Malaya Tribune, 8 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 36 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XX.- No. 322 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1933. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 Buy the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST, The Picture Paper. 20 cents. ll BEST. j MM THE PEBFECT FOOD ""*^MILh 111 PERFECT FOOD S FOR B4BV 1 FOR BABY I SS m Per,<Cl m>h WgWoffiM Blue Cross The Perfect Milk S i I&OENSED WM t I SAFE AMD GOOD FOR BABY. I
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    • 44 1 A. FLINTER i 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamond? nnd Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 1018 2 New Sanctuary At Capri. If you visit the right street in London or any of our big towns you will find Bye birds in little cages in seme streets and de-ad birds hanging from pegs in other streets: live finches in Central and East London, dead ortolan
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  • 64 2 Columbus Ohio. Mr. Geo'gc Loomis makes a lvine by smashing plates. V g y He lets Weights fall on to the edge> of the Plates, drops iron balls mt o the ce«t-e of them, puts them in electric ovens, an! then plunges th»m into cold
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  • 543 2 A "British Town" In The Desert. Basra. While a settlement of the Anglo-Persian oil dispute is still in abeyance, engineers are pushing ahead rapidly with the development of the jil-fields of Iraq. The great pipe-line, which has to cover 600 miles of desert, is being built
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  • 59 2 New Rules For Spanish Foatballers. vho it Q BaTcelona Footbal! Club ho are not m b mi<fc)i ht before a matC h will in future be severe v H-nished by the Committee not report for training regularly This tightening up of the club s
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  • 138 2 Job For Workless Youths. rmlitary enfinee:, Sebastk-n Vauban in Z reign of Louis XIV. The excavation will be directed by Dr Ernst Sptej, a well-known Rhineland savant th rC s! d e y rled reLrehes l nrnvfi 2* CbJects of tne are J" 1 8 fflve
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  • 108 2 Wine-Merchants Plan To Revive Trade. t,,„ Budapest. only brandy steam bath in the world wJt n J h mtle Village of Ecsed m South Western Hungary. The owner is a big wine and spirit merchant, who cannot sell his goods at a price J*** would pay
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 267 2 j Make your own Moving Pictures! J Press a lever hir.rj.. anil j you have mad,- a Cine-Kodak enabl < dear sparkling pictures th I toe. Whatever holds j interest can be I j screen your h j you wish. Inspect the hi models. I I j KODAK LTD. j
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  • 272 3 $5,000 Fire In Famous Dickens Shrine. SO Brigade Calls Jn London. "Dinghy Dell" —rich in Pickwick associations -was partly d stroyed by fire on Chris.m:v> morning. Fire brck. out yesterday on the estate cf Lord Rayleigh, and a blaze destroyed the historic mansion of a Scottish
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  • 122 3 Woman Who Gave Crusts To Men Now Famous. Nice. Rosalie, the "good hostess of Old Montparnasse," who was known to thousands as the ■'mother of all srtlsts," has died in her humble retreat at Cagnes-sur-Mer less than two months after leaving the turmoil of Paris
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  • 95 3 "President Of The Shining Heads" In A Wig. Tokyo. All tli? bald-headed men in Tokyo have received a terrible shock. The President of the Shining Head Club has appeared in public wearing a wig. One newspaper states that he has "created sensation in bald-headed circles by
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  • 75 3 Twice As Many Men As Women. Paris. A large incre?so in suicides is recorded in Paris. Figures jast issued sh< w that: Six hundied more people committed suicide viurin? 1931 than in 1926; twice as many men '<mmit suicide as wemen; there are more in summer than
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  • 80 3 Oslo. With the ipject of concluding an exchange clearing armigement with Germany, representatives cf tie Norwegian Government have gone to Berln to continue negotiations. Some dissatisfaction has been expressed by Norwegian Exporters, especially those working in the fishiig trade, at the fact that German Importers lave difficulties in
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  • 428 3 Sir Eric Geddes On Capetown Route. chairman of mm* ao7lV:! nn o on o» an inspected f the *.°°o-mt: air line to CapeJ£U! t: avcllin overland to Rome to disctrs rcblems which affect the operation of Brtttrh Hying boats dewn the Italian coa-t and will
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  • 234 3 The King Has More Thnn 1,000 Clocks. The King, wha ha", more than 1,000 clocks, lr.s the biggest clock collection in the county. At* Windsor Castle there are 360. at Saniiingham 250. and at Buckingham Palace 160. There are more clocks ln the Scottish Royai
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  • 187 3 Tourist Map Of The Desert. Paris. R&se gardens hotel wireless TJ*se are some of the notes on a tourist map of the 9ahara which has just been published. It covers the whole region from Algiers and Oran down to Oao and Niamey. Every outpo t,
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  • 52 3 Tokyo. Postmen in the luouatainous districts cr Japan are expecting to be equipped with skis to deliver their letters more quickly dining the winter months. Arrangements are reported to be In progress for Intensive courses ln skl-lng to be given to postmen who have not yet mastered
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 JHOW TO BEj HAPPY THOUGH t MARRIED P j ALWAYS INSIST j M HAVING PKENIX MINERALS j j iL'ljH Your Home, j I 'Phone 3463. j 7~ —> f~\ SO YOUVE DISCOVERED X J POSTUM TOO m M "Y©S» and I haven't given I up tea either. But I've found
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    • 15 3 Current Comment on Malayan Affairs in the MALAYAN 0 I SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Only.
