Malaya Tribune, 8 October 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 IV Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIX, No. 238 SINGAPORE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Oct. 8, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 Buy the "MALAYAN cvNTRMY post; The Picture Paper. 20 cents. j CaU Hijau'it's li 11 I Kef res lung g Invigorating HH9 I j. CARLS BERG PILSENER. |jj X The ideal drink for tropical climates. jj C Obtainable at Hotels, Clubs and Rest j H Houses throughout the Straits Settle-
      152 words
    • 132 1 A. FLINTER 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. I SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. f P EXPOSURES WITH A Zeiss Ikon "IKONTA" j$» 27.00 Obtainable from all Photographic Stores. 1 The Far East Oxygen Acetylene
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  • 678 2 Amah Identifies Accused. STORY OF STRUGGLE IN THE PLAT. There were poignant scenes at the Central Magistracy on Sept. 27 during the second days hearing of the Hongkong Causeway Bay case m which a youth was fatally inured by a midnight intruder. y lnjured by Chan Ah-ping,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 Fragrant breathbeautiful teeth because she uses Colgate's Why not use a dentrifice that leaves breath pure and sweet —as well as cleans and beautifies your teeth? Colgate's thoroughly washes away the nj r» i. food particles that often cause tainted Bad Breath mouth odours. Its delicious, enticing ,s often caused
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    • 14 2 WIT and WISDOM Plus PICTURES. You Get Them AH in the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST."
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    • 228 2 Why baby thrives on LACTOGEN When breast milk fails, or for other reasons bottle feeding is necessary, Doctors and Nurses are telling Mothers "Put your Baby on Lactogen." mm "Lactogen" provides, in a form Baby can easily digest and assimilate, all the precious vitamins and other food elements to satisfy
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 53 2 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. ,nm TO-DAY, OCT. 8. 9*V%2 e f Casuals, Table <B p.m.—Bukit Tlmah Range "E" Coy., Annual Rifle Meeting? Chines^ 7 n TO-MORROW, OCT. 9. m T^ arrer 11 Casuals, Table "B 8 aj».-Buklt Timah Range, "E" (Chines) Coy., Annual Rifle Meeting. All Officers, TEWT InteUigence
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  • 695 3 Open Garage Door With Car Lamps. i rapid increase in The P* iiu ingenuity ol lighydevices. thr pnotoc-11. DsttJ nJtheae applfct>*,wne already 04 "■J" Sattte SSrk eye" bids I f t:;;. t -very activity cf itaustry and the factory from tn. Pro* !V comer traffic light
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  • 435 3 Reriublicans Hot: Bombs Outrage. Dublin. Two prominent Irish Republicans, George Gilrnore of Dublin, Who was identified wun the discovery some time ago cf an arsena: m the Dublin mountains, ar.d T. J. tlyo.niLilvush, were- shot during a fight at Kilru:>n, County Clare. OJtaere was la
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 THE PEOPLE'S PAPERS "Malaya Tribune"— Dail} r "Malayan Saturday Post"—Weekly. I" Diabetes, ConsuiJjrtion, I V.D., PILES, LEUCODERMA, I Impotency, Women-disorders, I Fmralyaia and numerous other chronic I eL*>ases considered to be hopeless by eminent doctors ore cured by m I Specialist. j? THE HIMALAYAN PHARMACY flwid Office: 82, Owet Road.
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    • 191 3 EXTREME LOWNESSI NEW RIDING SAFETY! amammmmm^ The New Hupmobile Eight is a decidedly lower car a decidedly JIIJL safer car under all conditions. Hupmobile's engineering genius has seen to it that there was no loss of road clearance or head room. Yet this low-swung car is roomy —your body enjoys
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  • 76 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. lOttr readers are invited to write to us on tublects of mibUe s'ood that the "Malaya Tribune-' does not necessarily cndone o D Z tZ h v, pcmdcnts. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBI£ rxpTcszr l I* svocingj. end on one sidr
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  • 51 4 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune *j Br—Have you enj heard of B solicitor M-cMvin/r from It's client ss for iu-n natter; o act. ori? This staws that advocates anrj solicitor* are too cheap in Singapore. of course they are faclajj the iluwp. Vcur», etc.. ••BENEFITED Smgapore, Oct.
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  • 131 4 <To the Editor, "Malaya Trrbiine.-» Sir,—With great, interest I read the five-fold a ms or the Tam.l Reforms Association, in ymrr to», of (hr Inmd llm Ul S l.I 1 Tcmili>n human l lf J... wry en indispensable condition of civil society, The Taniiis of Malaya ue?d
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  • 148 4 iTo the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."» Sir.—As the passing of the Day lgh! Snv ng Bia will concern tje general pub'lc It should o<*Wed by »-o.c; cUser«i»< it would bi_ dcCid d y unfair to All an J ruAttry. Ao prfc:it b'tw'en tht hour o' ditwii au'i st n
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  • 147 4 'To the Editor "Malaga Tribune.-) leUtT by K »r. the Bora* Comer or your t*su or Ist. iiist, V erv impif salvis. I ppprcctate his brghl ideas If m nc-t h? tn^ yPCI h d ih Mrn "k** ,hcre net hav t been ro much dtttr ss Why do
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  • 257 4 fTo the Editor, "Afa!aya Tribune."/ Sir,—Be kind enough to r]low me space for my say on the above subject Dancing in my opinion is Ju«t a pastime whl'h does no harm to anybody If only those who trk f uns wh,t 11 15 1 ">nnoi Uhi 01 Ma'/ for
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  • 68 4 "A Scholar*" to uprcl bcoune. whan It Ufa proposed to «tart a scf.ool minima at a certain educat'onr 1 m ti uti q a teachcr jpak? very fiarraotlcnlly abcnf. it catoon submtttul by one of th? b>v9. Hits c,rUlnly mmt bcve been unJc.ud :vi well o* und'plomitlc.
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  • 64 4 (To (he Editor. "Mal ava Trit, Ufl u f 6h\—la thi* dispute about IhcTfru r, names have bseu gugevstrd by *ou r dtnt». I Wish to elucidate my of u ;ui table nam-' "CTiffo-<i p>. orating Sir Huyh Clifford, u,m there in no k* tn > lu
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  • 521 4 fTo the Editor. "Malaya Tnbunr Wease allow me ap*£« t 0 Student." Ht wii<| that bov. *ho V 0 1 Sevtnli, Standard nut C vrr, c tag M tumbles. If p roo f ft r n 1 der the number of Uudrou wi.,, eJr Jxini °r
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  • 162 4 Readers are reminded that the closure has been applied to discussion of several subjects 'o which much space has beskustvotrd recently. Enough has been written on them and further letters would be mere repetition of arguments and opinions already fully stated. These subjects are: "Malays and Malayans."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1173 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS. MINING. m BY rion CO.. EXCUANGF. sIE A M,SKH& BROKERS. Map**. <Xt 8> 19 10 m buy rs. Sellers. anMfeanf Tin 26 28,--(1 A.S.IIH iBi- tar l Aaatral JJ 13 £1 BtaP** r ot'.s o.ifl $l Baaaaf 0 39 0 .43 0.40 norn $1 Bat*
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  • 373 5 LOAN CONVERSIONS PROVE IT. Success Of Australian Plan. Canberra, Oct. 4 How the news of the Conversion Lean sucesaa has relieved tension here is the meeting of the Cabinet when the Plane Minister, Mr. Lyons, read a cable from UM Mniister in London announcing
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  • 195 5 Usual Autumn Reaction? Reuter's Wireless Service. New York. Oct. 7. The Tixck Market slumped again to-day and lossis cf from two to five points were common at the clcse. The turn-over of the day was I early 2 500.000 shares. Heaviness in wheat effected the share market
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  195 words
  • 219 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore. Oct. 8. Selling: Lcndon 4 months* sight 2s. 3 31 32d L'.ndon 3 months' sight 2s. 3 15 16d London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 29 32d. London 30 days 1 statu SB. 3',d.. London demand 2s. 3 27 32d., London T.T.
