Malaya Tribune, 27 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. H*-' _\o. 253 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday, Oct. 27, 1932 Malaya Tribune. SINGAPORE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1932
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 293 1 umJ •MALAYAN The Picture Paper. 20 cents. 1 LAKEROL I the World famous Pastilles for if o®®®®®* I Colds Cough-Catarrh-and all cases 1 I of Bronchial Trouble. A soothing I relief for Heavy Smokers. 3 I gc r swe ot n Jf "4 I Tnu cannot run risk with throat
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    • 269 1 mm i i ii mi mt A. FLTNTER. 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. I WHY DOES EVERYONE 1 *****1 A Himalaya Bouquet I I JIU TOILET PREPARATIONS 1 J"' RET AITQI? 0F TBE
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  • 397 2 Viceroy-Shaukat Ali Correspondence—What After The Lucknow Muslim Pact? —Mr. Gandhi's Release Unlikely—Christian Leaders Against Separate Electorates—The Non-Brahmin Confederation Fiasco—Combating Terrorist Activities. The reply by the Private Secretary to H. E. the Viceroy in respect of Moulana Shaukat All's proposal to allow him to confer with Mr.
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  • 213 2 According to Reuter messages received hcr> last week-eno.. the Lucknow Conference h s turned out to be a big success in that it v:a able to br'ng together the two wings of Muslims, those for join* electorates and those for separate electorates, and Moulana Shaukat Al
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  • 315 2 A well-meaning suggestion was made in certain quarters in India and England recently Lhat the Viceroy's abrupt prohibition of talk* even of peace) with Mr. Gandhi in prison ivas done under doctor's advice that Mr. Gancihi could not stand anymore interviews then md that the
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  • 206 2 While talk of inter-ccnununal unity between the major communities is in the air the Indian Christians are by no means sleeping. A conference is proposed to be held shortly where al Christian leaders are to meet and arrive at an amicable formula with the other communities. According
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  • 174 2 Smouldering discontent and disappointed ambitions which obviously has been existing In the rank and file of the Justice Party contributed mainly to their annual conference at Tanjore on the 9th and 10th inst. ending in a fiasco. Eleventh hbur attempts at compromise between the contending parties for
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  • 201 2 It is understood that eight Bengali youths have been appointed special constables m Comilla under the Emergency Ordinance, and have been asked to accompany mail runner... Criticising this action of Government th- Hindu* 1 states that the power to enrol special constables in ether countries is used
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  • 423 2 The question of the Reforms Conference agenda does not present any The main basis will naturally be the conclusions announced by the Premie while closing the Second Round-Table Conference, which were embodied fn a white Paneand approved by Parliament. Within this broad 55? will m found the scope for
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  • 198 2 New Factories At Work. The new records of production in British canning factories, which were forecast earlier in the year, have toen realised during the pressure of the summer season now closing, and will be continued on a much lower scale of increase from now until next
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 %%if .w Just unpacked: "MULTT RANGE" of Radio Mains Components:— Exhibition Models. WearHe: Q.V.C. Screened Pot: Meters. Wearite: Screened H.F. Chokes Super Het. Intermediates: Colvern Screened S|Het. Intermediates Oscillators: Pormo Mains Condensers: 400 V working. T.C.C. Non Inductive Conds: 1 2 Mf. Dublier Non: Ind: Type 9200 Condensers. R. I.
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    • 79 2 l j People everywhere are telling their friends I what wonders "Pebeco" has worked upon I their teeth. I Dulled and tobacco stained teeth are revi- I talised by this 'salt' tasting dentifrice. I Unlike other toothpastes its effect lasts for I hours after using. Pebeco not only cleanses I
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  • 1148 3 The Novelist As Historian. An Estimate Of His Influence. Walter Scott did more than any professed historian to alter mankind s vision of Not only did he Invent the historical novel, but he revolutionized the scope and study CI 1 istory itself. It was not. hideed, his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 iMARQUISA! jjfj THE PASSION FRUIT I ;>j Ii DRINK j I g'Jbk WHICH HAS CAPTIVATED :llf W THE PUBLIC TASTE LJ|| DELICIOUS ;I* I APPETISING I I pill REFRESHING j The Product Of THE PHffiNIX AERATED WATER WORKS I I Singapore 1 To protect the shining beauty of Take this
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    • 13 3 Gorojan Kasturi Genuine and Best for Sale. HIMALAYAN PHARMACY, 135» SERANGOON ROAD, SINGAPORE.
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    • 237 3 TESTING FREE. I) •C is dieted Klo£k at the reat World Sho nAhPt Will convince that our goods are of Ihe beu quality and at moderate prices. CHINA OPTICAL CO., 54, Upp r Crcsa Street, Singnporr. OTTO GULL BAHAR. Registered. The Soul and Life of Spring Flower. Scents and Perfumes.
