Malaya Tribune, 10 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIX. No. 239 SINGAPORE MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1932 MVfc CLNTJs. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Monday, Oct. 11, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1532.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 Buy the -MALAYAN svn KI)AY POST, I he Picture Paper. 20 cents. a ——^^^mmm Clover Brand MILK CREAM Health 1 Puri *y I i Ecottomii I Tk r Satisfaction. 1 "Danish Mil-*-* Sole Importers: 9 JEKSEO UNSWKTB» j ::,;fMi The East Asiatic Company, limlled. I i Penang Singapore I Fc^^_£i
      180 words
    • 128 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. HEALTH and STRENGTH J j l tup" Ba 1 =q N EVERY TIN BUT IT MUST BE I I I i CROSSE BLACKWELLS. I c I
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  • 92 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. JjE^yi l l *P A**** to on subjects of public interest. It must be undertvwJ,. ,*«.Ji ttlaya Tribune does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by conesVondents LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double nJZr?. s 0U ne Side 0f the
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  • 53 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir .—l shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to let me know: (a) Who was the first aviator to land in Singapore fb> In what year did he land and where? Yours, etc., S. K. LING AM.
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  • 398 2 (To (lie Editor. -'Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —One hears much about effective measures being introduced for abolishing the Social Evil in Singapore, and congratulations are being showered upon those who are going tc clear the city of this terrible vice. "Seeing is believing." and what one sees is
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  • 540 2 (To the Editor, Malaya Tribune.") Sir. —Gone are the days of Rubber and Tin and the much-talked-of -third string"—the Oil Palm. Pineapples, too, have begun to lose their bright days. The Slump has opened the eyes of Malayan economists and agriculturists, the former advocating seme other new
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  • 73 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—Al!cw me a few lines tn yjur valuable paper to offer my heartiest congratulations or the work done by the "Girl Cornerites." It «11 really an excellent show, and for thosv;ho missed it I am heartily sorry, for thej mL-sed a good
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  • 280 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—lt takes a lot of things to make tht world. J.D.M., so why worry? My sympathy goes with you that you are not a gambler, but an all round sportsman, and that you have seen your relatives and friends in houses ano clubs playing
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  • 631 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.", Sir—A lot of nonsense has been writtei about dancing in ycur correspondence columns It is inconceivable that in this enligntened ag> there are still many people who have sucl narrow-minded ideas about a harmless socia amenity like dancing. Old customs really dv hard and
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  • 265 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—As a motorist, may I express my ve~v jreat appreciation of the courtesy and co sideration consistently shown to drivers by thvarious constables on point duty at the Lavender Street and Serangoon Road cross-roads' There are many policemen who are only too
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  • 465 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."; Sir, —As the word "bankrupt" is the very intithesis ol the word "betting." ihe two canlot be grouped together to convey ihat tankupts bet, for, however much a bankrupt may vish to gamble, not only ihe Law but alsJ public opinion is
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  • 257 2 Outspoken Comments By Dr. Barnes. Outspoken comments on certain aspects cf nodem religious belief were made by Dr. Barnes, the Bishop of Birmingham, addressing he Modern Churchman's Conference at Bristol. Dr. Barnes said: "The man of science rejects all authority save that of human reason." He saw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 9 2 THE PEOPLE'S PAPERS "Malaya Tribune"— Daily. "Malayan Saturday Post"—Weekly.
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    • 78 2 CATARACT? N at ter rip? or No of operation Safe, sure ar.d guaranteed cure in eight weeks. For full particulars apply -"SRIWORKS, Beadon St. (M%), Calcutta, (India). LeprosT Diabetes, Consumption, I V.D„ PILES, LEUCODERMA, I Impotence Women-disorders, I Paralyse and numerous other chronic I d*ease« eonaidered to bo hope Imm
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    • 214 2 "Much of my success in the "Open" Championship is due to a supply of energy which never seems to flag.' For this good fortune I have to thank •Ovaltine.' I like a cup before Igo to bed, and it likes me too, for I wake up refreshed and eager for
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 887 2 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. j Stations Best Received I In Malaya. I A list of possible" stations is of less use I tc the beginners and the average listner than some information about the broadcasting stations which may be received regularly and I at fair strength. Below is such information
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  • 1454 3 Restored Church Consecrated. An Imposing: Ceremony. Buckfast Ab':ey was gay whh flags when thousands rf people assembled In perfect weather to attend the ecnsecration ceremony of Buckfast Abbey Church, ai which the Fope had appointed Cardinal Bourne as his special Legate recently. Th? ceremony began very early in
