Malaya Tribune, 3 February 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune \ol. XX. No. 28 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1933 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Feb. 3, 11)33. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1933.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 261 1 Buy the w "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST; The Picture Paper. 20 cents. MODERN AfL)"h |1 IN EVERY OjETAIL/ TZv ATcuy Austin Ten- Four Jln introducing this new model the Austin Motor Co, wished"—and It has been achieved. Consider I j know they are providing a type lor which there is a
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    • 197 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place. Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornament* of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. j It's Worth Reaching For!! Ln I
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  • 1459 2 SPOTLIGHTS SCREEN STAGE (EDITED BY "CINEQUE.") Although the Chinese New Year Holidays ar past Alhambra "s experiment with "super-follow-ing-super" ccntinu a, and one int.resting fact has eaaeri d. namrirj tha: Pack Up Your Trouble which was dragged of! on Saturday to mak" room for Chandu." tl still a Uttfc Roid-mi::c.
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  • 187 2 Miss Lilian Harvey, the British film star, sailed from Germany on Jan. 6 for America to begin her two years' work in a Hollywood studio. She had a hectic time finishing the last of her Ufa pictures. "The Only Girl," m •.vhich she appears with Ernest Thesiger and Huntley Wright.
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  • 1155 2 Feeding Multitude In Few Minutes. An illustration of the tremendo.s advanrges of ready-wrapped .food when dealing ith large crowds, particularly tho.e crowds who move spasmodically and whose demands cannot be pre-estimated with any hope of satisfactory results, comes from America. It provides those psople who still regard the wrapped food
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  • 1152 2 STARS BY THE DOZEN SAILING FOR ENGLAND. WHY BRITISH PRODUCTIONS ARE GAINING PRESTIGE. MANY OF H. G. WELLS' STORIES BEI\( FILMED. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) London. Jan. 27. Hollywood still seems to take a deep delight in washing—or airing—American dirty linen bt public. It is a wender thai the exportation
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  • 284 3 Celebration Of Hari Raya. Chinese Who Died In His Sleep. I i From Our 0;i;i Ccrrcsr-ondi7ii.i Jehoic Earn a. Feb. I. To celebrate the fini h 07 the Mchamm iastlng month. Hari Raya Puasa. in JdhcTi Hahru a htfgl gathermg Of Malays and dlsinguished guts's assembled at the
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  • 117 3 After dinner had been served, the prime Minister of Jchore referred to the coming departure of Dr. Windstedt. He raid that He bad been acquainted with aeV rd] General Advisers, but Dr. Windstedt had worked with hi whole heart for the welfare of the State ot Jchore
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  • 318 3 A ycung Chinese named Ah Thong, employed r. a shoe making establishment in Jbhoi Eahru retired fcr the night on his camp bed in a dentist's shop ritnated in Jalan Ibrahim at about 10.30 p.m yesterday, but close on ml i ght the inmate- of the shop were
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  • 411 3 Another Dramatic Effort By V.M.C.A. I The*e Will bo two performances on Wednesßay and Saturday. Feb 8 and 11. at 9.15 p.m.. of Ihe inaugural programme of the newly formed V.M.C.A. Dramatic Society. 'The Scene--hifters." The stage of tht V.M.C.A. has ben enlarged and special seen*; construct:-! The
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  • 170 3 Conviction Set Aside. Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell delivered judgment in appeal to-day in the case in which Ibrahim bin Adam. Ali bin Abu and Lee Oh Cheng were convicted, the first two accused of receiving a bribe and the third accused Of offering a bribe. The first
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  • 62 3 The number of calls attended by the Accident Ambulance Service during the month Of January was 188. and of these 17 were to case, outside Municipal limits. The cases, classified, are as follows: Mctor car accidents 20, motor lorrp accidents. 10. motor bus accidents. 7. trolley car ace d-r.'-. <>.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 JHOW TO BE HAPPY TROUGH MARRIED ALWAYS INSIST >- IllSllii! HAVING PIEM i MINERALS jj J, |il{|lin Your Home. 'Phone 3463. f British ff| made Jwv Lamps f are fl BRIGHTER! XllF FROSTED. It is economy to use (Yomptons are <^^ft UNITED ENGINEERS, LTD.<Sffil ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS GENERAL STORES. CLEAR. ARB-ti
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    • 250 3 I or se venty-five years Woodward's Gripe Water has Ml %I brought comfort and healthy Ml I digestion to babies. It is the f j in sa e anc sure r eniedy for Jjl all stomach and teething disorders; stops baby's crying by removing the cause. S Contains no opiates,
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  • 441 4 Shipping News Notices. COAST ENGINEER'S BRAVERY. Humane Society's Vellum For H. C. Williamson. As a result oi th: presentation:; which were made by the Marine Epfine*!* Guild of China iwi.h headquarters tn Shanghai* to the Officers' (Merchant Navyt Federation. L*d., London (with whom the local organisation is affiliated», a Lttet
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  • 96 4 "Echometer" As An Aid To Navigation. Leghorn. The first ship fitted with the Marconi Echometer," unci ultra-sensithk. sound apparatus which registers the exact depth of the sea every second, has completed her trials off the? ooaata of Gambia and Rio de Oro, West Africa. She Ls tin trawler
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  • 272 4 Bronze Medals Awarded To British Seamen. The King has been pleased, en the recommendation cf the President of the Eoard of Trade, to award Bronze Medals for Gallantry in Baring Life at Sea to Hemy Stuart Knight, second officer, Walter Doyle, boatswain, William Thema.; Hughes, quartermaster, Horace
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  • 48 4 Ship Goes Aground But Is Refloated. Captain J.G. Smart, master of the China Navigation Company's s.s. Tean," reported <v the Harbour Office having gone aground en LaJanee Bar in the Canton River. The vessel was refloated with tire tide and no damage was suffered.
