich Government are continuing the work c| suppressing all incitements to disorder throughout the Reich. The Nazi iG.vernment of Thuringia has forbidden the display of red flags while the election appeal of the
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  • 112 7 Chinese Urged To Go "Red." Reuter. Hongkong, Fee. 14. Mr. George Bernard Shaw, breaking his resolution net to lecture while on his world trip, ;tartled Hongkong University and faculty this afternorn with a typical Shavian address, urging students to st ep themselves in revolutionary books »nd go
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 101 7 "Women Love Once" At The Pavilion. "Women Love Once," the Paramount film now showing at the Pavilion theatre, calls for a high degree of skill in the portrayal of difficult scenes in a tense domestic drama, m which a woman urges her husband, against his wish, to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 Exclusive Special Articles Appear in the "MALAYAN T SATURDAY POST," v. Every Week.
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    • 504 7 lAssetsI Assets exceea $12,009,000. Assurance in force oyer $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements. I HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON, OFFICE: 97. Old Jewry. EC The Company has £30,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compile*
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    • 424 7 WANTED —A Chinese Piece Goods Salesman, cnly exp.rienced men n ed apply. Box No. H'7 c o Malaya Tribune. WANTED —Young Lady Teacher to help with ?mall clas 8.30—10.30 a.m. Monday to Friday. Must hold Cambridge Junior Certificate and be a pianist. Apply in oAn handwriting and sta'e salary required.
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  • 82 8 Mr. Tan Kiong Thy? ard family thank all relatives and friends for their kind at en dance at the funeral of the late Mrs. Tan X ong Thye and for sending wreaths. Seng Lay, t 1 prams, letters of ccndolence, lending cars And attending night visi s.
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  • 74 8 Mrs. L Er.g Chew. nee Tan Koon Neo, age 74, died at her residence. No. 96. Killir.ey Road, on Monday, the 13th instant, at 8.45 p.m. Slfe leave? behind four sons. Messrs. Lee Boon B ng. L c Lai Seng. Lee Peng Yam and Tan Chwan Ho, of Rangoon,
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  • 764 8 We were shown a new light on the attitude ot the Dutch Indies towards Rubber Restriction, when discussing the matter with a Dutch friend, here on a visit from Java, the other day. He admitted the difficulties regarding the native producers, with very few Government officers I
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  • 102 8 One In Four A Small Capitalist. London, p.b 8. Ont in four oi the population had a stike U. the country through the Post OftVe S°vinss' Bank, declared Sir Kingslcv Wood speaking at Liverpoo 1 The Pest Office now had £300,000,!)OO standing to the creClt of 10.000,000 depositors.
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  • 302 8 .4 Kuala Lumpur Man's Prediction. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 14. Regaiding rubber control, there seems to be a false impression abroad that Perak is antiPestrictionist. Thai opinion of local sentiment en the subject is, in fact, only profes»ed by one or two individuals who,
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  • 291 8 "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast." A concert by the Singapore Musical Society is always an interesting e\ent. An advertisement .11 another column draws attention to the forth,c:ning production of the justly celebrated' Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," by Coleridge -ayior. Good music" is the Society's slogan. ..nd by chocsing "Hiawatha" for their
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  • 147 8 Opposition To De Valera's Re-Election. Reuter Wireless. Dublin, Pe'j. 8. Rcwdy sccnto marked the clcse of the Mass celebruteu a; the Catholic Cathedral on (he occasion cf me opening of the Dail. A largo crowd hooted Mr. Cosgrave and the Lord Mayor and other members cf the Opposition,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  147 words
  • 112 8 Evidence Of Remarkable Fitness. j Reuter Wireless. I London, Feb. 8. Evidence of the remarkable fitness of His Majesty ttaa King was provided when it became known that His Majes'y, during the recent cold spell at Sandringham, had skated on the lake in the grounds on a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  112 words