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  • 265 3 THAT an atom is a hundred millionth of an inch across? {Bu Our Scientific Correspondent.) Although Science is making great strides towards a full knowledge of the mysteries of the, very little is known about it by the layman. Thus, when it was announced that th<>
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  • 317 3 American Predicts New International Organ. According to a telegram leceived by th-* Japanese Foreign Office, an article by the Paris correspondent of the "Washington Star" on the abrogation of the League of Nations, appearing in that Journal on Sept. 17 is arousing widespread int?rest. The gist
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  • 440 3 SINGAPORE. .OCT. 7. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 32 Beef, stew or curry, kati Pork, lean, kati Pork, lean and fat (st quality), kati 3b Mutton Australian, lb. Fowl, kati Hens (locally reared>, kati Ducks, each Pigeons, domestic unfledged, pair Pigeons, fledged, pair 60 EGGS. Fowl 10 J9
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  • 220 3 Robbed His Uncle, Let Off With A Caution. A valuable opium pipe, made of jady throughout and stated to be worth $800, wai produced before Mr. Schofield at the Centr&l Police Court, Hongkong, as an exhibit in a larceny case in which a student named Tse
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  • 255 3 September Report, 1932. Applications. Previ- This To late, ously. month. Local Committee Singapore 182 5 187 P°nanp 62 1 63 Malacca 6 G Kedah t 4 Perak 93 4 97 Ncpri Sembilan 21 21 Central Committee Kuala Lumpur 197 2 199 565 12 577 Number of Applicants:
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  • 288 3 The following is the health bullet in of th? l eague of Nations' Eastern Bureau, Shiga poie. for the week endir.9' Ot. I, 1932. Beirut: 2 plague cases and no deaths. Alexandria 2 tmallpex case ani no deaths. Bs-frhdnd: 3 smallpox eas's and 1 death
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 i n ■■iim S Have You Tried Our jj l SHAKE BOT IT N MI I 1 Appetising Refreshing j GENUINE FRUIT PRODUCT Phoenix Aerated Water Works I SINGAPORE. £**********£BI7E5a5Z5ZScl5Z5Z5ZSZSdS2SHSH5Z5Z5dS? j^SZSZEZSHS^ c 7ZSZSHS2SZS2S2S-l I I "JUNIOR" j Two-Sealer 1932 IMAGINE the "JUNIOR" J 1 Two-Seater in traffic with J its
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    • 277 3 "MALAYA TRIBUNE." 20 Pages For 5 Cents Every Saturday. WEEK-END SUPPLEMENT FOR THE HOME. Truly wonderful success has attended the innovation of giving our readers their Saturday "Tribune" at noon. Now we are making it a real Week-end Journal for the Home! The Saturday "Tribune" has been enlarged to 20
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  • 1896 4 RUSH LEGISLATION IN F.M.S. Legal Journal's Strong Criticism. The Ociober i<«ino Journal" ls to hand C Mala v *n law We r "2 Among chn kgal P ro spoken article c-T the 2 c"2 COt_ Procedure Code fn»Wi M S to against the intr Z~ \t™"
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  • 1294 4 District Watchman Shot Dead. Woman In The Case. An extraordinary shooting affair in Westerr Street, Hongkong, at midnight en Sept. 10- 11, vvhen two District Watchmen engaged in a duel, one injuring the other fatally, had a Court sequel on Oct. 1, when District Watchnan No. 99,
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  • 178 4 Exhibition At The Crystal Palace. The wcrld'# lamest honey exhibition h-'d Mt the Crysial Palace has drawn attention to n miQuc opining for the development oi onr of the few Brlilfh lndmtritJ» where the demand j exceeds the supply, Exhibitors numbering 15:1 from all parts of the cox ntry
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 447 4 DO YOU WAKE UP UNREFRESHED? It seems hcrd'y any use geing to bed at all for what rest it brings you. You awaken tired and stiff and it requina a great effort to rise. This state of aflai s means that there is b continuous depletion of nerves en-rgv witnru.
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  • 1140 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS. MINING, .■v LD BT FBASEB CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. ssue Buyers. Sellers. e lnm u „||n| Tin 26 281U Av.rimmix JJ II Bat 0 39 0.43 Lna Tin 40 norn H Bukv. 5. 7 norn £1 lj. nom £1 <* 0.20 0.25 B
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  • 298 5 B. ETLIN AND CO'S REPORT. COMMERCIAL NEWS. rubber Oct. 10. 11 London: 2 7 16d., down 1 32d. New York: 3\ cents «G unihang Share: Quiet. Allenbys «—W Ayer Molek* 30—35 cents. Aycr Panas 3 cents, Bas setts 20-25 cent,. Brojw cents. Buklt JeJotonga 15-20 Buklt K*
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  • 235 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, Oct. lO*. Selling: London 4 months' &ight 2s. 3 31 32d. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 15 16d. London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 29 32d London 30 days' sigh-. 2s. 3 7 d., London demand 2s. 3 27 32d.. London
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  • 113 5 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Oct. 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Keng Hwa 22; Rohna, 20; Kutsang 19. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3.) Malacca Maru 18; Burma Maru 16; Heijin Maru 14; Pres. Garfield 11; Aeneas 9; Calchas 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 8.) Penrith Castle 30;
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  • 33 5 The rate of issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 for $100.