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  • 207 4 Kiel Canal dues are at present under discu sien. and it ls expected that thry will be greatly reduced. The "Kungsholm," Swedish-American meter liner, is being altered to suit her for tropical yachting cruises. The "Lamartine," Messageries Maritimes liner, was found to have nearly half a ton
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  • 268 4 I.C.C. Report Endorsed By Chamber. The Council of the Chamber of Slipping at its meeting last month considered the remits of the meeting of shipowners held at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris on Nov. 29. As recorded in Lloyd's List on Dec. 1 ana at that
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  • 138 4 Replacing War Time Ships In Mediterranean. The new destroyers "Diamond" and "Defender" have sailed for the Mediterranean to take the places of the' Walrus" and "Waterhen" in the Ist Destroyer flotilla. These two ships, which have recently returned home, were built under the war emergency programme in 1917
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  • 58 4 A Norwegian Freighter Towed Into Djibouti. Marseilles, Jan. 19. News has been received here that the Norwegian freighter "Taruga" caught fire off Djibouti and was towed into Perim where part ol her cargo of Australian wool was salvaged. Several members of the "Taruga's" crew are reported to have
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  • 369 4 Acquitted Of Possession Of Heroin. Sze Kee-cheung, a Wei-Hai-Wei constable, Ii the Hongkong Police Force, attached to th? anti-piracy ship's guard on the s.s "Anhui," was acquitted of a charge of possession of 1,050 heroin pills, at the conclusion of the case befo.e Mr. Schofield
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  • 218 4 Chinese Steamers Fouled By Inclement Weather. As the result of a oillision on the Yangtze near Chinkiang, the Chinese steamers, the San Pen steamship Co.'s "Fulling," and the "TunHe. belonging t: the Ho Feng Steamship are lying in Shanghai dockyards f;r necessary repairs. Heavy fog and snowfall which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 444 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Control with His May-sty's Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1933. Co»»u JS- 000 Peb 3
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    • 216 4 [Latest Shipping News will be found on page 12.] HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE Deutsch AustralLsche Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany). OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1933. m.r. FRIESLAND, via Manila Feb. 11 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Feb. 21 t mja, RAMSES, via Manila Mar. 8 t ms.
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    • 304 4 Where You May Buy The Malaya Tribune THE MALAYA TRIBUNE IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING DEPOTS:— SINGAPORE. Y. Mohamed Ibrahim. 134, Tanjong Pagar Road, and Keppel Road Railway Station A. Palasamy, General Hospital (News Seller) Mr. E. S. Kattuvasa. 391, New Bridge Road E. S. Nainamsah, 23 Neil Road.
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    • 224 4 The Overseas Trading Syndicate, 20 Burmah Road, Penang. Adi Ayurveda Racayana Medical Hall, 47. Queen Street, Penang. Mr. S. K. Ibrahim, 503, Dato Kramat Road, Penang. MALACCA. Hong Hin Co., 14, First Cross Street. The Lanka Store. 12, Jonker Street. M. A. Gomes de Co., 54, Riverside. PERAK Federal Rubber
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    • 171 4 THE "MALAYAN j| SATURDAY POST" j| it now owned by the "Malaya Tribune" Prett, Ltd., and published from the "Malaya Tribune" offices at 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. It it being greatly improved by the introduction of many New Features, while the best of the old t ones are retained. The
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    • 473 4 STEAMER^SAOmg nordi, e^Cßeii Oenntnj) The undernoted are the Compan*., fixtures:— mm 9 tt -en<l« OUTWAXDA "COBLENZ" for Manila, Hongkong 33, Shanghai and Japan "NECKAR" for Manila. Hongkong j Shanghai. Japan and North china' v "LAHN" for Manila. Hongkot bij Shanghai, Japan and North China a* HOMEWARDS. "HAVEL" for M'seilles. Casablanca
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  • 436 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. following tin share quotations are issued Fraser and Co., exchange and stork brokers. Issue Value. Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang Tin 23,6 25|6 II Austral Malay 18|- 20>- nom •\ycr Hitam 1 in 10 6 113 11 Bangrin Tin 11|- 12;|1
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  • 112 5 ISSI LI) F.V FKASER CO.. EXCHANGE \M> STOCK BROKERS. Buyers. Sellers. Cold S'orage I>b 7 pr r rcn:. 100 101 ci Singapore Municipal < 1991) 5 per cent. 105 110 noni Bii'sapore Municipal •no:» 4'.. per c nt. 104 105 nom Singapore Municipal a&09) 4 l j
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  • 349 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER A LITTLE STEADIER. U.S. Jan. Consumption To Be Higher. (By Our Financial Correspondent.; Singapore, Friday, Neon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (R.S.S. Singapore) 6% cts., up 3 16 cts. Tm (Singapore) $76, unchanged. Yesterday's Prices:— London Rubber 2 3 32d., up 1 16d. Market Tone:
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  • 225 5 (By Courtesy o/ Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, Feo. 3. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 29 32d.. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 T sd., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 27 32d., London 30 days' sight 2s. 313 16J.. London demand 2s. 25|32d, London T.T 2s. 3
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  • 28 5 The following January tin returns ar.. reported: Jelebu Tin 325 pis. Kaiu Tin 685 pis. (173,000 yards treated). Rencns Consolidated 582 pis. (93,500 yaid? trea ted).
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  • 29 5 Barlow and Co. report as follows on Feb. 2: We have to record further fall in the price :f this commodity as under: Sundried $4.75: mixed $4.30
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  • 967 5 No Longer Serving Useful Purpose. Discus ing the mci ase in the volume of international gold movements, the January i*sue of th; Mid'and Bank Monthly Kcvicw points out that th: suspension of the gold s andard by Great Britain seems tc have led to a distinct
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  • 50 5 Chicago. An extensin for nine mon*hs of the 10 per cent, wage cut in operation on the railway j has been tentatively agreed to by the railway managers and all the representatives of labour. It is estimated that 1.290,000 railway employN» will be affected by this decision.