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  • 306 5 B. ETLIN AND CO S REPORT. RUBBER. Oct. 8, 11 a.m London: 2 1532 d., down 1 32d. New York: 3% cents (G.),' down 116 cent. Shares: Easier. Allenbys 40-50 cents, Ayer Moleks 30—35 cents. Ayer Panas 30—35 cents, Bassetts 20—25 cents, Brogas 20—25 cents, Bukit Jelotongs
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  • 153 5 LEWIS AND PEATS REPORT. Me c srs. Lewis and Peat (S.) Ltd., in their wt aklf rubber report dated yesterday, stater Heavy shipments from Malaya for S;ptembe. at 41.973 tons, and chiefly the nervous sentiment in the New York market have caused a further decline in values
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  • 409 5 Proposed Display In Hyde Park. Realism And Military Accuracy. The Canadian Natirnal War Memorial, which is eventually to be erected in C;tawa but is to be seen for while in Hyde Park, where it will be assembled on a temporary scaffolding, was designed by the late V
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  • 843 5 "Temperature Above The Normal." English people are credited with an exaggerated idea cf the importance of the weath r as a conversation counter. Tr.ey ltc al?o credited with having such a c imate that the weather can tartly give them all the s-'n. ,r cf
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  • 154 5 Girl's Suicide On Funeral Day. nf a ffir v s suicide in a field at the S£*£Tsis2- ataSnifcby .Lines. ,25) a maid at Halton Holgate, near spitss. SLtthW William Wilted, a chauffeur, at said she had been ■Ml a man named Joseph Sha». W• s«c. and
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  • 80 5 HEAVY GUN FRACTICE. Own ri and master, oi ih pping ere requested t: keep their vess 1> as cl ar of the ran c as p :3ible during the heavy gun practice which «1J trie- tla-e fron For. Sioso commencing a; 3 am. on .he
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  • 214 5 A limning trrprdo 18 inches long marked 8 star (N:. K>7) *M lest uoring an exeras; Ittlns: X.M.S. Caradoe" on Thursday The Sultan Shoal B accn. A reward of $40 is cflerc i for i s recovery. k The MM. "Leconte de Lisle" is due here frcm
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  • 336 5 Bowler's Wife Interviewed. London, S:pt. 16. "I was helping Maurice to pack," Mrs Tate tcld "Daily M« 1" reporter last night, "when suddenly he put his hand to his head, leaned againsi the packing case and said, "Oh, I feel ill. I fcl awful." "Wh n the doctor
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  • 82 5 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Oct. 8. East UTiarl (Entrance Gate I). 'iirdhar.a -2. Mam Wharf (Entrance Gate 1.1 Hakusan Maru it. Km* 11: Katong 10. giuplre Deck (Entrance Oaie M Penrith Castle 30; Iriteank 37 hmpire Dock <Entrance Oate 4.) Gilvcrash 48. weat wharf (Entrance Gate Nil
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  • 9 5 The rate of issue of Money Order for India
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 The Whole Household Clamours for the "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." *>0 Cent* Weekfr.
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    • 14 5 Are YOU a Subscriber to the MALAYAN I SATURDAY POST," j The Leading Weekly?
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 31 5 MAILS CLOSE. MONDAY, OCT. 10. North, N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Op ten 9 a.m. Tembllafcan and a.m. Indragirl and M«M» p m Pontianaa <"»*> 2P^ North, N.-East and N.-WW Sumatra. I 3pm.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 "The British Picture "the Prince Applauded MATINEE TO-DAY, 3.15. Positively Last Night of MICHAEL ARLEN'S famous story "Lily Christine" A Paramount BRITISH Triumph I j With CORINNE GRIFFITH COLIN CLIVE j TO-MORROW Commencing at the Maiinee 3.15 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jnr. j m First National's Dashing Romance of British Courage ami
      150 words
    • 168 6 Amusements Matinees To-Day To-Morrow j eJoan Bennett Ben Lyon Id Fox Movietone's Sparkling Comedy Drama jj j Week Ends I Obviously Your Week-End Only! I j j NEXT CHA AGE j MAE €LMRKE j The Star of Waterloo Bridge" j ix j \WE KIN A L EDIT I ON. I
      168 words
    • 221 6 I gorgeous adventurer, m made into Garbo's greatest picture! Two stars A _r Itidtd LEWIS STONE |J#> 1 ifCLAI I GREAT WORLD TALRiTiiljATiri TO-MGHT AT 7.15 915 p M j t». WILLIAM FOX preen s I ALL TALKING SINGING DANCING. MARRIED IN HOLLYWOOD" Kalunng th- r.nowned broadway stars I 1.
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  • 354 7 Gruesome Railway Accident. Head Split Open And Arm Severed. A giuesome lailway accident, in which A rne-letfjed Tamil "gateman" had h:s head cplit open and an arm severed from his body at the Urn Sepatang Railway Crossing on Sep.. 6, formed the subject of an enquuy
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  • 1508 7 A Land Of MakeBelieve. Eastern Students' Novel Comparisons. The following article by two young gentlemen of Tibet, the forbidden land beyond the Himalayas, on England as they fee it appearxi m a recent copy of -Reynolds News": At the Picadilly-circus Station of th? Londor. Tube Railway
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  • 94 7 CARGO OF OVERPROOF ALCOHOL. Four London men were charged at GraveEtnd recently with being in possession of prohibited goods within the limited area. Their appearance followed the detention by Customs officers of the motor-yacht "Strathspey." It was stated that when the vessel wa searched a number of
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  • 213 7 Schoolmistress Hotly Kissed. A young burglar who kissed, robbed and threatened to shoot a vi lage schoolmistress is being hunted by the Northamptonshire Police. Miss Ke*herine Page, the school-mistre s at Titchmarsh, near Thrapston, Northamptonshire, was awakened about midnight by a scratching noise at her bedroom window.