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  • 1718 4 Need For Bold Appeal To Electorate. Sir Stafford Crippa wilt* in the 'New Statesman Nation":— Ever since the debate of last autumn those vho arc interested in the po itical future have been canvassing the prospects of the Lr.bour Party. The most recent expression
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  • 447 4 Beef, steak (round), kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, katt 25 pork, lean, Jcati 44 Pork, lean and fat net quality), kati 34 Mutton. Australian, lb. 35 f owl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), kati 44 Ducks, each 50 Pigeons, domestic unfledged, pair 85 Pigeons, fledged, pair 60
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 404 4 HE LOST HIS TEETH—and HER! Pyorrhea has done its deadly work ONE tragedy followed another. At iirst ii didn't seem serious. She noticed his bittdiftg ?;ums and toid him not to neglei t them, but he did nothing. They became sponge-like and tender. Next the teeth loosened at the very
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    • 48 4 LeprosT Diabetes, Consumption, V.D., PILES, LEUCODERMA, I Impotencj, Women-disorders, 9 Paralyser and nomeroos other chronic teeases considered to be hopeleoa by I ooainent doctors oro tmnd by mm I Specialist. 1 I THE HIMALAYAN PHARMACY f Head Offlce: Owes Rcaa. f ConoaHatten Room: «5. Scrangcc* JU.. I aiNQAJPOBJ.
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    • 45 4 FEVERISH! j A do;* of Baby's Own Tablets Is th> :mng i 0 put him right, ihe lafle inteV Own Sj*"* tha! Babyt ~*s2!^t; them And < h J -uUdj BABY'S OWN TABLETS. J I Specially DevL*d From a Physician s Pr^rlptioo FOR CHILDREN'S AILMENTS. j
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    • 201 4 IT'S FUN-BUT IT'S TIRING j Tennis~cricket-swimming--football--all wonderful exer,i,P I after office hours provided you are fit. If you are unfit 'eith! mentally or physically, all sports lose their savo" "ft j flags and your spirit droops. j Every branch of sport has its champions and from every one of these
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  • 1210 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS. MINING ii4vrE Issued by fraser a co.. exchaau* and stock brokers. Singapore, Oct 27, 1932, 10 a.m. Value. Buyers. Sell rs. £1 Aaam Kumbang Tin 26;- 28;--tl Austral Malay Ml- JJ" 3s. Ayer Hitam Tin 12'- 12 9 £1 Bangrin Tin 141- M $1 Batang
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  • 327 5 B. ETLIN AND CO'S REPORT. COMMERCIAL NEWS. Oct. 27, 11 a.m. RUBBER. London: 2' a d.. unchanged. New York: 3 a 8 cents (G down 1 16 cent. Shares. Quiet. Allenbys 45—55 cents, Ayer Moicks 30—35 cents, Ayer Panas 30 cents, Bassetts 20 —25 cents, Brogas 20—25
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  • 635 5 Messrs. Praser and Co.. in their weekly report dated Oct. 26, state: During th© past week conditions in the local shaie markets have remained practically unchanged and dealings in all sections continue to be very restricted with prices tcniin.; towards lower levels. The chief item of interest has
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  • 85 5 Court Sequel To Watchmen's Quarrel. Two of four Fikhs were each fined $£0, and the other two $20 each, ty the Fourth Magistrate (Mr. A. C. Boyd) yesterday for being concerned in an affray. In addition the accused were bound over for six months in
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  • 148 5 No Immediate Improvement Indicated. SHIPPING NEWS. Reuter. London, Oct. 26. The annual report of Lloyds' Register reocrds that for the first time for some fwi there has been a decrease oi 400,000 tons in the world's merchant .shipping which is now slightly less than 70.0M.f90 tons g.os..
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 135 5 International Tin Committee Satisfied. The following resume of a communique issued by the International Tin Committee after its meeting on Oct. 20 has been received by telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies: "The question of excess export from Bolivia, ar. indicated by statistics, was
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  • 54 5 Singapore. Oct. 27. Singapore Spot (loose) 79 16 7% Standard 7ft 8 Nov. 7 7 11,16 Dec. 7 11 16 7% Jan.-March 7 7 Apr.-June 7 1516 8 lon of Market: Quiet. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 2ftd per lb. New York Spot Sheet M%
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  • 192 5 Singapore, Oct. 27. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $138 vSiam) W. Coast 2 $132 Rice, B. Siam No. 1 $123 Rice, B. Siam No. 1 $118 Rice, Siam "Sinway" per koyan No. 1 $176 Rice, Siam No. 2 $167 Rice, Siam No. 3 $152 Rice, Saigon Al
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  • 226 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, Oct. 27. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 31 32d. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 1516 d, London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 29 32d, London 30 days' sight 2s. 3ftd., London demand 2s. 3 27 32d., London TT 2s
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  • 33 5 The rate of issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India ?nd Coylon in Rs 15« for $100
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 603 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BY GIVEN that the Trade Marks d?picted above are th; exclusive Won Sc of No. 233. Tank Road, Singapore, and are used by the balms ointmens, oils and other medicinal pr:paraiions known as NG BALM" manufactured, exportrd andor sold by the said Chop in TAJ* 01 ierat d
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    • 643 5 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. NOTICE. November (Professional) Race Meeting, 1932. FRIDAY 11th. SATURDAY 12th, WEDNESDAY lGth SATURDAY. 19th NOVEMBER. November (Amateur) Race Meeting, 1932. FRIDAY 25th SATURDAY, 26 h NOV ENTRIES CLOSE:— PROFESSIONAL MEETING. —12 o'clock noon on WEDNESDAY, 2nd NOVEMBER. 1932. AMATEUR MEETING. —3 p.m. on MONDAY. 21st NOVEMBER, 1932.
