Malaya Tribune, 10 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX, No. 3^ SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Feb. 10, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 Buy the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST,. The Picture Paper. 20 cents. j IN EVERY DETAIL/ S yi-ke New Austin Ten Four J In tatrodudac this new model the Austin Motor Co, wished "—and it has been achieved Consider <7 9 know they are providing a type for which there is a
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    • 123 1 A. FLINTER 6, Kaflles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces ot every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying k rf >ld coin and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. j It's Worth Reaching For!!
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  • 1080 2 SPOTLIGHTS SCREEN STAGE (EDITED BY "CINEQUE.") To describ. the present attraction at the Capitol. "Tell Me To-night" as a British success, vould be :.cmewhai unfair to those collaborators of other than British nationali y to whom a considerable part of the success is undoubtedly due, but the whole effort is
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  • 169 2 Cinema Exhibitors Urge Boycott. Free Aim v, London, (By Mail.) Free film shows in public-houses have led o a demand for a boycott by the cTnL tograph Exhibitors' Association ma cve T n^Tt m nn OWS haVe been held on Sunday evemngs at Doncaster and at other
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  • 719 2 "Dr. Baxter" Reports At The Studio. They can dodge solicitors and salesmen with pmazing skill. They are past meters 2 evading telephone calls amfaJ rSSoualJ disappearing. They know more alibis than n office bey baseball fan. a But Hollywood's stars can't escape the call boy of
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  • 269 2 Drawing On Mirrors With Soap. The following are among the items cf news received from Reutcr's Hollywood correspondent A soap artist" has been found at last to do pictures with tinted soap en bar mirrors for a scene in "He Done Her Wrong Six liners, laid
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  • 301 2 Irene Ware Appears ln Two Pictures. The modern screen test can best be summarised by the Biblical quotation. "Many are called but few are chosen." And of the many, few ever stop to consider why they v.fre not welcomed with open arms into the movie fold.
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  • 680 2 New York To Film Criminals. Achievements of science and technics are often turned to use by the police in the (Urn barge of their duties. The latest in this respect, one reads in a German Press report is :':if employment of the talkie by the New York
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  • 1343 2 THE TYPE MOST WOMEN WOUI n LIKE TO BE. (BY ELEANOR PACKER.) "If I were to wish I were any other woman in Hollywood. I should want to be like Norma Shearer." A woman writer said that one afternoon, when we were talking about th? various young
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  • 21 2 Herbert Mundin, the Fox comedian, who will oe remembered for his excellent portayal 0/ the bibulous orderly in -Chandu, the Magician.
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  • 96 3 i Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest, it must be underitood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double tvacing), and on
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  • 120 3 (To the Editor, -Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Will the authorities put a stop to 'anight parading of "sly" prostitutes In rickshas along that portion of Qu;en Street between Eias Ba-ah Road and Middle Roac? This dfcgusting :ight is not only a perfect nuisance but it also has a
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  • 115 3 (To the Editor. "Malaya Tribune:") Sir,— With reference to the letter in your Lsue of the 6th inst. on the above subject. I would be glad to know whether the writer is in a position to furnish proof. If so, I should say that favouritism is still
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  • 213 3 (To the Editor. Malaya Tribune.") Kindly allow me a few lines to suggest the formation of a "Street Boys' Club." Such a Club is no new idea in Malaya, for I und during mv sojourn in the P. M. S. that there were two such institutions,
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  • 193 3 fTo the Editor, "Malcya Tribune.") —I wish to cay a few v/oids about the Aliens Bill. I am in favour cf this Bill, and though for certain I shall be exposed to riticism, this criticism will mainly be from 'hose who were not bcrn in B-itish Malaya.
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  • 191 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."; Sir. —Saturday's correspondence columrs !n the People's Paper contained a \aluabi? letter from Mr. S. D. Rayman unier the pbove heading, and I support what he said. The boarding and alighting of 2nd cla s passengers by the 1st class should be stopped. The
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  • 1503 3 The Downfall Of A Court Minister? MUSLIM AFFAIRS. 'By Our Muslim Correspondent.j local and SS! pr;minence been given ir er the state of affairs from 7hlt neWS that has 50 far emanated nth- wen Sh:w that all is not awaritly well tnere. and If this is
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  • 56 3 Ottawa. The first execution in Ottawa for sixty-three ytars totk place here when a young man VY. G. Scabrcoke. was hanged for a murder commit ed during robbery. Tlie last execution was the hanging cf Whelan who assassinated Mr. Thomas Darcy HcGec. th? Canadian statesman,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 B phm n i x j fM THE HALL MARK i MINERAL WATER EXCELLENCE I v DON'T DELAY i «y 1 ORDER PHffiNIX I|| ;|p jnjiS TO-DAY jlf Phone 3463. j Crompton j Lamps lasting Sold at prices to suit all pockets, f brilliance ley are ot the highest quality
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    • 142 3 REVIEW OF SPORT. One Feature of the m MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Weekly. IS SOCIAL 4f^St^^\ ureioo pi' W j using ym ]\>JAW you? 11 j -Mi or can you REALLY ENJOY IT! /I j I When the day's work is done and i-J t /iWM {"wd* can meet
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 76 3 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Prcgramm. of Drills up to and for ••,< <kcnding Feb. 12, 1933. TO-DAY, FEB. 10. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarter;, Ist Bn. Slg. Section, Test and Examine 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, 2nd Bn. Sig. Section. Inspection of Stores. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Fortress Coy., Euro* pean Enrolment Night. 5.15 p.m.—Malay Headquarters, "P" (Malay I
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  • 891 4 Shipping News Notices. CONRAD'S STORY OF PILGRIM SHIP. "Lord Jim" Had Basis In True Adventure. Though the late Joseph Conral did not claim hie famous novel, "Lord, Jim," to be anything more than fiction, the real facts upon which ne based th 2 book are of considerable interest, end Mr.