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    • 149 3 In.ervalve Coup'"* Units Oifferimial Cond nr.irs *v V* Dual Wave Cons oatpul Transformers L.F. Transformers I Tuning Condensers .y^ Drum Drive Dials O Grid Condensers Output Chokis E the nftfilsT- radio COMPONENT MANUFACTURERS' 4,1 IN THE WORLD. FULL RANGE Ol COMPONENTS FROM SINGAPORE STOCKS. RADIO SERVICE Co. of MALAYA (SOLE
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 230 3 EMPIRE RADIO TONIGHT. British Broadcasting Corporation. PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA I INCLUDING BURMA), CEYLON, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND ADEN. From The Empire Transmitter, Daventry. England. Wavelength*: 25.3 and 31.3 metres. GMT. 2.30 p.m. T,m.' SfenaJ hani Big Ben. Cogeert by th? Northern Studio Orchestra, frcm a Manchester Studio. 3.00
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    • 483 3 KUALA LUMPUR (50 metres), a Government transmitter, programmes being supplied by the Malayan Amateur Radio Society (Kuaia Lumpur), broadcasts records 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays and from 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays. Latest reports show that the station has been well received in various parts of Malaya, as
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  • 1086 4 Shipping News Notices. "SUPPORT BRITISH SHIPPING." Some All-Important Factors. The "Buy British" cry has now extended to "Support British Shipping." The chairman of the P. and O. has commented on the jact that a' certain numbe* of Britishers travel by foreign lines which are heavily subsidised by their respective Governments.
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  • 73 4 The "Solway Firth," a Hull trawler, greatly distinguished herself in the rescue of the crew of ths Soviet steamer "Tovari teh" off Spitsbergen. ihe Soviet oil department, is accused by he l>alvian aucho lties of having deliberately faked cude" cil to evade the customs. •'Sirassfurt," a Hamburg-AmerLan
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  • 446 4 A Norwegian Shipowner's Scheme. It would be Interesting to hear the opinions of British officers and seamen of a scheme v/hich has, been put into operation by a Norwegian shipowner, Mr. A. L Langfeldt. Briefly, this provides for the co-operative running of ships by owners, officers and crew.
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  • 56 4 Experimental Shipment In February. An experiment in the shipment of chilled b?tf to England by the steamer "Port Fan-v is to be undertaken by a Wairarapa meat firm this month. In th? light of the valuable experience gained by a shipment made from the firm's Moreton (Queensland) works
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  • 110 4 Eleven-Day Fight With Storms. Durban. A little 100-ton whaling boat fought her way through storms for 11 days to reach Durban for repairs after she had met with disaster in the Antarctic seas. The distance was 2,00J miles. This little ship, the "Skudd," was chasing a whale through
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  • 193 4 Mishap To Williamson Co.'s Ship. The Williamson lin? £teamer "Kamona" formerly owned by the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, went ashore at Sau Sze Wan. nrar Lyemoon Pass, recently, but efforts to dislodge the vessel the next d?y w:re su.'cesiful. She wai refloated at high tide. "Ihe
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  • 156 4 6,000 Miles In Eighteen Foot Boat. San Pedro (California), Jan. 9 Mr. Fred Rebelle, the famous "Safety-Last" sailer of Sydney, Australia, has arrived here m his eighteen-foot skiff, Plaine". afcer a 6,000-mile voyage across the Pacific from Sydney. Mr. Rebelle explained that he did the trip because
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ~v 8 P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND aPCAR LINES. (Incorporated ln England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contrct with His Majfsty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Bangalore 6.000 Feb.
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    • 232 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deutsch AUBtrallsche Dampfsc biffs Ji€ fej Gesellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1833 m.s. FRIES LAND Feb. 11 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Feb. 21 t m.?. RAMSES, via Manila Mar. 8 WORLD CRUISE 1933. t s.s. RESOLUTE, in port 8
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    • 303 4 Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE Al THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS'.— SINGAPORE. Y. Mohamed Ibrahim, 134, Tanjong Pagai Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station. A. Palasamy, General Hospital (News Seller) Mr. E. 8. Kattuvasa, 391, New Bridge Road. E. S. Nainamsah, 23 Neil Road.
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    • 153 4 MCdlCaI Hall MALACCA. Hong Hin Co., 14, First Cross Street The Lanka Store, 12, Jonker sTreel M. A. Gomes Co., 54, Riverside!^ PERAK T1^.pS erMl Road. N R Ubber 8tamp J5 station 5£np^"! 1 800 ™<* Anson The People s store, Teluk Anson. SELANGOR. The Federal Rubber Stamp Co Rallwav
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    • 168 4 [Latest Shipping News will be found on page 12.] r --< j THE I "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" is now owned by the "Malaya Tribune 1 Press. Ltd., and published from the "Malaya Tribune* offices at 56-60. Anson Road, Singapore. m is being greatly improved by the introduction of many New
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    • 459 4 STEA MERJ?A£^ j|L «ORDDBU^ torpor. UKi Qenatny) Thr undernoted are the Companr, fixtures:— pacyi latency OUTWAXDa. 8 "NECKAR" for Manila, HoneW 19 Shanghai, Japan and North Chi« "LAHN" for Manila, U Shanghai, Japan and North China b homewards. 8 "SCHLESIEN" for M'seilles Hamburg and Bremen "SAARBRUCKEN" for Genoa Bare. 15
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  • 481 5 Mining Shares. Singapore Wednesday, 11 a.m. ring tin share quotations are issued ex a:»d Co.. exchange and stock Buyers. Sellers. JrAia" Kumbang Tm 23|6 25 6 Austral Malay 18:- 20|- norn ■J fOUMt Tin 10 9 116 JM: r:n Tin Hp 12,--1; Bataai Padant 005 0.10 J
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  • 283 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. HIGHER PRICES AT RUBBER AUCTION. Good Demand By Manufacturers. fßy Out Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Wednesday, Neon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (R.S.S. Singapore) 6% cts., unchanged. Tin (Singapore) $75'H, down Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber 2>/ B d., unchanged. Market Tone: Steady. New York Rubber 2 29
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  • 48 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London: 2' 4 d. New York: 2 29 32 <G.) cents. Singapore: 6^—6 716 cents. TIN. London Spot: £149 12s. 6d. 'Down 2s. 6d London 3 months: £150. (Down 7s. 6d.». Singapore: $75.75. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundried $4.75 Mixed *4.30
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  • 223 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) •Singapore, Feb. 8. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 29|32d Ix>ndon 3 months' sight 2s. 3 7 8 d.. London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 27 32d.. London 30 days' sighi 2s 3 13 16d. London demand 2s. 3 25<32d., London T.T.