  • 77 8 The first announcement to-day of the Ten Match score was received by radio direct from Melbourne shortly after 11 am. by a resident of River Valley Road, Singapore. He rang up the "M.T." and his report of the score—321 fdr 8—was confirmed by the usual telegraphic
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  • 439 8 (BY "LOOKER-ON Lunch and tea interval, to the English batsmen Oh! m the bowlers get some Vjn(J,!Vhlthe rest 1 A The Australian bowlers h effectively answered the criticdoubted their ability to m»f p Vvh,J out under 500. Ln?lai Paynter, the plucky invalid Verity, the bowler who has
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 84 8 Latest Ladies 9 j Toilet Ware U.S.deSHva Bros. 23, High Street, Singapore. J 634 j T.K.K/S I VELVET SHOES I WITH RUBBER SOLES. Site 18, 19 20 —70 cents per pair. j I Size 21 22—80 cts. per pair. ji !Sire 23 24—90 cts. per pair. t Size 25 26—95
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  • 537 9 BLOCKADE OF CHINA COAST. FIRMER ATTITUDE OF POWERS AT GENEVA. GRAVE FEARS IN AMERICA. Reuter. Washington, Feb. 14. Japan's withdrawal from the League is regarded as a foregone conclusion. Genuine apprehension exists in official circles that a large-scale war over Manchuria
    Reuter.  -  537 words
  • 406 9 Questions In House Of Commons. y,.." Hou.-.i of Commons to-c'av S'r r v;!; l ini D:U! asked over what parts cl uU Chi.:, se Gcvernm:nt exerc sed ""otive control. v J ln --iman repled that some difficulty r,., !> f enicd iii answering: the c.u?stion. r f
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  • 613 9 Evasively Negative. Geneva Jan 13. The reply to the League has been received from Tokyo and wi 1 probably bo handed to the Secretary-General to-monow It understood that it is not of categorical nature requested, but can be described as •evasively negative." It potaU out the
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  • 88 9 Mr. T. V. Soong. Finance Minister in China. MR. T.V. SOONG'S VISIT. To Confer With Ministers. Shanghai, Feb. 13. Mr. T. V. Soong, the Finance Minister and acting president of the Executive Yuan, left Nanking for Peiping by plane last Saturday. He would see the United States Minister (Mr. C.
    88 words
  • 220 9 DEFENCE VICTORIOUS. Routes Of Advance Changed. Shanghai. Feb. 14. The Japanese have abandoned their attack on Kailu, the impcrtant town within the north-eastern border of Jehol, because it is far from Chenglak. their base of operations. The situation at Kailu was quiet after Sunday, and no
    220 words
  • 84 9 New Case Against Hawaiians Dismissed. Reuter. Honolulu, Feb. 14. The case against thp alleged assailants of Mrs. Massie (the young wife of a U.S. naval officer) has been dismissed on the recommendation cf the Public Prosecutor, as investigations failed to substantiate Mrs. Massie's identification of five Hawaiians accused
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 777 9 PREMIER'S VIEW. Many Factors Besides Debts. CABINET MEETINGS. Reuter. That the British dekjratien to America wUI discuss many things b d s war dtbis is clear from a statement made by the Prime Minister. Cabinet meetings to choose and instruct the delegation are being continued. London, Feb. 13.
    Reuter.  -  777 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 Current Comment on Malayan Affairs in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Only*
      13 words
    • 262 9 G° od For Everyone, i Anywhere—Any Time j KEY BRAND Smith wKM y/ African Grape Juice is the perfect drink for alcoholic it comprises tne trcsh unfernu?ntea >§i i uicc luscious grapes, w ttA r p rich in body h il(,in^ properties, and un- gNWICN usually invigorating. Manufactured by the
      262 words

  • 318 10 PAYNTER BATS WITH PAINTED THROAT. GREAT STAND FOR NINTH WICKET AT BRISBANE. The Fourth Test match, which commenced at Brisbane on Friday, is developing into a closer fight than any of the previous three Tests. England are at
    318 words
  • 708 10 Brisbane, Feb. 13. When play was resumed after lunch the attendance. which numbered 6 000 2_ ~t he morning had been doubled OReiUy and Wall resumed the attack to Sutcliffe (84) and Hammond (14) the telegraph reading 151 for one wicket With only seven runs added to
    708 words
  • 10 10 Reuter. Brisbane, 3 p.m. Kngland, 356 all out.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  10 words
  • 36 10 SINGAPORE G.C. GOLD MEDAL. The competition for the gold medal at the Singapore G. C. resulted in a tie between J T. Smith and E. G. Staunton. The tie will be played off next Saturday.