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  • 197 4 Complainant Fails To Turn Up. A charge of desertion against James Dower .ell thro tgh in H. M. Police Court at Shanghai through lack of prosecution. The ship havinp reft port, there was no one to represent the owners in Shanghai. ne The charge was: "That yo;i on
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  • 44 4 Damage to the extent of $100 was caused to the steam launch "Kwai Fat when one cf the Kowloon God wn's launches crashed into the side of the Kwai Fat" as it was tied up alengside a coal lighter in the Yaumati Typhoon Shelter.
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  • 218 4 Five Liners To Visit Hongkong. i In addition to the giant, Can dian Fat lie liner "Empress of Britain," which will arrive !n Jlongkong on Feb. 11, four other lh.eis art scheduled to call there on world cruises. The Cunard liner "Carinthin" lelt New York en Jan. lon
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  • 66 4 Trip From Mauritius To Hongkong. Seven Chinese were brought before Mr. Eutte.s at the Kowloon Magistracy charged v.Hh stewing away on the "Cape St. Francis" frcm Mauritius to Hongkong. Sergeant Smith, who prtsecuted said the defendants were discovered four oays after the ship had left Mauritius. They were
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  • 739 4 Vessels Operated Under Foreign Registry. A successful result was obtained last year from the Government subsidy scheme for an improvement of the shipping standard, but the prospects fof this year are not very bright, says the "Japan Chronicle." It is still doubtful whether the replacement of old
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 404 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contrct with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Bangalore 6,000 Feb. 16 Ccmortn
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    • 228 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deutsch Australische Dampfschlffs < Oesellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. m.5. FRIESLAND Feb. 11 t m.s. KULMERLAND. via Manila Feb! 21 t ms. RAMSES, via Manila Mar. 8 WORLD CRUISE 1933. I s.s. RESOLUTE, in port 8 to Mar. 9
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    • 312 4 [Latest Shipping News will be found on page 12.] Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS: SINGAPORE. V Mohamed Ibrahim, 134. Tanjong Pagar Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station lV r^* a 2 Un J\° eneral (News Seller). Li c
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    • 166 4 > tatr* Ibrahiln 503, Dato Knunat lU;ad MALACCA. Hong Hin Co 14. First Cross Street. The Lanka Store. 12. Jonker Street. A °owe» Co.. 54, Riverside. PERAK T Talpus erSal Bo k StorC N Maln StorC 62 Main RUbbCr StamP N 35 Statlon Baser Singh. Anson Road, Teluk Anson. The
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    • 142 4 THE "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" is now owned by the "Malaya Tribune" Press, Ltd., and. published from the "Malaya Tribune" offices at 56-60. Anson Road, Singapore. It to being greatly improved Of the introduction of many New Features, while the best of the old ones are retained. The features Include: Several
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    • 470 4 STEAMER J^IW (lr > COt Germany), The undernoted are the Companr., fixtures:— I lotm^ OUTWAZDd. "NECKAR" for Manila, Honrt™ IWI Shanghai, Japan and North 32" 5 "LAHN" for Manila, HouSL Peb Shanghai, Japan and North China HOMEWARDS. "SCHLESIEN" for M'seih,, h** 3 R'dam, Hamburg and Brei"< "SAARBRUCKEN" for rs Fcb
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  • 500 5 Mining Shares. Singapore. Friday. 11 a.m. novttg tin share quotations are Issued Fraser and Co.. exchange and sUxk JJJ. Buyers. Bellere. £1 Asam Kumbang Tm 23;e 25,6 ti Austral Malay 18'- 20|. noia 5 Aye r Hitam Tin 10 9 116 H Baagrta Tin H,- I2jPsdant 0.1«
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  • 185 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER RE-OPENS WITH STEADIER TONE. All Tin Prices Higher. (By Our Financial Correspondent. j Sinjrapefe, Friday, Noon. To-days Prices:— Rubber (R.S.S. Singapore) 6 7 16 cts., up 1 16 ct. Tin (Singapore) $76i/«, up Yesterday's Prices: London Rubber 2 532 d., up *****. Market
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  • 177 5 Barlow and Co. report as follows on Feb. 9: Since our last report, the market has continued in a dull state, neither buyers nor scl'rrs evincing much interest. The price for Lendon Standard R. S. Sheet remained more or less stationary at 6"» cents until to-day, when business
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  • 49 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London Spot: 2 5;32d. New York Spot: 2 15 16 (G.) ccnts. Singapore: —6 7; 16 ccnts. TIN. London Spot: £149 12s. 6d. (Up 15s.). London 3 months: £1C0. (Up 12s. 6d.) Singapore: $76.12'j. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sund'.icd $4.85 Mixed 5440
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  • 220 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapcre, Feb. 10. Selling: London 4 months* sight 2s. 3" Londcn 3 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d.. London 60 days* sight 2s. 3 13 16d.. Lendon 30 days' sight 2s 3 25 32d, London demand 2s. 3- t d., London T.T 2s.
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  • 1086 5 Nipah Distilleries Of Malaya, Ltd. The second annual ordinary general meeting of Ninah Distilleries of Mglra. Ltd.. was held ?n 3C. at th> offic i of tbe. company, 6, Lloyd's Avenue. Finch rch St ret. EC. Mr. P. J. Burzess (chairman of the company) presided, und said:
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  • 592 5 Fraser Co.'s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co. report as follows on Feb 8j The past week has been a qviet cne in all ".ctions of the local share nuuket and the-c ;ir W«rtandto« reatures which can fO com i a :n. Rumours and antlbfpatxns with regard tothe Waj
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  • 148 5 An Impressive Balance Sheet. lhe balance sheet of Thos. Co k and Son Banlogrg, Ltd.. made up to Oct. 31 last well sustains the Batisfact ry record o. this prtval tanking company. The degree o.' liquid;'. rcveklad fa indeed remarkable, for of the told
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  • 70 5 Premier And Britain's Position. Reuter. Lond n, F.b. 9. In the House of Cnmmrns. Mr. Ramsay MacI)t laid, the Prime Min'stcr. indicated -hat Great Britain was net prepared to r turn te the god standard in gas prtsrnt c rcumstaiw On the contrary th :e wfrr a
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 99 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., f raraffd the latest buyers' prices, received by eab!e, ior Malayan Palm Oil and Palm Kern\s. PALM OIL IN BULK: c.l.f. landed i New York-Philadelphia 2.15 cents (U. S. currency) per lb. e.Lf landed weights U.S.A. Pacific r<:>; 2.10 cents (U.S. currency)
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  • 41 5 Bar!ow and Co. repcrt as fol ows on Feb. i»: The tonp of the market r mains very qui-'. There are no changes to record in prices which arc as follows:— Sundried $4.75 per pieul: Mixed $4.30 pr picul.