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    • 311 5 CHEONG KOON SENG CO. MORTGAGEES' SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES, At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s Sale-room, No. 30, Chulia Street, ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 4932, AT 2.30 P.M. Lot 1. Valuable land situate at Jurong. Sin ga po c, area 23 acres 26 poles being Statutory Grant.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 6.15 LAST NIGHT 915 I i of j The Paramount production that opens wide the Gates of j Hollywood j MMKSz ME A STARI i WITH STUART ERWIN and JOAN BLONDELL. TO-MORROW! Opening at Special Holiday Matinee 3 15. A GREAT DOUBLE ATTRACTION! ON THE SCREEN:— First National's Roaring Musical
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    • 111 6 i Genevieve Tobin I PA T O'BRIEN j !Hollywood Speaks! i »j TOMORROW j "The Greatest Attraction in Stage or Screen History' GRETA GAR BO JOHN BARRY MORE j JOAN CRAWFORD j WALLACE BEERY LIONEL BARRY MORE j J LEWIS STONE JEAN nOSHOLT j z!Mc'tro-Qohlwyn-'JM/i)ci's j IMPORTANT: Advance Phone booking
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    • 370 6 j TO-NIGHT j ELISSA LANDI j I The BwiFs Lottery TO-MORROW Simultaneity with ALHAMBRA yGRAND HOTEL" TO-MORROW, OCT. 27. REMEMBER! TO-MORROW OCT The Fairies will appear at the Tivoli Hail to greet v<m\ h, Deepavaliin I MADAN'S SUPER 100',, HINDUSTANI MUSICAL PRODI CTIOX 1 OR Court of Jupiter I A
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  • 448 7 SPORTS PASTIMES. THE TURF. PERAK AUTUMN RACES. SECOND DAY'S RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.} Ipoh, Oct. 26. There was a smaller attendance at the races here to-day, due to its being a week day and a threatening weather. Fortunately there was no rain and the afternoon was delightfully ccol. H.H.
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  • 73 7 NONE OF THE FAVOURITES GET A PLACE. Reuter. London, Oct. 2G. The race for the Cambridgeshire stakes today resulted as follows: 1. PULLOVER (Richardson). 2. ADA DEAR (Steve Donoghue). 2. PHARAOH 111 (Rowley). Betting: Pullover 100—1; Ada Dear 25—1; Pharaoh 111 100—1. Wen by three-quarters of
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 28 7 Thp Ract? Ccursf will be officially open Tor training for tht: November Meeting from Sit'irday. at 5.45 a.m., when the colfr" <rrtufements will be made.
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  • 28 7 G.G.C. MIXED FOURSOMES. The G.G.C. mixed foursomes were played on Tuesday and resulted in a win for Mis. D. D. Humphreys and Capt. J. L. Mclntyre (46—9—37).
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  • 39 7 S.R.C. TOURNAMENT. In the final of the mixed doubles handicap played at the S.R.C. on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Hogan (owe 15.3) beat Dr. G. de Spuza and Miss M. Lewis (owe 15.3), 10—8, 6—2.
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  • 112 7 WALES WINS AWAY. INTERNATIONAL SOCCER SURPRISE. Edinburgh, Oct. 26. natTonS tit Sc tland in the international soccer match by 5—2 bul h t e hf H Un t WaS 95 followi ng morning's rain <ixes and hing Welshmen the Scots at welsh LT'Z™, until near the finish when
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  • 60 7 «£5 ical Union team v. Malaya Publishing tO T r I° W at 445 Pm on tne Union s ground.-P. a. Beins; Tan Teng Seng, Or^ Seng Hock; Ng Hon Fai. Chua Boon I*7, Tan Chweo Teck; Lim Tian Lye. Sn-> Kcey Hoe Ha Khoi Sian. Tan Thian Hock. Lim
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  • 29 7 On Friday last at the V.M.C.A. ground the Chinese Commercial Athletic Party defeated the Opium Pecking Plant team by 3—o. The goal-scorers were Chim Bock (2) and Eng Hong
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  • 58 7 A SEREMBAN MATCH. tFrom Our Oiph Carres pa n den t. 112 Sc.emban, Oct 25 Playing on the N. S. Club to-da.-St. Paul'» Institution bent the Police 6—4 The school boya played u splendid sarp'? ißht through and were leading at the Interval by 3— 1. The school team,
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  • 240 7 M.C.C. AUSTRALIAN ITINERARY. The official fixture list for the MCC tour in Austialia is given below All Test matches will be played to a finish. The team will leave Sydney on March 16, for New Zeaand, where three matches, will be played and they are expected to leave Auckland
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  • 42 7 COUNTRYLADS B.P. The new court cl th: Coun ry-lads B P BHtu Berendam. Malacca. was officially opened by the President, Mr, Chan Soo Atm. cn R*»turdav last .A sn-nup photo of tb mtmt rr "*.vs taken and light refreshments were served