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  • 370 5 I Holidays Cause Poor Trading. rcrT'lZ* 2' LW •in thelr rubber repOCt, dated Singapore. Feb. 2. state t»Si b-n lr f dacd Jar ia < no r *p°» Chines, No- S! U t Sl 22 u WUIR to tht and .mi, ar the Inas *at has been ddll
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  • 45 5 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London: 2 1 16d. New York: 2\.s (G.) ccnts. Singapore: 6\ 6' L ccnts. TIN. Lrndcn Spot: £130. (Up 30s.). London 3 months: £150 15s. (Up 27s. 6d.»^ Singapore: $76.00. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundried $4.75 Mixed $4.30
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  • 163 5 Gradual Return To Prosperity. Reuter. London, Feb. 3. There are bright signs for British industry U> Mr. Walter Runclman, Pr sideii! d Tr8<le «»0. SUlVejta, tte r crM in a speech at the St. Ives Chairber C.mmerce dinner, dd not take a glo my v
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 95 5 Very Good Impression Created. Reuter. London, Feb. 3. The Financial Times'" Amsterdam ccrresponduit states that the reduction in risible tin supplies by 1.632 tens, to 43,941 torn, during January has created a very geod impressicn in tin quarters, who believe that production is now definitely contracted to
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 100 5 Guthrie and Co.. Ltd.. Singapore, forward the following latest buyeis' prices, received l\v cable for Malayan palm od and palm henTCe: PALM OIL IN BULK. cj.f. landed weigh s New York-Philadelpni» 3.20 cents 'U.S. currency per lb. c.i.f. landed weights U.S.A. Pacific Peris 2.12 cents U.S.
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  • 375 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt: r s*ue Value. Fraser Lyall 5 Shares. Sc Co. Evatt. i 1 AUenby $0.45 $0.55 $0.45 $0.60 1 Alor Gajah 0.25 0.35 0.25 0.35 IA. Hltam
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  • 283 5 FRASER 00.1 QUOTATIONS. ft 3 w CLOSING QUOTATIONS. S2. "2 2. I j» Buyers. Selhrs. 52 $2 Akx. Brick Pref. 1.05 1.10 53 $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 050 080 norn :i £1 B. Amcri. Tcbacco 97 6 101--910 $5 B. Malaya Trustee 500 5.50 £1 £1 C. Tin Pr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 50 5 WATCH ITGROW! |p Yearly Interest Paid to You Quarterly Put a few dollars away regularly and watch your bank balance £row. As an incentive to your thrift THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK pays interest quarterly- Begin your saving now. avaaaaaanawanaiaumßnßflßHHMaWalattaEV m Wf Head Office: 55, Wall Street, N.Y.
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    • 306 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England; SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4. TJ'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital C2.000.00e Paid-up Capital £1.000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest I 600.0 M HEAD OFFICE: LONDON BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta. Colombo, Karacni. Madras Amara. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Klrkult Mosul snd Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and Interest allowed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 Amusements i H n i LAST DAY TO-DAY Fox Movietone s Record Breaker CHANDU Seize the opportunity!! TO MORROW TO MORROW TO MORROW Saturday, Opening at the Matinee At 3 p.m. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayers Greatest Pride! Thmlling R m: A 5 YOUR FII\ST KISS V/ IN THE MOONLIGHT ffc~ *4l\ MA RC
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    • 298 6 I CAPITOL TO-NIGHT! I The Famous Star of "DAWN PATROL" presented in a Powerful II new FIRST NATIONAL Success— I? W A OPI I With MARIAN MARSH j 111 Mitft f M j and brilliant cast. j BARTHELMESS in "Alias The I Doctor" From the well-known Viennese Play. J A
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  • 98 7 Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to write to us on objects of public interest, it must be undertiood that the "Malaya Tribune- dam not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF 45 POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten fdouble rjacing). end on one
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  • 242 7 Editor, -Malayu Tribune."j World this f stive night wa; alive, astir, it teemed and nationalities. I.i oi humans, pushed an I sid? iho -Id lady winds her way. v will to live, v.ithin her feeds upon and activity outside. It impe.s ard Bright
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  • 209 7 I First List Of Subscriptions For 1932-33. S.v.iuv.Turf C'uo $3,000.00 S'.ui SeUkm r.ts Govemm nt Grant 1.000.00 Messrs. lia.nmtr and Co., Ltd., 75.60 J R Lain* E 3.; 3 Boxes Eurip." Hotel 9.£5 J Socony Vacuum Co. 23.00 Singapore Casket Co. 25.60 Ancmmous 70.09 IVr Mrs. Sunt.
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  • 134 7 \n 8-Day Trek Over The Mountains. Wheeling. West Virginia. a ;'r n|' 1 7, uld With 4 broke h has p'l- w u after a 270 mile trek over if h"n U L u in lcads His paren s h. ri!.. Wheelin f or
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  • 14 7 ?ul ElicLric Co Cf Pevalf, send a calendar showing three months 1 eatn page.
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  • 241 7 Revenue Officer's Smart Work. CHINESE SENT TO ASSIZES. Smart work on the part ol a Malay Revenue Officer led to the discovery ££c number of fo.ged $5 (Straits Currency) notes ZLFJTS&t ten cent pleces ls the t r S in nf Cl meSe Who ,s to*
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  • 201 7 G.B.S. Walks Around The City. The Empie s cf Britain" sailed at six o'clock this morning for Bangkok carrying with her the 300 world tourists who spent y.sterday sight-seeing in Singapore. Mr. George Bernard Shaw made the most of his stay here and. as was to
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  • 202 7 Singapore, Feb. 3. R. <Siam) W. Coast Nc. 1 per Koyan SI 19 R. (Siam) W. Coar-t 2 $114 Rice, B. Siam No. 1 $120 Rice, a Siam Nc. 2 $115 Rice, Siam Old per koyan No. 1 $18$ Rice, Siam "Old" No. 2 $170 Rice, Siam "Old" No.