    36 words
  • 29 10 G. Wilson won. the February medal at the Keppel G. C. with the low net score of 66 (handicap 16). Twenty-seven cards wer" taken cut.
    29 words
  • 61 10 Keppel beat the Island Club £n the Wei-Hai-wei Cup competition on Sunday over the Island Course. Scores (Keppel players first): ur. L:wson 1. 0; Iring Jones 0, Dr Lim 1; H. Jackson 1, Rappa 0; Campbell 0. Briggs 0; Watt 1. Uekuri 0; !Boardman 1. Moore 0; W.
    61 words
  • 30 10 The men's monthly medal was played at th* Garrison G. C. on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for W. A. Foster (1 up).
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  • 21 10 The Keppel G. C. ladies' February medal competition resulted in a win f:r Mrs Elder (10, 2 up).
    21 words
  • 20 10 J52 ZiX wm conclude itB hockey V nach v the Wiltshire Regifi? A o "!2 by Resets: H. s.
    20 words
  • 195 10 LAWN TENNIS. Saturday's ties in the S.C.C. mixed d übles tournament resulted as follows:— W. C. Hill and Miss Griffith-Jones beat Lieut. N. C. Phillips and Miss M. Eley. B—B, 6 2. E. A. Taylor and Mrs. Tajylor beat Roy Smith and Mrs. Leggatt, 6—3. B—6.
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  • 188 10 S.C.C. SIX-A-SIDK TOURNAMENT. Play will commence to-day in the S.C.C. six-a-side soccer tournament. To-day's matches are: 5.10 p.m. "I" team v. "G" team 5.30 p.m. "X" team v. "P" team. 5.50 p.m. "H" team v. "B" team. The first named team in each case will play ln Colours.
    188 words
  • 95 10 Tne Chinese II and the Malays II meet at Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow. Gate 50. 20 and 10 cents. Soldiers in uniform half price to 50 cents ceats. Kick off el 5.10 p.m. The following will represent the V.M.C.A. v. Anglo-Chinese School on the V.M.C.A.
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  • 46 10 London, Feb. 13. The second replay between Rangers and Queen's Park in the second round of the Scottish Cup competition resulted in a win for the Rangers by 3—l.—Reuter. Rangers, who are the holders, meet Kilmarnock (last year's runners-up) in the next round.
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  • 173 10 The present positions in the S C. F. A. League competition including Sunday's game, are as follows:— P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Companions 8 6 1 1 30 9 13 Amicables 650 1 18 611 Aaton A.C. 8 3 4 1 11 16 7 Siong
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  • 89 10 COURSING. Reuter Wireless. Altcar (Lancashire), Feb. 10. The Waterloo Cup was won by Mr. Shaw's d:g "Genial Nobleman," nominated by the racehorse trainer Mr. Jack Jarvls. In the final "Genial Nobleman" easily beat Lord Sefton'; Sold Again." Last year's winner "Ben Tinto." one of the fav:urites, was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 406 10 LOUGHRAN'S ABILITY PROVES KING'S DOOM. BOXING. Philadelphia. Pa.. Jan. 10. Icmmy Loughran, former lightheavyweight champion of the world, put King Levinsky further in the background cf the heavyweight picture and proved h? is still a contender among the hravi s when he decisively defeated the
    406 words
  • 272 10 FIGHT TAKING PLACE TO-MORROW. New York, Jan. 10. Primo Camera, giant Italian heavyweight fighter, signed contracts with Madden Square Garden calling f r a fifteen-round bout with Ernie Schaaf cf Boston on February 10. If the bout goes through, the Garden plans t, match the winner
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  • 144 10 BADMINTON. A pleasant afternoon was spom last Saturday at 13. Dhoby Ghaut, whm the President cf the Sunrays A.P.. Mr. Too Teow Geok. was at heme to the members. The hall was tastefully decorated. Refreshments were served and a gro.ip photograph was taken. Exhibition badnu.iton matches