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  • 145 7 Chamber Of Commerce R. A. Report- The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, in their weekly auction report v>f yesterday, state: Catalogued 1,474,011 1b.=658.04 tons. Offered 1,411.907 1b. 630.31 tons. Scld 1,183,313 lb. 528.26 tons. Lcndon spot IMrd. New York spot 3 7 16 cents. Prices Realized.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 541 7 NOTICE. IN THE MATTER OF ORDINANCE NO. 155 (Companies) AND IN THE MATTER OF MARINE RESOURCES, LIMITED. (In Voluntary Liquidation). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in pursuance ci Section 223 of Ordinance No. 155 (Companies) tha: B General Meeting of the Memb r.i cf the above-named Company will be held at
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    • 168 7 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. 1 11 Assets exceea Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorpor»Ud to the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great muUrn Lite Building, Cecil Street. Bing»ow, m -nnflfl deposited with the fl,mr.», LONDON OFFICE: 17, Old Jewry, EO. The Company oas 00-00°
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 128 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW, OCT. 28. -Ceylon. Southern India. Bombay. Aden. Mauritius, Egypt. Europe, Great Britain. Ireland. U.S.A.. Canada and Western Australia (Naldera) (P. and O.) 8 aML Wectcrn Australia (Kangaroo) 8 a.m. Ncrth, N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Tinombo) Ham Tcmbilahan and Indragiri tMaros) 11 a.m. Banka Island (except Muntok), Sungei
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  • 54 8 Mr. L,: Cnwee T c (alias Tcra) at his r side::cc No. 490, Joo Chiat Road, on Thursday. 27th iiiU.. at 12.45 a.m. He leaves bthind a wifr. 3 sons and 1 daughter to mourn, his loss. Funeral on Friday, 28th in t.. at 10 a.m.. to
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  • 874 8 We are happy to be able, by way of a change, to congratulate the Government on something. The role cf critic, which we so frequently assume, is not a pleasant one. though it is distinctly necessary in a country ruled by an official autocracy suffering from grave illusions
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  • 23 8 Mr. E. J. Polglace, who has arrived in I Penang from Singapore, will act for Mr T V M?y, Assisiani Architect. P.W.D.. Penang.
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  • 48 8 Mr. G. W. de Silva, who is leaving Kua'a Lumpur for Singapore on three months I holiday, has resigned the hon. secrefaaryth p of the F.M.S. Bar Corrmittee. Mr. Chrs topher Mils, of Messrs. Banncn and Bsi'.ev, will act as hon. secre ary for the reafe of lh9
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  • 238 8 Purchasing Power Higher Than Year Ago. London. Oct. 26. Financial circles are confident that sterling is strengthening as international rumour fizzles out. It is pointed out that since the abandonment of the gold standard long-term British Government securities have risen by about 50 per cent, while
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  • 136 8 Should City Have Mayor And Council? A report hy ihe President (Mi W. Eartl yi as to the 10 p:r cent. eu. in Municipal salaries is to be pmwulMl at a penera" commKUe meeting tit tbt fcfsntctpal rsion<?.s en Monday af nmoo'.i. A mo ion iha
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  • 34 8 (From Our O'cm Correspondent.) Londcn, Oct. 26. Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane. Malayan agent In London and until recently Chief Secretary, F.MS.. rnderwent a successful cperation today.
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  • 76 8 Mr. E. C. Yzt.s. who runt: the arra cur radio sta.ion VSIAD .Singap re). has oecided .on the following re.ular schetu'.e of b Monday. Wed and P.iday: c.3j p.m. to 7.45 p.m. Sanday: 11 r..m. I to 12.15 p.m. The wave ength is 42 mctr-s. Mr. R
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  • 41 8 The UteM ChJbi- e tab es. which ere crowdod out to-day, do not convey any important news except that an early «tfitetnect ox the Shantung civl! wur l& l.kely by removal cf one vf the rivnl armies to another p cvtnee
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  • 54 8 Among the passengers p ocediug by the r, und O. Nn!(l,*fa M jcWJng ut 930 a.m tomorrow for Colombo. Bombay ond Europe, arc Mr. P. H Strwart Brown, Mr G R Llvctt, Mr P W. R-dferun, M A MrNiveu. Mi. G. C. Robertson. Majr»r and Mm. R. P Power and
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  • 50 8 Mr, Biulniddin l> u H«n Ftonn-. «and and licnue upent. at 315-E Bu*.i Timah Road, and -lava wti'j was ooni in FasrJr, Du«ch 3cm«o in i&O:,, *d£ Ll a ccrttDcftir M nancnisatJon lt arltisii uftfect. H» rwcr (he oath or rUepiaitre b'toT the und Piu* l on ih; 14x31.
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  • 68 8 fhe Ehtntl of tlt-r s 3. P' l c n.ll iujr the foliwinjf proinmtn wnhr pcrmlttmc. a» katong: Pu»x in-ipnw at 5-15 p.m. Ovortur?. "Hungarian, 1 I>la Cxa-das. The Oliodts ol the Muyor," Oroumant S- Iceilon t "Classical Memories." Ewlug; Cornet 'Solo. "Quanri 111 Ch-ns." Oounod; "An Eastern Romant*." Hain?c.