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  • 285 5 Miss Bannerman and Mr, Gwinnell. At fit. Andrew's CaLbcdral on Saturday, Mis. i MolUboo Bnnntrman. daughter of th* late Mr. and Mr* w. Bannermun, at Oku>ffo*. wm married to Mr. John Kenneth OwuuieJl, son of Mr and Mr g j awimidl. cf Lr.ndon The bridegroom is the
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  • 78 5 Protest Against Stoppage Of Allowances. Reuter. Marseilles, Oct. 9. Many British people are among the pasengers who will be unable to sail to their icsanations in the Near acid Far East owing to a dispuce between the Mettsageries Matitiines seamen, which culminated in the Seanens' Union's
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 119 5 The General Committee of the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore has approved the ollowlng additional leave regulation:— 1. In the case of a Municipal officer whose x>ot has been abolished by the Commissioners -n account of reduction or alteration in th establishment or staff and where
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  • 130 5 Alleged Possession Of Chandu. Alleged to have been in possession of nonGovernment chandu, two Chinese passenger> who arrived in Singapore on 'the "Sirdhana" on Saturday were arrested by officers of the Preventive Service and charged before the District Judge. The discovery was made at the Tanjong Pagar
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  • 422 5 Capt. L. H. Hutchings Of The Kumsang.". SHIPPING NEWS. "We feel that in losing him we have lost a good servant," said a prominent official of the Indo-China Steam Navigaion Company on Sep. 30, in referring to the death of Captain L. H. Hutcnings, Master
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  • 167 5 Judgment Delivered. Fur her tv denc3 was given before the District Judge (Mr. C. Wi'son) on Saturday in ihe cas in which Neng Pan Fie, the steward of the "Anshun," is charged with importing chandu into the Colony. The accused is alleged to have been
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  • 32 5 The Serangoon Friendly Party thank Patrons, quests, fi lends and members for help rendered In staging a very successful variety entertainment on Sunday in aid of the Holy Innocents Chinese Boy's School.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 267 5 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING II j ONE YEAR FROM TO-DAY I Will YOU still be Strug- I Post thls c °upon to-day j BJig on at the same old international correspondence j Job and pOSSibly drawing SCHOOLS, (Colonial) Ltd., of London. J OVCn less pay Worried *****4 A, Robinson
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    • 67 5 j rt WEAKNESS. I 1 41 Tjj dEBIL I t x ISQ AN/EM IA CHIENS' S YRU i h 'Ik of Haemo lobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radicaJ remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 81 5 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORROW, OCT. 11. Kukup (Hong Hin)l 9 a.m. I Anamba and Natuna Islands (Scott Harley) 9 a.m. China, Hainam, Japan, Korea, Formosa. East Siberia, Western Canada and Western States of U.S A. (Aeneas) 1 pm Tembilahan and Rengat (Chong Chuan) 1 Hoihow, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy (Anshun) 2
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    • 535 5 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary it provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date und complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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    • 116 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drill*. TO-DAY, OCT. 10. 5.:5 p.m.-Htr.dquarters, S.R.A. (*>. Ammuni--53^ o p m _B.u Milestone East Coast Road. "A" MG) Coy, Practice Demonstration 315 "C" .Scottish) Coy.. I lallaig Cup Instruction. TO-MORROW, OCT. H. 5*15 p.m.-Headquarters. tT (Scottish* Coy Ilaiiaig Cup Instruction. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 12. Sls pun
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 "CHANCES" definitely is a film of the highest standard oi entertainment. —Singapore Free Press. c.IS TO-NIGHT 9.15 Douglas /jjjfe Fa i rba Jn r. ...—»Avji Si^^ A. HAMILTON GIBBS WELL-KNOWN STORY See Young- DOUG, Hell-bent for nowhere and making the most of every minute. Trying to drown his Low for
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    • 188 6 JSLmuaements TO-NIGHT Another dashing thrilling show! v F(fSCE C H 5 r j WVjm MURDERED BY ''fflffl VICE RING I W Slayers Escape Wj Giri Reporter Has CSue Which May wif ft O' BR3 E fu iflpl I MAC CLARKE »A Wary Borart ■4lj&l&' «k Bradley Page Directed hy M
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  • 545 7 Notice Of Appeal Given. ACCUSED SENTENCED TO FOUR YEARS. JUdgP <Mr C m™> S^; e th l m:mln the case in which i inje Jcc was charged with cheating and. alternatively with abetment, in respect of r by Ch tT C Ja am ,nUng t0
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  • 117 7 Paper Substituted For Forged Notes. Alleged to have substituted paper for two bundles of forged $5 and $1 notes which they attempted to sell, two Chinese pleaded (Ullty before the District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson) this morning Detective-Inspector Nickles stated that he detailed detectives to pose
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  • 171 7 Attractive Programme At The Capitol. Competition in film-making between Elstree and Hollywood is proceeding in earnest, though it has a spice of humour about it. A lecent British film presented an Englishman in the role of a "peppy" American who dominated the stoiy. Hollywood now presents an