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  • 80 7 Opposition of Britain And Others. Reuter. Madrid, Oct. 7. Considerable interest was aroused at the Communications Congress by proposals of the Japanese, Australian and Czecho-Slovakian Governments which, if pa r sed, would under censorship all messages "if they contained matter prejudicial to the security cf the country
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 70 7 Jimmy Walker And New York Mayoralty. Reuter. New Y.rk, Oct. 7. Jimmy Walker, who is returning from Europe, has sent a message that he wilt not seek re-electicn as mayor because "does not want to jeopardise the hopes cf democracy in the nation." John J. O'Brien
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 48 7 Appropriation of Church Property. Reuter. Mexico City, Oct. 7. A decree depriving all Catholic priests of citizenship and empowering Government to appropriate immediately all chuich property for conversion to secular uses was approved by the Legislature of the State of Vera Cruz —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 48 7 Result of London Grocers' Exhibition. Reuter. London, Oct. 8. Or.c cf th; rtsuits of the recem International Grocers' Exhichion in London is that ihe Malayan authorities have received a number of firm enquiries for tapioca, following en a considerable improvement in th-> product. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 74 7 Five-Year Plan Proposed. Reuter. Scurabaya. Oct. 7. One of the biggest tea producers in the Dutch East Indies, accompanied by a member of the Batata Tea Export Bureau, has arrived in Ceylon to discuss the proposed five-year tea restriction scheme involving 15 per cent, restriction on the
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 81 7 Manslaughter Case In Cyprus. Reuter. Limassol, Oct. 7. The British officer. Commander Sutton ol HMS "Resource," who was committed for trial on Sept. 30 en a charge cf manslaughter of a native proprietor here, was found guiMy this morning and sentenced to six months imprisonment against which
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 64 7 Judgment To Be Delivered On Monday. The case in which Tay Thye Joo. proprleto. of Chcp Thye Leong. 21 Teluk Ayer S reet is charged with cheating and, alternatively with abetment, in respect of three cheques of $10,500. $15 250 and $14,250. was concluded before the District
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  • 54 7 Reuter. Brussels. Oct. 7. v hc-Ded that a general agreement between producers will be signed in Paris I D e T l 2 when the plenary conference of the international Sugar Cartel meet, ft** from Cuba are being considered by SI allegations in conference here, but
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 462 7 Banishment Order In Perak. Application of Malays Dismissed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 7. Mr. Justice Gerahty delivered judgment to-daj in the Supreme Court, Ipoh. in the rase at the application by Ml gat Ibrahim and three ether Malays, who were at present detained in custody
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  • 433 7 Worked In Hongkong In The Eighties. It was a little over fifty-four years ago that Mr John M. Dunlop first saw Singapore, and ne has lived in this eastern half of the world ever since, states the Bangkok Times. For the pest thirty-two years,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 565 7 [r^MADGFr I i ,E1 jr.IE ROAD. 'PHONE 4227. I JUST RECEIVED I IADIE S' READY-TO-WEAR BATS I op I! STRAWS I Perfect White Longclotb. I is [he only 23 hirting I M n Malaya that Jfcdß rings you entire satisfaction. I j^ a( J c n England 3 Stocked by
      565 words
    • 93 7 mm. mm mmm m twt —r~ir~ Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force orer $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated tn the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Bwtern Life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jewry. 8.0. The Company ha* 130.000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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  • 37 8 Mr. Charles Scrt Ch-n* Ttnn or Wing Loon' desires to thank all relatives and friends wh< attended the funeral or his beloved xilPrrdo me Chaso-Currlei and those who sen wreaths and letura ol ccndoleucc
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  • 735 8 j One of the most welcome items j of news for a long time is that of a substantial measure of agreement j having been reached on HinduMoslem issues in India. There are still points on which it is proving difficult to arrive at a settlement, but
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  • 182 8 Dr G. Ripken is recognised as German Consul-General at Singapore during the absenon leave of Hr. W. Maenss. Mr. R. Moor has been made a JtMies af the Peace for Penang. th?\ S CC win 56 cpcn for mpm after the show ("On The Soot") at th« 7 Theatre tc-night.
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  • 169 8 Sensational Stories Of King Carol. Reuter's Wireless Service. Louden. Oct. 4. King Carol's domestic complicity ns are agaii inspiring picturesque newspaper stories and indignant official contradictions. The touching affection between Prince Michael and Queen Helen since the former reache 1 England to visit his mother a few
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  169 words
  • 74 8 Reuter. London, Oct. 8. On the initiative of Sir Frank Swcttenham five autographed letters cf Sir Stamford Raffles, discovered in London, have been acquired on behalf cf the Malayan Government. One is addressed to Hare, Resident in Samarang m 1813, and mentions that Impart duties
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 77 8 Mails by the outward Dut-h aercplant f om Amsterdam are expected to arrive at Singaoore by the evening express to-day. Correspondent addtessed to boxholdcrs only wi I be ready for delivery a t 7.30 p.m. r 221 5" M ard Maili]a h y "President Ootid*, due at IrtlMßiULj
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  • 330 8 A commission as Second-untitled in the 8.8. V.F. has been tj Mr. X t Woodfall. .he monthly general meeting cf the Chinese sports Association will be held in the Club* p-cnuses. 16, Smith Street, tc-morrow at noon. Ombm to the r poiicel si uation in O.ilna. ta Chun* Mcc i
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  • 448 8 "LOOKER-ON.")-* If the right sort 0 f t«i arrives from Ireland during X end "Looker-on" will be < L These sweep draws, thou-* very tantalising. We al l W*** same chance as everyone S!! lr that is cold comfort. A A lucky Ipoh man was into first
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  • 141 8 The fc Towing notification appears in th Gauette: it is hereby notified for general information that Regulation 10 of the Regulations for Queen's Scholarships, 1924, wnict: were published in the Gc&ztte a-s Not::: >' No. 74 of Dec. 28, 1923, and were amended by Notifications No. 1 of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 173 8 Robinsons Special Quality f "Windsor Swimming Costumes. A NEW SELECTION A IN PLAIN COLOURS, 1 j SMART TWO A PIECE EFFECTS j J AND STRIPES. 11 IN THE 1) LATEST STYLES. r^^ 57 Robinson Co, Ltd. j j SINGAPORE KUAL A LUMP UR. am hi Hi ii ww—www j NOVEL
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    • 45 8 CHIPPENDALE PATTERN I STERLING SILVER f WAITERS For Presentation U.S. de Silva Bros, I JEWELLERS, j 23, High Street, Singapore. T. X, K. S RUBBER PILLOWS J 91 $1.20 each. TENG SENG GUAN, Established 1905. 634. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, j '1 m*■l 1 r 1
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 44 8 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT Yesterday s Max. Temperature. 90 deg 9 last night's Min. lemperatur 73 de- f' Yesterday's Rain'ail, 0 03 ms Sunshine, 7.9 hours. 1 p.m. Relative Humidity, 65 pes e n 1 1 pm. Wind S. 10 1 p.m. Weather, clcudy.
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  • 573 9 <;ENEKAL HAN'S THREAT TO WIPE OUT OPPOSITION. MCViK! I.ANS PREPARE FOR JAPANESE INVASION. Miu'h « has been done in the Shantunpr civil war and I amii i ••xprcted if the squabble in another province of China. 1/ I.' "•>-
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  • 747 9 N,! -t HUANG UNABLE TO HELP. Pelplno, Oct 7. ''(-Utcr with reference to Mn. <?en kidnapped by bandits>, 112." 'ieh Lbng said. "The Br'tish it \mi- have dune everything w( (J',, t l u 'n the release of the captivrs j j Thur< the hope enteri,. through the
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  • 187 9 Repudiation Of Its Main Point. Shanghai, Oct. 8. Three Japanese aeroplanes flew from Chinchow to the borderland of Jehol Province on Thursday to detect whether there were any military movements of the Jeholite regulars and irregu'ars. On their return one cf them, owing to engine
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  • 455 9 Has Protection Been Justified? Opposition Leaders Define Policies. Reuter's Wireless Service. London. Oct. 8. The great experiment in Protection is be&inalng to justify itself, said Mr. Stanley Baldwin, in a speech to a mass meeting at Blackpool at the conclusion of the Conservative Conference. Industries generally
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  455 words
  • 187 9 Amazing Evidence Thi Mayhew Case. Reuter. London. Oct. 7. The amazing case agrinst Meyhtw was rcnuned in crowded court to-day. fa her and s n arriving tage her at the Court b' car. A fireman, .in evidence, said that the Fire Erigadc was continuously
    Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 124 9 Will She Attend League Discussion? Reuter. London. Oct. 7. Lord Lytton, Sir Gilbert Murray. Lord Eustace Percy and other raentbers of the League of Nations Union Executive Ccmmittx have passed a resolution warmly welcoming Colonel Stimson's acceptance of the principle that the Briand-Keilogg Pact, having as
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 56 9 Reuter's Wireless Service. The Hague. Oct. 4. Negotiations with the German Commission which is touring Europe for th j purpose of arranging for the proposed impcr f quotas on agricultural produce entering Getmany have been discountinued as the Dutch Government has decided that the German
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  56 words
  • 495 9 GERMANY ACCEPTS INVITATION. Four-Power Conference In London. Reuter's Wireless Service. Germany has at last accepted an invitatkn to a further arm* talk in London, with Britain. France and Italy. Separate discussions '.:< luc.-n Britain and America are about to btgin. Berlin, Oct. 7. The Government has icplied
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  495 words
  • 127 9 Peasants Won't Go To Market. Reuter. Riga. Oct. 7. Food supply difficulties in the chief industrial centres of Russia have greatly increased in the last few week?, chiefly owing to a breakdown of the distribution system. The peasants remain reluctant to bring produce to market chiefly because
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 38 9 Reuter's Wireless Service. Santiago de Chile,OOr.c r 3. The atmosphere in Chile is now cars settled. The Electicns have fixed for Oct. 30. and a Civil Government is in th; procer.s of formation.—Rcut.r's Wirelers Service
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  38 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 It's Best to Subscribe to the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." Then You're Sure!