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  • 657 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are istued by Fra cr and Co. and Lyail and fcvett: '*ue Value. Fraser Lyall Shares St Co. Evatt. 1 AUenby SO 45 $0.55 $0.45 $0.60 1 Alor Oajah 025 0.35 0.25 0.35 IA. Hitam 0.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 47 5 WATCH IT6ROWJ fl Yearly Interest Paid to Yon Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your hank balance grow. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK pays interest quarterly Begin your saving now. Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 301 5 I THE EASTERN BANK. LIMITED. (Incorporated to England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: D'Almeida Street. j i AuThorlwd aod Subxrlbed Capital M.uoo.OOf Paiu-uj' Capl »1 ti.OuO.OOt ye Puuc *uO '{-M t Suu.wm lII.AD OFKU r.; LONDON Bft \.NCHE9 boaibay. Calcutta, (kiaaentj* Mama* A*mi«, Ralir-m. Basra. Kirk till M;>t|i huO SliiftßP'.''<-' L'L KKr'.S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 275 6 Amusements < i,;. ;^n. v.'i ni of the WORLD'S P: -:r: j SPECIAL, MATINEES- j To-Day To-Morrou; /J2 Sunday j to.*.. AT 3 P.M. It's here The Snappiest, Merriest and j BIGGEST Musicomedv vet j United Days., i CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD COME AND ROAR YOUR HEAD OFF I Hear those ditties
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    • 294 6 "Last night's audiences were" enthusiastic they even applauded by all means see 'TELL ME TO-NIGHT' j j 'STRAITS TIMES." J j CAPITOL I j NIGHTLY AT 6J5 9.15 j Matinees: To-Morrow and Sunday Have You Seen This Great Musical j Comedy that Everybody's Raving About! j JAN SONNIE I AND
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    • 191 6 NicnTLy 6.15 t a.isTi^ TALLULAH BANKHEAD Paul Lukas, Charles Bickford THUNDER BELOW I Tallulah Bankhead conies into her own The real TaJl .1 star Glamorous, gorgeous In a tumultuous drama woman and two men beyond the boundaries of rivHfeatkm! A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. SPECIAL NOTICE~~\ As many were unable to gain
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  • 415 7 ONLY TEN GALLONS LEFT. Work Of Loical Basfe Flyer. Reuter. mi v. i London, Feb. 9 nJh g f Lie m "SS*? was a member of a Hight of four flying-boats, co m m ande d by fhe° F P a"r C S" which visited [Group-captain Cave-Brown-Cave
    Reuter.  -  415 words
  • 115 7 Decreased Profits Last Year. Madrid. Bullfighting. Spain's national sport for centuries, will have disappeared in ten year--, according to Senor Joaquin Julia, the secretary cf the Society icr the Prevention or Cruelty to Animals. Inlnaking this prediction. Senor Julia points out tha.. judging by the number of
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  • 975 7 Singapore's "Little" Theatre. When a few months ag an earnest little band of local amateurs, greatly darir.3, produced that delightful fantastic play, -Prunella," one hoped that their success would encurage them regularly to stage similar works. That hope has been realised and from the 'Prunella" product!;n a dramatic
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  • 756 7 Holiday Of Cosmopolitan Enjoyment. vesterS P: Pei Started in *™«S Road mL The doors of the Tank unS T ShrmC WC,e lhrown l n ihe accord Pm °y belo;e to the accompainment cf the bugle, the pipe and torn- loins. Rich and pocr-Chettiarr, from S county parts
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  • 104 7 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Feb. 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate I). Ophir 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate S> Terukuni Maru 18: Nasusan Ma.v 14: Batco Empire Dock (Entrance Oate S>. Ptisander 32; Greystoke Castle 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4>. Atlas Maru 46. West Wharf (Entrance Oate
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  • 241 7 VOYAGE BEGINS. Adventurous Young Men. CATS AS MASCOTS. Jhe project (recently detailed in th vialaya Tribune") of an adventurous voyag" U England in n 13-tcn Chines? junk, which t bem S undertaken by two young Englishmen of Singapore, began yesterday vnen the "Soon Lee" fully
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  • 75 7 Thousands Of Workers Affected. Reuter. Londcn. Feb, 10. Bookmakers are rejoicing ever the fact that "tries" on all licenced greyhound racecourses ii England and Wales were closed yesterday, pending legislation following a Heme Office suuement in the House of Commons on Tuesday that totes on dog-tracks
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 225 7 AT THE CINEMAS. An excellent musical film opened at the Alhambra last night when Palmy Days," Eddie Cantors latest production, began a season. The film is full of fun and singimj, dancing <:nd pretty girls and it shculd achieve the tame popularity in Singapore as
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  • 200 7 The "Floj»er of Liberty," a Chinese talkl? produced by the Star Mctiort Picture Co., cf Shanghai, began a season last evening at th: Marlborough with crowded houses. The wellknown players of the company. Miss Butterfly WO, Mr. Cheang Siao Chiu and Miss Shia Pui Chin, a