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  • 104 8 The Municipal »valU> sUemca; lo< ,fct week ended Oct 2* give* the total number of deaths ns 171 The denth rote vritu la 91 jxr mtlle compa-ed with tfi n if» u lt rrf ocdlng »e*it and 31,40 1», hr i cj respond ng week of lasr year Tn* cbi
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  • 476 8 •/Br "tfrwiiuji. Walls in Scotland! A And the Thistle sprang a'Yeek. A An American paper renn,.» wedding of FriedrTch 7t£ lk Amanda Boy. Atta-Boy. am Mussolini says that all E„ Pftlvl go Fascist. The questu.n however: Is there e^h£s£*S After the recent control (he M.T. in regard
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  • 36 8 Mails from Europe (London mails de>patch on Oct. 6), by the •'Comorin." whtcli at Penang at 6.40 a.m. to-day. Ar: :vf train to-morrow morning. Correspondence be ready for delivery to IwilmMrri at 9 m
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  • 41 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London: 2'*d. New York: 1% cents (G >. Singapore: 7 9 16—7S centTIN London Spot: £152 2s. 6d (Don London 3 months: £152 10». r 1 Singapore: $77.62*4. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Sundried Mixed $bli
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 PLAY BROMFORD The Finest Golf Ball made for durability, toughnes and flight it is unequalled. I X I Playing The Bromford You Achieve Fewer Strokes Per Round More Rounds Per Ball OBTAINABLE FROM: Robinson Co., Ltd. j SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. j \mm) LATEST SB j KRONCHONOS ANO EXTRA TURNS j
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    • 42 8 CHIPPENDALE PATTERN STERLING SILVER j WAITERS i Fop Pre^enfation I U.S. de Silva Bros, j JEWELLERS, j 23, High Street, Singapore. j T.K.K.'S j HAIR POMMADE 13 20 cts. a bottle. TENG SENG GUAN, Established 1905. 634. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, I j
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    • 22 8 There will be no issue of the "Malaya Tribune" to-morraw, which is the Annual Deepavali Holiday. Publication will be resumed on Saturday.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 41 8 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT Yesterdry's Maximum Temperature, 81 deg. F. I as*; night's Minimum Temperature, 76 deg. F. Yesterday's Rainfall. 0.04 ins. Sunshine, nil. 1 p.m. Relative Humidity, 65 per cent. 1 p.m. Wind W.S.W. 21 m.p.h. 1 p.m. Weather, overcast. i
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  • 415 9 QUESTIONS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Safeguarding The Boxer Indemnity. Reuter. lfmPn(s wen made in the House Mammons yutliwll about smuggling Ihe fhiaa Cea»l lin which Malaya tn .a— Irwil the Bcxer Funds, JTtk* Ottawa Agreements as they £< 1
    Reuter.  -  415 words
  • 47 9 In, Begg Taken To Hospital. tting scene in the Bombay In the early hours of this alleged. Mrs .A. C. B'gg several people. Mrs Begg .ing Kerbau Police Station ice was sent for. She pains and was reacccmpanied by her husband
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  • 95 9 1 'HVndants Allege Gross Negligence. ItiDriieu a former rnJDloyve of »nn«fra M 1.)., .sited th* firm ycstcr- 'Uweibc Court before the Chief Murlson, Tr-? thr recovery Hit up of salary for July $700. Europe 1i.440. lemve pay for fcj'i r t u l0 79s Iml
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  • 66 9 Bureh IcHe y zer the 22-years-old fat s r whcse trial for the murder of kr >t*mLrJ n McH(? yz- r and the hitter's foi!'. I' K W fe binte Abdullah, tht rwi y an u;is »cc€ssful appeal bet„ Justice ,Sir William Murison) Bahru v Terrell at
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  • 458 9 Nearly Fifty New Members. The following are extracts from the minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Singapore Ratepayers* Association held at the offices of the Association, Hongkong Bank Chambers, on Oct. 21: Present: Mr. T. O. Mayhew (president) in the chair, Messrs. D. Prankel,
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  • 50 9 M.C.C.'s SECOND MATCH. Reuter. Perth. Oct. 27. In the ma'ch commenced at Perth to-c'ay in fine wra.her. Jardine won ihe toss and decided to bat on a good wicket. The lunch score was 99 for one wicket. Sutcliffe <48) ard the Nawab of Pataudi f4s>, both no' out
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 173 9 Experienced Diver Killed. In spits of several people having been killed by man-rating sharks in Singapore harbour, a large number of Malays living at Pulau Brani continue to earn their living by diving for coins thrown by passengers on ships about to leave the wharf. On Tuesday
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  • 85 9 INDIAN NEWS AND NOTES, on page 2. SIR WALTER SCOTT, on page 3. THE FUTURE OF THE LABOUR PARTY, on page 4. TOPICS OF TO-DAY, on page 8. FATAL ACCIDENT AT NAVAL BASE, on page 11. CLUB DIARY, on page 11. DIARY OF EVENTS, on page 11.