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  • 316 10 WEIGHTS FOR TO-MORROW. THE TURF. The following are the entries and handicaps for the second daj of the Spring meeting of the Perak Tuif Club, to-morrow: RACE t, Ponies, Class 2, Div. 1, (f|f furs.): Rosemary 9.5, Falkis 8.7, Babz II 8.7, Perfect Lady 7.10, Ben
    316 words
  • 189 10 Sikh Watchman On Unusual Charges. Serious and unusual charges were preferred against a Suh watchman who appeared tefcre the Third Magistrate (Mr. j. p. F G regg) morning, ai the instance of DetectiveInspector McLennan. He was chaiged with knowingly livm* on the earnings or part earnings
    189 words
  • 106 10 The candidates of Far Eastern Music School, Singapore, passed in the T.C.L. (Trinity College of Music. London) Local Examination in Theory of Music held in Singapore recently, ihe following are the marks they gainedPreparatory Division: Olive Hu, 90; Daisy Thomas, 90; Annie Pestana, 89; Eu Keng Oi 89;
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  • 56 10 Park;, Feb. 8. A pitched battle took place to-day between two groups of gypsies when axes and revolvers were used and one woman was kilkd and 25 gypsies injured. Police and called out to restore order. Fighting between two w:m«4 is heUeved .to have been the
    56 words
  • 396 10 Minister's i Pronouncement. T. V. Soong. the PW. acunt President of th vixtually Premie, -who fc* Nenxing last Sau-.dr-y n «I His v„r,it to Peipino u„ K with the Ihmace* of th dent in his meean, commanders, woo have ne n the front without funds which the
    396 words
  • 75 10 Workman's Arm Almost Severed. A nasty accident occurred in a sawmill in Lavender Street yesterday afternoon when a Chinese workman had his right arm almost severed at the shoulder. It appears that the victim was working near one of the large circular .'aw-- when he missed his balance
    75 words
  • 113 10 There was a large gathering, which include many present and past pupils of the Singapore Chinese Mandarin School and their Men* in the reception hall of the Wesley Cnurcn c-r. Saturday afternoon to welcome the C General. Mr. long Lao. *s the hon. pweWJ of the school. After
    113 words
  • 92 10 Alhambra.-Eddie Cant in CapitoL—"The Flag Lleutee** I Anna Neaei Empire-Clark Gable and. Hark* D "Polly of the Circus. Great World.-Side shows, JjJJ Malay opera. Chinee wayang-- sU n—- ing films ("Strangers May XI Talkie: "W. Plan"). ft ibertv.'' a Marlbere«ch —"The Flower oi Chinese talkie. New World.-Side
    92 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 75 10 .iiiiiiiiieii»i»titiii«»iiit«»i«»j OUR TOWN OFFICE, j The town office of the "Malaya 1 j Tribune" has been removed from I I 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, to I m I Messrs. E. M. Glover Co., I 9, The Arcade (Ground floor) f j Tel. 2219. I Advertisement inquiries may be 1 made there,
      75 words

  • 410 11 2,600 Killed; Over One Million Arrested. The future (if any) and the Prohibition m the United States are very much in the minds of Americans with the beginning of another year. Its problems— past and future —are touched on by Reuters correspondents la Chicago and
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  • 107 11 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Feb. 14. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). California State E.E.E. Wharf; Rajula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Kedah 18; Antung 17; Kampar 13; NasusanMaru 9. Glnyo Maru 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate S). Steel Scientist 30; Pembrokeshire 37; Minderoo 39. Empire Dock
    107 words
  • 477 11 Johore State Councillor Implicated. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Feb. 12. As the insult o? a motor collision which occurred about 1% miles out of Johore Bahru town on the Tebrau Road on the afternoon t aw 5 bet A>ecn a car belonging to Mr. J.