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  • 53 7 Hclsingfors. Lilac and cherry trees are breaking into bloom in Moscow, according to reports from that city, owing tc the exceptionally mild weather now being experienced In the northen countries. A thtn layer of ice which had covered the river Mcskva and canals in Moscow has
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  • 67 7 Agreement To Be Extended For Three Years. Reuter. ij£L Naming. Feb 9 «K Foreign Office announces that as a remit of conversations between the Chines ai'thcritiei and representatives cf the Powers concerned, it has been agreed that the agreement ldating tc Chine c Courts in the
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 122 7 At the 20th annual general meeting of the Soon He Kok held on the 3rd inst.. at Mi Yeo San Twees residence, 101, Chin Bmme rtoad, The (JfflceHteaMTl tor VJ32 weie rfth '.".d cr b jc for 1933. as follows: Pn .ci v;r. Chia Seen Kirn: vice-presidents. Vie Tan Hoon
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  • 91 7 Mother Hears Them After Eight Yearg. Prague. On Friday, April 13. 1925. young Albert Frank, was marching with a company of the French Legion in the desert. Bandi s attacked tha soldiers, and Franke fell to th; ground—mortally wounded. As he lay there, he turned to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 702 7 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED— To rent 3or 4 tedroom bungalow, water, light, Upper Serangoon. Entry n State No. of hous?, road and rent tc So. 103 co Malaya Tribune. fO LET-r• Silverton." 8. Upp?r WUkie Road, toreyed compound house, with sanitary .lation. aat jr. tlectric lights and garage, to N B
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    • 157 7 i.ATF.ST ADVERTISE WENTK AT THE BOXING ARENA NEV, WORLD. By kind pounlscicn 61 the Proprietor. MR. C'iC> 800.1 TAT J.P. and MR. CNG PENG HOCK. On Saturday. 18th February, 193'?, at 9 p.m. TEAM CONTEST FOR "INDIA" CUP. Proceeds in aid cf UNION JACK CLUB. ADMISSION: $2. SI and 50
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    • 117 7 j Assets exceed $12,000,000. I J t Assurance in force over $35,000,000. ii Tlie Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement!). j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore i The Company has £20,000 deposited with the BuDrem# Court nt a LONDON, OFFICE:
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  • 52 8 Mrs. Tan Kiong Thye nee Lee Hong Neo died at her residence, No. 81. Tranquerah Road. Malacca, on Wednesday. Feb. 8, leaving her husband, one daughter unmarried, i.nd one grand-daughter. Funeral will take place on Sunday, at her family burial ground, Bukit Bharu. (F.M.S. and Saigon papers
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  • 768 8 We have on more than one occasion indicted the present Malayan administration for its almost completely negative policy in fighting the slump. Its ideas for coping with financial stringency are confined mainly to cutting out public works wholesale and sacking thousands of subordinates and scores
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  • 154 8 Mr. H. O. Smith, of Calcutta, has arrived to succeed Mr. W. Steel as Manager cf t?e Eastern Panic in Singapore. Mr. Stc*l is goin* Home on leave. K""»g ad iCe has in Kuala Lumpur from London that Mr Cyril Greater, eldest son of Mr. W. J. P G ren
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  • 357 8 Night Of Crackerfiring. (By our Chinese Correspondent.) The Chinese New Year festivities came lo a dose last night with "Chap Goh May," the night of rcarous crack.:r-firing, but literally the 15th night (of the first moon). Like the New Year Days, celebrations were not so
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  • 146 8 Wife Of Former Municipal Commissioner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 0. Mrs. A. W. Bean died in a Yorkshire horn? to-day. [Mrs. A. W. Bean was the wife of a former partner of Messrs. Robinson and Co., Singapore. When she was here she
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  • 46 8 Audience, And Gold Medal. Reuter Wireless. Rome. Feb. 7. His Holiness the Pope received to-day in private audience Dr. Kung, the Chinese Minister for Labour, who is a brother-in-law of Marshal Chiang Kai Shek. The Pcpe gave him a golo medal.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 15 8 From China and Manila by the "President Polk." due at Singapore daylight to-morrow.
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  • 357 8 Col. Hon. E. Coke, D.S.O., M.C.. late of the sth Eatt. Rifle Brigade, Is on a visit to Singapore, having arrived this morning by the "Turukunl Maru." Dr. J, s. Webster, Government Radiologist. S.S.. who is at present on leave, was called to the Bar last month. He will be
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  • 403 8 9 (BT "WOKEffON", Brisbane Test— not only t but of good sportsmanship i It isperhapsu Kou,! omen that 11, Australians now have Lovp L lh side. Thaipusam? It was m Thai-push-cm in Tank £2 ft night. ad The festive crowd, however i not so large as usual.