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  • 123 7 SPORTS PASTIMES. M.C.C. TEAM IN COLOMBO. MATCH WITH ALL-CEYLON. WYATT AND PATAUDI IN FOKM. CRICKET. Colombo. Oct. fl. The M.C.C Australian team played a who!: day match here to-day. Ceylon won the and took first knock The match nun drawn. Scores: ALL-CEYLON: 175 for 3 Wkt- dec I <W T
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  • 387 7 INTER-STATE MATCH. Selangor beat Negri Sembilan by two gotUo <scored by Grenier) to nil on Saturday. The first half was played in line weather but the ground was sodden by heavy rain early in the afternoon, and persistent rain fell dining the second half. Ceylon S.C. team v. the
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  • 99 7 OPEN CROSS-COUNTRY EVENT. A cross-country cycling race open to all comers will be held on Sunday, Oct. 30. under the auspices of the "Sportsman." Ihe course, which will be about 12 miles la length, will not be made known tiP half-an hour before the actual race, which will begin
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  • 95 7 Alban:tra "The Final Editi n." sta ring Ma: Clarke, Pat O'Brien, tc. Capitil— "Chances," ttarricg Douglas Faubanks, jr. Empire—"Tarzan—the Ape Man." Great World.—Side shows, pasar malam, Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. silent and talking films ("Words and Music"). Marlborough—Greta Garbo in "Mata Har;." New World.—Side shows, silent and
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  • 94 7 Ghastly Wounds Inflicted on the Head. As a resuit of sn axe attack Chinese w r .kr,nn mi ployed in a compound hous- n Kar.dohar Street was token to hospital in a serior.o condition eaily tins morning lt appears that he was working in
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  • 78 7 Mr. Maensa. Consul General for Germany, has returned from his leave of absence and resumed charge of the local Oeraaan Consulate-General 10-day A well aitmckd Ufftn. with i number n* ';d!c; among the company, was ht'd by «he Society of Ycrkshiremen in Malaya at the Europe Hotel on Saturday, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY CAPITOL CAPITOL CAPITOL I I s FIRST TALKIE A comedy that's different! ON OUR s E C T I 0 N U w convulsing England America with laughter! A Riot in AUSTRALIA! DON'T MISS THIS ONE'!!!
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    • 384 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PROPOSED AMALGAMATION OF THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED; THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED And THE OVERSEA CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. The Directors of the abovenamed Companies hay? the pleasure to announce that the Sha.ehelcUrs of each Company have, at an Extrao:dir.ary General Meeting convened for the purpose by r.solu.ions
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    • 319 7 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $.i:». 000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*) 1 HEAD omCE: Or'at Eastern Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jewrj. EO The Camper,? has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court ot England and compile*
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  • 944 8 D.. Lim Han Hoe, presiding at the annual meeting of the Straits Chinese British Association recently, alluded to the vexed question of the price of petrol in Singapore, and urged that the incoming committee of the Association should consider the advisability of asking the Chinese Unofficial Member of
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  • 47 8 Mr. Boon Hoe Chia was admitted and enrolled an advocated and solicitor cf the Sup: erne Court to-day before Mr. Justice Whitley. The General Committee of the Municipal Commissioners has decided that the Commissioners are not prepared to pay for continuation ol the time-gun at Fort Canning.
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  • 433 8 Planters And Co-operative Settlement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oc,. 9. j An informal meeting of the 1.5.P., Kua!a Lumpur, this morning discussed the possibi- iities of a ec-operative se tlemtnt in Came.on Highlands with ihe Dislr.ct Officer, Kua a Lipis. Mr. North Hunt. Mr. N„rth
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  • 63 8 New Offer Despite Official Opposition. The Board of the Rubber Research Institute cf Malaya, at their m eting on Friday, decider by a majority that re-engagement should be offered to Mr. R. o. Bishop, head of th:Chemical Division. The two Government l fficials
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  • 347 8 No Joyful Celebration This Year. (By Our Chinese Co respond ni.) To-day is th? Chine c Na icn 1 D.y o.h-r--v.ise known as ,he Dorble In.h Day.'on a--count of the day a: d the m:nlh conceding on th? tenth figure. It was on this day. tw-n yme
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  • 186 8 Mr. E. de Cos a, foreman of the job printing department of the "Ma aya Tribune" Pr ss Ltd.. died in the Gcneial Hcsp tal yeste cay morning after an p ra ion for internal trouble He was 65 years of age and had served the company well and faith,
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  • 485 8 (BY "LOOKER-ON.''l Chess on the R.R.I. Hoard Official King checked by IJnoffictf with Bishop. iai> I 1 Bobby Craik makes golf look ea» And it us easy—if you know howuJi don't make any mistakes. i Eldred will probably be bavin* new putter. The one which he use,)
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  • 12 8 Trom China by the "Cremer," due at Singapore daylight to-morrow.