    477 words
  • 91 11 Stiletto Through Heart. New York. A four mom lis old baby was found dead in its cot yesterday with a stiletto thrust through the heart pinning the child to the mattress. The police are of the opinion that tho murderer reached in through the op:n winarv
    91 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 H V.ADE OA thing so good, no q r ly suited to ensure white healthy teeth. Use lay— morning, after tiffin, For men, women and c la ci ntifically sate t tot SS. F.M.S. RllW COMPANY Kuala Lumpur. 2. A.P.8.—5. j Pianos For Hire And i Hire Purchase. j SEASON
      319 words
    • 10 11 WORTH A DOLLAR But Only 20 Cents: MALAYAN SATURDAY POST"
      10 words
    • 448 11 V I I Ii Nihiiii I' 'If I |T II I I Ml" Ml I j LONDON ANALYSTS SAY J 1 vS< We nave received and examined a J>s /7? oo'ci sam P ,e of Soda Water from Messrs. fo%°c V Fr lnir <z Co., Singapore, and have pM V.;
      448 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 680 11 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary ii provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date •nd complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      680 words
    • 301 11 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY. FEB. 14 High Tides—l.ol a.m., 12.56 p.m. Committee Meeting, Keppel Golf Club. Football: S.C.F.A. League, St. M.Y.P.G. v. 5.8.A.A., Jalan Besar; S.C C. Six a Sid-: Tournament. Lawn Tennis: S.C.C mixed doubles tournament. TO-MORROW, FEB. 15. High Tides.—l.3o a.m., 1.38 p.m. Rotary Luncheon, Adelphi Hotel. 1
      301 words

  • 1046 12 SEQUEL TO COUNCIL REMARK. Interesting Letters By Sir Graeme Thomson. Col m'jo, Jan. 28. The correspondence which pesied between H E. the Governor und tho Speaker of the State Council in C nnectlon with p. statement by
    1,046 words
  • 243 12 Programme of Drilh up in and for —emending Feb. 19. 1333: TO-DAY. l'EB. 14. Ml P m -Hev>dqw:>rtprs. Forvr Cov Mr*'-••-• Stcti n—Enrolment. 5:15 p.m.—Hoadqunrt.-r "A" Cnv.—Rr-rui' I Elementary Otizj Drill. 5.15 p.m —Headquarter. "B" Coy. Cercn:"n: ii. 5.15 p.m. ~Ser?n goon Road. S.V.F.A. N C O
    243 words
  • 129 12 Forty Attempted In A Day. ■tjdapc t. There were 2.130 suicides in tfesTsnsset in the It* twelve months for which statistics a c rvn lablr. In addition to these deaths, ir s rJtimstcd that there are forty unsuccessful i -tVmrjts nt mk kfe a day. The
    129 words
  • 412 12 Four R.A.F. Men Killed In Exercises. Reuter. Oran, Fch. 7. Victor Smi.n, rht South ALrc.m ai man, crashed on lasrsthi) here in the darkness. He was hot hurt but the under-ca tf hibs and the prcpe lee were Kir ashed. Louden, Feb. 8. Four people we::
    Reuter.  -  412 words
  • 261 12 National Protest Against Taxation. Reuter. Paris. Feb V. The Finan.c Ccmmi :io:: of the Chamber pas-erl Government's Finance Bill with certain amendments, Including 1 higher super-tax instead f a cut in c;vi! servants' salaries. The O"»mmi»sion ;u2cs out reduction In air estimate-, making |pta] redaction In military
    Reuter.  -  261 words
  • 300 12 BRIGADE KEPT Bug, Three More Outbreaks Yesterday. The excessive heat and dr. causing bush and grass Ore. .2*** Within the hast fortmaht the BrtiS? H with over twenty outbreaks i n 0 S? in the bush, while some are und.ubtedly caused by bustian it can be
    300 words
  • 172 12 Alleged Communist Documents. <Frcm Our Oicn Correspondent. Johore Bahru, fei>. U. On certain inlonnation received by th? police, a Chinese hongsi hove on Buued Papan estate, v hich is a out 13 miles out cf Johore Bahru. r>ai- raided and two eld fashioned which were imWriunil, wcr* r
    172 words
  • 94 12 The Bukom Clerks' Club held their annual 'Chap Goh May" dinner on Saturday in the \ir View Hotel. M re than 50 members and their friends were present and they had an »m joy a "ale time. Use president. Mr. Tan Chin Choon. and '.h: hon. sccrcta;ry.