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  • 160 9 Mussolini 9 s Amnesty To Enemies. Reuter. Milan. Oct. Z6. An amnesty to the political enem es cf Fascism was promised by Sig. Mussolini in a speech here to-day. He declared that within ten years Europe would be converted to Fascism. This would be the
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 381 9 Police Complimented. Eurasian And Jew Sent To Prison. E D. Sykev a Jt-w v n tiur v. th a Eurpsnn named H. :T. BtU who n:rt- conv cted by he District J elite iMr C yes.e day came up for son'enc* >h:i? tnoinlnu. alio
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  • 172 9 Cast Of "Three Wise Fools." At the Victoria Theatre next Wednesday the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee wiil open a new season with Austin Strong's threeact comedy "Three Wise Fools' and wiil giv repeat performances on the following Thursday and Saturday. The S. A. D. C. has
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  • 632 9 CRITICAL MOMENT FOR WORLD. Drastic Proposals By France. Reuter. The Disarmament Ccnfcrence is pestponed and France and America arc building new waranCC howeve has a Plan of urariic dra mamsmt and visually adults Germany's claim to equal i y. Washington, Oct. 2(3. f the new Ja
    Reuter.  -  632 words
  • 113 9 Outrageously Excessive Tariffs. Reuter. Baltimore, Oct. 26. Mr. Franklin Roosevelt, in a speech tc-day, made a bitter attack in the Republican hgh tariff policy, tempered with fear lest the American people be diverged "from the decision they have already reached." He declared that the outrageously excessive rates
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 36 9 Success Of Malayan Pineapples. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 26. At the Imperial Fruit Shew at Birmingham, Africa gained first prize with a pineapple exhibit, Malaya taking the second and third prises.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 Current Comment on Malayan Affairs in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents Only.
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    • 177 9 I HEYMAN I .1 Creamery Butter l^^^c^^^^® AN EMPIRE PRODUCT i Fresh creamy butter direct from Australia can. be yours if you ask for HEYMAN Butter. A British Empire Product that is famed throughout the world for lts l anc l delicate flavour, 6\r HEYMAN BUTTER will make every meal
      177 words

  • 4800 10 DISCUSSION AT UNITED ENGINEERS' MEETING. SUGGESTION TO APPOINT AN ASIATIC DIRECTOR. Lively discussion took place at the annual meeting of United Engineers, Ltd., yesterday, the accounts being severely criticised and one shareholder suggesting that the directors' fees should be suspended for 12 months. A
    4,800 words
  • 197 10 Aihambra-Genevieve Tobin in "Hollywood Speaks." To-morrow. 'Grand Hot:l." Capitol.—"Mak; Me A Star," featuring Jcen Blondell. Stusrt E:win, Zasu Pitts, etc. To-m:rrow. commencing at the matinee: "Top Speed" ar.d th: "Capitol Follies." Empire.—First show at 7.30 p.m.: "The Mystery Rider (sJent cerial—chapters 7, S, 9 and 10). Second
    197 words
  • 1221 10 SPORTS PASTIMES. HOCKEY. S.R.C. SENIORS BEAT RECORD CROWD WTTtiVSm PADANG "DERBY; CRICKET CLUB JUMo H s AT S.R.C. 'By -Tn L Yesterday's Padang Derby .1. event of the friendlies played attracted something, like a reeoV'/. *OKI ground, .where th e 3—o after the S.C.C. had dor- of the attacking.
    1,221 words

  • 385 11 Workman Killed In Sixty-Foot Pit. A Chinese workman who was killed whilst working at the bottom of a deep pit at the Naval Base on the night of Oct. 17 was the subject of an inquiry held by the Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yesterday.
    385 words
  • 109 11 Alleged Extortion. Two ricksha pullers appeared before the Second Magistrate (Mr. A. W. Hay) yesterday on a charge of attempted extortion of $10. The complainant, another ricksha puller, stated he was employed by a European living in Owen Road to pull his children to school. While he
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  • 71 11 Shadowed By Detective. A Chinese who was described as a notorious Pickpocket was sentenced to she months agorous imprisonment by the District Judg« •Mr. C. Wilson) yesterday WaS shadowe <i by an Indian detective and eventually arrested. On being 5 *V?°: blade Was found to "is pocke
    71 words
  • 273 11 'Ctective On Serious Charge, Alleged to have accepted a bribe of *70 was DI -jr n^: lC detectlve named Ah Kow «Mr the District Judge as* yeatrrday. o h T.f V ;J* now M «as for the defence and ■jszsr*" '<"■«« B Chine woman, stated XI k
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 161 11 WELL-KNOWN SINGAPORE PILES SPECIALISTS. Piles of all descriptions at solicited tes'imoni- y^^^^^^B^ Singapore. ASTHMA Guaranteed Surest and Speediest Cure in all itages without relapse. No matter who has ailed. Ask for particulars. Dr. Sherman, 3aliabhanga (Faridpur), Bengal. DIABETES. THABIB A. Md. HASSAN guarantees to cure Diabetes by personal treatment with
      161 words
    • 14 11 WIT and WISDOM Plus PICTURES. You Get Them All in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST."