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  • 123 8 No Intention To Grant Equality? Reuter. Berlin, Fe5>. 9 M Paul Boncour's speech at Gcne\a. v !nd,n up the debate in the French dibaraiar..' in which he maintained that, dcspi' opposition of most of the rations 0 French plan it was still the best, ha* ,)U
    Reuter.  -  123 words
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 28 8 Latest IN Ladies 9 Toilet Ware jj U.S.deSilva Bros. 23, High Street, Singapore, T.K.K/S TYRES AND TUBES TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. j 634, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. j
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  • 342 9 TWO MEN ARRES ED. Demand For $50,000. SUSPECTS DENY THE CHARGE. Reuter. ft a tan (Mew Jersey), Feb. 10. S< M-.nrt/kopf. Chief of the New i n that th« Rrancke affair to «ith the murder of the 1 Irs
    Reuter.  -  342 words
  • 179 9 Expected To Put In To Sourabaya. Pro neien the battlesh'p D.8.1, naval mutineers, is ported officially, though being made to overtake it. nation rcc ivrd in Sin battkairip is proceedinj at a North Sumatra to Sou:abaya. fuel b short is untrue, as ted on the day before
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  • 37 9 MUTINEERS BOMBED. battleship Surrendered On Fire. Reuter. Batavia, Feb. 10. "Zevcn Provincien" has sur- ,1, r, f l after being bombed by a 'tout. Fire broke out aboard l CTew leaving in the boats. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 61 9 Heavy Penalties Imposed Magistrate. tn cbar BPS of po sevson cf ooo (i- 'V 0 Chinese were to-duy fined Mr Tm- C r, U ten months' r.i. each), that the J-! the Dept.. stat d th<> viiu„ f Se Were carr Jhig a bag of hemp
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  • 246 9 Man Trapped In Jungle Blaze. An aged Chinese was saved from a horrible d ath when he war trapped in a jungle fir* ye-terd-iy afternoon and mta rescued jusi in time. It appears that a £re broke out in a jungle two miles from Changi Read, in
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  • 93 9 Threat To Intensify Struggle. Reuter. Belfast, Feb. 9. The Ulster railway strike has taken a mere serious turn. Mr. Cramp, Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, stated that they proposed to in ten if y the struggle in every way in their pqprer. Deckers at Stranraer have
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 45 9 Reuter. Eerlin, Feb. 9. The Bavarian Diet adopted the Nazi motion demanding that the Government of the Reich nationa'i c the big banking concerns fcr the purpose of reducing interest rates and safeguarding the Reich's subsidies to the Banks. Renter
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 146 9 HUSBAND AND WIFE BOUND. Chinese High School Broken Into. A daiing armed robbery is alleged to have been committed at the Chinese High School ta Bukit T-niah Road at about 7 o'clock last tight. It appears that four well-dressd Chin se rrmed with pistols and knives surrr'sed
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  • 106 9 Defeated On Confidence Motion. Reuter. The Hague, Feb. 9. There is a possibility that the Ca;inet wi 1 resign following an adverse vote in the Lowe" licuse on the Government Bill for reorganisation of the judiciary, the immediate discussion <t' which the Government made a matter
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 23 9 Reuter. Milan. Feb. 9. The Chinese mission, composed of Minister Hong and five students studying military matter*, has arrived.—F.euter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 223 9 WARLIKE ATTITUDE OF JAPANESE. NEW FORMULA? League Committee In Session. Reuter. jyjf l a «T*«n increasing in Ncrth China, and a fre.h difference has ansrn br'ween the Chinese and Japanr. ir shanghai, the League Com■BM« is frying to find a new formula mee t Japan's new proposals.
    Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 80 9 Conscription And Overseas Chinese. Sharjhai. Feb. 9. At yesterday's meeting of the Central Government at Nanking, the principles of conscription to be imposed in the country and the establishment of overseas Affair Bureaus were passed. IS MARSHAL CHIANG ANTIJAPANESE? Marshal Chiang Kai Shek is on his
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  • 251 9 Says Non-Resistance Policy Is Unsatisfactory. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Hongkong. Feb. 9. Mr. Hu Han Mm. the veteran Kuomintang "right" leader and former president of the Fxecutive Yuan, in a wire to Mr. Lin Sen, chairman cf the National Government, requests that satisfaction be meted
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  251 words
  • 212 9 Would Smooth Out Many Difficulties. Reuter. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." London, Feb. 10. The raising of British representatives in China to the rank of Ambassador is suggested in an article by Mr. O. N. Green in the "Daily Telegraph" on China. He says that such v
    Reuter.; "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  212 words
  • 379 9 Japanese Objectives In Jehol. Shanghai, Feb. ID. The Volunteers in Jehol are co-operat-ing for the defence of Ka'iu, Fcusan, Chaoyan; and Llngyuen, which are the objectives of the Japanese attack. Most of the Inhabitants of the Jehol border have joined the Volunteers, because their houses have been
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  • 218 9 Japan* 8 New Proposals Final. Reuter. Hankow, Feb. 10. The nvreliant* in Hankow are organising a branch of the Air Society and have contributed half a months house ren s for the purchase of anti-aircraft material, lhe balanc? will be sent to the Central Government to strengthen
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 300 9 j PRODUCTS Outstanding among AYLMER Canadian Products are Aylmer Tomato Soup, Aylmer Tomato Ketchup and Aylmer Tomato Juice. Once the fresh natural I flavour of this trio of delicacies has been appreciated they will always find a place on your list. Ask your dealer for these famous Canadian goods —they
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  • 483 10 BARRACKERS DEMONSTRATE AGAINST LEG-THEORY. VOCE AND BOWES DROPPED; MITCHELL INCLUDED. Clarence Grimmett A Notable Absentee. Reuter. The Fourth Test between England and Australia commenced to-day at Brisbane. This game is invested with particular interest for several reasons. It will
    Reuter.  -  483 words
  • 44 10 Reuter. Brisbane. 3 p.m. Latest score. AUSTRALIA. Ist innings W. M. Wo dfull not out 36 V. Y. Richards n not out 50 Extras 1 Total dor 0 wkt... ii —Reuter. Brisbane, Feb. 10. Tea-time score: Australia 153 run for one wicket.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 119 10 At a well-attended meeting of members Interested in cricket held at the Indian Association on Wednesday. Mr. N. A. Mallal was elected captain and Mr. N. Abbasbhoy vicecaptain for the ensuing season. The following have been invited to play on Sunday at 11 a.m. on the I.
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  • 1010 10 BREAKING POINT ALMOST REACHED. AUSTRALIAN BARRACKER TO BLAME? No series of Test matches in the history of the Anglo-Australian cricket has aroused so much interest, not to say passion, as that which is proceeding in Australia this winter, writes A. G. Gardiner in "The Star." With
    1,010 words
  • 305 10 YESjfeRLUt'S ĔNGLISH LEAGUE MATCHES. ASSN: FOOTBALL. London, Feb. 9. English League matches played to-day resulted as follows: ENGLISH I.EAGU2, DIV. I Leicester C. 3 Aston V. 1 ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. ni (Southern). Newport County 1 Southend U. 3 ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. 11l (Northern). Walsall 4 Halifax
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  • 150 10 GOLF. The match between ladies' teams from the Singapore G.C. and the Garrison G.C. on Wednesday at the Garrison links resulted in a win for the S. G. C. ladles by 7 points to 3. Scores (S.G.C. ladies namei first): Miss A. S. Law 0, Mrs.