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  • 128 7 Pilot Officer Released With Help Of Boy. PUt Officer G. R. Murphy, of the R.A.F., Seletar. baa a narrow escape from serious injury whilst he was out mot:ring in Tampenis Road last night. X appears that his car overturned and he was pinned underneath. He could not
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  • 40 7 Reuter. Borlhx Feb. »3. Anotlv r blow was st uck against Ccunmujusm when 4fce Felice i aided the IwadouarUM cf the German Communist Party, at I&wl Liebknecht House in Berlin. All Communist demonstrations are forbidden throughout Prussia—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 731 7 Assets exceed $12,000,000. ~T ~< I Assurance m force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*). 7 HEAD OFFICE: Cheat Eastern Ltfe Building, Cecil Street, Singapore The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and comply with the mm±m is.
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    • 610 7 «Perienced in Insurance Business, please apply Box 101. c o M.T e,HI AN I EI> Lady Teachers with Junior cr -enior Certificates. Bex 102, C ;o M. T. J O JfT~ HoU£es NoS 37 49, 51 and 103 Road, also motor garages orchard Read (sui abl? for all purposea).
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    • 155 7 BR. CHEN CHANG LOK. Great Welcome In San Francisco. i Extensive entertainment by friends and reip- tives has been accorded Dr. Chen Chang Lo*. I recently appointed Chinese Consul General to San Francisco, since his arrival there. Dr. Chen has not visited the United State.s lor luarly twenty years, since
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  • 52 8 MADAM WEE JEE NEO—On Jan. 31, at her residence, No. 64, Wilkie Road, age 73, mother of Messrs. Tan Ong Seng, of the Supreme Court, and Tan Hong Chuan, of the Union Trading Co. Funeral on Sunday. February 5, to Bukit Brown, at 10.30 a.m. (F.M.S. papers
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  • 646 8 One of the biggest and most important ports in the world, Singapore is also one of the most curious. Or perhaps it might rather be said, in a different sense, the least curious. It has an almost phlegmatic temperament. Events which elsewhere would create a great
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  • 445 8 Towkay Lec Kam Choom miner and Planter. f P' J* 5 lef tor China to recruit his a h and is expected to return within a rSES? f™™ 5 arrangements. -SmiiiT Ihrough featuring Norma Shearer and r-rrdric March, commences its mm at thr Alhambra to-morrow night With the permission of
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  • 641 8 Paying The Penalty of Greatness? As a member of the public, one can regard G. B. 6. as a huge and somewhat awful joke, at the same time paying tribute to his genius. One ccukf write to the papers and say so and G. B. S. might
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  • 95 8 Mails by Uie outward Dutch aeroplane from Amsterdam are expected to arrive at Singapore by the evening express to-morrow. Corerpondence addressed to boxholders only will be ready for delivery at 7.30 p.m. From Western Australia by the "Mindcroo." due at Singapore to-morrow morning. From China and Japan by
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  • 103 8 It was reported some months ago that Mr. Aw Boon Haw and Mr. Aw Boon Par had donated $18.000 to St. Andrew's Hcspital for internal alterations and Jjrfcjrc* emcnts These two gentlemca visited the Hcscl'al recently and expressed approval of the wo:k which is norn ncaring
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  • 138 8 too women get clothes which do not fit or are not just what they «*re for on 2?! Ver aga,n Su P h garments co-not add to the joy of life when they haNc lo be worn, as they must in these hard times The Y.W.C.A. now
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  • 43 8 Reuter. Moscow, Feb. 2. The Scviet spring plan provid s for the planting 95 mlUion hectares of all cereals, oi which ten millions will fee planted on State iarms. 67 mi'lion on eclect ye farms, and 18,140 by 'Jrdivdjal farmers—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 44 8 At the committee meeting of the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association, held on Wednesday, the following were apprlnted speedconductors: February, Mr. X N. S. Ram; March, Mr. E. Cheng Bcon; April, Mr. Goti Guan Hock; May, Mr. Kiong Chal Woon June. Mr. Yap Kenj? Socn.
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  • 452 8 (BY "LOOKER-OX.» Moneylending is again a interest. a a A The -London transport strike m to have been a busman's holler Worse than the high cost of Ji v r in some cases, is the costw leaving. tm mt a In due course, it is said, c
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  • 40 8 (From Our Ou» Cme****** Bar.gk'*- E' b f the FreeW«*-- The installation me.tmg Lodge cf St. John was attended cf six nations this evening, when w pect-war gathering of brethren n claim d their new Master.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 "His His Master's fls^r 8 Voice" \|j|9WS&j/ Voice" AUTO ELECTROGRAM MODEL 553. A NEW STANDARD IN MUSICAL REPRODUCTION. I We shall be glad to demonstrate this to you H.M.V. Agents: Robinson Co., Ltd., I SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR I •i «.iviiiiaiiiiiiiiiiistiiiiMiaiitiiaiiiniiiiiiiKi >i.iaiiaiia:iiiii.ii;iaiiiui;n i i i i an«!<iiia>iiui<!*.iaiiiiiiMt;i!:a:iiiiiiiaiiiHaii«i:iiti(iaiiiiiauai<a<c The Purest and Best.