      14 words
    • 138 11 There is not a thirst that cannot be quenched by O RANGE-SMASH. FRAMROZ COMPANY. I marineTnsUrance! OF I GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD j j( EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED j AT LOW RATES //For quotations for all. transit risks by Road, R (I Rail or Water I Apply to:— j( SIME,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 804 11 CLUB DIARY. Mala V a Tribune." This Diary LZed tn SPeCiaUy ,0r Secretaries are 2 of general interest The Lr (he -Diary 0 UpMrtC* tainrnZ* f T can cotw rnnfllljl. enteraZ^ilnriL ViStU and "S /unction,, TEE V*' o/ Erenf*.", not kte? lUb Dlary must be recel ™l m? o1 v,.
      804 words

  • 2753 12 MAN'S STRUGGLE TO SOLVE PROBLEM OF FOOD PRESERVATION. v Mr. H. Aaron's Interesting Address To Rotary Club. "The Art of Food Preservation through the Ages" was the subject of an interesting address by Rotaria n H. Aaron at yesterday's luncheon meeting of the
    2,753 words
  • 147 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct. 25. The regular monthly meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners was Ivld to-day. The Commissioners agreed to crllcct for Government the recently passed additional registration fee of 20 per cent, cd valorem imposed on foreign motor v hicie*. The following were
    147 words
  • 96 12 At the annual general meeting of the Chinese Friendly Association on Oct. 17, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President, Mr. Lee W-Jh Leong; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Tan Heng Chua and Koh Kirn Lim; hon. general secretary, Mr. Gan Eng Thiam; hon. asst. secretary, Mr
    96 words
  • 76 12 A Chinese who snatched a fountain pen from a pedestrian in South Bridge Road recently was produced before the Third Magistrate (Mr. J. P. f. Gregg) yesterday The complainant stated that the accused bumped into him and snatched his fountain pen from his pocket.
    76 words
  • 990 12 Full Text Of Govt. Memorandum. It is prep: cd to raise the fees payable for Secondary English Education in Malaya to $3 a mon..i up to S.andird VI and SG to $0 a mon.h d: pending n the resu'.t of an ar-mal qual.iv,,, examination, above Standard
    990 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 95 12 U S mm U\ Ĕ V f 1-1 r* J In !<•' *<■* j 7, r— ■jir^ > 'i \s*jl ABE 'V -■■c™ v -J r~ I HRDfffeSlAf **4 klf. ml wlfl I -3 L Hfc +mw wmWtmmllm m n f V t H Js f»llV*i cSttln f MONBRAKD j
      95 words
    • 205 12 THE IMPERIAL "GOOD COMPANION." Th: only All-British Portable Typewriter built en the standard 4-bank principle. embracing all the facilities attached to a Standard Typewriter. THE VERY LATEST IN PORTABLES ON THE MARKET. First shipment jus; received. Sole Agents: Duncan Roberts, Ltd. 112 114 A, Robinson Road, Singapore. Phone 7010. AEGIS.
      205 words
    • 16 12 PLEASE THE WIFE by Buying: the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" She'll Like It. And So Will You.
      16 words

  • 2078 13 BREAKS THROUGH FEUDAL FETTERS. Desires Of The Younger Generation. The mere statement that fathers. mothers. UUu-Urs, sunt? and guardian* in Japan *re IJ tiR ihclr hint!* and ruvliiß to th-'tr son 4 lU dai'r.hterß. Aephrws, mid wards. "I i'tnp y can't understand you" m«y eeem to the UK»
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 30 13 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. i Programme Of Drills. TO-MORROW, OCT. 28. Public Holiday. SUNDAY* OCT. 30. Bukia Tin: ah Range, S.R.A. (v), Annual Rifle Meeting. Farrer Range, "D" (Eurasian) Coy., Murray Cup.
      30 words

  • 96 14 [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" docs not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one
    96 words
  • 340 14 "Love Thy Neighbour (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.-) Sir, —"Son of the Soil," who writes on the above subject, should be advised not to abuse foreigners or aliens internationally. He mun understand that the island of Singapore* is part of a British Crown Colony and is quite different from the
    340 words
  • 235 14 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—ln ycur very abl? and interacting leader oi the 19th inst. mention is mad? cf the proposed huge cut of one million dollars in the F.M.S. Education budget for 1933. Undt the "ax?." .he "Eton of Malaya" —the Kuala Kangs?r College—is to
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  • 239 14 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."/ Sir,—l have so far refrained from writing' on the above subject, but the question "Arc Modern Chinese Young Men not aping lC o^asked by your fair correspondent, Helen Chan has prompted me to take up my pen and answer her query. In
    239 words
  • 68 14 '•Taxpayer" alleges that the five electric excavating "navvies" obtained at a cost of $30.000 each for work at the civil Aerodrome are giving poor results—less than was expected and dwells on the fact that the money for them came out of public funds. It is to be presumed
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  • 271 14 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—Have you ever heard of this one—A Singapore Hollywood? Probably you have not and may not even be aware of it. But true, we do have it in our very midst A particular type of Talkie Colony seems to have
    271 words
  • 523 14 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."i Sir.—With the present trade depression and countless numbers of clerks, doctors, lawyers and other professional men jobless, it is wi'.h the greatest apprehension that parents and guardians face ihe choice of a profession for their sens and daughters. This is undou
    523 words
  • 110 14 (To the Editor, "Malaga Tribune.") Sir,—Remember the original founder of th's Settlement, the prominent figure now standing in the front of the Victoria Memorial Hall i.e., Sir Stamford Raffles. Now every put lie body knows that the name of this Founder has been affixed to many important
    110 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 417 14 BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON Co, Ltd., ENGLAND /Cb*\ Reduce Your Rower Bill. y&y use The mark urith a world- w» r l n wide reputation: 1 J Jt ELECTRIC MOTORS j j|^^^J^^^^S rOR ALL DRIVES. B.T.H. Electric Motors j Delivery from Stock j Tho Borneo Co., Ltd. jj ■npMpponVoai|| 1 An Investment
      417 words
    • 16 14 You Will Smile if you read "SPARKLES." by "Quiz," Every Week in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST."