      12 words
    • 173 9 Now At j Reduced Prices "His Master's Voice" Records j 10" PLUM $l.r>o j L 2" Do. $2.00 i LO" BLACK $3.00 j 12" Do $3.00 I j io" red $20^ IT D>. $3.00 9 S. WOUTBIE €0., LTD. I "11.M.V." Specialists, j RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. j Prr.f. Dr. Wclff-Eisr..
      173 words

  • 406 10 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. CHINESE BEAT GLOSTERS IN CHARITY MATCH. GOOD GAME AT ANSON ROAD. The Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr. Tong Lao, the new Consul General for China, were amongst the spectators who witnessed the match between the Chinese and the Glosters at Anson Road yesterday. The
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  • 349 10 CLUB JUNIORS HAVE GRUELLING TEST. RUGBY FOOTBALL. Fielding another experimental side, to test the form of junior players, the Cricket Club sustained another defeat by a Glorters' XV it Tanglin yesterday. The result did not matter, leally, and the game afforded excelient practice, the soldiers playing
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  • 133 10 WEIGHT-LIFTING. Mr. Son Koon Yam writes: "After having witnessed the last match between the undisputed champion lifter, Wong Scah Kce, of the bantam and 9 st. class and Goh Ah Cheng. I thLnk it would te interesting if a match were included in the next programme arranged
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  • 436 10 ELLIOTTS "HAT TRICK." S.C.C. "A" BEAT CEYLON S.C. The Ceylon S C., who added hockey to then list of activities only last season, gave the Cricket Club "A" team a very good game on the Padang yesterday, and play was not ,so onc-rided as the result of 4—l in
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  • 125 10 J'';s uii on riis PaiJaug ycr.'.rrdnv tl»c SuJTk'- i<Mti ution r iroiid un-Mitd ifu« s Fi c LI o. 6 The crh»»ui £ld toU m var.*-(iii-h--1 g 15)01'. o>l p jnMn t s T"ir teanif iiiW u? ioll:w R. I. II: Da Siiva: Cha.terjee. Pu.len,
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  • 247 10 Playing at Kong Lim Green yesterday, the Chinese, who put up such an excellent show against the S.C.C. on Monday. beat the V.M.C.A. 2—l. Tiie teams lined up as follows: S.C.R.C: Cheok Wah; Yew Teck. Evan Wong; Tiang Seng. Boon Beng, Yew Hock; Chin Kean, Lye Whatt.
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  • 214 10 The game at Paya Lebar yesterday, between the A.P.C— Bousiead combination and the Medical Ccllege Union resulted in a win for the latter, who scored four times without reply. The teams lined up as follows: A.P.C— B.: Cheng Swee; J. C. S. Pensford, A. 8. Anderson;
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  • 618 10 REVISION OF RULES. The new hockey scrson start \l with a revised code of ptay&g rules, and there is the keenest interest being evinced as to what alterations in phraseology has been mad°, and Whether any fresh additions have been introduced. The International Board met last May,
    618 words
  • 151 10 Hdracks' team v. Wah Chong B. P. at the Grea' Wo: Id to-day at 7.3 C p.m.: Wan Chin Inn, Tan Tiamj Long. Neo Kirn Poh. Tan Choj See, Ong Kwee Yang; E. Cheng Leong and Charlie Chan. Ye: Kb lan Swee and E. Cheng Koon. Reserves: E. T-an
    151 words
  • 98 10 The following teams will meet in the hut match of the V.M.C.A. League on the V.M.C.A. ground on Oct. 15. at 2 p.m.: Gibson's Team:—H. Gibson, J. Duclcs, D. Ross, Lee Fong Lim, John Pillai, Lim Fook Lcong, Chan Joo Tiang, R. Joseph, Tan Hak Wan, Lieu Yee Fong.
    98 words
  • 46 10 Owing tc. the clash in date and time with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce arrangements, members of the Chinese Swimming Club are informed that the farewell tiffin to Dr. Chen Chang Lok on Sunday will commence at noon instead of 1 p.m.
    46 words
  • 27 10 "A" (M* G.) Co., S.V.C., was defeated by the Glosters "A" Co. team in a water polo match at Tanglin yesterday by 5 goals to 2.
    27 words
  • 198 10 LAWN TENNIS. The following were the results of ties played yesterday in the Tanglin Club tournament: DYNE CUP: Mr. and Mrs. Fu'rher plus 2 beat Major Graham and Mrs. C. J. Smith plus 15, 7—5. 2—6, 6—3. CULLEN CUP: Miss Stevens and H. B. Day plus 1 beat
    198 words
  • 117 10 The following matches in connection with the Y. M. C. A. tournament will take place as arranged below: MEN'S SINGLES CHAMPIONSHIP. MONDAY: Kamis b. Hamid v. Chin Hian Chong. Lee King Him v. Yusof b Ishak, E. Keng Siang v. B. R. Mistri. TUESDAY: Chua Bcon Whatt v.
    117 words
  • 242 10 PARTNERED EDWARD II AGAINST SONS. j After an association with royalty extendinr over fifty years, Alfred White, the 'tennis ecach of kings" and professional at Court Tennis Club, has retired. Mr. White who is 67 years of age and still tall and athletic. Bays that the game
    242 words
  • 267 10 HENRY COTTON SPEAKS OUT. GOLF. Hfnry Cotton, the English professional golfer who has just had a tempting offer from a Continental Club, has his own wiews why the Americans win so often. "There are," he writes, 'other aspects of thos_> continued American victories that should
    267 words
  • 40 10 The fourth annual general meeting of the Friendly Sporting Association will be held at 2. Cuscaden Road, on the 15th inst., at 2.30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served It is hoped that every member will try to be present.
    40 words
  • 26 10 Provided the "Orontes." on which the M.C.C. Australian team is travelling, arrived in Colombo according to schedule, the match against AllCeylon should be in progress to-day.