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  • 108 5 German Loans Fall Again. Reuter Wireless. London, Feb. 6. On the Stcck Exchange to-day Kaffir.s opened with a renewed burst of activity which spread to other mining shares but with th? price of gold to-day reduced by 1 ,d. to £5.19 y the demand subsequently was less keen,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 58 5 More Visitors To German Towns. Berlin. The tourist trade in Germany is Improving. More people visited Cologne, Wiesbaden and Coblenz in October than in the same month the previous year, according to the Prussian Er.reau of Statistics. Several other resorts report an increase, while elsewhere the progressive falling-ofT
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  • 225 5 Company's Pjwer Station Sold To F.M.S. Govt. A cirrular to th; shareholders cf th" Surge* Bcsi Mines announces tl:at an agreement hus been arrived at for th: sale of the company liydro-clectrlc installation to the F.M.S. Govcrnm rt. The purchase price is £200,000, payabl; in cash on Apr.
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  • 104 5 Senator s New Restriction Scheme. Reuter. Washington, Feb. 7. Mr. Tmith. the Dome era t Senator for South Carolina, has introduced a BUI designed o n dnee the cotter crop in 1933. He .uggefts putting In? 3.*****0 bales at rjrsent ccntrolled by the Plate*] Farm Board acd
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 38 5 Thousand Million Issue Over-Subscribed. Reuter. Rome, Feb. 7. A thousand million lire worth of bonds ot ii.r newly formed institute for industrial reconstruction was offered to the public yestcr(ia;-. and to-day was largely cvei-subscribcd. Peuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 118 5 Less of the Garing (Malacca) Rubber Estate fcr the year ended September 30, £1,675 (against £193 for 1930-31). A profit of £2,157 was realized on the sale of Three-and-a-Half per cent. Conversion stock, fo that after writing off t&c working loss for the year the credit balaiipi
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  • 105 5 Profit of the Stcughton (Perak) Rubber Plantations for the year end?d September 30, £333 (igain t £985 for 1930-31), to which ha* been *dded £173 previously provided for taxation j and net r.ow required, *nd £4,617 brought in frcm the previous account. The directlrs have set aside
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  • 265 5 IVofit £470: £8,413 To Be Carried Forward. Tn: report for the year ended Aug. 31 of Hongkong Tin Ltd., reveals a net prcfit of £47C TO balance brought forward from previous f B uVl- ICaVhlg bala,:Ce 13 04 18.884. which it b r commend d be carried 17
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  • 96 5 New Assessment Prices For Export Duty. R* f Mowing notification is. by direction of w Cllle] Secretary to Government, published fc general information: In exercise of the powers vested in hhtt by sen ton 22 of "The Customs Enactment, 1923." th: Ch-rf Secretary to Government hereby fixe;
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  • 103 5 According to a cabled summary cf the report o: th? Petalin? Tin for the year to Octroi 3] (which will be submitted to the annual meeting to be held at Ipsh, F.MS.. Cj January 23». the net profit amounted to fSOjfS (against £29.444 for 1930-31). A fia&l dividend
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  • 85 5 Thf severe handicap und:r which rubbei. U i. and other prrduccrs in the Dutch EaM tntSki iabour a.s the resuU of the maintenance of tb. gold standard in Hclland is clearly awn ha the preliminary report of the AngloDt.teh Plantation of Java. Tl.'. company, which has a share
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  • 461 5 Mr. W.D. Home's Views On Chinese Language. fj?;: Honie v:ho was formerly Protector of Chinese. Penang. and left en hs c tirement recent!,, was interviewedl a Mcl 7 uch the Austra 1 n ■■■Eroe Dutch East Indies. «2?* H at that as v mil of
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  • 84 5 (Incorporated ln England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. D'Almetda Sireei. Authorised and Sur*»crn>t:d Capital £2,;>"0.u0c Paid-up Capl al t1..M0,0»«c Re sen c Fund and Rett uiw HF.AI> OFFICE: LONDON BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Cou?/nDo. Karacm, MMtn Arrura. Bae'idad. BuSruin. Basr* K..cuiMuau) mid binjiap'.'. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opsued and tmertai al;ow~d
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  • 669 5 Rubber Shares. Singapnr:. Wednesday. 11 I m The following rubber share quotation* are issued by Fra:er and Co. and Lyall una Cvati: r «wue Value. Fraser Lj»ll <ie Shares. Co. EvaO. 1 Allenby $0.46 $0.55 $0.45 to c:t 1 Aior Gajah 025 0.35 0.25 035 IA. Hltain
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 52 5 m 3°| o Interest yearly' paid to you quarterly Think what small amounts put regularly away now, will mean to you in time to come. In a surprisingly short time you will have an appreciable bank balance. Interest at the rate of 3% is paid quarterly. Head Office: 55, Wall
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    • 218 5 Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*). Successors to THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HON(i BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL. Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE RO\D. BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Chee Swee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 J■ vi ■•••■••r. ''.i.. r THEATitK with THj :uv PH. \voki rrs riCTURES. Matinee To-Day at 3 p.m. Positively LAST DAY TO-DAY j Norma Shearer j j FREDRIC MARCH, LESLIE HOWARD j in MelroGolduyn-Mayer'* "SmiliiT Through" TO-MORRO W—THURSDA V, MATINEES DAILY AT 3 p.m. Thurs.. Fri., Sat. and Sun. i
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    • 197 6 Amusement s Last Night s Packed Audience actually APPLAUDED this Great Musical Film I CAPITOL j iSpwial Watiite'es.- T0I> gSftf I j t NIGHTLY J I Something NEW in Musical Comedy. i Something BETTER than you've seen before I eIAN KIEPURA •THE NEW CARUSO" in WTTO 5 I j SOnDieHale
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    • 418 6 Tallulah Bankhead Paul Lukas, Charles Bickford tmWsMmm A Paramount Picture. SPECIAL, NOTICE As many were unable to gain admission at the last Derfornti of "The Love Parade" we have made arrangements «Si this production at the 3.15 p.m. matinees on Saturd Sunday, the 11th and 12th instant respectively This is
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  • 50 7 Uatfue Of Nations* Offer. Tn* r>ut Ouv rf Bangkok. Feb. 7. The rect-tr proposals to deepen the tar of Bangkok Kner have culminated in an v of Nations to send experts prcpoaala, which are estimated o cost ot 34. >oc ticals. The offer is undtr <<nsideratioa.