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    • 44 8 Latest in Ladies 9 Toilet I Ware U.S.deSHva Bros. 23, High Street, Singapore. T.K.K/S Rubber Table Covers. 3' 11" x 3' 11" $1.80. 3' 8" x 3' 8" $1.40. 3' 3" x 3' 3" $1.00. TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. 634, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD,
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  • 115 9 AMERICA TO SUPPORT THE LEAGUE. JAPAN'S FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF PACT. SOUTH-WEST CHINA TO FORCE WAR DECLARATION? SIR MILES LAMPSON'S MOVE. SUGGESTED INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF MANCHURIA. Reuter. London, Feb. 2. Fhe Daily Herald gives prominence to a report that definite ration is assured between the United
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 169 9 Reuter. London, Feb. 2. Rcferrin:, to *ha; it describes as "Japan's p' h. v o: impudent obstruction," the "Dai y HcralcT ays that her la'est declaration c ixarci. conciliation is just playing with ii:e question Ink the L asue, together with the United Stat'..", car. Japan
    Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 302 9 Japanese Lines Broken Through. Shanghai, Feb. 3. i-isimiu continued at Chiumenkow on v.ecr.i'sday r.; g ht. The Volunteers, ass'stcj armed v:,lasers from Likiapao and Wi gCcnp:,o. through the Japane e defence! w ''vrcn Chiumenkow and Likiapao. whi h i: I'll" ;o :ho fast, aud occupied Yushukvk KKlaying
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  • 261 9 Association Formed. Shanghai. Feb. 3. Chinese leaders to Shanghai includ 113 Mayor Wu Teh Cheng. Mr. Chang Kung Kuen ana Mr. Wang Hew Lai. have orgaiiscd a North-East Association, planniig for the recovery cf the North-East Provinces. Tte Association is to be inaugurated U-day "Mm Kuo Jih
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  • 544 9 Sir Miles Lampson's Proposal. Shanghai, Feb. 3. It is repoited that Sir Miles Lampson, British .minister to China, proposed to the Japanese Minister to China, Mr. Ariyoshi, the abolition of the Manchukuo and international control or Manchuria for the settlement of the SinoJapanese dispute. Japan, however,
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  • 111 9 Prophecy Of Royal Dutch Air Chief. Reuter. London, Feb. 3. Amsterdam to Batavia by air in six next year was predicted by Mr. Plesman. Managing Director of the Royal Dutch Air Lines, in a 1 ctur? to the Royal Aeronautical Scci.ty in London yesterday. He
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 138 9 Sequel To New Year Party. A Chinese who was alleged te have used i forged $5 note on the gambling table on C'iincse New Year s Eve. found himself before the Secend Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay) yesterday. Evidence was given to the effect that
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  • 68 9 Chinese Coolie Sent To Prison. The District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forrcr* sentenced a Chinese twakow c olie to eight months' nnd 14 days' rigorous imprisonment this morning for being in possession of a pistol and five rounds of ammunition. He was arrested by Mr. Blades. A
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  • 346 9 ROOSEVELT'S PLAN. Stabilisation Of World Currencies. WORLD CONFERENCE. War Debt Moratorium First. Reuter. Warn-. Springs (Georgia), Feb. 2. Mr. Rootcvtlt and Senate Hull are reported to have drafted details of a Plan for the world-wide lowering of tariff walls and stabilisaU n of currencies in exchange
    Reuter.  -  346 words
  • 120 9 Provisional Agreement Reached. Reuter. Geneva. Feb. 2. An official cmmunlque issued this morning states that a provisional agreement has been reached between the parties to th* AnsloPersian dispute It i:: understood that the agreement pr.Udos for the cancellation of the concession t:- remain suspended during the negotiations which
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 38 9 An Indian employed in one of Mr. Tan Kah Kec's factories in Sumbawa Road had the toes of his right foot crushed yesterday between some machinery. He was taken to hospUai by ambulance.
    38 words
  • 64 9 In the Bankruptcy Court to-day before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, applications for substituted service of bankruptcy notice w?re granted against Lim Sisw and S. Rengasamy Pillay. Receiving crders were granted against Chop Eng Ann and and Siew Inn Stearruhip Co.. and adjudication orders were issued against the parties
    64 words
  • 59 9 Reuter. Tokyo. Feb. 2. The preliminary examination of 14 member. 1 ol the Kctsumcidan "Blood Brtherhood" implicated in last year's assassinations of Mr. Inouye on Feb. 9 and Mr. Takuma Dan <n March 5 and planning assassinations of 30 other prominent people, including Prim:' Satonji, and Mr. Makino.
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 j OUR TOWN OFFICE. I jj The town office of the "Malaya I Tribune" has been removed from I J 20a-20c. Collyer Quay, to 1 Messrs. E. M. Glover Co., I 9, The Arcade (Ground floor) Tel. 2212. m m Advertisement inquiries may be I made there, and letters and
      81 words
    • 7 9 THE PEOPLE'S PAPERS "Malaya Daily"Malayan Saturday Post"—Weekly.