    26 words
  • 94 10 Court Strain Might Be Fatal. Reuter. New York. Oct. 8. The serious illness of Mr. Otto Kahn, the millionaire blanker, was revealed when his physician testified in the Supreme Court that the strain might prove fatal if he were forced to nppear to give evidence in
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 408 10 Co-Operators Meet At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 7. The ninth annual general meeting of the Negri Stmbilan Gevernment Servants' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society. Ltd., was held at the King George V Schoc! Seremban, Dr. D. T. Skeen was elected President of the Society,
    408 words
  • 42 10 Reuter. Dublin. Oct. 7. The Govemor-Ceneral. according to the "Irish Independent." will probably be Mr. Stephen O Ma:a. a business man of Limerick, who playe.l an important pro-Irish role in Washington at the* time cf the Black and Tans.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 110 10 The Penang Indian Association Bulletin for October has come out punctually and is a decided improvement OTJ the modest maiden effort last month. The editorial, on "Swadeshi," exhorts Indians in Malaya to buy swadeshi good; as much as they can. An article on "Indian Students in Local
    110 words
  • 125 10 Alhambra. —"Week Ends Only." featuring Joan Bennett, Ben Lyon, etc. Matinees to-day and to-morrow. CapitcA—"Lily Christine." featuring Corinne Griffith and Colin Clive. Matinees to-day and commencing at the matinee to-morrow, "Chances," starring Douglas Fairbanks, jr. Empire.—"Tarzan—the Ape Man." Great World.—Side shows, pasar malam, Malay opera, Chinese wayangs,
    125 words
  • 239 10 PRIZES FOR IPOH AND JOHORE. Latest Messages From Dublin. Dublin. Oct. 7. The draw for the Irish Sweep on the Cesarc witch, which will be run en Wednesday, began here to-day. Subscriptions totalled £3.624 448 of which £2,378.939 is available for prizes. The money will be divided
    239 words
  • 163 10 Amputated His Own Fingers. Reuter's Wireless Service. Vienna. Oct 4 One of the most adventurous tad rcmann careers of the exciting Victorian Te t fiU? SS Perscn of Sir CM Va Slatin otherwise. Siatin Pasha history in the company cf General Gordon in Egypt and the Soudan
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  163 words
  • 344 10 An Unusual Application. In the Bankruptcy Couii yecerday, beforr Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, an application was mad 1 for an order for the payment of 52.120.43 by Lo Pui Beng in connection with the bankruptcy of Chop Mvi Hu; Mr. E. N. Taylor, Assis'anc Official Assignee, appearing in
    344 words
  • 22 10 Reuter. London. Oct. 7 The- Cotton Spinners' Associations have d elded to enforce wage reduction from Oct 17 Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 29 10 The postponed annual general meeting at the Singapore Municipal Employees' Co-oper-ative Thrift and Loan Society will be held DO Tuesday mxt in the Municipal Board Room at 4 p.m.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 199 11 [The New World j yXOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY j MR. ONG SAY BAH The Amateur Champion Cyclist of Singapore And His Troupe Of Amateur Cyclists WILL APPEAR At The NEW WORLD ARENA j 0N SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCT. 8 and 9, AT 8.30 P.M. n Exhibition Of Various Tricks And Super-Human Feats
      199 words
    • 618 11 CHURCH SERVICES. 20th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 6:50 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 8:30 p.m. Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 10 a.m. Service at Naval Base. Seletar. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday-at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN
      618 words
    • 11 11 Exclusive Special Articles Appear in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" Every Week.
      11 words
    • 176 11 I I I Delicious Fruit Jellies I k Favourite Fruit Flavours:— Lemon, Orange, Peach, Cherry, a Raspberry, Pineapple, Strawberry. In Pints and Quarts' S W SOLO EVERYWHERE. C] I FRAMROZ CO. GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD JJ EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS &c, EFFECTED J) J AT LOW RATES I j/ For quotations for
      176 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 708 11 CLUB DIARY. ClUb i and 5ocie i readerTo f ThV -2 2? e ™bers o; wWcfc ore '7t^%^xv^: ThisDiarv invited to J-opZte Tn 22 arc will still be includTTZ J eneral THe "Club niarTcZ T n gCments W r?«2 C Events.") their publication is "S on W» mean no,di„ s
      708 words

  • 526 12 Closer Union Decision. Government's Attitude. Correspondence between th: CCiOuial Office and the Governors of Keyni, Uganda, Tanganyika. Nyasaland. and Northern Rhodesia and the British Resident at Zanzibar concerning the Report of the Joint Select Committee o: both Houses of Parliament on Closer Union in East Africa has
    526 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 169 12 j I ON SALE EVERYWHERE f DISTRIBUTORS Foods The 'Allenburys' Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of babies in hot climates. They are germ Lee, and being simply and easily prepared by the addition of boiling water, their use gives complete independence of doubtful milk supply, and is an
      169 words
    • 20 12 You Will Smile I if you read SPARKLES," by "Quiz," j Every Week in the I MALAYAN i SATURDAY POST."
      20 words
    • 316 12 A made specially to prevent sore throats SEALED-FRESH they reach you in perfect condition From Arcadia Works in London where the World's finest Virginia m Cigarettes are made. \< «y \v*\\ V v- '^f, tM£m&: '""''■>, When wu pull thi> &k ru bber Tab listen for ■JbftP.-... the air rushing
      316 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 244 12 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY, OCT. 8. High Tides. —5.50 a.m.. 3.45 p.m. Dedication of Tamil Parsonage. 113 Keng Lee Road. 4.30 p.m. <n:ial. S.R.C 6 p.m. Singapore Repertory Players, Victoria Theatre. 9.30 p m. football, M.F.A. League. Div. A, Perhimponan Stie, v. Singapore Pcrarakan. Jalan Besar. Rugby: S. Johore v.
      244 words

  • 298 13 Deputation To Downing Street For Reform Of Constitution—New Ordinance To Define Councillors' And Speaker's Powers And Privileges— Justice Garvin's Prison Reform Recommendations Accepted—Women Franchise And Village Committees. is under tood that a deputation to Downing Street f r t!v> P ur P° sa of amend ing
    298 words
  • 419 13 \n ordinance is shortly to be introduced in U defining the rights and ges of members and the powers of the r The ordinance, it is understood. wLl same lines as the rights and priviv. to members of the House of Commons. At present the members
    419 words
  • 213 13 Committee of Home Affairs 23 the recommendations of Garvin regarding prison I approved the adoption of The Committee had as a through the whole 23 th ral months and on Sept. of the renor» 7 Co ™Pletc the consideration The ComlS acceptance. »dea«Oßr of °P ini °n that
    213 words
  • 311 13 e tlo E nT Ut iVe Committ *e for Local AdmleatenttoQ of 7 e J! Kaged in considering the ot franchise, to women in Village Committee elections. At present only men are eligible to vote. The Executive Committee is of opinion that local Government
    311 words
  • 533 13 Instead of ar. usual issuing a railway timetable once in six months a new table came into effect on the Ceylon Railways only on the Ist inst.—after 18 months—owing to financial stringency. There are no radical alterations ln the more important trains to up-country, but about 300.000 miles have
    533 words
  • 240 13 THAT a silent motor-boat has been built? (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) Apart from Man's apparently unquenchable thirst for speed, cne of the few drawbacks to motor-boats is the noise they make, which, besides being unpleasant, is liable to be dangerous in its effects on one who has
    240 words
  • 446 13 SINGAPORE, OCT. L MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati Beef, stew or curry, kati Pork, lean, kati Pork, lean and fat (st quality), kati 36 Mutton Australian, lb. J Fowl, kati Hens (locally reared), kati Ducks cflcli Pigeons, domestic unfledged, pair 90 Pigeons, fledged, pair EGGS. Fowl 10 f
    446 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 176 13 THE "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST" is now owned by the "Malaya Tribune" Press, Ltd., and published j! from the "Malaya Tribune" offices at 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. It is being greatly improved by I the introduction of many New J Features, while the best of the old k I ones are
      176 words
    • 447 13 Another ?J*7Q to be won r— Here is a picture of one of the _n. »v enormous wharves at Port Sunlight. bIF Here come ships from all over the JL*M.mIMM fi world, bringing the raw materials which will later be refined and used jkA TSVW3 r W*¥ ST\ fekT in
      447 words

  • 500 14 MONEY AND BANKING. [Financial conditions all over the world arc reviewed in current comments by the National City Bank of New York. These articles are very well written and form an interesting guide to finance and commerce. They will be printed in convenient sections day by
    500 words
  • 1165 14 The apwJ (J 01 the liCud M&aitoci has beta twinr. nlcd upon r oiv <if the puM ..n- Oi 111* Kl'Uc. spread o<s curtsd-c- wither innpi'ViinniT and t I atcTinjs au in tnvau-i- u! its mentis.. poin:-:. ?cniiMaa in July w •Jones boud «Re idranc 12
    1,165 words
  • 1542 14 The recent Economic conference of theEu ash commonwealth of Nations, at Ottawa toned to realise the hopes of its P™mot«s. out rather vindicated the of the orthodox British economists, who held that the moral and political unity of Ore Empire would be more surely mamtamed b> a
    1,542 words
  • 28 14 No matter ripe or unripe. No risk of operation. Safe, sure and guaranteed cure in eight weeks. For full particulars apply:—"Sßl WORKS. Beadon St. (M%), Calcutta, (India).