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  • 184 7 Singapore. Feb. 8. siam i w. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $117 R. iSu m) W. Coast 2 $112 Wee b Biam No. l $11« .B. Siam No. 2 $111 n Old" per koyan No. 1 $188 Old No. 2 $170 iam Old No. 3 $160 No l Sinhway"
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  • 966 7 REGULATIONS OUT OF DATE. Mr. Justice Terrell's Criticism. The question as to whether the ordinary scale of coats or the bankruptcy scale should apply m the trial of a motion brought by the Officii Assignee In connection with the bankruptcy of Sassoon Ezeki:! was settled yesterday when
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  • 159 7 "Spirit" was the subject cf the lesscm«aerrnoi at all Christian Science services last SundcJ. The following was chcten as 'he Goldfn Text —"God is a Spirit: and they that wfshrp'him must worship him in spirit and/in tiu-h."—John 4 24. j Among the ctaticns comprising the leaaMrtrmon was the
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  • 535 7 "strong suspicion;' Boxer On Capital Charge. A verdict of culpabl? homicide amounu.p to murder against some person unknown was returned by ihe Singapore Corcner (.Mr. F. G. Bourne yes erday at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of Piah alias Put eh, thChinese Mohamedan young
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  • 119 7 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Feb 8. East Wharf (Entrance Oate 1). Indrapoera 22; Kola 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Oate S). Andre Lebon 18; Glenamcy 14; Hague Maru 11; Hakone Maru 9; Laomedon 6. Empire Dock 'Entr«mc»» G«t* I>. 32; Karoc. S3; Greystoke Castle 37; Perak 39.
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  • 339 7 Reuter. Brilliant Orator And Linguist. I I ih„ Geneva. Feb. 7. I Reuter °ccuned -f count Apponyi. Cc U nt Albert Apponyi. who was 87 years jd, w:ll chiefly be remembered for the services h: rendered to his country as the foremo t representative of Hungary in
    Reuter.  -  339 words
  • 244 7 Members Of Fruitgrowers Association. Alleged to have bearded a vessel without the prrmitaaon of the Immigration Officer, sixteen Cninese, all members of the Singapore Fruitgrowers Aseoriatlcn found themselves before Ihs Tliird Magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg) jteterdav. The ship which they bcardtd the '•Harvel" which
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  • 140 7 Liquor In Rubber Elephant. The monotony of th: District Ccurt Was broken yes'.rday when Mr. Elkins. Controller attached to the Customs Dept.. produced a rubber toy elephant nlPd with about tvo gallons of samsu. A Chinese (the accused) was carrying the elephant in a basket when
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  • 63 7 Sallm bin Yabiri. a young Arab, was fined $45 or .even week- rigorous jmprtooamej by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forrer) yesterday, when he was found guilty of being m possession of a dagger. Th? accused was a cook, and was arreted Iq Jalan
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  • 302 7 Sequel To Loss Of $10 Note. Very unconvincing evidence was given before the Third Magistrate (Mr. J. P. F. Gregg) yesterday ty a Javanese boy" who wis the complainant in a case of thefi, the accused being a Hylam servant. Karda bin Mon, the complainant, he
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  • 31 7 Reuter Wireless. Mr. Malan. Minister cf Railway and Harbours, has been taken suddenly dangerously M and rushed to hospital, whore ?n op .a: lon vas performed—Reviter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
  • 398 7 COMMENT IN ARCHITECTS' JOURNAL. We have stated and consistently restated our view that the ruthless cutting down of expenditure on necessary public works was false economy, and moreover a direct cause of increase cf unemployment, says the Architect's Journal •-citorially in the January is3U". li
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 259 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. m ANTED— To rent 3or 4 bedroom bungalowUpper Serangoon. Entry State No. of hous i road and rent to j c o Malays Tribune. PACKING. v PERT JAPANESE PACKER. Please apply to \l. SAW ADA CO., Bencooten Stree". Singapore. Phone 2776. IN THE SUPREME COURT SINGAPORE. > U
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    • 264 7 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ln the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON. OPFICE: 27. Old Jewry, EO The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compiles with
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 61 7 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. rami of Drills up to and for weefcnflft] Feb 12. 1933. TO-DAY. FEB. 8. pjn.—Headquarters, S.R.A. iv>, Elememurj Gun Drill. 1 ":n—Headquarters, 1st Bn. Sig. Section, Qta F rode —Visual Signalling. Headquarters. '•D" (Eurasian* Coy. 30 yards Ran S15 p.m.—Headquarters. "E" Coy.—Junior nc O x N.c.o. s
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    • 69 7 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. tSM Yesterday. Night. Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rauifail. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. D-'g. F. Alor Star 92 Nil 10.9 67 Kola Bharu 85 Nil 10.G 6« K. Trengganu 84 Nil 10.5 66 Buklt Jeram 88 Nil 11.1 J Mr* Ing 81
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  • 50 8 To-morrow, Thursday 9th, a High Mass of Requiem, for the repose of the Soul of the late Sylvester Pereira. will be sung at the Church cf St. Peter and St. Paul, Queen Street, at 6.30 a.m. Relatives and friends' kind attendances and prayers are earnestly solicited.