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  • 44 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London: 'a Tl6d. New York: 3% (G.) cents. Singapore: cents. TIN. London Spot: £149 (unchanged) Londcn 3 months: £150 10s. (unchanged). Singapore: $76.12 >/.. CUPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundried $5 80 Mixed $5 25 The market is quiet.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 j'Xhilvern Cottage' j Cheese has a high dietetic value, a delightful flavour and is wonderfully j nouiishing for adults and young persons. Mf tHTLYERN COTTAGE CH EESE *<Sbs F ROvj ft! L CREAM MILK f C ?iloM E M Sota Propfatari DOHINWS DAltt b bro AYLFSBURY aucus I 'j »■»>«•
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    • 58 8 1 ratacJcJgJr^ridpEl^ I CHIPPENDALE PATTERN j STERLING SILVER WAITERS J For Presentation U.S. de Silva Bros, JEWELLERS J j 23. High Street, Singapore, j Reduce your caM of '.iving and at the fame j I time support local industry by using f T.K.K.V SHCES, TYRES <fr OTHER GOODS. TSNG SENG
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 39 8 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT Yesterday's Max. Temperature, 90 deg. F. Last night's Mm. Temperature, 75 deg. F Yesterday's Rainfall, nil. Sunshine, 4.3 hours. 1 P.m. Relative Humidity, 75 per cent 1 P.m. Wind, S.S.W. io m.p.h. 1 p.m. Weather, overcast.
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  • 1265 9 Mongolians Supporting Chinese. uil the iij;n.inK in Manchuria bes ,l il\ BMt* int nse quarrels hays imeag ;he MMstan oi the The MfgcttMW are Chjaesi in the fight Shanghai, Oct. 8. resi ntative of the European arrived in ShangHai
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  • 440 9 German Note Leaves Door Open. Reuter. Berlin, Oct 8 r Tbr German reply to Britain's in Villon •<, SSSST ««n'wnw. it is foanrmed by veilnJTiti mw,ns l Vlr 'ual nccepianc*. L lUot lhe G rmftu Government to ,h'' UCCess 11 H complex object is C,flHn
    Reuter.  -  440 words
  • 47 9 Ambushed By Outlaws In Manila. Reuter. Manila, Oct. 13. Twelve members of the constabulary are reported to have been killed and two wounded, and three are missing, fo'lowing a fight between police and a land of Moro outlaws in an ambush near Culiculi (Jolo).—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 119 9 Protecting Stockholders At Home. Reuter. London, Oct. 9. An crder has been gazetted providing for the extension of the Colonial Stocks Acts to stock issued after passing the Colonial Development Act, 1929, and forming part of the public debt of the Federated Malay States conditionally
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 124 9 Japanese Scheme To Avoid Preferences. Reuter. London, Oct. Following the Imposition of a special tariff Japan has decided to evade the duties which give preference to Lancashire by erecting cotton mills in India, according to the "Sunday Times" Bombay correspondent. He adds that Calcutta .is considered
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 208 9 Hockey Player's Luck In Sweep Draw. Reuter. London, Oct. 9. Mr. H t F. Ot'hltrs. son of Mr. G. R Oeblers. cf Singapore, d a residual prlac- ol E7.893-IA-D ui the Irish Htrapltalj swe?p on the CeiarpwUch. Prizes of £100 each have been drawn by: "Puffin," Kuala
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 103 9 Sweeps To Be Organised At Monte Cario. Reuter. London, Oct. 9. A plan to organise sweepstakes for the benefit cf British hospitals* has been drawn up by the Eirector-General of the Casino of the International Sporting Club of Monte Carlo. Wellknown Britishers, including Sir Charles Higham,
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 140 9 Comintern To "Ginger Up" Revolutions. Riga. Oct. 9. The gingering up of revolutionary effort abroad is reported to have been decided upon at a secr:t plenary conference of the executive committee of the Comintern, recently held in Moscow. It is said to have been decided
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  • 108 9 Jimmy Walker Returns From Europe. Reuter. New York. Oct. 9. Mr. Lewis H. Pounds, aged 71. ex-State Treasurer has been nominated Republican c?ndidate for the Mayoralty of New York in opposition to the Democratic candidate, Mr. O Brien. New York, Oct. 9. "Happy days are here
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 43 9 Reuter. Bombay, Oct. 8. Tin? flow of gold from India to the West continues. Three liners arc leavlnc this weekend talcing gold to the value of "6,401,000 rupees to England. 291,000 mpees to Holland and 12,009.000 rupees to New York.—Router.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 768 9 League Pacing Clear Issue. Reuter. reportS thal '•Pan L th?p f o^"0 1 <f Lvu ar Further 111!■ on claimed that the Ltague faces a single issm—force or law. Shanghai, Oct. 10. ol^r re o h n a rin FCnB YU Hsian and a
    Reuter.  -  768 words
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 It's Best to Subscribe to the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST Then You're Sure!