    28 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 711 14 Nature's Signals Mark whether you experience too frequent or to few calls to urinate, odourously offensive urine, bloodstreaked, cloudy, too dark or too pale in colour, scalding and pain when passing, sandy, gritty or stringy settlings. Be also warned by backache, rheumatic twinges, sciatica, lumbago, headaches and a fretful, nervous,
      711 words
    • 81 14 MINYAK KLAPA WANGI (COCOANUT OIL) Very clean and prepared under our special supervision locally. Our oil is pure and can be used for all purposes. BLACHAN. Everyone is familiar with this. Many are buying our specially made Blachan. So we invite you also to give a trial to our BLACHAN.
      81 words
      11 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 887 14 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. Stations Best Received In Malaya. A list of possible ttutior.s is of less use tc the beginners and the average ltstner than some information about the broadcasting iiations which mr.y be received r:gularly and at fair strength. Below i~> such given fully and compiled with
      887 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 428 15 TEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. KKITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. m Bpontted in England). jail, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. ~n AND ORIENTAL STEAM LONDON AND TTAR EAST MAIL SERVICE, mnn-r Contract with His Majesty* Government). li-sTWARD FROM LONDON. »or China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1932. 15.000 Oct. 14 r (J.OOO Oct.
      428 words
    • 604 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE W!2s line r (Japan Mail) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Middlesborough. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Bell 8 FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Oct. 20 21 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 Nov. 2 S t TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 Nov. 15 16 HAKUSAN MARU 10.500 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 HARUNA MARU 10,400
      604 words
    • 504 15 STEAMER SAILINGSNORDDEUTSCHER (Incorporated 111 Germany). Thes undernoted are the Company'! intended fixtures: OUTWARDS. "FULDA" for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Kobe, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtao Get 15 "LAHN" for Uoilo, Cebu, Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Japan, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtao ct> 1 HOMEWARDS. 'TSAR" for Marseilles, Casablanca, Oran, Glasgow. Havre, London, Adam, R'dam,
      504 words
      521 words
    • 335 15 BANKS. |9 experience teaches SI 047 #0 SOW How many things you might have attained.. how many achievements you might have brought about..if only you had ready cash at that moment when golden opportunity presented itself. Small deposits regularly made soon grow to an appreciable capital, and THE NATIONAL CITY
      335 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 306 16 THE BIG j j 20 CENTS-WORTH. j FIRST OF THE WEEKLIES, j THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE TO LET. jr—- 11 TO LET —165, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Mey-r Brothers. TO LET—From Ist July, 1932. Nos. 27 and 28, Mosque Street. Apply to Messrs. Rodyk and Davidson, No.
      306 words
    • 435 16 r~Repairing, Cleaning, AdJusUngTj Should Your Clocks, Watches and Gramophones require the above services, send them to us. We guarantee you the best workmanship in town. j CHARGES MODERATE. J (All repairs are well adjusted before delivery to our Customers). tj YICK WOH HING f 429, North Bridge Road. (Near Middle
      435 words
    • 435 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. In the Estate of OMAR KHAN SURATTEE deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 cf the Trustees ordinance 1929, Notice is hereby given that 11 creditors or other persons having claims >r demands upen or against the estate of Omar Chan Surattee deceased, late of No. 49, Desker load,
      435 words
    • 337 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established 1628. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls) B—Short Street. Singapore. Offers thorough training in Music —both PRACTICAL THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, k etc. Booklet upon request, M. ANCIANO. Principal. TOCK TYPEWRITER CO. 28-A, Change Alley. Dealers in new and secondhand
      337 words
    • 176 16 I Have In Stock Swiss Made Jumping Figure Wrist Watches Of The Latest And j Various Designs For Ladies Gents. j Jj They Are Both Attractive And Cheap. J RELIABLE, DURABLE AND PUNCTUAL. Prices Moderate. Call Inspect. KWONG WAH LOONG, V\ Junction of Upper Cross Street, And 182, South Bridge
      176 words
    • 506 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Electric refrigerator and pieces furniture. Apply Box 642, c o ML Tribune FOR SALE— Linotype Motors, each y 2 H.P., all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager Malaya Tribune, 5660, Anson Road. MALAYA nHBUm 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE". Delivery
      506 words

    • 9 I Malaya Tribune Week-end Supplement SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1932
      9 words
    • 1151 I "Dangerous Driving" In The Air—A Civil Service "Revotution"—loo m.p.h. Car For A King. iFrom Our Oun Correspondent.) Sep 21 «by Air Mail). th- road hog." or inconsiderate j air hog"! Complaints m various parts of Britain—but from th tashionable Seuth coast 1 P low-flying airmen. Amateur r
      1,151 words
    • 34 I At the left Herr yon Papen, Chancellor, is seen requesting leave to speak in vain, and at the right the President of the Reich-s*-^r refusing the request of yon Papen.
      34 words
    • 2142 I HONGKONG'S REPRESENTATIVE GIVES HIS IMPRESSIONS. Mr. T. B. Wilson's Experiences. At the Rotary Club's tiffin at Messrs. Lane Crawford's on Sept. 27, Mr. T. B. Wilson, who has recently returned from the Seattle Rotary Convention, gave an interesting talk on the conferences held at that
      2,142 words
    • 10 I Japan's formal recognition of the Puppet State.
      10 words
    • 1030 I COMING HOME ON LEAVE A Cafe At The Feet Of Eros?— The Prime's Shirt And HatNew Way For Henry Ainley. (By David Baxter.) London, Sept. 21 (by Air Mail). A young English actor has just come bars, from America full of ideas for brightening Lcndon. His name is Jack Ruine,
      1,030 words
    • 53 I THE FLYING FAMILY'S" FATE. Our picture shows "the Flying F*mftjr" with the crew and their plane From left: Mr. Norman Alley, photographer, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson with their two children, Jane, 6 years oM, and Kathryn, B years old, Mr. P. Becfpath, navigator, Mr. Joseph Ruff, mechanic, and Mr. G.
      53 words
    • Page I Advertisements
      • 13 I Indispensable To Intelligent Citizens: THE "MALAYA TRIBUNE." Twice as Good: Halt the Price."