    150 words
  • 155 10 The following arc the teamr, and stani:i<> time-, f r tlic match between the Keppel G.C and the Island Club in the Wei-Hat-Wei Cup competition to be plqjyed on Sunday over the Island courc? (Keppel players mcnti n*d first): COO a.m. Dr. Ltiwson (4) v. C. A.
    155 words
  • 39 10 The mixed foursomes competition at the Garrison G- C„ en Tuesday resulted in a tie between Mrs. P. Power and Ft-Lieut W. 3. Allen (40 —4% —35 K). and Mr. end Mrs. R. C. Giggins (46—10*i—35»i).
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  • 125 10 WILTSHIRES CONCEDE SEVEN GOALS. HOCKEY. Ipoh, Feb! 9. The Wiltshires were beaten tiy 7—3 when they met Perak cn the Ipoh Padang to-day. M. Moreira performed the "hat-trick" to give his side a three goals lead before Keble sccred. Perak led 3—1 at the interval. The Wilts
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  • 203 10 SWIMMING. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 13. Charges that the Japanese swimmers who wen to many honours in the Olympic Games at Los Angeles, last summer, were "doped are afcged to have been made by Matthew Mann, the swimming coach at the University of Michigan. Mann
    203 words
  • 58 10 BILLIARDS A billiards tournament, comprising "A" and "B" singles handi.a;»s and snooker pool doubles handicap will te held at the S.R.C. next month. Entry lists are piste d on the notice board in iht billiard rom and memba are requested to note that -ntries dose ctl Feb. 28
    58 words
  • 79 10 CHESS. Dr. Alekhine. the w:rld's ches* champion who due in Singapore on the 23>a, played twentycne opponents simultaneously on Jan. jo at the V.M.C.A., Shanghai. Alekhine reclined in an ea jy chair with his back turned to the circle of chess-beards. As lhe moves of his
    79 words
  • 79 10 YACHTING. On Sunday. Feb. 12 ih "A" ClcLs will sail the fttat cf a serks of tht.e rdc^ lor the Gif'lltmaid Cup. F. rrt iO am. tfic Cla«ti will sail V.v ScCcfiill cf th r-.ies c; thiec laces fcr tho Tilling Challenge Cup. Start 10.10 cm. Ct.arses will
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  • 55 10 Tan Kah Kee and Co.'s team v. Raffles Institution on the latter's ground to-day, at 5.30 p.m: Lee Chew Seng, Lim Chwee Eng. j Lim Boon Leng, Lee Ah Bock, King Yean Long, Tan Cheng Lam, Lee Kah Koe, Leong Kong Poe'y, Khoo Soo Guan, ken?, Chui Sens, Aug
    55 words
  • 835 10 "tTsr 1 AlTStftAUAN FtjitL OF Ftetit At Tttte feft». BOXING. London, Jan. 25. I.' Trevor Wignall wrote In the "Daily Express" of Jan. 25: A .bopjng, discontented crowd. A tall man in evening drew;, waving from his left hand i bundle of papers, standing in the
    835 words
  • 42 10 There are ov.r five million slaves in Central Africa, Abyssinia and the Par East, stated Sir John Simon and Lady Simon in an appeal for the abolition of rlavcry published recrn ly in the German paper, Frankfurt Zeitung."
    42 words
  • 74 10 The Bishop of Quimper in Brittany, France, recently denounced jazz and automobiles. Then the primate of Normandy issued a warning against the? habits of modern women. He denounced flapperism, neo-paganism and indecent fashions which, he said, will destroy the Christian spirit and destroy moral equilibrium. He deplored that women "too
    74 words
  • 325 10 REVISED TOURX \v| v T TIKS. LAWN TENNIS. Revised ties in the S c c tournament will be played d d0jb: TO-DAY MIXED DOUBLES HAND'Cap Murray and Mrs. McMuriav H Vr Parringtcn and Miss st pi, E G to-morrow MIXED DOUBLES LEV El and Miss Griffith Jcnes
    325 words
  • 173 10 Wireless Operator Fined. A wireless operator has been :.ned £25 and crdered to pay five guineas costs at Liverpool for attempting to smuggle 12.900 letters containing Irish Sweepstake tickets into Live:; The letters filled 14 mail bags. It was stated in Court that i
    173 words
  • 30 10 (F:Zi:\ Our Ou-n C •< Th? r» t 2»1 Pr.i rr cn;rrd to-CM- lv npt the M:r? tr:-.t rrrr": Gevcrnrr. n sir's' -eh n school* r.rc er.ti.-ci/
    30 words
  • 107 10 Alhambra—Eddie Cantor In "PahßJ Capitol.—Jan Kiepura in "Tell lie ToEmpire.—"The Passionate Plumbei fcjWjj ing Buster Keaton. HaJf-pr* matinees. Great WorfcL-Side shows, pasjc Malay opera, Chinee wayangs, ing films COh fcr a Man and "The Social Lion") Marlborough.—"The Fl< Chinese talkie. New World.—Sid- ihow open-air cinemas. Malay operas,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 The Whole Household Clamours for the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Weekly.