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    • 226 9 I HEYMAN i Creamery But tor AN EMPIRE PRODUCr Fresh creamy butter direct from Australia can be yours if you ask for HEYMAN Butter. A British Empire Product that is famed throughout the world for SV-Sfe- its P urit y and delicate flavour, 6 Yffi*k HEYMAN BUTTER will make (JV(
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  • 1970 10 Sports Pastimes. ROVERS REGISTER FIRST WIN. SATURDAY'S HOME LEAGUE RESULTS. BRENTFORD REMAIN UNBEATEN. THE VILLA SURVIVE AT HUDDERSFIELD. ASSN. FOOTBALL. Some of the weaker-ides provid:d surpriMi 1 ilwir opponents in Saturday's English and Scottish League matches, and some cf th? few reams who had still to register a Via for
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  • 547 10 PUBLIC SERVICES R.F.C. BEAT S.C.C. RUGBY FOOTBALL. The sides were fairly well matched and it took a little time for either to make any impression on the other side. The S.C.C." were generally better served behind the rcrums and in tr.e lines-out and with Shaw
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  • 84 10 COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS. London. Oct. 8. Results of the principal Club matches plavc-f to-day were: i«*7<w Blackheath C. Newport 13. Bridgwater 6. Leicester 11 Bristol 29, Dcvonport Services 4 Cambridge University l?. old Levsiam 5 3. Llanelly 18 London Irish li. London Wels'> 19 London Scottish 9.
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  • 498 10 (From Our Oven Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Oct. 8. The South Johore XV turned out on the Civil Service Club ground this afternoon for a match against the R.A.F. The home team who did not fare so well in their first encounter, with the S.C.C. on the
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  • 69 10 The following have been invited to play for A.P.C. and I v. P. S. to-morrow in the S.C.C tournament game on the Padang: L. H. Cooper; D. S. Robertson. D. G. M. Owen, J. Smailes. C. B. Maxwell; H. G. Shaw. J. L. Bonnar; A. M. McLennan. W.
    69 words
  • 190 10 BILLIARDS. The S.C.C Autumn tournament ?tart* on Wednesday. The following are the first tiev WEDNESDAYS TIES CHAMPIONSHIP: A. F Hunter v. C H S. Jones, A CLASS HANDICAP P M StlJI «cr k A. V Hurrb—so; R. Johnson—3o v. Capt D V Hill—2s. B CLASS HANDICAP W Hardy—so
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  • 177 10 YESTERDAY'S MACKRAY CUP MATCH. POLO. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 9. In the tournament for the Mackray Cup today the Colony beat the F.M.S. by four goal to three. The game was slow on account of the heavy ground after Saturday's rain. There was fine
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  • 79 10 S.S.C. EVENT. The three widths composite race for 13 rloss «wimmer» »t the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday, for the aggregate prUte of th« section. attracted live entries and wa* won by R G. Cranford In 1 mln. 28 oec*. Tl>e race was one breadth bnetwi stroke, on back Woke.
    79 words
  • 59 10 R.S.Y.C. EVENTS. There were two races at (he Royal Singapore Yacht Club yeiterday. The first event was the sreont! race for the Mllner Cup <A ClaM) and was won by Kllat, sailed by Mr. Jhonsow. The oilier event was the iecond rate for the Hoop's Remembrance Cup (B. Class)
    59 words
  • 41 10 Members of the August B. P. will regret to Icarn of the death of their hon. sports secretary's (Mr. Tay Kheng Anns) grand-mother yesterday at her residence. 584-C Havelock Road. The night vhit will take place tomorrow at 8 p.m.
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  • 876 10 CHRISTIE RIDES FOUR WINNERS. THE TURF. (From Our Own Correspondent J Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 8. Heavy rain for most of the afternoon—it began t n minutes before th: first race—fail sd tr. spoil the second day cf the Selangor Turf Club's Au.umn me»l ing at Kuala Lumpur
    876 words
  • 590 10 CRAIK OVERWHELMS ELDRED. GOLF. In Iftt An a. of th s g r at Bukit Timwi fJt Cralk. u former M.t!»vjv. iml pirn, achieved u runawni vl» red. who 111 in earlier ir-xnri present Muhyan ohnarpt>u. m Th-J motcij ..ided a ihe J i uniting l] i t
    590 words
  • 134 10 SATURDAY'S E N TERT AIN ME Nt AT S.R.C. An enjoyable and rrrj successful social ing, organised by a i-in* cmmit'ei r pi ing th- Eurasian Association and lh* pore Recrea'ion Club, was hold at the l en Saturday. Ther_> was a large atr ndance
    134 words