        13 words
      • 56 I I STRAITS Tl HE WRITER AGEMCT, (Establish, d in 1914). Stationers anj Repairer*. 1 i.\. Change Alley, Singapore. In sleek: All kMta «f OiU. c stationery and Typewriters. Typewriter Repairs: "A Spct i ili y Monthly cleaning uf t> 4 v. t rs .v oJB as uiul.ri.aken, and tun be
        56 words
    • 238 II A Look At This Week's Post-Bag. any Dear Nephews. Several letters this week contained c mplaints that the boys were not getting as much •pace as the girls. That is not so. Bvt ry effort is being made to b"
      238 words
    • 357 II (By K. M. R., Batu Pahat.i Hello, pals. I don't think I can centributto the; "Corner" this week, but let me try ny best, though it is now a.-preaching midnight Why I take so much trouble in writing thi is merely becat st I have found ir
      357 words
    • 245 II /By Um Kinn Huat.) I will UH my readers thts week how I fp]t t/hen I was craußht In a sto;m ot sea nft-r l«fother, friends and 1 boarded a strain laur.ti'j tar Singapore. Before :he 6)up started moving there was a dark &ky and all around
      245 words
    • 92 II fßu "Starlff!L Mnar.f The other duy, 1 S9wlt my t mc cliaUiui wllij my yowngcr brother. We did Ut A Ust on u,;y PWttoulnr Mibjcct out in the end wc came to U.k about n He mcnuonul to nit the iiiuncs <r oertkln uowsjrupbrs and Own m_
      92 words
    • 200 II (By "Morning Star.") Ffrsl and foremost, let me offer my hearty j congratulations to "Happy-Go-Lucky-Kid" t and "3. T. Koh for their appointments as our committee members. We ail are proud cf them. My next duty is to welcome "TJnch Beb M and ai She same
      200 words
    • 168 II 'tilt "lltanf TrrngganuJ w i\ U:U U iJ «*««»"*1 of Chinese ftwacn v u inr.i::aby t; B j L a Whrn hp; L' rof W"lv -i«l trun: mi n *ltr c pi Itch'Lt jnd fcuidryiiifc nU ?b J r :ina sl e "ad tioiau tnanj y
      168 words
    • 140 II fßy TwT Ttotin Cfrooti. t K,r t Sp'in ,or», /i Mvlirr> I 1 which u v.-ni:»-. :t *o '-*ix. r.iiii:* Tii* 1 vrDer t tt t < -U'*ec :> 'Tl- ,'v| fppffifi «hn r ou»r yj. ,>r: rh;iv II ;1 > T art irfr pr:uii'.!. 5 10
      140 words
    • 123 II rLim Kurty Slang. > The w-h P! ;,TC ,„i f,«,. crs r r ;kt lia Ml my ~t q hrourj' 10 mv rtstrc n uU nrnr WwUtflnc Willi. l h «16 nouffi n, mv W.h(Oj th(. n -J*" 1 J Vtaw J „01 tin flvala I wa great
      123 words
    • 134 II fSv "UiejuiM nrno, 'T" 1 and ln 1110 ~.i r- 112 .ltc Mountain, forty me: vi fc -Uvea, bur i hey vt?re white men." -Ti oc ar.> tbe e?.2ct vords that made TOf w n, 'w mi,iraElne called "Red Arrow." It P"fcHah,d for feu' months, and I
      134 words
    • 66 II rS'j T,- Mvar.) nn "•iudr>\ rV"iMnj *vc had w '"'di»3 Cl»«e-r W'i v.stt »r< Ci Ilvi<c fllflv ••v'li houvt- o M'o ;»t»c* IC/*c! InUJnn.*"r rli T* Quiid Oietifc il 112 I "»><J aliovi »md nf.'r the spec V., ft, rft Joseph. O'l lit .rcr hrr.k-d
      66 words
    • 355 II (By Ng Chiap Cham.) At a certain time which I cannot remember, my uncle nsked me If I would like to" c 0 with him to a branch post-office. Hearing this, I took my article with me and rushed cut with him for the post-office.
      355 words
    • 504 II {By Omar Sallch.) There runs amc U gst the Malays a stranee •■chef that a woman, who dies in giving b -th o a child, changes In* a "punU-ana? (the nghsh word for which is. I think, vampire) Ith a special likin 3 fcr the blood of newlyorn infant-.
      504 words
    • 162 II tßy Baba Chrng/'f In days o[ oid. there llvtd a rich at;d stnajt nan. Be was called Bah He had man»rJcnds, but lie did ni<t knur wa* trui -nd worthy to be railed a friend He w£»»t;cl a find out So lie sot u tert. He Invited
      162 words
    • 147 II (By "Imas" Batu Pahat.) Before the birth of decent civ Ui*u<ioD tlier lived in a email village an old woman. Gho jwnod an only cock which served her i> -lock. The crowhiij of Lhe cock—Cock-o-.ioodir-doo—every morning In the region o< o'clock awoke hcr and her neighbours from hep.
      147 words
    • 278 II (By S. T. Koh.) The Editor has relinquished his position toj Uncle Bob not. I think, because he has no'time" to give his attention to us but to satisfy our' demand for en Uncle. It will be borne in V&id that the Editor has always been
      278 words
    • 378 II Z?r/ r, Y. VOOUtf Timo Utec cpj r:i:uity ocj!e*i nU wa?s .»5 •wITUy r U\* mahim rf n- 4 »> NljifUittt Falls, Many yoUTij foJki. of my ,i'p, do not rcslxsi- 'ton* )e £Ztit'aU-v rnd opcInch a! tune is oik» rich or r id; but an li. nf
      378 words
    • 273 II 'By "Pom; /V" It v.'u:. c10t... i'!i d hj'c uifl coo] vi•o u v irn v in.. -r u uut wej i £j O I > r i! tin i i.; r;. hool I hl down ui) ray di. t i-a t. kl#s-, vry hard Oi vlur to
      273 words
    • 156 II ißu C. 5. T^nn.) Onco thf-re t» pcntkman who was very fond of studying hmocU. One day he aaw a I tg spider n<ar u ijual! pond so hp pick d up r. s: icrJc cud pn! 1* un one t'nd of lt. Tb-U bp stretched
      156 words
    • 128 II (By "Little Johnny" Muar.) In v*ry hlffh mount.:ins pnow la always to I» found and above a certain height the tnm•R'ratuxt ifl so cold thot the ict and snow novo!" ne'lt?. TliLs point Is euilcd the snow-line, An tho Quantity cf snow on the top 3 of mountain; very
      128 words
    • 254 II (By "Krishna:') Has it ever-struck you, on looking nt magazines or papers,, how many advertisements there are of" means supposed to make people looii beautiful? On cne page we find a very "catchy" notice of a complexion beautifier; on the next some wonderful bottle for transforming even rats-tails
      254 words
    • 130 II (By A. Rahim bin Mahmood.) 1 have great pleasure in telling all my friends, especially those who ate scholars, about a car drive which took place during my holidays. I woke up early at five o'clock and after taking my bath and putting on my clothes I
      130 words
    • 85 II (By "Simple," Muar.) Many p eple fail to make progress in life bpcause they are hampered by seh*-ronscicusneea They are shy. tongue-tied, hesi'ant in spec i and action. Often they think they are inferior to those arcund them, li is mer ly waiting away their energies, for people
      85 words
    • 297 II Can any cf the readers of thr "M.T or members of the Chums' Club tell mr where to cbtain "Hokien and Malay Vocabulary, a] what is the price cf It?— "Sarnscn The snowy owl lives in cold northern con- tries like Norway. Sweden. Russia and t k
      297 words
    • 351 II Result Of New English] Duties. A good deal has been heard about smuggling lately aiong the Malayan coasts. Wrhorganised gangs have recently been rounded up in Singapore and Johore. Chandu smuggling goes on all the time but la kept to certain limits by the irascleiM efforts of
      351 words
    • 135 II Wo have all h~ard of fertilizers but tfei difficulty is to make suitable a *if disiiibute them so that the plants all not bo endangered. This requires knowledge md careful handling. Per the housewife ate ft* dream-, cf nice looking flowers and men [adage, th: following methods
      135 words
    • 18 II liberian Coffee in fuO bearing tf seen at Kimal Estate. 42 X milestone from Johore Bahru.