    94 words
  • 127 12 It i? reported that the "Automedcn." «Wfc i leaving h;r berth at 4.30 p.m. last Bmfl&r. came into collision with a Chinrse Jmk, a* 1316. just off the entrance of Empir- Dock. I» was said that the junk was earned by a itron; ebb tide
    127 words
  • 150 12 "Kako Maru.' Jap.. 4.004 tons. WSI sawa 13-2: for Mo.ii vts Kedun; 13--"Kuranda." Brit.. 555 tons, from Sieu for Sibu 18-2. r Rangoon Man;/ Jap., 3.638 tons, W> cutta i:<-2; lex Yokohama via mm ports 14-2. r "Ousetridge. Brit., 3.533 tens, 13- 2; for Par* Said 14-2 "Eldonpark.' Brit..
    150 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 85 12 "PINEAPPLE" j BRAND HAMS BACON "PINEAPPLE" HAMS BACON nre Me finest procurable j always fresh and delicious j I —as neir shipments are constantly I arriving to meet the ever increasing demands throughout j j Malaya. Singapore (eiDSTCR4Ot( c L T^ CrclwJ Read □rd Sub-Depots I Ir Afi-er if f
      85 words
    • 9 12 THE PEOPLE'S PAPERS "Malaya Tribune"— Daily. "Malayan Saturday Posf'-Weekly.
      9 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 71 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. East Yesterday. Night Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor Star 01 Nil u .O 60 Kota Bharu 85 Nil 10.5 67 K. trengganu £4 o.oi 10.1 66 Bukit Jeram 83 Nil 10.4 72 Meifing SI
      71 words

  • 164 13 Pawnshop Drama. Vienna. blooms including pieces from the I Bulgaria were fcund in the. c they had dropped from a the alleged confession of a Ottffeui named Robert Menchel. with stealing a lady's handh'rge sum in money and bom Countess Kartenau, widow arian aristocrat, Prince
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  • 42 13 Paris. Airways fcur-:ngined >,_„ q piloted by Mr Eggle field. •won Aeiodrcme at Lyons th s "wu Errand via Le Bourget. monopi anc h boood for Africa W« tor the Capetown service. to leave to-morrow fcr
    42 words
  • 356 13 R.R.I. Asks For Estate Particulars. The Rubber Research Institute .of Malaya forwards the following communication on the "übjcct cf the disease of the rubber tree caused by the fungus Oidium Heaveae. During the forthcoming wintering season and retaliation of the rubber trees of Malaya the Rubber Research Institute
    356 words
  • 479 13 The Bandit Who Cannot Walk. To-day s round-up at the World's Queerest Stories by Reuters Correspondents brings the r'4: wing: Barcelona. A man who cannot walk a yard without crutches is charged with an attempted hold-up in a bar. The cripple failed to rob his intended
    479 words
  • 297 13 League Of Nations Bulletin. The following is the Health Bulletin cf the League of Nations' Eastern Bureau, Singapore, for week ended Feb. 4, 1933. Beirut: S smallpox cases and no deaths. Alexandria: 27 smallpox cases (including C imported and 70 deaths as against 192 cases and
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  • 323 13 How Is The Government Helping Them? JLfUf'r S lanter £ignin nlm! lf Kassim writes as follows to the "Malay Mail" Tne F.M.s. Government seems to pride itself in showing some charity to the rubber planters to these hard t;mes by waiving quit 'IT a^f hlng ab3ve 32 P«
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  • 61 13 Japanese Dentist's Experiment. Tokyo. A den a! professor in the Kyushu Dental College believes that he is able to graft animal teeth to the human gums. He hai carried out a number of experiments in grafting human teeth to the gums «-f squirrels and other animals
    61 words