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    • 263 9 A Product of South Africa. I j KEY BRAND j j fe BRANDY I ilMwl aPr° v c °f South. lAfrica is now available ii* Malaya. It combines L%Mf l\w£GVh c x e i 011 a 1 Quality with remarkably low W K\W Price and is of full yet \\W\^
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  • 164 10 SPORTSMANSHIP OF ENGLISHMEN NOT QUESTIONED. LATEST M.C.C. CABLE TO AUSTRALIA. LEG THEORY TO BE DISCUSSED IN CONFERENCE. Reuter. London, Feb. 3. Hi- M.C.C. hay. cabled to the Australian Beard of luntri 1: 'W>, Hie committ-e of the \hti \l»bt DC ticket Club, note wi.h
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 81 10 Reuter. Canberra, Feb. 2. The latest development in the leg the-ry c nlroversy i, that the tourists have invoked the aid of the British Government's representative in Australia t: ask the Board of Control to withdraw the word •unsportsmanlike" contained in the cable to the
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 175 10 Out of evil good may come. The leg theory that has given so many of u& a pain this season, is perhaps not so bad after all. Many people were not enamoured about, th. bowl--'.' who consistently shot the ball about a foot out.-ide the off stump,
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  • 57 10 LARWOOD'S EIGHT WICKETS FOR 28. Reuter. Toowoomba, Feb. 2. The two-day match between the M.C.C. and a Queensland C:unty Districts' XI was left drawn. Scores: M.C.C 376 (Ames 121 not out, Hammond 101 > and 187 for 3 wkts. (Jardine 77 not cut). QUEENSLAND XI: 210
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 235 10 HOCKEY. The Khalsa Association, fielding ten men. were no match for the Raffles Institution team in the game played last evening on the school ground. It was a very scrappy affair, the visitors for the most part being" on Urn defensive! yet they preferred to play
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  • 62 10 GOLF. The draw in connection with the Wei-Hai-Wii Cup competition is as follows: Winners A the match between Keppel Q.C. and the Is «and Club (at Island course) meet the Qarrifon G.C. either at Keppel or the Island course. ~g to which side wins the flrat
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  • 666 10 NEXT WEEK'S TIES. LAWN TENNIS. The S.C.C. mixed doubles tournament commences en Monday when the folic wing t.'es will be played: MIXED DOUBLES HANDICAP. O. E. H. Cutler and Mrs. Cut er phis 2 v. S. H. McMurray and Mrs. McMurray scr. F. E. Rowland and Miss
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  • 98 10 MANY TIMES CHAMPION OF AUSTRALIA. Miss Daphne Akhurst (Mrs. Roy Cozens), the well-known Australian lady player, died recently in Sydney, Australia, at the age of CT. The late Mrs. Cozens won the Australian ladies' open championship at the age of 19, in 1925, and repeated her
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  • 65 10 CHESTER ELIMINATED BY HALIFAX TOWN. ASSN. FOOTBALL. Reuter. London. Feb. 2 To-days P. A. Cup fourth round replay 1 esulted as follows: Halifax T. 3 Chester 2. after extra time. —Reuter. Halifax meet Aldershot in the next round. ENGLISH LEAGUE, DIV. HI. London. Feb. 2. A Southern
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 54 10 The thirteenth annual general meeting of the Amateur Sporting Association will be held at the residence of Mr. Khoo Eng Watt, 41, Craig Road, on Feb. 17 at 7.30 p.m. Business: To confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting; to adopt the report and accounts:
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  • 69 10 The present positions in the S.C.F.A. League competition are as fellows: Goals. P. W L. D. F. A. Pts. Companions 751 l 24 711 Amicables 5 4 0 1 15 6 9 Siong Bo: 7 2 4 1 6 10 5 Aston AC. 6 2 3 1 6
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  • 238 10 THE FULL LIST OF ENTRIES. THE TURF. Tne following are the entries for the Perak Turf Club Spring meeting t be held at Ipoh on Feb. 11, 15 and 18. HORSES—CLASS I: Sigh. Done Up. Brown Jack date Mountebank*. Avonford. The Crisis. G:lden Maise, Comprador. Sunspark,
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  • 1049 10 ANNUAL REGATTA ON SATURDAY. CLUB BEAT NAVAL TEAM. YACHTING. In two races on Sunday morning and afternoon, th. R.S.Y.C. defeated helmsmen from H..M.S. "Falmouth" by mVi to 21 points and 20». to 16 points respectively. In this match the ten B. beats were divided into two fleets, R.S.Y.C.
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  • 57 10 On Sunday the A Class cf the R.S.Y.C. will sail the third and last rac-i for the Dodo Challenge Cup. The start will be at 10 a.m. The B Class will sail the first of the series of three races for the Tilling Challenge Cup, starting at 10.10
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  • 1176 10 London. Jan. 12. With the passing of Christmas the Rugby fcoiball enthusiast shifts his interest from the club game to the international arena. Henceforth this aspect will dominate both the players and spectators. Fifteen thousand people turned up to fee the final English trial at Twickenham recently and roughly four
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  • 449 10 Germany is making a bold't'-' 19 the outstanding country of the hA few years ago that seriously considered as the uos Uas r champion-. Since then sh h me several young men who have nrn'T Icr:n very foicibly on the boxing ma 0er ®»6y There is no doubt that the'
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  • 111 10 What's On To-Night. Alhambra.—Edmund Lmme in Chandu. Gap»U L—Richard Baiihelm: s in "A. Doctor." Empire.—"Frankenstein." Half P end matinees. Great World.—Side shows, mm maiaui, Malay opera. Chines, wayangs silEnl indtafting films ("Daddy Loog Talkie: "Cracked Nu"'"». Marlborough.—Richard Talmadge in "Speed Madness." New World.—Sid i shows. "Ghost Itate," open-air cinemas. Malay
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  • 52 10 Publishers And Printers loo. Lrnmgrao A special suburb outside Leningrad is built next year for Russian writers. f of £3,000,000 is to b? spent cn it The suburb will consist of resident ia q ters, a club, a theatre, a cinema, an contain a building fcr publishers. offices and a