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  • 717 8 Recently, in a speech to the Diet, Viscount Uchida, Foreign Minister of Japan, said that it was necessary for Japan to conquer Jehol because it was geographically a fpart of Manchuria. Yesterday the Japanese War Office denied that the Japanese invasion of Jehol had begun. Cable
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  • 318 8 The Rt. Rev. H.C Roberts, Bishop of Singapore, nJ. hC Rt 52 B C Roberts Bifi1 <* Singapore, is expected to visit Perak during March. Brevtt Major H. R. Hall. D.S.O MC RA assumed th? appointment of G.S.O. II Malaya,' with effect from Feb. 3. It is rumoured that Mi.
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  • 33 8 From China by the "Burdwan," due at Sineapore at 4 p.m. to-day. From Europe r London malls despatched on Jan. 19), by the "Rajula," due at Penang at s a.m. to-morrow
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  • 537 8 Ex-Prince Of Turkey In Singapore. "As a descendant cf the Caliph, I appeal to ar in Singapore to make a journey to Mecca because every member of the community mus do so once in his life. This is the foremcs duty of all." This mescase to
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  • 93 8 Seamen Deserting Ships In America. Reuter. Washington, Feb. 7. Tne Immigration Committee of the Hou- ta ?«i R J pr K^ c tatives nas P th€ Bchaeider Bill forbidding vessels to bring to a United States pert foreign seanrn who are ineligible tor admission as
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 78 8 Decentralisation Report To Be Private? Reuter. 0 London, Feb. 8 18 nOW «W»* London m drafting the Decentralisation report It is not yet known whether the report wm be pubtahed. as it is in <h e form of a communication to the Secretary of state H£ -R?ute
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 25 8 Sir Ibrahim, Sutan nf t«w and ten tT f th( Johore Government b"*t ™t v° hore Ballru after having the
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  • 372 8 (Br -uoKtoim.. The "10 per cent." Voeu T*** spread to the U.S. Arm h for the doughboys. A man appeared in a v hall the other night n w th lo a his sock. He didn't seem i ule Jam. em l <> can> A headline in
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  • 195 8 Letter To Y.W.C.A. Leader In Malaya. Miss Owen, General Secretary I Y. w.C. A. in Malaja. recently red letter from her friend Kirn art San. Y.W.C.A. Secretary in Nagoya. Jape which she say:: "I am sure you are for us, China and Japan, to go back
    195 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      254 words
    • 33 8 j Latest j tN j Ladies 9 Toilet Ware U.S.deSiVva A Bros. 23, High Street, Singapore. j T.K.K/S TYRES AND TUBES B I TENG SENG GUAN. j Established 1905. 634, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD.
      33 words

  • 1085 9 DR. EUGENE CHEN'S ADVICE TO HIS COUNTRYMEN. BRITISH ORGANISE ARMED GUARDS IN HARBIN. General Muto Against Invasion of Jehol? Dr. Eugene Chen, former Foreign Minister of China, urges the nation to its resources and break onenlv with r
    1,085 words
  • 29 9 Reuter. Washington, Feb/The Senate has voted a ten per cenwCJt in the salaries of tht enlisted personnel I the military services earning over $1,000 ardial'v •—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 164 9 Record Demonstration In Hyde Park. Reuter Wireless. r- J London, Feb. 5. J° lntJ y by the Trade Union Coniihnnr t> a ur Part y and the Parliamentary wl troth S L y a quartcr of a million unemployed Sphered n Hyde Park this afternoon as
    Reuter Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 282 9 Mollison On A Long Trip. Reuter. London, Feb. 4. A remarkable absence of fuss marked the JjS X? c gUnt RAP 'P lan from Cranwell. Lincolnshire, in an attempt to fly 6,000 miles without a stop to Capstown. After a few cheerios Squadron-Leader Oayford and Flight-Lieut.
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 25 9 M.T To Publish To-ftforrow. The Malaya Tribune" will be published as usual to-morrow, when the Hindus will celebrate their Thaipusam. Banks will be closed.
    25 words
  • 26 9 Negotiations Still Going On. Reuter. corrujns Sir John Simon announced that'disulamWS concerned District Court He &US!!JB t0 make a h" tiie psults. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 50 9 /The "Atlantique" Fire. Reuter Wireless. I On the presumption that the fir? aboard the foul piaffe* n v! Ihlf Judlcial aut horities at Bordeaux ¥hfcon a m u f OroUgh gal inve «tigati:n be made, h J?< reached tne unanimous opinion tthei than foul play.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 76 9 Reuter Wireless. a t .i v, London, Feb. 6. mZdZT Cra^ le lnCfease in unemployment Is recorded in the nr.nthly return just issued, which shows that unemployed persons on Jar. 23 numbered 2.903,065, an increase of 179 773 compared with the figures fcr Dec. 9 last
    Reuter Wireless.  -  76 words
  • 133 9 DRASTIC MEASURES. Stolen Ship Must Be Surrendered. NO NEGOTIATIONS. Reuter. D ,cl *»d Javanese naval "Onp who stole a and pu a-hore have hem wirclesaed to surrender unconditionally, drastic measures will be taken. w-nai. He told a Labour Denutv thut ss atjg? pou w 8 dr^f.i?°
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 212 9 Reuter. Lord Sydenham's Good Work. 0 London, Feb. 7. i low Sydenham died suddenly to-day from Jerebral haemorrhage.—Reuter I George Sydenham Clarke, Lord Svd-nham 01 tcmbs. O.COJ.O.. K.C.M.O.. G.Cii, acll RS w,s a «"sungalshed soldier and pa put in much useful service for the ErapirEl«!! nc<1 With
    Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 104 9 Due To A Bursting Turbine. Reuter Wireless. Pftrls Feb 6 The explosion at the Renault factory resulteight Persons being killed and 100 injured wa 3 causcd by a bursting turbine in tne Power station, the rocf of which was Mown off crashing through the roof of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 71 9 Reuter. London. Feb. 7. It was announced In the House of Commons to-day that Government proposed to suppress the tote clubs, it being added that It the existing law was inadequate any measures necessary would be introduced for complete suppression The use of totalisators at
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 14 9 If s Best to Subscribe to the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." Then You're Sure I
      14 words
    • 270 9 A BRITISH j HITMAN BUTTER c resh delicate flavour of *mmn HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced in Victoria Australia, it is handled and packed with scrupulous care in order to ensure that it will keep in perfect condition. Agents: "His Master's
      270 words

  • 1065 10 LOCAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE. PROSPECTS OF S.C.F.A. (By Dragon.") Never .sincf they won the League championddp in 1030. have the prospects of the Chinese Football Association of repeating that signai triumph betn so bright as this year. As Mr. Tay Lian Teck said
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  • 988 10 At Jalan Besar Stadium. ASSN. FOOTBALL. The senior teams of the S.C.F.A. and the M.F.A. meet at the Jalan Besar Stadium today. Gate: 50, 20 and 10 cents. The teams will be chosen from the following: CHINESE: Ah Kow. Chee Lim, Gek Soo, Bocn Lay, Gim
    988 words
  • 333 10 LARWOOD DEMORALISES THE BATSMEN. AMES SCORES 80 IN 76 MINUTES. CRICKET. Brisbane, Feb. 7. The match between the M.C.C. and Queensland was concluded here to-day, the tourist* wining by an inn.ngs and 61 runs. Fine weather prevailed and the wicket was good, but there was only a
    333 words
  • 60 10 INDIA CUP TOURNAMENT. The India Cup tiurnament between the R AJ. and the Army will take place on Saturday. Feb. 18, at the Netv World. Seats can be booked at Robinson and Co., Ltd. from Saturday. 11th. Prices $2, $1 and 50 cents. Seivicemen in unif rm will admitted
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  • 114 10 WEI-HAI-WEI CUP. The following are the teams representing Keppel and Island Clubs in the first round of the Wei-Hai-Wei Cup competition to be played over the Island course on Sunday. The handicaps of Keppel players as stated are adjusted to the Island Club course standard scratch score: Island: C.
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  • 177 10 EFFORT TO SECURE SIAM'S PARTICIPATION. ATHLETICS. Le Ccmte de Baillet la Tour, who is Presides of the International Committee of the Clvmpic Oomcs and who in that capacity has r elided at the Olympic games at Los Angeles, is' at present In Bangkok and intends during his
    177 words
  • 343 10 RESULTS AND TIES. LAWN TENNIS. V I erday's ties in the mixed doubles tournament" at the 5.C.0.. resulted as follows: MKed Doubles Handicap: C. E. Winter an) Mr- Winter phs 1 beret A. H. Agister and *lr*. Stvart Clark plus 2. C—3. 6—l. Mixed Double- Level:
    343 words
  • 227 10 DETAILS OF THE PLAY. RUGBY FOOTBALL. Reuter Wireless. Swansea, Feb. 6. In the international Rugby match between Scotland and Wales, before a crowd of 40,000 with the ground heavy after plentiful rain, Wales commenced strongly but in a breakaway only a brilliant dive at the feet
    Reuter Wireless.  -  227 words
  • 57 10 The following will represent the V.M.C.A, v Fort Canning en the Fort Canning ground at 5 pan, on Friday: W. Ferguson, Lee Fong] Lim, P. O'Dwyer, R. Lyne. G. A. Nelson, P. C. Sands. R. J. R. Stracey, M. Catchatoor. J. C Regan. H. S. Duncan, Loci Eng San.
    57 words
  • 54 10 Alleged to have kidnapped a girl of eighteen yean a young Malay was charged before the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Form) yesterday. The case was postponed, hail of $100 being allowed. It was stated that the accused t#ofc the girl to Johore, where he was
    54 words
  • 223 10 NEW MINIATURE RANGE OPENED. RIFLE-SHOOTING. Sir Jchi Scott, the Colonial y. scored 97 out of a possible ICO when he engaged i.- a friendly match with Col. M. J. f. Keillv. Commandant, S.S.V.F.. after he hai; declared open the new miniature rifle ran?e at
    223 words
  • 86 10 Strong And Immediate Action. Reuter Wireless. Istanbul, Fed. 5. Strong and imircdiaie r.cthn has fotfbwc I Ihe arrival of Mustapha Ktmal and tenet Ivsha at Brusa, Tv/key's old capital, v. here <• r acticnary religious outbreak has cccurred. A number cf priests. Imams, are among the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 130 10 A case in which a young Indian is a lie el to have stolen $26.59. which belonged to his lather's business, was heard before the Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay> yesterday. A rook-keeper and cashier employed in the husiness of accused's father stated
    130 words
  • 91 10 The foil, wing candidates obtained the Certificate of the Royal Sanitary Institute. London, at the examination held in Singapore fr .m Oct. 26 to Nov. 5: Augustus Joseph Vaz, V. Benjafield. Jame: Burton Quays. A. G. Mohd. Yusuf, Yap Swee F.itt. Joseph Linus. James Danker, Vasawa Singh.