  • 52 13 Death Of His Brother. Mi. Erik Ccwa-d. the 27-year-old trcthcr of Mr. Njel Coward, the net r ar.d playwright, has died at his brother's heme in Aldington. Kent. Mr. Erik Coward was a tea planter in Ceylon, and returned to Eng'and because of illness about six
    52 words
  • 131 13 Direction To Son. Probate has been granted to the cxc uto.s imder the will of Sir Jchn Emmott Bailow. of Torkington Lcdße. Stockport, Cheshire, senior partner in Messrs. Thcmas Earlow sad Brother, of London and Mancheste and of Earlow and Co., Calcutta, Shangha, and Singapore. Sir
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  • 111 13 Others Earning Two Pounds An Hour. Prague. Folice here arc making BpeefaU efforts Co c:;tch a number of men who arc trading on the sympathy of the public by beggiug despite ihe facv that they are not ln any want. One man just arrested for begging in
    111 words
  • 160 13 So He Searched Four Cities. Tokyo. A man hero who gives the name of Thomas Wilkinson, a former sailor, is a man you cannet beat. This is his s;ory. fume time ago he met a man in Shanghai. tecned to be a nice man. But he
    160 words
  • 65 13 Tsinan. Jan. 15. An incr;a?e in th? national revrnue collected in Shantung during the six months from July ;o December last year is reported. The receipts frcm the wine and tobacco taxes amounted to $570,000 and from the stamp tax :450,000, both cxc:edlng the estimates. The receipts
    65 words
  • 72 13 Washington. Posimen in rural areas,of America may henceforth accept contributions of grain to be Fed to birds found perishing in heavy snow alonji iheir routes. Permission for this has*be:n given by the First Assistant Pos! master-General at the request of officials of bird societies. The grain
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 185 13 i 11' v-JE-rvr-ri -j EMPIRE RADIO TO-NIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BL UM A CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. T:om The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England jn rig til 25 3 and 31.3 metres. 0 si Time Signal from Big Ben. Vaudeville programme. KM B
      185 words
    • 429 13 W^ U M m Bum Java and Slam, with good volume and quality. BANDOENG (P.M.Y.-M.3 metres), Bandoeng Radio boclety, is regularly received during day mUBlc tanerauy from hotel. Prom 8.50 to 10.20 p.m. programme of European music. Abo on 31 metres MtHatlve and Chinese music from 7.20 to 8.50 p.m
      429 words

  • 172 14 Wealthy Man Who Became A Road-Mender. Belgrade. A man murdered near Osijek has been found to be Baron Eotvos, the eldest son of a wealthy family, wh: had been working for some time as a foreman road-mender. Baron Eotvos was educated to be a civil engineer. He
    172 words
  • 126 14 Prague. A burglar has b~en sent to prison just because his hands were small. This is how it happened. The sum of £420 was stolen from the safe of a bank in Reichenberg. The burglary was carried out with the most modern tools, and gloves had been worn,
    126 words
  • 773 14 CHENGTEH, CITY OF EMPERORS. Why Japan Wants The Province. (By Our Chinese Correspondent.; Japan, after having apparently annexed ivlanchuria. wants Jehol. thac big province between the Great Wall and the North-Eastern Provinces. The Manchukuo. Japan's puppet gcvernment, claims that Jehol is a part, geographically at least,
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  • 55 14 Deadlock In Ulster Rail Dispute. Reuter. Belfast, Feb. 12. The railway strike remains at a deadlock and there is no immediate prospect of a settlement. There was another outrage yesterday, the railway bridge at Donegal being blown up, gelignite being discovered just before a train was due.