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  • 116 10 FAMOUS SPORTSMAN DEAD. Presented His Stable To The Nation. London. Feb. 2. The deith is announced of Lord Wavertre* —Reuter. Lord Wavertree was a devotee of sport of all kinds. He bred and owned Minoru. which wen the Derby for King Edward and also bred many other famous horses. He
    116 words

  • 136 11 Sequel To Missing Tobacco. inn Din Senior Revenue Officer athe Hylam Kongsi examination II. need to ten weeks' rigorous by the District Judge (Mr. H. A. v< st< rday. rcnvicaed on a charge of cri- 1( -h of trust in respect of 72 tahi'-j which had
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  • 102 11 Indian Detained For Mental < \animation. nun Correspondent./ Penang. Feb. 2. to-day an Indian MchaMonamed Mydin. who was hurl to a Chinese girl. I Ch i. by throwing a stone at her convicted but was sent to I for observation before being n showing that
    102 words
  • 101 11 (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Penang. Feb. 2. The wedding tcok place tliis morning at St. Georges Church, of Mr. Reginald Grosvenor Heath, of the Agricultural Department, stationed at Parit 3untar. to Miss Margaret Mary daughter of Mr. Thomas George Addie. ct Staffordshire, who arrive;! from home this m:rnin§
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  • 412 11 Monday, 4an. 23. In the morning and aftemcon His ExcelCouncil held at the Council Chamber, Government Offices, Kuala Lumpur i Tuesday, Jan. 24. In the morning and afternoon His Excellency presided ever a Residents' Conference at King s House. The Hon. M». A. Caldecott and Mrs. Caldecott, the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 250 11 I THE NEW WORLD (,ATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS AS USUAL. i GHOST TRAIN H AND SHOUT—THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT. L'mbc \nd Have A Jolly Good Ride To See Wonders. tales Bickford in "East Of Borneo" AND "FINGER PRINTS" (Serial) Ch. 3 4. Change of Orchestra COMMENTING FROM TO-NIGHT—OUR NEW ORCHESTRA WILL
      250 words
    • 29 11 Pianos For Hire And Hire Purchase. SEASON CO., LTD., 115, North Bridge Road, 1 SINGAPORE. j The Whole Household Clamours for the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Weekly. v
      29 words
    • 186 11 j U j j LOOK for the pyramid Trade Mark I j on every handkerchief you buy. In j I fabric, designs, colours and service, j Pyramids offer you—always—the j Greatest Handkerchief Value in the I l World. Guaranteed by Tootals. j j PYRAMID. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEN j j TOOTAL
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 166 11 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY, FEB 3. High Tides.—3.37 a.m., 438 p.m. Meeting, Singapore Turf Club, Exchange Room, 5.15 p.m. Hockey: V.M.C.A. v. M.C.U., V.M.C.A. TO-MORROW, FEB. 4. High Tides.—4.l9 a.m., 6.15 p.m. Football: S.C.F.A. League, Chinese CA.A. tr. Aston A.C., Jalan Besar. Rugby: s. Johore v. Wiltshire, Johore. Yacht Club
      166 words
    • 1038 11 niTR MARY !_2 Kim fl Assemble Mr. Koh Kim Seng-, iyLL/iS UlAKM* residence, 461. Joo Chiat Road. 7 pm Dress aa in full uniform. (were are numerous Clubs and Societies Leone Terk urw, Singapore, most of the members of which are Tcdc Whay Association: Annual readerVof tA* "*«fcz y IYibu*«.»
      1,038 words

  • 2083 12 COOK CHARGED. Accused Pleads Not uuuiy.' CONFESSION PUT IN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Jan 31. The circumstances which resulted in th-c!-ath of Mrs. Mina Wallace over a year ago at Klang were recalled *J the Selang r Asize" > sterday when r-eo Fook licne
    2,083 words
  • 160 12 His Parting Message To Ceylon. After spending a busy fortnight on his mis sion Sir Samuel Wilson sailed for England by the P. and O. "Strathflrd" on Jan. 18. In a parting message t» the Island he sala. *T have met many deputations and have
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  • 915 12 CORONER'S INQUIRY. EUROPEAN'S 45 FOOT FALL. Lorry Driver On Serious Charge. The Singapore Corcncr (Mr. F. G. Bourne) opened an inquiry yesterday regarding the death of Mr. George Peet, the European bciler house superintendent at St. James Power Station, who died in tragic circumstances at .-.bout midnight
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  • 36 12 On the arrival cf the terday front Hongkor.? one passenger died or vcysge from that port sea. The s.s. "Alipore" expected to arrive at Tuesday. Feb. 7. She the S.H.B. Wharf on
    36 words
  • 100 12 "Boribat." Siam 152 for Tumps t via ooasl 'Dukat." Norw.. 761 tons, from p an fcr Bangkok 4-2 "Tcmchon," Dut. 664 tons c for Samba; 7-2. "Siaoe," Dut.. 870 tons for Bercuw uncertain. "G. G. Paul Dcumer," French Saigon 2-2: for Salmon 6-2. "Oidorkcrk," Dut.. 493 1 ton 3-2;
    100 words
  • 105 12 SHIPS ALONGSIDE IHE WHARVES ■tafayatc Fee. t East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Op Ten Ncort 22: Kemxz Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Hilda 18: Tilawa 13. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Kampar 35: Tweedbank 37 Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). Silvercypi ess 48. West WTiarf (Entranre Gate 4
    105 words
  • 33 12 Alva. Ok .'ir'rru If your spectacle; sxosae treaded eJtt moisture when you enter s wan cold day. try backing in thr The editor cf a local his spectacles clear thh vaj
    33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 I Something to be j THANKFUL FOR f ii Z I j Life would be very drab if we I j did nothing but criticise. I t Usually we can find many J things to be thankful for and therein lies out j I salvation. All the bad things i
      138 words
    • 27 12 Ugly yellow stain in your teeth can be quickly removed with KOLYNOS You Will Smile if you read SPARKLES" by "Quiz" Every Week in hf MALAYAN SATURPAY^POgI"
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 122 12 MAILS CLOSE. Rhio, Billitcn, Ja>a. South-West Sumatra, South East Borneo, Celebes Moluccas, Timor Dilly, Cocos Island Mauritius and South Africa «Oenrcal Van Geen) 8 a.m. Miri, Labuan, gfcrth Borneo and Jolo 'Kajang) 10 a.n.. Ceylon, Southern an Western India East Africa. South-Africa and Western Australia (Arizona Maru) 10 a.m. China,
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    • 48 12 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service lag Mv Bay. Kh{ Max. BrigM Tmp. BamfalLSt Stations. Deg. F. Inches, h Alor Star 92 Ml Kcta Bharu 83 K. Trengganu 83 Nil Bukit Jeram 89 Mersing 81 RJ] Singapore 8G Nil W. A. MACKY, Meteorological Officr. Singapore. F b. 3.