  • 67 11 Rising Nipped In the Bud. IB* mild<, Oct. 9. i b-.., arrested in i jj> 'Any by tlio ,1 !;ur;« -"'fcU- plot I i»r 'iuv.ittjry tj a Jn« ib> «njsntKtes of on Julian iub- T l!u Dalmatian i .un-ntt Uio p>a- i i.; Uv4 in inl'.i--«H
    67 words
  • 50 11 No Charges Against Mrs. Keith and Lancaster. r IT" r Oct. 8. rod luabut Mrs. I ~r? r the rcrrpor! hat 1h y i for mugghng ft-''in the West J by Ihe Labour Dem jt xinl scd dtfportai Ik- uudiTsiand- voJimtarllr bv j** it. (.r
    50 words
  • 50 11 Husband Held By Johore Police. »f r Ova Correspondent.) X Bahru. Oct. 10. .y iuit:d with a brick hv j, the 22nd mile. Pontian :ved injuries to her It is believed that as attacked. I Chi in custody and was ....ristrates at Johore Hkra ttdi rata
    50 words
  • 199 11 t lananese Children. o>r OiDn Correspondent.; Johore Bahru. Oct. 9. tool children frr>m Singapore gf si baK cay at Johore Eainu y:sterday. B*r D of the President of 'he Town B f .ir. R. W. Gran-. M.C.S.. M.C.. th 3 -.m c community put up a shade
    199 words
  • 173 11 Decisions of Municipal Committee. Municipal C:mmitt?e No. 1 has il-cided. by o majority, to cnnilrm ns former reccmmendr.tion that the annual tax on tricycles .used f:r purposes cf trrtb or rrtmtncipj should te raised frcm $2 .o r.j for the y<ar 1933. It was also dcci.led
    173 words
  • 382 11 JOHORE BAHRU ASSIZES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johcre Bahru, Oct. 9. The last session of the Johore Bahru Assizes for the current yea: began this morning at the Supreme Couit. Johore Bahru. Mr. Justice W. Burton presiding There are six ca-< a on the calendar. Mr.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 For the Week-end MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." 20 Cents. Beware of Imitations! Of all good products there are imitations which are not only worthless but positively injurious. If you want an approved medicine against Headache, Influenza, Feverish Colds do not ask simply for aspirin but for Aspirin Every tablet and each
      78 words
    • 210 11 I The New World 7.15 TO-NIGHT Q f g j Talkies Free j BETTY COIHPSON IN j The Boudoir Diplomat j jjj Put that in your Pipe and Smoke It!! I I EDGE WORTH I X ENJOYED FLAKE I N BY o OR a X EVERY H y -tifl X
      210 words
    • 257 11 WINGET CONCRETE MIXERS are made in capacities to meet every requirement. The patent drum fitted to every Winget ensures a perfect mix. However long the mixing is continued there is no separation. WinJet represents the greatest achievement in the history of Concrete MixersWINGET, Ltd., WARWICK. SOLE AGENTS: \V Wslliam Jacks
      257 words

  • 272 12 American Request For Arrest. European Stockholders Seek Attachment. Reuter. Paris, Oct. 8. Samuel Insull and his son are in Italy according to the Paris correspondent of the "Chicago Tribune." They checked out at th. frontier station of Modena on Tuesday and arrived at Turin on Wednesday.
    Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 198 12 Norwegian Crew Brought To London. Reuter. London, Oct. 9. The B!ue Star liner "Afric Star." en route for Buenos Aires, has sent out an S O.S. reporting a collision in the Channel orf Dungeness. with the Norwegian vessel "Charent.V thcrew of which has been transferred to
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 86 12 Enormous Zone Of Minerals. I Reuter. St. John (Newfoundland). Oct. 8. An enormous mineralised zone, containing gold in massive quartz, sulphide and reefs of silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron, asbestos and mica was discovered by Mr. Bondurant. the American airman, in the hinterland of Labrador when
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 100 12 The new St. Andrew's Tamil Parsonage, situated in Keng Lee Road, was dedicated on Saturday, the Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts, the Bishop of Singapore, officiating. There was a large gathering of well-wishers at the dedication service. The Rev. C. D. Gnanamani assisted the Bishop in the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 19 12 i i n i s■■ i■■ i■■ ii mini I Orchard Read 1 3 and- Sub-Depots I w ii-r
      19 words
    • 25 12 Ugly yellow stain in your I teeth can be quickly removed with KOLYNOS Make Sure You I Get The "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST," The Picture Paper.
      25 words
    • 196 12 "Light-House" Brand Syrups— That's JAVASON'S. Ask your d«ar.rr to supply you with JAVASON'S. Of all high class provision sores. mm 11 X "Diamond" Batteries jL. Manufactured fresh daily in W Singapore by a British Ccm- J Price 10 cents each. ]lT Diamond Metal J V Products Co., Ltd., jf DIABETES.