      18 words
    • Page II Advertisements
      • 108 II mi mm i *MMiWM»^Hw»jaw«BWMBBB t»WMI»MWMni ■mi i in n in,,,,,, ii— .—mi SUTTONfS IM/ WORLD FAMOUS ■HRf SEEDS inest varieties of Flower 3 a i Vegetable Seeds carefully selected for all climates.' Sutton's Seeds are successful!/ grown in a!! path J of fhe World wifh unfaifog profit fo the grower,
        108 words
    • 563 III AUNTIE LIZZIE'S LETTER. Comments On The Mail. I-., of vc4l \"«>u see, i. In! work \i\ f.ip'd notice anri j Liut I should I»,, iter Tiyht but I 1.. »o mr About 'int this hasbap- si
      563 words
    • 167 III Rj "Xu>'i." PiYicvg.t In ir two year friend, was t my r'<n off my r.n s i I v.-t.i-.g win voi Abe u<r> a r! -'U- ShP.JB, r salfi. Ser ;i fly With these r' l>rftoftti) ii[j to say torn? "-"j- 1 ivcvwt ji tin cu
      167 words
    • 212 III A iM» in uum». n oboui |en in t io ;it] a •tt.j niorn.nj? 4 >v ftiu dre« tve.e 'It" tvccd*. Tfcf okarn. w'Mi lirrr*- ,ar> thing* inUtuitiAii waakte lilAcc new <vbf-- y?v could n t pilctKdi and 3 vijvn !Cr tea 7 -''S t%r Uj
      212 words
    • 157 III (By "Norma") Kindness to animals is one of the most important duties of man. Man owes a debt to animals especially to the domestic variety, When dogs arc neglected by their masters they become dirty, mangy and perhaps die of hunger. Some dogs are driven fiom their
      157 words
    • 27 III New Members. The following have been admitted and enrolled as' members of, the "Gitls' ClxcleV "Annie Gan." "Pollyanna." "Rosette." -Rapunzel." "Susan K." Divine." "Jenn."
      27 words
    • 469 III (By "Grace."j Hcllj everybody! Comment vcus portez ikus? Hope you are all well, happy and bright. ,Good-bye to the jolly holidays; and school, with its Latin, and grammar, and hyg.ene with its cerebrum and cerebellum, and. above all things, with the jolly old comrades who enjoy my
      469 words
    • 94 III (By "Christine.") When I grow up I would like to be a doctor, and I would try my best to learh the lessons that a doctor has to learn. My reasons for liking to be a doctor are to help patients to gain their
      94 words
    • 305 III (By "Aluryit.") I thought I was not welcomed as a member of the "G. C."—no badge has come (although I enrolled over a month agoi and no one has cared to comment on my article, barring, of course, a little mention by "Adorable Gwen." Now, at
      305 words
    • 255 III ißy "WOOI //<JOtl." K. LA A concert was given at the Town Kail or. Saturday, 34'pt. IT. Uy the mernbors of the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Association on ihe occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the association. o,id was aUoalod by the LiM -«I -Uvf GU ls' I School
      255 words
    • 410 III (By "Jean.") Now I can say my "Nunc Dimittis." for the Cornerites' Revue, which has caused many persons much anxiety, has been amazingly successful. Only rarely have there occurred tune., when I felt as proud and glad as I feel at present—it seems so wonderful to realise
      410 words
    • 161 III (By "Snow-white.") Good-evening, girls. I am a new member and I am hopeless at writing essays but I shall try my best. I haVe a pet puppy at home which was given to me for my birthday, and I named her Collie. She has a thort snub
      161 words
    • 202 III (By "Teresa:') A letter came from Uncle asking mother to go to his house on Monday morning to leok after a sick aunt. Only James, the youngest, was asleep, when mother, before setting out, told us not to be naughty that day. I being
      202 words
    • 127 III (By "Nancy.") One day I took a trolley-bus to pay my cousin a visit. A little later a very fat laav ntered the compartment. She was a braesfaced woman and had a very harsh voice. There was a great number of people in the trolley-bus and she
      127 words
    • 132 III B;/ Artnir Qnn. 't H'MT" cOU'i&Sk let nu» introduce myaeU toyou. 1 r.Jtt shy auo filuidl?: but I don't mean that I have pa fliend at nil I have a tew only, :,i 1 r> jU lie "Guls' Corner." with Its ciumouif
      132 words
    • 190 III ■8y "June.") Th. Commit vi' Revue vf; trui«cd n great Micros*. With aU th» praif» tha. hns been JavUbed uii aur performance it only r mains to Kay (4 lev. ward» in prnu of tlu pcopJe who Rave up so much oj their llmr j produce thu piny.
      190 words
    • 6 III Scene from "Information Bureau."
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    • 458 IV (Continued). (BY THE POULTRY EDITOR.) THE WHITE PEKING. A Good Table Bird—A Fairly Good Layer. It Is more than surprising to see that the White Peking is almost absent from the Colony, though it originated in China. In Europe this breed
      458 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1164 IV A POOR LAYER. As a table bird the Muscovy duck is in great demand in Austra'ia and Java and it is also reared in Malaya as a hobby. Deprived of any particular teauty and with the ugly carbuncles, more prominent in the drake, U has the advantage of
      1,164 words
    • 333 IV PEDIGREE FARM. I hwr that a Pedfgrce Farm 1» being established In 81ns»pore with the object of supplying interested poultry rearers with efg?. chick* and puileUi from "acclimatised birds.' This if badly wanted and should be a success INDIAN O AMD. Inquiries have been received for this
      333 words
    • 558 IV THAT the Dead Sea has salt layers? (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) The reason the Dead Sea is so salt (whereas lakes and inland seas are. as a rule, fresh) is that the water from the River Jtrdan comes into contact with the rock salt that abounds there
      558 words
    • 1471 IV Story Of Motor Builder's Determination. HOW THE NEW MODEL HAPPENED. The following story, written by James Sweinhart and carried by all the press associations to newspapers throughout America on 'February 11, was the first authoritative announcement en plans of the Ford Motor Company
      1,471 words
    • 344 IV 11 I h e 2?2£5 rs may Usual,v be co »^d upon to pay sedulous attention to keeping their chassis ,n good order during the first or two years of their ownership, it ,s probab i safe to hazard that such care beeom s lei exacting
      344 words
    • 278 IV Owner-drivers who desire as far as is in their power to take precautions against breakdowns will keep a wary eye on the behaviour of their steering wheel. They will also from time to time try all th"ir four wheels for worn I bearings or worn swivel pin-,
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    • 308 IV IBut whlUi wiar dtrrdopx m vit.ur w fli\jplOe nutilur uxfttJ paupljjk:». i, Ui -II 'Vinuot bv mnptiiiAis«l too vir-..,, 7-" li'iulure tx> lubri/iji"- j>ropii{> n>fe »l> |uiMs tli- process ot tnKiimjltal Evrn tlpß't llun? CIUOUriDK nf n awtut oi ooinmuu thm j1 tlit* "units uufci 1 tiud yt
      308 words
    • 142 IV On thr wholfr !ht <ar owmr Jim little r tor Jr>ellng itUsntirfirfJ with th«* l 1 Cuof*'i rnoe jn I? no a and Trajv-t»- 1 reeognUt-i thai Uie nuHattet pavs nwre *'i 4| hi.-. pn>p<n-ti":talu of road a* flu- pCi'Mul tirnitiiancnu, «lid it lhe other for'iiß
      142 words
    • 6 IV
      6 words