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  • 1969 13 ENGLAND RECOVER POSITION ON THIRD DAY. PONSFORD'S FIGHTING INNINGS FOR AUSTRALIA. OLDFIELD HIT ON HEAD BY LARWOOD. (Concluded from yesterday's issue.j 101 l .wing is the third instalment of the detailed report of ird Teal match played at Adelaide, which England won by ns. Details of
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  • 3402 13 ENGLAND SET AUSTRALIA A BIG TASK. 532 RUNS TO WIN ON WORN WICKET. Adelaide. Jan. 17. E.igland are well on the way to victory in the Third Test. Solid bait rg took their scor s fiom 85 for 1 to 296 for 6 to-day. This
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 142 13 Any sprain yields quickly and completely to SLOAN'S LINIMENT KILLS PAiy 3071. TEETHING PAINS. It seems rather puzzling why the purely natural of acquiring teeth should affect the child's heal h and cause him so much pain. Yet it is a fact that most children suffer at this period.
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  • 1170 14 How Islam Entered China. MUSLIM AFFAIRS. (By Our Muslim Correspondent.; Mr. Isaac Mas n, F.R.G.S., an eminent writer on Chinese subjects, is reported, according to the London correspondent of the "Singapore Free Press," to have given a lecture on Dec. 7 at the Londcn School of Oriental
    1,170 words
  • 176 14 The Present Of The Silken Cord. Vienna. To celebrate the co-cpcraticn of King Jchann S-bjeski in driving th? Turks from Vienna in 1*.83. Pcfand has been invited to take part in the 250 th anniversary next year. Vk nna was be«ic«-ed and starving. Ra s eonsfllMed
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 603 14 j CRUSAOER FENCING (BRITISH MANUFACTURE). j The Least Expensive and Most Effective j /I» Unclimbable Fencing S 1^ Obtainable. ffM^KIG Outstanding Feature:— f S Socially Galvanised I AFTER Manufacture. I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THE BORNEO CO., LTD. p*®* mMMMUP I m M I 'ii iJii LUiiFlllsU 11IU sVMiSjSmT D R RICHARD WEISS G.M.B.H.
      603 words
    • 71 14 ASTHMA Guaranteed Surest and Speediest Cure in all stages without relapse. No matter who ha,s failed. Ask for particulars. Dr. Sherman, Baliabhanga (Faridpur), Bengal. THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION/ The only All-British Portable Typewriter built on the standard 4-bank principle, embracing all the facilities attached to a Standard Typewriter. THE VERY
      71 words
    • 143 14 After middle age men divide into two classes, the Dependent and tht Independent. Your position is deter mined not by what you have earneo but by the amount you havt saved. The easiest way to save is to consult the Manufacturers Lift Insurance Co. •for the serious if —<* 4
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 517 14 I j n KUALA LUMPUR r > m\tm*m SSStrt tranamitter, a q, n jC < 1 i by the Malayan a 4// FrWCCX Sunday,. L. Jr AlFt V Malaya, as well 1 "V 1 P O R I BANDOENG p emp/tje radio ££t£T-TO-NIGHT. c— RADIO NA1 British Broadcasting ion 0
      517 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 129 15 What you need is energy; Take the j energy food-drink, Bournville Cocoaand start a new life' o%fek How much energy will it give you That is the most important point 'v about everything you eat and drink. Bournville Cocoa satisfies you there as no other food-drink can. Bulk tor bulk
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 285 16 TO LET. TO LET —Rooms, Shops and Garages at BURLINGTON. Colt-mar. Strtf- Phone 7108 TO LET. REDUCED RENTS. Garage No. 32, Jalan Besar. Open Day and Night. Cars rents $6, $5. $4 to $3 to month 25 cts., 20 eta. to 15 cts. per day. WATER FREE. GUARANTEED FOR ANT
      285 words
    • 370 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPJEH: INOEPENOJENT PROGRESSIVE TO LET. *o LET —165, Tank Road, Immediate entry upply Meyer Brothers. TO-LET —211, Rangoon Road, with 4 bedrooms, kitchen-garden, two store rooms, spacious and good frontage, swing, water and electricity. (With or without garage). Apply to 215. Rangoon Road. TO LET —Houses Nos. 37,
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    • 289 16 I PUBLIC NOTICES. THE MEMBERS OF THE CHETTIARS' (NATTUKKOTTAI) COMMUNITY OF SINGAPORE CORDIALLY INVITE The Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore to by pre ent at the Festival of THAIPUSAM (th; day God Subramaniam appeared to hi-j devotes hi the above form) to be celebrated at their Temple at Tank Road,
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    • 123 16 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED —Advertisement Canvassers. Only those with previous experience need apply. Apply personally at the office of the Straits Chinese Monthly, 67, Bras Basah Road, between the hours of 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. KIM TEK COMPANY. AI L MOTOR-CAR REPAIRS. FIRST-CLASS PAINTING. S f oml-liand Cars Bought And
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    • 547 16 j FOR SALE—At «T t utO> basins 27.19 rtctanguiai sories $13.60. Laval with accessories $1100 A Street, opposite Sailors Robinson end Anson Roads. FOR Linotype Motors, each 1 v f all in good working ordef. t further particulars write b V Manager Malaya Tribur Anson Road. ATTRACTIVE BUILDDjr LOTS FOR
      547 words