      196 words
    • 228 12 M— ■1 P I »>■ II HI —I WI»I<<W»WW«P>WiMW>iW^ I Tiie Famous Kodak Printing Paper. Q Ensure getting the best results from your exposures—hand over your film to be developed and printed by experts. Be sure also, that yrur prints are made on "Velox" paper "Velox" is ideal for all
      228 words

  • 5882 13 Tin: »;rkat inflation ITS RESl LTS. on n,r. th* »*M art u r fir rorittrenl» >4/ th* Soti&Ml 5 ..,J \'> 11' 77f-«* articles arc n nftU lfrm an lu rrM^T, f amJ ~ntvten". T/irj, will be unn> day by dw anii l~t •/».•<, 'M.'/ a
    5,882 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 175 13 Representative: ROBERT BLAU (Malaya), Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore. Phone 47] Germs of decay lurk in ugly film Prevent trouble—keep teeth free from film with this special film-removing tooth paste IF you were to allow your teeth to gently removes this film and reveals go even one day without brush- the
      175 words

  • 138 14 I ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (S.g.), LTD. Prices for the Shell Motor Spirit and various i-rands of Kerosene are as follows: j Shell Motor Sprit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 ex 4 gallon drum per British Imperial gallon $q 89 Shell Motor Sprit per 4 gallon tin
    138 words
  • 483 14 WHISKEY BATT LE STARTING. FIXING UP AGENCIES Fob AFTER ELECTION Expectation Of r.s Going- "Wet" Soon. First shots are being fhod j r the world's biggest whisky tmrkt Elates of America. Confident tnat the count., r again some time after the Presidential 0 Vr m November. Scottish and Irish have
    483 words
  • 434 14 Chain Of Landing Grounds. Adaptation Of Bush Roads. The Beit Tiust bar; now agreed with M authorities in Kcr'.h3rn and Southern Rhod about the improvement of the air mail rout' within those territories. The work will cor about £11.000. It has already been announce* that the trust
    434 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 624 14 HUDSON TIPPING WAGONS j STRENGTH IS BUILT INTO THEM! j THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. j tt!!^^!""' TnrT> 1111 **********1 i ii'TTi'urnm i «m> n i aamn m ii mi imwup j N A JOURNEY X X.I.L.M. [S SOT ONLY j COOL I j QUICK t j and COMFORTABLE 1 J
      624 words
    • 188 14 j I THE "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" !is noic owned by the "Malaya Tribune" Press, Ltd., and published j j from the "Malaya Tribune" offices j I at 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. It is being greatly improved by f the introduction of many New I Features, while the best of the
      188 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 452 15 ■jTEAMER SAILINGS^ P. o. UKITISH INDIA APCAR LINES. In England). .AIL PASSEN6W* CARGO JU SERVICES. iKn ORIENTAL STEAM vr NBwLAR LONDON AND NAVIGATION CO. CB TconSct witb His Majesty. I* Government) JTW ARD FROM LONDON. 0 rr ft and Japan. yor en—» jjue Tonnage. Singapore 1932. 15.000 Oct. 14 r
      452 words
    • 602 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. «BS? .LINE (Japan Mail) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles. London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Middlesborough. Vessels. Tonnage, Due. Ball. 5 FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Oct. 20 21 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 Nov. 2 3 t TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 Nov. 15 16 HAKUSAN MARU 10,600 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 HARUNA MARU 10,400 Dec. 14
      602 words
    • 493 15 STEAMER SAITJNGS^ ijrrr d norddeutscher LLOYD, (incorporated la Germany). The undernoted are the CXmuW'i hxtures:— OUTWARDS. "FULDA" for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Kobe, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtao "LAHN" for Iloilo, Cebu, Manda, H'kong, S'hai, Japan. Taku, Dalny tf and Tsingtao HOMEWARDS. "ISAR" for Marseilles, Casablanca, Oran. Glasgow, Havre, London. Adam, R'dam,
      493 words
      534 words
    • 312 15 BANKS. THE EASTERN BAM, LIMITED. (Incorporated in gngiann,, SINGAPORE EM. AS CM. 4. D'Almeida Street. iu-uoriaed und Buaacrlbsd Capital U&OQjm* Paid-up Capital 11,000,00« Reserve Fund and Rest t 100.000 HEAD OFFICE": LONDON BRANCHES: .exunbay. Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi. Madras, a la, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Klrrnfc, and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened as*,
      312 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 305 16 j" MALAYAN SATURDAY POST f j THE BIG jj 20 CENTS-WORTH. j THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE, TO LET. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET-Prom Ist July, 1932. Nos. 27 and Street AppJ y to M ««rs. Rodyk and Davidson, No. 4, Raffles Place.
      305 words
    • 443 16 wawiraiimiwitiiiiiriniiii,^^ I Le zJrdercier s School m m I ESTABLISHED 1906. I 218, Queen Street <fc 61, WafeWoo Street I Morning: Classes only—Primary to Commercial. 1 f *<> AGE LIMIT! Principal:-F. L MILES. TO LET. TO LET—jßungalow, No. 111, Halg Road. Apply 20, Chulia Street. Rent 150. TO LET—3O7, East
      443 words
    • 253 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 609 of 1932. Between Ravena Mana Navena Navena Moons Nachiyappa Chettiar Plaintifl Versus 1. Lim Keok, 2. Lim Teck Watt, 3. Chop Lim Swee Huat, Defendants AUCTION SALE OF All the right title
      253 words
    • 449 16 WANTED. WANTED —Clerk. Experienced in work connected with shipping and Monopolies documents. Apply in own handwriting stating experience and salary required, giving copies of testimonial to Box No. 643 co Malay Tribune. GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., 112, South Bridge Road, Singapore. The cheapest and C. Y. Fan (well\'MfĔt known in
      449 words
    • 551 16 ■Lite» I Have In Stock Swiss Made Jumr.inr, Figure Wrist Watches Of The Latest Ann Various Designs For Ladies Gents. 7 They Are Both Attractive And Cheap. RELIABLE, DURABLE AND PUNCTUAL i Prices Moderate. Call Inspect J KWONG WAH lOONG, Junction of Upper Cross Street. I And 182, South Bridge
      551 words