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 69 14 Many Robberies By One Gang. Istanbul. Police have arrested several women said to I*, members of a gang cf women burglars in Smyrna. The gang comprises seven or eight young women who have carried out a long, series of daring robberies. Complete sets of modern housebreaking implements
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  • 76 14 An Arabic monthly entibd "Al-Nahdah AI. Hadramiah" is being published in Singapore. The editor is Syed Tafia bin Abibakar Taha Alsagoff and the assistant editor and manager is Syed Alwee bin Ahmad bin Mohamed Alsree. Thj monthly deals with humour, biography, religion, etc. The yearly subscription for
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  • 577 14 Interpreter's Appeal Fails. The position of trust occupied by interpreters in the courts and the serious view that should be taken if they abused that trust were emphasised by Mr. Justice Whitley yesterday, when the case in which Ayer, a former interpreter in the Prlice Court, was convicted
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  • 73 14 American Hint To Other Nations. Reuter. New York, Feb. 12. Efforts are progressing on behalf :f Mr. Roosevelt and President Hoover t; make it clear to Britain and other nations that an adamant si and by them againrt trade and tariff exnces- sions in return for ,debt
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 63 14 German Nazi U adeN Tnder It. dtclared the Kationalis, Ej***a»i ■t a mass meet B> H^r evening, at wh hj* Seldte were the eld Impe:. f ence of Prince Oct sen. The speakers Intimated t% Cabinet would i election result. There were a kotc t between Nazis many
    63 words
  • 93 14 Ready For Firs! Kn», Air-MtO. Special stamp, have been pnJJ* for the hrs international gin I wcrld which to be Manbcr Plying Club. It win be an I a service alreaeh a The i:rvice will be started by aa* H th. President of the Maribor s weU r
    93 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 650 14 jjfr MgP poses you to weatner Aw* if your beard is JLjJKjf tolJ gh and you mm Probak, the heavier wpP' blade. Its shaving w& edges are exceptionally I keen—honed and stropped for swift, easy strokes on the stubbornest beard. 5 blades $0.75 10 blades $1.50 PROBAK BLADES "The it
      650 words
    • 161 14 I I SMARTER FASTER SAFER CARS FOR 1933 AND ENTIRELY NEW MODELS. Apart from the knowledge that you have chosen a leader from among the ranks of famous British Cars, your purchase of a MORRIS gives you the satisfaction of obtaining the car you have always wanted to own—and can
      161 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 119 15 You start drinking Bournville Cocoa to *day and see what a difference the fjt?&%-. energy food-drink makes' Most young people overgrow their strength* It is then that they need x most urgently the extra nourishment that Bournville Cocoa gives. Measured by the energy it gives you, bulk for bulk and
      119 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 310 16 I INTRODUCTION J SALE HOUSE OF LORDS f/ WHISKY. V l( IMPERIAL VAT WHISKY. FINE OLD MATURED (I V WHISKY. fi $2.75 per bottle, /1 It or $30 per case duty paid. l( lowest price ever offered on 'Jot market. We also stock all w.ll-known bra:.'.:.-; h if of liquors
      310 words
    • 594 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. l.j LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry v»DJy Meyer Brothers. TO LET—34, Patrrson Read, Modern Sanitary Fittine:;, E'cetric Light ng, et from Ist March. In Ideal Home. Apply G, St. Thomas' Walk. TO LET—Houses Nos. 37, 39. 41, 49, 51 and 103. Bid
      594 words
    • 543 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. SITUATIONS VACANT. Tlir OVERSEA -CHINITW WANTED—An Experienced Court and Cos's i tin cl^rk stating fßlary reqtlired t0 Bex BANK LIMITED. No 105, co Malaya Tribune. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). NOTICE OF LOSS OF SCRIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appli- IjY)P SALE—Eight D C cation has been
      543 words
    • 226 16 EDUCATIONAL. JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL 40, NIVEN ROAD. Receives studen's from Primary to Standard VII and Commercial Class. Assures success in public i xaminations. Entirely under new management. For par iculars apply Principal. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Establishes 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). B, Short S'reet, Singapore.
      226 words
    • 492 16 J School Est »027 5 Admits pupii s f rom Primary 0 Il Cambridge. Well ua ii. j fied staff and efficient management. APPLY EARLY FOR J AFTERNOON AND I jj NIGHT CAMBRIDGE X CLASSES. > s 6, Cecil Street. MALAYA TRIBuS THONE 6171. SUBSCEIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. j
      492 words