      16 words
    • 192 14 INDISPUTABLY THE BERT SOLD -EVERYWHERE. jTR A /TS TYPEWRITER AGENtf (Established in 1914). Btetionen and Repairer*. i*-A. Change AUey, Blngaport. 5 Mur a, u P for mvhanio V SJ* oewrltet h> otot of ordr-r. and attention. Monthly clear,-, offices undertaken, and can be -eceipt of instructions. i ca We also
      192 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 890 14 WHAT TO LISTEN FOK Stations Best Received In Malaya. A list of possible stations Is of less use to the beginners and the average listner than some information about the broadcasting •.tatiOns which may be received regularly and it fair strength. Below is such information given fully and compiled with
      890 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 425 15 vteamer sailings^ P. 0. lUUTISH INDIA, AND APCAR MNES. tMXOV**** m Engmnd). |'ASS£NGER CARGO SERVICES. »r AND ORIENTAL STEAk. in ATION CO.. LONDON AND lip f Ist MAIL SERVICE. inkl 2 contract with His Majesty's Government). .xwARD FHOM LONDON, a »nd 'apar.. Dv« «,nage. Singapore 1532. 15,000 Oct 2b 17.000
      425 words
    • 575 15 STEAMER SAILINGS^ mg?> line ■Japan Mail) TO LONDON, xxapies, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Middtesborough. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Bali HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 Nov. 2 3 TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 Nov. 15 16 HAKUSAN MARU 10,300 Nov. 30 Dec*. 1 HARUNA MARU 10.400 Dec. 14 19 5 KATORI MARU 10,000 Dec. 29 30
      575 words
    • 505 15 STEAMER SAfoBJGS. rffir* NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, (Incorporated In Germany). Th: undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "TRAVE" for Manila. H'kong. S'hai. Tsingtau, Taku, Dalny Japan I "ALLER" for Manila, Hongkong. S'hai. Kcbe, Taku, Dalny Tsingtao Nov. ii HOMEWARDS. "GOSLAR" for G noa, Amsterdam, R'dam, H'burg Br men arr. Oct. m
      505 words
      525 words
    • 283 15 BANKS. j^^^^^^^^^ I» Your name should be on this mg Bank Book. In it will be recorded ĔM the small savings you are able to H .ĔB bank from time to time. Soon Mm i it will show you a handsome tefe^/^—^^^Ĕ J account, assisted by o per cent. rflm
      283 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 306 16 MALAYAN SATURDAY POST (j THE BIG I 1 20 CENTS-WORTH. j 'HIST OF THE WEEKLIES. J THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—Bungalow, No. 111, Haig Road. Apply 20, Chulia Street. Rent $50. TO LET. REDUCED RENTS. Garage
      306 words
    • 731 16 Our business as Repairers of Clocks, Watches, Gramophones and all other instruments is recognised by the Military authorities and the great majority of the Public. Our Charges are always based moderately to defy competition. A trial order will convince you. YICK WOH HING "SSTmT (CONTRACTOR FOR REPAIRS OF CLOCKS AND
      731 words
    • 516 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rubber Market will be closed officially en Friday, th? 28 h instant, being a Public Holiday. By Order of the Committee, GATTEY BATEMAN. Secretaries. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK LTD. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). NOTICE OF
      516 words
    • 384 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL Established 1828. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls) B—Short Street, Singapore. Offers thorough training In Music—both PRACTICAL THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE. DIPLOMA, k etc. Booklet upon request, M ANCIANO. Principal MERCANTILE INSTITUTE, 130. Sophia Road and 16. Prinsep Street. Admission for 1933
      384 words
    • 172 16 l TRIBUNE SMALL ADS BRING RESULTS j BECAUSE THEY REACH j THE SITUATION WANTED. BILLET WANTED —By Well-experienced Indian Field Conductor on Rubber and Oil ralrn Estates or ready to undertake tapph g and weeding for contract. Please apply Box 646, co Malaya Tribune. NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO., J i
      172 words
    • 494 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Eight U Linotype Motors, each U Hp" all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager Malaya Tribune, 56 6c Anson Road. MALAYA TRIBUNE 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION EATta. PAYABLE IN ADVANCI. Delivery Including at office Postage Postage or close (Lccalor to FareM residence F.M.S.)
      494 words