    91 words
  • 92 10 "We have to ask for the indulgence of readers for the slight changes of make up and late appearance of this feeue," says .the Architects" Journal for January. It was, it is is stated, due to a change :f printers, plus the
    92 words
  • 181 10 "Tell Me To-Night" At Capitol. The standard of Excellence which has been reached by Britteh and Dominions films is illustrated in "Tell Me To-night," the must- j ral talkie which is now being shown at the Capitcl. There was a spontaneous outburst of applause at the second
    181 words
  • 489 10 WOMAN DRIVER HAR Gfd Witness Who Began To Scream. li-e sequel to a motor:.- in Orchard Road 3n th 12 involving two ears and cne the wife of a K.P.m ofDcer before the Fourth Magi yesterday, when Mrs. c was called upon to a and negligent
    489 words
  • 159 10 Boatload Of Women And Children Capsizes. (From Our 0M Correspondent, A sad catastrophe marred the endm, Hari Reya Puasa month to M™'- sampan containing thirteen Ma three women, five small boys ana i capsized in the middle 01 h f^J d a point
    159 words
  • 84 10 r* v leaui:"" Alhambra.-'-Sm Ihn1hn J-- r n Norma Shear r. Fr one Howard |fi 1 Capitol.-Jan Ku,r.r.. ing Buster Keatcn. Great Worid.-Stde P«£ mST»pera. CWn:*e n star r*» ing films C'Oh far a Ma.••The Vagabond King Marlborough.- "Sunny Bid••Gh°" N« World-Sm- open-air cinemas, Malays, cabaret and
    84 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 110 10 ri n i i i i i i i i m i i i h i i l l iyi i n'I OUR TOWN OFFICE.I I The town office of the "Malaya I Tribune" has been removed from j I 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, to I Messrs. E. M. Glover Co.,
      110 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 243 11 I THE NEW WORLD GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS AS USUAL. GHOST TRAIN LAUGH AND SHOUT-THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT I OHM And Have A Jolly Good Ride To See Wonders*. i ILKIES: j Charles Bickford in "East Of Borneo" AND -FINGER PRINTS" (Serial) Ch. 3 4. Change of Orchestra IVII DANCE AT
      243 words
    • 24 11 ASTHMA Guaranteed Surest and Speediest Cure in aU stages without relapse. No matter who has failed. Ask for particulars. Dr. Sherman. Baliabhanga (Faridpur). Bengal.
      24 words
    • 384 11 j Violins Fittings Cheapest Best i j SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. j Teck Seng Battery Service. NEW SHIPMENT ARRIVED: Hellessens Dry Batteries 4« 2 and 6 volts. Batteries repaired and charged by Experts. Good News For Piles Sufferers FAMOUS PILES SPECIALIST Consulting hours 8 to 12
      384 words
    • 322 11 BY SPECIAL T0 H.M. APPOINTMENT. THE KING OF SIAM, with its violent movements of the arms can alter the unfailing accuracy mmma of an Omega watch. Because of its precision and sturdiness you will find an Omega on the wrist.or in the pocket of the world's most famous sportsmen. Omega
      322 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 837 11 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries arc invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-dale and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      837 words
    • 150 11 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY. FEB 8 High Tldes.-g.65 a.m.. 11.02 pm. Rotary Lunch, Adelphi Hotel, 1 p.m Meeting, Boy Scouts" Association, Buffalo Road, 0.30 p.m. S, S^ A V Besar. Moisnwitsch Plano Recital, Memorial Hall, 9.30 TO-MORROW. FEB. 9. High Tides._ 9.44 a.m., 11.29 p.m. FRIDAY, FEB. 10 High Tides.-i
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  • 108 12 Sawmill Proprietor 4 The proprietor of a Singapore awmill. a well-dressed Chinese named Lio Chang Swee, appeared be fere the District Ji.dge (Mr. h A. Forrer) yesterday en a charge of voluntarily cau ing grievous hurt to a coolie who had sine? died. When tne
    108 words
  • 251 12 ARRIVALS. "Jfarpa," Dm., 363 tofts, from Indragiii B*2; fof Indragiri 10*2. P rak," Brit.. 519 tons, frcm telok Anscn 8-2; for Telok Anson .10-2. j "Hafcons Maru," Jap., 6,306 tons, frcm Vckobnu 8.2; fcr London via Penang 9-2. "Kaityer Maru." Jap.. 2 735 tons from Hongk:ng 8-2; for
    251 words
  • 95 12 Taxi Driver's Story Of Robbery. The Di triet Judge (Mr. H. A. Ferrer) sentenced a North Indian named Taus Khan to 20 mcnths* rigorous imprisonment yesterday for robbing a Chinese taxi driver cf $7 ln cash. According to the prosecution conducted by Chief Inspector She-dy the
    95 words
  • 75 12 Effort By Local Muslims. At the instance of Tuan Syed Alwee Alsree, J.P., a mciting of local prominent Muslims will be held on Friday at 4.30 pm. at the Malay Volunteer Club, Bras Basah Road, in connection with raising funds amcng the Muslims in aid of the
    75 words
  • 69 12 For stealing a gold chain and a locket from a Chinese giil, a youth cf th? same nationality was sentenced by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. Ferrer) yesterday to 18 months' :igcrous impri onmcnt and six strokes of the rattan. He had two previous
    69 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 63 12 f" PINEAPPLE" l BRAND HAMS BACON l j "PINEAPPLE" HAMS BACON are the finest procurable always fresh and delicious as new shipments are constantlp arriving to meet the ever increasing demands throughout j Malaya. Smmrn lm Shmge Ct TD Crclwd Road j and $übOepcts j _m_ m j f. p
      63 words
    • 152 12 j I THE CAR y YOU CAN AFFORD j! MCURIS CARS have proved themselves not only cars that —broadly sneaking—everybody can afford to own but also j cars that most ncoclc prefer to own, because they definitely embody the best that motoring has to offer at any given price. Approximately
      152 words
    • 271 12 CONSUMPTION hT-T BEEN CURED. A REMEDY FOR CO\SL'M»r, BEEN rou\V,. A if §m!om DERK P. YONKERMAI THE NEW REMEDY FOR CO: Marvellous as it may of failure, a remedy ha b has cured the d adly C the advanced stages of th will longer doubt that C cured after reading
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 132 12 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW. FEB. 9. Per.ang. Province Wellesley. N:rth West Perak. Kedah, Siam. North. N.Enst and North Wen Sumatra (Kedah) 10 a.m. China (Van Heutsz* Jl am. China. Hainam. Japan. Korea. Fotmosa. East Siberi... Western Canada md Western States of U.S.A. (Kutsang) ll a.m. Djambi «Singkel) 11 a.m. v Crylon.