      12 words
    • 83 10 '•"••'•••■■■■■■■■■■iiaiiaiiiiiii[|'iii>iiiii<,» -j OUR TOWN OFFICE. I I The town office of the "Malaya 1 I Tribune" has been removed from I 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, to I Messrs. E. M. Glover Co., I 9; the Arcade (Ground floor) I tel. 2219. i I I Advertisement inquiries may be I I ma
      83 words

  • 322 11 Malacca Amateurs Do Well. Under the patronage of Mrs. C H G Clarke Mrs. Tan Chay Van. the Malacca Hc£ P u* and Snn°H n on SaturSay v titled S st P ,eSenUd 0 pla >' fi.titled The Prcdigal Son" a' the Chan Koon Cneng Hall. Wolferstan Road.
    322 words
  • 444 11 Eighteen Months For Housebreaking. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore, Feb. 3. Thiee Javanese named Saihon bin Darui, Mohamed Yassin bin Haji Abdul Razak and Tannin bin Haji Tahir, weie produced this morning before the Hon. Mr. Justice W. Burton at the Muar Assizes on a charge of housebreaking,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 67 11 WORLD GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS AS USUAL. GHOST TRAIN LAUGH AND SHOUT—THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT, owe And Have A JoUy Good Ride To See Wonders. 1 ILKIES:_ j Lew Ay res In Many S SHp AND ALSO "FINGER PRINTS" (Serial) Ch. 5 6. ((ll^ an^e of Orchestra D \Rtm CE AT
      67 words
    • 61 11 GLASSES TO MEET EVERY OCCASION. Prescribed And Pitted By Experienced Opticians Who Are Always In Attendance. ELLISON S. EZEKIEL CO., 3, Capitol Building Stamford Road, Singapore. (NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER OPTICIANS IN TOWN). REPAIRS:—BINOCULARS, TELESCOPES, GRAMOPHONES, etc., etc. Developing and Printing Also Undertaken. Our Office Closes On Saturdays, But
      61 words
    • 67 11 PLEASE THE WIFE by Buying the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." She'll Like It And So Will You. After middle age men divide into two classes, the Dependent and the Independent. Your position is deter mined not by what you have earned but by the amount you have saved. The easiest way
      67 words
    • 359 11 I LOOK for the pyramid Trade Mark on every handkerchief you buy. In fabric, designs, colours and service, Pyramids offer you—always—the Greatest Handkerchief Value in tho World. Guaranteed by Tootals. PYRAMID HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEN TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE COMPANY, LIMITED, MANT'UESTER, ENGLAND t T T L j —OF GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD
      359 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 335 11 CLUB DIARY. are numerous Clubs and Societies in c, most of the members of which are the Malaya Tribune." This Diary d specially lor them. Secretaries are co-operate in keeping it up-to-date Happenings of general interest included in the Diary of Events." Diary" can cover meetings, enter' 7iight-visits and such
      335 words
    • 249 11 club-house, 54. Nelson Road. 1 p.m. As this meeting is- an important one, attendance of every member is needed. Tan Chong Beng's 8.P.: Badminton match against Marcelle 8.P.. latter's court. 3 pm Members and supporters, assemble. Mr Tan Chong Beng's residence. 2 p.m. MONDAY, FEB. 13. Wah Chong B.P: Committee
      249 words
    • 68 11 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday. Night. Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor Star 93 Nil 11.1 6G Kota Bharu 85 Nil 9.2 66 K. Treagganu 83 Nil 9.9 66 Bukit Jeram 90 Nil 10.7 72 Mersing 82 Nil
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    • 349 11 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY, FEB. 10. High Tides.—lo.2s a.m., 11.50 pm Hockey: V.M.C.A. v. M.C.U., V.M.C A Thaipusam, Procession of Silver Car to Beach Road and fireworks, 9 p.m Police Band, Katong Park, 9 p.m. TO-MORROW, FEB. 11. High Tide.— 11.02 am Meeting, Ceylon Sports Club, 4 pm Golf. Keppel
      349 words

  • 1806 12 ANNUAL REPORT. Membership Campaign Urged. The District Scout Commissioner's report d scribes (he past ye-ir a* ,i fairly successful year frr the local A. xhCci. but sayr thai ih: coming year premiers lc be on- p| finuncbl dlfficul y. The sl:'nda~il o? Iwal secut!nr. and camplnjr hive
    1,806 words
  • 55 12 Paris. A roofless" hat. con irting simply of a band f leo cly-kni'tcd wool slipped ever th' tc k ep th? hair in place Is a new fashion tor country wear in France. The hats are in dark colours, with, tomeI imcj;. a strip of brigh ly-cclouretf
    55 words
  • 204 12 Singapore, Feb. 10. R. iSiam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $117 R. (Siam) W. Coast 2 $H2 Rice, B. Siam No. l $11« Rice, B. Siam No. 2 $111 Rice, Siam "Old" per koyan No. 1 $188 Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $170 Rice, Siam "Old" NO. 3
    204 words
  • 476 12 t Officers And Cadets To B*? Entertained. SHIPPING NEWS. The training ship "California State," operfted by the California Nautical School, will niive in Ringapcre on Sunday, at about 9 a.m. This vessel v loaned to the fftats cf Califorila by the United States Navy Department ;.nd
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 52 12 'PINEAPPLE" BRAND I HAMS BACON "PINEAPPLE" HAMS BACON are the finest procurable j always fresh end delicious I —as new shipments are constantly arriving to meet the ever increasing demands throughout Malaya. Singamm CotD Storage C?fc? Crclwcl Read arc! Sub-Depot* Jr Arrer n| I Comparison I jj <p I simply
      52 words
    • 446 12 Good News For piu Sufferers I FAMOUS PILES SPECIALIST Consulting hours 8 to 12 a.m. > Particulars of treatment can b* h. P nv TERMS MODEP I am glad to say that I u reli.ved of the malady wind; ha of endless trottbh for me fa Considering the nature of
      446 words

  • 128 13 They Kept Him Talking While They Searched His House. Alexandria. While Dimitrius Leboutis, King cf Levantine drug traffickers, was pleading with Russell Pasha, head of the Central Narcotics Bureau, to postpone an crder which had been made for his deportation from Egypt, officers of the
    128 words
  • 73 13 Boston. The reasons for which people in various pro-fesf-ions are "giv:n the sack" have been tabulated by a student at the Boston University School of Education. He discovered that the mam reason ln all professions was—carelessness. Fatal faults in other professions, he found, were: Bankers: Unpunctuality.
    73 words
  • 147 13 Abolition Of Passport Visas Suggested. O O Nice. The abolition of passport visas identity cards and customs barriers were amcng the measures advocated to revive th; tourist industry made at th> European Tourist Conference which opened at the Castino Mediterrane to-day. Another suggestion was that journalis's
    147 words
  • 53 13 Madrid. A "mut.ical lock-ouf' has been declared here by proprietors cf cafes and barr, as a pretest -."•ainstt what they consider to be the exhorbiiantly high royalties demanded by the society cf composers. Heuceforih th? proprietors yin discontinue a i music in their establishment on the stroke
    53 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 328 13 I all children love. 1 j IVifTlOUb. plowing health, tireless energy I t mm f and a deli Shtful awareness of the joy of life J I J an d living, are the rights of every boy and 1 I f %>■ I But ho#-lew, comparatively, give evidence 3 f
      328 words
      35 words
    • 304 13 H? has been to terribly fractious of late. One hardly know what to do with him. He must havj inherited that terribl: temper from hio dad. It is far more likely that he needs a few doses of Baby's Own Tablets. No baby can b: happy and contended if his
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 223 13 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA (INCLUDING BURMA), CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry, England. Wavelengths: 25.3 and 31.3 metre*. G.M.T. 2.30 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben. Concert by the Northern Studio Orchestra, from a Manchester Studio. 3.00 p.m.
      223 words
    • 499 13 or.d Pri. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sun, 11 a.m. to i p.m. n#port to 2, Orchard Road. KUALA LUMPUR (50 metres), a Government transmitter, programmes being supplied by the Malayan Amateur Radio Society (Kuala ..urnpur), broadcasts records 6.30 to 8.30 p.m l uesdays and Pridays and from 7 to
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  • 487 14 Temple Entry Legislation The Government's Carefully Worded Neutral Conditions—Mr. Gandhi's Statement And Lead—Colonisation Scheme For The Literate —Joint Committee To Be Established Before Easter. As briefly cabled by Reuter, the Government of India have permitted Mr. Rang a lye s Untouchability Abolition Bill in the ib
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  • 785 14 Mr. Gandhi, in a statement on the foregoing decision offers an analysis of the position and gives a definite hud to his followers as to the further course of action to be pursued. Mr. Gandhi points out that Dr. Subbaroyan's BUi. which was of a permissive character
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  • 634 14 A scheme of an agricultural colony to be opened in the new area to be irrigated by the Cauvery-Mettur Project has been under contemplation for some time and a site of about 200 acres, to be freely granted by the Government, has been selected near
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  • 315 14 It is reported that the term of Sir Malcolm Hailey, Governor of the U.P will br extended. In the ordinary course his term wculd expire in August this year Both Lord Invin and his eldest son ar down with influenza. Lord Halifax is also unweh, says a London r-*ssage
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 564 14 CRUSADER FENCING (BRITISH MANUFACTURE). The Least Expensive and —^^L\\\ Most Effective j |W Unclimbable Fencing S < 9T I Obtainable. N MwWiwU* r Outstanding Feature:— fiara^^^N^l^^ Specially Galvanised 'P j Manufacture. I Enquiries Solicited.—No Ohlig;.'.ioa. P' ***** W m V j j THE BORNEO CO., LTD. j P^etc»PahcrElALl D r
      564 words
    • 251 14 Children thrive on it. All children need SCOTT'S Sf^fc Emulsion. It makes them L YAW strong and healthy. It feeds I the muscles, hardens the I 4 *> bones, enriches the blood I \~^\A and ensures vitality. It builds I *j£sks-*, P—M up resistance to lung troubles, I J I
      251 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 Why envy me when you can do as I do Buck yourself up with the energy food'drink, Bournville stock of energy. Bournville Cocoa can restore energy as no other C^lc^/^^^^^ article of ordinary diet has power to do. Bournville excels in te^^^^^^St food-value, bulk for bulk and price for price,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 258 16 M. HASSAN. CONTRACTOR. 36-37, Bras Basah Roud, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric j lights, fans, motors, etc., and I water service, please write to 1 the above address or 'Phone I 3411. I TO LET. TO LET. REDUCED RENTS. Oarage No. 32, Jalan Besar Open Day and
      258 words
    • 661 16 THE PEOPLE S PAPEfit: IN DEPENOENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. *o LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brother*. TO LET—Rooms, Shops and Garages a k BURLINGTON, Coleman Street-—Phone 7108. TO LET—Houses Nos. 37. 39, 41, 49, 51 and 103. Bid. ford Road, also motor garages, 289, Orchard Road (sui abl?
      661 words
    • 542 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE —Morris Oxford Motor Car Mod 1 1928, tourer, five s'ater, perfect condition, quit? recently thoroughly overhauled by an expert, going cheap. Apply to 933, Upper S ran goon Road (6.h mi'e). FOR SALE—At 40 Tc under cost Lava'ory basins 27 19 rectangular and round with accessories
      542 words
    • 239 16 EDUCATIONAL. JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL 40, NIVEN ROAD. Receives studen's from Primary to Standard VII and Commercial Class. Assures success in public f xaminations. Ent'rely under new management. Fe>r par.iculars apply Piincipal. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). B, Short S'-reet, Singapore. Enrol
      239 words
    • 568 16 I—, economy; ATEs Then don't throw clocks, watches or J2? —Send them to us w^ 1 them a "new life" useful to you ag LOW PRICE' a It pays you to cog,^ Yick Woh %\m 429, North Brid ge Road b Near Middle Road. Contractors for Repairs of cw, and
      568 words