      132 words

  • 2493 13 LOOSE POLITICAL SCAFFOLDING. TREATY ENTIRELY BENEFITS GREAT BRITAIN m A remarkable article on the Irish Free State and President era s policy appears in "The Hindu." It is written by a man a himself "Pertinax," and he contends that
    2,493 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 11 13 SPOPfS NOTES BY "ECHO" Every Week in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST."
      11 words
    • 239 13 THE BETTER MILK FOR BABIES r*or Bartys Sake— LACTOGEN Doctor and Nurse are so pleased "Lactogen" is pure, fresh, with Baby and the way he has full-cream milk, dried by the come on, since Mother put him "Lactogen" method which on "Lactogen." They say it's preserves the precious vitamins, marvellous
      239 words
      54 words

  • 634 14 Sir William Jowitt's Pleadings. Thomas Becket Murder Recalled. The murd-r of Thomas a'Becket was recalled by Sir William Jowitt, K.C., to the Judical Committee of the Privy Council during the hearing, recently, of a petition by the prisoner, Cheng, lor leave to appeal against the Supreme
    634 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 434 14 f JOHNSON OIiTBOABD j\ Jjt \v Unrivalled UATAnQ Unequalled J^kjt^m^^f 7V Spted "ll 21 In Per for trance oUtboard MOtorillg JOHNSON SEA-HORSE. Fishing, Swimming, Cruising, > t^Bv 5 Delightful Picnics, etc. RELIABLE JOHNSON V g THE BORNEO CO., LTD. j In all that pertains to outboard motoring the j vyl
      434 words
    • 36 14 Prevent Colds by taking fORMAMIfr The Germ-Killing Throat Tablet. Take Formamint at the first sign of an irritated thxoat. Formamint cures Sore Throat and prevents Infectious diseases. Buy a bottle to-day—keep it handy. Aj uil Chemists
      36 words
      134 words

  • 183 15 j Rising Number In Coal I Mines. Moscow. The number of women employed in the factories and plants of the Soviet Union is rising from year to year, according to the Tass Agency. The agency states that 827,000 women were working in industrial plants in
    183 words
  • 200 15 Former Generals As Cobblers. Belgrade. An old wooden hut on the outskirts of Belgrade now houses some of the most famous aristocrats of Imperial Russia. Barons and Baronesses, ex-generals and admirals, former beauties of the court, those men and women who spent their youth among
    200 words
  • 209 15 Large-Scale Naval Exercises Planned. Tokyo. Aerial manoeuvres on a bigger scale then ever before are to be carried out by the Japanese army in the autumn of this year, according to Press reports. The whole of the army's flying corps will, it is said, be mobilised
    209 words
  • 71 15 British Airman's Successful Experiments. Le Bourget. Interesting experiments in the lighting of aeroplane landing grounds by means of flares ware carried out to-day in the British pilot Mr. Pindlay before a mixed French and English Commission. On th? conclusion of the experiments, which were
    71 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 263 15 /ER THE WORLD and finest, \^6r^^ Sit srs. Chivws' Jams '^r rites. Thousand! \r*&!f&iFtruirs from our V *jf* «ro ip.r.Jc into jam Xil^^S^*^^ ITC picked. "Nj^^aii^^^ OJdc English MarmalaJc, Canned Fruits < tIU I I V. Mi X CO.. Hongkong Bank Chambers, jr^rssoooo> Policies issued against j FIRE, LIFE, MARINE,
      263 words
    • 17 15 You Will Smile if you read SPARKLES," by "Quiz," Every Week in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." I
      17 words
    • 251 15 For your throats sake, smoke CRAVEN A CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES ,^J^^^^ LONDdl^^^^^ Made and scaled-fresh in London the traditional home of the Wnp '^MmW World's finest Virginia Cigarettes— '^mfO%^SS^PwK CRAVEN "A" do not, cannot, affect the 1M L throat. You can buy CRAVEN "A" any- %\^9BmT^ where sealed'fresh in the
      251 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 303 16 TO LET. TO LET. REDUCED RENTS. Oarage No. 82, Jalan Besar Open Day and Night, Can rata ft. |5. 14 to $3 to month 36 eta., 20 eta. to 15 eta. per day. WATER FREE. GUARANTEED FOR ANT LOSS. FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN RENT From Ist January, 193.3. AT SIANG; LIM
      303 words
    • 636 16 THIS PEOPLE S PAPER: IIN DEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. *o ljE"1—185. Tank Road. Immediate entry •»MPty Meyer Brothers. TO LET —Rooms, Shops and Garages at BURLINGTON, Coleman Street— Phone 7108. TO LET —Furnished European top-floor flat at. No. 8, Mount Sophia. Tennis Court, Garage and Elccrlc lightings and running water.
      636 words
    • 533 16 PU3LIC NOTICES. PUBLIC NOTjCES^ SINGAPORE BOXING In The Estate Of ASSOCIATION. EDWARD MANASSEH NATHAN, Th. Auiuial General Meeting cf The Sing*nore Boxing Association will be held at ih: j „„,j„ c •*r v All iw ors ha vine claims or demand; agumt Adelphi Hot Lat 0.30 p.m.. on Friday. 17ih
      533 words
    • 296 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE —Morris Oxford Motor Car Mod 1 1928, tourer, five s ater, perfect condition, quit; recently thoroughly overhaul d by an expert, going cheap. Apply tj 933. Upp?r S rangoon Road (6 h ml'e). FOR SALE—At 40 r l under cost Lava'ory basins 27 19 rectangular and
      296 words
    • 572 16 SA E j AUCTION sale 5 by order or tm I AT JOHORE BARftrj In Land Application Between S. R. M. RAMASAMV CHI i T p Jaan Tan Ileok Nee, h ,>r, IS*** (1) YONG SWEE MOK LIN (f) both of Jalan v Johore, rtjn i»bra ß All that piece
      572 words